#im counting this as part of my clean up efforts
kazelvr · 8 months
₊˚ෆˎˊ˗ let the light in
synopsis. relationship headcannons with 3 of my fav csm characters (strictly fem reader for quanxi, gender neutral reader for the rest)
cw. suggestive in quanxi’s part, im just absolutely in love with her lol, mentions of vomit in denji’s part, implied modern au in aki’s part
note. my writing may be a bit different, because i’m trying something new.. i apologize 😭. i also made this half asleep.. time check 4:11 am
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denji (デンジ)
to be real, denji has no clue about healthy relationships. that’s putting it mildly, right? the only ‘relationships’ he’s had were all about manipulation and brainwashing.
but hey, he really does put in the effort for you! denji’s going to do whatever it takes to make you happy, such as going bankrupt for the sake of a gift.
despite being in a relationship, denji still feels awkward around you. his shyness towards you was evident from the beginning, and now it has only intensified. please bear with him, he’ll come around eventually!
but when he does get comfortable.. denji forms a deep emotional connection with you. he’s faced many challenges, and all he’s ever wanted is to feel loved. you have become that source of comfort to him, and that means the world.
at first, his kisses can be awkward, unsure of where to put his hands, and he might even keep this eyes open. you might need to show him how to kiss properly, which can be even harder if he’s your first kiss.
he always craves cuddles, day in and out. he’s a true cuddlebug. he likes feeling the steady rhythm of your breath against his skin. whether if he’s the little spoon, or the big spoon, his sole desire is to sleep while being in physical contact with you. he finds it impossible to sleep without you.
on those days when you’re super busy and can’t cuddle with him, denji gets all pouty. it’s quite dramatic, really, how he gives you the side eye and ignores you when you try to talk about it. but, he can’t stay mad at you forever. eventually, he’ll give in and cling onto you like a koala. he’s not letting go, by the way.
he is keeping you away from power at all costs, even if you two are friends. if she ever found out that denji has a partner, she will not leave him alone. power will definitely embarrass denji in front of you, telling you about all of his flaws while he tries to stop her from saying anything else… he was never able to stop her.
on your birthday, aki attempted to assist denji in preparing a meal for you. unfortunately, it was a complete disaster and the food turned out to be unappetizing… despite aki’s desperate attempts to persuade denji not to serve you his charred creation, denji, being denji, stubbornly refused to listen. when you took a bite, the taste was so revolting that your stomach couldn’t bear it any longer. you regurgitated the ill fated meal… it’s the thought that counts, right?
overall, he’s trying really hard to be a good boyfriend, please appreciate him.
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aki hayakawa (早川アキ)
this man…. phewww…
aki is the epitome of a respectful boyfriend, always seeking your consent before engaging in any action, be it a simple kiss or a gentle touch.
if you happen to be someone who tends to be disorganized and messy, rest assured aki will gladly take on the responsibility of tidying up after you. regardless of the severity of the mess, simply tell him, and he will promptly begin cleaning it up, without any judgement.
bathing together has become a regular routine for the both of you, a frequent occurrence that follows a long day of hunting devils. aki, in particular, finds comfort in sharing these type of moments with you. the soothing warmth of the bathwater coupled with the gentle sensation of your hands massaging shampoo into his hair, while he rests against your chest, brings him a new profound sense of relaxation. it’s not always about being sexual, but rather the feeling of closeness with you that brings him a sense of tranquility.
aki is like a dad sending text messages. when he’s not around, he would text you to ask if you need anything from the store. when he receives your response, he replies back with a simple “👍” emoji. that’s it.
aki is all about being the big spoon— it’s just who he is. aki has experienced too much loss and he can’t bear the thought of losing you. he holds you tightly in his grasp, afraid that if he loosens his grip, he’ll lose you, even though that would never be the case. your presence alone brings him a sense of security, and all he wants is for you to be safe.
every morning, this man never leaves for work without giving you a gentle kiss, even if you’re still groggy. you’re the sole reason he can maintain his sanity while battling devils all day.
to aki, you’re like his home, his safe space. you are the one he can confide in, and shed tears without any guilt, and that is one of the many reasons why he loves you.
aki is tall, standing at 190cm (6’2). every time you talk to him, he lowers himself to your level so he can hear you more clearly. sometimes, you think he’s doing it to make fun of you, but in reality, he just wants to be close to you.
aki has a reputation for being aloof, but in reality, he is the complete opposite. he’s a dork. a dork who can’t help but smile whenever your name comes up, a dork who finds himself captivated by your every feature, analyzing them with great interest. a dork who’s madly in love.
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quanxi (クァンシ)
quanxi has a deep admiration for her girls’ body, and it’s no secret - especially to you, who has personally felt her touch. every inch of your body is your favorite, from the curves of your breasts to the softness of your thighs. she revels in worshiping every aspect of you, leaving you feeling loved.
when someone utters even the slightest offensive remark towards you, quanxi’s protective remarks kick in, particularly if it comes from a man. she wholeheartedly defends you, regardless of whether you were in the wrong (gotta stand up for your girls), she becomes so defensive she almost resorts to physical confrontation, refusing to let anyone disrespect under her watch.
quanxi’s touch is ever-present. usually, it’s her hand on your waist in public, marking you as hers. behind closed doors, she explores every inch of you. it makes you wonder if she’s a different person outside of the public eye. but, who’s complaining?
i like to think that when quanxi gets drunk, she gets awfully needy and with you. she enjoys holding onto your arm and leaning against you, gently nibbling your ear, while softly expressing slurred compliments about your beauty.
quanxi is your ultimate protector, in every sense of the word. facing a menacing devil? before you can even blink, quanxi is by your side, fearlessly slaying the creature. your girlfriend takes pride in being your number one protecter, regardless of your strength.
making out sessions happen 90% of the time you two are together. quanxi simply can’t resist when you give her that irresistible look, with your lips appearing soft and pouted!
titty lover
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
Here is me requesting my birthday maxi smut honestly im thinking maxi threw some stuff together for a little surprise for her ! And ( he actually does give her a real gift) but the best part comes in the bedroom....
Pun not intended 🤣
I Got You Something
Maximus x Fem!Reader, word count: 1k ay happy birthday!! i love maximus, he's just the softest, sweetest little lamb and the strangest little bug ever and i am obsessed with him and how he'd learn how to be a good boyfriend to someone ;-; 🧡 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, lil bit of smut, oral sex mostly!!
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"You're paying attention, right? Because I really can't see anything..."
"Yeah, yeah, I got you! Just a little... further...Oh, shit, watch that pile of... what is that?"
Your feet kicked something soft in front of you and you recoiled, caught in Maximus' arms.
"Max! Can you just uncover my eyes, please?"
"No, almost there. Just a little further..."
As sweet as the gesture was, you almost regretted telling Maximus that it was your birthday. He was so keen to impress, so determined to make sure you still retained a semblance of your old life, of some goodness. He wanted you to keep that optimism, the kind that made you excited for something like a birthday, something he'd never really been all that fussed by.
More importantly, he wanted to be a good boyfriend.
So he kept his front pressed to your back and guided you over the miscellaneous debris that he had neglected to clean out of the way when he found a safe enough space to set up for your surprise. And then, when you were past the door frame, he removed his hands from your eyes and practically squealed.
"... ok, tah-dah!"
When your vision returned, you found yourself in an empty room, the view from the window suggesting it was on the outskirts of the settlement you and Max had been staying in for the past couple of weeks. On the walls there were tiny triangles of stained fabric, tied together to form bunting. In the corner, a bed with the cleanest sheets you'd seen in months and a dresser with an assortment of your favourite snacks. And in the centre of the room, two dining chairs and a wobbling table, upon which there was a strange looking package.
"Max! This is..."
"It's not great, I know, but... Happy Birthday!"
You could tell that your silence was worrying him, so you choked out whatever words could come to you first.
"Maxi... this is amazing."
The effort he'd put into making the space look at least a little welcoming, and a tiny bit liveable, had rendered you almost entirely speechless, unable to express to him how much it really meant to you.
"You sure?"
"Of course! It's... I love it. It's amazing. Thank you."
Reaching up to him, you cupped his cheek as you pressed a kiss to the other, beaming a bright smile at him before you gestured to the package on the table.
"And this?"
"Oh, right! Your present."
"My present?"
Your eyes widened, excited at what you had suspected had been a gift.
"It's not really like... We don't- didn't... do birthdays in the Brotherhood. But I know it's a big deal for you so..."
He reached for the gift, pulling out a chair for you and placing the parcel in your lap once you were seated. As you looked closely at it, you could make out some of the design on the paper. Singed edges of old comic books, scraps from books, all held together with some strips of duct tape. It upset you to even unwrap it, as you thought about the effort he had gone to, so you tore the paper away gently, admiring your gift once you had revealed it.
"Oh, Maxi, this is so sweet."
You held an almost pristine souvenir mug with the Nuka-Cola logo on the front. There was no way of knowing how he'd managed to find it up here, or how much he might have had to spend to get it from a trader. It was perfect.
"It's not great... it's... I'm sorry, it's crap."
"It is not! I love it!"
"Wow, really? Because I had a back-up if you didn't-"
Your ears pricked up, eyes focusing on his sweet, flushed cheeks as your pupils dilated.
"A back-up? You mean there's another gift?"
Maximus stammered over his words, nervously scratching at the back of his neck, flustered by the intense focus you were now giving him.
"It's more of a... like a surprise."
"Well, show me!"
With a renewed excitement, Max took your hand and guided you from the table to the bed, slightly giddy in the way he practically skipped over to it.
"Ok, lie down."
You raised an eyebrow with an excited smile, but did as he asked, letting your body sink into the busted bedframe and watching as he sank to his knees at the bottom of the bed. His hands, shaking with nerves, skimmed up your thigh and grabbed your hips, pulling you down the mattress closer to him. You let out a squeal of shock, giggling as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your pants, pulling them down your legs and taking your underwear with them.
You sat up on your elbows, looking down at him with a grin so wide it almost hurt your cheeks.
"Are you really doing this?"
"Yeah... I've been practising."
He raised his eyebrows, his lips forming a sweet, proud smile.
"Yep, I've been practising."
"I don't even want to ask how..."
"Then don't, just let me show you."
With your lower half completely exposed, your pants and underwear placed in a small heap next to where Maximus knelt, you felt your body warming with arousal, anticipation spreading through your veins as you felt him leaning in, his warm breath on your thighs, then against your cunt.
And then, his tongue, hot, wet, pressed flat against your lips, forcing the tip between then, spreading them apart as he dragged the muscle up and down over your entrance, teasing it as he reached the top. He had been practising, and he’d obviously learned a little bit about anatomy somehow.
“Max… Max, this is… it’s so good…”
He paused for a moment, smiling happily, a sense of pride in his work.
“It is… you taste good… better than anything I’ve eaten out here…”
You gripped at the sheets as he returned to your body, lips enclosing over your pussy as he sucked and lapped, moaning with satisfaction at how you tasted, how you felt against his face, thighs pressed against his cheeks. And with the innocent joy he always held for these intimate moments together, he wondered if you’d let him do this again for his birthday.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're a Family Part 4 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Sorry this took me awhile. I've been so obsessed with I'm in Control I hadn't really had any ideas for these 3. But alas...I bear you this. <3
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that that implies ( I regret nothing!), as we know by now reader is pregnant but it's still early. Reader mentions missing her dad <3, smut of course (because Im always horny for these two).
Word Count: 3335
“Oh ma god.” Your sister danced around excitedly with the ultrasound in her hand. “I’m going to be aunt.”
“Hey!”, Dylan pouts from his place near the hood of her car.
“You know what I mean!” Kierra grins at him before hug tackling you. 
“Yeah, you’re not going to be anything if you blow up”, Eddie cleans his hands as he turns around. “Kierra, how long has it been since you did any kind of maintenance on this car?”
“Define ‘maintenance’.”
He laughs as he sighs. “I can get it running but you may really want to consider looking into getting a new mode of transportation.”
“Hey Kierra.” Steve greets your sister as he exits the house. “Hey, should you be that close to the car when your pregnant?” A small smile paints your face as your sibling giggles. “I mean with all the fumes and stuff.”
“Yeah, usually I would make fun of him to but with this vehicle threatening to send us to all to hell…” Dylan covers his mouth as he laughs at Eddie’s comment. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just be careful.” He places a quick peck on your lips as he runs to his car.
“Is he off to work?”, Kierra asks.
“No, he’s been spending every Wednesday with Robin. I think it helps clear his head with everything going on.”
“Speaking of everything, I haven’t heard anything from douchebag. No rumors of court dates or anything like that.”
“Eh, let’s take one stressful situation at a time.” You smile at her as the engine roars to life.
“Ah, Mr. Munson, you are my hero!”
“Eddie! Baby! Get down here!”, Steve hollered from downstairs. 
“Jesus, dad. We’re coming!”, Eddie playfully whines as he stomps down the stairs. 
“Here you go little dude.” 
“Thank you, Steve.”
You and Eddie freeze in the kitchen doorway as you look around. Steve had made a pretty complex dinner that smelled amazing. He had set the table that your son was currently sitting at with a huge grin on his face. Now it wasn’t uncommon for him to cook or make dinner but usually it was something quick that you could throw in the oven or took at most ten minutes to prepare. He had clearly put in a lot of effort with this meal. 
“Ok, I think he may have upped his game and is now kidnapping us both. If the food tastes sour or like it’s been poisoned spit it out.”, the metalhead whispers loud enough for everyone to hear. 
“Calm down. I just wanted to do something nice especially after being a jerk a couple of weeks ago. Baby, I know you’ve been craving pasta so,” he gestures towards the table.
“I really have. It was the same with weirdo.” You point at Dylan as you take a seat. “That and Neapolitan ice cream. I’m not sure why but all the flavors mixed together just hit right.”
You four enjoy your dinner with your son asking a lot more questions about what you were like when you were pregnant with him and how he was when he was baby. After a while he asked if he could watch tv before running into the living room. 
“Steve, thank you for this. It was delicious.” He smiles at your compliment, reaching over to intertwine your fingers with his. 
“So, what’s going on, bud?”, Eddie asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve known you for a long time and while I do think this was an apology dinner…I also think you want to talk about something.”
Steve’s brown eyes meet yours as you nod, agreeing with the metalhead. “I didn’t want to push you. I figured you’d bring it up later when we were upstairs.”
“Can’t hide anything from either of you.”, he chuckles. “Okay, yeah, I’ve been keeping something a secret but I want to talk about it now.” Your thumb caresses his skin, comforting him. “I haven’t been hanging out with Robin every Wednesday. I’ve actually been going to a therapist in town.”
“Huh. That explains some things.” Eddie leans back in his chair, waiting for the other man to continue. 
“I don’t like the way I lashed out at both of you but especially you, Y/N. I promised you before we moved, you’d never have to worry about me making you feel unappreciated or worthless. You deserve better. You, Eds, Dylan, and that baby. I want to be better.”
“Honey, I’m proud of you for doing that. I don’t blame you for the way you reacted—”
“I do. It was unfair of me to put that all on you. And Eddie, I regret everything I said to you. I know I panicked but that’s no excuse.”
“I forgive you, man. The news shook us all. I’d be lying if I didn’t say there is a part of me that’s afraid I’ll fuck up and become my dad to but Wayne said that Y/N would sooner kill me then let that happen.”
“I mean, he’s not wrong.”, you laugh. “Steve, why didn’t you tell us when you started going?”
“I don’t know. I think I just wanted to test it out first and see if it would even do any good. Plus, I didn’t want you two to worry.”
“Why are you telling us now?”
“She suggested I should. I told her I wanted to make this apology dinner and she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to tell you I had been coming to see her.”
“I’m proud of you to, man.” Eddie gets up grabbing your plate along with his and takes it to the sink. 
Steve sits along the edge of the porcelain tub in his boxers with his legs on either side behind you. His fingers glide under your chin and tenderly tip your head back. You sigh when you feel the warm water run down your hair. The sound of the plastic cup echoes through the bathroom as he places it to the side and reaches for your shampoo. Your eyes flutter closed as his hands firmly but gently massage the product into your scalp. 
Eddie leans against the other side across from you, a small smile on his lips as he watches your face. “So, when am I supposed to start rubbing your feet and all that.”
“Over a year ago when we started dating.”, you giggle as you lean back and kiss the other man’s knee. “That feels really good, Steve.”
“I saw it in a movie once a long time ago in school. Always wanted to try it.”
“I don’t remember us watching a movie like that in school.”
“Oh well you see, Eds, you would have actually had to show up.” Steve chuckles as Eddie splashes water at him. 
As the other boy reaches for the cup, he glances towards his friend and realizes he’s making an odd face towards you. Their eyes meet and the metalhead gestures with them at your face. Steve’s fingers tip your head back again just intime to see you blink back into reality. 
