#im combining hyperfixations again instead of writing
hoperaypegasus · 10 months
Wild Fang’s Pokémon Teams + Kakeru
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Litten naturally has the personality of Kyoya. Seriously, it’s just Kyoya as a Pokémon.
The kid’s whole personality is lion. I had to give him the lion-like Pokémon.
I mainly just wanted a dark type and I felt Umbreon fit with Kyoya’s season three design really well.
... Gengar looks like Kyoya during battles.
Persian is yet another lion Pokémon to add to his collection.
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Fennekins are known for being neat and orderly apparently and that just fits Nile perfectly.
Helio = sun and it’s a desert Pokémon. Also it could sit on his shoulder and that would just be cute.
... Do I really have to explain Cofagrigus?
Sandslash was just a vibe. Idk why, just a vibe.
Fire eeveelution to balance out Kyoya’s dark type one (headcanon that they got them together).
Mawile looks very done with everyone just like Nile’s attitude towards Kyoya during their battle with Gingka.
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Grookey could sit on his shoulder and it just fit really well. 
The anxiety Pokémon for the anxiety blader. Perfect.
Axew was an impulse add and yet I love it so much here.
Emolga was just a vibe and the yellow stripes in it’s ears kinda reminded me of Demure’e earrings so yeah.
Grass eeveelution for the kid who just said that they were from “the grasslands” (headcanon it was caught with Nile and Kyoya’s).
Girafarig was mainly due to me wanting some form of psychic type here and I thought it fit best with the team.
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I could just see Pignite helping him cook. That’s it. That’s my whole reasoning.
Tauros = The Bull aka Dark Bull.
Snorlax can also crush people with hugs like Benkei does. Idk, it’s cute.
Hawlucha is just based off Benkei during the World Championships.
Another fighting type that was added based on vibes.
Benkei would have a dog Pokémon that balances out all of Kyoya’s cat Pokémon, and this one’s a food pun for the chef man.
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Cyndaquil is just adorable and is a fire type that evolves to use a wheel attack like Kakeru does.
Baby lion because he idolizes his brother.
Klang because the boy loves to invent apparently (makes his own bey if I remember correctly).
Gible was just a vibe. That’s the whole reason.
Eevee that will probably be a Sylveon or Jolteon one day, just because Kakeru is like the sweetest kid.
What better Pokémon to encapsulate the differences between him and Kyoya than the fact that Kakeru is literally just like Plusle.
Edit: Completely forgot a bird Pokémon for Nile so feel free sub in Talonflame wherever you want on the team (thank you to the commenter that reminded me)!
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courtrecord · 2 years
On twitter sometime ago you described your writing habits as something similar to my own (slow, tedious, perfectionist, compulsive, agonizing over getting the words perfect instead of editing later, etc) And you also wrote a lot of dope things like Galactic 2E and Venture that are I hope you dont mind me saying, deeply inspirational. So coming from someone who hasnt Gotten There yet I have to ask, how do you get yourself to get up and just write the damn thing already?
omg thank u so much, that means more than i can possibly say. i wish i had a better set of advice but honestly so much of my creative work is vibes and hyperfixation based, and every time i finish something i look back on it like “how the fuck did i do that”, but here are the things that work for me. they are very much based on my own particular adhd and writing hangups so ur mileage will definitely vary.
start small: i didn’t start writing ttrpgs with big projects like venture & g2e. i started with a 200 word game, then some one-pagers, then kept growing from there. @jdragsky has talked a lot about the importance of building the skill of finishing things, and small projects are a really good way of doing that. hell, even g2e only exists bc i started with the smaller project of galactic, then went back to it a year later to build on it again.
share as u go: when i started working on bigger games, and this year as i’ve been working on longer fics, friends to share screenshots of my wip have been invaluable. that way i can get the immediate validation of someone reading my thing and giving feedback without feeling like i need to Publish it yet. biggest shoutout in the world to my friends who tolerate my writing nonsense.
