#im last place for bday art
8seokss · 3 months
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first place in my heart 🏆
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miku-meeku · 1 month
Ooop you had a Voltage phase~~ Now you gotta spill the games you played👀👀
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i thought these ones were kinda neat compared to the other games
also is it really playing if i dont even have money to buy the stories so i just kept reading the prologue over and over again
i mean, i did manage to read some free ones they gave out (and i think i read some stories on yt before)
anws, i won 300 coins for drawing this thing before and won 3rd place lawl (but now i lost the coins cuz voltage inc sux for making ur account get restricted if ur not active for a year smh)
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kota is my favorite if its not obvious from my very very OLD POST from when my tumblr used to be a garbage can
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my kidself is kringe (did you know kota is voiced by natsuki hanae kyaa)
also theres this game that i used to be obsessed with playing from voltage too (but they shut it down so that makes me...i hate voltage inc bro)
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bro i just realised now they shut it down a few weeks after i got into dol, thats nice ig
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anws enough of that sobbing from voltage inc being shit like usual, guess my favorite liar character
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did you know mf has the same bday as kota
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listen chat, i just think hes really neat-
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omg now i suddenly remembered, my last art of azu was from 2021 and it was this drawing w childe
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if its really not obvious during my liar phase, i was pretty obsessed with azu, i love azu sm (i would scurry thru my old books for liar arts of me and azu kyaa but id rather not cuz it was kinda kringe and id rather not die of embarrassment)
.....maybe just a lil bit..... (bro this was from 2017 good lord)
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ight i yap too much, i was gonna start yapping how i had ocs for every single voltage inc game i "played"
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you only get these three cuz im gonna be here all day if i blabber about everyone
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my forged wedding, seduced in the sleepless city, dreamy days in west tokyo
for some reason, i have a lot of aoi doodles tho
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ft other voltage inc ocs who are the same age as her (17 year old mfs)
and here u get old uncover the truth mc (aka miku, literally me) from 2021
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to her recent drip in 2023
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its just adult miku basically
ight im done fr this time, i yap too much
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lucigoo · 2 months
Weekly Roundup : 24th March - 31st March So I had a pretty productive week this week. I amanged 25,235 words this week, hitting my monthly goal of 40,000 words by writing 72,341 words all month.
Ihave also uploaded 5 things on Ao3, one a new chapter fo my HP/Hobbut crossover and 2 chapters to my corgi fic. Anyway, recs first <3
If I could give my breath away (I would) - StupidFatPenguin - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, even with having lost his memory, Thorin is so precious in hiw quikly he falls in love Bilbo.)
(s)wiped out - I_did_not_mean_to, sandwich11213 - The Hobbit - (undercurrent of Bilbo/Thorin, the Bagginshield is subtle, but beautiful, and worth the entire fic to get to it this is a work of art, both the fic and the actual art)
When Buttercups Wither Verse - In_love_with_writing002 - The Witcher (Gen, a lovely little Jaskier centric what if series. its clever, funny and cute imo)
Dear Enemy - GingerTodgers - Harry Potter (Harry/Draco, lovely little letter fic, its adorable)
Worlds separated by a garden fence. - TheCuriousCat - The Hobbit (Fem Bilbo/Thorin, one of my fave series, Durins are fae and Bilbo is BAMF!)
Where I go, will you still follow? - ghostinthelibrary - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, very suspensful read)
Now for my fics, theres a few this week so hopefully someone enjoys something <3
I want you right here, where you belong:Home with us - My 100th fic, with chapter 2. This will be a long slog fic i think, but im in love with it. Thorin has moved to "The United Kingdoms" with his friends and family. Follow his life as he ends up an unexpected father, Uncle and husband, and extends his family with wizards, witches, centaurs, goblins and, sadly, elves.
ABC's of Avoiding Bullying and Crying A cute litt kid fic one shot. All races have the same lffe span
Thorin is a big grown up 7 year old dwarf. Frerin is a little 5 year old dwarf who is usally bugging Thorin and his friends to play. So why didn't he bother them on this day, and who was he with?
A Home, A Pack, A Place of Love - Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 - I have uploaded 2 chaps of this sepcial fic that i for Razzy's bday and part of my animal Au series (which im still in love with) Bilbo is a corgi and he has become the guardian of a traumatised little corgi pup. He has to leave their cosy home and hope for the best. For him and Frodo. Hopefully he will find a ew place to call home, a new family for him and Frodo, hopefully they will thirve.
The Last Durin Princess returns home - A Dos-centric fic exploring her grief.
The Last Durin Princess returns home, but home is a tomb. A place with ghosts. With her dead borther and her dead sons. When home is no longer home, all it is is a place of pain and heart break. What is the last of her line supposed to do? How is she supposed to go on?
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chibigaia-art · 3 months
Just realized ur bday is coming up!! U got a wishlist or smth??
and with that my deadline is nearing too ghhfg help😭
hmm I guess I have my steam wishlist (currently sitting at uuh 115), but I'm honestly good on games atm??? The only one I'd really want (even if I couldn't play it immediately) is BG3, and maybe P3R? There's also Ib and Stardew valley ig!!
as for stuff that isn't games it's all over the place lmao, quick list of stuff I have wanted for a while but couldn't get, and some more recent ones:
the idv prospector plushie that has been haunting me since the day it was released (my sister was supposed to gift it to me last year but stuff happened so no dice) (I need to punch it)
artbooks: complete art of FMA, Sushio's 'The idol', The promised neverland, patiently (im dying) waiting for an announcement of ryoko kui's daydream collection to be released to the west
this SEW shirt that goes so hard it's insane
deep cut amiibos because they're cute
Marcille pop up parade,,,
Coco (my sister might be getting me that yayy), Sisi or Fufu from bonnie s2 (because I already got Meimei as a gift for myself, it should arrive here around my bday and I'm v excited about it since it will be my first bjd!! this is what happens when you watch hours of doll customization videos on youtube)
tf comic #7 (impossible)
less back pain (impossible)
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mayuichi · 6 months
“Happy birthday!„
Itto x Reader! No warnings at all!
Note: for everyone: it will not fit your personality/life since it's dedicated to that goober, and i aint sorry about it. There's no name at all for the reader, nor gender (normally) so anyone who wants can read it, but there's other names (like those of two friends), so you can just skip it if you prefer to my goober: hAPPY BDAY BESTIII!!! POOKI YOU TAKE ONE MORE YEAR! HERE THAT GIFT TO CELEBRATE THAT DAY (and also bc i have no money so its the least i can do) I HOPE YOULL ENJOY ITTT especially since you know my current condition ahukfds :( you'll directly know who are referred in that, first bc one is myself.. and you'll recognise the other DIRECTLY. LOTS OF LOVE ON YOU AND IM SURE YOULL HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!!!
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White Day 2023 art by みやも!
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The sweet cold of December hits your cheeks. Your lover had to force you to put your coat on. It's not even like you felt that cold... A jacket would've been just fine. But your boyfriend is way too caring to let you risk catching a cold.
You're on your way to your work. It isn't as exhausting as some others. You're an artist, working on commissions and your own projects. It means.. Your hands hurt pretty regularly. You could've worked just fine in your office at your house but.. You needed to dissociate personal life and work. It motivates you further, as you know once you're home, it's only to take care of him and you.
You get on the bus to lead to your workplace, your headphones on, listening to Rare Americans, Hey Sunshine to be more precise. It's your current favorite music.
You feel your phone vibrating, only to see a text from your boyfriend. “When do you finish work today?„ you think to yourself, yet mostly to enjoy your music. “I don't know, maybe around 6?„ he simply answers a OK.
He most likely asked you to know when to get home from his hangout with his friends. He told you he'd meet his gang. You have met them too, all friendly. You first thought it was because you're Itto's partner but perhaps, it was genuine.
You reach your stop, now walking to your building. You're pretty lucky, your bests friends themselves help you paying that place, also because they work there for their own commissions, despite it not being in art.
Entering the main room, you see the both of them chatting together, and you join them happily. “Hey! How have you been?„ Lysandre greets you with a bright smile, her hands behind her back. “Since when do you work during Sundays?„ Toa tilts her head.
It's true, usually you keep the weekends for yourself but... “To be honest, I'm extremely late and I need to pay the rent next month, I can't just slack off.„ you admit. Money is a good motivation...
They burst in laughter, knowing you aren't even joking right now. Then, Lysandre steps closer to you, until she wraps her arms around your chest in a gentle hug. She's the shortest of the three of you, and you're the tallest. That alone makes everything so much funnier.
“You know...„ she steps aside, looking behind to Toa. Toa leaves to the kitchen to retrieve a box from the fridge. “We wanted to give you something...„ Toa walks closer to you with the box, handing it to you.
You raise an eyebrow, taking the box to open it. Two strawberry tartlets are inside, ready to be eaten. You snap your head up, glancing at a proud standing Toa and a more shy and reserved Lysandre.
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out of your throat. You just stand there, smiling and staring at the tartlets. “Happy birthday!„ they say in sync.
“We know it's not the strawberries season but...„ Toa nudges against Lysandre, in a quiet chuckle. “My grandparents harvested a lot last summer, so they gave me some of their fruits and vegetables for me to freeze and eat when I wanted..„
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out of your throat. You just stand there, smiling and staring at the tartlets. “... Thank you.„
After putting it back in the fridge and hugging close your friends, you went to your office to work. At least now, you knew what you'd eat for dessert at lunch. And to think they baked it for you? That's really sweet of them.
You work pretty hard, staying focus, and when lunch comes, you three just chat together again. About the weather, your love life - even if you're the only one having an actual partner, Toa is too hesitant to make a move and Lys'... is just completely empty right now.
It's soon enough time for you to go home. You're the only one to leave now, but the two girls come to tell you goodnight and wish you a happy evening with Itto.
Talking about Itto.. You've been ghosting him all day long! Too focused into your work, you entirely forgot about your phone. So you look at it to see... Wait, why all the messages are either deleted or just bit of sentences?
“Itto, is everything fine?„ you hop on the bus, knowing it'll be a long drive. “Fine! I'm fine! Just busy with the boys haha!„ something seems off, but you just shake it off.
You're also a little disappointed. He didn't wished you a happy birthday at all today. Did he forgot? It wouldn't be surprising from him. But it makes you... pretty sad.
