#im learning that doctor who is a lot like star wars in that there’s very few happy endings. none in fact.
chambers003 · 1 year
and we’re home. well, about halfway to present day, but i’ve made it to clara for real now which means from now on theres no episodes i havent seen. apart from the most recent special(?) with 13 and yaz which i apparently missed and am looking forward to
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hello, all. I present to you a long list of why Winn Schott is Autistic as Hell:
• academically gifted
• stims- hand flappies, plays with his shirt, fidget spinner, lots of trinkets to play with, fidgets a lot, scratching/rubbing the back of his neck, playing with his tie, etc
• star wars special interest- frequently makes references, talks about it a lot, 2x01, 3x09, etc
• also superman special interest or old hyperfixation perhaps: strong long term memory, able to recall exact details of past fights
• doctor who/orphan black, etc, scifi in general also - comfort and routine in fictional worlds
• Genius™- picks up on info that trained agents couldn't after spending an hour at the DEO 1x13, makes Superman's new suit 2x01/2 (?), wrote the code that made literally everything after 5x11 possible, etc
• overwhelmed at lots of voices and shouting 2x11 - noise complexity issues
• that technically wasn't winn but since the Martian took all his memories/thoughts/mannerisms im going to count it as him
• complains that today's music is too loud 1x16
• wears headphones at both places of employment, 1x05, 2x05- noise processing issues again
• can easily go hours without taking a break if he's In The Zone, 1x15, 3x20
• bad social cues 1x13, 1x07, 3x02, 3x09, 2x16 etc etc
• learns a new alien coding language in less than 45 minutes
• learned kryptonian because he was bored
• hyperfocussss
• prefers to be alone- doesn't talk to anybody besides his friends much
• poor self esteem
• over analytical
• time blindness - "How is it still night time? it feels like it's been one week." 2x11
• sensory issues- certain smells - teak wood and tobacco, frequently wears headphones, scrunching his face up at having to wear rubber gloves
• frequently drinks soft drinks- sensory with the bubbles maybe??
• frequently eats more unhealthy things: more predictable in taste and texture than fruits/veg/organic foods.
• very expressive with his hands when talking
• hyper empathy- 3x02, training room scene
• bad at lying
• never noticed how bad his home life was
• awkward with emotions/bad at dealing with emotions 1x10, 1x20, 3x14, 5x12
• easily gives in to peer pressure
• panics under pressure
• routines- it takes a while for him to get used to Guardianing and Supering
• sensitive to temperature
• missing social cues when being questioned by Maggie, 2x16
• stimming - spinning on the stool 3x13
• special interests in techy stuff
• repetetive tasks?? likes taking stuff apart and putting it back together again
• awkward with hugs?? 3x18 at least
• shifting his weight when standing
• face rubbing/touching stim
• "if they like someone romantically, they can be extremely, noticeably awkward in attempts to let them know."
• difficulty making friends/approaching new people
• taking things literally?/ difficulty reading between the lines. "oh, things are not chill." social cues again 3x20
• prefers meaningful conversation over small talk
• ooh routine mayhaps might have been a part of 2x09
• daydreamer/deep thinker, e.g 3x14
• alexythemia - trouble identifying/describing their own/others emotions.
• see e.g- "oh, so I'm supposed to be feeling something? well I don't feel.... anything... I don't think..."
• typical gifted kid- "I always knew he was brilliant and capable-" at ten years old
• difficulty managing intense emotions- could also be PTSD. e.g, 1x10, 3x14, 1x11
• negative beliefs of self, again linked to PTSD
• intense connection to fictional worlds
• engaging in special interests very intently - 1x15, 3x20
• RSD maybe????
• strong long term memory
• pattern spotting/attention to detail, 2x14
• hyperfocus, again 3x20
• low trust in himself
• stimming by pacing, and also humming/singing, 2x16, 3x22, 2x20 (superfriends)
• could be echolalia after Kara maybe explained it cause he literally wasn't there
• clumsy - fine motor skills go brr
• "doesn't really do holidays," perhaps sensory overloads/sensory difficulties??
• or maybe thats just trauma
• or both
• quick/blunt remarks that could come off as rude
• 't-rex' arms
• sticking to the same clothing??
• talking to himself/thinking out loud
• takes his tablet almost everywhere- comfort item??
• stimming- moving his fingers idk like flapping/moving them up and down
• heightened sense of smell - "Oh, God, is that smell you?" like a second after bumping into Kara 1x02
• Kara knows about his Maxwell Lord obsession- hyperfixation/infodumping mayhaps??
• very very t-rex arms Jesus
• I'd make a compilation but God he's doing it in literally every scene I swear
• mumbles when writing code - idk if that's a thing it just seems very neurodivergent
• echolalia- repeats "turbulence" after Brainy in 3x11
• literal - 2x02, "actually, he said he would try."
• uses diagrams and drawings as a means to get points across - 3x22
• highly intelligent but can sometimes be slow to comprehend due to sensory and social difficulties
• stims to soothe when sad or agitated - face rubbing/touching, finger/foot tapping, etc
• similar when happy - jumping, dancing, singing, 2x09, 2x16
• anxiety and fear are prominent emotions
• proud of himself when he can distinguish tones - "Oh, I know that tone, that's a bad news tone" 2x09
• sitting on desks and tables
• sits weird - 2x14
• literally in the middle of an alien invasion and runs back to get his tablet
• genuine 'yep?' after cats sarcastic 'oh, Winslow,' when asked if she's ready 2x21
• prepares for the worst, always
• tapping his fingers 1x10 balcony scene
• tablet is a definite comfort/security item because it's been seen since 1x01. So.
• pacing to self soothe, 1x10, 2x09, 3x14, 5x11 etc
• unique thought process (voyager 3x11, satellites 1x13)
• finger wiggles!!! 3x09
• literally memorises a futuristic maths system to fix a futuristic ship better than the ships owner (someone from the future)
• sensory overload/overstimulation in 3x20 with ruby (coming off as easily irritated etc)
• has a fucking dirt collection
• which Mon-El of all people knows about, so he's either infodumped a whole bunch or they have sleepovers
• always making references
• keeps random shit in his desk?? why does he need a whole toolbox in his desk at catco
• overclarifies himself ("that's like, that's like really fast"); struggles with understanding things sometimes so when he's explaining stuff he explains in more detail the stuff that normally he wouldn't understand.
• relieved hand flappies after stopping indigos missile 1x15
• disinterest in sports/physical activity
• " I was a theatre kid, not a track star!"
• "youthful" for his age: in dresses, activities, tastes, etc
• fictional worlds as a retreat/safe space/coping mechanism
• "may have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature"
• emotionally sensitive
• hates injustice/being misunderstood
��� words and actions are often misunderstood by others
• doesn't go out much: only really shown 'out' with his friends/'safe' people (barring that one time in 2x20)
• actually having said that he was probably only in the marketplace because he knew James was going to be there
• when he was at the bar alone in 2x13
• difficulty regulating voice volume - "too loud." "I'm sorry-" 2x14
• "high and to the.. left?" - struggles with fine motor skills and lefts/rights 2x07
• "head north. or, wait, more helpfully.... left."
• stimming with his mask in 3x16
• memory again: remembers where he was told his mum and dad met from over twenty years ago in 3x14, immediate correction "I thought you two met in Ivy Town?"
• fine motor skills again when he breaks the thing in the bathroom on the legion ship 3x17 (?)
• also "I broke something" in 1x07
• wears "restrictively tight" cardigans - comforted by deep pressure therapy
• chicken wings as a safe food
• he also immediately knows what's so important about flight 237 in 3x04- remembers exact details about Supergirl much like he does with Superman
• awkward gait
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platypusplayhere · 1 year
Thank you @dangerliesbeforeyou for tagging me, im mentioning all kinds of media bc I love to rant, I have a lot of love in my heart and I have trouble choosing just 8: (im making this on mobile hope it's readable).
Howl's moving castle (2004)
My first experience of gender envy, gender fascination, gender emulation for Howl, at a time I didn't even know that gender was a thing because I was like idek 7 years old.
Kiss of the rabbit god (2019)
A short movie, stumbled onto it bc of Tumblr. You honour, I simply love it.
Shrek (2001)
I'm not being ironic I'm very serious about this one. My mom used to braid my hair weekly when I was little and I constantly played this one, I know it by heart and I'm not joking. I freaking love this movie. Same goes for Mulan, Beauty and the beast, Charlie and the chocolate factory, and the whole Shrek franchise up to the 3rd one. (Gotta watch Puss in boots 1 and 2 tho.)
V for vendetta (2005)
This is a shout-out to 14 years old me who might have at some point based their personality around this movie or maybe they didn't, who's to say. I'm not sorry. Kinda still like it tho.
Corpse bride (2005)
There is an independent cinema in my hometown and they did run it often over the years. Bestie I don't know how many times I went to see this movie with my mother as a child. Recently learned about the Jewish origins of this myth and im a lil upset about the stolen storyline without the context. But some will say it's a Burton movie and they're right.
Valentine's day (2011)
First movie I went to see alone with my friends, I was like 12yo. Rewatched it again like 2 years ago, yeah it ain't that great but it's the memories right.
Father and soldiers (2022)
The last movie that made me cry. I hate war movies but my friends convinced me to go because it was less than 2 hours and I've been mad at movies being more than two and a half hours lately (looking at u House of Gucci, Doctor Strange 2) yeah, I cried my eyes out. It's not a perfect movie but the message is great and very moving. I don't like the English title because the original/French title directly refers the name of a group of African soldier recruited by France in its colonies during WWI -> "Les Tirailleurs" (if I remember well, the soldiers were recruited in every colonies but they left Africa from the Senegal and so all these soldiers are referred as Senegalese regardless of their actual origins). The English title is more fitting thematically wise I'll give you that.
Fulmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)
Knew about it, was recommended by a dear mutual of mine on this very hellsite and yeah, ppl keep saying it's good because it just is.
