#im glad I got the beans tho
spacebugarts · 2 years
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Sadly, we had to put down my sweet boy Kitter last week, and today we were finally able to pick up his remains and paw prints (and also I've apparently been spelling his name wrong this whole time but whatever, I like Kitter better.) So I thought I'd take the time to post a little tribute for him, to honor his legacy. Short eulogy and more photos under the cut
We found him on our yard, taking shelter under my dad's truck, and Gramma started feeding him shortly after. We decided to take him in after copious pleading from my sister and I. He loved yogurt and always begged for chicken by propping himself up on your legs and very gently tapping your arm with his paws. He also begged for tacos and enchiladas, and one time I caught him stealing some off the table. We started taking better care of the leftovers after that...
He was skittish and antisocial for most of his life, but he grew more open and loving as he got older. He followed Mom around like a lost puppy, and his purr was my favorite sound in the world. He was terrified of balloons and plastic bags after an incident where one got stuck to him and "chased" him around the house. He loved laying under our christmas tree and admiring the lights every year.
I'll never forget the time he got out and went missing for a few days, and Mom got so excited when she thought she found him, but she ended up bringing in an entirely different cat! He came back to us a little while later, and at that point she finally believed me when I told her it wasn't Kitter.
He was a constant source of joy in my life, and I'm so glad we got to spend 16 wonderful years together. I love you Kitter, you were the best boy ❤️ I hope you're getting many pets from Gramma and Grampa, and once again stealing Buddy's dog food lol
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
yknow. after some time and space, I think I can say genuinely that I kinda hated season 6. and thats okay
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
Recalled update! So I am here to yell about it for 30 minutes thanks :)
*Scrambling to escape the void that has consumed me over the last few weeks.*
Okay, so we've got a recalled update! Im very excited and have been pouring over this update for a while.
Uni is consuming my life haha.
they are headed towards the castle while having some very important discussions. Mainly, what on earth do we call you all. (Which in its own right I find amusing haha. )
Okay, time for the important things! Recalled and all panels belong to @recalled11 and its wonderful artist @l3ominor. Go check it out!
You can find the comic page here!
Now lets get started because if i dont scream about my blorbo in approximately 5 seconds I'm gonna die
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I love group photos of any Calabar, it's awesome to see them all together. And watching fabrics flow is detail that I am obsessed with thank you.
Its the blorbo, look at hims.
Also i love how chill he is about this. Like, 'oh more problems? Awesome, I needed something to do today' kind of vibe I love it.
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Sky's walking stick! I love how inclusive of all sorts of things this AU is i thoroughly enjoy it. He gives me the I can kill you with this walking stick, but also have you met my wife vibes and i love him.
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Time and Malon running off like this brings me great joy i love them.
And, sky. Are we talking about your journey or something else cause that's pretty ominous there. foreshadowing? Are we gonna get more about the past of these heroes at one point I'd love to know more about them.
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It is a massive Hyrule, espically when you think about just how long it takes to get across each of them in-game. Wild's game it actually takes so long to get across even just Hyrule field.
Time please step back from the edge you're giving me anxiety.
Also backgrounds my beloved. Beautiful i love them.
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When i tell you i was laughing at this for a few minutes i mean it oh my god this is wonderful.
And Malon?! OMG
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I find this so damn funny. Its wonderful.
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Im so glad everyone is confused it makes this 10x funnier.
(You think when they get to know each other better he'll let Sky/Sun have a go? I would love to see that so much.)
Also seeing Wild smile, Like really smile. The boy deserves the world.
Im glad he's having fun. Its also great to see Zonai tech being used after the events of the 2nd game like this.
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Yes, let's step into the wooden box of who knows what together? It'll be fun! :D
Flower, you gotta remember that these people have never seen this sort of thing, please explain.
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Like you're doing right now flower? Like you're doing right now?
Everyone is so trusting of this box. I love it.
