#im just adding heros i know have this
asfdhgsdkjhgb · 2 years
actually no im upset enough at myself (/hj) that im posting abt this on here as well but i didnt realize until after we were completely done filming my stuff that i shouldve added the use of “pretty boy” as an insult to the fight choreo i did yesterday :((
#i play one of the main characters in a film that one of my friends is doing for his big senior final thing at our school#and yesterday we filmed the final big fight where the heroes (me n one of my friends) get to finally win against the villain (friend#who is commonly referred to in my posts here as pretty boy)#and i am just! i am going to scream! i shouldve included more dialogue into our fight sequence! theres some taunting dialogue#in the fight sequence thats the other character and him but its all middle school cheesy taunts just bc it fits the character#but like#there are 2 purposefully homoerotic moments#in my fight#and i just! i am going to yell. i shoudlve done more taunts or just included dialogue into our fight somehow in general i hate it here#(i am maybe a little more upset at myself for this than i should be. like it doesnt matter that much the fight is still gonna be cool as#hell but like im mad that its not gonna be the exact way i want)#but like.... theres one moment where i do a two handed block bc like our fight is a weapons fight so i have a hand on either side#of my thing to block an overhead swing that he did and like from there he pulls my thing down so our faces are right up next to each#other and like theres a gay pause before i shove him back and then do a big jump swing thing but like. you wanna know what wouldve#just pushed it up another level from the epicness of where its at? if when we were paused really close i had added in a#''is that the best you got pretty boy?" before shoving him back#like COME ON#IT WOULDVE BEEN SO COOL#DAMN IT#once again it doesnt matter that much and its not even my project im just one of the main actors but like. :((#to be fair tho im gonna have to take more film classes in the future im already signed up for filmmaking fundamentals next year and#the main teacher who does film and photography stuff has said hes excited to see medo more film stuff in the future so like#im sure i can figure out how to work in more homoerotic fight choreography into my own films that i make ://#still a bit salty tho#just me rambling again#frogs down bad
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dmclemblems · 5 years
but like. real talk. rolf in heroes talks about shinon in his dialogue. that means... acknowledgment. we have reached the level of acknowledgement in heroes after all my whining in my tags abt wanting shinon in heroes.
where is he intsys  👀
where is shinon intsys  👀
#THEY ACKNOWLEDGE HE EXISTS THEY ARE AWARE OF HIS GLORIOUS PERFECTION#now watch him be like a shitty ghb unit lmao even tho he's like#one of the absolute best top units in all of tellius and im not saying that out of just bias#i mean he's literally like a one man army and a one hit wonder bc half the time he crits anyway#maybe he's not always top notch in PoR idk he is for me#but in RD? forget it he's like tibarn level insane strong#oscar is the best unit in all of tellius and we all know nobody can change my mind on that#and we all know intsys did him gravely dirty in heroes so i mean. i wouldn't be surprised#i AM happy he got a greatlance in heroes which makes him the first and currently only greatlance user in the game#but damn if he doesn't deserve to be one of the strongest units in the game#and then there's shinon who just yeets arrows at enemies and they die instantly and it's fabulous#also boyd has now received heroes acknowledgement where is he intsys#poor last brother to be added... i mean okay idk who COMPLETELY counts rolf since he's seasonal only atm#BUT he's still there at all and boyd's not SO U KNO#but u also kno. tibarn has no quotes abt his retainers and that makes me sad#no janaff and ulki to be seen or heard of... ...hm puns are nice especially tellius puns#how can i live with shinon and no janaff?!?!?! i'll have to carry on with a broken heart until they can be together again#SO INTSYS WHERE ARE MY BOYS ALL MY BOYS#THAT INCLUDES MY BOW OSCAR ALT THAT YOU /WILL NOT/ DO DIRTY BTW#intsys rn be like HAVEN'T U SHITS HAD ENOUGH TELLIUS THIS YEAR but me nah i be like#👀 gimme more o' that tellius intsys gimme more o' that lifeblood 👀#meanwhile as i type this tellius insanity im plotting out making celice stronger go figure how my brain works#DCB Comments
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king-moron · 6 years
Ngl but...
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Hiya! Just wanted to say that I absolutely love how you write! Also, can I request a Cale/Reader where the reader is his childhood friend? (If you're too busy, please feel free to ignore this!) :D
am digging thru my inbox and found this and was struck with an idea
okay babe, this was done in the middle of the night so it might suck because i genuinely forgot where i was going
the ask is pretty vague so im doing a KRS!Cale x Reader x OG!Cale
i hope you're not too upset with me changing a few things 😔🥺
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That man is not your Cale.
You watched the person that simultaneously looks like your Cale and yet nothing like him with cautious eyes.
Why is there no one pointing out how different he was acting?
Had you gone crazy?
'Even his voice sounds exactly the same,' you thought, a chill running up your spine. His voice sounds exactly the same and yet it was different.
Cale had never called for you like that so nonchalantly.
No matter how much alcohol he had taken or tired he is from acting like a lout, he had never called for you that. His voice had always been warm when he talks to you and the reason why you were able to point that out was because you were the only living person with that privilege to hear it.
"C-Cale?" You called for him nervously. "Did something happen?"
Cale's one red eyebrow raised in confusion. "I don't think so, no."
He stared at you, trying to think what you were thinking. You were not mentioned at all in all of The Birth of A Hero series and to think that this trash son of a count was able to have a close friend was surprising. What's even more surprising was the fact that said close friend was you, the child of an artisan who worked underneath Countess Violan.
Apparently, the trash son and you were close enough to the point you're allowed in his room whenever he decides to be docile for the day.
It had been only a few days ever since he possessed the body of Cale Henituse and had been spending the last few days searching for more information regarding Cale Henituse that might not be mentioned in the first volume of the book.
You had apparently left the county for a few days to buy new tools for your father since he had just done a commission for the Countess. When you came back, Cale had gathered enough information to make sure you wouldn't see through him.
"Y-You just seem really quiet," you added quietly, sitting across him with both hands on your lap anxiously.
You feel like you are talking to a stranger.
And you know you are,
Because that man is not your Cale.
"Do you want me to cause a ruckus then?" Cale questioned and you glanced up at him.
'That's something Cale would say,' you both thought.
Usually, when he says something like that, you'd always challenge him to actually cause a ruckus and he'd never act upon it because he knows if you were to be with him while he's acting like a lout, you'd get even more swept up into rumors than you already do.
"Then do it."
Cale looked at your expression, able to see your shaking eyes and the way your jaw moved as if you were biting on the insides of your cheeks. You were agitated, but why? You had just urged him to cause a ruckus with such a nervous expression that Cale began to think something must have gone wrong.
"Do it," you pressed. "Cause a ruckus."
Cale stayed quiet. What the hell?
He knew you were a bit weird since you were friends with the original Cale Henituse but to think you were gonna press him into causing a ruckus?
'Don't tell me the problem isn't Cale Henituse but [Name] who's the one been urging him to do those acts,' Cale thought to himself with a small frown.
You suddenly stood up from your spot as if the seat had burned you. You stared at him for a moment, still agitated and glancing at the door several times. It was clear you wanted to leave and Cale would not take that privilege from you — he'd actually gladly give it to you.
"Nevermind that," you told him hurriedly before he can say anything else. "I'll be on my way back to help my father with his next work. I'll talk to you soon, Ca-I mean, Young Master Cale-nim."
You bowed to him and immediately hurried to leave, eager to get out and escape from being alone with a man you did not recognize.
Cale watched you leave, his heart nearly jumping up to his throat when he saw how you had looked back at him when you were going to close the door.
'There's no doubt about it,' he thought.
You knew.
Cale was convinced you had figured out something was wrong - how you found out within one meeting with him was impressive, he had to admit that. He had underestimated how close you were with the original Cale Henituse and didn't think you'd be able to immediately see through him. He'd thought you'd be at least be relieved that he was no longer causing trouble here and there, like the other rest of the family and staff.
'To think they're that sharp,' he thought with a frustrated frown. 'They must've noticed something was wrong. I must've acted wrong.'
When you didn't turn up for the next few days and was openly avoiding him to the point the Countess herself had asked if something went wrong, Cale knew he had to do something.
It'd be bad news for him if you go around tattling to others about what you were suspecting - whatever it was in your head. Either way, it's bad news to him because he'd have to deal with the questions he's not even sure he's capable of answering.
"What the hell," Cale mumbled as he stood in front of his windows, watching you talking animatedly with a bunch of maids near the garden.
As if able to feel his gaze, you looked up and made eye contact with him. Both of you flinched in surprise and Cale sees how you immediately averted your gaze and said something to the maids, quickly ending the conversation with them and then running away from his line of sight.
A knock was heard from the other side of his door and a slightly strained voice called out, "Young Master Cale-nim, it's Ron."
'Dammit,' Cale thought. 'One problem after the other, please.'
"Come in," Cale answered, turning around to face the former-assassin-turned-butler who had entered his room without making a sound. 'What a scary old man.'
"Young Master Cale-nim, you seem upset," Ron pointed out with a benign smile. "Is it because of Miss [Name]?"
Cale raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think so?"
Ron's smile turned even scarier in Cale's eyes upon hearing his tone. "Well, it's clear that they're avoiding our Young Master-nim. Usually, you'd be together nearly all the time in the estate if their schedule allows them to do so."
Cale had severely underestimated how close and observant you were to the original Cale Henituse. If this continues, people would immediately catch on.
'I have to talk to them.'
So he asked for Ron to have you visit him when you can tonight, something that you surprisingly accepted. Ron stated that you seemed a bit rattled upon hearing that Cale wanted to meet, which was apparently odd for you because you always liked meeting him.
"Did something happen, Young Master-nim?' Ron had asked, his tone rather teasing than concerned.
'That's what I'm trying to know,' Cale had grumbled. Ron gives him a benign smile.
You did come when you were free, though it's during one of the times everyone was supposed to be resting, which was at night. You knocked on his door at around 10 PM and needed no answer from him to come in.
Cale who had been waiting for you -- for your information, he fought off his sleepiness just to wait for you to come -- turned to look at you. His eyes widened a bit when he saw that you were trembling a bit. And also...
Is that a small knife in your shaking grip?
