#i can’t figure out how to put a ‘read more’ thing in on mobile but this isn’t like.. That long right? it’s fine
courtrecord · 1 year
On twitter sometime ago you described your writing habits as something similar to my own (slow, tedious, perfectionist, compulsive, agonizing over getting the words perfect instead of editing later, etc) And you also wrote a lot of dope things like Galactic 2E and Venture that are I hope you dont mind me saying, deeply inspirational. So coming from someone who hasnt Gotten There yet I have to ask, how do you get yourself to get up and just write the damn thing already?
omg thank u so much, that means more than i can possibly say. i wish i had a better set of advice but honestly so much of my creative work is vibes and hyperfixation based, and every time i finish something i look back on it like “how the fuck did i do that”, but here are the things that work for me. they are very much based on my own particular adhd and writing hangups so ur mileage will definitely vary.
start small: i didn’t start writing ttrpgs with big projects like venture & g2e. i started with a 200 word game, then some one-pagers, then kept growing from there. @jdragsky has talked a lot about the importance of building the skill of finishing things, and small projects are a really good way of doing that. hell, even g2e only exists bc i started with the smaller project of galactic, then went back to it a year later to build on it again.
share as u go: when i started working on bigger games, and this year as i’ve been working on longer fics, friends to share screenshots of my wip have been invaluable. that way i can get the immediate validation of someone reading my thing and giving feedback without feeling like i need to Publish it yet. biggest shoutout in the world to my friends who tolerate my writing nonsense.
write in chunks: this is kind of the combination of those first two points. bob games are big piles of little lists. i tend to write fic in short, impactful scenes. i have a wip that’s an sbr game, which is a big pile of little advances. that way, i am constantly getting that feeling of accomplishment when i write something. i can agonize over word choice and vibes and editing but then i actually get to a stopping point, where i like that little bit enough to move on to the next one. it seems crazy looking back that i wrote 36 places & 36 traits for g2e, but i didn’t just sit down and knock them all out. i wrote a few, sent them to some friends, then i wrote a few more. u know?
don’t force it: sometimes, the vibe just isn’t there. sometimes, u spend a year doing barely any writing or game design bc there’s a pandemic and ur brain doesn’t work anymore. etc. i’ve thought a lot the past few years about the difference btwn the feeling of wanting to write bc i want to write the thing, and the feeling of wanting to write bc i like the idea of being the person who wrote the thing. when i realize i’m in that second mindset, i go and think about something else. bc no good writing comes from that (at least ime)
find what u like: this is kinda related to the one above, but it’s another thing i’ve been thinking about lately. i spent a lot of time when i was younger assuming that bc i like writing, i had to write a novel, bc that’s what writers do. i would try to follow writing advice made for people who simply aren’t me. “writers must learn to use description sparingly” lol way ahead of u. that kinda thing. realizing that i love writing fanfiction for its transformativity, and i love writing dialogue bc it’s what i’m good at, was a huge revelation. i can just do that. i don’t have to follow the regular writer mold when i can just write really fucking good dialogue-heavy fanfiction. and in that realization, i’ve been able to grow as a writer by gaining the ability to write things down that i’m happy with, and grow from there.
prescription adderall: i told u this list was a mess. this one has kinda been crucial for me. i realized i had adhd in my first year of college in 2017 and started taking adderall for my second year of college in mid-2018. i started churning out creative projects in 2019. coincidence? absolutely not oh my god are u kidding
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commander-snacks · 2 years
I cry rly easily lately, like I’ll just be driving or doing whatever and just suddenly fat tears start comin out like my body can’t fit all the sadness in
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fagboyfriend · 2 months
i rlly like ur composition, i wanna know about your process :D
thank uuu !! yeah so like. composing a scene for me generally begins with a vague idea that i want to get down as quickly as possible- and for me that usually starts with finding a setting. I knew that i wanted to draw a) a group of roomates gossiping in a crowded kitchen and i wanted there to be b) one figure in the extreme foreground and c) lots of plants. i do use some tools to figure out perspective, mainly the csp perspective ruler. Usually i start by finding a picture i like similar to the vibe im going for- but instead of referencing anything else- im purely interested in perspective. sorry to anyone who is shocked i dont generate all of my perspective purely by myself- i can draw in perspective fairly well but i struggle to make straight lines and this is easier to make grids with than the line tool lol ^_^ i try to use it kinda more like spellcheck on typos than like something to fully rely on. this is the video i learned this trick from:
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i saw the left photo and realllly loved how the cabinets alligned with the wall- so i used my ruler tool to draw out my inital plotted points from the image- basically the linear movements i was most interested in and then i turned off the image layer and worked with those lines and the ruler tool to move on. eventually i had this:
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which was enough for me to put my characters in for the inital round. if you notice- i made a looot of further adjustments as i go on. this sketch is not a final layout, its so my characters have somewhere to be! i cannot draw someone standing on a floor if theres no floor, nor leaning on a table that doesnt exist. i can’t draw my characters without a background, but i also cant finish my background without accounting for how my characters can comfortably exist in it!!
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this was the like.. very basic start. i knew the positions of two characters- but i needed to change a lot not only to fit them better but to allow for the other two figures i had planned.
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okay.. a little better. i widened the kitchen, closed the fridge door.. added a chair and fit in all the figures.. but this is waaay too dramatic. only two figures are actually interacting- and they are at wildly different energy levels!
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this is where things started to make a little more sense characterwiss, so i was ready to refine backgrounds and figures and unite the two.
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inital base sketch. much better layout.
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okay- this is where im getting my footing but things seem.. really really off. You can see me working on my framing here- theres some good linear movement from left to right here- but not vertically. It’s hard to notice the figure in the far back, so i need to redirect the viewers eye to move upwards as well!
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this is where i decided to zoom out, add an interesting vertical element to the left of the image and make it clearer whats happening in the foreground. i had to account for some stuff by adjusting the cropping, but i paid attention to that as well.
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annnd- thats what a clean sketch looks for me! i have all the elements of my scene accounted for, and things are clean enough to read.
the next step for me would be transfer! essentially- I print the image of my sketch out, resizing and taping pages together so my sketch matches the size of the paper i want to paint on, and then i use a lightboard to transfer my sketch with pencil onto my paper. Then i refine the sketch a few times on paper before stretching my watercolor paper (essentially just prepping for painting) and inking with a brush and colored ink before going in with watercolor, gouache and ink, then usually finishing with marker, colored pencil, pastel and ink. it’s a lengthy process but a lot of fun lol. but sketches for me can be like.. 15 layers of different roughs until im happy with just the sketch. there were more images but im on mobile and theres a 10 image limit 😭😭 im a bit masochistic but i believe that if i dont have a good sketch i dont have a good painting!!