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Just gonna say how GENIUS this is? LIKE A LIFT USING ZONAI WHEELS
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This tells a lot
Sky is just impressed, look at how happy he is. Wonderful bean
Sun is hanging out, (Is she holding his hand? Thats cute) :D
Captain the professional as always.
Malon and Time are the absolute chaos of the group. Just look at them, Time has obviously never seen something like this and so him being the one who's like basically fallen over here makes so much sense.
Got me cackling again tho, I love this group of idiots a healthy amount.
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Them <3
I was thinking about it tho... And the sailcloths they are identical. And we know they are married...
What if the sailcloths are a sign of marriage in this universe? Why else would they both have the same one, down to the blue outline on the edge that is closest to them. Like you give your lover a meaningful symbol to show your love for them, and in Sky's case he made a sailcloth for sun after she made the one he's wearing for him during the events of Skyward sword.
I think its the same one because his one looks significantly bigger than hers, which to me tells of a practical use as well as a decorative or symbolic piece. 332
Like im probably reading too much into this but then again. They are so cute that they would actually do that.
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Captain pulling the absolute shenanigans of a group back on track. He is the brain cell of the group you can't change my mind.
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Why is everyone in this comic so damn adorable okay, these guys are just cinnamon rolls who saved the world.
Just look at Time's face? You can't tell me he isn't the most cinnamon of the rolls.
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Have I mentioned how much I love Captain? Cause he is just so chill, but also professional. Professionally chill? Sure.
I can see a stressful situation coming up, and he just is the stoic leader who gets everyone in line and ready to fight the threat.
And flower, Who is just so sweet. I can understand not wanting to be referred to as princess now that their Hyrule is like how it is. I'm surprised this hasn't come up sooner. But it's cute.
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Oh the silent princess. How symbolic you are.
I know people are not really into the flower thing but I am, you think we will see some nightshade at one point?
The flower.
The 2 flower heads, one open, one closed, The blue into white. With the yellow detail. It's Flowers colour pallet to a T and I love it. Maybe as we progress through the story we will see pictures of the silent princess again but with a flowering bud or maybe if something bad happens a slightly sad looking one?
I am obsessed with symbolism, so if those become a thing watch this space cause I will be excited about it!
(In fact looking at it I think, the stem in the middle and the yellow on her clothes are colour-matched. A nice detail!)
Okay thats all from me! :D
Have a great day/Night!
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tojikai · 1 year
i’m so happy you showed what a healthy relationship looks like. esp when yn called up toji just to let him know the situation. as well as told him all about what happened in the morning. that’s what being in a relationship is all about, being there for each other no matter what! i’m glad yn is safe and comfortable with toji, it’s what she needs and deserves.
gojo’s mom is- oh man. my poor yn and poor yui. oh man idek what type of trauma that situation can cause to a kid. shes right tho, bad meemaw, bad smh
am i a bad person if i say i dont really care that naomi is feeling that way? LMAO sorry HAHA okok but likeee whatever shes feeling is still a million times less than what yn was feeling when she was a gojo? dont get me wrong i was STARTING to feel bad but like she called up gojo’s mom. like ok u just lost sympathy from me LOL. imagine ur bf’s mom likes u so much that u can call her up and ask for advice (yn cant LMAO im sorry bbgirl i love you im sorry HAHA)
even if gojo’s mom spill the beans on what happened that night i feel like yn cant do anything abt it?? LMAO like what do u want her to do? she’s literally happy w toji, megs, and yui idk what she has to do w gojo. it’s literally gojo’s problem he’s still in love with her. she has moved ON boy! and shes doing her part in the co-parenting, shes civil with gojo and naomi, and shes HAPPY! is that such a crime?? sure they can have a convo but leave yn out of it? she literally just moved on, is that so bad? must she suffer for u guys to be happy?