write in chunks: this is kind of the combination of those first two points. bob games are big piles of little lists. i tend to write fic in short, impactful scenes. i have a wip that’s an sbr game, which is a big pile of little advances. that way, i am constantly getting that feeling of accomplishment when i write something. i can agonize over word choice and vibes and editing but then i actually get to a stopping point, where i like that little bit enough to move on to the next one. it seems crazy looking back that i wrote 36 places & 36 traits for g2e, but i didn’t just sit down and knock them all out. i wrote a few, sent them to some friends, then i wrote a few more. u know?
don’t force it: sometimes, the vibe just isn’t there. sometimes, u spend a year doing barely any writing or game design bc there’s a pandemic and ur brain doesn’t work anymore. etc. i’ve thought a lot the past few years about the difference btwn the feeling of wanting to write bc i want to write the thing, and the feeling of wanting to write bc i like the idea of being the person who wrote the thing. when i realize i’m in that second mindset, i go and think about something else. bc no good writing comes from that (at least ime)
find what u like: this is kinda related to the one above, but it’s another thing i’ve been thinking about lately. i spent a lot of time when i was younger assuming that bc i like writing, i had to write a novel, bc that’s what writers do. i would try to follow writing advice made for people who simply aren’t me. “writers must learn to use description sparingly” lol way ahead of u. that kinda thing. realizing that i love writing fanfiction for its transformativity, and i love writing dialogue bc it’s what i’m good at, was a huge revelation. i can just do that. i don’t have to follow the regular writer mold when i can just write really fucking good dialogue-heavy fanfiction. and in that realization, i’ve been able to grow as a writer by gaining the ability to write things down that i’m happy with, and grow from there.
prescription adderall: i told u this list was a mess. this one has kinda been crucial for me. i realized i had adhd in my first year of college in 2017 and started taking adderall for my second year of college in mid-2018. i started churning out creative projects in 2019. coincidence? absolutely not oh my god are u kidding
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
(copied from my own comment on the "TMF ADHD Jake Sterling" video because I'm way too lazy to write it all down again. this is in relation to the HC of him having ADHD that I will self project onto :)))
ADHD Jake Sterling thoughts
Ok while him spacing out often could very much be explained by just the situation he was put in, it could also be adhd. But he zones out a _lot_ and its worth pointing out. Hes barely paying attention to his surroundings lol
Hes also very passionate about stuff to the point of obsessions to the point of people making fun of him for it (like with daisy and music (yes you can hyperfixate on people)), most people with adhd have hyperfixations and such (obviously neurotypical people can too, just pointing it out)
Ive also heard of someohe saying he could have RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria). People with adhd oftentimes struggle with RSD. Rsd can make some people be really anxious when it comes to having to deal with rejection or others negative opinions on them to the point of extreme insecurity. This can make people with rsd people pleasers as well and feel guilty almost all the time. People with adhd are much more likely to have rsd. Of course jake could be neutotypicsl snd his rsd might be very well be explained by his backstory, but like ive said before, i just wanted to point it out. But him havig rsd kinda makes sense considering how hes so afraid of asking daisy out and stuff, and also how he was so guilty of what hes done (of course these things could very well be explained by other factors)
He also sometimes sort of.. misses social cues?? Or like,, be generally oblivious. For example, when he talked about losing milo in the soup isle, he didnt seem to realize it wasnt funny to others at first. Also because in episode 11 when hailey went ON to talk about how shes been thinking of Jakes apology and everything, and making it VERY clear that she understands jake and how she felt sbout his apology, he didnt tske the hint and instead hsd to ask for direct clarification to see if Hailey forgave him. This could be a mix of being spcially oblivious+ rsd. A,so i forgot to say: neurodivergent people, especially neurodiverse, often miss social cues snd have harder time socializing. So felt like it was worth pointing it out at least. Also idk if this is relevant st sll but hes a horrible liar lol
Also this is not related to him having adhd but just him being neurodivergent. And its about him having hallucinations. This might be very far fetched but he mightve hallucinated those three guys in episode eleven to be drew henry and liam for a brief second when they werent?? Or im looking top much into it and he simply thought it was them because he didnt see them properly and they had the same hair colours. Idk
Another thing is emotional dysregulation/being more prone to emotional outbursts. I think Milly shows this well but jake might have it as well?? He did get really angry suddenky at episode nine, and he does seem to get really excited when it comes to music or daisy
Hes a bit impulsive, suggested by all the nonsense he spouted out in episode nine, because he didnt think straight, and he didnt think it through. This could also be a combination of emotional dysregulation as well. And just overall pressure he received
He also stims sometimes s bit though rarely (like in episode nine, episode eight and probably more)(though granted neurotypicals stim too)
Also his experiences of being bullied and being so lonely, and having to learn to mask yourself and pretend to be someone youre not in order to fit in.. i can definitely relate to that (and many ND people in general can as well).