After what feels like forever, you finally arrive home, taking out your keys to open the... wait, did he left the door open?
You enter a dark room, trying to find the switch. Once you do, you close the door behind you and hang your coat and scarf. It has been a long and tiring day, but at least you have managed to work on everything you wanted.
As you're about to sit down on the sofa to relax, a shiny light picks your interest. Resting on the windowsill, you cautiously step closer. You don't remember having anything like this... But it was just a key.
Wait. Since when do you need a key for anything at home beside the front door? Yet it was way too small to be used on the front door! Inspecting each room, you try to call out for Itto, but there's no sign of him.
A sudden fear strikes you. What if someone came in? If Itto did forgot to lock the door, it could've been possible. You hurry to your office, where there is every paperworks and your computer. But on the desk, right in front of your keyboard, there's a box.
You're confused. Confused as fuck. It's locked. Hesitantly trying to unlock it with the key, you see inside a beautiful golden necklace. Carefully picking it up, there's a note. “Turn around.„
If you'd be in a horror movie, you'd know better than to turn around. But, life isn't a movie, isn't it? So you do as told.. Also because you're stupid. But luckily for you, it's only your boyfriend!
You're already pretty tall, yet he's taller.. and much stronger. He holds his arms out for you to come in, which you instantly do. “Happy birthday!„ he laughs out. “Have you done all this for me?„
You can feel him panic, as a sweatdrop runs from his temple. “Well... Kuki helped me a lot to know how to do it... I didn't wanted to be like everyone else and just hand it to you!„ he claims. That's always him. He wants to make you happy, but in a complicated way. Without Kuki, he'd probably still be stuck to finding an idea. You'll have to thank her later too.
You chuckle, feeling his muscular arms holding you tight without accidentally strangling you. You take his hand to place the necklace in. “Help me put it on, please.„ he nods. You hold your hair out if needed, feeling him try to clip it on... and failing a few times under your laughters, which makes him embarrassed.
He lets out a low growl before scooping you up and placing you on his back. He takes your coat and throw it over your face, taking his own that he doesn't put on yet. He lowers himself a little to get through the door.
He leads you to an empty park. At this hour, not many kids are outside, so it's only the two of you. He brings you down, finally wearing his coat as you do so too.
“So, where do you want to go, your highness? I'm your humble servant, for tonight only!„ he jokingly bows before you, allowing you to lead the way.
You decide to just make a runaway, have fun together and messing around until the night comes. He chases you around as you please, going to get you drinks and even food. You sit near a river to eat in silent, your head leaned against his arm.
He misses to trip a lot of time, and when he does, you mock him. Who wouldn't when they know their partner didn't got hurt? But Itto has been quick to stand back up and run to you, taking your hips to lift you and turn around rapidly. He loves to tease you whenever he can.
He just loves to prove his affection to you. You're his, he's yours, what else could matter? You'd go through any hardship together.
The night is fast to fall, and beside some cars here and there, it's empty. Having for only company each other and the street lights. But none of you care. Holding hands while taking a stroll around the city, you don't care how much it's getting colder.
The warmth of your boyfriend alone is all that is needed to keep you from freezing. You hum softly, knowing that day couldn't get any better.
He leads you to a hill, helping you climbing it before sitting on the grass. You're sitting in between his legs, his arms wrapped around your waist. You stargaze in silence, his chin resting over your head.
From time to time, you point out some stars, and when you're about to do it again, turning your head to him, he takes advantages of it to lean in and gives you a passionate kiss.
Leaving you breathless, he presses his forehead in the crook of your neck. “... I couldn't have found better than you.„ he mutters.
Your heart melts at his words. You press your hands against his, sighing in contentment. “I couldn't either. I suppose we found each other, right?„ he simply nods.
You stare at your new necklace for a few seconds, before turning your head back to him since he breathes out. “Having someone as goofy as me is the best feeling. I hope you had the best birthday I could ever give you.„
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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theharrowing · 1 year
WAIT! MOTHER!!! ASLKDJASLKDJALSFNA,SNS I HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE HORRIBLE QUESTIONS THING!!!! Instead, what if you responded to every question with a short 1-3 word answer, and then, from there, we could ask you to elaborate??????????? (Because I secretly wasn to know the answer to all of them lololol IM SORRYYYYY!!!!)
wow, this is honestly a fantastic way for me to procrastinate, so challenge accepted. i have gone ahead of answered every question on the horrible list*. if you would like elaboration on any of them, ask me about it!
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? technically, no. 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? my cat. 03: Do you regret anything? lots of things. 04: Are you insecure? often, not always. 05: What is your relationship status? taken. 06: How do you want to die? while asleep. 07: What did you last eat? cheez-its. 08: Played any sports? dance & martial arts only. 09: Do you bite your nails? no. 10: When was your last physical fight? high school. 11: Do you like someone? lots of people. 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? regrettably, yes. 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? many people. 14: Do you miss someone? many people. 15: Have any pets? 1 cat! 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? ok, tired, fine. 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? yes lol. 18: Are you scared of spiders? no! i love them. 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? yes. 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? boyfriend's car. 21: What are your plans for this weekend? friend's bday. 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? no!!!
23: Do you have piercings? How many? yes, 7. 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? english, creative writing. 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? many people. 26: What are you craving right now? attention, chinese takeout. 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? yes. 28: Have you ever been cheated on? yes. 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? yes. 30: What’s irritating you right now? hunger pangs, indigestion. 31: Does somebody love you? i hope so! 32: What is your favourite color? all; can't pick. 33: Do you have trust issues? oh, yeah. 34: Who/what was your last dream about? can't remember. 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? boyfriend, probably. 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? nope! 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? forget lol. 38: Is this year the best year of your life? nope! 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 12, maybe. 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? yes! 51: Favourite food? ramen, curry, tacos. 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? nope! 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? thought about yoongi. 54: Is cheating ever okay? no. (...unless...) 55: Are you mean? yes. 56: How many people have you fist fought? one. 57: Do you believe in true love? no. 58: Favourite weather? snow. 59: Do you like the snow? MY FAVORITE. 60: Do you wanna get married? i don't care. 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? maybe. 62: What makes you happy? lots of things! 63: Would you change your name? yes. 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no. 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? kiss them. 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yes. 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? idk. 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? idk. 69: Do you believe in soulmates? nope! 70: Is there anyone you would die for? probably not.
*for some reason i can't link back to the original post, only a reblog.
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sodomitecastiel · 2 years
tagged by @daalcurrynatural my beloved ❤️
name: nathaniel
star sign: leo
time: seven pm
bday: august 8
favorite bands/artists: josh ritter, peter mulvey, mcr, against me!
last movie: pride and prejudice 2005 💓
last show: spn. but im about to watch the exorcist :^)
when did you create this blog: december 2020 when it sank in that the mania was not going to fade lol
what do you post: dean and cas hole. jewishly
last thing you googled: i really am a grownup because it was a google search for what parking app my city uses for commuters leaving their cars at the train lot -____-
other blogs: main is @lotshusband, star trek/star wars is @rabbispock, poetry is @nathanielorion, and if we are mutuals you can ask for my vent :)
do you get asks?: every day! some i answer privately, some i post, some i forget about for months, all are deeply appreciated ❤️
following: two hundred something
average hours of sleep: 6-7
instruments: guitar and singing and occasionally a little keyboard
what you’re wearing: big shirt no pants soft boxers
dream job: resident poet patroned by some rich appreciator of the arts who thinks i am sooooo beautiful and charming
dream trip: the place doesn’t matter much i just wanna go with loved ones & experience new things
nationality: american of the west coast breed
favorite song: godsend by trebuchet / trempealeau by peter mulvey / galahad by josh ritter
last book you read: the sirens of titan by kurt vonnegut 🧍‍♂️
currently reading: devil house by john darnielle and loving it
top three fictional universes: the expanse (extremely realistic sci fun futurism that never veers nihilistic despite horrific circumstances!), big eden (small town america with all the folksy charm advertised, except homophobia doesn’t exist as a concept), stardew valley (because you can go to a wizard who is your stoner buddy and have him trans your gender as many times as you want, as long as you snoop on his ex for him)
tagging @thegreening and @deanhoney and @castielcommunism if any of you are in the mood :-)
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scottstiles · 2 years
i was tagged by @agentplant thank you kate!! i too love sharing random information about myself ;lskdfjg;ksdfg
favorite time of year: spring but like only once the snow is fully gone from the streets. that tiny week or two before it gets hot XD
comfort food: breaddd
favorite dessert: im not a big dessert person but if i have to choose something in a restaurant i love creme brulle and lemon meringue stuff, or apple pie and its variants
things you collect: hmm idk if this counts but i have a collection of kippot (aka yarmulkes aka little jewish hats) from the bar and bat mitzvah students ive taught over the years that i’ve always wanted to turn into art a la cullen family graduating cap installation piece lkdsfgkjsdhfgkj my dad would say i collect coke cans but i do not im just too lazy to bring them back to the store
favorite drink: i drink coke the way all the self care posts tell you to drink water :// (see above)
favorite musician/band: oy. The question. XD
last song I listened to: i turned on the stingray channel for a couple minutes today and it was some cover by monowhales of the hand that feeds by nine inch nails it was wild my brain got so confuzzed
last movie watched: ooh good question thank you I FINALLY watched the new jurassic park movie with my friend on his bday we had to take a break from 90 day fiance marathons XD i actually liked it!!! was happy to see so much of the og cast
last series watched: oh. well. i mean i rewatch heartstopper like every couple days so ;ldksfgljshdfgkjfdg but the last ep of something i watched was one of the new svu eps ive been catching up on (rollins makin me feel old by god shes too relatable its not sustainable shes gonna leave the show and im gonna cry for a year about it)
currently watching: friends the one where monica sings .. joeys eyebrows right now i just ;ldksfgjkdfsjg im not really watching its just on. somethings always on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
current obsession: hmm. see 2 questions ago XD
dream place to visit: OH ive only mentioned this briefly but was recently thinkin about nz again and middle earth *sighs in nerd* kate im so jealous l;dfjgkdfshg
places you wanna go back to: i left my soul in new york city and wouldn’t mind seeing it again
something you want: oh. just everything :((
currently working on: life. ahaha.
tagging a few friends don’t feel like you have to <333 @braedenhales​ @oscar-piastri​ @evanbukley​ @archivistsammy​ @becauseofthebowties​ @hellhazers​
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ramen-lord-baku · 2 years
sorry im posting a lot today but the FUNNIEST SHIT JUST HAPPENED. Some guy on twitter had the audacity to come to me and ask me to commission THEM?? LMFAOAOAO ON MY BDAY NONETHELESS
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i am BAFFLED, it started like "omg its my bday theyre asking if they can do fanart as a gift " and then the last question hit me and i 💀
I understand wanting to get hired, but directly going to people who never asked for it in the first place is rude, pushy and innappropriate. Post your art & prices where they can be seen, get known a bit, and you'll get commed. If not, go improve your art and practice. This person is just as good as those guys who harass you on the streets to sell their shit.
