#im gonna post it separately tho
linkito · 24 days
kiss prompt #20: on a scar.
this is also scarian. i'm thinking hhau :3c and grian's newly acquired scars (which i guess doubles as #21, on a place of insecurity?)
Grian knows it’s silly to be so insecure over something ultimately so inconsequential, but it’s an amalgamation of several things, really, only made worse by the emergence of these new scars across his face. 
And it’s also horribly ironic, given that he’s neglected his wings for months on end, letting them gather dust and debris, secretly hoping that perhaps it’ll be enough to make him less desirable to the humans who seek out his feathers. It’s ironic that now he’d let something like facial scars bring him down, something that blatantly displays the damage that has been set on him. 
No one would want damaged goods, after all, right?
He ought to be happy about that, right?
Maybe he would feel that way if he had any say in their development, if it had been self-imposed like the time he’d desperately torn out his feathers, trying to hide the vivid purple that stained his body, but— 
It’s Scar’s steady hand that snaps him out of that sea of thoughts before it can spiral, his calloused fingers gently tracing over Grian’s cheek, giving the scar tissue the same tender treatment, almost like nothing at all was different. 
It’s a silly thing to be insecure about. To be insecure about it would be hypocritical. He’s never had a problem with the scattering of scars across his partner’s body, after all— why would he? It’s one of his favorite activities to trace over them, to map them out over his skin… much like Scar is now. 
“Scar,” Grian starts, but he stops at that, unsure of how to proceed. His voice is strained and hoarse. He feels like he can’t actually breach this topic, not without inadvertently insulting Scar with anything he could possibly say. 
It’s shallow, it’s stupid, it’s—
It’s something permanently strewn across his face reminding him of the time he thought he was abandoned. When he was alone and scared, left with only the severe chill of winter and the taste of blood on his tongue. 
Grian doesn’t want to be reminded of that.
He doesn’t want Scar to look at him and see someone different, someone irreparably damaged after just one week spent apart. What if that makes him less desirable to Scar now as well? 
(He knows he’s being ridiculous. He knows, he knows, but he can’t help it. It hurts. It hurts so so much.)
“Grian,” Scar replies after a moment, undoubtedly recognizing the moment Grian gets pulled back under by the torrent of his endless anxieties. He presses closer, offering himself as the tether keeping Grian afloat, foreheads touching so all Grian can see is the boundless affection present in his bright, green eyes.
It almost burns to look at.
Grian can’t look away.
Wordless tears form at the edges of Grian’s vision, but then Scar is speaking again, uttering something so bizarre that Grian is at a complete loss on how to respond, leaving his tears frozen in place as his eyes widen with confusion.
“Thank you,” Scar says, once again brushing his thumb over the mark next to Grian’s eye. His touch is gentle as always, which sets something in Grian toppling, and the tears fall, one by one. Some pool at the tips of Scar’s fingers, slowly streaking down his skin.
Scar is undeterred by it, smiling softly as he leans in and kisses the marred and tear-streaked skin. Grian can’t handle it. 
“Scar, what—“ he manages to choke out before losing his voice to a weak sob, his lips quivering as Scar leans down to press a kiss to the scratch on his chin as well. “Scar.”
Scar hears the unspoken question, and he hums softly against the fragile skin. He answers, but it leaves Grian with even more questions, unable to understand. “You survived.”
Grian opens his mouth, but nothing aside from a ragged breath escapes, because how is he supposed to respond to that? 
He cannot even begin to comprehend why Scar felt compelled to thank him of all things while tracing over his scars like they were something precious— something to be grateful for? celebrated? Grian doesn’t know.
But when he looks at Scar, he sees nothing but sincerity. An honest adoration. Genuine relief that he can look upon Grian’s face at all. That they didn’t lose each other.
And although he may not comprehend, Grian finds that he wants to. He wants to see what Scar sees, because somehow, despite everything, Scar still sees something beautiful when he looks his way. 
Grian’s heart swells and with another broken sob, he falls forward into Scar’s welcoming arms.
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quirkle2 · 7 months
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2 for 3 in hating my own screenshot redraws i have made One that's good and it sure isn't this
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crunchchute · 8 months
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FNAF Cringetober 2023 [source] 1-6
1. Heterochromia // 2. Self insert // 3. Unnecessarily complex fit // 4. Angel x Demon // 5. MS Paint // 6. Neko (Animal features)
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belovedcherie · 6 months
current abnormal obsession is the trolls trilogy (TRILOGY!!!) and broppy☹️
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aria0fgold · 1 month
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Central Country Wizards: Oz, Arthur, Cain, Riquet.
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Northern Country Wizards: Snow, White, Mithra, Owen, Bradley.
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Eastern Country Wizards: Faust, Shino, Heathcliff, Nero.
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vicariouseyes · 9 months
Okay, maybe this is a dumb thing for me to have not noticed until now...
But did anyone else notice that if you're walking through town and the background music is playing, walking into a building CHANGES the musical instrumentation of the song? And it's the same song, but each building's instrumentation is completely different and fits the vibe of that building. That is the coolest fucking thing.
I can't believe that didn't click until like 5 minutes ago. That's such a nice touch to have put that in there. Is that a new thing they added, or have I just been oblivious this whole time?? Lol
Speaking of things I didn't realize until today, if you take a picture with an NPC, it automatically removes the talk or open shop option from the photo. My dumb ass was trying to find weird camera angles to hide it lmao.