Also i think TMF might be a nd allegory, seeing as the message of the show is practically to just BE YOURSELF and accept yourself and stuff which granted is a universal experience but its definitely more prevalent in nd and queer stories
(Sorry for all the grammatical errors! I wasnt too careful while typing this, i have butter fingers and autocorrect is currently not doing me much favours.)
Edit: hes also hyperreactice, which might be a part of hyperactivity
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getallemeralds · 8 months
hi I know this is a long time late, but my Jsab Hyperfixation just resurfaced and I discovered your blog and JAAB. The new storylines were EPIC and I just wanted to know how are Swears and Friend doing? Is Swears ok? I was SO shocked when he got shattered while in TIO… I didn’t even comprehend that that was possible… maybe something was wrong with the tree? As in, like how the tree’s triangles gave TIO their power? That’d explain why it looked so weird afterwards. But yeah. Please send them a hug. Your Jsab blog was one of my favourites <3 thank you for making it. :)
AAH HI!! i literally woke up today thinking about jsab (and ja&b especially) and im really excited to see this ask because despite how long its been i still love talking abt it
Swears is okay! they've still got a crack from being shattered, but that's about the worst of it and they're proud of it because "haha yeah that sucked but i SURVIVED >:D"! the original plan wasnt for Sovereign (powered-up Sovi) to be able to full-on shatter TIO: instead they would've forcibly depowered them and everyone would've had to split up again to find another way. except when i started drawing the panels i changed the plan on the fly and had to run with the consequences
the reason Sovereign was able to shatter TIO in the first place was a mix of "Sovi is using the entire treeangle to power themself" and "Swears stole a fraction of their power". so, enough to transform, but not the same as having two triangle pieces making them completely invincible against Annihilate's single piece.
Friend's happy to have Swears back and as themself again, although they've still got some stuff to work through - something that came up a couple of times and that i wanted to focus more on sometime as part of Friend's storyline was how they were more prone to temporary shattering (and got completely knocked out of the fight against Annihilate) and how they felt useless compared to Swears as a result. when Swears seemingly got perma-shattered again, Friend tried to take up their mantle as the reckless afraid-of-nothing one.. except that also fell flat.
the plan was for this to eventually pay off with Friend helping Cube's sister Anvil (who'd gotten teased a couple times) against the next big threat and holding their own without Swears's help! and Swears would've realized how they contributed to Friend's insecurity (eg the argument they had in Clash that caused Awoo to get dunked) and do the whole "you don't need to prove yourself to me, i already know you're awesome" thing and try to be more outwardly supportive
me and my co-muns had a LOT of plans for how justasksandbeats was gonna go, but constant tech issues + burnout + life issues + general strife with the fandom combined into me not being able to do it anymore. if the other muns are okay with it though i can probably scrape together a recap of what was gonna happen! or at least the broad strokes of it, i tried to keep things loose to account for anon intervention or my own tendency to write on the fly :p
thank you so much for enjoying it!! despite the difficulties (dear god, the difficulties.. my poor tablet and computer...) ja&b was a lot of fun to make and it means a lot to me whenever people bring it up. glad to hear people are still discovering it even today!!
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grapecinnamon · 3 years
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I posted 247 times in 2021
100 posts created (40%)
147 posts reblogged (60%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.5 posts.