EDIT: Pro-tip, if someone is actually actively looking for an artist to commission, dont dm them with just " hi " like this person did or " i am willing ". You don't need something elaborate, but give your prices/site, and SAMPLES. Present yourself, be cordial and go straight to the point.
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wanderrlust0 · 6 months
i hung out with snow and 2 of their friends for their bday (2 dozen anni celebration) and it was a lot of fun!
we got to the city around 3:15 and walked to ktown. we went to this bakery they all usually go to and they had so many tasty treats, i wanted to try them all! i got a strawberry bouchee & snow got us this strawberry refresher thats kind of carbonated but it was good! it had pieces of strawberries in it so it was cute. then we walked to kinokuniya which is this huge japanese store filled with books,magazines,manga, stationery, plushies,toys,collectables, &moreeee. it had 3 stories!!! there was soo much to look at & i def wanna go back!! i told the bestie about it & she wants to go! (i didnt realize how close it was to bryant park as well. like i totally wouldve went there last time i was in bryant park if i knewww.) we were in there for like an hr. i bought a spirited away japanese book & a cute pop up holiday card for myself bc i liked the art. i wanted a small spirited away book but they only had the big one and the book that shows miyazakis sketches. i feel like i shouldve just gotten that one, even tho it was more money..maybe on my next trip. afterwards, we went to muji, then the nintendo store. so snows friends are very much gamers. well, they allll are lol & theyre into kpop, conventions, etc so theyre quite diff from my friend group but they were very nice! & they were already talking about stuff like how i have to see their friends room bc she has cool things and how they’ll force me & snow to watch the live action.. demon slayer mugen train musical…lolll yes that. we then went backkk to ktown to eat at abiko curry, which is a spot they go to a lot. it was my first time trying it and omg it was sooo good, i ate it all. ive never had korean curry so i thought it was so cool that i could add a pork chop to it and it was crispy! it was so satisfying lol it was like our first real meal of the day at 8:30. im gonna be thinking about that curry for a whilee. afterwards, we were gonna go to this place called starbucks reserve, which is like a very fancy coffee shop/bar, but we realized we wouldnt have enough time so were saving it for some other time. we got gelato that was nearby and they had such cool flavors!! lychee, guava, plum.. i got a scoop of ube and thai iced tea and they went perfect together omg i want it again. i didnt know how thai iced tea gelato would taste but it tasted exactlyyy like the drink so it was so refreshing after our curry meal. after gelato we went back to the bakery to pick up things we wanted to take home with us. we didnt get on the train until 10:30 so we got home later than i thought & i was soso tired the next morning bc i had to wake up early but it was worth it lol. oh yeah! i forgot to mention but i gave snow their bday gift & card in the car so they opened the gift before we walked to the train station and !!! they loved it so much they criedddd D; it was sweet and also shocking and funny bc like!! i didnt mean to make you cry omggg loll for context, the gift was a framed drawing i made of inumaki from jujutsu kaisen and so they said thats its literally the best gift theyve ever gotten, mostly due to it being handmade and i was like WhaTttt no wayyy. the best gift youve ever gotten?!? they knew i was gonna draw something already bc they didnt want me to buy a gift & wanted something handmade like my art but ofc they didnt know what id draw & didnt really expect me to draw Him. they saved the card for our train ride home bc when they first opened it in the car & saw so many words they couldnt read it yet lol. when snow was on their way to my house they realized they forgot my gift (for my bday) and i was like MY Gift!!?! i really dont know what it could even be… it was fun spending time with them and i feel like its a nice change to hangout with a different friend group. idk like something about it feels fun and refreshing & just different. ofc it depends how comfortable i feel with everyone. but yeahhh, it was a good day & i got to try a lot of yummi foods
(my bracelet fell off and idk where it went:(( it could be somewhere in my room or my bfs room.. i dont believe it fell off at work.. or the shower..but i dont wanna think about thatD: it wasnt really a sentimental one i guess.. but it was like a good bracelet..& old.. &cute:( im hoping it shows uppppp!!!!)
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ess-presso · 1 year
hi ess! <3 im back🕺
ur so right the universe ships wolfstar. i also saw regulus when stargazing but he was too far away from sirius to be in the picture💔 one day reg, one day.
ALSO happy late lily evans day <3 cant believe i missed her bday. rip lily u wouldve loved taylor swift❤️
tay time! mr perfectly fine, message in a bottle, & last kiss <3
chat time!
i dont think i could force myself to sit through dwd, ive learned enough abt it via osmosis and thats enough for me tbh.
THEY SERIOUSLY DO TAKE PICS OF TREES AND CLOUDS!! it baffles me. like sure maybe the clouds looked particularly nice and i understand that canada has some big ass trees but be fr. also i swear someone was taking a pic of a fucking pigeon once.
ur so right id also lose my mind over a red sock in my laundry. i think thatd be the final straw for me.
i think i have to agree ben barnes' smile in podg is very sirius. dorian gray IS sirius in the same way paul from dune is reg. no joke i almost called paul regulus to my dad the other day. not my finest moment❤️
godspeed on ur exam, u got this💪 drunk procrastinators never lose.
I DID SEE THAT VIDEO OF THE PERSON BITING THE TERRYS ORANGE!! i swear ive never been so mad before. also toblerone def is an essential drunk snack for sure.
that moment sounds so sweet, and it was raining too????? thats literally perfect. no matter how hard i could try i know liv would never dance to jazz w me. definitely considering revoking her best friend status right about now. but its fine because i know shed dance w me to taylor and 1d so that makes up for it <3
geoguessr can be so hard sometimes especially when its in america. like i swear unless its a city with signs i can never get it. like how am i supposed to know that this big ass field was kentucky and not fucking iowa.
L best friends for the win!!!!!! but ur right they lucked out too cause we're incredibly cool so good for them<3
maybe one day my negative rizz will pay off but ur right. until then i'll kick back with my wine & books & fanfics cause thats all i need in life. & damn cursing victoria to fail her exams, u know what thats so valid she deserves it.
likeafunerall's art is SO GOOD. so good. im obsessed with her character designs theyre just so perfect. and omg yes u should totally put them up on ur wall itll look so good. AND YES I SAW THE SOLDIER POET KING ART!!! its so good i cant. likeafunerall never misses.
I SAW THAT APPLETV AD YESTERDAY! i was freaking out like i swear appletv is doing this on purpose.
work song is simply so good. id KILL to see hozier live and for him to perform that song.
if i talk to caesar ill let u know. he was stabbed ~23 times so id say thats on par with a jesus style betrayal (esp since brutus was his close friend) rip julius i do hope u got a lil kiss before they maimed u<3
is alex turner psychic??? thats so funny.
omg not the famous 1975 concert featuring taylor swift.....id be utterly heartbroken. and right?? harry canada exists too u know..... i had tickets to love on tour before covid but then it was cancelled and then he fully REMOVED THE SHOW when he started touring again and now the closest one is in america. sorry harry but i dont love u enough to go to america.
dressing in red and gold is so gryffindor of u. i wear a lot of green so that tracks ig.
dw cruel summer will forever be my fav scream-at-the-top-of-ur-lungs song. its just perfect. dbm simply isnt that kind of song.
omg only ch2 of cr.... i am praying for u . but dont worry its SO good. like yes its heartbreaking but so worth it. i honestly miss the earlier chapters everything was so simple </3
rome is definitely the city of piss and gladiators. i guess not much has changed since antiquity !!
when people are blocking the hall and im just done with them i usually take it upon myself to barrel through them or give them dirty looks (sorry people but i have places to be MOVEW PLEASE)
two middle names is so cool u have options. u can change it up whenever u want u know.
UNCLE MOONY :((((((((
winter <3 and yes i hate when people call it fall. like autumn is such a pretty word. fall is literally so lame . so many people call it fall here and i hate it. its autumn!!!!!!! >:(
good luck on ur chem exam !! telepathically sending all my academic energy to u rn. dont forget to channel the patron saint of academic achievement, remus lupin. AND FUCK PHYSICS!!!!!
coins are so cool. i have one from Iran from 1950 that i got in my change from kfc and its so cool. and a paddington coin??? omg thats so cute.
unicorns and phoenixes are so cool fr. & u know who to call if u ever get bit by a basilisk!
bookstore dates are ideal fr. but only if the other person likes books (but also red flag if they dont......i am not wasting my time on someone who doesnt like books)
stealing money from the bank in monopoly is so real. i used to bribe the banker whenever i got desperate and it never ended well. and yes learn chess!! its so fun and it makes u feel smart.
yes van gogh recreations! she is so cool tbh. now if only i inherited even an ounce of her artistic ability and maybe id be satisfied. and cafe terrace at night is just so pretty. so peaceful and serene. i can imagine quiet jazz playing in the street while u look up at the stars. its so pretty.