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MORE Headcanons for dean winchester that are true cause I say so;
- he has the WORST HANDWRITING EVER IN THE WORLD. He’s dyslexic AND had almost zero formative education (his dad taught him the basics but like all dads it usually ended with dean holdin back tears at the dinner table) he lets Sam write everything, because even DEAN cant read his own handwriting
- he will tell you that he thinks fidget toys r the stupidest thing ever invented and a waste of resources. (He owns like 5 fidget spinners and a 25 dollar iron fidget pen; “what!??? It’s for hunting!!!!”)
- you would think he’s a dog person, but he really prefers cats, they’re more mobile, and he feels like leaving a dog alone for so long while he hunts is cruel. Plus he doesn’t really like walking, he does enough of it on the job. (He also believes cats are good luck and trusts their judgement on where spirits are)
- he can’t sleep when it’s perfectly quiet. When it’s too quiet while he hunts it usually means danger, so he’ll crank up the ac or the radiator in whatever hotel they’re staying in just so he can hear the noise. (This drives Sam crazy sometimes, because he’s the exact opposite)
- he LOVES jewelry, if u gift him a bracelet or a necklace, the very next day you’ll see him wearing and showing it off. He has a small collection of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. His favorites are the pieces made of iron that he can use while hunting
- while he doesn’t like reading, he really likes audiobooks, on long drives he’ll put them on the radio and listen to them for hours, and he’ll listen to anything, non - fiction, biographies, physics textbooks. As long as the narrator has a nice voice he’ll listen to it.
- he doesn’t use hair spray, (he’s worried it’s too flammable and in his line of work you deal with fire A LOT) he prefers one certain brand of hair gel that he is UTTERLY loyal too. Dean will go out of his way to obtain HIS brand of hair gel, and will accept no substitute.
- he genuinely does not know how to work most electronic devices outside of the norm. Somehow, Sam hasn’t really figured this out yet.
- he never dreams; and he always thought that was a little weird, but then Sam started to have his dreams, and he felt like even more of a weirdo for never dreaming. He’s honestly a lil jealous of Sam in that regard, he’d rather have bad dreams then no dreams at all
- he’s a good southern boy, so everyone is either “sir,” or “ma’am,” he genuinely means it (most of the time) but because of a slight tone delivery problem, major attitude, and different regional dialects, people believe hes mocking them.
- Because of his lil southern self, you’ll hear him use his waaaayyyy too long analogies that don’t make a single lick of sense, and he’s often unintentionally cryptic just because that’s how he talks. (Sometimes he’s confused why people think he’s so mysterious and hard to read)
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Okay so Donnie at the end is a little OOC, but I figured this would happen a long ways down the line, after they were beginning to recover, and he’s gotten some more self-confidence. Pair that with “siblings potentially in danger” and I think it’s justified? I hope you like.
Their therapist liked to tell them that it was okay to have moments of immaturity. It was fine to indulge in childish things because it’s not as if they’d had time for it as children.
“You’d be surprised how many adults still love things geared towards younger audiences.”
This was the excuse Leo gave himself.
He was just embracing his childish side.
Donnie had said that the “Shell-mobile” as Mikey had dubbed it was technically road-worthy. He was still working in it, though, wanting it to work as a mobile command center for them when they were scouting or ninja-ing.
All Leo heard was “We have a car now.”
Technically, Raph and Donnie were the only ones with licenses. They had immediately gotten them when they’d officially moved to the Hidden City, just in case. So, technically, Raph and Donnie were the only ones who could legally drive the Shell-mobile.
However, Leo and Mikey still had learner’s permits and were allowed to drive as long as someone with a license was with them in the car, so this should be fine.
Leo slammed the gas, laughing hysterically as the junker van surged forward, tearing down the road as Mikey and Raph clung to their seats. It was exhilarating, the freedom of driving at ridiculous speeds. They’d pulled off the main road, of course, avoiding any major traffic (Leo was impulsive, not stupid), that way they’d be less likely to run into any cops.
The handling on the van was less than optimal. It swerved and Leo could swear he’d pulled them up onto just two wheels at least three times.
“Faster, Leo!” Mikey screamed, throwing his hands in the air as they took a sharp turn, “Donnie’s gonna fuckin’ kill us!”
Raph’s scream was far less excited, “Screw Donnie, LEO is gonna kill us! At least slow down for the turns, you’re gonna crash!”
“You can’t tell me what to do!” Leo laughed maniacally, popping the handbrake to drift them around another sharp corner. There was no way in hell he was slowing this vehicle until Raph either threw up or passed out.
“LEO LOOK OUT!” Raph shrieked (rather high pitched and girly if you asked Leo).
Mikey’s laughter also died down as the van slammed into something, thudding a few times. Leo slammed on the brakes, skidding them to a stop, the smell of burnt rubber quickly filling the air.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” Raph made to grab at the door handle, but his hands shook too much to get a proper grip. Leo leaned over to help, letting Raph out to get some air.
He and Mikey also got out, all of them turning to see the hunched form of a cat yokai in the middle of the road.
“I’m gonna be sick.” Raph whined.
They approached the yokai carefully, unsure if he was even alive.
“Oh my God, Leo.” Mikey punched his shoulder, “You fucking hit someone.”
“It was an accident!”
“I’m so not testifying for you in court, dude. Lock her away, Your Honor! This woman is a certified-“
Coughing interrupted him.
“Oh fuck, he’s alive.” Raph put himself between the body and his brothers, “Can you hear us?”
The yokai groaned, slowly lifting his head. He was definitely not doing good, his face was scratched to shit and one of his eyes wouldn’t open.
“D-Donnie?” The yokai asked.
The trio froze.
No one spoke for a solid minute.
The yokai collapsed back to the pavement.
“How did he-“
“Could he be-“
The yokai’s ears twitched.
Donnie, back when they began training their ninpo, had done experiments about telepathy. He’d done tons of tests, both in safe and dangerous environments. He had definitively told them all that, thankfully, their blood line did not mean that they could read each other’s minds. He surmised that any “telepathy” the others thought they had was just them being able go understand one another and know how the other would react to circumstances due to their prolonged exposure to one another.
However, in that moment, the trio only had to exchange one look before they all turned back, going back go the Shell-mobile. They buckled up, fixed the mirrors, and Leo turned them around.
The drive back home was far less exciting than the drive out to the edge of town, but the adrenaline still ran through their veins. Leo parked the van, smiling to himself as he saw Donnie storming into the garage.
“Wh-what did you d-d-do?!” Donnie looked over the van, “Of all th-the reckless, kn-knuckleheaded- you realize I can remote tr-track the van’s sp-speedometer, right?”
“Oh, no, I didn’t know that.” Leo smiled, “That’s really cool, Don.”
Donnie paused a moment, “I- hey, wait! You can’t distract me w-with compliments!”
Mikey nodded, “Yeah, that’d be underhanded.”
Raph agreed, “You can yell at us, Don, go ahead.”