I added 462 tags in 2021
#ruff ruffman - 82 posts
#fwrr - 78 posts
#fetch with ruff ruffman - 78 posts
#fetch - 71 posts
#fetch! with ruff ruffman - 49 posts
#au - 28 posts
#fetch!-tober - 21 posts
#fanfiction - 20 posts
#fanfic - 19 posts
#fetch!-tober 2021 - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#lol just screaming at ruff from the sidelines to do the right thing while writing him to do the wrong thing
My Top Posts in 2021
Hi, Ruff Ruffman here
Welcome to the literature club! It's always been a dream of mine to make something special out of the things I love, like I did with Fetch! Now that you're a club member, you can help me make that dream come true in this cute au!
Everyday is full of chit-chat and fun activities with all of my adorable and unique club members:
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Chet, the youthful bundle of sunshine who values happiness the most;
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16 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 01:29:00 GMT
I've had a hyperfixation on Mr. Peabody and Sherman for a while, but I stopped indulging in it because I was embarrassed about it, but now I recently started indulging again. I've been watching the netflix cartoon and I realized how much I love mpas so here's some sketches.
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17 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 02:49:17 GMT
Hey Guys! Are y'all ready for another AU?
You like Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman? You like Sam and Max? No? Well, too bad. And if you do, that's great! Introducing Ruff and Chet: Freelance Police
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@hi-im-greenjunipertree sort of helped me on this. They brought up how Ruff's spy outfit in Spyhounds looks similar to Sam's outfit. I sort of combined them, using Sam's design and Ruff's colors. Since Chet is supposed to be Max, I gave him Max's mouth, which kinda looks blursed.
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22 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 05:10:52 GMT
More Fetch au/fanfic ideas I may or may not make a thing (not making promises but it's a nice thought)
An au where instead of a game show, Fetch is a cult (ok that went 0 to 100 real quick)
A crossover au between fetch and deltarune, or Fetcherrune (inspired by the Fetchertale au)
An au where instead of a game show, Fetch is a daycare (ok this is a really cute idea, I might do this one)
A crossover fanfic between Fetch and Animaniacs
A fanfic where Blossom's cousin (new oc time) Marcus comes to town and lives with Ruff and Blossom in the dog house for a while. Hilarity and Ruff being racist ensues (i've actually had this idea in my head for a long time).
Another Two Gay Dogs story where Ruff tries to go see his fiance Mason at his house, but a thunderstorm suddenly comes in and Ruff has to stay in his house, afraid for Mason (and of the thunder) while Blossom has to comfort him
This will be updated in the future, I think
25 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 01:41:42 GMT
Random Ruff Ruffman Head cannons (because why not)
-Ruff is a mutt and there’s a chance he’s part pitbull
-Ruff is neutered 
-Glen got Ruff into Pokemon. They both seem like the kind of people (dogs) who would be into Pokemon
-Ruff has verbal autism
-The reason loves Chinese food and sushi so much is because his person probably fed it to him once 
-When Ruff pitched his idea for Fetch to pbs kids and met them in person, they probably thought he was a furry (this one might actually be cannon)
-Ruff is aware that he's not as popular as certain pbs kids shows. He can't compete with shows like Sesame Street, Arthur, etc. He almost never hears about people talking about him, but when they do, it fills his heart with joy.
-Ruff is secretly gay. Think about it, people are more accepting of gay people now than they were in 2005 (which is when Ruff would’ve pitched his vision, since the episodes first started airing in 2006). He kept it as a secret from the public so people would be more likely to watch his show, and to prove it to people, he pretended to have a big crush on a poodle named Charlene. You never see Charlene in the show, so she either doesn’t exist, or she doesn’t know Ruff too well. 