"You're not Cale Henituse," you stated, voice shaking and obviously horrified at the sight of him. "You're an imposter."
"Put the knife down," Cale began slowly. One of your hands lets go of the knife, showing just how violently you were trembling while facing him. Your hand locks the door behind you before you turned to look at him again.
'They're bold,' he thought. 'And reckless.'
In your hand was a whittling knife that you always used to help your father add detailing and smooth out his work. It was small and meant to do little work despite how it's a general item to be used for woodworking, and you know it would do little damage, but this was the only thing you were capable of thinking to bring.
"You're just someone who looks like him," you say with a trembling voice. "You sound exactly like him, but you are not him."
Cale takes a step closer and you raised the little knife. "D-don't move!"
Cale stared at you, seeing how your face is pale and your whole body is trembling. He can see that even though you were trying your best to grip on that little whittling knife for dear life, your hands are shaking to the point you had to readjust your grip every second.
There were tears beginning to emerge in your eyes -- is it sadness over the realization that your friend is gone or is it out of fear because you do not know what could he do to you now that your friend is gone and you're all alone with him on a locked room?
You were bold and reckless, but you were smart and observant, he had to admit that.
You were able to see through him even though all you did was sit in silence and asked a couple of questions -- Cale wondered if that's all it needed for your to see that the original Cale Henituse had been gone. But how were you able to conclude that Cale Henituse is gone and that he is someone else?
"I am Cale Henituse," Cale said, taking another step closer to you. Your breath hitched a bit and you backed up to the door, still trying your very best to hold the knife up.
"N-no, you're not," you stammered. "Y-you're not him. I know him, and--"
"Why do you think so?" Cale asked again, taking another step closer.
Your back hits the wall and he can see in your eyes the moment you realized that you couldn't possibly stab him - not when he looks and sounds exactly like your beloved friend. It was cruel of him, but to ensure his safety, it needed to be done.
"H-he"--You choked up--"He's n-not supposed to be like this with me."
A tear fell down, and your whittling knife dropped to the ground. With a face full of sorrow, your [e/c] eyes finally met his russet ones. Your eyes were wet and bloodshot as you stare at him with such a crestfallen expression, "Y-You're not supposed to look at me with those eyes, Cale."
You slowly sink to the floor, covering your face as muffled sobs began to come out from your lips. Cale stared at the door, his usually nonchalant face succumbing into an appalled expression as he process your words.
Reality slapped him hard this time -- harder than it did when he woke up as Cale Henituse.
He forgets sometimes that even though this was just a fantasy action book written by someone from his world, this was an alternate universe that actually existed. Every single person here has a life and story that exists despite not being mentioned at all in those books.
You and the original Cale Henituse were not an exception.
The books may have shown that Cale Henituse was a lout from the Henituse family, but that was not all about Cale, isn't it?
The books never showed about Cale having a close relationship with a wood crafter's child and developing a relationship with them. The books doesn't talk about how Cale Henituse while a lout, could also be capable of compassion and loving others to the point he'd love someone despite the obvious status differences.
And what bothered Cale, no, Kim Rok Soo, was the fact that he so easily accepted that his soul now resides in Cale Henituse's body and did not think of what grief would be felt by people who truly do care for the original Cale Henituse.
"Cale"--You were now on the floor, almost like you were bowing to him as you gripped at the trousers of his pajamas in desperation--"Where's my Cale?"
"My Cale," you sobbed on the carpet of his bedroom. "Where is he?"
Cale bent down, placing his hands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry."
You shake your head, tears streaming down your face. "No, no! Don't say that! Give me back my Cale!"
Cale clenched his jaw as he thought about what should he say to you. He doesn't know where your Cale is and he couldn't even give you an explanation of how he got here. "I'm sorry."
"Stop saying sorry!" You nearly wailed. "Just give me back my Cale!"
"I don't know where he is," he says to you, gripping on your shoulder and forcing you to look at him. He sees your face, streaked with tears and he wonders what should he say. "Let's sit down and I'll explain this to you."
He helped you get back on your feet and walked over to the couch in his bedroom, sitting across from you as you were still sniffling, wiping away your tears.
Even while he explains his situation to you, he can see that you were still wary of him and even did not trust him. He told you about how he was a man from another world, falling asleep in his home and then waking up as Cale Henituse and he had been doing his best to adjust to this new life.
"Regarding Cale Henituse himself, I do not know anything," he told you. "I don't know where he is right now. Maybe he's possessing my body, maybe not."
"Is there no way he can return?" You asked with such a small voice that Cale could barely hear it had it not been a quiet night. "That my Cale can be back?"
That was how you had been addressing the original Cale Henituse all night. Your Cale. It was a bit of an odd thing to hear when he's been trying his best to adjust to the name 'Cale' himself but he wasn't going to comment it out loud.
"Again, I don't know," Cale answered.
He sees you take a deep breath, rubbing your face before letting your hands go through your hair. You looked to the side, blinking rapidly as new tears began to emerge in the corner of your eyes again. They quickly fell down to your cheeks and you began to speak in a shaky voice, "I-I can't see him again?"
Cale thought about Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo. He could always see them again by looking at the pictures they had forced him to take with them. He could always reminisce about the moments they had together, but he could never meet them again and he's already at peace with it.
He could understand how you feel.
The grief, the hurt of not being able to look at their eyes again, to see their smile, to be able to talk again to them.
He could understand how you were hurting.
"We never know," Cale answered. "He may come back, he may not."
You closed your eyes, tilting your head down as more tears fall to the carpet. "I see..."
Cale gives you some time to process through the whole thing -- it was the least he could do -- and waits for you to calm down, which was surprisingly a lot quicker than he predicted before he could properly ask you, "What was your relationship with him?"
"We were romantically involved since two years ago," you murmured. "I told him it was impossible but he convinced me."
Cale already predicted it, but it was still surprising to hear you say that. 'I guess that guy wasn't so bad if he has a significant other...'
"I won't demand anything from you as a partner," you quickly added. "Our relationship is a secret and you are not him, so I will not expect you to do anything."
Cale nodded. "Thank you, because I'm not interested."
You stared at him for a moment, an internal battle brewing up inside your heart and you nodded as a response. "Could you promise me something, though, stranger?"
Cale, no, Kim Rok Soo raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Promise me that if there is ever a chance that you encounter him again, tell me about it."
Cale had thought about how your request didn't seem so hard - that even though there's a high possibility of that happening, he thought how it could possibly not happen because Cale Henituse is probably dead.
Maybe he could worry about that once he gets his slacker life.
It would have been so easy.
His life would go on so easily.
But, no, you had to know about his identity and learn more about him.
You were able to let him talk to you about himself longer than he had ever talked about himself to his subordinates. Your easy-going nature along with a slightly playful personality was so easy to work with and you were SO. GODDAMN. OBSERVANT.
He couldn't leave you be because of the guilt he still feels. You have always said that he wasn't in the wrong, that he did not have to feel guilty, but it's so hard to accept that. He's still struggling, but he could never leave you be and makes sure to always update you on whatever he's doing.
"I actually don't want to get closer to you at first, you know," you had said with a melancholic smile. "But I can't just leave you be, not when you're walking around with that face."
"Don't get it mixed up," he warned you.
You smiled at him, amused. "I won't."
"Also," you added, patting the lapel of his uniform in thought. "I'm glad to see Cale Henituse achieve something as admirable as this. Well, not him, but to see the image of him being like this makes me happy."
As he stood in front of you as you fixed the pin of the Henituse territory on his Commander uniform, he thought about how sickeningly sweet it was to have you do something as domestic as this.
"Thank you, for allowing me to see Cale like this."
His breath was taken away by the smile on your face when you uttered those words.
And then he was reminded that your smile is not reserved for him, but only for the original Cale Henituse. He knows that you still weep for the loss of your lover despite years have passed and you're always having an internal conflict whenever you look at him.
Sometimes he can see that you forget that your lover is gone, like when you instinctively cradled his cheek when he was upset, and the way you'd immediately apologize and leave made his heart beat faster, and yet they sink at the same time.
Curse you for knowing his boundaries.
He doesn't really know what he should call these emotions that have been brewing in his heart over the course of years after knowing you - they were pleasant and yet they hurt him to the point he'd curse himself for feeling them.
When he finally met the original Cale Henituse, now residing in his previous body as Kim Rok Soo, he waited for the man to mention you and when he never did, he decided to bring you up.
"Are you not going to ask anything about [Name]? They know about me being someone else."
Kim Rok Soo's face morphed from nonchalant to form a small melancholic smile. "How are they?"
"They're fine," Cale answered. "Before your regression, what happened to [Name]?"
"I married them, of course," Kim Rok Soo answered with a somber smile. "I loved them till the day they died."
Cale's breath got caught in his throat.
"They died along with the rest of the family," Kim Rok Soo continued. "They were the love of my life and they made sure I didn't feel too alone. We have loved each other since we were young, long before we both even know what exactly loving someone else meant."
"Take care of them for me, won't you?"
Cale nodded, fist tightening. "I will."
Was it wrong to be so relieved of those words? Was it wrong to be relieved, knowing that you were officially being given the free will to make your choice? That you have been let go of by your former lover to do so?
That there might be a chance for him?
"I'll make sure to keep them safe," Cale said. "Not for you. But for their own sake and mine."
Kim Rok Soo's eyes widened a bit after hearing Cale's declaration. A satisfied smile began to bloom on his scarred face. "I see. You're going to be a lucky man, then."
"Tell them that I am happy where I am right now," Kim Rok Soo added. "I'm a bit saddened, but I will be with my mother from now on, so there's no need to grief over me because I am happy with the choice I make."
He had always thought about your request and always thought that it wouldn't be too hard, but how could he say that to you?
Either way, it's his responsibility so he should start thinking about it.
When he finally conveyed the news to you, giving a vague explanation about how the original Cale Henituse made a choice to be with his mother so as to not expose the issue with the God of Death, he had to listen to you wail, louder than when you realized your lover was gone all those years ago.
Perhaps you feel the same way as he does, perhaps not.
Cale knows he had to be patient and let you heal first, but he knows that at the end of the day, however long you'll take to move on, he'll always wait for you.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
umm bully mirio scares you so much that he makes you piss your pants in the hallways, white thigh highs stained with yellow as you sob and pray no one is paying attention to you. him dragging you into the janitors closet after to actually give you a reason to cry and piss yourself.
