#im not a perfectionist in any other aspect of life but when it comes to papers i absolutely am. i wish i had time to fix this
prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
hi fang!!
i apologise if this is something u get asked often, but ur writing is most definitely my favourite to consume and ive never felt feelings the way i do when i read anything you've written, and was wondering if you have (or have already posted) any writing tips that u could give me?
reading your creations for so long has honestly really inspired me to write too but i have no idea where to start in terms of anything. i've never attempted to write before, i've always been more of a reader, but if i could make anything even close to what you do for beloved characters and fandoms then it would make me so so so happy.
if you need me to be more specific about what i'm having trouble with i could try and narrow it down but honestly everything is pretty accurate T-T
anyways thank u for posting everything u do, i am eternally grateful! at this point im conditioned to get excited every time im scrolling on dash and see the green katsuki pfp <3 hope ur 8 hours wherever u are isnt too perilous >:(
this made my lower lip tremble how could u think so highly of lil ol me.... im very glad my writing could invoke such feelings you!! enough so to even inspire like how huge is that... im a very unpolished and messy writer by nature so im extra moved when people are kind to me about this kind of thing. like.. ough. i have moved u... what a world...
i dont know if i have any good writing advice to give you!! im very clumsy in my own writing. here is some advice i have given people before
my biggest piece of writing advice is stop worrying about it and do everything lightly. i think there is a lot of pressure and expectation on people who are trying their hand at any creative thing to hit a point of being objectively good. im a huge perfectionist in my normal life - but because of that, i always miss out things i could actually do. being that caught up on the details made it so that i never actually tried at anything
a lot of my writing has typing errors and things i could do better but i have to intentionally allow myself that grace because if i don't - i would've never finished a piece of writing in the first place. i only get better if i write and i only write if im not so caught up on the details. there is always going to be a learning curve. im always going to look back at old writing and wince a little at all the things i can do better.
but at the time, i had the confidence to put that out into the world. now that its out, i can look at myself critically. posting for me is a way of holding myself accountable if that makes sense. everyones already seen the flawed version, so there's no longer any reason to not improve or be embarrassed. its also why i dont delete fics even when i hate them later. there was one person who liked the cringe worthy sincere aspect of me. how nice would it be if i could make something even better than that.
writing can be anything you want. it can be the most important thing you've ever done or the thing you do on the bus ride home. it can change your life or you can forget about it the very next day. its yours. your voice is always all yours.
but you it can never be anything to you if you don't just give it your most honest try. do everything very lightly. pick an idea, map out a beginning middle and end, and write a story.
more practically - it will help immensely for you to observe the way other people write first. try to read critically instead of for enjoyment and see what you like. what inspires you? a persons flow, diction, dialogue? and emulate that in your own way. when you start your voice will not be much more than a mish-mash of all the things you love and that's okay. that's what all writers with very distinct voice tend to do anyways.
i know it seems counter intuitive and pointless to stress but really - the best thing you can do for yourself when it comes to writing is just sitting down and giving it a try. pick any idea, plot out a simple 3 point beginning middle and end, and just see what you can do. you can be critical and edit as much as you want after. just get it down on paper first the best you can and don't worry yourself sick over each sentence or nothing will ever get written
i can try and give you more practical advice if you let me know what you need!! ive given writing advice before but im very under qualified for that i fear. even so i hope it helps you a little to give it a shot. i know it sucks to hear u just have to try and see but it rlly is true
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oliviamillss · 3 years
understanding my own chart
(no sugarcoating)
sun in aries, 27 degrees, 8th house: i've never really thought of myself as an aries person, and i suppose that's what put me off astrology for a while. i think it makes sense that it's in a gemini degree, i tend to follow the gemini stereotypes. my sun in 8th house was not a shock to me. i'm a person who's extremely open and comfortable about anything taboo, and it all fascinates me, especially cults. i also have major trust issues, which also ties in within the 8h culture. i suppose the 8h'ness' is emphasised with my sun trine pluto
moon in sagittarius, 13 degrees, 4th house: i always try to make myself seem perfectly fine and happy, and wash over all my negative emotions with positive ones. i also would say my emotions are a lot, and something i find really difficult to deal with. i am the soppiest person out there, and get extremely attached to people, objects and places within a second. i numb my emotions down when they all get too much, however the slightest bit affects it.
moon square uranus, moon square venus and moon square ascendant: oh my god you can really tell one of my life's lessons is to do with emotions, cant you? these moon squares are really negative and affecting my life majorly. can we talk about moon square uranus for a second, because jesus christ my emotional unstability!! i literally don't know how i feel at a given moment and even then, it changes so incredibly quickly. im super sensitive to any emotion and it affects everything. moon square venus is messing everything up, my needs within a relationship vs my wants dont match up at allll. this aspect also doesn't help at all with me getting attatched so easily, it's like i literally need them to keep me alive. and onto moon square ascendant, why tf am i so scared of people knowing i have emotions??? im so terrified to express them, even happy emotions. i hate people seeing me have emotions, and feel extremely uncomfortable when anyone can see through the wall i create.
virgo ascendant, 9 degrees: i am the biggest perfectionist ever, with everything. i literally cannot show that i'm interested, or doing something until i'm absolutely perfect at it. i want people to view me as a smart person, and i tend to surround myself with smart people. i care about my looks so much, wanting to look so perfect, that i literally cannot do anything about them because i'm never going to be happy. having an exact lilith conjunct ascendant is helpful,, in a way, i guess the sexualisation of me increases my confidence? i told my friend that and he thought it was weird af. i saw a post the other day, so this is me confirming it, but i am so good at like faking innocence to get what i want from certain people, i fake submission to them, and i do it for the dumbest stuff, like being 1 person higher in the queue.
aries mercury, 1 degree, 8th house: i wouldn't necissarily think im the aries mercury stereotype, but i think my mars being in cancer, and mercury in 8th makes the difference. i do have quick thoughts though, it's like in a way keywords that have like huge sentences attatched? a significant amount of what i talk and think about is majorly taboo things, i'd say a significant amount of my life is about taboo things.
i also have a fuck ton of mercury aspects but i'm too tired to go into detail on these
pisces venus, 12 degrees, 7th house: i am the biggest romantic/idealist. if i love someone i sugarcoat everything, and make come up for excuses for every single red flag. if i fall for someone i am so incredibly in love with them, and all i can think about is them. i need constant attention and i need to feel loved, and im the biggest overthinker and clearly a lot of work lmao. i tend to see my crushes/partners as perfect, and 'out of a movie'. i also love being babied in a way, nothing weird, just i like being treated in a way that means i don't have as much responsibility as i feel like i do in the real world. my venus conjunct uranus makes everything difficult af. i struggle to get into a relationship, i prefer situationships, and the chase, rather than being fully committed to another.
cancer mars, 10th house, 2 degrees: when i'm angry, everyone knows it. not in a way that i express it physically, i just go silent af. literally its somehow deafening. sometimes i fake being okay, people can see through that though. i cry when im angry too, a lot lol. i'm also extremely competitive, i hate guessing games in case im wrong lol. i also have a need to know where i stand, and others stand in society. with mars square north node, i go significantly out of my way to spite people. also when i feel like im the best at something, i thrive in that situation, but if i think just 1 person is better, i hate myself for it
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swimfuel · 3 years
okay humanstuck thoughts under the cut
i owe a lot of this to @/rhythmic-idealist's kankri/vantasposting bc holy shit theyve got such a big brain (ill link to their individual posts when im on desktop since im using this to keep all my thoughts straight and i agree with most of what they say wholeheartedly)
general status quo stuff:
signless works in an extremely demanding career involving helping others (i'm leaning towards an attorney who works with organizations and does pro bono work), and is also extensively involved in social justice work outside of his job... he is very rarely home
he loves and cares for his children deeply and tries to express it whenever they're face to face, but the couch in his cramped and messy office has seen far too much use over the years for him to have been able to say it enough
his habits of working himself to the point of exhaustion are handily passed down to his kids btw
the kids had to grow up quickly because signless was out of the house so often and so consistently—kankri, who was already pretty high-strung, has to learn to take care of himself and karkat
they grow up near ms firuzeh maryam, who's their pseudoaunt/grandma (she took in a nine year old kavana vantas when she was about twenty), but they just call her ms rosa
they spent a lot of time in the maryam house growing up, with miss rosa's two nieces. porrim is a year older than kankri, while kanaya and karkat are the same age
kankri grows kinda sensitive to people trying to mother him since it rubs against the notion that he's the "adult of the house" and that he can take care of himself and karkat just fine
(and it also kinda underlines the fact that kankri has no idea what he's doing at the best of times)
and ironically enough, kankri becomes overbearing and naggy towards karkat in his own right, which forestalls them becoming close in any brotherly sort of way
they grow up really just... unable to communicate with one another clearly
karkat develops his ornery exterior in response to kankri's constant stream of opinions and frantic attempts at making up for the presence of a guardian in the house
i think there would actually be some really interesting parallels with rose in this au.. maybe i'm drawing from my own experiences as well but i think he'd begin to assume that every time his brother opens his mouth, he's going to criticize karkat
but instead of reacting like rose with the "making yourself more of a puzzle"/passive aggressive stuff, he gets a more defensive/hackles raised/"argue with you before you can argue with me" approach
and the thing is that they do love each other and would take a bullet for the other etc etc etc.. but they don't know how to express it because they've fallen into these shitty patterns
and it really doesn't help that kankri has grown somewhat resentful of signless over the years... that mix of resentment and fear and love gets more extreme and more polar every time signless gets injured during a political demonstration
i think kankri and signless would also be slightly closer than karkat and signless, as signless' job really only started to ramp up when karkat was less than years old and kankri was in his early double digits
kankri autistic btw its word of god (i am god)
karkat has a pet crab. its name is also karkat. he vents his frustrations to it.
i feel like the vantases exemplify both the best and worst parts of their aspects with one another as well... the strength of their bonds keeps them together and grounded, but TOO grounded. [insert Blood rant here]
the Blood rant:
i define Blood as bonds, responsibility, and the "core". if Life is the fertile soil and everything living on a planet's surface, then Blood is the gravitational core of the planet keeping everything together
i also think Blood, Heart, & Mind work in tandem to define a person just as blood serves to connect the pieces of the human body... Heart is the soul and the self, Mind is the application of one's self through active choices (agency), while Blood defines both the self and the choices one makes in greater detail [and, as an aside, Life provides the physical spark of life needed to keep the heart pumping blood]
OKAY wow that got tangential anyways
SO BASICALLY! too much Blood makes you stagnate, so for example:
kankri is split between staying home with karkat or going to college across the country and being truly unbound for the first time in years
another crisis of Blood: signless is caught between his empathy and responsibility to the whole world and his responsibility to his own children
okay so here's more status quo stuff:
the maryam and vantas kids grow up together and its hilarious because you'll see them all together and its just like (girlboss) (girlboss) (physical manlet) (emotional manlet)
the maryam girls are actually miss rosa's nieces but she took them in when they were both pretty young
the pyropes know the vantases well enough considering pyrope senior and sign have known one another from their respective legal practices for years, but they live on the other side of town
the leijons lived in town when kankri and meulin were very young, but they moved and travelled for a long time before coming back and reestablishing their roots
the captors (psii being one of sign's oldest and closest friends) move into town with the peixes family pretty early on though
the condesce is.. a horrible spouse and guardian, to put it plainly. she's very emotionally manipulative and isn't averse to smacking people around, including her own family. she moves herself and her perfect little family into town so she can properly oversee a new business venture close by
feferi is one of the best young swimmers in the country and has a pretty good shot of getting onto the olympic team.. a lot of this drive to be perfect and to be better results from the condesce's unrelenting pressure and thinly veiled resentment throughout her whole life
so yeah psii, )(ic, feferi, and sollux all live together and it's really not great for anyone involved. (meenah ran away years ago, and crashed on aranea's couch for a pretty long while—mituna moved out with latula for college before psii and the condesce got married)
it gets bad to the point of sollux staying with the maryams for two months while the adults try to sort out that absolute clusterfuck and get the divorce proceedings going (meenah finally convinces feferi to get out and come stay with her and aranea for the duration as well)
in terms of relationships i think latula and porrim were really really close in high school, and probably had some kind of unacknowledged thing going on for a while that never actually turned into anything because latula and mituna were going steady
kankri has had a crush on latula for years but never acted on it for similar reasons
meenah still carries a lot of that give no fucks attitude (it's developed moreso as a defense mechanism here) and can't understand why feferi refuses to leave the condesce with her
okay back to VANTAS MANPAIN i also think that karkat feels the weight of a lot of expectations on his shoulders as well
he feels responsible to live up to the example his dad and his brother set, even if it's to his own detriment—and kankri's oblivious rambling about his grades and his teachers and all his clubs certainly aren't helping the matter
kankri is one of those overinvolved kids taking a million AP's while simultaneously shitting on the collegeboard at every single step
hes this super overachiever anal retentive perfectionist type dude and (just as karkat preemptively criticizes others to forestall their criticisms of him only to harshly criticize himself) kankri subconsciously holds the people around him to the same expectations he holds for himself
so karkat also develops this sense of lacking which, in combination with everything else, culminates in self loathing and thinking he has to solve everyone else's problems and getting horribly mad at himself for every little mistake
GOD i have a lot more but lemme post this before i accidentally close out of the app and lose it all
more little details:
vriska's mom and terezi's mom HATE each other like HATE HATE HATE one another it's so bad
karkat wrote a ten page review of my immortal in middle school
jade is one of nepeta's best online friends
sollux can't raise one eyebrow at a time.. karkat gives him so much grief about it
the vantases eat a lot of shitty renditions of persian dishes until karkat learns to cook because literally the only person in the world with a CHANCE of getting KANKRI VANTAS to make an EDIBLE DISH is miss rosa
kanaya is really good at persian dance too but is VERY VERY embarassed to perform in front of people.. however porrim definitely is not
karkat has insomnia while kankri just stays up stupidly late for assignments that really shouldnt be taken that seriously.. but they both have the same rumination/sleep anxiety thing where your brain goes insane with horrible and depressing scenarios as you try to sleep
and more ideas that i thought were interesting but idk how to fit in the context of this au:
signless and disciple getting married pretty late in life after having been in love for years, the vantases move in with the leijons and karkat suddenly has two sisters
nepeta and karkat are both juniors at this point, meulin is probably in her third year at a local college nearby while kankri is about to start his second year at a university pretty far away
the kids in general honestly but ill figure it out
more random hcs this time with kids:
kanaya and rose get into a flame war online that gradually settles into elaborate courtship rituals
also nepeta + jade online besties
also bec can inexplicably still teleport
the first sbahj movie comes out and the next six months of dave strider junior's high school career are absolute hell
actually hc that dave senior goes by d strider professionally. the d stands for a lot of things
aradia and dave frequent a lot of the same forums but never end up really interacting
meanwhile karkat and john frequent a lot of the same forums and DEFINITELY end up interacting. this turns into grudging (at least on karkat's part) friendship after they find themselves fighting for their lives defending an objectively shitty movie together on the same thread
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Here fr d game!
