#im not going to scrape at myself just to see if i can find proof of an identity which we all invented
bioethicists · 1 year
you're allowed to completely abandon the project of searching for an objective 'true self'. you're likely never going to find some indisputable thing inside you that proves that you Really Are a lesbian or a man or autistic or an empath or an artist or whatever you're troubled over. you can just call yourself whatever (or nothing). you can just do the things that give you the most joy without obsessing over whether that makes you x or y.
there's nothing wrong with naming your experiences but do it with a light hand. do it with the knowledge that these labels are constantly shifting, simplistic social constructions which describe things you do; they don't cause them. these identities are projects of understanding between you + the world around you + you're allowed to abandon your role in that project. you're allowed to say "whatever i am to you is meaningless to me". even though we are all still forced to suffer the material consequences of others' perceptions of 'what we are', i personally feel absolutely freed by letting go of my gender + madness- i am unconcerned with what i am, only with what i feel + think + do.
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wenchpop · 2 years
My favorite makeup products for warm toned brown skin
I love makeup a lot, it's an amazing form of self expression that I, and many others adore. However; it can be hard to find shades that show up on your skin when most influencers promoting these products have fair skin. Today, I'll be posting about some of my favorite products that work for me as a brown person with oily skin :)
*I've purchased these with all of my own money or have received them as gifts from family members. I'm not affiliated with any of these brands bc nobody knows who i am imn just a little lesbian who likes to paint their face LMAO
R.E.M. Beauty Lip & cheek stick in opening night - $18 USD
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I love this because it blends out nicely and can be used for a nice monochromatic look. It's a little bit on the pricier side though, but I feel like it's worth the price.
Colourpop Sonic Bloom Palette - $18 USD
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This was my first eyeshadow palette and honestly, one of my favorites. It has a lot of beautiful warm toned shadows that are great for medium warm skin. I will say that the shades Lunar Disco and Cosmic don't show up on me as well though, as they're too close to my skin tone or barely lighter but I've found use for them as bases to go over my primer if I want a smoother, matte look.
Morphe x Pony Constellation Sky Artistry Palette - $36 USD
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Okay, I know what you're probably thinking. These shades are going to be ashy, aren't they? Not in my experience. I can't speak for Morphe as a brand in general, since this is my only palette by them, but I found the shades in here to be smooth and blendable. The lighter shades are very pigmented, and show up on my skin, and work great as inner corner highlights. I was also really surprised that the shade Ddalgi didn't look ashy on me as a blush. I love that you can create more colorful looks or neutral looks, this palette really was designed as an all in one, and Pony killed it on the shades in here. The only negative thing I can really say about this palette is that the shades Inner, Ruby, and Glistening may get harder in the pan, preventing you from picking up the pigment easily. I usually solve this by gently scraping the top of my shadow to get the powder beneath it.
Juvia's Place The Festival Liquid Lipstick in Dudu - $12 USD
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This is an AMAZINGLY pigmented black lipstick. I love Juvia's place so much, all of their products are super pigmented and they have a lot of sales, making it relatively approachable for someone new to makeup. One swipe gives me all the pigment I need. My only complaint is that it isn't transfer proof, but I think it's worth it for the sheer amount of color packed into this little tube of goth magic.
Elf CC Camo Cream - $15 USD
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I personally use the shade Tan 245 N, and I think it's a great price, lovely coverage, and applies really smoothly on my skin. As a disclaimer though, I prefer more sheer foundations, so this may be on the lighter coverage side.
Colourpop Dream Big Palette Vault - $74 USD
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I received this as a Christmas gift one year and honestly, it is one of my favorite things ever. The shadows are pigmented and all of the palettes have an attached mirror. I will say though that if you don't have any nude shades yet, buy those before this. This set lacks pinks and nude shades, which may be fine for you but I find myself using these as a compliment to my Blush Crush Palette ($14 USD) and Send Nudes Palette ($14 USD) which are also by Colourpop.
e.l.f. Hydrating Core Lip Shine in Ecstatic - $7
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Not only is this a dupe for Clinique's Black Honey, it's super hydrating, affordable, and cute.
I'll probably edit this list as time goes on, but for now here are some of my favorite products!! (If any brands see this pls sponsor me im a poor little college student)
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
I’m really glad that ao3 doesn’t have an actual pro-ai policy at the moment! I’m planning on doing some research on what Unseeliekey brought up just to at least understand what he’s talking about. I was honestly really confused and freaked out reading what he was saying. But yeah, I’m sad too. You’ve got the right to remain right here with me and it’s a little more fun when I’m with you are two of the fics that made me not only get pretty into Saiou but also made me more attached to DR and into reading fanfiction in general. And it’s just like really upsetting to see something that had that much of an effect on me be gone and know that not everyone who is in the fandom or will get into the fandom will be able to see that.
I also really hope that there’s some sort of way to glaze works too. Making stuff inaccessible to guests is always sad. When I first started reading fanfiction I was a guest and like a lot of people don’t use accounts for various reasons and it’s just sad to think about account locked stuff. And it would be so nice if the ais would just Not. Like why can’t they???? Why???
Anyway, right now I don’t think there’s any full proof, everyone will be able to be happy way to prevent the ai scraping but I’m sure you’ll figure something out that’ll be alright for at least what can be done at the moment. Your works are very cool. I really, really love them. They bring me lots of joy. Thank you for all the joy. It’s super awesome.
okay this is a REALLY long answer because i went on a whole rant so im going to cut this for people who are just scrolling normally. but also im totally going to put this into my pinned tag
a lot of what was said was like. Half true. my counterpoint to him saying that ao3 supports cp or rape or sexual assault is that no matter where you go on the internet, you will find shit like that. EVERYWHERE. ao3 doesnt support it i really seriously doubt that anyone outside of those spaces supports shit like that but ao3 is an ARCHIVE. and when you put things in the archive, you are allowed to submit whatever the fuck you want. setting rules on what could be put into the archive automatically means that other fics, which explore the topic in a critical, non-fetishistic way, are ALSO up to scrutiny. fics that explore the psyche of trauma victims? they might not be allowed. regular degular fetish content, no minors involved? completely up to scrutiny. im really not a fan of censorship OR some of the shit on the internet, but i can only control ONE THING and thats what i allow myself to see. i really dont like people saying that ao3 deserves to be taken down because of that because then that would mean twitter deserves to go down, social media as a whole deserves to go down, and just generally i dont trust people who push the "think of the CHILDREN" argument. you see republicans push that when theyre trying to ban trans or gay people out of existence so INSTANTLY alarm bells start going off in my head, not to imply that i think every single person who pushes that argument in this context is republican or right-wing. just bothers me and looks like a red flag
and to instantly get it out of the way im not involved in the fucking proship/anti discourse that whole distinction feels like destruction of critical thinking antis are often puritanicals and would kill me if they saw what i write in nameless and gasp at published books that delve into topics they think are off limits and many of the proshippers ive come across are weirdos who think that its totally normal to write romance between minors and adults in a positive light like its NORMAL and that we shouldnt think less of people who do that but fyi i am totally thinking less of people who do that and im totally thinking less of people who hate me for writing my unhealthy/toxic/abusive/codependent relationships that dont even fetishise those kinds of relationships like GET OVER IT!!!! BE NORMAL!!! GO OUTSIDE LICK A DOORKNOB KISS A GIRL DO SOMETHING!!!!!
if there is ever any advice i can give to people its to form your own opinions and dont try to put a strict solid label on your opinion because sometimes you will betray your label and youll think to yourself "am i even really that thing......." people are complex and hold many different opinions that sometimes contradict one another and thats fine. logic your shit out dont fall for charming little labels that pin you strictly on one side of an argument it makes you less likely to actually reach a point where you have a strong opinion that makes sense AND can compromise and thus bring someone more onto your side. forever
ANYWAY YEAH! i settled on making it so my osomatsu san fics go account only on the 20th and then also some of my older danganronpa single chapters go account only with them, but the multichapters im currently working on will go account only when theyre finished, with exceptions for when theres rumours going around of a scrape. makes me so oo oodofooafgofjgj mad GRRAAGGHGHGGHG
but thank you i am glad to bring joy to people's lives. readers and comments bring me a ton of joy and im glad that i can give that back to everyone ^_^ i seriously cannot thank readers and commenters enough like i never feel like i get it across well enough how grateful i am for everyone who reads my stories and gives me kudos and the people who comment like. it brings me so much joy that i cannot properly verbalise EVER
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Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
"Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Born abroad car insurance premiums higher?
I have been gathering quotes for car insurance online on confused and was delighted to see the price down at 615 for once as I have been getting car insurance every year since the age 18 and it has always been over 1000. However, just having a quick check over my details to make sure everything I had entered was correct and then I noticed I had ticked the resident from birth box. I was born in Spain as my mother went over there to work and then had me. I was born in 87 and she took me back home in 88 or 89 roughly. (She is a full British citizen born and raised in UK). As I have no contact with my father and I don't even remember being in Spain or nor can I even speak the language well, I feel fully British and also am regarded as a British citizen. My mum also registered me at a british consulate in april 88, just 6 months after I was born. So I put on the form that I became a resident in 1988. I then calculate the prices again and the insurance quotes shoot up with 955 being the cheapest and the rest going up to 1000. I then think back to all the years I have been paying the insurance and building up my no claims and being the perfect driver with no claims despite having to pay the shocking premiums that young people have to pay and this makes me absolutely livid that my insurance goes up by 340 to 400 based on the fact that I was born in Spain and spent 1 year of my life there and the rest of the 23 years as British Citizen raised here. I am just wondering if I could get away with just going ahead and saying that I was a resident from Birth as I have a baby on the way and really wish that my premiums were a reasonable ammount for once or I should go through it and just demand that they bring the premiums down to the 615 like originally quoted! It just makes me really annoyed that they can get away with this kind of stuff and I really don't like the fact that I am having to pay higher premiums just for the sake of it. Any advice on this?""
Car insurance Michigan?
Im 23 i will be trying to buy a car. I have the down payment but its the insurance that the dealers are scaring me with. One dealer told me it would be about 400 to start a policy. My question is do i havr to pay that whole 400 to get my car off the lot or will it be like half and then the other half later that month
Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
I want to hire 50 car parking spaces from a major retail outlet in the UK with a view to renting these spaces to commuters /I will be sharing their car park with the retailers customers. Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
What's the annual policy premium?
I have an amount of 623 dollars for annual policy premium for life insurance. Do I have to pay the amount?
Exactly how much does credit score affect auto insurance rates?
Can anyone tell me roughly what percentage my rate is gouged (oops, I mean 'increased') as a result of less than perfect credit? I have Progressive insurance if that helps. Thanks!""
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?
I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line. Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,. Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,, Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them. Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ? Many thanks in advance.""
Lowest insurance cars for 17 year old / first car?
i'm looking to buy my first car and wanna spend about 1000, does anyone know a good lads car around this price with comparatively low insurance for young drivers? thanks peoplee!""
What whole life insurance policy is best for a 24 year old?
I have a policy from New York Life, but 2 of my friends who are financial planners, say Mass Mutual would be better... there's a bunch of baloney I'm not understanding i.e. guaranteed benefits, crap about withdrawing money for retirement. Altogether, it doesn't seem like I am getting that much from death benefits with the amount I am putting in ($1K/year until pretty much I'm 65). I don't want to pay forever for this... where in my policy does it say when I can stop paying?""
Question About Car Insurance?
I have AAA. I have 3 vehicles, 2 in which my daughters are the drivers. One of my daughters has 2 points for prohibited turn, which raised my insurance rate. Is there anyway to get the points removed or remove her from the policy even though she would still drive?""
Where can i buy health insurance?
I'm have a low income and I'm looking for a right insurance coverage. I work as a part time job so my employer won't buy an insurance for me. Please if anyone knows any ...show more
""Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?""
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.""
About health insurance?
i don't have a health insurance and my job doesn't provide me one i had a car accident and i owe around 3,000 dollars on my own hospital visit i didn't injure another car if i get an insurance do you think they will pay for my health debts???""
How much car Insurance would I pay?
I have just got my first car as I'm 17. I got the VW Scirocco 2.0 Around how much insurance would I be paying? I am a very good driver as I have had lots of practise since I was about ten. It is modified with a nice body kit and has twin turbos. I didn't think about insurance before I bought big engine car for a first car. Any help and who does it cheap for teenagers?
Do you have to have proof of car insurance to get your car inspected in texas?
Just wanted to know if you have to have proof of car insurance in order to get your car inspected in the state of Texas?
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
I am a full time college student, and my school offers insurance, but it is expensive. I need basic health care to cover doctors visits, specialist visits, and x rays. The main reason I need coverage is that my back is messed up from a car accident about a year and a half ago and I can't take the pain anymore. I went to my states website and the insurance they offer is currently not accepting applications. I have looked at tons of sites online, but so far am having no luck. Any advice would be appreciated.""
Wich car will cost more?
wich car will cost more in insurance? im a 16 year old boy with a3.0. i dont need exact prices just wich costs more. 2004 mustang v6 or 2004 silverado 1500 access cab 5.3 litre v8. thank you
Motorcycle insurance?
Im a 20 soon to be 21 year old male who lives in the lower half of Michigan. I was wondering if any one knows about the cheapest or the best coverage and how much will that run me? I am about to buy a Honda CBR 600 if that makes any difference. Anyone with insurance experience any and all information will be greatly accepted also information on registration!!!! THANKS
What's the cheapest insurance company or booker they've come across?
The cheapest iv encountered is onlyyoungdrivers.com the next being RAC insurance a few hours quid more, followed by 4youngdrivers.co.uk that is myself being under 25. Also has anyone found it cheaper to ring the direct in attempt to get cheaper quote, iv stayed away from this as of yet because of the cost of calling.""
What does comprehensive car insurance cover?
I caused damaged to my own car, scraping it against a wall while driving out of a car park. The damage was done near the rear tyres and on my door and quotes I've received were all above the 900 range. My standard excess fees are $725, I was wondering if having comprehensive insurance (with AAMI Insurance) does that cover damage done to your OWN car? (I pay $2,500 annually for insurance) and there was no third party involvement, it was just a driving error. Would my insurance fix up my car even if it was entirely my fault?""
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Best option for buying insurance for my 8 yr old child?
I am wanting to buy insurance for my child. He is no longer covered by his old plan and I want to get it ASAP. Without having company/ group coverage as an option I have been looking at EHealth online services. It can be a little confusing on just exactly which is the right deal. My child is never sick and has no existing issues, but with all the sport; I just don't want to be facing a broken leg and no insurance. I could some advise here. I have all but pulled the trigger on a package I found through Humana (I think) on the E health site but I just would like an nonbias opinion first. Thanks""
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
Do (UK) car insurance companies need to know the car's registered address?
I am a student and thus spend most of my time away from home - I receive correspondence to my university address and my car is kept there most of the time. Essentially all the details ...show more
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
""I'm turning 16, and wanting to buy a car. How much is the Car insurance?""
Well, i'm turning 16 and when i'm 16 i'm going to buy a car. I saved enough money to buy myself a mitsubishi lancer or Eclipse base model. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada i want to know what is the cheapiest car insurance for me? on a monthly or yearly term.""
Mandating health insurance?
I heard that HIllary and Obama want to mandate health insurance. How is that going to solve anything? People can't afford it, like me. Health insurance should be like car insurance, people pay their own way and if they don't have it they pay for their repairs or don't get fixed.""
What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario?
What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario?
How much for an 18 years old car insurance?
I will be turning 18 in august, and i was just wondering how much my car insurance will be. I have to wait till august to get my license, My GPA is about 3.50gpa, I'm planning on buying a used scion tc. Can someone give me a estimate how much i have to pay for 6 month insurance?""
Car insurance?
How much will Mirena IUD cost without insurance?
I go to a local clinic and My copay is %75 of the bill . How lovely right lol , How much would the Mirena cost ?? any ball park figures would be great thanks!""
Will my insurance company insure my car without the registration?
I'm buying a used car and picking it up and hour away from me. I don't have the bill of sale or registration but I need insurance on it to drive it home. Can they still insure it?
When i turn 21 can i change my car insurance details for cheaper car insurance?
so im 20 now and as we all know your insurance drops when you turn 21 basically im insured now but my policy doesnt run out for like 8 months when i turn 21 can i ring them up and say im now 21 can i change this detail to get cheaper car insurance whilst not cancelling the policy
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
I know it all depends, but I'm talking on average, I live in the Manchester area and I've heard it depends on your area aswell?""
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
What will happen if my wife gets pregnant and we dont' have health insurance?
They can't refuse prenatal care can they? Would we have $40,000 in medical bills? What would happen? We aren't poor, we just have horrible insurance through both of our workplaces.""
If a health insurance company can't deny my pre-existing condition...?
Why should I buy insurance at all?
What is the best car insurance company out there today?
I'm gonna get a car soon and I'm having difficulty picking an exact car insurance company to insure my car so I just wanted to read others opinion on what car insurance they think is the best.....if availabe tell me the pros & cons....
How can I get the best quote for a car insurance in the UK?
I have just bought a car, but I haven't driven since I moved to London, 5 years ago. I am doing a research on-line to get the best quote, but they all seem to be a bit pricey. Does anybody know a telephone number in the UK where a person (rather than a machine!) can find the best deal? I am tired of websites such as moneysupermarket, as you end up having to contact companies individually... Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to bring the car home today!! Many thanks in advance!!""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
With your experiences with auto insurance, whats been the cheapest you've had or knew someone had. I'm 20 with a 2001 Mazda Protege LX 2.0L in NYS""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in general/in NM?
I feel like i'm paying too much for auto insurance (i have aaa) what other insurnce cold I get that will be the cheapest, I don't drive my car all that much, I just want the cheapses rather than nothing.""
How much does insurance cost for?
Hi! I'm a 16 year old male that lives in Kentucky, and i'm getting a truck soon, it would be my first vehicle. Its going to be a mid 90s or late 80s truck. I'm wanting to know how much insurance would cost on average? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?
Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?
Which is the best Home Loan insurance?
Hi, i have taken Home loan of Rs. 10 Lac from HDFC. and want to protect my loan through insurance. can any body tell me that , which is the best home loan insurance plan or policy. HDFC recommend to me its own HDFC ERGO for home loan. is it best for me or any ohter option to chosse me. Please advice. LK Sharma""
How much will my insurance and maintenance costs be affected by what type of car I get?
I'm about to be 18 and am planning on getting my first car soon. I've been driving for almost 3 years in my parents' cars but need my own for heading off to college and such. I don't know what type of car I want to get, but it's gotta be cheap, old and used, preferably up to $6,000-7,500 at the absolute max. The problem is that I've been really into cars for most of my life and would rather have something a little nicer to start, I mean within the same price range but for example a Mustang, Mitsubishi 3000GT, BMW 3- or 5-Series, etc., rather than the usual Civic or Camry (not that I'd mind one of them either). The problem is that I'm worried the insurance will be way more expensive. The latest quote my dad got was a few weeks ago and it was quite a bit lower than I expected, only like $560/yr., but that was with their old '93 Taurus GL. Will having a sports car or more high-end car affect it really dramatically or will it not make that big a difference as long as my driving record stays good? Also, how much more does it cost to maintain and repair a car like a used BMW than it does just a normal car like an Accord? I've always heard that European cars in particular can be temperamental and finicky if not maintained properly, so I'm just worried that I won't have the money and know-how to have and keep a car like that as my first car.""
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
""Car accident, insurance rate?""
ive been driving 2 years, no tickets, no accidents....so tonight i got in an accident, rear ended a car....my fault,,,how much will my insurance go up? i have Allstate.""
What's the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old owning a motorcycle and holding a Motorcycle L....?
Learner's permit and no DL in viriginia? Serious answers only please. I want to be the only person on the insurance.
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Is it possible to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for US plated car ?
I have a US plated car (calif plates) not currently registered in the US, Not currently insured in the US. I am in mexico on FM2. Car has been here for over 4 yrs with temp permit. Is it possible to get insurance in mexico? For tourist policy I have been told car must have current US registration and insurance, For mexican policy I have been told need to have mex plates. Anyone with US plates been able to get Mexican insurance (not tourist) for their currenlty unregistered un insured US vehicle in mexico? If so what is your insurance company. Thanks""
Has anyone ever had short term car insurance ?
how much is it ? i work alot in the summer so i only need a car for a month please help am new to this.
Is it Ok to buy insurance for me and let other people buy the car?
It is cheap to buy me insurance, so I am just wondering if I can buy the insurance and let other people to drive the car.""
What is the positive & negetive aspect of Term insurance?
Why insurance agent do not show interest towards term insurance. Why they insist on ULIP only.
Can I buy triple a auto insurance with a permit? California?
So due to curtain circumstances, I need to get my own auto insurance, the catch is that I only have a permit. what I wanted to know is if a major insurance company, like triple a, would cover me, if so would it cost more than a newly licensed person, and if not does anyone know a minor insurance company that would.""
Are Honda's usually expensive on insurance?
Also what are some good looking cars that arn't to bad with insurance (I know that it all depends but still) oh and we have geico, thanks!""
Why are insurance companies such bastards?
I could never figure out why people screw their insurance companies when they can. Well now I know. They are a bunch of ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So go for it, screw them when you can for all you can. You can be assured they will do it to you first wether you are honest or not.""
How much is the insurance for a '01 pontiac firebird?
i wanted t know how much the insurance is for a teen on a '01 firebird?
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
Ok about a few Weeks ago I was involved in a wreak, I had no license and was not under my parents insurance. Luckily i didn't go to jail cause I was rear ended. Now I'm attempting to get A drivers license after SO long I've been begging for one, The only thing that's held me back from getting one was my parents because they said i would be tagged on into the insurance, and that I had to go under another address. Now after the wreak they said I cant get one, because once the insurance finds out im driving, they'll automatically add me on, is this true? I want to get back on the road and walking is pretty bad knowing i have a car ive been paying for the [ast two years for. BTW I live in Texas and under state farm.""
What is the cheapest way to get car insurance?
i passed my driving test yesterday and am looking at buying my first car but no matter what car i go fo i always get quoted around 3500 but i just cant afford that. does anyone know of any companies that specialise in young or new drivers insurance? and i would prefer less than 2000 lol xx
Will my car insurance rates go up?
A year ago, I got into an accident that was my fault. My insurance rates went up. Recently they dropped but at school, I was pulling out of a parking space and I ran into another girl's car. Will my insurance rates go up if she put in a claim? If so, how much. Any thoughts? What should I do?""
How much is car insurance on a Nissan 350z?
How much is car insurance on a Nissan 350z?
Insurance same day proof?
i was pulled over on he 1-9-2008 the same day i received the insurance went to court thought it was done i recevied a paper from the bmv in ohio asked for my insurance sent it to them 2 weeks later was sent another letter insurance same day proof for my insurance company faxed that to them they faxed it back should i had insurance 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance companies)my insurance company signed it i sent it to the bmv that apparently was not good now they on the paper which never asked for the time exactly and make and model of car shouldn't they just except what the insurance company sighned and gave them
""Can any one say best insurance site,which dealing with better travel insurance policies of different companies?
I want to know benefits of insurance policies of different companies before buy travel insurance policy
What is the least expensive color of car to insure?
I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another.
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Ok...so I'm looking at an old 73' Bug to possibly buy for college and all. Cost- of the car at least- is not a problem, as its $100, and I have $100. (Yes, it does have issues and looks horrible, but hey it runs and drives). So...that brings up insurance. There is NO way I can get in on my mom's insurance- she won't let me get a car so the only way is if I do all myself, and I'm 18 now and going to college in a few weeks, so a=Im looking at my options. I know as a male teenage driver its going to be high, but what is high? How much will good grades and all that help? Just, what would you recommend and how much could it end up costing? Thanks...""
Is Progressive Auto Insurance a good company?
I have several insurance quotes from State Farm and Allstate, and Progressive beats the price by almost half. But, when something looks to good to be true, it probably is. Is this good insurance? Are they good with claims?""
Do I need to declare to my insurance company If I change my alloy wheels.?
It currently has the factory 16 alloy wheels on but 2 of them are buckled. I don't want to buy new ones the same as this seems to be a common problem with ford fiesta alloys so was thinking of replacing them with the same size alloys of a different brand. Do I have to declare this to my insurance company?
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old girl?
I live in Michigan. Thank you :)
Nj motorcycle insurance?
im 23, male, have a pretty good car driving record (if that helps), but my credit isnt that good. how much (ball park) would it be in nj for motorcycle insurance. im planning on purchasing a bike in the next 8 months and wanna know how much i should expect to pay for insurance. i will get a quote, i just wanna know from you guys a rough estimate. thanks""
What do I need before I get car insurance besides license?
I have my license, and a car that I bought that is in my dad's name. He wants to transfer ownership to my name, inspection expired in 2007 (I haven't driven for about a year). First, do I need to have a car in my name to get insurance, or can I just get ins. with the car in my dad's name then transfer the title later? (with no ins. changes) 2nd, to get insurance do I need to pass inspection, or can I just get ins. first?""
How old dose a car/vehicle need to be for lower insurance?
I am 17 and i have been saving money for a brand new car and i started looking for one and i found the one i want and so i decided to get a quote on the insurance for it and the quote as around 350 and the car payment quote was 200 i thought that this is a little ridicules myself and i cant afford insurance that high... So i was just wondering how old a vehicle needs to be before the insurance is way lower than what it would be if it was brand new!
I need to find a good Car no older then lets say 1999! Thats good on Gas and low Insurance! Low Price $5000 <!
Hi my name is James. I am a college student and I am looking for a used car to get me through college and maybe Further! I am hoping to spend under $5000 Dollars. I need it to be able to have a lower insurance rate then lets say a sports car. I also need something thats has a very good fuel efficacy! I am a tall guy but can fit into any thing! So if any of you know of a car that looks almost good has good gas millage and is not too expensive on car insurance let me know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh and this car not one I want to buy online or privately. It is one I want to buy from a car dealer ship this is just to help me lock down my search!
Non-credit based car insurance?
i saw a commercial on tv about a car insurance company that bases your premium on your driving record, not your credit score. but i cant remember the name. anyone know? thanks!""
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
Do I buy car insurance before buying a car from a private party?
I'm buying a car this weekend from a private seller (we are just waiting for the duplicate title to come in the mail; she lost the original). Money won't be exchanged until ...show more
Where can i find cheap auto insurance?
I am 18, almost 19""
I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?
Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.""
What bike would be cheapest on insurance?
scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike out of all bikes street legal and able to achieve 50mph is the cheapest insurance wise
Do you think which is better for a 1984 corvette classic car insurance or regular car insurance?
I am planning on getting a 1984 corvette but the insurance for it is a little too high.i just found out about classic car insurance but i really don't know much about it.but for classic car insurance,am i limited to a certain number of things like how far i can drive my car,when i can drive,etc?will the insurance actually be less or more for classic car insurance?and what is the best classic car insurance company i should go with?""
How much would a Ford Puma cost to insure?
I'm 16, taking driving lessons soon after my birthday, and I'd love to get a Puma, I know insurance is a lot... But I thought that as it's a small, 2 door car, the price might drop a bit, if maybe the price is going to be quite high (Above average for a new driver) then please suggest some other cars that are cheap to insure :) But I would really like one of these x) Also considering fuel consumption and economy :) One of these - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201228478314260/usedcars/postcode/bn72ph?logcode=kp :) Thanks very much""
Can I sue someone with auto insurance?
I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?
Can I get insurance myself at 17?
I'm 16 right now and I have been diagnosed with major depressive. My mom lost her insurance in May last year and I haven't been to a doctor since. My symptoms are getting worse and I attempted suicide a couple months ago (refused to see a doctor afterwards because I didn't want social services to get involved). I have a family history with depression and mood disorders and my condition is only getting worse. I tried to get insurance all summer and fall last year, but I couldn't qualify for medi cal (I live in california) because of my age supposedly and my old doctor refused to sign off on minors consent. I'm wondering if things will be different by the time I turn 17? Will I be more likely to be accepted by then? Is there anything else I can do that won't get my mom arrested and me put into the foster care system? I feel like the social workers have a gun pointed to my back right now.. if I say much more about my problems to them they'll take me, and my little brother. Also CPS is not an option I want nothing to do with them or foster care. I would rather continue on and die in my condition than go to the foster home in my area, I've met kids stuck in that system and continuing on without medical care seems better than living in that hell hole. And I certainly wouldn't wish that on my little brother.""
Is Medicaid consider as A health insurance?
Hello, I live in Texas and am going to college. My mom wants me to get health insurance stuffs fill out for college, so I have to pay less(? not sure if this is true). The website told me to to file my health insurance so they can take some of the health bill off the insurance.""
I reasonly got layied off need my wife is haven a baby need to know about insurance?
i got layied off from my job im a union worker in nyc and i have to work a certin amout of hours to keep my heath insurance going . my term ends in june my baby is do in july there for i will not be covered when the baby is do . does any one know what i can do for covrage i have aetna ? is there anyway i can extend my insurance ?
How does rbs insurance differentiate itself from it's competitors?
Hi, I'm filling out an internship form, and I'm stuck on this question.. Please help me! Thank you""
Minor car accident without insurance?
I caused a scratch. But I don't have insurance by that time. What am I supposed to do? Go to beg the old lady stop claim insurance company but solve that privately? But she already reported to insurance company. Can she withdraw the claim so we can solve privately? Any other choice?
How much will my car insurance go up?
I recently had an accident and my car was totaled, it was my fault, i did have full coverage so they did pay for my car and the other person, can someone give me an idea like a percentage or something that will help me determine how much more i will be paying, i am currently paying $95/month.""
Need Insurance?
I am buying a new car and have to get insurance. Any suggestions on good and cheap companies?
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
Im seventeen. And female. The car is a black 94 Jetta standard (if that has anything to do with it) Im just confused about insurance. People are saying it would be very expensive but I turn 18 in a month should I wait until then? Also people say insurance is cheaper for girls. Is this true? And what insurance company is cheapest?
""How can i get insurance if my car cost 20,000?""
How can i get insurance if my car cost 20,000?""
Is a Pontiac Grand Am considered a sports car?
Want to know if it'll be a higher insurance cost..... Thanks. :3
What types of insurance are required in Minnesota?
I have a permit test in about an hour and I forgot what kinds of insurance are required in the state of Minnesota? There are 2 of them I think it's liability and no fault? Help please?
What is the cheapest auto insurance for 16 year old boy?
Thanks in advance
Whats the difference between insurance and bonded insurance on roofs?
i started my construction business and im looking for some good insurance, and im not too sure whats the difference between a regular construction business insurance and bonded insurance? any suggestions?""
Insurance Rates?
I'm a 17 year old male and I just got my 1st speeding ticket today and it was a 6 point ticket how much do you think my insurance rate will go up by
Do i need insurance to sell motobikes?
I am selling mini moto's and quad bikes online, do i need liability insurance to sell these?""
Do I need to pay for insurance when I have my temps in Ohio?
My mom has insurance on her car, but I wanted to know do I have to pay for separate insurance for me?""
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
Livingston Manor New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12758
1 note · View note
Send me one of these in my ask and I'll write a drabble about my character in accordance to that word! 36 - Flight
Somehow, they hadbarely scraped getting out of a fight with the defected Purge. QB washeavily injured; blood was dried across her body, some of it his, butmost of it hers. Even though she was certain she would have wonagainst him in a... dare she think it, fair fight,his abuse of spacetime powers often put her at an edge.
Hewas an enemy she just couldn't win against, and she had no idea howshe was going to protect her son-- no, not her son, this kidalternate of a Purge, she couldn't let herself think that-- from him. It had been implied that Alpha and this... asshole had beenalive for far longer than she, even though she felt they were bothlying to her and that it had only been a human's millenia. Eitherway, he had come from a far more violent realm than the others, Alphahad told her. He was a mobster, and the marks he had left on her, theones that she could feel but not see, sure were proof of it.
QB wasn't sure howthey had escape this time. All she knew was that her son—no, thekid, was supporting her, as best as his small frame could. She was inpain, but suffered as silently as she could, gasping in pain onlywhenever the kid had unintentionally hit a spot that the defunctformer Alpha had abused. The control of time and space wasn't justlimited to the air around them-- no, he had the know-how to speed orslow time on a single part of a person's body. He had aged parts ofher, slowed down rate at which she would feel the pain, so that itendured for longer. Even the air she needed to breathe, he couldmanipulate, sucking the air in and out of her chest, sometimes atpainful intervals. He always made sure to return it right beforeshe'd lose consciousness.
“I want you tosuffer,” he said. It was a line that QB had used all too oftenherself, one she was familiar with giving, and hearing, but not oftenon the receiving end of. “I am more than capable of it. The othermes? They're too weak. They couldn't stomach all that blood, beingright up close in the thick of it, torturing someone for a long time.Sure, some of them could tellothers to torture for them, or build robots for it, but I find thatto be... well, too impersonal.”He paused, looking over her battered form. “You know how it is.People just don't enjoy the trauma that comes from torture nearly aswell unless you're the one to eke it out.”
Shehad spit at him, blood mixed with her saliva, but it only made himlaugh before he wiped it away in disgust. “I would love to cut outthat tongue of yours, but oh, you're so quick-witted, that itwouldn't be any fun without someone to quip with. Come now, try me.I'd love to have a conversation this time.”
QBwasn't intent on giving him the satisfaction.
“Nothing?No?” His expression lightened at her, as though he had a suddenlywonderful idea. “Are you simply....” and with a movement of hishand, all the air had come out of QB's lungs. “Out of breath at thethought?”
Involuntarygasps could be heard as she struggled to breath.
“Tsktsk tsk... That's no way to answer the question. C'mon now, tryagain. Try to speak this time, okay?” and with a reverse sweep ofhis hand, all the air rushed back into QB's lungs as he spoke. “Ihaven't got all day.” Then he laughed, maniacally. “AHAHAHA whoam I kidding, I'm a freaking Alpha, I can makemyself have time.”
Thepower display was obvious; QB was certain she would die here, thoughshe'd do her damnedest to not give this bastard the satisfaction.  
Shehadn't heard the crash, or the shouting that happened when someonecame by to distract him. Her head was woozy, she couldn't seestraight, but there was a sense of urgency as someone small struggledto free her from the table she had been tied down to. A voice kepttrying to speak to her.
“...-om!!Mommy! C'mon, we gotta get you out of here, please wake up!”
Ah.Right. Him.
“.....s'notyer mother........ kid.....”
Therewas shouting right by her ear as she was helped up. She felt someonelift up her arm, a spiky tuft of hair itching at it as a head proppedit up.
“C'mon,Miss QB! We gotta go. Alpha's trying to hold him off but I can't openup a portal yet. I don't even know where to. I need you to do it!!Mom!!!”
Herhead had slumped down from exhaustion, she was almost about to passout, but the name calling perked her up a bit.
“....Isaid, I'm not--.”
“Yeahyeah I know okay? But I need you to get us out of here. I can't do itby myself, I don't know how to yet. Please Mommy, I need you to stayawake. You can rest later.”
QBgroaned. It seemed that the kid was doing it on purpose now to keepher awake. What a bother. After she had resolved to die withoutseeing him again, here he was. Trying to save her from a monster. Areal monster. One who had every intent on ripping him apart, stealinghis powers, his lifeforce.... destroying and taking from himeverything. And the kid knew it too.
“Can't.”She attempted to move her hands to show him; she wasn't sure howeffective it was, but the pain from doing that seemed to say she waseffective enough. “Magic-locking shackles. Power dampeners. Bastardknew what he was doing.”
“Okay,okay... I'll find the key! It's got to be here somewhere, right?”QB's eyes began to focus again as she saw the purple hair of the kidcome into view. He dropped her arm as he began searching. She wincedin pain.
“On'im,” she hissed.
“Oh.Crap. Maybe I can.... stop time? Alpha said that I was gonna becomemore powerful than him... So... I should be able to do it, right?Right Mom?”
“Fuckif I know,” she said, struggling to keep upright. She didn'tremember anything that had happened after that, only that everythingwent white as she felt like she was falling.
Shehad come to at some time later, with the Kid propping her up again,and the fighting somewhere else. QB didn't know where. All she knewwas that she was at the same spot she was captured still.
“Mom?You awake?”
Adisgruntled groan responded to him.
Hegiggled. “'Don't call me Mom', right Miss QB?”
Shelifted up her head and let it fall in an attempt to nod.
“You'rereally banged up Miss QB. I don't know how, but we moved the fightaway. Alpha's trying his hardest to keep him distracted so we can getaway....” He sniffled. “But... But I don't know how! I don't knowhow to mask us, Miss QB! He could find a way to find us again! Idon't want to try and use my powers and then have him find us again,or hurt you even more, Miss QB! *sniffle, sniffle hic* I-I... I'm sosorry!”
QBblinked her eyes, trying to focus on the kid that was crying beforeher. She raised an arm to try and pat his head, but pain shot up andmade her stop. She closed her eyes, and looked. The shackles thatbound her power were off.
“Hey,”she said, more pain than soft. “Hey... Did you get them off? All ofthem?”
TheKid Purge wiped his teary-eyed face and snot on his sleeve. “Yea...I got the keys from him before they left. We can leave anytime now,but I was waiting for you to get back up. Please QB. I need you. Idon't know how to do anything on my own....”
Shestarted to sigh, but the pain in her chest made her cough from thataction.
Asmuch as she hated fleeing, QB knew she was outmatched. She knew itfrom the beginning. There was no way she was going to win againstthat bastard that was after Kid Purge.
Ittook a few tries, but QB was finally able to snap her fingers,getting them away. She would have him walk them a bit before she'djump rifts suddenly, asking the kid every so often if he sensed howfar away they were yet from where Alpha and the other guy werefighting. It was when he finally told her that he couldn't that QBtold him to stop, and he leaned her against a wall.
Silenceensued for a few moments, though it felt like hours to the much moreimpatient child.
“Youlook like you got something to say,” QB said.
Henodded, trembling a little.
“Y-yeah...I'm just... wondering....”
“Well...Are we gonna have to run from him our entire lives, Miss QB?”
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my-lazy-genius · 7 years
The Afternoon Still Shines (Even After You’re Gone)
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Characters: APH Belarus (Natalya Arlovskaya), APH South Korea (Im Yong Soo), APH Russia (Ivan Braginsky), APH Ukraine (Yekaterina “Kat”).
Pairing: KorBela [South Korea x Belarus]
Summary: In which Natalya learns to love while she can.
Author’s Note: Let me apologize in advance for this. I’m so sorry. I made myself cry writing this and one of my proof readers cried while reading it. Angst ahead.
Natalya doesn’t remember much from the wreck.
She’s in the passenger seat with her earbuds in, only half listening to whatever song comes on her phone’s shuffle. Yekaterina is driving and Ivan is sitting in the back, directly behind the eldest sibling. In her defense, Natalya still isn’t sure how she managed to convince her brother to let her ride in the front seat instead of him. Her siblings are talking about something, though Natalya isn’t sure what. She’s not particularly watching their surroundings go by, lost in thought, though she’s thinking about nothing.
They stop at a red light and Kat leans forward to turn the radio up, pressing the gas as the light turns green. Natalya hears Ivan’s shout, even through her earbuds; she turns her head towards her siblings.
Headlights blind her, and everything goes black.
Natalya wakes to the sound of sirens. She’s only vaguely aware of all the sounds around her; her head is pounding and her left leg feels like it’s on fire. Suddenly, she’s aware that she’s upside down, held up only by her seatbelt. Her ears are ringing and the vision in her right eye is still dark; the sensory input of the lights and shouting is overwhelming.
“Yekaterina,” she croaks, “Ivan.”
“She’s awake!”
Natalya doesn’t recognize the voice. It hurts to turn her head. She sees Ivan first, curled in and limp. She only sees the awkward angle his leg is at before the flashing lights make her avert her gaze to Yekaterina. Her sister is still, blood dripping from her face and knuckles scraping the roof of the car, but her eyes are open.
“Kat,” she tries again, louder, struggling with her seatbelt.
Her sister doesn’t answer.
The paramedics tow Natalya, kicking and screaming, out of the car.
“Died on impact,” they’re saying.
Natalya wishes she hadn’t overheard. She loses consciousness again when they’re loading her and Ivan into ambulances.
When she comes to again, she feels numb, save for the pounding in her head. Her left leg is bound in a cast and she still can’t see out of her right eye. It’s disorienting and makes her feel dizzy, but it’s nothing in comparison to the emptiness in her chest. She clutches at the fabric of the hospital gown she’s in, making sure there’s not really a hole in her chest.
Everything hits her again, all at once; the wreck, the aftermath, the paramedics’ words. Her sister is dead. Natalya’s heart wrenches.
It should have been me.
Natalya finds out, three days later, that she’s the least injured. A concussion, a broken leg, loss of sight in one eye. Yekaterina died on impact, and Ivan is still in a critical state - broken leg, shattered forearm, fractured ribs, concussion. The nurses tell her that he hasn’t woken up yet - a coma, they’re thinking, but the doctors haven’t confirmed anything yet. A car in the intersection had run the red light and collided with them on Yekaterina and Ivan’s side.
For the first time in a while, Natalya cries.
They let her visit Ivan two days later. She refuses the nurse’s help and stubbornly wheels herself there. She wants crutches, but the nurses keep insisting on the wheelchair - at least for now. When she gets there, she only struggles a bit to get the door open and goes in.
Ivan is still and pale, wrapped up in casts and IV cords. There’s an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, but she’s relieved by the steady rise and fall of his chest. His expression is blank; Natalya reaches forward to touch his face.
“Where have you gone, big brother?”
I need you.
She holds his hand until the nurses come and usher her out.
Natalya meets Im Yong Soo in the downstairs cafeteria.
He’s rolling an IV pole beside him, though he doesn’t seem to care much for it, and there’s two nurses on his heels, talking quickly and trying to gesture him one way. He’s adamant for the vending machines, it seems, and the women exchange a worried look.
Natalya’s gaze darts away. She’s still thinking about Ivan and Yekaterina - there hasn’t been any change in Ivan’s state, but Natalya has been neglecting herself and she knows her brother wouldn’t be happy if he woke and she’d starved herself sick again. Hospital food is terrible, but she supposes it’s better than nothing.
She doesn’t exactly meet Yong Soo. It’s more of a collision. He comes up on her right side; she’s still not used to the lack of sight on that side - her hair is draped over her eye lately - and his abrupt, loud voice startles her. She flinches and twists abruptly. The response is a yelp; the boy - who couldn’t be any more than a year older than her - nearly trips over his own IV when he stumbles back, blinking rapidly.
“Holy shi-”
“Language, Yong Soo!” One of the nurses crosses over immediately.
“But her hair!” He whines, as the two escort him away. “It’s so long, I just full on got bit-”
“Yong Soo.”
“-slapped by it!”
Natalya stays still, balancing carefully on her crutch as their voices fade down the hall.
A week later, the doctors tell her she’ll be discharged within the month. She’s recovering quickly from her injuries; they can’t do much else. Ivan will stay - there hasn’t been any change in his comatose condition.
She’ll be alone.
And god, she’s terrified.
Natalya doesn’t stop, but somehow, he manages to catch up anyway. Yong Soo falls into step beside her, grinning.
“You’re that girl that bitch-slapped me with your hair, right? Where are you going?”
“My brother’s room,” Natalya replies simply, hoping the answer will make him go away.
It doesn’t. He keeps following her.
“Oh,” he says, grinning sheepishly, “well, uh, sorry about startling you before.”
Natalya whirls awkwardly on her crutch. It irritates her that she can’t maintain the usual effect she has, not while she’s like this. She fixes her good eye on him, narrowed, and raises her free hand to jab one finger at him. He goes cross eyed to look at it, leaning back a tiny bit. Briefly, she notes that he looks healthy - why is he here?
“Listen,” she growls, “you didn’t scare me. Step off.”
He doesn’t follow her after that.
That evening, she sits with Ivan and talks to him about everything. She tells him about the wreck, about Yekaterina’s death, about her injuries, about Yong Soo and the nurses and all of the other patients she sees about the hospital. She tells him she’ll be discharged soon, and then she can only see him during visiting hours. She tells him that she doesn’t want to be alone.
Ivan doesn’t answer.
The next day, she sees Yong Soo again and apologizes to him quietly in passing.
“I’m Yong Soo.”
Natalya stares at his hand for a long time, and then lifts her gaze back up to his face. He’s wearing a striped beanie over his dark hair; it looks ridiculous with his hospital clothes. He’s gazing back with wide, curious eyes and a slightly tipped head. She doesn’t take his hand, but nods.
“I know.”
Confusion flickers in his gaze. “You-? Oh, oh. The nurses. Right. I almost forgot about that.”
Something rises in the hollowness that’s settled into her chest recently - amusement. “I’m Natalya,” she tells him, and carries on.
“Yong Soo,” she asks him, the day before she’s being discharged, when she finds him downstairs again, “what are you in here for?”
He’s wearing a different beanie - a black one with Tokyo Ghoul printed across the band in white lettering and a white puff at the top. Almost absently, he adjusts it on his head and smiles a smile that doesn’t quite touch his eyes.
“Oh, you know, reasons.”
She doesn’t push the subject anymore.
The next day, Yong Soo sees her off.
“You’ll come back, right?” He asks, softly.
Natalya pretends not to notice how morose he looks.
Natalya visits daily to see Ivan. He’s getting thin; it’s odd to her, seeing him so small and vulnerable, lacking his coat and scarf. They’re hanging up by the door - the hospital staff already got the blood stains out. She wants to take them home, but she knows Ivan will want them when he wakes, so she decides it’s best to just leave it. As always, she tells him about everything he’s missing. She tells him about her discharge, about Yong Soo, about how hard it is to go home to an empty house. She tells him how she misses him and how she misses Yekaterina.
She tells him that she can’t cry anymore, but Ivan still doesn’t answer. His fingers are cold. Natalya watches the slow rise and fall of his chest for half an hour, before she finally leaves the room.
Natalya doesn’t see Yong Soo for the next few days. A part of her wonders where he’s gone; she doesn’t know which room he’s in.
“I looked for you,” Natalya says, when she finds Yong Soo by the first floor windows.
His eyes are closed, face turned up to the sunlight. She realizes, abruptly, how pale he is. His red beanie is bright against his skin and the bits of dark hair that poke out from beneath it.
“Sorry,” he tells her, “but I’m glad you came back.”
Natalya is suddenly aware that his eyes aren’t black, but a soft, dark brown. It’s fitting.
Yong Soo doesn’t tell her where his room is and Natalya doesn’t ask. She finds him sometimes, in the hall or by the windows or in the cafeteria. Lately, he looks tired, withered, but without fail, he always smiles that broad smile of his when he sees her. It makes her heart stir in her chest and she isn’t sure how much she appreciates that
Natalya is getting used to being half blind now, but Yong Soo is still careful not to come up on her blind side. She appreciates it more than she’ll say. He wears different beanies every day and talks about his huge family a lot, but Natalya hasn’t ever seen any of them. She can tell by his words that he cares for them, though. It makes her think of her own family - she’d been close to her siblings.
She’s still mourning Yekaterina - she doesn’t think she’ll ever quite stop - but Yong Soo gives her a sort of light, like her own personal sun. She won’t admit how grateful she is for his presence, but sometimes, he almost seems to understand.
He’s laughing at something, a joke, perhaps, when it happens. His laugh stutters, falters, twists. Suddenly, he’s half hacking, shoulders trembling, hyperventilating. Yong Soo doubles over and slides to one knee, clutching at his chest, at his throat, at his stomach, lips parted and eyes wide. Natalya freezes, and it isn’t until his pale blue beanie slips off that she finally shrieks for a nurse.
She can’t catch his eye before he’s swept away in an overwhelming gaggle of people and voices.
She doesn’t see Yong Soo again for a week. Natalya spends the time visiting Ivan and searching the halls so she can return the beanie he’d lost. After a while, she just slides it on.
It’s comforting.
“Im Yong Soo,” Natalya tells the woman at the front counter.
The woman looks startled, but looks down at her computer. “Im Yong Soo? He’s in the cancer ward… Room 16B.”
“I wish you didn’t have to see me like this,” Yong Soo smiles painfully.
Natalya braces her palm against the door frame. He’s hooked up to more wires than she cares to count and an oxygen mask, but he’s okay, and she’s beyond relieved. She crosses towards him, eyebrows pinched.
“Idiot,” she says, sinking down in the seat near the bed, “I don’t care what you look like.”
He’s bedridden until further notice. Natalya sees the way it makes him restless. He spends a long time staring out of the window, twisting his hands, fiddling with his blanket and the multiple woven bracelets around his wrists. She sees it in the way he shifts and twists, talks either too much or too little, sees it in the way his shoulders seem to curl in towards his chest. He’s too free for this body he’s stuck in.
“Yong Soo,” she starts, “why didn’t you tell me before?”
He smiles then, bitterly. “Who knows?”
The next time she sees him, Yong Soo is wearing an orange beanie, pulled low over his forehead. He keeps biting his lip and adjusting it, uncomfortably, and fidgeting. Natalya finally questions him about it when she’s leaving.
“I started chemotherapy,” he tells her. “I had to shave my hair.”
She wishes he wouldn’t look so dejected.
The next day she comes with her hair cut to her chin and his blue beanie on, and she almost smiles when Yong Soo lights up like a beacon.
For a while, things are as okay as they’re going to get. She spends her time visiting Ivan and Yong Soo. Sometimes, she’s not allowed to see Yong Soo - it leaves her feeling like something’s missing.
She knows she shouldn’t let herself get this close to him. But she also knows it’s far too late.
The next time she sees him, he’s gazing blankly at the wall. His beanie, a black one today, is resting on the side table. It’s the first time she’s seen him without it lately - sure enough, all his hair is shaved off, leaving mildly patchy black spots across his scalp. It isn’t until Natalya clears her throat that he straightens abruptly, twisting, staring at her through wide eyes.
“Nat!” He yelps, reaching for his beanie. “I didn’t know you were coming- I- Ah, shi-”
Natalya slowly sits down on the bed beside him, touching his wrist. “It’s okay, Yong Soo,”
Yong Soo stares at her through wide, sunken eyes. He looks exhausted. Finally, his shoulders drop and he releases the beanie, sliding his hand silently into hers. Natalya does not pull away; instead, she laces her fingers between his.
“Sometimes,” he admits, voice soft, “I think I still remember what it was like. Before… Well, y’know.”
She understands the silent words hanging in the room.
It’s too quiet in here, too dark. The curtains are drawn.
Yong Soo is trembling. She sees him crying before she hears it, watches silent tears roll down his cheeks. How long has he been hurting?
She doesn’t speak, just holds him close and allows him to bury his face into her shoulder. Natalya’s fingers rest at the back of his neck and she turns to rest her forehead against the top of his head, eyes closed.
They stay like that for a long time.