I told sunset about you/ I promised you the moon (2020-2021)
If you read my tags u know how I rant about this show often. Watched it 2 years ago thanks to someone i follow on Tumblr (but im not really sure who it was anyway if you're a mutual thank you sm). My first foray into BL (back when I didn't even know what it was) and I couldn't be happier that I started with this. I don't have enough words to praise it. (currently writing a post about it tho, stay tuned for whenever I get around to finish it (tell me if u wanna know when it's up), big up to Bad Buddy and To My Star too)
Honoured mentions bc I started making a list and had more than 8 and couldn't not mention them:
Other movies: O'brother, Love and Leashes, God's own country, Jackie Brown, The big lebowsky (idek if I like this movie but I needed something to base my personality around when I was 15yo)
The book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, I'm gonna keep my rant about how the English title is a misunderstanding of the book locked and not even start it.
Alice isn't dead and The Magnus archives (although they're podcasts and I haven't quite finished them, the first seasons are exquisite)
Welcome to Night Vale, I have a lot of episodes to catch up on (currently working on that) started listening like in 2016 then stopped around idek 2 years ago. Some of these episodes are masterpieces ( some I know by heart: Guidelines for disposal, Love is a shambling thing, What happened at the Smithwick House, If he had lived, and The Pilot ofc)
the ballet Swan Lake (1995, 2012) by Matthew Bourne. I don't have enough words. I'll just say it's on youtube.
.....and many more im not think abt rn
*acts surprised* this became a real long post, real quick
(That's why I take a lot of time to answer those lmao, shout out and thank you to the ppl who tag me in these and then I take a lot of time to answer)
Tagging these people and anyone who wants to do it can mention me: @sherlockig @dontbesoevil @lordmeowdemort @namelessbeing @hairbackc0llarup @comrademichael @johnlockdynamic @lovelywickedsoul @frenchsiren
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
hi!! id love if you could ship me with a succession character :) thanks for doing this and i love your writing !!
i have long curly hair, am 1.67m/6'5"ft and from brazil. im a psychology major and im thinking of going into research and possibly teaching (in universities) eventually. i have autism and adhd, i speak 2 languages fluently (pt-br & english) and know a bit of spanish and i love intellectual conversations. im a somewhat quiet person but i like learning and sharing knowledge so i can get excited and into a conversation quite easily. i like routine and organising things and i kind of a worrier, i think too much about the future and am seldom "present". i hate parties and nightclubs, dislike attention, am a quite private person and prefer to be alone (also i NEED time alone or i go crazy) or with a small group of people. also im a ravenclaw in case it wasnt obvious lol (unlikely).
im very nerdy, im a star wars, doctor who, lord of the rings etc fan and i also love video games (currently playing witcher 3 and stardew valley <3). i love musicals and i listen to many different genres, but mostly alternative and pop.
i dont feel the need for luxurious things and big houses and expensive cars, my dream house is a small 1 room apartment with a balcony in a big city (like london or barcelona). my dream life would probably be said apartment, a cat, a job that i liked and being able to wake up and have breakfast in my balcony just listening to the birds sing and watching the people walking on the street. i like anonymity and just being another face in the crowd, being able to just observe the world around me; which is probably one of the reasons im so drawn to big cities.
in terms of my type, i love smart people that can hold interesting and deep conversations. i also dislike rude people and immaturity and stupidity annoy me a bit (i dont mind it in friends but i think that if i spent too much time with someone like that id murder them lol). i smoke weed but i dont feel the need to date someone that does as well, since i dont do it that often – and its the only drug i do.
hope this isnt too much or not enough djcjsksk anyway thanks again !!! have a good day :)
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Shiv Roy!!!
She loves how nerdy you are. Every time she sees something about Lord of the Rings or Doctor Who or Star Wars she thinks of you. It could be something little like a key chain or something bigger like an all-night screening of the Star Wars movies, it always makes her smile. She's not the biggest fan of it, but when you're watching she can't help but enjoy it. She loves how excited you get when you talk about it, about your favorite characters or the plot. It brightens her day. She also loves how smart you are. Shiv is surrounded by idiots, mostly her brothers and father. To be able to come home and use her brain and have a stimulating conversation with you, it brings a smile to her face. You're incredibly intelligent and she can't get enough of it. You have worked so hard to get where you are, put in so many study hours, she can't help but feel proud of you.
You love how driven she is. Shiv knows what she wants and what she wants, she gets, even if she has to take a lot of shit from those around her to get it. She works so hard under her family and you couldn't be prouder. She puts everything she has into her work and unfortunately doesn't get the recognition she deserves. You're there to remind her that she's doing an amazing job, that she's Shiv Roy and that people should be scared when they hear her name.
Your relationship is smart. The both of you are fiercely intelligent go-getters. You don't have time to waste on mind games and wondering what the other is thinking and small things that should worry you as a couple, but doesn't. You talk openly about your wants and needs and feelings. Shiv figures she plays enough mind games at the office, with clients and her brothers and her father, she can't come home and do that there, too. It would be exhausting. You both know what you want in life and you get it, easy as that. You want to go out to dinner for date night so you do. You want to take an impromptu vacation so you do. Your relationship is easy and comfortable and to the point.
Your first date is for drinks. She takes you to this place that she knows that won't be too crowded or busy or flashy, but of course her definition of flashy is far different than yours. It's there she is able to open to you, ask questions, relax. It's rare you get to see this side of her, you welcome it. She laughs a lot when she's around you. She can't remember the last time she felt so at ease around someone. She wants to keep feeling this way, she wants to keep spending time with you.
Relationship Headcanon: Shiv surprises you one weekend to a little apartment she bought in London just for you. She surprises you with breakfast in bed and makes your dream come true. It's a beautiful little place you two can escape to when things are stressful and you need a break. You people watch from the balcony, just the two of you, letting the day slip by. It's one of the most wonderful days you spend together.
Thank you my love!!! Hope you like it! 💜💜💜
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officialgomezaddams · 3 years
Cabin House
if this dosen’t take im shooting myself $wag no TW except usual sadness. Slight simp anakin and breeding kink but iykyk
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She sat outside on the porch in her rocking chair, watching the ship in front of her lower its self onto the meadow surrounding the cabin that she lived in with her husband. She smiled to herself, her hands rubbing her pregnant stomach in relief that he was home. It was a new feeling to both of them, homeliness. A family that is now back together. Or at the very least, the start of one. 
They had met when they were both young, Anakin was in Jedi training, and Y/n was a mechanic at the same temple. It was a decent gig, she reasoned with herself. The many hours and days spent watching and learning from her father in his shop had paid off. 
Born and raised in the capital of the galaxy, the high life never slowed down. There was always loud traffic, busy trade; the planet never slept. Anyone could go to a party or club; some festival was always happening. The temple was different, a little peace in the concrete jungle. As the war started, the need for maintenance shot up—the urgency to fix whatever droids or ships needed to be rewired or mending broken welds. Simultaneously, the Jedi and the politicians tried to restore the balance, maintenance fixing everything else. 
A job was a job, and getting herself out of her father’s small auto body garage was a priority for her. Pulling night shift sucked, but the lack of staff and management who wanted to do nights meant she could get away with a lot. 
It started when the shy padawan walked up to her, the shift partner in the area she worked with was sleeping in his chair, and even tho he was older than her and had more experience, Y/n didn’t wake him up. It was her first real interaction with someone who was force sensitive, and she was thanking the stars that this boy somehow made his way to her.
It wasn’t because he was lost. Anakin had been at the temple long enough to know it by hand and could probably draw blueprints of the entire layout. The way around maintenance wasn’t that hard, as he often borrowed material from them to fix small stuff he could handle. Anakin had caught glimpses of her, he would stare at her for the few seconds it took to pass each other while he was leaving the ship and for maintenance to check it for any repairs that needed to be done.
“What’s up, Starboy?” Y/n teased. Even though she had never met him formally, he was quite well known for his destiny. 
He shuffled his feet around, and all the confidence he once had was gone. He looked at her before looking down at the table she was in front of, watching her set down the wrench she was fiddling with. 
“I need an arm.” He shot out, not even knowing how to ask for such a thing. 
“An arm?” She had responded, wanting to make sure he had said the right thing. “Why do you need an arm-” She asked but quickly stopped as he dropped his robe, and she realized he was missing the very thing he had asked for. “Oh. You need an arm.”
It took about six months for the arm to be built. It took a lot of measurements, calculating, and many, many nights for it to be made giving Anakin time to grow his confidence back up and flirt relentlessly with her. Telling her that it didn’t bother him that he would almost get little to no sleep because ‘being with you is a dream I never want to wake up from.’ On the nights he didn’t see her he would tell her, ‘Even though I couldn’t be with you, I still see you in my dreams. The best dreams I will ever have will always be the ones where you are in it. My dreams with you are so sweet to the violent reality of being a Jedi.’ 
The last night the two spent together working on his arm, or to be honest it was just her while Anakin would pour his heart out to her, hoping for something, a kiss, or even the simple statement that she returned his feelings. 
“If I have any problems with my arm, I’m coming to you. For my arm and my heart, you are the only one who knows how to fix them. Help me Y/n, my heart hurts, it burns for you. Every time I leave you or think about how you aren’t mine it aches. It’s so painful. Fix it, please. Tell me you don’t feel the same way, that your heart beats differently to the tune of mine.” He told her, watching her with doe eyes as she concentrated on wiring the last few things together. 
“Isn’t that against your rules?” 
“Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So you might say I am encouraged to feel this way about you.” He stated, awkwardly biting his lip which made her giggle. 
“In three days, I have time off, maybe then you can teach me about this new teaching, and I can teach you something about how to use the arm.”
Neither of them expected it to be like this. Married and expecting. The moment she had told Anakin the news, he had immediately begun thinking of moving. Getting away from the city life and going somewhere more quiet and peaceful. Somewhere the war could not disturb them, so they landed in Alderaan. The whole planet was pulled right from a painting, and the moment they settled on the cozy cabin, they both realized that after years of running around, they finally found their home. With each other, in their soon-to-be family, and in Alderaan. 
