#im curious about all the other countries too tho
mishapen-dear · 4 months
hi qsmp fans ive got a curiosity
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 months
other than the donnies(tho im curious about thoughts for them too!!), how educated* do we think each of the ninja turtles are?
like theyre all homeschooled (so relying on one adult for all subjects which usually sucks ass afaik, little outside socializing, perhaps not as high paced, but hopefully more catered to their needs/abilities?), have little to no access to resources for education, some parents are adult immigrants from other countries w no support, some have actual rats who became sapient as teachers, few will ever have the chance to attend further education even if they wanted, and all started becoming full time vigilantes and/or child soldiers around age 15.
when do u think they might have stopped school learning? we never see it in the stories iirc
how many april o'neils had to give impromptu lessons on "normal" stuff the kids never heard of?
would the kids know anything about human anatomy for purposes other than combat/defense?
also how my neurodiversity come into play?
*i cant think of a better word rn but basically would they have the have subject matter knowledge expected of peers in their area and age range?
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fairyhaos · 9 months
i saw this somewhere else, so i won't take credit for it, but i'm just curious
moot game! what crimes do you think your moot would commit and do you think they’d get caught or get away with it?
HAHAHA this is such a funny one omg okay
@odxrilove gives me arson vibes ngl. she's so chaotic lmaooo and gives off the mildly mentally insane personality that makes me think arson haha. and she probably gets away with it too??? no one can really trace it back to her, but people suspect bc this isn't her first offence
@blue-jisungs stealing from a bank 💀 gets caught bc she tries to get through all of the laser protection thingies and accidentally trips over her own feet and sets off the alarm
@wheeboo aiding and abetting!! rania seems like the typa person who'd be there on the sides, encouraging them to go ahead w the drug dealing or something. acts all innocent on trial, and almost gets away w it before right on the very last day there's a vital piece of evidence revealed that eventually condemns her
@slytherinshua car crash, and gets panicky about having to pay for repairs for the other person. apologises multiple times. regularly sends merry christmas money every yr bc she still feels guilty
@icyminghao breaking and entering. it was an accident actually, bc she thought it was her own house (it was dark okay) and she forgot her keys (she was tired okay) so she tried to get in thru the window before quickly realising it wasn't her home and backing out
@rubywonu money laundering. gets so rich that she never has to work ever and moves to the maldives to do whatever she wants. uses her private jet to fly to korea and go to all the fansigns with seventeen that she wins
@weird-bookworm hmm jaywalking? never gets caught tho. (idk why jaywalking is even a crime in some countries lmao)
@selenicives tax evasion. changes identity 26379154 times, knows all the best people to forge birth certificates and passports etc. gets caught only after like, 7 years
@etherealyoungk the most horrible crime of stealing my heart 😎😎 im jk haha i think she'd participate in some sort of peaceful protest and then end up arrested bc the police are being dicks >:((
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0ystercatcher · 13 days
finally the other topic thats been on my mind. the food. oohhh the food. enormous post warning. i hope to god the read more works.
ok for starters. its good. i cant complain. variety and spread were pretty great (goes so hard to have diaspora from all over the world in your country you literally can get anything if you know where to look), quality was good, portions are INCREDIBLY generous even considering price most of the time, and price is....fine. i hated it bc again exchange rates fucked me over but i didnt see anything... outrageous anywhere we went to OTHER than the baseball game but that i expected and was prepared for so i didnt like, insta vomit when i saw the menu. i didnt try nearly everything i wanted to but, well, i have limited space in my tummy.
there were... some questionable items. at the store. like, ham with cheese inside it that looked like it had some kind of pox. all sorts of um. wrong looking. gooey cheese products. all very yellow and with a scary toxic look to them. i did eat the cheetos tho they were fine and acceptably orange.
Tumblr media
like... im sorry. this isnt ok. this shouldnt exist. this is wrong.
there were also all sorts of what id consider, niche? not very high circulation? products. that looked interesting. also cheeses, this time delicious and amazing (im still so pissed i left the horseradish cheddar i wanted to bring home in ks fridge), great great snacks, treats of all sorts (some good some eh?), all kinds of baking ingredients and cooking ingredients, so many dry spices and powders and seasonings. asian ingredients and mexican ingredients seemed greatly favored which tbh was appreciated bc there was stuff id never seen before that got me very curious + i found my fav mexican candy which i missed. also, chicken is p cheap over there, i was surprised its basically as cheap as it is here, maybe slightly cheaper even. all in all, tbh, you can eat pretty well buying fairly cheap and healthy items with...not many problems. like...a big big bag of kale was like...4 usd. thats so good. chicken and tuna and sardines were cheap. pasta is cheap as hell as it is everywhere. veggies and fruit are kind of hit or miss but i think thats somewhat seasonal as it is everywhere. canned food is cheaper there too?? not bad at all. next time i want to go to a costco and see how it goes to buy stuff in bulk, it looks promising.
idk where im going w this post so now im just gonna list the memorable meals or treats or ingredients i sampled/had over there (inconsistent list bc some are homemade meals made by moi + k but whatever) and rate them. i cant put these on a normal list bc im breaking the character limit so please bear with my horrible formatting.
baseball game hotdog: 7/10 disappointingly small for the...10? 11? usd it cost. nice mustard and onions on top. NO MAYO. ketchup and relish were Fine. at least 2-3 points of the score are just the fact it was a true baseball hotdog and my first one at that. the experience is very important for this one. i cherished that more than most other things in this "meal" so id feel bad rating it lower.
baseball garlicky fries: 8/10. again 3 points for the experience and novelty of it being baseball food. i think they were 9 dollars. ok portion. CRAZY AMNTS OF GARLIC YUM. pretty tasty. NO MAYO THO!!
double cheese burger + fries + onion rings + peanut butter milkshake: 10/10. true american meal. enormous burger. couldnt finish anything other than the milkshake and k helped w that + i was about to genuinely frow up by the time i tried the last spoonful of it. the whole thing i think was about 25-30? usd each? i dont even care. it was delicious, i think the mayo was made by the restaurant itself, it was so good. beef patties were great. vegetables were great. pickles were really good. gooey ass american cheese was great. fries were crazy. onion rings were perfect. just delicious. will go again next time im there.
pho + spring rolls: 5.5/10. not bad at all. but i think pho was greatly overhyped. i ordered it w tendon and tripe which was nice to have in the us bc i know they dont like organ meats at all. it was ok. its one of those soups that i guess gets better kinda by the end when its all gotten mixed up and nicely flavored. ive had better soups though. sorry i fumbled the tip.
