#the paul fic 🤭🤭
httpiastri · 5 months
mistletoe - liam, clem, marcus
last christmas - what sort of fanfics do absolutely not read? do you have any red flags in fanfics?
let it snow - i’m 22, british (and stereotypically british. strong accent, need my tea to function, love cricket and rugby, name any stereotype and it’s probably true). i’m very confident and very good at helping others, i’m always the therapist of the friend group. i’m a big sports fan, and although i only know british sports, i’m really curious and open to learn about sports of other countries/cultures.
winter wonderland - paul aron
mistletoe: pls this is so hard :( uhhhhh i think i’ve been forced to choose between liam and clem before and i think i chose clem for marrying. because idk even tho i love liam tons, clem seems more like a marriage candidate? if you get what i mean? i can imagine myself and clem being one of those cute couples getting married before they’re 25 🥺 while with liam, it’s more of a… young, teenage kind of love? at least in comparison to clem… not that it makes a lot of sense since clem’s only about a year older….. idk what im talking about, sorry 😭 anyway i’ll go for marry clem, kiss/fuck liam and sorry marcus 💔you’re sweet and all but you can’t really fight them for my heart
last christmas: oooo i’m actually very very picky when it comes to fanfic reading lol! i dont read a lot these days, and when i do, i spend most of the time just reading descriptions…. i usually only read established relationship aus, especially if it’s smut, so no like coworker!aus (except for reader!driver x driver). except for also maybe like best friend!aus or possibly possibly brother’s best friend!aus (but they have to be longer then and i must have time to get emotionally invested lol). and i only read pretty soft smuts, no degradation or super kinky stuff, i love and fully support that other people enjoy reading it but it’s just not my cup of tea. and i can’t really do oc x reader or fics in third person, i almost only read fics written in second person pov? with exceptions for tasia’s fics and like two other writers maybe. hmmm i probably have more but this is all i can think of rn!
let it snow: omg i ship you with logan sargeant!! i think the american x brit trope would be so cute. he would love your accent, and also like to make fun of it, but don’t worry! you will definitely get to make fun of him too!! teach him about british culture and he will teach you about… hotdogs and… hamburgers….. 😍 and he would love to introduce you to his favorite american sports!! and you being the therapist of the friend group would be very good for him, let him rant and get everything out and you’ll have a very happy logan <3
winter wonderland:
it's easy for you to get carried away by the sight of his arms. the way his fingers fit so perfectly between yours, the way little freckles and moles are scattered across his skin, the way the muscles in his forearm flex when he gives your hand a little squeeze. it's like time and the outside world doesn't exist: it's just you and paul. and his hands and arms.
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guardian-angle22 · 22 days
Tag Game Tuesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Thank you for the tags! @thisbuildinghasfeelings @rmd-writes & @goldenskykaysani
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I first started watching LS around the 2nd or 3rd episode of season 1 after seeing some adorable gifs of Owen & TK floating around on my tumblr feed.
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I wish I could find out who patient zero was that first brought them to my attention from my follow list, but I think it must've been someone from the Skam fandom? maybe?
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, baby!! and ngl, I highly doubt anything will top it at this point just based off where the plots have gone since.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
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I mean - y'all knew what the answer would be to this one, right? Obviously Paul is my favorite. I do also really love TK. I know I have a reputation for loving Paul because I get very animated about him LOL... but I would like to put TK in my pocket and keep him safe forever, thank you.
Top five episodes. Go!
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Paul. One hundred percent, I need it from Paul. I know everyone and their brother is going to or has answered Carlos for this and that tracks for a tarlos based fandom... but my unpopular opinion is that we've gotten quite a bit of character backstory for him this past season compared to some others like Nancy, Paul, and Marj. I feel like Paul has been part of the core group since the beginning but hasn't seen the amount of meaty plots as some of the others have. He's due!
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What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Okay, I have two ideas for this: - an episode in which some of the characters who rarely interact are somehow trapped together due to some kind of emergency/disaster/storm and must navigate their way out together while the rest of the team helps from the outside. There are a few groupings we could use for it, but I personally would have the potential pairings be one of the following (or all three at once??): Paul & Tommy... TK & Grace... Judd & Carlos. I feel like these 3 pairings are people we don't get to see interact one-on-one often (or at all) and it would be super fun! - a true HEAT WAVE. they very briefly had that heat thing happen in 4x01 but I want a whole episode about a temperature heat wave and how first responders have to deal with them. this is TEXAS, c'mon. Plus the theme of heat throughout the episode could pop up in various character's stories. Tarlos = sexy heat. One of the firefighters = heat in the form of pressure in their job like a promotion of some kind. etc.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I have absolutely no fucking clue 😂 So I will instead direct you to this wonderful little spec fic by @littlemissmarianna As much as I hate everything to do with the Gabriel plot and tbh am not excited to see its continuation... if they manage to pull something off like that fic, I might actually enjoy some of it!
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
... soooooooo I must confess something here...
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*whispers* I don't actually know all about the elusive 5.05 spicy scene. someone needs to fill me in. I have not been paying attention to spoilers & speculation as much this time around since last season's speculation went so terribly for me 🤭🤣
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
Something about Carlos "getting homesick after a weekend in Branson" just tickles me. and the sarcastic way TK talks about the idea of Carlos wanting to travel the world also just amuses me to no end...
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so this paired with the way the wedding went down, I think TK wouldn't want to make Carlos travel very far. or leave his mother so soon. I think TK wants his husband to feel as safe and comfortable as possible and so they spend a weekend at a nice spa/resort near Austin. Some place like this: Miraval Austin and then spend the rest of their honeymoon week bundled up together at home.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
for fics, I'm gonna be a little lazy here and link some of my previous themed fic rec lists:
but truly there are some wonderful fics in those lists!!! For some fanart: - this one by @whatsintheboxmh is one of my faves. ankle grab my beloved. 🥺🥰 - this one of s5 TK by @fitzherbertssmolder is so adorable! - this one of BUTTERCUP! by @greentealycheejelly is absolutely precious. - this one of Paul & Marjan!! by @heartstringsduet is amazingggg. give me all the paul fanart - this one of Grace by @yorit1 is stunning.