Umm im guessing ur an pisces mercury*hehe jst types wht comes to mind at 1st
Also i wont mind if u post it publicly or send me privately
Here is my birthchart(tropical)
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Anw Have a great day/night ahead🤍🥂
Guessing was fun tho..evn if i guessed wrng one💀🤣
Hey!! You did guess wrong, sorry about that xd but it's oki, don't worry about it! Have a good day too ^^
Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: you don't have a lot of aspects, but a lot of them are exact: that wedge patter between Saturn, Venus and Mercury is very exact; you have an even distribution of planets among the signs and the houses; also, the angles (except IC) all conjunct planets or points
As an Aquarius, you are quirky, aloof, dreamy and humanist. People may think you're awkward and detached, which is probably true for you since your Sun is at 0º of Aquarius. Your originality and uniqueness are probably the things you love about yourself the most. Your mind is also quite agile, which allows you to fulfil your dreams. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that the Sun is in Detriment in the sign of Aquarius. This means that the Sun can struggle here, making you feel confused as to who you are and how you can express yourself. You very much value your independence and your rebelliousness. However, you can be stubborn to a fault when it comes to your thoughts and opinions.
The Sun in the house of Libra shows that you really enjoy socializing and that's also where you shine the most brightly. The Venusian influence gives you charm and elegance, which cause people to flock to you. Also, you may show your true colours in relationships, particularly romantic ones. Having someone close to you will allow you to achieve a better understanding of yourself. You do well when it comes to working with others; this placement helps the detached, independent Aquarius Sun to be more sociable and better appreciate others. Also, the Venus influence can make people look up to you and see themselves in you, something that doesn't really happen with Aquarius Suns in generally. You may do well in associations or organizations because you have a need to be in society.
Once again, you have a planet in Detriment. Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, struggles to feel and voice the emotions they experience. Therefore, it is natural that the Moon finds this sign difficult. You think too much. Perhaps you had a complicated relationship with your mother, which may have caused you to repress your emotions. Capricorn placements, in general, tend to grow up and mature quite early, which leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms; you had to raise your walls up high, so you struggle to let anyone in. You may also be socially awkward. At the same time, you may seek validation from society, which is one of the things that may give you that emotional security that you deeply seek. You should work on letting your guard down; emotions are not the enemy, it's okay to feel what you feel. Let out your inner child once in a while.
Here, the Moon is in the house of Virgo (but lying almost on top of the Descendant). There is a strong connection between body and mind. You seek emotional safety through your work and other acts of service; you want to be useful to people and to spend your time wisely. You may be a workaholic. Your routines are very important to you; you can get distraught if someone messes with your daily habits. Your health may be a concern to you, but since your Moon is harmoniously aspected, I'd say you're generally healthy. Nevertheless, watch for any hereditary diseases or problems with food or alcohol. The square with Mars suggests to me that you can quickly let out your anxieties. You like discipline, organization and cleanness; you are determined in the pursuit of your goals. You may have a vocation to work directly with people. Your moods may change quickly.
With Mercury in Capricorn, you speak in a very structured, pondered way. You are very analytical and it shows in the way you communicate. You're a realist, but people may think you're more pessimistic. You definitely tend to be pessimistic at times, as well as distrustful and sceptical. You like to research, to gather information before speaking. You're concrete in your thinking, logical and organized. You take your time to make decisions; you weigh all the pros and cons carefully. Probably not the one to daydream or have many fantasies; you prefer the realistic and achievable. Although you're mostly serious, you can be playful sometimes.
Capricorn Mercury is similar to Mercury in the house of Virgo. You are probably a perfectionist person, determined and organized. You analyse everything, yourself and your emotions included. You're very critical, especially of yourself. You hold everyone to high standards; once again, yourself the most. Like Capricorn Mercury, you can have pessimistic tendencies. You probably repress your feelings and rationalize them instead. Additionally, your knowledge can progress through daily life experiences and through your body. You should practice meditation and mindfulness because your anxiety and stress may have a direct effect on your bodily health.
Venus is exalted in Pisces. This sign is intuitive, empathetic and emotional, which are traits that Venus likes. You feel everything and negative energies really get to you, so it's important that you find a partner that gives you emotional stability. You make a good lover, for you are caring and sensitive to people's needs, especially your partner's. Venus here gives you ethereal, alluring vibes. You can seem almost magical to people. You can be very protective of those you love, selfless; you can even sacrifice yourself for them. You're a daydreamer, you live in your own fantasy world. You have great aesthetic taste and you're quite romantic. However, be careful not to be taken advantage of; your too-good nature can land you someone whose intentions are far from the best.
Venus here acquires some Scorpio traits, namely the need to get a deep connection with someone. You are a person of extremes, not of middle-terms. In this sense, you can get effortlessly get people to open up to you, to tell you their deepest, darkest secrets. Since the (H also rules other people's money, you may get rich through an inheritance or a good marriage. Also, people may trust you with their money. In love, too, they aspire to learn everything about their partner. You seek transformative relationships, ones that will allow you to experience a different range of emotions, another dimension, even. Casual relationships are probably not your thing. You can get too controlling and dominating, so beware of that. Also, financial security is important to you; you may even have a job that has directly to do with money.
Here, Mars is in its rulership. You are quite reckless and impulsive in your actions. You like to be the first, to be the pioneer (much like Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac). You have a knack for leadership and people tend to be happy to follow your lead. You are quite competitive in just about everything; you can have a sour loser. You are quick to get mad, but after you explode, your anger will be gone in an instant. You are great at achieving goals because Mars helps you to stay motivated and determined; you are quite persistent and usually get what you want. You can also work well under pressure. Laziness is not in your blood. Your independence is quite important to you, as are your opinions. You can be quite stubborn and difficult to argue with, simply due to your relentlessness.
Your Mars is in the house of Sagittarius. This placement allows you to acquire the necessary willpower for the journey to the expansion of knowledge and discovery. Your actions should help you with the acquisition of further knowledge, as well as ideas and strengthening your freedom. This placement goes against the need of routine imposed by your 6th house placements; Mars here wants you to get out there, be free, have fun, think about life, yourself and the universe. You have strong morals and philosophical ways. This placement may make you strongly seek, hunt, even, the truth of the fundamental questions. On another note, you can develop an attraction to foreign people and may wish to move away from home swiftly and without hesitation. This can be abroad too.
Jupiter is in Detriment in Virgo. Whilst Jupiter is all about philosophy, the higher mysteries and expansion, Virgo seeks for the concrete, for what it knows, for the logical and rational. Therefore, this placement requires work. You are sceptical, you need to think and analyse everything before you come to a conclusion. Growth is achieved through responsibilities and being useful to others. A bit of idealism would be good, Jupiter struggles in Earth signs. You may think that you know more than you actually do, that you see the bigger picture when that is not true. Be careful not to grow an ego. Your beliefs will be challenged in this lifetime. You have a desire to help people, and in relationships too you want to do everything in your power to aid your partner.
This placement generally brings good luck when it comes to money and other worldly possessions. You may also like to spend money, more on your loved ones than on yourself. You may be big into giving gifts. In order to reach that emotional security, you may wish to surround yourself with material items that, to you, hold great value and importance. Once you understand how better to acquire that stability, you may become rather generous with your money. You want a comfortable lifestyle. Like Venus in the 8th house, you may be good at managing your possessions, thus causing others to go to you for financial advice. You may not show it, but you have strong philosophical convictions, which may prove to be impossible to change.
Saturn is in Detriment here, which makes it four planets in Detriment in your chart. You may feel a strong need for emotional safety, which could manifest as a fear of abandonment. There may also be some emotional blockages present that you struggle to overcome. Saturn retrograde, being the planet of Karma, may difficult your mission in life. You could be stuck on an unresolved trauma from a past life. This may be represented by a figure of authority in this life, perhaps your father. Instead of attempting to reconcile your past, try to accept the world changing around you. You may be too afraid to venture into the world and to open your heart; accept that it is part of life. Find people that give you that security, but don’t pour out your entire soul to them; find a balance. Not everything can be kept in our hearts, but not everything should be shared, either.
This is quite a strong and powerful placement: you have the planet of karma in the most karmic house. Also, according to Hellenistic Astrology, Saturn has its joy in the 12th house. You may be afraid to mess with the subconscious because your emotions may overtake you. Saturn is related to blockages and yours may be due to paranoia, which is characteristic of Neptune and Pisces. You may repress parts of yourself that you are not happy about, which makes you feel better, but, at the same time, paranoia can set in and make you wonder if that is the right thing to do. That aside, you may also struggle with poor self-esteem and doubts about yourself and life. There can be problems of guilt of some sort, perhaps even related to your life itself. It is very vague, but my thoughts about this placement are, in short, that, from birth, there have been deep traumas within you that have blocked your inner peace. What does are, I do not know. ⬛️
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hakurasakura · 3 years
hi new follower here and i absolutely love your blog! <3
i was wondering if you’re still talking about charts?? if so i’d be so grateful if you could do mine! thank you if so :)
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hello and welcome! and im glad you love my blog!
im sorry that this took a while (and that it is super long). everything is under the read more (disclaimer: i only did the planets and their positions. im still learning about the asteroids and the degrees)
taurus sun (12 H): when taurus natives work, they work hard. they do it with a steadiness that may rarely be considered quick–rather it’s a dependable and steady effort that has its payoffs. security is immensely important to taurus. although hard-working, their comfort-loving nature sometimes makes them appear lazy. this is only because they separate work and leisure so well. when they work, they work hard, and when they play, they don’t really “play” as such…they relax. solar taureans like to own things (and sometimes people). a nice home, a piece of land (this can be modest), a paid-off car, a couple pets, maybe a solid business…in love and relationship, there is an earthy kind of possessiveness that may be considered jealousy by some, but there is actually quite a difference between being possessive and being jealous. taurus sun natives are rarely jealous and petty. they do, however, think of the people they love as theirs–it adds to their sense of security.
the sun in the twelfth house indicates a desire for perfection. these people usually do not get full recognition for their abilities and efforts, but they do not mind. they are satisfied with their simple, quiet life in solitude. if they become managers, they will do their job inconspicuously and with modesty. their services to other people are an area in which they are likely to achieve recognition and satisfaction. these people are usually interested in psychology and research of psychological phenomena. even though they may feel the need to interact with others, they often feel alienated even in the middle of a social event. it gives them the opportunity to observe, make sense of things and understand.
capricorn moon (9 H): people with this placement see safety in being useful to society and you look for justification in the outside world. they may underestimate what they want from themselves and for themselves. shyness may be accompanied by resentment of the fact that others ignore you. they shouldn't seek approval from the outside, it will not get rid of their doubt and it is harmful to them. they have to trust their inner values, otherwise, it may happen that they succumb to external pressures. the need to cope with adverse reality since childhood may give them the ability to "survive" difficult periods. their talent for business can bring them success but they may be missing some carefreeness.
the moon in the ninth house creates an understanding and imaginative mind. these people are great dreamers and thinkers who have novel ideas. their views are solid and sincere, but they change their minds easily. they have a variety of interests and hobbies; they like to lecture other people. the Moon gives these people inner self-determination, which gives them the energy to lead and direct those who lack the same degree of awareness.
gemini ascendent: very curious, very observant, and analytical. always looking to expand their social circles.  love asking questions and mingling with others. can appear as restless as gemini rising people have an air of impatience even though they do not mean it. gemini rising people often seek a certain amount of personal freedom and space. and they enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas. from my personal observations, gemini rising people can either be 1. bubbly, changeable, talkative and a little quirky, or 2. quite witty and clever, cool and intellectual (presenting themselves in a less cheerful and changeable way).
taurus mercury (12 H): they may take their time to arrive at a decision, but they get there — they are actually quite decisive, even stubborn with their opinions. mercury in taurus may be slow to start a new project, but they see it through to the end. they may need to poke them to get them going, however. they have much common sense at their disposal. these people rely on their senses when it comes to processing information. smells, noises, and mood are all employed. their communication style may, at times, be slow and measured. they are quite deliberate in what they do. when it comes to learning, mercury in taurus natives prefer demonstrations, concrete answers, and basic concepts. these people learn best when they see real-world uses for the theories they’re trying to absorb. not that they wouldn’t be able to comprehend the abstract–they simply process information better when they can personalize it (what use is it to me?) and attach it to the practical world.
mercury in the twelfth house represents the subconscious mind. thinking of these people is influenced by their subconscious and past experiences. Their decisions are based on emotions instead of logical thinking. these people have a tendency to be secretive and they do not like to express their opinions, especially in the public. they lack self-confidence but they are good at hiding it. this position also suggests difficulties in learning new things and it is an obstacle to developing the potential of the person.
taurus venus (12 H): love for venus in taurus centers on the physical world and creature comforts — they revel in sensual surroundings. these people project themselves as solid and comfortable. they need a certain measure of predictability and dependability in their relationships. venus in taurus can be possessive in love, and they are threatened by fast-paced, high-energy situations in the context of relationships and love. these are sensual partners who require lots of “hands-on” expressions of love. their lovers may complain that venus in taurus can get a little too comfortable and settled. it’s true that they resist change in their relationships, but even when they seem stuck in a groove, however, they are constant partners.
venus in the twelfth house suggests secrecy and solitude. it points to the introspective aspect of character and the need to spend time alone. it creates socially withdrawn people who are a bit lonely and disappointed in their romantic relationships. they are very emotional but they can subconsciously control their emotions. this position usually creates a significant degree of compassion for oppressed people and all those who are in a bad position.
virgo mars (5 H): these people are productive, goal-oriented, practical people. although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any give time, mars in virgo natives get things done, and quite well! they have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. these natives are not particularly aggressive by nature. although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. these people are protective of their “system” of how to get things done. there is a perfectionist at the heart of all people with this position.
mars in fifth house natives are fun, romantic, active and creative. Also, courageous and always eager to take risks, they're often sure of themselves and look only to have as much fun as possible. Mars in this position suggests they love to love and pursue romantic relationships everywhere they go.
aquarius jupiter (10 H): jupiter in aquarius is most lucky when they’re allowed to break the rules. they need complete freedom to try out their creative ideas, for they often payout in the end. this placement isn’t afraid to take risks as they offer great rewards. they bring in good fortune through their inventive thought process. they are out to change the world for the better, and they reap the benefits of their humanitarian efforts.
jupiter in tenth house keeps luck on people’s side in most situations in life. it makes natives with this placement very lucky when it comes to their career. however, they can also count too much on their good fortune and end up reckless or too relaxed when the situation would require them to focus. these natives are usually very open to making new friends, self-confident, charming, and very convincing. people will love and honor them for all these traits. they give a lot of importance to social status and want to be as free as possible.
aries saturn (11 H): saturn in aries realizes there are times when even they are not ready to handle a situation with unknown consequences. it’s a struggle that causes conflict with other people, and they have a hard time controlling their temper. saturn in aries tends to look more closely at them and decide whether or not it is in their best interest to steamroll ahead. this person is not as much of a trailblazer as other planets in this sign, but that doesn’t mean they hold back all the time. the people tend to be more rational and thoughtful. this can be used to their advantage when they’re actively trying to get ahead in life. they can rely on their powers of persuasion to get their point across in a concise and effective manner to get what they want.
people born with saturn in the eleventh house in their birth chart have lots of acquaintances but no too many close friends and these are likely to be older than them. their oldest friendships will last a lifetime. they're drawn to people who are serious and have a purpose in life.
aquarius uranus (9 H): uranus in aquarius is in its own sign and it creates inventors and people who like to apply new, untested methods and procedures. they like to fight for moral values and they love freedom. they do not let their emotions and feelings to restrict them. they are open-minded and open to radical reforms. aquarius is known for its humanity, and uranus further strengthens these tendencies.
with uranus in the ninth house, these people believe in freedom of beliefs, religion, and liberty in your way of life. more than any other placement of uranus, this makes someone interested in the truth of the system. in fact, uranus revolutionizes and changes their worldview quite dramatically.
capricorn neptune (9 H): neptune in capricorn gets their drive and ambition. this helps them to come up with new ideas. for them, inspiration comes from logic, reason, and the practical uses of different theories to better society. as a conservative personality, neptune in capricorn doesn’t often get “struck” by creative thought. they develop their ideas more slowly and thoroughly, as they do everything else in their life. they would rather work on things at their own pace and in their way. they don’t like to work together with others when brainstorming. more times than not, they would rather sit by themselves in quiet reflection. they are often obsessed with status, so neptune in capricorn tends to focus on ways to increase their wealth and influence. they like power and are always thinking of new ways to acquire more.
a natal neptune in ninth house suggests a very strong faith in life. with neptune here, there is a strong connection with the divine. these people are strongly aligned with their higher self. many neptune in ninth house people are very religious.
sagittarius pluto (7 H): plutonian sagittarians are understanding and philosophical. personal transformation can occur especially through philosophical searching. pluto in this position strengthens their innate (not learned) religious consciousness and feeling. one can expect them to create a new spiritual or mystical direction, and attempts to merge existing religions and churches.
pluto in seventh house natives are connected to the concept of a good family, a close and loving atmosphere at home. relationships are especially emphasized here. after all, they want to fulfill their sense of belonging as well. if it’s affection and intense emotions that drive them, everything is good and the prospects for a long-standing relationship are blooming. this placement of pluto makes people crave deep emotions and display a sense of responsibility that is rarely seen, plus lead their lives by their own very specific values.
