#im doing it for every ro.
acatslifeif · 2 years
Fanna /// pretty much a draft hehe :D
It’s cold.
So so cold.
What happened?
All she can remember was the cold, dark blade, making its way toward her eyes, she wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't. You were behind them, picking up stray flowers. She can’t. She doesn’t want you to get hurt. The blade coming closer and closer,
then all black.
Silence. Then someone shouts her name, once, twice, it doesn’t stop. A soft ‘thump’ could be heard, the bouquet of flowers you were making earlier now on the ground, the flowers scattered everywhere. She can hear your hurried footsteps, but her attacker is nowhere to be seen, her senses failing her already.
Everything just seems in slow motion, she can sense you on your knees close to her, you struggling to rip apart a part of your shirt to stop her bleeding coming from the long deep cut on her eyes. “Stop, MC.” You halt instantly, lifting your eyes to meet hers, the ones that always shined so bright even in the hardest moment, the one which you always sought comfort. But you can’t see that emerald green. Not anymore. You grit your teeth, your hands gripping her shirt as if, believing if you did, she wouldn’t leave.
A petal falls from the flower on your ear.
She smiles, raising her arm with her last remaining strength, her soft palm on your cheeks, removing your tears that looked like small waves in the ocean.
“I’m sorry,” she coughs. “Don’t—don’t talk, it’s going to be fine—help is coming just hang in there!” You say between sobs, your hand now holding hers, not wanting to let go.
The petal slowly dances in the air.
She chuckle but regret as soon as she did, coughing. Changing the subject, “promise me something?” You nod rapidly, letting out an ‘mhm’, tears threatening to fall once again. “Be happy for both of us, yeah?” She stops for a mere second, “just—just know that I’ll always be there for you, a part of me is with you,” her hands lower where your heart is. “and a part of you will always be there with me.”
The petal lands on the ground, done with its peaceful dance, and her breathing stops in synchronization. Her smile still present, yet the warmth of it disappears.
You don't remember how much time has passed, Fanna in your arm. The moons reflect the ground, now revealing the garden of flowers that was merely visible a couple of seconds ago, blue, purple, and pink can be seen. How nostalgic.
The silence doesn’t last long, multiple footsteps can be heard, stopping just behind you, not close enough to touch you, but enough to see. To see her. You.
You didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
Everyone is silent, feeling the weight of a hand on your shoulder. You lift your eyes. Kal, looking at you, wanting to comfort you. Wanting to tell you that everything will be okay. But you can’t help but notice that they too are close to the verge of crying, as if they too, feel like it is all a dream. They would wake up. Fanna would be there, smiling at them, lighting the room each time.
The thought alone was able to break down, tears now flowing down your cheeks. They don’t stop falling, the bottle opening up, an ocean that just doesn’t seem to have an end.
The planet just lost its light, one that shined so bright that nobody, could ever replace.
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doomed by the narrative :´(
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Bonus Elzar realizing that he can protect her all he wants but he will never be able to save Avar from herself
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kasiobite03 · 11 months
the empty frame in bobbys castle tower is a metaphor for jaiden and roiers family. they shared a house a bed items son, roier showed her his basement, melissa, his betrayal scars, and his home that was meant to be a community house. and jaiden couldnt fully believe she wasnt taking too much when it was her house! it was her base too! she moved out of the home she was building to move in with roier but she still felt like an intruder to her own home! she saw it as a temporary home for until she could move out and build her own base. but she still cared for and accepted every part of roier. and roier loved jaiden back too! when they died in that airship, he cleared out the dungeon and gave jaiden armor and spirit orbs and when jaiden accepted his anger and blame it just fizzled out. jaiden understands. so then roier left a empty frame at the bottom of the tower for jaiden to fill whenever she came back and they laughed and joked while tucking bobby in and jaiden said i bet you a hundred million dollars we'll see bobby tomorrow and roier said are you sure and it was a joke and then tomorrow came and jaiden was an hour too late. and then roier joked and laughed and when jaiden came and he had to break the news he couldn't anymore. because with jaiden roier can let down the jokes and with roier jaiden can be sure he has her back and support and when jaiden fell off the edge roier jumped down to join her before she could even say anything and they had pvp lessons together and a heart to heart as the sun rised and in the end the community house lays abandoned and bobby fields is filled with copies of the best day they had together and the attic is never looked at again and the top floor of bobbys tower isnt either.
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re-alku · 11 months
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fuckignngng room of swords cat au! you can really tell some of these were drawn like a month apart damn,,,, thank you to everyone in the discord who watched me go insane because oh my fucking god how do you translate a high ponytail into a feral cat design i do not know
pre incident designs for kodya and gyrus 😔
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(tw for animal death/blood below the readmore)
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and the incident </3
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astro-inthestars · 11 months
I can't believe I forgot international friendship day wHAT... it's MY day I love my friends and I love them with my whole heart and soul what the heck I didn't do anything for it noooo :( just- THAT POST I MADE ON VALENTINES!!! THAT!!! THATS WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!!!!