I'm not sure who has already done this, but I'm gonna tag some mutuals that I don't think I've seen it from yet (no pressure though!!) @lemonlyman-dotcom @herefortarlos @tkstrandreyes @three-drink-amy @littlemissmarianna @mikibwrites @alrightbuckaroo
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bangtanmix73 · 1 year
Horny Wolfpack + imprints rambling ahead so good luck😭❤️
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Enjoy the random photo <3
You, Emily, Kim, and Rachel (if you aren’t Paul’s imprint) do something against their orders because they’ve been ignoring you or working too much so you all just “fuck you, imma do exactly what you don’t want us to do for the fun of it”.
You get back to Emily’s house and they’re all pissed off.
Smut ensues :).
In the house.
In the living room.
Next to each other.
You are passed around between everyone in the pack.
Maybe including the imprints, not sure though🤔
Don’t have much on this one because it’s pretty straight forward lmao.
The last one I have (for now) is:
You somehow pissing off Embry, Quil, Paul and Jared.
First you think they’re just pissed and are going to ignore you or bully you for a while.
But no.
They fuck you until you’re crying.
Or passed out.
Whichever comes first I guess.
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Idea from this picture 👆🏼
I might make these into fics tbh🤭.
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
A dream i had has been haunting me so here i am.
A jock any sport my dream wasnt specific just a popular jock is the reader and he is just so popular and everyone loves him and of course everyone assumes since his this big jock his the dom in the relationship between him and his boyfriend when in fact his the complete opposite.
The boyfriend can be in the band or a part of the cheer team again it depends on the sport and my dreams never clarify, He hears one of these conversations and has a brilliant idea that he was gonna put the reader in his place and everyone is gonna know that place.
I have no idea what kinks would be used, Just kinky and maybe some praise but ropes are involved or something, just use your imagination
Honestly just nerds putting jocks in their place 🤭🤭
U have in turn haunted me with this request 😤 i hope u enjoy since u didnt say who so i used toby bc hhhh i hope das oke <3 yall need to tell me more dreams ong (football is soccer) also sorry for so much toby but hes my cc and i need hims content
/tobys back story for today, put up w bullying met you, go to college together he kills his parents a couple weeks before instead leaving them in the basement and hiding their deaths, tobys already snapped but still has comprehension of who he was as a kid/
college au/jealousy kinda fic/comfort at start kind
/violence(toby gets violent too a character who doesn’t matter)blood/minor gore(?)/
You let out a gasping huff, bending over hands on your knees as your body scraped for oxygen. Sweat caused your football strip to stick to you, you dragged the wet clothing off of your sticky body, fanning it hoping to cool yourself down. “Thats it for today ladies!” The coach shouted, finally dismissing you all from practise.
You wiped the sweat off of your brow using your shirt as you jogged to the locker rooms. Mentally preparing yourself for the stink of many sweaty men crammed into one room, you pushed the door open immediately hit with the odour and cringing. You ignored it and made your way to your locker, you were convinced of the fact the cleaners had never stepped foot in here.
You all but threw yourself down into a bench after collecting your things, leaning against the wall and taking deep breaths. Your soaking hair clung to you and you brushed it away, the wetness helping it stay out of your face. A towel was thrown next to you and you cocked an eyebrow up at the intruder, trying to keep the scowl off of your face when the team captain came into view.
His cocky smirk drove you to the brink of insanity, the urge to knock it off of his arrogant face overwhelming. “Whats the deal with you and twitchy?” You glowered at him. “Dont call him that.” He had the audacity to laugh as he began stripping, the locker room falling silent as your voices bounced around the room. “Well?” He laughed armed raised and looking around as if he was confused. “You fucking him or something?” You tried not to flush, doing your best to cover any affect he might see with a glare. “If we were? So what?” You challenged, keeping eye contact with the prick.
He laughed and shook his head. “Calm down princess no need to get so angry, was just askin’.” Before you could respond your boyfriends voice had your attention to him, shock covering your face as you thought he still had band practise. “Speak of rats and they come crawlin’.” Your captain was incredibly lucky your entire life was banking on a sports scholarship.
“Fuck you want?” Toby’s deep voice always sent shivers running up your spine, the anger in his tone not helping. He sounded even hotter when he was spitting fire at someone. You took a deep breath, ready to tell Toby to forget it and to go home. “Yeah he was telling us alll about how he fucks you.” Paul chucked, arms crossed as he smirked at you both.
You could feel how angry Toby was getting at this point, dealing with his shit for way longer then you had at this point. What you didn’t expect was for Toby to lunge forward slamming straight into paul and slamming his head off of the ground, you froze completely as your teammates rushed to pull the scraping two apart, well, Toby was currently punching Paul and Paul was currently taking it while wailing for him to stop.
Toby had changed a lot recently, he seemed a lot quicker to react with anger then he use to be. Eyes holding something dark that scared you, you wanted to run and pull him off. You really did. But Toby barely looked human in that moment, blood covering his face as he continually wailed into Paul. Your team mates finally pulled them apart and when Paul stood you couldn’t deny the relief that flooded you as you quickly ran to Toby.
You ran through the corridors, your footsteps slamming against the ground and echoing off of the walls. Toby suddenly took over, dragging you instead. Surprise took over you and you tried your best not to trip as you both ran towards your home.
Luckily you didn’t live far away, having a small house your parents had left you. You both practically broke the door down and you paused to stare at the back of Toby’s head. “Yo-you could’ve killed him.” You choked out after a few minutes of silence.
“And so what?” He suddenly growled out, bloody face staring you down as his eyes bugged out. Rage was still burning through his veins, you could see his twitching worsen as his breathing got more laboured. He marched towards you backing you into a wall. His hands slamming either side of your head. “So wh-what, huh? Whu-what if i di-d-d-id!.” He slammed his palms against the wall as his stutter worsened. “What then?” His voice was normal, almost sounding hallow as he spoke. His dull brown eyes gazed into yours, you could see the unshed tears gathering in his lashes. You felt a warm heat flood inside of your chest, making a promise in that moment.