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choisanii · 4 years
wait for the enneagram thing, what are the enneagrams of each type of stans (as you've observed) if you know ? im genuinely curious.
ok so a little disclaimer before i start rambling: i’m by no means an expert on enneagrams i just find them absolutely fascinating and i think they’re really helpful overall! like if you know what type you are and what type someone else in your life is, you are evidently able to better understand yourself, them, and therefore better your relationship with them! also considering i have <15 ateez moots, some of which i unfortunately do not know that well, i’m going to try to keep this pretty vague and i’m also going to mostly base it on what i’ve observed in the members themselves (what types i think they may be, but again, i don’t know them personally so take it with a grain of salt!), as I think that one of the reasons our biases are who they are is because we identify with certain aspects of their personality. 
general note about the enneagram system: there are 9 types––one of them is your “basic personality.” this is your “core”, dominating personality, something predetermined partially by genetics and pre-natal factors, but also by your childhood (parental figures, significant events/experiences, etc.). however, since one’s personality is fluid and cannot be confined to just one “box” or “type”, everyone inevitably identifies with other types as well (this is where “wings” come in but that’s too complicated so i’ll stick with the core type). no type is “better” or “worse” than another; it’s literally just an explanation of why you are the way you are and how that contributes to how you see the world and interact with others. 
hongjoong stans: type 1 (the reformer) or type 3 (the achiever) -> in the most basic sense type 1s are perfectionists. conscientious and ethical. they are set apart from the other types due to the existence of a self-critical “internal voice/monologue”. one may even call them workaholics due to the fact that they’ll often suppress their personal needs/self indulgence in favor of productivity. high standards. a very very strong moral compass. incessant desire to be “right”. fears corruption. type 3s are also known to be workaholics and they struggle with competitiveness. they’re extremely driven and ambitious though they are often overly concerned with their self image. gets wrapped up in their problems; tends to neglect their personal needs and the needs of others. strives to gain love and approval through performance. usually regarded as popular and well-liked among others, the “class president” or “homecoming king/queen/monarch” type. aims to be a role model who inspires others. 
seonghwa stans: type 2 (the helper) or type 9 (the peacemaker) -> type 2s at their best are unselfish, altruistic, and maintain an unconditional love for others. extremely warm-hearted and empathetic. great listeners. kind and nurturing. self-sacrificial and people-pleasing. issues with possessiveness and acknowledging their own needs. bases self worth on what they give to others and what they’ll get back in return. may become overly dependent or manipulative. values relationships above all else. embodiment of the “good parent” everyone wishes they had. type 9s avoid anger and conflict at all costs. the mediator. merges with others and makes sacrifices in order to gain a sense of peace, belonging, and harmony, sometimes at the expense of their own feelings. can be very passive-aggressive when upset. trusting and gets along well with others. tendency to be overly complacent. can be very stubborn. maintains a generally optimistic point of view; likes to see the “bright side” of things. 
yunho stans: type 4 (the individualist) or type 7 (the enthusiast) -> type 4s want nothing more than to “find themselves” and create their unique sense of self. inspired and creative, they view themselves as unlike any other human being; not in an arrogant way––in a way that makes them focus on their own personal deficiencies as well as hone in on their personal talents. honest and self-reflective. fears abandonment and loss. struggles with negative self image and low self esteem. type 7s epitomize the motto “don’t worry, be happy.” hate being bored; moves towards excitement, freedom, and a variety of interesting experiences. always willing to try something new. difficulty with commitment. extroverted, optimistic, and playful. struggles with impatience and impulsiveness. aims to maintain their freedom and happiness at all costs, never wanting to miss out on worthwhile experiences. spontaneous, agile, and exceptionally fast learners. book smart and impressive mind-body coordination. 
yeosang stans: type 4 (the individualist) or type 6 (the loyalist) -> like i said with yunho, type 4s uniquely talented and expressive. gift for healing and the creative arts. always looking for more meaning in things. intense emotional highs and lows, difficult to find a happy medium. can be moody and self conscious. wishes to connect with people who understand them and their feelings. honest with themselves; do not attempt to rationalize their states, only accept them, which enables them to endure suffering with a quiet strength. easier for them to process painful experiences that may overwhelm other types. type 6s are reliable, trustworthy, and hardworking. when they are internally stable and self reliant, they become able to champion themselves and others. seek security and support from others in order to fight against anxiety and insecurity. friends for life. beliefs sometimes go against the “status quo” but they will defend and fight for them fiercely, more so than they’d do for themselves. 
san stans: type 2 (the helper) or type 3 (the achiever) -> maybe this is me just projecting since i’m a type 2 wing 3 but these two types really stand out to me in terms of my san biased moots as well as san himself. as i said with hwa, type 2s at their best are unselfish, altruistic, and maintain an unconditional love for others. people person and people-pleaser. extremely empathetic and give good advice. self worth depends on the love and approval of others. considerate, generous, helpful. fears becoming worthless. does not want to be taken for granted. may become overly involved in the lives of others. energetic, romantic, and sensitive to other’s needs and feelings. and like i said with hongjoong, type 3s believe that only through performance, achievement, and success will they gain love and approval. can be very self conscious and self critical; wants to appear their best. motivated and motivating, constantly on a journey of self-improvement. their unwavering belief in themselves and desire for self development inspires others to do the same. a role model. 
mingi stans: type 7 (the enthusiast) or type 9 (the peacemaker) -> like i said with yunho, type 7s are constantly seeking out new experiences. playful, optimistic, versatile, and extroverted. can be “scatter-brained” and end up undisciplined or over-extended. become satisfied when they are able to focus their talents on worthwhile goals. approach to life is not unlike “a kid in a candy store”. able to pick up skills and talents with relative ease, though when confronted with too many, they are unable to choose one to focus on. balance is key. like i said with hwa, type 9s are the mediators, the ones to avoid anger and conflict at all costs. passive aggressive under stress. seeks peace through acquiesce and acceptance. able to bring people together and solve conflicts. very in touch with their inner selves. goal-oriented but not aggressive. do not do well under pressure. struggle with finding a strong sense of identity. “spiritual seekers”, yearns for a connection with the cosmos as well as other people. 
wooyoung stans: type 7 (the enthusiast) or type 8 (the challenger) -> like i said with yunho and mingi, type 7s hate being bored; they are constantly seeking excitement, freedom, and a variety of interesting and new experiences. an avoider; they avoid pain and fear by escaping into fun and pleasure. often have difficulty with commitment and following through. easily distracted and can become exhausted from being constantly on the go. do not attempt to control. brain works at a mile a minute, much faster than anyone else is able to comprehend. aims to stay upbeat and look forward to a bright, positive future. type 8s are proud, confident, powerful, and strong. not afraid of confrontation. extremely self assertive and independent, might be intimidating to others. have difficulty with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. quick to anger but easy to appease. fears being harmed or controlled by others. denies weakness or fear. refuse to “give in” to social convention. 
jongho stans: type 5 (the investigator) or type 8 (the challenger) -> type 5s are visionaries, able to see the world in an entirely new way. focus on complex ideas and skills, sometimes to the point of detachment from the real world. relentless in their pursuit for knowledge. believe that they will eventually figure things out from the safety of their minds. hate feeling useless or incapable. compartmentalize people and situations. minimalist lifestyle; holds back strong feelings and desires/needs. like i said with wooyoung, type 8s are confident, impulsive, and aggressive. not afraid to go after what they want. difficulty being vulnerable. courageous, make good leaders, and protective of the weak. feel the need to control their environment (people as well) which may end up coming off as intimidating and domineering. want to be self reliant by proving their strength and resisting weaknesses. seek total independence and do not like being indebted to anyone. exercise an enormous amount of will, endurance, and persistence in their day-to-day lives. 
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readingsbylibramc · 4 years
birth chart reading for @im-sleepwalkingg
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a splay shape, meaning that your planets are located randomly in different groups in your chart. people with this type of chart are usually very talented at different things. they can focus their attention on different matters, from family, to work, to love. everything is important for you, and you try to live your life to the fullest. you may be particularly talented at things that require action, it doesn’t matter whether it’s physical or mental. you may be very good at sports, dancing… or maybe you’re good at leading, you could easily be the boss on your work place. since you’re interested in so many things, you could easily be skilled at all of them to be honest. my advice would be to pick the hobby that is most important for you and care about it more than the others. that’s because people with this chart usually tend to do so many things that they may lack precision. it’s better to give all of yourself to what’s important for you.
your dominant planets are saturn, venus and the sun. you're an hard-working and ambitious person. you probably know what you want in life, you have strong beliefs, but you also know how to relax and have fun. you're most likely extremely artistic and creative, you're very imaginative, and thanks to your saturn dominance you know how to balance duties and hobbies.
your dominant sign is taurus. you're a chill person, you prefer staying at home instead of going out and partying. you are quite stubborn, but that's because you're passionate about your ideas and beliefs. you prefer trying and take action, even if you risk to hurt yourself, instead of just standing still and observing. you find comfort helping others; it's a way to feel satisfied both with others and yourself, as you like proving your skills and talents.
your dominant element is earth. you're a loyal and stable individual. you value longevity in your relationships, and that makes you quite picky. you can easily appear as cold, as opening up to someone you don't know well is too much of a risk for you. once you do, though, you'll stay forever. money and material possessions are important for you, as you understand that financial stability is one of the main qualifications in life.
🌎 ascendant in leo, 2° / 1st decan ruled by the sun
you’re an extremely confident and bright person, or at least you have a very strong aura around you that makes you look like you are. you have exceptional charisma and presence, in fact this is usually a celebrity placement! you surely don’t go overlooked. you naturally always try your best to make people feel at ease, and you mostly succeed thanks to your warmth, which makes you even more attractive. you probably like being recognized, and you may want to be famous. in fact, you like being in the spotlight and loaded with compliments and appreciation, they incredibly boost your self-confidence. your charisma may sometimes be too noticeable, resulting a bit dramatic; you may gesticulate a lot, imitate voices… basically, you would do amazing at acting, for example. in fact, most actors have a leo rising, or leo placements of any sort. you’re very playful, you most likely look younger than you are for your personality. you may also be a savage, and you’re most likely good at jokes of any kind. you appear as a very bubbly and outgoing person, yet you may be quite secretive. you don’t open up easily, especially about family / private matters. especially with your virgo influence, you’re very picky when it comes to trusting people. in addition, you’re a perfectionist; you care a lot about everything that revolves around you, from physical appearance to your job, you want it all to be perfect. that can cause you a lot of stress, as you always want to seem at your best state, you despise being seen as weak or unprepared. physically, all leos have beautiful hair. you may have curly, perhaps red or dark hair, or at least it’s very thick. you may also get tanned easily, you could an olive skin tone or any kind of warm undertones to your skin. you may have full, plump lips, or at least they have a defined cupid’s bow. you may also have doe, almond-shaped eyes, and all of your facial features are quite feminine. you may also have naturally silky hair and perhaps pale skin with some warm undertones to it.
🌞 sun in taurus, 23° / 3rd decan ruled by venus and saturn
you’re more sharp-witted and pragmatic than the typical taurus. you value stability in both romance and in your day-to-day life, like at work. you take care of your body and style in any sort of way, as your leo ascendant confirms. after all, the 3rd decan of taurus is a great balance of beauty and brain. I imagine that you're not very extroverted, you prefer staying in, but I repeat that you still probably have nice social skills that could take a while to develop. or at least, they're your secret skills. you like keeping your mind active everyday, especially by following your passions. if you’re the logical type, you might enjoy playing sudoku or things like that. on the other hand, if you’re more philosophical you might enjoy reading, writing etc. you have a great sense of duty, that makes you want to excel in whatever you do. in addition to this, you’re also very stubborn. you probably get in arguments with others because you don’t accept their advices/criticism and prefer going your own way. you may also tend to overindulge a bit, and become a bit lazy. you're also very attached to food, and since your sun is also conjunct jupiter you may have the tendency to overeat. yet, since you have a strong earth dominance, you probably don't gain weight easily. you enjoy the finer things in life, but you might struggle with jealousy because of that. you have the tendency to look at other people’s achievements and get disappointed about yours.
taurus sun conjunct taurus mercury: you express your ego and identity through your words and ideas. you’re very opinionated and you protect strongly your beliefs. after all, you probably came up with your ideals after thinking deeply about them, you were too precise to be wrong. you’re also probably an avid reader, and you could do well in writing yourself, as you’re able to properly convey your ideals with your words. in fact, with your mercury being conjunct your gemini mars and your virgo moon, you'd do well as a writer of any kind, especially of adventure books. your mind is very active, and you feel comfortable letting all your thoughts out. it’s actually a way to relieve stress. you also have a wide vocabulary, and you’re capable of making a formal speech if you have to. you have a memorable way of speaking, as your words are very sharp. it’s hard for you to be ignored for your intellect.
taurus sun conjunct taurus venus: you enjoy peace and harmony. you want your surroundings to look all neat and clean, and the same goes for the people you surround yourself with. you wish people saw you as easy to approach, even though you may struggle with your image. you try to be as formal and kind as possible with people you don’t know well, unless they start getting on your nerves by disagreeing with your opinions or being too bossy. you’re very feminine, not only in your looks and manners but also in the way you dress. you’re quite romantic too, and dream of having a perfect marriage. the downside to this aspect is that because you take so much care of yourself, people may mistake your self-love for vanity, especially with your ascendant being in leo. also, your self-esteem may depend too much on others’ opinion of you; you may start thinking you’re ugly and unworthy of love just because someone told you you’re not their type, to sum up.
taurus sun conjunct taurus jupiter: this placement makes you more easy-going and kind-hearted than the typical taurus sun. you have a warm personality. even though you may not be the most extroverted person based on your other placements, I imagine that, once you get to know people, you become very outgoing. you always try to make people feel comfortable and, matched with your virgo moon, this placement makes you particularly considerate of others. you have a knack for religion, spirituality and just knowledge in general. you have strong beliefs, and you're most probably very open-minded as well. the negative side of this mostly-beneficial placement is that you may be subconsciously too confident in yourself or skills, resulting arrogant or selfish. it's alright to praise yourself of course, but you may start to look down on people who don't share your same interests, opinions etc. you can't repress this side of yourself of course, but try not to show it with people around you if it causes you problems.
taurus sun square aquarius uranus: this aspect makes you crave independency. you like doing things your own way, especially since it’s backed up by your fixed dominance. you’re really creative and intelligent, yet this may be misunderstood by those who surround you. you stand out for the way you think and your interests, and some may even perceive you as ‘weird’. I honestly think that, if well-devolped and paired with a good use of words, this aspect can be highly beneficial for your growth. a lot of successful people, like bill gates and stephen king, have this aspect, as it gives one the ability to imagine unordinary things that can impact society in a good way.