Please-- like are you in my brain right now ? i- i YES
18+ MDNI| ✨piss✨ , bullying , dubcon, mean mirio , god im a simp
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Mirio Togata is your worst nightmare. Yeah, he might be UA's golden boy-- all sweet and charismatic but that's just a façade. Or at least, that's how he is to everyone but you. He's just so mean ! Always calling you mean names, pinching your thighs, and ordering you around. You tried to tell someone, anyone , but who'd believe you ? You should've known better, and you also should've known that word would get back to your tormenter. You probably would've kept your mouth shut if you'd known that he'd have you backed against the lockers, head locked between two meaty fists. Thumb resting against your temples and lips pressed against your ear whispering cruelly. "Did you really think they'd believe you, Quirkless?". “Honestly , you should be grateful that I even waste my time on someone as mediocre as you.” “So many girls would kill for my attention” And he wasn’t lying. Everyone loved Mirio. Everyone except you. He couldn’t understand why you didn’t immediately succumb to his charms. Why you didn’t fall to your knees the moment he spoke to you. All the other girls did. He didn’t know that you were super shy and introverted so his outgoing personality made you nervous, he took it as a personal offense. Getting meaner and meaner everyday. But this was the worst it had ever gotten. His knee was pressed between your legs, right against your cunt. You were shaking so bad. So scared and he was holding you in place. It didn't help that he'd caught you on the way to restroom. “P-please Mirio … gotta go” Your pathetic pleas fell on deaf ears. “P-please Mirio” he mocked, adding pressure against your temple. “Where do you have to go , huh ? What’s more important than me ?” Fat tears welled in the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill with each twitch of his leg. "I have to go to the ladies room, Mirio" you whined, praying that he'd spare you the tiniest sliver of mercy. Prayers went unanswered because Mirio's handsome face twisted into a cruel smile. Cerulean visionaries burning into your skin and tracing a path down to where his knee met your clothed cunt. "Oh?" he mocked, voice dripping with faux concern. "Does little Y/N need to go potty?" You didn’t answer, just whimpered and averted your eyes which did not bode well with the fledgling hero. *BAM! His fists crashed into the locker, leaving a gaping hole right next to your head. "When I talk you- Mirio's voice trailed off and his gaze fell to the darkening splotch on his uniform pants. Amber liquid surged from the place between your thighs. Pretty white stockings ruined with streaks of hot piss. "M-mirio , i-" Words caught in your throat and you whimpered in humiliation. Utterly defeated by the fact that you'd pissed yourself in front of the most popular boy in school. He was going to be furious. At least that's what you assumed before you dared glance at his oceanic orbs. The blonde's eyes glazed over, completely clouded with lust. The wet tip of his tongue darted across his plush lips and your eyes followed the movement. Slightly parted and moistened by saliva. What you wouldn't give to have those lips on your body. As if he were clairvoyant, Mirio pulled you into a bruising kiss. Bullying into your mouth with such skilled aggression that your brain felt fuzzy. A heady mixture of adrenaline and arousal permeated the air and the damp warmth of your cunt pulsed against his leg in rhythm with the frantic beating of your heart. Mirio pulled away hair messy and tie disheveled. Thick fingers carded through his blonde locs before he stepped forward to adjust your braids. A hand lingered against your cheek, almost gentle. Almost. His thumb and index finger squeezed as he pulled your face close to his. "My room at 9PM, Quirkless. Don't be late."
@xogabbiexo , @yo-nn , @m00nchildthings , @nasty-quillz , @namjoonswifeyy, @blkchxrryblyss, @plussizeficchick, @hhawkz, @7inaa , @prettylittlepixi , @38riku , @tsukihime25 @tenyaiidasslut
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
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author’s notes: what was meant to be a short thirst brought us here, i hope you can enjoy. happy daddy day, i love you all n even if Father’s Day isnt the best for you all, just know ily and im proud of you.
cw: smut, mdni 18+, forced breeding, breeding kink, overstimulation, cumplay, kinda mentions baby trapping, bakugou uses some mean names, fem!reader.
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but anyways bakugou getting tired of seeing all his pro hero friends with their stupid fucking kids on father’s day , sick of watching countless social media posts about mini versions of his friends hugging and kissing their precious daddies. cant admit to himself that he wants a little snot brat to show off, they’d be the best damn kid ever.
he wont admit he was too busy to try.
you don’t ever have plans on father’s day , katsuki knows that. you’ll go shopping, come home and snuggle up to him without a second thought. maybe make a comment about how cute eijirou’s little boy looked in his shark onesie, the spitting image of his father— you’d only say that because you had time to look on instagram while you grabbed a coffee.
but when you lay next to him on your couch, bakugou wonders if you ever stopped to look at the little baby boots before you headed back to your car in the mall parking lot. if you stopped by the midoriya’s and smelt the baby powder in their little one’s clothes when making your way back. so many ifs and so many buts, bakugou wonders what you’d say if he turned to face you right now and asked you for a baby.
but bakugou has never really been good at asking for things, hell he couldn’t even ask you to marry him right— demanding you take the fuckin ring that was way too expensive for just an engagement ring, but he liked the way it sat on your finger.
so he takes it, instead.
“you want my baby right? you gonna have my baby, bitch?” he curses to you, arm folded behind your sweaty back which he uses as leverage to fuck your cunt hard and fast, abusing your hole until it’s wet with your arousal and strings of it hangs from your plushy thighs. you sob, eyes read from crying and flesh stinging from the bruising grip bakugou has on you. “s’that even a question i needa ask? ‘course y’fuckin’ do, my girl wants my baby so fucking bad.”
you can’t speak, you can’t hear anything above the hard slapping of skin where katsuki’s balls, ripe for breeding, hit your swollen clit and his shaft throbs inside you— lining your ribbed walls with thick ropes of his cum for the third, fourth or maybe even fifth time. “nnghh, katsuki— right there, yeah i want it,” you cry out, clamping down on him with slippery walls, keeping bakugou deep in your pussy right where it feels good.
“hah? c’mon baby, speak a’lil louder fer me, yeah?” bakugou pants against the shell of your ear, rough palms cupping your throat to pull you further into him with every push of his cock into you. “can feel you clamping down on me, suckin’ me in like a selfish bitch. you wanna trap me, yeah? tie me down with a’lil brat, gimme a baby? y’know i can afford it, that’s right baby— ooh yeah, love the way you take this dick.”
shivering at the way bakugou licks salty tears from the apples of your cheeks, you dare to say more— feeling yourself stumble into an over stimulating high. “i want it katsuki, wanna make you a father...g-give you a baby,”
“that’s right, good girl. you’re g-gonna let me put a stupid brat in this tight, tight fuckin’ cunt,” katsuki attempts to mock you, growing dizzy from how you convulse around him when you cum— adding to the layer of opaque white that covers his dick and gathers at his base when he fucks into you.
but by the time he cums, you’ve lost count and bakugou won’t stop forcing thick ropes of hot seed deep into your heavenly pussy, bakugou’s sure he sees the high gates of heaven— white flashing behind his eyes while he pounds his release further up your walls. he holds you still by the hips, making sure all that he’s given to you on the couch sticks, gathering up the smallest globs that drop onto the fabric beneath you both and smears it into your clit.
“fuck yeah, happy fuckin’ father’s day to me.” bakugou slurs, finally collapsing on top of you.
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tarobytez · 3 years
disability in the Six Of Crows Duology; an analysis of Kaz Brekker, Wylan Van Eck, and the fandom’s treatment of them.
****Note: I originally wrote this for a tiktok series, which im still going to do, but i wanted to post here as well bc tumblr is major contributor to what im going to talk about
CW: ableism, filicide, abuse
In the Six of Crows duology, Leigh Bardugo delicately subverts and melds harmful disability tropes into her narrative, unpacking them in a way that I, as a disabled person, found immensely refreshing and…. just brilliant. 
But what did you all do with that? Well, you fucked it up. Instead of critically looking at the characters, y’all just chose to be ableist. 
For the next few videos paragraphs im going to unpack disability theory (largely the stuff surrounding media, for obvious reasons) and how it relates to Six Of Crows and the characterization of Kaz Brekker and Wylan Van Eck, then how, despite their brilliant writing, y’all completely overlooked the actual text and continuously revert them to ableist cariactures.
Disclaimer: 1. Shocker - i am disabled. I have also extensively researched disability theory and am very active in the disabled community. Basically, I know my shit. 2. im going to be mad in these videos this analysis. Because the way y’all have been acting has been going on for a long ass time and im fuckin sick of it. I don’t give a shit about non-disabled feelings, die mad
Firstly, I’m going to discuss Kaz, his play on the stereotypical “mean cripple” trope and how Bardugo subverts it, his cane, and disabled rage. Then, I am going to discuss Wylan, the “inspiration porn” stereotype, caregivers / parents, and the social model of disability. Finally, I will then explain the problems in the fandom from my perspective as a disabled person, largely when it comes to wylan, bc yall cant leave that boy tf alone.
Kaz Brekker
Think of a character who uses a cane (obviously not Kaz). Now, are they evil, dubiously moral, or just an asshole in general? Because nearly example I can think of is: whether it be Lots’O from Toy Story, Lucius Malfoy, or even Scrooge and Mr.Gold from Once Upon A Time all have canes (the last two even having their canes appear less and less as they become better people)
The mean/evil cripple trope is far more common than you would think. Villains with different bodies are confined to the role of “evil”. To quote TV Tropes, who I think did a brilliant job on explaining it “The first is rooted in eugenics-based ideas linking disability or other physical deformities with a "natural" predisposition towards madness, criminality, vice, etc. The Rule of Symbolism is often at work here, since a "crippled" body can be used to represent a "crippled" soul — and indeed, a disabled villain is usually put in contrast to a morally upright and physically "perfect" hero. Whether consciously on the part of the writer or not, this can reinforce cultural ideas of disability making a person inherently inferior or negative, much in the same way the Sissy Villain or Depraved Homosexual trope associate sexual and gender nonconformity with evil. ”
Our introduction to Kaz affirms this notion of him being bad or morally bankrupt, with “Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason”, etc. This mythologized version of himself, the “bastard of the barrel” actively fed into this misconception. But, as we the audience are privy to his inner thoughts, know that he is just a teenager like every other Crow. He is complex, his disability isn’t this tragic backstory, he just fell off a roof. It’s not his main motivation, nor does he curse revenge for making him a cripple - it is just another part of who he is. 