Donnie’s ire seemed to sizzle out as he looked over his siblings. They all just stood there, politely waiting to get yelled at…
“Have you been body snatched?”
Leo laughed, “That’s a good one. No, no, we’re us. You can run some tests if you wanna be sure.”
“Hey, Don, why don’t I make your favorite tonight?” Raph smiled, coming forward to put a hand on Donnie’s back, guiding him back into the complex, “You can yell at us while I cook.”
“And you can tell us about how you track the Shell-mobile!” Mikey grinned, bouncing beside him as they headed in.
It wasn’t until years and years later, after all was said and done, that any of the three of them broke their unspoken vow.
And there we go! Originally I wasn’t gonna have them hit him with a car, but that idea was too fuckin funny to pass up.
-Monster Anon
Can We Utilize Unsafe Driving For The Better? More at 11 !!
them being weirdly nice and polite to Donnie afterwards is so funny to me lmao.
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stampkin · 1 year
hi how do you put gifs in stamps? i cannot figure it out for some reason
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I'll be happy to give you a hand! I've put most of this under the cut because I have two different methods of editing gif stamps, and I don't want to clog someone's dash LOL
I want to preface that I edit using a PC, so I'm not confident in giving advice/tips to anyone who is mobile-bound.
For the first method, and generally the easier one, I entirely use EZgif. It really is a lifesaver of a website... ^^
I start by cropping the gif I want to make a stamp of. Here’s the gif I’ll be using! 
(Note: You can’t make stamps using gifv/webp files on EZgif, they will bug out. You can convert gifv files to gif by going to its URL and removing the “v,” and you can convert webp files to gif using this section of the website!)
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[Photo ID: Gif of Shadow the Hedgehog.]
Sometimes you don't need to do this, but usually, I crop the gif to remove unnecessary background space and to put more focus on the character.
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[Photo ID: Cropped gif to put more focus on Shadow and remove background space.]
Now, I resize the cropped gif. Set the width to “91″ and the height to “47.” 
(Note: Sometimes after you size down the image, the gif gets corrupted. You can fix this by changing the resize method. I find Gifsicle works the best, though that isn't guaranteed.)
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[Photo ID: Prior gif resized to 91 x 47.]
We’re almost done! All we have to do now is put the stamp border on through using the overlay section.
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[Photo ID: Transparent downloadable stamp border.]
Here’s the stamp border I’ll be using!
Note: If you want to use a different border, you'll likely have to find its area on your own to properly resize the gif again.
Once you are on the overlay page with your resized gif, you want to click this button once.
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[Photo ID: Screenshot of Canvas Size button. Picture reads “Extend canvas size (use if overlay exceeds gif size).”]
After you do that, you want to insert the stamp border with this button.
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[Photo ID: Screenshot of Choose File button. Picture reads “Select overlay image or watermark (PNG/GIF/JPG): Choose File: No file chosen. Upload Image!”]
Now that the border is inserted, change left to “41″ and top to “19,″ then click "Generate image!"
Note: You'll also have to find the left and top on your own if you're using a different stamp border. This is important because if you don't have the correct numbers, your gif will have a random sliver of transparency in it.
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[Photo ID: Gif stamp with a noticeable amount of unnecessary transparent space.]
You should have something like this, but we aren’t done yet though. Do you notice all the transparent space we don’t need that’s around the stamp? We need to crop that out using this easy button!
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[Photo ID: Screenshot of Autocrop button. Picture reads “Autocrop: trim transparent pixels around the image.”]
After you click "Autocrop," click "Generate image," and then you’re done!
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[Photo ID: Completed gif stamp.]
You're free to add whatever aesthetic changes you like using the "Effects" section, though I usually tend to lay off that since I see it as a hassle.
Now, for the second, and more tedious method, that I have been using recently!
Starting off, we are going to find and crop our gif using EZgif again, so just copy the first two steps from the last method.
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[Photo ID: Gif of Shadow the Hedgehog.]
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[Photo ID: Cropped gif to put more focus on Shadow and remove background space.]
Now that's done, we need to resize the gif to fit the same stamp border I used before! But instead of using the prior numbers, we're going to use new ones.
Resize your gif by using the width “101″ and the height “57.” 
Note: If you're using a different border, you can easily find these numbers because they'll be the same as your border's, as long as it doesn't have any background space. If your border does, please crop it out.
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[Photo ID: Prior gif resized to 101 x 57.]
Now, here's where things get different. We're going to use the website "Photopea," which is basically just online Photoshop.
Click "File" on the top left corner of the website and then click "Open," then insert the resized gif.
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[Photo ID: Photopea editing software with stamp opened.]
You should now have something like this! It's important to keep in mind that all of those layers are the frames of your gif.
Now, insert the stamp below, which is just the same border from earlier except with the stamp part colored in, onto the gif by clicking "File," and then clicking "Open & Place."
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[Photo ID: Filled in downloadable stamp border, edges are still transparent.]
It will automatically paste onto a new layer at the top of the folder layer list. You need to move it down so that it's on the bottom of the folder, not the layer list. You can do this by simply dragging and dropping.
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[Photo ID: Two images. One shows the filled-in stamp on top of the folder layer list. The other shows the filled-in stamp on the bottom of the folder.]
Here's the tedious part. You now need to set ALL of the gif's frames to "Clipping group," not including the filled-in stamp. This can conveniently be done by clicking each frame while holding down "Ctrl" and "Alt" on your keyboard. This process can either last a few seconds or up to a full minute depending on how many frames the gif has. Sorry...
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[Photo ID: Example of the gif's frames all set to "clipping group." You can tell this has been done successfully because the frames have a small arrow pointing downward on the left side of the layer preview image.]
Don't forget to double-check in case you missed any frames! You should now have something like this at the center of your screen.
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[Photo ID: Screenshot of the gif at the center of the screen, now looking stamp-shaped.]
We're not done yet! We still need to add a light stamp border and a dark stamp outline. We can do this by pasting the images below.
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[Photo ID: Two photos. One is a transparent downloadable outline of a stamp. The other is a transparent downloader border of a stamp.]
Paste the light one first, and then the dark one last on top of the folder's layer list.
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[Photo ID: Previous screenshot after the templates have been pasted.]
Click on "File," and then click "Save," and now you're done!
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[Photo ID: Completed gif stamp made in Photopea.]
This part is optional, but if you want, you can mess around with the layers and add some aesthetical changes! Here's an example of the previous stamp after I edited it like I normally do!
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[Photo ID: Completed gif stamp made in Photopea with effects.]
That's all for now! If you have any questions or need more help, don't be afraid to ask! :D
-Mod Shadow
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zimwritez · 1 year
stress reliever
WC: 639
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, f!sub!reader-dom!eric, ummm anger? HELP it’s nothing too serious 😁
A/N: hayyyy!! this is a story that I wrote FOREVVERR ago, when I first got into the boyz and had another blog (can’t remember the name, celestial tbz maybe? something like that). it hasn’t been read in years so im sorry if it has errors. let me know how u like it!