Your shaking hand came to rest on his cheek, causing him to flinch. Shock was written across Toby’s face. “I’ll always love you.” You took a second to clear your throat. “No matter what. No matter what wrong you do. I. Love. You.” You kept looking into his eyes, hoping with each word it’d work its way into his head.
Toby’s mind had went blank, his heart twisting almost painfully as he say the earnest look in your eyes. Shining, full of love for him. Toby pushed his lips against yours, tongue quick to push its way into your mouth. He gripped your ass tight and pulled you close together, grinding your hips together. His mood swings always threw you through a loop, this one happened to be the most unsettling. “You know who yo-you belong to r-r-ri-right.” He stuttered out, eyes glued to your face. You bit your lip. “I belong to Toby Rogers.”
That was all it took for him to yank your jeans down, scooping you up into his arms and press you against the wall as his tongue made its way down your throat. Moans poured out of you as he ground against you, your back scraping against the wall with the force. “Th-tha-ts right. Good boy.” He made quick work of his fly, his cock flopping out and hitting against you. All you could do was moan in excitement as Toby lined himself up, he found his way to your neck his breath tickling your skin. He licked his lips, tongue flicking against your skin and sending your body shivering.
“T-Toby.” You whined you, grinding down against his cock and moaning as he pressed against your hole. “Sti-still we-wett from this morn-morni-.” He cut himself off with a growl, slamming into you and relishing in your scream and the way your nails dug into his shoulders. Toby easily fucked you against the wall, almost acting as if you weighed nothing. You wondered whether it had to do with his disorder or not. Toby was quick to fuck any thought out of your brain, in love with the dumb mess you turned into when you had sex.
“Who ma-makes you feel thi-is good?” You kept eye contact as he used you like a flesh light. “F-fuck, Toby, only Toby. You!” You screamed out as toby railed into your prostate, eyes crossing as he fucked you stupid. Toby growled and bit into your shoulder, you let out a yelp. Pain flooded your neck and Toby pulled back to give you a bloody smile, the idea of being marked by Toby forever going straight to your heart and cock. “Do it! Ma-mark me up. Want every-on-one to know who i bel-belong to.” You moaned out, Toby’s thick cock wreaking you from the inside out.
You choked as your orgasm came quick, sending you screaming Toby’s name as you came on his cock. The tight heat of your ass was enough to make him cum, the feeling of you actually cuming on his cock is what sent him over the edge, desperately fucking into you. Part of him hoped he left a hole no one else could ever fill.
His knuckles went white as he clung to to you, deep breathing as he rode his high out inside of you. He fell into you, pushing you into the wall as you held him. Hand making its way into his fluffy brown hair, you tugged it lightly to get those beautiful brown eyes you loved so much to look at you. Everytime you looked into his eyes you felt breathless, despite the tired, cold, hardened look to them that had developed, they still made your knees weak. “I love you.” You whispered against his lips, slotting them together after he repeated his words to you.
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kasagia · 1 month
I want to start off by saying I never wrote this kind of message before and you don't have to reply as these are just my thoughts lol. Atm I really think ''right hand'' is the best Feyd fic out there! At the end of every chapter, I kind of already have an idea in my mind of the possible outcome but with every new chapter you just blow my mind and expectations! The fact that every chapter is filled with action makes the reader longing for more (me included) I really like the way you structured Y/n and her dynamic with Feyd and I love that her choices gravitate around what's best for her & she doesn't act like a teenage girl in love (homegirl actually has personality AND is a badass). Regardless of what others said I think that her being the one to stab him was the supreme act of love she could've ever shown our crazy boy (maybeee she stabbed him hoping he wouldn't pass because she knew if Paul was the one to do it he'd be dead fr) Thank you for feeding our fantasies and updating so often (keeping in mind each chapter is long enough to satisfy one bored girl) I hope you ace your exams <3.
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*Me reading this*
My two dear anonymous, thank you soooooooooo much! 😊😊🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵
Of course I will replay after such words xD How could I not when I'm so fucking grateful? I really like surprising you and I'm very happy that I can do it. 🩵🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤 This is the type of reader I like to write about the most. And maybe she makes decisions that are good for her, but she is not entirely indifferent to Feyd's fate and it is of great importance to her. Unfortunately, I won't confirm or deny your suspicions, but... YES GIRL. Her actions were on the verge of betrayal and an expression of great love, and now we have to wait and see which side she will choose and decide to go. Thank you so damn much! I will ace them and go back to writing for you all! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I'M CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU ALLL!!! (I guess it's karma for what happened in part V… I don't regret anything anyway xDDDDD) Unfortunately, I promised myself that I wouldn't tell you anything and that I wouldn't give you any hints about what will happen in the next chapter... except for the ones I wrote in Part V. So I won't confirm or deny your wonderful speculations of you all (that I LOVED to read. You can feed me with more.) 🤭😇 Thank you very much, I don't know how to express my gratitude for your involvement… just thank you!!!!!!!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
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ghoastixx · 1 year
Hi babes 🤭
How are you :3
And have you wondered about the reactions the lost boys would give you if you slapped their ass? I'd like to see the head canons on that
Have fun, happy late Easter! 🐰🥚🧺
The lost boys reacting to you slapping their ass <33333
Oh my god the way I died when I read this suggestion. My favorite lost boys fic I’ve ever found I actually calling the boys “baby girl.” I live for requests like these they are so funny.
Anon I absolutely love seeing you in my inbox!! <333
•teehee he’d be so confused.
-when you just go up behind him and slap him in the ass he’d whip around to look at you and just stare.
•he’d be like “what the fuck did you just do to me-“
-he’d mostly be confused other than hostile.
•if you made it a habit, he’d eventually start doing it back to you.
-he’s just confused.