His cane (though the shows version fills me with rage but-) is an extension of Kaz - he fights with it, but it has a purpose. Another common thing in media is for canes to be simply accessories, but while Kaz’ cane is fashionable, it has purpose.
The quote “There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken.” is so fucking powerful. Kaz does not want nor need a cure - its said in Crooked Kingdom that his leg could most likely be healed, but he chooses not to. Abled-bodied people tend to dismiss this thought as Kaz being stubborn but it shows a reality of acceptance of his disability that is just, so refreshing.
In chapter 22 of SOC, we see disabled rage done right - when he is called a cripple by the Fjerdan inmate, Kaz is pissed - the important detail being that he is pissed at the Fjerdan, at society for ableism, not blaming it on being disabled or wishing he could be normal. He takes action, dislocating the asshole’s shoulder and proving to him, and to a lesser extent, himself, that he is just as capable as anyone else, not in spite of, but because he is disabled. And that is the point of Kaz, harking back to the line that “there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken”. 
I cried on numerous occasions while reading the SOC duology, but the parts I highlighted in this section especially so. I, as many other disabled people do, have had a long and tumultuous relationship with our disability/es, and for many still struggle. But Kaz Brekker gave me an empowered disabled character who accepts themselves, and that means the world to me. 
Keeping that in mind, I hope you can understand why it hurts so much to disabled people when you either erase Kaz’s disability (whether through cosplay or fanfiction), or portray him as a “broken boy uwu”, especially implying that he would want a cure. That flies in the face of canon and is inherently fucking ableist. (if u think im mad wait until the next section)
Next, we have Wylan.  
Oh fucking boy. 
I love Wylan so fucking much, and y’all just do not seem to understand his character? Like at all? Since this is disability-centric, I’m not going to discuss how the intersection of his queerness also contributes to these issues, but trust me when I say it’s a contributing factor to what i'm going to say.
Wylan, motherfucking Van Eck. If you ableist pricks don’t take ur fucking hands off him right now im going to fight you. I see Wylan as a subversion another, and in my opinion more insidious stereotype pf disabled people - inspiration porn.
Cara Liebowitz in a 2015 article on the blog The Body Is Not An Apology explains in greater detail how inspiration porn is impactful in real life, but media is a major contributing factor to this reality. The technical definition is “the portrayal of people with disabilities as inspirational solely or in part on the basis of their disability” - but that does not cover it fully. 
Inspiration porn does lasting damage on the disabled community as it implies that disability is a negative that you need to “overcome” or “triumph” instead of something one can feel proud of. It exploits disabled people for the development of non-disabled people, and in media often the white male protagonist. Framing disability as inherently negative perpetuates ideals of eugenics and cures - see Autism $peaks’ “I Am Autism” ad. Inspiration porn is also incredibly patronizing as it implies that we cannot take care of ourselves, or do things like non-disabled people do. Because i stg some of you tend to think that we just sit around all day wishing we weren’t disabled. 
Another important theory ideal that is necessary when thinking about Wylan is the experience of feeling like a burden simply for needing help or accommodations. This is especially true when it comes to familial relationships, and internalized ableism.
The rhetoric that Wylan’s father drilled into his head, that he is “defective”, “a mistake”, and “needs to be corrected”, that he (Jan) was “cursed with a moron for a child” is a long held belief that disabled people hear relentlessly. And while many see Van Eck’s attempted murder of Wylan as “preposturous” and overall something that you would never think happens today - filicide (a parent murdering their child) is more common than you would like to believe. Without even mentioning the countless and often unreported deaths of disabled people due to lack of / insufficient / neglectful medical care, in a study on children who died from the result of household abuse, 40 of 42 of them (95%) were diagnosed with disabilities. Van Eck is not some caricature of ableist ideals - he is a real reflection on how many people and family members view disability. 
Circling back to how Wylan unpacks the inspiration porn trope - he is 3 dimensional, he is not only used to develop the other characters, he is just *chefs kiss* Leigh, imo, put so much love and care into the creation of Wylan and his story and character growth that is representative of a larger feeling in the disabled community. 
That being said, what you non-disabled motherfuckers have done to him.
The “haha Wylan can’t read” jokes aren’t and were not funny. Y’all literally boiled down everything Wylan is to him being dyslexic. And it’s like,,,, the only thing you can say about him. You ignore every other part of him other than his disability, and then mock him for it. There’s so much you can say about Wylan - simping for Jesper, being band kid and playing the fuckin flute, literally anything else. But no, you just chose to mock his disability, excellent fucking job!
Next up on “ableds stfu” - infantilization! y’all are so fucking condescending to Wylan, and treat him like a fucking toddler. And while partly it is due to his sexuality i think a larger portion is him being disabled. Its in the same vein of people who think that Wylan and Jesper are romantically one sided, and that Jesper only kind of liked Wylan, despite the canon evidence of him loving Wylan just as much. You all view him as a “smol bean”, who needs protecting, and care, when Wylan is the opposite of that. He is a fucking demolitions expert who suggested waking up sleeping men to kill them - what about that says “uwu”. You are treating Wylan as a burden to Jesper and the other Crows when he is an immensely valuable, fully autonomous disabled person - you all just view him as damaged. 
And before I get a comment saying that “uhhh Wylan isn’t real why do you care” while Wylan may not be real, how you all view him and treat him has real fucking impacts and informs how you treat people like me. If someone called me an “uwu baby boy” they’d get a fist square in the fucking jaw. Fiction informs how we perceive the world and y’all are making it super fucking clear how you see disabled people. 
Finally, I wanted to talk about how the social model of disability is portrayed through Wylan. For those who are unaware, the social model of disability contrasts the medical model, that views the disability itself as the problem, that needs to be cured, whereas the social model essentially boils down to creating an accommodating society, where disability acceptance and pride is the goal. And we see this with Wylan - he is able to manage his father’s estate, with Jesper’s assistance to help him read documents. And this is not out of pity or charity, but an act of love. It is not portrayed as this almighty act for Jesper to play saviour, just a given, which is incredibly important to show, especially for someone who has been abused by family for his disability like Wylan, that he is accepted. 
Yet, I still see people hold up Jesper on a pedestal for “putting up with” Wylan, as if loving a disabled person deserves a fucking pat on the back. It’s genuinely exhausting trying to engage with a work I love so much with a fandom that thinks so little of me and my community. It fucking shows. 
Overall, Leigh Bardugo as a disabled person wrote two incredibly meticulous and empowered disabled characters, and due to either lack of reading comprehension, ableism, or a quirky mix of both, the fandom has ignored canon and the experiences of disabled people for…. shits and giggles i guess. And yes, there are issues with the Grishaverse and disability representation - while I haven’t finished them yet so I do not have an opinion on it, people have been discussing issues in the KOS duology with ableist ideals. This mini series was no way indicative of the entire disabled experience, nor does it represent my entire view on the representation as a whole. These things need to be met critically in our community, and talked about with disabled voices at the forefront. For example, the limited perspective we get of Wylan and Kaz being both white men, does not account for a large portion of the disabled community and the intersection of multiple identities.
All-in-all, Critique media, but do not forget to also critique fandom spaces. Alternatively, just shut the fuck up :)
happy fucking disability pride month, ig
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transias · 2 years
honest with me. (I)
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pairings: spider-man!miguel diaz x reader
warnings: none!
summary: you've been in love with your best friend, miguel diaz, ever since he moved to queens. after spider-man saves you, you have your suspicions on who the masked hero might be.
note: so funny story, i found this edit on pinterest (i don't know who the original editor of this is im sorryyy) and it just gave me the idea to make this! i will also be writing for jaime reyes/blue beetle. i have an imagine in my drafts!
i will be basing miguel's spider-man on andrew garfield’s but apart from that it’ll be mostly similar to tom holland’s. will also be moving them from california to new york for obvious reasons.
miguel diaz was undoubtedly the most amazing person you ever met. so were your friends hawk and eli. although, there was something that set miguel aside from them.
maybe it was the way he always knew the right thing to say. or maybe that electricity that shocked you whenever you were walking next to each other and accidentally graze your hands together.
you looked up at miguel, his eyes fixed on samantha larusso. you knew he had a crush on her, even openly talking about it in the group during lunch.
it broke you. you weren't as rich as sam, you didn't consider yourself as beautiful as her, and you didn't think you were as smart as she was.
the bell loudly rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. you closed your books and shoved them inside your backpack, walking with miguel to the cafeteria where you both sat down and waited for hawk and demetri.
you took a sip from your chocolate milk, looking up to see miguel staring at you.
"don't tell me i have a milk moustache." you chuckle, raising your fingers to check your upper lip.
miguel chuckled and shook his head, "no, you look fine i was just uhh-" miguel looked past you, "just looking at those pigeons."
you looked back at the pigeons and furrowed your eyebrows, it was definitely strange. he wasn't looking at those pigeons, he was looking right at you.
"yeah, yeah... the pigeons." you nod.
hawk and demetri come at the moment, saving miguel from further embarassment.
hawk rambling about how he got into an argument with the history teacher, mr. arnold, over the assignment.
you weren't paying attention though, and by the looks of it neither was miguel, whose eyes you felt stare at you.
you look back at him and gave him a warm smile, pretending to listen to hawk, who by now was done with his rant. "anyways, i was thinking we could go to moon's party tonight?" hawk added.
"isn't it a school night?" you ask.
"well yeah, but that's how you know it's gonna be the cool people only. all the losers are gonna stay home studying." hawk replied.
demetri, miguel, and you looked at each other and then back at hawk.
"dude... we're all staying home and studying tonight, we have a math test tomorrow." demetri remarked.
"come on guys! we haven't done anything since like a month ago! demetri's always studying, (y/n)'s always working, and miguel is... well i don't know! what is it that you're always so busy with?" hawk asked.
miguel's shoulders went stiff as he looked around and stumbled for the right words, "i uhh- well i'm helping johnny out with his work."
you called bullshit. everytime one of you asked miguel to do something with him after school, he always used johnny as an excuse.
johnny was a nice guy tho. he and carmen had gone out on a disastrous date but by the end of it, she decided to give him another chance. ever since then, they had been absolutely inseparable.