sushi: 8/10. nice! didnt try even close to all the options but the eel was DELICIOUS + the maki sushi was good and, honestly, very well portioned. i dont like when the maki sushi is huge esp when im trying to sample many types. and some of the salads and soups....hell yes. good price! comparable to nice sushi places here, i didnt feel it was scandalous. im giving it an 8 bc it was tasty as fuck, but i do have a comment on this. i think the us does the same thing we do which is, they shove a bunch of ingredients into maki sushi to make new ones with a lot of shit in them and im not the biggest fan of that so i didnt order those. i like simple sushi. the ones i ordered were really good tho. 8/10 for those, i dont think ill order the other ones unless i was feeling suuuper experimental. same as it ever was.
deluxe kraft mac and cheese, orig cheddar: 5/10 without adding anything to it, solid 6 with better cheese + bbq sauced hot dog in it. see we had just watched the jerma reviews mac and cheese video and we happened to find this at the store so obviously we had to try it. it was just normal mac and cheese. i think american kraft has a stronger and kinda. nastier. cheese flavor in it. so we added real cheese and other things and it was better. solid dinner.
mcdonalds: mcdonalds/mcdonalds. its mcds. it tastes the same everywhere apparently. it was fine. fresh fries were nice tho.
taco bell chicken quesadilla: 2/10. i dont really like taco bell and i kind of objected to this meal and only had a little bit. flavorful in weirdly wrong ways. not Offensive but, yknow, a strong I Would Prefer Not To. also, made me a little bloated even with lactaid to help me cope.
various food items at family meeting: 7/10. im not rating them individually there were too many, this is an average. the ones that stood out were: crispy crispy bacon for brekky. biscuits and gravy. funeral potatos? thats what they called it i think? the yogurt + fruit + maple syrup granola bowl and the smoked trout. i think this is because it was a family thing, but if not i guess it still applies? homemade american dishes are so fucking rich. im not sure i could stand eating like that every day. i know by the end of the weekend i was like.. i need normal salad. i need some rice. this cant go on forever. still, i enjoyed every dish i tried. tasty stuff!
sweet corn we roasted in a fire: 10/10 brother i love sweet corn and oonnhh hhn the butter on it. yea man. its good.
special coffee drink + bagel w cream cheese: 7/10. very generous bagel for like...under 3 usd. 3rd worlder ass price for the crazy amnt of cheese it had imho and like, i shared it with k and i was still very satisfied with the portion i got. the coffee drink was very nice. i have no idea what that woman put in it other than the 2 large espresso shots and ice i saw she added. tasty tho! and she was nice. sorry i was very bad at understanding your accent. i realized im still not at all used to that.
espresso + chocolate truffle: 9/10 just what i needed after the fish and chips feast. beautifully smooth coffee, good crema, smelled good, tasted good. great texture, good price. 8 usd for...2 espressos and 2 truffles. i think thats more than acceptable, esp in the highly touristy area we were in. the truffle itself i think was a little ordinary but paired so well w the coffee the whole thing was a win. lovely to have it next to the sea w my love after stuffing ourselves full w fish and chips. speaking of which.
fish (cod and calamari and shrimp) and chips + cider: 10/10 my god. my god. this rivals peruvian jalea. i never believed it would be possible. but it is. it was great. fresh out the fryer, pleasantly greasy but not excessively so. great flavor. great fish. nice portion. amazingggg cider and really nice tartar sauce. just what i needed after walking around for a couple hours. just a great fucking meal. will def go again if i can.
glazed? powdered? donuts? we got at the store? i dont remember the brand or name but i was curious so i grabbed a thing and k said they were pretty good: 2/10 meh. they were... whatever. i think i had one w breakfast and then i sort of gave up on them. kind of dry and too dense for a donut. maybe they were cake donuts? i dont know. i shouldnt have strayed from dunkin, im sorry dunkin. ill never let you down again.
salt vinegar chips: 10/10 one of those snacks i just. would compulsively buy if i lived there. like this would be my go to snack. they hurt the roof of my mouth but its worth it also i like the sourness bc it makes me pace myself a little.
normal ruffles: ruffles/ruffles. i like a good wavy potato chip. what can i say. i enjoyed them.
american bacon: 8/10. i understand why the us has crazy rates of cardiovascular disease. i get it. maybe its worth it. it gets one whole point solely bc of the crazy amnt of fat you can render out of it, bacon fat was Not Lacking while we cooked and i thank the bacon for this, because thats a great ingredient to have around imho.
tap water: 10/10. preddy good!
mexican limes: 2/10. im actively racist against these citrus fruits. so much flesh, no juice. they did their job and tasted Fine I Guess but they were still lame. peruvian lime or nothing baby.
fuji apples: 8/10. im fujiapplepilled. theyre nice. crispy. go well with peanut butter. yum! nice that they are grown there.
cheetos: 5/10. i had the puffs and the normal..crispy ones? non spicy bc i dont like the spicy ones. i was satisfied. theyre better than ours. still not the best snack but i was curious. bigger portion than im used to. i think i would simply not let children have them though.
beef hot dogs, from the store. in and without bun: 9/10 broooo americans are just good at these. they put like actual meat in them. theyre dense. theyre large. delicious stuff. versatile enough, reasonably priced. if this isnt their national pride it should be. wish i could have brought a pack home. my fam would love these.
some kind of mexican chorizo thing: 4/10. it was ok. k had this in the fridge when i got there? its like salchicha huachana but less good, less fresh, less colourful and less flavorful. it did what we needed it to do, i didnt dislike it. it was just. fine.
ranier beer: 7/10. yum! pleasant. slightly sweet. a fine drink for a warm sunny day. great with snacks or other treats.
pabst blue ribbon: 6/10. yum also! i liked rainier a little better tho.
the 2 ipas i had: 0/10. the only thing i had that i actively disliked. yuck. just nasty stuff.
wait i forgot
jeppsons malort: -1/10. @worldlytutor why the fuck did you buy that. that shit tasted like rat poison fr. throw that shit away rn if you still have it.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Do you currently live in Germany? Is smoking very prevalent there and for underage kids too? I know drinking is pretty common from what i heard but idk. Not judging btw just curious lol! I like your story times 😂 im still reeling over the cheater guy
I do live in Germany, and I'll probably never move away if I'm honest. Most other countries really don't appeal to me and I have my family and friends here, so no real reason to move. If I do get the chance to marry outside of my home country (which would be very appreciated personally), I don't think I would move away from all the benefits (unless my partner turns out to be finnish or smth, upgrades are fine lol).