-Ruff looks at posts about him on social media and gets really happy when he sees posts about himself. But there's something about it that bothers him, and it's really small: whenever people talk about their favorite episode being the "haunted house episode," they never specify which one (because there's two), so whenever Ruff sees posts like that, he gets angry cause no one specifies which haunted house episode they like
-Ruff saw rule 34 of himself (and no, he wasn’t happy about it)
26 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 18:58:44 GMT
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
Wait, are you not getting Shadowbringers? D:
awwww im sorry about the “D:” jsjsdjs
putting this under a cut because it’s a bit long! but tldr: I might lol it depends on if it’s good or not, or how impulsive I am near the end of june :p
Let me start off by saying that ffxiv hasn’t been a hyperfixation or special interest for me (both if which I can get but find hard to differentiate between bc of adhd/autism comorbidity) since at least January, which is the last time I believe I played. This isn’t bad! I usually have months-long on/off cycle with games, and I got really into other great games like pillars of eternity, gw2, the sims, etc .  I’m saying this because some people can get a bit defensive when they feel like I’m ignoring our shared fandom to get excited about something else. I’m not! It just isn’t what I’m currently focused on, and I will politely but firmly say that there’s nothing wrong with that :>
I’ve had some issue with the writing direction that ffxiv has been taking as of late. Just the usual, and nothing unexpected. I got into it in the first place because it was a very well-made mmo, not because I held any expectations of anything narratively. Besides, writing doesn’t have to be great for me to enjoy a game (which I do enjoy! :). The problem arose when Shadowbringers was first announced, and even thinking about anything to do with it made me incredibly anxious/gave me meltdowns. Not to mention a staggering amount of people in the fandom seem to be incapable of spoiler-tagging, so I barely had enough time to get myself together to figure out why it was happening.
But I did. Long story short, I’ve come to place a lot of personal value in some characters, more than a “normal” person would realistically warrant. I was genuinely concerned for a couple of months that if anything negative happened to them, it would have a severe impact on my mental health. Without getting into details about why this would happen, I’d ask you and everyone reading this to please take that statement seriously. This combined with the fact that ffxiv’s plot can be predictable (to me at least), and narrative beats incredibly so, all I was getting from Shadowbringers were very, very bad (to me personally) impressions. Other people’s constant excitement, theories, etc etc about it definitely were not helping.
I’ve unfollowed a lot of ffxiv blogs and blacklisted a lot by now, and my friends make sure to tag since I’ve made enough fusses about it that they actually remember, which is nice. and overall i’m not in the same headspace as i was a few months ago! mostly now i can make myself think about other things instead of constantly stressing/having anxiety attacks about it :>
but other than that, my main reasoning boils down to the fact that the plot and setting are really just things I’m not interested in in the slightest. and if the story turns out to be not that great, that’s over 70$ i’ve spent on something i might just stop caring about, and that may even make me feel icky. as i said yesterday, however, the trust system really did pique my interest again, as did the tentative hints i’m getting that the plot isn’t actually what they hinted it to be when shb was first announced. this is fairly standard practice, actually, and i’m kind of annoyed at myself for not thinking more rationally. on the other hand, i was really freaking out lollll . as much as i try to ignore hype, and theories that i know won’t happen because they aren’t realistically, graphically, or narratively probable (sorry yall :p), it’s difficult to not let even a smidge of that leak to your subconscious.
so i’ll wait until what i know is an overreaction on my part over the trust system repaints itself more realistically to me, and maybe even until the expansion is already out and i can ask my friends specific questions. or i might impulse buy it if i fail to do that; hey, it’s my birthday month :p rightsorry if this was WAY too long an answer to a very short question lollll.  this just has been sitting in my head for a long time and all the words came pouring out!
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
hiya, welcome back to my reviews and rankings of my slowly slowly dying hyperfixation, ive left a link to my previous post if this is you're first time seeing this, anywhooom now onto the first half of season 4 under da cut (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
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last whiff of summer part 1 & 2
the dvd i bought combined both parts so ill do too, out of simplicity or somethin. after seeing the kids not doing anything, frankie and mike decide they'll go to one if those old drive-in movies but end up revealing that axl is mike's favorite child. brick's voice is starting to really change, oh no, he's turning into a preteen aaa. sue trying to get the attention of mike by being "evil" is sad but kinda sweet, especially when she tries to get lost in the fair. she tries her best at everything and constantly has a positive outlook but she always goes unnoticed, even in her family at moments, but she's definitely noticed in my book. i love how axl accidentally joins the demolition derby, it's fun. i really adore the ending with the "summer of sue and dad" notebook, it's really cute and funny. good episode.