"seriously, i think hawk's right. we need to hang out again! we always see each other in school and text but we should do something awesome together!"
the three boys agreed, "then it's settled, we'll do something this weekend."
miguel was gone before the final bell even rang. demetri, hawk, and you looked everywhere for him but like always he was nowhere to be found.
"screw it. let's just do study group at his house!" demetri exclaimed.
miguel's grandmother- or yaya, as he called her- answered the door, allowing the three of you in and offering a huge amount of food for all of you.
you sat down on miguel's bed, smelling strongly of him. you closed your eyes, a memory of the first time you met triggering you.
when miguel had just moved here, you were the first friend he made.
you lived in the building across to his and worked at the small coffee shop near those buildings.
miguel walked into the shop, quickly entranced by your beauty that he didn't notice you asking him what he wanted.
"sorry? oh yeah! i just wanted a donut please." he nervously smiled.
you nodded, "sure. what kind?"
"which do you recommend?" he inquired.
you leaned in closer, "between you and me. these are all stale and sort of disgusting. but the donut holes aren't so bad."
miguel laughed softly, "then i'll take some of those."
you nod, quickly ringing his order up. "alright, that'll be $6.29 please." you gave him a tight lipped smile.
miguel quickly took out a $10 dollar bill. while you handed him his change you looked up at him, "you're new here, aren't you?"
he nodded, his dark curls bouncing along. "yeah, how did you know?"
you shrugged, "it might be a very large city but we all know each other around this community." you retorted, "i'm (y/n), by the way." you offer your hand to shake his.
he looks at it before looking back at you and shaking it, "i'm miguel. nice to meet you, (y/n)."
you wrote down your number on a piece of paper, "i know it can get quite overwhelming around these parts. you know, being new here in such a big place. so if you ever wanna hang with me and my friends, you just give me a call."
a wide smile grew on miguel's lips, "that would be awesome! i'll definitely take you up on that offer. thanks a lot, (y/n)."
you nod, "it's no problem. see you around."
"(Y/N!)" demetri belted, “are you still with us?”
you cleared your throat, “yeah! i was just distracted, thinking about stuff.”
“they’re thinking about how they want to make out with miguel.” hawk butt in. you and demetri just groaned and shook your heads. you gently kicked him and went back to your work.
“oh look! spider-man just stopped a robbery at that convenience store we always go to.” demetri showed us his phone.
you and hawk leaned in, “he’s so cool.” you awed.
“dude, what’s your obsession with spider-man?” hawk asked.
“he saves the city, keeps all of us safe, and he’s got cool superpowers!” demetri replied defensively.
“seriously? anyone can do that. shit, i could do that!” hawk scoffed.
you shrugged, “i don’t know, dude. you’re really underestimating spider-man, he’s pretty cool.” you replied, “plus, i think it’s kind of heroic and hot what he does.”
“oooh, you’ve got it bad for spider-man, don’t you?” demetri teased.
you chuckled and shook your head, “no! well maybe yeah but it’s still super awesome!”
“you both are dorks.” hawk shook his head, going back on his phone to text whatever random person he was texting.
as you finished studying, hawk decided that he’d leave since he’s rather hang out with “hot babes” than two losers. demetri was next, his mom called him over for dinner.
that left you alone in miguel’s room. you stood up and yawned, stretching as you walked over to miguel’s mirror.
there was a picture of him hanging by the mirror. you sighed, “hey miguel. did you know i’m like probably deeply in love with you it’s pathetic? yeah, i know you like sam and you’ll probably never wanna see me again but… i just thought you should know that.”
it really was useless in your opinion. the way you were always pining over him when he was already pining for samantha larusso.
you sighed, packing up your stuff and saying goodbye to miguel’s yaya.
the thoughts of miguel still pestered your brain as you walked across the street, looking for your headphones. no matter how hard you tried, they wouldn’t go away. you didn’t even notice the reckless driver in front of you.
it wasn’t until you heard the horn only a few inches near you that you were absolutely paralyzed.
your thoughts quickly faded, chills ran through your body, and as much as you tried, you just couldn’t move out of the way.
was this really it? were you about to die without telling miguel how you felt? the butterflies he incinerated inside you?
a pair of arms swooped in, your legs left the ground and a small yell escaped your lips.
you landed on the sidewalk in front of your building. “holy shit! oh god, what the hell?” your breathing got faster and you felt like you could faint right here, right now.
your eyes darted in front of spider-man, who had his hamds around your waist. “(y/n)! are you alright? that was really close!”
your eyebrows furrowed and you nodded, feeling something extremely familiar about spider-man. “yeah! i think i’m alright- wait, how do you know my name?”
spider-man froze, “well uhh- oh! i know your friend, miguel! i’ve heard lots of good things about you.”
an idea clicked into your head, “oh, you know miguel? tan skin, dark curly hair, and extremely handsome?” you fought the smirk that threatened to form your lips.
“y-yeah! yeah, that’s him! you think he’s handsome?” he asked.
you nodded, “totally. he’s so handsome, intelligent, and charming. but don’t tell him i told you that!”
spider-man nodded in reply, “of course! your uh, your secret’s totally safe with me.” he chuckled.
you heard a gunshots and sirens coming down from the street. “i gotta go! just stay safe and look both ways before crossing, okay?” spider-man yelled as his hands ripped from your waist.
“bye spidey! thanks for saving me!” you waved, watching as the masked hero swung away.
maybe you were a bit woozy from almost getting splattered across the street but you were 100% sure of this.
miguel diaz was spider-man.
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Hiii idk if I'm doing this exactly right but I thought it'd be fun!
This is kinda basic my baddd
The user can control any element. The amount of air the user can use is limited to how long they can hold their air. The amount of water and earth they can control is dependent on how much they weigh. They can control about twice their mass. Earth is hard to control and is stubborn, strong forceful movements are needed to control earth. Water is delicate and needs precision to be able to control it to it's fullest. Fire is limited by how much energy the user has. Using too much energy will cause cells to die and lead to them passing out. They can't control the element if they have nothing to draw from.
No relation to the cannon
No relation to pre-existing characters
X class 1a can be platonic or romantic
class 1a with a lifebender that they will protect with their l i v e s
pairing: platonic!class 1a x gn!reader (they/them)
genre: fluff! fun!!
warnings: none!
author's notes: mhm! you did it right, and it's not basic! the idea is common, but the details you added make it very special and interesting! i had a ton of fun writing this :D
i also didn't add any relation to canon, but did make reader a child of a non-canon hero couple
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expectations were fucking high, ok? you didn't have a choice as to whether or not you'd succeed; you HAD to.
not only were you the child of two very prominent heroes who happen to be alumni of UA themselves, but you had an incredibly powerful quirk.
hell, it was so strong that theorists started using it as a prime example of quirk singularity theory.
of course your quirk wasn't perfect, and if misused, the consequences were very dangerous.
this meant a lot of training and discipline on your part, something that all your peers of course needed and utilized but you had to do almost two times more. elements wasn't just any quirk, and that was clear during the initial training process in your new hero costumes.
there was half-hot, half-cold and now someone who could control the damn elements? jesus was that battle... interesting-
todoroki has the benefit of focusing on two areas, and both come soley from him, his body. you had to make use of what was around you, and you had four different areas to master. fair to say he was a bit more advanced than you.
that didn't mean you didn't catch him off guard when the ice was creeping up on you and your partner and suddenly it just went up. yes. up.
with patient, focused, graceful movement, you were able to manipulate his ice,, since it's literally just very very cold water. you weren't able to control all of it, but definitely a solid amount, snd the temperature left shoji, his partner, stunned for a few moments, almost literally frozen.
shoto eventually still got the W, but dAMN WAS THAT WILD-
you and shoto have this silent understanding throughout the rest of the year that this was a competition, though he was far more aggressive about it. you were still willing to be friends (and eventually you are) but for a long time he's like "im not here to make friends"
(sure you're not, you fruity son of a-)
you're kind, and a great leader, but you tend to sit back and mind your own business unless told to do otherwise. you're not there to be miserable, but you're not there to get into drama outside of the situations already planted in front of you.
you're a lot like shoji, ojiro, etc. in that sense, and everyone really respects that.
and omg omg omg omg yes yes yES YOU AND KODA END UP VEING BEST FRIENDS AND YOU'RE NEVER. EVER. E V E R . gonna change my mind
yes, he's quiet at first, but my BOY HE OPENS UP TO YOU W TIME I PROMISE. he gets closer w people through quality time tbh and acts of service. yall work sooo well together, esp in different terrains! you can bring ocean animals to him like the waves in moana hehe and he can speak to the fish to get them to help yall 🥺
and the bugs in the earth!! and the birds in the air!!! and you work so so well together it's really great!!!!!
🥺 y'all can literally just sit in nature together, under a tree and feeling super connected to it all and to each other,, yes y'all are super ultra mega besties 🥺
people tbh entranced by your ability to go between the four elements. like the grace in your movements, your ability to go from fluid movement into strong, sharp movements to absolute peaceful focus and aH you're so cool. AND YOU GET SO MUCH BETTER AND SWITCHING THROUGHOUT WITH TIME
yes, you're in the top four fs.
aizawa a lil scared tbh.
well like
the class is as time goes on. you keep getting stronger and stronger. but with this, cells were dying quick.
somewhere near the end of the first year, you were forced to begin a regular meetings with a very specific doctor who had a cell regeneration quirk. down the road, like mirio, you cross your fingers a little tighter on eri's quirk progress. ofc you kept it to yourself, though.
outside of that, you kept to your sessions. it still didn't stop the passing out when you pressed too hard, though, and it worried everyone. the harder you trained, the more often they happened.
so, in the same way they'd bOnk deku when he keeps breaking his damn bones, they are willing to bOnk you if you don't fUCKING REST-
but yes they love you v much
esp koda
hehe i love that...