•Dwayne could feel one of two things
-or intense confusion.
•I’m my opinion, Dwayne would probably find it funny and make it a thing to start doing it back to you
-he’s chase you down
•takes it as a sign that you want to “have fun”
•would do it back but also be confused.
-why did you hit him?
-would do it back when he caught on
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Hey bestie!!! I don’t know if your asks are open. If not just yeet this out. Buuuut
May I pretty pretty please get a fem! Vamp Reader fic with maybe being a mate of Paul and Marko (best two to be in between—) who’s got like a rocker style,,,,I mean yk my style but? 👉👈 👁️👁️
And maybe some smut. I feral for them-🤭😇
(Also just realized I can’t put pictures in this damn. I was gonna give you an meme angel emoji 😭♥️
Ilysmmm and you’re doing amazing!!! Keep up the fabulous work!!! 🥹♥️♥️
Waiting for a Girl Like You🌹
Summary: You have the most gorgeous men in all of California wrapped around your finger. Even though they're vampires, you love them so much. Soon they'll make you one of them, and it's a very pleasurable change~
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Thank you @auntvamp for the request! I hope you enjoy this! Everyone, give Auntie some love! ♥️
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Poly Throuple, Flirting, Pet names, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Nipple play, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Language Kink, Threesome, Creampie, Blood drinking, Vampire transformation, Song lyrics
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You were a bombshell in every sense of the word. Beautiful, blonde, stylish. Wherever you went, heads turned and eyes widened as men and women alike stared in awe at you. It was quite the ego stroke to get that kind of attention.
But there was much more to you than looks. You had many passions and dreams to keep your spirits high. The skills you had in makeup were professional-level, you had a deep love of painting, and you were a hardcore fan of all things rock-and-roll. It felt like there was a music video going on in your head, constantly spinning you around with the fun tunes you loved so much. 
Everything that made you the way you were caught the attention of two other blondies. Marko and Paul, you adoring lovers. It was at a record store where you met the two of them. Your hand fell on a Van Halen record, as did the hand of another shopper. To your surprise, the other person interested was a lot like you. Blond hair, blue eyes, and dressed like someone in a rock band. 
You were immediately in love with the gorgeous stranger, and the look in his eyes told you he felt the same. 
As if that weren’t already amazing, it got even better. A shorter boy with long curls dressed in leather and patches came up to him, holding some cassette tapes to show off. His words were cut short when he saw what had caught his friend’s gaze.
You didn’t think it was possible to fall in love twice in a matter of seconds, but it turned out to be so. It was just meant to be. 
Marko and Paul swept you off your feet in no time. They asked you out on three-person dates to the boardwalk almost every night. Even if it was the same location, there was always something new and exciting to do. Sometimes they’d take you to romantic dinners and let you get your favorite foods. Sometimes they’d show you the wildest rides at the theme park. You had a growing collection of stuffed animals from all the carnival games they had mastered. 
When it first started out, you worried that one of them would get jealous of the other. That they would start fighting over you and insist you pick one of them. It was your worst nightmare, as you couldn’t possibly imagine having one of them instead of both. Thankfully, they worked so well together giving you equal attention and love. You were more than happy to give that love back. 
The true challenge in your relationship was learning they were vampires. 
It was a miracle that you took it so well in the long run. They were true, honest-to-God monsters that hunted and devoured humans for sustenance, yet you still longed to be with them. Paul was still that lovable goofball who liked to dance around at concerts with you. Marko was still the artistic soul with a sense of playfulness and mischief. You would never stop loving them, and it relieved them both to know they hadn’t driven you away.
The three of you had a true bond, and it was about to get stronger. 
They had invited you over for a night in at their cave hideout. You practically lived there at that point, having a special room in one of the alcoves that was full of your stuff. Band posters, makeup, slim, black outfits, leather jackets, rollers, and a mountain of pillows and blankets to keep you warm in the chilly cave. It was so nice to be able to call it your second home. 
Marko and Paul were eagerly waiting for you on the couch, visibly perking up when you stepped into the room. It warmed your heart to be so wanted.
“There’s my principessa!” Marko cooed, reaching out to take your hand and plant a kiss on your knuckles. It always got you going whenever he spoke his mother tongue.
“Hey, Sugar! You’re lookin’ fine as hell tonight~” Paul purred, eyeing you up and down in hunger. 
You giggled flirtatiously at their sweet words. They always knew exactly what to say to make you feel good. You all but melted into their embrace as they got up from their spot and held you in their arms. 
"Hello, my loves," you greeted them, kissing Paul's cheek, and then Marko's. "Where are we going for date night today?" 
For a moment, your boys were silent. There was a visible shift in their mood, any sweetness turning sultry as they eyed you hungrily. You knew that look very well. It meant pleasure was going to come your way. 
"Actually, we were hoping to…stay in tonight~" Marko said. 
"Yeah! We actually have a surprise set up in your room~" Paul whispered, leaning in close to nibble on your ear. 
Shivers ran down your spine from the excitement building up inside. You didn't want to waste a second, so you let the two of them lead you from the lobby and down the hall to your special room. The beating of your heart was getting faster as the anticipation built up.
When you finally arrived, your excitement only grew stronger. 
The room was decorated beautifully. Rose petals scattered, candles illuminating the space, a silky, red blanket spread over your bed. Paul’s boombox was propped up on the nightstand and playing music from your favorite romantic rock station.  
“Do you know what today is, baby~?” Marko whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist as he did so.
You shook your head, as you weren’t sure what the special occasion was. Paul snickered as he nuzzled your neck.
“It’s the one-year anniversary of us telling you that we’re vampires. We wanted to surprise you….and offer you something as a present~”
Your eyes widened as reality washed over you. It wasn’t a secret that the boys wanted you to become one of them. It had been on your mind for quite a while now, but you wanted them to be the ones to decide when the time was right. They were savoring you for who you were as a human, but they adored the idea of spending eternity with their lover. 