🌙 moon in virgo, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by mercury and venus
this is the truest virgo decan. you want to have everything under control, you can't bear not being organized. you most probably write down your appointments and stuff on an agenda, or perhaps even in the notes app of your phone. you're extremely precise, you want everything to be perfect. mixed with your leo rising, you probably care a lot about your appearance; you most likely have a skincare routine, workout... just anything that makes you feel healthy. you love taking care of yourself, especially of your hygiene. you also put a lot of effort in your outfits, you fear not being at your best state. you're a perfectionist, after all. this also project in your home environment; you may clean your house thoroughly, it's most likely all neat. in addition, this mania of yours of being perfect makes you have high standards; in fact, you need people in your life that try as much as you do. you despise lazy people. you probably have a reputation for always being calm and elegant, as you try to avoid conflicts as much as possible. you're very smart and insightful, and you strive for perfection; you want to prove your power to yourself, as it helps you boosting your self-esteem. in fact, it depends a lot on your achievements; if you don't meet your expectations, you start going through a hard time of insecurity and struggles. you love communicating, but you may struggle to find the right words, especially with your mercury being conjunct mars. your eyes talk for you, though. you're also very introspective, and you're fond of art and creativity in general. you're very critical, both of yourself and of others. you don't do it with malice, though, but as I've already mentioned you want to frequent people that try to be at their best all the time, just like you after all.
🗣 mercury in taurus, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by venus and saturn
this is the most quiet taurus decan, yet also the most precise and analytical. you care a lot about grammar, you don't want to make any mistakes. looking ridiculous is your biggest fear, hence you end up overworking to prove yourself that you're capable to do anything you want. you have a slow way of thinking and speaking. your voice may sound really calm and pleasant to hear, yet still strict and ambitious. you’re probably a good singer, or at least have the potential to become one. you tend to overthink a lot, but you eventually get to a conclusion and stick to it. no one is gonna change your mind. you enjoy learning and working in creative ways; you might enjoy using powerpoints, flashcards or maybe study with your friends, or listening to music. you also probably have a nice, aesthetic handwriting and you like organizing your agenda. your voice is probably very soft and youthful.
taurus mercury conjunct gemini mars: this placement makes you slightly more aggressive, or at least loud with your words. in fact, it makes you look more assertive and almost bossy. you could often attack people with words when you get angry, and you can get quite provocative too, but I don't see you raising your voice. while you are quick-minded and it's hard for you to be tricked, you have a very sharp tongue that could hurt others. other people may not understand your sense of humor for example, and they could get offended. you love debates and expressing your opinions, as you take a lot of pride in your thoughts. yet, may also take things very personally, you get defensive extremely easily, and that makes it hard to have a healthy discussion with you as you're very fiery. you could often get into arguments too.
taurus mercury conjunct taurus saturn: this placement, on the other hand, could delay your communication skills. you may find it hard for you to express your thoughts and opinions in a clear, understandable way. you may be too shy to speak your mind, for example, and hence you end up sounding very insecure in your speech. you may even end up stuttering, for example. on the other hand, you're very mature and well-mannered, which is a positive thing considering that your taurus is also conjunct mars. yet, you could be extremely pessimistic, you never allow yourself to think for the best. ironically, in this way you may actually attract bad luck to you. you could be the type to say 'I am so ugly', 'nobody loves me' and other things like that, and at a certain point you'll just start believing in it, and that obviously damages your self-esteem. you should definitely stop with this behaviour, start being more optimistic, even though you may be skeptical at first. you'll naturally attract positivity to you after a while, and you'll feel much better.
❤️ venus in taurus, 15° / 2nd decan ruled by venus and mercury
you seek long-lasting relationships. you're very romantic, and this fixed influence gives you high standards for your partner, you stay back from players. you look for someone you can always count on, and that is willing to support you through thick and thin. it may take you a while to find someone worth to be your lover, but once you find them, you'll always be loyal to them as long as they're respectful. they're your most precious possession, hence you're very jealous and protective of them. if it becomes unhealthy for both you and your partner, it's surely an issue you have to solve, maybe together. you're also the type who likes to be spoiled by their lover, and wants to make lovely gifts as well. these gifts don't have to be expensive, even homemade things are fine. for example, you may melt at the thought of your significant other to take their time and do something exclusively for you, like baking a cake or writing a poem. little gestures that show you their love. in a potential partner, you also care about how they present themselves. I'm not necessarily talking about conventional beauty, but more on a self-care side. you like people who smell good, have a nice fashion sense and maybe people that are quite conceited too (obviously not to the point of narcissism).
taurus venus conjunct taurus jupiter: this placement makes you extremely likeable, and it's particularly beneficial considering that your leo rising could make you appear kind of snug. you're probably quite popular, or at least you're very appreciated wherever you go. not only you're physically attractive, but you're also very friendly and charismatic, which makes it impossible not to notice you. you despise conflicts and chaotic situations in general, you're very peaceful. perhaps, to have fun you prefer using creative and artistic outlets rather than going out. I also find this an extremely beneficial placement for you, as you have a scorpio 5th house that makes you attract obsessive and / or problematic partners. with venus being conjunct to jupiter, this energy may not be as prominent as usual, as you tend to attract more positivity in your life.
taurus venus conjunct taurus saturn: as I've already mentioned above, you're a very affecionate and loyal partner. yet, due to this placement, there could be some insecurity around your love affairs. you may be too cold in relationships, it could be that you have troubles showing your love and affection for others. or perhaps, you're afraid of being in a relationship, and hence you may directly avoid them or break up all of a sudden. you could literally jump into relationships, resulting in you getting hurt from time to time. because of this, with this placement marriage is usually delayed. it could be hard for you to find your true love, but it'll surely come. you could possibly date people more dominant / older than you, and I'd recommend you to get married after your saturn return, which is around your 27/28s. little side-note, you may often date karmic partners, aka partners from your past lives, so you may often experience this 'I’ve already seen you before’-vibe in your new encounters and relationships, and you’ll always learn something from all your relationships.
☄️ mars in gemini, 6° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
you’re driven by the sense of intelligence. your intellect is your greatest strenght, it’s your energy tank. you’re interested in a bunch of things, and hence you may have troubles staying focused on one thing at the time. you probably have tons of hobbies, and you may end up not being much precise since you have tons of things that you have and want to do. you can’t stand boredom, you need your day-to-day life to be exciting and, above all, offer you something new to learn and / or experience. usually, gemini mars individuals tend to be very physically active, but I personally don't think it's your case. you could be into fitness and health for example, but you're not the type to go out and party for example, you're way more chill. also, you’re extremely witty and curious, and you want to live your life to the fullest. you may often change your style, your opinions, maybe even your personality, and that could make you seem confusing and / or unreliable.
gemini mars opposite sagittarius pluto: with this placement, I assume that when you were younger you were some sort of victim. you could have been bullied, for example, you used to be insecure about the way you looked and were. you could have felt different from others, and they took advantage of that to make you feel even more insecure. or maybe, it was a parent, or every authoritative figure in your life, that restricted you from following your own ideals. because of that, now you constantly feel the need to prove yourself. you probably tend to accumulate a lot of anger all together, which you need to let all out or you could explode. you could find comfort in physical ways to relieve stress, like punching bags, slamming doors, etc. or perhaps, when you're angry you just get overwhelmed by all of your emotions. you may cry, scream, even throw up in certain cases. on the other hand, you are extremely magnetic and attractive to others, you naturally draw people towards you. you're also extremely passionate in whatever you do, you put your whole heart in doing things you love. you're very hard-working and determined to achieve your goals, and I find this beneficial considering that your gemini energy tends to make one superficial. with this aspect, you're probably more dedicated than the common gemini.
🏡 houses, interceptions
your 1st house is in leo. with this placement, you care a lot about your persona, both physically and also mentally too. yet, you may start feeling like you need to be perfect at all costs to be accepted, especially during your early years. for example, you may be the type to follow fashion trends to look cool, and you may subconsciously force yourself to like them. you need to understand that you should enhance your individuality, and ask yourself who you are. it’s not all about who you are outside, the inside matters even more. you’re free to stand out, but make sure that you do it in a comfortable way for you, or it will start becoming toxic as time goes by. the ruler of the 1st house is in the 10th house: you have big goals for your future, you may even want to be famous. they’re basically the centre of your life, it revolves around your goals and achievements and you want a successful. you’re naturally charismatic, you may have lots of friends or at least it’s easy for you to get known in your community, even though these results may be delayed due to saturn in your 10th house. you may also care a lot about your reputation.
your 2nd house is in leo again. your self-esteem depends on matters like money, possessions, as well as your influence on others. you may feel confident when you're praised and spoiled with compliments and material things, you may enjoy being in the spotlight as it increases your self-confidence, even though you're quite shy so you don't feel very at ease. you feel confident when you're able to earn money and you're financially stable, and hence you probably felt guilty as a child to ask your parents for money for example. you probably love luxury, you aspire to become very wealthy, live in the house of your dreams, etc. you could also dream of becoming famous. and actually, with this placement, you could make money from leo-related matters, and hence being in the spotlight, creativity (especially theatre / drama), comedy, etc.
your 3rd house is in virgo. you're very precise and polite in the way you express your thoughts. you're probably very careful to grammar, vocabulary etc... you love looking and being knowledgeable. you're more a logical type rather than an intuitive person, you hardly ever do something only out of curiosity. you're very cautious about the decisions you make, and hence it could take you a time to finally choose something, but that's because you just don't want to regret anything. you think deeply about your choices, and most of the time they turn out to be right. you're strongly opinionated, but you may be a bit too harsh when you express your ideas. sometimes you could even hurt someone, as you're extremely honest. you don't like sugar-coating your words. you're also very intelligent and hard-working, and you can't stand messy things. you're probably very neat, you like having schedules and you may even keep an agenda / diary where you keep track of your appointments and other things you have to do. you also have the moon placed in this house: it's hard for you to hide your feelings, as you express them through your words. you may also be the type to let your feelings out through writing, and hence you may write very personal poetry, books, etc. your emotions are directly connected to your speech.
your 4th house is in libra. your home environment was probably very pleasant and beautiful, both physically and emotionally. you may have a conventionally beautiful family, or at least they're particularly attractive and charming. your house may also be very well-designed and elegant, doesn't matter how big it is. you probably see your parents as ideal, they are your role models and you look up to them, even though they could have been a bit strict from time to time. it could be that you didn't argue often, probably because you weren't much rebel as a teen, or even if you discussed there was hardly ever shouting or even violence. the ruler of the 4th house is placed in the 10th house: you may have a reputation for being very nurturing, like a sort of mother to others, a benevolent leader. also, your future career may include 4th house matters; that means that you could follow your parents' steps and work in their same field, for example, or maybe even follow their studies. you could possibly work with families, e.g as a counselor, or perhaps in real estate. you could possibly even become an interior designer, or you could be particularly talented at cooking, you'd make a great chef or maybe a baker too.
your 5th house is in scorpio. you're not really the type to hang out and attend parties. actually, you most likely prefer spending your spare time alone. you're extremely passionate about your hobbies, especially since pluto is also placed in this house, enhancing this scorpio energy. you may dedicate all of yourself to them, to the point that you could actually develop an obsession to be great at them. yet, you could struggle to show your creativity, you most likely keep all of your artistic and creative works for yourself. probably, this is linked to the fact that your moon is in the 3rd house; you create very personal art, and since you're very secretive you don't to show your emotions to people you don't trust, and hence same goes for your hobbies. because of that, you may often feel different or out of place, and that may interfer with your relationships with other people.
your 6th house is in capricorn. usually, people with a capricorn 6th house are very responsible and work-oriented. they generally don’t leave much space to fun and amusement, you have a strong sense of duty and you may end up overworking yourself, especially with your stellium in the 10th house. on the other hand, this placement could make you an amazing leader, especially in your work environment. you can easily work alone, you can handle it. when it comes to health, you may suffer from problems to your bones, and hence you could wear braces, you may have diseases to your back, etc. the ruler of the 6th house is in the 10th house: you could pursue a career that involves healing, possibly medicine. you could be a therapist of any kind, a doctor, a nurse… even a vet. also, this placement indicates that you’ll communicate something through your career. it doesn’t necessarily have to be with words, you may also communicate in a graphic way, hence you could be an actress, an artist, a photographer etc.
your 7th house is in aquarius. you do like the idea of marriage and love, yet you need your space as well. you don’t want to feel committed in a relationship, it would be suffocating for you. that could make you appear as emotionally cold or detached, when you’re really not. you just care a lot about your personal growth. you also have uranus and neptune placed in this house. perhaps, you could even attract mentally unstable partners, they could be a bit moody for example. you probably dream of a love like those you hear about in fairytales; you're not only looking for a partner, you literally want a prince, who's willing to give their all to you. you find yourself daydreaming often about love, and it may also be your source of inspiration for creativity and art in general. probably, you may idealize people too much; that is, you may create a version of others that only exists in your head. hence, once you get to know someone better, they turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought. this causes you to be sort of naive when it comes to relationships, so pay extra attention to this problem now that you're aware of it. last but not least, you may meet your future spouse in an unexpected situation.
your 8th house is in aquarius. you're secretly quite rebellious, or at least you have a few unconventional ideals that you struggle to let out to the world. you are extremely open-minded and you have a strong sense of justice, you're always ready to defend others, especially if they're your friends. yet, while this placement makes you extremely open-minded and supportive of others, there are also some bad sides about it. in fact, you may often find yourself being afraid of being unconventional, you tend to conform to others out of fear. you could give up on your own freedom and comfort since you struggle to achieve your independency, you probably care too much about what others think of you. you have troubles stepping out of your comfort-zone, and paired up with your virgo moon, you can't improvise, you're way too logical and you base your routine and actions too much on a schedule. you could also come across some hardships regarding your friends, you may often attract people that could hurt you deeply. yet, these experiences will allow you to learn something grow up in order to become the best version of you.
your 9th house is in pisces. this is definitely a nice placement! the result is that you're probably extremely open-minded and imaginative. you hardly ever have have prejudices, you judge people way less than the typical leo rising. you're extremely opinionated, and combined with your virgo 3rd house you're constantly looking for the truth. you hate it when people say something wrong for example, you can't help but correct them. you could also be religious and believe in a god. philosophy, literature and poetry are also a part of your many interests. in addition, you're most likely also into foreign languages and cultures. you could travel a lot, or perhaps with your pisces in the house cusp you like travelling with your mind. you probably literally create stories in your head, you're extremely imaginative. a good advice would be not to waste this talent of yours; you could actually make your fantasies concrete and express them through creative outlets: books, drawings, songs, choreographies... basically, it would be a waste to only keep them for you.