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gorbo-longstocking · 2 years
we are on an underfell kick….could you give us headcanons for the skeletons and maybe muffet or grillby?
muffet and grillby aren't on the request list (yet...) so i didn't do them but i will start My Process of adding them to the character list! i like to have a decent grasp on characterization before i start blasting. when they're added feel free to ask then! :D anywho here are the skelebros
- meeting him isn’t hard, he’s a regular at several bars in town and he doesn’t shy away from flirting with people who catch his eye. no need to worry about the bill, drinks are on him. only thing you gotta pay him back with is your company. red’s easy to talk to on a surface level, he’s funny, laid back, and observant enough to pick up on boundaries without you having to say anything. it’s a nice change of pace from the usual sleazeballs who hit on you, although he is laying it on pretty thick.
- maybe he’s had a bad day because he ends up sloshed. while i stick with the monsters are asexual headcanon, red’s used to one night stands. he’s all about that quick validation and intimacy, and he will proposition you. he’s way too drunk to even consider that so you help him home. well, more like you walk next to him on his way back home. he’s stumbling a bit but won’t let himself seem weak at all, and you just wanna make sure he gets there safe. there are some real assholes out and about at night. you have to frame it like you want to chat with him a bit longer or he’ll get defensive.
- after that, you’re going to have to text him. he won’t message you, expecting and hoping, that he never has to see you again. red’s a bit shifty, you saw him at a very vulnerable state, one he didn’t mean to get into. for all he knew your intentions were nothing but bad. red has a tendency to be a bit paranoid. he’ll hang out with you, but he makes sure to keep distance between the two of you. this doesn’t last long. as much as he hates it, he gets attached easily.
- he’s not as slow as a burner as he likes to think he is. red is starved for affection and love, any form of it will get him to fall and hard. denial isn’t just a river in egypt, it’s also is a mustard-loving skeleton. you’ll have to squeeze any form of a confession out of him like he’s an old dish rag. he thinks you can do better, you don’t need him weighing you down. lay on some heavy praise and he’s putty in your hands.
- as a boyfriend, red is flirty and somewhat possessive. after so long starved for love, he wants to be around you every second he can get. you are his oasis and he is goddamn thirsty. he likes to have his hands on you whenever he can and is a sucker for lazy sunday cuddles. there’s no one alive who can make you laugh like red can. his taste in television is kind of rancid, adult swim is his own baby sensory video. you are the only person alive who can wrestle the remote from him and edge couldn’t be more grateful.
- a song i associate with red when i’m in x reader day dream mode is cupid’s chokehold by gym class heroes. and you know what? i’m a believer by smash mouth too. i do not take criticism im just straight up right.
- while edge is out and about frequently, he is prickly enough to deter anyone willing to be friendly with him. he is tall, loud, and very intimidating, it’ll take a lot of courage to even begin approaching him. the most friendly you’ll be able to find him is on his morning jog. as long as you don’t talk to him, he’ll allow you to run nearby him, although he’ll begin shooting you frustrated glares the longer you hover nearby. you’re probably entirely unaware of this. his personal bubble is bigger than what’s realistic, you’re likely at least a few feet behind him.
- after a week of this, he’ll confront you. why are you following him every morning? when you explain it’s your usual route, you’ve just started jogging earlier he’ll scoff. in case you didn’t know, this is his route too. he’s trying to get you to leave, and it’s annoying. either out of stubbornness or spite, you double down and begin to chat with him every morning while you run, whatever will make him angrier. your friendship begins with the two of you snarking at each other at the break of dawn.
- as much as edge will deny it, he starts to like you more than he’d like to admit. you don’t back down, you aren’t as stupid as most other humans, and you look very nice under the pale morning sun. he wants to run his fingers through your hair, it looks very soft. all of these thoughts will promptly be bludgeoned into submission (or poured into his evil secret diary) you’ll catch him sending you longing glances and trying to spend more time with you outside of your jogs. he won’t invite you to dinner straight out but he’s somehow manages to brag even more about his cooking than usual. he’s baiting you.
- is edge a slowburn? maybe. is he a tsundere? most definitely. red’s denial is just him ignoring his feelings, edge blatantly and suspiciously denies his as loud as he possibly can. you can probably pick up on his feelings pretty easily. if you tease him about it he’ll get really huffy. it’s cute. when he asks you out, he pins it on you. he’s noticed how you have grown feelings for him and he is sparing you the stress of asking him out yourself.
- as a boyfriend, edge is loving. slow and smooth, like melted chocolate or velvet. he wants to be your knight in shining armor, the moon to your sun, the poet to your muse. in short, he is whipped for you. his touch is gentle and sometimes, he looks at you softly with so much love you feel like you could melt on the spot. edge is a skeleton with the outside of a cactus and the mushy center of pudding. he’s a tall guy and he’s very strong, the image of him carrying around his partner like a ferret is vivid.
- a song i associate with edge in x reader daydream mode is as the world caves in by matt maltese which i know is probably a controversial take but look me in the eyes if edge doesnt have the energy of someone who would spend his last moments loving you as everything falls apart. look me in the eye bro. also, for the longest time by billy joel. if red gets two songs so does edge.
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allabtsouthpark · 2 years
Welcome back! Could we get some head cannons about Kenny (cough specifically as Mysterion cough) being consistently, constantly, and some might even argue aggressively gifted food by someone that has a crush on him? What the food is varies, sometimes is bags of chips, sometimes it's home-baked pastries, but it almost always happens covertly (in the event that food is gifted to Mysterion publicly, there's always enough to share with whichever franchise he's teamed up with). Tysm! :> ~🍶
ANON WE ARE LITERALLY BRAIN SHARING I HAVE HAD THE SAME THOUGHTS FOR THE LONGEST OF TIMES IM SO SO HAPPY TO HAVE THIS AS A REQUEST!!! also thank you for the greet and for requesting :-D i added a little something to this too so i hope that isnt a bother
this is a bit long and a bit oddly specific sorry about that lmao
Alright, you have a crush on Kenny. Everyone knows his family is pretty poor and that means they don't really have the best or that much food for breakfast, lunch, etc.
SO, at first, you planned different times to go to his house with a lil bag or basket with different kinds of foods and place it at the front of his house. After knocking, you run off and hide in a bush or something to see who picks it up and their reaction. Its like the ding dong ditch but you do it for a good reason?
At that time, Kenny has been really curious about who's been bringing them food. At the same time, He's grateful and suspicious.
So, that's why at night, he'll go out as Mysterion and basically stake out somewhere near his house to see who leaves the food. Unfortunately for him, at the time you only bring those foods afterschool and when you know he's busy going on adventures with his friends. Basically, anytime you know he's not around.
After a while, whoever your friends are know about this and encourages you to just give it to him in PERSON. So, you did and wow did he not expect that you'd just shove the food at him. He's pretty much in shock at the moment but finally relieved to put his curiosity at rest.
As mysterion, if you're a hero or even his enemy, he's kind of suspicious about it and why you're so aggressive but brushes it off. The bag seems safe and is surprised with the different kinds of food and how much is in there. When meeting with the other supers, he places it on the table and silently starts eating. The other supers join in and basically you giving food constantly helps them get through the nights lmao. Overtime, Mysterion starts to appreciate this and might even strike up a conversation or two.
If you gave the food as a civillian, it would click easily in his head that you like him, as kenny and mysterion. He's pretty flattered and finds it adorable.
If you gave them through your hero/villain persona, he'd realize who your true identity is and find it adorable as hell. either way, maybe he'll like you back
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cale with a younger sibling reader who's supposed to die in the oirginal novel please?? he tries to save them because they've gotten attached to them during the time he was with them.
i stayed up all night doing assignments and just saw this im sO SORRY. im gonna be real with yall, i have no idea what a good, healthy sibling relationship looks like.
i made the reader to be the eldest child from violan and 17 years old of age, hope you dont mind!
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[Name] Henituse.
Kim Rok Soo remembered that name even though it was only mentioned twice in the novel of “The Birth of A Hero”.
[Name] Henituse was the name of the second oldest child of Count Deruth Henituse and his second wife, Violan Henituse. Not much is known about you other than the fact that you were present during the time minor antagonist, Cale Henituse, was getting beaten up by the protagonist, Choi Han.
Kim Rok Soo remembers the story quite well.
When getting beaten up, a child not older than Cale himself had come over to warn Choi Han even though it was too late — Cale Henituse had been beaten to a pulp, after all.
“How cruel! You’ve beaten up my defenseless older brother!”
This person was [Name] Henituse, the younger sibling of Cale Henituse.
That was the first time your name had been mentioned in the novel.
Kim Rok Soo thought it was nice to see the trash son of a count at least have someone by his side to defend him.
Though he did get a bit irked at Cale Henituse who pushed you away when you offered help — whether it was because of his pride or not, Kim Rok Soo thought it was annoying to see you getting pushed away even though you were merely trying to help your trash older brother.
He remembered your name, thinking there must be a reason why your character was introduced. He reads through the first volumes of “The Birth of A Hero” and found your name again being mentioned, though it was in a dialogue between two unnamed nobles during a parliamentary meeting during the war.
“I heard Count Henituse suffered a lot due to the war.”
“Yes. Unfortunately, their child had died after volunteering to go to into the battlefield.”
“Which one was it?”
“Their second-oldest, [Name] Henituse.”
That was the second time your name was mentioned in the novel and most likely the last.
Kim Rok Soo saw the word “volunteered” and thought that it suited you. You were a character that was shown to be caring towards others in your first novel appearance, even if they were trash.
To think that you died on the battlefield because you probably only want to help others made Kim Rok Soo a bit bitter.
After that, Kim Rok Soo did not think about you. What for? He doesn't have a reason to.
But what about now?
Now he sat across you, not as Kim Rok Soo, but as Cale Henituse, your older brother.
“I heard you’ve stopped... drinking.”
Cale stares at your face as you spoke. Your face was so similar to your mother, with brown hair and striking blue eyes. The only difference was that your expressions gave away your emotions easily, unlike Countess Violan who kept her emotions hidden behind a stoic face.
“What do you mean?” He questioned you, an eyebrow raised. “Did you not hear what I did last night?”
“You brought a stranger in to the mansion,” you stated, pointing out the more important part first. “After you went drinking and didn't threw any bottles.”
‘Should I have thrown a few next time, then?’ Cale begins to think about how he should act the next time to be more convincing.