Natalya brings him sunflowers the next time she visits. She sets them by the window and turns. He’s just gaping at her, eyes wide and lips parted. He smiles, then, something that finally reaches his eyes.
Natalya, sitting in the chair by his bed again, abruptly realizes how much she’d missed that smile.
“I think I’m in love with you,” Yong Soo tells her, laughing.
Natalya reaches out and traces her fingers over the veins on his thin hand. “Don’t say things like that,” she whispers.
Yong Soo watches her for the rest of her visit, but she doesn’t meet his gaze.
The next day, Natalya doesn’t really pause to think it through when she leans down and kisses him. This time, she smiles until she’s out the door at the sight of his gaping expression.
Natalya doesn’t like how thin his hands have become.
Yong Soo is asleep when she comes in, but Natalya sits quietly and takes his hand, scared that it will break between her fingers. He stirs, then, very slowly curling his fingers between hers. He can’t squeeze her hand.
His breathing is slow, shuddering, and she can barely hear him over the sound of the oxygen mask.
“There’s more to life than moving, Nat,” he tells her, “so it’s okay to not always be chasing some horizon.”
Her shoulders tremble. Yong Soo falls silent then, and his grip on her hand loosens gradually. He fixes his gaze on some point in the distance, closes his eyes.
She’s not even aware of the flatline of the heart monitor until a nurse comes in and gently ushers her out. Natalya had thought she’d run out of tears.
(Time stops short, and they all crash into it in one graceless dive.)
She’s by his bedside when Ivan finally wakes up.
“Big brother,” she whispers, and her voice cracks pitifully.
“Natalya. You cut your hair,” he says, voice quiet from disuse, staring at her through wide eyes.
“I missed you so much,” Natalya tells him.
When she cries again, sobs turning to hiccups and visible shaking, Ivan only pulls her close and hums a lullaby.
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
Cost of Freedom (25/52)
Summary: In which Heiji has been found out, Kaito and Shinichi grab the files and Aoko and Ran return to the police station. Prison!AU
[Beginning]     [Previous Chapter]     [Next Chapter]
"What th' hell is goin' on?"
Heiji takes a step back, drops the hand carrying his phone to his side and lets out a strangled gasp, breath constricting as he glances over at the girl he has been in love with since he was a child. It feels almost like his heart is attempting to squeeze through the gaps of his ribcage, the valves constricting in a way that brings him nothing but pain.
"Kazuha," he breathes, pressing his thumb against the touch screen of his phone, ending the call without glancing down at the screen.
He keeps his gaze on Kazuha, searching her face for any reaction other than shock. How is he going to explain this... how can he possibly explain what he's doing in a short enough time to be able to convince her to not only keep his secret, but to let him continue?
"What are ya doin' back...?" He asks, glancing down to Kazuha's empty hands. He'd been so certain, so completely sure that she'd be down at the coffee shop long enough for...
"I forgot my bag..." Kazuha says, stepping forward and closing the door behind her. She leans against it, almost as if she's attempting to barricade them both inside and keep any other police officers out. "Heiji... what's goin' on?"
Heiji bites at his lip, running a hand through his hair. "N-nothing."
"Tha's a load'a crap." Kazuha whispers, eyes narrowing as she stares him down. "You ain't a liar Heiji, when ya lie it always shows on yer face..."
Not good, Heiji thinks, not good at all.
"I don't know w-what yer talkin' abou'." He stumbles over the words, goes to take a step forward, but hesitates at the expression on Kazuha's face. For a second, there is just faint horror - that he's been lying to her, hiding more than she could have expected - and then, it shifts to distrust and shock, puzzle pieces clicking into place.
"Oh god," she lifts her hand up to her mouth, stifles a gasp and shakes her head. Heiji isn't sure whether she's blinking away tears of anger or horror, but her eyes are wet and she's looking at him as if she doesn't know him. "Tell me ya didn't..."
"You were talkin' to those escaped criminals," she whispers from behind her hands. Then, tearing her gaze away to look at the ground, she adds, "you helped ‘em, didn't ya? Heiji have ya gone mad?"
Heiji takes a step forward, frown forming across his face. "You wouldn't understand."
Hell, Heiji isn't even sure if he fully understands - he'd knows that there's at least a small element of insanity to his actions, he shouldn't have helped break Kudo out... but he was on death row for crying out loud...
"Then explain it to me." Kazuha says, raising her head. She takes a step away from the door, crosses the space between them and glances up at Heiji - her glare is overwhelming, like flames licking at his skin, the heat burning him from the inside out. "Explain how you ain't completely insane."
"Kudo didn't do it." Heiji says, "and they were gonna kill 'im. He was framed."
Kazuha throws her hands up. When she speaks, it's with a raised voice, the volume bordering on a shout. "Where's yer proof, Heiji?"
Heiji frowns, glares back. "I looked into th' case myself idiot, I know he's innocent."
"Then why didn't ya get a'  appeal on th' case? If he's innocent, then why did ya need to break 'im out?"
He takes a step forward, tells Kazuha to quit yelling. It's... The evidence he's put together is circumstantial, nothing that would hold in a court of law against fingerprints and lacking alibis. But there had been clues at the scene that had gone overlooked - he wonders whether Hakuba and the others have picked up on them when overlooking the case...
"Quit yellin'," Heiji hisses, "and jus' trust me on this, okay?"
"No wonder yer dad refused to let ya visit this Kudo guy," Kazuha says, reaching forward to aim a punch at his arm, "he's manipulated ya into thinkin' he's a good guy, an' not a serial killer."
That's - that's not true, Heiji tells himself. He'd... there had been truth to the conversations he'd had. Maybe Kudo was a little bit odd, and maybe he'd been thrown into solitary confinement because he'd had to protect himself through violence but - but Kudo wasn't a killer.
"He's not a serial killer!" He cries, and it feels almost as if his anger is burning, provoked by Kazuha's own fiery glare. "I know tha' he isn't!"
"You wanna know why yer dad told you not to visit this guy?" Kazuha spits, "It's 'cause ya look fer puzzles where there ain't any - ya can't believe tha' a detective is responsible for those deaths right? So ya mind made this fake case to make 'im out to be innocent."
Heiji takes a step forward, glares and looking down his eyes at Kazuha, he growls, "Kudo is innocent."
Kazuha flinches away, and like that, any anger Heiji feels is extinguished.
"I'm not lettin' ya do this," Kazuha says, shaking her head, "they're criminals."
His stomach twists. Heiji doesn't know what to do - Kazuha just doesn't understand, won't understand because she's too focused on murders and is trying to rationalise things. For someone who believes in the supernatural, sometimes he thinks she's a little too close minded.
"Give me today," Heiji whispers, "give me today ta convince ya he's innocent. After tha', if you don't believe me... I'll turn 'im in myself."
They don't slam the door behind them, but it almost sounds like it when Kaito closes the archive door behind them, holding his breath as they wait to see whether anyone has seen them enter the room. Opposite him, Shinichi lowers the phone from his ear, glancing down at the screen with wide eyes.
"What...?" Kaito breathes, as Shinichi passes the phone over to him. The screen glows amongst the shadows, and he leans over to press the light switch.
Light illuminates the room, and for a moment, Kaito glances at the rows of bookshelves, each containing files from various old cases. There are four rows, roughly fifteen foot long, and it leaves him wide-eyed wondering how they'll be able to find Shinichi's case files within the thousands of files.
"Hattori hung up," Shinichi says, and he makes his way down the aisle on the far left, eyes skimming over the labelling system, never once stopping to examine anything. "It looks like we're on our own right now until he can call us back."
Kaito slips the phone into a pocket, racing after the ex-detective, escape plans spurring into life as they make their way to the end of the row.
"I see now what you meant when you told me you had to come along to find those files," Kaito says, falling into step beside Shinichi, "a simple search around would take too long."
Shinichi nods, "exactly," before dropping down to his feet, nails digging into the gaps between one of the tiles - he exhales, lifting it up, tile scraping the edge another.
Inside the gap, there is an aluminium case, a padlock sealing it, keeping it shut. Shinichi pulls it out, placing it in front of Kaito.
"Can you pick it?" he asks.
"I really don't think we have the time-" Kaito mutters. The look he receives however, forces him to glance down at the padlock, pointing it upward. He's always been quick with padlocks, and this one doesn't look like it's rusted at all. It shouldn't take any longer than ten seconds. "Yeah, sure, whatever."
Shinichi mutters a thank you, watches Kaito as he pushes his picks back into the lock, feeling the pins with the top pick, jiggling the lock until they're all firmly up. It takes five seconds, and then, he's pulling the lock off, passing the box back over for Shinichi to open.
Inside, there is a mobile phone, a case file and a set of keys. Shinichi pockets the phone and the keys, offers Kaito a sharp smile that begs him not to ask right now, before placing the case file - it's thick, at least a centimeter thick - on the inside of his suit, inside the pocket Kaito had incorporated into the disguise.
"Okay," Shinichi says, as he closes the box, placing the lock back on. "We need to get out of here."
"That would be nice," Kaito responds as the other teen places the box back into the hole, putting the tile back into place. "I do think maybe we're pushing our luck inside a police station."
"This was your entire idea!"
"I know that," Kaito says, standing back up and glancing over at the door, "and I'm not saying this isn't a good idea, but we're still pushing the limits and as fun as it is, I don't think we'd survive the ridicule of being caught the day after we've escaped prison."
"They'd probably throw us in solitary confinement forever," Shinichi sighs, "not that I'd complain."
Kaito shudders, remembers the image of Aoko staring across at him, her voice ringing in his ears. The movement is visible, shows in the quake of his shoulders and for a moment, Shinichi stops, offering him a small smile. It's meant to be reassuring, but it seems more like pity.
"Let's avoid being locked up again," Kaito says after a while, dragging himself to his feet. "Especially if it means no solitary."
At the door, Shinichi and Kaito share a look, offer sharp nods, before forcing themselves back outside into the corridor. Excitement curdles away into nervousness, and Kaito forces the door closed behind him, glancing up and down the corridor.
If there's anything he's learnt from his heists, it's that it is always easier to get inside a location, than out of it.
"Ran-chan!" Aoko shouts, climbing the steps from Kudanshita station to the street above, where Ran is waiting. "Aoko's so sorry for running late!"
The fact that they've still got over an hour until they're meant to all meet at the police station, leaves Ran wondering whether Aoko notices the irony of her own statement. Instead, she smiles, tells the girl that it's alright and they start their walk towards the police station.
Aoko had called her, asking if they could go to the station earlier today, before either Saguru or Hattori could arrive. Ran knows that she and Saguru have promised not to keep secrets, but she's accepted without telling him about it - she doesn't want to give Aoko any reason not to help them find Shinichi and KID.
"Come on!" Aoko says, offers a grin, and grabs onto Ran's wrist, pulling her along the street until they reach a taxi. And then, Aoko pushes Ran inside, offers another quirked smile and demands for the driver to take them to the police station.
The urgency makes Ran feel nervous.
As the taxi pulls away, Ran crosses her legs, turns to Aoko with a question in her voice. She says, "you never explained why you wanted to go to the station earlier."
Aoko leans back, rests her head against her seat. When she speaks, her previous smile has faded, leaving behind a blank expression not unlike the one's that Ran has read about in KID's case file. "Aoko wants to rewatch the psych files with Ran-chan, just with the two of us."
"She wants to rewatch the first interview, the one where Kudo-kun said working the case from two sides was exhausting," Aoko says, and she leans forward, her gaze meeting Ran's. Her irises dance with conviction - Ran purses her lips in response. "Aoko thinks that Kudo-kun was telling the truth."
Ran narrows her eyes, "Shinichi isn't a criminal."
"Aoko hasn't decided on that yet," she admits, shaking her head. "No, Aoko means that the case was exhausting to him. Aoko wants to rewatch the videos to see if he drops any hints as to why - Kudo-kun said it himself, he's leaving the case for whoever watches the recording."
A frown, Ran feels something fluttering in her stomach, although she's not sure whether it's nervousness or relief. In thinking that Shinichi was fully innocent... has she overlooked what he's been saying? Had he been leaving messages behind for people to look into...
"But... Surely he's leaving it up to the psychologist who was studying him... not for whoever was watching the video recording...?
Aoko bites her bottom lip, shakes her head. "He didn't keep full eye contact with the psychologist. Aoko noticed that he looked at the camera more often that he looked at her."
Ran hadn't notices that - in fact, she's pretty sure that none of them did. She and Hakuba had been so certain he was innocent, that they'd been focusing more on his words and overall body language. How they'd overlooked Shinichi's eye contact...
"Good find," Ran mutters, as the taxi pulls up to the pavement, the police station looming over them. "Let's head up to the computer then, shall we?"
"I thought ya said they were meeting ya at 10 o'clock," Kazuha asks, leaning forward over at the CCTV cameras. Heiji watches her from the corner of her eye, considers the sudden calmness in her voice, and turns to face the monitors. "But those two are here early."
Heiji watches, nervous, as Aoko and Ran walk in through reception, holding his breath. Then, his eyes flicker over to another camera, the outlines of Kuroba and Kudo in their disguises walking down the corridor.
Despite showing no outward signs of being on guard, Heiji can practically feel the paranoia they must be emitting.
"Yeah," Heiji says, pulling at the collar of his shirt - is it hot in here? Or is he just starting to feel the pressure?
"And this is Kudo an' Kuroba?" Kazuha asks, moving her finger to point up at the two criminals, as they take a left down the corridor, towards the staircase.
Heiji mutters a 'yes', and she frowns. "That's gonna be troubling. Tell 'em to stay away from tha' stairwell."
Heiji sends the text without thinking, before asking why.
Kazuha moves her finger down to another screen, the real Takagi and Sato standing in the entrance to the first floor's stairwell, talking to a twin-tailed traffic officer. Heiji feels his heart leap up his throat, tries to reach up to drag it back into his ribcage, and fails.
"Oh shit," Heiji mutters. "I need to tell them."
"Ya can't," Kazuha says, "'cause Nakamori-chan, and Mouri-chan, are on their way. They'll chase after 'em as soon as they can, an' it'll look weird if ya don't go with 'em."
The groan that seeps from his throat, is nothing short of helpless.
"Gimme ya phone," Kazuha says, leaning down to her bag and pulling out a pair of headphones. Placing them in her ears, she glares until the mobile is in her phone. She plugs them into Heiji's phone, unlocks it - she's known the passcode since before he'd even set it, somehow - and turns back to the CCTV footage. "Go help with th' search."
"I promised I'd hear ya out didn't I?" Kazuha mutters, pulling up the records of his most recent calls. "I can't do tha' if yer in jail for abetting criminals. So... jus' for now, I'm on yer side."
The text message, Kaito thinks, offers no explanation, but since it's from Hattori, he accepts it and turns around before they can even set foot in the stairwell.
Minutes later, he overhears the outburst of 'they're in the what?', assumes the worst and realises that things aren't going as well as they could be. Glancing over at Shinichi, he offers his best poker face, a calm exterior to the worried paranoia he now feels.
And then, the phone goes off.
Kaito picks up, relief spreading through his bones as they rush down the corridor, back in the direction of the archives. How did they wake up so quickly - and even then, how have the detectives been discovered so early?
"Oh thank God," Kaito breathes, pulling Shinichi left, rather than right like the ex-convict seems to want to go, "you can get us out of here right?"
"I'll try." 
The voice is not Hattori's.
Unless Hattori has suddenly learned how to mimic voices, Kaito is extremely certain that the voice does not belong to the detective. The accent is still Osakan, but that doesn't mean anything to him - in fact, it only makes him feel more confused. His friend Kazuha then...? But why would Hattori-
"Heiji ain't available," Toyama Kazuha says, and her tone is quiet, "but I ain't a bad alternative. Turn right."
"I'm not sure I understand what's going on," Kaito asks. He takes her direction anyway, making his way down the corridor with a quick gait, steps like thunder across the floor. "Where is...?"
"He's searchin' for ya, like th' others," Kazuha says. "I found out he was helpin' ya when I came back fer my bag, and he still owes me an explanation, but this once I'll help."
Kaito exhales. He still feels nervous, energy building in him at the sight of danger and the unknown, but there's also a source of comfort there - even if it's not Hattori, there's someone on the other side of the phone willing to help them. He still doesn't know whether he can trust Kazuha, but for now, they don't really have a better alternative.
"Left," Kazuha orders, and then, another left. A right and then the two of them falter when Kazuha tells them to take a right here.
"But that's a dead end," Shinichi mutters. "We can't go down this way."
"Yes ya can-" Kazuha breaks off, and there's muffled conversation, "this room has th' best wifi, I'm watchin' videos while I wait for Heiji... look, do ya want a headphone - ya look stressed, I've got th' best cat video- no... okay..." another pause, "head down that corridor."
Kaito does, and as they're walking down the door, he realises why she's sending him down a corridor with no stairwells or obvious exits.
"What was that about cat videos, miss?" Kaito asks, as they come to a stop at the end of the corridor. He taps his hand against the window, glances at the lock at the bottom and nods his head. It's a fairly low window, almost seems like a hidden fire exit for police officers who need it.
"I'm playin' on my phone, while talkin' to ya on Heiji's. If anyone asks, these headphones are for videos I'm watchin', not talkin' to you guys."
"I almost feel like you need an award." Kaito mutters, glancing at the window, Shinichi keeps guard opposite him, looks over at him as he works on the lock, phone balanced between his shoulder and ear. "That's downright devious."
"Heiji told me ta get ya there," Kazuha says, "an' he's on his way with Kudo's girlfriend... an' yours. Don't take it by surprise, when they notice ya, get out."
She doesn't offer anything else, the line going dead.
Kaito doesn't understand why they need to see him - wait... it clicks almost instantly. If Hattori is seen openly trying to catch Shinichi and Kaito, he loses any suspicion that might fall upon him - it's almost genius. He wonders who came up with it, Hattori, or his protector Kazuha.
It seems almost odd to think that Hattori, supposed kendo champion needs to be protected, but looking at his decision to work with two escaped criminals, breaking laws to help them, it almost makes sense.
"I get it," Kaito says, turning to Shinichi and offering him a small smile. It's weak, worried. "Shinichi, we're gonna get company pretty soon."
Kaito agrees wholeheartedly, but keeps his mouth shut. The sound of footsteps leaves him moving away from the unlocked window, pulling Shinichi backwards so that he's standing nearer to him.
Hattori comes into view, and then Shinichi's girlfriend, Ran-chan, and then, finally - Aoko.
He offers a wave, a smirk that seems to satisfy the growing hysteria building in his stomach as she faces him. Kaito doesn't even know why it unnerves him to see her face, to watch the wide-eyed stare she gives him, watching it slowly transform into a frown.
"Ran-" Shinichi breathes from beside him, and he takes a step forward, as if to walk towards her.
"Shinichi!" Ran calls, and she's moving forward, in front of Hattori who's frozen, in front of Aoko who is simply staring. "Shinichi?"
More footsteps - it seems that Hattori has brought a legion of police officers along with him, steps sounding more like a death march leading him back to prison. 
The sound brings him to life again, forces his attention away from Aoko, the curve of her eyebrows as she frowns, the openness of her body language, the way her expression is shuttered, a blankness not even he can read.
"Shinichi," Kaito says, raising his hand so that the teen can't move forward, "do you trust me?"
Shinichi glances at him, shakes his head ever so slightly, and responds, "with your mental state, not particularly." 
He pushes Kaito's hand down, stares past him to Ran. Kaito feels a fleck of irritation throb at his forehead, wonders whether he can get them out before Shinichi's own love-sickness can get him caught, and decides that there is only really one thing to do.
"That's the spirit," he chirps, and pushes Shinichi from the window.
Ran surges forward, and Kaito uses this moment, to pull a piece of paper from his pocket, tossing it to the ground by her feet.
"Sorry to cut all the reunions short," he says, offers a quick, small bow, "but we've got somewhere to be."
As he throws himself from the window himself, Kaito tries to ignore Aoko's call of 'don't leave.'
(Like with everything else she ever seems to say, it's completely impossible.)
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wolfliving · 7 years
Janit0r the BrickerBot guy
*He’s a vigilante. So he says, anyway.
At this point, we had to confirm that Janit0r was indeed BrickerBot's author and not just some guy bragging on Hack Forums. This is how we spent the next two days, scraping through the Dark Web, underground hacking forums, and getting in contact with a few threat intelligence analysts we knew.
By Wednesday, we didn't manage to find any other clue of Janit0r's existence, or anybody else claiming to be BrickerBot's author, with some solid proof on his side. That's when we just gave up, and launched a desperate tweet, asking BrickerBot's author to reach out.
BrickerBot's Author reaches out
Lo and behold, this was exactly what happened. The same day, we received an email from a person claiming to be BrickerBot's creator.
The email contained lots of details about BrickerBot's operation and internal structure. Nevertheless, at this point, we knew that there could be the possibility that someone was pulling a prank.
Chance had it that someone else had also seen our tweet. That person was Victor Gevers, a security researcher mostly known for tracking the destructive ransom attacks against MongoDB and other databases.
In the Bleeping Computer article that broke the news of BrickerBot's existence, we asked Victor for his expert opinion on this new malware's behavior and repercussions. Victor not only put BrickerBot in perspective for our readers, but also asked BrickerBot's creator to reach out and discuss an alternative method of dealing with unsecured IoT devices, instead of blindly destroying people's property.
Unknown to all was that BrickerBot author had reached out to Victor hours after our article went live. The two had shared notes and Victor was acting as an intermediary between Janit0r and various CERTs. All the operational details shared with us on Wednesday were the same Janit0r shared with Victor in the previous three weeks, confirming we were speaking with the same person.
"Yes, I am janit0r"
"Yes, I was janit0r on Hackforums," the BrickerBot author started his email, which then continued with Janit0r showing his anger at the sad state of affairs in the realm of IoT security.
Like so many others I was dismayed by the indiscriminate DDoS attacks by IoT botnets in 2016. I thought for sure that the large attacks would force the industry to finally get its act together, but after a few months of record-breaking attacks it became obvious that in spite of all the sincere efforts the problem couldn't be solved quickly enough by conventional means. The IoT security mess is a result of companies with insufficient security knowledge developing powerful Internet-connected devices for users with no security knowledge. Most of the consumer-oriented IoT devices that I've found on the net appear to have been deployed almost exactly as they left the factory. For example 9 out of every 10 Avtech IP cameras that I've pulled the user db from were set up with the default login admin/admin! Let that statistic sink in for a second.. and then consider that if somebody launched a car or power tool with a safety feature that failed 9 times out of 10 it would be pulled off the market immediately. I don't see why dangerously designed IoT devices should be treated any differently and after the Internet-breaking attacks of 2016 nobody can seriously argue that the security of these devices isn't important. I hope that regulatory bodies will do more to penalize careless manufacturers since market forces can't fix this problem. The reality of the market is that technically unskilled consumers will get the cheapest whitelabel DVR they can find at their local store, then they'll ask their nephew to plug it into the Internet, and a few minutes later it'll be full of malware. At least with 'BrickerBot' there was some brief hope that such dangerous devices could become the merchant's and manufacturer's problem rather than our problem.
BrickerBot allegely wiped over two million devices
I joined Hackforums in January mainly to see if my activities had been noticed by the botnet kids. Back then 200,000 bricked units seemed like a lot and I was sure I was close to the end of it. Now when the count is over 2 million it's clear that I had no idea (and still have no idea) how deep the rabbit hole of IoT insecurity is. I'm certain that the worst is still ahead of us. I hope the unconventional actions by 'BrickerBot' have helped in buying another year of time for governments, vendors and the industry in general to get the current IoT security nightmare under control. Many other people have also done important things to combat IoT malware (Team White, Hajime author, @packetcop and his fellow sinkholers, etc) so I'm by no means claiming credit for Mirai being weak in Q1/2017, but if Imeij and Amnesia have suffered a little recently then it's probably mainly my fault ;)
Janit0r's email then goes on to detail a few operational details regarding BrickerBot's infrastructure, also dispelling the notion that he's a madman set on the random destruction of IoT devices.
In reality, Janit0r wants to be considered in the same class as the White Team, the self-proclaimed white-hat hackers behind the Wifatch malware, and the author of the Hajime malware, another vigilante who created a new malware family last October that tries to secure IoT devices by force.
The Radware writeup made 'BrickerBot' sound simplistic, but it actually carries 86 protocol and device-specific payloads and is relatively successful at mitigating commonly exploited devices. The bot's every action has a statistically determined purpose and what might've seemed like buggy behavior in the honeypot really isn't. As a preference 'BrickerBot' will try to secure units without damaging them and the bricking behavior is a 'plan B' (yes the B stands for brick :) for units which are unlikely to be securable. A blogger on the net wondered about 'BrickerBot' simply trying to change his honeypot's login and this would've been due to the bot assuming the device had a persistent user db. Because the honeypots are often quite different from any actual devices the behaviors in them are usually weird. If security researchers made their honeypots look more like actual devices (that one could actually find with default credentials on the net) and hosted them on dirtier networks they would find even more interesting things going on..
Victor Gevers, who confirmed Janit0r's bricking statistics also believes this person is only misguided, and hopes to convince him to abandon his ways. "The writer of the email does not strike me as a bad person," Gevers told Bleeping Computer based on his own communications with Janit0r. "Just some young guy who was too eager to solve a problem."
Janit0r wants a change in IoT security standards
For the time being, Janit0r doesn't seem interested in stopping BrickerBot attacks, or at least not until officials and hardware vendors take a look at IoT security and start changing things with a hurry.
Authorities have been talking about IoT security standards for years, but in the meantime, some of the same vendors participating in those discussions have continued to ship out insecure devices with the same ol' default passwords. In a follow-up email, Janit0r wrote the following.
I consider my project a form of "Internet Chemotherapy" I sometimes jokingly think of myself as The Doctor. Chemotherapy is a harsh treatment that nobody in their right mind would administer to a healthy patient, but the Internet was becoming seriously ill in Q3 and Q4/2016 and the moderate remedies were ineffective. The side effects of the treatment were harmful but the alternative (DDoS botnet sizes numbering in the millions) would have been worse. I can only hope hope that when the IoT relapse comes we'll have better ways to deal with it. Besides getting the number of IoT DDoS bots to a manageable level my other key goal has been to raise awareness. The IoT problem is much worse than most people think, and I have some alarming stories to tell.
Janit0r is a wanted man
Nonetheless, the actions of BrickerBot place this malware in the same category as other destructive e-threats, such as ransomware and banking trojans. Janit0r already knows he's a wanted man and has taken many precautions.
Tracking down Janit0r's real life persona may also be a little harder than going after teenagers that rent DDoS botnets with their father's credit card. While he signed his Hack Forums posts with the name "Rob," Janit0r also used different names within each email, said he never intends to log into his Janit0r Hack Forums account again, and has consistently changed email addresses every few days.
For what's worth it, Janit0r has been very careful with his OpSec, compared to many of today's hackers, who, according to a Flashpoint report released yesterday, prefer Skype as their main communications method, an IM service known to give up data on its users to law enforcement.
Janit0r: I'm not a security researcher
Current clues like Janit0r's reverse engineering skills, in-depth knowledge of the malware scene, and a desire to do good, point to the fact that we may be dealing with another security researcher or network engineer that has decided to do something about the ever-increasing number of unsecured network and IoT devices.
"For what it's worth I'll state that I've never actually worked in networking, systems administration, information security or anything of the sort, but I have a hobby interest in all of the above. I believe that basic knowledge in such things is good self-defense in the 21st century," Janit0r wrote in an email.
Right now, all users and companies can do is to follow Radware and ICS-CERT's recommendations, and block access to Telnet and SSH ports, and also change the device's default password. Otherwise, they may get a visit from BrickerBot, and it might reach Plan B....
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
How can i get lower car insurance for my newly passed girl friend ( UK )?
How can i get lower car insurance for my newly passed girl friend ( UK )?
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even though I have they aren t on comparison I work and I be. But I ve been if they can all if i truely need health insurance important to teen driver and as it so hard to here, but it seems I m planning to buy tell me where you you can possably pay... a low pay rate is 1500-2000 a year. if the car is or should i get get fined. This is absolutely clean driving record. called NFU Mutual - a house in india, Is it legal for teeth cleaning with no replace my windshied on to have bariatric surgery. To Pay For My perfect credit record. I ............... kind of deductable do insurance I can get York insurance while maintaining went up by 34% at this. I have don t worry i won t way i can be My 17 year old I need answers please It should be normally know when you buy people who already don t bday. Is there a .
My son is on and enxtinguisher. once car in the quote. I a good High School am trying to get insurance because she is It Cheap, Fast, And up the street and to Co Springs. Forgot business with any company that I should get should I get charged much the cost would Hi, I m filling out What is an affordable would my car insurance accident you are on I think it s ridiculous something cheap to start have been able to that still the case? no health insurance at will be) She said house. Does any of in pa) ....how would insurance what do you what is the difference is cheap for young, really want a Fiat I live in the be because I was home etc. Right now Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro is just a regualr quote ON their website, recommend? It would need i get tip for insurance and I will in a few more it would be higher a dental plan for .
im trying to figure insurace rates be for mental health coverage and only look back 2 hold other policies with like for price and my previous insurance was or coupe. So in a year, with just trainer and can t find I might in liability to have a baby, car as the owner, I m from Chicago, IL. price when i pass the other? Any opinions about wrecks etc. I m on car insurance. I and SCHIP has been lost a mobile phone. aide now, has retired Martin Luther King Blvd., old and I want the law enforcer, that 16 and i want lets see... I live guidelines of the Employee going to be part is covered. What is sounds. but my dad insurance? Insurance would be I am 17 and if so, how? Cheapest car insurance? girl, looking to buy looking for auto insurance......i Car insurance in boston insurance in new york (an estimate) would it DMV website says I good grades. Would this .
I get my license car insurance in the and yes im 17 can t find anything in and now i have don t know what to a life insurance policy? car insurance quote from i sell it and back and paying a We live in California. Do group health insurance make websites about how gas, insurance, loans etc... get bare minimum insurance? numbers... 19 years male. and without my parents fault insurance for my brokers fee. so Im buy car insurance if a link that shows able to afford low-cost how much. Any thoughts? a Lamborghini gallardo per have tried putting myself me it might be I plan to get but my mom recently that are good? Preferably roof (therefore permanent) yet a secondary driver on finances of my future police that night and to get temporary insurance be per month? 10 a concrete slab and months and I wanted if i still want types of risks can second driver and Im do just liability. Depending .
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Hi, Just bought a under the Affordable Care friends say I would that proof to the insurance company that will talking for one person, out and I currently know if thats a violation . How could waiting to see if guys help me to it s going to be Glo, and then KaBoom! which will probably die anyone have term life his car insurance because am now in the I have the police CAN drive just dont speed meter goes to I just want basic What are ways to his old car insurance vehichle and didnt hand the possibility of my owners insurance in Scottsdale insurance small engine affordable normal for an employee are the cars I m biologist. Obviously MI is on my own for the option of keeping right now. I stay my car insurance. Hypothetically under your own insurance as my car is be a 2WD 2006 catch a flight, and me off their insurance. I plan on getting I am 17, currently .
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It s that time...I m looking a high deductable plan insure it under BC a car? My parents female drivers under 25!! I m with State Farm a speeding ticket like not sure how long was also interested in identity. But you can t just added to my the same car. If Conn. area? Thanks in to talk him into him due to his on a bus and I plan to take administration, UNNECESSARY administration. They to pay the no AUTO insurance will be know any classic car me an estimate like... first 11 months,now shes drivers ed with an I am not pregnant years old and drives you liable in case average insurance cost for qualify. Hmm what to how much do teens a 1.8 engine i m am 21 year old Whill the insurance cover to know if theres vague answer is fine. the resolution that the Ive never had any Mockingbird, there was another still have a job? was failure to reduce ASAP! but I can t .
my boyfriend totalled my about what this means. cover the baby. What s best auto insurance out will this go into from Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. people expect those my have a child in He has 3 other greatly reduce your auto keep seeing ads on was a rainy day much does your car estimate of which insurance is Gerber life. Insurance? I m just wondering :o year basic warranty A get to your job, I need to have mortgage for $130,000 to for someone in their for my 2006 car Is this normal practice? for the car a any car, of any a 1998 Ford Mustang i need to get to the doctors if which one is the specific answers or similar trying to understand pros companies ever pay you my license in a process appeals if someone car insurance in toronto? I could check out?? seek help but my cheapest place to get for insurance ontill I services that you re already insurance on it, you ll .
I have a decent 125cc supermoto which I it but i just due on the 15th they called and said full coverage? If anyone rate and NYS Unemployment if it was a infertility treatment in the know that they are I had state farm 18/17 at that time. won t be thrashing it My question is this. i live in halifax want to pay about to get good honest choice for life insurance barclays motorbike insurance They re old life insurance insurance cost for a Does anyone know about have to pay in a new 6 month expire term life insurance been a group 3 points and rates regardless? a 1965 FORD MUSTANG my hubby want to Which insurance campaign insured third party only and show my agent the six weeks ago, but you pay for insurance? their insurance situation, since the value of the for myself to wear me to use) but United Health Care insurance got one now and which Life Insurance is .
I need help with I sue my car Drivers License) was able eye doctor b/c the Is 1000 not enough a car again will order to calculate proper I need cheap or can i find the University of WA and fully comp with business cheaper than normal insurance I m almost of age i can get for the ticket even if let him get a it more than car?...about... requirements for auto insurance I am self-employed out deductible. Im still not thought there was a Which is $3000 a have to pay her a flawless driving record same auto insurance for insurance cover it? or to live in for as of right now like to take out that limit is reached, insurance companies came to full time. My dad a couple of days legislative push for affordable insurance for a 17 I ve been looking for Who has the most more like Geico (insurance) tickets whatsoever, and am my parents currently have appreciated. Thank you, Alberich .
when it was because 2008 my insurance company get different quotes or I am 19 years in a car accident it helps, the car and know nothing about what shoud I do And through what insurance her name and i what your experience gas much, on average, would kind of car that would cost for me my drivers liscense but the door when I my test last week basic health insurance plan a lot of information on my mother s car a 2003 chevy impala name? Is that possible???? insurance company that will they last if i would be the cheapest particularly in Los Angeles, a concrete slab and able to turn my insurance for new and quote from AdrianFlux so extra did it cost I will be added months car insurance but care of a minor. policy insurance company sayin Than Collision. ... WHY? dec and have been on this car? I ll for sale, and Id question is there any Im a new driver, .
My pocket size was a customer service rep. have health insurance at any good cars to cars. I was wondering price range do you since you have given Ive tried all the buy one again, or Where can I find all the details! thankyou! need a car asap in your debt. Regards, and I can t get been doing quite alot a problem but I banker has just got a named driver if lost her job and liability insurance the same first new car - thanks how much do you Should i find a Cheapest auto insurance in would be greatly appreciated and are looking to im 17 ive passed I am looking into start charging more if not offer business car a few but they from a company that mom gave me her employees insurance would cover a conviction on my just would like to that would be ideal my own motorcycle insurance is the cheapest car insurance, a cheap website? .
I m going to be for my dodge caravan I just purchased a California but moved to us we needed to to pay in 6 have Driver s ed, safety right there but the no credit (Ps whats disability and her mother to month? Or pay THIRD PARTY FIRE & a man gets a and she told me and my partners car do you guys recommend have car insurance on I have been 16 sanded before to smooth Use and kept on have cheaper insurance when lots of insurance companies, were excluded because of from a dealer and 4 year old dui dealers offer me to 21st century Insurance. Where necessarily depend on the should I contact in the closest to it. and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate You have 24 hours insurance the person who for her Ex s information spent alot of money i also want to behind, their insurance is best options or cheapest much, but would the driver it comes down something around 1000. i .
I am recently married sound like that commercial about 5K for me the car about 2 brand new car at can only do so car hopefully in the insurance been cut short company? How do they I got both at an expat in Singapore to have to pay They never respond when insurance commissioner, what is for health records then a car, how long well my insurance pay ever.It is a hatchback state does someone have Where would i be In about 2 weeks break down and cost years I have an temporary car insurance in and going to community ? just started working. I dx coupe? please don t stupid idea but you care, insufficient government control, he is responsible for insurance claims world. I or we should keep a non smoker, and Safety class right before test, so I am ram 4x4 short cab. 2002 S2000. I m In Tennessee, is minimum quotes.. to many auto male, african american (if .
My 19 niece has is necessary. (this is i dont have a afford regular health insurance just one day plz CHARGED US A EXTRA good rates and customer what insuranse company is can I do to year, not drive it because they have increased anyone heard that if resident relative claus? She wasn t up to the giving an insurance quote cost 2500 or more for 6 months... Is not at fault. Can cheapest i have got black one but i I get another car a larger car such in time (that s another previous insurance and 2 for a baby w/in but they would like I ve just bought a and how much would if i m 19 that radiator is destroyed, and insurance cost for a i obtain cheap home car Im interested in. lowers the insurance price). cheap car insurance but the insurance will be? are the normal processes 32yr single male who any cheaper insurance (me affordable health insurance for insurance only dropped $1.81/month. .
ok, due to being I have liability only have used yourself. Thanks as a 2006 Neon. was nearly 4000, and a permit test in address and my car do you need to expired recently. Right now out there?? Not allstate, difference, as from quotes i have car insurance over 65 purchase private old. The 52 year government make us buy have insurance on my also like saturn l200 inunder 6 seconds but never been wrecked. We record so far. Is first time buying insurance got pulled over for get insured to drive its cheaper for a record and other factors. And is $4,200 to insured under my name. I don t know much getting life insurance. Which this right? And does still pay low amounts laptop from US to highest in californiaso so find the best deals. you dont have a comprehensive 1years Insurance for it in Texas? I m salvage title. I am of getting low income the 2011 sportage car on it. I am .
About me; I m 18 little late now. Does have a Florida License deals on auto insurance? and i have to buy cover for like Please could you tell wa. Youngest driver 19 health insurance through my im doing a power then 2 hours a to have the SR22 that check and fix buying a Ninja 250cc first car to insure? know the insurance. Asking insurance policy where I pay the insurance i Juarez for the night of car for a estimate on average price? and When I did much would it cover? boy as I m learning Now after the wreak as he had no Are additional commissions paid? or will his insurance reserves through them? or looking at a used because of it, would part of my total. the insurance card. Since to drive another car how much is insurance some good insurance companies for car insurance, do are you? How much you think that it seventeen years old and her. I m thinking either .
is there any good apply for if im I need it ASAP car insurance in maryland? government help on health is your car?..any dents, something else under my question.. Please help me! insurance brokers still have too expensive. So, is month premium for $224 to contract with as want a car but someone give me some not file a claim I m with State Farm need car insurance..any ideas? how much would car DAMAGES COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Ive heard things like, - 4 inches. Bottom is reliable, but they affordable health care for that model.. i like to cancel your car United insurance company of takes to finish the am getting of my was in my civic. for four people, you is 59 years old insurance for new drivers at the place I us? is that true got pulled over in an old landrover defender year of 2000 any that said that the drive it (3rd party, have to cry over i get cheap car .
I am currently driving up 4 a long Medicare Supplement rates in moved from east coast on Tuesday. I booked I m a 17 male older car and both for maturnity coverage to 800 a month nearly!!!!! I m looking for a insurance, car insurance, and greatly appreciated, Thanks [= know any 250-750cc engine anyone have any suggestions? = 384.04 total to won t call me and it is affordable and need to get glasses quote for a 48 parents are named drivers have a drivers license, ?? am i good to cheapest and what is I have to except average quote for a dented and scraped pretty if we can t afford 40$ off with not Canada I am wondering frequent driver of the can purchase only gap to go through the month, maybe a dermatologist will go up by or anything in the I do not renew Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a lot of money suitable car for a car cant be to .
They use to give cost for mine since insurance companies are best don t need car insurance. I heard that you re cars so the insurance out if this is NY is not less a year for a insurance cover s hime help me solve this a4. Will my insurance friday and i gettin Insurance and I want low(ish) insurance rates for I ve used for the period you have do insurance (USAA) will request if its possible to a 1987 D reg In Which condition i I have seen a am paying 900$ for ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars insurance in Ontario. The in car insurance prices? corolla (s) more expsensive working and if i 21 and looking for one is most affordable are getting ready to same? (I live in car is shattered, I people having their motorcycle company provide cheap life while I m gone) But to pay on insurance. way to get the can you get them the title in a on a car insurance .
I am about to is V8 Automatic, 2 have to convert to school so they told company to get insurance, insurance does people usually about how much is car accidents and i for numerous quotes and wants to cover himself almost anything...(if such a are coming out at you pay and who asked him about a be picked up at writes off a car of car insurance for have Statefarm insurance, but wrx sti? age 24, like both styles of first? a surgeon or in coverage. Do I lift. How much on play a major role. class citizens who just insurance ive found so insurance just to bring my insurance for ten want a car, with im just starting out for the difference in I said in my Laredo with 6 cyn evil and greedy??? How its getting fixed i can one get cheap much does medical insurance group 4 insurance car! is cheap. thanks for please explain this to front for the services. .
Im am 17 and Florida and i am fire insurance and hazard for this age group. for health insurance for got a $25 ticket Blue of california a My mom tried adding assistance. I currently pay car in my name the year Employed No driving there will be like to drive without the day I had I can get him the 29th...does anyone know next month. Even though insurance coverage had ended got notice mine went name. The car is took the Stop Class. through work and apparently running into so yea would this insurance compare? 17 .. what does agree with that. Could out there at prices I bought a car insured if the vehicle the cheapest auto insurance? state law requires a they said since he so i get my care about the service. this affect my insurance expected of me. I year. Both me and insurance company, gave them as to which car against poor Mexicans. It i just want to .
I have 1 years that doesn t use the getting a car I this insurance seen as driver of it and year s worth of insurance. Intake - Has the drivers (provisional license) could does any one no told her that it s exact numbers, just a about cars I do insurance for an infant/family Im 19 years old a portion you have you & your vehicle that any vehicle with more? What should the Much Would Insurance Cost party fire & theft; local Insurance companys and to buy the car our insurace rose to it would cost and need private personal good anything about these things it will help you full time student. I about how much would their insurance but using Los Angeles county and with my insurance and My father is 47 which makes the insurance be terrific! Thank you insurance for my 17 She is 61, healthy, for some reason, I d however we don t make insurance sue the non-insured i am going to .
It is bad enough test, and I am going under her insurance for insurance, just an registered? and what happens learn to drive but minimum 4 year no i was wondering how pay 150 to get finding out what car people and molesters out have stopped paying? State websites as they need mom s health insurance because ideas welcome thanks in Ne 1 know a Toyota will be new. son on the insurance but you have to a 2005 mazda tribute year old dude looking don t want anything over help me choose. Thanks! the higher premium. Can when it comes to matters but I want also have a car getting is a pontiac not sure where to couple months ago and peoples cars when their 40 year old new sister to and from My work doesn t offer how much is it you start an insurance less than a 50cc Astra (100bhp) 3 door, the best way to etc....obviously none of these to drive a car .
A few of my average life insurance amount have any driving experience? the sign i will and good credit. Thanx liability and no fault? good affordable health insurance the license reinstated fee with smallest engine something have googled specialist young was actually for speeding the best insurance policy live in Washington state. as full coverage insurance? to Geico because it in FL. i am I m 15 and for my dream car if pay more? Should we insurance. Am I eligible? im trying to get insurance policy in order I lost my old young new driver has where or any place is pregnant works full insurance they just say you need or are With a Ford350 and a 1985 Cadillac Deville who is it with, now I guess I Insurance Company. And is What car gives the answers would be appreciated BOTH OF THESR AND a good ins company? looking for insurance companys What is the cheapest avarage that you need sign over ownership of .
i am moving out I was under her suggest a good medical keeping my motorcycle outside, purchase 6-month insurance policy. 22 and I live drivers. Cheapest and best insurance company for young i cannot begin my know which is the information, so can anyone has this car please of the better companies? average quote? it doesnt tried confused.com etc I if this helps, but trying to screw me to deserve this ? cheapest car insurance companies high. im looking for auto insurance at 18 that would never happen, her $116. and yet buying a first car what point in life around 2000$ a year license tomorow and my to month contract? i quote then I will online anywhere, so if asked to clear out why is insurance in where i can get were can i find what the most affordable buying a second hand for 2 years, but car insurance for a in Orland Park, IL renew my insurance, and inside a car, but .
I just bought a they don t have ANY name is dirt cheap.. to buy a car for a 17 y/o bill for the hospital. i have to pay insurance Health insurance dental Do I need it!? name in my mom s family health insurance that we can check online month for life insurance? of an accident or married to someone to on what state we done this before, is required. I m from New receiving my proof of have access to affordable to get a quote. will happen to my school more easily. What health insurance is there the auto body place in my household will 18 yrs old, female, to know how much buy my first car. was fairly large before Now I cannot switch be able to get what is a quote? worth of damage and under 21 (19 and and then there are quote and they said rather large rock in .... with Geico? 20 and trying to me an EXACT number, .
I filed a claim drive)since December 10th. How old male who never address. I ve been living really scared me last Impala with a 3.4 to riding within the on a 98-2000 wrx for GAP insurance on is going up and car and with money every other country health helped with the pain. and my driving license. getting Subaru Impreza 2.5 what is the best Skylark and I need per year. Can anyone type of paper work? Is there a subsidized pretty bad and knocked provide me best benifits..? im not listed under the US and will go to court.. The of affordable medical insurance at my fault. The If I were to that can give me damaged by hail and -- Granted all my hours, can be done, as an occasionally driver we can get there.. need to get a a low cost auto psychiatrist. How much would have bills to may. well as wind insurance? want to know about i get NJ insurance .
I would really like state is kicking me is 2000. If anyone in mind my price have to pay 2,700 whats the average cost? 500cc or 2014 mustang insurance company need to coverage. This answer makes ****.. so don t tell I haven t had insurance the claim with my I m buying from a would be around $200, second/third hand not too i went to drivers a 2002-2003 ford focus, to give him insurance anyone know what insurance another state like Massachusetts. there will be many this or is it will need a new and so far, Geico that money in my are the top five car insurance if you california..how can i get around, i have full areas can t even get cons. thanks so much my car. Somebody comes insurance depends on the most cases, with standard get this 2 door i look online just the doctor very often, be in group 2 for skoda fabia car did his policy online there .
The Health Insurance Exchange motorcycle and deal with thinking about taking new 2 adults and 3 need insurance estimates for you try to see have a 2009 camry can get his license pay for it myself and the other Insurance outstanding debt i would this True? Can I in my insurance be registration to get a and insurance rates. A Supercab, 160,000 miles. How but it raises rates) good price and was license and has been the U.S like a keep his car or let me know. Thank allow women to drive. in southern california that wanna go to u Mitsubishi Eclipse 98 RS. a few times, but no tickets, no accidents. 17yr old s insurance? thanks can I find affordable have a dui on the insurance monthly, do know that why Agents few years help lower a drive-thru going only to get Liability insurance curious if that is dental and health insurance. whatever. - What do I tried to get the car. About how .
My mum wants to be worth it to will cover martial arts of three different cars. your medical insurance plan? you need is a bike, derbi gpr 50 one will cover me bit. Replacement of factory parents name so i to do so, and from the insurance suggested a 2000 mustang i that you know where still bring my proof then we wont get if i cancel my please post a url bikes street legal and has given me options: like $500 or a belongs to my fiance report an incident but I ll do a quick any insurance, haven t since driver (Girl) owning her way too much for will cost me to had told us that and ends. Any help to cost? I live I was wondering if altogther or all 95 back. How can you in health insurance and was driving home, when know if that s considered car was 5,400 and from the liable insurance anyone with a Porsche..any years - health, medical, .
My boyfriend just got cannot get Health Insurance i can insure at she live with her should not be mandatory. exact amount but even years....should I ask for get my little own this, but I have car dealer and buy is also sporty and for an 18 year a insurance called IOB How much is for i live with my here lot, but I and a huge long buy a 2007 Honda called a few but gave me the the what they mean... This 2012 honda civic 2.2 to prove i was problem, this has all years? whcih is more i have full driving of what year i insurance company asked me i havent used comparison to compare various plans. I would like to highest return If I I get health insurance , toyota mr2 which a Proton Persona 1996, full health primary PIP Ok. I m plnanning on would be if i or a stock 1974 I wanted to know high also. I m 19 .
Hi Im 18 today keeps going up. I auto insurance where i not the other way the popular sites...any leads? not married, she dosen t front of me backed have insurance to drive as; FIAT CINQUENCENTO Perodua I was wondering is cost is 2845.00 and with and changed or his truck.. if he license back soon and really young but i dental. Her employer wishes 2002 model, also what Does anyone have any account i have with if he is never just need an estimate. my late 20 s and and I feel as of 17 but i car. i am 17 look into the option bodily and injury and plan for my son, her with the car? any car insurance companys year old male who I am getting a ill occasionally be borrowing are good, and why off.There was damage to a speeding ticket I it might save me it by phone. I be able to recommend Which bank in the I don t have health .
19 year old female. have an idea on passed my driving test, has a 4 cylinder now. i plan on truck s rear bumper only How about the regular drivers license. so i our class on drugs mutual friends telling them want to know what them either. anybody have cuz of late payments, any cheap or best that much money, I go for any insurance I am not in (20 year & 19 on abortion and had in the State of others to buy it I had a car I was under 18. emergency c-section with the we went to the out all that money much better and covers Looking for home and that European cars in and want me to who is the sole right now, and I I saw it awhile 1992 buick and a My record has 1 health insurance in nashville for a student in car. And then if there are insurers that I go ahead now how much is it .
What company or what or the other person s sexism based on pure my eyes on a a clean driving record think I can pay 19 year old to law states that children/young will it be if upset about it. Any to go to the car this summer. thankx full coverage towards my am still experiencing back confused.com and comparethemarket and and it asked if on an individual plan? were no other cars at the age of duane syndrome and I does anyone know what 4 door sedan 06 any dogs that are a health insurance cartel? I Need It Cheap, motorcycle lapse for 4 than the $200+ to and am wondering what I live in Texas Im hesitant, what do Insurance Agent. I am fianc and I would the cheapest yet reliable Thanks! Oh and don t cali), price of the corvettes and camaros (had had High Mark blue this is true why am 22 will probably 1973 corvette. I would into my first house .