However, I can't tell you how it is these days with kids, I am too old to actually know what's going on and too young to have my own lol. These days it might be a bit more prevalent than in the past, especially with parents too. Back in my school time it was more of a "cool kids" activity and there weren't that many kids in every class who were active smokers. I wasn't a cool kid per se but I had a lot of friends that were and they were smokers so occasionally I'd join and eventually it turned into social smoking with others, and then when I started working and there were benefits to being a smoker (more breaks, the stress would lift a bit, everyone was doing it so it was another way to socialize) I committed to it. But there were lots of struggles like parents who were still firmly against it, how to get cigarettes (you'd need to ask someone who was older or had connections), hiding it from parents and teachers. It was quite an ordeal. But like I said, no idea what is going on with the youth today.
Also "drinking is pretty common", is probably a stretch ^^' I did go out a lot as a teenager, but mostly on the weekend. I think a lot of people think giving teenagers the ability to buy beer and wine with 16 will automatically make them alcoholics but back when we did it, it really was more of a weekend party thing. And even then, most of my friends knew their limits and personally, I never met someone with alcohol poisoning while underage. It also was an ordeal as well because we'd only be able to drink outdoors or if one of the parents allowed it (but they'd usually supervise us), so if it rained or was winter, tough luck. And we got shooed away constantly. Sometimes we'd change the location 3-5 times a night because someone felt offended by the volume or us just hanging out casually. And there was only one 16+ club in all of the city, and I lived pretty far from it so there was almost an hour drive to and from to calculate, while also needing to be at home at midnight.
At the same time, when I finally turned 18 and got to drink harder stuff I pretty much knew my limits. I never threw up and can hold my liquor well, also don't suffer from hangovers, though recently I started getting stomach aches from wine so I'm refraining. I basically only drink cocktails, sparkling wine and seldomly whiskey at this point, and so rarely that it's hardly worth mentioning. I remember drinking a cocktail when Suzume came out in the cinema, so in April, and nothing since then lol I think the experience really helps you get better with these kinds of substances, and you learn to use them healthily if you're not drowning your feeling in them and just have fun like they are meant for.
I will tell you tho, the most garbage drink I used to have is Aperol Cola. No idea why my friend thought that was good. It's disgusting, overly sweet and bitter at the same time, literally nauseating, unhealthy af, and has no good quality about it. Especially when it gets warm, blergh. Do not recommend. You'll never drink Aperol again after that.
Looking back at it, partying was exhausting and even now where I'm free to do whatever I want, I never go to a club anymore because it's just a waste of my time tbh lol
But I really can't tell you how it is these days with the teenagers. If anything I see more smokers but very, very little drinkers. Something definitely changed, but maybe I'm just not in the right places to actually notice it.
Also, I'm glad you enjoy the story times! They are literally just silly anecdotes of a stranger, but it's still nice to reminiscence sometimes ^^
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
can i know why the tumblr football community does not like ronaldo and his family? i've been in the midst of twitter football community for too long before joining tumblr so i'm genuinely curious.
sorry if i come off as rude but i genuinely am curious :")
JDNSJDMEKD LOL ITS OKAY!! twt and tumblr r VERY different environments primarily bc most of the toxicity we get on here has transferred from twt. but also most of us r not weird cis men w lil dick syndrome that must unhealthily idolize/defend rich male athletes/celebs.
so to start off w ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against their children okay. kids r innocent to the faults of their parents. u cant choose who raised you. i just hope they're happy and healthy as all children should be.
there's a whole laundry list of things i can say about cr7 including admitting to r*pe, being an egotistical weirdo (slamming his old teams, acting out when he doesn't get minutes, etc.), and other generally weird rich person cringe that a man nearing 40 should not be acting like.
georgina on the other hand idk know much about other than my general distaste for celebs and out of touch weirdos who get their own netflix reality tv series by doing absolutely nothing. i dont like athlete family gossip especially about families so i generally ignore their existence unless the athlete shares that part w the public or it affects my games. she's also just a rlly weird person? i havent watched the "documentary" but from some clips ive seen im like? rlly?? this is what got renewed for a second season but my series got cancelled why??? ik a mutual of mine hate watches the series tho. anyways many ppl just dislike her by association to cr7. they also recently both got an exemption from saudia to live not married to keep them there. like they changed the countries LAWS to fit them bc cr7 can't put a ring on it. whether u agree w the law or not that weird as hell right?? not that im surprised saudia allowed this bc those fuckers r the worst.
at one point (2016ish?) she represented the dream wag life. she met a famous athlete working in retail at a luxury store and then started a life w him after. a lot of ppl still like her. what was her wording again: "i went from riding busses to work to leaving in lambos"
so yah that's just my reasonings on it tho. like there r other ppl in football i wouldn't mind seeing docu series on but that's bc they actually do things that aren't philanthropic events for tax write-offs.
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httpiastri · 5 months
mistletoe - liam, clem, marcus
last christmas - what sort of fanfics do absolutely not read? do you have any red flags in fanfics?
let it snow - i’m 22, british (and stereotypically british. strong accent, need my tea to function, love cricket and rugby, name any stereotype and it’s probably true). i’m very confident and very good at helping others, i’m always the therapist of the friend group. i’m a big sports fan, and although i only know british sports, i’m really curious and open to learn about sports of other countries/cultures.
winter wonderland - paul aron
mistletoe: pls this is so hard :( uhhhhh i think i’ve been forced to choose between liam and clem before and i think i chose clem for marrying. because idk even tho i love liam tons, clem seems more like a marriage candidate? if you get what i mean? i can imagine myself and clem being one of those cute couples getting married before they’re 25 🥺 while with liam, it’s more of a… young, teenage kind of love? at least in comparison to clem… not that it makes a lot of sense since clem’s only about a year older….. idk what im talking about, sorry 😭 anyway i’ll go for marry clem, kiss/fuck liam and sorry marcus 💔you’re sweet and all but you can’t really fight them for my heart
last christmas: oooo i’m actually very very picky when it comes to fanfic reading lol! i dont read a lot these days, and when i do, i spend most of the time just reading descriptions…. i usually only read established relationship aus, especially if it’s smut, so no like coworker!aus (except for reader!driver x driver). except for also maybe like best friend!aus or possibly possibly brother’s best friend!aus (but they have to be longer then and i must have time to get emotionally invested lol). and i only read pretty soft smuts, no degradation or super kinky stuff, i love and fully support that other people enjoy reading it but it’s just not my cup of tea. and i can’t really do oc x reader or fics in third person, i almost only read fics written in second person pov? with exceptions for tasia’s fics and like two other writers maybe. hmmm i probably have more but this is all i can think of rn!
let it snow: omg i ship you with logan sargeant!! i think the american x brit trope would be so cute. he would love your accent, and also like to make fun of it, but don’t worry! you will definitely get to make fun of him too!! teach him about british culture and he will teach you about… hotdogs and… hamburgers….. 😍 and he would love to introduce you to his favorite american sports!! and you being the therapist of the friend group would be very good for him, let him rant and get everything out and you’ll have a very happy logan <3
winter wonderland:
it's easy for you to get carried away by the sight of his arms. the way his fingers fit so perfectly between yours, the way little freckles and moles are scattered across his skin, the way the muscles in his forearm flex when he gives your hand a little squeeze. it's like time and the outside world doesn't exist: it's just you and paul. and his hands and arms.