OH NOOO sorry abt ur bio exam☹️ (<-girl what the hell is that i justwanted to use an emoji.....anyways) hope ur chem exam goes better!! & bakery + taylor is very good combo. proven to cure all ails.
and omg ur so right. picking out books for each other and then annotating them??? that is SO CUTE!!!!! SO CUTE! u get me.
hozier is completely in my bones too he lives there. i wanna get a hozier tattoo someday too he consumes me fr.
i love being a sports anti!! (badminton ur on thin fucking ice. )
yes proud italian over here🇮🇹💪 i love pasta sm. and omg portuguese?? thats so cool. ive always wanted to visit portugal. ive never actually had portuguese food & i really wanna try it now.
reg is SUCH a black cat. & james absolutely sings horribly in the shower and everyone is so tired of him. sirius prob does too but remus secretly loves it <3 jily night owl-early bird has my heart fr. also the james never getting hungover hc is so funny like Yes. he would get blackout drunk and then wake up at the asscrack of dawn the next day for quidditch practice, thank u.
dorlene forever. sorry peter but those women are gay. and idk how to feel abt reg/remus. ig if its written well its not bad but it feels almost wrong. at least their ship name (moonwater i think) is kinda cute.
i agree the patronuses are quite slytherin but def also ravenclaw (i have gotten ravenclaw multiple times when i take the test so ig thats my secondary house)
luna <3 shes just so cool and i love her funky sense of style.
yes dairy queen is ice cream! but also burgers and stuff too. but theyre known for their ice cream which is so good. if u ever visit north america i recommend.
omg barrs cream soda!!!! ive had that before from a lil british food shop i found & it was so good. better than canadian cream soda for sure.
q review:
this is me trying is so real. burnt out gifted kid syndrome hits like a truck.
omg a black swan that is so cool!! mysterious and shit fr.
my tears ricochet is such a good choice (& cruel summer) it hits every damn time.
ooo shapeshifting very good choice. just think of all the places u could get into by shapeshifting, celeb a-list parties?? the oscars?? buckingham palace?? ur set for life.
messy is so valid & i hate losing socks so mcuh like actually where the fuck did they go.
omg SMARTIES!!!!! i love smarties so much. they dont have them in america and i pity them. jaffa cakes are so good too.
shakespeare is such a good choice hes so cool. to meet The genius himself would be a dream.
work song FOREVERRRR
i love these hype songs. excellent hype vibes.
SNOW!! i love making snowmen sm. its actually snowing here as i type. idk what happened to the 10degree weather but yeah.
lady macbeth and macbeth !!!!! i love this. and omg i was OBSESSED with it in 2017 like OBSESSED. lemme try and guess who's who here.....u have said lu was taller than u so were u georgie? hoping im right.
answering qs:
fuck marlene, marry lily, kill pandora. i love pandora so much but i cant pass up an opportunity with marlene. sorry pandora <3
fuck reg, marry evan, kill barty. i think im too similar to reg to wanna marry him (although he is very wealthy.....) & evan seems like good marriage material so. also killing barty bc its funny.
what i like to spend my money on: mostly clothes and jewelry. and candles sometimes. omg and books how could i forget!!
inside joke with liv: we've got this dumb little handshake we've had since literally forever that we call the bunnyfish (long story, idek how to begin explaining it) im the bunny shes the fish. ive been trying to convince her to get matching bunny and fish tattoos FOREVER but to no success. ill get there someday!!
weird fear: maybe more of an irrational fear but i cannot lean against car doors while theyre moving cause what if it opens and i fall out on to the road and die. like what if. it plagues my life fr.
weirdest dare ive ever done: tbh i cant even remember. i usually pick truth cause my friends can be EVIL and i will not subject myself to their dares. they're never creative enough with their truth questions so its always something dumb like "darkest secret" or "who do u like"
worst impulse buy: luckily nothing huge, but i impulse buy random shit like nail polish or lipstick all the time. i have yet to buy something i fully regret but im sure the day will come!
fav quote ever: AHH okay this is such a good question. my absolute fav is from anne carson's an oresteia:
“Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
something about someone wanting to take care of u even when ur at ur worst just KILLS ME. RIPS me apart.
9. fav quote from a fic: this is a basic answer but i really love that line in atyd about james having an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it. just <3 yes. i love that man so much. theres also a bunch of lines in just lovers by zar that are taken from little women that just kill me every time i read.
10. ever met a celeb: ive never spoken to any but i DID walk past seth rogen like a month ago. and i saw john mulaney with olivia munn over this past summer too it was jarring.
11. fav snack: theres this snack mix i love called humpty dumpty party mix and its SO good. (the cheese one specifically) its got mini pretzels and doritos and puffy cheetos and crunchy cheetos and these little cheesy hoop things in it and its delicious.
12. crush on anyone: (dw ur good i dont mind!) not atm! i think my standards are too high bc of fictional characters and celebs so people irl always pale in comparison. like if ur not james potter or lily evans or sirius black im not wasting my time its simple.
13. who knows me best: definitely liv. she is as much a part of me as i am of her and we can read each others minds. also my dad, im almost a carbon copy of him cause we have the same interests and sense of humour .
14. lover vs getaway car: lover. the hopeless romantic in me had to. i love getaway car but its gonna have to be lover <3
15. all time favourite moment: visiting italy and greece was a dream come true cause ive always wanted to visit since i was a little kid. since it was a school trip i was with my friends and liv ofc and i had the time of my life. seeing the parthenon irl and the colosseum in rome changed the trajectory of my life fr.
16. fav moment with liv: ive got many but one specific one thats really special to me was when i came out to her & fine line by harry styles was playing & she almost crashed the car cause she was crying (WITH HAPPINESS LOL) it was very funny. that song has a special place in my heart bc of that <3 i also love when we go for late night drives and blast music. or when when we go to the beach at sunset with a bottle of wine>>>
17. r(egg) vs r(edge): im a r(redge) truther idc. i know his name is rEGulus but i am Not calling him r(egg) it sounds like EGG!!!!! r(edge) forever.
18. languages: sadly english is the only one i fluently speak. i know some italian but im not fluent (i blame my dad, whos literally from italy but didnt fucking teach me his language. wtf man) i also know some spanish and very very minimal french. i can read basic norwegian as well(i was obsessed with SKAM in 2015 so i had to learn some) BUT in terms of reading, i can read ancient greek and a bit of latin. also aurebesh which is a writing system from star wars (massive fucking nerd alert)
qs for u!
fuck marry kill evan reg barty
fuck marry kill pandora lily marlene
how many languages do u speak?
fav gemstone/crystal/stone?
have u watched the new last of us show? (if u havent u should its SO good)
sea, forest, or mountains?
what was ur dream job when u were a kid?
whats a topic u could talk for hours about?
celeb crush(es)?
spotify or apple music? (or other if u dont use these)
fav constellation?
fav memory with lu?
whats one food u have always wanted to try?
thats all for now! if u see this before u take ur exam GOOD LUCK!!!! u got this. if u see this after i hope it went well. either way remus would be proud <3
bee beee beeeeeee !!!! <33333
“too far away from sirius to be in the picture.” fuck fuck fuck this is the cause of my DEATH. i died and this is why. (pls one day catch them in a pic together. one of us shall do this. new mission.)
I KNOW HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST MILF EVER <33333 (did you see theinvisiblemuseum’s fanart of lily ???? it’s so fucking good ???) & you’re right she would’ve so loved taylor swift (can imagine her dancing to lover with james)
tay tay <333
mr perfectly fine - JEGULUS - this song is fucking jegulus after they break up and regulus is all ‘you promised. you promised. you promised’ ‘Mr. "Leaves me all alone, " I fall apart// It takes everything in me just to get up each day’ IT’S LITERALLY HIMMMM. he left and regulus fucking shattered this is the TRUTH.
message in a bottle - JEGULUS - i’m thinking a celebrity au jegulus where they like date secretly or james is a fanboy then gets famous and reg writes a track for James’s movie (??? fic idea alert) AND I’M SO YES. THE MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE IS SUCH A REGULUS THING TO DO , TOO . (mr rab in a locket)
last kiss - JEGULUS / WOLFSTAR - this matches perfectly for both of them - except more wolfstar because in canon i think reg would’ve definitely known that they’d have a last kiss. and remus was the one who would’ve trusted him and all that shit. (and hello?? remus would so fuckin dance for sirius this is canon?? and wear his clothes after he’s in azkaban . )
fic rec for u (did i forget last time ?? i will not do this again , ‘tis a crime) - pink lemonade by moonysbookshelff (ft jegulus wolfstar rosekiller , with ace evan , and a happy ending , and also it’s a celeb au!!)
chatting !!!!
no because i’ve heard far too much of harry’s englishman accent when he’s yelling in some speech to sit through 2hrs of that shit.
“kids look this is a souvenir pic i took many years ago from my trip to london , the city of fashion & vibes.” “that’s a fucking pigeon mom.” (not a fucking pigeon why the fucking pigeon. no please no.)
but tbh pink is my favourite colour …. but i have too many shirts and trousers that i’d lose my mind to see as pink. so no thanks , no red socks today!!
YES OMG !!! podg ben barnes = sirius & dune tim = regulus !!!! this is canon major fucking canon !!!!!!!!! (it’s the smile and the facial expressions.) AND CALLING PAUL REGULUS THAT’S A CLOSE ONE . they might’ve found out the depths of your insanity then !!
yes yes godspeed but i did medium well on it. like everyone’s yapping on about the last q on the exam which they got like ‘4.35’ and i got 190 so idk. that’s like 2 marks i lost right then and there!!!
that lady should be arrested for war crimes. it was madness i tell you, MADNESS.
taylor and 1D over jazz , but you gotta try the jazz thing at least once. at least. it feels surreal, i’m telling you. this liz sounds so fucking cool high five to us dude we won the lottery of best friends.
wdym you didn’t know it was kentucky??? was there not a fucking colonel sanders standing right there ??? COLONEL SANDERS FOR THE WIN (i love kfc!) . this what i’m saying all fields look the same i can’t fuckin differentiate.
L & E // L & B —- > best motherfucking friends you will ever find ever. got the ‘married by 40’ pact with my dude too.
wine & books & fanfic > actual romantic satisfaction. alwaysssss. (i do not like her anymore. she’s consdescending as fuck. what the fuck do u mean ‘can’t believe u dk what a processor blah blah computer shit thingy is ??’ BITCH CAN U TELL ME WHAT A FUCKING KETONE IS ???? i thought not.)
i’m so obsessed with likeafuneralls art. she’s drawn the first art of xenophilius lovegood i’ve ever seen and looking at it i was like ‘damn now i understand how pandora got locked down.’ ALRIGHT OKAY THEY’LL GO UP ON MY WALLS NOW. (you’re literally so right likeafunerall literally never misses her art is fucking ETHEREAL.)