they’re gonna make the convo abt yn tho ofc they are. if they dont, we wont have a story LMAOO but i do hope that things turn out well for yn. she cant even be happy without this turning to shit bc of fuckin gojo
but! the drama is to live for, keep it coming (less yn slaps tho, pls leave my girl alone 😭😭)
as always, amazing work kai! mwah mwah mwah, love u sm angel <3
the last part LMAOOO 'if they dont, we wont have a story" 😭 kinda true tho, what are we gonna do without the mess !! the drama !! JSKSKSKSDH i find it so funny plssss💀and if u realy look at it, yn's got nothing to do w it, bc satoru just confessed. yn didn't intentionally do anything to make him feel like that :> anwww thanksss so much muchh, much love to uu~<33
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you are such a great friend and i hope you actually have the best day ever <33
your birthday fit is going to devour and your new hair looks great
i’m so glad we became moots and the forst time you texted me i had a full blown panic attack but im so glad you did <33
you are such a genuine person eho makes loads of time for their mates
even tho you hate british people (which is understandable)
guess ir not living on benenfits😔
serioudly tho, have the greatest day and you got this
- frankie
and ik its literally nothing im sorry but heres a playlist yhat reminds me of you
I'm tearing up WHAT. This us the sweetest thing ever.
Thank you so so much. I'm actually treasuring this for an eternity.
This made me so so happy. I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE IT AHHH.
( also i sent my friend a picture of my hair and the first abd only thing he said was 'emo, goddamnit you're emo' 😔 )
You're one if the people I admire and care for a LOT and just thank you for existing. You're so kind and beautiful and deserve so much love rahhh.
Also the panick attack is quite concerning, love. I'm sorry to cause that ahhh
If you hadn't invaded nd fucked up my country for 200 years, maybe I'd be living on benefits ( and hot tits )
Frankie you mean so much to me. You're so swagilicious teehee
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alsamara · 9 months
75 Hard
Day 2: January 3, 2024
[X] Selfie
[X] Read 10 Pages
- Smarter Not Harder By Dave Asprey
[X] Drink 1 Gallon of Water
-64/128 fl oz
[X] Outdoor Workout (45mins)
-Walked outside. It was cold and rainy, but we conquered.
[X] Indoor Workout (45mins)
-Form by Sami Clarke & PT for my legs & neck
[X] Eat Desired diet/NO Alch
Breakfast: protein shake
Snack: freeze dried apples and chicken
Dinner: Collards, beans, and chicken sausages
P.S I need to remember to get lemons and ginger tomorrow so I can make ginger shots because I do want to start my day with hot lemon ginger water and chia seeds. I miss doing that. So yum.
Thoughts + Feelings
Writing this at 3:23pm:
Started off today with my outdoor walk. It was a misty snow mixture this AM! My face and fingers were numbbbbb by the end of the walk, but I kept telling myself the cold exposure is working. Im so glad I got my Apple Watch up and running again to track today’s walk. I love watching my rings close. Rly makes life more satisfying… I will be getting a balaclava, running gloves, and fleece lined leggings tho. This is a definite fact.
I had a massage immediately after so I didn’t have time to make my protein shake which is fine.. I wasn’t hungry yet and I also hate laying on a massage table with a full stomach. For now I am going to be sleepy, enjoy my protein shake, and get my 10 pages in + some water to flush out my massage. 💗 check ya in a bit.
Update 9:39pm:
I got my indoor workout done with Form by Sami Clarke and did my daily PT exercises. I will say Form makes me realize how weak my core is from my endo surgeries. Deep in my heart it makes me feel sad that I didn’t do PT when doctors were suggesting it. Whatever tho. I’m going to be going back to softer work outs like yoga and Pilates for abs moving forward. Healing movements > all
Goodnight you guys,
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
Dear Seraphina
I am not mad at all, in fact the old perv deserves to be called out like that :-) !! As for telling him to look at your stream well, it's very understandable... it is your source of income after all and though not ideal... as I wish for you much more than this life than you have now, safety as well... We get by with the cards we are dealt with....
As for my offer, and the main reason I'm writing to you again... I'm once again urging you to take it. I'm gonna be blunt with you now, from what I saw from an earlier post... Kylar is bad for you. If he were genuinely looking out for you he wouldn't contact you firstly in such a public way, making you feel bad about yourself and speaking in a language so possessive and purposefully written to make you feel small... He is a wolf in sheep's clothing Seraphina. Watch out.