(also i don’t know how to add the read more tag on mobile so I’m sorry if this clogs ur TL 🥹🙏)
normally when you stay at eric’s house everything is all smiles and sunshine. you play videogames, have pillow fights and watch TV, but this time something was different. eric has been acting less empathetic lately and it’s really been putting you off. you walk into the office he’s sitting in, and ask a question.
“eric? can I make you some dinner? are you hungry?”
he looks at you with an annoyed expression and mumbles some words.
“i don’t care what you make me.”
you sighed as you moved over to eric and gently sat down on his lap in his chair. you tried to stretch your arms around him and give him a big hug but he wasn’t having it. he turns his face away from you, trying to not make eye contact, keeping his annoyed face on.
“eric...listen I know things have been tough for you lately but I’m really trying to help you and I want to make sure everything is going okay.”
you move your hands back upwards and try to cup his face in your hands. he instead grabs both of your hands and wraps them behind your back, forcing you to move closer.
“you don’t know how badly I want to just fuck the shit out of you right now.”
...you gulped as eric’s annoyed expression turned into an evil smirk. that boy looked like he had the devil in his eyes and you didn’t know how to feel. you looked down with your eyes still shocked from the words that came out of eric’s lips as you feel him release your hands.
“what are you doing...” you quietly whisper.
eric takes his hat off and throws it to the side, and slowly puts his cold hands under your shirt, making you gasp. he moves his hands closer and closer to your back and slowly unclips your bra.
“eric, is this really what you want?”
“this is what I need y/n...”
he brings himself even closer to you, and slowly starts sucking on your neck and collar bone, making you slightly moan and tilt your head back. moving his hands back down, he grabs the ends of your shirt and slides them over your face.
“such a pretty girl. you’re my pretty girl.”
the pleasure is immense. the feeling of eric’s soft lips and hard dick makes you feel euphoric. you can feel him start to rise under you, and it makes you want to moan even louder.
he moves his hands lower, grazing over your clothed clit and massaging in figure 8’s. you mewl in pleasure, and start to buck your hips back and fourth. eric moves his fingers and starts bucking his hips upward, meeting your pace.
“eric please...I need you now.”
he smirks even more. you get up and lay down on the couch behind you, eric follows, and stands over you, taking off his shirt and pants.
“i want these off.”
he starts pulling at the hem of your underwear, and slides them off, exposing how dripping wet you were. taking off his boxers and aligning himself with you, he slowly slides his dick up and down your folds, making you move as you moan.
“eric please stop teasing and just put your fucking dick inside me”
he laughs slightly before sliding into you, making you mewl and moan as your eyes roll back into your head. he starts to move faster and faster, his pace quickening. you start to moan louder and see stars. eric’s grunting makes you want to cum even faster, and you soon hit your climax.
eric pulls out and pumps his dick right before he ends up cumming on your tits, making the room finally silent besides the noises of your heavy breathing.
“thanks for being my stress reliever baby.”
he flashes a cute smile.
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undertheopensky · 7 months
No One Will Find You (i can find myself) 2
Whumptober Day 18: Alt #10 Shaking
Characters: Four, Minish
Trigger warnings: Minor injuries
Read on Ao3!
Missed the first instalment? Read here!
He jolts awake to ringing silence.
It shouldn’t be silent he’s never silent there’s always someone breathing nearby or knocking shit over in the kitchen or hammering away in the forge way too early in the morning and his head is so empty it’s like everything was scooped out –
It’s dark. It shouldn’t be this dark did he hit his head –
Pain, from his head; mild. Pain, from his leg, not mild, holy fuck what happened there – his ankle’s a tight lump in his boot and something in his brain finally connects and he remembers canyons shattering running falling hands on skin and head screaming apart and his hands are shaking and his breath is gasping and it’s making his head hurt so much worse, fuck, he’s gotta calm down but it’s so hard when he keeps reaching for an outstretched hand in the dark and missing.
After far too long of being curled up in a shaking, agonised ball, Four’s breathing steadies. His head hurts. His foot hurts, broken glass-hot. For a long moment he’s tempted to just - lie down, and hope he falls asleep again. Let someone else deal with the problem that is existence.
(But there’s no one else, and no one will find you, and he’s never been one to expect others to do things he can do for himself.)
From close by his hip, a chittering sound rises up from the dark.
Four’s too exhausted to startle. Instead he just blinks, slow and confused, as the Minish chatters on about how excited they were to find out their hero was visiting, and how cross they all were when they realised the people who lived here had hurt him! That was terribly rude of them and no one was going to do nice things for them for ages! Imagine! The Hero of the Minish, and they throw him in a cell!
Bemused, Four listens to the diatribe winding down, as more little feet scurry across stone and more Minish join in the scolding and promise to help however they can.
There’s nowhere for him to change down to their size, they tell him, and the bad people took the key with them when they left. But they can still bring him other things! What does he want?
He wants his head to stop hurting. He wants his leg to stop hurting. He wants his brothers. He wants to see.
He wants, he wants, he wants.
…if he had something to strap up his ankle with, he’d be more mobile. “Is there any - rope, or old fabric nearby?”
Yes! they say, and many tiny footsteps go scurrying off. How many of them are there? Four wonders, briefly distracted.
One of them stays with him. They hop up on his leg and perch there, chittering about how Irie and Maty had been going around retrieving all the useful things they’d hidden in the bedrooms. They were very upset about the bad people hurting their hero! It’s nice, not thinking about the pain or the dark or the lurking emptiness for a few minutes, until the gathering party starts returning in twos and threes, dragging their finds behind them.
Four blindly measures the strips of fabric and the one piece of rope they’d found, considering the problem. If he pulls his foot out of his boot now he’ll never get it back in. Instead, he loops the fabric around the outside of it in a series of figure-eights, locking it into place with the rope over the top.
It still hurts like hell, but the extra support keeps it from shifting while he crawls, unselfconscious, to the door. Then he has to get up again, because he can’t reach the handle from here.
He stands there confused for a few seconds, before slowly realising - locked. Of course it’s locked, stupid.
For a second despair and confusion make things hazy, before he remembers his tiny allies. “They - they took my sword and pack. Do you know where they put them?”
Yes, yes! They put the hero’s gear in the storeroom not far from here. But - Minish are too small to carry a sword.
Their regret is so intense Four can imagine the apologetic look on tiny mouse faces. “It’s okay, I don’t need my sword right now. But in my bag, there’s a rolled strip of leather with small metal pins inside. Do you think you could bring me some of those pins?”
As it turns out, they can. Piece by piece, Four’s lockpicking kit reassembles itself on the other side of the locked door.
This time, Four thinks to ask, “How are you getting these things in here?”
There’s a window in the door, they tell him, barred to prevent escape, but with gaps more than large enough for Minish to scurry through.