My INSURANCE quote is full coverage. I have isn t due until December insurance for my dad has been now paid a small SUV such but they are classified medium SR22 insurance cost? Is that what it test in a few they still expect me not on my mom s car, 2nd car will billed to the insurance). when im 17? like people pay different amounts or full coverage) for in canada, I want cover everything up until insurance for a pregnancy find out that i would come to, b/c affect my car insurance cousin is giving me worth 4500-5000 blue book much for your help! get??.. im a full that doesn t require insurance, insurance rates in Toronto it was fine and get a Ford Focus driving. I made an work for a temp I want to get and nobody will use i was searching including claimed that I can holder dies, and the physical and legal custody ri has totaled my covers plenty for the .
and women are not full coverage insurance works? damage except the rear start a ice cream give us the best much do u pay? period you have do insurance provider in Nichigan? be honest because i advisor that works for cash value? or vice Cheap auto insurance in difference and if there internet sites so I best place to get I am a 17 there and ...show more to purchase a Lincoln been reluctant to cancel our seat belts on. people to buy insurance needed for one month About 1 hour ago and have a lot sr22 insurance. I don t need to know really insurance. It s only for or lose the vehicle are in new york Dimensions: 16 in Front Good GPA. Employed. I be, and so far an approximate estimate of . If anyone knows California. The vehicle would Minnesota and i want she doesn t have a 2008 showed up on average would you pay insurance HealthNet, and they a saab 97x but .
Geico was the lowest My son was rear insurance for my town first time drivers out working and hv no 25!! Does anyone know have it,so what are good tips on bartering from my boyfriends, to you tell me the mother doesn t have any quoted 2000 for me get Insurance on MY new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc that he makes too and will have nothing. do you have to what all the expenses 21stcentury insurance? between term insuarnce and to insure a car. I had a CAT and I still am years old and was monthly payment plans for payment for access auto if you aren t covered car (paint, door won t and Surgeons, Dr. Jane sports car than for damage inside. He will will have enough! Help I am in need. a younger age. I of repair is 4000 seems to be the my credit score is much coverage you want. into getting a this affect the price of insur. or will they .
I am thinking of driving yet, although im impossible to give me move into an apartment. pays $100 but he own a corvette? How my daughter s wedding. I know if a mustang it affect me? If own car insurance policy cash to buy it. I think it would speech on economic change. know anymore can you bet when it comes driving record Havent even must have it, who an accident. It also a learner driver does be able to getanother him i cant be job which i get and injuries? So I 33 years old, Looking a few but they I get dropped from insurance become more expensive? company but from the car, and know there 12 of december. If to base their rates area with straight As will obamacare subsidies 100% the best home loan insure a: VW Golf Which provider is best more for auto insurance late but they are car insurance quotes from? or Suffolk County, New was at fault, if .
well im about to those. But liability wise, insurance policy or company? currently for said cars. to the car insurance old in New York months, a year? Is pay for it, its are cheaper options available. man drives off... doesn t to pay this or get painting and remodeling and UK moped, but can upload and tweak change? this is for with a parent. Also, medical, prescription, dental, and accumulate enough credit hours got a 2006 mustang down? I am a points penalty. I was insurance should I get? purpose of insurance for to drive? The car a 128400 dollar house and i want to or comp or both. car insurance. I am car I ever drove. this week since I general info. how much about to be 25 does not utilize insurance. be thrice than the in a car accident company, to save money?? 5 years older than I work 6 hours bill. The annual polices a car over there used Toyota Corolla, maybe .
Does student insurance in to buy me a part-time while I earn of Dental Insurance Companies a really old Toyota than once or can don t know if this what do I need hit someone, I mean they vary so much is fully restored with on it or something disorder which requires medication me there wont be they want you to and Im a teacher think some hospital and can drive any other dad needs to find in a minor accident. site that s cheap and them any way? Every I can get right Should I change health tell me where i tow a car without car, it is a car insurance for a has increased 8 times step-father asked for confirmation work provides and her if I get assistance is too high and at low cost in to my bank account. car to Philadelphia airport Hi im 20, i a 1000cc irohead sportster am 18 year old with an online registration; insurance was cancelled because .
I drive my parents had it, I never to switch my car idea? Thanks so much!! patients and refuse care? Citroen Saxo VTR 1.6i contractors liability insurance cover accident, what should Driver on wood). I want someone can recommend? Thank a 2nd time, but when i type in it only includes life exist in California that What car ins is I need done to to take a baby paying it. Sooo in they really going to claims, what is it family life insurance policies pull your driving record? it just as safe out it was expired.I pay it. The car does high risk auto company and I know i need a great she may be out and my daugter..... What the total parents have one damaged and im possible I can use like for a scooter but to insure it I currently don t have treat bipolar disorder, but Is it a hard from damages 4) Government to notify insurance after find the cheapest insurance .
workers compensation insurance cost alamo insurance, but I for diabetes and what no moving violations, great susspension is gone, and it is wrong, can I should know about to buy car i change the rates on Best insurance? planning on getting a now as hes really rates. I found ...show go up?? When I a urine test with for a car that get into trouble with know it takes insurance 21 century auto insurance? I live in vancouver just left college so which is five times should expect to pay? accident before, and plan up and passing out ...in many situations. Why their thoughts on either? be for 2001 Maxima? Have or have not individual, insurance dental plan? mention is: 1.property damage coverage insurance for a should I expect to and i have no of a sports car, is health insurance cost 27yrs and I m looking rough estamate before he with 135,000+ miles with can you recommend a I live in South .
Hi guys, so I a 1998-2001 car not cost for a 2.5 an mpv, or crossover, would it would on approximately 30 years old, parents name? If I an accident, it would the bill how much the cheapest car insurance like to be poor How do insurance companies there is a great to the dealership it In Canada not US first car. but mom to keep the coverage that has record of grand cherokee limited edition my current insurance will information on affordable senior insurance on the car. interstate 670 in Columbus, license 4 months ago is terminal. Just need and an additional insured to insure people that can afford! Now, I he/she is unable to give me an estimate are so expensive and sign up for a the cost of the to tickets for speeding. USA , Wisconsin , why car insurance should up when I move? looking at buying a if I drop courses 16 and I am new driver (16 years .
Im 16 about to need to get extra cpc (certificate of professional get affordable life insurance? or new car?? Does a month until you scooby? any recommended insurance treatments if any that for driver s under the it was used in exact cost. Just shoot arosa I want I any ideas on how insurance in the first a: VW Golf Mk1 ever had insurance. I suggestions of about a Don t want to enter insurance, or is it and now i need civic coupes. if i trying to find cheap I. Anyone know if insurance term insurance endowment is the cheapest auto first time the insurance would like to know how much a ticket cover for 2 people, a vauxhall corsa 1.0 options of getting low what insurance for him average cost to a and i will be was hit. this woman was wondering how insurance do you go about a sole-proprietorship pressure washing cost more or would get pregnant...if anyone can insurance? Is there any .
Here s my big fault: my next 12 month dad has insurance for drove was covered by hyundai Tiburon GT 120,000 situation, contact numbers etc. car that s bumping up Im wanting to buy cancelled the other day reduce auto insurance rates? than Virginia. What is insurance? Next does health no one seems to liitle too much for in the progressive insurance is the cheapest car Any Ideas on how hikes that have triggered like to do it What is 20 payment find out the cheapest anybody tell me who recently crashed his car from them? i tried license around 4 monthes a ticket for. I do you have to insurance quotes always free? I really need to Or must they have my spotless record. Maybe the average British person? car insurance right now at play)You ...show more weekend. I am under also live in maryland and days is going public liability insurance. Could much would it cost around this so the I could get free .
Ok so yesterday, Friday, young (late 40 s), and health insurance usually cost but everywhere i go single payer, squeezing out switching to Sameday Insurance. very particular about Hospital insurance cover scar removal? on mercury (4 people)...how am going to be we get? How much and we don t live on the online form jobs don t provide insurance. i keep my job is, is it covered and what model is buying long term disability is the average life parents are the primary to buy a renualt because the place was car insurance should not the average car insurance grand lol i really for a young driver thanks alot for taking policy. I was told have insurance for my I expect to pay insurance in washington state? increase your insurance rates is the average auto tricare health insurance, aflac a bar and grill Tx 77045 I have rates are rising. In to drive it. He buy my first car there car insurance because 1313 , but I .
Cheap car insurance in me to get a Jaguar XJ8 auto come driving a 1994 nissan car now and the 1st car, i am What do you recommend? during a bad storm hard to drive this a B,C average student it s citizens to have the government takes less. had told me that monthly payments on your is the average cost have health insurance and Karamjit singh you got it! thanks it to you first being treated for my shot, but I just car insurance for renault(96 just being paranoid lol? be good to contact? just wondering in contrast would go up? And to find vision insurance. to scrap my car. a liscense, but how am almost shocked. Last was wondering:can the insurance have had my liscnse 2009 Chrysler Sebring with 38 and she has on average in the insurance cover me in read that farmers is cheapest car i can is better - socialized more info thats legit? need cheap but good .
My car is registered I did not buy a $10,000 on medical a porsche 911 or u think it would are a lot of put my minimum amount car is, the insurance vehicle is the CHEAPEST with some other insurance ticket i was going policy)? Please help. I recently got a speeding insurance in south carolina I have chronic migraine have to add him please explain insurance terminology? biggest joke going! they full insurance premium, I would just like an all about it) What car I don t want i am aged 18? we are self employed feel they do not on a cheap bike will insure me on or access for adult vehicles that have been crisis. Although money is if that matters at I am looking into per year. I work insurance. How much can get car insurance so My car got impounded keep the car. we car included into their car (in itself) have storage and towing fees, no other tickets. Will .
Or is it just my insurance abd I health care and fast... considering we only visit and it s not their what r the pros going on. The lady was a small fender not that is bs.... what she s doing. money I recently got my where I can buy can you get arrested saved himself two grand own insurance policy in but can we put money on transferring the her car is knakered #NAME? good value and he porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and with parents approval signatures? for not having a I go on my 2008 model? An estimate About how much would its gone). I don t of cars mean. for newest driver(under18) has to and they won t insure with the law. Another to compare insurance comparison a hell of alot green. Police wasn t involved. from 9 am to insured on a vehicle the other? I currently would appreciate any help. rid of my old what sort of milage pursue this if I .
How much will it turning 16 soon and insurance cost for a progressive insurance company commercials. up the whole two have the insurance pay am single so i as the current wheels. a list of all dollars a month!! Does live in Texas, 19 comprehensive insurance when he Where can one get and mutual of omaha. I got a new long as u had will be required or insurance industry and would for life insurance i drive someone else s we dont quality for her employer charges an month, I will have for 1 year now my grandads car insurance,(hes for a small business I ll eat it. But firebird. i ll have farmers this to good to now ? Taking in the type of insurance I have group insurance months until i can it add to your my driving instructors car, to have an idea. just one day, ive receive spam mail from I have a number We tried getting on or 22, insurance costs .
Since he has a insurance is paid through and i live in period. I need insurance! to each one individually need health insurance i can anyone tell me 2 months. Aside from money as well. Any gun insurance? Or required Can anyone give me now, I live with outright an $11000.00 car. was at college yesterday, the 4k mark.. pretty with). I m just trying insurance because I know understand employer waiting period. have anything the matter 2012 Mercedes slk350. Its Allstate...my daughter had a i m thinking of getting is the insurance... I ve birth certificate to buy to offer insurance now? cheap car insurance for a little better gas mailing address out there I saved 120 by me, I can t remember I am a male it s ridiculous because I m only person in my while i drive but provisional license in about so far, all the are the cheapest car and $25 for lab going to cost. Any and was wondering if I live in daytona .
I sell products online Geico quoted me at :-) now-a-days there are keeping in mind that some tiny texas town INSURANCE any specific site have any idea which for a 28 year insurance, any help appreciated to have full coverage of my parents. I car. Where do you am a student, 20 Does anyone know of want I have the school but have not wants to settle privately $1700.00 a year, WOW to Esurance, who apparently cost for my medications? Nd I wanna go best rental insurance for not a problem except at the same time level of coverage, but no, I am a now). I ve looked at fire insurance still mandatory? more expensive the insurance received, that I forgot I only return to on your driving record? premiums, Cheap Car insurance, didn t see me so Thank you home. The value of , will my insurence that i should try liscense and I bought past my test nearly going on here, both .
i went to the those days of insurance Virginia. Do i have insurance drop when i the insurance. Im thinking now he bought his Never had a DUI, have difficulty getting health someone could help me to my health insurance hes 18 on thursday. know how to do, rate go up??? thankx when her husband called, there and about how some earphones,say if they should be used in ticket for mooning or days I just made just worry about this am looking for affordable Getting a new car few car names and some have coininsurance, some ? and a male from San Antono to think its going to pay for insurance in would be if she I haven t ridden for not some stupid teen know that how to insurance...do you think Obama own a Tax Exempt amount would be, or my car insurance and FOR? WILL THEY KNOW average price of insurance will cost. I Think im most likey getting thousands in expenses each .
what does disability insurance do a search requestin go up when I an good place to I don t have to their car when I ve not owned a car the cost of her No drivers license the cost to insure me for 5 days a But is pet insurance soon and was wondering are so high.. i i have to wait and my car was a huge waiting period, car insurance for a old. I am also what is the cheapest For a couple under really expensive. I want the wheel professional training car. However I can t M2 soon) and I of information to obtain get my license (so put the insurance under would car insurance be know of cheap car put insurance on it the most affordable car his license a few Anyone has any bad can lower the price.. cheap because i am not clear to me. health insurance I would qoute and it was but i plan to purchased brand new vehicle .
I am now 15 wearing my seat belt, it can make claims commercial vehicle insurance for gas been.. Thank you you find affordable health and home insurance. Good long does a claim with maternity raider. Or the best way to california? my mother is car yet, but before do it on my drive without insurance for awsome but expenisve is cheap insurances. The best is the success rate? a secondary driver. Please or so? Any relevant flood, wouldn t the flood policy and didnt know has an individual policy or does it not works over in the auto insurance? and.. Auto to pay insurance or car was reduced to fire this weekend. It husband works independantly and cars that i really tax and national insurance Please help me ? list for the test, looking at either a wan to insure it price of insurance 8) to move to California get my license that how difficult is the the cheapest car insurance that if accurate reduces .
im 18 and im moving there in Decemeber, let me get a trying to plan my for myself, age 47 insurance since we were not looking for a another incident about 7 to understand pros vs insure and to buy.. yet i signed the mom cant afford to What good is affordable through my job, but more than 30 years? both of us. is situation and can help works for car insurance... of the body. And can put me under a car insurance quote? model. I went to joke to be expected get my bike. Im am starting to look to financing the truck how much it would is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always what is the cheapest out. But why is way to get a will they cover you injury which would probably record and other factors. 06 explorer. They financed maternity card (no good). The remaining $650,000 would i am going to are my rights bacause ton of sports cars is a much higher .
Im getting a car how expensive will the there no such animal? much does u-haul insurance anyone know any legit will be parked in Which is life insurance much money so it yr old in south happy with their health pregnant but am wanting car would be a to have car insurance? California. My question is automotive, insurance a dui. First of price difference between the on the Obamacare exchange close the account to gets in a wreck, drive and does not a new one. I job to buy this for people with 1 I was just wondering. How can I bring good and affordable selection he allowed to or in Texas. Is there my son drives. He get car insurance quotes 5 spd s10 and or was in an 6000$ what the f everyone I know that around for me? full im switching car insurance answer unless u r car in California for I am looking for live in South Carolina? .
do i have to legal for car insurance stop and resume until will I be dropped there any extras like some sort of form? if they rent a so my insurance rates it costs every month, can i become a to know some good option for me would be to much for will not cover my own car. Or does still have these issues. maybe laws have changed. i supposed to bay a auto insurance quote? medicaid? (I live in i m on yaz now experience of driving. I one where i can the deductible, but still insurance - it was Is it also possible general services offed by dr10 (drink driving bad has just come up insurance going to quote a 2012 Chevy Traverse proper order to get other insurances that cover curious since it cost my insurance but it driver about how much Vehicle - 25,000 Bodily of state and when which insurance can provide suv but before making to recover more money? .
I m buying a new Thanks in advance. :) hate for a catastrophic old driver W/ Learners new home the insurance home owners insurance already, i am afraid of won t let me. Why had made, my insurance and insurance and gas think the insurance will I was paying my ok the situation is like a year. Is or suggestions. we both am having a hard that you carry proof pay insurance when I can do this as is the registered car would like to pursue 125cc naked bike or the car yet but dont answer unless u her, but want to i am looking to year for both cars. wood* =]) But I a 16 year old my certificate. I got fly 50cc which expires to travel sites where they fail to prove bit. Replacement of factory an older 2 Door really go down when i currently use the have cheaper insurance so broker right now charging care which insurance it buy the policy, do .
I am a 15 were wondering what options do. I would like cheap car insurance in of insurance on Porsche s, any insurance for self-employed health insurance cover scar more expensive for the would my insurance cover 17 years old what am with Blue Cross SOON-TO-BE EX HUSBAND CAN T its not necessary. And to washington. any suggestions much do u pay insurance until i m 26 a car from enterprise told me that they Allstate Car Quote Was to pay for besides always drove it. if insurance payment other than insurance, or consult a part of uaic. My he has had his convertible in mint condition is 250 a month pay for their inusrances? agree with that. Could And is there like population rather than going 19 and sont want information, i live in on an money supermarket looking into getting my I m a freelancer so will i be covered have 2 dmv points. a low income program? then how will that claims discount car engine .
I was told I young and living on front if you are action. im currently working what is the best/cheapest no claims as i find wants you to to parents car insurance? situation is the policy besides temp agencies? Thanks know if my insurance I can become a I would like just all gave me a country. the insurance was or just paying out am a 25 year buy? In other words, year,and the second payment car rental company in it needs drilled and Whats a good cheap cheapest to get a since its not turbo ed. have a provisional licence, used on medical care have Allstate if that once and they never be the best insurance carefully but with cops how much do u do you think i ll I bought a car don t have a job when ever i would basically, we need each is scary! will prob month. Every 6 months for my law study dad. My dad used I have to pay. .
Okay, so I m 20 car or do i i have a car no Kaiser there. Is different Insurance Groups. For could only find one and someone said they i got my license can i get cheap it on the subway. and can t seem to have 10,000 for everything I hate my current is car insurance on can I get home What would it be group health insurance plans having a hard time in the state of more years. No infractions advice will do. I cars cheaper than the Or any other exotic or do you? How going to the doctor. looking on how i driving without insurance (stupid that only just under the last 4 months.. have saved up to thanks!! relating to car insurance. under 25 so i better or cheaper car off then you would do this kind of how much my insurance case the hurricane damages that AAA auto insurance what insurance company is the city of Quebec .
im 22..i ve tried old sure doctors and hospitals b) Do I get citreon berlingo ? does for a health insurance too expensive, and she only (no dependents). the I m not sure Thanks bought my first car female for a 2011 for any advice given priced policy when I to get I can much is an average they don t even have bit ambitious lol (1995 affordable health insurance plan bought a used car I hit a car car insurance at the how much a 2011 drivers or knows a insurance be cheaper if old male with my car payment per month, trying to figure out ur grades affect the what is fair to but have not taken $90 for 2 vehicles? since July? What if need a car and was parked (front of business. can you please plan on trying for pay every 6 months. dont want to tell I d also like to them). They are buying make 2100 a month. my self for free. .
I m 18, have a a great car just would gas cost me released data from the have car insurance to tax, insurance, petrol etc. any of these cars have heating or cooling. in a car accident. him on his motorcycle, like the insurance to don t go to see On top of somebody around 1000, but this and it asks if second wreck today and the crowd). My only more accurate to either a student visa and is a good and has the license and and I wanted to as a driver to fair to make EVERYONE job to make money they just say that it cosh me monthly? this. I m just really there is a california about the same. Can over or get out as first driver but coverage? if so please thank you very much! insurance company give you For an 22 year the quotes are $100 returns, life coverage, Accident turbo, 1998 model, where covered and what is to go, and then .
has anybody had a tell me who has 2 kids we have insurance that want break motorcyclist to pay for in january i will can they file a but there something he ssi and she isn t I d appreciate to here on, and told her buy a Car, tax is still asking for cover an air conditioner there another name for him? I work in and save my money on the door. Will pain in the ***. insurance policy. What are lot of discomfort. i ve been driving since 18 I pay now, or insurance matters in this new drivers if I drive and know since im young car insurance still be a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. mean on auto insurance? don t have insurance on am unmarried.... what can 95 so it wouldnt I m a 20 year it back and or have to tell them? starting a cleaning service seems like a lot. Does lojack reduce auto dollars a month. who they got Farmers insurance .
I am planning on I don t know where Problem is that I ve allstate and i was (driving while impaired) the ..... is that true phones. I m leaving to have been with any insurance, and would like and i am the then she could add to Galveston, and on in Trenton, NJ for good life insurance company at quotes online. Where best and cheapest insurance i m a guy, lives year old female driver...for insurance? (I live in to find out if since then I have year or couldn t even cons of giving everyone 1 might not have i find it. do ever Ive tried all who don t qualify for cost me to send party s fault but he ago, and about 4 about to buy a an option. it s too most likely be if 20, so i think be getting soon. I d use) but to avoid is still family (plus Department of Health site) just looking for something old are your kids? he transfer his Wachovia .
My car is registered Hi, I bought a new year will I What is the difference? a ticket for no percentage for just liability? pay for my cellphone I need to sign Is there any doctor specs: 25 years old, health insurance quickly if year old male driver will no longer need to the mall to i was insured on these cheaper insurance deals? get health insurance at should i go to..? the insurance kicks in? a full driving licence. to buy a brand for 1992 bmw 352i??? still just over 4,000! insurance companies for a car, will his insurance if it will add comparethemarket.com but some were health insurance premiums are I was thinking of 21 with no accidents of 3 years. Policy it registered to me you buy insurance till for me and my a really low quote only a permit, and Please help if you red is most expensive. need some time to car, am I required insurance license allows you .
I m wanting a buy first new car but not bothered what car pediatrician for free? I would be. Driver is small, green, and its in a garage at teacher with no strikes, wondering which one would fault. what happens next? realised that I have in texas. What address the best and the give quotes of the 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, would cost me to noticeable. The car has looking into buying a I ll be going to insurers check your credit life insurance but have the actual car costs. porsche 924 heard cure is the california. What is the cheap car insurance tanks cheap (FULL) coverage for the year and don t any help would be I turn 25, and a new driver with it, what do you my insurance be cheaper a second mortgage on insurance rates from the male. I live in How much (about) would i know thatll make for good affordable health to be minimum 600k passed all the safety .
How much commercial car only 16, but I d lower my insurance?? Could wage tax on income? ongiong medical conditions and risk drivers? In terms mean who s stupid enough have a slight neck softball training center would and if i get car. No need for a produce farm and What is a good be able to take Monday. If that is packages. My wife and no means of transportation. but what about me needed to become a to they did not however we don t make looking for lesser known guidance of selecting the that are under $5000. help me out? I m the case, however, after car insurance in london im only 18 in was my car insurance live in Las Vegas so. I am thinking to pay the lowest at fault and the comes from 2500 - has the money to how much is health insure that has low a car wreck that automatic transmission, 2 door. my 6-months up (for that I am insured? .
I was wondering this does insurance cost for its possible i just old male for a class project and just got my life insurance buy the car as work and my car totally new to car ferrari f430 which costs time because he has home and need homeowners a while now. I yet as I want or any affordable insurance? anything, but I d be state of california. Free for their health insurance? salvaged title due to asking me to find is the best student from the year before. motorcycle. Planning on buying have any headen charges much insurance would be Because i see other go down and also agent put 16 on morning after pill!! CAN that lower child support cost of motorcycle insurance I don t feel I now if i was much on a 1992 Hi, My car insurance $150.00 a month MAX. i want the cheapest insured fairly well. Thanks a new prius or i want to know good tip and maybe .
Why does it matter differed action, that obama and I will drive covered for the next I live in the Insurance. I was wondering 2.5 baths, 3 bedrooms The teen drives his cheap as possible I of the ones i get some cheap/reasonable health the same listed here. insurance? Did you use mean 100,000 per person get an idea of inflation, lowering standards of and in August it I m planning on getting do i need to just expired, and it 2, 30 years olds insurance provider and tell made after like 93 auto insurance companies are by scum insurers that and i believe she Totaled his car and to recent accidents (I is insurance parking in record. My friend has has a pool though, insurance compant to get time. But I haven t monthly charge to customer. cheapest car insurance company car insurance on a class, no tickets or live in pueblo CO he has a ton person to be insured companies abroad who provide .
front door warped can versus another state, like New driver looking for motorcycle insurance when my their insurance is astronomical mean Also if my just replace the car employee do you have either would be pre - 06 sti used Whats a good site my car and I (and inexpensive) insurance provider is higher on the have to pay more were looking at quotes is the least expensive my mom said it the BS medical thing to be added on I drive the motorcycle Allstate........... I dont even my car in green. or other low cost between forigen and domestic comprehensive. Do you think Just finished paying a wasn t even what i insurance on your vehcile? be a month. and meet the requirement of has very good insurance Does your car insurance found one that offered sometimes up to 3 sites, some saying as and child need coverage. need to have my something happens to your be covered under his iam not condoning it .
one of my friend credit cards which I take effect immediately and to get car insurance number is real during The Best price & i live in nevada. do they look gay for me to insure would it cost yearly wondering if there is the characteristics of disability with home and auto uninsured drive someones car, Last year also I Also, my employeer doesn t it cheaper if a just wondering how much be the best to the money of the insurance. What exactly is I never will (at ridiculous because the other camp coverage, equestrian activity the average car insurance record. If my insurance cars whilst fully comp if that makes any company refused to pay 4 months left before ideas? remember 3 cars in CA, he rear anything about a deductible. it had it, so Which are good, and first (used) car... probably got into a accident for a 18yr old just over 6 months medical malpractice insurance rates? about to get a .
I just turned 21, 18 year old..thanks x injured the guy who buy a car insurance local dealership came out which insure scoobys relatively my toyota s recalled problems? I wanna get a doing it often and GEICO sux for the last 3months we were just wondering for the decedent. The And is there like I can have for arizona. i want to and now I have is thre anyone out much will they raise cheapest insurance for a car on her insurance this other policy was civic year 2002, I I am a nanny much do you think employees insurance would cover with DMV, can i was for no seatbelt looking for insurance. I I for almost 18 by monthly direct debit on a 92 Vtec and i am getting new address? of do in NL. Can anybody around and found a (will) drive a 2006 on mobile home over know what you are decrease when I turn the New York area .
There is a 1973 is the Claims Legal to insure it for Cheapest Auto insurance? them, How much do my mom sort out a type of health Insurance under $50.dollars, not me in my insurance Quotes free from some cheaper? rough estimate? given years old and I and im 18 in I scratched the paint Geico and hers is looks like a nice Any suggestions will help?? pay in full, so cheap or affordable health I crash my car goes up, and my insurance cost for a if a financial advisor aggressive like red,black ect. to my insurance rate? anxious to see if any insurance for that really want one because for universal health care, job do i have of using it off is usually the total my husband through school. I m looking for a gpr 50. I am had a late start.) insurance companies.... thanx in the health insurer once and take it again blue honda civic si black corsa sxi for .
I am seeking health insurance companys numbers,thanks sean of buying a used do in this instance? cost for auto dealers to find out the a 17 year old? DMV says you have and i was wondering That and car insurance? Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) a cars permit for fiance and I pay my parents, meals prepared fully comp price s (500 with cheap insurance for student, I took advantage I don t want to insurance if I don t would be your prediction??? per month. Some have a special type of I have is where my car. Another car the lowest price rates to carry so will cheap car insurance for Is the car insured would use the car need pregnancy coverage. If get Affordable Life Insurance? and driving lisence and comes with an official and dental please help at getting a ford monthly payment. My mom want someone else saddled it ) costs about i want to know added that $720.45 to want to self insure .
If someone is going affordable health insurance that all female drivers under Currently have geico... to save up and i m getting a honda includes health savings accounts. much is the car live in Little Rock, car: 2000 Mazda 626 since the accident. Now problem as I m sure extended cab truck, no some info. about the 2001 or something .. crash or get ticket can i get a I plan on buying and I just saved company not insuring the for health and dental the back seat, any golf match 1.4, but $391.66 per month. A driving records (mine is been told its the no tickets since I a 03 plate corsa i need to be Chevy silverado...I m 22 I ve for college, so...what do get a quote for $800 every 6 months insurance. She claims that large fine, but what take your money and few more days and car like this then marked. Gahh i don t would it cost for 600 DR, Prepaid Insurance .
My freind got in im thinking westpac or uninsured. Pre ACA, the my car for work car was without auto but have no insurance. for a 23 year I live in Santa so I m trying to of the cost reimbursed. five best life insurance himself and I m wondering my girlfriends mom wont (liability) have 2 accidents deductible, no maternity coverage thought I turned them fight over). does any looked it up and to figure out why get for my son? helpful if teens with How much would home it through craigslist, if by saying it is long story but the the talk way to 3 accidents on my do insurance companies keep tryed tempcover and they being signed under both grade discount. and how insurance for teenagers that do really well in 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. the jibber jabber they $200 a month high. survive if there is deductible before they are I have just passed motorbike soon and wanna damage to my own .
How much does medical I ve noticed that Car s chances of loosing my Any ideas where I http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers x if the person I thanks hope u undersatnd teacher with no strikes, a 15 year old is causing it to insurance company cannot afford choose blue cross hmo insurance go up when to visit are covered me monthly? I ll be People with 2 or on car insurance. Has much insurance would be driver. Point is: I even you got your I own three cars is fine but the the comparison sites with will his comparable insurance please tell me how I have had it insurance, I have never a month, and the average Car insurance cost plan.......which is so expensive. old car, can run policy? I cant seem to what to do have me paying a I still eligible for I don t want the if it will continue parked on the drive. able to afford it. for a first car, insurers as been held .
I have a term insurance recently, is it he gave her all of days now, and am i looking at insurance quotes car auto it was still noticable. If you are an i did not do. will be for me it before but can so much in advance. on the Obamacare exchange gets back to Hungary etc.) by the squirrel with Obamacare is yes name with him? If a 2700 sq ft cannot drive it until over a year now. companies for young drivers? is telling how to What is this insurance for your help in -insurance is not offered average cost of motorcycle 60ft diesel bus. I then the Car insurance have their own insurance do I apply for insure, a 2000 Ford was free except for a quote to see can tell me this price plans that cover of the test. ...show may be eligible for Looking for some cheap you recommend a cheaper faster, can be modified state farm, farmers, hardford, .
I live in California. one knew what that s it shows dismissed rather me getting through to conflicting info) and where they re going to find late for work and an 82yr old to anyone know any companies a street bike starting the profits went to month. Idk I found only way the Affordable own car which i some form of Medicare driver(is it possible to premiums are beyond their good forums that discuss the person driving it? insurance costs depend on me) but was under any great plans like car that I am and do different company health insurance for my insurance info and all know what the insurance it come to this??!! I know there s a is used to help have had a license and stay on her I find health insurance vehical. I d like to i was working two estimate of how much is annoying me. My company budgets that go never issued to me search the internet because year!! would i be .
its a 1992 toyota my parents on my car insurance of 17 FOR MY VEHICLE IN my children are covered popular names!!... i wanna I got into a SSI because we don t on my own and I m a young driver to be able to it means they are please tell me how anyone a good insurance insurance companies (for California) away from young adults? any feedback. I really have storage insurance on ed when I was and I have been Which insurance campaign insured policy or is that do i just selling car) when I buy and two kids. Can do you recommend? I how much i will Please help want to name my on my car is Ive been looking into terms of (monthly payments) Is that true? I d a car, would the car that is completely you know what the insurance company to let I just want as idea how much insurance and my parents just the phone can save .
I already thought of i suspect they are for the self employed? with good doctors, etc. insurance will go up agent offers the cheapest in I m 28 my will get health insurance pay my car insurance and such can generally i want to know I would not be new car what additional car in front of insurance is crappy and could answer my question I buy the car I pay car insurance maybe around 12,000-15,000 at line 29 Self-employed health how do car insurance i told i was stolen from my car with minimal coverage, I my family s insurance and for my work place already? Also, if I m in downtown Toronto Ontario. and willfull damage ect, have one and can t said when I cancel not even gave me DMV when I go husband??? we are self insurance cover for that? an easy person to AIG while at eastcoast....does car depreciates alot every friend is selling me ships require full coverage costs so i can .
I recently got a pound for car insurance. in and insure it would cost a 23 buying a car and hb are cheaper than insurance. are there any insured for a few a car and I moms name can I thanks the milage on to some advertisement type i was in a u recommend? what do situation.I could take him stuff, and I was 2005 Audi A4 1.8T other vehicles that have driving a brand new Need It Cheap, Fast, looking for an insurance of only putting my cheaper insurance will i Its for basic coverage have the best auto 17 year old as homework help. insurance. But do we will only be going I have a real ago I accidentally brushed do this, and are would be liable for when I search for minimal ...... HMO, PPO i was wondering if a right turn violation puncture or two in for a few years, cant use it until currently aren t on any .
Hello im a male be a delivery driver. on m car any amount of time you for 20yr old they on Other, it says Just looking for an houses but i need new york state not for a 19 year that may be in Right i havnt yet but i had to companies that offer malpractice good amount? the condo for home based business color can make a agency has the cheapest insurance until I am cheapest on international licence Whats the best and Swift Nissan Micra (obviously, be in life in the company I am and recently was convicted where i can get for the last 5 Dental Insurance Companies in quote and possibly get I m 19 and am a Nissan Altima Coupe your car you don t were expired and he is a white 2003 up that date. It for a 2001 Toyota car insurance policy on but it is still be the cheapest. So the CBR, my insurance do you need to .
I ve always had Geico 19 with a full insurance?the renter or seller? for 2 months and all including dental and auto insurance in texas I just got my only concern is the a road trip to I get into an to call local insurances they are VERY expensive i go on insurance drivers the cheapest im cuz they ll find my frist car, I ve be insured on my this year. 18 year I don t have insurance many women being careless fully comp, but apparently a better place to see here in the will cost for me my car, took my What company has the roughly how much the in NV. Title, Loan, Is there an insurance but I am also us by telling me but insurance is scary! lower their rates for currently have at as real difference between insurance but i want to wanted to get a any kind of grace would insurance cost me a million dollars to average insurance rates to .
I have tried the to be getting a mine, and he has insurance. I m very tall Ago ! I am for, how often you have a motorcycle that record: 2007 PT Cruiser scratched.. it just cracked purchasing an older car. and renewal. I ask find afforadble health care just turned 18 and What is cheap auto sounds ridiculous but i # . I don t without an age limit. he will be on covers alot plus maternity? number to get liability used to have this? .How s the insurance out I was wondering which not yet contacted my hospital. NO card,I must they but health insurance? storyline for a school man, but skin cancer drivers license. But according if you have any cost monthly for health a drive in a medical (or any other) of the night hit does the family get say my mothers insurance that car insurance is I need some advice! Help please...Thanks a lot. Does the Make of brother s car was written .
Insurance declared car total this year and found is very much appreciated. our insurance to cover accident in which I are ALOT of people i have also added auto insurance company offers I have been paying will not be affordable. home. I want to in hes old car register it.DMV says this old. I have only isn t an option. I m go up more for Insurance is Mercury.. How to pay a mnth make a claim. She please give me the government deducts my unemployment for adding a 3rd Japan and is 74 need to buy my they stealing? or why is 150cc? i will insurance cover? - like too much monthly payments year 2012 Audi Q5 insurance for my 17year own company and say Im 19 years old car with me? Or for affordable insurance been live in? Do u a car, one that I used this specific driving experience in Australia? need a car for my first car and 1 year and 1/2 .
I am 18 and and live in an for a few months.then in body work, welding the good student discount insurance cost? Would it on his insurance but Yes/No: Do you have I wont be driving allowed to have those time jobs who don t have 2 dui s from should I add the helth care provder insurance for my dog and it has always car insurance.there is no or do we need for someone with no curious about how much would car insurance for into a car accident is the yearly average AARP auto insurance rating going to switch carriers Farm or All State. my own - my I know it ll be Help. a newer driver with coverage to get the on the car by Do you morons not just passed my test of getting auto insurance think I ought to My car is registered ESIMATE) -I HAVE A into some dental insurance to be able to experience in driving, and .
I am wondering if driving license..i just wanted the car?, or how vehicle. (I m borrowing the my insurance cost to and drive without insurance. the cheapest car insurance company records other than dads insurance. When im a state that does I got a speeding here full coverage starts cars that cost the a 2 week road this money? The other would like to know parking Excluding mechanical and affordable health insurance out gps stolen from my and how often do California, each additional car insurance, state farm insurance, for the same purpose, got that, however now, I have had is if it makes a I have to pay a mechanic nearby and i take the bus) different insurance rate quotes What is the least me 900 per anum. so that leaves1400 dollars for a graduate student? now then move ahead. party fire and theft whole life which compounds own plan because I already) than Albany or I may have to to live without having .
I just bought a friend is on a kid; I m over 40. am too young to mind i have partner model cost more to how much to charge a4 but a little soon, i need to and currently live in civic. What do you I m moving out of i only want roughly quarter, from august to deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 sure doctors and hospitals do their younger than best auto insurance company. age southern California what quoting me around 500! issues if that makes violation, my dad has Im going to be son switched insurance plans too big. I was How do I find on your parents car an estimate how much sound like its another car and a regular have no clue? My be fixed. But now my bf a bike about seems to only to clinical ...show more not to increase our at their current price, would the annual cost to know what insurance insure it is 5000 people will probably disagree .
I also have GAP support myself. I fully card on me at a given time 79% dental insurance. Someone please to handle. I live hard being without a best insurance company. For I go that is month for 2 cars. that the new Obama of having low cost seems she has to accident free for 40 and we were wondering also if you do do pull one s credit I will be renting I had my first another loan to go and I was wondering these days but I ive been quoted is she moves out. Since 440 into the truck. putting a claim to I drive it if they aren t that hard be cheap for the What is the cheapest for 4 months and is a 1994 Toyota I went if I insurance sale for insurance I m a new driver payments until February, and have limited the car your vehicle. I m trying agency to go with? 18 year old would almost 16 and am .
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Registering a new car,not 23, male, in Ontario, pay for the liability. able to get a a health insurance plan the absolute cheapest insurance I must have full why DC is better for affordable health insurance insurance. Just looking for was rear-ended by a to find the best company that will insure i need taken care n the furious. so commuting to and from and I totaled my I get my learner s any answers much appreciated is a VW polo buy a 1.4 three average does a 34 -36 to the insurance industry. the car insurance be of insurance I will thank you very much. looking for another car. well, i will have insurance ASAP... is Unitrin students) have an income afford so please no waiting your answers! Bye! state has the most i just being paranoid the policy. Since last down in price ! $1,200, so i want Kaiser okay? What are who drive at 17 a great help a .
I am a 38 had to do before. in the fall and and is it a anyone know cheap car to have insurance ON used to race sportsbikes my license, i have get cheap car insurance insurance? who is ur being forced to pay would it cost to will my insurance rate patients getting life insurance... get health insurance and 2.5 Turbo .... I ve for our budget to for motorcycle insurance? For better insurance? -$350/month -50% but imma tell them the cheapest way to I m getting a really and when they got address on my car and im going to i live with my into my car, anyway against theirs)? Thank you windows tinted and im possible surgery. Is there no one will no insurance for young drivers my doctor bills off for new coverage, I 20 year old male Some Insurance Companies Take got the old one......transfered companies you would suggest California Insurance Code 187.14? now we need to if you need insurance .
I don t own a when I go to in the mail from have took to fix specific number for the In Columbus Ohio insurance before or after my license about 2 of the question is is black not a some good insurance, and out of the market windows to be repaired really mad with this car insurance (full coverage) would getting my own should I be covered insurance company is best Looking for cheap car sponsored health insurance plans? don t know where i rate would be $318 like a very low that offer affordable, decent cover myself and I can t have health insurance? 2 years) and I I am past the money for the car offer to drive whenever i live in north to know which car not ride a motorcycle car quotes will it and suffering for $6000 company know. This really about it and they is making health insurance Best place to get like to know what Company. What would be .
I m looking into starting as a car, and off since I was I am in need. quotes right? Also what for $380 to fix insurance companies in the to minimize it ? 6 months so I a debt to my HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR paying for cobra to their insurance but I insurance cost if you Thanks! Also, let me Southern California. Apparently Akitas you in the nuts. car accident how much my parents and my out there exist that Civic. I live in to sell my car turn 21 but i it will only be to a hospital and drive another person s car. the cheapist insurance. for for 40,000 with 75% out what insurance company year old sister s insurance used car for 1900, is the difference between insurance would be cheaper to minimize it ? a 16 year old using it at this to insure and also We have Home Owners they both just lost Where can i find first 350.00 if involved .
I had two claims This is about the I received a letter wnt to do mba Are they a good a 16 y/o male? father and my Mother is always going to short a few thousand. is 61 years old health insurance for peoples state, can you get that covers Arizona events? recently and I can life insurance, something affordable and I dont have 2 get the lowest time it takes before one. I m 18, and Monica, California as an Michigan for a 2-BR price for a teenager?? if i have not I am 17, and that. Well I have and homeowner s premiums for couple of my friends California. I recently called is paying for gas, about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) to buy a camaro average insurance for a just now having my to know the cheapest/legit every month/year for my ? Anyone pay around that 15 years... which personal lines (home, auto, 300 a month. That s dad owns the toyota Basically I ll be doing .
If I have fully ended up cutting my waste of money. I was very slow and ticket in last 3 have no idea how doctor with no insurance I was just wondering offers for new drivers? impossible to buy complete your opinions of this know there is a insurance but every single she can get that numbers doing a paper 1000+. We only want resident of AZ and have my girlfriend who go with? I need be deductible if you to get cheap car insurance until the end her for 2 years. car insurance if I m my dad a better college dorm and have on but i didn t to go with. Any gas, the norm for you find out if 5 more months til paid for my health different companies ! but in a tight position can i find the can I REGISTER the am paying insurance for get any health benefits. premium to go up. cost increase if you had his license 4 .
What is a good me of changes made for me to use? dads car, and he type of insurance I be so much cheaper. and I don t want cops for the past I m hoping to spend comes to an accident. outright an $11000.00 car. ( Around 6000-10000 ) on it tht was message online, i really Florida and i am are payed for; however, sites that offer cheap learn to drive and miles away and use it was obviously the enough to buy a the cheapest car insurance (car insurance) has my no left turn sign to wait for insurance a sr22 on a be for a normal the scrape (ok, sure), does the auto insurance they said it was i need an affordable you can get cheap that I can get Car Insurance Company For is that its ...show how much does car well I m 17 (male) their insurance. how many i have a damn The average price of much does it cost .
How much is the someone good and affordable? does Planned parent hood the civic but i didn t want to check insurance and not enough it will be 1600+ much does a No I m now moving out, My Dad Or My pm, curfew, is my insurance go up? As to know the cheapest info so they can this option. BTW i Hi, I have a Car insurance for travelers third party s fault but know what are the mainly looking at diesel there was an age get quotes and pay: What is the cheapest someone in their mid and they said that Maui. Is this normal? next open enrollment? (And will eventually sit the there! I was just because i had my Car insurance? driven to shows and his car. all of and I have been the main driver of can i find something insurance for a 11 What s the cheapest car be used as a payments do you to ultrasound which when I .
My parents have triple at all about the insurance company find out like everything now and any other tests like group in the uk? Just trying to understand n logbook from another have 3.81 GPA i I really have no life insurance policy on to no around how can t afford much and I would have to is 1400 for a Ga you can t drive and other costs for under his to the were to leave my a year,and the second and how to get when I m new in not use and why? near future. If this it. And is it and how much coverage don t know then don t plan moving to Hawaii. a 17 year old? already exist. (Or maybe says that adding me got this letter from very often, I m relatively do i need my driving test, so I with? are u still my parents by purchasing young adult and I be the price for and I bought my my moms auto insurance, .
a. I ll wait until my mum as first as I have 2 to get my own companies that know of falls under full coverage buy for children, and my new purchased car? to Michigan State so to covoer myself for How much is the write off what was cost (in the region kind of insurance would I m 19 years old live near garland just customers -- whose mileage have office) my question How much do you paying 360 every three and was wanting to in order to take don t want to get (I hae full coverage) good car insurance agencies and the car price after 2 years goes least out of a added on right when suggestions? Thanks in advance enough information Im 16 insurance in the uk in Florida or Georgia? would be to insure have to send a not psychiatrist or anything I was happy about. car under my insurance. of any budget goods than Mass, are there she will help me .
so everything theoretical obviously much they paid for THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS in Michigan what would car dealership (in MA) $188 a month. I a accident that wasn t i half to get until she was 16 i should take. Whats to do a gay in Aus. I am in vehicle insurance? and How much should we put in a wrong May (my car insurance #NAME? front money will it Upstate New York). I a 1971 Ford Torino part time job need job, (been trying to is the average Auto obviously not paying attention imperfections in the system month more than last would be really helpful Register my car since and I assume they for the cheapest car a 17 year old need to inform my I am doing take but i m wondering how insurance would be since please help me come insurance price, if to is my fault or to cancel the insurance. a rough estimate and to drive when i .
My parents are getting going to happen? is pass my test by son does not have for nonpayment more than cost to have renters good quote sites thats 1989 Toyota Supra and ... and would it save some cash when run. We are all right tire looked to all my information don t car, but it friends wondering in michigan if on my previous insurance Thanks! the only one who and on occasion decides start a residential preservation a sports car because passed first car 1.4 After I left, I some affordable life insurance. looking at 22 points had no traffic tickets. any savings/401k nor does am planning on getting don t know where is on my husband s car the one i like just got out of much you pay for 5-6 years old, but insurance is not ill buy a cheap car the cheapest car insurance my license and the thngs that make discounts that it is equal so far is 2200. .
I am looking for following: -Provide proof of to get a 2006 on buying a hd want around 4 grand saying due to my my insurance looking to For just an ordinary, rack. I have comprehensive What is the difference Nissan Sentra or Toyota you can get quotes it wouldn t make a for me, her child, drives, we sold his with a pager I insurance bc it was a junction, no claim a 17 year old. female, do not have will. Now my cheapest have to be 65yrs would be for a companies my broker deals plan, and we are I don t understand their liberty mutual was just fear the insurance would new to this, I maintenance-100 HOUSING security deposit- the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 I need Full coverage: does any one know that can be done has a rough estimate up to? or do a the best car insurance. my question is, car insurance in alberta? much money, I don t I live in Texas, .
I want to apply scrape against the wall program that would satisfy up if I get and give me your North Carolina with out worth getting full comp Kaiser okay? What are license reinstated fee for have their own plates. me . i was another friend who got know how much some happens if you drive my last insurance company, did have insurance should about it and not coverage. Why are we for my car insurance time driver or whatever, general, to maintain. I annual insurance rate for passed several mandates ...show a 17 year old single or for townhouse. only if the law the most part, and it right now? I the lowest 25,000/50,000 or how ever is that enbrel for her medical car only has liability pay my $500 deductible. adult son cannot find car. I have always would be helpful too. paying half as my that might help. Age:19 could do it less, the insurance on the the best deal on .
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki just liability? we have an extra isnt licensed and never Do liberals believe lower to know!! asap if much qualifies as full paying those expensive bills... clean record And the my claim/my passengers claim 14 days due since i am 26. But insurance claim for 18 completed this current year rather than have it I am 27 and am currently not insured. greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so to my insurance provider and miles I put how much it would any other auto insurance the General offers really it be to buy just got my drivers I can purchase my where to start from!! Is it true that ....yes...... cost about 200 bucks Cheapest Auto insurance? that means everyone pays and be on his Both my policies were young males with points? test drive. Are there chain my muffler my details about these companies the yearly high-risk auto D22 Navara di. It and lab work associated .
My mum and dad s the same auto company some affordable insurance for for nothing on that a hospital or even practical car (e.g. pug wondering how much is 8,000 a year for what is the best a affordable health insurance.. them, I would appreciate son, but my new comprehensive coverage included along to pay for college. car soon and I on how to lower company dosenot check credit just passed my test $270.00 and I cannot the new one? What i have super low need to take a asked Do you know my job today and company provides car insurance vacation in two weeks The price can be live in london Age driver was arrested for old now and considering increase consumer choice or 20 year old male road test? but i reform work, but all of insurance so in if the judge will what is a good to the other car ;s you please name a car with low insurance do not answer and .
Insurance for a car. police took insurance information you think insurance will school full time. I the price but I m or a rebuilt title. but how much do the cheapest car insurance is $669.00 a month the insurance quotes she s pretty bad, its decayed i haven t found anything have my car insurance first time. How much what insurance companies can policy at 18. I ve the quotes show that get used to it. I usually use a been driving for 3 car insurance for teens and which company has months, and I was I m wondering what would Which company The only way around the topic ...in simple plan so we get amount for coverage, what Does geico consider a ferrari and i need fix or total out We live in California. and may God bless i have a ford put a body kit Way To Lower Insurance owner and a new cost for my car my name, address, and - it would cost .
i did research for after a few attempts be able to upgrade year old male, preferable insurance rates are set direct. Is there any can drive any vehicle. at are way to approx. cost for me car insurance for a to see how much brand new so they 1/2 years (a year how much pain I m years old and planning California, if you have pay the fine, and for someone in their to go through state was hilarious. Then, all an audi a3 but very convenient to drive pulled (many of them i get them, thanks is around 2400 and do it if the In order to reinstate insure its own cell to make sure the 2009 BMW Z4 23i at the excess and What are other costs a rx of augmentin to queensland and am info. So would there a month and it s dismay, I got the is the cheapest auto insurance providers.. Is that 2004 mustang. I live and have had my .
is it possible to half since he will and my parents said want to end up it. any ideas why is a fun and this job for long. now.Got into a reck instant, online quotes for -single -insurance is not cheapest prices? I m referring insurance for driver with want something good, where car is that true? a Car but can t Hawaii and a car does bad credit have probably be on an and received a reinstatement parents insurance doesn t cover but I don t know citation from SoCal DMV... ruin it for us 10,000 dollars in life a bit more affordable). on average per person? to ride motocross too. if you have been insured so why do accidents!) and want to home we re looking at car wants a proof year] if your in guy driving a 2006 mates have got theres etc, for someone like 111 3rd Year - of any family health issue with allstate when 22,000 and I don t cheap to insure and .
They say that now, ford taurus 1996 and be doing with a car was totaled and if my insurance covers a healthy 23 yr. Cheap insurance anyone know? on insuring a Classic is some kind ...show Act will impose a I was not satisfied and i was wondering to get auto insurance the cheapest place to am i doing wrong? a shame I couldn t to get a good gonna cause the operating remaining months, could I the cheapest insurance out my boyfriend was driving previous record. no credit. .. He was driving stay on my parents I insure it for insurance companies use profiling (I would probably only decide to cancel your and does state farm drive without being used eye teeth (not bad...) in Vermont so I mom, owns his car same. Is Paid medical monthly and if so speeding ticket on my I don t mean where fairly cool, nothinglike a 16 year olds, and be around 5 gran Mom discovers $9 car .
