#rip kitter :(
spacebugarts · 2 years
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Sadly, we had to put down my sweet boy Kitter last week, and today we were finally able to pick up his remains and paw prints (and also I've apparently been spelling his name wrong this whole time but whatever, I like Kitter better.) So I thought I'd take the time to post a little tribute for him, to honor his legacy. Short eulogy and more photos under the cut
We found him on our yard, taking shelter under my dad's truck, and Gramma started feeding him shortly after. We decided to take him in after copious pleading from my sister and I. He loved yogurt and always begged for chicken by propping himself up on your legs and very gently tapping your arm with his paws. He also begged for tacos and enchiladas, and one time I caught him stealing some off the table. We started taking better care of the leftovers after that...
He was skittish and antisocial for most of his life, but he grew more open and loving as he got older. He followed Mom around like a lost puppy, and his purr was my favorite sound in the world. He was terrified of balloons and plastic bags after an incident where one got stuck to him and "chased" him around the house. He loved laying under our christmas tree and admiring the lights every year.
I'll never forget the time he got out and went missing for a few days, and Mom got so excited when she thought she found him, but she ended up bringing in an entirely different cat! He came back to us a little while later, and at that point she finally believed me when I told her it wasn't Kitter.
He was a constant source of joy in my life, and I'm so glad we got to spend 16 wonderful years together. I love you Kitter, you were the best boy ❤️ I hope you're getting many pets from Gramma and Grampa, and once again stealing Buddy's dog food lol
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lunaticpsyker08 · 1 year
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Hehe, a little study of my Behemoth boi.
Tested out some special pants!! Ofc it's optional, I like him with ripped pants too. I'd just do whatever for his outfits
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Much muscular Behemoth kitter, I love drawing him!!
The third image has a character that belongs to @/dezimaton!! His name is Tive. They are friends. ✨💜
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trainwreckweather · 6 years
I miss having a pet 😣. I miss my cat stepping on me and demanding to be pet, ugh.
I'm debating on adopting another furry friend but idk what kind 🤔
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thinkingaboutbees · 7 years
out of all the rejections in my life, being ignored by a cat has to be the most painful
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browniefox · 2 years
rip to skitter-kitter they would've loved this chapter
they're not dead or deactivacted they just don't read my fic anymore
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kasa-my · 7 years
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alien lovrs  furry edition <3 @l4ughing-k4t
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chromium-siren · 4 years
Can I sing: Kind of, but I don’t like to sing in public unless it’s karaoke. Because then it’s like “sing this song” and I become a circus poodle
Favorite song currently: Tie A Yellow Ribbon
Best gift I ever received and why: Oh gosh, this is a hard one- but I’m going to have to say my cats (RIP). Those two kitters were the best friends I ever had.
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queenpanpan · 6 years
The internet has so badly ruined my vocabulary that I physically cannot day these things normally:
Bird- it’s always birb or borb
Large- LORGE
Chunky-chonky or chomky
Dog- doggos, boofers, puppers, doges, anything other than dogs
Cat- catto, Kitter, Cade etc
Thick- T H I C C
Suck- zucc or S U C C
Friend-fren or friendo
Hello- Henlo or hewwo
You all are not- YAINT
Scream- scree or screm
Happy birthday- i don’t even say this one i just yell B O R T H at my frens and they know what I mean
Oh no!- that’s a big yike from me, or oof/ big oof or RIP
Respect- RES🅱️ECT
Catto toes- beans
Green beans- greem beems
Coke- C🅾️NK
Pepsi- 🅱️eepis or 🅱️epis
Bread- Breb
Coffee- fast juice
Tea- leaf water
French toast- egg breb
Eyes- peepers
Same- mood
Thirsty- THORSTY
Splash- shploosh
Slurp- shlorp
Who- whomst or WHOMSTDVE
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mister-snake · 6 years
Tuto : Komman kitter quelqn quand on galère.
- Amrr?
- Wii?
- Jdois te parler..
- Mhh dis mw ;-;
- Avec de l'autotune, ça passera ptetre mieux..
- De quoi tu parles?
- Écoute 'Damso - autotune'
*Écoutation de la music*
Damso : "Je n'veux plus de toi, je n'veux plus de toi."
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cxsmictxy · 6 years
Ok so as an armchair mortician who knows even the barest basics of corpse prep 
Can I just say
I wanna sit every author who ever wrote a plot point about a character faking their death with an open casket funeral or waking up a vampire AFTER said funeral the fuck down and tell them their plot point is impossible.
Especially if the setting is anytime after roughly 150 years ago in the US or Canada, when the funeral industry REALLY took traction and people stopped caring for the family’s dead in their homes. 