Ps. My daughter Bean says hi
-Camille M.
okay!! yay :D i saw ur message and got so nervous, i'm glad ur not upset!!!
ummm... yeah, i will think about ur offer. i won't make any promises i can't keep tho.
its my fault he contacted me so publicly ^.^; i can b.... hard to contact sometimes?? my phone iz a cheap burner i got from the shopping center n i dont pick it up a lot, so mainly messaging me on myspace or another one of the sites i use is best if u actually want 2 reach me,,, ^^;
possessive is a scary word,, ky just wants me 2 be w him and only him and protect me from everything & it can be a bit too much but ummm..... thatdoesn'tsoundgreat. but rlly its fine!! u said it urself, im clever & quick n skillful on my feet!! ik my limits and if the need arises im confident enough 2 get myself out of bad situations.
ty <333
ps. hello bean !!! :D
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cerebrobullet · 2 years
Sharpe's Rifles Daily Book Report:
aaah i must endure a new narrator again which means mentally repeating all of sharpe's lines in sean bean's voice in my head so it sounds *right*
im gonna have a fit trying to fit together timelines tho with retcons because i've not got a brain for keeping track of things hhhhh. i mean does it really matter considering canon is kind of a grab bag of what you want? no. but i still wanna have it ~right~
........ bruh. no, the voice for harper... n... no. oh god. i dont know if i can do this jfc. like... i cant imagine a worse voice. he's gone and made it high pitched!
aw harper being described as being gentle with murray is kinda cute.
oh noooo hhhh, the democracy line is even sadder in the book since the sergeant doesn't understand, but sharpe is trying so hard to be Proper and now he feels embarrassed he's using words he doesnt quite know and AAAAAAH
i'm so glad even original flavor sharpe is still just as eternally anxious as ever heheh.
hehhehehhehe sharpe described as fighting like a feral animal :3c ja good
god the harper voice still though uuugh i want to cry. i'm 100% thinking of looking for the audiobook somewhere else with hopefully a different narrator 😬
damn i looked it up and audible has them but i hate giving amazon money. plus they're even more expensive there (tiger is fucking $36??!??) and i need way more than one a month if i use the free book option. hhhhhg i guess i'll suffer through for now since i already bought rifles but i'm gonna need to look at options. anyway i'll stop bitching.
listening to how much sharpe and harper hate each other is making me cackle heheheh, absolute enemies to lovers vibe from these two.
where is teresa my beloved tho.
also grumpy, bitey sharpe is still a vibe. i think both anxious, confused baby officer tv!sharpe and tired, angry, underappreciated book!sharpe are both wonderful and valid.
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mencnfire · 1 year
🍒 mine ? roast me >:o
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.
(( roast u?? where do i BEGIN? well, demon is a majima simp lolololol.
mate, i aint gonna roast u there's nothing to roast, you're a good jelly bean! lemme explain why -
*slides open powerpoint presentation, clears throat* WELL-
first and foremost, i feel like i've known you forever ( i mean, we've been on/off mutuals for what feels like a very long time but is literally like 5/6 years? i've always found you someone who stands out a great deal. not in a bad way, you have a certain way about you. aesthetics, pride. idk, there's something very powerful about your aura and i've always thought it. even when we both wrote ardyn, you were like THE ardyn, yknow? i remember some of my mutual ardyn's but not a great deal, but you always stood out. you had / have such a grasp of his character, the time and the passion you placed into him was always something i found incredibly inspirational. like, i always felt myself pointing to you like that one will smith meme where he's all 'LOOKIE' i just always found that passion admirable & you, very cool.