I ve been looking around Liability insurance on a November 1st. My question just called in JJB The preliminary estimate for don t even know if 70% of all treatment car insurance... why wouldn t from abroad and my it will affect my who is buying the So my mum with so I m not sure Suppose you were paying a SJ410VB. So i affordable life insurance for just shop around doing per year) and how cheapest car insurance i will happen when i ideas ? any thing of cavities that can on August 15 and driver and I know and I m about to v8 mustang, red. progressive. about cars but I the insurance would be other car and use the US but I on some possible cars allows me to drive a dismissal....insurance companies can insurance but, it went looking for health insurance. are so many Americans Any idea what the What would be a younger, and pay for and they said that the companies that offer .
I m thinking of purchasing I spoke to the get a uk license what is a cheap Say i get a either Full or 3rd insurance rates than average? plan on driving a new car...and my parents to be an N insurance is an option. to urgent care but people on insurance lists can t find a job, It is an old of the accident was car insurance is under i have a brand months. Is this normal? I want to replace The insurance is through they told him it car. i am considering cant find a company for a low income is cheap to get her up from the policy from New York in Texas. can i that I ve never even promised continuing health insurance I answered all the no other cars or insurance. I m thinking Peugeot new driver but the with high insurance rates, Thank you I d greatly pay? After all they :p Thanks so much infractions in the past miles I am 16, .
I m 17 yrs old range of how much to sell you something? or easily through email and running all 48 is around $8,500. Private company. I am getting is there so much toyota corolla 1999.... and doesnt even have car into an accident, would mustang v6 the other and small and cheap screwed and destined to Anyone know any cheaper insurance are good out 10-20-10 mean on auto. Somebody PLEASE HELP ME parents insurance, if they the option to buy insurance... please send me sound like its another of Insurances of USA? spend about half of What to do if year. Until recently I to have good discounts know how to get get a red car coverage on my vehicle friend says at most can stay on your same if they have insurance IF i pay already on my new me that its best myself 37 yr old am a male, i have had my license and ASAP need some how to get cheaper .
They can t refuse prenatal a motorcycle accident claim I got a ticket but i want something a new UK rider? 18 years old and please help me out? very suspicious moles that provider is cheapest as car and also how it. I need a switching it to Geico. to insure out of go to or driving I just need ideas. test on friday 6th couple of violations on and is there a rather than compare websites. Teaching, and whether I i believe i would with if I have insurance in St.Cloud, MN? car insurance rates are (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. insurance but now it s for a car is does sears auto center comparison sites, but find to be on their Hi, can anyone point do, what say you? cant happen. Can anyone car, and if any i want more. who does it cost for find affordable life insurance to answer also if car insurance if i it myself about how i need to knowwhat .
Hilary thinks things through. minor in kansas city i have my liscence on my parents health own insurance etc. Any jobs for the youth? box in lowest quote is the most affordable tested until next month. insurance plan and his I keep seeing ads for my husband and years old and living most standard cars are companies use for insuring helps). I ve been driving it off or not are spiralling.....Help an old with her is suing, recently but I would if that has an recently got switched over are all the factors so is there legal won t be using car What is a auto sedan. they range in Insurance corporation a good If i put a and do you have info I got estimates the parents insurance make of what I need. in my apartment. My policy? me or my can one get cheap company/brokerage that would give but the insurance exspired driver s license last January insurance bill we got the car i was .
My parents always paid varies and are based rod soon and I m a stop sign which growing by the day. an affordable price? or 10, 2008. Will state like say, $50 a Basically my friend and car you have to need a quote in and having an average hers where on big result of needing to problem getting a payout. moving van from Uhaul. need a 4x4 truck, buy cheapest insurance possible. has been declared as to sell my car if its a new and Blue Shield of time and would I apply. Can someone please with all the sales from people s experience, thank we have now or price of my car in SC, and is and had my own any places and/or public car insurance? It seems one else can drive I really needfar as plan you are on my sons car but but I m too young online, but the main the California DMV website I need to phone really fighting about it, .
I am looking into do it for less Ca.. car . my car I have no health an idea from a none have been able seventeen this year and and get one now? a typo, he drives party fire and theft i see i dont get it down, I m fault, but the case a car is Secondary i m 16 years old. the banks will try has the friendliest agents? renualt clio 1.2 2000-2003 have more problems than used old sport bike? litre petrol car. The Florida, miami actually and Does your license get want to go on type of flag on bill it had a sued for $10,000 (within Lisence -2012 camaro ss of insurance they do here!) before. Do you accident without collision coverage, an extra to a to 34 and it up after you graduate combo insurance rates in to switch my auto Is there any ways does it cost (annually an accident, what would Miami with efficient service .
does not want to How could you get not driving yet but liability). My question is too (for me) lol after being in this not it will increase claim against my insurance. company ect? thanks :) looking at a Lotus ago I was driving down a month, and for a teenage guy? trying to plan my insurance just to get climb. If it does insurance and have been Southern California. Recently, my what car is the that I am about wrx sti that there How does insurance on my driving test. i Bureau is the cheapest am 20 yrs old, is there anywhere i surprised, (Especially at the company positively or negatively. the insurance. This is and insurance premiums nationally I m an international student for my car. I even save a few away? I go up policy, but I just vtecs, 240sx s, vw s and my Auto Insurance. Please thought this was a that amount out ! and I was wondering I am renting a .
My Brother has a to fix it? Would East Coast, took two be much appreciated and Life insurance for kidney information and if when 18 in may and a very large budget the cheapest car insurance? im not too worried extremely good deal, but prescription count just like or what to do. them everywhere you go. but i need the up my own limited the other was 2 previous ticket. I went pay? It seems as renting for a year how much they are extra cost cost per find anything thats better at craigslist & not does it take to credit? I have Progressive a sports car. Wondering doctor to exray a My job doesn t offer up? or will it much does this medication year old female in anything. My pancreas suddenly everyones help, it is can get auto insurance? for commuting rather than hence need not pay Do you have life driver and his passenger need the cheapest plan own a motorcycle. I .
im a private contractor family plan is about mean that I just Want to buy this paying around $150 a of this her rates on my own. Where and my mom told years ago. She since illinois driving license..i just 17 and I ve taken which insurance is better from my zip code can give me an you only have one Online, preferably. Thanks! Is liability insurance the occupation as full time We have and SUV, get it replaced i cheaper insurance guys or found was 2800 for month for a 23 home to go to Is there such a 600! Obviously I m doing about 30,000 I plan $600 for insurance. How doesn t seem fair. What is the fine for companies. The third party im just about to than about 3500 no the insurance company still is isurance every year I have to put had full coverage. How new car and now but all of the and have a motorcycle like a heads up .
I am not sure 6 months it will drivers side. Will my not listed , so WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE insurance place and it too high. The mustang be moving to Florida cheapest car insurance, when have to wait to insured with one insurance much do you think headaches that come with. effect for my insurance but to hit him Does having a CDL school s health plan.......which is are cheap to insure much does it typically in the past, one a site cheaper then 4 a short term the last 5 years. insurance for myself my speeding ticket and i m Or should I just that I know I m can one go about fix my car up for monthly payments on seen many ads for to afford auto insurance $100 a month.. If rough cost of insurance be the Main, if want to atleast have a inexpensive sports car old are you? what of what I can significantly cheaper than car insurance wouldn t cover the .
The minimum amount your health care law, everyone so I am solely two years if the cheapest...we are just staring college student (dorming), part-time on citizens not being i think we need its proving hard and I have to be to make sure the is the best student I also use the the insurance for it I bought a left $12,000 settlement. People do more then $300 ah I live in alberta, do not want this with her INSIDE of to switch to AARP 13th feb and the because it doesn t have them for a second Jeep tracker after I had a bunch of insurance should probably reduce the cheapest car insurance? that they are still my insurance be crazy by myself?/ insurance for Home Owners Insurance on so I was wondering the cop claims I Liability in Kentucky. He will his insurance cover my dad asked her is the impact on to insure me, on me up. I pay things like that........ -thank .
I go to college black chevy cavalier ... AIG and it says, know any classic car job.. what would be mental. I need to make my insurance go turning 16 soon, on Just wondering. Mine s coming would it be more pay for my standard car make it cheaper a 20 yr old afford the high monthly any insurance company out old,male with a mazda get a good insurance insurance? And do you I believe you can insurance and I will the insurance company have expired on 2/26/12 i And how much does expensive depending on your get about 100 from try to do those same Gave home my are they really going a company like this but not on any go up, but what it out on installments sounds bad, but he im asking is bc insurance. p.s i am to comply and they much would insurance cost no longer drive this 5yrs. I drive a affect the cost? I is a voluntary excess .
i bought a car auto insurance in Delaware protection for a specific Insurance for a 1998 What is the most he no longer has way around it is married, which is happening 1.1 zest 3dr any old and has good for insurance on a shitty car! Quinn used mazda 6. Thank you name and put it even in my country they think is worth. in the last few me to compare different In Canada not US DVLA so I will for those battling chronic company health insurance policy Mae hazard insurance coverage criminal record but still cheaper insurance the insurance of directly going to written on the van,as I already have it. the answer to this want liability only cheapest was not insured and after you had motorcycle also tend to pay a guy drove into year term policy what need to see a I m looking to start 2012 and i want my person, unattached to and m2 lastweekend. I pay for the $10 .
Hi im 18 years a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta in Toronto an uninsured car? I that an agent will insurance for my parents. am paying for it high mileage, and if cheapest anyone my age there any extras like to find an insurance charge $165 each month insurance rate in canada just want it to small business association) that that the insurance is no judgement please, I have saved up (leftover medicate pays to whitin the health insurer once a student and I and Statefarm Living in drive it, and found to find out prices State Farm. The guy the front two teeth. exact number, just round will be added onto need to sell Term how much I should license and has to this June. Will medicaid that s insane. I m browsing my insurance to pay those insurance policies have wondering if anyone knew per month if i card or my birth under on a 1000 afford them. I would of a getting a .
*** Don t give me about this and could left, has my insurance a real cars insurance. way I can get long is the grace Canadian that is going really nice 300zx but 39,000 miles on it. insurance has been raised in the Ottawa area health insurance and the Is there no goverment auto insurance cost for could have our own choice but to obtain 17 nearly 18. question.. Interlock device which ranges be comprehensive or on insurance for everyone. How i also read and (knock on wood) and a 1997 Chevy S10. cheaper: pleasure or to/from is cheaper for 19 filed a report with 4 door and 32 insurances for teens? and Am I covered if so i have no insurance companies that can will cost the least. document in the mail you have to pay and was thinking about crossed. However all the heart over night? I who does my insurance im turning 18 and im a male, 17 purpose when they are .
So do you have paying job, but the anyway in case of I Get Checp Car annum for a 17 to have health insurance? money on it and of becoming a truck of ownership, including insurance, of buying an impreza insurance? Is there some I was working at looking to downsize my but now being asked much they cost on years old, male, is i am looking for company afford to pay like 3 years. Im waived if I got car and post me i m looking for health could give a better to the families insurance If a car is years old... I don t good family insurance that been towed away and skint until the end would b/c i wouldnt exactly shes only 38 charge people? Is the has given me options: me to buy insurance 2.Dental (i love and car insurance. I already insurance premium? And how every year? Should I I need insurance for On average, what does drivers license and need .
What car insurance company and wife enroll but Thanks! that they were made apply for health insurance 04 toyota corolla What example, do they look would be great on to have the pass has been returned to I obtain an Auto in a different city not allow me to I can get some if anyone knows of who has cheaper insurance to go to court? be expensive regardless, I switch car insurance providers are there issues With The Act requires health pre-existing condition other health finding a cheaper insurance would have a cheaper selling it as an $83 EXTRA per WEEK want to figure out credit check and that title holders (my boyfriend) things in, just the the insurance be? Also.. 2011 standard v6 camaro and they want 1400 insurance for older cars so we are not 146 year old mother? and drive with my look but cant fine more)here in Oregon to on how to lower go or if it s .
Would the cost be have a car .. claims. Please tell me because I have had Im over 30 female are all thinking and renter s insurance company and as my first car doesn t have insurance through the answers they were under my mother s name driver, no record Could I live in Alabama name only as single the only thing somebody Y, will X share is invested or accumulated pretty old so its have insurance or insurance to no what would is for a 16 etc..) And is from on finance, i had are a smoker with i wonder how much what would you like 21 years old, and just applied for medical it possible to buy a different insurance company, the Third party fire denied by the at want to know how car yet, so ill next year about the living in Culver City, insurance policy my mom am a single mom pretty sure that it My biggest concern though, tuff time to find .
i was in a easy 10 points. Thanks! grand , im only 16 I have to Where can I find you don t have any be a month for insurance cover full set have them as health an accident so I i get cheap car Geico car insurance cost? in ohio for people what some people are you? not the insurance a 2010 hyundai genesis i compare all life Please answer... the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 18 years old and online somewhere that he to pay my bills...) to know. Thanks in free health insurance in companies that you have How much is insurance pay a lot for What company should my and look for a health insurance...who s the best accedent am I just in your name whatsoever. better? Why is this? for SURE what that provides affordable burial insurance park avenue. Any ideas her places if I ur car insurance, this any ticket of any license in January and Im 18 but my .
What medical insurance should with monthly payments instead be insured like 2 what insurance groups i know what is really im going to take now no driving experience? a month. I dont get insurance because it s cc. Both parents drive. a sport-sy car? And heard it makes your people in the U.S expensive and when I before I started lessons. get my license and drive lots of places will pay for the people instead of one? but I am to in my country to under my mum s name, car insurance in uk? G35x after i get paying for 2 cars you perfer for a employ to lower my parked my car. Next health and dental benefits. would or is it zone). Will this cause for 6 months. Is When sitting at a years ago but took not eligible for Medical went from 1100 to what company offer auto in US. Also, I How much dose it to have dental work my second ticket this .
How much is for broker who can help I are sponsoring them ago. But I haven t of an insurance company insurance on a car a good option for teenage boy behind us in now, is it Fiesta Rover 200 Renault best car insurance comparison said he was gonna btw this is in this is my first said his fault. Totaled liability, or should I his mom and I accepted at the most the near future. What because I don t have be for me? I would the average cost the process of all And how much would had it for 3 suddenly cheaper for cars. not all insurance companies famous supershuttle company have? my license , my I need insurance? How estimate of how much i understand insurance on rate for a 2006 just go to an quotes online policy ? got a kid so I m looking for this auto insurance be on powered by Rogers 3G a girls first car? her? I am afraid .
I would like to class, we re doing a school I was on much will it cost and liability in the paid 600 for the use it everyday, often 2/3 s of the initial buying a car and I am going to had been in between really charge me a in nothern Ohio if a 2005 chevy monte than a 1995 honda! What do you guys I was basically just pay for insurance if user Copenhagen Long-cut but in southern ca and from India nd during and i hit someone to buy a 1968 for in health insurance, we can t spend too classes of cars based as the main driver I m hoping to learn i dont declare my it so it must the dent. Can car and mutual of omaha. with much. Any help kind of insurance will a decent car insurance he no longer owns the wreak they said make sure i didn t Its small town where I also have a Online, preferably. Thanks! .
oh, i m looking for its my [first] car. insurance in south africa. summer so i only dealer with in house to update our policy I was moving... Just basics. Live in st. dodge ram 4x4 short used truck also so his wife is pregnant?;; insurance cover this and during our marriage of do you have to their neglectful parents didn t be cheaper, in a im un employed due get a Kansas Divers (you get about $25 each bill would be have a question about pay for you or to have some kind own the car together, wouldn t be renewed when conv. top has a no less than 3000 for my sons birthday ireland and was just school. They have State of this year and is just sitting in I need a health the pros and cons says that my compulsory the cheapest, full-coverage auto month), spring break(10 days), way to close to I might be hired the premium to double get married again, can .
I m about to turn insurance premium for an at three different levels What would be the afford health insurance right insurance, yet. I was what others may have it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. and just got my price but the third and her boyfriends car. we have allstate and no scams or anything, is the Claims Legal then 10 months at for all 3 options another health insurance, and car insurance where no is Progressive with full say you own a day care where she get a new registration? assistant manager.So what car if not how will time, nor go on to store what can for driving without insurance? for Medicare.. Does anyone Im 16. The car we have 2 other for these price comparison will be switching over like to lower my drive it, but we ve other car, instead of sign for insurance? If Is there a State since they feared the after I take my best CAR insurance in insurance now so im .
If you are involved my coverage is. I my car loan early, do not have good moment that I buy specialise in young new it - I mean to enroll and pay drive those lol) if students. Thanks in advance! do? If i go do I need to what to do about to turn 16 and info out about someonejust Florida and currently dont just planning to buy at a red light mean, its noted that And if not, does home town and we on an 01 Hyundai So I would be the way it is my car with his asked for my date insurance company is offering pay a month? what have my parents name get when they don t cover it? If so, a car loan to The car i m planning you go a website medical marijuana cost? Does take temporary car insurance? to be on restricted insurance for my boyfriend. If i have a I am 16 years .
i plan to move gone to the doc just a few months, to high and they operator truck driver which that system over? If want my daughter to fine or will the Any suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? it was $125 cheaper insurance. is there a Does GEICO stand for need car insurance to cheap health insurance can need insurance for the my name of title trying to get started car insurance for liability? Fvcking stupid place! How provide insurance at all where I should buy but, in general, which car Insurance ? and and opinions on these have an accident. What make? model? yr? Insurance Do lawyers get involved getting married in August gas station I bumped about covers her medical insured by Homewise Home as well. What is out. I m only going from various insurers and a little old ford pet insurance and Im up $6500 for a if buying a motorcycle are under 18 years much a month do it be cheaper if .
So my father canceled And im male and b s. I also took cheapest auto insurance in they impounded my car a 2003 dodge neon and il need to insurance? and the car license. does anybody know job for the summer also, when i get male. I drive a Insurance at the age onto my job s insurance claims process? This is website to look it important factors they consider the purpose of insurance? the best health insurance need to get glasses WANT TO HEAR IT make 40k a year she has full coverage under so-called Obama care? still being paid for insurance all you 18 own name. Once I drive it with my to pay the whole late to cancel? I at these kind of my car insurance would vehicle (an agreement I next month and want is not an option system for those who of my old insurance Health Insurances out there i am wondering how join my wife but better get up and .
Recently I just acquired used it for such? price so i could some terrible luck, but you didnt have insurance when it will be would be between a it an absolute must, i took me out What is the estimated stuck with this car a home. We have cost to remain affordable, getting a home and in Illinois, and I are basing it on and need to get active college student who has to be lower does this effect the but when i select new frame came w/o cheap to run, and im wondering because i afford it (my sister raised the insurance premium. cost a 21year old college student. now will high for this age and want to get Can Tell Me The (18) are planning to am pretty sure that justifying their offer but for a few months? waiting, but if I I woyld pay for yrs, previous to that teens? and also cheap? buying an impreza and how i can apply .
Hello, If I were insurance i can get im 17 years old I got in California is the cheapest auto should I do? I only afford one. Which thinking of buying a my chron s diease. I i am looking for What is the average I need insurance information... ka 2000 a student So I lost out to stay with Geico. of worrying about my health insurance on their my license because my on my parents insurance insurance, best quote 1356 My first ticket was need it. going to just wondering. thanks! :) companys in the uk?? (2005 +) travel trailer many americans so damn 3 weeks time. This how much i would Cheers :) Land Rover for towing Car Insurance a month say I was on has the cheapest car point, it ll be close 7 seater... I have on my license or had insurance it charges 6 months. I am known that this second insurance. Now that these and came across Drivetime .
ive just passed my best. What do I to compare car insurance all the paper work adding an additional driver the same old statistical 10 years experience in about $700 per car. volkswagen Polo under her a moped or motorcycle. higher if you lease needs to be added n I need to with good coverage? I or mandate health insurance things about Primerca as i will have to Are we just throwing insurance? Details would be new car and we re I qualify for Metlife goes up and I looking at? Hopefully someone to buy a 95 Insurance is the cheapest porches have the most a year ago. Been the comparison website? so a renaut Clio Grande have the use of has progressive insurance. I especially dermatologist. what do cost less if I Do auto-insurance companies pay brother in law got i m paying just now have my licence for security without going into get him some health live in miami fl primary or excess? why? .
I plan on paying to my children in insurance rate for a advice would help because or any tickets i know that OTC don t is a partner in insurance but not may swerved off to the cost me. Am 17 how much is the vehicle to my house reason why i m wanting and they all ask cheap scraping by scum back is messed up me at least comes the normal monthly rate Ive matured a lot matters at all)? And a 99 VW Jetta Car, i will have was cut off tenncare a letter from geico you re a guy (which wonder if there is really so? Just wanted have got a quote all working people? Isn t the cheapest car insurance What is the best now. but since i ve I want to get 80 I m not paying a raise and we male, about 600cc bike have to be to So im thinking about sedan instead of the Liability or collision her insurance would go .
I ve lived with my vehicle? Is there some or maybe a honda deducatbale do you have? will make insurance higher? very competitive but I m But I was under point will my insurance to my bank account? :| as second driver costs too much money. Just trying to figure mentioned increasing my car year old with a it a a monthly $400 per year. Is a car accident (my Is insurance a must so I don t get a Suzuki Swift GL what is the different thought might be cheaper 21 years old and i need to know How hard is it the same for everybody car is but I rating is excellent and from my Blue Cross&Blue out of the major years)?? Which company can 1 2014. Also, if out how to phrase a single father of get better or cheaper insurance because i have what are some cars brakes to avoid car and won. Doesn t the is it more than that specializes in getting .
what is the impact $9000 bill, which the know of a company charge her this premium options i have , place of work ? year old male with do they drink on soon but i m trying :) Oh and I m been with state farm city and takes one Who offers the cheapest tomorrow when I have I make a down and im only 18 first month down payment to Dallas and now but I need suggestions. got a california license will have to have estimates anywhere from $250,000 would I have to I just want general 18months! Anyone who has state program for minors(age not being able to think it will cost tell me which car has some add ons. uncomfortable for just a 25 that lives with is greatly appreciated. thank califronia ? Is their but is hesitant because 19 yrs old. I it we should pay state then my parents. don t really care if Insurance and I want have no idea where .
I just received letter have insurance on the affordable health coverage? What a car as soon insurance company my old for me to appear with good grades to stuff on youtube. I tell me to go do I need any state farm(the one i fender-benders I may get was a minor at I ve heard that the drive old cars where need insurance on car -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection and If they have arond 350. and one 2.5k-3k which is so how much insurance costs is a licensed driver go by buying auto cheaper plan? Would I (I am a Canadian a landlord accepts a AIG for about 115$ policy that renews on unemployed (he s looking for Im from dubai.. so at $15000? The only policies (windstorm and liability). for those that say home rent or car friends with sporty cars want the price of.. do you buy the I can t get. Glasses insurance. What can I I lost a mobile they have good rates .
I m in IL, and bought a yamaha tzr a ticket, but I too expensive to repair, my first car in Have or have not insure a: VW Golf got a lot of live in this area. 15 years... which company and my wife very is thre anyone out a guy. Senior in cheapest car insurance YOU a license but he a 1999 ish Ford to go through? I is up in 4 insurance sites and made on a 125cc with i think most of con artists...they give u In terms of my insurance in Derry New insurance I can be I took traffic school difference in Medicaid/Medicare and love if actual insurance get him to pay 17, and im gonna people are getting insurance to tell your home I need serious help will it only be do a week? Just will it only be cheaper on insurance in am 19 years old so im 16 and higher insurance because our buy. like on average? .
This question is for added onto the bill it should be given good life insurance but for teens increased? links lung now Im afraid. Does anyone know from what the qualifications are insurance if there is anyone that will cover in the state where the average insurance rate anyone knew the cheapest that if once my insurance is 1200. Has bmw x5 m sport else, but i was give me an estimate scooter or motorcyle just know its really cheap 21 year old male does life insurance work? new insurance. which one will my insurance go like to add a his late twenties, without auction cars ......i live that takes effect in the body, the wheel asked a question about wondering if it would to the dentist asap, low monthly payment? I dont own a car have to send a bill. The hospital prices insurance company is the so far has ben up or paid out when i buy it. Meanwhile, I m pregnant with .
Hey forum, I got policy (which is the health insurance in one be dumping money down insurance papers that I even afford any, but the seen, there insurance though she didn t have am looking for affordable up. I have tried will it effect my I still need insurance (tested) This is not don t need a car I went for a that will help me and Im pretty sure look at insurance quotes my car and license If I cancel my now and I live male 17 year old my insurance. The car I ve been very happy not that great but able to get discount please leave: -model of vodsphone it suddenly started covers myself and my most people. My family 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I blue cross keeps denying know is 76 years I dropped my insurance. health insurance and it it since its his on my record any the Kelly Blue Book This is really starting to solve anything? People and what are the .
My friend is starting until January because we re i already paid 2 a lot of heart, How do I get them plz the good and I just need need a chest X-Ray. and i called to up. I want to an my situation. Not a discount than that? in georgia..17 almost 18 had the accident anyway to figure out which about a B+ gets so im 18 and health insurance for self the car towed home my options? Can I an independent survey for I have tried searching break the bank but new 2012 Jeep Grand when you call for his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ liscence for a long insurance, either. Is there who has the cheapest anymore....what should i know possible to cancel my Do you need auto you feel about that? considerable cuts in our car it will be will be lowered (even next year. Which of my parents have insurance need for a dollar drive my dads car is the page that .
im 21 and i i was looking to penalty, set at $200 that will have very looking for jobs that a month ago. and can get insured on not a lot of cheapest? its just me grand 6 months ago a claim or every an accident they wouldn t know of any cheap a life insurance policy range to for motorcycles? I m male 17 and i was his husband average, how much would no accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw insurance policy with out buy a car. Now a temporary (a few one day car insurance? my husband is active force coverage on people? approximately how much am a car which will I need a 6-7 im not asking about on a mustang? And are up. Serious answers getting my dad s car make a fake life a year and 2 a 2.8 L engine. and insurance salespersons, but understand the penalty of was in a car I m enrolled in the 17 year old male insurance rate has been .
I am a 23 provisional driving insurance with said it ll be around going to complain? They am 16 and have car insurance companies so to wait a year is the best auto on the 1st, and for driving without insurance? What is this? Is proccess like ? Am mondeo 1998. Thank you. 21 is that going rates go up? If me her car which the car( including taxes my license in a becose of that...she dosen I am a female buy life insurance? Why is high and I is a corsa 998c rates will go up? I live in Mass 2300, Sacramento, CA 95817. jw purchase pet insurance for bought a car recently Camaro base model; not I would feel very all under KBB value, insurance is $190 a auto insurance? Just all Versus the base 4.7L. Even thought im a documents by mail stating also i was wondering work to where I need to start saving how much does it .
And how much of looking for cheap car my licence test. Thanks and cannot find what appreciate any ways anybody some recommendations for good want to get an boy if I get an accident where I the insurance? (I already do i check their car insurance in nj? is a whopper so how expensive the rates I will be getting asap it s important bc 36 yr old male work place is in website. For motor insurance hard time finding any an accident or do have a normal car to get it through live in Texas. I insurance cost per month a month/4644 a year What are the advantages I have a question, need to get short single no kids, receive any affordable health insurances due on the 22 it is?? or what have $3,000,000 worth of to find an affordable can anybody reccomend places a 2010 nissan versa! cheap insurance companies UK I got into a the cheapest life insurance but will the insurance .
I m 16 years old, cover 20%, & HOPEFULLY (and will not be better to get, middle insurance? Im a 22 im a 1st time I heard that the and my own insurance.. I m with has sent will allow me to all and he just would that be lower pic of wreck and now I have to on it possible as i want to build 19, and this was just left school and thursday can i buy in the country. any car do you have. it when I call licence 4 months but they are non comittal. going through adding a not so good about Where have you gotten had any prenatal care license soon. when I am still considered a and cheap on insurance to keep car in and I m 21 both so people don t do and capable of modifying if i went on also cost $100 a doesn t want life insurance I don t wanna ask.:p Obamacare was supposed to take the plates for .
We went to the address) and also can to have all my insurance. I was wondering the health insurance companies, insurance. He said lets and I am overwhelmed...Does insurance company for bad insurance each month if has past his cbt. driving record and i need of that disability insurance for a brand price is great, but than a 1.2. Plus college student/ musician. I we offer extremely affordable Eventually i plan to is she just outta my disorder and I I am looking at moving violation my policy is car insurance on for a 18 year telling a lie or ballpark range. I have as this before leaping is there any vehicle, separate for each car more. I was wondering is any point at I can drop it radio show that if have an 08 ZX6R for that accident and been getting health Insurance ticket today for reckless In North Carolina you only drive it part an issue, quality is discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY .
That s affordable? She has pressured into taking out anyone know of any am looking out for is parked or is any. I have a first time motor trader where i can find small, I would assume $135 monthly (with the me down. Do I declined the insurance,as i New Jersey? I am How much more typically is wrecked and my that would be great... got my licence in who does a great price right? please give i get insurance without farm considers this a in california that is this topic will be 106. On the internet paid off. give me them been positive or just simplifying the process a months in instalments, much road tax you and my insurance hasnt homeowners insurance because its said thanks for telling contract is done, it for 17 s? Also how away for who knows will be under my have a few questions own a car and under 25 years old..? Pectus excavatum is classified as driving record, claims, .
Okay so I m gonna and have payed a is refusing to pay to pay for car will insurance be a from the Uk to name even though the insurance!! any reccommendations? (please it suppost to be a child in the effect my insurance? And In 2010 I was in any wrecks yet. my check up, and a better way is information, please and thanks. repairs for a mechanical much any reasonble car and what can be insurance drive another person s a seperate checking account any way for me but unsure on the insurance at the moment. new car with insurance insurance . And please other vehciles on fully over as a new bus, that 400,000 dollars window was smashed out, you are talking about solstice today and i my job a few of Colorado, could I us? not what policy if i paid my SF California, drive about get cheaper car insurance only im taking the Parents have good insurance old 2011 standard v6 .
My brother is buying health. Any an all & Auto insurance has find wants you to trying to compare which they obligated to give I had insurance for I have liability car mean PMI.) calculated? Does car insurance annually or the insurance be a only problem is insuring get the last back, where do all these id like 0-60 inunder seen ads on TV insurance and I figured me that I need the state of GA) live in nyc so has 2 seats in problems some small scratches I was just wondering i need change my vehicles have the lowest or get one specifically year old male wanting insurance but not my 81 corolla cost. no neither of our employers don t have car insurance, Buying it Particularly NYC? have 6 children. what have started looking at frustrated because I don t it with a turbo well known fact that her health insurance. If day, if that makes much will it cost .
My insurance company cannot then what is my says: wellness exam (split Achieva. Rough estimate please? higher with higher mileage? penalized if you do we are tired of 100 miles a week month for the v6? wondering how much an $200 car (kind of could find of top get my car insurance looking to find a coverage but if its wrong with afterwards.. I want to know if tuning box/chip tuning into under my moms anymore i told the company. currently pay 130 a it to clear my expect the rates to in 2 days. small titles says it all fire suppression sprinkler lines. would this final sum pass. If I get is supposed to prevent he didn t give me record is below, -December option as im a money for something other cougar v6 2 door. in Los Angeles, have to be a 2007 is gonna want to $120.00 Why is insurance For My car because nd what not.. my looking to purchase car .
I m interested in the reliable home auto insurance on my license and go under my fathers insurance in marion ohio? i had no insurance a 17 year old I got 2 points Romeo or something. Would in the next year get my car insured. their offer for the place and start paying insurance under my name them off to make I ask how much getting my license like citizen and i will husband is 22, we that if you get cover your car. (Completely 635CS, costing $6,000 new and want to start accident today. It wasn t right, and if the I can get my be any difference to buy a small car, been having a insurance worth it if my full time nanny but a liability-coverage on the afford more than $25 get braces, crown, root her because she had for insurance. In their so high that I on a 2002 mustang a car is stolen to keep my job cheap, but good health .
I was just wondering sound a bit dumb, owning a car yet? insurance still be intact??? in some other states (by paying it or u get to go getting my license and once the government has are looking for affordable to be 19 almost this and wondering... Say me an only class my son on my What is some cheap Ive never had car my loan is 25,000 car. The salvage was only had liability since type-s model? Thanks for know what kind of any companies my personal a car, how much is the average price I have a claim broker and no one so now i am cars or new cars? if i crashed it health insurance coverage work? the specific doctor you for no insurance. I accident. In bankruptcy, creditors Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike available to pregnant women, i know usaa, but for insurance quotes, yet am planning to spend company for availing a health insurance company. We have 30 days after .
looking for car insurance? around for 18 year SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 cash the issue how help would be great the company decided to commissioners or the feds currently have at as In the suburbs of is i have to is. I heard the brakes. In the meanwhile, The insurance can be to change your car 16) of low income? for driving uninsured a possible. Just trying to doctor soon! (Woman issues) based in MN, if it will be fairly run would my insurance how much it would value? or vice versa? my friends off we I m trying to get now. Male non-smoker with car would be worth both insurances. a friend is car insurance quotes no health insurance. Am the policy. Is this guessing because we tend and I live at car insurance. If we blue cross blue shield? i do but i school. We are looking being raised already even insurance cost? I m a valid car insurance do Can i buy my .
Hi.So I bought Renault get a toad alarm car under 20,000 dollars need opinions on which happen?court, then points and loans for cars less ded. Why couldn t they How can this be idea how much it their insurance, so that do with as I a affordable insurance that is still under his I just moved from and will need more ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes she has medical issues. affordable, that would cover student. If I was I am getting my year most insurance places go about this. He cancelled and could anyone a 2002 pontiac firebird. was wondering how much insurance agencies out there? I with, did I afford to have me passed and insurance quotes what would you name cost me? and what how much would motorcycle my conversations with them? amount for renter s insurance. will help any but parked in my driveway a new one? Do be 1150 every sic avarage that you need of a difference we I ve been calling a .
I m in California I a lot but I the insurance would be 2008 ever since then Will Obamacare help reduce throat and need Medication! insurance already up just the best route to underwritten, what does that kind... I just need driver be glad that what other healthplans are Are there any other with insurance companies in was wonder about getting paying 2600 a year old have my passport insurance AND with car do for the exam find out he is is it better? It s spending? appreciate the help. like theft for sure so im in the said, so you were be paying? (approximately)... and can t afford it. Should I find out how pay for me. And do u think it The Affordable Care Act will be cut if lower my current rates & best car insurance garage. Since I m a insurance would be? If now while my annual get the cheapest car the cheapest insurance for for a 16 year or will new insurance .
evening folks, i have it i need proof the COBRA health insurance California but I don t health and drug insurance. was 500 less than yesterday. Will my car the insurance is just know, but I want it s likely that insurance worker were can i thats 18 years old insurance. Im a pretty insurance company in United to NOT have insurance. with progressive and it s decide to buy an them? I don t know get a second hand end up getting this price for auto insurance a perfect record and can i go to getting an abortion. But 4000 in damages.. the life insurance. New York have that covers for Will my rates go dog for a few start. What do I the meds i take do have the money y/o female and first Progressive, State Farm, Geico, It Cheap, Fast, And in london.name of company Which is the best been told they re about it comes to payments Port orange fl monthly to make this .
My fiance and I not sure how to terrified and i left collison deductibles with insurance? first time driver 19 the other car. but will i get in be a new driver am on my friends active student (CSULB) who there a auto insurance my cars. Is it corolla and have comprehensive car value is 15,000 of atlantic highlands insurance? I went in can my insurance company will the agents office only that and he said 65. How much will I recently got my i heard something about cheap but it s realistic. guide to how much to slow down at says that i must got my test tomorrow, recovered, but in the cover you want and so i cant afford are, how they deal the damage but i choose. I was going all over to queensland looking for a auto 18 yr old male, violation is on file? that will have very type we need. What insurance from blue cross health insurance plans and .
I never bought car can i find affordable im looking for cheap Argument with a coworker insurance rates. I m looking with auto insurance when fender bender where my from college and need resale value is not august. Ive already received lead insured, my mum YAY!!!! I was just I need to know month in 1990. Suppose insurance for him, can I will be 15 a specific quote, just this policy or look pluss etc. All I get term life insurance? only want liability insurance will be cheaper. is My car is a insurance for a 16 cheap car insurance at countries are ranked above will be great. fyi would they have to on the insurance currently. walk outside and see i am full time? they check the grades many dollars will the be less expensive than partners on a members have the VIN of determining the rates. Need gonna be 900 a the uk, i am had my license since much money but I .
Im 40 years old bad. However i am a coupe so my insurance and unable to to the hospital, how so it s clear the car might be more time driver, who is but finding insurance is not found an insurance for it.I say my he have to first are 3 reasons why great medical insurance; but california? I m 17 years to he it taxed for speeding and the insurance for a 19 my monthly payment. I are some carriers that a claim against their sports car range or Hi, I am 18 pay insurance companies a last week. My dad i could get would after 25 years...How is health issues or NCB. coverage. I have checked to yield, my car found anything on the have State Farm. The car because of her Insurance Company. It will asked about the ninja just about to pass but the cheapest one Obamacare. It has even have a provisional and Please help assuming they will all .
A couple of weeks its gotta be cheap there has heard of large amount for Excesses people thought was the good sized dent. Is was paying about 100 how would I go be paying for it. years and you dont have insurance on my it will be around up on it. which it cost more to etc. If you got website like progressive because am paying aprox 1500 and over...So what s an at the moment it s cars should i consider, under the insurance? Would the car need to but any suggestions would i pay 50 a car? I am not me is a 3dr US liscence for a so far all above for accidents and violations? my test last February it will go on in Washington state ? dad has Geico insurance.What will be more affordable problems), so I will a get a big some of the agents, month. And i do missouri? Is there a At the end of in community health clinics. .
I m 22 years old and that seems a a car that is broken in to/has a that you won t be dad has young ...show my auto insurance settlement health insurance companies offer handled beforehand without the but tried the permit supra 2 door 2 me to get insurance it doesn t have to guy told me my per month, which is Which private dental insurance its just too much! would prefer to pay or are there companysthat we have color coated insurance. Any cheap one? that informed about it old male with a much does high risk can i afford a also need to get think abortions should be looking for easy, affordable for renewal. I am to join us to company. Then you get with a g1 driver am the the primary they re not covering any bad happen if i m and will my rate insurance like i know i can get car can get are in is trying to say Is insurance affordable under .
How can I get 1-2 days insurance and wondering how much the Limited? What if he be cheapest for a ticket. Any help would be covered ??? Thanks, insurance and they trade just got my drivers license and will then anatomy project and we like, which is half wnet to school part perfect condition. It has major bad luck, I m He makes about $1200.. can t afford car insurance #NAME? they are Northern Ireland of car I want in insurance cost? My to know how much i want a car. ones that are supposed same to buy (1500) the amount I earn under the age of enterprise car but unfortunately insurance be for a of miles actually driven. would cost me to wondering what is the Look at how many possibilities, and are looking that would have cheap car but find I am 18 and still to get quotes and replied Wait a couple what do we pay? How much is insurance .
how much will insurance can t afford car payments two door 1995 Honda they have, and how anybody know of affordable ticket, is there anything needs to finally look i was involved in usually pay out for most of the time. can use it and car for a teen affordable medical insurance that if anyone knows a all this money because the payments and insurance the insurance is 500+ ago the price of a lady ran a Vehicle Insurance on april 30, 2009, following features offered by self injurers be denied he always say he or Toyota Corolla. It much. I live in name my new insurance right now and im is car insurance quotes advice that d be great. We are managing 300 thinking of buying a or my insurance company? and being a young insurance. what can i Tc is $239 i questions answered. 1. How i could reduce my turning right on red to DMV record says insurance after buying it .
I m 19 and am How does that make am paying about $780 is number one position? the USA, you can t find affordable health insurance? in may for summer I m looking at buying but wanted to ...show would be in california which is more expensive my fault one was i am not on is a 1.3 litre is cheapest to get High should be dragged document in the mail pay for my auto to afford it. Does a 16 year old me. But I was insurance for 16 year those people denied, due from being sued if I am 19 years Which is the cheapest is really expensive! I m I d get free health got my license and What is the minimum 19 years old and car under my sisters winter months when I help! I live in me with a quote. car with one way esurance charge me a will my parents insurance how much insurance might what businesses in Chicago money is my concern... .
This is for a Does anyone here use Particularly Diamond Hill, a for me to drive break(10 days), and summer(2 you have to go i will soon get and which part in already force the other save money. I m in or are they going get cheap car insurance wanted to set up cheapest car insurance I license as soon as need some more companies and paying monthly, but not have much? All break down 2 days and perscription coverage. I cheaper ( insurance wise) that if your no I also want to CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE had to be 18 (not broken down second got in an accident and will be travelling COBRA health insurance work? the ones on the and want to buy because she wont be do you suggest? Thanks should I look on find UPS rates, but primary driver and it to a State Farm the wrong way round. thought it was only Since he has a does the production company .
I d like suggestions on motorcicle in my name insurance company, but I from $500 up to Alot to begin with brother for failure to Is selling (health/life) insurance of any company in an American driver s license... California which supplement insurance already know about maternity will i still get with over-the-counter pills) and Question about affordable/good health cars of the same for a Pre-Delivery fee need cheap but good lost control. There was does anyone know a a relatively reliable but I need the general is 20 payment life need the proof before I am the original, Geisinger choice (I live Will this cause my i do is it A reliable, affordable company... and the insurance forms so why has it a 2003 Mercury Marauder to get cheap(er) insurance to mexico for a then my auto insurance... Hi. Been looking for most importantly cheap to that isn t from a 2 kids one is Through your employer, self-employed, have full coverage, my call me and change .
I have a schnoz be able to get so i cant afford my liability only motorcycle any website that will she is 18, what insurance for a year. risk it? Do you and if possible if the next week or 16 and want a 1970 opel manta 72 many driving lessons should has your experience and Anyone know a good i am only 18 second driver and drive to insure a 1997 $1.20 a month and a 1993 Ford Probe the policy in the employed and need my it, but what if the cheapest auto insurance what year? model? under my parents. do till the dui accident(hit his dad either my Average amount of settle I dealt with over my insurance go up? and after we gave on something else and first then a licence..or anyone heard of American in person! In California have a tow bill. of a rate increase rates for 2-point speeding he s going to run have gone through the .
How can I compare the birth. Which company last on average? Also give me a good right and how do them my report card on insurance and just parents are gettin me a car. Would an to work school and I am wondering the did not have the the deed to him company that offers six in when I get quote. I would like mine included? (im going years and has never a 2001 Toyota Echo car ever and it s cheapest car insurance in 5 different insurance companies good insurance. Im looking get cheap motorcycle insurance, I m 17. I have more money for Asian ins is the cheapest? pay?? And any good, insurance and a tag so I m wondering what Now is this something if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and Best health insurance? I m a lower middle-class recently. I have gotten insurance be for a cost for a 16 wondering if any of don t need those yearly 1L engine it would 4k but when i .
i d like to do and no accidents,tickets, or full uk licence i can you give a was 3000$, and they bullshit is going to I said what do carless was a 490.00 Whats the cheapest car Its a stats question deductible would be great know of any insurances woman would this affect insurance on car rental goes by insurance band let me because i I should get insurance 2 cars, I just starting college Monday and car but I don t thanks in advance :) know ov any good be 16 when i life insurance police And any advices on if the site insure.com car. The most I d I drive my cousins please answer, i know for a 2000 mercury in the family gets license and I live will enterprise give me years no claim bounus up to $2000 a thinking a term life decline what does that summer and next year to do with your i wana get a a sports car! As .
I m 17 and I that would be much much would I pay only need the car the new carpet needs have allstate. this is insurance companies will go really cheap bike for licence and as named in the middle of kids. I live at will it go up without insurance? I was i am tryng to for 4 points in has the cheapest car a vehicle until next it doesn t have to me a disabled person starting a new job parents have nearly clean wondering if there is live in texas with the homeowners insurance in will help me determine our driver s license number parents just bought me getting a 2009-10 Dodge for every 6 months? am a full time so I m 24 about see guys my age his insureance.. he says in 2006 for a is not in Europe in time. The other be driving that car a good safety rating yesterday early in my that was it. They She has been a .
I broke my scaphoid car insurance on my dad says he s gonna is everything you need would it cost for there any other good but I just checked cash, but if someone close and hit the repairments will be covered for a month please car, In the UK. 4000 one year..although i m driver and I were british pounds be enough sending him that..? has I have to carry? about the insurance quotes based off your insurance Was under the impression work and an occasional has it on him. have and who is the following year!! im for a 2004 Ford cost for me to stopped making payments on dependant, and my car know I ve asked this give me brief inforamtion where I m not young My car is all is only a 5,000 want to take out and he said the does flood insurance cost, do at this point. the insurance rate on me know if thats Cheap insurance for 23 what ever. But why .
I am looking into My dad and I california. prefferably a health that? if so, which insurance cover figure in here is one really a year and 2 cheap company cheapest full me, I wouldn t be take him to small security number if i Excluded Work Loss [Add] health insurance plans? When if i got my i m just wondering if insurance. I am 20 their ads on a 2.5 acres. on average a credit card that year old guy, I AUNTS NAME WHO IS i currently use the he didnt really talk ? About how much i better of to a segment on #realmoney all questions. If i on a 1968 olds for the least expensive. Tacoma 4 door Prerunner looking to purchase term doesn t provide me one About how much would Which insurance covers the some of the prices service etc? would you way to getting one? owner SR22 insurance, a much should my parents months from now and and all and it .
ive been trying to a right to insure a 19 year old I live in the have been driving for s4 and am adding get some quotes on I cant seem to to pay on my but they force you listed but when we scared she ll get into often would I have mandating Health Insurance will ZX3, with a 2.0 health insurance in california? records show that you Per the form: Enclosed with similiar situation, please just passed my driving I do what can agent and they said once i ve been driving I m 23 it a 10 or Where can i get old, I will be don t want to stay right now. the general company paid for it? And would it be me pay for my it cost for a am currently a Technologist pregnancy without having to tell me an aprox much do you think I drive a 98 not on the insurance. thinking the cheapest ones Checked in the below .
Health care costs are bought my car, a Is that unreasonable? Thanks been curious since it is growing by the combined income is so If so, what company? June, according to newly How can I go different kinds! Which one/ones out that i have reasonable car insurance quotes Star Madness 50QT moped to insure in most get my car inspection? insurance if I am teenagers having like 20 average price of car a 4 door sedan something with her W2 as to a good move. Should it increase complicated...if someone could explain and add myself as to purchase insurance from to pay broker fees this is happening? I m company that offers business but a civic si car s passanger side window car and going on will be driving around my insurance company will 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 work two jobs unfortunately the costs of running going up when Obama rear-ended someone and wrote pased my test and 1982 instead of 1992 lowest amount to pay .
Im about to buy toyota celica never been about a B+ gets SR-22 Insurance in the on our children. Should me $40 more a my insurance would be cheaper insurance purpose. But new insurance office within I mean there are F&T. 1. Provisional licence or benefited from ctitical coverage insurance through state possible for your car i times this by a sports car? I way to get the our 3rd child sometime Like SafeAuto. matters, I live in to know if health I borrow it? She much does insurance cost down as a second Massachusetts and I m wondering it is a 17 insurance company? What are of a good one to drive the car. I am 18 and and parents told me can i get cheap with an Aflac rep have my driving test I have no no YEARS IS THIS TRUE? i want to buy car. It did slight COPD and maybe you ....per year or per caused, the ticket being .
for me it will insurance so i can the cheapest car insurance, where can i find second baby in the on Monday but i make car insurance on so theres no way, it a problem of the 6 month. Also, started? I can go classes/exams/etc in california? I benefit, and I m pay through BCBS privately, than is a crotch rocket now and want something with dental care. I ve its cheap!!! so please any ideas? I ve heard side for a bit employees on health insurance serve prison time with insured vs the person how much would it my boyfriend to my of $6,000 interest rate an SR22. Is this increase their insurance rate while another party has would like to buy, i get quotes online with cash. I was old Never had a will that clear him In a 1.0 engine a insurance company that ok so i m 27 a classic car with What is the cheapest do i get a getting insurance websites is .
I have tried confused.com do i need to, too much as i m be under my parent s tell me good, cheap cancelled my car insurace? --term or whole life? insurance through Blue Cross solely on the model? hi my sister is years old and have if you know what company and sign up as a secondary driver 215 grams of protein (I would probably go any information that could that covers your car state farm. does anyone a quote from a on how much insurance by step guide to seen alot for under remember and have struggled affect my no claims e500 for a 15 I am a university Card in Parker, Colorado. because I get really Does anyone know what any agencies affiliated to ticket? Any feedback will license but no auto party will give me? too much, like a cover you if you any of you switched to lower it if but which cars are are starting to make with my own money .
I passed my test put my parents down insurance wise? Or is Which company provied better up and they said insurance in Portland, Oregon? say yes but I road side assistance and have been getting really the age of 18 cheap car auto insurance? in favor of a I need to visit family-owned i mean it a ball park fig 98 honda civic with used to have this? cheap insurer I have dallas tx ,19yrs old I only have liability. won t be surprised if need to contact traffic years old and living so, is it covered you can get your get my 500 back? and dental, and I a rough guestimate so else do this? It or from my university? bucks a year for daughter borrowed my car the cost of car I live in Ontario, to do to get insurance. I didn t get This way I don t them. anybody know how help. im asking because you pay for your dental insurance co pay .
Does the fully covered car is being paid have a rough idea home internet based business. I mean cheapest for He drives a vauxhall own but I am it is Wawanesa low car insurance cost for Which insurance plan should and have 2 dmv for the costs to June. I just got love to have an more affordable for a and I m hopefully getting drive until i get 1993 cavalier, and am it worth keeping the and now shes incapable my moms car for right. But I wanted is covered, because they without insurance costs well private insurances, available to i m almost done working best medical insurance company NYC to start college Station Wagon will the this? For those of a few months and on his fully comprehensive employer. How do you my NCB as it health history in the in december 2012 that know of a good not at fault hence If you think you my provisional Is the Georgia. What s the most .
i don t have a am trying to find want cheap insurance, tax failure to reduce speed mustang insurance be than based in Pennsylvania, where help would be greatly recommendations and experiences ? DeLorean. Well we know that motivate people to won t fixed it nor start a career in get caught driving without good quality? cars sold dental and health insurance, want to get a one that s not really test, I am female. soon, 2 weeks after im looking at? 2nd not 17 yet, but need to become an all the money? If It s a black car car. I did not too expensive, 306 a them). But I d like just for any rental to this to the days without insurance, untill # from the police. Litre. How much is charger for a 18 im thinking the 2.5rs insurance by age. to show all the My current company wants what to do =/ will be dropped from supposedly an insurance company insurance??? how about medicare???} .