I love my friends so much I love YOU so much!! Thank you for being in my life and being my friend and loving me I hope you know I love YOU and i will NEVER stop loving you EVEN if we're apart OKAY!!??
I'm far too tired but this is already on the third paragraph so it's still pretty good and I still have more words to say so YES!! If you are my friend and you are reading this, know that I utterly adore you and EVERYTHING you do. Your art, your stories, your ideas, your creations, your music, your jokes, your friendships, your passions, your laughter, your happiness, I love love LOVE it and I will NEVER get tired of it!!! EVEN IF IT SEEMS LIKE I AM!!! I AM NOT!!! I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE YOU I'LL NEVER GET TIRED OF YOU AND WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! Sometimes I'm just tired, but never of you, okay??
And if you need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen, I will be here. And I'm sorry if sometimes I lose the words to say or the energy to talk, but know I love you so goddamn much, more than the sun shines, more than the solar systems in galaxies, more than every star in the WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE!!! Okay??? You are a WONDER for being here and I am so lucky to have you as a friend, no matter what you think, I am lucky to have you.
Okay, I'm going to bed, I love you! Remember that, okay?
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hi mac….. visiting u in ur inbox with a blorbo upd8….. qcellbit has gone missing and i am totally coping with it in a normal way he has been gone for almost three weeks now and I MISS HIM DEARLY!!! everyone on the qsmp got sent to hell in november and he still hasn’t returned i want him back :( he has people to eat and a husband to kiss and an ex-boyfriend/victim of cannibalism to torment and a son to reunite with but he cannot do that because he was maybe potentially blown up by a nuke. i miss him dearly!!!!
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i would like to reiterate that i am absolutely coping with his absence in a totally normal and well adjusted way anyway i am going to pin up this missing poster in ur inbox and try not to froth at the mouth or start eating furniture
I HAVE SEEN UR MISSING QCELLBIT POSTS THEYRE SO FUNNY. IM SO SORRY UR CAT RAN AWAY I HOPE HE COMES BACK SOON...... have u tried leaving out a bowl of water or perhaps his favorite blanket or toy..... do not leave out a bowl of food bc that could attract other animals like raccoons which could potentially scare ur cat away.... i will keep my eyes peeled and give u a call IMMEDIATELY if i see him. i hope he has his rabies shots <3
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edens-passing-if · 1 year
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Character Intro: Cassian
M, 29, Solo OR Poly route with Zacharie
Cassian is one of the first three companions you meet, one of the sole residents of a ruined kingdom. Isolated from society with only Zacharie as company, it isn't too hard to understand why he's cold and stoic towards you and others. Regardless of that, he isn't unfriendly... just unused to the company of more than one other. His walls are harder than his armor, though, and making him open up about his past is like bloodletting a stone.
At 6'6, he's the tallest out of your companions. Long black hair hangs well past his hips, surprisingly well cared for despite his prior home. The only thing more cared for than his hair is the old armor covering his body, outdated by decades and obsolete by current armory standards. Yet, despite its flaws and clunky build, he refuses to exchange it for anything else. Either emotional attachment or stubbornness, no amount of convincing while make him get rid of it until it's destroyed beyond repair. And even then, he'll find a way to use the broken scraps of armor that should've been scrapped long ago.
Despite his stoic attitude and favor for the quiet, he's rather easy to get along with. More of a listener than a talker, though, he tends to know a bit more than he should about other peoples lives. Thankfully, he's... a bit too dense to ever use that accumulated knowledge for evil. More brawn than brains, it usually requires some time for him to realise certain situations or emotions. Those willing to wait for such realizations tend to be the ones he sticks closest to. Despite all this, he still tends to occasionally join in the mayhem caused by others in the crew, regardless of his part in it.
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thingamagob · 5 months
lrt ive been thinking about that sort of shit a lot lately. like i feel like the general discussion of misogyny got nuanced a bit too hard and now a bunch of people are basically softcore mra's
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vanivanvanilla · 1 year
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doodles from last night rahhhhh
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
@ all my irl friends atm, so sorry, can't hang out, I'm too tired of participating in normal society
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lingeringscars · 8 months
Do you ever miss a character you've never actually met
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thedogslegart · 1 year
Postal 1 OCD haver.....
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headbeachincharge · 1 year
fuck marry kiss: @daikichixkarube @heartsmajestymira @risa-of-spades
BRO 😳 all at the SAME TIME??? 😱🫦👀
JK JK 😂😂😂😂😂😂
[🍆💦] @daikichixkarube and I lock eyes from across the dance floor. He is entranced by the way the lights play off of my beautiful, luscious hair, and he realizes he wants to know what lurks beneath the obsidian glint of my sunglasses. Swerving through the crowd, he only stops only when we’re pressed up together and up against each other, hips gyrating to the beat of the music. When I suck on his neck, he groans. I ask him if he wants to go somewhere more private, and he lets me fuck him in the coat closet. Afterwards, he finds a pack of cigarettes in the breast pocket of a long-abandoned dinner jacket. We have a smoke and I tell him we should get a drink sometime. Whether or not he’ll take me up on the offer will remain to be seen.