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rose-lalondde · 10 months
the difference between the tumblr and twitter reactions to the boruto time skip designs has been so funny omg
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isjasz · 2 years
And about the school project istg my sole goal is to include one (1) reference to the life series watch me
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whump-captain · 9 months
made some swanky title banners for my writing
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birdricks · 6 months
currently fighting for my life to try to make the most gay ass stupid pretentious bullshit to prove im a True birdricker and not some Poseur
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spaciebabie · 1 year
Hey Spackle you wonderful human being what's something normal you obsess over let's shift the focus huh
Sorry normaler than usual my bad
i cant shift the focus. look at my pfp. look back at me look in2 my eyes no dont fuckin do that. look back at you. walk 2 ur closest mirror. look at your hand. now look back at me. dont make eye contact. i wanna kiss him so bad dude.
anyway ive been thinking lately abt The Two Worst Siblings™ yk citrine and spinel and how they are a perfect reflection of everything they hated abt their parents. every microaggression. every passive aggressive remark. every outright argument. spinel was basically tasked w/raising 4 kids at a young age but being so young she understood nothing. she fell back onto old ways and was surprised when citrine followed the same path. she liked 2 think she had done everything right. she made sure they were fed, she cut off their parents, she got an incredible job so why was she still miserable? why was citrine miserable? she couldnt understand it was all so illogical. but she was never taught how 2 talk. and so her feelings, which came from a good place initially, bubble up and she gets so angry. angry at her parents, angry her family is sad, angry at citrine, angry at herself. b/c why cant i keep my family together like i used to?
it only made her angrier seeing citrine the sister she had so many late night conversations w/planning out their escape, making promises of "we wont turn out like them," turn out like this. this delinquent who failed guard training twice. what happened to cute agreeable citrine? what happened to the citrine that excelled at everything she did? what happened to teamwork? where did her sister go?
but it was spinel's fault citrine turned out this way. citrine is so incredibly aware of everything that happens around her much 2 her detriment. she cant really understand how 2 fix the situation she's in.
she's trapped. forever dependent on someone who is just as bad as her parents and no wonder, they come from the same blood. but so does she. does that make her a monster too? she caught her younger sister w/one of her e-cigs once and after ripping it away and yelling at her, demanding 2 know why she had done this, her sister through choked sobs said, "i just want to be like you!" but citrine doesnt even want to be like herself. shes a monster. she just yelled at her kid sister and made her cry shes a monster. why would anyone ever want to be like her shes a mess and shes ugly and disgusting and she smokes and fails at everything and she yelled at her sister and made her cry. what is wrong with me? i am a monster i am a monster i am a monster i am a monster
truly, nothing has changed. the chess pieces have simply been rearranged.
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arkos404 · 2 years
I know this is very very random, but for some reason in the age swap AU I hc that Jodo is like. A college student or something. And honestly that makes so much yet so little sense.
i feel like this is the only situation possible on this planet that id not only draw jodo, but unraisined jodo
(i also sneaked in my hc about the sun psychic union being a pyramid scheme)
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i feel like he'd go in for a business degree or something but then get roped into the sun psychic union and would drop out after starting to actually get a lot of money/fame with it, now its up to you if he realized it was a shit business but was confident he could pull it off or he was just really dumb and didnt realize it
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bonetrousledbones · 2 years
can u tell us about ur ocs soon instead of dangling all of your oc-tagged posts over my head PLS this is against the geneva convention
MAN maybe one day..... its still hard for me to talk abt them without getting embarrassed lol, showing their designs very occasionally is all i can muster for now 😔
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Okay fine I made a Flower playlist
Honestly the only reason Fear Garden is there because y'know. Plant joke.
Though if i just make Flower a plant creature it could fit in a different way 👀
omg that was fast HKDJGHKJHK didnt mean to rush 😭
interesting song choices here too... theorizes in my head
and hmmmm though if you do have plans for plant flower i would b willing to hear... 👀
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orcelito · 1 year
I rly do hate real life events that are enough to make Me cry haha
#speculation nation#negative/#animal illness ment/#for a better post about The Situation. it's serious enough he needs hospitalized.#plus blood transfusions. and it's Expensive.#my sister's covering my ass rn & is the only reason im able to start his treatment at all#but it's still fucking Expensive to the level where i just cant leave it up to her alone to pay#so essentially she's lending me money. bc im going to pay her back for at least Some of this. i cant just not.#ive cried 4 times already tho and that sure is a fuckin feat for me. wolfwood my cat is after Ur record lmfao#i wasnt going to take tally with me for this day trip but i cant stand to be separated from her rn#she'd be fine alone for a day but id still hate for her to have to be. and also. i need her nearby.#i dont know if im going to the concert tomorrow. i guess it will depend on how treatment is going.#this is for one of my favorite artists but if treatment is going badly im just gonna fucking hate every second of it#so. yeah. i dont know.#and this is reacting so fucking badly with my memories of sammy's death.#i nearly fucking gave them the name 'sammy' when i went up to ask about cassy's condition while we were waiting#and im just terrified that i'll have to say goodbye to yet another cat. even more terrified that he'll die during treatment#and the last time i saw him i wouldnt have been able to say goodbye properly. i should have hugged him for so much longer#and. Fuck lmao ok heres 5 times sorry wolfwood but my cat's giving U a run for ur money#sorry for posting about this so much im just. this fucking sucks in general.#at least i'll have tally with me. she's not a cuddler but she'll let me hug her at least some.#animal death ment/#i fucking hate crying lmao. ugh.
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cloudshapedpatch · 2 years
put my long brown wig back on and it's been less than a day and already gotten one frat guy's snap
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