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nahalism · 8 months
What do you thnkk would be the healthy and mature way of dealing with those emotions when it comes to us, humans?
Theres another thing i wanna ask. Do you believe there are ppl who feel those negative emotions or maybe all ❔ emotions more intensely which results in them handling it worse or could it b that the fundamental emotion is similar in all of us but it’s the ways we conduct ourselves while the feeling arises that matters and shows more? As an example we have two people who get extremely angry but one has less self control/insert other quality which makes them lash out in rage while the other doesn’t? The one is explodes/implodes might argue that they feel things more intensely but it’s so hard to measure isnt it? Who is to say they feel more intensely rather than… act more intensely when they feel said emotion
rambleramble i hope dis makes sense
i think the healthy way to deal with things is to learn about emotional regulation and to gauge the way you find best helps you regulate. some people can address issues immediately whereas others need time to process. some people need to workout or expel excess energy, some people need to meditate, some need to journal or write it out to gain perspective, others (despite the work they do to regulate themselves) are trying to find resolution with unregulated individuals which itself can be a huge trigger so in that case maybe doing some work on staying detachment and learning in your own orbit rather than getting sucked into other peoples realities and perceptions of reality is beneficial. idk. it really is subjective and situational so i cant sit here and give a prescriptive answers cause life is more nuanced than good v bad/right v wrong
i think that there are people who are more sensitive to others but that doesn't necessarily mean they feel more than others. heightened awareness, preexposure to trauma and life experience all shape a person, their perception and their reaction to things. (im sure u know this). so its fair to say no two people are the same, and as such peoples tolerance for pain or discomfort is also not the same. some people are always in pain and so are so numb to it they seem high functioning. just because theyre not as reactive doesnt mean they dont suffer. on top of that one person may find the prospect of abandonment petrifying whilst another wouldnt even recognise the interaction as abandonment, theyd see it as simply separating paths. all of that is based on conditioning, preexposure, and the families/societies/countries were born into
idk these questions require a essay to answer lol theres too much to weigh up. im curious tho, what makes u ask these qs
sending love hope ur well
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gaypleasantview · 1 year
A, F, I, L , P, V and Y (lmao so many but i'm curious)
A: Favorite CC creator
Honestly its so hard to say bc i love so many 😭 naturally im a fan of creators that create or used to create something essential and super cool like platasp, jacky93sims, moni lisa sims, skittlessims, leto mills, linacheries, pooklet and azaya, mrs mquve, riekus13, rockethorse, applewatersugar, pforest, kestrelteens, vidcunds, sammy sundog, and probably a whole bunch of other creators that i forgot... if i had to pick someone i have a special love for it would be leaf-storm because im such a huge fan of their cc 😭 and naturally i got to mention you and dirk as my beloveds that im always so excited to see new stuff from 🙏🙏
F: Gameplay with or without cheats
Well im a legacy challenge kid, thats where i came from and thats i will forever be, and those require you to abstain from cheats so i got used to making money myself and its super fun, as a kid i would always abuse rosebud and motherlode and honestly when it comes to the first one its probably justified bc playing ts1 with cheap furniture is hell 😃 but with the other games its not the same! i gotta say i started building more recently so the basic building cheats are as necessary as ever but also i think i love testingcheats so much im just gonna have this mod tattooed on me literally bc its so scary and gives you too much power but the fun of it cant be described. i used to abuse it as a kid as well
I: Your Bella Goth theories
Honestly im a bit tired of all the bella business but i accept any theories, i havent decided on one myself but i lean towards thinking bella is in strangetown but is strangetown bella The bella? idk. i also dont like that bella from psp said she married for money and i dont believe her bc her and mortimer are the only true love in the universe it feels sometimes
L: Have your sims ever cheated?
As a kid i made Chester Gieke successful and he was my favorite sim, i also grew up with a lot of christian guilt but it looks like i played chester before that happened bc once i opened his save after a few years i was completely shocked betrayed and upset when i saw that he fucked four women two of which were his robots? i love that i had fun with it as a 8 or 9 yo bc later in life i cared for sims too much to make them cheat 😭 i do wanna play as a romance sim sometime bc i never truly experienced that but i still feel bad when my sims are sad so we'll see
P: Pose or play your sims?
I may not be super good at it but i loovvee posing sims with animations, everything else mostly just looks too basic to me bc once youve seen a pose a few times youre gonna recognize it everywhere and its not as fun anymore. but i still like them regardless! i just think im mostly better off using parts posers, animations or just literal gameplay so that people wont be annoyed with my pictures (honestly tho who cares. its my game) but in general gameplay is my favorite, even though ive always been a big fan of screenshotting, esp in ts3
V: How did you start playing the sims?
When i was about 5 yo we moved into a new place and we got a computer and my sister heard from her classmates about the sims, of course we had to go to our insanely-popular-at-the-time book market that had many many ill*gal game cds lol it was really hard to get a real copy back home bc ts2 wasnt localized in my language and ts1 wasnt even published in any nearby countries at all i think so people had to localize it themselves. we found a stand that had every ts1 expansion on display and we couldnt pick between makin magic and superstar i think. but superstar had xtina on the cover so of course we picked it, turned out it was superstar and literally everything that came before it (that is everything ts1 had except making magic). so that was my first sims game and i kind of dedicated my life to my love for it ever since. i dont remember how we started playing ts2 but i remember my first time playing it
Y: Favorite career
Paranormal probably 😭 bc i loved resurrecting sims. and idk maybe culinary and science? i love ghost hunters in ts3 🙏
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ppnuggie · 2 years
hello ppnuggie <3
can i have a lost in space match up please :3?
i go by sunny, my pronouns are she/they and im omnisexual!!