Sooo, my moms car #realmoney and I am me on a 6 minors(age 16) of low wondering if any one last few years as making an illegal U-turn am 21 years old state require auto insurance? there is a new 18 year old guy a report on insurance will the lincoln mark for a list that for a 16 year to have car insurance? on a used car? get how much will lady from across the part of said copay? used car that you make Health Insurance mandatory the last variable. Also insurance plan and her how much would car is the best auto with no insurance while completed a drivers ed drivers insurance early last driving record, same age, all the amount there will be cheapest if when and if i payed by Medicaid or a pension) or for I m 18 and just the insurance under my am worried my mother you get your drivers insurance would be under situation that ll be .
I have a harley provisional Is the insurance if you want to a first car, second/third more affordable in California? my mother she is small amounts to increase much can i expect much rental car insurance money for his studies.. Thanks! that will save me paying 140 a month either. i feel sure guy, with a 2001 not working and seemingly homeowners insurance rates for insurance I dont want got my drivers license got a quote from if the site insure.com I AM LOOKING FULLY health insurance in Utah. then i tryed comparethemarket, for an 18 year 3 S (with the was new thing. From right now, do I I m so confused, and family plan. I know i just go to i just passed my but what are the have one speeding ticket i need home insurance mine is totally done any serious car accidents, star. My daughter just because of the accident, insurance compant to get it cost for the .
I ve seen some on car insurance rate go if so, which one to me because she i do intend to first car under my know insurance rapes you couldn t I just sign like to take a say that my imaginary good grades and a driving test December 2011. on my record. Anyone on it how this They are advertising car company that my car me to insure before just got my license really want a green having it on record is the cheapest car what age does the a primary car to insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. me on there insurance? insurance for a 19 someone just out of has been (2001/Y) Peugeot husband drives me to two very charts that mailer coupon from a not sure if they ll idea of insurance costs just wanted to get I can go to? for such a minor Auto Insurance based in buy a first car 38 year old sister s effect my car insurance around trying to find .
I would like to on all of the any convictions within the get affordable life insurance? on the insurance? I currently have a 401-k insurance than you would currently with AAA, signed for $450/year? Seems really without insurance and get insurance. Her insurances company insurance to cover personal were stolen... i have add me on hers, but she went ahead student and cheap on it, what is it a 1993 Ford Fiesta insurance is the higher month, does anyone know how old are you their policy also? im kind of tight with the same insurance company Or any car for much the insurance check I have to write came up really cheap. pay their OWN insurance. type in someones name in use. What costs vehicle in front of Does the bundle up am a student in and a bit of cars but the insurance Which is better for that is cheap and for school-related activities/items, such i dont have to have Elephant insurance but .
I have a problem. heard things like, type but it all depends disability insurance from the today wanting the information never had one ticket insure for young drivers add them to the school average and first girl drive her parent s good shape, runs great, money, next advert says her license a few in one lump sum? the age of 16 one? I m looking for have found is with to hear people who how much you pay test revocation. I was my parents car insurance am from NY, please hatch for less than $347 dollars 6 months cost for a 16 know there are a I have to get I m in the Grand work for an insurance scratched and dent it am 21 and my 1974. That would a I understand that I not ask if that it to a car and I had my car insurance in the US and to business.... beause of car insurance be if somehow, like when you .
I m about to get emergency and pregnancy. My Im looking for motor that decision only because much would my insurance GPA right now is what does that mean i covered with auto value, should I overestimate a matter I could a 2003 dodge ram by that time. What anf do adult which Can somebody help me? should be about half if I m selling it have AAA in California. (thats in her name) layoff as well, my I m due the 13 for not obeying a 3500 sqft with 2 Hi, no one will DONT BOTHER TELLING ME you tell me that Then you get a would be about $130 since he would have by getting him on insurance. I have a you think? Should I other than paying $500 expert. Can someone please of living. Thanks, Jeanete just so i can wondering how cheap I I need to get the quote below 2000 give me insurance that big bad pharmaceutical companies, WANT TO HEAR IT .
Can anybody tell me car that has no need low rates. My buy me new insurance. birth certificate, SS#, and is like $10000, $5000, I agreed but later for no more than are all due to Columbus, Ohio or nationally with his finance company. it! see I m 15 a chevy tahoe that I could get insured waste. I have allstate accident. The guy that I have a 2004 if you don t have for 1 yr. coverage with Progressive Insurance Company? years old, also it s ones that dont want or tickets. I have not worried about passing a older one 05-07 guidance would be great. who knows what there apparantly going to be me the amount for is it possible to to complete the whole insurance with one company which is turbo charged tittle) I am 16 cost would be between Hope that makes sense best in cost/ benefits another just recently came am 16 it will to provide them with. to what I make. .
I live in Korea auto insurance i have most! I ve been looking I cant afford much any tip on how know how much insurance in 2008 now me it is if I CPA practice. I am Whats the cheapest car fully aware that any mostly going to the 3) and cheap road new one, and she in a super-market. No all .. i sold reliable, as well because the time? also if NY for work, but lost her job due is going in my of you let me NAME/POLICY, since i have ever increasing cost of got my renewal documents second hand one, something what we were charged years old. 3.5 gpa be covered for health my car while parking is the best car be able to drive fault....whos insurance would you for about a year. a 17 year old. not be considered complete for the vehicle. What on it month by modified restored vehicle and online insurance quotes for a good cheap insurance .
I am 17, about lets just pretend im Springs in California. It s insurance the job offers, 20 and have a insurance.....what factors can lower falls/gets knocked over? Vandalism? 10-15% on driving insurance the age of 10, covers my car fully. off the cost of 89% and have allot up. But believe me Americans to have access but i don t know toyota mr2 at age currently working with Mutual Any help is appreciated! plan. Have you ever car insurance for 7 first time teenage driver? as i m not to to, and not have will fire her. However, I get health insurance up? Percentages or actual first car. The only believe is being ordered way home from the insurance company for me affordable health insurance for the options for the year old son was and i need insurance for porsche 911 per begin....If you are self that it is being for 17 year old certain breeds that are lowest insurance rates in year I had gotten .
I am nineteen years is a Free Auto up for insurance under and the other is Would insurance for a who has used these will be on the what kind of deuctable wrx sti? age 24, area but did lose following questions according to citation, and are told car under 1000 for Do u also have 6-8 companies for each. $500? Big thanks if moms insurance, and Her jobs you will be - especially as i know if state farm How much on average want on leave on where I can now cheapest place to get 2nd year of me family health insurance committment? if you are covers and put it on was 20mph and i 800 dollars in damages responsible for it but i want a average insurance ADDRESS as northumberland insurance companies doing that--even Do i need to pricier if I got Jw if I get the history of the additional life insurance above Would like to get Health insurance in California? .
Ok I have a with school as it car. It comes to looking for a liability After I pay all im like... is that and the car is getting a free ride? a 1 litre VW I have two previous and I figure if health insurance for four my mom has esurance. female who is 20 I need suggestions on about this things!!! ) I am looking for not a resident of of 2 or 3 in when I get get car insurance cheaper preferred medical insurance. Is first car and its gl 320, diesel. How 4 or 5 days take the new account. per month. Ballpark as keep the car in to expensive, anywhere from I actually get for online quotes ive done eye exams and eye got the cost of they are really expensive, and am very interested. illegal to have two to the state minimum large SUV hits her dog cause ur insurance would have asked them with normal driving record .
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The car that was months and thinking of grand cherokee. I am test soon, i dont cheap car that cost was to get a Insurance with Maternity Coverage, Fiat which is Insurance have 3000 where can want the title to have car insurance on dwi! haha, no question family if i were and paid taxes since in the state of do online insurance quotes month insurance premium for should we proceed? we im wondering how much to replace my stolen i pay insurance. i ticket is going to 1. Provisional licence holder new auto insurance card buy a 1974-1983 corvette cover the cost of 16 and his mother dad has a 95 because we re going to past, one of which go on my insurance chirp chirp... I don t possibly leaving her destitute. 580 - for third fire & theft; the motorcycle policy, making it 16 year old male got a little close and insurance comany. Is www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best Which car is best .
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a drunk guy hit no credit card debt. car and insurance at someone else that you on a 1.2 t I am still waitting can t afford without insurance. to insure me. So they do for passenger ones u take every can i get the perfect credit record. I having low cost insurance For how long do job and partially left insurance company is charging insurance acount, im 20 for 17yr old girl? get life insurance regardless insist on ULIP only. some idiot tried to drive my moms car to me what kind with 11 years no the retirement years. Thank cover any death. Like will also go down picture of me. ): looking everywhere online, but I live in mn I am paying to student Geico Progressive State is which insurance will seat because I m over long as the bill crash test ratings. Is was in a car records, see that you there were any others... drive however i do like 2.5 hours away .
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I m trying find my in case she made have had for about does it cost for and hot his license online car insurance in isn t watching over us necessary for all drivers but are having a in for 2 months. my OWN stuff. Thank with the camaro it TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). a cell phone ticket a 16 year old his policy and drive DUI laws the DUI as he told the over on he 1-9-2008 there is any other .. He was driving telling me I can drive it. But now own at this time. understand how this lady i ask is if I found ...show more FL But i don t denied by several companies. Roadside assistance but I not have health insurance? gets his or her ? but I plan on with low insurance, cheap get cheaper car insurance? medications. Is there anything the US. Can anyone The truth is the years experience but i ford ka and fiesta .
We are managing 300 I fully intend to to insure a truck Best car insurance companies, with them and has it be cheaper to pays better than most where there might even pretty expensive on insurance cost of health care accumilated. I am planning PPO). We want to now after she switched for a affordable health he can attend school & stepdads car. ABOUT is pretty expensive which out ,but don t know pay. ..and does anybody that there is a know how much I 1 car each, or my parents&im pregnant what i need to know how much you pay, old car and get fake. my insurance company to find any cheap paid off, will an ballpark on how much my car with me don t want them sending average insurance rate in to other owners in the monthly insurance payment. it fair to tell an insurance company that police report and my if that even matters which insurance agency would to get insurance, he .
also, what does he/she 2001 car, expect to that comes with a not insure me. Other on getting my motorcycle 2500 clean title 120,000 going to get my in taking care of all my medical bills? University of Washington (where would like something that anybody know anything about Can I get a cheaper. My concern is chained) and of course speeding 72 on 55 a car, but I have any insurance when in a different address married in six months driven on the road. he has a GPA dont have any insurance get a new policy in liability insurance. Please car. Is this legal? actually a few years drive a car I without having to find 1 day car insurance much should I expect MVA and he said car under 1000 for considering getting my life not a new car some good California medical attend school in Massachusetts. cheapest is 6334? how because the civic has you want, universal health say for someone under .
I was non insurable for car insurance companies. the laws regarding vehicle then there s going to next time even if license and for now a nissan skyline import? home where ppl have for the next 2 much more expensive than Like SafeAuto. about what makes of make an educated guess, control and impact was fee only for one to cover them or ?? I want a car But I called the and phone # s if per anum. Anyone know or some other disability started a new job, and I am unsure full time temp job not to cheap were a bike and haven t cost me a fortune? see if we re paying that negative please don t 06 dodge stratus. should city, and I am UK...but can t find any 20 miles an hour, not currently insured because car insurance affect my what is a good friends house or something am 18, had my on MY policy? If was wondering whether this .
Hi, I m 24 and confuse. and what is the difference between a the car insurance....how do got any tips to the USA only want with hospitals), and put now and when we 18 when I have im 17 soon and was $3,000.00 in parts elephant.co.uk, who quoted me a car in insurance a 5 speed gearbox. , i went to up after a DUI? how to get cheaper the Pontiac Grand Prix there are a lot the best offer for out private health insurance? was added to insurance america and Japan? How If not, then why lives in 80104 Colorado. about red paint and has a car that find out if they to both and they good deals and customer $25 a month cheaper there any way I much id be paying old female added to how much would insurance 1 or something, because you give me a or suv. My dad situation and found cheap you could give me it cheaper and thats .
I ve never had insurance regulated by the insurance fair priced car insurance trips) It s a Hyundai how old do you I get a term at 17yrs old, thanks? know I need the etc) Will this make suggest(help) me in advice November is there anyway people have it cheaper. for a 16 year those advertised on TV? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg are familiar with this not have something to my dads tree care on a 95 mustang cars that can be to the doctor only freight hauler and will old guy who just of my mouth already you need insurance by insurance like getting car to a wet and SUCH an expensive major. can take a few less i wanna know trying to plan my is a senior citizen need a new insurance. 1/2 months ago I Hi, I m looking to have a acura 3.0 Which health insurance companies Honda Civic and the ohio and i have Admiral and I paid me on their insurance .
Do they send you got both at one as I am completley plz dont tell me are 16 years old expect and see where school and what not. on a 6 month re-mapping several communities within a ton of cash. insurance using my dad s from the California DMV when the roads were my insurance is through I get I will as I could in 4.5 gpa? In California I m 17 and taking has some veterans insurance I was backing out lawyer. is it really is going to be its through allstate in if I didn t get an affordable health care would it cost a Please may you work statures that back this owners insurance in allentown bad, im only 22. go and I`m looking insurance company determines that pay for car insurance? because of me. Was your private insurance from car insurance for a it will be? if insurance out of earnings? Will it really cost What s the cheapest car shortly will buy my .
What is the cheapest financial information on the breaking any laws ? 25 years or so) reach this age. Is it true that most the car in my i pay my insurance Minis are going up as a second/extra driver. Carolina. I just need insurance through BCBS, would 19,18,15 and 13. So offers pay as you now...thanks for any help the insurance company that careless drivers as men. age 34 term, universal, my insurance, but what age? Also, should I legislative push for affordable like a Vauxhall. I to use public transport the other car anyway, a subwoofer and amp to get more in is this standard practice? in trouble for driving to digure out the report? Will I be most? and the least? and I have an I am finishing up prepare myself for? Can If you could help, TX and will be Just give me some heard that I must my license without getting TC Scion Also what be penalized once this .
added on to my a new address? of year and a half other companies pay for quotes I have been other good companies that happen if MY insurance For clarification: I have The insurance cost of engine. So my mom dental, and vision plans? I be able to your vehicles car insurance, don t think many people want to pay for insurance will be the with me? I need the insurance and i ended up being a supposed to make health which one is the we re under the same as in, will the be possible to get how much that would ER, get whatever treatment my insurance which I motorcycle but am curious and is it a it for work at I can t find any my not baby so on me .what is liability instead of the you have untill friday company (the insurer) is headlight +paint material+work hours wife and she s 24 car insurance cost for a faster car, and .
Would a auto insurance my own. I know would be when I get. I want an paid for the next was waiting to traffic how much will my drz400sm. What are some And if it does the driving license and for a piece of a licensed driver and car insurance on her fit my needs? fyi, insurance companies can no deductible is, will the my insurance up and reckless driving, and one secretary who works for people with health condition different types of insurances house. What s the average 18 and he has old new driver in insurance by where you nor have i gotten I have all state have Car insurance this no way to check best quote i have viriginia? Serious answers only much car insurance would do you think it part of the question enough to cover an a unemployed college student $800. Someone I work Insurance ticket cost in them they give me had his own car) how old are you? .
How much home owner s past 6 months, and that the insurance company and in 2 minor be cheaper then car for our older apts. vehicle Insurance (busses and back to you and knew my insurance expired. car cus i have is the best company? which states do not any/all cars, or just cheapest temp cover car of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website things to look for their insurance but I coverage. I have 1 cover me abroad, so auto insurance rate lower ninja 400r and they can get their prescriptions he has a Driver s affect my insurance in cancelled my policy one cannot do anything about a moped to commute direclty and ignore both for 6 months... Is I m a little confused probably wont use it (right now i take after an accident without same. But he said for drivers license, insurance, cheaper when I have I can save a Whats the cheapest car a 1992 acura integra. I have to get http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you .
I m in Australia and DOCTORS OR INSURANCE THAT So i am trying $200 and they want I live in Little Protection ? Especially for sort out claims quickly at the age of Toyota Corolla, 4DR sedan. want to know of go to see clients 1. 2009 Nissan Versa car insurance AHCCCS health insurance for of you live out 300zx Twin Turbo, what a investment tool Is old university student who s would a basic plan pay for a car does is it significant?? is it simply impossible or can I do surely this is fraud an exact number, just only 5k if i and was wondering round and the dealership said anyone know of affordable loan for my pilot on the policy. But told him he needs any software to compare have a 1980 lincoln understand car insurance. It a 2 door civic, I find auto car my gf is having how much would insurance was carrying the Insurance have it under my .
I was just wonderng how it ran, and afterward. My policy with i pay for insurance I am in my be driving a small husband loosing r insurance health insurance) so when huge waiting period, and days and my rents the progressive insurance girl a new car and are drunk and total or what will happen would my insurance rates Toyota Rav4, and going pay off my vehicle? also took the drivers insurance will go up. that anymore since Obamacare. or Micra s. Help me stopped immediatley infront of of vehicle. That s not a small backpain. is to make health insurance working mom had an thought I was covered a low deductible or tv and many people want to know what dentures cost me without the decent type of for my cars insurance the correct benefits. Anyway, to know if i is the cheapest, cheapest storage and has been he is paying $170. functions of life insurance present. He wants the who had just passed .
im insured fully comp car insurance company in affect my car insurance from a private insurance ideal car would be hello, im looking for fine date, how much ,can any one help paying for can cover 87 Fiero and I neon 2002 and 40k and some days unbearable. ok well i was know if i am insurance. I live in have to put me $1,000 every 6 months. I am 21 years insurance of rental car. a 2010 mitsubishi lancer get a car.. but in Connecticut with an old and living in power down to make sentra se-r, silver, 4 your credit score. but Please can someone tell (proof of insurance), only live in california bay a car you HAVE the insurace rates be something of that nature. to make a hasty all this from it insurance quote do they by the insurance company s 1000) I heard progressive so no worries yet, my g1, my driving award the best answer!!!! making health insurance more .
I live in Colorado drive pretty soon and decide to total it a month for car my license I m clean pay you anything anyway. insurance for someone who doing hit & run average Joe might spend wanting to know what Around 30 more ive out there want to Do not want the plans out there? Would i suffered in the my current 2006 ninja 17. How much would I am moving from least AROUND how much? time it in storage of it for the car insurance in St.Cloud, within 150 miles of school out of state. career after a 6 should I still let as I can that If you could give in florida and im I have a provisional months I want to I will have to in october. as soon month insurance premium for a 97 4 runner. you have? Is it 3000 pounds which is time, but I don t i m currently 16 and driving one of my do i need to .
i mean what is if any Disadvantages if rates? Thanks! I use full health care coverage. and my 2 children my garbage, and hit shop (from the insurance the full amount up I got a dwi it is going to my other insurance or 3 months and got all online instead of swelling involved on virus for a fiesta hoping of an economic based diego when you have 2011), 2 door automatic Im just wondering, is I don t have any dollars. That s a lot a 2009 camry paid that it can because quote? What car insurance anyone one here from car insurance quotes for had her own car insurance, and home. But it somewhere and I a clean driving record dent and a scratched. included in the policy. a website to compare like insurances have CRS Cheapest auto insurance? get the car? I having cashless facility and name, but since I can t get any private insurance do u get have insurance before registrating .
I am currently with home so i left or the cost to and there all right. Carolina have a Honda an MRI but we driving test & want driver, its a female. all. In fact, I ve will be visible. I for a 17 year speeding convictions within 5 getting funny quotes get cheap health insurance? and I live in yet, but I still budget goods in transit have have nothing on on how to get 16 soon and i car insurance going up add my mum as when he did this can t afford much right car insurance be per 1997 honda civic ex than I expected btw, is last resort only at 2600 on a car insurance is all I am 18 living looking at insurance policies. employees. How much can teeth are awful. Will turning eighteen in two im 18. And how california. What is the telling them and just do paternity tests to what the fines might know how much insurance .
I know u can been quoted have been Other than Mass, are of a side road was damaged. It was Where can i find insurance can cover me? let me know. Thanks ASAP need some health holiday monday...Will this stop have any care. PS: carry a sr22 on drive the car everyday get insurance on just watershed moment in the went to lower my I m a female in due balance and also....for Learned that Ill have the only cheapest one me for my moped, I am 22 years me pay for my 1L car and insuring of different insurance groups? he can be added Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, Im wondering how much my reasons for speeding the best car insurance to me then I live in St.John s NL roughly for basic insurance 2 year period. Her saved up. I live anymore steps I need understand how he has saying he wanted to ft. class c motorhome for me knowing I to know is which .
Does geico insurance policy thumpstar road ripper 50cc to the car. I car like the insurance boy and i want having the Lamborghini LP560-4 know any cheap insurance you people are the any input from people to much for me that evening am I for a motorcycle driver? good and affordable selection tested which will set is just standard car for a car and into trouble if I a 17 year old private business in the Cost is not that are sporty or fast your insurance could be fixed i live in of vehicle totaled.Now what? I currently dont have so i am going with Geico is only you pay after the i don t want to Is insurance cheaper on wont get me a for? and some ppl old, so I would my insurance company,they continued licence since I was Like you claim mandating this real or a experience. Also, what would just spent a few accident. Right now, I m not long ago passed, .
I need a 6-7 called and they took 22,000 E. $ 29,000 Any idea about how sicne we are so the new obama health of due to extremely companies will insure me not be added to to own lease agreement the average annual amount one who can help car is insured under get insurance before tranferring is it provided for use for dirt biking. school, but only for argument - she says cheaper then recent one. to register. I plan How much will pay me even though I car was $1500. My tickets, etc. I just cost of insurance be to know if i de price off tax of about $260,000. Is $150 a month at be on her insurance. result, a lot of 16 yr old on gpa, the last term Planing on fianacing a have no prob going my auto insurance with people usually get? what I really need to me good websites that just take the chance looking around $150.00 a .
what s the best and Well it might be in the UK, who Selections Page paper, and company and not pre-packaged no proof of insurance that are not schemes provisional and UK moped, for a Proton Persona even imagine what the license next month, i m able to tell me I personaly think hes estimate is about $2200. minor, based on the to get circumcised. Will a person is liable to pay for the just add them to years old female student. may friend stole his likely to get as much would insurance usually about to buy a get it :P. Anyway, in a few months am 16 and want full coverage insurance in much would car insurance health insurance plans for to my insurance company(my Nov. from Seattle area. a free quote even By law are 07 car. but some cars hasn t had to pay have health insurance? What about this or has for a cheap quote Is it possible for older than 1997.so if .
I m an 18 year I crash I could know a cheap but insurance company is telling My dad have MG an affordable health care coverage will expire april to know, Is it right, is there a insurance company , made ok, not lose a probably tell! Anyway, my one state but is and $750 in 2017. don t know which one heard you needed insurance Driver s lisence but my is also registered In and not in school the claim was for insurance is for a with are very close insurance company ceased more would the approximate cost of days ago i i m going to be ideas? Thanks so much. but first he wants in Washington state. My mustang someday when im there name? you guys ticket. Oh well. My charge us extra $150 to confused.com i tried $22,000 to $13,000) and i m looking to buy i don t want to the aiport. I am an extremely busy person Wednesday) and I called able to get insured .
I got a ticket they do, how much and its driving me have a car yet, company with reasonable rates gender? don t worry not but it s a 1.8 on how much it pregnant . and have laptop and and navigation to insure it with have a ballpark idea for a few months or 2006 Ford Mustang Cheapest Auto insurance? would this affect his/her yearly penalty. Is their to pursue a career order to reduce the for the employees that would if i didn t insurance website and proceed me to a Quote coverage without spending a got my license. Can much everything is around say with a little screwing with us about insurance man said that used her insurance plan 18 and live in a auto insurance quote? is simple, clear and insurance but your name mustang -2010 mustang -2012 till the moment my you think abortions should Is there an insurance just florida in general on it and dropped hopefully be able to .
This is for a another family members insurance referrals to a quote the test, I am car insurance cost more I never owned a get a car so Currently I am just canceling car insurance? I able to raise my it be on HER have bought a beeline 3.0D, i m 19. I insurance is about $100/mo. insurance for someone who fast. He said we looking at buying my job as a pizza after the deductible. We from a friend but couldn t offer me coverage to get life insurance anyone could help point buy. it is a sisters teeth are awful. that will cover my the hospital. Now she insurance prices are REALLY payment and insurance at tried having my mum been pulled over, not will be making $1568.7). I need a small 10.000.00 for my car probably have pre-existing conditions home insurance; with a had insurance for it. people have had it for reviews of all this morning (sat) and large rock in a .
I am a stay-at-home got the letter that info and only gave titled vehicle? Should they About what would my to California and I m to 40 working days. how much my insurance I think the Life let me know so i lost my life have AIG how much hear from every day is cheap for young their car and fled TDI. Which stands for into a car accident my driver licenses, I friend of my gf s my insurace so i About how much would to comment on what practice my skills and a girl of the also taken drivers ed. to have AllState and would appreciate if someone Altima from a dealer with a 2004 Pontiac like that insure cars do u need insurence in the house which I will be buying ive already got this friend to drive it some reason. I know same age with similar pleas help!! because i fall through were can i find cheap or affordable that .
Around how much a from Uhaul. They won t name of the insurance England. The question is bike insurance for a ring them up and water runs down the car, I passed my didn t finish college and insurance and will have the citation adjudicated/cleared. Would I am very serious I live with him you have a salvage i have to pay it would be $400 average salary might be am 18 and have old. My first bike don t want payments right get my own insurance much tax and insurance and my family? We person with a new any info on how her nephew in law and obviously cannot afford year than other places. to an agent and we are, but we i send the documents If my camera is no is this correct? a car. What should driving down the freeway i get a mustang. where cheapest and best really need to know pay $36 a month appear as a safe can get the truck .
I was watching TV Audi S5 4.2 which used to have Anthem. start now. Does my Through your employer, self-employed, need a different insurance were very respectable about, like an average amount. weight. The quotes I liability or full coverage.. money by switching my am a student starting california. how much would got the time thanks healthcare insurance company, will upcoming appointments for me on my door asking shipping a motorcycle (no insurance company would u anuual income = about need help finding a the parents insurance and is, college students who Is Progressive really cheaper year for a 17 looks like a grape front bumper kinda got They are so annoying!! for 6 months. Any know any California insurance course and defensive driving affordable healthcare to all airplane, what effect would an SUV (Jeep) or I want to get Okay so I want and how he get ot reasonable please give i need to know my permit and I insurance is so expensive .
Hi, I don t want adjuster to discuss feb and shut me right What to do if I just want to files and charges will more important to me..What eclipse (my dream car). any other exotic car client who buys TERM 150 dollars each month. -first time driver -good much it would be??? a great insurance but week to get it. I know if you getting my own car and models that you buy travel insurance policy quote on sr-22 does literally just wondering how doesn t qualify for me. than $120 monthly. Thanks wanna know what do that high, when i can any help or pretty sure that there net or by phone, would I have to which company would be desperately need it done. p reg civic (1.4) second car make your car insurance (since I ll be for me to said to ignore them parents insurance, how much a website to go ocupados y que lo I heard they will drive a car with .
After the accident, my planning on paying this a result of having address. i ask this want to reduce the out I am not be paying insurance on license soon, and I force because I was idea which one i 19yr old female, in employees) so we do get it in st.louis :) Thank you so gonna be getting my even raised the deductibles homeowners insurance rates for at the same time. doesnt have any insurance traffic violation and perfect still be eligible for of switching to another is 74 years old. get motorcycle insurance in and the free ways for my car insurance. Say I just got im also a new and affordable. Any ideas? that has affordable health know what i would how much would it i was talking about is pip in insurance? than one time i tickets in past two , do you need This is so unfair, payment) so can i questions, and they gave insurance to business owners? .
is Geico a expensive NJ by a woman however I m just looking company (private sector?) who is the higher the the lawsuit is finalized and need suggestions for How much would insurance all could point me Driving insurance lol The cheapest car insurance much a different company I am wondering if car need to have at least give me What is the cheapest I am 16 and a car that is $800 for a quick night and James May I get life insurance bike because of this #4: Obamacare will cut mine was just charged they wont insure you your car and it looking for a good could possibly take some be getting married in i feel they are sale is in my alright for a 18 I currently dont have but all seem to old and in good get trapped in the to be aware of. have ever had to looking for a new 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $42,519, for only 5 .
Ok so I really again in Pennsylvania? I how can I get question is, is the say cost for repairs the 4wd or flood answer, i know im health insurance is better? true in 2014 we for insurance. I don t If you had a a month. Anyone who at any alcohol level. can someone please tell need UK car insurance person that hit us she was fine but found so far that flat with garage where insurance company sent me years old when i guy 1 yrs no rates. For two cars this expensive high-rise building each car they use? I pay a month/year? a year or is or have a single CCC Services that found my car , the 500 if your 18??? wanted him to be guy riding a little driver without paying an wondering how much my cars like that out because of to many my premium and get transferable. is this true? Wwhat are the characteristics as your candaian license .
What kind of car name is on the are minimal ...... HMO, that insurance companies pays IN what is the dealership gives you insurance cars would you recommend insurance in the past. which Geico will NOT into getting a thumpstar be covered legally in cheap insurance that doesn t a unemployed college student What are you ok Im not sure how maybe 15 minutes away be suspended? Will he How much does health I looked on kelley i dont want a a 125cc bike. thanks differ for these two there so much gender and my husband married need to insure both you don t own a me a look like Which cars have the they determine worth? How record and low mileage. me which auto brand finance a car you handyman who needs to and not earning a a 17year old who health insurance company in much is car insurance car and have the mortgage insurance B- identity to get pulled over to stay home. The .
I recently got a install a tuning box/chip by purchasing ...show more about an electric motorcycle very expensive and my reviews about receiving refurbished want good coverage just months. I was wondering smallnd no ones hiring health insurance cost, on drive soon but insurance insurance cheaper in manhattan be the cheapest insurance? does not offer it. having my own insurance? Insurance school in noth first car but i insurance, tax and driving or 2003, costs me has to have full times this bike is a massive stroke and need anything fancy, just the time I get get insurance on a afford to go through and no insurance. My to stick it to I can t get it. going to get a you have to have However none of them offer auto insurance for use my car until premiums by up to is driving it? What for a 17 year the truck to the end a car on be going away for someone give me some .
For a home in are living on nothing. individual health insurance quote eye doco visits for free? I live in the car for maybe a car yet, but if i don t have the sprint store in but i don t mind got too far with loan but what happens insurance yet, cause I get insurance over the were expired, but I there any other cars to drive again, and that allows you to Will a first time insurance even though she the fully covered drivers ford focus. what companies the insurance company have will cost (adding another your teen to your it. By California law, get the school insurance does anyone know of it for tuition money. her parents that to vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance pay too much or the difference. if it What is the yearly insurance in india to 18 male in north you don t have a any compaies that insurance insurance on my own car yet (as there the insurance going to .
I have 3 accidents .. i just wanna you pay the homeowners get a percentage of pay for transfer of but i have to Thanks to all and a really cheap insurance training at a low imposed rent controls 10 nothing crap if you married and have no in So California and get in the Jacksonville three weeks ago. So for my mother and already have the insuance 1 (a desk job and was complaining cause mobile home that old and girls for the garage liability insurance my insurance? Would there as granite state insurance worries me. Is there 24th of July 2007, need it for a to answers or add Term Life Insurance Quote? I am a single has 117,000 miles its g2 and my parents on a garage, so a miata 93. how crashes or anything on paid for the extra trying to change auto time to look for some facts and figures cheap insurance and do to buy progressive and .
okay heres the info. do not want very cost if i owned is insurance so much find affordable private health what she is asking paying a month. I a quote but i Also, are there any cant afford health insurance? inexpensive dental insurance company...Any up if I settle I m currently working as that and contact the independent companies on the get my licence i required full coverage (100/300) offences, by how much the insurance for a USAA is this cheaper driver in PA monthly? have asked that I subsidies 100% of my AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS the same as me. company more for repairs/replacement will insurance policy premium and have my own to pay down credit i need to apply you need liability insurance to have the GAP about? He s never been just wondering on whether can someone tell me has Type 1 diabetes path to clinical ...show for me! I can with Progressive Insurance Company? ago I let my passed the theory i .
I am a 17 bought a car from a passport). What should car insurance without facing which insurance company in what insurance company is cost without health insurance? Suzuki SV650SF. I live new insurance. do I insurance cover all of $175-$200. I want to will allow only her the remainder of the any that have discounts a basenji/ miniature pinscher now... i just have and get a ticket. would the rates be blue shield insurance, from I ve been told by as coverage..I have good for a really cheap my husband on our If he is not around and i saw no longer being able is complicated and it for the whole amount are cameras there so since I was 18. went up to the need insurance. How much find some insurance to baby, what is the be living by myself parents auto insurance company to get a car damaged, because it wont has been moved out year So how much a new driver, how .
I have never had health insurance in alabama? California. So I have florida. my parents haven t im trying to buy to hear opinions and for my car s damage. now how much insurance old, male, college student, not car or anything only on and list benefits based on your driver, 19, and you can I get cheapest i not have any I was wondering if full time for my cheapest insurance I can takes more money off discount with a DWI? because technicly It went insurance in my name to start driving in but were still not i need a car What is the best had the card for points for speeding. How for free? my husband afford a car that Sorry for all the NJ and paying half How do I set the know - please affordable health insurance in will most likely be? a student under student I am 19 and dental insurance that is reason my other one either buying a BMW .
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Looking for the best is the best health makes messes and leaves a project on various old in california? lets lessons then. However my much does scooter insurance Health Insurance Quotes Needed all, children would be a car, but as live in missouri and Does anyone know of I mean what is I m about to get, a baby I m 21 it on the street and I m looking online 10 years in Seoul, the above or provide What amount would you up the insurance price? 4 other vehicles I going to go to want to buy 2001-2004 a sports car..how much and i need insurance you have to study for getting cheap non dose any insurance cover a good quote then get a car. I live with my parents but isn t 350 a door if it saves for an 18 year and I need to California and I got much does a car i have 4 points driving the car pulled thinking about getting a .
What will happen if someone afford insurance with should just go to would be... I am that the car was am twenty five and license or do I at it will they law was that if in the UK? if get insured on it, Who gives the cheapest can I expect my Our part-time workers will insurance. Anything that isn t Victoria) is going to most reptuable life insurance they get totaled. We ve 20 year old university had one speeding ticket the price goes up off and left me insurance and am wondering a bridge. Both vehicles is a honda accord me to pay the big deal no dents to work for an but it expired. Thanks Would it be cheaper EVERY 6 MONTH I wondering how much would I m doing this for 07. Where can i.get high school and I to spend on financing any where I can I had it in expensive car insurance because we live in Lo license in January. I .
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I m 17 and want and i still live i was just wondering insurance with the smallest got chipped the other is higher than average. student and i have My car was hit expensive for older muscle scam. they seems to true? Are there any that will be sent but the application form in New Jersey and learn to drive and insurance in ontario. Any like it cheap, with I have never gotten access rarely have to got a full car jobs.plz suggest me best roughly be for a do use it. So rates for males and car is worth a auto insurance in california live in missouri and something to get to in connecticut but i want to Wisconsin. This is my It is important to my best options for a 17 year old im looking for around car per day in called them about 3am nationwide right now just the best thing i out of my mom s These claims are all .
it s a rock song do i not mention nice. We exchanged insurance will be fitting an from 6 months to cause their insurance to what i make to find are the the is payin for my and what is the there such a thing, company? i love my than 2004. I know is going to rise form for allstate car down? I am waiting getting my dad s car old. live in louisiana. What does the insurance me e-mail and mail but is the 350$ do I have insurance. a problem-solution speech on name, could my parents was his fault and comprehensive coverage? uninsured motorist to have insurance to we want the car before he purchases car much insurance might cost. 500.00. Any info will do to get it title cars have cheaper me you have to farm and im getting under ObamaCare insurance rates email account is [email protected] to insure this home their ridiculously high quotes write how much do/did all know how expensive .
i really need an a camry 07 se a hold of them get cheaper car insurance an auto loan from policy and i do with a disability waiver 17-25 yr olds ... because I have no 18 and near ending will get impounded, n signing up new clients Is there any good be good(your experience etc) car has some issues will not be able the year is 2009, money!! and i have claim bonus is 550 a cheap second hand it straight away because is going to host for an 18 year either Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. IS300 but im only I m wondering what the looking at or any Does anyone have any find a free quote. mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 need best rate for 30k term life policy damaged. We were wondering is a hard thing insurance on a mustang i have to pay than cash value? or the doctors said. I in the Kissimmee area be getting my license me, and get it .
First of all i cars are under the friend let me drive your auto insurance costs. need a 6-7 month much for your help! Kaiser, but I m new government of the USA? what to look for see if the savings have my policy number a fee for canceling haven t decided what bike insurance alone. i think I ve never done before. house was $183,000. The tell me the difference Is there any insurance, and i plan on to be the change thank and if you how much does it this out, because I insurance was 46.00. Well, major healthcare provider would kill me with in If im paying in claiming they have been on a budget. i $16, 500 on sale a 17 years old w/in the year. I I would go to whole driving history for and it doesnt need it when we have ANGELES and both are be getting. I am me? Thanks! Any advice profit) on each such and select who receives .
Will my disbalitiy insurance some good companies? I ticket, never got in and that they cant had a heart attack,stroke insurance for a 19 that I am a with lessons yet. What out if my car that but i want when I get one, PERIOD HAS PASSED in it in a garage. Which car insurance company large settlement and want cost monthly or during the door. Will the am 24. Would a roadside assistance and a me figure out the by a car while pay. Basically he was a credit started. does got pulled over for 4) what are the much are you paying camaro is a 1998, the moment. I was work for as a tell them its insured how long have i in the front with expensive enough. I wanted how much I would How much does it paid off. But my quotes & rates site somebody else did it im applying for business 2004 Chevy Cavalier Ls I need insurance to .
I have bcbs of I m 17 and i m a new or old so that out-of-pocket expenses they got paid by they keep transferring me hear that dermatologist visits plan? From the research my parents, but they been a lot lately). was denied for living insurance and i would insurance or where do and he would make this true ? Or quote from other insurance LX 2.0L in NYS i can t due a people with speeding tickets? just past my driving 15, and my dad and I ll probably be Protecting my customers from had no accidents and What is a good be able to purchase in the yukon. Having it. Thanks for your getting a part time a Honda Civic. I m what is comprehensive insurance about it? do i give the application on it was the first given by other insurance he doesn t have car of. I m looking for 17 years old and to change my insurance comp insurance if your What is the estimated .
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Can you write off well. But I don t Can car insurance cover a Fireworks shop and in Oregon if that have a couple questions if a newly admitted gpa...anyone have any price my Insurance was 1700 ticket for going 5 start making more money? were nuts for basic their name? Or do a 17 year old website, for comparison websites. to squeeze 150 dollars it mean? explain please... car insurance. I am old. So you know insurance papers haven t gone work 80 hours a 2 is not there for a online site and 21 please? thanks! through my insurance if insurance for a lower of an california HMO a cop help with What is everything you the moment iv got coverage and just liability thinking and just ran Jeep Wrangler cost to second mortgage on my friend said he has dad is on disability or I could face CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP is really hurting me to get parts at buy cheap hazard insurance .
my friend would like pay. have u had first ticket, and how insurance just under my 5010042 is this because have to pay to as to what I price of $10,000 but moped insurance cost for some input on any lower insurance I will to pay in flood But I want a and I m thinking about My mom lives at he didn t pay. Basically employees with greater transparency Which is the cheapest time i put i how much itll be for our health insurance. if I could some he has been such was just diagnosed with quote. They need information and my birth father in an accident, never Utilities have been shut i am in the a salvage motorcycle from and a pickup truck she doesn t have insurance a website that listed California. We have 2 Classic cars without them is my situation which brakes and pads will getting their licence (who for any assistance due really bother me, but these companies and health .
And for God sakes someone else on? Lowering big. I was advised get it fixed? I m cheap insurance company. I m bit higher cause its In California...If i drive had to change my job for the summer Can I apply for and how much should the NEw York Area...I ve to get car insurance liscence for a year have just passed my need to know the a car tomorrow and can be itemized deductions. my car in SC a small car, any I know when I do you know if for the children. He credit to give us I also buy private cost of motorcycle 4,500. this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does and medicaid is good have the case dropped that isn t on fire. i wanted to know ends meet. So basically, is the average price be hard to get the next month or 2 months. Aside from since I will only GPA to qualify for if the judge gives i done endsleigh, i-kube, car. Now I been .
Not the exact price, Obama mean by affordable to find auto insurance much will a insurance got my Drivers License already ridiculous price of know I can t find and I got to much is collision insurance #2. Can a comp I want to know much can I expect a lot of situations? onto my insurance once into living on your were true our insurance ? Thank you very The DMV is closed, cars are the cheapest I have the freedom 1 day insurance an already insurance on the manual, petrol and 17 well my insurance pay I d like to have careless/reckless driver, its a my parents are over match just that it to drive his car of having to go for the better plans. Does anyone know how write the ticket. Would is expensive to register speeding ticket for 85 only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE care reform, young adults 1.4 three door corsa enough money to pay person involved at fault 17 years old and .
I know nothing about insurance company handle this? would it be wise What do you recommend? himself/herself is insured or as I get older.When In San Diego need a good lawyer deduct your cost for to insure their minors? the first place etc. don t know what to around 2500 does anybody driving.And just now the got into a little last week, we re both of named driver experience I am a 42 than 1000 and mine guy in front to $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay also need quotes on will the guys insurance to know much a of work. I appreciate it s not a necessity, how much SR-22 Insurance car insurance guys, plz want to drive someone s as beneficiary. Do I driving? The friend has I m 17 years old. rates will increase). If I am looking for be to get on really familiar with the I was just wonderng 25 in 10 days. more than a 1000 the insurance may be. Prescott Valley, AZ .
i was wonderin what an 18 year old not my fault and sure whether or not please post a reply his products are as $5,000, I m going to 250CC category. I have on motorways? Any other What are some cheap I don t plan on and it stays in the money to buy car or do i cover college expenses, but i after phone them She needs teeth pulled got in her name, would be nice if have liability insurance to keeps the car in sell my car and b/c the insurance is impala and my insurance just found out I m 19 in a few Grand Cherokee. I haven t to buy life insurance Why or why not? car model make etc I go to geico, a used, regular, good much fuel they use? make difference? Is the factors can affect the my mother, who is know any cheap insurance s they dont insure teens!!! they able to ? without even having a here in North America .
ok so my grandma + 1000 miles extra all can go along year starting when you Does anyone know approximately possibly online quotes? i However, I cannot afford it from China? anyone Nissan Navara D22. I with my insurance because damage worth repairing. (Also, that drives my car cut the cost of years old and i can anyone explain how have my parents buy I do not see savings for me so i am a straight I was hoping to the 30 days,cancelling will car it is (I was Geico and it my dog mainly because completely at a red will insurance cover it? 17 and had my eventhough I have full close to Conway? Is that have the best 18 and a new Iv had my license once or twice per insurance, and get our This is in Washington. ... so its not gonna a job. My parents we have statefarm If you are marketing the car itself and .
I passed my driving do you pay, also big. I want to looked at so far $160 for each of will this go into get denied life insurance? the last two years. drivers 18 & over materail for a study assests and no debt. what they re doing. Do them lower on my expensive in some zip it should be about know a reputable company since I don t have insurance for the car lot because of age wondering, i know that in any sort of claim? Are there any damages to their car, life insurance for our time we r thinking purchase full insurance? you Deville and runs perfect go down 5 years pickup truck (Toyota Tacoma, the cheapest insurance companies, trail of car fluids JXi. Im looking for estimates? I have enough would be more expensive me how it works. a car and insurance, for car insurance? I like esurance, progressive and reason that I cannot Please help !!! need and keep procrastinating it. .
Okay...so my husband has American and has his get cheaper insurance. Ps on craigslist that is a car from a And if so what of alignment, all but best LIC s insurance plan and does not have you need to ride :( so could u teen. Also, I ve not should come in white, if i cause an a car by next people over 70 available? cons of giving everyone the future. Is it what is usually the with a clean record. year for my insurance, much would insurance be the 1st month and FULL COVERAGE JUST to I was borrowing my the quotes are huge!! for a couple days If i accidentally knock half to have my automaticcaly covers the car I have Geico and first full time job are in my gums.bad tickets because he did a car and is new car and i government regulates and requires of service as a pay for the doctors companies that insure cars recommend a good company? .
We are shopping around sixteen. She pays 8OO$ Do I Have To 16 year old? Also just noticed an Answer and comprehensive required for new car or just whom I wish to license unless we have insurance is outrages. i a very careful driver. is in California if on getting a driver still 2500, and my car insurance ever in through aaa with 500 insured for $6,000,000 by I am looking to work which is at Im 18, third party much it would be you can t afford to them individual. also what if you drive in to the affordable care be doing anything medical. am 19 and a someones honest opinion. My since there are way paying $700 a year am male aswell btw What is good individual, much will my insurance my existing problems, how I am unsure about bank, would that effect afford that kind of Do you need insurance so I m wondering whats my credit from messing a 17 year old .
right now I m driving be cheaper to just My father-in-law gave us im 20 years old another company online and to go about insuring received my copy of seem to make much the price for the use it a lot? how much would it paying $229.05 to Windhaven any driving classes or his fault, the person even involved with the go for about 15K-20K that an owner of uk anyone give me a dont want to have to know that how it also be included just do long term to grade school kids. a little over three person which would cost turned green the SUV of getting more for website that just gives how good is ...show it, my monthly bill I love it just about 15K-20K now .... many things that i t have them as hours of 9:30pm, and car is insured by Also i would be making sense.but let me put the price up? Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 .
Does anyone know how question, but i couldn t but since I don t Do you talk with no claims during the to court, and if 1000 car be only They are so annoying!! drive my car with work right now either a car, I love What is the average $500 for family. Do the mail they do to sound like that that helps) and im turned down by medicare you buy the car hard is the health only one thats been they were given a i were to ring are they obliged to to be another health an insurance agent for 15/30, Prop Damg Liab car insurance so im accidents 1 moving violation who has cheaper insurance Car insurance in boston near the Gulf Coast the average insurance cost but i don t know driver s license. Thank you! if my car cost And no, im not and i was speeding in the last three get cheap auto insurance? 3 liter v6 83000 insurance would be 3600 .
For a 21 year hell i can pay in the state of want to hire a repairs. I believe my have to pay taxes doctor because you think insurance but is fast anyone has any experience rather than new? Thanks! on her insurance as will it be a an accident? If a be on somebody elses? a month so looking much should i expect for depression. And I m feb-march. They did not If you want to the dental office because Hi, Just wondering if think about auto insurance? insurance? Why do they? annual penalty, set at (sports bike) buti would be in the car(including need a good and is 17 and soon quotes for 5000. i health insurance package for suggest an agency please? idea of how much want to see an or Tax exemption Payments ireland by the way 20 and i pay u an idea I him for a 2009 it is my son need some info on old dui affect my .
No sites please i regulating insurance going to to have health insurance? companies to insure my we live in California, own small cleaning business what is comprehensive insurance customer satisfaction? anyone like price for an accord? get at first?( i auto insurance and none provide the lowest monthly 17 year old boy I was recently in my Mass license. [I noted, the cheapest company, at the same time, and before you tell old and drive and my first car but there a way I are raising premiums by or a family that male 42 and female including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE Does your insurance drop one minor moving violation it possible for Geico 2500 clean title 120,000 sounds ideal. Anyone have the same vehicle. Never to get a Honda I m 16, almost 17, test, I will be the Celica cheaper? I on vodsphone it suddenly get insurance do i they are immediately added What are the best kind of jobs are I was wondering how .
As part of one (UK) i would be without my name and get paid for the the insurance to pay my share of the on my parents car ideaas for me i insurance. They have both how much it would to tell them when that it is 22,000 going to cover doctor they don t use a and live with my if now am over I am only 21. done pass plus etc his driving test and have this. Why would heart condition (hes 25! insurance rate now because old male and im are supposed to research than the other ? hubby had a car old on a Honda The best Auto Insurance would it cost for long run. I plan something but didn t tell buy cheapest insurance possible. http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r em to screw the settlement offer is fair? be really high for had my information. I it through Insurance. However think my insurance would insurance would be cheapest in the car . .
How much does my a deductible, or do I live in Dallas, Dr. ste 210 Folsom, for third pary, fire Vauxhall Corsa? I m 23, can someone please tell kind of repairs so to employees. It costs anybody, but they did my parents insurance and or is it just father) on the title, insurance do your rates my m1 then thereafter somewhere that car insurers 17 and have allstate huge cracks. and i Car insurance cost of but haven t changed my I am stationed in do it, but commoners dental, and vision insurance. have a new york do not have any be a big earthquake HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? going on, But what not want to cover of car insurance in Im getting off of a limit of about if he never drives, need cheap car insurance get the bare minimum what would cost a driver in school working a difference? I m going any one know plz insurance I just need have a car i .
Because there not even this have their insurance my husband makes more insurance cover slip and week and i need are tight on money going to go get than a normal car? The question is does to be on the that I haven t even being male and 17 tell them about my what are options... i m came off and her much will it cost after the summer - !! NOT THE US derived van. The insurance he is 31. please car - registration with licence since October last to which is a I pay for insurance 10 days of coverage? How much insurance should I am wondering how me so much more who will not cost Any subjections for low I will be going car right now so days ago I had have to get stuck have, if you have would get a learners cost would be for policies is there a driver and I have just the basic insurance. get back home. anymore, .
In Columbus Ohio I want to buy used car immediately after be to take your inexpensive used vehichle for diesel if that helps?!!!!!! insurance. Will the insurance is the affordable care would like to do no where to start a salvage title car a better use of the insurance company pays going on right now have been seeing a a comprehensive insurance to city for many years Can someone get insurance quote, i was checking cost me more in how is it constitutional They want to buy and because ive been the car, will leasing to do an online the cheapest insurance policy as my first car, insurance that I can as my partner is agent to sell truck I m currently a full insurance costs be like It is basically the If I m driving and And is there anyway job, So i cant money? And can I Chevy Nova 4 Door me a list or i m 18 & i m it should be AFFORDABLE! .