your 10th house is in aries, with also a big stellium involving venus as your most elevated planet, saturn, jupiter and the sun. with your 10th house cusp in the energetic sign of aries, you need a career that allows you to be independent, you probably prefer working alone than in groups. or perhaps, you actually aspire to become a boss, a ceo, someone people look up to, and if you work hard you may actually become an influential person in your work place / field. in fact, with saturn placed here, at first you may struggle to find the job that is right for you. you may be indecisive about it, or perhaps you could come across some hardships regarding bosses or even payments. yet, this will naturally get better with time, as you grow up and make new experiences. your jupiter here points out that you'll be able to earn lots of wisdorm thanks to your career, and hence you'd probably make a perfect leader, or even teacher for example. with also the sun placed here, your career is basically the focus of your life. you aspire to be successful, as you're quite materialistic. you like spoiling yourself and even your loved ones, you're probably fond of shopping of any kind, and you want to be wealthy thanks to yourself only. last but not least, venus is also placed in this house and it's your most elevated planet. that means that your life, and hence your career too, will revolve around artistic outlets, it's a natural talent of yours. you could become a singer, a dancer, an actress, an artist, a stylist, etc. also, you may often date people from your work place, and you could even find your future spouse there.
your 11th house is in taurus, with also mercury and mars placed in this house. you are probably very possessive of your friends, you hate it when they don't spend much time with you. you don't do it out of malice of course, you're just afraid of not being enough, deep down. you could attract some possibly harmful people in your friendships, but any hardship will just help you to grow up. overall, your relationship with your friends will be very stable after growing up and becoming more mature. the 11th house is also about long-term goals, and hence you may also aspire to become wealthy and earn a great income. in fact, since mars is also placed in this house, you're highly motivated to achieve these goals of yours. also, your friends are your energy tank, they literally help you to recharge, and they're probably the ones to comfort you when you feel down. last but not least, with mercury you're extremely curious about people and the future of the world in general. you may be into conspiracy theories for example, or even into topics like psychology, criminology, history, etc. that help you understand more about people and the whole world. you could also be very impatient to achieve your goals, and a downside to this is that you may give up halfway if you don't see improvements.
your 12th house is in cancer. you’re an extremely spiritual and intuitive person. you may be attracted to dreams, religion, astrology, spirituality… anything that can wake you up, spiritually speaking. you may also be particularly talented at reading birth charts, tarots, even talking to spirits. you may have prophetic dreams, or you could even have deja-vus. the 12th house is also the house of fears, so having cancer here indicates that you may be afraid of your childhood, emotions, past memories. perhaps, even of your home environment or directly of your parents. it’s a part of your life that you’d rather keep secret. you may also have some escapism tendencies, such as oversleeping, overeating… or perhaps, you could easily develop addictions, so be careful to that, as you’re particularly sensitive to drugs, alcohol etc.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract aquarius, sagittarius, pisces, scorpio and taurus. your future spouse will most likely have scorpio and taurus traits or placements, maybe also some pisces too. they’ll be very similiar to you: secretive and hard-working, but also with a warm, loyal heart and a hidden insecurity to them. you may meet them at work, or in any place where you go to have fun. it may be a party, a bar... literally any place you attend where you can meet other people. possibly, even abroad or in vacation. your children will most likely have strong scorpio, sagittarius or pisces traits: they’ll be very daring and brave, but also very funny and warm. also, they’ll be extremely intelligent and more mature as time goes by. they'll also have a tender side to them, but that is often overshadowed by their playfulness. they could also get easily very possessive and jealous.
👶🏻 family life
your father is a very fiery, impulsive person, with a short-temper. he could have even been quite violent with you during your childhood, and he might have a few childish behaviours. deep down, he's actually kind of insecure with his role as a father, but he may hate to admit it. he may have aries, capricorn, libra, taurus, leo, sagittarius, pisces or scorpio placements in his chart. your mother, on the other hand, is slighly more submissive. she's mostly a peaceful and emotional person, even though she most probably has a passive-aggressive behaviour. she might've been a bit strict or overprotective. nonetheless, you could actually have a better relationship with her rather than with your father, or at least she understands your needs better. she may have libra, or taurus placements in her chart. if you have siblings, they're probably very peaceful, affectionate and intelligent. they may also be very kind, as well as organized. their rooms probably look immaculate. they could have virgo, cancer or gemini placements in their charts.
📊 career
honestly, your chart points out that you'd do great at a bunch of things! from working alone or even in groups, you'll be able to be successful in any path you choose. in fact, there are many indicators in your chart that indicate that, if you work hard, you'll be able to achieve a great fortune thanks to your job. for me, the best career for you would be teaching. I can see you being an amazing teacher, as you have the knowledge, open-mindness and calm to lead people and let them understand different matters, without forcing your opinions. you could also work abroad, perhaps with different languages, or maybe with children, and hence you could be a primary school teacher or a foreign languages teacher. otherwise, you could also do well at jobs that involve arts and creativity. what matters the most is that you're able to achieve a great position, you want people to look up to you. that's the only way for you to feel satisfied and accomplished.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
with your heavy venus presence, I'm sure you're very elegant. even if you're just wearing a sweatshirt with pants, you still manage to make it look so expensive and particular. you may like pastel, light colours, or even earthy shades like kaki, brown etc. you prefer using comfortable clothes, but you definitely know how to dress up when you have to. you might also be very fond of accessories, like jewellery and bags. you may also enjoy buying designer clothes, but even if they're cheaper, you want them to be of a nice quality. you may also enjoy going thrift shopping, as you may like wearing 'timeless' items, such as white shirts, blazers, coats, classic heels... basically, versatile clothes that are a must in your wardrobe, as they've always been trendy. you could also love oversized fits, as well as 80s/90s aesthetic.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past lifetime, you used to put your spirituality aside for a while to focus on finding out your identity here on the earth. you learned how to be responsible, healthy and stable on the earth. you know your values, and they’re already very grounded, you’re very mature from this point of view. in this lifetime, you now need to get more in touch with your spirituality. you need to get close to your higher self, and you may actually be quite skilled at it; probably you may interpret your dreams, you could be interested in religion, what’s beyond the world, and you’re most likely also interested in astrology and other occult matters. you’ll finally be able to reach happiness and fulfill your soul when you start having awareness of your soul’s purpose. since you’ve booked a reading, I’m sure you’re already on the right path, so keep going this way.
🤔 major transits analysis / september 21st
this year your focus is mostly on your career, work environment. you may undergo different changes in your routine, probably unexpected situations at work. yet, you’ll get out stronger and with more knowledge with you, which will help you gain more maturity and awareness when it comes to jobs. also, your focus may also be on your health and / or fitness. you may possibly get rid of a disease or anything that made you feel unhealthy, like a bad diet for example, or any unhealthy habit of yours.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
your secret skills revolve around finances and just security in general. with a positive attitude, you may attract material luck: money, clothes, houses… everything that you desire. since you’re a logical person, I assume the most efficient way for you to manifest through the LOA is writing! take a notebook and just write down positive affirmations, such as 'I have the car of my dreams’ etc. you may also write them on post-its and glue them around your house, so that you can accelerate the progress. you can also try to idealize your wish before trying to manifest it. for example, if you want a new sweatshirt, try to imagine yourself wearing it. you could also go into a shop and actually try that sweatshirt it on; being in contact with it will boost the law of attraction even more.
thank you again for booking a reading! hope it resonated with you :)
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armsdealing · 4 years
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@neotropical​ said:  3, 6, 10 & 25 for charles 13, 14, 15 & 38 for marce
3. how do they position themselves in a group? do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
charles prefers to stay in the background, and preferably, not a part of the group at all. he dislikes crowds, hates drawing attention to himself more than necessary (since he's the sort of person that commands authority just by manner of physical presence), and he'd rather be on his own. if he must be part of some group, though, he'll stay in the back, let people focus on anything but him, only provide his input if it's absolutely necessary.
6. what are they like in motion – in different environments, and in different activities? what causes the differences between these?
so this question is a bit vague. but as a general rule of thumb, charles moves very gracefully, much like a feline. he's an animal shapeshifter, and some animal characteristics rub off on him, so despite his size, he moves as though he wouldn't be able to stumble even if he tried to. he's quite casual and lax about his mannerisms, but also purposeful. when he's working, he's completely in that moment, seamless in a way that can almost be absorbing to look at, and when he's sparring or training or fighting, there's a lot of decisiveness to his every movement too. basically, charles in motion is completely devoid of self-doubt or awkwardness, even when he moves in a sluggish fashion. this wasn't born randomly; it's a result of his mutation, his physical skillset, his experience and his overall personality.
10. what energizes and drains them most?
charles is an introvert. so circling back to the initial question — people drain him the most, and that's why he does not like being around them. he does not like having to talk at length, and does not like being the center of attention. any kind of socialization, when prolongued, really tires him. and when i say any, i mean any and all — even romantic interactions. after spending a certain amount of time with a significant other, he needs some time for himself, to decompress. none of this is personal, really, he just gets overwhelmed easily and that sensation can trigger his dissociative episodes.
similarly, what energizes him most is being alone. he likes to exercise too and that keeps him physically energized. likes to occupy his mind with work and solving problems, even small every day problems like fixing people's appliances. he seems lazy sometimes, but he's got a curious mind and he likes to keep busy in some way.
25. what do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
when it comes to friendships and romantic relationships, charles is very practical. he wants maturity and he needs patience and he needs space, and little more than that. naturally, he gravitates toward independent, autonomous people. charles doesn't do well with clinginess, with insecurity, and emotionally demanding relationships and people that need a lot of reassurance about his feelings toward them. his love languages are acts of service (doing things for you, helping you when you need it, defending you, etc) and physical affection, and he's not one to put into words how much he cares — you might not ever hear it, or you might hear it very rarely, and you need to be okay with that. and if you're not okay with that, then that is fine, but that's what you need to keep in mind if you aspire to a relationship with him of any sort.
he's pretty straight up about this. he will never mislead you and he will be honest about his terms and how he functions, and he's a very "what you see is what you get" type of person. if he notices that any of this makes you unhappy, then he will simply end the relationship in the most cordial but straightforward manner possible.
13. how do they greet the world — what is their typical attitude towards life? how does it differ in different circumstances, or towards different subjects? why do they take these attitudes, and why do they change? how do these tend to be expressed?
overall, marcelo is pretty optimistic. he would much rather focus on the positives and the things that go right, rather than the things that go wrong. he's also very aware that the world is a shitty place full of injustice and bigotry but he firmly believes there's ways to make it better and it's just a matter of putting in the work and helping those around you (and those that need it most) and being constant and vigilant. it's often not easy but it's what must be done. marcelo is always striving toward progress, he believes almost every problem has a solution and those that don't one can be alleviated in some form. overall marcelo makes an active choice to believe in goodness and that most people are good — even if that good is very relative, or it doesn't abide by conditions such as laws. morally speaking, he's a well established neutral good, leaning toward chaotic good.
this attitude doesn't tend to differ from person to person or the circumstance. sure there's times his mood may waver and his view of the world may become less benevolent but once he recovers he goes back to believing this. the source of this belief is his love towards others, and the love other people have for him. and his realistic views on the world come from his own experiences, the experiences of those around him. so there's a certain degree of "caution" to his optimism, he believes in keeping one (and those around you) safe from harm above all else too.
it all ends up expressed in the things he does, how he acts toward others. marcelo shows his caring disposition very freely, he's a very helpful person, very quick to smile, very quick to defend others. kindness is a choice and he makes that choice every day.
14. what do they care deeply about? what kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? how do these tend to be expressed?
well, i think a lot of what i said above can also apply here (maybe im just too stupid for these questions!). but — marcelo's loyalty lies with his family (the reyes more so than the marconis, really), and with his friends/loved ones. all of these loyalties were choices for him, and not something he considers himself forced to — something he wants to do, rather than has to. his life philosophy is more or less what i described above. spirituality or faith is a more complex matter; in his canon verse he was raised catholic and as he's gotten older he's become less and less inclined to believe in it especially following traumatic experiences such as the deaths of his parents. he is still spiritual but his religion, his personal relationship to god isn't really a source of comfort anymore, he does not practice it and he spends a lot of thought on it but not much comes from it because it's a complex problem.
in contrast with his "loyalties" and "moral codes", which color every aspect of his life, his religion — or lack thereof — is much more of a private affair. he does not talk about it and it's one of those topics that are simply off limits. this answer would be no doubt different if i was talking about Nueva Religión's marcelo, but this applies exclusively to canon marcelo only.
15. what kind of inner life do they have — rich and imaginative? calculating and practical? full of doubts and fears? does it find any sort of outlet in their lives?
marcelo is creative and imaginative but there's a sense of practicality to how he thinks. he is the kind of person that needs organization, structure, and order not just outwardly but inwardly as well. so his thoughts follow a very rational pattern, a calculating approach. it's no surprise he enjoys planners, flowcharts and spreadsheets. he's a perfectionist; a precisionist that likes to make effective use of every portion of his time.
in a way, the sheer whirlwind of activity that characterizes his life is the outlet. marcelo is very confident on this level, he's at his best when he's focusing on something (be it getting a choreography perfect or reorganizing his closet) and not having something to do is when he begins to feel unhappy or unsure. because there's a lot of unresolved concerns festering inside his mind, but he does not think about them much unless he really has to.
38. is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? what, and why?
sure. i think he would make himself less tightly wound when it comes to the things that affect him, the deep things he does not share with just anyone; he wishes he could voice them out loud and ask for help with them, and that asking for help didn't feel so difficult. he wishes he could be vulnerable more freely. this is something he might be able to achieve over time, or it might remain unsolved, it depends on how things unfold.
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liquidstar · 5 years
do you have any tips for developing ocs sir 😏
I sure do!! but it kind of depends on what aspect of development youre asking about! so for right now im going to be a bit general, i wanted to link a post where i explain how i tend to make my own characters but i cant find it! so im just gonna copypaste from the doc i saved it on :p its kinda long so ill just cram it under the cut
The more characters you make the better you get!! Here’s how I do my characters though! 
First I like to separate their personality traits into three categories, different people may define these differently but this is just my own process
Strengths: Positive aspects about the characterWeaknesses: Negative aspects about the characterQuirks: Neither positive nor negative aspects about the character. Peculiar interests and behaviors.
On top of that, each one of these is rooted in a cause and effect. There’s a reason for each strength, each weakness, and each quirk. These reasons are often rooted in upbringing or any recent major life change, so figuring out a character’s backstory is key to fleshing all of these out.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths and weaknesses go hand-in-hand. The reason a character needs both is because every realistic person as both, however neither should be an afterthought. A realistic person’s flaws and assets are mirror images of each other, they have to tie together.
What do I mean by “mirror images”? It’s actually pretty simple, a characters weaknesses will be a direct result of their strengths, and vice versa. A person who is a great speaker might be a bad listener, a person who is strong-willed might be suborn, a person who is kind might be a pushover, a person who is selflessly brave might be recklessly self-destructive, etc etc etc.
Basically what you want to do is find the character’s weakness or strength, and think about how the flip side of that can be positive or negative respectively. Take a positive trait and exaggerate it into something bad, take a negative trait and soften it to something good. That’s the perfect way to have a balanced person.
Quirks exist a bit separately to strengths and weaknesses, they’re neither. A quirk is more or less just a fact about a character, something that makes them more human. It can be a habit of biting their nails, a love of cartoons, a stuffed animal collection, or anything really to flesh them out a bit and give them more of a personality. Make sure it still lines up with their general personality, of course. Sometimes quirks can exist in a bit of a bubble, they don’t always connect to the backstory but are just something the character ended up liking!
Quirks can sometimes be tricky because if a quirk is too big it becomes a much more main character trait, which will eventually force it into either the “weakness” or “strength” category, or both depending on if it can be flipped. For example, a character who rides a skateboard is a quirk. But if they can fight with it, it’s a strength, and the flip side of that may be that they fall on their face a lot.
This can be tricky, because it’s where the characters strengths, weaknesses and even quirks all come from. The cause is the reason they are the way they are. Their upbringing, their past, it shaped them into the person they are now.
You can do this one of two ways.