“Where did you go just then, honey?”
“Nowhere. I was just thinking.”
“About?”, Eddie asks.
“No, it’s fine. It’s not a big deal.” You smile as the fingers under your chin dip you further back so Steve can place a soft kiss on your lips. 
“Tell us, baby. Please.”
You let out a small sigh as he releases you and continues washing the shampoo out of your hair. “Have, um, have you two told anyone yet?”
The hands behind you stop for a moment before continuing their task. 
“I told Robin. I’d be lying if I said I know how to tell my parents.”
“I called Wayne after… after Harrington walked out that day. He’s excited.”, Eddie laughs. “He’s the only one I wanted to tell, honestly.”
Steve stands up and slides off his underwear before climbing into the tub, wrapping his arms around you. 
“What’s going on, baby?”, he whispers.
“I just… I want to tell my mom but…I know she doesn’t agree which makes me miss my dad…which…” You feel the tears threaten to fall as you force them back. 
Eddie leans forward and caresses your cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know it’s not the same but you know you always have us, Dylan, your sister, Wayne, Robin…fucking so many people that are here and behind you on this. You’re not alone.”
You breathily laugh as you lay back against Steve’s chest. “Thank you for saying that. I think it’s just…the hormones making me feel things.” 
“Are they making you feel anything else?” Eddie’s eyes shimmered with mischief. 
“Eddie, what ever could you mean?” He chuckled at your sarcasm, guiding you from Steve’s lap onto his own with your back now against him. His lips gently trailed along your shoulder up to your neck. 
“What do you think, princess? Do you think, Harrington has made it up to you with the dinner and the bath?”
Your eyes narrowed at Steve as his zeroed in on his friends. “Ok, now I’m genuinely asking. What do you mean?”, you giggle.
“What I’m asking you is do you think Stevie here has earned the right to cum tonight? Or do you think he needs to be punished a bit longer.”
“Eddie Munson, we are not punishing Steve. He apologized and has more than made up for what happened.”
“No, no honey. He’s right. I hurt you both and it seems Munson here thinks I haven’t repented enough.” Steve’s tone was light and you didn’t need to turn around to know they were both smirking at each other. 
“You wouldn’t last, Harrington. I bet you ten bucks when we’re done you will be begging to cum.”
“Seriously? Do I get a say in this?”, you giggle. “Because I bet twenty.”
“Oh ok. I see how it is.”
Eddie rose to his feet, pulling you up with him. “Stevie, can you dry her off and get her comfortable on the bed. I’ll be right back. No touching!”
You grin at Steve as he smiles down at you, drying off your wet skin. Quickly, he checks behind him before sneaking a light kiss on your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you to. You know I do forgive you, right?”
“I know, baby. Let the adorable idiot have his fun.”
“Excuse me! I don’t see a beautiful woman on our bed!”, Eddie calls making Steve jokingly rolls his eyes as he lifts you in his arms and carries you to the mattress. The metalhead pats a chair he had brought in from one of the other rooms. “Sit, please.”
“Can I at least put on boxers or…?”
“I’ll allow it.” You smile at Eddie’s tone as he messes with Steve. You’ve heard it before when he plays D & D with his friends or reads a story with Dylan before bed. 
The other boy sits in the chair presented to him placing his elbows on the armrests as he claps his fingers together in front of him. “I can’t wait to get my thirty bucks.”
“He’s so cocky.” 
“I know. It’s that asshole King Steve version of him that still resides under that sexy head of hair.” Eddie smirks as he sits beside you on the edge of the bed and pushes some hair behind your ear. “How are you feeling right now, sweetheart? You okay?”
You respond by cupping his face in your hands and pulling his lips to your own. He smiles into your kiss before lifting you on to his lap with your back once again to his chest. His fingers roam your warm skin as his mouth presses against your shoulder. 
“So beautiful, baby. Isn’t she beautiful, Stevie?”
“Of course.” Steve’s eyes meet your own as he grins. 
Eddie’s palms glide between your thighs, lifting you slightly as he places your legs on either side of his own displaying your sex to the boy in front of him. 
“Keep your eyes on his for as long as you can, princess. I can do the rest.”, he whispers in your ear so only you can hear. “He won’t last long.” You keen into his voice, finding his lips as your tongue grazes his. 
“Fuck…”, you whimper as his fingers press against your clit, rubbing slow circles as you roll your hips, silently begging for more. Eddie chuckles against your skin, swallowing down his own moans as your ass grinds against his cock. “Eddie, please…”
His lips find the shell of your ear as he talks to you in husky, lust driven tone. “Beg him, Y/N. Look in those gorgeous amber orbs and ask him to help you.”
“Steve,” you whine. “Please, make him… make touch me.”
“He is touching you, honey.” Steve tried to sound like he was in control of his emotions and need but you could see in his eyes he was struggling. 
“Please… I want... his fingers inside of me. Please, Stevie.”
“Eddie…Eddie, stop messing with her. Give her what… what she’s asking for.”
The metalhead’s chin rested on your shoulder as his knees open your legs wider and he pushed two of his fingers slowly inside of you. “Is she asking? Or is it you?”
Steve smirks as he shakes his head, licking his lips. “You suck, Munson.”
“Oh, come on, Harrington. You know you want to see her cum just as much as I do. I also know you are dying to feel how fucking wet she is. Jesus, she’s just dripping.” You moan as you lean your head back and he gradually quickens his pace. 
“I’m so fucking lucky that after I make her cum, I get to feel her tight pussy squeeze around my dick till she cums again.” Your whimpers are soon accompanied by some light groans from the boy across from you. “And that’s just the dirty stuff.”, Eddie smiles. “You won’t get to feel her lips or her touch on your chest. The way her nails run down your back or the way she moans and begs that moment right before…”
His fingers thrust into you quicker and you feel both sets of eyes on you as your back arches and the coil snaps. “Well, you’ll get to hear it but it won’t be because of you.” Eddie grips your cheek and turns your face to bring your lips to his. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you to. I feel bad for Steve.”
“Aw, baby. Why? Look at him. He’s just fine.” You both look at the boy and notice his cock standing at attention as he strokes it slowly with his palm.
“Hey. You said I couldn’t cum. You—mmm—you didn’t say I couldn’t touch myself.”
“Yeah, good luck with that.”, Eddie cackles. You lean over and whisper something in the man’s ear causing a huge grin to spread over his features as he kisses your cheek. 
Rising from his lap, you walk over till your right in front of Steve as he tilts his head up to look at you with a big grin. Your hair floats over your shoulder as you turn to glance at Eddie. “May I at least kiss him, your highness?”, you inquire with a sarcastic tone. 
“Madam, I am a dungeon master. Be correct. And yes, I’ll allow it.”
“Oh, ok.” You roll your eyes as you lean down to kiss the man’s lips. As you start to pull away, his free hand tries to keep you there.
“Hey, hey! I said kiss.” You giggle as Eddie tugs on your arm bringing your back against his chest. “Then again, Harrington. You know what you have to say…”, he sings.
“No. I’m fine. You two have your fun.” Steve gestures towards the bed as you both grin down at him. 
The other man brushes your hair over to one side before descending his palms down your body, pausing as he grips your hips. The cool air of the room hits your skin as his upper half leans back to watch what he’s doing as he guides his cock into your entrance. 
You mewl at the feeling, one of his hands drifting up to hold your stomach. Eddie’s hips steadily grind against yours allow you to get used to the position and feeling as he pushes deeper inside of you. 
“That’s not fair.” Steve’s breathy whine causes you and Eddie smile in triumph. 
You feel yourself start to tip forward and the metalhead hastily tightens his grip around you as one of his arms wraps around your chest lifting you both up to a more standing posture. 
“I’ve got you, baby. It’s ok.”, he whispers. As you turn to kiss his lips, both hands take hold of your biceps as he begins thrusting at a faster pace.
Moaning, you break away to lean your upper body towards Steve as Eddie holds on to you tightly. “God, that feels so good.” A palm suddenly touched your face and your eyes opened to meet the boy in front of you. 
“Do you remember that first night the three of us were together?”
“On the couch.” You bite your bottom lip as you smile at the memory. 
“This reminds me of that. Eddie was fucking you like this and—mmm—I was stroking my cock watching you two.”
“Fuck.” Your eyes squeezed shut as Eddie pumped into you harder, clinging to your wrists as you leaned farther forward. 
“You were so beautiful. Moaning about how deep he was and whispering to me about how good he felt. You’re still gorgeous, honey. The way—fuck—the way your eyes roll back and the way you fucking taste.” Steve groaned as he stroked himself faster.
Eddie grunted behind you as you felt his hips sputter and he pulled you back against him as he came. While thrusting his spend into you, he quickly reached around your front and aggressively circled your nub with his fingers. Your body folded into his as you fell over the edge and your pussy clenched around him. He hissed between his teeth as his arms held you tightly to him, both of you panting as you came down. 
“Fucking hell.”
You opened eyes to see Steve’s own flutter shut as his muscled tensed. He was about to cum and there was no going back now for him. You sank to your knees and crawled closer him, moving his hand and wrapping your mouth around his cock. 
His palm held the back of your head as he pumped rope after rope of his seed down your throat, swallowing everything he gave you. 
You grinned as you sat your butt flat on the floor, leaning against his leg. Eddie extended his hand for you to take and helped you up before twirling you towards the bed. As he cleaned between your legs, Steve came to lay by your side.
You pleasantly sighed as his fingers traced down your chest towards your stomach. 
“Do you think she thinks I was mad at her?” Your eyebrows came together as you turn to look at him. “Don’t laugh at me. While I wait in the lobby for my appointments, I’ve been reading this book about babies. It said she can kind of feel when you touch your stomach but, like, can she hear me yet?”
“I don’t think so because if she could I imagine HE would be annoyed you call him she.” Eddie jumps into bed on your other side as Steve jokingly scowls at him. 
“They’re still too little to really hear anything but I imagine even if they could they would know you love them.” You smile as you reach up to caress him cheek. 
“Good. Good.” He nods as he scoots down to lay his head on your tummy. “Because I do love you and just so you know I don’t care if you’re a boy or girl. I’m just happy you’ll finally be here.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @luna-munson83
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@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri @sashaphantomhive
@chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes @munsonzzgf
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fairycosmos · 1 year
chloe do you have any tips on 'forcing' oneself to shower? at the moment it's extremely hard for me not only bc of my depression but my foot is also in a cast bc it's broken which makes showering even more physically taxing.... just i need to shower but can't bring myself to do it 😭
hey honestly ive been thereeeeee and am often still there it's a fucking nightmare and im so sorry you're going through it as well - i know there's a lot of weird stigma and shame around these lesser discussed aspects of depression, but it is truly a massive part of the illness and not smth to internalise or shame yourself for. i've used a few different approaches when i haven't had the motivation to shower in the past - the 1st is just breaking it down into smaller chunks. wash my face, brush my teeth the first day. then slowly build up to either stepping in the shower and letting the water stream over you for 5 minutes, or even giving yourself a sponge bath/washing ur hair over the sink so you dont have to get fully undressed and exert a ton of effort and feel overwhelmed. i think this might be the best option for u with ur foot the way it is. a little is always better than nothing. i live by that TBH. sitting down in the shower also helps me massively, makes it a quite a bit less draining TBH. i also do this thing where i set an alarm for 10 minutes and just tell myself im going to clean myself as much as possible in that time, and that i can manage it because it's only 10 minutes and then i can lay back down and breathe, and that it's not this big deal my brain is building it up to be, and even if it is and even if i cry or panic or feel like shit, it's just 10 minutes. it's also super important to have the self awareness to realise this cycle you're in where neglecting your needs makes you depressed and you're depressed because you neglect your needs (at least that's part of the reason), and learning how to stop that perpetuating by doing one small task for yourself per day is one of the only ways to break out of it. i have to say every time i shower after being in a depression pit i don't regret it, and i know it's very hard to conceptualise that right now, but it's true. another thing i often try is just counting to ten and then forcing my body to move, i literally scream at myself in my own head to ignore my thoughts and just keep moving and just get the fuck in and out of the shower without making it more than what it is, i try to focus purely on my body and being in it and not on my mind - i understand that prob wont work for everyone lol. incentivising yourself is also always a good idea - tell yourself if i manage to take a shower i can watch a show i like or go to sleep or have a nice snack or practice a hobby you enjoy or whatever you like to do. i think training ur brain to see self care as a positive / neutral thing is a vital part of trying to move beyond this. anyway sorry to ramble i think that's a summary of what i usually do but if you ever want to chat more ab this or if you need a friend just give me a message! i hope you feel better soon x
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Complementary: Two Halves
So I know you *just* wrote Complementary, but it was so good and I’m already thinking about more, like how do the other sides react/apologize to Remus? Especially Roman and Janus! - stealing babies
HELLO YOU *POINTS* YOU ARE SO COOL AND ALL YOUR WRITING MAKES ME WANNA BITE DOWN ON MY TEETH CAUSE IM SMILING SO MUCH YOU HAVE AN AMAZING WRITING STYLE AND FUCKING BRILLIANT SENSES CAUSE YOUR WORDS EVOKE EMOTION AND ITS SO SO COMFY AND IM INSPIRED BY YOU *inhale exhale* im sorry if that comes off too strong, your writing makes me Feel Good Things(TM), please keep doing your thing :D i also have a sander sides request *jazz hands* that is entirely optional, if you happen to stumble upon an opportunity to do more with roman and remus together bonding and playing with each other as reconciled adults cause they didn't get to do that often when they were kids (like shenanigans yk tattling on each other, tickle fights and rough housing all in good fun, and *whispers with faux conspiracy* brotherly affection) then that would be dope as fuck!!! BONUS points if all the other sides or even c!thomas watch and shake their heads fondly like "what sillies they are, can't take our boys anywhere" - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: body dysphoria, not taking good care of yourself, borderline self-harm I guess?? meltdowns
Pairings: none
Word Count: 2911
    Some days he can't put on all the masks and disguises and armors. Some days he just needs to be messy.
He shoves food into his mouth just so if someone asks if he ate, he doesn't have to lie, shoveling bread and cut-up vegetables into himself over the sink, pausing to breathe until he's had enough to constitute dinner.
Off with his clothes. They itch and rasp against his skin like sandpaper because how dare he feel sensations, how dare he try to exist in the world without protection from it, and so off they come in the bathroom as he turns the shower on high. He gives himself time to run a brush roughly through his hair before he jumps in.
The water hisses and crackles and he's somehow still cold.
He shoves shampoo along his scalp with all the finesse and tenderness of a push broom. How dare his body express its own needs and require maintenance when all it does is betray him? He squeezes his eyes shut in punishment as the suds run down his wretched face.
Sharp nails scratch against his scalp and the zing of the suds against the hot water tears through the boiling haze in his brain.
So he does it again.
And again.
And again.
When all the shampoo is gone he keeps going, moving down his neck, his chest, his arms, his legs, his back, anywhere and everywhere he can reach as dead skin starts to peel off of him in waves and waves of little gray pill-shaped balls.
He doesn't stop until he has to pick them free from his nails.
He shoves a brush roughly under them to scrub away the bits that got stuck there and turns off the shower. He towels off brusquely and rakes his hair back from his face.
Scrub your face like you can rub it off if you try hard enough.
Scrape the toothbrush along your mouth as though it can clean your words too.
Drag a comb through your hair and shove it back so you don't have to look at it anymore.
Hurt and hurt and hurt and hurt and hurt.
No one is here and he can be as messy as he wants.
He slaps the wall to turn out the lights and drags sleeping clothes on and flops gracelessly onto the bed. The sheets are cold and rough against tender and scratched skin and he rolls around like a guilty pig in the mud, horrific in his tangibility. Manic energy that fizzles and strains like rope keeps him moving as he gets dizzy and sore and still he keeps moving.
Don't you see, part of him screams, don't you see how hard I have to work to keep this hidden? Don't you see how much effort I put into not being so horrible and disgusting?
Don't you understand how awful it is to be trapped in this wretched body? Do you honestly think I do all of this on purpose, that I would choose to be this thing?
His mouth opens and his jaw aches to bite.
But bite marks are obvious. Bite marks can be noticed. Bite marks can be pointed at and asked about and scratches can be anonymous.
So he doesn't bite.
But oh, god does he want to.
When he's finished, when the worst of the energy is gone and he's given up completely, he can pant against his sheets and crawl under the covers to bury his face in a pillow.
There is freedom in being a mess.
And none more so in realizing that no one could ever grow to care for such a wretched thing and perhaps that is the greatest freedom of all.
I am weak, my love, and I am wanting.