i have short, curly ginger hair and a lot of freckles,, im planing on getting little solar systems tattoed on diffrent clutters of freckles which is not really relevant ig but,, freckles
my eye color is a mix of blue and green and people have actually argued over what my eye color is at school lol,, i dont really have an aesthetic but i do have these really cool pants with doodles on them and a little ufo on the back pocket that says "i need space"
i have a very cheery personality around friends and i would literally die for them,, i dont express myself around my family as much because they can be really judgy and im really sensitive,, and if im around someone i absolutely hate/someone who has wronged me significantly, i will let them know exactly how i feel - if i do have an issue with someone i will always try to solve the issue in a civil mannar without hurting their feelings,, i rely on communication a lot and its an important thing to me with different relationships
but other than that, im very friendly with new people and friends, im very open and try very hard not to be intimidating, because as an antisocial and socially anxious person ik how it feel when talking to knew people,, im definitely more confident over social media and texts than i am in person.
im an artist!!! im graduating a year early from high school and going to one of the country's best art schools!! ive had art set as acareer path in my brain since the 5th grade,, art is my life
i also dabble in creative writting, mostly fanfics but its just so incredible to come up with stories,, im a big book worm,, if im not drawing or watching cartoons/syfi films im reading, could be ao3, wattpad, tumblr fics, poetry, or a physical book i bought, i will read it
i love syfi and action that simmer in some romance ya know,, it just hits diffrent,, especially alien robot themed syfi,, idk my brain just eplodes when i see space robots
i hate being surrounded by clutter, my surroundings affect my mental state so i try to be as clean as possible to keep my attitude and motivation up :))
i have anxiety + social anxiety,, especially if im alone in crowded/public spaces- went on a college field trip once in middle school and i had a break down at taco bell because none of my friends were there and i was surrounded by strangers,, students or not,,
i hate broccoli and coliflower and public speaking/presentation assignments
im sorry if this is too much? ive never asked for a match up before but the ones ive seen are kinda lengthy so im not too sure :// i might do another match up ask in the future for tfp if its still open i love those funky dudes
anyways thank you for reading my tf stuff and requesting it was the highlight of my week !!! :D
ahh tysm for requesting !! 🥹🥹🙏❤️ im so sorry i havent been able to reply to the comments and stuff you make on my posts 😭😭 i promise im not ignoring you ,, its just this isnt my main blog but instead a side blog ,, my main one i dont bother or toucb anymore 😭😭 but my dms are definitely open if you ever wish to talk or so <33 and np !! i cant wait to see the finished result for the request :D i like your work so much 🥹 its rlly good !! heres you matchup <33 under the thing ,, and dw ,, you can request again for tfp bc no ones rlly requested so far 😭🙏 congrats on the art school tho ! :D hope you do have fun with that !!
𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 : robot !! :D
• he would stay around you often ,, not bothering to spend time with others and instead stick close to you unless you told him not to
• hes very curious about you ,, lights swirling around inside the glass on his face ,, he finds you interesting and nice to be around
• whilst hes not all that sure about humans just yet ,, as they all act differently from one another ,, he does feel safer and more comfortable around you
• whenever he catches glimpses of your drawings he tilts his head to the side ,, wondering about them in his mind
• he loves to see your drawings ,, how each varies differently from one to another ,, it just makes more memories for him
• he has tried to draw something for you before ,, wanting to indulge in this littke artistic hobby of yours and make something ,, though it was only in the dirt as he doesnt know how to use pencils and stuff yet
• he’ll help you with public spaces and crowds and strangers as best as he can ,, making it known hes there for you shall you need some reassurance <3
the small stick glided around in the dirt ,, shapes starting to form as he moved it about. he had his mind focused on a plant form ,, gazing back and forth at it as he tried to mimick its shaping. the lights swirled softly inside the glass ,, hand moving to make another shape.
once finished ,, he turned to look up at you. the lights never once stopped swirling ,, a soft hum coming from robot as he awaited for your reaction. laid there in the dirt had been a mishapened flower ,, the one just a little bit in front of you two.
he hoped you liked it somewhat ,, hoping you’ll enjoy his creation as much as he enjoys yours. the lights slowed their pace ,, blue gazing into your eyes as he awaited.
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menalez · 2 years
I have a question, if that's ok.
if women aren't allowed to have jobs under Islamic rule (or at least issis rule) but also women must wear full coverings when not in the presence of family......how do women get medical care? like, not only OBGYN care but basic physical exams? what about when they need surgery, where you have to take off everything and wear a sterile hospital gown? is there a hospital gown equivalent hijab? what about giving birth, and being seen so intimately by the doctor (midwife?) helping them deliver? are women allowed to become doctors or nurses as an exception, like how American women used to basically only be able to be nurses or teachers? or do they just. not get healthcare? I haven't heard this brought up as an issue women are facing there so I can only assume there must be a solution that works. I'm just curious if the "you must stay pure and be unlooked upon by a man that isn't your husband" gets set aside for medical care in the same way anti-abortion women will still go get an abortion when they need it, or if there's something else going on. hoping women there are still getting the care they need🙏
women are allowed to have jobs under most forms of sharia law,, id say be careful w equating ISIS to countries under islamic law in general cause like ISIS is basically saudi's form of islam (wahhabism) but made even more extreme than saudi. they're akin to the taliban and other terrorist groups like boko haram who do in fact oppose women working and gaining education.
women in niqabs, hijabs, burqas etc are only expected to be covered among non-relative MALES. many muslim countries are highly segregated, and gynos are in many muslim countries female-only (or almost female-only) jobs. with healthcare, many of these women (and even women in general in my country & other muslim countries, from my experience) prefer female doctors and will request them. in some cases i think there will also be a "male guardian" present if they see a male doctor (not gyno tho, i think male gynos just generally not popular to begin with). im not too sure on the specifics of that tho bc im from a pretty non-traditional family n was never covered that way. but in bahrain at least, yes women are allowed to be doctors and nurses. in bahrain i have only ever come across female nurses, and ive come across doctors of both sexes. im nearly sure that is also the case for all of the gulf and even iran. the issue is, in several muslim countries, for many women to be able to work or get further education, they must have permission from their male guardian. so in this case are many women not allowed to work, but its not that women arent allowed to work in muslim countries in general.