Four takes another moment to regret there’s no portal in the cell. Maybe next time he’s home he should ask the elder Minish if there was any way to make the shrinking spell more portable.
Still, he has his picks now. And he has to work by feel anyway, so the still-heavy darkness doesn’t matter. It just makes figuring out which piece of his kit he’s holding a little trickier.
The lock is stiff, because of course it is, but Four perseveres. If he could just get a little more leverage -
The pick slips, biting into his fingers. Four swears.
It’s okay, the Minish on his shoulder reassures him, they believe in him! Try again!
Four hunts through his picks for the thicker one with the L-crook. The fresh blood on his fingers makes them slippery; he ignores it, grips his tools that little bit tighter. It’s just this one stubborn pin. He’s so close to getting out. Working the heavier pick into position, he tries again to push it aside. Again, it resists, but he can feel it’s close. He just needs that little bit more force! Careful not to lose his tension with blood-slick hands, Four wedges the pick on top of another that’s already in place, gives it a wiggle and presses -
The pin gives way with a loud and resentful ‘click’ Four resists the urge to cheer and instead rotates his handful of picks, each holding down their own part of the lock and needing to stay that way even as he changes their orientation - and the lock clunks loose and the door swings inward, nearly knocking Four back down the stairs.
The Minish do all the cheering for him.
Sadly, it’s no brighter outside in the hall. Four vaguely remembers there being lit sconces or maybe those old fashioned torches hung from metal hooks in the walls, but the cultists must have taken them with them when they left. Fortunately Minish have better night vision than he does and are delighted to steer him.
Like. Seriously delighted. There’s at least three siblings roughhousing in his hair over who gets to tell him where to go next, two balanced on each shoulder, and several scrambling in and around his clothing, while the one clinging for dear life to his ear gives him actual directions.
Four loves Minish so much. Even when they’re murder on his headache.
The cultists don’t use this place often, he learns, so the Minish are usually left undisturbed. It used to be a military outpost, where soldiers who went out to fight monsters could come back to rest and be healed. It had fallen to dark forces so many years ago that the monsters had moved on, but no Hylians had come to reclaim it. Now, it belongs to the Minish, and to cultists who apparently use it as a hiding place for things they don’t want found.
Including people, which is concerning. The Minish say it doesn’t happen often, though.
Take this left turn, they tell him, and there’ll be a door under your left hand. It isn’t locked!
Indeed it isn’t. It follows the trend of being poorly lit, but his earring-Minish directs him to his gear. They’d just dumped it in a corner, apparently, not even going through it. A few things had shifted or been knocked aside by the Minish hunting for his picks, and they’re eager to help him collect them all again. He still wouldn’t have complained about losing the pouch of trail mix or a handful of seeds, if they hadn’t made it back in. Four’s just glad to get the Four Sword back, and his most valuable pieces of equipment. There’s no replacement in the world for the Cane of Pacci, and losing it would have been a massive blow. Maybe he should start looking into how to replicate some of the more useful enchantments?
He slowly limps along, using the wall more and more for balance, as the Minish direct him to the exit they assure him he’ll be able to use. The main one has a bar lock no Minish could open, and injured Four won’t be able to, either. But there’s a hidden door set off to the side, and that’s where they lead him. Four can almost feel the iron grip on his heart start to ease as he lays a hand on the sun-warm wood.
Some of the younger Minish belatedly realise this means Four is leaving. Noooo! one wails. Couldn’t he stay a little longer?? They didn’t get to show him around yet!
“I’m sorry. My friends will be worried about me,” Four says.
The hero also needs medical attention, one of the elder Minish explains. The Hylians who use this place hurt him, and he needs more help than Minish are equipped to give.
The youngster huffs. When they come back here we’re were gonna hide all their rupees!
“Just keep yourselves safe,” Four warns, though he knows it’s incredibly unlikely anyone will be able to see them in the first place. He still doesn’t want any of them to come to harm. They did their best to help him, and there’s so little he can do in return.
They were simply glad of the opportunity to meet the Hero of Minish, the elder tells him when Four expresses this. There were stories of heroes who walked through time, but who could say for sure if their own Hero was one of them? To see him in the flesh, and aid him in some small way - that was a dream come true for them all.
It’s sweet, if a little strange, to have Minish from such a faraway time regard him so highly. Four wonders if the Minish in other eras have similar stories of him. He’s never asked - never had much opportunity. The black-blooded monsters keep them all busy, and he has few chances to sneak off undetected. Some eras, he doesn’t even know if Minish still exist.
He’ll try harder, from now on.
Four bids them farewell, and opens the door.
After so long in the dark, the light is blinding.
Something deep within his mind aches. It’s like a bruise, bone-deep; barely visible, but painful, with no way to ease the pressure.
Through squinted, streaming eyes, Four makes his way out of the ruined fort.
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goldkirk · 2 years
my goals for august:
• buy a mattress for the first time!!
• pick a bed if I have enough money this month
• get new legal documents
• report the problems from my psych admission in 2020 to the hospital even though it’s super late, so they just actually know. doesn’t matter if any of them care or change anything, just want to do it for me.