As the ship lowered its self to the ground, the woman awkwardly got out of the chair and stood up, holding onto the wooden frame of the porch. Anakin swiftly got out, smiling from ear to ear as he saw her waiting for him. His feet moved on their own as he ran to her, watching her take careful steps to meet him. Before she knew it, his arms were around her, pulling her into him. “Don’t strain yourself for me.” He whispered, kissing her head. 
She was thirty-three weeks into her pregnancy with twins. The two babies growing safely in her womb had made things more difficult for her in terms of moving around, and she had long forgotten her shoes. 
They didn’t move in right away. They waited until work became difficult for Y/n, getting down to work on something wasn’t easy anymore, and she couldn’t be on her feet for more than an hour and a half until her feet started hurting. On the other hand, Anakin wanted to move in as soon as they got it. ‘You shouldn’t have to work, you’re pregnant with our babies, and I want you to enjoy this.’ He also knew how chatty the maintenance section was and was not looking forward to any rumors that could be spread about his wife. ‘Tell them they are mine. I’m not going to let them disrespect my children by disrespecting you. Tell them that I got you pregnant, that you took me in, and this is what my seed is doing to you.’
“How are you, my angel?” He asked, watching as the moonlight hit her face. He had been gone for most of the pregnancy, being forced to leave after her first doctor’s appointment that confirmed that Y/n was with child. Only then, she was nine weeks far too early to be showing anything. He came back to her a few weeks later, and the first thing he did when he greeted her was to kiss her fourteen-week stomach, but he didn’t stay long. The three days they were together were spent moving quickly into the new house. Only the important things she needed were to stay back at the temple so she could continue with work. They didn’t have much, but Anakin insisted on carrying everything, telling her that she was not even to lift her jewelry box because he didn’t want anything to happen to the babies. 
“Bored. I’ve been itching to get back to work; there’s only so much you can crochet before you want to stab yourself with the needles.” She joked, making them both laugh. 
“And the babies?” He asked, his hands dropping to rub the sides of her stomach. It brought him pride to see her like this. Seeing her carrying his child, seeing her full belly, smiling at the thought of the stretch marks that clung to her round belly, knowing that her body was adjusting well. The few times he was able to see Y/n through the hologram, he always admired his wife’s new changing body.
“Restless. I’m hoping now that you’re home, they’ll calm down for a little bit.” Anakin pulled her into a soft kiss. The whole time he had been away, she and the babies were always on his mind. He would wonder if they were kicking or thinking about what to name them. He would think about Y/n, if she was sleeping and if she was pushing herself too hard. He felt terrible for not being there to hold her hair back through morning sickness or walk her around to make sure she got the proper exercise she needed. He felt so useless. 
“How long do I have you back for?” She asked. It was an impossible question because no matter what time frame they had, it wouldn’t be enough. She just wanted him to be here with her, safe. The only good part about being away from the temple was she got away from all the rumors about her husband being dead or being held somewhere and tortured. She wanted him here in their home, enjoying the moments and milestones that she was going through alone. She had convinced herself that if - stars forbid it- something happened to Anakin, she could do it by herself. She could raise the kids and do what she could to make ends meet. It’d be challenging, and she understood that. But in her opinion, what could be harder than going through this pregnancy alone? Forcing herself to get the rooms ready, forcing her co-workers at the temple to help her in the later stages because she couldn’t depend on Anakin. 
He quietly led her to the house, purposefully ignoring the question because he knew that it wouldn’t be the one she wanted to hear. Only when she asked again as they reached the front door, he answered. “A week. Then I have to go back, and I don’t know where the council is sending me. Probably to Hutta.”
“You’re gonna be here for the births, right?” She pressed, stepping into the warm cabin and away from the cool breeze of the night along with his arms. 
“Y/n, I promise that once our children are born, I will be there for everything,” He reassured her. He knew it was a promise that he couldn’t keep. That the Jedi council would most likely tear him away from his family sooner or later. With war, or keeping the force away from the Darkside, he knew that it would be something. “Don’t look at me like that, Angel. You know how hard this is for me. You knew what you were getting yourself into.” He took a step towards her, but she shook her head and stepped back, turning around and began waddling herself towards the shared bedroom. 
“But I didn’t expect it to be left by myself throughout this.” His wife began, with Anakin following her quickly. “All alone and pregnant just to have you, my husband, show up for a few hours or a few days if I am lucky. Then to have him leave me alone again.”
“Am I not here, in our home when I can be?” 
“Our home?” She raised her voice, “It feels as if you are no more than a guest.” Finally turning around to look at him before walking over to the bed and sitting down facing away from him, looking out the window that gave a view of the spacecraft out front. “Anakin, I want to go back to the Coruscant.”
“Going back wouldn’t change a thing.” His words were forced, trying to stay calm and not lose his temper. He was a good husband, or at least he tried to be. It wasn’t easy - for anyone. But he tried, skipping meetings and purposefully doing stuff to get close to you, reporting ships and droids as broken so he could sit with you as you worked on them. Even now, with the war, just being on the opposite side of the same planet was enough for him. “You know that I can’t control what happens out there. I don’t get to pick and choose when I get to stay home!” His anger was cut off by the sound of her whimper. 
“Y/n, Starlight,” He was cautious with his words now, “Y/n?” She would not face him as he sat down next to her on the corner of the bed, his head down in shame. “Please tell me you don’t regret this.” Any of this, he thought to himself, knowing it was always her who got the short end of the lifestyle they had to hide. 
“Anakin, our love is like the Coruscant. It’s messy at first glance, and it’s hard to understand why it hasn’t just fallen apart in chaos. It doesn’t make any sense. But if you squint hard enough and really focus in,” She began slowly, trying not to fall apart. “You can see how nice and beautiful and all of the great things you can get out of it.” Her lip quivered, and her voice broke, letting the painful tears she was holding in anymore. “But I’m so tired of squinting.”
Neither of them looked at each other. While Y/n cried into her hands, Anakin just sat there, trying to figure out what to do. “I-” The reality that this could be it, this is all about to end, made him re-think his words. Did he miss something? Was he too happy that he was starting a family with the girl he fell in love with at nineteen to realize that she was now, what? Fallen out of love for him while she was right about to give birth? For once, Anakin was speechless. He could still fix this, right? I have to fix this. She’s fucking pregnant with my children. Our children. 
“What do you want then? I’m here, now, Angel. I -I don’t know what you want.” His voice was pitiful, but she was strong. She had to if she was going to do this alone.
“I want you to get in your ship and leave.” 
As soon as she said it, he was protesting, ”Go where? Baby, please, don’t make me go back.” He was the one crying now, tears falling mercilessly down his face, realizing that this was it.
“I don’t care where you go, Anakin. Just- you can’t stay here. You make me too sad.” 
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do you have any podcast recs? im listening to tma but i want to get into more !!
Ohhhh I can definitely help you out there!! I’m not sure what you’d be into but I can hook you up with some that I really like!
(.....under the cut because it ended up being Really Long)
If you’re into horror, like tma:
Alice Isn’t Dead- By Night Vale Presents so you know it’s good. Anxious lesbian trucker takes off around the country looking for her missing wife, accidentally gets wrapped up in spooky supernatural stuff. Also has some pretty interesting commentary on America and society as a whole. Actually has a happy ending, so that’s a plus!
Old Gods of Appalachia- Horror anthology podcast that focuses on the eldritch happenings that go on in old Southern mining towns, in the 19th & 20th century. Very aesthetically pleasing. Each season so far has an arc about a specific town, and a second arc about this immortal asexual witch and her enormous pet bear. It’s good shit.
King Falls AM- I’m not very far into this one, but you’ve probably heard of it. Your local small town is known for being haunted, radio station reports all the spooky happenings. It’s funny, and pretty lighthearted (at least so far.) A good podcast to wind down to.
If you’re into sci-fi: (most of the podcasts I listened to are spacey and they’re all SO GOOD)
The Penumbra Podcast- Yeah after tma this is probably the most well known podcast out there. I won’t say much except that it’s SO SO GOOD and you should definitely check it out. You can either listen to a private investigator on Mars solve dangerous cases, fall in love, and work through his extensive childhoood trauma OR listen to a bunch of dumbass knights in a medieval citadel fight monsters and learn that maybe they shouldn’t be fighting monsters. Everyone is queer. It’s a fantastic ride either way.
Wolf 359- oh my god oh my god this goddamn podcast. I can’t even. I can’t. Ahhhhh anyway so a four-person crew on a space station orbiting a red dwarf star are searching for signs of alien life, and they possibly end up stumbling on an alien race, while also discovering that the company that sent them up there *might* not have humanity’s best interest at heart. Has found family galore, valuable lessons about personhood, and just overall so much good stuff. Starts out as a comedy but gets intense pretty fast. WILL rip your heart out.
The Strange Case of Starship Iris- Honestly in terms of number of relistens... this might be my favorite podcast ever. It’s definitely up there. Only has one season right now and only ten episodes but more is coming and I can’t wait. Your local gay space smugglers accidentally get caught up in a massive government conspiracy and try to stay alive while unraveling the mysteries behind a past intergalactic war, trying to bring down said oppressive government, and being as useless and gay as possible. It’s just. A lot of fun. TRUST me.
EOS 10- It’s uhh basically a sitcom about a team of doctors on a space station? At least it starts out that way. There’s a pretty big shift in tone after season two, it’s goofy, & the plot’s kinda all over the place but who CARES because it’s friggin hilarious. Half the time I have no clue what’s going on but it’s still really enjoyable.
Girl in Space- The name says it all, really! A scientist clone is living on her spaceship all alone doing her research and is perfectly content...until a huge fleet of ships turns up on her doorstep claiming she’s now their company’s property. Her life now consists of imprisonment, mutinies, and giving lectures about human rights to the company’s employees. It’s got science, it’s got Jurassic Park references, it’s got sentient stars! What more could you ask for.