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shoujo-helado · 2 years
my semi-long rant of a literal who
i’m going to go on a small rant bc this has been bugging me since march and i can’t keep this to myself any longer. SPOILERS BELOW +++ if you've only watched the ova of magic user's club, i don't blame you for not knowing there's a tv series. i initially thought they were two episodes until i realised the rest of them were unavailable in my country. the series focuses on the relationships between the characters whilst highlighting all of the shenanigans they get into. one example i can think of right away is when sae and aburatsubo are stuck in the club room - meanwhile on the other side of the school nanaka literally has to convince takeo to stop being a wimp and go look for them bc there is no way sae would “just leave and then think there's nothing wrong with that”. takeo then has a minute-long exaggerated monologue about his feelings for sae, which was a treat to watch. i’m a sucker for slice of life so i binge watched the show in less than a week. now, here's the issue with one of the characters - in fact i can't bring myself to call him a character since he's devoid of any personality, especially for a show that runs for 24 minutes. i fail to see the reason why the little blonde boy was included in the series. jurika is not human, but a magical construct given life by sae's true ideals and wishes about magic - which makes sense since her magic is so powerful. i’m relieved that they gave an explanation because i initially thought he was a second-year who was curious about magic but was too shy to ask anyone from the club (don’t ask) 
he's introduced as this “mysterious silhouette” gazing at sae at the end of ep2. tbh, i was hooked - at first i thought it was a reincarnation of jeff-kun until i realised “nah the little bear isn't coming back”
he's just there. whispering words of nothingness into the mcs' ears like “you should realise the true power of magic!” and “you shouldn't hide your feelings for this specific person so i'll keep reminding you until you do!” it felt cheap. i’m not saying there had to be gazillions of plot twists to make the show interesting, but at LEAST a spoonful of mystery would of been nice! and by that i don't mean “introduce a supposedly important character and then do absolutely nothing with them.” all of my red flags went up when i reached ep10. i love takeo a lot, don't get me wrong, but the fact that he casually let jurika into the club bc “he knows much more magic than we do” okay but where's the proof? would of liked to see that he wasn't all talk and no action HOWEVER we see how much jurika is capable of.. nearing the end of the second last episode. the fight scene kept me at the edge of my seat (which is a surprise since no fight scene has left me like that) afterwards i could come up with one question: “why tho?” what was the point? and why was he suspected to be a threat when he has done absolutely nothing throughout the series? DO NOT get me started on that scene also in ep10. why did he steal sae's first kiss?? that was not for you, that was for takeo!! i had to pause the video and process what the diddly darn i watched. i can't think of any reason as to why that happened. shock value perhaps? ion know.. lastly, sae and takeo's confession in ep13? either i’m terrible at recognising unexplained things or i’m just dumb overall but i can't tell if they're in a relationship. maybe the manga could tell me more, if there weren't 3 chapters fan-translated. i’m super desperate to get my hands on them, only problem is i have never purchased anything online. gotta persuade a relative of mine to help me out ANYWAYS im going to wrap up now and i hope my disorganised rant made sense! see yaa
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koishua · 2 years
HIIII MY LOVEEEEE !!! what have you been up to ?? i need to send more asks to you >:(( i just always and forever want to be talking with you it makes me so happy <333 like talking with you comes so naturally and like I JUST LOVE YOU A LOT and i want to talk to you abt everything and anything
so random questions from me, it seems like you use public transit a lot and i just barely started using it myself, IS IT CONFUSING WHERE YOU LIVE/HAVE LIVED BC IT WAS SO CONFUSING TO ME AT FIRST. the busses tripped me up so much this past monday that it took me almost three hours instead of one to get home LMAO :,) and i mean ig it's not confusing anymore but sTILL i'm curious abt your experience lol
HI RIA!!! so much has changed and developed the past two months, my love idek where to begin 😔😔 currently tho im omw to an amusement park with a bunch of other people!! im excited, bc i had to miss out on the last four opportunities to go there bc of either work or sickness 💀💀 AND STOP YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY 😭😭 YOU'RE THE BEST HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT?? you're always so, so sweet ;-; i can't get enough of your being :')
as for your question, i do! it's my main form of transport. i probably spend like 7 hours on trains and busses every week bc of school and work </3 i get to places by car maybe twice a month. i was like 13 when i first started using public transport and it was to go to school, so i just followed what everyone else on the bus was doing 😭😭 we moved to the cityside two years ago tho so now i have to take three separate busses everyday and the trains during the weekends so it's a lot more complicated, but you get the hang of it after the first two times!
everyone knows i have an absolutely terrible sense of direction, but i don't get lost easily now, so if i can do it, everyone can 💀💀and oml three hours?? 😭😭 i mean it's totally okay tho dw haha it can be daunting at first 🤧🤧 recently i had to get back home from an event all the way on the other border of the country myself, so that was an adventure 😭😭 the trip in total took 8 hours </3 im now extremely confident about my travelling abilities tho lol since i can navigate airports too. ticking off my travel checklist one by one 💀💀
and the thing is even if you do manage to get lost in this country, it's super easy to find your way back. there are maps and services EVERYWHERE and there's a super convenient app that tracks EVERY train and bus in the country, so you know exactly which one to take and all the details and whatnot. also it's relatively affordable and if you can't afford monthly tickets, social services always offer financial aid (from what i know), so pretty much everyone can travel with public transport. it's like, one of the most common way of getting around here 🤧🤧 there's even a special offer for everyone during the summer: the 9 euro ticket that takes you EVERYWHERE in the country. normally your monthly tickets only take you around in certain regions, but the 9€ ticket can get you anywhere you want!! only for these three months of summer tho lol and then the tickets usually range from around 30-60€/month depending on the range of your ticket. i wish they only made the ticket for students tho bc now EVERYONE is taking the trains and it's SO crowded 🥴🥴 one time it was so suffocating and hot that my friend almost fainted in the train ://
oh well </3 anyways. enough of me rambling. what have you been up to? im curious about how you're doing hehe
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hongism · 2 years
i just want you to know. that mists of celeste has been rotting my brain so hard i physically cannot stop thinking abt it like. the way you got my adhd ass hyperfixating on a Fanfic 😭😭😭 my poor bestie had to endure me rambling about it for a week straight as i read it. n now that im up to date part of me wants to go back and reread it now that i'll be able to pick up all the foreshadowing and details i mightve missed the first time in full. honestly still reeling from realising woosang knew mc as kids and still remember it and wooyo was the one who left the blood trail specifically for san to find like my mind is BLOWN. im usually pretty good at predicting plot twists but i never could've possibly saw that one coming till you started hand feeding us the hints. my god you are a mad genius.
anyway i have some questions!!! if you don't mind indulging me. im curious as to what technology is like in the moc universe like usually given the expanse of space travel across multiple galaxies and classes with different powers n such, you'd think they'd have some sort of phone/computer/internet system right?? i mean obviously we got the comms but it seems like that's just for calls and whatever can fit on the tiny screen of a wristband. this part really jumped out at me when mc was talking abt doing dishes but also when she was asking nightingale (or was it hongjoong?) to be able to at least communicate w soojin in the whorehouse somehow. like maybe they're just not allowed personal tech in the whorehouse that'd make sense but like mc also talks abt how there's nothing to do on the ship but spar n chat n play cards n read and im just here like... yall don't got video games?? HDJSHKF like surely if you can have the fastest spaceship in the galaxy yall can have a vr headset or something like. where is the enrichment in this enclosure. this is obviously not like a criticism im just curious and wondering if there's more to it or if it was just kinda like. tryna keep the feel of a good ol pirate au, but space.