They stared at you with such intensity. Such passion. You could tell how badly they wanted to claim you in every way. How could you possibly refuse?
As the opening notes of the next song started to play, you sweetly asked for them to take you.
So long, I've been looking too hard
I've been waiting too long
Sometimes I don't know what I will find
I only know it's a matter of time
Paul was the first to kiss you, caressing your cheek as his lips met yours. You loved the way he smiled into each kiss he gave you, expressing how happy he was to be with a woman like you. The two of you worked together to remove your jackets and shoes, already feeling too hot with your clothes on.
Marko stole you away for his own kisses and helped you slip off your top and your skirt. He loved it when you wore skimpy outfits under your trusty leather jacket. It made him act extra handsy. You couldn’t stop yourself from giggling as he nipped playfully at your lip.
When you love someone
When you love someone
It feels so right, so warm and true
I need to know if you feel it too
With all three of you naked and eager for more, the boys pulled you down on the bed. They absolutely spoiled you with affection, Paul running his tongue along your exposed nipple while Marko sucked at your neck to bruise you with hickies. Sighs fell from your mouth as you relaxed into their touch. They knew just what you liked.
“Lemme fuck you, Sugar. I need you so goddamn bad~” Paul purred. You nodded eagerly, and Marko helped position you so you were leaning up against his strong chest. He pawed at your breasts, holding you close and savoring your body. 
Paul was practically salivating while lining himself up to your pussy. The tip of his cock rubbed over your clit, teasing you just a bit. It made you mewl and shiver with desire. Your bottom lip stuck out, giving a silent plea for him to finally fuck you. 
Maybe I'm wrong
Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?
This heart of mine has been hurt before
This time I want to be sure
“Shhhhh babygirl, I gotcha~” he cooed as he slid right in. The two of you moaned out, both of you overwhelmed by the pleasure. Marko snickered into your neck as he watched all the fun play out. You could feel his own cock pressing against your ass and his fingers teasing your hole. 
“Ooooh Paulie…yes~” you moaned out. He filled you so perfectly as if your bodies were meant to be together. Without even thinking, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and pulled him in closer. Behind you, Marko was keeping you close as well, toying with every sweet, sensitive spot you had.
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
Paul slipped his tongue past your lips, kissing you deeply to express his lust. It made you dizzy as your head clouded, the only thought on your mind being how good the boys made you feel. Meanwhile, you could hear the sound of Marko grunting in your ear while he pushed his lube cock into your ass. The sensation of getting filled even more was making you tremble and shake. 
“God fuckin’ damn, I love this ass~” Marko growled. “Like a vice grip on my cock….mmmh…makes me wanna keep you like this forever~”
If all went well tonight, he could possibly fulfill his wish. You wanted nothing more than to feel the embrace of your two lovers all night long. Every night could be like this. Three vampires ravishing one another as mates and making the most of immortality. The mere thought only added to your pleasure.
You're so good
When we make love it's understood
It's more than a touch or a word can say
Only in dreams could it be this way
Marko and Paul moved perfectly together, matching each other’s pace of thrusting in both your holes. Their moans were only turning you on more. Your voice mixed with both of theirs, singing out your pleasure. It only encouraged them to keep it up.
“Oooh amore mio….sei tutto per me~” Marko whispered in your ear as he fucked you. He always said the most romantic things in Italian. It never failed to make you blush.
“F-Fuck….shit…I l-love…love you, Sugar~” Paul moaned, barely able to form a full sentence. Still, it was cute to see him so intoxicated from your body.
When you love someone
Yeah, I really love someone
Now, I know it's right
From the moment I wake up 'til deep in the night
There's nowhere on earth that I'd rather be than holding you tenderly
You couldn’t possibly last much longer. With the way they stuffed you and filled you up, your body was getting closer and closer to the release you needed so badly. Your legs tightened around Paul while you reached around to caress Marko’s chiseled face. It was like your body was screaming for them. 
“Marko! Paul! Oooh god! FUCK!!” you cried out. The waves of ecstasy came crashing down on you, and it was absolute perfection. Your boys were quick to follow, both of them cumming deep inside your body together. Their animalistic growls rang out as they filled you to the very brim.
The three of you collapsed onto the bed, panting and glistening from the intense fucking you had gone through. A lazy smile painted your face and your mind and body went absolutely fuzzy from the afterglow. You were incredibly grateful to have not one but two lovers that always made you cum. 
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
“Now then~” Marko said, interrupting the peaceful moment. “How about we give you that gift we mentioned?”
You perked up as Paul slipped away for just a moment to grab a familiar-looking wine bottle. Red jewels glimmered in the candlelight, catching your eye. The two of them smiled as they handed you the drink.
“It’s got blood from both of us in it,” Paul explained. “That way we’ll both be claiming you. Even when we’re apart, you’ll always have us with you”
I've been waiting for a girl like you, I've been waiting
Won't you come into my life?
It was all so incredibly romantic. Your heart swelled with love for Marko and Paul. They were so good to you. They really were your soul mates, and you never wanted to experience life without them by your side. As you uncorked the bottle, the sweet scent of their blood teased your nose. This was really happening. You would be a vampire.
There was no hesitation as you took a sip. 
Tumblr media
You were still a bombshell. Though the sunlight was your enemy and the night brought you inhuman powers, your beauty had followed you into your new, undead life. The rocker look was still your style, but now there was a sense of mystic charm to your personality. People still stopped and stared, but now you could lure them to follow you. 
Lure them away and quench your thirst for blood.
And all the while, Paul and Marko stayed by your side. They were amazing teachers, showing you all the ropes for using your powers. Whether it was flying in the sky or fighting hunters, they cheered you on. You knew you were going to love them forever, and you would enjoy every second of it.