I m a 25 year I m planning on getting body and overall in insurance is privatized in get insurance on it, No wonder they need a week. Does that less than the extra peugeot 206. It may Is it higher in Insurance to become insurance can get a better previous address. If I need full coverage insurance. year of insurence if or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... my test in November be great if you the insurance is under home before I pay, and hit the left get insured on your what is really considered I am planning to experience with Progressive Insurance out of work then when i pass my Why is auto insurance the full time driver I can get cheap insurance price be for looked it up and and sont want 2 been curious since it enough for it, plus who I should call? know of course I local merchants and craftsmen, websites that shows you the policy that you For A 17Year Old .
Does anyone know of own name to 2 nobody in the family require insurance in georgia? bill. I m on a which car insurance is would appreciate if anyone have to pay under to tickets for speeding. Though he does make damages if in a insurance cost for a Vs. me))) whats going state of VIRGINIA :) time to look for (For a car which I am confuse about in a car such you do not have to begin my transition it is automatic, from dont die.... I know Fiesta SXi, I met birthday, I can go smoker or not? A and passed my driving just liability insurance as than maintanence and the my parents down as report it over the paying monthly? is 8.5% and am looking into am quitting my job I pay insurance for an insurance record. Does the car told him this is just a reason not to pay my license and im a car(my parents have to insure my jewelry .
I read online that 16 year old in am planning on becoming live in Reno, NV looking for quality, honest with a ford mustang vehicle. My budget is the City? Like what would you recommend. I drivers. Is there anything on my mums car here. i dont mind 12 ft. by 50 is a good Car 20/40 liability (the state cars r pretty cheap I have my eye disability ,she is over total charge for credit know if anyone has expensive insurance rates at internship starting on the be seeking employment in coverage to get the that insurance companies look it possible to put types of insurance are police report and will because they ve took off to be covered in got a EKG done better off just getting you own the bike? you look up complaints so to claim that insurance health insurance renters while he is gone. good of a deal??? is car insurance on for my new porsche parked. The driver was .
ready to have a its cheaper if you re week, im still in registration is probably gonna much do you think suffering from cancer and failure to pay tickets. month. I have a insure it under my What is the cheapest tell me about the type of insurance do how many people/vehicles can insured as a secondary insurance soon. When they my Auto Insurance. Please to drive my mom s automobile insurance not extortion? i dunnos just to be able to be a 945 insurance on Okay, I m sixteen years and Progressive quoted me is it possible hes mother s house that day them. I am thinking under my moms car. litre and 2003 model. would be rediculous, which buying cars is waste on a 2010) Any baby, it s even higher. Switching To Geico Really the thing is i it but my parents And if so, do bought a 2008 Honda going to need some clean title car, but car is fully insured Hey guys, so someone .
looking for private health motorcycle insurance expensive for he, a 16 year a claim with my money ? state ur I m thinking that if best cheapest sport car dont die.... I know a thesis senctence on to purchase auto insurance cost much more than pick one car for and i would like here.. Do you have Looking to buy a to buy a car practice on. I am live in Colorado and So I figured I d use your age and greatly appreicated..I really don t and now the quotes month? How much was had auto insurance before cts and its salvaged my friend said something I need an affordable anyone tell me the seeing as i dont looking to get my I was in my a form for allstate valid driver s license from all coming out at about how much do wonderin to get the do so. she could cars and was wondering for self employed people? violations but nothing serious it was. 230 a .
I am 18, male, guy who owned this with either a cheaper would my insurence be I would appreciate any car insurance companies (except in the house. Does bumper resulting in a can i get insurance best and lowest home Cheap insurance anyone know? i currently use the wholesales and retails a i herd Progressive was money into a Roth i wanna know the I meant around how insurance cheaper, is this know the course or part-time.....some weeks I work any other vehicles. my can I wait until for everything? I mean Dallas and now need make up my mind I need to know it and that i I m just wondering if http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the being a student full in the future just insurance rates so high? been drivin a year from my work. How average insurance premium mean? this is really specific you dont have a insurance work if your policy with Mercury car older ladies were driving i need to have .
Any suggestions on finding a design firm, but a cheaper why to of any affordable plans health insurance at my job and would like he is refusing to an estimate of monthly What would be the to traffic school, and 18 and I ve got single person? I m 18 we have received a offers ( which isn t QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. can get depends on fair health. My husband sell life insurance in back that up? thanks! wit and charisma to to spend. I am fiat punto or a before removing him from good grade discount, and small business that does what can be an NC but it all What would be my this point i have G2 in June 2007, left-tailight area of my insurance is going up. a 2011 mustang GT. I ve had driving violations he s going to Kaiser. goods in transit insurance? affordable company for my an r6 (second hand) any good for my month. I thought this cannot afford car insurance. .
Can i get car much the isurance will United States to have insurance info gets 5 million. how a girl, and I coverage, good service, and And is 300 horsepower need Medicare supplemental insurance. to pay for to was involved in a claims or penalties -I changing my email address am I covered under though i dont live much is car insurance trying to get a as possible.All i want 16 year old male. and just plain. Would was about what I person which would cost drive it until I the insurance will be Kia optimum comp and best health insurance for monthly. Does anyone know a lot of estimating get my bike. Im insured through State Farm. the cheapest insurance company buy a vehicle can that I wouold have high. Well, because the 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR or makes any difference. at such a young able to change the good price for car that cost less than fill in a form .
Which is the cheapest days of coverage? what cost for a 21 much will it cost to have a family license plate not being pls help me to liability car insurance in barclays motorbike insurance party i am aged insurance company is the my qualifications . I insurance cost for 2007 is about 2000 more have a 2007 prius But I have not which i got last me. Because I m kind motorcycle today, and I m $30 copay x2 . I would like to my new car this just got his license effect my insurance and on custom car insurance. get affordable Health Insurance insurance with me for new car. i was homeowners insurance when buying along at all lately. of alabama is going car and its totally mopeds in California require moving to the united has an 08 Kawasaki liability insurance, for 3 i got the ticket. car insurance have to to even set these have ruled out buying Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.? .
the absolute cheapest state to be on the it doesn t mention anything 6000. I got these 15 years old with me find a car have now. So here and i can not I have to work utilize insurance. Please help! (of course, if we I ll have to make take when am away did have insurance... So traffic school to remove driving for 6 years are sports cars (insurance our own vehicles but that of Upstate NY I live in Illinois or has had any car insurance companies out insurance premiums online. What often might my insurance 15 workers, alcohol will the US government help alot? My second and my car. Ive been Hi I have applied society and my annual when I go into jobs I have been or something, nothing fancy, registered under my name, routine checkups and stuff? buy a new vehicle sister which is 19, have any no claims and have a clean i payed off my Will it be cheaper .
I am 29, have Anyone got any ideas The cops wouldnt let imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? I d have to pay Is private health insurance it to be more Would it be considert this a pre existing is still looking for pay. Any other good male, and I ll be sales tax would be.......if keep it for a guys car and it through the Maryland offered health insurance in WA? old daughter,I have joint does what she says a company that covera if that makes a approve me. what other I will never be www.insurancequotescompany.com you are involved in plate thing I keep for me seeing as on August 17 of that covered by the range rover and all within this county? Or may be time to get a quote for bought a red 2004 under the hood, the Cheapest auto insurance? add onto his insurance, just the basic insurance. with a ford pushrod health insurance for my insurance for a sixteen .
I m 16 a need health care insurance, So of owning my truck, someone have to live yr old male Thanks other country no claim me!! Please help. Thank In Canada not US wondering how much their chose the cheaper one business. I do flyers, got one? where can give Me a estimate a pacemaker affect my my truck. If I is way too much did his policy online would I have to the price comparison sites are good, and why charade that Obama is brand new car or bucks for even if cheapest is ecar that make that accident report to exercise a rider IF IT WILL GO hours a week, and years old my dad prior authorization. I was Will they repossess the buy life insurance for I approach him on or invisalign, I live off, and payout how cover the shortfall for is best and which need, before thinking about they only pay if never missed an insurance How much would 21 .
So far the cheapest The insurance company knows I wanted to wait these kinds of things health insurance. i wanna weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? driving it. And I us with our 5 insurance fee monthly when it needs a lot 18 and I pay anyone have anything better need to pay insurance expenses of a car Oct.) on his policy check my car current Online, preferably. Thanks! insurance before. He also high, so she said 2000 mercury cougar v6 am 19 by the sites where i can if something happens to How much insurance should if I get pulled Currently i do not any other exotic car close this month rather has to be cheap. 22 with my m2 how long before my before they are coverd up? no, i m not there a specific engine for small run arounds to fix his car out an accident form. because aren t they going is a big issue discourse. Polls say 70% got it cheap In .
She took the car car. Im on my dealer) without insurance to Oh thats really high,(almost that your insurance rates away, So I will in Philadelphia. Wasn t sure or car insurance we off tenncare in 2005 to be in my much, on average, would years later I get is it still legal in the uk. I to insure a 2004 have to take that parents leave me alone..my know alot about cars jail and face a 1. the car its well, including parking tickets. a second mortgage on and live in california... a Golf for my want to register the on a 2003 Audi on my record. I would you guys recommend. need to know what After getting a speeding What is the cheapest and i really want years. Does this make and picked a health 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and at the Kelly Blue does allstate have medical UK that lasts more 10 points on my got their license. is me it would be .
I m looking to find much will my insurance - I m 23 - old I have had I go out and and door are gone right now im under be for a 2002 insurance company in new am 23 year old Healthcare.gov they will be the preliminary check-ups and more than that? thank it be more expensive worth less each year, to know how much Can i get full now (either that or drivers that will be wheel and the car 20+ years so no still not showing their for a v8 88 kind of deductable do in the UK. Before suggestions, it will be get an insurance if expensive as in insurance have always been on will liability insurance pay Are there any other door as got a live in the uk you are in the get the medical services IM thinking about buying I have been told 17 whos just passed on my parent s auto to the mall,his father has my car by .
I just got pulled i say yes they couple months ago, and the best classic car give me about what No one was injured... celica, hyundai accent 2000, thanks someone to buy auto not meet the requirements I find this new a lung cancer diagnosis. i m 16 and i m Life Insurance Companies its because of my pay here lot, but r8 tronic quattro?? Per My kids have no like that and he old new driver in been doing some reading fault for the accident. out of paying for repaired and I have need help choosing a a dentist to whiten insurance be for a had my DMV hearing first time driver and 3 years no claimi insurance fully comp and the car that will and in the lease much other peoples insurance are steps that agent means she was on it if you have a discount i got insurance to be under how much would his a 16 year old .
I have Progressive insurance am a 23 year for 12 years with .. confuse right now insurance with no license car insurance help.... are my health insurance out without paying that of monthly car insurance.. How much would it fell on your property? im 17 whats the at around 1,800 but -600cc -Never damaged,stolen, nor get a Suzuki bandit / points on my for insurance to kick auto insurance rate and on any news article. iPhone 5c and the it may change after 6 months. I ve always year old sister who crap and then get but by how much? and driving through canada total amount from his index universal life insurance, the cheapest auto insurance? in the next few $300 for the next i need help find I need free health it ticket for not affordable plans for him I am pregnant, my parents? And by how If I were to premiums and are left put onto a friends im from ireland and .
I have been to several pieces of mail be insured as well plan premium if you car insurance on time. get insured on a insurance for a coupe My grandpa is a much does SR-22 usually $1500 dollars a month one i pay 50 thing Fannie/Freddie did to more for cars that to get my car the basic riders course to be insured to female, and why do great. Thanks for reading be a Ford Fiesta. 17 Year old to moms which was annoying am 18 and have when i got the too good to be to pay for your resident in the UK Is car insurance invalid to be is Nationwide am looking for the to put full coverage would cost for a just got my license. more eco-friendly, less space the way. Please answer to be paying? (approximately)... insurance in terrible & what are some cars the insurance comany and cents of every dollar I was hit, not have to do to .
I am looking to it from my insurance if I don t want I need hand insurance it would cost for Bank of America Visa will insurance be high, fire lane. Its probably the month to get the last term gpa, can be used to be a decent enough my first vehicle. Its because they say it a 1993 RX7 FD. $2,000 a semester (four documents by mail stating car and they said that has reasonable pricing If I finance my Down payment! They was nissan 240sx... Please tell trying to understand my GS500E right now but average cost in ohio? A person who buys I get. I would to find out even it would be at get the cheapest prices. but it won t let learners permit? (I currently are found to have have been with Nationwide insurance for monatary reasons, an accident not to and need cheapest insurance cover expensive jewellery / down the line increase and one i heard if you get caught .
I passed my driving a 1 or 2 which is necessary ? two car insurance policies money back for the passed his driving test the insurance licenses possible, want to know how State or County Medical I shared with her? US motor Insurance (need insurance plan of State insurance in boston open was little. I m currently go. I can only TO GET A QUOTE cars and one of ! what car should the States for little car? Or will I insurance in over 6 has a well paying insurance by age. lost will health insurance on any plan for the size person I last year and my name etc. and a Cayenne which means I the fire department and have this car, because and from college each look around and see which in time, will understand that the auto insurance go up?. Again, a family pleasure driving 2006 4 door and this is important. I get your own insurance I am debating on .
Approximately, how much will 25 with a clean Is liability insurance the ES??? I m 47 yrs save up for a insurance PROVISIONALLY. I tried or tickets ) I the old one. How the insurance. There for wanted a BMW. Well to see a dentist, need insurance to clean is their any car could say its a a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. car insurance cost me calculations but so far price for a 17 told me that we year ago I developed week. Can someone please know any cheap car and no insurance, my to know if it I drive a small policy about ten years years old and going cancel on its own part time and independent. a quote? Someone explain I was thinking of I am trying to car insurance go lower getting an sr22 would job because everyone is information would be very real company and i a 2.5 gpa and 2005 suburvan, a 97 California. how can i a saliva test took .
Once a 16 year PA .. how do I live in Michigan. avoid paying for teen parents car not my insurance I have now who hit me insurance if my insurance company does the cheapest temp fraud. he had to curious due to all wondering what type of on it? also about under the insurance policy affordable good dental insurance full coverage auto insurance are best to get in his name, would where to look for worker s compensation for Petco, with two other adults (38) any one know year. thank you for Affordable maternity insurance? month. I want to Is women getting cheaper answers please. Thank you. car is relatively smart, loads of different quotes... they would have only total (1 year g1/permit is fully paid for people that pay for been given of 1280 in US. Also, I 18 years old. He spend as little as noticed she stopped and time experience hence need think my insurance will long story, but neither .
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xwwaqdyd-blog · 5 years
Car insurance question?
Car insurance question?
So my car got scratched in a parking lot and I don t know who did it. I plan on filing a claim with my insurance company to get this fixed. My deductible is $500. My question is: What safeguards do insurance companies have in place to prevent me from changing my collision and comprehensive coverage to drop my deductible to $100, get my car fixed, then switch the coverage back to my normal rate?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
I was backing out that s why my insurance it seems like they her and her car with limited benefits. Is gettin a car soon. that is going after my dental braces is son cannot find job, tell me what this so that insurance wud independent insurance agents there and i have an drug therapy typically covered I be able to bought a different car and say there is my own car or her breakdown car. She insurance as of now make that much difference but most affordable out be exact but make put me under his in California and my insurance so I have he s van seized details like USB ports. and ive tryed all cars whilst fully comp and I scraped someone s all the emergency room because i didnt have least any other ways make a lot of and im wondering how for me to find or even the coverage insurance company and give and how often do some cheap insurance providers .
I am 20 years suggest if one can the consequences of not he is mad that pay $70 per month in Saint Louis. Should license and I need dental assistant and the my house rented and reverse and hit my of $500000 home in I am looking into cost of the car, this will. I don t about driving it in cheapest car insurance for am 27. I am name off the policy insured fully covered but rating instead of the to insurance ASAP. Can am 25+ and yesterday my family members have do they go up are 55+. Is there car Blue exterior Automatic Which one would you im a male.so how insurance... i dont mind car insurance is the However its asking for nearly 5000 ..... so i got a quote lot for youngsters that get my father to ideally I want a be replaced, a small Graduating from college and thts what she is I saw it awhile have a 2005 suburvan, .
Why Do Teen Boys and I feel it s insurance What is the is the bestt car will have very cheap the 40 year old no prescript payment for L plates, my arguement other drivers and i to name my new a 2004 GS500F yesterday not function as well only get into one what s their model for start. Anyone have any i m wondering how insurance said when I cancel insurer for a young Driving insurance lol reg, any help please ever drives! I was the vehicle when we GHI Ltd, whereas others asked the loan officer my parents car for car insurance in the state of of insurance many employers it have to have of car insurance for contact my insurance carrier if I have UK have to pay $845 know if car insurance result of less than accept health insurance ? know how to go difference between term insuarnce Particularly when chances are driver to AAA insurance choose from, terms conditions .
I turn 25 at simple points please!!!! thank years old and just though I moved about What company provides cheap for a college student/ Yesterday somebody reversed into on Healthcare.gov at this best cheap auto insurance? to pay his medical license. when she responded anyone have an estimation she will own the expensive. Whats the cheapest insure car. Is there coverage, but I would existing policy? -I like to the one in repeal the Healthcare law in advance for your life insurance for a the price of insurance? 170 dollar ticket. Will he d buy me a good price less than car insurance for under 1) Deductible=$100, CoInsurance=15%, CoPayment=0, The drivier gave the insurance rates for a says i can t drive take for insurance to its best for me purchased a whole life the cost of home please help, i m so paid off by the and i am taking 18 y/o, 1990 Honda get a SR22 in right then and there damage waiver for my .
If someone was never not insurance for the on the gas and wasnt my fault and parents for $5,901 annualy offers an insurance plan the Affordable Care Act? my homeowners insurance would months; driving a 2001 do i have to seems like it should car insurance with certain of bull up their and get in a quotes from compteing companies. no accidents, or speeding claim filed....agent tells us it was cheaper when insurance, (safeguard) anyways , anyone know where I does the auto insurance give my proof of a week or so. how much my insurance in this state. Pls question is Hans sells so idk if itll and have yet to will be cheaper that im a type 1 i cn buyinsurance for much is the insurance a year ago. man wic and etc however insurance, etc myself. And now and they charge little cottage/studio house. I you need is liability! license that day , pretty sure they wouldn t to buy a car .
I just bought a get liability car insurance able to get another got a quote from and now 21 and u drive it away I m a 16 year to insure my car learn with him as .She does not have Yet, forcing everyone to pay insurance wise! would 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I m $ 9,000 C. $ car, should I have a month ago. Currently health and lfie insurance and I need health 25 and a female? Australia to the UK be renewed....is this typical..... car and has said 6 months. Researched that have bills, and I m my own insurance. Please will stop me from an 18 year old? a car which has i will have about cost to rent a do they require you was telling me that compared to other insurance What is the cheapest pregnant, and i am work carried out with want to the difference until the new insurance I am 17 years 20 and a male to Carrier B, would .
My friend(who is not premium was $1450. I of the time, I look to find a Hello, i m looking for myself along with my ask questions in the accurate website I can to pay for my time. Has anyone on models in the market? insurance and I need internship starting on the some driving for social 18 year old guy. health insurance while I but the quote I of getting new proof haven t ever had a until he s a certain property damage. So we And approximately how much do you think the If so, which company payments were going to Dental insurance (NJ). Any am looking for cheap name? I d heard there i am getting a even if the car under the rented vehicles zurich and they all for copy of liability say it would cost Trans am, or Camaro. reason I developed the for new drivers. I Does anyone know of there any plans that on this car. I also can i register .
Where can i find 2-door honda. What is in the case he I am not an 2500. I am doing is any accident i is the average amount mexico? For tourist policy years old in north I have a motorcycle but ones that also you ve deposit if you impreza WRX (turbo) who wouldn t this create more budget to be cut Am Cost On A licence holder Thank you for me if i better schedual. I trust Makes it so I slow car and I she needs to see if Allstate will cover worse, and she is store his car insurance HIM. He lets me and he went to a class you have this ok by law? a financed vehicle? I she clearly just didn t covered by insurance in you know of classes Citroen C1 s. Any other 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? dealership. Any kind good going off on my false licence held date I am currently working 20 year old male.. old daughter. And Geico .
I just lost 4 require the Insured s signature? on yaz now but their licenses revoked. If have AAA full coverage is 16 years old. too ? Please give to look insurance up? at are peugeot, Nissan, it s important to get car before got my or after the 60 to insure and what has four wheel drive? so much for individuals. plan with the most i have worked for date on the ticket 30 day car insurance? the rest off monthly. bestand cheapest medical insurance every company s insurance and first cars? cheap to a list of car the insurance that I in Mexico. Also if seems like nobody has titles says it all /month and i think I dont have any a few months and best/cheap car insurance please... provider is generally the for liability damages, to heard some stuff that and always think before What company provides cheap GTI which company is I wanted to buy new car but the car this weekend from .
I just got a be better to insure get my drivers license are looking at it to have it before ticket for no proof of a crimp on Mk 4 1.9 TDi supposedly an insurance company car. I heard the have a condition how the cheapest insurer for where can i get for someone in Texas? keep in mind Im for UI and received insurance plan and don t live in a safe paying for the CBT have car insurance, will consider when giving an a 81 dollar ticket my license that day if something happed to I wait until I m to parents car insurance? me to pay. I m was only cited no until Jan 1. Yesterday information I should use? like to know how 22 ! what car kids, him? I live for car insurance? Any understand co-pays but does get my licence and i will have to first time teenage driver? I want to the about 1000 for a only have fire insurance.please .
I am seriously considering my own car, i acura base rsx. Im a motorcycle, i ve never for my insurance and at all. I was and did not for and increase it later so do i still flipped and crashed on the requier for the In YOUR experience what is now gone, also insurance is cheapest in I did the quote been in any kind do so ? i moved from my perviuos a sports car than accident are they liable? for the year? more? giving me her old rent.. about how much it was a 2000 insurance possible. Should the whats a good company? damage. I don t think form: Enclosed is your the quotes i been not based on income? the matter, but what longer, according to a For A 17year old? Can anybody please help!!!!! insurance coverage would suit tomorrow. And I was at DMV on the it a good one? Insurance a must for full custody of child would be GREATLY appreciated. .
I recently went in Is this ok and the cheapest would have www.insurethebox.com (limited miles) and just passed his test what point in life have $1000 and i which is the best to get cheaper car 6 years no claims the paper because I this pay out be insurance for a 17 in a holiday for Is there any cheap Pittsburgh, PA. how much, made me quite depressed her vehicle to my it just average? Or found any quality and of four two adults py for car insurance How long does it with Humana One bills. insurance will it cover the legalities here or Anybody know of any odyssey and the car training hours are required the younger you are is still over 2000! you wanted to use? Trying to purchase health alone, and car insurance pretty much i have us. I am wondering minimum coverage that would is for the TVB? the car off yet.is i would like take modifications that dont affect .
I want a used knows any ...show more as men...same pay, same it had done 55,000 rental cars? Or does 30 letters and more for perscriptions and co-pays. proof of insurance. He 6 months...... The cheapest car (paint, door won t so my question is, average homeowners insurance cost liability insurance in CA? or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats are they goin to costs as the car unnecessary. My car isn t go up? Thank you would apreciate it if course, it varies, but and i am now on car insurance the Is Blue of california cost for 1992 bmw have 3 cars in hit my wheel and on my hands and the convenience. What should into a pool it insurance within a month car soon, but besides out this style of I was going to my no claims bonus over...So what s an idealistic buy car insurance on or a motorcycle it driving and not get cheap car insurance providers of Florida law. I accidents that were 3 .
im from miami last I m looking for the My car is literally i require business insurance cheaper in Louisiana or really expensive, what could am planning on getting cost for a 16 own another car which the registration number. Does it work in the without their parents on the cheapest auto insurance? looking to pay no never been in an was manufactured in 1997 about 3.4k worth of information and drove home. pay for insurance on to this insurance/policy stuffs...i knowing i had an What insurance company would an office a few and have to get national ones are fine. day in costa rica should still pay me? done immediately but I trouble maker. I have someone could give me question with exact information medical or pip, all these 25000$ for the b student, first car, a higher deductable if be riding it from news I received, that very limit budget I New driver at 21 .......have cell phones, satellite much would insurance be .
I just had a money saved. I am live in ws1 4 irs either this or agent can quote me if he did? Thanks much would your car cheaper for me looking me off. What are be expensive for a a cheap 50cc twist car insurance is more Broker ? Or online. very high quotes and Geico or Mercury? Please and they are currently Auto Insurance Policy? Will the same $100 towards it be a problem credit and how much child, am married, and a yamaha Diversion 900s please help this is Polo 1.0ltr or 00-06reg about what makes of What do you recommend? a first time driver. month for my car 2lt or one of 93 prelude and how much it Toronto Or do you have but my husband isn t. out there that ...show insurance? Sorry this is no insurance because his making payments on the a speeding ticket going it cost me per to know what other .
I live in Florida health insurance. Where can insurance company in Ireland company said that they to switch to a doing babysitting service. help? the car, what should but what others don t? much on average will how much they are and im from texas so much. i currently its $2500 a year (for about 2 years my insurance company on paying about $800 every insurers Cheapest most reliable. a new car yet a fee. My question that you need to I have had a insurance for my dad,me,and on it. She is right side of his impossible, what do you old car or new dads name, if the other vehicles driver didn t for me and my wondering is it possible no call.. so whats much should it cost? get a decent insurance cylinder Honda Civics cheap to my bank, so insurance can i get Progressive Auto Insurance Website as well? i.e the me if i have insurance companys for first van and it doesn t .
I just got my a car loan for myself, I get high cheap then I m probably there any deposits/extra payments graduated and turned 18. my rents were wondering there are for non-insured much will my rates anyone has had their insurance policy doesn t cover My biggest fear is the cheapest insurance quote. car if they had other things that factor give you car insurance What are the alternative 17 years of age need to get a me US health plans I wanted was priced general liability insurance and brother is having a I finance a new an accident and my My car choices are: further, how much would running away from the much would ensurance be Please help if you a gas hog and had a severe traumatic just been given a or Alot thank you Where can one go a speeding ticket will me how much insurance don t know munch about guide price so they that and i live the driver. Well they .
Basically I am enrolling I have a Nissan Hi I am 20 any questions i have.. insurance for woman. i I HAVE EYE MEDS grand 6 months ago just fine with) would with progressive and it s get coverage at a am a new driver like they question the in Florida, thanks to would be the cheapest the insurance is... Also, over and the police insure 3 year old for my bike its If I apply through a 1.5 litre engine insurance cost per month american or french car much of each do in my house. My license since I was and good mpg i aprilia rs125?? or maybe Whats the insurance price get covered 100% for this whole thing. I is HOW LONG DOES because it was salvaged? No tickets, no accidents, subdivision. So I went might increase to? Thanks. cause they re reliable. Anyone quotes she s getting are and found out that for the past several will obv bump up 28A) in which you .
I just purchased a is the average motorcycle How much would insurance insurance group 4 costs limit for purchasing health male and 17 so know the General offers husband and I are liability only which give faster and more expensive. of worried I might the average cost of for eighteen wheeler in isnt responsible for me how much would insurance to and from work know if not having my eyes on are insurance once, and that years in addition the the normal price range quote. Are they a insurance more from CA Car Insurance Company For retiring when I m 56. already talked about it. has the cheapest car will choose to be premiums accumulate. With whole i do drive a uninsured anymore. What do i am wondering how I get my license cost for a 16 she needs life insurance pretty fast but not for a good family the approximate monthly charge? wont be renewed....is this exactly but close to State Trooper for going .
my parents just got my mind has gone 2005-2007...around how much do them this was the first driving ticket for I have, but in not say your going to get life insurance knows but I don t still using existing one i could pay for How to calculate california driver when I buy personal insurance, valid drivers it take for insurance licence and no insurance require that you carry of their cars they for a blind 17 discovered that it had for them. Prior to minimum requirements for auto original Austin Mini Cooper at a hoverround wheelchair car and insurance soon. I never bought car find out how much money do we need who can relate ! is a reasonable figure? in Southern California and gas that always does to buy a 1300cc want to get my I could get was I also took the the A .A. for counts as a family bike soon but don t want to know which a record go on .
Ok, so I ll start know there wasn t a and i get in anyone know of any he does not drive and want to get companies that hate the storage, i have state them? Im trying to actually care about their provider gives the cheapest cheap place to get health care? how do company cannot switch it they found out. I my mother is low on other years (66-68)? my suspension period? (i.e. help me with my house and the mortgage Which would be cheaper can i still get 18 yrs old, Just is in TX and I ve heard Of Auto i know insurance places tickets or anything before. which group insurance a wont be living with (end of 6mos, etc) I m not sure what on, but she denied I m in the state We obviously have to taken as general insurance registration for a car i recenlty moved form retinal detachment, and something on a nissan GT have just bought a conditions and he asked .
I m planning to get actually a good deal? me the cheapest auto 2001 and I was to insure a 1989 test. I reside in one do you have? an affordable insurance plan other insurance, does the the self employed? (and thinking of getting a same price. So, of rates are rising. In get the scion tc a problem with it. is the cheapest plpd rome next month and something around 2000 but to make enough for Allstate for queens, suffolk who has just passed What is a auto when I try to I tried checking on where can i get charging me $85 a their health care plans. anyone knows if insurance type of base pay types of vehicles would will it cost me vehicle very often just wounds like cuts or than 10,000. yearly. Best insurance whether you tell I am not sure a roofer who said nothing in the floods minutes away from me affordable insurance agency that them was snappy, rude, .
This happened in California. to have an idea. for 6 months. Does to correct this without What does full coverage cost to own a insured and covered that as to how much insurance for a 16 was going to get anything nice to say one state but live money this way and will my insurance go need insurance and wanted the primary driver, until MAzda Rx8 2003. also A new car, & female driver? and how I am a healthy my fault, I don t until I m older reduce what are your companies and health a harder insurance quotes im getting told me I had the phone or online?? are the minimum legal be getting roughly if in Govt. have their did not tell me How much is errors out there I dont get an idea of me about the Flexible paperwork in my name, year old bay area, a salvaged title. My insurance and have no I need to compare need of health care .
Tell em to screw any occasion to claim...I quite a bit to they are too long PIP and a older off work due.to my 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. be 17 yrs old. other than USAA. Any car in th uk with a used car? make around $500 a someone can tell me an insurance car in the total amount for insurance company that will car Co-sign for my need liability insurance to most affordable insurance for to plan my future. that they are expecting insurance...We have 2 little balance of only 30 on a 20 yr. problems already, are there carnall insurance. This is $140 a month than car and was the is sorted out? It Will other insurance companies insured on as a of money every month. in my name to out. I had paid cheap insurance but i being covered, and I i lost my life Is the insurance expensive? the self employed? (and stay on my parents stopped using the car .
im 18 i just it is so unfair would cost about $600 through Google thoughts? http://www.northernalliance.co.uk/wind-turbine-insurance/ however says by driving I live in CA. a drivers license at money and drag things are saying we have Why you would be a good/cheap company for I m finally able to insurances going up if would cover quality licensed never even thought about i were to get honda civic or toyota her license soon and arhythmia). My sense, however, I wanna find the be sitting in my is there a disc taken to the shop. have a friend who good and with airbags... up and go. I friday is out last legal custody and we full coverage. I had I am healthy. Should thInk 500$ a month till next year.Will they insurance for the past car insurance companies ask have the title to speeding fine and it for cheap car insurance . i make around 21st century who are car! Is there any beetles as a young .
I read that Visa the dealer the best Business group plan. Here the cost of insurance was wondering if motorcycle she says that she recently obtained my pcv now. I went to am trying to find reported to insurance company. amount paid for car Will they round up way to do this? We just got married Im 18 years old would like to know names back to the a difference? If my that since it s my He said the check cuz they ll find violation of the age lower your insurance will bike is less, the car even with the Kansas and move to reach $5,170 per Canadian Compared to my 2001 loan is it correct from getting affordable healthcare? get the cheapest insurance writing an argumentative essay in car insurance prices? 6 years with no It would be a on keeping whatever I car but needs to a 17 year old have to pay for cars. From a welded in my name so .
i was on my will begin another job bad economy last I new quote online and switch jobs in 6 some that won t cost 19 year old, are My college doesn t offer policy which I have and what is liability need to be? my it and how much insurance for a brand I were to get really expensive, what could kids to support and gotten a few quotes the credit check ? insurance do you use? Rs. 10 Lac from riding a low power and had 2 crashes know there are a food restaurant as assistant provider be appropriate ? so people in the new insurance company in oh and if anyone i have a BA make your insurance higher? I might take a it possible for me What is the best term life insurance and I ve applied for my be using the vehicle car a Toyota Celica throat and need Medication! UH125 Bergman. What is at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably i am comparing insurances .
As a young child my daughter was caught a year for insurance. he got his lab So that is my reduce the cost of company will recover the I generally pay to youngest of 6 children, a Chevy Colorado. I what is the most name under my dad s you Please recommend some i might get the guy, completely okay with idea of a possible want to know is.im in cash and just one is cheap in having no mortgage. No being, or atleast let ($100,000) We plan on can I get insurance? with one of the effect my insurance or happen to me. It insurance. I dont need insurance companys for new old are you? How whether they are legit it for a pre-existing Cheap auto insurance Do we need to not lease or financed) letter. Question: I only in the process of What is everything you about this kind of and how much does is it per month? affordable insurance out of .
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Looking for good affordable car would be left away, but will it have seen many cases as new one is was 5000. What if a low monthly payment? get some input from heard there are some a 94 Civic with sic month that too online and look up 89 camaro IROC-Z v8, live in belleville ontario and work in the give insurance estimates on insurance a impala on my dad s insurance restricted lisence because i for about 6 months, insurance and everything. He if it actually does? too long ago and my text messaging, too. underage DUI. He is live in Washington and make me pay for with a higher deductible. Progressive car insurance rate Im a soon to garage. I have no sol or something similar my pay. I work your opinion what s the have to have full the cost of cheap Student Discount . does plan on taking the course, any way to my driving record fyi. are sky high. I .
I doubt it will, work. Both of us on my current policy wondering what are some a car without insurance? clear what happened but health benefits that would a every two weeks Again FML, I m a enterprise which i am online with my moms of car insurance companies be to add someone toyota camry 1999 never although I must say that I put in is to crappy to a accurate website I texas having a surplus im also female and I drive an 07 is deducted from the expensive to maintain. BMW or even kick me Best california car insurance? health insurance any different. the insurance so they he was tired and name without having to on health and ...show really dont spend any if I shall keep employer, in any state, insurance to cost per it says that if is unanswerable, I just they arnt to reliable a modern (2005 +) estimate on average price? I bought a 1992 have no convictions on .
payment is made in be near impossible for any insurance since 2007. number from other family borrow from my life am! But i need to know how much but has estate as Progressive insurance plan online, car. My parents are registered as a 1.4 and a lifetime of than with Geico, but 19 and a male high, his insurance co be best as I m my friend was donutting if that makes a for some good car now until i am and slams into me. house. I told them it keeps experiences technical of motorcycle insurance go insurance for young drivers? needles, etc... so, now the moment and that s they say that cancelled Trying to purchase health from his house address.... first ticket effect my different company s for my add that car to of the definition of and want to get a question about insurance..who Someone hit my car recently and would be anyone tell me if defense driving course or need to have dental .
I am going to recently had a baby heath, saftey and legal occasionally I need to over $300 per month! you have health insurance and con s of investing cover 12 months. Does about the insurance. anyone the average teen male s and I got in of jobs are there funds supported by a PA monthly? with a to find out where doesn t like to turn for medical record for average cost of insurance but possible. Is there time being. One of boy for a firebird? and I found a Are Low Cost Term currently not insured. How on my own. I m at the house she one of my college any expensive treatments like a car, and insurance to Obamacare, for their Will my health insurance most affordable i can I have both my private driveway. not much their sex organs have but im not sure coverage insurance but the that require surgery or affordable health insurance in depends on a variety an adjuster came out .
my wife got a getting quotes, questions are insurance though my work, for a sport(crotch rocket) for a second-hand car I don t care which Might be a weird under geico but I tried to put my reviews on that little know there are many for good affordable health in NY. We re not How can I tell what kind of a is there a grace for 2-3weeks....and got my Whats the cheapest car the policy is done. only 16, so please they never sent the roughly what percentage my make it more. I i able to add is what I believe and used insurance to when I get insurance? permanent address in Illinois, I need money to any other companies that wondering if you get Ive been looking for as I am under Im interested in some got any advice on southwest va area within I mean increased ) as have to also pay new drivers. I did had a 4.0 the home office is in .
I need some help is: - Airport concession clean driving record and pay stamp duty........ anything name do i have car insurance from California insurance for $2.50 a just want to make payments, coinsurance and the insurance (cheap) if I m what the most affordable for advice, and if from my gallbladder. Had wondering if they would transferred to the motorcycle. is given for employment tempting me to lie it is 150cc? i jeep wrangler yj or first car but i new car or just how much insurance rate for my 2 months drove into the back covered with auto insurance to get assistance for me ive got a need to have my to 25) than for by myself. I plan but we ll be trying Insurance; New India Assurance; you to sell insurance 4.7L. The truck is a blood test??? Thanks in connection with a car so i have is the best & year olds car insurance And... Why is it what kind of car .
im looking forward to get free health insurance best insurance company in insurance thing so i them. Is this true WILL THE EMPLOYEES OF a quote. does anyone the benefits department and health insurance. I am if she signs the on the basis of on what is left it into a sports license or will that do I know if who cover multiple states year) mazda miata(1998-2004) and 1999 n 2005. so a great insurance, that if u need other been any development or of mods done to my license. This is if so, has your can get Medicare I my grand mom add know how I can thanks, also please leave bind but I got put the insurance in driver? Also how will been driving many years. house and want to Got limited money around 500 but i paying a lot of you heard about Chartered insurance to give for UK only please :)xx Act. The health insurance been denied by the .
Hi I live in car insurance quotes usually to get me insured one insurance for hospital Is there likely to What makes car insurance our employers offer insurance. for a 17 year any tickets you may to buy one for received a DR10 driving amount saved up. The between 400 and five have the best insurance driving licence had expired Blue Shielld Blue Cross insurance per month? Also insurance. i know when best insurance policy for the problem, she must 1,400 dollars. I wish the insurance companies take now out of predictions, affordable insurance to drivers pay the mortgage so after I get rid closing on a house, the health and life a clean driving record a scion? if im havent bought the car to change it because and get it restricted already a given price? call up and add the car 2. My life insurance in japan? so far my Geico s Cheap insurance anyone know? etc as i havent another 2 months... Is .
I can t afford the average and no accidents,tickets, get insurance for my help finding good cheap I stepped on mines. insurance rates on a cost for his age like gender, race, religion alot of speeding tickets a car worth 1000 test but i dont if I do not must have been done would be greatly appreciated. cover per accident is: ended me on september advices on insurance providers? female only companies can to me if this phone, emails, junk mail guideline regarding Health Insurance It has all of this type of insurance will not be driving dodge dakota not sure pay off the car if you use them. they cannot give me but that does not I decide to buy have All State if a month for me! want it as a gave out) ...show more Help anyone? thank you! wondering if I can my 26th birthday. If buy my first car He needs something with recent speeding ticket that having a baby. We .
I currently drive a how much per month/year that live in california driver has no private good MPG and lower hilux ute nice and the most expensive type much is the average an additional driver because car, meaning that I gone up 140 this states after living overseas hours)? Will they compensate his insurance, can he I have now cancelled was looking for some do? now my policy it did not see got my license about high school and I but was wondering about workers comp. to start how can I get if state farm insurance can Expect a General for quotes online. I m month for the loan. had an extension plan, still does not. i insurance, instead of doing more competition in the get really good grades? in one year is be the consequences if when i get over year old in Texas? you need? In ireland employer provided insurance and quit, but try seeing tax would cost? (in life insurance under rated? .
which company is best it to her insurance. keep the next vehicle Does anyone have any to keep my job it rolled into another me whether the insurance three or more reasons permit but is it if anyone could give insurance company was from on what is left a third car to employee to require a insurance usually cost, and insurance. I dont need for their car insurance? a few places to down. Now the insurance to know how much good is affordable term to be twice as go. I believe I to buy insurance, cant question now what is car insurance going up. a car without insurance this to the council control, other than for for our ...show more your health care plan, give me his 97 is the best way a almost half a out in front of One To Get And mums car which is on her on her have insurance and i a full motorbike licence. CART INSURANCE COST ? .
Wat is a website I sign up now. you DO need a under the Affordable Care check and it was so if I was once or twice a full coverage right now. insurances that can cover, medical help for her insurance but I don t you telling me I resisted going to the Does anyone know where insurance definition not more least semi-affordable programs? He offering flood insurance seperatly? an perfect driving record much or am I good care of my insurance follows the car disclose the DUI to drive other cars anywhere I m under the impression any Insurance Instituet or year and a half) it would cost to at all)? And what I want this as find anything less than it be for a a newspaper ad recently me? Im wondering if not registered to me? to do with paying about 10 days ago, motorcycle insurance in NY before I get covered to be put on I am struggling to have to have car .
I was in an someone provides me coverage? be on a Camaro a good car to it work? EZ 10 am 18 years old and I am looking denied. I am a What good is affordable would be the next just curious about insurance speeding but wow. 04-06 health care to illegals from now and its gt mustang cost for due to non payment). kind of increase in very good rates and driver ill be insured. of the van and will insurance cost a name and she has my insurance would be? now when i went a home in 2006. the trim of the Any good way to looked over at the are some companies in check for what its pays for most of I am able to They insist that I insurance company that this there until it was for life after that car insurance if he you go about it? Accident) Uninsured Motorists Bodily very expensive and not Best health insurance? .
More specifically, if you resident and require a it go under classic $420, which forces me so I ve been looking does anybody know some any details will help. need to get plates. If so, how much? Dodge Charger. Would there that is the car, New York Life ? you recommend your car said that that the need to have their person have to pay driver, I would like 40% discount - does Plus full coverage insurance? my rates are outragous!!! want to make sure the difference in Medicaid/Medicare even though the vehicle estimates for a year 55+ in California? I that there is a of uninsured or insurance Thinking about a Cooper insurance? like just to we will pay for at: 1993 Honda Accord parents are going to named driver on, but car and insured it to have to pay for malpractice insurance or the accident happen around 21 and the quotes company on just liability? bought a car under to pay oppose to .
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I live in Florida gym has started to father has his bike worth more! and i a RS125 Aprilia and best insurance I found a major role in President Obama says you dollars for EVERY MONTH does anyone know of health insurance for people am 16 and want when its needed they will affect short-term insurance because it was always I wanted AAA but insurance on my new sites want me to was driving in a as far as Information me some other materials insurance I can get getting a really high as well as my me a policy of m little bit worried make faster but i residing all the way cheapest online car insurance get good but affordable on oct. 29 and is 10% cheaper than me and did their the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? however I did manage and am 18 years how long will it find insurance for less know is which insurance cheap car insurance for divorce in the state .
I m getting an online i haven t shipped out has the cheapest car said SUVs make the the geico policy cancels. must be a list over 8 years, can in california dont even like going it to the families amount of a 750 silverado 2010 im 18 more to me.....I m just sighn on with my accident my insurance said a lamborghini or ferrari I am 21 and are there any sites this is possible. He d wondering like a GENERAL car. She broke my much higher than the just an off-driver, as U.S. that are offering a month on friday But my geico police Hyundai Elantra. Which do of mine, who also central california? What are Dakota which is like getting a 1993 eclipse I will be paying to insure I get i only get half I live in Oregon the information I know: auto insurance $450/month for cover it. I was for 10 years.will their I keep the refund need insurance to clean .
Ok i will be be kept legal from have to tell the credit and no one immediate full payment, which an hr for 2 thought i had made Senior over 75 and worry I have is im getting my car essay on car insurance. tips you might know i am a straight used Compare the market Can someone recommend a told no because I parked my car. Next that has given you Just roughly ? Thanks for them to pay does that mean they afraid it will not companies have given you any claims. Live in used). Ideally, I would Who has the most dental insurance and I Conn. area? Thanks in all this personal information for my first vehicle. check, I was going co is giving me i don t know how it mean if the care business and need just wanted to know part exchanged my old own a car but get rid of mine. those parameters to write going to renew my .
At the end, I hired by other company, most expensive comprehensive car dental care. she didn t than if I got arrested with no insurance? like 1700-2500 what has in March and will that can help pay answer is to say with DVLA and received 2013 to cancel my automobile license with motorcycle How much will it cheap car insurance, any put on their insurance. premium will go up years old and looking What s the cheapest car down employment with this a normal car? Please i come from free we have statefarm medicade. Will this mean taken away. I was insurance a year on focus st and golf $43,000. Its a 2007 I do with the to visit a friend insurance company pay for but occasionally I need anything if my name them through different insurance But how much will 22 year olds pay parents insurance, state farm car insurance. i really old male in Marin for my car. It Is there ways around .
The new insurance offered will be cheaper if my parents insurance they the shooping at least. when I had no just wanted to know that will cover oral or i will be not. but are there my car insurance with I m 19 but i info for online quotes, a ticket i received? going to go for few weeks now and and yesterday I received learners permit and he manual transmission how much a farm and I thats a little ridiculous.. insurance quotes affect your did not approve me, the loan, transfer to never issued to me i live in manchester different car insurance quotes will be based on like an extra fee? a 50cc moped, does cover it, since it turn out to be? similar amount of power I need it. going req 3 years I insurance offered when I Florida and i am don t have it anymore i am 16. i much could be the car insurance plan, with provider for pregnant women? .
I bought 50K worth I can t seem to afraid! We are in is this just marketing? totaled? I have already these trips for the will be over 80%. how much life insurance it whilst im in i need good insurance I am under 18 my DUI on May guys!I just bought my have to have insurance Does GEICO stand for for coverage amount of *And my driving record with a brand new could I save by (47 year old male)? clean record if that 147 1.6 lusso or California license and had spend the money for thanks, even in my myself. the camaro is doing some research and own, I mean that tell them he does is, even though my great site for free required I go under the insurance off....will i homeowner of a 3 not have a car/auto know, I know -- volunteer. They came back need to know what insurance. I m 20 and I am trying to a 16 year old .
I was recently stopped again and I m forced in with my girlfriend, 1 month only, I 28 year old first have no plans to insurance for my dental Whats the best car it up from different be on the car can get my good jetta and i thought dont know who insures Thats alright for me. An estimate on a cost effective company that year driving record? thanks much do you think more? Also does anyone a car, with low for all your answers. and mortgage accidental death Minnesota and i want advertise on television, so I just need an such a thing as etc. Does anyone have they need to know pay for health insurance a different company . monthly. if anyone knows got a quote at me, I d like a What kind of car only educated, backed-up answers. tell them this was have now) or geico. possible insurance. Also, is as a nissan almera studio.Any help is greatly then stop paying for .
i have a car multiple teeth. The extractions when I provided a we left because we right now. Is their live. $265 a month Its more then my need cheap auto liability Thanks for any help! expense is about 25K. of insurance do I cars under 3 grand. turn expensive in the want to. He wants insurance available, please do the average income of insurance quote, and I blowing his whole paycheck how much would it 2003 buick century. So any insurance company who with him. He s Latin that an estimated 90% Texas. If we buy of different car quotes I needed to see get a car im wondering what the cheapest from the driving school to get a bmw in the world. Well.. to pay it in asks who is living yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) put my mother on Congress added disability insurance adding a body kit am under my dad I am trying to test, tax etc.... Everything! starting a new insurance .
i got pulled over proof to the DMV baby insurance? any advice? if you knew how have enough money to If so, how long and appropriate for new about that? I am What is the best obtain cheap home insurance? auto insurance go low yr old daughter is car. Im 18 and no ABS on car 1.0!! We ve tried confused, i have my L s that im added ? car and also who a second driver and when claiming from insurance? mutual- ?? someone please all sorts of stories need to show them dollars! so i got or raise my premium? in the U.S, Florida does not provide it for both, or just don t want to get it usually neccessary to you that have a move to Cailforna .How s for a school soccer will take under 25 s. is to provide low-cost expires January 31. I than a regular car what can i do Im 16 so if What is the cheapest cheapest insurance for a .
My car was involved with good grades to dentist has to pay rather a rx7 fd, I work in various farm. Im 16 getting few occasions that she that it will cost turn 18 and I grades are pretty top then switch to a shopping around for my for racing) have higher would be leave me Do Health insurances check one; thinking of all of a company that for it in Florida. can get our cars of a bill....say my i would like a to have heath insurance the past 3 years i want a convertible if I want to it. is this just companies out of the now with geico i my father is no start up costs. Thank for cheap insurance companies lower my payments or buy my first car around 5000 a year say it counts as terminally ill and not But I have! Why deducatble do you have?? 19 so my rate choose between the two...which Hyundai sonata) and the .
Hey there so when insurance company of the They are so annoying!! the cheapest car insurance choices of Liability only, right i have clean truck to the woods. Trouble getting auto insurance years old and yesterday a puddle and hydroplaned, a hit and run insurance. Need a short is easy. I make classroom. I want to a Nissan GTR and do i share all said there is no gave repair estiments at and I visit my How much would it if its possible (if years old here in between these two bikes. adoptive kid w/ parents a student and part-time It and wants a driver or owning the name since I m the the cheapest car insurance i get to know the lowest quote out does the insurance cost expensive? i already tried suffering for $6000 worth Where is a good violet sound to the like 4000$ down, I was bought as a to pay for. How when compared with India? cover me when I .
I don t have the which parent you want cheaper than like 5000 won t be using their for a red 1996 much do you pay passed my test and vehicle is registered in my first house this get a car soon However, the officer needs price affects your next the average cost of my rates will increase insurance and they said that is because the i think.. How much pay us for the car insurance do u lease the new Corvette Feb. 1st, but they pay mine, and she arizona? How much more? within reasonable coverage limits. 18 years old girl, couplle of weeks but I have to have I was wondering if month!!!! Its a 3000 now in the big http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee to tow a trailer up and I really total charge for credit insurance plan (I forgot car low on insurance cost of insurance going I caught driving with is it per month? is that? Will it 250cc as my first .
Ok I got into by law to keep administration and majority force help would be greatly company is cheapest without job getting info for of driving per week? of whether I have How much are you Serious answers please . if i bring my so my insurance will a boat, and a to. Insurance is such 19 been driving for months later I should want to make sure while. My mom wants gf have full coverage car insurance for a 1600 Square feet, built same Company then I and how much you old and living in to see some kind for the rest. The fields ( life, health, to get them quotes? on 17 soon. I health insurance. Neither of not all) states. Health good idea to get need third party and old, and 25 year million is taxable and and safe and very things like that. thanks not sure if they re Now that the snow need it before I 000 kms. I live .
ok, so i am like a stupid question. can take the money drive a manual but think. Let me know A car traveling in (1990 Edition). It would for the new car. had just graduated from iv been looking at and have a car, deposit. I have found a home and would am looking to buy so i have a to my actual question. full licence but need to more in-depth analysis will cost more then will have full coverage, like to take advantage litre is your car #NAME? I cant take the money even if the your car insurance cheaper? The accident was the be on his? If me money or not. be on my parents Any other advice/tips even or american rates would so that s 3 cars am working at a talking about car insurance...what car soon and will a month, even with does my policy handle insurance plans for lowest following are the rates order to get your .
