#im mentally ill rn
cryptidscries · 8 months
you ever see someone you used to know and have an extremely deep relationship with and wish you could reach out to them again just to talk one time but know that you cant do that because you would wreck your life all over again for them and its better for your mental and physical wellbeing to be away from them?
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tzarrz · 4 months
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i listen to fog lake too much
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schizopositivity · 2 years
i see reminders to take your meds all the time and thats great but heres your reminder to get your meds refilled! to call your pharmacy! to pick up your refills while the pharmacy is still open! you cant take whats not there, its super important that you stay on top of getting your refills
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lacemyribbons · 4 months
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jelliships · 7 months
kissing your f/o and they do that thing where after they pull away slowly, their eyes flicker open softly and theyre just in a daze staring into yours, blush dusted across their face..
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chickenoptyrx · 11 months
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....I just wanted to draw gators :T at this point these 2 are more 'a representation of my last 2 brain cells' then they are actual characters 😅
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nova-rpv · 9 days
unhinged stinky critter for @lazydayslivin
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dont forget ur daily clicks!!
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cestacruz · 11 days
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And i had to alright, Bill Cipher compells me, so now he is human and paraguayan
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dareduffie · 25 days
cherik — i'm your man.
you're an angel, i'm a dog. or you're a dog and i'm your man.
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quinquangularist · 10 months
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cub heard tango say "top decked out players" one time and was like "sir yes sir"
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fullfledgeey-art · 2 months
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Got hyperfixated on Splatoon again so I drew my little inkling :3 Their name is Guppi
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deprixpainsblog · 4 months
„Ich wünschte ich hätte niemals existiert“
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aranock · 11 months
Fucking begging supposedly leftist people to stop being sanist while trying to advocate for marginalized groups or talking about politics. Being bigoted in one way isnt helping combat other forms of bigotry or helping you to fight against fascism and other harmful ideologies. For example, when you call all transphobes/terfs etc "insane/crazy/psycho" etc you are not helping me as a mentally ill trans woman, you are just being bigoted to me in a different way. You are also validating the sanism that a lot of those exact people believe in.
Viewing bigotry, hate, terrible ideology and all things you deem bad in the world as synonimous with people like me is just hatred. You are part of the problem. Using denigrating terms for people like me as equivalent to those persecuting me is not fucking helpful.
Y'all can understand how someone who calls everything they view as bad "gay" is homophobic but then can't seem to piece together that calling everything you view as bad "crazy/insane etc" is sanism. Hint if you view a marginalized group as synonimous with everything wrong in the world you're a bigot too.
I am just so so so sick of how obvious it is that most of you see people like me as the embodiment of evil. You need to accept that sane people like you are just as capable of terrible acts and beliefs, above and beyond that you are going to have to reconcile with the reality that the vast VAST VAST majority of bigots are "sane" like you. That the vast majority of violence done in this world is done by sane people. I get that sanism is your emotional support bigotry that helps you sleep at night, because you get to Sit there going "I cant do and believe terrible things, I'm not "insane" like those bigots and fascists. I have the essentially good brain, unlike these evil bad brain people." but from where I'm standing your sanism is dangerous to me just like the people you're incorrectly calling crazy are, and you need to take a long look in the mirror and start deconstructing that. Because until you do, you are no ally, accomplice, or safe person for me. Big fucking hint those people you are decrying hate people like me and say the same shit about everyone they dislike that you do. Centrists and neoliberals and bigots and conservatives and fascists are not terrible because they're insane or crazy or whatever diagnosis term you're incorrectly throwing around this week, they are terrible because of their beliefs and because of how they seize and use power.
If you have ever agreed with something I've said you have agreed with a crazy person. If that sentence makes you uncomfortable or squeamish you need to unpack where that comes from or you are going to keep hurting marginalized people like me.
Just thoughts from one of those scary insane people you spend so much time ostracizing and demonizing.
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schizopositivity · 19 days
It sucks so much that as someone with a severe and persistent mental illness it's MY responsibility to jump through hoops and be proactive in contacting people at limited times of the day just to get MY MEDS THAT I'VE BEEN TAKING CONSISTENTLY FOR YEARS
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so-very-small · 2 months
a friendly giant tries to gently approach tiny me but they don’t know i accidentally lapsed on my antidepressants for a week and i just start biting the shit out of their hand the second its in reach like fucking shredding that thing im like a two inch bundle of knives and claws and i know a rage only held by people who realize they’re acting unmedicated but cannot restrain it. bc of the being unmedicated. get bit idiot.
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pmpwbrrs · 2 months
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Boob grab kiss and nudes yaay ^_^
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