And no, cremations are not exempt from this being bullshit either. Tribetwelve is one thing- the body went missing and they couldn’t find it, that happens, but they conveniently had a dead cat to cremate instead (rip kitter) and kept the missing body thing private. But under most circumstances, if the decedent does not have a death plan and their remains are not mentioned in anyone’s will, the rights of what happens to their corpse go to the next of kin by rule of law. And that person, by rule of law, gets to decide what happens to your corpse. If they want you cremated, in the oven you go, vampire or not! If they want open casket or “traditional” burial, you’re even more screwed!
And don’t get me started about undead who fake their deaths and somehow get away after being picked up by a funeral home and put in cold storage. Like, have you ever been locked in a fridge? From the outside? Likely in your own little locked compartment? 
If we were talking about a murder or kidnapping victim, someone buried naturally and turned shortly postmortem (or antemortem, but who had to die to complete the process), I’d be more willing to believe it. That way your sire (if vampiric) isn’t drinking formaldehyde instead of blood, at least.
tl;dr: Authors, please get you some mortician friends before you go writing something like this.
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
another tag game :)
tagged by @ghostbuster-henderson 💖
How old: 16, i’ll be 17 in September
what are your nicknames: jen, baby j, j, billy RIP ME
where were you born and raised: Texas!!
How is life?: it’s... gettin’ there
what is your star sign: libra
what is your sexual orientation: she/her (gender), and i dont like lables but i like nice people so i dUNNO 🤷🏼‍♀️
what was the last thing you bought: uhhhh a diet coke probably
what color are your eyes: emerald/dark green
what’s your best features: idk man, you tell me
do you have braces: no but i used to
do you have any piercings: just one on my ears but i wanna get a second on my lobes, a cartilage, and maybe a nose piercing
do you have any tattoos: nope but i’m getting one when i turn 18
do you have any pets: a kitter named Tito
are you left handed or right handed: Right
Height?: 5’3”
If you had to learn a new language, what would it be? Swahili bc I absolutely adore Africa but Spanish is more realistic bc of where I live
Favorite actor? Oh geez :// I don’t wanna be basic and say Joe bc that’s a no brainer but i LOVE the Chris’ of the MCU
Most overrated celebrity? Beyonce or the Kardashian’s
Favorite TV shows?: Stranger Things, Walking Dead, and any crime show (but I also love GLOW)
Favorite movies? Monsters Inc, Lion King, and Tangled... i’m a sucker for Disney. OOO and We’re The Millers
Fictional characters you can relate to? Hermione and Newt from Harry Potter, Reid from Criminal Minds, and a bit of Nancy from ST
ios or android: iOS
dogs or cats: CATS ALWAYS
what is your favorite sport: baseball and gymnastics (my little sister is a gymnast)
when was your first real holiday: i’ve been going to Mexico since I was basically born but the first one I remember is a road trip to California when I was in like first grade
what was the last concert you went to: I think Panic! at the Disco last April
what’s your favorite color: blue and purple
what’s your favorite restaurants: probably Whataburger (im such a Texan rip) or any sushi place
what’s your favorite magazine: Rolling Stone or Alternative Press
Do you love your country?: sometimes (technically Texas can legally become its own country soooo)
what’s your favorite season: summer or fall
who was the last person you messaged: @shesnothotrichie
Like anyone? no :/ *cough* kay
How many kids do you want in the future? If so when? i’m not 100% sure that i want kids but if i end up having em i want a boy :) and i’d say probably late 20s/early 30s
do you want to get married one day: not really but i like the thought of it
where do you want to live: Africa or California
do you believe in God: yes
do you believe in miracles: depends
do you believe in love at first sight: ^^
do you believe in ghosts: yES
do you believe in aliens: totally
do you believe in soul mates: ye
do you believe in heaven or hell: yeah
do you believe in kissing on the first date: depends
do you believe in yourself: HAHA no
do you sing in the shower: all.the.time.