when i saw you come back to the ff fandom a couple years back, i was really excited to see you around again and simply to know you were doing well & it's been really awesome you making a full return with your boy clive and then majima! i know i don't know a bunch about yakuza and i know you might dropkick me for having STILL not played the games ( i will one day i promise u bby ) but you give me a very good idea of majima and his character simply from what you say to me in private and on the dash. your headcanons are ( as expected cause its u ) fully fleshed; they're detailed, they're interesting and give a well-documented / well-thought out insight into his character. he's playful, he's got a little bit of fuckery going on with his past and maybe even who he is and i'm excited to explore the dynamic he could have with my legion of lads. ( i promise volgin wont poke his eye hole, kakihara might tho >.> )
and you, demon - well, you're awesome. that goes without saying. you've a very down-to-earth, fun person to speak to. sometimes i find myself entirely confused by the yakuza lore you drop on me but i appreciate it none-the-less, it's fun seeing your passion and it's cool being welcomed into fandom lore and information with such enthusiasm. i feel like the rpc world would be an amazing place if everybody had the passion that you have for your characters. you're a fun, chill & very cool person and i'm glad to know you. also, i've been thinking of picking up ffxiv again and might need u to hold my hand ( im bby no bully )
my final note to you is a meme i saw that combined our collective worlds and i hope u appreciate it like i did cause i thought of you when i saw it lol ))
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
Crush anon here 👋🏻 made some really big moves
Right now we’re keeping things as friends he felt it was a tiny bit fast which is fine that’s what I wanted anyways was to stay friends for now
I just wanted him to know if he did want to in the future I would like to take it past friends and past blurred lines to a relationship…
The only part that’s got me sad really but that I totally respect is he’s heterosexual and usually goes for people who identify with she/her pronouns but he said it not say he doesn’t feel any attraction to me whatsoever 👉🏻👈🏻
(I go by she/they but the last few days been experimenting with he/him)
I totally respect his preferences and all but just ahh still part of me is a bit sad
I also brought up my beliefs and how they’re very important to me and even how I’d like to try some stuff with him sometime involving my beliefs and he is totally down he’s said he’s tried stuff for his sister before and so yea he’s down to try stuff for me as well
So overall besides the pronouns thing I think it went exactly how I hoped it would
hello again and welcome back! 💜
thats so good to hear tho, im so glad youre on the same page about things! yeah its a terrifying thing to tell someone you like them, but if they dont respond back with mutual feeling but agree to stay on friends, i can say from personal experience you'll have a friend for a lifetime if they are a good bean. which he really sounds like he is, so either way if this turns into something more serious or not, you have gained a really good friend which is awesome!!
yeeah i have a friend whos dealing with similar pronouns stuff with their significant other, the best thing you can do about that is to set boundaries and talk about things so that youre both comfortable about it. communication is very much key, but by the sounds of it youre already doing good on that side of things and hes respectful and understanding, which is great. just keep that up so both sides know whats happening and where things are (potentially) going
really happy for you tho, thats so awesome to hear that things are going great between you two 💜💜
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greeneyezblackheart · 11 months
Hiii shells! Monthly update for yaa happy turkey month by the wayyy. so my lifes been kinda shitty ngl. probs just winter depression but i am still with the same girl iv been with since september soo yeah she helps me alot. i still love ryan goslinggg. today im going to see a new marvel movie in theaters i hope it’ll be good. anyways love ya girl <3
Hey, darlin'. Great to hear from you. I SO cherish your monthly check-ins. 😌
I still love Ryan Gosling too. 🥵
Seasonal depression is totally a real thing, so try to keep your chin up and I’ll be thinking bout ya. 🖤😘 I’m so glad you’ve got such a supportive gf. That’s very important, having loved ones who can be there for us and keep us going.
Hope you’re doing ok in school. Staying outta trouble? 🤞🏼🤔
HAPPY TURKEY MONTH! 🦃 November is my favorite month. My birthday is the 30th and of course we have TURKEY DAYYY and all that FIRE AS FUCK food. 🍗🌽🥖🧈🥧 Do you like Thanksgiving food? If so, what’s your fave thing to munch on? Mine is….THA CRANBERRY SAUCE! Especially a huge blob of it on top of my dressing—YUMMO! And leftover turkey for days…can’t wait. Y’all can keep those nasty yams, tho. And that green bean casserole shit won’t find its way onto my plate either. NO F’ING WAY!