If you’re into more modern fantasy:
The Bright Sessions- A group of people called ‘atypicals’ have special abilities that are, essentially, superpowers. And what do they do? They go to therapy!! It’s all well and good until they find out that their mysterious therapist may or may not plan to use them & their powers to rescue her brother who’s being held captive in an evil agency. Whoops. Anyway it’s got lots of lovable characters, adorable romances, and emotional moments that make you want to sob. It’s great.
The Far Meridian- A girl with severe agoraphobia lives in a lighthouse with her brother, until one day he disappears. Shortly after, her lighthouse starts moving somewhere different every day, and she travels the world searching for her brother. This is just a really nice podcast. It’s about memories and friendship and finding magic in little things and it’s just...beautiful tbh. And sad. Beautiful and sad.
Aaaaaaand that’s about it for all my recs! I had no idea I had that many lol, hope that helped you out a little!
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thinger-strang · 4 years
ez is projecting again
post starcourt, billy loses his voice, due to trauma and some psychology bull he didn't really bother listening to when the doctors were laying all the medical jargon down, something about his brain and his lungs
all billy knows is that his therapy sessions are long because he hasn't built up the muscle strength to hold a pencil properly yet
steve's on his third concussion in as many years and spent a whole night setting off dozens of fireworks indoors while his head was all fuzzy
he loses most of his hearing in his left ear and talking is hard now, it's like the words break up or get lost in the way from his brain to his tongue
billy starts learning sign language so he can communicate when he needs to and to help with the whole hand thing
only one nurse knows asl in the whole entire damn hospital
robin says he's hard of hearing now, so it might be beneficial to learn sign language, she says she'll learn with him and help him
steve's not stupid, he just sounds stupid, so it's not like he talks a lot anymore anyway, not when keith makes fun of the way his words will slur and stutter on bad days
billy's pretty fluent by the time he's released, won't admit he's gunna miss all the inside jokes he had with that nurse, even though she knows
he wears a hoodie with his mom's old walkman tucked into the front and headphones over his ears so he has a good excuse for not talking
steve doesn't notice billy walk into family video because he's arguing with robin silently, hands flying everywhere
he feels really fucking smart for the first time in a very long time
billy doesn't know what to do when he walks into the video shop next to the arcade to get the movie max asked and see steve behind the counter, rapid-fire signing to one of the band kids in his grade, who's signing back
they're arguing about whether or not rob lowe is cute but can't come to a conclusion because robin's a raging lesbian, her words, not his
steve notices him and drops his hands down to his sides, turning red
billy tugs his headphones down to sign that fuck yeah rob lowe is cute
robin just about dies from laughter while steve tries to decide whether or not he's embarrassed
billy spends most of his time with them, because he can talk to them and they Know about everything
max picks up a little asl but she's also starting high school so she only knows a little, what she didn't know billy will finger spell and help her learn the signs slowly
billy learns that steve avoids talking at work or around nancy and jonathan because they get this sad look when he stutters, but he feels okay taking around the kids and joyce
billy's too nervous to be in the same room as hopper but he assumes steve's okay taking around him too
but steve only signs around robin and billy
which makes billy glow in the inside
steve tells him about a lot, about his hearing and all the concussions which stabs billy through the chest worse than the shadow did because he did some of that, he did this to steve
his hands are shaking too much to sign and his vision gets watery while he reaches out and holds steve's face to press a soft kiss on the scar along steve's hairline
billy doesn't miss the way steve's shoulders tense and his jaw clenches and his hands curl in his lap, doesn't miss the pained but desperate look on steve's face
billy pulls a hand away to ask okay?
steve nods and billy gently strokes his thumbs over steve's cheekbones and their foreheads rest together and steve's hands end up clutching the bottom of billy's hoodie to ground himself
that was the most touching either of them had done since july
billy can't go back to school, won't be able to graduate, it took too long for him to heal and not like the school would be able to accommodate for his new disabilities
and neil's long dead, billy didn't even warrant his grave with a well deserved fuck you, and susan can't afford the house so she moves her and max into a tiny apartment
which leaves billy with nothing again until steve says he found a two bedroom above one of the mom and pop's downtown and an opening at the library if billy wanted a job
robin spends a lot of her time at their apartment, doing her homework and making sure they're buying vegetables every once and a while
billy's boss is nice, has billy putting books away and organizing the cabinets, finding good sources for the dissertations, putting together book recommendation lists, stuff billy actually really likes doing
they play music at the apartment all the time because steve brought his nice sound system that makes billy's records sound like gold
they don't do the touching thing again until billy wakes up in a panic, and knocks everything off of his dresser trying to get out of his bed and fucking breath
steve bursts in to find billy shaking next to his bed trying to breath so steve sits next to him with their whole sides pressed together talking about how billy's safe, the shadow's gone, he's safe, steve locked the doors and windows twice, he's safe, they're in their apartment, he's safe, steve's right here, he's safe
they almost fall asleep like that until steve makes them get in bed
billy asks him to stay so he does
steve kisses billy on a bright wednesday afternoon
abba's playing softly in the background because it was steve's turn and they'd just hung up new curtains on the kitchen window and billy was smiling really big from where he was sitting on the countertop, letting steve do all the work because im still healing, steve, you'd really make me overexert myself for the sake of a pop of color?
and steve's just happy and stands in between billy's legs and asks out loud if he can kiss him
it's a short and sweet kiss, just this side of overwhelming and billy's fiddling with the collar of steve's shirt
robin doesn't notice that they're dating for months
billy traces the words i love you on steve's back while he's asleep before he actually tells steve
he tells him on a rainy sunday morning and steve says i know
quit being so horny for han solo, im being serious
you've been telling me for a long time, bill, i think im allowed to have my star wars moment
billy hits him with a pillow and crawls on top of steve to press the pillow into steve's face while steve laughs and squirms and signs i love you i love you i love you
billy lifts the pillow to get right in steve's face to sign i know back
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ecritverite · 3 years
@guttersniper said : 1. what inspires woods to go into teaching? 2. what would his favorite tv shows be? 3. does he have a hangover cure? 4. what event in his childhood does he think about the most?
this is going to be. so long. cookie to anyone who reads it all 😭 i can’t compress
1) what inspires woods to go into teaching?
i think multiple factors play into this so.. uh. Majorly opening the floodgates. namely, i think it has to do with him being distanced from his lesbian aunt at like age 10/11 which is kind of a crucial point in development, recognising that his general education (did not attend private school or university) was watered down as hell in both the UK and the US, and he didn’t learn any real life shit (or felt inspired to read again) till he was on the road with activist musicians. i think he sees education as less about positional success and more about knowledge as a gateway to compassion, understanding, & creativity. more extensive details on this below...
woods’ (lesbian) aunt aster, a studying plant ecologist & avid reader, would be very encouraging with books when he is young & he takes an interest in absorbing knowledge because of her unusual “outdoorsy” approach outside of regular schooling. sadly, as he gets to his teens woods is separated from aster by his father (sibling rivalry). with this distance from an encouraging voice, he feels more cynical about reading & gen. ed. and doesn’t have much faith in himself as a writer either; his father degrades his creative expression, believes it’s fanciful and pointless, claims “poets didn’t win the war for us”, etc. i think in later years after his father has passed, and after some self reflection and the reunion with his aunt, he would understand the importance of knowledge in youth and how... plants only grow if they are in the right soil & nurtured according to their specific needs. the song “im the sky” by norma tanega very much sums up this perspective he’d have in the 80s. 
when he is in high school, he’s well on his way to a successful footballing career at a university (father’s wishes as the family isn’t well off financially) and he’s resigned himself to thinking ‘this is my vocation’ because he’s been putting all his time & energy into it up to that point, has nothing else to fall back on. unfortunately, he pushes himself too hard and ends up with an injury. while out of commission, he is encouraged to coach the team. this alternate option gives him a different perspective and he actually is... listened to and looked up to for once. he realises he’s good at encouraging people, recognising when everyone needs a break, and assigning roles to people based on their strongest skills - the team benefits when everyone is doing what they are best at in their own way. this is his first taste of “guidance” and “leadership”. he coaches with empathy and clemency as someone who has been stretched thin, but he dislikes the competitive corporate nature of professional athletics and veers away from that career.
he meets trevett allen, the eventual crowe’s wings lead singer, in his last year of school. trevett is an extremely intelligent but misunderstood classmate who is constantly mistaken for woods’ brother. the two become ‘unlikely’ friends and actually find they have a lot in common. trevett introduces him to the beat generation in literature, but its not until woods is on the road with the band and meeting other creators that he begins reading & writing again in small inspired bursts. i think being in this crowd of musicians, most of which who have come from low-income backgrounds, would make him realise that there is a whole lot people aren’t being taught in school...
i think even before going into school for his degree, he would have a general interest in language and words and how they are used culturally to alienate or include or hierarchise people who have different modes of communication. as he gets more into the area of education, he likes to examine how vocabulary is taught/what books are assigned reading, and how everyone visualises definitions individually in the context of their own experience/story. 
i could go on. but i’m gonna finish this up by saying - HE would tell you that his reason for going into teaching was “to learn more.”
2) what would his favorite tv shows be?
  twilight zone / dark shadows / the man from U.N.C.L.E. / star trek /  doctor who / monty python’s flying circus / abbot & costello / carl sagan’s cosmos... the list goes on 😭 i don’t think he’d have much time in the 80s for television though.
3) does he have a hangover cure?
sit under hot running water, stay in bed, and don’t let anyone bother you for the day. honestly he’s one of those people where even an aspirin won’t do much to ease the unpleasantness so he just goes and disappears behind a closed door until dinner time when he emerges hungering.