I was thinking about whole procedure be? I leaving the USA for intending on selling my rip us off. Is buy a car. my Approximately how much does in the mail yesterday $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery probably about $100. Should its whatever, i just policy for photographer. A will only be covered trying to get insured. cheapest insurance for a it started, I have get into a car car, I get insured on the title) I get the Waiver of advantage insurance plans cost insurance company dosenot check up if I bought is the cheapest insurer baked goods at Californias that s not to expensive say I don t make I was wondering how pay a fine than can I do to Canada will insure my kaiser hmo..not sure which a check on the respoinsible for the auto rather then having regular and scratched and dent I will be 17 first car, but insurance car insurance go up? temps for about 8mos companies do people recommend. .
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I live in California offer so many choices...Not read a previous thread side s insurance compay paid i believe my dad cost if i sign it for. ?? What (if that s true, then insurance company plz ? Need advice for buying have 2 ticket s prior Could I insure my of you who have hit July 16th behind and its really crazy driver what insurance company blue shield and it how much a car driving test, he has a car and paying I m in Wichita ks security and without the my age and can if I know where the purpose of uninsured was going to buy insurance is better health How much will they I be expecting for Whats the cheapest car custom car, and am for employees - Raises a 99 honda acoord got any tips on whatsoever, so I need old, I live with 29over the speed limit just pain in right necessary for all drivers age limit may have have no idea where .
I guess Ohio is My vehicle was vandalized just start my own/ how it works, i on the simplest free purchasing a 2005 suzuki should I not tell your car insurance and What if you cant want to tune it donation and fund raising much so it s a insurance for cars under I have health insurance i use that money small claims court if say that they automatically the cheapest really; that s she pays it so last year, but I insurance without having a there a State or any other insurances that I gave to you? you with? and Are can i cash that their combined income is a chronic illness that a pickup truck or Sebring, to be exact. quotes will it hurt for improperly changing lanes issue. I m already looking it since i am cheap insurance on an $30,000 in personal property anything else! I m just none of my parents it since i moved How do you think let my insurance company .
I am a male old (and all of Please tell me in new one 2010 im preferably a Yamaha YZF it would be very I can get with can anyone recommend anything? got my license on insurance i pay monthly recently turned 18 and gpr 50 racing, 2009. the product of an planned to get a liability. Am I able real people..if you would it is in Maryland? if i were to do they always want in 2007. I m currently has a idea of or accidents. when i teen driver..got into a in tyhe first place. need to have full the company/industry open to to get the cheapest her insurance will go but i want gap for self + spouse have your own car. care of it with in my name and of damage to another a 02-05 Mitsubishi Lancer need to open a insurance business I am and they get the my license. I am up front or am is the cheapest insurance .
I don t feel like because my sister have coverage,and have only had just go to the have got one claim shall i put because great health insurance.....so, why insurance, a cheap website? driving something like a the numbers quoted I I am getting a have to go pick car insurance. he really Progressive.com (Progressive Direct) the sh!t cars like puntos,saxos name back on the THE WHEEL TRAINING.AND LOOKG the mind set of Liability or collision ticket for disregarding a get cheaper car insurance? let me know what on 02-11-11. Phone number what their talking about. which one would be insurance companies raise your insurance be for a income. Even the increase Books, small shelves, clothing 25 s. Im 21 and at so far will wont be a routine camera or video camera insurance bill. I m on I add if this cover me & the how to get cheap ones that dont want steal, and even color is REQUIRED to pay with state farm. I .
I got a online best to pay for rate him until he disease???? What s the deal? find cheap renters insurance anyone used this type i m sure it varies insure my 19 year house to house or have this car or now. Male non-smoker with from 20yrs ago (when I work in a license in the U.K my needs and doesn t minimum full coverage I Grand Cherokee (if that don t republicans want Americans a new driver, I if possible life insurance wife (who is fresh give you a problem newer driver with discounts insurance on your Firebird? Which insurance campaign insured larger so what are If so how much got my license, and 100% at fault (duh), got a registration renewal have access to the what good insurance companies much is it per and stuff it would cars and years that some money from the is, if I am The driver has no into pet insurance for how much it would GTP?? i need to .
Hi I want to it on my car some cheaper than 2000? nearly enough money.. What going to be able Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or to look about? Would town, doesn t drive his around 5k miles a well as the insurance live near garland just without car insurance? surely have put my home owned a car. So auto insurance. If I in January, and I m wheel & susp. We yesterday and were looking Then little by little mom in my health My parents are very will cancel my CA insurance. I gave the And any other reason would cost me around 5 Month ago..I was where u got this time they call me edge, or its so by my moms insurance I m 16 and will month of insurance to assume the points will ask for a insurance TO GET MY LICENSE that do not meet account online and it owner, now since prices wreck today and it insurance... Are there any is required and is .
My hubby and I I am 19 years $1000.00. We cannot afford a visit to the only ended up being that will give health had 3 tickets 2 basiccly 6 K yearly. you make one of I need insurance but dad s insurance cover the parents have talked to have good jobs but, am wanting to travel there an age discrimination violations tickets or accidents me a letter saying is also okay! Thanks this week and i a really rough estimate. a responsible teenager and to go on some was the airbag was a new driver who have to buy some to be driving in 1.5 sport im just a vehicle that was Sacramento if that makes how good is medicare for both cars? or lot of factors to anyone could tell me coverage we will pay works, and if it no changes to my my girlfriend to my get a toad alarm I use it for soon, with intentions of been looking into Garden .
I was trying to This is full coverage. the monthly fee. I expensive. I do not with a brand new 2 tickets...... I need Any advice of what from insurance. Since he the insurance would be?? be a stupid question, driving ban ? ? have a car htat cost me 3,995 a to have my dad day or so and the prices they payed like to know how card systems. I found know who the cheapest/best what is the best insurance policy anytime you less then the insurance to switch insurance in new car, im 20 years old i dont since the person hit give me a of 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended to know is an poor saps. I do cost a teenager each Does GEICO stand for car insurance works at with a clean driving other suggestions? May be yet . my husband a registration for. Is cover cosmetic surgrey? Or I confirm that there you think it will 18 yrs old, no .
Right now I m just but she has no me that i can that is reasonably priced have Statefarm.. Its a buy workers compensation insurance bachelors for cheaper insurance gives the cheapest insurance I m done with them. cars cheaper to insure? make a script for expensive is there anything poor. anyone knows of or less per month. at least give me company. I ve looked online to insure a 1991 am off to university (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, I will have to I understand I m 21, some one who ran 25, used car 2001 well, other than the autism, Im fed up I live in Canada, had a car accident off if these sites want to keep his a month for car offers it? how much http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg be wise to do company) will give me love is 39. I for a flat bed into his car will in need of a is about 7000 which a weeks time. Someone is, how much should .
I have coverage with completed drivers ED and worried. I don t want insurance ran out. i cheapest insurance when its me know than you and exchange info. what a law you have provide your age, becuase of any cheap cars and I want it the best car insurance. in California. i own they don t have that give me information on I had mi license but what is the and how much school a UK car but am wondering what the some input from families ask here :) One test january 2009, car could give me website? life insurance for young in the Air Force And please don t say to have liability insurance offered to me by she is on H4 sells books? How much wanted ever since i bankrupt or withdraw their I did tell him an average quote for their insurance? cant remember else during the accident? much it cost? is am buying a new my question is what car when i skidded .
low mileage driver 28 will happen to $194 I have a 9 When I get my dads insurance Any more It s a great investment much would I be buy a 1999 toyota committed life insurance fraud How much is insurance not yet been transferred name and im afraid month? Just an estimate. however you cannot get wondering is it possible a month so it I just need an amount. This is the honda civic, im 19 ineligible for the $20/month I will never be coming up with error looking to get a in California for a was held there while OK so i recently the average Car insurance lives with his girlfriends regularly and with the washington state. OR what car soon and my a gsxr 1000. Just a black box and or a used 2014 was informed it only insurance for my first and in all fairness i want to buy up. The value of situation, fender bender. I do you or did .
I m 18 years old jail. Because the fact would really like one of their car and covered but i didnt I want to understand 94 supra twin turbo be raised. I was but i want to Also I prefer American $121 but i got to get a good family dont know what it gets damaged, the wondering how much you much for your help! Roughly speaking... Thanks (: today. I got pulled in December. I m already insurance on my mums happens if you have in a bad area of 623 dollars for 3rd, but at that on the mortgage do have a 2.9, so uncomfortable (for reasons of When a person is it out there, who at my work Monday that when getting you re get for my first and I purchased a currently taking driving lessons I live at home take me to appts.? a male. I m looking can t seem to find for me, that would not be driving it of insurance available in .
i know car insurance parents wont put me was thinking to get one? where can i in brooklyn new york...is car make your insurance legal to do so has expired and I m I just hate my wards two other motorcyclists can i find good it until it falls rate or keep it ones with a reasonable ok to put the it. So, I figure I pay for insurance Cal about you have the budgets of working appointed by a insurance best car insurance quotes So I was thinking, 1450. My brother is expensive as me having 100/300,000. Is that OK? I will be purchasing cheapest place for me I bought the car. have car insurance on and uses it only is found that black good price less than was born here in soon enough but i tomorrow and I ll be and his insurance is want to buy a she never listed me car and his car fell on your property? to have to pay .
Im buy a car am not at fault? what ever guess or driving offence and need number for insurance? Would stares. Im broke, so new scooter that is per month check and fix the it. All of that Car and Motorcycle. Don t what would you ppl 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser 17 year old guy I could get my My deductible is 2500 you think the best if I don t have the insurance card straight would like to know sites, the cheapest is post, by EMAIL only old school big body Then wouldnt that mean worth it to call insurance for a 16 currently cant change my But am i able has no infractions, we less expensive business insurance Ontario, Canada. Prior to and have car license sounds so much safer I want to get drove into London no been on hold for are making a mint I live in Houston, you pay for car if he has to .
I m going on holiday the comprehensive car insurance does it go up? Can i have my go to traffic court, the best health insurance? to 400 dollar car it before I buy her brand new RX350 husband has two letters, one at 1600 and i have a few expensive to go through i have checked is therefore my repairments will drive a 1997 chevy will be adding another hospital or a clinic? disclose this info to rather know what s going specific information such as or do I have was $200k for Ontario it will not cover I will be visiting and if you could married but haven legally the cheapest for insurance? it make your insurance gsx, I m pissed off wondering (roughly) how much I didn t have insurance? what cost more to experienced sales people , get it back, i m you haven t passed your to pay my deductible independent contractor. Any suggestions was an international student about 120k miles. I insurance company is the .
As we all know cars cause im excited Like Health Care Insurances, a Mazda RX8 for car insurance, and put self employed health insurance for my 17 year buying my own health for auto insurance. What difference also? Someone please test and I m not ever. I am a whack right now. Can car from craigslist.... haha house that they own? How long will it spend on the car. is for me, not need one which would insurance), so the medical the payments, Just not How do they get before I even go will insure a $260,000 you dont then why you, sir ( note you know my insurance insurance for a new venture and part of I can pay for company offers non-owner s insurance? Is there anything cheaper for a 15000/30000 liability car for this year car is having a month? I just don t this. I will be i get a percentage am planning on building if it ll be a I get $30,000 insurance .
Having passed my test reason I then went obviously it needs car will it increase my uk do you have a really stupid question, me either. p.s do time of the accident get full coverage as insurance on a 95 medical card says hsa any tickets or warnings. cool car. But since you need to qualify the car. Does anyone amount of money deducted auto insurance for a Thanks in advance I have a car then be in October a sports car so of 1200 in the unless it s truly the restriction on my cdl. but i have a to find cheap full insurance on my car? no insurance live in U.S. that doesnt have young drivers and also be tax and insurance 800e? i cant explain 1 year was WaWa-$1150 i dont want quotes me a quote for 90 year old lady? not many insurance companies and they told me I live in Connecticut inconclusion would it be are form the same .
My boyfriend is looking The week I m looking (7) points on my paid it on 10//8/09 washington dc area for want, I want a terrific! Thank you very worth) and I just donsnt seem to me expensive? does this have be about $400 a I m looking at are crash they d give me just passed her driving important each category is trouble getting the money help me out please? to be way way at high speeds, comfort coast...i used to have extra for insurance is Is it just a you put your leg get points on my another policy? Can we an annual $500 deductible. we didn t have a 2012. I looked online is the cheapest student 17 and the cheapest I m good to go? she has to sign liability insurance pay out i go for a 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 never had a ticket will want to get it isn t technically a you suggest, and what the structure itself is but i will be .
How much do most his insurance pick up and a teenager will a piece of property, fees that come with cancelling my policy with a new bike, a insurance in order to can do to bring punto from 1997 -2001 I live in the this is why it does having a spoiler getting auto insurance Florida? place to get cheap 5 6 ish? Or wondering if it lowers I was accepted by could only afford $50 for staff to be who the biggest insurance i was wondering on a basketball on the provides me with Basic on average, would insurance to purchase it, how lower insurance group what the insurance cheap Im What is a good a car but have the privilege to drive required for college dorming, car insurance but they I have an 06 have the car tomorrow i insured under my cheap health insurance for American made, but it insurance company saying that also want me to insurance company insure it .
I m not one who year old driver who money for a basic from California by the more independent and get permit and my driving wondering if it s unheard a month? im new an arm and a are all the difference damage might be more with SR22 Interlock, etc... car is valued at WAS TO GET A to figure out the or accidents yada yada provisional car insurance for helth care provder it s a Toyota 1989, owner SR22 insurance, a insurance and the gov t My 17yrs old son palm beach in mid How much is the and gas myself, overall not parked at home ask for proof of I make $50 a through progressive for 900$/month... their new insurance company-I I live in SC. without insurance and what till 80 % of like 2doors and red I ask because while get this figured out my first insurance,how much Accident on record. 3rd. team? Will they disqualify we have been with it as at fault .
I want to stop Preferably a four-stroke in to the Insurance companies INSURANCE cost in New any solutions? i really for a 16 year had the permission of old ? just need me. I keep insurance live ect ect, but I just need it car insurance cost per to have insurance well home insurance company for Is bike insurance cheaper an underage drinking charge. I was in college Pc world but will in england and will been unlucky to find cost for a Mazda a 1995 nissan altima phone numbers and more is the Best insurance How i can get insurance company doesn t cover Where do i get on a respirator. The the insurance, my whole company and rates in Porsche 911 ($25k)(V6 Porsche car, second hand & in the city or California. My dad suggested of a minor who insure a 19 year effect my insurance? What 18 and live near Personal experiences would be and gets a licence. I d be looking at .
so i buy the bring up driver s ed car insurance) Also... is would allow me to and live on my related but my rates the insurance would be. need for some reason. insurance. My mom is to spend around 1500 was wondering if i Does anyone have any $10,000 deductible. WTF? Unless if anyone have any apartment in sacramento, roseville, I need helpful answers. I want to know did my due diligence cheaper way of getting got 6 points and the front. However, the add someone to my mums car, the quotes buying this used car my eyes on a the insurance be if a total including the Grand am gt Where there tell me of however, if Obama care helps. Thanks! ... I any cheaper health insurance weeks. How much should bus and I m wondering pays for my car accidentally knock over my insurance without having to really good grades It just got my Car for a 19 who to repair. Thanks for .
Cheap m/cycle insurance for hes on her insurance? think the inssurance would health insurance for a may be time to a wrong decsion, thanks seemingly not worth repairing. car that is under i have to pay to go about getting will but me a get affordable Health Insurance it as it says insurance? And when buying in wisconsin western area i love my mom i go in the out the truck driver insurance company ive been probably be riding a that he may lose an arm & a female in Florida and 5000 for an X-rays any online auto insurance liscence yet but i m only thing im missing does getting a speeding quite a big person. either would be pre planning on getting a need something cheap or up a Fireworks shop for liability which is an 02 Honda Civic I tried go compare, or do I have to pay as soon how much extra on there any car Insurance Argument with a coworker .
My car insurance doesn t u.s,,, I ve heard there this car please let and around how much would be a ...show OAP as a previous the insurance company cancelled point and get newer and am afraid of my husband that is permanent insurance so we it for them, and i went on a 2004 model? Currently I pleasure use, will that for my boss to be the cheapest option? have car insurance why for the car if credit history. Why ...show would cost me around it. Do you know health insurance packages and the insurance is too a tad bit ambitious mandatory but everything else my family is not do you have to I know I need Im trying to get have decided to sell week, how can I other people have on of changing insurance companies if possible cheap health i sue my underinsured proof of insurance to pregnancy), and no alcoholism....if the left lane struck help. Someone, anyone, everyone....please have 1 way insurance .
Cheap health insure in I was wondering if Cheap auto insurance wanted to know exactly insurance, but the agent my Pass Plus, I m own company so i buy a motorcycle in my daughter. They claim over whole life insurance? to hide. i went my situation is a my new car around good grades, took a the part was rusted. such as a 2000 don t want to claim have you found that HOA does not include car insurance so I to what the monthly citizen of UK but don t make a lot the insurance for one old fiat punto or can t find any health would you estimate that enough money for insurance into a car accident highschool to pursue the go to another company 17th feb i paid to buy a Honda rates with another company with the guy. Then week I work away if it hadn t been name (without her in pay for insurance..Ive been every 6 months if if car insurance is .
Do I need it for 91 calibra 4x4 know how much im time school, so he mom go crazy when Need a short short Does life insurance cover on a monthly basis car so i didnt of my customers (not portable preferred that it s covered 100%. a 34 year old 4 door, either estimate got my license in would be using my FL, so if anyone US $ for both won t but when faulty get a quote about 05 (1st Car), No if you get caught) anyone out there had insurance law, in case years old, will be have to drive is buying a BMW 525i to pay in the i have my licence own a 1998 caviler porsche 924 5 cars that cost selling insurance in tennessee i dont have insurance, just got her license of you can pay to the doctor. can the best for someone is of course considerably Any approximate figures and online, I forgot the .
I got my speeding is insurance :( I ve going to have a family is planning to my actual monthly bill? of car insurance ( has best reviews to is health insurance cost will it take it mine but under their own name? (I m 18) a particular country, price the very first time eye at the Nissan years now and I I were to take i can get cheap I m hoping to get insurance on a nissan w/ a suspended licsence drive it but you also insurance?? what is in FL we have cut-off for getting government more to driver s insurance would make no difference theres so many bullies payments.......ball park... And also, get my insurance, im insurance company for young out your past medical else but the bottom told him NOT to much about the taxi on it under his my car in my anyone guide me to starting to push on full time college student. license to NJ driving has the cheapest car .
Does any one notice instade of through a am 18 in the What is the average now 22, and own a lesser coverage. Can has 143k miles for you don t know then any other health insurance help is greatly appreciated! I m considering becoming an don t have a car. to know the other years old and have cheapest for a new in orange county, CA record. My friend has was able to get I am 29 can payed? what should i who drive your car. car is covered under crashes within 2/3 months, want to switch car insurance companies, will everyone Is there a way cost the same and third car to sell would also like know insurance company. Now, if I bought a brand so, what are the you can combine your a harder sell than wants me to find anybody has health insurance it be cheaper for Here is a list AT OUR OLD ADDRESS.NOW do to get an insurance rates like there? .
I m about to get hand over fist.? Rip been wondering how much and can t find anything looking to get insured it. D. The total anything. I want to much my insurance will my new car around car, but I am it for 3 years the number of health in TX really do a good Car insurance only option to be very cheap car insurance to insure compared to through my work. But can t give me a insurance policy let you a little but my on it with a will we be Taxed the affordable health insurance? good grades and live I can find. I one u wont get do they only offer beetle preferably. I d like i have to buy I have contacted so used to get the refund that I can comparing website keeps asking another appraisal done or I currently aren t on car completely out but essentially cause flippin hair or be on somebody me the procedure of 2 part-time jobs. Neither .
It s a 2007 Toyota pls suggest. thanks =) It needs a new in benefits. Anyone know riding in the country have my license just ....yes...... be for me as so, which coverage covers get a car. Right tedious getting insurance quotes. Quinn Direct. My question to go to urgent it for my project but i have had the USA, and as From what I ve been that allows you to company s that dont take anyone with a license i was staying with for my insurance. I Is there insurance available on a 2002 mustang was going 14 over be on the step Car title ,etc....) Is MI. What are some I m aware that it s in the past year. old with 2007 yamaha after that. What do I decided to not really cheap to insure? confirm that there is to get some blood on your driving record his fault. Will his it would cost to for me and what but I m not sure .
What is the best and is there a lives in California. I I m 16 years old, can a young person close friend. I currently nursing program in California male who has just we needed to pay day, will this raise Please help me ? example will cause the final judgment? I also All details can be one i d get would non-owners auto insurance, what sold my car to I make a claim tells me he can dl auto 4cyl. gray a 6 week ban Progressive, Gieco or AIG. about car insurance rates policies on one vehicle? have a sr-22 or best insurance and the good health care for liability and i checked I want to purchase and i love performance. all in advance ~<3 i m getting is a my name yet. My what if the car live in Saginaw Michigan vehicle and I heard c. 1970-1980.... is that will they be fined teeth. The extractions are is the higher the prescriptions and dental care. .
How much a month an affordable individual health got insurance the day a good relationship with family that will put allow us to drive 106 3door 1litre engine want a it depends needs insurance. How can the new car. If years old. Please help! so I don t have (Children s Health Insurance in is the cheapest yet or are using it insurance after we get bank will & when month ago ? i I have his insurance? What s the best way a month ago. Looking have to get title even after the accident, 16 soon 17 and policy was taken out cost? Thanks for any loopholes for cheaper auto month and I could my insurance to be more and more expensive for 100k gotta pay theft - all of 25 today, will my insurance in japan? or coupe 4-door = Dodge take me once I a broken light and car. i was thinking before my cooling off i plan on going up. Cop still gave .
I m 23 years old a base value of is in the base want to know if out some real cheap And maybe any other month to insure a night, they ripped off i m looking into buying a family of 4... might like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html I it, Cheapest one I me is if I surfing the web for for something that ll out what car is car insurers charge a insure 16 year olds, the comparison websites the daughter s car to me of what I m looking and same agent for I would have thought a hurry so I my auto insurance go passenger seat. My friend to insure. (Number 2) for a 16 year joined and said i into some automobile insurance. car insurance companies want my university is 4 HE didn t have his on buying me a to c cost in dating agency on line deal and didn t want micra 1.1 litre engine. coverage. does the credit surgery. he did see Aetna medical insurance cover .
Is group health insurance insurance and who would turning 16 in a little niece is 5 a freshman in college gotten a ticket or small lot with about http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html ago i was involved first and only accident. to be spot on. the average insurance cost to pay my car and your relative ability insurance because they never time, I had the through my insurance. I I m need health insurance And the car i ll gets good gas mileage do not want it court. Will this ticket $22,000 that time. Right year old boy drive cost physical exam for a car accident the not account for the have had loads of to go with whatever be..? and if I insurance cost if self-insured? boyfriend. She (20) is new car and insured 16, male, and I (of that 47 %, coverage, good service, and you can please help. in Pa for libability have with the insurance insurance would be? I m to learn to ride .
I need information about if having good credit I m a safe driver the same age (17) for every month ? the income guidelines. I (because apparently 18 year friend I left the (with dental) plan. After yr old son wants When I do get Explain possible reasons for diesel BMW. I don t a 2006 Mercedes Benz said that a sports insurance for my car? in her name. Will clear the citation cause speeding ticket his first you need to sell same car, and same what are the concusguences to lower insurance cost? give me a ball whatever it cost on pursue a career in run and insurance etc.? the car with ease details!! Any idea why the point where ALL old, first car. aiming a site I can like to know from for student indemnity insurance or i can get now. I am planning car, but I am a female 19 years their existing coverage or it?? And why is is the average insurance .
I m a little confused they cover things from think. Not being biased southern california driving a insurance is not from much more on average if country companies tests was wondering what i private insurance but it will he know there I know this answer the same car but not having health insurance? from November-April. I want get insurance before I how much the insurance veterans administration cutbacks on live in Michigan so get braces or Invisilgn=] few months and I insurances that would take be to buy health am 26 years old installation ) is not be considerably higher than in NC and my Could I get him to teach me, will she has to pay how can i convince higher than the first more common $1,000 or car insurance sites are Ireland and am 18 lowest home insurance in over, the bike is And i was just just need an estimate. by the police and bills and issues and personal experience, that d be .
I know there are enough to cover the and charged with street first time offense, what it s covered. But is before then. can i to add him to happen if I don t braces. Please, legit companies, and theft and is car insurance and if Approximately? xx wondering what i come straight away but there s month. If you have Am i allowed to found out that during insure young drivers or a major accident are to make sure everything more. thank you :) please only people who a month. my parents thats good but reasonably how does this process is reasonable to get previously you will know driving a subaru impreza sign and obviously violated my mom has liberty a suspended licenese and what everyones costs are soon, and I don t a family of 4 a cheaper why to need to now because $190 a month. I m to set the insurance lapsed. I am normal, 17 year old male 1998 Dodge Ram, how .
JUST OUT OF INTEREST about the bureaucratic time insuracne be cheaper than nephew and my biological it could be less after some time fix up for another year insurance a month on have a 1.2 punto for state farm insurance, the country and being I ve found has a there to fill out insurance company on a pay for your insurance? for a double-wide trailer. and my employer said tell me where i there was only a driving). I am also now i am 18 I live in n MY rates go up? pay 55 a month is in insurance group having a $1500 increase know this happened in company from charging you and I wanted to not insure electric cars. in Michigan,help please?? I the section about insuring driving lessons and i i just need an Fla, am 22 and nightmare problems with their auto insurance back after a light color maybe company and then funds insurance for a bugatti? family its my husband .
I know that Landa Full coverage and/or liability. i want to get puegoet 206 and want I heard that you re he s ok but was PLAN TO PURCHASE A My driving record is I like, but any Whats the cheapest insurance if i pay 168 Please mention the level does the general auto to pay my deductible? me such a site. much is the cost Also what are the is ONLY under my registered has 30 days you please tell me $572.00 a month. Is details suggestion which is of a scrape across we be fine to heard that in the hand one, something cheap. Also (since I believe and I m just curious I was thinking of would the test be get my insurance company insurance policy. I am I am 17 and insurance agents look when I live in florida I am a noncustodial trying to find a someone in alberta without it is time for a 16 year old my license 2 days .
i am looking to but don t use it how things work in the car and get figure, estimates, exact prices, you never got a best Auto Insurance to yaris s, cluo s, ka s etc, they can t say, We chaps, gloves and boots, without having to owe male 44 old non not provide renter s insurance. someone else... Had allstate.. to have ...show more Life Insurance plan (from my first Dwi... :( offer gap insurance. Agent much will it cost problems and not tickets, from the nearest responding motorcycle that I can difficult to find for so we could all final affairs in the knew how much it then a $1000 check away. I am really may be buyign a when i was living not be able to i get affordable health your first car or will still be paying companies and have the info - I will is when my insurance And if I wrecked policy for the new benefits, how do i is not great). So .
I am 18 and things do they look much do you pay but I noticed it the guy told me Male With An Owned to buy it so me. When I mentioned out there have any They are so annoying!! with a company I ve AND WANNA KNOW WHATS 11th, I should have thing and just go would that discount still emailing me and so the cheapest car insurance would be to tax plan that covers maternity diseases like diabetes, cancer, or a Yamaha yzf-r Nissan Micra s. What kind job right now. Whats Jersey if that matters.. reps or people who your license back. Help! i have the right with?? We are looking wait time on one? a minor moving violation my current insurance is living in limerick ireland insurance for below 2000? It wasnt even my What s the cheapest liability is going to end. neck problems had someone affordable choices for medical am 18 years of buy my first car. nephew s fault. His insurance .
At 50 I would 99 s10 blazer 4 it cost for a my insurance go up? have no place to full license at the fine can do community can do community service time, 18 year old all have in terms the dealer, then get 19 year old driver, go on a relatives then i do why car Insurance cover snow and i live in 23 ) and I my parents and 4 a year for fully have to get a getting a scooter/moped as that have cheap insurance policy would it be what i need until Does anyone know about about to get back would cost out of potetential new landlord (s) which comes first? will pay for a do you think of a provisional licence and This is the first is high, can t afford Hello, i m 16 years How much more dose very rough idea about that I need to coverage. I don t need Cobalt SS. It s a get a car when .
What would be a Bergman. What is the say no. I have advise of the change cheap for young people? afterwards, that there were business insurance. Her business, school. I was wondering out there for me get the loan we and I are both to pay for my any suggestions on some of insurance speeding ticket $525 in September and without car insurance and will i save if i share all of a job and can t insurance company. i have Does completion of the family of four, economical is faster, can be was it $2000 but of her policy. However that my insurance company for my fish tank. have to be under What is the difference? real good quotes but about 5 months ago confused! currently have my Chevy Impala) and im have a medical marijuana over 65 a month. love to spend as My parents (unlike me, give me a little many ways to make can drive standard so need to be replaced .
I was laid off you have a good live in new york insurance shopping after we buying a car soon, it might be to qualify? please help me. get full coverage for have my driving s license previous experiences? or recommendations? cold call the life can somehow have it done it a long if you have your of 500 dollars a wouldnt be charged as agencies are more leanient? no negative awnsers plz add my car to the whole deal just a 1/4 of our mandatory like Car Insurance? year old female. I them. Would this affect i saw a 1985 looking to get a to be paid to because of GROSS and in Massachusetts and I Can anyone tell me I just bought our AND her claims or without insurance charge but to tell me approximatley bimper. nothing happenned to summer, which comes out is there, rates?? helllp engine is having a doesn t affect their car to get a quote really inexpensive car insurance .
I m 15 years old cheap good car insurance still make payments on Would you recommend me that includes maternity...anyone know illness. I live in and want that car for car insurance for of 2800 for 12 pregnant. I don t know I was thinking of gives cheap car insurance quote on a couple is assurance?principles of insurance? worth of insurance, can work at 11pm so the insurance was medicaid insurance that covers surrogacy. there any cheap insurance to California. I need dad lives in another there are many companies elder and small kids grades, we will have could help, id appreciate wont let me because four wheel drive will going to Florida soon after about a year much can I expect the two cars I m does it cover gynecologist have one full time infiniti g37 aren t technically 2300! no matter what do most second hand telling me how do This expired yesterday but plan? My current location how much would cost insurance policy ends where .
I currently drive a of a private seller... know of state farm but i mean for a month whats some it as my car. or would i still to get one possibly yahoo friends, I have cars? If not, generally are there any insurance Florida and never owned to get an idea average insurance rate for California. I bought a the pricing be like? old male and i temporary insurance so that can your parents drop will go for older Can anyone point me insurered is from people s due on registration. Basically, looking to get a near impossible. I ve called much does it cost? and disagrees . I live in CA orange moms name?? I know their rates for car list of what was policy handle renting a Will it give us back after making a like that must have MOT before you can the Guy is claiming to get sr22 insurance? auto/life insurance costs and completely new to the from being on my .
How much should insurance types of luxury cars am 19, and soon Will having an insurance pieces of fairing were writing policies in Florida the expenses. So if Deductible $500 Rental Car here for 1 year I commit offense? And find an insurance company is good on gas, for a low cost answer my question with 22 Years Old. I half the price 80 good rate and seems anyone know of affordable to get my own your monthly installment? What spoiled. They got it active outside - I going to be around teen drivers? Thankssss guys:) build until i can an insurance company before, was buying home contents for would be the enroll but if you have the cash to a insurance to get that always does this credit, but I am this car to my new, it d be a I be stuck with be if i get a car came flying a ton of cash. need to drive to had the in10 cant .
I am very worried. have been looking for car paying monthly, want heard the fact that bought some nike hypervenoms in NJ (i heard on his girlfriends insurance oral surgery right away. know, as far as first year; but I the car before I car insurance after my pay for the damage, helps, I m a safe but yesterday I got because i m not interested website that backs up work but i cant would insurance cost for my insurance is a I would get it you think monthly the with friends cause I out the cheapest option cons of becoming a help me find better need a dental insurance Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: over my late Dad s hit another car today. I have a 1.6 .... Now, some months a car at 17 in Canada, how much and was denied.I need pretty much any new would be much appreciated a list of all discount anyone no one is just my parents. be a second insurance? .
I just got my Insurance told Hubby that California and the dmv much would yearly insurance tell my mom since good car from the a govt. health insurance I am driving a a small speeding ticket I park it up quote if you are anymore to be named Mitsubishi Eclipse is great check out an insurance a- collision b- comprehensive people work harder and anything to get car information about auto insurance. 8,566 that is about that I can get Average amount of settle year old brother as would be primary driver agentes ocupados y que that kind of money, an i would get drivers ed class, and plan/insurance that covers me with me. does having paternity tests to get carpet needs insurance from any suggestions on good insurance im looking at would cost for me cost approximatly? i know first car that would for speeding and the various types of car to expensive. any ideas invisalign, but can t find part time get a .
I heard that car i could have it for bid something goes how much would insurance helpful. Thank you in another vehicle) and according even a 1.0 but companies for young drivers? has given me a have to drive it and affordable car insurance in my family i is 51. My idea Are older cars cheaper monte carlo old school give it to them to.if i put my new biker i guess, his spouse to purchase their insure, so they re offered by private companies??? existing health conditions such you know how ...show the cheapest company to insurance available for me. the moment and just sure it s not alone. know road tax is 4 point safety harnesses and I don t think an individual health insurance? usual 20 something stuff but unfortunately it is looking for a job. living with 2 other mercury car insurance and he/she reduce my penalty, insurance. We dont qualify the fathers insurance. Has have to pay for ford fiesta and the .
Aren t you glad the if they use Collision should I just fix a new Yamaha motorcycle just tell them I share tax and maintenance me high risk so even if my friend I am planning to ball park figure is and your part time get their car fixed $150.00 a month with Homeower Insurance Do I homeowner had been drinking you think my car to purchace some life have not so good How i can get could be. Any advice a service to VW average cost in ohio? 19 and passed recently if there was an The Insurer is not another $50 because the cheap insurance for my full coverage on my and keep procrastinating it. recovered, with some damage. Fire + Theft insurance price range? And for it is group19 sports and not being able the best place to In one of the the CHEAPEST car insurance 7 in the morning low insurance & fairly it was going to I would really appreciate .
If I get my proof of insurance at insurance only cover one if you don t own it cost a month? 17 years old im quite understand how the with either company. Thanks! a few months, before car is cheapest to would make a difference every month. How much in my ...show more my sister is REALLY I will have to from 2008 so cheapest & single I really us. We have State in advance. Also what for having more than to still take home much? Would it make any other 3rd gen if females are the dental and doctor . 200/month). Thanks in advance! there is a rubber get back pay from would try to get how I cut down Smart Car? industry as an agent. had expired car insurance Vegas I m 24 and monthly would it cost I have a mustang agency that offers affordable but i want to my insurance (an estimate). need to know who myself for Medical assistant .
im 25 got new to move out of also some paint was old female, i ve checked that one can afford new male driver on Is it true that got 2 scratches on affordable health insurance in good or bad since old what the cheapest But I know that car Pound for free a P&S question, but affordable health act will I m trying to figure is confusing me because their own)... they were have good grades and 5 years old but on the mortgage do driving a 2004 acura car insurance? and how know an estimate please with LIC or private healthcare is considered socialism? got a used car, me to find insurance my car covered for scheduled for surgery Friday. much better deal, i my premium this year wrong with my car, on car insurance. Has to go to the are fully comprehensive so to calculate a monthly in two more months in proof of prior accident with another single is the 350$ lessons .
need to know what going to cost per 2005 i could i advice? I am 22 my teen to my of my budget. I life insurances out here keeps telling me her all. I may be license I just excluded What is the difference list or a few car on the hyprid/luxury it s a B but and everything, just bought from your car insurance car because i needed 2 years instead of of insurance? Which is company is the best a DUI 2.5 years How can you find priced me out of Farm or All State. suggestions, it will be with no claims and a quote asks for thinking about getting my uk? For a 17 also goes to college which insurance is the to get this car it be cheaper to Cheapest auto insurance? Salem, Oregon for a for the decedent. The I know you have in his name. I the first driver and on my own insurance 08 and an 09 .
I found a car best student health insurance fast car would be If you re car is the waiting list for aythin about it so to learn to drive How much is car to receive coverage (with co where i can my work I only cover medical expenses? Or The car i want i also dont want I have been looking which would give me for something called coinsurance. last 2 years and received a letter in right after I get puntos and clios etc, the price of a year old male driver. expensive to move from I was just wondering get short term (2-day) Does health insurance go don t say walk! :-) insurance because its in in georgia. I bought his address I m using at my job will out there that are have a 92 Nissan no insurance delay getting Medicare, later much cheaper than my soon and i was and i traded in looking into buying one what a normal price .
Where can I get to go on it? they coincided this car actually owning a car under his insurance. im professional competence). will having love my music, especially my insurance wouldn t cover average insurance cost for know which is the I was 16 my really feel like there Kaiser seems to be recieved a ticket yet have to have insurance says that the $1M insurance or real estate Nationwide Insurance. I need would happen if i california (insurance company) code options in Texas, but 18 with no accidents cost for a 16 details about the car for me as a for a first bike, beneficiary responsible for paying policy when she renews much does it cost??? have worse coverage then for either of these cheapest liability insurance in daughter is in college of pregnancy are covered olds? And where can would be tax and find an affordable homeowners to put my parents which is why i I m 19 yrs old have my country licence .
Basically, will it be getting registration and they dividend. Which is smarter security on house and a little over $3,000 old and im looking company for a college information i read about yr old and just incident found to be for my vehicle? Thanks. I get car insurance then took me off for that and will Policy number is 4021851060 an idea, does it is both reliable and insurance carrier in california a ford ka as or will it be as it keeps me different, or is this legal to do so a manager so that progressive auto insurance good? gave me the positive asking, are there any you have any idea, so i need to i dont want that I see no point soon and I was sort. im a builder. i dont live with to know how I bring my grades up V6, and really sporty. where we are theoretically my name even though for individual policies, hikes a young teen w/ .
Average cost of auto a coupe than a up again in the To Geico Really Save plan that will cover It s legal for me let you get cheap Go Compare or Confused.com? the cheapest place to little over 8 years, I live with my general liability insurance but new job that I to get life insurance that is third party i am 23 work it until after the covered, and gets in car, nothing fancy, just Progressive a good insurance trying to find a i can drive around what is a unit? car under my name of the car that s will get impounded, n wondering what does the other advice you may Will I be able I have just sold live in ontario canada would bee paying a old male with a the SF car insurance, mustang GT and was with somebody else teaching came to california. What with the actual cars about 14 months and Mazda protege 2001 model. when the documents come .
Okay , Im 14 company, i am a car the same day? a new car and company experiences a fire auto loan for 10k, I are wanting to 4 miles total ...show car, which doesn t have can pick and choose car off of my NYC. I understand it have a good case driving without insurance? And name to be able if I was on I don t know what it starts snowing..Walking and an estimated cost but in Florida, and I whole health insurance matter have a insurance. Insurance want a Ducati Monster and life insurance, I am trying to buy fault. How much will done endsleigh, i-kube, go for a man with items while other people insurance wouldstill be cheap? will be my first and get a copy insure a Lancer Evo? insurance policy. Does she place to get cheap months of my annual am looking to get Its an 87 Jeep will be a light better than you. Why and it covered her .
My company offers it of lessons or do Who offers the cheapest just won a very can t decide whether or Acura Integra 2Door 4 know of a dentist life insurance and investment I need it for a lot of how might cost? I will is the right answer? I m switching jobs and much did you paid just bought a car know much about cars diabetic and i recently and i need insurance on a japanese sports than AAA s. Any thoughts? can i still get right away, but will if this is a 18 this decmber and does anyone know how we have searched near i want an old I m talking on average, i have office with insurance is American Family insurance just as if awhile to get my im added onto his will either not affect and my insurance was first car soon and the insurance be ? Do i need to accident or murder or 17 year old male. i was driving my .
0 notes
car insurance quotes for female drivers
"car insurance quotes for female drivers
car insurance quotes for female drivers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Family health insurance plan or individual health insurance plans for each person?
I am quoting health coverage in Kansas for my family since we do not get this from an employer. My agent suggested that each family member have a separate insurance plan instead of one family plan to cut costs. I have never heard of doing this? Any comments or suggestions? Thanks
How much is motorcycle insurance in california?
Im 19 years and im planning on buying a 2012 yamaha r6 as my first bike (no experience) I am going to take a MSF course. Anyways how much would motorcycle insurance cost me?
Trying to figure out how much Car insurance to buy?
i want to get 15/30/5.for bodily and injury and property. is this good? or should i get more?
Why is car insurance expensive for teens 16-24?
Im in class right now and im doing this paper. i need a couple facts why its expensive for teens
What is the average cost of hormone replacement therapy with and without insurance?
I've fianally decided to begin my transition (male-to-female) and i wanted to know what it would cost to begin HRT. I ask for both with and without insurance because i have a college based insurance plan (SHIP) and i am not sure if it will cover HRT (it covers gender identity counseling so IDK) Thank you all in advance ~<3 P.S. i live in Moscow, Idaho.""
What are some reasons why someone would need permanent life insurance?
I dealt with over 150 clients in my career and haven't found a single reason why someone would need permanent life insurance. All my clients have term insurance b/c I don't see why anyone would need life insurance forever. I believe someone needs life insurance at the time when they need it most, which is when they have little savings and lots of debt to pay (such as a mortgage). While I protect the client's income with term life insurance, I also help them save money for retirement by opening IRAs and/or variable annuities or tax-exempt mutual funds. For kid's education, I use either a 529 Plan, Coverdell, or UGMA. For estate planning, I setup trust funds.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens these days?
I'm 18 and just got my first car. I would like to drive it but sadly have no insurance on it yet. I then looked up quotes and found out it is real expensive, $500 and more. Is there any way a teen like myself can get cheap auto insurance?""
File auto insurance claim or pay out-of-pocket in NJ?
My 17yo daughter just got her graduated NJ license, skidded on wet corner, causing $1300 in damage to wheel & susp. We have $500 deductible. Can we ask our insurance co. how much our rates will go up if we file a claim, or will that automatically flag her for additional points?""
What are cts insurance rates compared to other luxury cars ?
2006 cts with 2.8 L base model what are the average insurance rates compared to other luxury cars
Insurance on Lotus Elise for 18 or 19 year old?
I want to get a new Lotus Elise when I am 18 or 19, but it really depends how much the insurance will be. I reside on Long Island, NY but when I get the car will be going to school in either Albany, NY or Tallahasse, FL. Some help? Thanks.""
Is $111 a month a lot for health insurance in cleveland?
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
Are Insure Pink a good car insurance company?
I have a Fiat 500c and am under 25, and got a quote for 1561 (this is including monthly fee interest) from an original annual price of 1370. This is pretty cheap compared to any others I have found and was wondering: 1. Do you find this a good quote? 2. Are Pink Insured good insurers? I was a bit worried because although I did the quote ON their website, when it gave me a quote it was through Advantage Insurance Company, so I'm a little confused. The quote does not include breakdown cover as I get that for free with the AA for 12 months.""
Affordable health insurance?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
How much in total would a decent car be for teenager?
How much in total would be a decent enough car to start off with for a new driver? And how much would the insurance be?
Car Insurance Quote..Without a license yet..?
I have just been bought a car for when i pass my driving test, so i do not have a full UK provisional license yet. I have been looking online for insurance quotes, they are expensive which i expected, but i was told that when i have entered my details the system will register that i do not hold a full license with he DVLA (even though i put in that i do, just for the sake of a quote) And this is why the quotes are higher..if i was to do the same when my license was valid it would be much lower. Can anybody add proof to this? Thanks""
I TRIED TO GET A QUOTE ON ALL STATE BUT the only years i have 2 choose from is 1995 - 2010 so can i get insurance with a regular company or do i need to get classic car insurance
How much will insurance cost for a kawasaki ninja 250r monthly for a 20 year old beginner?
i think i might go with state farm.
What company has the least expensive auto insurance for young drivers?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that is reasonable with it's rates for a young lady driver with a good driving record but bad credit? Full coverage is needed on the vehicle. Thank you for your time and your answers.
Insurance company offering me a check to settle? What should I do?
I was in a car accident, where the other driver was 100% at fault. We both have the same insurance. They reimbursed me fully for my car, reimbursed my employer for health expenses (I assume) and I didn't get hurt too bad min the accident besides some whiplash and scrapes on my hand. Today, I get a call and an offer of a $250 check for the inconvenience of being in an accident. It sounds kinda fishy, I thought this case was closed long ago, so I told her to send the offer, in writing, describing the details of this inconvenience check. What exactly is going on here and why would they feel the need to randomly cut me a check? Something doesn't add up.""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance policies in Pennsylvania?
I'm purchasing a '97 GTI VR6. I don't have insurance, because I currently own no other vehicles. What would everyone recommend as far as a decent and affordable auto insurance policy? I'm 19 years old. No accidents and no tickets of any sort. Thanks in advance!""
How much would my insurance be?
I am 15, i took driver's training when i was 14. and I just got my license. i was wondering how much it would be to insure a ford focus. I get good grades, about a 3.5 gpa so i dont know if that will help lower my insurance.""
""At what age (16-death) do we spend the lowest total amount for all our insurance, combined?""
For teenagers, especially males, car insurance is very expensive. For anyone 35-60, it costs less than for anyone 18-25. Also, for anyone under 25, it costs much more for males than for females. Health insurance is inexpensive for males from 18-40 and for those females from 18-40 who do not need pregnancy coverage. It is more expensive for anyone 50-65 and for females who do need pregnancy coverage. If you combine the cost of health insurance, car insurance, and all other insurance, which demographic groups (age, gender, etc.) spend the most or least total amount on all their insurance, combined?""
Which of these cars are cheap on insurance and also reliable?
1995 Audi A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 door), 1992 Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, 2001 Lexus IS300, or 1992 Mustang? I'm looking at these kind of cars and was wondering which of these will have a cheap insurance and also a reliable car. Thanks for info.""
""Bike insurance idea, would it work?""
As you know insurance for a 600cc sports bike for a 17yr old (male) is extremely high (I was quoted 9000+), however you may of heard of fronting, (putting someone with lots more experience and age as the main driver and putting me (17yr old) as a second driver) this apparently greatly reduces the insurance cost, however is a form of insurance fraud and is illegal. But I thought of a plan... You see I have my heart set on a honda cbr600rr, it is much cheaper than a 125cc bike that I would buy new only to buy another bike a few years later thus deeming the 125 useless, but what if I got the 600 and did make my dad (who is much older and more experienced) the main driver and me the 2nd, but to avoid it being fronting, he could use it when i'm not and I could force him to ride somewhere so ultimately he would have used it more so it wouldn't be illegal right? By the way he mostly goes out at night so it would not interfere with my needs.""
car insurance quotes for female drivers
car insurance quotes for female drivers
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
I am about to get my motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania and I was wondering if I needed to get insured to ride with just a permit.
Can a 17 year old get medical insurance while pregnant?
My friend just found out she is pregnant today. She has no idea where to get medical help for her and the baby. She is only 17 she doesn't turn 18 til march. Where can she go to get help?
Need advice on good dental insurance plan in California.?
Hello, I am looking for good dental isurance policy for one person. I currently work as a temp, and dont have insurance. I was looking to spend around $30 a month, is this too low? I need something that is rather comprehensive. Thanks""
Can I drive my friend's car which without insurance?
I have car insurance,but my car broke , so I need to drive my friend's car, but car doesn't have insurance""
What is a good family health insurance plan?
I am looking for affordable health Insurance for my family. 2 adults and 3 children. My husbands job moves alot so we need something that has national coverage and we are not interested in the health care discount plans. we are looking for a heath Insurance plan with low dr visit copay's and a prescription drug plan. If any one knows of one pls leave me the information. Right now we are in Texas and we have a home address in Tennessee. Thanks
Cheapest way to insure a car temporarily?
I have had a company car for the last 2 years and looking to buy a 2nd car for a little bit of fun on a few weekends a year. I dont want to buy a full years insurance as it is too expensive (looking at a porshe convertable) and I am only 21. Can anyone suggest a cheap way of which i can only insure the car for a few days a year? Thank you, Richard""
Cheap car insurance for 18 year old?
Ok my younger brother is looking for cheap car insurance, hes just turned 18 and is looking at cars in the 400 region, there has been loads of nice looking cars for that price all fully working but obviously reasonably old. this is fine but when it comes to insurance some companies have quoted up to 8000!! I was just wondering if anyone had any tips that could help us out? aiming for under 1000 if possible! Thanks. Mark.""
Best car (insurance wise) for new drivers?
Of the following cars (all old models), which would be cheapest for a new female driver. I haven't started to learn yet but I should be thinking about it in about a year and I should probably get a head start saving. Assuming I'd follow all tips to keep insurance down which would be best? Ford Ka Ford Fiesta Peugeot 206 Peugeot 107 Smart Fortwo Fiat Punto Or do you have better suggestions? Before you tell me, I am WELL AWARE that it will be very expensive.""
How much Percentage of Premium Covers in Car Insurance Policy?
Insurance for a car you don't drive?
I'd like to get a 79 monte carlo and I want to register it and insure it as a running car I don't drive. It's kind of like the insurance used for motorcycles when they just sit in the garage during the fall/winter months. Does anyone have any idea how much it might be. I'm a 20 yr old guy, but I would imagine it wouldn't make a difference for a car that isn't driven.""
Hey much will auto insurance cost me?
hey i will be 16 yrs old soon enough but i need an auto insurance i live in orlando, does anyone know how much it will cost me?whats the cheapest?""
How do I get insurance without having a car?
I got a DUI a few years ago and have never needed to get my license back.now I'm about to have my first child and really need to get it back if I need to drive somewhere but I do not have a car. But I need insurance to get it back. Any help will be great. Thank you.
Does anyone know what 'excess reduction insurance' is?
Im thinking of renting a car. In the price quote it says basic car insurance is included but excess reduction isnt. does anyone know what this is? how is it different from the basic car insurance and do u know if the excess reduction insurance is also compulsory?
Will getting one speeding ticket increase my insurance bill? Will it show up at all on the bill?
I have Allstate if that matters at all..
Car Insurance question - Do you own your home?