IK IK THEY ARE . ESPECIALLY THE TIMMY AND GARY OLDMAN THING I WAS LIKE ‘SIRIUS AND REG SIRIUSANDREG.’ this like when andrew and ben barnes met (have u seen that photo pls say yes it’s life changing as fuck.)
me too i really want to go to a fuckin hozier concert i rlly think my life would be changed. like it would be.
on a slightly related note- have u seen the jesusxjudas edits??? they’re fr making me all emotional like damn jesus knew and he was all ‘fine I sacrifice myself if u kiss me u lil bitch’ . & yes i hope brutus gave him a little eye contact at the very least. like something intense.
HE IS PSYCHIC. I swear it. i love it.
i was so fuckin heartbroken it was unreal and my heart was a bunch of tosh for like three days. harry thinks only usa exists . like hello??? what abt canada ?? AHAT ABOUT YOUR ROOTS??? ENGLAND ??? LONDON??? MANCHESTER??? I don’t care about u enough to go to the usa for u (i’d only do that for ZAYN.)
we dress like our houses as we should (currently in red pjs because it’s 9:00am and my exam is at 1:30 so i don’t have to leave until like 12:30.)
cruel summer just fuckin hits right yk??? it just does it’s like i ascend to heaven . ( ‘GRINNING LIKE A DEVIL’ is my national anthem fr)
😀😀😀😀 i’m very scared now ! very ! but i shall power through because i am no stranger to pain! yay!
piss & gladiators ong. that’s such a funny sentence though fr ‘piss and gladiators’ .
next time i’ll deck them in their motherfuckin faces. not kidding. was nearly late to my exam because of them. but I’ll just give them detention because as a higher-up , i can do that! so very good!! college student gives the lil bitches in the corridors detention !! more at 7!
yessss i can switch it up. when i get lu to pick me up and i’m taking a lil too long to get ready he just full names me and i’m THERE. but ess is good for me honestly it’s all smooth and stuff.
UNCLE MOONY :((((( (*sobs*)
IT’S AUTUMN. AUTUMN . this is truth. nothing else is true but this. (winter is bae.)
AHHHHH THANK U SM !!!!!! I AM GRACIOUSLY ACCEPTING THIS ENERGY OH MY GODDDD. i will challenge mr lupin through myself i will. (fuck physics !!)
just be loyal to dumpydumpster and fawkes will come through !!! (unicorns & phoenixes 5ever!!)
nah this is so real of u don’t waste ur time on non-book lovers book lovers only pls and thank u everyone else fuck off you aren’t good enough.
stealing money from the bank yesssss. hut unfortunately lu is the banker and he’s just as competitive so he will not budge AT. ALL. all right this friday i’m getting lu to teach me that’s it.
cafe terrace at night walk by with your bf/gf and hold their hand and ahhh melttttt . And jazz would so be a part of this experience i agree !!!
I AM ALSO SORRY ABOUT MY BIO EXAM. but i put something down for every q and that’s a fuckin achievement. honestly . the brownie was vv good plus a walk and taylor , solved so many of my problems honestly.
WE GOTTA FIND SOMEONE TO DO THIS WITH ISTG. annotating books with shi like ‘you’d do this’ making me cry and that.
hozier is me. i is him. we are one. imagine having a song written about u by hozier. like i’d straight up keel over and DIE.
Sports suck !! (badminton and sometimes cricket watching me . and also lu. )
AHAHA ITALIAN YESSSS. portugal is fucking amazing . there’s a little church up in portugal (sanctuary of out lady fatima) and it’s my peace place honestly . feeling so much less worry when i’m there. if u go to portugal that is a must!!! AND so is algarve. algarve is also home <333 I miss it now :) THE FOOD IS AMAZING , YESSS!!! you must try pastel de nata !!! (egg custard tarts!!!) i really love them they’re so fucking good.
REG AS A BLACK CAT IS THE ONLY HC THAT MATTERS HONESTLY. I love it so so much. and james as a horrible shower singer ???? canon fr. (i adore jily night owl/early bird so fucking much it’s like a release i adore it so much they had that for a little while at least!) JAMES HAS MAGICAL POWERS FR FR !!!! i wish i had them too damn me with headaches and shit.
yes they’re lesbians if i’ve ever seen them. and moonWATER???? that’s fucking HARSH ??? (i’d read a oneshot maybe. maybe.)
my secondary house is slytherin !!! and oh my god that’s literally so cool i just have the one patronus!!
luna luna luna i’m just as sane as her she gets me fr.
I’m literally so jealous of so many American restaurants. i want dairy queen now damn. if i ever come there i will go to dairy queen and i’m very excited for that.
barrs cream soda is literally bae it’s so good (though it used to be 39p and now it’s 59p ???? rip off asf but i’d still buy it )
i’m an ex-gifted kid now try-hard
mtr kills me . i’m in a battlefield every time i hear that song fr. (cruel summer is a close second <33)
one second i am timmy tim at the oscars next i am one of the queen’s corgis!!!!! the opportunities are endless
they went into the fucking vacuum of the earth or something where else WHY DOES IT HAPPEN. WHY DO YOU GO. STAY???
smarties and jaffa cakes >>> shitty american chocolate
it would be a dream. I have so many questions and he’s the only one who could ever answer that.
work song. work song. work song.
it’s SNOWING??? lucky asf tell me if it’s enough for a snowman at the very least.
WE THOUGHT WE WERE SO SMART BECAUSE WE KNOW MACBETH BY HEART having studied it and all!! (AND I KNEW YOU’D GUESS THAT. i was it & he was georgie and that’s what was so funny because he’s taller so him wearing a yellow raincoat and with the red balloon and stuff it was so funny. and i was the creepy fucking clown but he was still funnier because imagine a tall blonde georgie like DAMN. )
reviewing q’s -
marlene would treat you right. I just know she would.
marry him for the money!!! marrying evan is a good choice too though (killing barty for the win!!!)
clothes and books and candles and jewellery YESSS GIRL AS YOU SHOULD JAZZ YOURSELF UP.
liv better step up and get that tattoo. you guys are the bunnyfish it’s practically illegal not to get that tattoo.
no same honestly i’m a second away from my death i could be rolling on the ground and die in a few second fr you’re so valid for this.
picking truth forever yessss >>>> (i’ve picked dare but i’m playing with lu so it’s always stuff like ‘i dare u to eat a spoonful of ketchup’ like damb boy you can do better.)
i buy nail polish and lipstick from poundland and primark all the time. literally it’s an addiction because i think buying them for a pound is a good deal . but then i buy like 20 of them and suddenly i’m a hoarder. (special mention to my buys of the royal butter and the toblerone!)
THIS QUOTE. OH MY GOD THIS QUOTE THIS QUOTE . killing me opening me helaing me and killing me. someone loving u like this is all u fucking need fr >>>
james potter has an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match. mskingbean knew what she was doing fr . I LIVE FOR LITTLE WOMEN REFERENCES IN FICS OMG I’M ACTUALLY WRITING ONE AS WE SPEAK.
i’ve never met a celebrity so that’s annoying. wlaking past seth rogen??? so casually??? i’d be screaming and stuff. seeing john mulaney and olivia munn must be jarring actually. i’m jarred rn. like wdym they sit around eating lunch like me??
this sounds so funny ‘humpty dumpty party mix’ dying dead. but also i want to eat it sounds really fucking good and such a range of cuisine in there seriously.
no this is so real of u. I don’t crush on anyone except for fictional characters who real humans will never ever live up to.
ahhhhhhhhh liv knowing you bestttt that’s peak platonic soulmatism!!!! (your dad sounds so cool 2 fr) i get that sm because lu knows me best and that’s honestly peak knowing someone that well .
lover’s my first dance song, but it depends on what mood i’m in. sometimes i need to feel like a criminal, and at that point it’s getaway car. but rn it’s lover. in a very lover mood atm.
coming out while driving yesssss because they have to keep driving. (And to Harry styles??? double cool??) for me it was lu that figured it out . he was like damn you a bisexual. (obviously more deep but this is very much the gist of it) LONG DRIVES WITH MUSIC AND WINE AND SUNSET OH MY GODDDDDDD . DREAM.
u chose the right answer. like idc as a brit , which is where regulus is from , i say r(edge) so it’s redge. DONE. (although if anyone else says it it doesn’t matter ALL that much. )
listen i watched friends and i think ‘va fa a napoli’ is a swear ??? confirmation pls ??? I TRIED TO LEARN SWEDISH FOR THIS EXACT REASON OMG. because i was obsessed with young royals but i only did one lesson. my brain said no! i did 6 years of french , have a french fluent best friend and still can’t speak it properly. such a pain honestly. (that’s such a cute lil nerdy thing to do tho damn girl u get that excited???? go learn your star wars language YES DO IT!!!) (AHHH U CAN READ ANCIENT GREEK ??? MA’AM THAT’S SO COOL.)
q’s for me —->
fuck evan marry reg kill barty. i am a gold digger. that’s all. and barty because he did stuff to alive and frank and if it comes to choosing i shall bring that up unfortunately .
marry lily fuck marlene kill pandora (sorry pandora sorry u don’t deserve it) lily evans is WIFEY. she is wife she is mother i am hers and she is mine. love her.
My time to shine as a polyglot.
i am fluent in all of the above but i also speak punjabi a lil and also know braille english , but apparently that’s not a language so i can’t use it.
4. topaz cool as shit. so topaz , but also obsidian and amethyst (birthstone alert!!)
5. i have not ! however I saw a quote of it on my dash (‘you were my purpose’) so now i will watch it !! very excited for it !!!
6. forest. could be lovely there with picnics and shit. i’ve had a forest picnic and i’ve been fine so forest. not sea because i won’t betray reg , and not mountains because i cannot climb !!!
7. weirdly enough a hairdresser 💀💀💀 wtf was up in my head??? i used to think the cutting and dyeing hair was so cool and i really wanted to do it until i was like 9. then i got some sense knocked into me.
8. cancer 💀💀i did my epq (which is like a dissertation of sorts) on this and i still remember everything and honestly it’s so sad and so much but i could talk about it for ages. BUT ON A HAPPIER NOTE !!! I COULD TALK ABOUT PLATONIC SOULMATISM FOR HOURS !!!!!! HOW A FRIEND LIEK THAT IS SO SO IMPORTANT THAN HAVING A BILLION FRIENDS WHO WON’T EVEN KNOWN YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR !!!!