4) what event in his childhood does he think about the most?
this is a hard one 😭 but this comes to mind a lot, and i think it would change through the years as he makes resolutions with certain inner turmoils? but i think he would run through past interactions with his father every now and then because he refers to his behaviour so much to see... what went wrong. also, before he meets his aunt again in the late 70s, he would run through the events of their separation lots; he has no hateful feelings towards aster bc lots of happy memories w her, it’s just like ‘what did i do to be distanced from her’ when really it was just his dad's manipulation and interception of their correspondence.
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annoying-lucy · 4 years
Evan Evagora did an AMA involving the Star Trek Shitposting Facebook Group - the questions and answers below were copy/pasted direct from the collated master post. Evan is a member of the group, who participates under an unknown pseudonym.
AMA Master Post!
Thanks so much to Evan Evagora for taking time out of his day for our AMA earlier. To make the questions and answers easier for ya'll to find, here they all are together below.
Q: How does my love of cats compare to Elnor?
A: Im actually more of a dog person, there was a scene that had Elnor and spot 2 unite briefly but unfortunately it didn’t leave the editing room
Q: How familiar was I with Star Trek before and did I have to do research?
A: I grew up with TNG, I’d have to say either worf, Guinan or Q are my favourite characters. And I was given episodes to watch that were to help with information before filming Picard
Q: How was I prepped to deal with the crazy fans?
A: I got told to join Star Trek shitposting 😉. Not but in all seriousness, it was Jonathan Frakes who gave me advice on entering the world of fandom from the other side and he said it’s been nothing short of a pleasure
Q: So if Hugh had survived would they have made out?
A: what happens on the cube stays on the cube
Q: My favourite moment of s1
A: getting to slice that romulans head off
Q: How did I hear about Star Trek shitposting?
A: most of the crew is either a part of the group or knows about, one of the amazing hair and make up ladies got me into I think my first or second day
Q: If I had to be Tuvixed with someone excluding elnor?
A: mirror verse Elnor, nah worf to be honest
Q: What is something I’d like to do in season 2
A: Id like to see Elnor and spot 2 together
Q: How am I passing my time woth quarantine?
A: ama for the gronp! Nah I’ve just been reading, writing and also the contact I’m having with the fans too has really helped a lot
Q: If I had to quarantine with any of my costars who would it be and why
A: I’d go with hardy treadaway he’s got the nicest place
Q: What am I hoping to see in Elnor’s future
A: Inner peace, contentment and possibly shorter hair?
Q: Am I intimidated by working on a show with such a big fan base?
A: no I grew up with Star Trek, you’re really in a bubble of filming when you’re making the show, it all didn’t really hit home until the first trailer at San Diego
Q: Would I consider playing Elnor as non binary
A: I’ve seen a lot of debate and discussion about not only my character but others in the series, if there is something that connects you with a character on this show and it resonates with you, even if it’s shown, not shown or hinted at I’m all for it. I am not for the constant belittlement, bullying and criticism of not only the characters on the show but also other fans. It really does break my heart reading comments where people aren’t welcoming of one another, because that is the whole reason why Trek has bought so many together and by spewing these disgusting cruel words out your not only showing the world you don’t understand the meaning behind the show, you also are destroying the thing that makes us all love it
Q: Is there Australia on romulas
A: yeah they have a down under I’m sure of it. No the accent can easily be explained with, Elnor left romulas at a young age, moved to a planet with different species and languages spoken so that influenced his accent
Q: Have I seen Elnor fan fiction and art?
A: yeah some of it has been really amazing! And some others have been...creative
Q: How excited am I to make home movies with my action figures?
A: my plan is to buy everyone’s, make them record audio and then film shit using the dolls and their voices
Q: Are you playing animal crossing?
A: I’ve preordered it because they’ve sold out here in aus, but in playing civ 6 to pass time and Mario party
Q: Did I get to try Romulan ale?
A: no I wish, I’m kind of hoping for a scene next year where Elnor gets drunk for the first time
Q: What character did I wish would appear in our show?
A: one word, one letter Q
Q: What’s my background have I been acting long?
A: Picard was my third acting gig, and the first project to release, so I have got some experience acting and I have previous work but it has either just aired or is going to next year
Q: Please my friend choose a charity you would like us to donate to
A: food bank
Q: Favourite ninja turtle
A: it’s always been Raph and always will be
Q: Do I know much about Elnors background
A: I know things that haven’t been mentioned yet, but also given his character is new and season 1 just finished, hopefully some of those things are explored
Q: How would o feel about the fan theory that Spock is my father
A: I mean, I’m not really sure, I can always shoot Ethan a message and ask him what he thinks too
Q: Which classic episode trope would I like to see?
A: mirror universe
Q: Can we look forward to more ninja representation?
A: is Elnor not enough? ☹️
Q: Were there any particular characters I drew inspiration from, any elves?
A: there’s a particular group of people I think Elnor might have been inspired from. Can I just say how cool it would be if Elnor is just cosplaying as an elf because Picard left him a copy of Lotr when he was young
Q: Would I be open to exploring Elnors sexuality in s2 and what would it be?
A: I am totally open for that, and as for Elnors sexuality, I’m not sure he’s only 17 he’s just left his planet and gone off on an adventure where he openly knew the success may lead in his death or others he hasn’t had time to figure himself out so seeing his sexuality explored would be amazing
Q: What stories did you hear about working on precious trek series from the OG actors?
A; So we found out Michael Dorn used to muddle his lines up because he was normally the last close up of the day. They used to put bets on to see how many takes he’d have to do. All I must add in very fun spirits nothing ever malicious or mean
Q: My long term career goals
A: id like to keep pursuing more roles I’m acting, I’m a big writer and have some projects I’m looking at getting created but right now I’d say I’m just here to learn and grow
Q: What do I write?
A: right now I’m working on three screenplays and two pilots most of the stuff I’ve written is just sitting on my hard drive just waiting to be used
Q: Ever fried an egg, buttered and vegemite'd some toast and eaten it like a sandwich?
A: what I just read, scared the crap out of me, I love vegemite but the most I’ll do is add cheese to it
Q: What is one of my favourite stories about s1
A: Jeri Ryan and I had a scene together in the borg cube (what a queen she made!) it was shooting at night and I think it was the final shot of the day, we couldn’t keep a straight face and just laughed through about fifteen takes
Q: Are you a big fan of fandom besides Trek?
A: Star Wars, lotr, the magician series Raymond e feist, a song of fire and ice series, avatar last air bender and legend of Korra (would love to play zuko) and of course Batman (fav Jason Todd as the hood)
Q: Could I see myself playing Elnor for six or seven years?
A: as long as there’s a good story that myself and fans will enjoy, but if it didn’t meet my expectations no. And also hopefully the writers and creators would want to
Q: My top TNG eps are in no particular order
I borg, all good things, tapestry, the measure of a man and all good things
I’ll also add I borg especially because it’s just cool seeing where Hugh began and how he ended up
Q: How did I land the role of Elnor?
A: I was on a break from filming Fantasy Island (a movie based off the old tv show) and I was home for pilot season which is when they cast for shows, I had two weeks of daily auditions before I was due to fly back and start filming again, two days before I was meant to leave I got an audition for Picard, the script had a code name and Elnors name was Kbar on it, but I was told it was Star Trek. I went into the room and thought I didn’t do a very good job, then I flew to film and two days later I was told I’ve made a list of people being considered, after a few more auditions and a couple of phone calls from producers and everything I found myself on a plane to LA five weeks later
Q: Have I made friends among the cast?
A: no, we tried really hard to become friends, but unfortunately we ended up becoming a family instead. Everything we say in interviews about us getting along is all true and not fake. I’m the newest to acting out of everyone so I was kind of of shocked to find out that how close we all are isn’t necessarily how it will be when I shoot other projects, so I think we just got lucky or they casted really well
Q: Have the Picard people seen your memes?
A: yes I’ve shown them the memes from the page, I’ve shown everyone including Patrick we find most of them funny (some shocking)
Not shocking in a bad way
Unexpected I should say
Q: How do I feel about the ears?
A: I wore them so much they came up in my dreams, but they were the easiest thing to apply onto me
Q: Which non tng character would I like to see return?
A: I wouldn’t mind seeing the doctor
Q: The most relatable Star Trek character?
A: Look for me growing up it was Wesley, i just picked anyone who was the young one. And I grew up with my sisters and was always being told I’m either wrong, an idiot or just to shut up
Q: Did I have previous martial arts experience before the show?
A: I have a background in boxing which helps when it comes to movement, reflexes and just all around fitness for stunts. I didn’t have any sword fighting experience before we began training for the show however
Q: How do you think being raised by an order of women affected Elnor?
A: I think it gave him a healthy understanding of not only the strength and resilience of women but I think he understands not only gender equality but just equality in general and I think that’s directly to do with growing up in a sect of all female warrior nuns
Q: What is a type of meme you would like to see more of in the group?
A: I love all the memes in the group, I hardly like any of them now incase someone figures out who I am though ahahah
Q: Favorite recent memes?
A: See my comment below
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m-feys · 4 years
for the fandom ask thing: ima be super predictable but im curious for your answers 😂😂 torchwood, janto, ianto
kjashdkjahsd thank you anon!!!! :D i got another ask with torchwood so im gonna answer that on that one and do janto and ianto for this
When I started shipping them: ooh this one is a little tricky bc i first encountered janto in doctor who fic, i hadnt watched torchwood at that point but i wanted fics about jack, so it comes with the territory. I think i was very sort of shocked by their kiss in cyberwoman and about the moment in they keep killing suzie cause how those happened so abruptly sort of took me kind of off gaurd, like i knew jack and ianto would be a thing but i didnt know how it would come about? I think i really started shipping them in captain jack harkness, when ianto said ‘jack needs me’ that just cemented their relationship for me and in end of days when Ianto was the one jack was holding onto.