my other question was what this universe thinks abt queerness. like is it just a normal thing that no one bats an eye at in comparison to het relationships or does homophobia exist somewhere. if it does, is it different from planet to planet or galaxy to galaxy or is there a general overarching theme like how in our society being cishet is still the "norm" even tho diff countries have varying degrees of acceptance. cause there's been some clear sexism at the start towards mc being a woman, so that implies that bigoted prejudice does exist, but to what extent?
if you can't tell im just. a really big fan of worldbuilding 🤪 feel free to ramble extensively i will read it all 👁👄👁 or don't if u can't be assed that's fine too LOL
YOU’RE TOO KIND PLS!!! im sorry for rotting your brain 😩 i understand the hyperfixation troubles far too well i put my bestie through the ringer when i get my grubby lil gremlin hands on fic ! honestly my fave bits are seeing people go back and be hit with that ‘oh!’ realization of all the pieces falling into place and making sense it’s so so rewarding as a writer and im so glad to see it every time 🤧 and im THRILLED that i was able to catch you by surprise with the plot twists <3
ofc i don’t mind indulging you, i always always ADORE answering questions and talking about the worldbuilding bc worldbuilding is my most favorite part about creating fics!!!
it’s hard to really describe the technology in moc well bc on one hand we have this futuristic reality and universe but there are lots of modern technologies that we have irl that moc doesn’t contain like cellphones. however, things are different from planet to planet. certain planets are more advanced in terms of technology, i think i’ve touched on it a bit but aurum is the most advanced system, and kebos is sorta this futuristic version of ancient rome so it doesn’t have the same kind of technology that eros and aera have. as far as the planets that the crew has visited, there have been only a few that they have really explored in depth so to speak. like where we’re at currently in the story, on garrifax, they’re in a very rural countryside almost so there’s not a ton of technology there. given that there are many planets and systems spread across this universe, some parts are obviously going to be more technologically advanced than others.
there aren’t really ‘cellphones’ or smartphones like we would have but the wristbands go in place of that. what a lot of the scenery and environment is meant to emulate is a sort of call back to past history and things of the past, or a clinging to this old tradition even if it’s not the more forward-thinking type of technology. in that sense, i would say that moc’s universe is certainly not the typical cyberpunk feeling bc in cyberpunk there tends to be this huge emphasis on tech and that’s the driving force behind a lot of the universes in cyberpunk spaces. moc is set in a futuristic space universe but i wanted to play with this idea of a futuristic space au that isn’t supposed focused on these incredible technologies, and rather focus on the people in it and how they make the universe what it is. rather than having this super advanced internet-spaceship system, they have a comms system. but also they’re pirates, criminals, fugitives of the law - if they get too advanced with an internet system, they could be tracked just like criminals in the real world. the idea that ‘big brother is always watching’ is very much present in the universe of moc, and so that’s sort of a subconscious awareness type of thing rather than something i feel i need to go into lots of detail about. 
for me personally when i think about the story and when i’m constructing the story, the idea of there being things like video games or vr headsets doesn’t feel like it necessarily fits with the idea and tone of the setting that’s already been constructed, and that was never something i thought i wanted to include from the very beginning of the idea. and that was a conscious decision just because from the start, i’ve wanted the story to be set in this fantastical universe of course but the plot and the characters are meant to be the focal point, and i didn’t feel a need to add all this fictional advanced technology into the mix on top of that. for things like dishwashers, yes those exist in the universe, but that was more of a personal experience thing - there are times where i was dishes by hand bc they can’t go in the washer or bc i feel like washing by hand so i wouldn’t put too much thought into those sorts of utilities!
as for queerness, i would say that aspect is a lot like the world we live in. in some places, it’s far more tolerated but in others it’s severely judged and looked down upon. in the scope of the main characters we have in our crew - i want the crew to feel like a safe space for not only the main character and the other crew members but also to the reader. they are a safe place and they offer understanding and warmth and comfort that’s completely separate from the parts of the universe that aren’t that accepting or understanding. it’s been addressed in the plot before with yeosang and wooyoung in particular, that they could never have been together even if wooyoung weren’t a slave because of gender and because of yeosang’s position as a prince. in the monarchies, there is very much that traditional old-school ancient mindset of a Cishet Male King and Cishet Female Queen. varying degrees of acceptance is the best way to put it, as with sexism, but again, i would say that the sexism is more heavily emphasized on the planets where we see clear regimens and almost archaic governments so to speak. 
i will say that we will see a lot more characters come into play, and we will see journeys with the characters we already know, and as it’s a story that’s very character based, those are aspects i love to focus on and so we’ll be getting into more of that and seeing things unfold and manifest over the course of the story as we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding the entirety of the universe and what it holds!
i hope this all makes sense and is more than just my ramblings bc my god did i ramble!
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enlighten3d · 4 months
fuck this, i have more thoughts abt buttercups eva au!
(if this is your first time seeing buttercups eva au: its an au where grian, mumbo, and scar are pilots of evangelions. like, from neon genesis evangelion. i dont think much knowledge of eva is required, but im prolly wrong shfjfj. other things abt this au can be found in the #buttercups eva au tag.)
character backstories! made this up while trying to sleep last night . this is scars, ill write grian and mumbos later
reminder that im kinda partially saying 'fuck the lore of eva' bcs i literally watched this thing two days ago and it does not make sense to me but i like the Vibes. also am maayyybeee??? calling the angels watchers in this au.
so, scar goodtimes: (this is more of a character profile... a rly rambly one.)
his parents were... killed, and he is under suspicion for being the one to do it. i am unsure whether or not he actually killed them, but the alternative is that they killed themselves and then he got blamed for it. whatever. he doesnt particularly care that they died; they were assholes. so hes on the run, hopping countries whenever he can. he tries to stay in places the longest he can, but he can never stay too long as it gets unsafe + he gets paranoid. also he pissed off a SHITTON of people during his travels so hes also hiding from them. at some point tho he gets weary of always running, despite being scared of stopping, he says fuck it and tries to settle down someplace, even just for a bit. probably fuckin... germany or something? he IS technically supposed to be the asuka of this au.