9. timothée chalamet & louis partridge ( i love timmy for obvious reasons & i could so treat louis better than his grandma ass girlfriend come here bb) ALSO FLORENCE AND ZENDAYA (but I don’t want tom to bite my thumb off for simping after his gf)
10.APPLE MUSIC !!!!! APPLE MUSIC FOREVER AND EVER ARE YOU KIDDING ???? dolby atmos just does somrthing to my ears.
11.canis major !!! very sirius of me but canis major !!! love it and i can tell which star is sirius right away. but draco is a close second !!!
12.well u know about the dancing jazz . so i’ll pick another one (hard to choose damn) i took him with me to a wedding as my date (fake of course because of the family asking do u have a bf yet do u have a bf yet) and he was the white boy there and he was wearing a tux and he was so innocent and everything he ate was so spicy he nearly cried but he powered through and when he came out on the dance floor he DID THE DANCE BETTER THAN ME???? how dare he??????? and he was so nice to all my family who kept calling him ‘gora’ (white boy) even though he fully knew what that meant . like he did all that and he bought a toaster to gift to them as well. it was something else and i will always remember that. BUT ALSO I HAVE ANOTHER WEDDING COMING UP SOON (start of march) AND I’M TAKING HIM AS MY FAKE DATE AGAIN !!!! hoping he’s built his spice tolerance up , but i shall update u soon on whether he has or not.
13. i really fucking want wingstop. like so badly. I would fly to the us for that shit i just WANT ONE CHOMP ON THAT STUFF. it looks so fucking good and life changing like damn come in my mouth bb. And also birria tacos. i need to try that asap it looks so good i could cry.
q’s for u -
something u could talk about for hours?
worst advice you’ve ever given?
worst advice you’ve ever taken?
if u were a periodic table element which one would u be ?
what’s your undercover spy name ?
do you prefer savoury or sweet?
Who’s your favourite friend (from the tv show)?
3 wishes ??
how long are u surviving in a zombie apocalypse?
favourite stone ?
fave constellation ?
weirdest dream ?
worst dream?
best dream ?
timothée chalamet or ben barnes ?
things u eat at the movies ?
last text you sent?
last text you got ?
phone calls or text messages ?
what greek tragedy hero are u ? (this is a quiz & i got orpheus !)
And what’s your favourite meme ? I must know this?
(beeeeee beeee thank u for being such a lovely human !!! come back soon !!! i will miss u and i’m seeing this before the exam , so i’m chanelling all my remus Lupin energy into this. thank u for the luck , i wish u luck in life <3333 come back soon dont be too long !!! )
0 notes
judaru · 6 years
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ficsforeren · 3 years
🐇 anon back in!
im not sure if you’re doing requests dear but it’s my birthday in a few days and i’d love to request an sfw to nsfw eren drabble mmaybe if you have the time! ❤️ no pressure tho!
Ive just been plagued with eren and his stupid manbun and his stupid green eyes peering up at me when i either sit on his face or lap n have him call me bunny ❤️❤️❤️ bday wont as exciting with quarantine sobs so all i have left to excite myself is erens dick 😭😭 thanks honey!!
- 🐇 anon always lookin to get some of ur love
Hey there 🐇 anon! I've said this before but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You're cute and sweet and just so lovely, I am sending you good vibes all the way from Indonesia. Have a fantastic birthday, bb!
okay so I've never taken any requests before (and I'm not planning to because I'm worried it will take years for me to answer and I’d feel bad about making you wait) so I'm not sure if this is any good but I hope you'll like this!
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Romance
Warnings: cunnilingus, face sitting, unprotected penetrative sex
WC: 2,5k
Poster art by the most talented @rainbuniart (follow her on Twitter)
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"Tired?" Your boyfriend, Eren Jaeger, asks the second you plop down on the couch beside him, heaving the loudest sigh you've ever made.
"Yeah, exhausted." You can't hold back your yawn. The clock on your apartment's wall shows that it's already past two in the morning. "Do I really have that many friends?"
The last three guests that came by to your birthday party have just left (finally) and now you're alone, sitting next to your boyfriend who's dressed handsomely in black jeans and a fitted navy blue button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was wearing a matching black blazer before, but took it off so he could cover your shoulders from the cold wind as you walked home from having an early dinner with your parents. Speaking of that, your parents love him. Probably love him more than their own daughter by this point. Eren can play the role of a perfect boyfriend if he wants to—not that he’s usually less than that, it’s just he has his ‘naughty’ moments too, ones that sometimes lead to childish fights. But that’s okay. He only does that so he has an excuse to slam you against the wall and roughly take you from behind.
Eren chuckles at your words, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulls you closer until you're placed on his lap. "Happy birthday, baby," he whispers, a warm breath caressing your neck. You tilt your head to the side, answering him with a chaste kiss before you let him place his chin on your shoulder. "Did you have fun today?" he asks.
"Yeah." Your arms linger above his, idly playing with his lean fingers. "But I don't think I'll do this again next year."
"Yeah?" His lips are drawing designs on the bare skin of your shoulder, as you are now wearing a white cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. "Why not?"
You let him brush your hair to the side, laying your head on his shoulder. Your neck is exposed, giving him access to more of your sensitive skin. "I think I'd prefer to spend my day with you."
Eren hooks a finger around your strap, dragging it to the side. "Just with me?"
“Just with...” The shiver runs down from your spine all the way to your toes when you can feel his tongue pressed flat against the spot where your neck connects to your shoulder. “Y-you...” His hand begins to roam, caressing your stomach before it trails up to your chest. At the sight of you tensing in anticipation, Eren smirks to himself, refraining from cupping your breast just yet. Instead, he drags his hand up to brush his thumb across your lips. “Getting impatient, Sweetheart?"
"You're such a tease." You spin around, settling down on his lap with your thighs trapping his in between. Eren shifts in his seat, allowing you to tangle your legs around his waist, his hand naturally finds its way back to your thigh, pushing up your dress. His mouth is scorching hot against yours, and you can taste a hint of beer and the chocolate birthday cake you shared with him earlier this evening.
"You haven't given me your present yet," you say between soft moans when he maps his way down to your neck, tongue trailing above your throbbing vein.
"You didn't like the necklace I gave you?"
"Eren, I love it." You bring him back to your lips, emphasizing your words with a deep kiss. "But what about your other present?"
"Ah," he coos, and you can feel his smirk forming against your skin. "That present. What do you want me to do to you?"
You bury your fingers in his hair, untying his hair tie so you'll be able to tug on his roots whenever you want. "You already know how to please me."
"But you gotta tell me what you want." You love him when he's being mischievous. You find him to be more irresistible and he knows that too. "I'll do anything for you tonight, baby. Say the word and I'll do it."
You nip on your lower lip, feeling your cheeks burning as you pull away, peering into his beautiful, beautiful green eyes that glow like fireflies in the dimness of the room. "C-can you, uhh..."
His smirk turns even more impish. "Yes, my little bunny?"
"Can you—" Just say it, you can do this! "Can you eat me out, please?"
Your line comes rushing like an unstoppable train, louder than expected and it stuns him. But after blinking twice, Eren melts into laughter. "I would love to."
You expect him to lay you down on the couch, or better yet, carry you to the bedroom. But Eren gently brings you back to your feet, settles himself down on the couch with his head pressed against the cushion. "Come here," he gestures with both hands.
You just stand there, staring with your heart palpitating. "W-what?"
"Come sit on my face."
If your life was a cartoon, you would've had your head blown in millions of pieces. "I—"
"Baby," he calls, displaying an innocent smile that stands in stark contrast to what he's planning on doing. "I've gone down on you so many times. I know what you look like." With a cheeky grin, he adds. "Love how you taste too."
You want to bury your face in your hands. "Oh my God."
"Just come here and get your birthday present already."
You asked for this. Well, not necessarily in this way but you did. With shaky fingers, you reach for the hem of your dress.
"No, keep it on. Just take your panties off." Eren's eyes gleam as he wets his lip. "I want to fuck you in that dress later."
Oh, God... You feel like you're seconds away from combusting into flames. Your knees wobble slightly as you climb up the couch, crawling up his body, and settle down your thighs on each side of his head.
"I'll be gentle," he seductively says, eyes twinkling as his palms slide up your thighs. Pulling up the hem of your dress to your stomach, you keep it there as Eren lowers your body on him.
By the next second, you can feel his mouth pressing hotly against your heat.
"Fuck," you hiss, one hand shooting forward to grab against the armrest, desperate for support. You can feel the vibration of Eren’s little chuckles on you, you can feel the way his tongue is sliding up and down, from your clit to your hole. His fingers caress your slit, spreading you and stretching you as wide as he can until you feel so bare and exposed, even when he’s done this to you before. Now that you’re spread wide apart, he dips his tongue inside. One, twice, thrusting his slick muscle into you as deep as he can and repeats the movement until you lose count.
“Wait—” you gasp, your hand going to his head and he moans at the sensation of you grabbing a handful of his long strands. “I feel—weird—”
Eren doesn’t stop, flicking his tongue over you. By the time his mouth finds your clit, you nearly suffocate him with your legs.
He breathes heavily through his nose, his hands moving to take hold of your thighs and keep them spread apart. He stops to take a breath, his head thrown back. “Felt good?”
You sound as if you just ran thousands of miles when you answer him with, “Felt amazing...”
His smile is cocky and you usually hate boys who sport that kind of smirk but when it’s on him? My God. Honestly, is he even real? It’s been a year since you first dated him and it still feels like you’re dreaming to have him in your life (especially in this position). He teases you a lot, sure, that’s already how he was, even months before you started dating. But he’s surprisingly thoughtful too. And observant, though most of the time he pretends like he doesn’t really care. This necklace he gave you—his beautiful, emerald baguette necklace that matches the color of his eyes, is one of the examples of that. He noticed when you muttered, “So pretty,” under your breath as the two of you strolled past a jewelry store on your way to a coffee shop. He noticed the way your eyes glossed over the necklace, staring longer for a few seconds before you averted your gaze away. It’s too expensive, you thought, but if you had money to spare, you’d buy it in a heartbeat. Eren noticed that.