• listen to 8 new music artists on my catch-up list (1 is already done, Pearl Jam. Listening to Pink Floyd next)
• have someone forcibly go with me to the endodontist to get the over a year old root canal done and make them not tell me anything else about other teeth until that’s done so I don’t straight up leave and never come back
• learn what annual physicals are and find out if my new primary thinks if I actually should do them
• get a lot more post it notes and whiteboard stickers for notes to myself and just go ahead and put them everywhere for the moment
• get more than 38 hours of sleep every week for at least 3/4 weeks
• make a poster board that’s just the daily flow chart for work so I can stop trying to hold onto the three remaining shreds of that memory and just give up and use the external instructions for a while
• bake a congratulations for escaping a cult cake for myself and put sprinkles on it
• go to ONE group social event (or something like a museum group I guess) before it’s the end of the month. Have you considered a support group or hobby group ever in your life future me??? bc you should
• figure out strategies for food hoarding fixes and sort that shit out fast before it compounds too much in the new place
• avoid any and all thought pathways or questions about anything triggering during work hours like the plague, so I don’t pile on unnecessary spirals or flashbacks
• stop. eating. so. many. brownies. stop. it’s not fun treating yo self anymore. it’s alarming. there WILL be brownies in the future the world will not stop having cosmic brownies for you to access I s2g me. i can see you have something to prove to yourself by compulsively buying and eating this very specific food that was like The snack food echoing through childhood. but like. Christ, dude. lay off the brownies. please for the love of everything. there is no way this is helping. there is no way you should be eating pre packaged processed snack desserts as often as this. i am literally begging you to make one pan of beans again. why in the world are you tired of beans they’re the only healthy thing you know how to cook HURRY UP AND GET UN-SICK OF THE BLACK BEANS AND STOP EATING COSMIC BROWNIES THIS IS JUST EMBARASSING, ME 😭
• try to do some beginner art tutorials from YouTube in sketchbook and on dollar store mini canvases
• get thank you letters sent that have been simmering in a sauce pan in the back of your head for months
• get pooh bear and the old glass lamp n stuff from the storage unit and finally put them in your apartment
• I have no idea how many things are in this list, sorry people, I’m on mobile and can’t put a read more so I’ll keep it short
• write a one sided index card explanation of why I’m not ready to talk to therapist for now that I can just hand someone if it’s suggested
• start making a poster board chart for various flavors of dissociation so I can pinpoint the right type faster and then just see the instruction for what’ll help and hopefully save time
• somehow make a physical copy and two more digital copies of the family event and situation records I’ve started keeping so I don’t just lose them someday if I get hacked or forget a password. consider sending a copy of what I have so far in a folder or mini binder and sending it to a safe relative for one more layer of protection
• talk to actual financial counselor about debts and about the right rate I should fill the safe-place-to-land money account for the niblings if I’ve only got 3-5 years max
• write a small script to tell the boss and my daily coworker a bare bones but honest short explanation of what I’m coming from and how it might affect my work for this coming year and to please let me know early if they start feeling like I’m slacking off or if I’m not as responsive and on top of things as I’m supposed to be, so we can all avoid frustration and repeated cycles of increasing boom-bust stress because of my current natural tendencies
• log things more often
• get physical sunlight on actual skin at least once every two days
• go outside for an Aoife walk at least twice a day even if it’s an ongoing fear response the whole time. No excuses. It shouldn’t matter if other people will think you’re weird, your dog needs walks. Also you need walks. Also you need people. You are like five days away from full agoraphobia and that’s gonna be a no from me dog. Sincerely, not quite agoraphobic but definitely never wanting to leave the building again past you
• Say nicer things to myself. I’ve gotten really, really mean, I haven’t been this cruel to myself in a few years and it needs to stop. If I catch a thought consciously, I’m going to attempt to build a habit of immediately having to say one nice statement too, related OR unrelated, that’s compassionate instead.
• catch up on four people or groups I’ve completely not responded to in ages without explanation and apologize before August is over. Four is better than 0, which it’ll be if I don’t ever actually just start somewhere and let myself keep being tired and afraid
• get a second tally clicker to track how many times this month I’m actually not scared or on edge
• test the phenomenon about my light sensitivity being shockingly super different on that one drug and jot some notes or a little log to bring up with doctor later if it’s helpful or if I have questions
• talk to someone to see a physical therapist for my left knee BEFORE it gets actually injured. Make this the first time you ever listen to the signs before something is actually wrong-wrong, figure me! come one you worked really hard to learn to start recognizing what sensations are supposed to mean “pain” rather than just “sensation type 16374” and you’re working really hard to actually pay attention to your body when it has a sensation that’s supposed to be pain. That’s a lot of new neural wiring, bring it all together by connecting it one more step to make a whole brand new highway next to the old one. You can do this. Do it please before this knee is properly fucked, you can’t bank on having several years before any bad injury, you know now that’s not how bodies work and you could just get out of bed wrong and tear it if you’re at just the wrong angle and level of strain, get on top of this and it’ll be sooooo good in a few months, I bet our knees AND feet and hips will ALL feel stronger and more fun to move on if you do!!!!
• go to that one free yoga session so I actually see some people living here and get social time
• practice ducking and hunching less when outside around people
• get a psychiatrist over here and get all my meds switched over
• go fishing with Margie again before her school starts and take her somewhere fun with me
• bake Margie a cake
• paint a cardinal picture for Aunt P
• start writing letters to G even if I’m not allowed to send them and write them for the other kids too and decorate a special box to keep them all in
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mk-writes-stuff · 2 months
Hey its your gf here to make you put in an obscene amount of backbreaking labour in the infodumping mines. All of the character questions from the seven stations ask game for Tatum because I’m obsessed with them and all your moots need to be obsessed too
All of them?
Well okay, if you insist :). I do love Tatum. I’m going to put it under a read more though so that I don’t clog up everyone’s dashes with a ten-mile-long post
(From my Seven Stations themed ask game here!)
For those of you unaware, Tatum is the quartermaster of the Drowned Gull, Captain Jetti’s ship. They’re going through it :)
Tatum is most frequently anxious about their health (whether they’re going to be able to do their job and manage their pain today) and about whether someone is going to hurt them
They have the strongest tie to Jetti, which they absolutely wish they could break but they can’t - she’s violently abusive towards them and has beaten them near death before but she’s the only source of the medication that keeps them alive. They also develop a very strong bond with Merry, which is a lot better for them
Tatum is haunted by the horrible things they’ve been forced to do. Jetti uses them to mete out punishments and sink ships and they blame themself for it
Honestly I think the only thing they’re proud of is their magic - they’re the most powerful tidemage in the world. They don’t like to be showy with it but Jetti makes them. They will use it to keep from getting rained on though :)
Tatum and their parents haven’t spoken in 20 years because their family was dismissive of their illness and the abuse they were suffering. They do learn they have a brother later in the story who’s dying of the same cancer that nearly killed them and they become fiercely protective of him
Honestly Tatum has immense disdain for themself. They hate themself and what they’ve done and they struggle to think of themself as anything but a monster
Tatum has complex opinions on authority. They’ve been frequently exploited by authority figures but they find it easier when someone is directing them, so while they like having an authority they’re picky about who it is
Tatum hasn’t had the passion to be fascinated by anything in years. Back when they did, they were fascinated by the pirate culture. It was so different from what they were used to
Honestly? They struggle with getting out of bed and other mobility issues. Tatum has debilitating chronic pain. People on the Drowned Gull are too scared of them to harass them, but some people do after they escape
Tatum honestly isn’t working on their goals very much. They feel too defeated, like there’s absolutely nothing they can do to help themself
They’re most well-known for being Jetti’s violent, impassive lackey who doesn’t care about anyone. It’s not true at all - Tatum is scared and goes along with Jetti even though it kills them inside because they would die if they didn’t - but they do give off that impression
At first, Tatum isn’t devoted to anything. When they meet their brother, Apatli, they develop a fierce devotion to him
They don’t have a ton of hobbies. They like reading and I imagine they pick up some old Sun Empire handcrafts when they start trying to reconnect with their heritage
I’m not sure what legacy they’ll leave behind, probably the stories of the person who could sink ships with a glare. They’re okay with a quiet life but I think they’d be a bit sad if people feared them after their death
Tatum doesn’t care about winning competitions. There isn’t a competitive bone left in their body
Tatum is motivated first and foremost by wanting to stay alive. Once that’s no longer a daily fight, they’re quite lost and end up searching for purpose, which they eventually find in caring for their brother and working on the Sea Star
They’re very bad at being caring towards people, so people who are struggling usually find them cold and unsympathetic. They care a lot and will try to help (like how they tried to shield Merry on the Drowned Gull), but they’re very bad at showing it
Working for Jetti is a circumstance Tatum doesn’t want to be in, but they’re forced to. They do as they’re told, even though it eats at their soul
They needed to step up when they learned they had a brother who was dying of cancer, and again when they learned he was being abused. They weren’t perfect at it, but they managed
Tatum doesn’t laugh much. Most of what they find funny is blunt honesty and clever wordplay
Tatum’s type in a partner is someone who’s kind and gentle and loves them even though they know their past. Their type in a friend is realistically anyone who’ll have them - Tatum is super lonely. Their type in enemies… well, they try not to make enemies, but manipulative types tend to see them as easy to exploit
There have been a lot of big changes in Tatum’s life. Probably running away from the Sun Empire and the angel incident were the two big ones. The Sun Empire escape went pretty well, all things considered (those things being that they’re a traitor now). The angel incident (which involved them being kidnapped by a stranger who attempted to transform them into an angel - it’s a whole other story I won’t go into on this post, but I’m happy to elaborate if people want to hear) got people pretty worried because they vanished and then came back with vestigial wings needing emergency surgery. The people who weren’t immediately there, though, mostly just wondered why they were taller now
In the Sun Empire, Tatum’s desertion would be highly disapproved of. Among the pirates, the disapproval mostly comes from the fact that they worked for Jetti who… uh… isn’t popular
Tatum used to have principles about right and wrong and spent ten years with a woman who cruelly broke them down. They’re trying to find principles to live by that don’t drown them in guilt for what they’ve done
The biggest sacrifice Tatum has made was giving up their morals to keep themself alive. They regret it every day. They’d do it again if they had to
I hope y’all enjoyed this seven-mile post. Apologies for not writing out the questions, I wanted it to be a readable length (maybe). If you have any questions, lmk!