so he settles down in say, gemany. tricks the government into giving him a new identity via the loophole of him being born right after the second impact, when the world was in SHAMBLES. he says that he never like, officially registered in the government databases due to the disarray and is only coming forth about it now. the government is like 'okay sus but sure'. mooostly cause hes a viable eva pilot i think. anygays he gets an identity, goes to school, is very Normal, but then he gets approached like 'hey do you want to pilot a giant mech? okay great you have no choice'. he wouldnt have said no either way; nerv being a government facility means that its safe. besides, hes curious.
so he becomes the second child, the pilot of eva unit02. he doesnt find it particularly great but its fine enough. he likes feeling like he actually has power for once in his life. he knows he doesnt, not really, but what matters is the feeling of it when it comes to these things, isnt it?
and if youre going like 'lime, his parents being mysteriously killed and him being on the run is a rly flimsy backstory', my answer to that is that i KNOW. but this is silly au and i can do what i want. all of this is subject to change hjksdfsnamd
also hes trans (because i said so). when he got a legal identity, they were like 'we are not going to call you scar'and he was like 'boo'. and then still went by scar.
hes been in a LOT of countries over the course of the course of his life, which means that hes picked up quite a few other languages. how can he trick convince people into letting him hitch a ride if they dont understand him! so hes a polyglot but like, a really bad one if that makes sense fsjdkfnds. id say hes fluent in english, german, japanese, which are the obligatory languages for this, but im sure he knows several more, even if hes not necessarily fluent.
his whole life, especially while his parents were alive but even after that, hes been told that hes worthless and that he wont ever really accomplish anything. how could anyone like him ever do anything with their life? so yeah, spite. hes decided that no, theyre wrong. even though hes never been in one consistent place for most of his life, hes always been determined to somehow prove them wrong. so that definitely plays into being one of the first eva pilots beside the whole safety thing.
hes... determined. but hes never had many close relationships, having always left before anything true could bloom (boom, the whole being on the run thing is a metaphor now as well cause hes running from himself too haha). he puts up a confident façade to hide the fact that he very much does not know what hes doing. hes trying to prove people wrong, that hes better than what they say, but he usually always leaves before he can do that, afraid of actually doing it. here, hes forced to actually stay. so even if he doesnt particularly want to (he does, he just doesnt want to acknowldge it because surely hes better than personal connections? surely theyre a weakness?), he becomes close friends with grian and mumbo and learns that yeah maybe he doesnt have to run. maybe he can stay put.
and thats it mostly!
hope this makes sense, thank you so much for reading! if you have any questions or thoughts abt this au, shoot them in my askbox. this is a very very unplanned au, so anth is appreciated. Ɛ>
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rrxnjun · 1 year
tbh i love when people tell me their fav artists/music cuz i feel like i just learn a lot about them or like get to know what they are like. and also i just love it when people say/throw in something that i wouldn't expect them to say it's just so fun!!! AND YES TOTALLY AGREE WITH IR TAKE UR MUSIC SHOULD MAKE U HAPPY!!! ahh i love jack manifold he is actually one of the coolest and funniest people out there his streams are just🤌 (okay cool might be a reach but.. /j)
idk my friend says she just skips a lot of parts from episodes with the ones she doesn't like but even if i like or obsess over a show i just can't get my self to finish it (me with the owl house rn;-;) so that method (?) just doesn't help me out😭😭 yeahhh i looked up what it was actually about after i sent the ask cuz i was curious and i didn't really remember hearing about the movie and then i kinda regretted the way i phrased my question🥲but i'm glad it wasn't that bad of a movie!! IM SO HAPPY U KNOW THEM!!! TRUE R5 STAN ISTG😌😌 red velvet is just such a great song i was so obsessed with ittttt but their music just slaps in general
ooo dammnnn slovak drama:oo but i might look up a translation for the song then cuz now im curious:o (and also thank u still for telling me about this song i vibed so hard to it while writing my essays) i feel like slovak arists like them have to be outthere somewhere they might just not be that well know or something but if there actually isn't at all i hope there will be soon!!!!!
YEAH IM SO SAD ABOUT IT☹️but i think it might be better cuz i just have too much school work rn to just go on a trip☹️☹️☹️ PRETTY BUILDINGS ARE THE BEST THERE IS SO MANY OF THEM IN BUDAPEST AND I TAKE A PIC RVERYTIME I SEE A PRETTY ONE ITS THE BEST EVER ITS NOT A WEIRD OBSESSION!!!! and i really hope i will be able to visit the city another time☹️☹️☹️
it won't really be easier until like the end of june so i just hope i survive;-; but thank u though 💞💓💕 and i hope u have a nice and lovely day as well!!!🥳💖💘
(also i saw that tell me who u ship me with post and i just want to say like many other people did that u and haechan would just be very powerful🫢🫢hoping for ur baekhyun concert date with him🫡) (liebestraum anon💕💓)
EXACTLY!!! music taste says so much about a person. and wild unexpected music tastes are so fun like i have a friend that listened to exclusively heavy metal but then played lucifer by shinee on aux and i was like um....what in the- also jack manifold is so dear to me i dont watch his streams but his existence in other ppls videos is always so comedic i love him
WHY WOULD U SKIP PARTS IN EPISODES WHATS EVEN THE POINT OF WATCHING THEN??? thats the same as forcing yourself to watching something 😭😭 if i hate something i just stop bc life is too short yknow what i mean. AND ITS OK u dont have to know abt it djdjdj but i get your concern 😶
AAA if u really want the translation i can translate for u 🥳 i think i looked up the translation for a friend before and wasnt pleased w it bc it didnt really fit the energy so im just gonna do it myself to give the lyrics justice AHAHA if youre interested ofc! glad it helped w essays 😌😌 i physically cant listen to music when writing essays bc then i cant focus so i applaud you HAHA and you are right there must be artists like that here but idk them:((( im gonna try looking for some to appreciate my home country more
I WANNA GO TO BUDAPEST I WAS TALKING ABT THIS W MY FRIEND THE OTHER DAY WHEN WE WERE MAKING PLANS FOR THE SUMMER‼‼ i said i wanna take a train there and just look around and shit she didnt seem convinced but im gonna do it anyway so feel free to be my tour guide we should meet up actually
awh i hope june comes fast for u!! i am chilling rn ((even tho i have 6 essays to write until the end of april) but then i have exams may-jun so i get the stress😩😩 im rooting for u mwah!!
IM SCREAMING. CRYNG. EVERYONE SHOULD STOP TELLING ME THEY SHIP ME W HYUCK BECAUSE I SIMPLY CANNOY DEAL. me @ hyuck: baekhyun concert date when?? or we can just make out in your room and listen to the bambi album instead i dont mind either-
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