A line from a song he'd heard in passing that crawled through his brain like a livewire. Weak because he was too fragile and breakable to ask for what he wants, and wanting because he was shamefully weak and unable to pass through the world by himself.
In these shameful moments during weak and wanting times, he allows himself to dream.
Dream that someone would notice his hands were hurting and reach out to take one in theirs, pulling it into their lap and helping to coax sensation back into it.
Dream that someone would come to him and just hold him without first lecturing him on how foolish and arrogant he'd been.
Dream that someone, somewhere, somehow would be capable of loving a mess.
But he is too much ashamed and too much ruin to allow such dreams to become hopes. That's not his job.
He clutches pillows instead, cuddles into something that can't shy away under the covers of fabric and darkness. He tries in vain to fight off the voices that remind him how little anyone touches him; tensing, flinching, pushing him away, or cursory shoulder pats that feel like ash on his skin.
Too loud, too brash, too messy.
He really does try not to take it so personally but sometimes…sometimes his hands have other plans and he drops whatever it was that he'd been holding.
Which only makes a bigger mess.
He closes his eyes tighter and hugs the pillow.
Tonight is already shameful enough, he can let himself dream too.
A dream that maybe would come and just think to check on him. A dream that wouldn't lead with accusations and disappointment. A dream that would ask if he ate out of concern and not worried skepticism.
Yes. Yes, he can dream about this dream.
The dream would come in and softly ask if he's okay. If no answer came, they would come closer, close enough to sit on the edge of the bed. Maybe they would reach down and feel around a bit to find his head before lifting up the blankets.
The dream might see his face, upset and weak and messy, and let out a sympathetic noise. Maybe they would ask if there was anything they could do to help and mean it, not just use it to start another lecture.
Maybe…maybe the dream would want to touch him.
Maybe the dream would lie down too, carefully situating themselves under the covers and reaching out to cup his face. The dream's hands would be warm and gentle as they moved closer so the pillow was in between them. They might smile and tease softly about how they were a much better cuddler than the pillow.
He clutches the pillow a bit tighter out of reflex.
But the dream would coax it away. But lightly, as if they were taking a blanket from a frightened pup so it could be wrapped around them properly. The dream would settle it near the headboard and smile softly to say there, that's better, and—and—
A horrible strangled half-sound leaves his throat and his teeth sink into the pillow before he can stop it.
Oh, he is awful, truly, he can't bite the dream, he can't be such a mess—even the dream would be affronted and pull away from him at that—he can't—he can't—
But maybe…maybe it would be okay? If—if he just bit their clothes or something and not—not them?
They might say it's just clothing, it's nothing so bad. The dream might say that he can bite if he needs to but it might be better to chew on something soft.
…what would it be like to have someone who…who cared like that?
To have it be okay to be a mess and not have to stop it?
This dream is going to make him cry, isn't it? All over its metaphysical self.
That's okay too, the dream would say, you can cry. There's nothing wrong with crying, crying is alright.
They would take him gently into their arms and—and just hold him and that would be okay and—and—
Shh, shh, it's alright. Don't hurt yourself trying to stop it.
He bites again. Harder.
Breathe, I need you to breathe. You're hurting yourself, that's it, just hold onto me.
His grip tightens on the pillow until it groans in protest.
I'm right here. You're alright. It's alright, I'm not leaving. You have me, see? It's alright, it's alright.
It's not alright.
It is, Re, I promise it is.
Dreams can't promise.
No, maybe not, but I can.
You're a dream.
I'm not, Re.
Yes, you are.
Open your eyes, then, look at me.
That is cruel. To give him hope like that and then rip it away and make it seem like his fault.
Open them, Re, I promise.
He shakes his head. He won't do it. He can't.
…why does his pillow smell like that?
"Re, come on, I'm right here."
"Shh, shh, Re, come on, I got you."
"It's not a dream, Re, it's not. Just open your eyes, Re, look at me."
And because he is weak and he is wanting, he opens them.
"Re," Roman murmurs, looking far too tender and far too real, leaning down to brush the tip of his nose against his forehead, "oh, Remus, I'm so sorry."
Roman is here. Roman is here and Roman is holding him and Remus is crying, sobbing, shaking in his brother's arms.
"I'm right here," Roman keeps murmuring, "I'm right here, okay? I'm right here and I'm not letting go of you. I've got you."
"Yes, it's me, it's Roro, I'm right here. I'm so sorry, Remus, I'm so sorry for everything, I've been so awful to you—"
And because Roman is still his other half, even when they haven't been whole in years, he knows exactly what to do. He rolls over so he's squishing Remus into the bed with their chests pressed together so Remus can feel him breathe, grounding him against the cold sheets and he feels warm, warm, warm.
"Right here," Roman says again, "right here, Remus, I'm right here."
"Roman," Remus can't stop chanting, "Ro, Ro, Ro, Roro, Roman, Ro-bro, Roro—"
"It's okay. It's okay, Re, it's okay."
Remus collapses into a mess of crying and clawing and biting, attacking Roman's clothes with a borderline desperation, trying to shove himself into Roman's chest, drunk and high off the realization that Roman is here.
Roman lets him. Doesn't pull away, doesn't shy back, doesn't even flinch.
Just stays.
It's the greatest gift anyone could ever have given him.
"I'm sorry," Roman murmurs again when he finally sags into the bed, exhausted, "I'm sorry I left."
"You left," Remus parrots, still swimming in the pressure of Roman holding him like he's something precious, "you left me."
"I know. It was wrong and cruel and I wish I could take it back. I wish I'd never let them separate us. I wish—I wish I'd been there for you."
"You left…but you came back."
"You're my brother, Re," Roman mumbles and his voice feels thick, "you're my brother and I love you."
The words punch a hole clean through Remus's chest and he sobs again. "You left me. You left me and—and it's so cold, Roro."
Without letting Remus go, Roman reaches down and tugs the blankets over them. It grows hot and unbearable in no time and there's nowhere Remus would rather be. He turns his head, almost in disbelief, and presses his teeth lightly to Roman's shoulder again.
"Did…did I hurt you?"
"But I…I was so messy."
Roman's quiet for a moment, then his grip tightens even as he leans up and away, just so he can peer down at him. Roman's eyes are red and swollen too, he's been crying into Remus's shoulder too? "You're messy and you're still my brother. I don't care if you're messy. I don't care, you hear me? You're Remus and your mess is great because it's yours."
"But you—you hate my mess. You said it's everything you don't want to be."
"I am not you. I don't hate your mess. I love your mess because it's yours and I could never hate you." Something pained crosses Roman's face. "I…I tried. It didn't work. I still loved you even when I hated it."
"You did?"
"I did. And then—then I realized that I didn't give a fuck about what they thought of you because you were Remus and you were—messy. I like it when you're messy because that means you're being you."
Something thick and heavy rises to the back of his throat. "You…you like my mess?"
Roman's expression softens and he sniffles too. "Yeah, Re. I like your mess. I don't—I won't lie and say I get it all the time or that I want to be messy too, but I like your mess."
His teeth sink into the fabric over Roman's shoulder before he can stop it.
"Is that—is that good? Is that okay?"
He nods as best he can without letting go and he knows he doesn't imagine the way Roman sags on top of him.
"Good," he pants, "good, I…I really miss you, Re."
A pained whimper leaves Remus's throat and he clutches Roman tighter. Roman lets him, lets him pull him as close as he wants, gently murmuring into the curve of his neck. It's okay. I'm here. You got me. I love you.
Roman is hopes and dreams and Remus is weak and wanting. And so when Roman quietly offers to spend the night, just so Remus knows next morning that this can't have been a dream, Remus tells him that he'd better get comfortable because he's not allowed to leave until breakfast.
Maybe not even after that.
Things are better now.
He still has to put on all the stuff to go and interact with the others for long periods of time, but he can stand next to Roman and play with his stimtoys when things get too much. He can go out into the Imagination and not have to worry about hiding things because Roman is there too, spurring him on and making sure he knows that he can make whatever he wants because this is their domain, no one else's. He can curl up in the safety that Roman gives him and not have to worry about being ostracized for being a mess.
It's more than he ever dared hope for.
And Roman loves him for it.
He tackles Roman for the first time when Roman shows him the kraken lake he's been working on for Remus and Roman lights up at the idea that he can show Remus affection like that. He playfights with Remus in the Imagination and they both end up covered in grass stains and dirt more times than he can count. Roman tackles him into the lake once and they spend the day tearing up old kelp so that the babies have enough free space to swim. He curls up around Roman on the beach as they laze in the sun like overgrown housecats and Roman sings him stupid songs they came up with when they were younger.
And when he needs to be messy and have someone else just be there, Roman conjures a massive nest of blankets and soft things for them to roll around in so they don't hurt themselves. He wraps Remus up in blankets until he's a little Side burrito and they watch kid's shows that make them feel like they're still Creativity. He lays his head on Roman's shoulder and chews on his necklace that Roman gave him and it's okay that he's a mess.
He's Roman's mess and Roman's his brother again.
And that's all okay.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @ultrageekygirl
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vincess-princess · 1 year
in darkness shall you be reborn
Chapter 10
Word count: 3763 Warnings: violence A/N: im sorry this took me so long, life got in the way. i started taking meds for my depression and got into a new relationship, and also my thesis deadline is looming... also i had to practically rewrite this one from scratch too. idk when i'll be able to update, i have exams in a month, but i'll do my best <3
When they walked out of the bathhouse and into the pub next door, night had already descended upon the town, the full moon high up in the cloudless sky bathing dirty alleyways and shabby houses in silvery light. There they found Holmes and good two-thirds of the Shout crew, who rather predictably deemed the establishment a worthy investment of their scarce time off. Holmes seemed to be familiar with many of them, shaking their hands and conversing in that hardly legible pirate jargon Vince still struggled to understand. If it wasn’t for his suit, he’d fit right in.
“Ay, you came!” He noticed Nikki and Vince at the door and beckoned them to the table he was occupying.
“I fucking wish,” Nikki grumbled, maneuvering between the chairs. The Shout crew was far from the only clients of the pub tonight, and it was messy, busy and loud. The room was soaked through with smells of smoke, cheap beer and onions, and the walls practically rattled with every roar of laughter or cry of indignation drunk sailors emitted, which they did plenty.
Holmes must have fought a hard battle to keep the chairs at his table in their places, as the sailors at the tables nearby, many of them on shaky stools, frequently shot him resentful glances. When Nikki and Vince sat down, these glances redirected their ire at them – the bastards coming in so late yet getting the good chairs! – but no verbal complaints were made. The benefit of dining with two pirates armed to the teeth, Vince almost chuckled. Holmes wasn’t a walking armory like Nikki, but didn’t make much effort to hide a pistol on his hip and a dagger on another either.
“Why’s your hair wet? You two had waste poured on you or something?” Holmes squinted when they neared the table. “Wait, no, you’re too clean for that. Was there a sudden rain that I inexplicably missed? Did you go swimming? Or worked up some sweat unloading cargo? No, Sixx, would never carry loads himself when he’s got a slave nearby. Nay, I can’t even imagine what you two were doing. Or maybe I can, but later, when I’m in private.” He flashed them a toothy grin. Vince pretended he hadn’t heard the last part.
“Done jeering?” Nikki scowled, plopping onto the chair. Vince lowered himself carefully onto his, as if it could crumple under him any minute. “We were in the bathhouse across the street.”
“Oh, there were no rooms at the inn?”
“You rascal,” Sixx said sweetly. “We were bathing. A thing you do in bathhouses, among others.”
“Now, that’s the most improbable guess of all I’ve made,” Holmes laughed. “For all I know, you’d rather suffocate on your own stench.”
“Lies and slander,” Nikki huffed indignantly.
“It was my request,” Vince said. He knew he’d have to pay for this later, but just couldn’t help it.
“Ha! I knew it!” Holmes banged his fist on the table. “He ain’t gonna let you fool anyone, right, Sixx?”
“Yeah,” Nikki said with an unnerving smile. Vince only saw a glimpse of his hand in the air when a slap on the cheek burned his skin and sent his head swaying.
“Damn, Sixx,” he heard Holmes sighing, “keep your disciplinary process behind closed doors, won’t you?”
“Won’t work with this one. He’ll behave only if he knows he can get his ass kicked whenever and wherever.”
“From my experience, all stick and no carrot never made any slave more docile.”
“Well, then your experience is clearly limited. Now, I thought I came here to get pissed, not lectured.”
“Very well.” Holmes leaned onto the back of his chair. “Hope you’re right about this. Hey, waitress! Over here! Whatcha gonna have?”
“They got any wine?” Nikki picked up a crust of bread from a plate at the center of the table and carefully bit it. He could as well gnaw on the table itself, Vince understood from his expression.
“Wine? For you?” Holmes raised an eyebrow, but Nikki’s face remained serious, so he chose not to continue with a joke he clearly had in mind. “Sometimes, when there are shipments. You can never count on it, though. A Dutch ship docked here a couple weeks ago, so I reckon they still may’ve got some left.”
“I shall have some then. Sure hope it’s not that sparkling shit the French keep pushing. I don’t want any air in my wine.” Nikki dropped the crust back onto the plate with disgust on his face. Vince last ate in the morning, and with every passing minute the crust looked more and more alluring. He hadn’t fallen so low, though – for now.
“You’re being unfair to the French.” Holmes laughed. “They hate it as much as you do. It’s the English who you should berate. You an Englishman, Vinnie?” He suddenly turned to Vince.
“I-“ Vince began, but Nikki didn’t let him finish.
“That don’t matter, Chris. He ain’t got no home anymore besides the Shout.” Nikki appeared nonchalant, but Vince could see his body tense up like a taut string.
Holmes, smiling placidly, didn’t seem to notice anything. “That’s what I tell all my slaves too. The past is in the past. It’s the present you should think about. Ya hear me, Vinnie?”
Vince didn’t reply, his throat tightening.
“You should do that too. It’ll make life easier for both you and your master. Oh, at last! It’s only been a whole day!” He lashed at the waitress that shuffled to their table, a thin, tired woman, the silver in whose hair didn’t match the still youthful face. She withstood the attack with indifference of a rock, making Vince a little bit envious of her thick skin. That’s probably what spending one’s days and nights surrounded by crude, vulgar men could do to anyone, more so to a woman.
Nikki ordered his wine, and Holmes brandy. Vince watched them detachedly, nursing his burning cheek. He had already realised that the combination of the collar and ragged clothes on him were the reason people here pointedly ignored him, addressing only Nikki, so Vince didn’t expect the waitress to turn to him after she took the orders. She did, though.
“And you? The blond fella? Whatcha gonna have?”
It took Vince a couple of seconds to understand that she was talking to him. She was probably just too tired to figure it out, much less to notice what her question did to Vince, but if he had any money, he would tip her twice her wage.
He looked questioningly at Nikki, who after a short hesitation nodded. Vince didn’t expect this part to be over so fast, moreso with such an outcome, which was why the next one - choosing the drink – took him an embarrassingly long amount of time. One part of him wanted to get so drunk that he would pass out and lie uncaring and senseless through whatever debt Nikki would want him to return. Another still buzzed annoyingly in the back of his mind, if you want to escape you need your mind unclouded by spirits. Wouldn’t Nikki get suspicious if he refused to drink, though? Maybe he could pour the drink out while no one was looking?
“Rum,” he finally said when the pause stretched for too long. He’d never tried it, might as well get a taste of this lowly drunkard experience. He was living on a lowly drunkard ship now, after all.
“Oh, he’s really in it now!” Chris laughed, and his laughter spread like contagion to the Shout crew, shaking the walls of the small pub. Other clients didn’t seem to like that much, frowning and murmuring disapprovingly, but didn’t yet dare to protest out loud. “A bottle of rum and a mug for the pretty boy!”
“I don’t need a whole bottle-“ Vince protested, but nobody listened to him anymore – nobody except Nikki, whose sharp gaze almost clawed into him when their eyes met. Damn, he was certainly suspecting something. Now, if Vince didn’t drink the whole bottle, he’d grow wary.
The tired waitress brought them their drinks, flung the mugs and the shots on the table so forcefully Nikki’s wine and Holmes’ brandy splashed over the rim of their mugs, slapped Chris’s hand off her butt and left. The bottle in front of Vince was made of dark, foggy glass, the darker liquid inside it barely visible. The bottle was smaller than he feared, though. He always handled alcohol pretty well, and the dark glass obscured the amount of liquid inside, possible to determine only by putting it against a light. Maybe he could still pull it off?
“Well, for the meeting!” Chris toasted, clinking his mug against Nikki’s. Then both looked at Vince expectingly. Vince hurried to pour some rum into his mug (only hoping its taste would mask whatever was in there before) and clinked it against theirs awkwardly, acutely sensing that they only permitted him to do so as long as this fickle illusion of their equality amused them. Then Holmes sucked in nearly half of his brandy at once, and Nikki took a few gulps of his wine – such a sophisticated drink wasted in such an inelegant manner, Vince shuddered. Not wanting to attract even more of captain’s suspicion, he followed suit and took a big sip of his rum.