“You’ve stopped being violent,” you added after awhile, voice timid. “I’m glad.”
You were an honest person. Straightforward, even.
Kim Rok Soo — no, Cale liked those qualities in a person, but that does not mean he could linger and entertain you when he had other things to do.
He tries his best to leave you alone and work on his own things, but you were always following him and making sure he wasn’t causing trouble — Cale doesn’t know if he should find you troublesome or endearing for looking out for him so much.
You insisted on meeting Choi Han and finding out more about the man, simply because you were curious about the person your older brother had chosen to look out for. It seemed something between you and Choi Han clicked because Cale sees how Choi Han was able to let his guard down with you not any more than with Cale himself but he doesn't know that.
Cale began to observe you more from there.
You were the second oldest child, so you were a studious person and even had an artistic soul in you. You had no interest in becoming heir and instead wishes to work in arts and socio-cultures — it seemed you haven't had the concrete idea of what you wished to be in the future but Cale could see that you have a big potential to become someone great.
In the original plot of "The Birth of A Hero", you were considered a lost cause to many other nobles because despite the fact you came from a rich household, you had chosen a field where success and wealth wasn't guaranteed.
Your relationship with the original Cale was closer compared to the other siblings, mostly because you’ve been trying your hardest to get close to him since the two of you were closer in age even though the original Cale Henituse had treated you coldly.
When he was told to go to the capital, you had tagged along with with the reason that you wanted to study and see more about the world. You were allowed to — of course you were — and Cale ended up having to look after you.
"How did you get such a power?" You had asked when it was revealed to you that Cale had used his shield to prevent anymore casualties during the incident at the plaza. "Look at what happened to you. I will be personally reporting this to our parents."
'They're quite competent,' Cale thought, hearing about you taking over the townhouse and making sure everything settles down well after the incident since nearly all the servants were in shock and couldn't work properly.
And as he hear about your ramblings about arts and history of the continent, he thought that it'd be a shame to not use you who possess a lot of knowledge about this world.
With your fluent tongue in various languages and the knowledge about each kingdom's history and their political events, Cale thought for sure that you were someone valuable.
"I'd like to be by my older brother's side."
Cale hesitated to speak for a moment, remembering how your life had ended in the original novel.
You looked a bit angry at his question. "Can't I?"
"Living in the territory is better," he told you. "Safer."
"Besides..." Cale stared at your determined face, trying his best to not imagine the same face, pale and lifeless on the ground. "There's no good in following this trash older brother of yours."
"I would still like to go with you," you pressed. "There is nothing for me here. I would like to go and find it."
Well, what can he say to go against that?
Sure enough, you proved how valuable you were to them all. You weren't bad at all with a sword and definitely were stronger than Cale, willing to do work and handle situations alongside Rosalyn, making you easily one of Cale's people who he trusted his life to.
"I think even if I would die going somewhere with you, I would still go."
Cale frowned at you.
"Don't be stupid," he told you, ignoring bitter feeling in his mouth as he was reminded of your death in the original novel. "If things go south, the best thing to do is run. Being alive is supposed to be your priority."
You smiled. "Because it's the best?"
Cale nodded. "Yes. So don't throw your life away so easily."
"I understand." You laughed.
Cale thought of how much he had changed the plot of the story so far and how much he had managed to do to make sure everything and everyone stays safe, espescially for his people.
As Cale watched you stood up from the couch to greet Rosalyn with a smile, he thought of the original [Name] Henituse.
To die so young, never experiencing a peaceful world where you can just sit and study peacefully, learning everything new that excites you.
Perhaps a remnant of the original Cale's feelings are left or maybe this was what Kim Rok Soo was feeling after spending so much time with you, but he thought about how you'd die never experiencing life and have others to witness you living in it.
Although you would have been happy in the afterlife, you wouldn't have been able to grow up, to learn how to manage yourself in the adult noble world, to pursue your dreams, and if you wanted to, to get married, have kids, or experience all the amazing things you were worthy of experiencing.
Cale saw how Rosalyn had smiled at you and the flush of your cheeks as you spoke to the red-haired mage.
'They have a life ahead of them,' he thought, sipping his tea in silence. 'I'll make sure of it.'
It's amazing how you were just a minor character when he first knew of you, but now you're one of the people he promised himself to keep safe.
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lovely-angst · 3 years
the first time they meet you
a/n: im trying things out with doing three quick fics with one prompt. lmk how you like it.
genre: fluff
pairing: bakugou x reader, hawks x reader, dabi x reader
summary: the first time he sees/meets you
word count: 1.6k
bakugou - coffee shop
it was a long, long day of patrol for bakugou.
he had so much on his plate that day from staying late the night before to finish some reports and then having to wake up early for his daily patrol—not to mention all of the inconveniences of catching and apprehending some wannabe villains.
thankfully, he was able to get off work by the time the had begun to set. golden hues decorating the evening sky as bakugou walked back towards his apartment.
his feet were sore and ached from being on his toes all day. all bakugou wanted to do was to relax in the comfort and silence of his home.
taking a seat on a short concrete block wall, bakugou pulls the mask up over his eyes to push his bangs back, allowing the subtle breeze to cool him down as he took a small breather from his exhaustion.
he didn't have the energy to do anything.
"dynamight?" a small voice calls out before bakugou turns his head in their direction. you stood a few feet away from him timidly, but a smile on your face as you gently approached the unapproachable male.
"sorry, i'm not doing any autographs or pictures right now," he mumbled out exhaustedly, but to his surprise, you shook your head. "no, i'm not here for that," you say before taking a step back to gesture towards the cafe behind you, "i was wondering if you would like to come in and i can quickly get you something to eat and drink?"
bakugou glanced over at the empty cafe before glancing back at you and back at the cafe.
"it was a shock to see you outside the cafe and you look really exhausted. it's the least i can do for you," you continue, "you don't have to worry about fans, i'm about to close the cafe right now, so no one should be coming,"
bakugou knew that he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself when his feet ached with every step and the tiredness was beginning to consume his body.
"fine, just this once," he answered, pushing himself up and off the concrete before following you, who beamed with happiness.
as you walked in, you held the door open for the pro hero before you stepped back out to grab the menu board before flipping the sign from 'open' to 'close', letting the door shut behind you.
"would you like some coffee? or do you prefer tea?" you question as you walk behind the counter, preparing a few things for him. bakugou sat down at one of the empty tables, glancing around at the peaceful and aesthetic atmosphere.
"tea," he states, "i'm not a big coffee person," you hum in response, "i'll get you one of our refreshing tea drinks then. i think you'll like it."
it wasn't long before you came back out with a thirst-quenching drink and a nice hearty little sandwich with it.
"i added a sandwich for you filled with healthy and light ingredients so it'll give you the energy to finish your day. i hope the drink is to your liking as well," you explain, listing out the different ingredients, "i'll be here cleaning up while you finish. take your time."
bakugou was very thankful for the sandwich if he was honest—he was starving, having skipped his lunch earlier. taking a bite of the sandwich, he noted the different textures and flavors that mixed well together. ontop of that, the drink was great by itself and even better with the sandwich.
his eyes drifted off towards you, who bobbed your head gently to the quiet background music of the cafe, moving in every which way to finish closing up your shop.
after quickly finishing off his small meal, he brought the dishes back to you and you happily accepted them, declining to accept any payment, "it's on me! you enjoying the meal is more than enough!"
"also, why not try stopping by during one of your early shifts for some coffee? relax and refuel before your long day as a hero?," you suggest with those bright eyes of yours.
bakugou couldn't help the slight lift of the corner of his lips, "i might just have to."
hawks - after a mission
hawks had just gotten done with a rather stressful rescue due to the many kids on the site he had to protect. thankfully he had all of his feathers and was able to use them to protect the kids while his sidekicks were busy securing the villain.
"are you kids okay?" hawks questioned as he was able to usher them into a safe corner away from the action. "i'm okay mr.hawks!"
hawks let out a small smile before patting the young child on the head. "where is miss (name)?"
hawks opened his mouth just as a soothing yet worried voice cut through the sirens and the commotion. turning around, hawks laid his eyes on you and his heart skipped a beat.
stepping aside from the kids, you ran over towards the children before kneeling down on their level to give them all hugs, checking them over for any injuries, "oh, i'm so glad you are all safe! i was so worried! are you okay? are you hurt anywhere?"
one of the little girls shook their head before pointing up at hawks, "i'm okay! mr.hawks saved us!"
turning around, you quickly stood up before giving him a very polite bow, "thank you so much, hawks! i am forever grateful!"
"no need to be so formal! i'm just doing my job," he responds with a smile, only for panic to set in when he sees the blood streaming down from your head. "miss! your head is bleeding, we need to get you checked out!"
"oh, i think this is from when I blocked the kids earlier from falling debris. i feel fine," you respond, which makes hawks worry even more.
hawks quickly calls for his sidekicks to stay with the children while he goes to get you checked up on. thankfully, there was a medical team nearby and hawks waited with you as they patched you up.
"again, thank you so much for saving my kids back there. I don't know what i would do if they had gotten hurt. you're an amazing hero." you compliment, sitting on the back of an ambulance as the medic carefully wraps your head to stop the bleeding.
"i could say the same about you," hawks starts, "you didn't hesitate to risk your life for those kids—you're the real hero. "
a shy smile forms on your lips as you look away from the very handsome man in front of you, "well, i love my kids. i'd do anything for them."
hawks couldn't help but admire you.
"i'm (name) by the way," you say, holding a hand out towards the hero. hawks smiles at you, reaching over to give your hand a firm shake.
"hawks. nice to meet you, (name)."
dabi - flower shop
dabi usually hated the rain, but today, he was thankful for it.
he had just escaped from some pro heroes and hid in a small alleyway in a quiet part of town away from any heroes. the cool droplets of water felt refreshing on his burning skin after overusing his quirk. though, he wasn't sure the injuries he sustained would heal quickly with the rain.
hearing a small bell ring, dabi quickly pressed himself up against the wall as he listened for any movement.
"ah it's raining!" a voice called out before their alarmed footsteps ran about, causing the puddles to splash every which way. suddenly, a pail of flowers fell into his view before you quickly bent down to pick them back up.
sensing someone staring, you turned and your eyes were met with his bright blue ones, causing you to squeak and fall back, "y-you scared me!" you cried before picking yourself back up and frowning at your dirtied outfit.