Cause first (Prefered method): You build a backstory for a character, and think about what kind of traits a character who went through that would have. For example, a character may be the son of a superhero, and his whole life his dad has trained him to be his sidekick and has been really supportive and nice! What do you think the effect would be?
His strengths: He’s a brave fighter, he’s optimistic with a strong inner goodness, and he’s a good sidekick to his father
His weaknesses*: He’s reckless, he’s young and naive, and he feels like he’s second best and doesn’t get taken seriously
His quirks: He’s his dad’s #1 fan and loves other superhero stuff, he has an interest in justice, and he likes to draw
*Remember, just find the flip side of the strengths!
Effect first: You make the character and then their backstory. I recommend using the effect first method when writing character that are foils to other characters. And if you want you can either give them a similar past or the exact opposite scenario.  Let’s say there’s a character that’s a highschool girl who’s class president and really well known for being perfect.  
Her strengths: She’s smart and clever, she always tries her best at everything she does, and she’s popular around the school
Her weaknesses: She’s condescending, she becomes obsessive with being THE best at everything she does, and she tends to push people away because she’s so intimidating
Her quirks: She keeps a little schedule book for all the things she has going on, she doesn’t get much sleep, and she loves pink
Now for step two we have to think about what kind of upbringing would result in her being like this. Here’s what I came up with: Her parents put more than just a little pressure on her to be perfect, they not only expect a perfect child but punish an imperfect one. This has lead to her being a perfectionist who often mimics her parent’s condescension when it comes to those who aren’t perfect. The truth is, she’s terrified if being anything less than that because it’s been so drilled into her head that if she’s not perfect she’s worthless.
So, there you have it, those are the methods I use to make characters, I even just made a couple up on the spot for this. When you’re done with this part though, you’re not totally finished! You can continue adding on and writing about them and thinking about them for as long as you like, there’s always room for improvement and adding on great ideas to make them more three-dimensional over time is a great way to go about things!
Good luck making characters :D
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Hi! 💗 I just saw your explanation of Saturn in aspect to Moon and Mars, soooo good! Can you please explain Venus(1st house/Cancer) opposite Saturn (7house/Capricorn)? Also Uranus is in conjunction with Saturn, meaning in opposition with Venus 😔😔😔 so hard!
aaaaa thank u so much!! 🖤💖🦇 im glad it might’ve helped? or resonated? 🖤💖🦇 
For the Venus/Saturn Opposition Person + Cancer/Capricorn ⬇️
I think.. hm.. let me test this out. But maybe a way to think about this is Venus being kinda moist, cold and with moisture. Maybe we can think of moisture as care. The person caring/taking care of others when they feel the cause is concerning, due to compassion/care for others and the willingness to put that forward. And Saturn being dry, which makes it hard for Venus to get that kinda care that it wants properly/fully or to receive it back from others.  
I’m.. probably not gonna touch on temperaments in astrology today since I’m saving it for the traditional astro series? But just to start us off - you can see how Venus needs certain things but Saturn can often pull it back, taking on a somber and more critical approach - play it safe, telling Venus to tread carefully with receiving things back from others/giving to others. It doesn’t take things for granted, when dryness comes it’s often associated to lack of resources and thus, gathering (think fall/autumn). However, this can make the person adept at giving to others without truly opening up to let themselves receives back especially because they have to think they deserve the reward they get for their ‘efforts’ (hard-work) -- it becomes an idea/mantra that things couldn’t come as easy to them as it does for everyone else that they repeat sometimes.
This is self-limitation in a way, since Venus can make things come easier for us. But the Venus/Saturn opposition person may often think they are different bc they see others achieving recognition/fulfilling romantic relationships it much easier than they do. Most likely it’s driven towards themselves, what am I not doing, what do I need to do, how do I get better or be better at it. What’s wrong with themselves (self-blame) rather than other people or just not meeting someone right yet. It may be due to taking things too seriously, needing certain things from others or our lack of attempts to give things a try and tread too carefully sometimes that we begin to hold ourselves back from it as well, which is something to cautiously look over and observe that we don’t put ourselves into such a box like that (bc they can stubbornly not try to help themselves change their mind/get out of that mindset later on- Saturn). 
Attempting to get out is always a good idea, most of what the Cancer Venus here may have a problem here with is the fear of rejection, dejection or imprinting bad experience/traumatic memories of it due to ‘trying’ something new and it not turning out well (unexpectedly bad, expectedly bad is possible but not as impactful as unexpectedly bad. But-- we can’t expect/predict everything if we haven’t experienced it before personally? Emotional imprint a certain interaction has on us stays with Cancer for a while, it becomes foundation for growth but the person doesn’t truly open up because they still haven’t processed the other side of the story/open up to it yet/until they’re ready to face it.) 
Alas, what is life if we don’t attempt changes and stop getting grudges that hinder us but not others? That’s something else to work through though so we’ll leave it alone for now.  
Venus self-expression can be stifled/have boundaries set by Saturn in a way. Where we do our best to express ourselves (and often successfully) but we often come home feeling not truly fulfilled bc we don’t think we should take the path that truly free us from it all. We like certainty, and we like directions that brings us forward (Capricorn Saturn) but to truly be fulfilled, sometimes we unknowingly sacrifice the present/opportunities to be loved back in order to achieve what Saturn/Uranus wants instead (thinking too much about the bigger picture that we neglect to nurture and really dedicate ourselves to the smaller parts). 
It’s also possible for the person to be criticized by authority figures in their past, most often for their personality/self-expression or lack-thereof. Expectations to achieve something, be someone, do something often propels the person forward but with this ‘objectivity’ they often sacrifice their own exploration/nurture of themselves emotionally as well. 
Most likely they might’ve become an excellent example of what others expect of them (a bit of a perfectionist tendency) but that- makes failure all the more harder to bear when there’s no perfect ‘guidelines’ on how to achieve great popularity truly, or charm people into falling irrevocably in love with them that satisfies themselves profoundly (not just, y know, the ego or the surface idea of things.) 
This is because Saturn demands profound and sincere investments/attachments, whilst Venus desires and can attract things for the person- but these can often not be mutually exclusive, and the person may be looking at a venn diagram focusing on the part where 1. they do have people 2. there are people who do care for them a lot 3. then where are all the people who fulfill them like this personally, want to go somewhere with them and can bring them forward? like others do?   
Thus, reluctance sometimes to try things/look at things outside of their own perspective/personal desire because they - well, for the lack of better terms, isn’t looking to expand or open up to something new sometimes even when they say they are. Which is the main thing here. 
So. Venus/Saturn opposition. Maybe the person knows and sees the way they do things. But they know it’s different from others. Maybe they’re not - y know, flirtatious or willing to try things out as much as others. Maybe they don’t get out there as much, feels inadequate due to lack of experience. Maybe they feel like their friend seems to attract more people than they do, and thus they can’t talk about the subject because? what is there to talk about?
Even if the person hasn’t felt or thought any of this - Venus/Saturn opposition still talks about the subject of relationships and money, and how they may self-pity sometimes or feel guilt over ? well, technically their own complex. A mantra or conscious thoughts become a complex over time if you let it fester. Believing and truly giving yourself a chance, having faith and truly believing that you are worthy is already a good step to have.
Half of the time, they may reject others based on a subconscious need to do so because. Well not to sound? mean? but half the time it’s because they don’t believe in their own worth or they don’t/can’t see themselves like that. They can’t see, and thus they don’t try. Which is? to be completely honest a fools thing to do because- how do we expect anyone to have experience/see something for themselves if we haven’t experienced it before? It’s like applying for a job and the person not believing they could do it? Or not applying for a job and losing an opportunity because they don’t have work experience straight out of college? Do they just expect themselves to have job experience without a job before?
Anyways, my point being: qualifications for a position can be daunting, but you can’t lose opportunities because of that. Most places still have pass-overs or train their employees. Same thing here - letting yourself believe you deserve it and that you want it, and then demonstrating that and putting yourself out there is the key.
Does it make sense? Like not to sound like such a Capricorn but with Venus/Saturn opposition like this. Sometimes we really don’t know what to expect or what is good for us. And that’s okay, the hold up here is the person themselves and how they treat themselves sometimes. Even if it’s not conscious - the subconscious of the person may just tell them they aren’t good enough or deserving of a good relationship. 
Which is the core of the problem, telling yourself you’re good enough, not having expectation of what that ‘good’ is (because how can we truly know without the experience to be honest, something may come up and triumph what we already consider to be ‘great’ and we? are we really willing to not pursue that bc we don’t ‘deserve’ it? sounds like a fool )  - and allowing yourself to feel confident, secure and open to opportunities is the key here.
So. You can see. This isn’t about sacrifice here. You’re not technically sacrificing anything except the worst part of yourself. The part that holds you back from truly fulfilling both Venus and Saturn actually. Both would be very happy for you to not put yourself or let yourself down due to your expectations sometimes, or playing such a long waiting game for no reason except using your need for security/‘standards’ as an excuse to not use the opportunity/be open to it? 
Anyways. Yeah! 🖤💖🦇I hope that’s not too much? 🖤💖🦇 Basically, there’s a program inside of us that can be subtlety giving out the message of ‘boundaries, warning, stay away’ when we actually should give the other way a try (attracting, indulging and being in love). But yes, so anyways. I hope this? uh, relates? or is somewhat ok to read? 🖤💖🦇I’m basically saying there’s - we can expect so much from ourselves sometimes (Venus/Saturn) and thus, we tend not to trust others to have the same standard or hold up what we need, we don’t want to set ourselves up for disappointment. But that’s unfair to us, not to mention cowardly to not let ourselves trust or open up or attempt sometimes. But yeah! 🖤💖🦇
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giyushino week wrap up!
aaaaand that’s a wrap!! thank you to the moderators of giyushinoweek, and to everyone who liked/reblogged/commented on/sent me asks about my fics!!
it was a wild ride to write 8 fics in basically a week or so; i keep saying the fics were hastily or frantically written but LMAO considering how little fic i put out nowadays and how long it usually takes me to write because i edit as i go (which means i take f o r e v e r ), i was seriously just screaming like I JUST GOTTA DO IT I JUST GOTTA GO WITH IT I DON’T HAVE TIME the entire time haha. it was really good to be able to just think of a thing and run as far as i could with it, though!! it’s been quite a long time since i was able to do that, and it was really nice to have a project to work on in the back of my head. <3
ideally, if i work myself up to it, i’d like to revisit all of these and spruce them up to post to ao3, but we’ll see. :’) 
under the cut is just some thoughts on my process during this and also writing each of the fics, if you’re interested! favorite prompt, the most difficult parts to write, what the fic was originally was, things like that. 
thank you again, everyone!! back to hibernation and occasional slow snail pace writing i go, haha.
re: writing process -i tried writing a fic per day during the week before the actual event, which...kind of worked!! ideally, i was going to write a mostly complete fic each day, and then spend the week of the event editing each one before i posted it. what really ended up happening was that i partially wrote several, but not all of them, during the previous week, and then spent the week of finishing up, editing, or writing the whole thing more or less the day before the prompt was “due”, LMFAO. my weekday schedule is pretty structured because of work--I have maybe an hour or two of free time before i have to sleep--so i doubled down a bit more on the weekends. i know like it wasn’t imperative that i meet the “deadline”, but i really, really wanted to!! i figured i’ve written a fic per day for fandom weeks before so why can’t i do it again, but BOY i don’t know who i was back then. i mean, i still did it (yay!) but it seemed so much easier then?? either i was just writing more back then or less afraid or...something, or it’s just been so long that i don’t remember what i felt, LOL.
-i was really quite nervous in the beginning to post the fics, since again, they’re pretty hastily written and my usual writing process is much more “careful” and drawn out. but, it was also freeing as the week went on to just post and not worry, because the point of the week was to have fun, and not necessarily to write the best work i expected of myself within a limited time. (oh, how the perfectionist in me still hisses, though.) still, i’m glad people liked them, and even the extra notes that i just kinda spit out for some of them. :’) i do wish that some had gotten more attention than others, but those ones don’t show up in the tags and i’m not sure why, so. alas. 
re: the fics -confession: as of now, i feel pretty neutral about all of them, since i wrote them in a frenzy. at some point i’ll probably go back and read them and feel differently (and catch my mistakes! oh no!), haha. -a lot of them ended up being AU, which is...??? unexpected?? but i think it was just easier to put them in an entirely different setting, so i could play a bit more loose with their characters, haha. 
day 1 - glance (or hug) -this one...im pretty sure was one of the ones i waited until the last possible minute to finish up. it’s pretty basic event-wise, one of the few more regular slice-of-lifey ones for the week. it was surprisingly hard to get down the “movement” of it all; a glance is hard to describe in detail and in any other way, but i had really wanted to create kind of this...fleeting, almost nostalgic atmosphere in the back and forth of “he keeps looking, she keeps missing”, if that makes any sense. oof, it’s still hard to describe what i had wanted to achieve even outside of the fic!!
day 2 - soulmate (or family) -this one was SUPER HARD to write!!! originally i had wanted to go with a “A sees flashes of what B sees” soulmate prompt, because i figured that would be SO disorienting and would be fun to play with. but i ended up not being able to run with that one. i had also wanted to do the “soulmates write on themselves and the words show up on the other’s arm” idea, based off of what i had started in a 100 word drabble i did, but that deserved wayyyyyy more exploration and angst i was able to write in the time i’d allotted. i do like the “tattoo” soulmate aus the best, i think, and i did want to explore the one i did more, buuuut. alas. soulmates aus are something i prefer to read rather than write, i think, they can get so complicated!! 
day 3 - AU (or touch) -i’ve already made enough notes on this haha, but this ended up being a little too ambitious!! it wasn’t originally supposed to stop where it did, but i just...kinda got stuck and couldn’t bring myself to continue it, because i knew it would just keep going and needed more thinking out. so i just stopped it at the scene break, and hoped it would be decent enough. :’) surprisingly people seemed to enjoy this one most of all????? or maybe it was just the au itself that was a appealing, haha. regardless, i was surprised at the amount of notes this got!
day 4 - demon & wedding -soooooo this might’ve been my favorite prompt LMAO, like when i realized what i wanted to do for this day, i got excited because like, oooh yeah, pain. definitely wanted to go in on this to flesh out and explore various aspects more than i did, but i think of all the ones i wrote, i might be the most pleased with this one so far. 
day 5 - moon (or angst) -honestly, it’s a surprise i didn’t choose angst for day 5. writing about shinobu’s death would’ve been so easy, but i’ve seriously been putting it off since i started writing for kimetsu no yaiba. both “a blade of honey” and “if not cut at dusk”, which are my longer fics, were intended to be about shinobu’s death scene and turned into something completely different, and i ended up avoiding it for day 5 even though it could’ve been so easy. it’s denial, probably! anyway, shinobu’s MAD BOLD here. she would never. maybe. there’s two shinobus that i think about--the "usual” one, modeling herself after kanae, and one who’s more in line with her younger self/inner feelings. i think i went with the latter for a lot of these fics, because i didn’t have to be as careful with dialogue. giyu might’ve suffered character-wise, though, woops. but again, maybe shinobu would, in the vein that she wants to win and have the last laugh, haha. still, i feel more like she wouldn’t. :P oh, also, do you remember ages ago, when AMVs were still widespread, that scene that was everywhere in naruto where hinata’s bathing/training at the waterfall and it’s like really pretty and cool and stuff? yeah. that’s what i wanted this one to be, a little, LMFAO. genuinely surprised that people thought this one was pretty spicy!!
day 6 - kiss (or ocean) -confession: i wrote all of this while i was at work LOLLLL. it was a slow day, i promise. this might’ve been the easiest one to come up with, because the “quick, kiss me!” to escape situation is a classic. the characterization is preeeetttyyyyy loose here, but it was also kind of fun, honestly. my day 5 and day 6 run in pretty similar veins though, so i had kind of wished the endings were a bit more distinct from each other. 
day 7 - date (or crossover) -honestly i had wanted to do like, a soul eater crossover!! really i was planning out an au, but i think a crossover specifically has characters of two series interacting, and then i was Tired and was like, i can’t do that. crossovers aren’t something i usually read, either, so the planning got too complicated and i gave  up. the date idea was also one that came much later and one that i finished up last minute; i’d wanted to make it a little more cohesive and come up with better things for sabito’s list, but. eh. it got longer than i expected too! ideally there would’ve been more of the college life, and sabito and makomo. i thought about doing another additional notes for this, but there was wasn’t enough i had wanted to add on. really it was just the majors for them i’d been playing with--shinobu as a med student (possibly a minor in horticulture/botany, SOMEHOW), sabito & giyu as hydraulic engineering majors (sabito more on fieldwork, giyu more on research), and makomo as a marine veterinary student. shrug!! the lines of “you do realize we were set up, right” and “this was a date, tomioka-san” were the highlight for me, haha. and i’m inordinately fond of the title.
day 8 - halloween (or n*sfw) -sexy stuff isn’t my forte at all!!!! so halloween it was, but. i was thinking of skipping out on this one, and then was like, oh what the hell, you’ve come this far, of course you’re going to go the last leg, too. already wrote enough notes on this one too, but yeah, this one really was quick, and just barely meets the prompt, i think, lmao. ended up being more of a fantasy au, which was fun, though there was a lot left unexplored. ultimately just glad that i was able to come up with something for the last stretch. :)
please feel free to drop me an ask if you have any thoughts or comments! i’d love to hear your thoughts on the fics for the week, if you’d like to share. :) 
thanks for reading!!