[👰🏻‍♂️] @risa-of-spades wants sex and companionship. I want sex and information. Swearing ourselves to each other is a small but moving affair, the shrine overgrown with wild greenery as our few living friends applaud as we kiss beneath the pink-orange sunset. I thoroughly enjoy ridding her of the silk and tulle wedding dress she’d managed to salvage from a ransacked boutique, and we indulge our passions the way newlyweds often do on their wedding night. The rings on our fingers don’t mean anything, not really, but it’s nice to pretend. We lie in twisted sheets and she tells me things; about herself, about the Borderlands, about how nice it feels to have someone resting beside her. I listen and stroke her naked back, all the while wondering how long we’ll be able to fool ourselves into thinking this was the right decision. There will be hell to pay. She knows it. I know it. But, for now, there’s nothing left to do but sleep.
[💋] @heartsmajestymira knows me. She watches me from across the meeting room table and sees the twist in my scowl and the furrow of my brow. More deaths than cards these days; morale is low, and not a single viable idea to fix it from any of the Executives. I dismiss them and stare at the X’s spray painted on the back wall. There are far too few for my liking. A hand on my shoulder pries me from my rumination, and I realize that she’s chosen to stay behind. She asks me if I want to talk. I say no. She asks me if I’m sure. I say no again. I can be honest, sometimes. When she asks to kiss me, I don’t say anything, but I nod. Her lips are warm. She doesn’t want anything from me. I allow myself to savor the closeness for a long moment before pulling away and asking why. She answers with a wry smirk and leaves me to contemplate her motivation by myself.
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snekdood · 1 year
Idk why i expect charitability from ppl who probably listen to whatever their staple favorite left-leaning video essayists says about the Other Leftists they dont like and takes it to heart and doesnt form their own opinion with the information provided (or the information specifically and intentionally left out to make the person look the worst that they can) just kinda does whatever that persons says because Its Probably Correct
I mean, theyre "on the left" and uses all the words you like, nevermind what their intentions or long terms goals are or how thatd reasonably be practiced irl or if it'd actually hurt the general cause of progressives and make things even more divisive and worse bc they value being petty more than actually having any values.
#yall be like 'i better go watch this black person who believes in racial separatism and take everything they say to heart and not form my#own opinion because the Correct Thing To Do is to let every minority im not say shit that would only help nazis in the long run Because Im#Not That Minority So Clearly I Have No Stake In This'. like idk. its one thing to pretend you understand every thing about a certain#minorities experience that you dont have. its a whole other thing to actually challenge people on their beliefs. and if the person you#are challenging cant give you a good enough answer or dodges or gets MAD at you for even asking - you should probably avoid them or at the#very least not just believe every fucking thing they say and never come to your own conclusions on shit.#people are supposed to have the critical thinking ability to have their beliefs challenged and give you an actual answer#theyre supposed to want you to understand. theyre supposed ro be able to explain it to people who dont understand#and arent in the same spaces enough to understand. if you cant explain to me why racial separatism is somehow Ideal then why should#i listen to you. just to do whatever you say no questions asked or else im bad and very problematic?#like how am i supposed to take this kinda person seriously when they go around calling shark3ozero the c word and other#racist shit. like you're not serious lol. you have no issue just acting like the people who disagree with you on something are just purely#bigots.#when the people you attack are far more on your side than the fucking republicans who yall barely even mention. which is interesting.#anyways if you believe in dividing everyone by race understand that thats LITERALLY what white supremacists want. that is Not the ideal#world for me. idk about you. and if you understand this and still follow me gtfo of here#you're a dipshit and prolly an accelerationist and i dont have time for your bullshit and likely nihilism.#you're gonna end up killing yourself thinking the world is only ever against you and everyone who disagrees w you is a bigot.#and i dont mean necessarily actually putting up a noose i just mean you're gonna isolate yourself SO MUCH from other ppl and stay only in#your one little space. that if you ever lose that space for whatever reason you'll be left alone w no help.#or you'll isolate yourself so much and stay inside forever and be hella paranoid in grocery stores thinkin everyone there Wants To Kill You#and im not gonna act like ik whats in the mind of someone who believes in racial separatism. that was more of an example. but i can try#to understand and i can tell that someone has to go through a lot of bs to think thats the only solution. im not trying to downplay why ppl#might think thats the best option. but really its the same shit w terfs and cis men and it kinda seems like its a solution born from trauma#with convoluted justifications for why its Fine actually#thats how it looks from my angle rn. if thats not the case and you feel like its different im always willing to hear different angles on#stuff. im never married to my positions as im not exactly a static person who never changes.#id say thats quite the opposite of my Whole Thing
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Would it be too much to meal plan ahead of time for my Entire Next Semester
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softly-mossy · 1 year
ah i see. only rich and popular people make it to where they wanna go. i get it now
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