"people love tall people. ive seen the studies."
the second act
ive been dreading this episode, not because it's shit or anything but because it's the second last appearance of bob and that makes me sad, especially how he cries and hugs frankie after she gets fired, oh yeah, i probably should have mentioned that first. frankie gets fired by ehlert, sue mentors a freshman that ends up not really needing her, axl gets obsessed with being a senior, and brick uh does something that upsets mike. i kinda hate frankie here, she tells bob that they'll keep on touch but after this, they literally never talk to each other again, the whole reason why we see him one last time is because frankie accidentally goes back there instead of her new job after a busy day, shame on you, frankie, shame on you, you little shi- axl comforting frankie about studying for a new job is so genuinely sweet, i love moments like this where axl is nice, it shows that he isn't just a pain in the ass, he's an actual complexed person, he shows niceness in his own way, i love itttt. good episode, top of the list.
bunny therapy
brick develops a new stim, it being randomly saying "whoop" while looking up, so the school therapist, chuck fulton, suggests that they should get a pet for brick whom turns out to be insane, while sue tries out for mascoting (if that's even a word) with the cheerleaders, and axl attempts to figure out if hes dates courtney or debbie cuz he forgor [skull emoji]. i love how frankie and mike stick up for brick and his stims while watching axl play, it's sweet. really good episode, top of the list so far.
"[moans maniacally.] now get me a car."
the hose
after snooping in on mike's paycheck, sue realizes that they're poor while mommy- i mean rita accuses frankie of stealing her garden hose and rains hellfire on her. i love how since frankie had to go to the dentist for her chipped tooth, she starts thinking about being a dentist assistant, that's smart writing, i love it, and i love it more because of the detail when she has the chopped tooth, she has a tiny lisp that i didn't even notice first time watching this. i love sue, she's so considerate, and she doesn't want to go on a trip with her friends because she knows it costs a lot and she doesn't want her family to pay for her. axl explains sex to brick in graphic detail, wrongly. another really good episode, above the second act.
halloween 3: the driving
because of a deal/bet with frankie, brick literally eats an entire year and a half worth of candy in less than 24 hours, sue practice drives, i guess you would call it, and axl gets to vote since he's 18. i feel like im gonna go through this exact thing sue is going through when i try to drive, cars are just kinda scary to me, i can't really help it. sue completely destroys axl's foot with their car and it's hilarious. like how the more sick brick is, the more neurotypical he is, the more candy he has is basically the same affect weirdly. good episode but it almost have nothing to do with halloween other than bricking eating a shit ton of candy, above last whiff of summer part 1 & 2.
"if people are allergic to bees, can bees be allergic to people?"
the safe
frankie goes to dentist school, axl gets tutored by cassidy and for some reason falls for her, and sue and brick try to open a safe while referencing shows- actually it's not even referencing shows it's just saying the show's tilte. i kinda like how jane kaczmarek is frankie's dentist teacher person, cuz "hehehaha malcolm in the middle sounds a lot like the middle.". i love it when they pare sue and brick together, it's always fun. they literally put a big ass hole in sue's hall, again. not a lot else to say other than it's good, above last whiff of summer part 1 & 2.
"im suing milk!"
thanksgiving 4
the hecks host marines for thanksgiving while, frankie tries to reflame pat and tag's love, axl's foot heals in less than 3 episodes but cassidy comments on how sport is a waste of time, making axl not really want to do it, brick hyperfixates on a new book, and sue's mascot head is stolen. brick finding a new hyperfixation and infodumping everyone while they're doing other stuff, obviously not caring, is very relatable to me. i love brad's dance fight and the cut to him with a broken nose, it's so funny. i also love sue's speech to axl and the very over dramatic music. good episode, above the safe.