where was the last place you traveled: Tyler, Texas i think
would you go skydiving: i just had an emotional breakdown on a ferris wheel so probably not
if you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be: Australia or Japan
can you whistle: kinda
can you speak another language: some Spanish, Oshiwambo, and Swahili
what’s most important in your life: family, friends, and my catto
have you ever had surgery: yup
3 fears that you have: existence, high places, and outer space (hella existential crisis)
tagging: anyone who feels like doing it!! aka im too lazy to tag
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livelifeonlegendary · 7 years
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I actually did get an Xbox One X today. So RIP social life. 💀🎮 (follow @sean_speezy for more) • • • #xbox #xboxone #xboxonex #gamer #gaming #cat #cats #catbox #catsofinstagram #kitty #kitten #meow #kitter #cod #callofduty #callofdutyww2 #catmeme #catmemes #seanspeezy #meme #memer #dankmemes #dank #memer #memesfordays #memeoftheday #memesdaily #memes (at Catbox)
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Yesterday, June 20th, around 3-4pm my little hippie boy and I ate 2 and 1/2 pure LSD sugar cubes each. The first thing I remember were ants on the ceiling and the next two hours were a little hazy. We listened to the whole House Of The Holy album twice and just laid in bed and stared at eachother and the ceiling while our brains orgasmed in pure magical bliss. I remember after hours of this, sitting up and being so amazed and remembering there was a world outside of that room. Our first adventure after the peak, was to go outside and smoke a cigarette. It took us an hour of going back and forth through our tiny home, cooing at the cat, and looking into Jonathan's pee bubbles to read the future, to even put our clothes on. So at about hour three, We stood by the front door and held hands until we were ready to venture outside. To me, everything was cartoon. the sky was platic and the ducks were stuffed toys thrown by the pond. We smoked all of the cigarettes we had left and when we went back inside we laid down again. I remember trying to unlock some hidden powers with my mind and make a rip on the ceiling bigger, jonathan and i both crying and letting things out we couldn't say before, jonathan drawing a scary face over my scar on my leg, and everytime I forgot it was there, freaking the hell out for a minute. Lyoko (the kitter) jumping up in bed with us and trying to get under the blankets with us, and we had turned off the lights at this point (dont remember why) and us both seeing the huge bug she was after, at the same time and watching her pick up that big boy with her teeth and a crunch and her running out of the room with it in her teeth. there were eyeballs on the sheets and us just staring at our hands for years. I wish I could remember all of the trip, but I will say that this morning when we woke up, i don't think i've ever loved him more then I do now. We made magic together and battled the world and our own deamons in those 15 hours. It was the best experiance I have ever had.
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ch4lk34t3r · 7 years
@desuwings tagged me!!! ty adrien ur the best!!!!
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: my sister 3. text message: my gf 4. song you listened to: my mom was in the car when we were listening to this 5. time you cried: the last time I hung out with my gf bc she is literally the sweetest and most caring person and I’m like?? thanks homie???? 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yeah 10. been depressed: ,,,,,nah fam 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. black, green, blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: definitely!!  16. fallen out of love: yeah 17. laughed until you cried: yeah 18. found out someone was talking about you: well yeah 19. met someone who changed you: I feel like I’m in the progress of that rn lol 20 found out who your friends are: I guess 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I only really use my fb to stalk my old classmates, so p much all of my friends on there are people I used to go to high school with 23. do you have any pets: I have two lovely kitters named Edgar and Bunny!! 24. do you want to change your name: nah I think it’s p lit 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I went and got my nails done rip to that bitch lmfao 26. what time did you wake up: I think around 9 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: on Tumblr rip 28. name something you can’t wait for: the next time I hang out with my gf lmao 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I think I’m set, man 31. what are you listening to right now: kill me 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I don’t think so 33. something that is getting on your nerves: that my phone takes shitty pics so I can’t take good pics of the gf when she comes over :\ 34. most visited website: Tumblr, Reddit, Youtube  35-37. lost questions um  38. hair colour: blue 39. long or short hair: short 40. do you have a crush on someone: I mean,,,,,maybe 41. what do you like about yourself: that I’m p chill, at least I think I am 42. piercings: regular ear piercings that I’m trying to stretch and a septum 43. bloodtype: you know, I’ve always wondered this, but never known 44. nickname: ???? none 45. relationship status: taken 46. zodiac: sagittarius 47. pronous: she/he/they/idc 48. favourite tv show: Little Women Atlanta is p good ngl 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left handed: left 51. surgery: I don’t think getting your wisdom teeth out really count but 52. piercing: if this is supposed to say piercings that you want, then I really wanna get daith piercings in both of my ears 53. sport: I skateboard but?? does that even count?? lol 55. vacation: ??? I don’t go anywhere lmao 56. pair of trainers: the same damn pair of Vans every single day MORE GENERAL 57. eating: fruity pebbles 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: shower 61. waiting for: not sure?? 62. want: to see the gf lol 63. get married: sure that sounds lit fam 64. career: lol WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: ???yes??? 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: shorter 68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: yes 71. sensitive or loud: ???both??? 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: both is good HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: no 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: I lost my glasses one time at the beach but then I got them right back!! the ocean is a kind lady!!! 77. turned someone down: yeah 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: yeah 80. had your heart broken: yeah 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: I mean?? who answered no here???? 83. fallen for a friend: yeah DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: who else gonna, am I right?? 85. miracles: no 86. love at first sight: yeah 87. santa claus: yeas 88. kiss on the first date: if only I did 89. angels: yeah OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: Tee, Leo, Damien, Tigger, ??? 91. eye colour: blue 92. favourite movie: Mean Girls, White Chicks, p much just shit like that
!!!! I’ll tag anyone that wants to do this bc 20 ppl is too much lmfao
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maddie-bear0915 · 7 years
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I miss my sweet Fred...
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alcehist · 8 years
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