Oh, that was a mistake. The liquid, somehow both sickly sweet and bitter, burned its way down his mouth and throat, making him grimace and cough. The room again roared with laughter.
“Our princess isn’t used to strong spirits!” someone shouted. Vince’s cheeks began to burn. God, why was he always so easy to turn red?
Embarrassment and alcohol got to his head then, he later figured, shame and anger muddling his rationality. For a moment, the hurt and humiliation of the insults overpowered his desire for freedom, and he upended the mug into his mouth and swallowed the rum in two forceful gulps.
His mouth burned, but there was no water in sight to wash down the disgusting taste. As the rum dissolved the remains of Vince’s dignity, the lonely crust of bread finally served its purpose, like an old, wrinkly hooker finding a client desperate enough. It tasted just as stale as it looked.
“Wow, look at that,” Nikki grinned. “How ya feeling?”
“Very well,” Vince exhaled, trying not to break a tooth on the crust. “Don’t feel anything.”
“For now,” Nikki nodded condescendingly. “Just you try to go take a piss.”
“And what’s gonna ha- oh, shit.” Vince clutched the table to stay up after he so recklessly sprang onto his feet. His mind was still clear, but his legs liberated themselves from his tyranny and now were doing their own thing, which didn’t coincide with Vince’s intentions. “It all went into my legs.”
“First time’s always like this.”
“I have drunk before.”
“Well, that’s no wine or sherry or whatever you used to drink in your villa. Its purpose is to knock you off your feet as quick as possible. Because you don’t wanna drink more of this shit than necessary.”
“It does taste like shit,” Vince nodded, his mouth still burning, and dropped back onto the chair. Time seemed to slip between his fingers, and he could only watch it run out. Maybe the spirit would clear out just as fast as it hit?
“More?” Chris pointed at the bottle, still perceptibly half-full. “Or maybe you’d like something lighter, like we unassuming folk here?”
“I’ll pass, thanks.”
“Being the most sober person in the room is no fun, you know.”
“I’ll manage.”
“He’s a delight to have in the crew, I see.” Chris told Nikki, smiling sarcastically.
“Absolutely. You haven’t heard his best yet – not in his element today, it seems. He’s usually much bolder. I would have taught him how to talk to his seniors if I didn’t enjoy it so much. He’s like a small dog barking at dogs ten times its size.”
“Small dogs also bite.”
“Yeah, he tried.” Nikki rolled up his sleeve and showed Holmes the cut Vince dealt him in the first fight. It had already closed, though the edges were still red and inflamed. Hoping that Nikki would die of infection was too unrealistic even for Vince, though. “I was impressed, really – that was a close hit, almost cut open my axillary. Too bad it got me angry.”
Rage sparked inside Vince’s chest. They talked about him like he wasn’t there – no, worse, like he was an animal or an object, and to them, he probably was. He wanted to bang on the table and scream, I’m still here, bastards, but they would laugh at him at best and grow angry at worst.
“I won’t listen to this anymore,” he said through gritted teeth and rose from the table. Not quickly enough, unfortunately - Nikki caught him by the sleeve and pulled him back onto the chair.
“Nobody’s asking your opinion, slave,” he grinned unpleasantly. “You stay here as long as I do.”
Vince bit his lip, a bitter retort lingering on his tongue. His snarky comebacks were the only revenge he still could enact, but if Nikki enjoyed them, he wouldn’t give him that pleasure. The problem was, his tongue was often quicker than his thought.
Nikki and Holmes, meanwhile, had finished their drinks and craved more.
“Hey! Waitress!” Nikki waved his hand in the air, but the waitress, who shortly before went into the back room, didn’t answer his call. “Where’s this bitch? Were she my employee, I’d already had her flogged. Vinnie, go fetch her.”
“You sure would,” Vince murmured under his breath.
“What did you just say?” Nikki inquired sharply.
“I said,” Vince raised his voice, rum stirring boldness inside him he’s been suppressing the whole day, “my legs won’t let me, remember?
“That’s definitely not what you said.”
“Maybe you misheard.” Vince smiled into Nikki’s frowning face. Holmes stifled a laugh.
Nikki narrowed his eyes, eyeing Vince for a while, counting pros and cons of lashing out. The cons seemed to have won, because he exhaled and leaned back onto his chair.
“Maybe I did,” he said with a one-sided smile. “Anyway, you heard me. Go fetch the waitress. And don’t you veer off somewhere I can’t see you.”
“If I fall down halfway, I deflect all the blame,” Vince dropped, rising from his chair. He didn’t catch Nikki’s reply – maybe he didn’t reply at all. This would have alarmed him were it not for the rum.
Vince staggered between the tables, leaning on chairs and sometimes on someone’s shoulders, eliciting angry cries from their owners, though the offence wasn’t considered serious enough to warrant use of force. He peered into the back room and found the waitress there, leaning onto the counter, staring at the wall with empty eyes. For some reason, a shiver went down his spine.
“Excuse me, miss,” he said into her back, “my… companions there would like a refill.”
She turned to him quickly, startled, and eyed him warily from head to toes. Then recognition appeared in her eyes.
“Of course,” she said, making an effort to smile. “What did they have?”
“Brandy and wine.”
“Very well. And you?”
“Nothing, thanks.”
“All right. Tell your companions I’ll be back in a moment.”
She disappeared behind a small door in the other corner of the room, probably leading to the cellar. Vince backed away a bit – look at me, Nikki, I’m behaving, I’m keeping in your sight – and leaned onto the counter. Being away from crude jokes and sleazy glances of the pirates felt nice-
A slap so strong landed on his ass that it rang throughout the entire pub. God, why couldn’t Nikki leave him alone just for a second…
“What’s a pretty lass like you doing in the place like this?“ leered some sailor, long-bearded, bald and reeking of cheap beer. When Vince turned to him, sporting his two-day stubble, his mouth fell open.
“You’re- you’re-“ the man didn’t get to finish, because Vince punched him right in the face. It was a vile thing to do – the fella just made a mistake, after all – but Vince was so wrought up from the constant mocking and taunting that this was the last straw.
Rum led his fist astray, the punch landing on the cheekbone instead of swiftly breaking the nose like it did in his good days. The sailor wavered on wobbly legs but kept his balance. His face flushed red with anger.
“You fucker!” he grunted, throwing a punch at Vince. Vince leapt back to dodge the hit, but his legs betrayed him at the worst moment possible – he’ll never drink this foul substance again, god damn it -  and he had to clutch onto the counter to stay upright. The man used this moment of weakness to grab him by the collar of his shirt. The sound of fabric tearing reached Vince’s ears, although the collar held on so far. Mick would hardly lend him another shirt, a thought flashed through his mind.
Vince pulled the sailor’s beard as hard as he could. The man yelped in pain and planted a punch under his eye. Vince couldn’t dodge, his collar in an iron-like grip, and white exploded in front of his left eye, pain shooting through his skull. His head fell back, and the guy kicked him in the stomach, pushing the air out of his lungs.
His grip suddenly weakened, then released Vince entirely. He staggered back and would have fallen down if not for someone’s arms propping him up in the back. A mop of black hair flashed past his seeing eye, and then he heard the sailor’s nose crack.
“Hey, you all right?” he heard a familiar voice. It took him a few seconds to recognize that it was Holmes holding him by the shoulders. He didn’t answer - he was listening to the sailor’s pained cries as Nikki rammed his fists into his face until he was gurgling on his blood and spitting out his teeth. And when Nikki let go of the guy, letting him slide down the counter lifelessly onto the floor, and turned to Vince and Chris, his face was so distorted by rage Vince shuddered. The next second it smoothened out, but the vision stayed in front of Vince’s eyes for the rest of the night.
He grinned – no, bared his teeth, so much like a panther Vince almost expected him to growl – and, not sparing Vince another look, headed back to their table. From there they then heard a cry of a poor bastard that wanted to steal their chairs. The crew cheered and raised their mugs for a toast.
The bald sailor lay on the floor bloodied and beaten, his face a single enormous bruise, his chest rising and falling heavily. The bartender looked him over with a frown, then called his errand boys (probably his sons – same heavy jaw, same droopy eyes) and they promptly grabbed a leg each and dragged the sailor out.
On wobbly legs Vince returned to their table and sank onto the chair, avoiding looking at Nikki. The captain sat there sipping wine – the waitress must have brought it during the fight - with an indifferent expression, but Vince could see he was pleased as a cat that snatched a fish off a table.
“He almost knocked you out,” he taunted. “D’ya ever think before fighting a fella twice your weight?”
“I could handle him just fine,” Vince murmured and pressed the cold rum bottle to his throbbing eye. The pain lessened somewhat. “You didn’t even give me a chance.”
“Because he would have kicked your ass,” Nikki dismissed him confidently. “And I ain’t gonna drag your body to the ship on my back. I saved your ass, and this is what I get! And then you act all offended that I’m so harsh with you. Your manners leave a lot to be desired.”
“Vinnie, it’s clear he’s expecting a thank you kiss,” Holmes laughed. “Or maybe something more upon your return. Look at that face - not a single pristine thought behind these eyes.”
Nikki snickered shamelessly. Vince felt sick to the stomach.
“I have to visit the latrine,” he murmured, dropped the bottle onto the table, got up and stumbled to the door, holding onto the tables on his way. His mind was crystal clear, but his body was still under the influence of the spirit, although less so after the beating- fight, he meant fight. He expected Nikki to follow him, but he only followed him with his eyes – Vince could feel it burn holes in his back.
There was a barrel with water outside, next to the door. Vince drank from it hungrily, then washed his face. The water dripping back into the barrel was pink. Vince carefully examined the damage with the tips of his fingers. His nose wasn’t broken, and his eye could still see, although it was hard to open because the skin around it began to swell. There’ll be an ugly bruise for a while, but no permanent damage, hopefully.
He looked around, but people in this part of the street were few and far between – everybody who wanted to go to the pub already got there. The latrine – a wooden outhouse with a smell so malodorous Vince had to convince himself to breathe around it – looked exceptionally uninviting. Vince decided he would rather take a leak onto the bar wall in front of the whole street, which he promptly did. Judging by the typical stains on the walls, he was far from being the only one to resolve so. Unexpectedly, he remembered his governess, a woman of great knowledge and manners and little to no sense of humor. She probably would faint were she to see him right now: dressed in a torn shirt with bloodstains on it and dirty breeches, barefoot and collared, hair loose and disheveled, face cut and bruised, pissing on a wall outside a port bar. Here, though, nobody spared him more than a passing glance: he matched the surroundings really well.
And if he just walked away, nobody would spare him a second thought as well.
Vince pulled his breeches up, buttoned them with trembling fingers, washed his hands in the barrel, wiped them on his shirt, looked around sneakily and darted into a dark alley behind the bar.
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sstwins · 1 year
Femslash Feb Day 25 - Gift - Briar/Faybelle
now im going to be honest
did this one get requested?
the answer is no
BUT. i really need to write bribelle every year
and i think this story helped me think about their dynamic even more clearly
they r also my top eah ship
tee hee
Brief Summary: It had taken Briar a bit of time to trust Faybelle’s gifts.
Word Count: 554
It had taken Briar a bit of time to trust Faybelle’s gifts. Even though they’d been going out for a while, it was hard to get rid of what had been drilled into her head about the other girl. To never trust her and absolutely never take anything from her. It was sort of the point of their whole story.
Still, she knew it made Faybelle sad that Briar was sometimes a bit hesitant. So she’d been making her fairy best efforts to show up for the other girl and prove that she trusted her. So today, when Faybelle had texted her, ‘i’ve got something for you. <3 cld you come up to my room l8r?’, she had responded with the utmost positivity.
She was outside of Faybelle’s room now, a bit curious about what the present was. Faybelle knew it was a sensitive subject, so instead of gifts they usually just spent quality time together. It had to be something good. She knocked on the door out of courtesy, but Faybelle had told her that it was usually unlocked. She’d gotten friendly with Bunny too, but she was out and about a lot.
Briar opened the door to Faybelle’s room. It was a funny contrast between the two sides. Faybelle’s was decked out all dark and spooky, whereas Bunny’s side was very sweet and whimsical. She and Ashlynn were both princesses, so their decor was more aligned. Faybelle flew over in front of her as soon as the door fully opened.
“Okay, I’ve got it all ready. Just close your eyes and I’ll walk you over to it. I couldn’t wrap it or anything.”
“Close my eyes?” Briar couldn’t deny that made her a bit nervous. It probably wasn’t true that Faybelle dating her was part of some elaborate scheme, but she still had some trauma from her storyline. She must have looked nervous, because Faybelle leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.
“You know I wouldn’t hurt you, right?” The fairy asked, and Briar nodded. This was an important step for their relationship. She closed her eyes, and held out a hand for Faybelle to guide her. The floor must have been cleaned for this occasion, because she didn’t trip at all while they walked. Soon, her knees bumped Faybelle’s desk, and she knew to stop.
“Okay, it’s right here. You can open them now.”
Briar opened her eyes. In front of her was a rose bobbing gently in the air above a beautiful black and pink base. She reached out and poked it, and it returned to its original position.
“I made sure it has no thorns,” Faybelle said. “It’s enchanted with fairy magic so it’ll live forever! Pretty cool, right?”
Briar blinked a few times, feeling suddenly emotional. “It’s amazing,” she said, eyes welling up a little. It was such a thoughtful gift. Perfectly to her tastes. She felt horrible about having any doubts. But when she looked at the other girl, she could tell that Faybelle already knew what she was thinking. The fairy wrapped an arm around Briar, and Briar hugged her hard. She’d gotten so fairy lucky in a way she never could have imagined. She was building a beautiful and healthy new story now, and she could tell she was destined for a fairytale ending.
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troutfur · 1 year
Something I've noticed with your polyamory headcanon is siblings are part of the ..wippfur? I hope Im using that right. And the mother of kits culturally doesn't mention the bio father- but her sibling is treated as one of the emotional fathers of her kits. Fathers are also not tracked. So this leads to my question, how common is sibling incest in this dynamic when it cannot be tracked, and emotionally siblings are already co-parents?
I love that you brought up the incest question because while I actually am really enthusiastic about talking of the minutiae of it, I have A History with being on the bad end of a pro-shipper moral panic so I try not to bring it up myself much ya know?
SO! Here's how the pfurr system avoids sibling incest and how their incest taboo differs from our own!
First thing to understand is that a pfurr, a group of cats who sleep together on the same nest, is considered the central family unit. Littermates who share a nest are the most basic form of being nestmates but cats can leave or join, usually in pursuit of romantic relationships. If the cats in question are not directly related they are presumed to be in a relationship with each other.
Cats born to any cat in the pfurr are considered siblings, and it is generally assumed another cat within that same pfurr sired them even if it is not known explicitly who. This means these could very well be, in English terms, not only full siblings but half-siblings, cousins, or even biologically unrelated if two additions into the nest who aren't related to each other had them.
Where it gets tricky and incest may very well occurr is with cousins from siblings not inside the pfurr. This is best done with an example so let's take the following hypothetical pfurr: Ashfur, Brambleclaw, and Squirrelflight. Their kits, Jay, Holly, and Lion, would count Squirrelflight's kin as their own, so Firestar and Sandstorm (as well as any other partners for them I end up adding) would be their grandparents. Leafpool would be their aunt and not another one of her fathers since she does not share a nest with Squirrel.
However, the same couldn't be said of grandma Goldenflower or aunts Tawnypelt and Ferncloud. The kits wouldn't really know much nor care about their extended kin on either of their side. Thus, Foxleap, Icecloud, Flametail, Dawnpelt, and Tigerheart, even though we would count them as cousins to them would be just regular cats and perfectly elligible partners (if not for the tiny detail that Tawny's kits are in ShadowClan).
There are exceptions for certain pipfurrs that are exceptionally close to their kids. It usually happens with 2-cat nests such as the canon Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight situation. Jay, Holly, and Lion absolutely regard Tawnypelt as their myepip (paternal aunt) and Flame, Dawn, and Tiger as their rabir (cousins).
But it can also happen in poly situations such as with what I have for Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Poppyfrost, and Berrynose. Lionblaze is a particularly affectionate and involved parent to Cinderheart's first litter which in turn means Hollytuft, Fernsong, and Sorrelstripe are much more curious and involved with their uncle Jayfeather, their grandma Squirrelflight, their grandaunt Leafpool, and so on.