"who punches a guy while he's on his tippy toes? that's not how a dance fight work."
christmas help
reverend timtom suggest that brick should be in his play, sue makes cookies for said play, mike accidentally helps rusty steal stuff, frankie tries to abuse her employees discount for christmas presents, while axl creates his own little man cave with the stuff rusty and mike stole. i love mike talking to "the man upstairs", how he first starts nervously stiming with his brother's car keychain thing, thinking about what timtom said, before sitting down. i really really love how the hecks make light of how awkward brick was in timtom's play, it's amazingly sweet, especially when axl talked to brick, it got an audible awww out if me. a really good episode episode with great ending, top of the list so far.
twenty years
brick gets excited for the final planet nowhere book release, his somewhat new special interest, while sue tries to throw a party for frankie's and mike's 20th anniversary, and frankie gets pissed at mike for not picking up her cute call but don't worry, mike makes up for it in the end with something very sweet. i absolutely love brick's talk to axl, explaining why spoiling that book broke him, it's so unbelievably relatable, i completely understand why brick would feel like this after axl messed with him, a lot of my past and current hyperfixations and special interests means a lot to me, more to me than you could ever imagine, they're my friends, my buddies, my family, and even my lovers, a shoulder to cry on when it's looking dark, a person that will always cheer you up with a laugh, someone that will always be there for you, even when everything around you is turning into hell itself, and i wouldn't trade them for anything in the entire world, so if someone ever did something like that to me, i wouldn't function the same without my friends. just because it's so relatable, top of the list, brick perfectly explains why some special interests means so much lot to folk, specially me. yeah, i am very biased since fiction affects me a lot in many different ways, i know, but if you're anything like me, this episode will speak volumes to you, if not that, at least brick's talk.
life skills
sue and axl have the same class period together, brick goes sees chuck fulton, the school therapist that also appeared in bunny therapy, while frankie's car windshield gets broken. once again, brick is very relatable in this one, not really understanding the point of befriending a bunch of screaming little shits. i absolutely love how brick always considers chuck a friend of his, it's so sweet, and that fact that chuck is surprised by this makes it so much more nicer. everybody owing axl favors and axl using those to his advantage to finish his and sue's school project is brilliant, i love it. axl is very hilarious in this, he's such a fun character. really great episode, above bunny therapy.
one kid at a time
after another round of arguing with each other, frankie comes up with the bright idea of having a whole day just for one kid each day. i literally screamed when mike referenced limestone. i feel so bad for brick and how shit his special day was, he literally makes a scene in the shoe shore just so he can be yelled at and noticed. the smile he had walking back to his room after he got yelled at by frankie and mike was weirdly nice. i really enjoyed this one, above the hose.
the friend
frankie tries to befriend the new neighbor, todd packer jeff and colleen, those two cheerleaders bitches start cheering for the wrestlers even though wrestlettes are a thing, and axl and cassidy make out everywhere ew straight people ew. i love brick bonds with cassidy about planet nowhere until axl shoos him away and brick even talks a bit about catcher in the rye which just reminds me of thanksgivings 2 and bob's jealous face he made to brick and hhhhaaaaa i love that little face of his so much, i don't think ive talked about him enough, he's so unbelievably pretty and precious and chris does such a great performance of my boy aaaa >,////,< i have i told you how much i love bob? cuz i do, a lot- i adore the wrestlerettes having a dance off with those cheershits. i like how frankie ends up scaring away the neighbors, she definitely would. good episode, above halloween 3: the driving.
ranks so farrr
good season so far, definitely more relatable for me than i expected. im very excited for the rest of the season where we get introduced to ted goodwin, he's such a sweet boy. anyway, onto the actual ranks. this is going to be a lot more difficult when i have to rank them all together by the end of this, isn't it?
12. last whiff of summer part 1 & 2
11. the safe
10. thanksgiving 4
9. halloween 3: the driving
8. the friend
7. the second act
6. the hose
5. one kid at a time
4. bunny therapy
3. life skills
2. christmas help
1. twenty years
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