My thoughts: they deserve to be happy!!! but really, this is just such a good ship, it really has everything, betrayal, reunions, the always tragic immortal/mortal, friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. jack and ianto were unfortunately left with so much never resolved about their relationship, but they have a lot of depth to how they interact and there’s a lot of room for fans to make it their own
What makes me happy about them: they’re just really understanding of each other, like its canon they both have a hard time communicating but you can see they both give each other room in their relationship but still support one another
What makes me sad about them: its obvious that ianto’s death makes me really sad but more than that it’s the fact that he died so quickly, ianto and jack should have had 60-70 years together. its what they deserved. but jack will remember him no matter what
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: ianto so often gets forced into the more “submissive” role in the relationship, its so weird and it makes me really uncomfortable...
Things I look for in fanfic: communication. i love it when jack and ianto acknowledge their relationship, thats all, canon tried to deprive us of that, but no. fanfic comes thru
My wishlist: not??? entirely sure?? what this means??? I wish they hadn’t done a bury-your-gays with ianto
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: gonna say lisa for ianto, and for jack, eeeeh, idk, the doctor? not even like romantically, but as a life partner. I wouldnt mind if jack and the doctor traveled around together forever
My happily ever after for them: they get an house they decorate themselves and its all old antiques jack has has forever and random junk they accumulate together, along with iantos choice of curtains and carpet because, “no, jack, we will not be getting shag carpets in the house, I dont care if its great for sex, I don’t care if it was all the rage in the seventies, we’re not having shag carpets” also towels because ianto just has particulars about fabrics. they paint the walls themselves and end up covering in paint after jack smears it on ianto’s face and of course he retaliates. They’ll have house plants and at some point a case leaves loose ends and the end up adopting a kid. and ianto dies of old age and jack will remember him forever
oops that got long haha, but now ianto
How I feel about this character: I really love ianto!!! hes such an interesting character and he’s also just a lot of fun, like this “normal” young man who’s wrapped up in this strange organization but hes so good at what he does and on the outside he seems so unmoved by it all but he really feels so much, hmm i love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Jack of course!!! and Lisa as well, the two people he loves dearly.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Tosh and ianto’s friendship is my favorite!!! i wish we got to see more of them, i love them both so much
My unpopular opinion about this character: hmmmm, I wish people would appreciate ianto’s character a bit more for how strong he is and how much he’s overcome rather than just how traumatized he is. because yes, he’s canonically suicidal and he’s been through so much and he’s pretty young, but like, he also came out of it, and he carries it with him but he’s learned how to carry it, you know?? idk
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish his sexuality had been explored further, i know it has in some of the audio dramas but within the show i wish they had better acknowledged his attraction to men with someone outside of jack.
Favorite friendship for this character: oh oops i already said tosh up top, but i do consider tosh and ianto to have more of a brother/sister vibe anyway so for friendship i will say martha!!! i love her and ianto’s interactions, it would be nice to see them confide in each other about all kinds of stuff
My crossover ship: i have no idea, what would i even cross over with torchwood (im not gonna count doctor who as a crossover theyre the same thing basically) buuut, um, maybe ill cross it over with star wars and ship him with mando from his show, bc that would probably be cool, theyre both the type to be really tender in private moments and super distant in public so they’ll be cool with each other, and they’re both super dedicated to the people they love
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lrcanscams-blog · 5 years
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BOOBOO STEWART? No, that’s actually LORCAN SCAMANDER from the NEXT GENERATION ERA. You know, the child of ROLF SCAMANDER and LUNA LOVEGOOD-SCAMANDER? Only 21 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as a MAGIZZOLOGIST and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE identifies as CIS MALE and is a MUGGLEBORN who is known to be HOT-HEADED, WORKAHOLIC, and RECKLESS  but also, COURAGEOUS, OPEN-MINDED, and EMPATHETIC. — &&. ( TORI, EST,  SHE/HER/HERS, 24. ) 
Aes: reading on rainy days, tall grass blowing in a sea breeze, the smell of old books that haven’t been opened in years, colored ink, detailed lists and notes, baring your teeth to protect others, your friends holding you back from a fight, humming to yourself as you browse through the stacks at the library, sunny sunday breakfasts while your parents tease each other.
TW: Body horror, abandonment and fear of, bullying, and bigotry.
01. Lorcan is older than Lysander by four minutes and holds this over his sibling's head constantly. While being practically the same age, Lorcan still feels like the need to play into the whole “protective older brother” role. This protectiveness carried over into their time at Hogwarts and if anyone said a bad word about Lysander or their family, Lorcan’s wand would be at the ready. He was easy to anger in that regard, didn’t want anyone feeling like they could get away with being a bully (this carried over with his friends as well). He would stick up for anyone, regardless of house or blood status or any other factors. He’s not entirely sure where he got this trait from, certainly not his mother, but Lorcan likes to think that hearing stories about her time at Hogwarts rubbed off on him. He’s never cared about the enemies he might make or the people who would hate him just because he didn’t like anyone being looked down on.
02. He’s very much like his mother in the sense that he’s very open-minded. Not just when it comes to people, but when it comes to learning. Lorcan loved school and loved learning about different potions and spells and creatures. He loved spending time in the library figuring out why certain ingredients had a certain effect. However, Lorcan also enjoyed the study of magical creatures, just like his parents. He would follow his parents into the study of Magizoologist, including traveling to different parts of the world to study creatures. [INJURY//BODY HORROR TW] This, unfortunately, has caused Lorcan to lose his left thumb and pointer finger, along with his right middle finger. [END TW] He’s been told to be more careful, but his best work (in his opinion) has come from taking risks. 
03. Following along his great-grandfather, Lorcan is working on a book about magical creatures. It’s still in the very early stages, he’s still gathering research and working alongside his parents. So far, it’s a lot more work than Lorcan was expecting it to be. But he’s been pulling late nights working on research and analyzing data. This has led his social life to being tossed to the side. He’s trying to get better about not locking himself away, but...his work and research is very important to him.
Character Inspo
Steve Rogers (Marvel) + Alison Argent (Teen Wolf) + Jim Kirk (Star Trek) + Finn (Star Wars) + Cosima Niehaus (Orphan Black) + Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) + The Winchester bros (Supernatural) 
[Warnings for: abandonment, bigotry, body horror]
Lorcan and his sibling were born on August 29, 2008 to muggles Sophia and Umar Baker.
What he does know, is that they were just teenagers when they had him and Lysander. 
And the two teenagers tried to take care of these twins. 
Lorcan remembers the house being chaotic at times. And at five years old, he overheard his parents arguing over whether they could continue to take care of them.
And even now, he still has that small fear of people abandoning him.
So, in 2013, at five years old Lysander and himself were dropped off at an orphanage, despite both of his parents being very much alive. 
Lorcan soon found his voice, standing up for Lysander and himself when the other children would make comments about their appearances or how they acted.
(Most of this included Lorcan using the names small children call each other, but dammit Lysander was all he had.)
And then, just two years later, a couple came in and soon enough, Lorcan and Lysander took on the last name Scamander.
The house was filled...with so much more joy and happiness and love than Lorcan had seen in his entire life. 
His new parents read to them and sang them songs and told him about grand adventures that Lorcan wasn’t sure if real or made-up at the time. 
He was kissed and hugged and told “Good job!” when he was able to control his magic or created an artwork with his small hands. 
They taught him about Hogwarts and the school they would be attending soon. 
(And Lorcan did his best not to cry, to put on a strong face for Lysander.)
They told him to be brave, to be kind, to work hard. And Lorcan was ready to do all of those things.
The hat took a minute to decide where exactly the elder twin would go before finally declaring “GRYFFINDOR!” and was only slightly disappointed to not be in his mother’s house.
(whether Lysander also ended up in Ravenclaw is up to that player, for now im going to write this as if they are in the same house. This can be edited!) 
Having his sibling beside him, gave him some comfort in this very different world. 
Bullying/Bigotry TW
He learned, through other students and some teachers, and even some from Luna herself, the stories of his mother and her friends during her time here. 
He learned about the bullying she and so many other students faced.
And soon, Lorcan learned about the bullying first hand. 
For being muggleborn, for how they looked, for who his parents were. 
This would be enough to drive Lorcan to be...a bit of a wild card. To stand up for the Scamanders. For the other students who got laughed at or called names. 
And to stand up for himself, of course. 
He hated the names they gave him and glances in the hallways between classes.
This would land him in trouble, getting points docked off his house more than once, but Lorcan wasn’t about to just sit back and do nothing. 
For the most part, Lorcan was a fantastic student. He loved learning about this world that he wasn’t born into, all the history and the spells and potions and, of course, the magical creatures. 
He worked very hard on his OWLs to get into multiple NEWT-level classes (Potions, Charms, Herbology, DADA and Care of Magical Creatures). 
He wasn’t a very social student, but had a few close friends (Connection wanted) that he would regularly spend time with. 
In his 5th year, 2024, he became a Prefect.
While he enjoyed being at Hogwarts and everything that came along with it, he truly loved nothing more than being around his parents. He loved listening to them talk about magical creatures and showing him what they’ve discovered and written about. 
After Hogwarts, Lorcan wasn’t entirely sure what he wanted to do.
He did like the idea of the “traditional” jobs that his classmates were going into.
So, he followed his parents around for a bit in their travels and joined them in studying different creatures
And he realized he loved being around magical creatures and studying them.
Has so many notebooks dedicated to notes on them 
They’re organized of course. 
With his parents discovering new creatures, Lorcan decided to try to write a book about them.
He’s still doing a lot of research (a lot) and still sometimes travels to the places where the creatures are native.
Big lover of languages too!!
Really is throwing himself into his research and working on the book.
(I’m sure his parents would tell him to take a break, but then he ends up going to sleep at like two in the morning)
When going to other places to do research about the creatures, Lorcan doesn’t really like following the safety guidelines. 
He just does his own thing, because he thinks that’s how he gets the best information.
Because of this, Lorcan has lost a few fingers to magical creatures. He’s missing his thumb and pointer finger on his left hand and his middle finger on his right.
This makes things like writing and typing a bit more difficult.
He gets very frustrated at himself for not moving fast enough, which is why he spends so many hours dedicated to the research/writing.