This contrasts how their elder siblings Cherryfall and Molewhisker view their parents. Berrynose and Cinderheart were during their childhood about as equally involved, Berrynose perhaps not quite as much but not to the point Cinderheart was pulling extraordinary effort. But the point is they are viewed as equal pipfurrs such that they never really got very curious or formed a bond with Berrynose's kin. And of course Lionblaze is sort of a stepfather here so they don't feel terribly attached to his kin either.
This is my compromise between the mess that adding polyamory makes and the desire to clean up the tree a little. I think it makes for an interesting way to view kinship and it gives me flexibility, particularly for how I can ignore or take into account paternal kin at my convenience.
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
MLWTBB: Master and Commander
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Part 11 of the “My Life With The Bad Batch” series, a (mostly) canon compliant self-insert story set in “The Bad Batch”  
rated: T warnings: descriptions of food and eating, implied self-harm, gun violence relationships: Hunter/self-insert, Omega & self-insert (adopted siblings), The Bad Batch & self-insert chapter word count: 3700+ words
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
summary: when Hannah’s already hectic life becomes almost too much to bear, Master Gildish gifts her a new companion to help ease the burdens, as well as give Hannah a new friend to live with. however, the Bad Batch are not so thrilled with Hannah’s new robotic ally, which causes major tension in Hannah’s relationship with Echo and Hunter.
notes: welcome back to another episode of Drama Time everyone 😋 I thought about splitting this one in two, but I think it flows better all together; plus I really wanted to keep the tensions high for as long as possible. I won’t lie about shedding some tears while writing this one, but that’s pretty common for me in general 😝
A/N: this story has not been proofread by anyone other than myself. so apologies for any uncaught errors 😬
previous chapter
Chapter 7: The Truth Hurts
“Run it again,” Echo said sternly. His arms were tightly crossed against his chest, and his brows had practically merged with his eye sockets from how low they’d gotten. It was a look normally seen on Hunter, who was sitting next to him in an almost identical position.
“That won’t be necessary,” Tech replied with a sigh. “Running the scan for a third time won’t provide any different results than the previous two.” He put his datapad away and gave his goggles a quick adjustment. “You’re just going to have to accept the fact that this droid is exactly as Hannah described: free of any and all previous programming aside from pure personality.”
Echo let out a huff through his nose, and his frown somehow turned down more than it already was. He looked over to Hannah, who stood smugly next to Tech, and he gave her a harsh glare.
“I don’t know what else to say to convince you guys,” Hannah said with a shrug. “Even Bolo and Ketch can vouch for him at this point.” She gestured at them with her thumb, and both of them responded with enthusiastic nods.
It didn’t seem like Echo planned on easing up anytime soon, but Hunter managed to give a relenting sigh and shook his head. “Let ‘im go,” he said to Wrecker, not even looking at him.
Wrecker gave a nod in response and slowly let up the firm grip he had on the Battle Droid. The droid shivered a bit and shook out his arms once he was free. “Wow, you really are super strong, Mister Wrecker!” the droid said cheerfully. “I was worried you were gonna crush me there for a second!”
“Yeah, well I will if ya do anythin’ funny!” Wrecker replied, his face turned down into an intimidating scowl.
“Master Hannah says I’m unintentionally funny, so I can’t promise anything!”
Wrecker’s scowl turned into confusion, while Hannah could barely hold back her giggles.
In an effort to continue reassuring the others, Tech told them that even if the droid didn’t have his memory wiped, there was a very low chance he’d be any sort of a threat due to there not being any Droid Command ships in existence anymore. As far as Tech was concerned, the only commands the droid would follow now would be Hannah’s.
“I highly doubt Master Gildish would have even considered giving Hannah the droid if that weren’t true,” Tech continued. “He’s not a fool.”
Despite hearing that, Hunter and Echo’s expressions didn’t change, and they continued to look at the droid with pure hostility. Wrecker, however, seemed to be more curious at least. “You really helped Hannah clean this place up?” he asked the droid.
“I sure did!” the Battle Droid replied. “And I made drinks for those two over there.” He gestured to Bolo and Ketch, who raised their cups in acknowledgement. “I also made Master Hannah’s caf for her this morning and tidied up her bed before we came here. Oh, and I chased off a roach that was scaring her. She really hates bugs.”
Hannah nodded in agreement.
After studying the droid for another moment, Wrecker’s expression began to soften, and he gave the droid an approving nod. “Well, sounds like you’re takin’ care of her real good then. I’m still gonna be watchin’ you though!” 
“That’s fine! I don’t mind!” The droid adjusted his hat and stepped behind Wrecker to start wiping down one of the game tables, blissfully ignorant of any other glares he was getting.
Now that things had finally calmed down for the most part, Hannah felt more at ease letting the droid out of her sight. Up until then, she was constantly worried one of the boys would try and take the droid down at any moment. The tension in the room hadn’t been that high since the Pyke Syndicate showed up for Roland. But unlike then, Hannah had much more control over the situation and made sure nothing was going to happen if she had anything to do with it.
There were still a couple of problems that needed to be dealt with though.
“Well, that’s three down,” Hannah said as she approached the two still sitting at the bar. “Now it’s just you two that need to give him a chance.”
“Yeah, not happening,” Echo sternly replied. His brows were still turned down into an intense scowl, and it seemed like he might never uncross his arms ever again.
“Well, staying stubborn about it isn’t gonna do any good,” Hannah said with a huff. “You both just have to accept the fact that he isn’t a threat anymore, simple as that.”
“It’s not that simple,” Hunter stated, his own brows still furrowed into a deep scowl.
“I know, I know,” Hannah taunted while rolling her eyes. “You guys are still stuck on the whole grudge thing, I get it.”
Echo finally unfurled his arms as he stood up in front of Hannah. “No, I really don’t think you do! This isn’t just a grudge, Hannah. This is about having one of our mortal enemies just walkin’ around like it’s nothing!” 
“Mortal enemies?” Hannah could barely hold back a laugh. “Wooooow. You really know how to hold a grudge, don’t ya?”
Hunter now stood up as well, taking position next to Echo. “Don’t treat this like a joke, Hannah. It’s serious.”
“Oh, you think I’m not being serious?” Hannah retorted, firmly planting her hands on her hips. “Cause guess what, I’m very serious about defending my boy from all of you.”
“Your boy??” Neither Echo nor Hunter could believe what they were hearing and looked at Hannah in disbelief and disgust.
Then Hannah suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see the droid standing behind her expectantly. “All the tables are clean, master,” he said proudly. “Is there anything else I can do?”
“You could take a long walk,” Hunter commented under his breath, earning a harsh glance from Hannah.
Thinking about it, Hannah didn’t know of anything else that needed to be done in the parlor at the moment. The only thing she could think of was checking the refresher, especially since she might’ve made a little mess in there earlier from cleaning herself.
“Yeah, have Commander Clanker deal with the sewage,” Echo commented, not bothering to hide it like Hunter did. “It fits him better. Dumb droid...”
The hard glare Hannah gave him could’ve pierced through the walls. The droid, however, was ignorant to the insult and looked at Echo curiously. “Commander Clanker? Is that my name?”
“Absolutely not,” Hannah retorted. “’Clanker’ is a derogatory term, not a name.”
“Derogatory’s a bit extreme,” Hunter said, quirking an eyebrow.
Tech suddenly appeared near the group, startling Hannah enough to make her squeal. “Technically speaking, the term ‘clanker’ is a moniker we use for all droids, usually in a hostile manner. Therefore, yes, it would be classified as a derogatory term.”
The smug look on Hannah’s face made both Echo and Hunter groan and roll their eyes. 
Then Omega appeared near the group as well, thankfully not spooking Hannah as much. “How about just ‘Clank’, then? That’s not derogatory, is it?”
Hannah let out a sigh, then turned to the droid. “It’s up to him what he wants to be called. I’m not gonna pick a name for him unless he wants me to.”
The droid had been pondering ever since Omega spoke and let out a thoughtful hum. “Clank sounds nice!” he said cheerfully.
“Alright then,” Hannah responded with a giggle. “Clank it is!”
“Commander Clank!” The droid proudly proclaimed, planting his hands on his robotic hips confidently.
“Oh great,” Echo lamented, rolling his eyes.
The newly named Clank hummed thoughtfully again, then looked at Hunter. “Hey, if I’m a commander, then doesn’t that mean I actually outrank you, sergeant?”
The immediate silence from Hunter was downright petrifying. His brows practically fell into his eyes, and his face began to grow red with anger. “No,” he growled, staring down Clank with daggers in his eyes.
“Ahh, you’re probably right,” Clank responded, ignoring Hunter’s hostility. “It doesn’t matter anyway since Master Hannah is the highest authority here.”
Hannah tightly pursed her lips to keep from bursting out laughing, while Hunter’s face continued to grow redder.
Tech leaned down to Omega and said, “I think I’m beginning to see why she values the droid so much.” 
Omega could only nod in agreement.
Eventually, Clank decided to go check the refresher since he wasn’t doing much good just standing there anymore. And once he was gone, Hannah used that opportunity to confront Echo and Hunter about their bad attitudes. She didn’t appreciate how hostile they were being, nor did she think it was justified in any way. Clank hadn’t personally done anything bad to them, so it was unfair to lump him in with every other Battle Droid they’d encountered before. And he was genuinely trying to be helpful, which so far had been exactly what he was.
“And what if he isn’t?” Hunter asked, maintaining his stern composure. “What if something happens to trigger his old programming again?”
“Did you not hear Tech earlier?” Hannah responded. “That’s practically impossible. And besides, I happen to know a few guys who are really good at programming and could probably prevent that from ever happening.” She shot a glance over at Tech, who acknowledged her with a nod. “You’re worried for nothing, Hunter.”
“Well, do ya blame him?” Echo interjected. “Or are you still refusing to see it from our perspective?”
“I do see it from your perspective,” Hannah answered. “I’m clearly well aware of your history with those droids. But unlike you guys, I’m willing to give him a chance at a new life. It still feels like you’re just holding onto a grudge instead of moving on.”
Something inside Echo suddenly snapped. “It’s more than just a damn grudge!” Echo shouted so harshly, it startled Hannah a bit. “You don’t get it! Of course you can forgive him! You didn’t have to endure years of being shot at by them nearly every day! You didn’t have to worry about whether or not your shots were gonna be better than theirs! You didn’t have to watch your own squad, your brothers, get gunned down by them right in front of you!”
The look on Echo’s face as he ranted was devastating. There was anger in his voice, but it was bolstered by desperation. His eyes alone spoke more of the horrors he’d seen than his words did. Even his posture, which on the surface seemed proud, held a weight to it that Hannah could literally feel. Echo wasn’t just angry. He was hurt.
“You can try to defend him all you want,” Echo continued, an obvious hitch in his voice. “But nothing will change the fact that that droid was a killer. A killer who killed my brothers. And probably other innocent people too.”
There was nothing Hannah could say in retaliation to that. She already knew all of it, of course. But hearing it from Echo and enduring the pure pain he emitted nearly made her crumble to the floor. Her lip trembled from how upset she was, and she stared back at Echo silently, wishing there was a way to end the pain, for both of them.
“I... I did that?”
A voice from the hallway suddenly drew everyone’s attention. Standing in the doorway was Clank, cloth in hand, and looking at everyone curiously. But it wasn’t his usual curiousness. The tone of his voice alone gave away how despondent he was.
Nobody knew how to respond. It was like a dense fog had filled the room, silencing anyone who tried to speak. Hannah was absolutely grief-stricken and could only look at him as such.
Then the droid stepped a bit further into the room, towards Hannah. “Did... did I really kill innocent people, master?” His voice still held the same despondent yet curious tone, and he clutched the cloth in both hands against his chest innocently.
Hannah’s lip began to tremble more. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. The room remained silent.
Eventually, the one to finally speak up was Tech, who approached Clank with slight hesitancy. “We don’t know for certain the extent of your personal life before all this. It’s simply an assumption based on other droids of your model. Which we’ve had multiple encounters with on the battlefield.”
Clank took a moment to absorb Tech’s words before responding. “So... we weren’t allies then... we were...”
“Enemies,” Echo interjected, his tone still harsh as ever.
Like Echo, the droid’s posture spoke more than words could. His tall, lean frame slowly began to droop from the weight of what he’d heard. A soft, dejected sigh could be heard from him, and his head turned away solemnly.
“Clank...” Hannah approached him with glassy eyes and tenderly placed a hand on his shoulder. “I... I’m sorry... I didn’t wanna tell you...”
“It’s fine,” Clank replied, his tone matching the solemness of his posture. “I’ll just... be over here... if you need me...” Still slumped over, Clank dragged himself over to a corner of the room, sighing heavily once he got there, and drearily faced the wall, away from everyone.
Now more heart-broken than ever, Hannah slowly slouched onto one of the stools and clutched her hands to her face to hide her tears. It didn’t seem like things could get any worse.
She was wrong.
“Poor guy,” Omega lamented as she looked at Clank in the corner. “I feel bad for him.”
Without remorse, Echo promptly replied, “I don’t.”
That was the final straw for Hannah. Her chest began to heave out of pure anger, and her hands tightened into fists against her face. As bad as she felt for Echo before, it paled in comparison to her overall distress from the situation, especially now seeing Clank so upset. Plus, it was hard to feel bad for him while Echo was still being so hostile.
Hannah let out a harsh huff through her teeth and whipped her head in Echo’s direction. “Echo, I swear, if you don’t quit it, I’m gonna actually lose it.”
“Quit what?” Echo retorted. “Speaking my mind? Am I not allowed to do that anymore?”
“Not like that!” Hannah quickly got back on her feet to face Echo, her hands still balled into fists from anger. “You’re being a complete jerk!”
“Well, excuse me for not being sensitive about a kriffing droid!” Echo’s hand also balled into a fist from how angry he was, and he stared back at Hannah with the same hostility she had towards him now.
Hannah approached Echo in a way that almost made him think she was going to plow him down like a tank. Her voice was both desperate and enraged. “He’s not just a droid. He’s my droid. And if you can’t accept that, then there’s the door!!” She thrust a hand out towards the entry door before huffing in Echo’s face, then stomped away from him angrily. Echo remained where he was, but turned away from everyone with his arms crossed, clearly seething.
Once again, the tension in the room had risen to almost unbearable levels. Omega pleadingly looked between Tech and Wrecker, but neither of them knew what to say; plus, they knew better than to get involved. Hunter had different feelings on the matter though, and after a moment, he approached Hannah from behind.
“This isn’t going very well,” Hunter plainly said.
“Gee, thanks for the insight,” Hannah sarcastically replied with a scoff.
Hunter sighed before continuing. “You heard all that stuff Echo said. I dunno what ya expected.”
Hannah turned her face back just enough to catch Hunter in her peripheral sight. It was clear from her tone that she was on the verge of another outburst at any moment. “I expected you guys to at least try to act civil. But no, you went straight for the hostile route and never stopped.”
Against his better nature, Hunter decided to tread into dangerous waters with her. “You haven’t exactly been pleasant either, ya know.”
Hannah gave a look of disbelief and turned her face more towards Hunter. “Only because you two are being such jerks to Clank!”
“Hannah, he’s just a droid.”
If steam could’ve come out of Hannah’s ears, it would have. She angrily whipped around to face Hunter, her face quickly growing red. “He’s not just a droid! I’ll keep saying it until you guys get it into your stubborn heads! He is my droid. My. Droid. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to accept it. Period.”
Ever the level-headed one, Hunter maintained his calmer composure, but it was clear Hannah’s attitude was starting to aggravate him. “Does what Echo said not mean anything to you? I may not be as passionate about it as he is, but he’s not the only one who’s had to deal with those droids for the last few years.”
“I am well aware of that. And yet, Tech and Wrecker don’t seem to have as much of a problem as you and Echo do, for some reason. They’re at least trying, which is more than you two can say.” Hannah’s tone was downright condescending, and Hunter’s scowl deepened as a result.
“I’m just trying to keep everyone safe here,” Hunter responded, calmly but sternly. “And I can’t trust a droid who used to kill Clones for a living, even if his memories are gone. Especially around Omega.” He gestured to his little sister for emphasis.
Hannah stepped closer to Hunter, staring into his eyes with a harshness that would’ve instantly crumbled most others. “Do you really think I would be flippant about something like that? I’m just as committed to protecting this family as you are, Hunter. If anything, Clank can be extra protection now.”
Hunter’s eyes turned down into a harshness rivaling Hannah’s. “You are not givin’ that thing a blaster,” he said in a commanding tone.
“I will do whatever I want with my droid, thank you,” Hannah replied defiantly.
It was clear Hunter was slowly starting to lose his cool, and his chest began to heave in frustration.