“Come here,” Eren calls you, effectively snaps you out of your reverie. “I still haven’t had enough of you yet.”
He repeats this thing with his tongue that has your stomach lurch in delight and you can’t help but tighten your grip around his hair. “Move your hips,” he murmurs before he darts out his tongue. Every time you grind yourself against it—tentatively, at first, but the pleasure and the feeling of having this much control over him is so much that you can’t stop yourself from moving faster—you feel like you’re getting closer to the edge. The little moans you produce excite him and he brings his index finger to your heat, teasing around your entrance.
“Oh my God.” You’re going insane, now moving your hips up and down his finger as he slides it in. He adds one more, eyes going half-lidded at the sight of you fucking yourself on his fingers. “Eren, Eren—”
“Yes, baby?” His tongue flicks against your clit again. “Are you close?”
“Fuck, yes—I—”
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to come, Eren, please—”
But Eren drags his mouth to the side, placing tender, playful kisses on the inner part of your thighs, drawing his fingers out of you to smear your juices on your skin.
You’re whining. You’re literally whining about it and you don’t care how embarrassing you look right now. You were so close, you even felt the knots inside your stomach tightening from the sensation.
“Why—” You choke out. It almost sounds like you’re sobbing. You fall back, sitting on his stomach with quivering legs. “Why did you stop?”
“’Cause I want us to come together.” He sits up, wiping the back of his hand to wipe the rest of you off his face. “Wouldn’t it be more romantic that way?”
You pout. “I hate you.”
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He raises his fingers, ones that are glistening with your juices. “Want a taste?”
You blush, looking away. “No.”
“More for me then.” He inserts one of his fingers into his mouth, releasing it with an obscene pop before he licks the rest off his digits one by one. “I wish I could describe how you taste,” he says, fingers moving to unbutton his shirt until you can see the toned muscles of his chest and the key-shaped pendant he’s wearing. “Sweet isn’t really enough to describe it. Addicting, more like.”
You can’t handle the shame. “Just shut up and fuck me, Jaeger.”
He chuckles. “Always the impatient one.” But he pushes you down to the couch, standing on his knees as he pushes your dress to your navel. “Well, gotta satisfy my queen tonight, don’t I?”
You gulp, letting him push your legs forward until your body is nearly split in half. He unbuttons his jeans and pushes them down just enough to release himself from his briefs. “Wait, the condom—”
“I wanna do it without,” Eren cuts you off, already rubbing the tip of his cock against your slit. “That’s okay, right, baby?”
It’s a bad idea, probably. You’ve never done it with him without protection before. “Promise to pull out?”
He smirks, spitting to his palm to lubricate his length. “I’ll try my best.”
Eren is so... alluringly sexy. If he told you that he was actually an incubus instead of a nineteen-year-old college student who slouches in his seat during lectures, you’d buy it without a doubt. “Just do it.”
It feels different without the rubber. When he pushes his tip inside, his eyes drooping as he watches you take him in inch by inch, it feels like you’re more connected to him than usual. Seems like he’s feeling it too because all the smirks and grins he has on his face before have vanished almost instantly. “Fucking hell,” he breathes out. “Remind me again why we haven’t done this before? You feel so fucking good.”
It’s him who’s losing his mind now, already picking up the pace before he waits for you to adjust. “Sorry,” he pants, hugging one of your thighs to his chest as he sits on his heels, your leg dangling over his shoulder. “It feels so good, I can’t wait.”
“It’s—” The friction still burns but it’s not something you can’t take. The expression he has on his face is worth every bit of the pain you’re feeling. “It’s all right.”
“Yeah? Well then,” Without warning, he pulls away only to flip you to your stomach, raising your ass in the air, and slides right back in with so much force, your arms nearly give up from supporting your weight. “I’ll go harder.”
Harder than this? You think, and he does. Even when he already knocked the breath out of your lungs before, that’s still nothing compared to how he’s moving right now.
Your hands are gripping around the edge of the seat, your pants and moans turn louder but muffled by the cushion. Eren’s laughter sounds a bit dark when he confesses, “I’ve been thinking about doing this to you all day. This dress you’re wearing—you look so innocent in it. Oh shit,” he throws his head back, hips stuttering at the sensation of you clenching your walls around him. “It makes me want to ruin you.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. “Eren, I’m close—”
“Me too—ah,” his bangs are falling over his eyes as he leans down to plant kisses along your spine, his hand sliding down to squeeze your breast and another one finding your clit. “I love you,” he breathlessly says, lips brushing your nape. “I love you—all of you—” His thrust turns deep. “You’re so fucking beautiful—”
His words did the final push and you’re falling over the edge, orgasm washes over you in a way that you’ve never experienced before. Eren groans lowly, pressing his chest to your spine as he says in your ear, “Didn’t I tell you to wait for me, darling?”
“I’m sorry—” You choke out a sob as he tries his best to finish himself off, frantic hips swaying back and forth so erratically you end up lying flat on the couch, teeth gritting against each other to contain your voice.
Keeping his promise, Eren pulls away just a few seconds before he breaks apart. He pumps himself with his right hand and spills himself on your back, sliding his cock along the crease of your ass as he rides out his orgasm.
“Fuck,” he drawls out the word, falling on top of you. Placing lazy wet kisses on the spot between your shoulder blades, he softly asks, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you mumble out, so spent and tired and satisfied beyond belief.
“Completely fucked out?”
“Yeah.” He laughs at your honesty. “Excuse me, Sir, you’re kinda heavy.”
“I know.” He titters but he doesn’t move and it’s okay. His warmth feels comforting even if you’re a bit crushed by his weight. “Baby?”
“Can I give this birthday present to you every day?”
As amazing as that would be, “I’m not sure my body can hold it.”
He smirks, whispering into your ear. “With more practice, I’m sure it can.”
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nctsworld · 3 years
✩‌ renjun ‌x‌ ‌reader‌ ‌|‌ tutor!renjun | college au | fluff | ‌1k
SUMMARY‌ ‌⇾‌ in which your art tutor gathers up the courage to ask you out. WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ an almost-kiss, hyuck is a kissblocker, swearing RATING‌ ‌⇾‌ teen+ FOR ⇾‌ anonymous
AUTHOR’S NOTE ⇾‌ yeah im taking 20 years to finish my bday celebration, no one look at me pls n ty
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Sitting at the top of a grassy hill that overlooks much of campus, you embrace the light spring breeze and warm sun as you sketch the scenery in front of you. 
Beside you, your art tutor—donning his thin-framed glasses, a loose white t-shirt, and light blue ankle jeans—is also sketching, albeit clutching his book tightly towards his chest, as he always does.
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Today’s the last day of his tutoring since the semester is ending soon. On the upside, Renjun’s been a great help over the last few months and you’ve improved immensely. On the flipside, your success signified that you didn’t need him anymore.
But if you could be honest, you didn’t want sessions to end for more selfish reasons. To be in his comfortable presence, to be able to laugh with him, to be graced with his beauty...
You don’t know Renjun too well, but you yearn to.
Unfortunately, you don’t have any other reason to see Renjun outside of tutoring. He is nearing his graduation, while you’re in your second year. If you didn’t decide to minor in Art the last minute, you wouldn’t have met him in the first place.
Well, the best thing you could do is simply savour the time you have with him now.
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“What are you sketching today?” you ask casually, like you often do.
And he answers nonchalantly, as he often does:
“The usual, you know”—he shrugs—“whatever I find beautiful.”
You’re too focused on your sketchbook to notice him quickly glancing over at you, smiling to himself. His eyes fall back onto his artwork. “How are you doing?”
You pause and squint at your work so far. “Something’s off... I think it’s my shading?”
Your tutor carefully shuts his sketchbook and places it face down onto the grass before he moves closer towards you. For a few moments, Renjun scans your work that’s leaning against your thighs with a cute tilt of his head.
“May I?” he asks, holding out his hand.
Instinctively, you gesture your pencil for him to draw onto your work. Instead, to your surprise, his hand wraps around the back of yours. Without a word, he shades in a handful of areas darker and defines some of the lines more. 
As he does so, you hold your breath. Although you can’t look at him, your eyes still waver; you’re completely unable to focus on your art at hand.
When he’s finished, you hear a small gulp. Peering over your shoulder, you note how Renjun’s blatantly avoiding eye contact.
“Do you think it looks better now?” he squeaks in a whisper. 
It takes a bit, but his luminous eyes ultimately meet with yours—the same pair that you’ve constantly get lost in when he speaks, and it’s no different this time around. 
The wind blows slightly stronger against your back, giving you the push to inch nearer. While your eyes flutter to a close, you swear you see his form and kissable lips approach you too.
“Renjun!” A sudden voice calls out nearby.
Simultaneously, you both pull back and face the source of the shout, who is currently waving frantically. The stranger steps closer and stands on a lower angle of the hill.
“Oh, shit.” The young man brings a fist to his mouth, then whispers, “Am I interrupting?”
Your gorgeous tutor shuffles away from you, but still sits in your proximity. He runs his fingers through his hair.
“Not at all, Hyuck,” he replies behind a forced smile, pushing his glasses up. “What’s up?”
Renjun’s presumed friend shrugs, sinking his fists into the pockets of his trackpants. “Nothing, just wanted to say hi.” He faces your direction and gives you a small wave. “Hi, I’m Donghyuck.”
You flash him the same and introduce yourself. “Nice to meet you, Donghyuck.”
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Donghyuck admits. He points a thumb at your tutor. “He talks a lot about you. He says you’re so amazing and so beau-”
“Okay!” Renjun suddenly cuts him off, rushing to stand up and hurries over to his friend, already pushing him away. “Time to get going, you’re officially interrupting.”
You giggle as Donghyuck groans in disagreement, but not forgetting to yell a good-bye at you.
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The sun dips deeper into the horizon, but not quite fully, when the tutoring is officially over. After you two pack your things up and you give him your final thank you’s for being your tutor, there’s a long beat before Renjun speaks up.
“Since this is our last session...” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Did you wanna hang out with me sometime?”
Renjun cautiously looks up, fearful to see how you’re looking at him. He’s ecstatic to witness you beaming back at him, as bright as the yellow and orange hues glowing around you.
“Like a date?” you ask curiously.
“It doesn’t have to be a date, we could just hang out.”