"hey, are you okay?" you asked as you carefully walked toward him. "you're bleeding! let me go get a medical kit," you explained before running around the corner to your flower shop.
but dabi knew better.
you were going to call the heroes on him, you only used that as an excuse to get away. standing up with all of the power he could muster, dabi limped his way down the street as far as he could—away from you.
"hey! where are you going!" you cried as dabi heard more splashes behind him, your small pitter-patters against the puddles.
turning around, dabi's eyes widened as he watched you chase after him in the rain, your hair getting wet with the rain and sticking to your face as you caught up with the male.
"let's hide from the rain over here," you say as you gently help dabi away from the rain before settling him down on a bench. "don't you know who i am?" dabi asked frustratedly, but you just continued to clean and dress his wounds. "sorry, i don't, but i can care less about that right now," you respond to dabi's surprise.
dabi watched as you carefully cleaned him up, watching the raindrops slide down your soft skin.
"that should do it," you say, standing back with a smile. dabi follows your movements, "thanks doll, but i gotta run," he responds, throwing his hood over his head.
"oh, well, stay safe then," you respond as the two of you enter back into the rain. he gives you a playful smile before vanishing from your view.
walking back to your flower shop to finish bringing your flowers back, you thought that would be the last of him. but to your surprise a few days later, tied onto the handle of your shop was a blue rose with a note attached,
'thanks for the other day, doll.
- dabi'
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walkingnightmare · 3 years
After scrolling thru the tags ive seen an underwhelming amount of posts talking about Isaiah and the cop situation with Sam. I know it was overblown by sambucky, and I admit i had added to the amount of sambucky posts and yes this episode was a win but it completely overshadowed the more important topic of this episode; racism. (edit: not saying diving into sambucky posts is bad, but just enjoying sambucky without shedding light on to the main theme and problems of the show is)
And im definitely not the best person to talk to about racism since i am white but it frustrates me to a living end how people missed the theme of this episode. From talking to Isaiah all the way to the therapy scene the topic was a lingering blanket, hell the bank scene and the government giving the shield away in episode one racism was the lingering topic.
The cop scene is automatically uncomfortable, with Sam and Bucky getting confronted by cops and one of them asking Sam to give him his ID, and asking Bucky if Sam was bothering him. Sam is rightfully angry, and Bucky is showing the ignorant white friend whose privilege shines like no other. This only gets resolved when the cops realize they’re Avengers and takes Bucky off for missing his therapy session. Ive seen that scene five times and it still pisses me off. And it should. It should piss everybody off.
And what should piss you off even more, is how they handled Bucky, a known HIGHLY DANGEROUS assassin, compared to Sam, a LIVING black man. They handled Bucky with kid gloves, while their hands sat on the butt of their guns while talking to Sam. You would think it would be reversed, right? Wrong.
And Isaiah! Isaiah fought for his country, LITERALLY beat Bucky’s ass in a fight, and yet they threw him in a jail cell. And Steve? He not only was a country hero, but was given a welcome back party when he re-awoke.
I hope you can see my anger through this text, i really do. I hope you got the message of this episode, and if not I hope you realize now and educate yourself because the shit that happened in this episode happens way to much in everyday life. I hope you realize Sam’s been fighting every second of this show to just be and think about the things he’s been presented with.
I’m damn tired of seeing people feel pity for Bucky but not an ounce for Sam. I’m tired of people using the “If he was wrong about you, he was wrong about me” line to pity the shit out of Bucky because “my baby’s been thru too much 🥺” and not see how selfish Bucky was this episode and how his words affected Sam and his decision to give up the shield.
I’m tired of people ignoring the lead character of this show because he is a black man. Im tired of Anthony Mackie not getting the recognition he deserves.
You diehard Bucky stans wouldn’t even have this show without Mackie, so you at-least better show a little damn respect when he’s on screen.
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im-in-vin-ci-ble · 3 years
Could you do a oneshot or hc about how mark would react to his S/O wearing his hero suit? :3
A/N: this is so cute im dying
Pairing: Mark Grayson x Fem!Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: nothing, just some mild swearing and suggestive language
Summary: After a lot of pleading, you finally give in to Mark's wish — you trying on his Invincible suit.
"Dude, I look ridiculous."
"Oh come on, I'm sure it's not that bad!"
You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror as Mark patiently and giddily waited for you outside. Sighing, you scrunched up your face at the sight of his bright blue and yellow basically draped over your smaller frame.
"Babe?" you heard him call out from the other room. "If you don't come out in the next five seconds, I'm going in there."
"Mark, I swear to you there is absolutely nothing exciting to see in here," you replied.
He wailed, "But you promised!"
"Ugh, fine," you groaned, taking a deep breath as you tightly held on to the bathroom door knob, "be grateful that I love you."
"I always am!"
You chuckle at his response which, admittedly, made you feel less silly about this whole thing. Finally, you slowly open the door and watch Mark's facial expression turn from impatient to stunned then amused.
"You. Look. Adorable," he said with a goofy smile as you walked closer to him.
"At least one of us is amused," you sarcastically responded. You added, "I know I said I look ridiculous but now I feel it too," stretching your arms out to show the sleeves of suit hanging down arms and hands.
"Are you kidding? This would make a really good Halloween costume," Mark said as he touched his suit all over the body, slightly stretching out the fabric so it properly fits you.
You laughed, "I'd probably die of a heatstroke."
"Granted we'll need to make some adjustments," he mumbled while continuing his attempt to make the suit fit you. "But you and I can be like... Mr. and Ms. Invincible."
"Only difference is if an emergency really happened, you can fly outta there."
Mark finally looked you back in the eye, smiling as he cupped your face in his hands. "You know I'll always bring you with me," he sincerely said, adding a warm and gentle kiss to your forehead.
"I know that," you replied, your knees slightly weak from the forehead kiss you absolutely love.
"So does that mean I can take photos of you in my suit?" he asked with a grin, pulling his phone and his crumpled mask from his pockets.
"Mark," you groaned again.
"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase," he begged, pouting his lip and giving you the best puppy dog eyes he could make. "I promise I won't ask you for anything like this ever again."
You sighed and shut your eyes tightly, shaking your head in disbelief at what you were about to say: "Fine. But just two pictures."
"We take 10 photos and I can choose to keep two," he negotiated seriously.
You gave in, "Fine, fine," laughing as you sat down.
Mark passed you his mask, which was, as you expected, way too big for your face, and he stood across you with his phone ready to shoot. Shyly, you stiffly sat there with a serious expression on your face as he counted two shots.
"Okay, now take off the mask."
You followed his orders and he took a third and four photo as you took off the mask and fixed your hair.
"That looks hot," Mark said with wide eyes, making you giggle.
You began to feel more comfortable as he directed you with poses — in the fifth photo, your chin was resting on your hand with your elbow on your thigh for support, your legs slightly parted and your toes tipped, the sixth photo you were leaned back with your right ankle resting above your left knee, and in the seventh photo, he asked you to lie down near the corner of the bed with your hair flowing over the edge, and both your legs in the air as you grabbed your toes with your hands.
"These look so great," he informed you as he looked through the photos he took. "You should really consider modelling."
"I know you're only saying that because you're my boyfriend," you replied, "but I'll take the ass-kissing."
Mark laughed at your response as he took two more photos of you standing up against the wall, one from a front angle and one from the side. When he was finally done, he quickly rushed to you and swiped through the 10 photos he proudly shot.
"I'm going to frame whichever two I pick," he told you, smiling as he kept on swiping through the rotation of photos.
"You haven't chosen?" you asked.
"Hell no," he answered, "do you see yourself in these photos? I'm gonna have to sit on that decision for at least a month."
You giggled at his answer and leaned up, your lips meeting his in a soft kiss. He kept his forehead pressed against yours as he uncaringly threw his phone on the bed and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Now let's get you out of that suit."
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azuries · 2 years
i cant fucking believe how much i love your asry spiderman au if u dont mind me asking could u tell me more of ur thoughts on it ???
EUEUEUUEU thaNnk you for thinking so and im glad you enjoy and like it as much as i do!! ive been having a blast indulging in it (obviously) skdkjd
and of course!!! and since you're so nice to me (and im out of control ykno how it is) i added in some bonus sketches regarding my thoughts!! ! sorry if its potentially confusing, i wrote it on lightning speed but hopefully its understandable orz
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full thoughts under readmore!
honestly i thought of this au on a cold sweat so i dont really have a solid premise as of yet and things are subject to change, but this is what i have so far:
got his powers soon after genshin died, saw his powers as an opportunity to bring justice to the ones who screwed his father over in a killing spree incident known as the Reaper case.
hunted down the people involved according to holmes, who is his foster father along with yuujin who's overseas atm and lives with his two sisters iris and susato. holmes warned him beforehand about how he may never be the same after his quest for vengeance, but asougi did not pay heed to it and proceeded to his plan.
he got full of rage as he caught one of the people involved and injured them that they almost died. this led him to a moment of clarity with asougi, in what holmes said to him. kazuma decided that he needed to step up and use his powers for good and everyone else, not just for his own gain. he approached holmes about this, and holmes and iris as if expecting this outcome, offered to help him when it comes to both his spiderman outfit and his spiderweb wrist thingies, etc.
gina was asougi's only friend until ryuu came along. gina hates spiderman and everything he stands for, and asougi is just :Standingemoji: all the time whenever she rants because the one she resents is Literally Right in Front of Her. more importantly theyre wlw/mlm solidarity
i want spiderman kazuma to have a sword. or a way to implement his background coming from a line of samurai. that would be cool
asougi is currently a university student in yuumei studying law . with circumstances of balancing to be a hero and keeping up his grades in university, he has no friends in his general area. he also just thinks its easier to live a lonesome life than potentially getting people hurt.
in school despite his high status and prodigious state, he is seen as an initimdating figure, an outcast. he always lived as such until ryuu walked into his life, an outgoing and carefree student. kazuma didnt know why, but he had no qualms letting him in. they brought out the best in each other and have become inseperable since.
his whole family along with ryuu, his best friend, is the only one who knows. iris and sherlock makes his gadgets.
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