“Do you remember what you said to me yesterday?” Hannah stepped even closer, only a hand’s length from Hunter now. “You wanted me to get someone to help me, yes? Well, there he is.” She gestured to the still moping Clank in the corner. “That droid is the exact answer you wanted for me. Probably even more than that. But you’re so stuck on your beliefs and worries that you can’t even see that.” She let out a scoff that almost sounded more like a chuckle. “Honestly? It almost feels like you’re jealous.”
“Jealous?” Hunter retorted, letting out a scoff of his own.
“You’re worried I’m gonna replace you with him, admit it.”
“What, that’s... you’re not attracted to him, are you?”
“No!! That’s not what I mean!”
“Well then don’t say things like that, good grief!”
Hannah stared at him silently in disbelief for a moment. “Why would you possibly even think that’s what I meant??”
“I don’t--” Hunter let out a long sigh through his nose and pinched the bridge of it. “Never mind, forget it. This whole thing is ridiculous...”
“Yeah, no kidding!” Hannah scoffed again and crossed her arms. “I feel like I’m back in the Prism Palace, fighting for my own freedom again!”
Hunter gave her a baffled look. “Seriously? Ok, now you’re overreacting.”
“Oh, I’m overreacting? Says the guy afraid of one little droid.”
“For good reason!”
“Really? Do you need to go back to Kamino and learn how to shoot again, sergeant?”
That finally got Hunter to break, and he shouted uncharacteristically. “Would ya quit with the attitude already? You’re just being ridiculous!”
“And you’re being a stubborn asshole!!”
And with that, Hannah gave one last angry huff before storming off into the hallway, towards the refresher. It almost sounded like she punched the button for the door before everything fell silent once again.
“Well, that really helped,” Echo sarcastically commented.
Hunter’s face twitched from how frustrated he was, and he turned back to Echo with a scowl rivaling the one he’d been giving Clank all day. “And I’m not the only stubborn asshole in the room right now.”
Like Hunter, Echo’s hostile scowl returned, and a growl erupted from his throat before he began angrily advancing on Hunter, hand balled into a fist.
That finally got the others to step in. Omega grabbed Hunter by the arm and pulled him back, while Wrecker straight up grappled Echo to keep him from attacking Hunter. And Tech planted himself in-between everyone as a human barrier, arms held out protectively.
None of them realized they were being watched.
“Huh...” Clank stood in the corner of the room, now facing out instead of towards the wall. He’d heard the whole conversation between Hannah and Hunter, and now seeing the scuffle breaking out between the Clones, he began to question his entire existence there. It was normal for families to fight, Omega had told him. But this was too much. Hannah seemed to want him there, sure. But he didn’t want to be a burden. He didn’t want to divide Hannah’s family. She’d been so kind to him, it only felt right to return that kindness. Even if that meant removing himself from her life entirely.
And so, in the midst of the commotion, Clank quietly headed for the door, intent on leaving. He took a brief look back at the Clones, who were too caught up in their fight to notice him. He remembered the holo-image in Hannah’s apartment and how happy they all looked together. Maybe they could be happy again once he was gone.
“Anything for my master,” he thought to himself, and then finally took his leave.
Droids couldn’t cry. It was debatable whether or not they could even be sad. But much like the metaphorical fog that had clouded the parlor earlier, a dreary gray cloud hung over Clank’s head as he left, raining invisible wet drops down his long, robotic face.
[next chapter]
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sagechanoafterdark · 2 years
Blank/Unfinished/Ageless Blogs Notice
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I hate doing this so much.
For a very long time I've let it go, I've blocked blank blogs and obvious porn bots for YEARS now but I'm drawing a line now I guess if I want to continue writing and posting my work to Tumblr.
If you have a blank/ageless or unfinished blog, I will be blocking you.
Here's a small FAQ for you if you're having trouble.
What do you mean by blank blogs?
I mean if you don't reblog content on Tumblr and only like it while your blog remains a complete blank, I will be blocking you.
What do you mean by unfinished blogs?
I mean if you don't have enough sense to load an icon, a background or fill out an about me section, I will be blocking you.
What if I don't want my age in my bio?
That's fine, its honestly your choice. It's also my choice to protect myself from the violation of actual children reading content that they shouldn't be. So I will be blocking you.
This is bullshit.
I know. It's such bullshit right. People come into a space that I've made, looking with their eyes at content that I've made and want to tell me how to share that content! The balls of people seriously.
You work hasn't even been plagiarized! Why are you doing this now?
Well, actually my work has been plagiarized, more than once. I let it go cause on a couple of occasions by the time I was aware of my work being on Wattpad the whole book had already been taken down so there was nothing left for me to do.
I'm doing this now because I want to stop it from happening. I've posted and said on many occasions that I do not consent to my work being posted/translated on other sites but clearly it wasn't respected.
How far back are you going?
Until the beginning of time. I have no regrets about deciding to do this.
Look, I'm not a popular writer. I get it. I'm small potato's compared to a lot of my collogues in the MCU writers fandom. Maybe I'm just blowing smoke by posting this notice to people. But it's for my own peace of mind as I decided what I want to do in the future and for everything that I've posted in the past that has been violated in some way.
Like I've said, for a very long time now I've let this go. I've supported fellow writers in their decisions to block these blogs and people who've chosen to nose around, steal work and post it to places like Wattpad. Is it going to stop it? No. Will it curb it? Maybe. Does it make me feel better? Somewhat.
And I think that's the big part that's going to count.
If you have a blank/ageless or unfinished blog, I will be blocking you.
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cornflowercanine · 4 years
me counting; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, my 8rain; w8 what goes after 5? it doesnt Fit with the num8ers 8efore it are you sure you’re counting this right?? me; .... 6, 7, 8, my 8rain; what??? none of those num8ers look or sound alike at all- shouldnt 7 8e 8efore 5 or something? w8, 8ut then it doesnt match with 4? shouldnt 8 8e in8etw33n 6 and 9? w8 where were we? w me; ...... 9, 10, 11, 12, my 8rain; W8 THOSE ARE THE NUM8ERS THAT GO IN THAT ORDER??? W8, 11, IS THAT A REAL NUM8ER? ARE YOU SURE WE’RE COUNTING THIS R me; ....................................13, 14, 15,
#clove rambles#dyscalculia 8e like#i realized every time i str8 up fucking Forget the 8asic pattern of num8ers is when i'm counting#if its tiny shit i dont have to put much thought into i understand num8ers GENERALLY#8ut when i have to pay attention to each num8er one 8y one i str8 up forget most of the num8ers are in order at all#which also might in part 8e due to synesthesia?#8c none of the num8ers F33L the same or SOUND the sound or f33l like a spectrum and sensicle sequence#its just random unrel8ed nonsensicle shit out of order#its like reading smth in a language ur learning and ur like ok sick im starting to get the hang of this! and then theres letters and words-#-in entirely diff languages and ur like. what. where do i go with this#so i fundamentally dont have like... the concept/a8ility to grasp the concept of num8ers; 8y default; in my 8rainhead#and anything to do with even 8asic math is something i have to mentally reach out and put effort into to do#8ut when i have to THINK a8out each induvidual num8er and not a clean 'start to finish' thing#(ex; the d8 of the month is easy to process 8c i dont have to think a8t the num8er; its just Where we are in the month)#(ex saying a gender is 30% whatever and 60% whatever is not THAT hard 8c its a Scale theres a defined start and finish)#like ... i cannot express the level to which num8ers f33l disconnected and make no fucking sense when i think a8t it#its like going ok clove heres a circle shape; heres an octagon shape; HERES A FUCKING RECTANGLE#and im like ?????!??? what the fuck are we doing where is this going#anyway tl dr i will actually physically unironically cry when i am asked to do math 8c i genuinely cannot fucking process the num8ers#8eing rel8ed to eachother in any way shape or form and i cant connect or make sense of them in the first place nonetheless#solve actual math pro8lems with them#fuck num8ers all my homies h8 num8ers
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 (𝓹𝓽. 2)
 character(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader 
a/n: ok so i just started writing on tumblr and honestly in my opinion for my first time posting smth on this the first part did really well thank u for all the likes :) (told from second pov; e.g you, your) reblogs are greatly appreciated :))
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: a lil bit angsty 
warnings: cursing, jealousy, mutual pining, slow burn romance, aged-up to third year, love triangle (square?), physical injuries, kirishima gets a little toxic, also shirtless bakugou (awooga), a crap ton of time skips bc i can’t write action scenes for shit, bakugou is a flirt (lowkey but yeah), mentions of blood 
word count: 2112
pt 1 , pt 3
- - - 
kirishima had broken the skin on his lower lip with how hard he was biting it. he stood in the bathroom, rinsing his mouth, ignoring the slight sting the water brought. 
y/n was currently being blasted by bakugou, and they were fighting back. 
jealousy panged in his chest. 
bakugou had never let him know about how he felt about you, however kirishima was sure he felt something for them. you and bakugou were both a jumble of prideful and longing stares towards each other from across every room. the tension was thick enough to slice through. and while kirishima would never make a move in fear of ruining the friendship between him and bakugou, as well as him and y/n, gosh it didn’t stop him from wanting to. 
he’d stood on the side, cheering you on to no end. the sports festival last year, the year before that, training exercises, he was always there. kirishima was always there. 
whenever you needed him, whenever you wanted his company. so what did bakugou have over him? sure, the blond was strong and had bigger goals than kirishima, but why should that matter? 
what did bakugou have? why would you want him more when he was never near you? never made an effort to see you to be there when you asked for help. 
it was popular belief that bakugou was a noisy idiot, but he was actually quite a quiet boy. he didn’t bother to raise his hand in class, however he always knew the answer. he spoke rarely and only made conversation with those he was close with if they were the ones to make the effort to converse with him first. 
jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. kirishima despised it. 
whenever did he begin wanting to beat bakugou at something? 
the cloud of guilt welling up in his chest was going to become unbearable, and soon everything he ever wanted to say was going to come up like word vomit at the worst possible time. 
you swiped at your cheek, brushing off the crumbling dirt. your timing had been off, and their flip backwards had landed you in an awkward position. a vulnerable one. 
honestly, though, it wasn’t like it really mattered. bakugou was a bit transparent himself. he wore a smug look like a golden medal, and held back his power just enough to keep you on your feet. 
his cocky attitude was irritating and it drew you in like a moth drawn to a lamp. 
sweat was beading down your temple. the day was exceptionally hot, the sun beaming down on your back like a proud child. 
you and bakugou had been at it for a while. with anyone else, you would have quit by now. it’s not that you gave up easily. no, not ever. but fights could get boring, especially if you were just smashing away at them with your quirk and they were acting like they could take it. 
perhaps you were being cocky. 
this fight, though. this was interesting. not only because it was bakugou; also because you knew so little about him. 
it was likely he never shared anything important to anyone. he was quite introverted. 
it was interesting for another reason. 
it was hot, bakugou sweats a lot. gosh, he looked delicious without a shirt on. he had a built figure accompanied by strong arms and a broad chest. 
he’d filled out quite nicely the past few years. you hadn’t noticed until now how much he’d grown. 
“don’t get distracted.” 
your eyes snapped up from his chest to his eyes. bakugou became a blur, shooting himself off the ground and flipping once in the air before propelling himself back down. 
before you could do anything, bakugou had you pinned, one leg pinning yours, both his hands wrapped around your wrists. he’d ditched his gauntlets, leaving the metal assistants in the sweltering heat, claiming he wanted to give you an equal fight. 
he panted atop you, hands tightening. 
tokage didn’t bother to leave her dorm today, thank goodness. it had just been the three of you. you, bakugou, and kirishima. 
the red head had suspiciously vanished halfway through the fight, though.
bakugou’s crimson eyes bored into yours. neither of you blinked for a moment. perhaps just a small eternity each of you silently reveled in. 
his erratic breaths slowed, and so did yours, although you stayed the same. unmoving, faces neutral but eyes giving away long-held secrets. 
your ears flushed, and butterflies came rising up uncontrollably. you should have pushed him off. instead you gave him a wicked grin, which earned a look from him and you couldn’t tell if he was confused or annoyed. 
“your big ass forehead is blocking the bright-as-hell sun. stay like this,” you mocked, wrenching your wrists from his grasp and snaking your arms around his neck. 
his cheeks burned red. “w-what?” 
“you heard me.” 
he scoffed, tugging you off his neck and standing. “shut up, shitface. we aren’t even done yet.” he readied himself in a fighting stance once more. 
“i thought you said you wanted to stop when you won?” you brushed yourself off as you stood. 
“i know what i said. you probably weren’t even giving it your all.” 
“’course i was.” you cocked your head. “why wouldn’t i?” 
“you’re strong, damn idiot.” 
you feigned surprise, pressed a hand to your fluttering chest. “the bakugou, dynamight himself, complimenting a humble soul like me? oh, i really must be good, then.” 
“not as good as me.” his face dropped from a smile. bakugou never got enough training no matter how early or late he stayed up, or how many hours on the weekends were spent kicking a bag or sparring with friends. hard workers did all of the work there was a still wondered if they were doing enough. the number one spot wasn’t empty, but it was still reserved for dynamight. 
y/n had collapsed on their bed. kirishima was itching to tell them how he felt, however he was stuck at the doorway. 
they weren’t even dressed for bed, nor were they showered. 
he settled with leaving his friend alone, and shut the door softly to find bakugou standing right behind him. 
kirishima jumped back, closing his eyes in relief. “bakugou. what the heck man?” 
“you’re creepy as shit.” 
“i- what? you were the one staring at me while i-” 
“while you peeped in on y/n?” 
“i wasn’t peeping. i walked them back after the fight and they just collapsed. you were off doing something else and you worked them too hard.” 
it wasn’t a shock that bakugou was still riled up from the duel. this boy had the energy of a mad man. 
when bakugou didn’t say anything, kirishima said once again, “you overworked them.” 
bakugou swat away the comment. “only because they’re not working hard enough.” 
kirishima raised an eyebrow. “they work hard. they’re perfectly fine.” 
“they’re amazing.”
“i know that, shitty hair. you think i’m blind?” 
“everyone can make improvements at their own pace.” kirishima’s voice dropped. 
“you train with me.” 
“it’s an hour before curfew.” 
bakugou jut a thumb in the direction of the door. “so? maybe you need some more practice, too,” he joked. 
“you’re an ass, bakugou,” kirishima released a breathy chuckle. 
the two wandered off to one of the training grounds. it was open, a wide court where they’d both kicked someone else’s ass. 
the sun was just setting, a new cool breeze coming to fill the spot of the violent sun rays. 
it was routine to fight each other out of nowhere. kirishima was usually quite playful, spewing jokes once in a while and taunting his friend. 
this fight was different. his face was stone-cold. kirishima often took the defensive role, as his quirk didn’t allow him to project any direct attacks to bakugou.
it wasn’t like kirishima was angry at bakugou, but as soon as they started charging towards one another, he couldn’t hold back. his chest tightened, arms hardening and joints becoming strong and stiff. 
with one clean sweep of his arm, bakugou was backing away from kirishima, propelling himself to the edge of the arena with a small blast. he’d always been up for a challenge. kirishima was willing to give him one. 
his sudden competitive demeanor seemed to be egging on bakugou’s. the blond tongued the inside of his cheek, grunting as he shot forth, hair flying wildly. 
swiftly, kirishima dodged, just barely missing a blast. his torso wasn’t hardened, so if he’d dodged any later, his stomach would have been scorched. 
bakugou always took their fights seriously. he knew better than to underestimate the boy who had put together his very own rescue mission. 
kirishima’s opponent stumbled from the momentum. he took his chance and brought a hardened elbow down on bakugou’s back, hearing a satisfying crack. 
bakugou was crushed to the ground with the hit. his face smashed into the sandy ground. he coughed, turning over and spitting dirt to the side. 
it took a moment for him to register what he did, but kirishima was at bakugou’s side within seconds. the sun was nearly gone, a pale blue sky flickering with the first sights of stars. 
it was hard to make it out at first, but not impossible. kirishima saw the blood dripping and smeared just above bakugou’s lip. he groaned, cupping his face in both hands as he sat upright. 
“argh” bakugou gasped. “shit, kirishima. what the hell?” 
“i...i’m sorry dude, i didn’t mean to.” i wanted to, but i didn’t mean to. 
bakugou raised an eyebrow and let a smile seep through his pain. “you’re improving, though.” 
“are you alright?” kirishima traced the small cut on his lip from earlier with the tip of his tongue. 
“i’m fine, i’m fine.” bakugou swatted his hand away. he struggled to get up, refusing kirishima’s help. 