With a smirk, you challenge playfully, “So, you’re saying you don’t want to date me?”
“No, no!” he half-shouts in clarification. He coughs, lowering his voice. “I mean, I’m down to go on a date, if you’re down to, but it’s also fine if we just hang out as—”
His eyebrows perk up as you abruptly kiss his cheek in a soft peck, resting your fingers on his shoulder.
Retreating back in front of the now jaw dangling man, you proclaim, “I’d love to go out with you, Renjun.”
He blinks himself back to reality, stammering, “Yeah?”
“Text me,” you say, nodding and beginning to walk away, “and we’ll figure it out, okay?”
In disbelief, Renjun is glued to the top of the hill with a huge grin on his face. He watches you from behind for a few seconds until he grips onto one of the straps of his backpack and wills himself to leave in the opposite direction.
“Renjun!” you holler from almost the bottom of the hill. He turns back around to catch you smiling still.
“Maybe when we go out, you can share some of the sketches you’re always drawing of me?”
It doesn’t take long for his whole face to heat up. Embarrassed, he rubs one side of his face and nods shyly with his mouth pouting to one side.
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actualbird · 2 years
so we've seen mc's gifts and surprises for luke on his bday but im sure the next day at the monthly nxx meeting, the other boys have stuff they wanna give to luke as well (no arguments, it's nxx found family on this blog 24/7, all days of every year)
nxx boys' birthday gifts to luke!!!
wc: 942
vyn: very beautiful delicious cupcakes
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vyn enjoys making pastries very much and the cupcakes are in no way troublesome for him to put together. he mulls over flavors and types for a while before settling on a combination he thinks suits luke best: something simple, something sweet, something you look at and irrationally think "i must protect you from the whole world." that last criteria makes vyn stop for a moment and he decides to unpack whatever THAT is later to his audio recorder.
he gives the cupcakes to luke the day after his birthday. the cupcakes, packed in a white box and secured with gold string, look way too fucking pretty to eat. when luke opens the box hes torn between "awww, vyn!!" and "VYN, THESE LOOK TOO NICE, I CANT EAT THEM, WHAT!!!" perfectly golden brown cake and delicate white frosting topped with caramel sauce. vyn rolls his eyes at luke's reaction and just tells him to try it which luke eventually does after fretting for a few more minutes.
once he does take a bite (and gets a dab of frosting on his cheek that he doesnt notice until later when mc comes in and laughs and wipes it off of his face) hes like
luke: ....i take it back, i need to eat all of these right now immediately at once.
vyn: please dont, you'll get a stomachache and mc will hunt me down for sport. which she can do now, given that ive taught her horseback riding and basic archery
luke: that sounds like a you problem!
still, vyn is pleased that luke likes his gift. idly, he wonders what else he can give luke thatll make his hesitation to accept good things go away. something thatll make him have no choice but just to enjoy things that come to him
artem: a broken video tape player
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mc had mentioned to artem that luke likes broken stuff because he loves fixing it up and tinkering with it and possibly making it a weapon as well. so he goes on whats possibly the most excruciating shopping trip of his life and it's excruciating because he keeps having to say "no, i need one thats broken" which gets him a LOT of weird looks, but eventually he finds one.
and artem TRIES to giftwrap it. but by the end of 2 hours, hes just on the floor of his living room surrounded by crumpled gift wrapping paper and ribbons and tape and hes failed EVERY ATTEMPT which is baffling to him because. it's literally. folding paper over a thing. he gives up on the 6th try
so he just gives it to luke and it's just packed in the cardboard box the store put it in. before artem can apologize for the lacklustre packaging, luke opens it and hes like "oh hell yeah, ive been meaning to get one!!"
artem: it's...broken, by the way
artem doesnt really understand why luke is so happy, but artem glad that he is. he reccommends luke a store he knows that sells movies on VHS tapes and luke nods excitedly as he looks over the video player, marvelling at everything thats useless about it.
how strange, artem thinks as he looks at luke smile and ramble about how busted the video tape player is. somebody who finds joy and personality in broken things and is just excited to make that thing better.
(after fixing it up, luke does make the video tape player into a little bit of a weapon. one of the buttons can spew out smokescreen.)
marius: everything peanut could have ever asked for
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marius was originally going to make some art (natural choice, it's what marius does best) for luke but the moment the lead of his pencil touched the paper for the initial sketches, marius IMMEDIATELY backpedaled because he felt it was WAYYY too personal. so he thinks some more about what luke loves and on the top of that list is obviously mc but second place is absolutely
the dumbass pet bird of his, peanut
so marius gets it all. bird chew toys, foraging enrichment gizmos, and basically a lifetime supply of bird food and bird treats.
marius doesnt give his gift to luke personally at the nxx hq that meeting but he does tell luke "hey, i sent some deliveries to your place, theyre all paid for, happy birthday or whatever." and luke is like "what" and he gets to time's antiquities and theres SO MANY FUCKING BOXES
luke, texting: MARIUS
marius: you like? ;)
marius: or does peanut like
marius: unless youre into foraging enrichment mechanisms too
marius: is that what itll take to get you to chill out? we fill a puzzle box with french fries?
luke: kjdfbjBKKJK SHUT UP
luke: and....thank you, for the gifts!!! i really appreciate it :D
and thats all marius needed to hear. luke is an idiot, he thinks. he'll refuse almost everything meant for him but if it's meant for somebody (or, uh, somebirdy) he loves, he accepts it with open (if a slightly alarmed) arms
marius does still wanna paint something for luke though. sometime in the future when luke can accept it for him and him alone.
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vynsvision · 3 years
Overwhelmed by the new TOT update as expected
Listen, there's a lot going on, and I'm sure I'm the last person to get the update.
But holy heck, there's a lot to process. Of course, I love more chances to get schips, and I love the lounge, fieldwork, and weekly achievements. But its a lot.
I'm just going to process this bit by bit, idk if I'll notice more than anyone else, but anyway.
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D.A.V.I.S. is here!!! In Fieldwork!! (/pos) As someone who got Genshin Impact first but is more active on TOT, its awesome to see a reputation system! I'm a little confused as to how the "costumes"/"outfits" will work, but I'm excited for those schips. Each LI has a "region"... and Davis said they'll be adding regions...!!! My wlw heart hopes it means they add more LI's (Celestine, ofc, but also Darius would be nice), but it probably just means more outfits. I wonder if they'll raise the fatigue limit eventually, too, since its only 50 and can only debate 5 times before that's maxed out. Anyway, I like this a lot, and I'm excited to see how it develops! :)
The Lounge
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Considering they didn't bring out the Serenitea Pot for Genshin until, like, This Year, its a lot that they've brought in something with basically the same exact premise... 3 months into their new game. Im not complaining, but I gotta say, its a lot. I am, tho, excited to decorate my lounge, and to see what styles/designs they choose for next sets. I wonder if there will be holiday related sets! I also hope to see the Lounge pop up in fics. NXX is very office-y, and its important for everyone to get to have a place to chill out. Its like a secret clubhouse. I'm really excited about it!!!
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The first thing I want to talk about here is the art on each tab. The font is gorgeous, the symbols of each boy in the background is such a nice detail. Also, I love color coding- it helps me keep stuff organized. I knew the boys were color-coded, but in- game before this, I didn't know where I could see who was which color. (Beside, maybe, their eyes.) But this is such a great bonus for me here and the colors they chose are so PRETTY!!!! (Also guess who just realized the two thin slashes in the opposite direction across the N is for the two "x"s in the... the name NXX. Im slow, ok??) Also I like that there's easy access to who's-codename-is-what, like how there's easy access to the color-coding.
I'm hoping, too, that as we get used to this update, we will get more main story. Of course I loved the Sins of Cynicism, but I hope we get more soon! With more characters and plot beyond... yanno... whodunnit's. And more re-occuring characters!
Weekly Tasks
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Alright, maybe its just me getting to the less important stuff, but I think this??? Is so cool. Its a little stressful since I don't even know how I get work permits in the first place (I know how to use them, I just don't use them often. Anyone need any? I've got, like, 77!), but its also cool because it adds more (in quantity) rewards on top of daily that can give things like more schips, energy drinks, xp, etc. And Mora- i mean, Stellin.
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Maybe this is a small bone to pick (aka: there's not a lot to this), but i don't super love how they changed the namecard and the friends screen. The main thing i like from this is that I can show off more of my badges. Other than that, it just seems like a strange choice to use the space this way. I guess, too, I like that maybe (definitely) I will get something on my birthday. Idk what it is, and honestly I kinda hope I don't see anyone else's bday present so it doesn't spoil for me what I may get in mine. It would be the same gift but like. A surprise! :)
Idk who else realized this, but when in "Resource Requisition" in NXX, there's this funky little button here:
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that smoothly and easily allows you to get to the File Room. As I did my daily check-in today, it was nice to not have to go back, wait for the HQ to load, just to click on File Room. Its small, but I really like it.
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I also really like both of these icons, and that there's a way to get to one or the other. From NXX HQ you can get to the Lounge, but if you want to get to just the Lounge, easy-peasy just hit the button. Nice :)
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What once was the "Decks" button is now the "Fieldwork" button, and "Decks" is hidden away in the "Cards" button. Phenomenal choice, great idea.
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And finally, the wonder that is the "this is for Marius" (etc) info on a Study. Luke's was always the easiest for me to remember because Luke>Sherlock>Pipe, but the rest were trickier. Now its super clear "oh, I need to do this study to get stuff for this LI." Very nice.
I also wanted to add that they made it so that if you were really wanting to do a different Study, you could unlock it for 20schips. I really like that. I probably won't use my schips for that, but its very nice to have the option. I'm not always on top of which study is available on which day, so if I'm evolving Artem cards and I can't get that Study, I can open it to evolve his card. Not necessarily something I'll spend on, but still very neat.
ANOther thing!!! Sometimes, I tapped too fast when I was accepting/receiving cards, and I didnt get to see the animation of getting said cards. Now you can replay/watch that!! Super exciting and cool, I love that as a function. Look away if you catch me replaying Vyn's bday card thing. You Don't See That. 👀
TL;DR: (i mean you should but) This update has a ton of cool, new things, that help make this game more interesting, rewarding, and even smoother to navigate. Im excited to see how the game continues to develop, and I'm excited to see how the story progresses!
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