Still very protective of his family and loved ones. 
Hearing about the 2nd Wizarding War makes him so angry and despises those who look down on others.
The Clash
The Clash was terrifying. 
Suddenly his parents were just gone. 
Leaving him and Lysander behind. 
It honestly stressed him out a lot (he’s still pretty stressed about it tbh) 
When he found out that other people came back from the past...he immediately went to find his mother and father.
Only, they weren’t his mother and father. They were so young. 
Younger than him. 
He’s trying to focus back on his work, his research and his book.
But now he finds himself reading books on time traveling to see if there’s a fix
And the death eaters are back. Which is worrying. 
Can be quick to anger when someone insults his family or people he cares about
Or even if he just sees someone bullying someone else, Lorcan has to step in.
His dedication to his work and things he cares about can cause him to be reckless
Sometimes doesn’t always think before he acts when he gets worked up or passionate about something
Even when it comes to the magical creatures, he can make bad decisions, but Lorcan has always thrown himself into whatever he’s doing or passionate about
Is very empathetic, almost too empathetic. 
He cares so much about other people that when he sees that they’re hurting, he hurts too
Is very good at making people feel valid and comforted. 
Just like his parents, he’s quite open-minded
Especially when it comes to different theories and people’s experiences
Understands he doesn’t know everything and welcomes other people talking about what they know/believe/experienced
Not so much when it comes to death eaters/blood purists/etc
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buckities · 5 years
a week later, thoughts after the rise of skywalker rewatch. spoilers.
shout-out to the couple of people i’m pretty sure i heard sobbing in the final act: i see you, i appreciate you, i love you.
so my stance towards this movie and towards all movies of the trilogy really is - i really like what you’re saying, you’re just not saying it very well.
i love the concept of the characters, i love the themes, but the execution of them leaves a lot to be desired. i just wish the movies were as good as their high highs.
but back to the rise - the plot and the writing are so weak, but the acting is SO good and it’s visually SUCH a stunning movie and it has its moments (the bridge sequence with kylo, rey and solo and the showdown with palpatine being my favorites) and i still enjoyed it. i genuinely enjoy it, even though it falls so short. previous movies aside (and that’s a pretty big aside, but, y’know), stick to your creative choices within the movie, you know? give them room to breathe. you wanna injure poe? make it matter! make him struggle! you wanna fake a chewie death? alright - have rey struggle with it throughout, don’t give the solution five minutes later. it fits so well within her arc - wanting to be good, but being pressured to go bad, and oh my god she just killed her friend now what is she! if you choose to do it, run with it! stand by your damn choice! poe and finn have an actual fight with heavy stuff - finn telling poe that leia he ain’t, which really hits in the feels for poe? finn keeping ~secrets from poe? and they never resolve that, it just doesn’t matter! (AND JUST SAY THAT FINN IS FORCE SENSITIVE, WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE!) you have this beautiful moment of poe’s self-doubt of having to fill the shoes of the legendary leia organa and you bring in lando ex machina two seconds later just to say ‘lol ur fine’ ‘ur right im fine lol’? let him sit on it! you have ghost force luke admitting he was wrong during A WHOLE MOVIE and you don’t give the statement a second to breathe? you redeem ben, you have rey so touched that she actually kisses him, and you don’t spend one second of her showing an ounce of sadness that he died? and why ARE ben and rey a dyad anyway? what makes them one, why them? you can’t just drop something this huge that actually makes a difference in the plot and just hand-wave it. and this happens all the time, you know? things happen, but they just don’t stick with them, they don’t matter. i understand what you’re trying to do, i see it, but you’re not doing it very well. but i see it, and i like the visuals and everyone in it are acting their hearts out, so i’m going along with it.
i was watching kevin smith discuss the movie and he said something that really stuck with me. he was discussing prompted by a friend how a single line in key moments of the movie would have changed completely the gravity of the situation, and he mentioned finn and jannah’s conversation about her being an ex stormtrooper like finn. he discussed how much more impactful it would’ve been if jannah had simply said something along the lines of ‘we dropped our guns because we heard of you’. that line right there? that would reframe the entirety of finn’s character and turn him into the symbol of an unlikely rebellion in a single second, a character who imo has drawn the short straw out of the trio. imo he had an awesome origin story, but then no one really knew what to do with him and, well, in the rise he spends a lot of time being the RAAAAYman. just one line, one single line.
that said, one thing made me livid this time around - dominic monaghan. i like the guy, but there is L I T E R A L L Y zero reason for him to be in this, he adds NOTHING. i was on the lookout. you don’t really want to add new characters in the final movie of a saga anyway, but adding a new character that contributes nothing? when rose and connix are right there? why, man. he even shares a moment with chewie and a moment with finn, like... WHO ARE YOU, RANDOM RESISTANCE PERSON AND WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH SCREEN TIME.
other than that, maybe poe dameron should get his own damn show, yes please, and if he isn’t in it with his husband, then they can let him embrace his jack harkness-ness.
the lando and jannah scene is such a doctor who moment, btw. i keep expecting them to fly off into a blue box that’s bigger on the inside.
i find the star wars discourse/discussions fascinating. that said, i’ll take a step back now, ‘cause too much fandom can cause too much drama and too much drama can destroy joy. i learned that first hand with endgame, and it fundamentally changed my view and experience of fandom (but not my love for endgame).
so. yeah. :)
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ohgoddard · 5 years
What’s Faster? My Heart or Light Speed? Chapter 2
Space is the truest representation of space between atoms, the astounding nothing that exists is truly mindboggling. While billions of miles away I can see the shimmering lights of stars and the swirling masses of gas clouds and galaxies, I still find myself surrounded by nothing. An apt representation indeed.
Except I’m not truly alone. Mere days ago I was expecting my slow and uneventful death to occur, where I was then saved by the( and I sound like a school girl when I say this) illustrious Dr.O’Reilly, who has yet to tell me her first name. She and I spend a lot of time together right now, being the only ones awake on the ship. But, its mostly been my laying down on a bed due to my not eating and dehydration affecting my abilities to move. But that hasn’t stopped me from struggling around the ship when she’s not around (doing literally God knows what, there is no one else on this ship).
The ship seems to be made for so much more life, and I guess that makes sense. It would serve as our base when we got to the new planet. The good Doctor has a room to herself on this ship, one reserved for the Captain. She told me that he wouldn’t be using it for a few hundred more years, so he wouldn’t mind.
A few hundred more years. That is how much time was left in this little expedition we were on. I wouldn’t even eclipse one of those hundred years, let alone the other five or six. I tried to ask the Doctor about what we’re going to do for the rest of our lives here, but she just kinda smiled and said “Don’t you worry, i’ll think of something.” And let me tell you, right there no solar flare could match the level of heat that rose in my face when she gave me that smile. Could she have been flirting with me there? That little smile? Usually I talk to someone about this kind of stuff, but...no one appears to be here.
In a way I could say i’m trapped again, but this time its far worse. No, it is truly the worst. I am trapped by myself this time. Not in the “I am trapped and alone”, no no. Me myself is trapping me. Which sounds really dumb but i’m panicking ok?! What am I supposed to do when a VERY beautiful woman looks my way and gives me a sly smirk and potentially flirtatious sentence? I need to clear my head.
I,very slowly, throw the covers off of me and  (once again) very slowly move myself onto the crutches I've been provided. My ‘”room” was no more than a bed and dresser. A small TV screen hung over me, having the entirety of Earth’s media lexicon (how they got those companies to agree to put everything together a feat more impressive than space travel). Other than that, barren. I hobble over to my dresser to change out, and I sigh as I pull out an almost identical colorless white and blue streaked suit to the one I wore in my “coffin”.
It was a struggle to get on, what with the pain and general reluctance to leave my room at all. A trait I carried on from my childhood I guess. Eventually I do get everything on and I hobble outside my room to the communal area that was intended for far more people than who is currently using it. I.e. Me. And, surprisingly today, Dr. O’Reilly.  If one could stumble awkwardly in crutches as I could, then I would like to see them. It was like a new born deer. The doctor today was dressed in a yellow sweater, her usual lab coat,and Jack Skellington pajama pants. Her fluffy bunny slippers were as red as her hair, and i’m thinking my face as well. Her freckles mirrored the stars outside, her eyes like two planets obscuring them. I could get lost staring at her, and I would’ve had she not looked up from the book she was reading and cocked her head at me, her glasses slipping down her nose as she did so.
Now, I was never good around those I had a crush on. I act pretty much that same every time. This lead to my perpetual singularity. It comes in stages, whenever I talk to someone I’m interested in.
“G-good morning Doctor! Y-you’re here , why’re you here?”
First I stutter and try and be casual, which never happens.
She smirks (AHHHHH) and gets up from the lounge chair she was sitting in. “Ms. Derringer, are you having a cold? Your face is heating up and you’re shaking quite a bit.” Yeah there’s the second part, the shaking.”Now, this absolutely cannot go on. Go back in your room and I will take care of you.”
“W-wait im fine really. I-i’m not sick!” “I will not take no for an answer on this one, I am the doctor after all!” . She physically picks me up and turns me around. Which, left me in quite a bit of shock on a number of things. 1. The doctor was WAY stronger than I originally thought.I guess when you’re alone a ship what’re you to do? 2. I didn’t know I’d lost that much weight, but pretty happy I cut that down a bit not gonna lie. 3. AHHHHH THE DOCTOR TOUCHED ME, WHAT .
“Come on now, lets get back to bed. I’ll be right back.” She guided me back to my bed and laid me back down. She placed her hand on my head after wrapping me up. “Wow, you’re burning up! I think I was right on the money. I will be right back with something to help with this.” She was so close to me. I could smell the vanilla perfume she used. I think this is a kind of torture in countries, to be this socially awkward around someone who you absolutely cannot stop thinking about. Except its worse for me, because she is literally the only other person on this ship and I can’t help but think of her. Her being drop dead gorgeous is NOT helping me either.