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mindblowndoeships · 5 years
Hey you.. I hope you’re having a good day 💕 can i get an astrology ship with bts and got7 please? Im taurus sun, leo moon, aries Mercury, gemini venus, cancer mars ans scorpio rising 🙏🏻
Hey 🌸 @sinerwhoisasin
From BTS I ship you with Jungkook! (Other matches are Taehyung and Namjoon)
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I'm pretty sure Jungkook will end up with a Taurus or a Scorpio in the future and you got both! I think he would be really attracted to Scorpio risings, because they are so magnetic and alluring. They have a natural way of grabbing people's attention and that's why almost everyone likes them. When it comes to Scorpio sun/rising people either like them a lot or they're jealous of them. So you definitely have that factor that makes the others want to get closer to you and learn more about you. Jungkook will be instantly drawn to you and the kind of vibe you give off. I believe he has a Scorpio rising too, because when it comes to kpop fans they either love him or they bash him out of jealousy for getting the most lines, screen time ect.. You get my point, if he really has a Scorpio rising he'll feel connected to you right from the start, but even if that's not true he still has a Scorpio mars. So that means he is gonna relate to you and admire, because the world sees you as the type of person that he wants to be seen as. You guys also have the same moon sign - Leo! Here comes the real bond, you guys will have a strong emotional connection. You understand each other's feelings and you know how to comfort and help one another. Because you often have the same thoughts running through your minds and no one understands you better than you guys do. You have a Gemini venus, it makes you a fun lover and again attention grabbing. Gemini venus people are easy to fall for and they know how to keep the relationship interesting. This aspect combined with your Leo moon will probably make you the more adventurous and active partner in terms of you're gonna wanna plan fun dates and cool places you guys could go to. You love taking the lead and you're good at managing your priorities and planning things out the proper way. Jungkook will looove that, it's so beneficial. 'Cause he is a Virgo and we know how much of a perfectionist he is, he needs stability in his life and his partner should be able to provide it. Now Taurus is probably the most stable sign in the zodiac, we don't like to fool around and we get things done the right way. And here comes in your Cancer mars as well, Cancer placements anywhere in the chart love to help other people subconsciously or on purpose. Cancer mars are very patient and caring people, very considered of they're loved ones and their feelings. Jungkook needs that, as much as I like to think he would be the more dominant one in a relationship he still needs to be taken care of, mostly mentally wise. He needs a person who's gonna listen to him and remind him that everything'll be alright. Just someone to have his back and would be ready to talk to him anytime. I'm more than sure you are capable of doing that. Your relationship will be harmonious and easy going and you'll be very loyal to each other.
And from GOT7 I ship you with Yugyeom! (Other matches are Jackson and Jinyoung)
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I decided to go with a safe match here. At first I was really debating if should give you Jackson or Yugyeom. Why Jackson you might ask, well I guess he would just be really attracted to you, because of all his Pisces placements he easily falls for earth signs and Aries sun/venus will connect with your fire placements. I'm not too sure about a relationship, but you guys would make great best friends. And for Jinyoung, I don't know I just randomly looked at his chart and realized that it fits with yours quite well, but I don't know. I feel like he would be a bit too serious for you xD Nonetheless he's probably gonna have a crush on you as well, because of his Scorpio venus that most like wants a Scorpio partner. And finally we landed on Yugyeom, I chose him because he is a Scorpio and that's a sure match. Scorpio and Taurus are opposite signs they are also called sister signs, the attraction between them especially sexual is v intense. But not only that, they also understand each other so well, they agree on 99% of things, their mind set is just super similar. No wonder why Yugyeom's bff is Bambam the Taurus. Plus you have a Scorpio rising so again just like Jungkook, he is gonna relate to you, this time even more. You get him and he gets you, there's a mutual connection that is very natural. You both have fire mercury's, it means you guys get excited easily and you're both quite expressive with your opinions. So you won't have any problems with communication. Both of you are very honest, even blunt and you love it when other people are the same way. Since you guys both value honesty so much, you're gonna be very loyal to each other. That's a big relief for Yugyeom because he would find it hard to trust other people with that Scorpio sun/Gemini moon combo that he has. But with you it wouldn't feel forced or wrong, he'll just know that he can rely on you. Even though you are a Taurus which is normally quite a feminine sign, you do have that edge to you and you're probably slightly bolder with your attitude than the average Taurus girl. This is what's gonna pull Yugyeom to you in the first place, he loves straight forward people. Last but not least your Cancer mars is important here too. It matches perfectly with his Capricorn venus and mars. Again those are opposite signs with strong attraction, they can be passionate lovers and this also guarantees a long term relationship.
Thank you for requesting! ❤
My main account ➡ @mind666blown
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imperialsea-a · 5 years
          Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
          Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
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Mun name: Rem (not that blue-haired anime girl or DN, it’s from my old blog!) OOC Contact: Contact me through the Tumblr IM system or my Discord! My Discord is: imperialsea#1818. Please tell me your URL if you message me there so I know who you are!
Now, onto the heart of the post!
   ♛   Who the heck is my muse, anyway? Elizabeth Eva Alexandria Cross, the only biological daughter of Kaien Cross, her father (a canon vk char), and Eva Liliya Cherie Cross, her mother (an oc muse)! Elizabeth is a vampire hunter by blood like all in her family before her! But, shh! Your character isn't supposed to know that .  .  .  unless they're also a hunter .  .  .  or a perhaps a vampire (since her family from both sides are famous hunters, but even then they don't have to know she's a vamp killer if you don't want them to) .  .  .  or they're some sort of ally to her / the hunters association since she can't just tell anyone her actual work on a whim. Where she's from, the existence of vampires are a secret from most of humanity and it's her job to kill the dangerous people-hurty ones and keep that nice and secret so as to avoid a world war! 'Nothing about her is complicated at all', I say, lying through my teeth like Bethy does to society every day by keeping her job and true lifestyle hidden :'D
Further information below the cut, please take time to read if you’re stuck on what to plot and how Bethy operates!
   ♛   Points of Interest:           - She was born and raised to fight against unruly beasts and composed foes alike. Despite her youth, she's a one-woman powerhouse and is not afraid to take herself down with an opponent if she deems it necessary. She's like the Smash player who hits the fake smash ball to take out an enemy on their last legs, even at the expense of her own life. She'll do it! Except in Smash she'd probably just win the match because she had an extra life and not, you know, not die forever for real in a last grand battle.
          - She's got vamp genes all over the place and is rare among hunters. She's biologically immortal like a Pureblood despite not being a vampire herself and is living testimony of what her predecessors took from Purebloods both by honorable bestowal of blood from the mysterious Hooded Woman, and straight up [insert painting of Jupiter Devouring His Son here]. Her great grandparent is 3k+ years old, her father is 200+ for devouring his own twin-- it's messy as mythology, but anime :'D  She herself is only 18 on default though (19 in K Crossover--), the youngest of her entire bloodline, and she can still be slain in battle even if she is much hardier than a typical human being. She's also sensitive to auras, and capable of sensing vampires.
          - Things characters might notice? She's ghostly pale and kind of looks like she stepped out of The Last Unicorn. She looks cold, sophisticated, and vaguely otherworldly-- she really doesn't radiate the friendliest of vibes unless she's doing something she loves, and the calculated yet seemingly effortless grace of her movements are prominent in and outside of combat. She is descended from an ancient royal line, and those posh, stuffy mannerisms and formal speech pattern live on through her even if the Adrasteian monarchy no longer exists.
          - She truly isn't a trigger-happy person, whatever the title of 'hunter' implies, and keeps a level head in most situations. Sure, Bethy looks as if she could bite someone's head off and can display some seriously threatening flashes of anger, but she's not going to do something rash and will only resort to drawing her weapons in a serious matter. She's here to save lives, maintain peace, and keep order, not disrupt it and set off a war! No pressure on her, right?
         - She is also notably, NOT a high school student, though she may be mistaken for a high school senior or young college student since her age fits the bill. Elizabeth actually graduated from her high school at age sixteen and took to hunting full-time immediately after. She was convinced to slow it down by her grandparents and began preparing for college when her assignment at Cross Academy arrived and, uh, pretty tragically, hasn’t been able to attend any classes due to her work demands. Come to choose between the world and personal fulfillment? Her conscience only let her have one choice; a hunter must hunt.
    ♛   What they’ve been up to recently:           - Work. There's hardly a time when this girl isn't working or planning what to do next, and the workload only grows after the previous president is outed as a dishonorable, self-serving traitor to the hunters. She's seriously injured after trading blows with him and is promptly benched to deal with the fallout and mental agony, but she's back within a year (and in K's crossover? Only six months later!).
          - Having said that, Elizabeth does have days off and will spend them quietly with her friends, or alone with music and a rejuvenating swim.
          - Depending on the time in her life? Her life circumstances vary drastically-- she can go from a young huntress travelling on her own as duty demands, or she can be a mother of five children and trusted right hand of the new hunter president, Zero Kiryuu. She lives for a long time, so she's always up to something! And of course, she's always motivated to fight for a better future. 
   ♛   Where to find them:            - Aside from work, check the beach! Or find her on methods of cross-continental transportation since she travels around the world for her job (she walks whenever possible, so it's rare to see her on a bus, but she’ll begrudgingly take one or a train)! Otherwise, a place like an aquarium, clothing store, or coffee shop, or any place in a city is your best chance.... write w me pls... q-q she is Around Somewhere.
          - If not found in any of those places and your character is someone inside Cross Academy, she can be found there, helping the prefects in some way and is familiar enough with the building to help out new students if they ask.
    ♛   Current Plans:           - Elizabeth is chained to her work as a hunter for as long as she draws breath, or until there is no need for her to end hostile vampires. Her ultimate goal is to keep the world from falling into a repeat, all-out war between vampires and humanity. Her living and family situation might change through the years, but that will always be her primary drive-- she's got an indomitable will.
    ♛   Desired Interactions:           - please ovq
          - In all seriousness, I’m up for pretty much anything. She needs more friends, more enemies, people to protect, people to be protected by, people she looks up to, people who legitimately unnerve her, everything! I just don’t feel comfortable killing her. Elizabeth fought really hard to get her future and deserves to find comfort after her entire childhood-young adult life was spent thinking the only thing of worth she had was her role as a huntress. I do really, really love angst though, so anything else goes, really c:
     ♛   Offered Interactions ( please sit tight for this! it will be divided into multiple sections! ) :           - IF YOUR CHARACTER IS HUMAN:                - She’ll assume your muse is an average civilian until shown otherwise (be it with unusual powers, whacky aura, combat prowess, or prior knowledge from a report or something-- a plot specific thing). Unless they truly know about vampires / work with the Hunters Association, Elizabeth will not be sharing any information about who or what she is without a legitimate reason (such as the human character being bitten by a Pureblood and thus is being turned into a vampire themselves). However, the other party being kept in the dark about vampires can open the door to a more relaxed Elizabeth without her professional, perfectionist mindset. She’s more likely to have a pleasant conversation with humans since they have no part in the hunt-- but in that same vein, she does aim to keep them at a certain distance and not develop a deep emotional bond (but she’s also a lot softer than she looks and acts and tends to care for others quickly, should they get along). It’s a tricky slope .  .  . She’s thawed out and the nicer aspects of her personality are far more prominent, but at the same time, she’s not being entirely genuine. Give her time and she’ll become more open about personal things, just, not her work.
               - Applies to her K Proj. Crossover.  Working with S4, Elizabeth takes some time to adjust, but ultimately loves the organization and the people within it. They’re an exception to her ‘no ties with average humans’ rule because....errr.... they’re not the average human she’s used to protecting and in that verse they’re aware of her occupation and peculiar heritage. She’s not as cold first impressions might suggest and loves Reisi’s weird af team building nights, it’s hard for her to not have a soft spot for them, even as an outsider and unofficial member (as in, she has none of the abilities the Blues have, but she has her natural abilities).
         - IF YOUR CHARACTER IS A HUNTER:                 - Elizabeth is a known figure in hunter society; her great grandfather, grandfather, and aunt were previous heads of the organization and each are still alive at present. So, it probably makes more sense if your hunter character at the very least knows about her-- unless they’re an off-series muse in which case go wild and do what you think is best! I always did like the idea of two vampire hunters chilling together with neither one knowing the other is a fellow hunter until they’re attacked by a vamp and they’re both like ‘Oh!’
               - A simple but always reliable plot idea is two hunters on a joint mission! It’s really important to know that Bethy does not take kindly to poor performance and expects her partner to take whatever assignment they have seriously. If not? Things get tundra-cold really fast-- o-o;; People’s lives are at stake and in her opinion, if a hunter wants to mope or complain about their blood-given obligation, they’re not fit to be hunters in the first place. ‘Can’t do the job? Then finish what you started with me if you have any shred of integrity, and get thee gone’ sort of thing. Otherwise, uh :’D;; she’s highly cooperative and always aims to reach the outcome with the least amount of damage.
               - As a teenager, she attended a hunter-run private academy in Adrasteia for four years. If it’s possible for your muse to attend (as in, they are from a vampire hunter family and can pass the rigorous entrance exams), throw em in for a slightly younger, less stringent Bethy? A national fencing champion at the top of her classes, and great granddaughter to the legendary hellfire headmaster, Elizabeth’s not easily missed! It could be the start to an amicable relationship to carry into future interactions?
        - IF YOUR CHARACTER IS A VAMPIRE:                 - Bluntly put, for vampires, it’s probably better to interact with Elizabeth after Cross Academy has fallen in the large battle that took place there. Her mother is revealed to have been alive and held captive as a vampire, she’s already friends with a hunter/vamp, her two friends turned out to be Purebloods, and ‘oh....my mother and father got together again and now I’ve got a younger vampire brother’ .....and her boyfriend’s half sister is also a vampire who marries the former vamp senate heir..... so...vamps everywhere; she simply accepts them as part of the family. Prior to that, while she isn’t hostile to vampires and certainly has no intention to attack a vamp unjustly, it’s not a place she’s eager to put herself in. Depending on how threatened she feels, she’ll even swallow her pride and keep her head down-- mostly.