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httpiastri · 11 months
“it could be cool to be a race engineer, but… you really need to be clever, and… 😅”
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mrsfitzgerald · 6 days
That mein land gifs... Im thinking about HOW SMALL reeshs nipples are. Maybe even smaller than pauls
yeah, i know 🥺💗 too small and cute 🤧
about 20 years ago I read a fic where the author compared Richard's nipples to M&M's candies and since then I can't eat these candies without thinking about Richard's small nipples 🤭😁
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sethsclearwater · 8 months
Omg reader getting her nips pierced without paul knowing, and she waits to tell paul until they’re completely healed because she knows how much of a titty fiend he is. This means that she completely restricts his titty time 100% for like 3 or 4 months, then when she finally shows him he literally foams at the mouth LMFAOOOOO
This is so cute to me but also like hot, i feel like he’d def be cautious like “can i?” “Will it hurt?” “Are you sure?!!!” But once reader is like yes paul go ahead im literally telling you to, he just goes IN 😭😭
Anywho hello everybody 🤭🧼
HOW DO YOU ALWAYS COME UP WITH THE BEST IDEAS OMG I'M OBSESSED!! adding this to my upcoming fics asap!!🤩
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bless-my-demons · 9 months
When I say that waiting for each chapter is literally what gets me through the week, I mean it. Jasper Hale has been my hyper fixation for the last few months, and honey you are SERVING CUNT with this series. It’s just pure chef’s kiss. You really just don’t see many good fics for Jas with great continuity and plot and this series has both. Thank you for giving me something to look forward too each weekend, and I can’t wait to see what else you have planned!!
And may I inquire if we’ll be getting any spicier or maybe insinuative scenes 👀?
Much love,
I squealed reading this, BABE-THANK YOU😭🫶
If someone would’ve told me at the beginning of this year that I’d be writing and posting fanfiction, I’d tell you you’re out of your mind because there’s no way in hell I’d ever come out of my shell enough to do it. Readers like YOU are why I feel safe and confident to write and share my daydreams. Having a schedule and a goal to do these chapters every week has given me a purpose like no other and I’m so excited when the weekend rolls around - something I haven’t had before. Up until I started posting this series I kinda felt like everything was happening to me, but now I’m writing down all my thoughts and ideas and you guys eat this shit up and it’s got me feeling incredible. “Thank you” honestly doesn’t cover it🥹
As for spice, wooo girly pop - I’m at the point where I require some level of spice in my reading and I have ideas about Mister Jasper Whitlock Hale… I’m just worried it’ll sound like straight ass because I’m so picky about smut writing style and descriptive words people use😅 I’ll give it a shot and probably send it to my bestie to proof read, but imma try my hand at it eventually and hopefully it doesn’t flop!
I desperately need to develop my smut writing abilities because I need to do my Paul Lahote ideas JUSTICE, I’m feral for what I have planned🤭
Redamancy Series Masterlist
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il-predestinato · 1 year
hi dear, hope you're doing well 💜 as im currently going through a mild obsession with the series, i'll take Scheherazade for a hop 🦘, skip, a meow 🦁 and an invertebrate 🐌??
Hello Xiao! I'm doing all right, minus the part where I still don't have electricity at home, which is why I'm holed up in the hospital in my office. 😅 Oooh, finally a request for Scheherazade! Between this and the serial killer AU, I have firmly moved into the deranged fic ideas territory...
title: Scheherazade (this might be the only working title I will actually stick with, because I kind of love it 🤭)
summary: Thirteen years after Order 66, former Jedi initiate and rebel star pilot Max Verstappen is a prisoner on board the Imperial starship Maranello under the supervision of Grand Inquisitor Charles Leclerc. Inspired by One Thousand and One Nights and this quote:
for a thousand and one nights - what humiliated me as I relieved my death in that room without sunrise wasn't my desire for light but my desire for more darkness -"All the Flowers Kneeling" by Paul Tran
warnings: depictions of torture (inappropriate uses of the Force)
Excerpt #1:
If Ninth Brother’s presence in the Force tasted like untempered revulsion and Fifth Brother’s danced with gilded savagery, then the Grand Inquisitor’s felt like a void. Mick never realized that the Force can feel like emptiness around someone. The Grand Inquisitor did not have so much of a presence as an absence.
“We have captured the Red Bull. Your allies are dead.” His voice was soft, almost gentle, a mismatch to the cruel words. “I can be generous and grant you death as well.”
He did not show Max any holograms. He had their still warm corpses brought into the cell and strung from the ceilings. The quiet hum of the interrogation droid flitted back and forth.
The screech of steel as the prisoner pulled ineffectively against his restraints echoed like a wound in the Force, but the Grand Inquisitor did not flinch. His own green eyes - a shallow, vacant stare - surveyed the fierce blue ones filled with fury and grief.
“Max Verstappen,” he whispered, his expressionless face inches away from the rebel’s own, “I can grant you the gift of death as well.” With his repeated offer came a subtle flick of his wrist, and Mick knew all too well what would come next. “Where is the Silver Arrow?”
The Grand Inquisitor was not expecting an answer. He never did. He always laid out the terms first, so they would refuse. They always did. Without exception, they always ended up regretting it.
He would give them a taste first, just a small taste. Another twitch of the wrist, followed by an invisible crushing weight on the trachea. Mick always marvelled at the coarse violence of it all, the skill required to constrict each ring of cartilage just enough for the prisoner to thrash violently for breath without crumbling the structure altogether. Only this time, Mick felt his own throat go dry as cyanosis started to colour the prisoner’s lips. The defiant blue eyes started to glaze -
Then the prisoner collapsed like a ragdoll.
The Grand Inquisitor liked to keep them conscious - to help them remember, so he watched dispassionately as Max gasped for air, filling each aching alveoli with merciful breaths. Mick released a breath that he didn’t know he was holding.
When the prisoner could speak again, Mick expected words of contempt. Like the others.
Max laughed instead. A full, vibrant sound that did not belong in the black cells. The Grand Inquisitor’s almost imperceptible head tilt was the only indication he gave of having been taken by surprise.
“I made you a promise all those years ago in the Jedi Temple - when we were children,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from the recent chokehold on his throat. “I will destroy you, Charles Leclerc.”