A few minutes pass, me lying in my bed slowly dying of embarrassment. The door opens once again and the doctor is is back. And she is carrying a small tray. On it is a bowl and a water bottle. “ We’re going to give you the good old-fashioned medicine. Rest, soup, and hydration. And, company! I don’t believe you’ll get me sick, so i’ll spend some time with you today!” She closes her eyes and gives a huge smile. I’m reminded of my 8th grade literature class, saying that starting a war over one girl because of something as dumb as beauty. 
I wish I could eat my own words.
I was never much to be attracted to anyone, mostly because they never were back. However, now I find myself absolutely head over heels. A million reasons race in my head. Could it be because she saved my life and im just really thankful? Is it because she is the only one on the ship and we’d just naturally gravitate towards each other? Or do I truly feel these feelings for her.
“Oh! Let me bring in a chair so I can sit with you. And put on something cool! Like Firefly.” 
“What’s Firefly?” I ask. She stops in the doorway and turns around with an incredulous look on her face. “ Something that we’re going to watch immediately. We have all the time in the world, so you’re going to learn about the best shows to ever exist.” And as she left, I sat there in a state of utter...joy? It was in this minute that I knew I truly did like the doctor that way. Perhaps this could be the start of our relationship?
She came back in with one of the lounge chairs and pulled it up to my bed. As the show started, some scifi cowboy thing, I turned to her. 
“Doctor, I..I dont believe I got your name?”
She smiles.”Leah. And don’t worry, I already know yours.” 
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renegadeartist-who · 7 years
how about the twelfth doctor for the character ask :)
favorite thing about them: ok so i was Gonna say the way that they learn to put kindness above everything or how their entire character arc was about self acceptance but i just. i just really like that scene where they enter the arena on a tank playing their guitar. its so ridiculous 
least favorite thing about them: the way s8 twelve was written towards danny…. like i get the In Universe Reasons for it but from an objective standpoint it was shitty :/
favorite line: i promise im gonna do a serious one but basically anything they say in the s9 prologue episodes are Good, also the anti war speech is Great, but the line that broke in the moment more than any other for some reason was “pity, no stars. i’d hoped there’d be stars” 
brOTP: them n clara and/or them n bill…… or hattie or gabby…. literally any companion they have a lot of love in their hearts 
OTP: twelve/the governor (from the blood cell) (im mostly joking but you cant look me in the eye after reading that book and say its not at the very least one sided)
nOTP: i dont ship them w/ anyone tbh? im not too fond of clara n them as a result but yknow
random headcanon: at some point at st luke’s they met three during their exile and eight during the earth arc 
unpopular opinion: i dont know how popular or unpopular it is but its certainly an Opinion and thats that their Depression Look from the magician’s apprentice is their best outfit 
song i associate with them: upside down & inside out by ok go is more of a dr who as a whole character song but also…. its a twelve song
favorite picture of them:
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taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Doctor Strange
Time for wizards!
Okay as much as it disturbs me that Disney decided to avoid having the Ancient One be Tibetan (and setting Kamar-Taj in Tibet) because they didn’t want to lose the Chinese market (when China has been oppressing Tibet and trying to destroy its identity and culture for the last half-century), I do like that the alternative they went with was making the Ancient One Celtic. I like the combination of different ancient cultures in Kamar-Taj. It really helps sell the idea that these sorcerers have all been working together in secret, sharing knowledge to protect the world. (It’d be cool if there were Sanctums in Australia, Africa, and South America too, though. Why’s the Northern Hemisphere so special?)
Dangit Michael Giacchino! You did not try nearly hard enough to make this music different from your Star Trek scores! This is very distracting!
We are introduced to Stephen hands-first. Fitting.
“You had a second opinion. What you needed was a competent one.” *snort*
Wow, I think Stephen is even more of an arrogant jerk than Tony. With Tony, you got the impression that it was a front he put on when he had an audience. With Stephen, I’m pretty sure this is just what he’s like. Yikes. He’s a doctor for the prestige, not because he wants to save lives.
The way he was driving, he absolutely deserved to crash, but holy crap is the crash hard to watch. Also, how did he not drown?
This movie never makes it clear how much time passes. I’m gonna go with years. Like a year between the crash and going to Kamar-Taj, and at least another year of wizard training. Preferably more.
“But if it proves your arrogant ass wrong...worth it.” Hahaha.
“A small loan. Just $200,000.” o_o
Christine’s patience is staggering. You do not deserve her, Stephen. (Currently.)
“You were untreatable.” “No glory for you in that, right?” Got ‘im.
Stephen’s mind is so firmly closed to other schools of thought it’s kind of impressive.
“A tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe.”
Mind forcibly broadened! Whee!
The crawly hands bit is super creepy, but I get that it’s thematically relevant.
This is another one that probably was awesome to watch in 3-D.
Hehe, wifi password.
That’s not the kind of thing you get engraved on a watch for someone with whom you were “barely lovers.”
Hi Wong!
“I’m fluent in Google Translate.” Hehe.
“People used to think that I was funny.” “Did they work for you?” HAHAHA.
That’s a lot of people who can travel the multiverse at will.
I really like their robes.
Fun trivia: 177a Bleeker Street has been the location of the London Sanctum in the comics since the ‘60s, and it was a reference to Sherlock Holmes. Now we’ve come full circle.
Seriously the similarities to the Star Trek music are extremely annoying. Just like watching Pirates of the Caribbean and Gladiator. I want to be in the moment, not thinking about an entirely different movie from an entirely different genre!
Dang that looked like he got stabbed in the heart, but I guess not?
Poor Christine. This whole sequence is awesome, though. Astral projection fight!
Okay I really like how Stephen reacts to the realization that he killed someone. It’s weird that he’s the only character in the movies to deal with this. Tony, Steve, and Thor don’t even blink, like, ever.
“You became a doctor to save one life above all others. Your own.” Yeah, I really like this debate. Is Stephen hiding behind the Hippocratic Oath when what he really wants is to keep himself safe, or does he actually care about not taking life? Should exceptions be made when it comes to people who would see everything destroyed? How much can reasonably be risked in search of a third option where no lives have to be lost?
Dangit, Stephen, you broke Mordo’s brain.
All these fights are so trippy and awesome. This movie’s greatest strength is its visuals.
Stephen hands Nick the scalpel! Character development!
The slow-mo lightning is so cool.
The simplest and most important lesson: it’s not about you. Oooooh. He has super learned that lesson as of the end of Infinity War.
Hahaha, the Cloak is so fussy.
The fight while time is reversing is my favorite one. Kind of a missed opportunity to use reversed music, but everything looks amazing.
So the only way this really makes sense is if Dormammu is bound to his word.
Oh hey I figured out the thematic thing. Stephen’s flaw has been fear of failure, and he’s been bad at surrendering to things and realizing that it’s not about him. In this final battle, he wins by failing on purpose, over and over. Nice!
What’s Mordo even talking about? There have been no consequences to Stephen saving the world from Dormammu like this or reversing the destruction of the Hong Kong sanctum. Unless the consequence is just that he’s a bad guy now. Meh.
What Mordo does to Pangborn is SO CRUEL.This guy isn’t hurting anyone! He’s just making himself able to walk!
Doctor Strange is a visual feast and has a pretty good arc for the protagonist. It did a very good job of expanding the MCU into magic, in ways they wouldn’t quite let themselves do with the Thor movies...until Ragnarok, now that this movie opened that door. Like a few other Marvel movies, though, its weak point is its very underdeveloped villain. He’s better than Darren Cross and Malekith, and that’s probably thanks to Mads Mikkelsen’s acting and all the cool magic stuff he gets to do.
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1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. And tag 11 people
Tagged by @plush-anon
All righty then, time for my eleven questions to issue:
1. Star Trek, Star Wars, or Doctor Who, and why?
Star Trek. Always Star Trek. This is actually something I've put a lot of thought into actually. Star Trek gives me that hope that maybe humanity won't always suck. That mayhaps we'll learn to better ourselves beyond what we currently are.  I also happen to like a lot of the philosophical points brought up in a lot of the episodes. 
I'm also a slut for space.
2. Favorite fantasy book?
The Defectives by Burgandi Rakoska. I picked it up off of a post on this site actually.
3. What’s your favorite monster or cryptid and why? Least favorite?
NESSIE 4 LYFE and idk why I like her so much lol.  I dont know what my least favorite would be tbh
4. Who was the rudest person you ever encountered at work?
FUCKIN' LOUIS. He had one order. And if it didn't come out /PERFECT/ he would just get up and leave the food on the table. I think he dumped it on the table once. And then he would come the next day, complain about it, and then order it again saying to not to mess it up. I hate him.
5. Favorite drink?
Are we talking alcoholic or not? I'll answer both. Alcoholic is Jameson whiskey. Non would probably be dr pepper
6. What are your favorite pajamas/clothes to wear to bed (if any)?
I like oversized t shirts the best.
7. Least favorite texture and why?
I'm pretty sure you meant fabric, but I can't think of one. BUT I HATE THE TEXTURE OF RASINS. THEY'RE SO GOOEY AND GROSS.
8.  Who’s your favorite Gotham Rogue out of Batman’s villains and why?
I like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy???? Idk
9. What was your first/favorite stuffed animal or toy growing up as a kid?
My first that I can remember is this baby toy horse/unicorn thing. Very soft fabric. But I slept the stuffing out of it. I also really loved my woody toy.
10. If money, time, and skill were of no issue, who would you cosplay as at San Diego ComiCon and why?
Telma from Twilight Princess.  Ive wanted to cosplay her for years.
11. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing in the next 12 months and why?
I cant pick just one so I’ll just list the ones Ill probably go see.  Black Panther and A Wrinkle in Time (despite my misgivings that itll lose some of the bookness) for sure.  I might go see a couple others such as the Incredibles, but those arent really something I’m extremely gung ho about.
And tbh, I rarely pick people to tag in these.  SO IF YOU WANT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS, ANSWER THESE LOL 
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