“we should head back before this gets any worse.” 
bakugou kept his large hands hovering under his chin to catch the dripping and occasional chunks of blood.  
although he wanted the duel to continue (it was finally interesting) bakugou wasn’t stubborn enough to keep going. so he nodded, once again denying kirishima’s efforts to help him out. 
you were in the common area, fiddling with a rubik’s cube. it was just you, as everyone else was spending the night among each other. ashido had invited you to her dorm a while ago, but you’d denied, wanting to spend a few more giddy moments to yourself. 
the door rattled, and in came your two friends, one with furrowed brows and the other with blood drenching the front of his shirt. 
bakugou’s head was tilted up in an attempt to stop the blood from flowing down. his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the blood trailing down the back of his throat. 
“oh my gosh,” you gasped out, racing to the bathroom. you came back with sanitary wipes in one hand and tissue in the other. “what happened?” 
“we were training,” kirishima started, taking a few tissues from the box and handing them to his friend, “and i accidentally hit him too hard.” 
“you didn’t hit me that hard. you barely did any damage!” bakugou objected. you approached him, and through his fingers, bakugou peered down at you. 
you asked him with your eyes, and he gave you silent permission to pry his arms away from his face. “are you okay?” 
“i’m just dandy,” he scoffed. 
“dude, i’m really sorry—” 
“shut the hell up kirishima. i don’t want your pity. i swear this is the only time i’ll surrender to you, you asswipe.”
you didn’t laugh, not even a chuckle. “bakugou, you need to see recovery girl.” 
“what the hell? no way. all she’s gonna do is give me one of those shitty slobbery kisses and scold me for being careless.” 
“your nose is broken,” you said gently. 
“so? can’t you fix it?” 
you raised a questioning brow. “you want me to help you?” 
“can you or can you not?” 
“i can try to set it but you’re better off going to recovery girl instead of settling with―” 
“all i need is possible. i don’t want to deal with that old lady’s shit right now.” using the tissues kirishima had stuffed into his hand, he caught the remaining blood dripping down his nose. “let’s go.” 
you were more than unsure. he would end up with a crooked nose if you made any small mistake, but he didn’t think twice as he grabbed your shoulder and led you in the direction of your dorm. 
kirishima wished he hadn’t broken bakugou’s nose. not because he felt bad, though. 
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bigtittybitch10 · 3 years
My Kook Princess - John B
Story Plot: John B can't help but fall in love with the Kook. She was part of Rafe, Topper, and Kelce's friend group. Y/N can't help but fall for the Pogue but what happens when Topper finds out the girl he had been in love with since the 6th grade has eyes on the boy from the Cut.
Me and the rest of the boys were walking around the beach. I was on the end next to Topper, every now and then we would "accidentally" bump into each other making the other one laugh.
"Y/N that hurt!" Topper yelled being dramatic after I slapped his shoulder after he made a joke about me being too short to hang with the big boys.
"Good," I said back to him while sticking my tongue out.
As we were walking down the beach some more I see some of the pogues hanging out with each other. John B and J were chasing Kie around with what looked like a squid. I couldn't help but be jealous of their friend group. Ya I love my friends and we have fun but there's a difference between us. They are carefree and feel like they have nothing to lose but let loose a little, while the boys and I have everything to lose but one little slip-up. We have an image to uphold which has kept most of us from having genuine fun our whole life.
It's now night time and we decided to go to a Kegger that was at the boneyard. I decided on wearing a swim top and some shorts over not giving too much effort.
I was a beer down and not feeling anything when I started to hear Topper and JJ yelling at each other. I quickly ran to where the commotion was happening when I saw Topper on top of John B holding him into the water. I instantly jumped into action trying my best to get Topper to stop.
"Topper get the fuck off of him NOW!" I yell at him while trying to pull him off which only resulted in him taking one of his hands off John B and hit me away just a little too hard which resulted in me getting hit in the face instantly making my nose bleed. At this point, all hell broke loose. Rafe got pissed at Topper for hurting me and JJ pulled out a gun and held it to Topper's head. Sarah was yelling at JJ to put the gun down and Topper was freaking out which resulted in him letting go of John B and getting up and running away with the rest of the Kooks. I didn't have time to get up and follow so I just sat down and tried to get my nose to stop bleeding so I could get up and head home.
"Im gonna leave in a minute," I lightly whisper to the pogues. Kie ran over to me to check on me knowing I was hurt. She instantly took her shirt off and stuck the cloth to my nose to try and help it to stop bleeding.
"You don't have to go," she said softly to me.
"You should go check on your friend," I tell her while looking down.
"Y/N we have known each other since we were in diapers and if you haven't forgotten we used to be best friends, and for all I care I never stopped caring about you," Kie tells me which only made me tear up and pull her into a hug.
"Stay with us tonight," Kie tells me while pulling away and ruffling my already messy hair. I just nod my head and get up and walk with her over to the rest of the boys.
"She's cool," Kie sassed JJ after he made a shady comment about me being a Kook.
"Fine she can stay but she's sleeping outside," JJ said while looking at me in disgust.
"She's not a fucking dog JJ you cant make her sleep outside," Pope said standing up for me.
Once we made it back to John B's we went inside and Kie took me into the bathroom and sat me on the counter to check my nose. It had finally stopped bleeding so she got out a cloth and some warm water to clean my nose which only made me wince in pain. All the sudden John be appears in the door holding an ice pack.
"Ill be back Im gonna grab her some clothes from your room," Kie tells John B which makes him nod his head. John B walks in and gently places the ice pack on my nose.
"Im sorry about him," I tell John B while looking into his eyes.
"He's always like that and to be completely honest Im used to it," John B tells me which only made me sadder.
"It is, not something you should be used to and I wish I wasn't so blind for all these years," I tell him which results in him pulling me into a hug.
"He's smart about his actions, he's only like that when you arent around or close," He tells me which makes me nod my head but not feeling any better about the situation.
For the next week instead of hanging out with the boys, I would find myself with the Pogues and for once in my life I was genuinely happy. JJ had come around and realized I was kinda okay. But we all know he secretly has a soft spot for me but refuses to show it.
One day we decided to go to The Wreck and get some food after I offered to pay for everyone. While we where sitting down I see out of the corner of my eye Topper and Rafe walk in.
"Fuck'" I whisper under my breath which made the rest of the pogues follow my eyes and see what I was looking at which resulted in them all groaning knowing all hell was about to break loose when they realize their Kook Princess was sitting pretty with the 'dirty' pogues.
Topper instantly made eye contact with me and if looks could kill we would all be dead and dismembered by now. He stomps his way over to all of us clearly pissed at the situation.
"Are you fucking kidding me Y/N, you said you were sick. I mean clearly, you are if you're sitting so comfortable with some nasty pogues," Topper said to me with venom in his voice.
"I needed a break from you after what happened," I tell him while standing up refusing to let Topper intimidate me.
"A break so you come and hang out with them, Y/N that's literally social suicide," Topper said while taking a step closer which resulted in both JJ and John B standing up and getting ready if something were to happen.
"Id rather commits social suicide than deal with you for one more day," I tell him while looking him straight in the eye.
"You're fucking ridiculous, you know that," he said while looking me back straight in the eye.
"I don't care, their my friends and for once in my life I'm actually having fun not having to worry about all eyes on me," I tell him back. With that Topper just pushes me and walks away which resulted in JJ charging Topper and John B coming over to me to make sure I was okay. I just cried into his chest, I wasn't physically hurt but emotionally. John B knew that so all he did was hold me while JJ went to deal with Topper making Poper and Kie run over to him pulling him away.
"Oh look at the little slut homie hoping," Topper said while barely giving me a glance.
"Fuck off Topper," I reply back to him while making eye contact.
"I just can't believe after all these years of me trying to get you to love me back it takes less than a week for you to get into his pants," Topper said to me which only made me confused.
"Leave me alone," is all I said before slamming some money on the table and making my way out of The Wreck, and waiting for the rest of the group to come to the van so I could get in.
Later that night I was laying in bed with John B while lightly talking about nothing important. All of a sudden I got the urge to lean up and kiss him. Which resulted in a long make-out session which only ended when JJ caught us.
"OH MY! Finally," JJ laughed while walking out and back towards the living room when we hear the rest of them erupt into cheers letting us know he had told the group.
"Will you be mine?" John B asked me which made me nod my head and give him a kiss again.
"Good," John B says while kissing me back.
I hope you all enjoyed!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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47. “Shut up.”
         “Why don’t you come over here and make me.”
39. “You taste like fucking candy.”
notes; AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES… lord i just love the idea of fucking an annoyed mingyu kdsjfhkds, cocky!mingyu, dirty talk, using panties as a gag, a little oral(fem receiving)/fingering, a little cum eating. Also forgive me bc im trying a different formatting of my drabbles and rly im just turning them into 1k-ish word fics?😭😭 I JUST CAN’T SHUT UP and these get so long so theyre not rly drabbles anymore sorry but also ive gotten so far without renaming the entire drabble game thing so… ye. Should i rename this drabble game? Or is it okay? Sorry that i cannot write short things…😭😩 should i include a word count?😅 I’m a mess and this is longer than 1k so the rest is under the cut!! Thank you for requesting!!! Enjoy!💕
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“Fuck, Mingyu, you left your shit in the washing machine again! Can you just get your shit together so I don’t have to wait on you all the time!?”
You prop a hand on your hip, watching as the male raises a brow from his place on the sofa when he turns his attention to you.
“Why don’t you go clean the bowl you left in the sink then, huh? I can say the same thing!”
Your lips press into a firm line; annoyance clear on your features. “My one fuckin’ bowl isn’t deterring you from using the sink but your shit in the washer is preventing me from washing my damn clothes!”
The tall male gets up from his spot on the sofa; annoyance obvious on his face as well. “You’re just so…”
“Just so what, Mingyu?”
He grits his teeth as he makes his way to leave and deal with the laundry. “Forget it.”
You watch as he moves his things to the dryer before shooting you a harsh stare and beelining straight for his room across the hallway.
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You finally manage to put your things in the washer once Mingyu retreats to his bedroom and it beeps once when it finally finishes, 45 minutes later.
Except now Mingyu’s clothes are just sitting in the dryer.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you storm over to Mingyu’s bedroom, flinging the door open with the intent of giving him a piece of your mind again. 
“Mingyu, you fuckin’----”
Your eyes flit all across the tall male with his back against the headboard and  you can’t seem to tear your eyes away from his large hand wrapped around his thick cock; throat going dry at the view. “Uh---”
“Don’t you fucking knock!?”
The words die on your tongue the longer you stand his doorway, and he, too, makes no effort to move from his place on his bed. “M--maybe if you fucking moved your shit from the dryer on t-time!” You retort; already losing the fight in your voice the longer your eyes fixate on the leaking tip of his cock.
Mingyu’s at a loss for words himself and he’s unsure of what to even do to make the situation less awkward.
But he will admit; your flustered expression might’ve made his cock twitch.
He clears his throat, “I don’t see you leaving. Finally owning up to the fact you wanna fuck me?” Mingyu grins; cockiness replacing the awkwardness he was feeling moments prior.
“Shut up.”
His grin falters momentarily before it’s back; his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Why don’t you come over here and make me.”
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Mingyu is meticulous. You have to admit.
He cleans while he cooks and makes sure his utensils and prepping station are absolutely spotless before the meal is even done cooking.
He’s apparently also just as meticulous with his tongue when he eats you out; fingers knuckle deep and curling into your g-spot just as he uses the tip of his tongue to tease your clit for the umpteeth time. “Ngh, fuck---fuck you, Mingyu!” You lock your hands into his permed hair, tugging on it slightly when he wraps his lips around your clit and sucks hard.
“God, fuck y-you!” You grind against his tongue and fingers as you get closer and closer to the verge of an orgasm.
Mingyu pulls away slightly, lips glistening and wet. “You taste like fucking candy. It’s a shock considering your sour nature.” He mutters quietly, only loud enough for you to catch it as the heat blooms on your cheeks. “Just shut up and eat me out.” You mumble back.
Scoffing, he thrusts his fingers into you harshly one more time. “I think you’ve had enough actually.” He wiggles his fingers inside of your wet cunt as you moan out. “It’s time for you to give me what I want too.”
He pulls his fingers out, popping them into his own mouth as he licks your wetness off of them. Your grip on his hair loosens as he starts to sit up between your legs; his long hair falling into his dark eyes when he looks down at you. “Get up, we’re switching places.”
It takes you a second to maneuver around the tall male on his small bed; huffing when he lays down against the pillows. “I ate you out and fingered your ‘lil pussy so now you can ride my cock and pull some of the weight around here.” He snides.
A smirk paints its way onto his features as you clench your jaw and sit down onto his thighs. “You’re lucky I needed to get laid or I wouldn’t be this willing to ride your fuckin’ dick.”
“Oh please, you probably dream about my cock. I see you eyeing me when I’m just walkin’ around in my sweats. I bet I’m who you fantasize about when you’re getting off with that vibrator of yours. Which, by the way, is fuckin’ loud. I hope you realize I can hear it when I pass by your bedroom. You should really---mmph!”
You quickly stuff your soaked panties between his lips before he can say anything more; gritting your teeth. “You really need to shut up. You’re cuter with your mouth closed or eating me out.”
Mingyu wasn’t… technically wrong. You just didn’t want to hear it right now.
You quickly shimmy your body up until you can reach down and wrap a hand around his cock and Mingyu places his hands on your waist to steady you as you slowly start to sink down onto him. “O-oh, fuck…”
A garbled moan spills from your lips as you feel him filling you up inch by inch; already wanting to start a quick pace as you chase your own orgasm.
Mingyu groans from around the panties between his lips and he tosses his head back as your tight, warm walls clench around his cock.
He thought about you sometimes too. Not that he’d admit it either.
It takes a few tense seconds and a few stuttered breaths before you’re completely seated on his cock; the tip of it already curving into your g-spot as you give yourself a moment to adjust to his size. “Y’know, if you w-weren’t such a cocky son of a b-bitch, I wouldn’t be so, ah, opposed to fucking y-you… G-god, I’d probably even, ngh, d-date you..”
You slowly start to swivel your hips as you mewl; Mingyu’s cock fit inside your cunt so perfectly. “But all y-you do is, hah, c-complain about m-my messes when you’re m-messy too…”
Mingyu’s blunt nails dig into the skin of your naked waist as you alternate between bouncing in his lap and swiveling your hips. And in return, his harsh breaths are all you can hear as you fuck yourself on his cock. He knows he could easily flip you onto your back and fuck you into his bedsheets until all you knew was his name, but he plays nice for now and lets you have your fun while you could.
“What were you t-thinkin’ about, huh? Before I walked in h-here. Were you thinkin’ about, ah, me? Do I get you s-so heated that, mmh, you g-get hard? Are you t-that easy?” You shoot him a cocky grin of your own as you clench around his cock. He narrows his eyes at you before he plants his feet firmly onto the bed and bucks his hips up into you; effectively jostling you and making you bounce harder in his lap as he starts to fuck you.
A sharp whine escapes past your lips as he starts a quick pace and you're quick to meet his movements as you slam down onto his cock with each of his thrusts. The two of you fall into a comfortable rhythm as you both unload all of the sexual tension that’d been brewing for the few months that you’d been roommates.
Your saccharine moans and whines mix in with Mingyu’s harsh breaths and muffled groans as you both feel yourselves inching closer and closer to the edge. He can already feel his cock twitching and he can already feel the way your walls tighten even more around his cock with each passing second.
You reach a hand between your body and his; fingertips on your swollen clit as you race towards your orgasm. “Fuck, I, ah, w-wanna cum…” You mumble.
Mingyu bites down onto the fabric in his mouth as he tosses his head back again, his forehead covered in a sheen of sweat as he starts to feel his abdomen tightening with his impending orgasm.
And he doesn’t warn you when he cums, but you can feel his cock twitching and his cum filling you up as his thrusts lose their rhythm. You let out a choked moan at the feeling and you rub quicker circles on your clit as you throw yourself over the edge and into your orgasm as well.
Mingyu lets out a muffled groan as he feels your walls fluttering around him and for a moment, he tells himself he could get used to fucking you.
“Oh, g-god, you’re, ah, fu--fucking cumming so---so much inside of m-me…” Whimpering, you slam down onto his cock as you both ride out your high and Mingyu’s eyes fixate on the way his cock slides out of your wet pussy covered in his cum and your wetness.
Mingyu moves a hand from your waist to pluck the soaked material out of his mouth; tossing it to the side as he gently massages his jaw.
“Look at you, still fucking yourself on my cock. Want more already, huh?” He watches as you reach down and scoop up some of the cum that settled onto his skin, lips parted slightly as he lets out a soft moan. You continue to swivel your hips atop his lap, waiting until your orgasm completely ebbs off before you come to a full stop. 
You pop your wet digits into your mouth, keeping eye contact with him as he commits to memory the way you suck on your fingers and swallow down the cum. 