At hour thirteen, the interrogation droid was finally switched off. Max’s breaths were alarmingly shallow, and the black tiles around his feet hosted a small pool of his own blood.
“Shall I send for the Healers?” murmured Mick.
He knew the drill: heal the physical wounds, let the mental anguish fester. Day after day. No one lasted more than a week.
“No, I will continue the interrogation.”
Against all restraint, Mick heard himself protest: “He will not survive more!”
What the Grand Inquisitor called interrogation was nothing short of forcibly pushing into a mind with the Force; he always left with answers and more devastatingly - left behind irreparably fractured minds when he finished. None of them ever woke again.
Charles ignored him and stepped towards their prisoner instead. Max lingered on the edge of unconsciousness, but some degree of alertness returned to the pained blue eyes when Charles entered his view.
Charles leaned close enough to catch every whiff of sweat, blood, and despair. “I can put a stop to all of this,” he whispered against the prisoner’s jaw. Perhaps he could almost taste the tears and despair at this proximity. “Tell me what I want to know. Where is the Silver Arrow?”
There is wetness - a mixture of foam and blood - gurgling at the tip of Max’s tongue. His words are barely audible, and there is agony in every syllable that he regurgitates. “I’m not afraid of pain… and I’m not afraid of you.”
A hand touches the prisoner’s tear-streaked cheek - cradles it almost like a caress.
“You will be,” Charles tells him.
Excerpt #2:
Eventually, the interrogation droids floated uselessly in the corner of the room. For hours and hours, Charles would bury himself inside the prisoner’s mind.
It was the first crack that Mick had seen in a long time. Before he took over the mantle of Grand Inquisitor, Charles had been almost a mindless soldier who excelled at following orders - efficient, dispassionate, unflappable. As Grand Inquisitor, he was all of those things … with an extra edge of ruthlessness and detachment. Mick always wondered what transpired between Charles and his predecessor, but that was a question that none of the Brothers dared to ask.
He had a more pressing curiosity. What was inside Max Verstappen’s mind that so allured him?
Mick needed to know. From the moment he laid eyes on the rebel, he sensed something different about him, and perhaps Charles sensed it too.
The days had merged into weeks, yet Max remained battered but unbroken in that windowless cell.
He waited until the Grand Inquisitor was finished with him. Max’s restraints were removed bar the collar, and he was curled up in the corner of the room, barely propped up against the transparisteel wall. Mick marvelled at the smoothless of his skin - not a single break of sweat on his brow - and he started to wonder whether the prisoner was paradoxically getting stronger with every passing day. An absurd notion, which he dismisses almost immediately.
Even with the Force suppression collar active, Max still sensed him. The blond man’s eyes remained closed but his brow furrowed mildly when Mick entered, betraying his confusion at the foreign presence in his cell. A few breaths later, when Mick did not leave, the prisoner finally cracked open his tired blue eyes.
“He didn’t send you,” he murmured.
Mick knelt so that they were at eye level. “He hasn’t broken you.” He touched an ungloved finger to the prisoner’s chin. Max did not flinch, but the stiffening in his jaw made it clear that the touch was unwelcome. “How is that possible?”
Physical contact was an anchor, not strictly necessary but certainly helpful as a pathway to the mind. In terms of mental adeptness in the ways of the Force, Mick was certainly one of the stronger Inquisitors and could probably count his skills as secondary only to the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother.
Max’s skin was warm and surprisingly soft. Reaching into his mind felt similar - like standing on the beaches of Scarif on a sunny day - in the beginning, at least. In the outermost layer, he is only allowed to feel the emotions that the subject wishes to project: serenity, shallowness, impassivity. He had to give it to Max; in Mick’s experience, even the strongest minds could not disguise their fear and despair after a few days - let alone weeks.
He sinks into the warm sand, wades into the shallow beaches. He prods a little deeper.
Mental invasion can be successful with more than one technique. Mick would broadly divide them into two categories: the brutal, forceful attack that aims to overwhelm the subject, or the gentle yet insistent invasion that aims to win the subject’s mind almost by soothing it. Carlos was incredibly successful with the former, as was Charles - although the Grand Inquisitor has been known to employ the latter. With Mick, he always found the insidious patience of the latter to yield more fruitful results. Better to be invited in, to see the home in its natural state with its secrets in plain sight than try to piece together the fractured pieces of a broken mind.
Neither technique gave him the answers he wanted. In Max’s mind, the only thing he encountered was a fortress of stone surrounding it on all sides. Again and again, he was repelled back to the beach, to the projected serenity of warm sand and crystal clear water. Every time he returned to the fortress, no amount of plication would permit any gates to open, and even the vines growing along the fortress gave him no foothold. In the vines, however, he felt another type of presence… an emptiness that beckoned a different type of familiarity.
Mick had never felt anything like it. The closest thing he could compare it to was the Master-Padawan bond he identified in a pair of captured Jedi that he once interrogated. Even that felt more like a tendril - a single branch of another Force signature. This was different. The vines were overgrown and draped across the entire stone fortress. The stone belonged to Max, he could discern that clearly. The cold vines were even more familiar; he had trained with Charles for years, and the signature was unmistakable.
While the stone was immovable, the vines hissed and snapped at him like serpents. Even as he withdrew from Max’s mind, he sensed the approach of their void-like presence.
The Grand Inquisitor stared stonily at him from the doorway. Mick drew himself to his feet, projecting a calm that he did not quite feel, still reeling from what he had found.
“This is not your assignment, Seventh Brother,” Charles informed him coldly, but he was not looking at Mick at all. His green eyes gazed up and down the prisoner, and a twitch in his hand exposed him.
He seemed to be asking the prisoner something, although no words passed between his lips. Mick’s suspicions were confirmed when Max met the green eyes silently and gave a small nod in return. This seemed to satisfy the Grand Inquisitor.
“I thought to have a try,” Mick replied, “as he has yielded nothing to you so far.” At the word ‘nothing,’ an almost amused smile slid across the Grand Inquisitor’s face.
“And did you succeed?” Charles’s question was clearly a taunt.