Love youuu. 🖤🖤
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sakyunyu · 2 years
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continuing my XS1 adventures~ today we f i n a l l y left the tutorial ship and fought the first (?) boss 🎉 we watched KOS MOS threatened a ship's crew 😇 met ziggurat and rescued MOMO 🥺💗
ahahhahahah was late to my own stream today o h n o 😭💦 shhloluhitookanapandalarmdidntwentoff klf;sjdka; i'm so glad we did the audio/stream checks early/yesterday!! and finally fixed a weird echoing issue that was happening on the backend for zoa ; v;!! my mic was having some issues too ,,, but i resolved it last minute right before the stream started ahaha,,, scuffed beginning :^) i s2g streaming w/ audio is my nemesis
ANYHOWW!!!!!! we finally got past the tutorial ship :) fought the first (???) boss \ o / !!
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today was very cutscene heavy, which was kinda nice though lololol,,, esp considering ..... this meme is.. literally how i feel when i wake up .... i am grateful for zoa's patience 🙏🙏🙏
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ANYHOOWWWW gosh every KOS-MOS scene is so??? impactful ????? fklsdkajfak; i loved seeing her float thru space with her little coffin bed : ) hehe : ) and threatening the ship crew : ) LET HER IN, SHE'S COLD-!!! that punch went straight into my heart : )//// zoa was right.... i love her ahhaaha
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it was nice to get introduced to more characters :> !!! gosh chaos has such fluffy hair i want to pet,,,,,,,, and he's such a good.. bean....
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i rly liked this part where he was, well, deflecting (lol),,,, but he was talking about believing everyone has at least one skill they excel in :) somehow rly hits a note in me ahah..
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we also got to meet zigguart!! :0000c his b00ba window shirt tho omg kas;dlkfa;ak; lol not me staring respectfully :^),,,,
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this chapel was really cool to pass by (also hi item??? plz??) ... i rly enjoy seeing chapels in games??? idk..... haha maybe it's the .hack// influence in me . . . .
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we also rescued MOMO \ o / !!!! after uhh getting punished by the game for ..... much of my greed and encounters with enemies oops i'm not very good at sneaking games ;;; im impatient and want to RUn ... kdfs;akas; such grief,,, used up all my healing items HAHAHAHH but at least he lived : )??????
&&MOMO has a skill called SHEEP BEAM !!!!! so cute...... excited to try it next time hehe ;v;//// i think she's adorable and deserves a happy meal ,,,,,,
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dawnedon · 2 years
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“Oh my god Serena, are you serious? He is so cute. I can really take him home?” Dawn is holding a calm little Snom in her arms, the little guy seeming more than okay with being held like this.
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“Of course! I really don’t think you could put him down, even if you tried. He’d just crawl back up your leg again. Sinnoh’s climate might be more fitting for the little guy anyways.”
Dawn looks down at the little bug, who in turn looks back up at her. Oh god. How can one pokemon be so damn cute? She thought the Snom had climbed on her due to how cold she always was, but he really seemed to genuinely like her. Ugh, her heart-
“I’m calling him Biscuit,” Dawn holds the Snom in her hands now, staring into his beady little eyes. It was hard to tell if there were any thoughts firing up in that little bug’s mind, but she loved him so much already. “I’ve only known him for ten minutes now, but if anything bad happened to him I’d kill everyone in Sinnoh and then myself.” Dawn sees a twitch on Serena’s lip, the blonde about to laugh, when Dawn shifts Biscuit to one arm and puts her hand on her friend’s shoulder.
“Girl, I am not kidding. I will kill god himself for this little guy. I will destroy the natural order and balance of the entire universe itself to keep him safe.“ Biscuit doesn’t really know what she’s saying. He’s just happy to be here.