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wooyoungiewritings · 7 months
Hii~ I absolutely loved your Yunho fic A "First" Date. And I was wondering (and I hope this does not come off as rude) can you maybe put a 'Read More' break in it? Its pretty long so it takes a long time to scroll past. And since its's smut it might be better to hide it under the read more for those who don't want to see it. If you are on mobile I know its harder to do but you just break onto a new line and put :readmore: (I think thats how?). Anyways, I just thoughts I'd ask! I did love it (I'm Yunho biased so of course I did lmao) <3
Thank you so much for your kind words!! It really means a lot!
and omg so totally get you, and honestly I’m sick of scrolling past it all the time myself lmao. The thing is; I just made a tumblr and have never used it before, so I can’t figure out how to do that “Read more” thing😭 I honestly thought I already did that, but I’ll try and make it work again! No need to worry about saying it, I’m glad you’re telling me so I know!
I wish you the best!!! xx
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mom-friend-socko · 4 months
Reflections from top surgery, partly because I appreciated that kind of stuff and partly because I want a record and partly because I’m high. I put them under a read more in case you don’t want gorey details but it’s not going to be anything crazy
Also if you have a screen reader and can’t read this in so sorry, I’m on mobile and couldn’t figure out how to real bullet points. If anyone actually reads this I’ll try to remember to change that when I’m a little better and can use desktop
-they put foam on my chest and pushing it is super weird, it feels almost like there’s a cast there
- I’m not in as much pain as I expected, and it’s not as upsetting feeling as i thought. It mostly feels like when my boobs would get tender
- I’m pretty sleepy and a little dizzy, probably because I’m high and sleepy and haven’t had a ton of food
- my throat is definitely a little sore, but again it’s not as upsetting as I thought it would be. It just feels like a cough/cold not like there was a tube down my throat
-all the nurses and staff were so nice 🥺🥺🥺 they made me laugh, they gave me an extra blanket and they rubbed my hand as I was getting put under
-speaking of which hospital warmed blankets are just about the best thing ever
-even though it’s a big surgery, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. It doesn’t feel like a choice, it just feels like growing older or evolving as a person
- it hurts a lot more to be sitting/standing upright then to be leaning back a little, which is interesting
-it’s soo helpful to have someone who sill listen to the medication instructions because I was out of it, and my mom made me a chart of when I need to take everything which will make it super easy I think
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digitalbath1988 · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
I can’t figure out how to copy and paste on mobile but maybe I’ll remember to try on my laptop later:
My daughters ❤️ seeing them grow up is amazing
My husband! I love him so much ❤️
Things that smell good: candles, perfumes
Doing my hair and makeup, I love to play dress up haha
Getting to indulge in my special interests ❤️ obviously!
I like working (I know I’m crazy!)
That’s more than 5 things but… I couldn’t limit myself to just 5.
Since I’m too silly to figure out how to copy and paste, if you’re reading this please feel free to add yours ❤️
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unnecessary-feelings · 10 months
Tell me abt the oc u lovingly refer to as "weird arson motherfucker" pls
HI sorry i forgot to answer this, thank you for asking abt her!!! i’m still in the process of fleshing everything out so things might change but she’s my ace attorney OC! i’m putting everything under a read more because this post ended up being longer than i meant it to be and i don’t want this to be a pain to scroll through for anyone on mobile who doesn’t wanna read me rambling about blorbo from my brain, i’m sorry if this is hard to read i have trouble putting my thoughts into words for other people to read hdjdbfbdn, also spoilers for cases 4-1, 6-1, 6-3, and 6-5
i made her because i started wondering what would happen if dhurke and amara had a daughter older than rayfa that was in line to become queen before the khura’in royal residence fire and then i accidentally got carried away with her story lmao
her name is kaba’anyi padma khura’in (i was thankfully able to figure out a name for her after i created her tag, it means something along the lines of “daughter of the sun” because sun motif go brrr. ALSO i got to that name because nyi means sun in tibetan and khura’in is in the himalayas so i figured that link made sense. i’m very proud of her name because i struggle with naming characters so being able to make up a name for a character from a country that doesn’t exist is very big for me), or anyi for short, and she uses she/her pronouns. she was born in 1998 (for the sake of timeline consistency in this version of AA dhurke and amara are around 5 years older than they are in canon because after i had already chosen a birth year for her i realized that dhurke and amara would have been too young at that point in time shdnrhdh) and i played around with the idea of her committing a couple of crimes as a member of the defiant dragons, set a couple of government buildings on fire to get back at whoever tried to kill her and amara (she didn’t know it was ga’ran at the time but since they would have had to have access to the royal palace she knew they would have to have been high ranking and probably still were in that position) which is how i got her tag name but now i’m not sure if i wanna keep that part in or not lmao, now that i have a probably-concrete name for her i might move everything in her tag over to a new one, probably should do that sooner rather than later before the tag has too many posts
anyways, no matter if it was arson-related or simply because y’know, she was the daughter of the man who the country believed had murdered the previous queen, she was arrested, but she broke out and managed to fake her death to avoid being looked for (that part may be subject to change if i can’t figure out how exactly that happened, while i have a good grasp on the rest of her story there’s a gap between the royal palace fire and her moving to the US that is just kind of a loose collection of things i thought would be interesting for now hjsjdjsjfh)