He grits his teeth as he watches you repeat the action. “Such a good girl cleaning up your mess, huh? That’d be a first for you, wouldn’t it?” His eyes twinkle with an almost evil glint when you finally pop the clean digits from between your lips and move to straddle his thighs again; this time, globs of cum dripping from your pussy as his cock slides from inside of you.
Images of you in different positions flit through Mingyu’s mind as he smiles.
“Say, do you really want to know what I was thinking about before you walked in?”
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Holidays Together
Hello! For @im-the-mystic-messenger Secret Santa, I had the pleasure of writing for @joy1579. I hope this is sweet for you to read and enjoy!
Word Count - 1,116
Warnings - Fluff. (Maybe a bit of time skipping but shhh)
Author's Note - This is Joy x Jumin. I hope I wrote your MC right!
Jumim's face pops up on the laptops screen, brows furrowed in frustration and confusion. You giggle under your breath so he won't hear.
"Did I do it right?" He sighs. You taught him how to use video chats a while ago, but he is still a bit unsure. Especially after system or app updates.
"Yes hun, I can see you well. Can you see me?" Elizabeth jumps onto your lap to see what you're talking to. Jumin's smile somehow seems brighter than it was before at this sight. Elizabeth settles in a comfy spot against you.
"My two favorite ladies. I can see you very well." You watch him shift a bit in his chair. "How are you, my princess?"
"I'm doing well, I just got off work a while ago. I miss you a lot. How are you doing?"
"Tired and busy. I miss you too." He does look more haggard than usual. "I will be home before the holidays. We can celebrate together."
"You'll be able to get lots of care and cuddles when you get back. I promise." You run your finger through Elizabeth's fur. Even though you understand Jumin's work, you can't help but feel lonely some days. He always assures you he'll be back soon and that Elizabeth will keep 
company. "My parents invited us over to have dinner and play board games. Would you be interested in joining them?"
"That sounds splendid. My dad is on a cruise with his new girlfriend that week, so it'll be nice to spend time with them." He clicks his tongue in disapproval at the girlfriend part, but otherwise seems happy. Excited even. Your parents love him and he loves them just as much. "We should get them gifts since we'll be attending."
"I was going to do that when you came back. I wanted your opinion on what to buy. Plus, I need to know what to get you." Jumin's pretty hard to buy gifts for. He has everything needs and has the money for anything he wants. It also doesn't help that he's stubborn, but you can be just as stubborn.
"You don't need to get me any gifts, Joy."
You immediately start to pout, Elizabeth joining you as best as she can. "Of course I'm going to get, or at least make, something for you! It's the day to celebrate and give gifts. I know you're going to spoil me again."
"Fine. I suppose I can't change your mind about it." There's a small smirk that you wish you could wipe off his face. But despite your best efforts to keep up, you let out a soft yawn. "It looks like you're tired. Go get some sleep, I'll be home soon. I love you, Joy."
"Love you too, Jumin." You hold up Elizabeth so she can meow goodbye before ending the call.
Few days pass before Jumin arrives home. He insisted the two of you went shopping even though you wanted him to rest. And then after instead of resting, he asked to help you wrap the gifts. 
Most of the gifts were new cookware and blankets, but Jumin helped you book tickets so they could go on vacation. 
"Ah, be sure to tape it there so it holds!" You chuckle as you continue to wrap the gift in front of you. Jumin's a quick learner, so it doesn't take him long to get into the groove of things. You can't let the photo opportunity go, so you snap a picture. This will be for you only, not for the messenger.
A week passes and the family gathering occurs. Time is spent together happily with home cooking.
After the dinner, Jumin helps you and your parents clean up as your sister brings out and sets up some board games. All of them are short games so you and Jumin can go back home for a private celebration. 
Of course, Jumin wins Monopoly and Clue, but you along with your family win card games Life. The games go on for a while with happy chuckles and playful teasing throughout. Even gift giving is full of joyful energy.
At the end of the gathering, you and Jumin give your goodbyes and tight hugs. You drive back to the penthouse because you know Jumin shouldn't drive and Driver Kim has until after New Year's off.
Jumin prepares some hot chocolate while you change into some fluffy pajamas. The two of you snuggle up on the couch, Elizabeth resting across the room on her bed. Jumin strokes the bit of teal that frames your face, then pushes your glasses further up your nose. You lean in to kiss his cheek.
"Did you enjoy yourself today?" It's a simple question, but you love it when he checks in on you.
"Of course I did. I was with my family and wonderful husband today. Did you enjoy yourself?" His fingers lace with yours.
"I did, very much. This is the best holiday I've had. It was spent with loved ones instead of alone. I thank you for bringing this joy to me." Jumin tucks you closer to his side, patting the top of your head softly.
"You don't have to thank me, hun. You're my love and I want you to be as happy as you make me." You lean into his hand. It always feels nice with the weight of his hand on your head.
"With you, I'll always be happy when you're with me. No matter how far apart." Jumin hums, his palm running down to rub your back. "Speaking of, I got you something from when I'm away."
You scrunch your nose. Jumin has already gotten you second hand books, shojo manga and some rare MLP:FIM trading cards. He had gotten you more?
Jumin hands you the box, wrapped carefully and topped with a bow. You gingerly tear away the wrapping paper and open the box. A small plush cat, looking like Elizabeth, has its paws curled slightly. There's a red sticker on it's paw that reads "Squeeze Here!" So you do, pressing lightly on there. And Jumin's voice rings out.
"My dear Joy, I love you so much. Cuddle me when you miss me. I'll be in your arms." The plush ends the message there.
"I'll always be with you. No matter what." Jumin squeezes you close.
"Thank you for this, Jumin. I know you can't always be with me because of work, but now you can be." You hold the plush tight in your arms, burying your face in his chest.
"I love you, princess. Happy holidays. "
"I love you the most, Jumin. Thank you for spending this holiday with me."
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fanfics4all · 4 years
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Request: Yes / No hello! im sorry if this is too specific😭 just had this idea can u write a draco x fem reader where they’re like best friends but fancy each other and one day she’s on his bed and somehow he notices or sees she’s wet and teases her abt it but she’s like that bc she just saw a hot pic of him on her phone or sumn? and then he quickly took her phone and finds out its bc of him? and then SMUT PLEASE😭 we love details😼 thxx i love your writing!!! Anon
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 2451
Warnings: Smut!
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Draco’s POV
I was in my room studying for the upcoming OWL’s and Y/N, my best friend, was sitting on my bed looking through her phone. She was supposed to study with me, but of course she just ended up on her phone. It was a little annoying, but she somehow always got amazing grades anyway. 
“You know we’re supposed to be studying and not on our phones.” I said, turning to face her. She rolled her eyes and continued to look at her phone. 
“Oh please Draco, we both know I’ll be perfectly fine.” She said and I rolled my eyes. 
“It would be nice to have someone to help me.” I mumbled. “You’ll be fine too Draco.” She said, not paying attention to anything I was really saying at this point. I watched her adjust her position and saw that I could see up her skirt. I blushed slightly and went to look away, but I noticed that she was wet. 
“Somethings got you all hot and bothered ay Y/N/N?” I asked and she looked at me with wide eyes. She quickly closed her legs and blushed deeply. 
“What on earth could have you so turned on at this moment?” I asked with a smirk and walked over to her. I reached for her phone, but she moved it out of my reach. 
“Piss off Draco!” She said, still blushing bright red. 
“Let me see!” I said with a huge smirk. The two of us wrestled over her phone for a few moments, but I ultimately won. I unlocked her phone and found what she was looking at. It was a picture of me. My eyes widened and I looked up to find Y/N blushing an even deeper shade of red. 
“Y-You were getting turned on because of me?” I asked, still in shock that my best friend since we were kids was actually getting horny because of me. 
“You’re very attractive Draco, you can’t blame a girl…” She mumbled. 
“You think I’m attractive?” I asked with a smirk. 
“Shut up! This is embarrassing enough already!” She said and I chuckled slightly. I placed her phone on my bedside table and sat next to her on my bed. She looked over at me, a blush still clear on her features. I gently pulled her face to mine and kissed her. At first she was shocked, but she recovered after a moment and kissed me back. Her lips tasted sweet, just the way I always thought they would. I gently pushed her back onto the bed and deepened the kiss. I pushed my leg in between hers and smirked when I felt her wetness on my knee. She moaned as I pushed my knee into her a bit and held me closer. 
“Please Draco…” She whimpered when we pulled apart for air. 
“I need you to do something for me first.” I said and sat up on my knees. I undid my belt and pushed my pants down along with my boxers, to reveal my erection. Her eyes widened at my size, but smirked. 
“I see I turned you on too.” She said and leaned down so her mouth was only an inch from my mouth. 
“You did, now it’s time you take care of it.” I said and she smirked up at me. 
“Yes sir.” She said and immediately doce her head down and took me into her mouth, no hesitation. It was incredible, but I never, ever thought this would be happening with her. What excited me even more was that I had this beautiful girl that was intent on pleasuring me. I was the focus in this moment. I was the one being taken care of, but of course I was going to return the favor. 
I watched as she bobbed her head up and down my dick. Then it really started to set in how amazing this was actually feeling. Y/N knew how to suck cock, but to my knowledge she’s never done anything with anyone before. Yet, here she was, sucking me like a pro. She had started off bobbing her head quickly, but then started slowing down. Suddenly the pressure around my cock grew immensely. She hollowed out her cheeks and was going nice and slow, but kept deep down my shaft. The sensation was overwhelming! I couldn’t hold out much longer and I placed my hand on the back of her head to let her know I was going to cum soon. She responded by taking me deeper into her mouth, going further up and down on my cock and almost taking it all. Finally I couldn’t hold on any longer. 
“Bloody hell Y/N! I’m going to cum!” I moaned and added a second hand on her head, gripping her hair roughly as I held her mouth deep on my cock. She moaned as I exploded into her waiting mouth. She managed to gulp it all down as I pumped pulse after pulse of my cum down her throat. I never felt an orgasm as amazing as this before. 
When I was finally done, I released Y/N’s head. When she pulled away she opened her mouth and revealed that she had managed to save some of my cum. It was so hot! Then she closed her mouth and swallowed, then opened it back up to show me that every last drop was now down her throat. 
“That was tasty.” Y/N said with a devilish smile. 
“Was I a good girl?” She asked and I smirked. 
“Yes you were, now shut up and kiss me.” I said. 
“But I’m supposed to clean your cock.” She said with a slight pout and started leaning down to do so. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so she was forced to look up at me. 
“That can wait, I said I need you to kiss me now.” I said. The lust in her eyes was no doubt shared in my own. I pulled her face towards mine and my lips pressed to hers. For a moment I just held her there, our lips motionless against each other. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. Then she put her hand on my face and the two of us let our dance together. I moved to sit down properly on the bed and pulled her into my lap. Her arms locked around my neck and we started passionately making out. My tongue found hers and I was able to taste myself, but I didn’t care. I was more interested with the way her tongue was battling mine. I didn’t want to stop kissing her. I could feel her pull me, silently telling me that she wanted more of this. Of course neither of us were quiet, our moans filling the room. Eventually our fingers found their way to each other’s clothes. One moment the two of us were clothed and the next we were completely naked. I don’t quite know how it happened exactly, because I don’t remember our lips ever leaving each other. However, once we were naked I laid her down on my bed. My cock seemed to know exactly where it was meant to go, because I felt her wet pussy and pushed inside. 
That’s when I realised I was inside her. I was inside Y/N. I was inside my best friend. My best friend that got turned on because she finds me attractive. Then it hit me what was happening. I didn’t ask her if it was alright. I needed to stop. I pulled out of her and regrettably parted my lips from her. She let out a whine. 
“No, please Draco don’t stop, love me.” She said. I smiled slightly and felt my heart skip a beat as she begged me to love her. 
“Sex isn’t love. However, I intend to make love to you, which is why I stopped.” I said and she looked at me confused. 
“You aren’t making sense.” She said. 
“You just pleasured me orally, it’s time I return the favor.” I said and she smiled. I dove my face into her sweet wet pussy and started licking away. I have to say, she tasted amazing. I could eat her all day. 
My tongue worked her like I never have before. I had given most of my few girlfriends this treatment before, but this time was different. This time was going to be more special. This girl I truly cared about and wanted to hear her pleasure. I hit every spot I knew would excite her. My lips trapped her clit and I began to tase the tip with my tongue. That got her moaning loudly. Then I started kissing the edge of her lips. My kisses migrated to her amazing thighs and I kissed and sucked her beautifully smooth skin. Her moan increased and I was beginning to worry that someone might hear her. However, that didn’t stop me, I moved from one thigh to the other. Y/N getting louder and louder. Finally I went back to her pussy and once again sucked her clit, flicking it with my tongue. She moaned loudly again, but I wanted to give her more pleasure, so I pushed two fingers inside her. As I pumped them inside her while sucking her clit, I started to hear her moan in a low tone. I lapped away at her wet pussy as her hand gripped my hair. 
“Draco!” She moaned. Hearing her moan my name gave me some encouragement and I began licking faster, adding a third finger inside her. 
“Oh Draco!” She moaned again. I increased my efforts, pushing my fingers as deeply as I could inside her as I traced her pussy lips with my tongue. She just kept moaning my name. 
Using my free hand I started working her ass, pulling it to me so I could bury myself deeper into her. For a moment I removed my fingers from inside her and pushed my tongue as deeply inside her as I could manage. Y/N started moaning my name louder, so I know she was enjoying herself. When I started to tire out my tongue from trying to push it in as deeply as I could, I moved back to her thighs. This time I gently nibbled at her legs which got a very positive response as she gripped my head harder and moaned louder. Eventually I dove my face back into her sweet pussy and pushed my fingers back inside. Once again she let out a loud moan as I fingered her and licked her clit. She moaned louder and I felt her tighten around her fingers. Once she came she started gasping for air. 
“Draco please stop, I already came!” She said and I pulled away from her. My face was soaked in her juices. I smiled with a slightly cocky expression. 
“Did you enjoy that?” I asked. 
“Yes, you got me twice.” She said and my eyes widened slightly. 
“What?” I asked. 
“You made me cum twice. I tried to tell you but you made me feel so good, I couldn’t find the willpower to stop you.” She said and I chuckled. 
“So that’s why you were saying my name.” I said and she giggled. 
“Yes.” She said with a slight blush. 
“I’m glad you liked it.” I said. 
“I loved it.” She said. For a moment the two of us just stared into each other’s eyes. Then it dawned on me, I wanted to fuck her, but I wasn’t sure how to say it. 
“Now, love me.” She said and pulled me back on top of her. I lined my cock up to her pyss, but before I pushed into her I looked into her eyes. 
“I do love you.” I said and her eyes widened. 
“What are you saying?” She asked. 
“I’m saying I love you. I’m in love with you, it’s always been you.” I said. Part of me worried that saying it would ruin everything, but she proved one of the many reasons why she was my best friend. 
“I love you too Draco, I always have.” She said without hesitation. I knew she meant it. Somehow, something that we had never realized about each other had suddenly clicked for us. We were in love with each other. All these years we thought we were just best friends, we each secretly wanted more. 
I smiled and gave her a quick kiss before pushing myself inside her. We stayed that way for a little while, just me inside her. We were connected in the most intimate way and we weren’t about to go back. Slowly I started to pump my hard on inside her. It wasn’t long before we understood each other’s rhythm and we were moving together in sync. We loved each other and it only heightened the sensation of her pussy moving over my shaft. Our hands began to wander, pulling at each other, clawing at each other, showing that we desired each other. Every move we made as we had sex was to make it to that we were closer to each other, even if it was only a millimeter closer. We tried to pull each other as close to one another as we could as I thrusted faster and faster. 
Excitement increased in both of us as our climaxes began to stir inside us. My thrusts bagan getting sloppy and I knew I was close to cumming. 
“I love you.” Y/N whispered. 
“I love you too.” I said. 
“I’m cumming!” She moaned. 
“Me too!” I groaned. The both of us reached out orgasm together. My cum rocketed inside her and she let out a moan. It was then I realized I hadn’t worn a condom. Slowly out orgasms came to an end and we slowly calmed down. When we stopped moving I looked into her eyes and could see the love she had for me. I wondered how many times I had missed that look. I brought my head down and kissed her softly. I loved this girl, this beautiful girl, and she loved me. 
Eventually our lips parted and I pulled myself out of her. Regret sat in. I had cum inside her without a condom and now she could end up pregnant. 
“I-I’m sorry.” I said and she looked at me confused. 
“What do you mean?” She asked sitting up. 
“I didn’t use a condom…” I said and she just smiled. 
“It’ll be fine Draco, don’t worry.” She said and pecked my lips. 
“What if-” 
“Hush, don’t ruin the moment.” She said cutting me off.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @vanessa-kom-skaikru​ @dracoswhvre​
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