“You know what? That’s totally understandable, I’d do the same thing for all of the pokemon too so... mood.” Serena absolutely gets here there. “Well! Let’s go finalize everything so you guys can be on your way, okay?”
Dawn could not wait to show Blanc her new little friend, that was for sure.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
aaaaaaaaaa i'm glad i'm not being a bore with my octopus infodump ksldjfkfsjd
azul just struggling during beans day and running around trying to keep up with jack despite the constant threat of flatlining is somewhat, funny sick 😂 the imagery of just, azul looking ragged, panting and wheezing as he tries to break into a sprint, feet dragging and looking like he's about to trip and eat shit at any moment.
jade just carries an aed everywhere with him just in case azul's heart starts going funny...
but also it somewhat, makes me feel bad... if azul's cardiovascular system is that trash he should really follow a modified pe programme... vargas pls... 😔
that being said, i personally would imagine that he will be careful not to push himself too much? since you'd think he'd be able to feel when his heart is about to fail (feeling faint, shortness of breath, etc..)
i'm not fish enlightened so i'm not sure how an octopus would recover from their heart stopping (maybe it just, kickstarts by itself if the octopus ceases activity? i'm not sure... maybe the branchial hearts eventually revives the systemic/main heart? aye...)
though supposedly an octopus can have its main heart stop for over an hour without any negative side effects...
it's sort of, eerie. to imagine azul in pe class or just, going through a busy day. and everything is fine at first glance, but when you take a closer look, you realise he's almost not breathing. and he wouldn't have a pulse...
on another note, in people, your heart stopping completely (flatline aka an asystole) isn't exactly, a situation you would want to be in.
iirc an aed (or defibrillators in hospitals) doesn't shock a stopped heart back to life, in fact it's the opposite: it stops the (irregularly beating) heart so that you can reset it to a normal rhythm. so it's used during cardiac arrest caused by the heart beating out of rhythm/erratically (not stopped completely), like too fast or too slow (among others).
an asystole is generally irreversible in people... so unfortunately jade zapping azul would do little to help...
speaking of jade, i find it fascinating that (some) moray eels have glass (-like) teeth. morays have got to be some of my favourite sea creatures, they're just so goofy looking with their mouth constantly open like :V
(and also, goodness, i'm flattered that you enjoy my silly illustrations 😂 porridge leona has confronted me to the mortifying ordeal of being perceived 😂😂)
(the continuation of this)
IM SO SORRY THIS REPLY TOOK SO LONG FALSE !! i got caught up in the event so ur ask got pushed down im very sorrryyy T^T pls forgive meeee aaaaa
also im so sorry for putting the idea in ur brain *wheeze* but azul just d wording n then getting up again like everything's fine is just. peak comedy to me.
lmao n then jade explaining that he has an aed lisence just for these types of situations– (everyone getting shocked that the dude who beats ppl up carried a thing that helps ppl not die in certain situations–)
alsp yea. vargas probably doesnt understand mer-biology, like he thinks everything translates smoothly bc of the potion even tho they retain some animal characteristics fjfjfjfjjsjs
yea maybe they have a magical explanation as to how azul walks around with a stopped heart, he probably feels it happening and can either get himself to the nurse or since he's been living with it all his life, he probably has a spell for helping regulate his heart shdhdjfj (it's no use to him when he's dog tired like he was in beansfest tho T^T)
OH MY GOD YES. THE GLASS TEETH– i hc that the tweels aren't fully one type of moray, actually they've probably got a mix of creatures in them so them having glass teeth in their mer form...it makes them deadlier bc you gotta watch out for the teeth you can AND can't see (like the pharyngeal jaws. i keep thinking abt their pharyngeal jaws and i can't sleep at night)
also yes morays are so cute i just wanna squish one despite the fact that it'd probably chomp my hand off–
and speaking of their mouths going :V I THINK ABT THE CLEANING SHRIMPS N MORAYS' MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP– it's so cute bc floyd calls us "little shrimpy" so it's kinda like we became his little cleaning shrimp esp if we worked at mostro lounge,,, we keep things clean n he proteccs us from potential danger !!