               - If your muse is a hunter-turned-vampire, she doesn’t treat them as a vampire, rather, she still sees them as a compatriot, like in the case of Zero Kiryuu. Whether or not your muse received the blood of their keeper is up to you, but in the case that they haven’t-- she’s always there to assist in granting mercy whenever the time comes :’)
       - IF YOUR CHARACTER DOES NOT FIT INTO ANY OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES / REGARDING OTHER VERSES:                - Please help me find something that works, I’m willing to try! Memes are incredibly helpful! Send one in, the tag is here, and we can go from there!
                  - My currently finished and ready-to-use Crossover Verse is K Proj., which can be read about right here.
      ♛   Current Open Post/s: Linked right here. There's no expiration date to these, and it doesn't matter if another person has replied to one, you are more than welcome to reply to one if it catches your eye at all.
      ♛   Anything else?:  YEAH, wow I am so sorry that got so long. Please note that this post may be updated periodically!
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intruderzim · 6 years
Zim Has OCD: The Movie
i’ve wanted to write abt this for the longest time, so here i am Doin It!! (apologies for how messy its written, my thoughts are all over the place & im not the best at articulating them)
one of the reasons zim is such an important character to me is because of the mental illness symptoms he exhibits explicitly in the show. as someone who has fought a long battle with ocd my whole life, i know a lot about how this illness works & see a lot of it in zim. whether or not the crew intentionally created this character with mental illnesses in mind, this is what i see, based on my observances & a lot of speculation.
(buzzfeed unsolved voice) so with that, lets get into the theories
cleaning obsession:
the first piece of evidence as to why i believe zim suffers from ocd is obvious: his cleaning obsession. in canon, he needs everything to be clean ALL THE TIME. if a single thing is out of order, or not perfect & clean, it freaks him out. this is such a central part of his character that there was a whole EPISODE dedicated to it! in addition to this, i also believe he absolutely cannot concentrate if things are dirty in the /slightest/. he probably needs everything to be Clean Always, & when gir comes in covered in dirt & shit its just. devastating. his base is the only safe space where /he/ has control over everything that comes in and out, & a place that he knows for SURE is clean. he can control everything in it, therefore its safe!! which is also why going to school must be so stressful, as its FILTHY & when things are dirty they are Not Right. its hard to explain but when you have ocd, the distress you have over small things is magnified to the EXTREME. & zim definitely has the kind of reaction someone with ocd would have to those triggers. one of zim’s biggest triggers is the need for things to be clean, & its why he spends so much time making sure his one safe haven is free of germs.
zim has a definite phobia of germs as well, which doesn’t necessarily HAVE to go with the cleaning obsession, but the cleaning is a compulsion to cancel it out.
if zim gets preoccupied about something being dirty, he absolutely cannot relax until it is fixed. he couldn’t do anything until the entire base was deep cleaned, destroying every germ & mopping virtually every inch of the place! its very ocd thinking: all or nothing. it can’t be a “little” dirty, its always THIS IS HORRIBLE & TERRIBLE & FILTHY if there’s even a little dust. something i used to struggle with a lot was that i couldn’t use my electronics as i was scared i’d make them too dirty; even if my hands were clean. i couldn’t touch my computer or my phone because the very thought of leaving fingerprints on it or somehow else making it dirty was too terrifying to face. maybe zim would have a similar experience, not wanting to do certain things in his lab in the case he would “ruin” his equipment, if that makes sense?
zim also wouldn’t wanna touch things that are even remotely dirty that another person has used, this is dumb but like using someone elses headphones (which is complicated cuz ANTENNA) or wearing someone elses clothes, its just. Beyond disgusting to him
zim is the kind of person who needs things to be “perfect” & if they’re not perfect, then it might as well be worthless. im positive zim needs everything in his lab to be absolutely how it “should be” & if there’s one thing out of line, it’ll mess up his whole thought process. & if it does, he’ll spend hours ruminating abt it.
zim obsesses for sure, over dib, & over his mission. he really REALLY wants to do a good job, & the way his mind thinks to accomplish this, in addition to other things is to obsess. zim is a huge perfectionist & he wants to be sure he is doing well, & to be perfect in the eyes of his empire. a lot of this ties in to his self worth issues, but some of it could have ocd to blame. he wants his inventions to be perfect, his projects to be perfect, his plans, etc. there can be no room for error. if something doesn’t go exactly as planned, its automatically the Worst & even if there is a small flaw, something no one else would notice, zim will, & it will bother him immensely. he wants to live up to his full potential & erase any indication of his “defectiveness” so if something is a little wrong, then its a big deal to him.
a lot of this next part is my own speculation but i like to think zim engages in compulsions as well?& it would only make sense to me as someone who’s lived it that zim’s ocd would branch out to other aspects of his life as well,since thats just the nature of the illness. zim could have “safe numbers” & do things a certain amount of times in order to be safe & “right”. having a safe number would also mean having a bad number that he’d avoid at all costs, so just like little things, maybe the amt of times he taps his foot, or blinks, or thinks abt something, itll always have to be the safe number & never the Bad Number.
im sure he’d get ocd intrusive thoughts as well, like hurting the people he cares about, things along those lines. thoughts that are inherently ocd intrusive. except sometimes he actually ACTS on these, he’ll get the thought “hmmm i could literally destroy half my home planet” & then actually GETS INTO A MEGADOOMER & DOES IT???
i definetly don’t think jhonen meant to do it, but he’s written a character who exhibits So many symptoms of ocd, & while zim isn’t rly supposed to be that much of a sympathetic character (ur supposed to look at him & think, oh ur Rly Stupid & u do a lot of dumb things) but what i see is a v severely damaged person who is behaving the only ways they know how. & i wish the show could go into deeper introspection abt it, but i know it wouldn’t because thats not the style of the show.
anyways. thats my two cents, you can take it or leave it. a lot of it, probably most of it is my personal hc but it means a lot to me if you’ve read this far & perhaps see what i see!
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itspialotta · 5 years
Idk a little view in my life i guess.
Hi i’m Pia Lotta,
i was born on 27th of July 2004 wich i regret, but certainly cannot change. I also don’t like the place where i live. Germany. Without a doubt a very known country. Well i live on the countryside in a little village. I drive with my bike to school wich is 8 km far. Although in winter my mom drives me, because i don’t like being in the school bus. Not that i don’t like busses, no i love them, i love sitting there on a sit next to the window, listening to music. I just don’t like crowds, people pushing and you touch people you mostly don’t even know.
In my school is limited space that’s why year 5,6,7,8 are on one school let’s call this one ‚Main school‘ year 9 and 10 are in a different school further away, lets call that one ‚My school‘ because that’s where i go. I’m currently in year 9 but after summer holidays i obviously go into year ten.
Anyways i drifted away. I usually meet up with my best friends Haley and Paula and one of our good friends (Larissa). We always have a speaker and listen to music and chat while driving to school. Often it’s music like 5sos, The vamps, New hope club, Nirvana sometimes Why don’t we. And other artists we adore.
In my school i don’t have a lot of friends, but I don’t think that’s important. I have a couple of guy friends and a couple of girl friends. They’re cool, i like them we laugh a lot. One of my favourite subjects are English and Art. I love English because when i graduate i want to do either work and travel or go straight to the USA to work there. I love the english language it’s way more fun and i feel like i can express myself better. :))
Anyways when i come home around 2 or 3 pm i usually eat. A lot. Wich isn’t good, but i like food a lot. But i’m also insecure about my body. I live in a little apartment with my mom and my little brother. My moms name is Corinna and my brothers name is Newt (im obviously changing everyone’s name but mine) He’s currently 12 and part time annoying.
This is way more exhausting than i thought, i don’t even know why the fuck i’m writing all of this when literally no one will read it. I’m just really really bored.
Yeah anyways i love music and i would love to to something with music in my future, but of course i’m not talented at all. I cannot sing and i can’t even play any instrument. I love listening to it though, a lot. I love lyrics and how every instrument harmonies with everything. i love the sound of a guitar string strung, i love every bassline in a song. and i’m utterly in love with drums. I often don’t even sing the lyrics, although i’m in love with every single lyric in my playlist, i sing the drum or bassline.
i’m in a lot of fandoms so it may accur you that i have Wattpad. Of course i do. I love it. I love reading stories and how you can just sink into them, i don’t even hear anything else when i read, i’m literally in the book. I can see everything they describe and more. But what i love most about Wattpad is the writing. The writing is something i will never get enough of. It is like all the stress just vanishes more and more with every word written, and not just that. You can create a whole new world, a whole new person, something new. You can create something. And that’s what i love. I started Wattpad at the age of 11. I got it because of my huge obsession with Harry Potter, wich is constantly a part of me. My friends used to call me Luna or Hermione because they thought i am like them. And i certainly have to agree. Then the phase with all of the bands started, i got into it mostly because of my Dad. Nickelback, Nirvana and more. But into the 5sos fandom i got because of my friend Haley. She dragged me into it.
I’m also in love with Photography, nature in specific, but as well the anatomy of the human being. i love the art of simple moments pressed on paper and when you look at the paper it’s almost as if you can smell the flowers, taste the fresh air, hear the humming of bees. Or you look at it and memories start playing in your head, Photography is the art to hold something you don’t want to let go, because it’s art by itself.
I love vintage stuff, wich might be because i adore the 90s and 80s. The fashion was way ahead of their time. And i would love to wear all those clothes and outfits i have on my pinterest bord, but i can’t. Simply because i’m in my own way. Wich is impressively stupid, even for me, but my eyes and brain definitely feel as if i shouldn’t and couldn’t in any way wear that. My body is just not made for that. So i just shrug my shoulders and throw anything on, wich in most of the cases appears to be a huge Hoodie and a jeans.
im also a very organized person and i must say that i’m definitely a perfectionist. But i also should mention that my room sometimes isn’t the cleanest, i usually tidy up twice a week. So to notice is that my inner perfectionist is only coming out when i’m not in my own room, i have to put everything where it belongs, every paper i write can’t have a single mistake and everything has to be sat at the perfect place. When i tidy up, i do everything. If i’m once in the flow i can’t get enough of organizing and everything. Even if it’s my own room.
i must say though, that i have found an personal interest in watching this screen hanging on my wall, while sitting and laying in my bed for whole days, turning every half hour to make it comfortable again. In 50% of the time, i do basically nothing, i watch mostly vlogs and other youtube videos. The other 50 percent are divided in two 25 percent pieces. One of them being, watching series and movies on Netflix the other one is me putting on a playlist of music because i’m too lazy to charge my 3 speakers. Since i do this very often i can just lead to the next point.
I’m socially awkward and don’t like people. This may sound either strange or unbelievably stupid, but let me explain. I like talking to people, as long as we’re either in school or on the internet. but even then i get bored after a while and just say that i’ll be gone for a minute, when in reality i just turn on the TV or pull up Wattpad. I especially don’t like meeting up with people, it puts you to a responsibility where you can’t leave, because you feel uncomfortable. i never know what to talk about, but try to keep the conversation going, due to politeness. I always want to be somewhere else, by myself. Because i can do whatever i want when i’m alone, I don’t have to see if the other person is fine, i don’t have to ask if they want anything. And most importantly i don’t have to be scared that they’re bored or annoyed. Because my constant Concern is that i don’t want to bother or annoy people. To be honest, i always think i annoy people. Just like right now, if anyone is even reading this right now, i’m really sorry for you because at this point you have to be either bored or annoyed and asking yourself why you even read this. I’m really sorry :(
I guess there isn’t much i can talk about at this point, i don’t know if you actually read this, but if you did, i applaud you for not falling asleep and making it this far.
If you have any questions you can obviously ask them, you can always send me a direct message. If you want to know more about an aspect of my life or you want me to write down my opinion on stuff, because i usually always have an opinion that you can just send me a direct message or comment ;)
There’s probably a lot of wrong spelling in there so i also apologize for this.
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rabtownsend · 6 years
Speaking of rants, here’s one:
Earlier today, a model I follow on instagram was going on a tirade about how photographers don’t give back photos for ages and ages.
I’m sure there are plenty of photographers who are just lazy and/or possessive of their photos.
But here’s why it takes me a long time to deliver photos from trade shoots:
Let’s say, on average, i spend half an hour editing a given photo. Sometimes it’s less. Sometimes it’s more.
I don’t use photoshop actions - mostly because there is no single setting that will make every photo look good. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. I need control over every aspect I can from the beginning - and, to a greater degree, I find the editing process to be fun when it’s improvisational, and I discover or develop new techniques to overcome challenges or make my images look cool as I’m editing them. Lazily clicking a button and saying “it’s done now” is not for me - and if I were to adjust the settings in the action after the action, why bother with the action?
So, in some cases, yeah, half an hour per photo. Sometimes much more. Sometimes 5 minutes.
So, let’s say, on average, I take 300 pictures on a given model shoot.
That’s not far off. I get close. I don’t edit all of the photos, but I try to edit as many as appear to be viable. Why not just the “best”? Because I don’t know which ones are the best until I’ve seen them all edited. Any unedited photo has the potential to become a better one in the editing process. Especially a process like mine. Some photos are very similar to each other, and generally, I end up having to pick one that is subtly, more expressive or interesting, but ultimately, I edit the majority of the photos, and then decide which ones are worth posting.
I can’t say how many, because that varies pretty widely, depending on how happy I am with the results of the shoot.
If we pretend that I’m going to edit all 300 - which I’ll admit is more than I typically would - that comes to 150 hours.
So, let’s say, as well, that I have a day-job, and that I can only spare about 2 hours of my free time per day on editing - which, if you’re a person with a job and a commute - can translate pretty easily to all of the free time I have.
That spreads 150 hours of work out over 75 days. That’s 2.5 months.
Factor in the fact that I’m not always going to have time to edit. I’m not always going to have the energy to edit. Sometimes I’ll have more time. Sometimes I’ll have more energy. Sometimes I’ll edit fewer photos. Sometimes I’ll edit more.
My point is:
It is well within the realm of possibility that a hobbyist photographer who does trade shoots, and has a day job, will take 2-3 months to deliver photos.
Now, I can’t leave it at that, because I have to admit my own fallibility/culpability on this matter.
I am not good at giving back photos immediately after I finish editing them.
Here’s why:
I’m obsessive compulsive, and a perfectionist when it comes to my own work. Before I can deliver photos to a model, I have to give them all a second pass, and add my little watermark (which is unintrusive, by my standards), and resize to a resolution that makes sense for how the model is using it (i.e. not gigantic). That takes time and energy.
Sometimes, I shoot too close together with different models to be able to meet the same standard that I would if I had no other photos to edit - i.e. I end up with a backlog that means one model has to wait for me to finish editing another model’s shoot before I even get started on theirs.
I do feel possessive of my photos (not that the model doesn’t have a claim to the same possessiveness). Ultimately, the audience dynamic between successful freelance models and hobbyist photographers is that the model gets the lion’s share of feedback, praise, interest, and attention, and the photographer gets... less of that. That’s not something I can change, but it’s irksome and disheartening.
Which is all just to say that there is a reluctance in me to let go of something that I have spent 150 hours of my life on, vs. the 2 hours that the model spent posing for them. All models deserve to be compensated for their time and effort, and if trade is what’s agreed on, we have to be willing to let go of that reluctance and control.
But, like... pretty solid case for paying models instead.
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