so after that, she moved to the US when she was probably around 21 (still working on a concrete timeline but that’s somewhere around the right age) because of the rebellion. she changed her name to guinevere amos (i chose guinevere because the rest of the WAA except for trucy has mythology themed names so i figured arthurian legend would fit into that even though i’ve gotten all of my knowledge of arthurian legend from the mechanisms lmao, and i just chose amos because it was the first name of the main character of the book i was reading at the time and i’m pretty sure amos is also a last name so i went with it) and ended up joining gavin & co law offices which turned into a very awkward sibling reunion with apollo, i think she would have acted as a second co counsel alongside gavin (pretty sure that happened once in dd so i’m choosing to believe that double co counsels are a normal thing in the aa legal system) during 4-1 and helped apollo and phoenix get kristoph arrested, then she joins the WAA alongside apollo (although i think she would have joined a little bit earlier than apollo as she was quicker to accept phoenix’s invite at the end of 4-1) and then she helps the WAA with the rest of AA4 as well as AA5
as for AA6, anyi decides to go with phoenix to khura’in because it’s been nearly a decade since she was last in contact with her family and the rest of the rebels and she felt it was time to go back even if only for a couple of weeks, since she was now going under a different name she decided that it was safe to go back if she could keep her head low and avoid getting into trouble, obviously that didn’t happen, which marked the beginning of Guinevere Amos AKA Kaba’anyi Padma Khura’in’s No Good Very Bad Vacation, canon shenanigans ensue, you get the idea, when i get around to replaying the AJ trilogy (i’m intending on replaying it when it comes out on the switch but i might end up doing it before then as well) i’m thinking abt doing a liveblog thing (is it still liveblogging if you’ve already played the game in question?) where i also explain how anyi would interact with the events of the games if that makes any sense
after the events of 6-5. she stays behind in khura’in with apollo, and works with him at justice & co law offices, my original thoughts were that she takes back the role of royal priestess alongside being a lawyer and then quits when she becomes queen instead of rayfa but it could also be that she stays a lawyer and rayfa becomes queen like in canon, either way i’d imagine it could be a source of conflict between the two, although i think they would be able to work it out, unlike amara and ga’ran
one last thing, i’m currently working on some art for her and i am so excited to post it here because she is literally GORGEOUS i’m so proud of her design <33
i think that’s everything! i hope this made sense lmao
also is it normal to be nervous talking about your ocs to other people? it feels so weird trying to explain the things that come out of my brain like this
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occatorcreator · 2 years
1. Omg I love your art and AUs
2. I wanna talk about the new episode but can’t figure out how to “spoiler” things on a post. You seem to know how 😂 think you could maybe help a tumblr noob? 👀😇
Aw thank you! I'm glad you like it c:
As for how to use the "read more" there are two ways to do it:
On computer: you make a post, enter a line and on the side you click on the furthermost right button
Tumblr media
On iPad/mobile: you need to type " :readmore: " on a new line and press enter; if done correctly it should automatically create a read more line.
Also! I recommend putting "spoilers" in the tag so that people have that word blacklisted won't see the posts. As demonstrated on this post too!
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ghost-city · 1 year
wangxian princess bride au (ch. 1)
so back in 2020 i wrote the first two chapters of an mdzs princess bride au. i came across it randomly and thought it actually wasn't too bad, so i figured i might as well post it
i likely won't continue it since i'm not in the habit of writing (i've actually never written or posted a fic besides this one), but i thought it might bring some people some entertainment. also want to note that this is unedited/beta read, just posting everything as it was written back in 2020 :3
Chapter 1: Sick Day
“A-Ling, your uncle’s here,” said Jin Zixuan, entering the room.
Jin Ling looked up from his bed, where he was playing mobile games, “Didn’t you tell him I’m sick?” he scowled.
“He’s here because you’re sick. I need someone to watch you while I’m at work.”
“I’m 16, I don’t need a babysitter.” Jin Ling’s scowl was starting to become permanent.
“Sure,” Jin Zixuan conceded, “But you don’t even have the energy to get out of bed for a glass of water, you’ll need someone to do these things for you.”
“Don’t act like I’m some kind of servant, peacock,” started Jiang Cheng as he entered with an expression that put his nephew’s to shame, “I agreed to keep him company for the day because you never let me see my nephew often enough, that’s all.”
“You visit every week…” Jin Ling muttered as Fairy hopped onto the bed, wagging her tail.
Jin Zixuan rolled his eyes, “I’m off to work, I’ll pick up some soup for dinner on my way back.”
Jiang Cheng tried not to think about how Jin Ling wouldn’t have to wait for Jin Zixuan to pick up soup on his way back from work if A-Li were still here, cleared his throat, and pulled Jin Ling’s desk chair to the side of the bed.
Jin Ling, who had already gone back to his game, gave Jiang Cheng a side glace, before once again staring intently at the screen, “Ah, uncle, you don’t have to stay in here you know... I’m sure the living room is more comfortable anyway. I can just call you if I really need something…”
Jiang Cheng decided to ignore the fact that the expensive gaming chair he was sitting in was infinitely more comfortable than the sleek sofas in the living room, which were undoubtedly built more for style than comfort. “Don’t be ridiculous, didn’t I already say I didn’t come here to be your servant? Besides, I brought you something.”
Jin Ling perked up. It wasn’t hard to see he was imagining a new headset, or a new set of athletic clothes for sword practice, or sweets, or even a new friend for Fairy, which were the type of things his uncle usually bought him. He certainly wasn’t expecting…
“A book?” Jin Ling’s face twisted into something dubious.
Jiang Cheng’s scowl deepened. “Don’t be ungrateful.” His scowl softened to a frown, “Your mother used to read this to me when I was sick. Since she’s not here to read it to you-” His fingers clenched around the spine.
Perhaps it’s not surprising that Jin Ling struggles to find words for a moment. “...Well, if mom liked it, it can’t be too bad. What’s it about? Does it have sword fights?” It looked from the cover to be a xianxia novel, so he was hopeful.
Jiang Cheng scoffed, “Of course. Sword fights, demonic cultivation, torture, revenge, fierce corpses, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles…”
Even though Jin Ling made another face at the mention of true love and miracles, he finally set his phone to the side. “Alright, but don’t blame me if I fall asleep, I’m sick remember?”
“If you fall asleep I’ll break your legs,” threatened Jiang Cheng as he turned to the first page. “‘The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation’. Chapter 1. Wei Wuxian grew up farming lotus roots in Yunmeng…”
(Chapter 2)
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