(ITS OK TO BE PERCIEVED !! kinda scary at first but ppl do b staring n loving ur art <3 (it's me, i'm people) and keep up the good work wooo)
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kotikaleo · 3 years
The Day has come... that will be a loooong post...
Hi everyone! 🌸🌺🌸
A year ago, same day, April 29th 2020 I came here. I decided to drop here some sketches and didn't expect anything but I got 5 likes and I was super happy. I didn't know that how my way to be an full time artist will start...
I want to thank everyone who inspired me through that year, @le-poofe you are the reason why even joined that place, @andrewture it was so fun to draw your boy and participate in Pink Even, @zu-is-here you are the kindest and wisest person I've ever met, and I'm so glad you are here with me, @dreaming-mystic with you and little sketch of Rat my Multiverse Post Office idea become to grow (still in development tho óωò), @help-im-a-gay-fish thanks for inspiring me with your awesome ideas and being such a good friend uωu, @hxy-hemaxye-art your art is really good, and you inspired me in so much ways, @lastseekersrefuge I'm so glad I met you, you are my best friend 🌸, @little-noko for coming here and helping me with kind words when I needed it, @nixensibrat02 @bluepalleteuniverse @enixani @jann-the-bean @yuriyuruandyuraart @amemi-i @color-ns @dragon-tamer-1 and all 900+ people in my blog for being an amazing people, being here and supporting me with your likes, asks, donations, comments, donations and most importantly... your love. Without you I wouldn't be who am I now. Thank you so much 🌺🌸🌺
And now it's time for the most interesting.... I wanted to do a while ago....
There will be 3 places, winners will be selected randomly, let's go through them all!
3rd place! A sketch (up to 2 characters)
Just a colored sketch, a bit messy but with all my love to you!
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2nd place! pixelart chibi (up to 2 characters)
Cute and simple 🌸
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1st place! traditional art (up to 2 characters)
A small drawing on paper done by pencils and love uωu
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How to join?
Reblog and like that post!
Follow me (if you want uωu)
Kiss your homies! They deserve some love too!
Pat your pet! If they want that, don't pat your gold fish XD
I will choose one winner on May 19th!! 🌸✨🌸
That's all I wanted to say today!! Good luck everyone, have a nice day/night, I love you 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸
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emi1y · 2 years
Ok this will come as a surprise 6 months later but hello it's the beans music guy. I didn't see your other ask even tho I had ur notifs on for like a month. Anyway. I sent that to like 6 others bc I was making a play list: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0slFjKQ5owmDOmznwCVHXg?si=DghF0TqmRH2hZUnGGkhwxQ&utm_source=copy-link (it's public + others responses). Now, the reason I did this is because I associate the word scrumptious with the texture of beans. Why? Not because I think beans are scrumptious, but because of a cartoon called the little princess, that I watched as a small child, where in an episode they describe beans as scrumptious. So, now I associate the texture of beans with the sound of the word. I wondered if this extended to music, which I found was yes, after listening to Mozart. And if ur wondering why I was looking through ur anon tag and finally saw ur response (which I've added), it's because I'm also the one who suggested silicone tit beverages, which I was reminded of after talking about massive fucking boobs with my friend, and thought I would show them the post. Unfortunately it's been too long and wasn't under anon, so I couldn't find it. Although now I'm starting to wonder whether or not it was you I sent it to, or someone else. But I'm sure it was you. anyways yeah. I'm sitting on the toilet rn.
that is actually so insane that you were a real person with a real reason for asking i was so sure it was just a random copy ask that got sent to people just for shits and giggles. im on the same page with random brain word associations though, when i was a kid i had a nancy drew book called the bungalow mystery and on the cover she is inside a house and hiding behind a couch and for the longest time i just thought bungalow meant couch because of that. and even though i know the real meaning of the word now i still think of that memory and i probably always will. im glad your beans playlist worked out
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