“No,” Mick said truthfully. He couldn’t help but add a lie, however: “He revealed nothing interesting at all.”
Hope you enjoyed! 😅 There is another scene I want to share, but I think it's too dark and disturbing to put here (and my sappy little Lestappen heart was hurt just writing it 🤧).
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percervall · 1 year
Hi babe! Could you tell us your favourites smuts of any Football player? 🥰 thanks
I love how I've become the fic librarian for the footie side of things 🤭
This is just gonna be a random list of fics, I'll try to keep some sense of order (as in group players together) You're responsible for your own fic consumption, read the warnings! Filth under the cut
a read more to avoid clogging the dash ✌
Rodrigo De Paul
Dusan Vlahovic
If you're looking for trouble (you came to the right place)
Joe Gomez
A Joe/Leon sandwich
Thigh riding
Trent & Joe
on the table
Oscar Mingueza
Bathtub fun
Darwin Núñez
stop the world (I wanna get off with you)
hand on my thigh (we can follow the sparks, I'll drive)
Kostas Tsimikas
Screaming crying, perfect storms (I can make all the tables turn)
starry eyes (sparking up my darkest nights)
Marcos Llorente
Thinkin' Of A Few Things
Antoine Griezmann
Follow me
You Don't Own Me
John Stones
Love to see you try
Thigh riding
^and its continuation
Leon Goretzka
An extra lesson or 2
when he's away
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What are your wips?
tl;dr you can look at my pinned post if you want, but i like to ramble about them😭🙏
okay so my big big big passion project that will probably go on for years is into the dark. it’s a canon-divergent (aka jegulus lives and gets their happy ending) au spanning from regulus’ fourth year to the end of the second war. it’s split into four acts, and act one was about 300K, so i expect to be working on this guy for a while😭
and then DHSHAKSKFJG and though i burn, how could i fall? it’s my jegulus icarus x apollo au that focuses heavily on grief, music, and how those two intertwine, as well as deep-rooted devotion literally nothing can ever break. dedicated to none other than @ninety-two-bees the light of my life, as well as a friend of mine not on tumblr named aurora
gun in my lips is my the secret history au. it’s jegulily in the sense that jegulus are in a romantic relationship, lily and regulus are in a bdsm relationship (don’t get me wrong bdsm relationships can be within romantic relationships!! jegulus in this fic has one!! regulily themselves are only in a bdsm relationship though), and james and lily are queerplatonic. regulus is very henry winter in this
i also have a paul/irulan dune fic where the hunger games take place in the dune universe called always an angel (never a god). v angsty, atreides siblings-centric
then there’s my ongoing collection of my microfics, little universes
i have a lot more that aren’t published atm because i like to get a solid amount prewritten before i post, but yeah that’s the gist of it🤭please if anyone has any questions ever about any of my works i would carve out my heart to answer them i love talking about them
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 4 months
I'm sending you some Chrysta asks because the queen deserves more attention!
1. How did she react to meeting Laddie? Did the boys introduce him as a little brother or one of their sons? Did it spark some baby fever?
2. When did she start using Cherry/Cherri as a nickname? How did it start?
3. How does aging work for her and her babies? I may have missed something with her lore and could use a refresher
4. Does she like aerobic dance classes? 👀
Thank you for the ask Lav 🥺 I'm sorry it took me this long to answer!
Chrysta meeting Laddie?
I'll admit, at first Chrysta was a little surprised to find such a young kid hanging around with a bunch of punk bikers- especially when she asked about his family and soon found out he had none. She was a little unsure and concerned about four boys being caretakers of what was practically an orphan, but after seeing how they treated him and how truly happy he was, she started to warm up to the idea. Sure, they were times where Sue felt the need to step in and be a 'Mama bear' with certain things- but that just made the boys realize all the more she'd be a perfect addition to the coven one day as a care taker for Laddie.
[And yes... Maybe there was a little baby fever here and there whenever she saw how soft and kind Dwayne and Paul were with him.. 👀]
Why is she nicknamed Cherry?
Chrysta got the nickname wayyy before any if the boys even knew her real name! It was a little codename they used if one of them had spotted her on the boardwalk. The name was taken due to the lingering smell of blood and cheap cherry perfume whenever she was nearby. 🤭 She always assumed it was for the reason she wore cherry perfume, accessories, and lipgloss- which she wasn't technically wrong..
How does the aging process work for her and the baby bats?
I actually still need to figure this out myself! 😅 but I think for the Baby Bats they usually don't have any intake from humans until it's their first kill when their either becoming teens from 12-14, or around when the fic takes place and their more 18-19- which would become their first kill and make them immortal. But before that, they'd probably get their blood from animals or their parents [AKA not a human kill] and it would keep down the bloodthirst/hunger enough. But even then they still age just a liiittlle bit slower than one normally would, but after they'd make their kill the full immortality would kick in. [if that makes sense? 😅]
Chrystas thoughts on dance classes?
Oh she LOVES them. I think she'd be at those classes all day spilling gossip and dancing her heart out. She also loves anything that keeps her active, and it's even better if she can use it as a way to spend time with her gal pals!!
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sansaorgana · 3 months
Look I'm back on HOTD shit agains, so i was thinking Feyd Rautha reunited with like an aunt figure (or just an older oc/reader), who he's been fascinated by since he was a child. And she's all like domineering and assertive bcz yk she's older so she feels superior
hii, like I told my previous ano:, my requests are closed (if you wanted a fic) but I can share my thoughts any time 👀
I actually was thinking of Feyd with an older woman tbh 😂 in "Thrown To The Wolves" my Reader is older than him, too, btw – but it's like one year max so it doesn't even count (he is Paul's age and she is slightly older than Paul)
in my head when I imagined him with an older woman, it was an arranged marriage again because I am boring like that but if he had known her for longer time... and admired her... maybe craved her affection secretely (not even fully understanding what is happening to him)... woah, I like it 🤭 maybe he'd do everything to make her fall for him when he's old enough 👀
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