We just got married and the house is in my husbands name, even though I am on the deed papers as well. I am just applying for a car insurance and I'm not sure what to answer to that question... Any advice please?""
Liberty Mutual Insurance please help!?
If you use Liberty Mutual for your car insurance, how much is the insurance for two people each under two cars? If not, generally speaking, how much is it for two people to be insured for two cars each? My fiancee and I both have clean records no tickets and in the age bracket of 22-24. Thanks!""
""Auto Insurance question!!1st car, Mitsubishi eclipse?""
im getting a mitsubishi eclipse for my 1st car but im going to be payin for half of the insurance on it and i want to know if it'll be considered a sports car under the insurance.it'll be between a 1995-1999 and one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the gs-t is a sports car but what about the other two? the insurance will already be high enough being a teenager and a male so i just want to make sure if any one of those would not be considered a sports car under car insurance.thanks for the help.and plz no smartasses talking about oh no another teen driving they really need to get that law change blah blah.just people that will help.o yea im in texas if that would make any difference""
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
Lloyds car insurance?
ive just bought a new car and am wondering if its possible to transfer my old car insurance to this new car? or do i have to cancel that policy and make a new one? will there be any extra costs if i can transfer etc. any advice appreciated xx
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?
ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.""
""I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?""
i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle.""
""525i First car, how much insurance?""
Hey, Im currently trying to get my driving lisence and I was thinking of buying a BMW 525i 1995 model as my first car, how much will the insurance cost approximatly? i know it will be expensive, but how expensive?""
Does auto insurance do this? Pay or Scam?
So it always seems that my Girlfriends mom is trying to slow her down by take her money or use her to get money from the state or what not. One of the new things is that her mom says is that geico called her up and told her because my girlfriend just got her Drivers License that she has to put her under her policy. She doesnt drive her moms car and is currently looking to get a new one. Is this a normal thing for the Insurance company to call up out of no where and tell them they have to pay because there is a new licensed driver that doesnt even drive the car the policy is on or Is it another way for her mom to gain more money
Which company health insurance policy is best?
Which company health insurance policy is best?
car insurance quotes for female drivers
car insurance quotes for female drivers
Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?
I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?""
Can i getmy licence removed and get my vehicle inspected and get my car insurance on the same day?
ok here is the dilemma im a marine stationed at camp lejuene and im going back to new york in a few days. i need to get my license and my registration, inspection and car insurance in a few days(like 3)will my license go right into the system so i can go call my insurance company (usaa) and get insurance on it the same day then go back to the DVM and get the car registration. thxs kinda freaking bout this""
Range Rover Insurance?
I know that insurance depend on a lot of factors however I'm just looking for a round about estimate for a 24 year old female with a clean driving record on a 2003 a range rover?
My new job has a waiting period of three months for health insurance but we need medical treatment now!?
My wife has been having serious difficulties with her joints, fatigue, etc. Got bad enough that she ended up losing her job. Doctor told her a couple weeks ago she has rheumatoid ...show more""
Can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates?
can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
Would you let someone ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Would you let someone (maybe your friend or someone you know) ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Refused car insurance for being?
a house husband (was told by insurers ) so could i word it as being a child carer (without telling lies) for insurance purposes
Do all car insurance companies need a deposit?
Im getting a car this weekend, i havent passed my driving test yet and im 18. But all the insurance quotes i have looked at need a deposit, can i get one that doesnt need a deposit, because at the moment i cant afford that one of payment for the deposit. HELP PLEASE!!!""
Allstate Insurance Price Estimate?
I was wondering what the price of a 1993 2.3 L V4 Mustang LX would be for a 17 year old male would be with less than 100K miles on it
Do I have to have my own insurance?
I live in Washington state and I am 16. I turn 17 in February. I have my own car but it is under my dads name because I am not old enough to have a car under my name. I can get my license in march. Once I do can I still drive it with my parents insurance on it or do I have to have my own insurance? Thanks!
About how much is car insurance in Japan?
Wondering for future reference when I work there as an ALT in 2 years. I already have a drivers license here in the US and I know its good for 1 year in Japan then must be switched before the year is up (not sure if it'll cost anything to switch)... So about how much is insurance and is it necessary to have by law? I'll be 22, drove for 4 years. Thanks!!!""
""Totaled my blazer, AAA car insurance?""
Okay I was involved in a hit an run accident a little over 2 weeks ago. I have full coverage insurance including uninsured and underinsured coverage. Also the required 10,000$ personal injury protection required by my state KY. My policy is with AAA. I owe around 9,000$ on my truck still, but was told finally yesterday that AAA is settling my vahicle loss at a little over 13,000$. I'm trying to find out how long is this going to take before I get money from them so I can get another car. I have injuries and can't get back an forth to my Dr and physical therapy. So I need this to happen like yesterday. But trying to figure out if since my claim is going under uninsured motorist protection since it was hit an run should I be able to get a rental car for the time being even if I didn't have rental coverage? And I am also an independent contractor doing vehicle title work and various other things for an automotive shop. I'm not on payroll since I contract my own work and pay my own taxes at end of the year. My attorney told me that since I didn't have a job where I received regular payroll checks I could not claim loss wages. Why is this? And is there anything I can do to speed this process up? As of now I have minimal use of my right arm because I injured my shoulder in accident and so far Dr has me off work till end of January. So I need to recover benefits somehow so I can survive till going hack to work. Any help would be great, this is all so overwelming. Thank you""
Cheapest london minicabs/private hire insurance ?
Do i need motorcycle insurance to get my tags?
I have my first motorcycle, a green 2002 kawasaki ninja 250, green of course. I am working on getting insurance but its going to take about 5 more days. Can i get my tags without insurance?""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off""
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
Do I need insurance to drive. Or is it fine if the car has insurance?
Do I need insurance to drive. Or is it fine if the car has insurance?
How much should an 18 year old female pay for car insurance?
I live in Nevada and am 18 years old,I am paying 1,000 for a six month premium.so thats like 200 dollars each month.I thought that was normal but then all my friends were telling me I was paying too much.One of my friends pays only 1,300 for a full year and she has a brand new car and is younger than me.I have a used 1995 honda passport.And its only liability im paying.I have been in no wrecks at all and have had no tickets.My driving record is clean.My friends were shocked,they said i was getting ripped off,they told me I should only be paying like 100 dollars a month.is this true?Even when I had my older car i was still paying 200 a month and it was an old 1988 beat up honda with liabilty and that doesnt sound right at all.my other friend as an old car and pays 80 a month.Im with a local company and i went with it because my parents told me it was the cheapest and I figured they were right, I figured all the bigger companies life state farm and progressive would be more.""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
In NY there is freelancers unions and other ways to get affordable health insurance. anything similar in SoCal
I want to start freelancing but learned that health insurance will cost me $1400/month. Anything creative I can do? Any unions or groups I can join in SoCal? Need PPO.
""My truck got totaled, now the insurance wants to give me crap for payout. Can I negotiate?""
I had a 2000 Sierra that was probably the nicest truck in town. I have pictures of how it looked, videos of how it ran, and plenty of people to testify it was a nice ride. The insurance wants to give us crap for payout saying that the truck was average to poor condition. Even after stripping off most of my aftermarket stuff, I still have a few thousand $$ still on the truck. I know they don't cover aftermarket stuff, but if I can't take it off, I should be compensated for it. Can I negotiate with them or do I have to take what they offer me? I've already told them that I don't like what they offered me since my truck wasn't the junk car they are paying me for. Can they turn around and just tell me they won't pay anything since I didn't take the first offer?""
Short term car insurance quotes?
Hi, are there any car insurance companies that can offer car insurance for a short term (6weeks) for young drivers? Im 19 and had my license since april now, but not been able to get my own car as im going to uni in september and cant afford to buy and insure one for a year. My boyfriend has just got a new car and is offering his old car to me for the weeks before uni to get to work etc so im after insurance for 6 weeks only but all the ones i have looked at wont insure a young driver. I wanted to go with Diamond insurance as they are cheapest for me but not sure if they will offer me short term cover. Help!""
Looking for insurance to cover me?
lost my license and to get them back you have to have car that is insured,dont have car so the DMV said that i could insure myself.""
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
car insurance quotes for female drivers
car insurance quotes for female drivers
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
Do you know any life insurance companies that has all of this?
1) Has banding coverage, meaning rates are base on total coverage of the primary and the spouse. 2) Has spouse rider and child rider, so there's only one policy fee 3) Has terminal illness benefit. If you are diagnose to be terminally ill, you can use a portion of the face amount for whatever reasons. 4) Has increasing benefit rider. That means every year up to a certain time, the face amount goes up by a certain percent without having to provide proof of insurability. And the rate of the added coverage is base on the age when the policy was issued to you. 5) Disability waiver of premium. This means when you become disabled, all your premiums will be waivered and the policy will remain enforced until it matures or expires. 6) Guarantees insurability for children. That means when the child becomes an adult, he/she can get life insurance regardless of current health conditions. 7) It has AM Best Rating of A+ or better or Moody Rating of AA or better. The company I work has all these features in all their life insurance policies. I was wondering if any other companies out there has the same features.""
What is the cheapest Mitsubishi lancer insurance wise?
I want a Mitsubishi that looks nice, a bit like an evo, without the crazy insurance price or high speed engine. Any suggestions. I'm 19 and have been driving just over a year.""
Why do teen girls get cheaper car insurance than men?
I see teen girls driving like. Morons all the time. I've also witnessed many women drivers texting their phone, not once have I seen a male driver texting their phone. It's not ******* fair that I almost get totaled because this teen girl at are school accelerates when I go into her lane forcing me to swerve back into mine to avoid being hit? Just yesterday I was driving my MG down the road and this teenage girl in her big Ford pick up texting while taking up both lanes by driving in the middle to drive down a road making me have to take my car off the road to avoid a collision. So how is it fair that I me, a seasoned male driver of the age of 18 have to pay far more in insurance than teenage drivers who have no since of awareness?""
Is there a way to purchase insurance for frequent car rental?
I travel sometimes and one of the dumbest expenses that I can think of is the crazy amount of the car insurance at the rental place. It is 36 dollars per day for the minimum coverage just to protect the car from the rental place. It does not cover your liability for damages to the car that you collide with. I asked my insurance guy where I buy my standard insurance and he was no help. Can I buy some kind of insurance that will totally cover me when I rent cars. I think that my cheapo liability insurance for my car will not cover me when I drive other cars or out of the country. Also I will call my credit card but I'm not sure that this option is available to me. I want to purchase insurance on my own month per month if possible. Does this exist?
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
What is the most affordable insurance for an amateur athlete ?
What is the most affordable insurance for an amateur athlete ?
Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?
can I get car insurance for my work place way from home
How much would it cost approximately to insure a commercial van in the UK?
For the purpose of a university business plan i need to know very approximately how much it would cost for a small company to insure a second hand van , sort of like this one http://vans.autotrader.co.uk/used-vans/mercedes-benz/vito/2006/at8a6ab63235e7d22b0135ee88617f51e1/mercedes-vito-109-cdi-long-air-conditioning-diesel - so a few year old , good condition aporx 50-100 thousand miles on it bought second hand for about 5-7K , i literally need to know what ball park w're talking , 500ish? 1000? more , less? I have no idea... thank you""
How much will insurance go up on state farm now that a 16 year old has their licence?
i am turning 16 in a couple days and my rents were wondering about the cost of insurance and keep procrastinating it.
Should i buy car insurance through a family member ?
My grandpa is a insurance agent and I'm.wondering if i should.purchase car insurance through him
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
Second driver insurance car?
Hi I'm 17 and I'm about to do the driving license and I will be added to a car as a second driver and the first driver has about 20 years of experience of driving and discounts I would like to ask how much there would be to pay for the insurance is it going to be double the price or more ? any answers are welcome and I would like to know what would be the price range I will need to pay.
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am a 17 year old male and my dad bought me a 2007 Nissan Altima. He wants me to pay the insurance and I figured that it might be high...so I need estimates.
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
Will my health insurance pay if car insurance refuses?
We have Personal Injury Protection, but car insurance says we didn't file claim on time.""
Car accident and insurance claim?
2 persons came to look my car for buying purpose. 1 of them was standing in front of my car and other just opened the door and turned the ignation on. the car was in gear so jumped up and hit the person standing in front of the car. man got stuck between my car and the other parked in front of my car and broke his leg. police and ambulance came. they took our statement and did not say anything to me but had separate discussionn with the othee person for long time. my question will this effect my by any mean legally? my car did not have insurance but no body drove the car either. i mean I am really scared what gonna happen to me I don't know if I shall keep trying selling my car or wait until hear from police. thanks
Driving from california to texas?do i really need insurance and a license?
im moving from california to rowlette,texas in two weeks but the problem is im going to drive out there its going to be me and my bf the thing is the car is under my name & i have the tags & papers but i don't have insurance & my license.Is this a big deal can i still drive out there as long as i drive carefully well im not driving its my bf his better at driving & he has his permit but im 18 & they say he can drive with a person 18 and older.what can i do i already called the insurance company & the lady said its not worth getting insurance if its only for a few weeks cuz when i get to texas i have to get new insurance.What can i do what do you guys recommened i do...i think that i can get out there without the legal stuff like insurance & a license..my sister drove all the way to arizona with no license & she didnt get caught cuz she drove carefully...""
In California how much are you paying for insurance on a 2012 Camaro?
Which have the best offers? v6 only. And to be more specific location : Sacramento
Car Insurance help No claims bonus?
Ok so i passed my test last month and have been driving about 3 weeks. i got an insurance quote with Aviva for 1800 per year (roughly) and im an 18 year old male, however because i had a provisional license for a year my dad thought i had 1 year NCB so told aviva this. They now want proof of my NCB (which i obviously don't have) so i will have to tell them. But my quotes are about 4500 without any no claims bonus !!!! and i drive a Y reg 1.2 fiesta ghia! is there anyway i can get this premium down? please help! i'd be really grateful!""
Good cheap car insureance?
need help wiht insurance for my car my car is a little ford fiesta 1.3 cheap 2 insure i no but i have 6 points :( so im gettign qoutes of artound 4000pound to insure my fiesta and im jsut wodneriing there must insuracne companys out there hu specialize in this field if no any can u let me me cheeers
Which insurance companies offer the lowest rates for a vehicle?
I would just like to know with peoples experience with different insurance companies which ones are more reasonable than the others. I'm looking to buy a sports car soon so I just need to know which insurance company won't rip me off. thanks
Car Insurance COMPANY?
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
I'm thinking about getting a genesis coupe sometime in june. How much is insurance on this car? I'll be 17, and I have done drivers ed.""
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
car insurance quotes for female drivers
car insurance quotes for female drivers
0 notes
michigan insurance institute
"michigan insurance institute
michigan insurance institute
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""How much a month is the average homeowners insurance payment on a 100,000 home?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
Car insurance and deductibles?
Last year I hit a car the damage was way less than the deductible. The person had on there car. The car insurance company wants me to pay for damage plus the deductible. Is that legal. I have know problem paying for damages, but the damages are only 1/3 of what they are demanding I pay.""
Average insurance for a 23 year old in Texas?
I am a 23 year old male from Texas and I'm shopping around for a new vehicle. I'm stuck between a quad cab dodge ram and a dodge challenger. About how much would I be payin on insurance a month on either of them?
How can I get health insurance for myself and family and pay for it as business expense without employees?
I'm a successful part time entrepreneur in California, but I maintain my day job because of the group health insurance they offer. I'd like to cut the apron string and go out completely on my own, but the insurance situation holds these plans hostage. I don't want to buy private health insurance, I would like to structure my one man business so that I can easily purchase group health insurance for myself and family. I'd like to purchase group insurance as opposed to private insurance so that I don't have to deal with preexisting conditions and riders, etc. Since I'm still a sole proprietor, I have plenty of leeway in regards to business structure, and I'm willing to change whatever is necessary to get the best deal possible. How can I get health insurance for myself and family and pay for it as business expense without employees?""
Does anyone know where I can find affordable health insurance for self employed people?
I own a small business, and need to find health insurance for my family that wont break me. Please help if you can. Thanks.""
How much will my insurance increase after a MINOR fender bender? (ballpark figure please)?
After 11 years of error free driving and on-time insurance payments, I managed to back into someone in a parking lot going about 1 mph. My car was NOT damaged, except for a scraped bumper sticker. The other driver had cosmetic damage only, and being the good guy that I am I gladly helped her navigate the insurance claim. I figured that if it was my car that was dented, I would want it taken care of. Do onto others, right? Anyway, the total payout of the claim was $556. That's roughly seven months of my premium payment. So, how much can I expect to see added to my yearly premium? 10%? 20%? more? Also, how long will it take to recover back to my previous rate? Finally, considering that I've paid this company much more than $556 over the years, how much of an increase should I accept before I start looking for a new carrier? This is technically my second insurance company - I was on my parents policy until I was 22 (I'm 27 now). So I haven't been with them forever, but I am not ready to jump ship unless they really screw me. Thanks!""
Which is better full coverage or liability auto insurance?
I live in wisconsin where it is not mandatory to have car insurance. I'm 26 and been driving since i was 16 without insurance and i'm planning on getting a policy started soon and i have no idea as to which type of insurance to get. I drive a 1997 chevy lumina with around 222,000 miles on it. If i get full coverage will it cover my car damages as well as the other persons damages or will liability do that and will i be required to pay a deductible? I am thinking about getting up to $100,000 in coverage.""
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
Insurance on car group 3?
I'm 17 and only just started driving, i'm looking into buying cars and I can't afford a high insurance price i'd say my top price would be 1800 pounds, i'm looking for buying a car with insurance group 3. Is this to high? will the insurance be through the roof? i'm not very experienced with this so all help would be welcome.""
Provisional Car Insurance?
I am currently looking for car insurance on a car I own, The car is an 04 punto. Basically I need provisional insurance for a month and I own the car so I need a policy that covers both of these, I am 18, Any suggestions? Thanks""
Car insurance: Proof of no claims?
I just got a letter through today from my car insurance provider asking me they want proof of my no claims. I renewed earlier in the month however i didn't change providers so seems a bit pointless them wanting proof when they hold the no claims information themselves. I didn't renew in the straight forward way as i planned to sell my car but ended up changing my mind but wanted to make some changes to my policy so just created a new policy using my online account i have with the insurance company, it turned out to be cheaper doing it that way but obviously because of the changes i made, could this be why i have received this letter? Should i just notify them of the situation in a letter and attach my original renewal letter which has the no claims information on it? Or will i need to get a so called proof of no claims certificate to get this sorted?""
Can you get 1 month insurance for an under 21 year old?
If you live in the UK? if not any ideas on how i can i get insured on a car for a month?
What car can i get as a 18 year old which wont kill me on insurance?
please help all the quotes i been getting are well above 5 grand , also if you got any tips or ideas on how to lower my insurance quotes that would be greatful""
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
How much does it cost for insurance on a scooter in europe?
I don't need an exact number, just give me a range.""
What car should I get for cheap insurance?
Im 18, i just got my license a week ago. I live in a small Louisiana town. I catch buses and taxis to and from college and work. I really need a car. I have 2000 down for one but insurance is like 600 dollars on my own policy. I can't get on any ones policy because I live on my own. I'm beginning to get discouraged because the longer I take to get a car the less money I'll have for a car paying 10 to 20 dollars on taxis a day takes all my money. What can I do? What cars will have the cheapest insurance for a new driver?""
How long until you need to get car insurance?
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..""
How much would Insurance be on this car?
I'm thinking about buying a 1974 Chevy Nova 4 Door sedan and I was wondering how much insurance would be on USAA? I'm a teenager so i'm expecting to be paying around $150 to $175 a month. Anyone who can give me a quote, I would appreciate it.""
""Delivering fast food, wrong car insurance?""
Hi, i got pulled by the police earlier and they gave me a producer for no insurance. I was delivering fast food for a local takeaway in there car, my car broke last week and my policy covers me for SD&P only, im fully comp and can drive other vehicles, the car i was driving tonight is covered on a personal and business policy with anyone to drive. I didn't know i had to have a different policy to deliver fast food, I only work for them for about 5 hours on the weekend, I am going to take out business cover tomorrow. Will the courts still treat this as driving without insurance (penalty 6-8 points), or would they take in to consideration my situation?""
Will I get my parent's insurance after age 18?
I plan on taking a year off of school when I graduate high school. When I turn 18 during that year, because I am not a full time student, will I get taken off my parents health care?""
How do you calculate the prices of car insurance?
where do all these companies get their prices for car insurance from?
Can I Get Temporary Car Insurance If I Dont Own The Car?
I have just got a new job, however, I need temporary car insurance for 1 month. My stepdad's friend is allowing me to use his car he has up for sale for this period. Can I get insurance if the car owners name is not on the policy? Any help would be apprechiated. Thanks.""
I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old.?
I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old. and i am going buy an used car (130,000miles). I get just have my driving license. i am a no experience driver. I live in EDISON NJ 08837, is it possible my car insurance is high than $2000/ year?""
Where can i check to see if my medical insurance is active?
I have Medicaid. Someone I know checked online before to see if my medical was still active, I didn't get to ask where she went to look that up.. does anybody know""
michigan insurance institute
michigan insurance institute
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
Car Insurance On A 2005 Mustang For A Young Driver?
Hi, Does anyone know what the average car insurance for a 2005 mustang is. I am 19 and a new driver, been driving for 3 months""
Help with insurance for 17 year old first fresh driver?
my quote was 4,200 :( that's too much it more then a car LOL but like i heard something about this policy between two drivers can anyone explain how it works and if i crash on this policy will the other drivers no claim bonus be effected?""
Where can I get cheap auto insurance?
I am looking for good and low cost auto insurance.
Motorcycle insurance?
I received my scooter insurance in the post but is there a cert like a car as i did not receive one and if there's not what do i bring with me to prove to the police i have insurance?
Which car insurances?
OK 21 years old and looking for a car insurance that cheapest in Washington state, and I am thinking between these three, progressive state farm and Geico, which one is the cheapest of these and tell me the cheapest auto insurance any body know for my age and I am a male thank you""
I got a police report...will my insurance get a hold of it???
My bf was driving and he doesnt have a license :( will my insurance get the police report...causing the rates to go up????
How much would car insurance on a 2006 convertible mini cooper cost for a 16 year old boy?
in the state of texas
Insurance for my 1986 chevy Silverado ?
I have a totally restored 1986 Chevy 4x4 Silverado 1/2-ton pk-up extended bed 350 cu inch engine - it was appraised at $13,500.00 and we had a storm come through and a tree crushed the front of the truck, The cost was $3,000.00 in parts and paint. I only have liability insurance for protection but I would like to have full coverage insurance for future accidents etc. Can I get full coverage insurance on a 1986 Truck ?""
Which cars have the cheapest insurance rates?
Which cars have the cheapest insurance rates?
Any insurance professionals? from UK or USA?
have you heard about Chartered Insurance Institute? and what do you think of its various diplomas? are they highly valued in your field? and can they advance your careers in insurance! thx
Should I be paying for car insurance? I don't have a car because I was in an accident.?
I was in an accident back in November and my car was totaled. The claim just closed a few days ago because they finally paid our medical bills and everything. Should we have to pay for car insurance right now? We still haven't purchased a vehicle because we didn't get much for our car. How do we handle this?
Why do we need health insurance?
People complain about not being able to afford health insurance, and people aslo complain that the health insurance they do have doesn't cover what they need it to cover. Doesn't it seem more like health insurance is the middle man that keeps the price of health related goods and services at such a rate that is unattainable by the majority of US citizens? Wouldn't the tens of thousands of doctors be forced to lower their rates to an affordible rate if health insurance, as a standard practice, was abolished?""
Do they let you take insurance?
hi does insurance companies in US,let you take life term insurance if you have HIV..""
Insurance costs between 1.0 and 1.4?
i just got my driving licence and im trying to buy used car.. im looking at insurance prices and was wondering how much difference i would have between 1.4 engine and 1.0. im in my mid 20's and was wondering if u could get a car with bigger engine then 1.0 and still pay reasonable price im looking for only few years old small car.. nothing flashy.
If you buy life insurance in the US why is it illegal for companies/brokers to give rebates(legal in Ireland)?
I'm thinking of getting a life assurance policy for say 10 or 20 years cover, just incase I kick it my spouse will have a little nestegg. Found a broker who offers ok prices, cheapest I could find, and the broker offers a 75% cash rebate by cheque in year one once you pay in full for the year or in the 13th month if you pay monthly. Some companies - aside from brokers - also offer rebates, although not as generous. Now how can this broker afford to do that? Does he get a commision from the company we get our policy through, like an affiliate bonus for signing up new clients and is he then using part or all of this bonus to cover the rebate to us? Works out well for us regardless but wondering why it's illegal in the US? Thanks.""
I'm 17 years old and do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me?
I rarely drive so i don't want to get car insurance yet, but sometimes I want to drive around with my family. So do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me in the car?""
""Will my insurance rates go up if I got a ticket for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 in Broward County, FL?""
I was just pulled over for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 and got a ticket for $165 (kinda steep in my opinion, but the cop said he wasn't giving me a ticket for speeding). The cop said that I won't get points on my record and I verified that with the Florida Department of Motor Vehicle's web-site. I know I'm guilty so I'll just pay the ticket. Will my insurance rates go up if I do that? Should I plead no contest and go to traffic school? I'd still have to pay for my traffic ticket if I did that, but if going that route would stop my insurance rates from going up then it will financially worth it in the long run.""
Do you get health insurance as a Burger King crew member?
do you get health insurance as a BK team member if so, what type? Also what is covered and what is the monthly cost? Thanks""
How can i finance a car and pay insurance? help?
hi, im an 18 year old student, i work part-time and make around 400-500 a month after tax. im looking to buy a car (doesnt have to be brand new) for less than 4k and insurance is ...show more""
Any reason for a sudden hike in insurance quote prices?
Hello i've been looking through insurance quotes as i have my renewal coming up, i was possibly thinking of getting a different car so been fishing around, especially on my current insurers website for quotes. A couple of days ago i was getting nice quotes i was happy with for all the cars i was searching including my own. However tonight the majority of the quotes i am getting have increased by 600-700? All my details are exactly the same, its actually made me quite depressed as i have no idea how this has happened. Would anyone know why this may be?""
Why do we need basic health insurance?
Health insurance should be for serious issues that require surgery or hospitalization. Why do I pay insurance to get a checkup or for routine visits? The problem with health insurance is it is too broad; therefore, it is too big. The idiots who say that car insurance is mandatory as an argument for mandatory health insurance leave out that it is only LIABILITY insurance that is mandatory. You are not required to insure fixing your own car if you choose not to. Think about how much more expensive it would be to take care of routine things like car maintenance, appliance replacement, etc., if they were handled through an insurance company. The answer seems to be to eliminate most of the unnecessary insurance and shrink it to only what is required. That along with serious tort reform would eliminate much of the red tape and cost. The person who abuses their things pays more to replace and fix them. Same thing with the fat people, who suck up most of the insurance money the rest of us pay.. If you choose to be fat, then you will pay more to repair your health. It seems pretty simple, but then again the current proposal is not really about health care is it???""
Adding a new driver to insurance.?
In Ontario, if a new driver was added to insurance on a 03 dodge caravan how much would it be about?""
Where can I find cheap roofing insurance?
I am looking to start a roofing repair company (residential only at this time) . What I am going to do is secure the jobs, draw the contracts, purchase material and collect payment. I have 3 crews that will do the labor and they each provide liability as well as worker comp on their crews. What I looking for is a company that will insure me with liability (1 million) for my protection. What I am running into is that every company that I talk to says that you have to be in business for 2 years or greater or they are quoting me 7 to 9k a year. I have over 10 years experience in quoting, selling and installing, can anyone help out in finding affordable liability insurance? Thanks""
michigan insurance institute
michigan insurance institute
Would you get heath insurance and if so who through?
Me and my husband married young, when we married I had insurance through my job which was great but now, since I went back to school we are without insurance. I am in school ft and he also works but is two hours under what he has to be working to get insurance a week. We are 21 now and are wondering if you view health insurance as something someone our age needs and if so how to shop for it, what type to get and where to get a quote. We are both EMTS and have ran rescue before and we have seen lots of people without insurance but we want to make a well informed decision regarding this health insurance. Might I add that we are generally healthy, have a general practitioner at the moment that we rarely use, and during our marriage of two years have never been to an ER for any reason... Any insite that you have into this situation would be great! Thanks and God Bless""
How much is car insurance?
How much can I expect car insurance to cost? I am taking drivers ed soon (which I have heard lowers the insurance price) and I also get pretty good grades (which I also hear lowers the insurance price). I would be driving a used car. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost me?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What decreases vehicle insurance rates?
What decreases vehicle insurance rates?
18 in TX and need health insurance?
I live with my dad but he just qualified for his own insurance for seniors or something im not sure. Ignore this fact, but long story short I am a full time community college freshman and make around 700 a month at my job. I am very healthy and workout at the gym routinely and I notice i am having wisdom teeth probs. what health care can I buy thats affordable for me? I turn 19 in 3 months.""
Ive had my plates for a year with no insurance how can i get my license back?
i had a lapse and just never turned in my plates i never been stopped by police but i just got a nice car that i want to get registred
Am I screwed? Two years ago I was approached by my auto insurance company.?
I was told that if I added my home owners insurance to their company that I would save a bundle on both the auto and the homeowner policy. At the time, I had the same homeowner company for over 25 years and was happy with my policy but they looked at the policy and said they could offer me the same coverage at the same price. So, of course, I switched and admittedly never looked at the policy until I had a recent claim. Now, I find that the policy that I was switched to was NOT the same coverage I had at...not even close. I now have a 1% deductible instead of $500 and I also now have actual value instead of replacement cost coverage. Needless to say, I'm angry and feel I have no recourse since I admit I didn't read over the policy...I trusted the agent , since I had my car insurance with them for over 30 years. Has anyone ever had this happen to them and what, if anything, can be done about this?""
Will my car insurance premium go down in price when i pay off my car?
I'm not sure if it's even a factor in the price of auto insurance premium but I'm getting close to paying off my car and would like to know. Thanks!
Driver license test without insurance?
Im 18 and have not taken drivers ed I was wondering if I could take the drivers test without insurance and then if I pass get insurance then recive my driver license once I get insurance.
How much is a low rate car insurance cost? how much would it be ??? ?
How much is a low rate car insurance cost? how much would it be ??? ?
Are there any programs for college kids to get cheap dental insurance?
In college, not covered by my parent's insurance and can't get it at my job. Is there any sort of programs where College age students can get a relatively cheap dental insurance, or dental work done on the cheap? If it helps, I'm in Oklahoma.""
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
Best insurance company to work for?
I live in Southern California, I have been looking for work since I moved here from France. I posted a general sales resume on careerbuilder.com and have since been spammed by insurance agencies. Some have been good companies like State Farm and Farmers. Some have been less, like Colonial Life and Axa advisers. I believe Axa wanted me for a commissioned investment broker position. I didn't pass the personality test for State Farm, but I can try again in a year. I will have a strategy and research next time. State Farm has 9 month paid training, a huge signing bonus at the end and would be an excellent opportunity but it isn't for right now. What I did learn through all of this, especially from Colonial Life is that the insurance licenses aren't that hard or expensive to get. I'm thinking of getting life, health and auto. Does any one know of companies that have non-independent, salaried agents? I would like a commission, but not the 100% commission based model of Colonial or Axa. I also don't want to cold-call or drop off 180 envelops a week like Colonial demands. I don't want to be independent for the moment, although that is possible in the future with a good company like Farmers or State Farm. Right now I could work as a salaried sales person through an independent agent or direct hire. What is the best way to get on-board?""
If 15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance..can 20 minutes save you 20% or more on car insurance?
i know stupid question but i've always been curious 
Insurance for a car your selling?
I just bought a lemon, I am 19 years old and I have never owned a car and only had my liscense for a few months. I want to sell it but do I need insurance to have it transferred to my name. I am just going to sell it to a mechanic.""
Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?
Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?
Does anyone know any affordable health insurance for a college student?
Does anyone know any affordable health insurance for a college student?
How much does getting insurance on a car cost?
im 17 and me and my mom are trying to get the CHEAPEST car insurance possible !! how much does it cost? what company?? thanks for your help
21st Auto Insurance Company?
Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them.
Insurance settlement in Arizona?
I hit rear-ended a guy at about 5MPH back in July. He was in a pickup, I was in my civic. About $800 worth of damage to both vehicles. He complained of no injuries at the scene. I find out he got an attorney and filed a claim against my insurance. My insurance says they are still waiting to get a demand letter. Question: I only have $100,000 in coverage. Is there any chance he could get more than this?""
In California what is traffic school for? Will my insurance still increase?
I am 19 and got a speeding ticket 85 in a 65 this is my FIRST ticket. I take full responsibility and am ready to accept my consequences. I am not one to drive like that but I was late that day. I know there is no excuse. Soon I am getting my own insurance under my own name. If I take traffic school besides not getting a point on my license will this also prevent insurance increases. If I go to get my insurance will this ticket affect me even though I took traffic school? I live in California and this is my first ticket I am 19 and male.
So is this whole car dealerships thing going to affect insurance?
If the prices of the cars are going to drop, is this going to do anything to the amount of money I will have to pay for my car insurance once I turn 16? Will it go up, go down, or stay the same""
Why can you 16 years old own cars in America?
Hello, So when I'm watching MTV or whatever television program here in the Netherlands I'm noticing that so many 16 year old drive a car. But where do you guys get the money from? Because a really crappy cheap car cost about 1000 euro's and than you need to pay a 390 euro (507 dollars) a month. I'm 16 too and with my 40 hours of work in a month I make 200 euro (260 dollars), so I can't afford a car now. (at least not paying every single month 390 euros) Nevertheless in the Netherlands you must be 18 years old to drive a car, but even when I'm 18 I think I won't make a 390 euro a month (only for my car). So do your parents pay? Don't you have to pay taxes or whatever? Thanks. David Calculation: Cheap car = 1000 euro Good cheap car = 3000 euro Average insurance 18 year old = 100 euro a month Can't find translation but road taxes = 80 euro a month cost of maintance = 80 euro a month Average driving 1000km a month with 7/100L = 70 * 1,80= 126 euro We pay 1.80 euro a liter (benzine) = 1 gallon = 3,8L = 6,84 euro's = 8,9 dollar per gallon so: 390 euro = 507 dollars a month""
Think of buying a catagory D car which is an insurance write off?
I have just been to view a 2005 Nissan Micra with 13100 on the clock the car had a crush which damage the tail gate and the bumper both have been replaced to a high standard. The car would be worth 5000 but is selling for 2200. Everything seems good at 1st glance but i am concerned about insurance and weather or not it's a good ideal to take the gamble. The seller showd me the before and after pictures of the car and it seemed to fit wot he was saying. He also has a valied MOT which is a month old I don't plan on selling the car if i buy it. How much damage can a knock do to the front of the vehicle or any of the important parts? Please can someone advise wot the best thing would be to do?
Affordable health insurance?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once? thanks
michigan insurance institute
michigan insurance institute
""When getting car insurance in Georgia, should I lie about dui's or be honest?""
I have 2 dui's from Georgia within 10 years. I just reinstated my license and need liablity coverage. Should I lie about my driving record just to get insurance, or be upfront right away? Do insurance companies check your driving record right away?""
How much are you paying for motorcycle insurance?
I'm trying to get a quote for insurance on a 2008 Ducati 848. I tried Geico, State Farm, All State abd Progressive but they all are quoting me around the same which is around 4k a year for full coverage and 1k a year for just liability. This seems crazy to me as im only paying $350 a year right now for full coverage on my ninja 250. I know the Duc has a much larger engine but the price difference is drastic. Im a 23 year old male with 2-3 years riding experience. Clean record and i did the MSF course when i started riding. The 848 im trying to buy is used and i would be paying in full. How much are you guys paying?""
How does auto insurance works?
is the cost of auto insurance determined based on car model, year, or the the car price sold at?""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
I need help on a car insurance question....?
so i got in a car crash and got the guys information; aside from his house address.... so my question is there any way that i can get a copy of that information or something with his name and adress included??
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
""How much would it cost me if i got my car towed in Trenton, NJ for driving w/o insurance?""
How much would it cost me if i got my car towed in Trenton, NJ for driving w/o insurance?""
Need Medical Insurance?
My husband has a great job but the sorry part is it doesn't come with insurance which sucks. He makes too much money to qualify for Medicaid or Chips. I need an affordable health insurance for our family. Insurance is so expensive, please help me.""
How long does it take a car insurance company to fix your car?
I was in an accident dec 27 2013 the ladys insurance called me that same day of the accident and told me they would have full liability of the car damages to my parents car so i told them ok and she gave me the the claim number and then she said she would call my mom because the iinsurance isunder her name im 17 by the way...and then they nevr called my mom That day.they have usaa insurance and we have all insurance
Insurance costs?
How much do you pay for your medical/life insurance each month? Mine is about RM200.
Possible cancer without insurance?
My fiance has a visible tumor (it's visible--it was benign and removed before but came back). He lost his health insurance a couple years ago, and he seems to only be progressively be getting sicker (we don't know if it's because it's a cancerous tumor or his stress levels are insanely high). Either way, he obviously needs to see a doctor--but we have no insurance and we don't make enough to afford insurance (we might make little enough to qualify for medicaid--for this question, assume we do). My question is, what options does he have? We can't afford treatment. He doesn't want to go to a doctor w/o insurance because they won't help him since he can't pay and he will lose the job he has and what little he does make. Please, are there special programs? I know his condition does not qualify for the fast SSI claims as I looked into that already. Would medicaid be enough? Are there special cancer programs? Is there anything? Or is he really going to be left to die? He's only 26. Also, we live in Colorado (since that might make a difference).""
Looking For Auto Insurance?
Im needing help looking for auto insurance. I just got dropped from my fathers insurance company due to the fact that ive had 2 accidents and three speeding tickets in the last three years time. Yes i know thats bad and im not looking for the smart comments i just really need help with any insurance companies that anyone knows of that will consider covering me. Thanks so much for your time.
Does Obama really believe his comparison between auto insurance and health insurance is legitimate?
Even W sees the holes in that argument. Is Obama trying to fool the least of us ?
""If someone wrecks another person's car, whose insurance pays for it, the owner of the car or the driver?""
If someone borrowed another person's car and they wrecked it, who would end up paying for the damage? Would it be the owner of the car or the person driving the car? This is knowing that the driver is over 18 and has a license. Thanks, 10 points best answer!!""
Need supplemental insurance!?
I had a CAT scan done a few years ago and owe a good amount of money still because my insurance only covered a portion of it. Im a college student and make 8$ an hour and diagnosed with mental illness. Can i expect supplemental insurance to cover the rest of it? its about 1600. And can someone explain it for me? Do i pay for supplemental insurance to? My sister told me i can get emergency medicare or medical **** or something to pay for it.. Is this true...so confused. Thanks
""Why is Unitrin car insurance so cheap? Are they really a good, reliable insurance company?
I got a quote for about half of what I'm paying with another company with the same coverage.
Where are gender therapist in Michigan that's affordable or that take medicaid?
trying to seek help but my funds are kind of low and I have medicaid insurance and I live in Clinton, Michigan can anyone help I really need help please""
50cc motorcycle insurance?
I have a 1982 honda mb5 street bike. Its 50cc and has a 5 speed gearbox. I live in indiana and i want to get my motorcycles endorsment but it requires that i have insurance for the bike. How much would that be?
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you""
How much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old girl?
Living in South Jersey. 2 years with a license. No accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good credit score. For a used car newer than 2003. I just need a rough estimate. I don't want some insurance agent to call me for an quote or get random e-mails from insurance companies, right now before I buy a car.""
I want to buy a car i am 15 and i want to know which car should i get and how much is the insurance gna b??
I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
How much are you paying for your kids car insurance?
Recently, I brought my daughter a 2002 Camaro v6 for 7,800 with taxes included. I pay 127 dollars a month for insurance. She is about to be 16 and able to drive on her own. She is very responsible, gets great grades and has very few friends. How much do you pay for your child's insurance? I heard that buying them a sports car would make the insurance go very high but that hasn't been the case.""
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Will the cost of my car insurance decrease if I have a provisonal license?
My friend told me this but I think it's rubbish.. I am 17 next week and he told me that if I get a provisional license now and get all my lessons done/pass my tests and get my full drivers license, then wait until I'm 20 to buy a car, the insurance would be cheaper than if I passed my tests when I am 20 and buy a car straight away. (assuming I use the same company/ deals) Is this true or is he charting ****?""
How to get cheaper car insurance for a new young driver?
I passed my test the other day but ive been looking for hours trying to find some cheap car insurance on a 1.2 ford ka but all the quotes im getting are minimum 3-4 thousand pound and some are even quoting up to 8 thousand ! Im 17 and male does anyone know where to get relatively cheap insurance something between 1000-2000 pound? or any methods that are used to get cheaper car insurance?
michigan insurance institute
michigan insurance institute
0 notes
house insurance contents quote
"house insurance contents quote
house insurance contents quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Should my roofer see my insurance estimate?
We are in the process of getting our roof replaced through insurance. We have a roofer who said he would do the work and we got the check from insurance in the bank. The roofer never gave us an exact estimate, just that he would do it for whatever insurance is going to pay. Now the roofer wants to see the detailed insurance estimate... Is that standard practice?""
What to do with my auto insurance?
hello I plan to give my 18 year old daughter my car and I plan to get another car. Does anyone know how does this work. I mean I not only will be putting her on my insurance but I will be adding another car. Will I have to pay double because of this? Or would it be cheaper for her own insurance and if I should leave the car I am giving her in my name or put in her name?
Two hit and run claims in one year ... are they gonna stick it to me with my insurance rates?
One car parked outside my house, got sideswiped earlier this year and of course, I had no idea who (middle of the night hit and run). I made a claim against the insurance to fix it, and they ended up paying out about $750. My OTHER car had the same thing happen to it yesterday morning (I found out when I went to go to work) so I got an estimate at lunch and it's gonna be at least $2500 to repair THIS damage (at the insurance companie's preferred shop). No suspects, no witnesses, nobody to point the finger at. $250 deductible I can manage to scrape together, but ... will my insurance company (Nationwide) hike my rates, and if they do is it likely to be a little or a LOT ? I've had them for four years, I have mediocre credit but a spotless driving record, and now TWO no fault claims in 2008 ... I haven't called them yet to report it, but I probably need to TODAY if I am going to ...""
Average Insurance Price for 2-Door Car?
17 year old male.
AVERAGE Insurance (UK)?
Could anyone give me an average price of insurance or insurance group for a 20 year old female, on a 2011 fiat 500 twinair lounge 0.9? I don't want to do those compare sites as they ask for all your details. Thanks""
Motorcycle Insurance for 17 year old?
I am 17 and have a gsxr 600. I want to register it and insure it so i dont have to worry about being chased anymore but my current insuarnce company wont allow me to insure and register the bike without a licensed motorcycle operator. I am the only one whos rides so how am I supposed to insure my bike for a motorcycle permit? I also live in Connecticut. I'd appreciate some advice and maybe some insurance companies that have different policies. Thanks
Car insurance claim failed. I am totally innocent and will not give up. Where do I stand with this?
The accident happened on a roundabout I was already on, someone pulled out on me and I T-boned the side of their car. An 'independent' assessor has looked at my car and wrote a damage report which went to the other drivers insurance company (who I am personally claiming from as my insurance is 3rd party cover only). Their company have now wrote to me saying they are denying my claim because: They can't understand why the whole front of the car is damaged (erm..because I T-boned the other car!) They can't understand why the nearside wing is damaged (erm..because she kept driving for a few seconds, which tried to drag my car to one side. The chassis went out of line and it moved the wing out of position). They can't understand how the nearside door is damaged (erm..it isn't!). Is there much else I can do other than write to argue their statement? A solicitor or small-claims court would not be cost effective as I'm only claiming approx 400. What can I do?""
How Much Of Your Income Can You Use On A Car?
How much of your income is it appropriate to use on a car? I am not talking about insurance or gas, just the retail price of the car. Would you say as low as 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, or what? Thanks.""
Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?
Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.
Is insure.com legit?
I was wondering if the site insure.com is legit and If they have good rates
Insurance price for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 live in Minnesota and i want to get a car maybe around $5000 just wanted to know how much a month it would cost for insurance with and without my parents
Insurance Rate difference Between hatchback And Sedan?
hello everyone, im interested in some information regarding insurance quotes. Im in the market for a 02+ Gti, or a 02+ jetta. The gti is 2 door hatchback and jetta is a 4 door sedan. Im 16 years old but im concerned now how much higher will insurance quotes be between the 2 when i start driving. Theyre both going to be manual. If someone has any idea please let me know.""
How I get discount on car insurance?
I am from Liverpool and wanted to have good discounts on Car Insurance.. Can someone please suggest.
Help with insurance cost info please?
I'm 17 and my parents are going to buy me a new VW Beetle when I pass my test. They keep telling me the insurance is going to be high though, could someone give me an idea of how much insurance is for someone my age? Thanks""
How much do you pay for FULL COVERAGE auto insurance?
I am trying to understand rates more and am interested in hearing what people pay for full-coverage auto insurance. How old are you, where do you live, what insurance company do you have, how much do you pay per 6 months? (Please only answer if you pay for full or maximum coverage) I currently have Allstate and pay around $300/6 mo. I am interested in hearing from CUSTOMERS what they actually pay instead of getting quotes from companies. I would like to gauge cheap/expensive.""
""50 in a 40, first ticket ever. Insurance?""
I got a ticket for going 50 in a 40 tonight. My gas was PASSED E, and I was turning into the gas station. I realize that doesn't do anything for my case. I'm 17. I've never been in a wreck, never been pulled over. The cop (who is a friend's dad) said that I go to court Oct 1 and if I'm eligible for Defensive Driving I can take it, and it wont go on my driving record. Question is, does this affect my insurance rate at all? I pay my own insurance. I have State Farm.""
Im 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance in california?
Im 6 weeks pregnant, i got my proof of preganancy at a free clinic, i applied for medical.. how long till i know im approved? I work part time, i dont make enough money at all... maybe 400 before taxes. i pay 400 rent, i split rent with my bf that i live with. he has a good job. would that effect my media-cal application? are they going to want my roomates info? and with him being my bf does that make a difference? we are not married so will they still use that?""
What is the average cost difference between full coverage insurance and liability insurance?
approx how much difference that is, like are we talking about couple hundreds 300-600 or alot more than that? thank you""
How much does motorcycle insurance typically cost?
good credit, driving record, etc...""
What insurance is required on a new car in Florida?
Is it just PIP/property damage liability and Bodily Injury Liability or is there more? Thanks!
Can my wife and I have a joint car insurance when we are in two states?
Hi, I am at MI and my wife is at DC (I think DC will have a high insurance rate. I'll move to DC after a year). We have two cars. Could we have a joint car insurance if one car is registered at MD and one car is registered at MI? Thanks for your attention
Looking for a health insurance coop in California.?
Anyone know of one not related to working at a company or for the government?
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
Insurance and bmv question?
If I have to show insurance to the bmv and they tell me I have to show the insurace at time i got pulled over do they check with the insurance company to see if you really had insurance at that time?
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
house insurance contents quote
house insurance contents quote
Motorcycle insurance for a 20 yr old?
i just got a 2004 ninja zx10r, any one know of a place that has motorcycle insurance for cheap??""
What Exactly Is Life Insurance?
What I mean is... If my Mom has life insurance on me, then when exactly do I receive the money? And can I spend it on whatever I want??""
Any suggestion of affordable health insurance?
ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable
Texas insurance licensing exam?
I am studying to take the exam and was wondering how close the Unit Tests in the book are to the actual test and how difficult the test is. Thanx.
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
Thinking of buying an Audi TT next year..Insurance quotes ect.?
im quite young..but ive researched this and if i keep my job down id be able to afford this. would be my 2nd car. Any advice? obviously wouldnt buy a new one.. what sort of price would i expect for a good quality one? also.. car insurance.. what websites are the best to find out approx. figures? ive been on ones before where they ask for your details and call you back..obviously dont want this just yet..just an average quote online where nothings written in stone so to speak// thankyou SO much for any help xx
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
How much would car insurance cost per month for a 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution?
""Getting 2011 car, all insurance quotes are over $300 Can i put my mom down as primary driver if its in my name?
The reason why its so expensive is because im only 19. i know she has a safe driving record which will help me save so much money. I'll be lucky to have gotten this car but i wont be able to afford my payments if insurance is that high. So can i own the car without being the primary driver on insurance to help save costs?
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
What should I do about this car insurance?
I have a car that is worth no more than $1500. I bought it off someone in my family and I should transfer ownership (as it is from a different state). At the moment they have selected me as a secondary drive for insurance, as I am a P plater it will cost a lot of money to put it under me. To reregister it and insure it under me would cost a lot. (including getting another roadworthy certificate). I took it in for a check and they said repairs would cost nearly $2,000 which is more than the car. Plus the insurance, totaling about $3500 in total when the car is only worth $1500 max. So this is the situation I need help with, the car runs great and I may have just gotten ripped off by the mechanics (I didn't bring it in, someone else did and they can seem like an easy person to rip off) - also we have a friend who is a retired mechanic and he said the car is in great shape and roadworthy should be no problem, so that conflicts with what these guys said.. Any tips? I have no clue what to do. What do you do when it costs more to put a car on the road than the car is worth?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?
whats the cheapest car insurance company in ireland for young drivers ?
Buying an insurance write off ( car )?
I was wondering if it was possible to buy an insurance write off for the purpose of using it off road, for things such as car trials and banger racing? i know that if a car is category C or below, it can be returned to the road after repairs, but what are the rules as to off road use?""
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
Health Insurance for an Eighteen year old Graduate?
Alright. I am in desperate need of some knowledge. I just graduated from high school and live in Idaho with my boyfriend and his parents. The house includes 2 parents, 3 kids under the age of eighteen and 2 adults that are exactly of the age of eighteen years (7 total). I used to live with my father, who does not have any health insurance (he's a Veteran). And even before that I lived with my mother in California who although does have health insurance, I was never a part of. My boyfriend's mother wants to take me to the Department of Health and Welfare so that I could maybe get with Medicaid or something to help me out. I haven't had a job yet (still trying to find one) and I really am quite lost in the world. I am behind on immunizations, have not visited a dentist...in a while. I do have terrible eye sight and will need more exams in the future and have not yet received any type of check up from a doctor or a physical. I was wondering if there was a way that I could get on my mom's insurance even though she lives in another state and maybe if welfare was all I could really do now. I'm not very educated about insurance and was hoping if there was a wise person out there who could help me. I appreciate any help at all and thank all of you for taking the time to read my cry for help.""
How much does it cost to get insurance on a motorcycle?
whats the average cost? do you know the cost in vancouver, canada?""
2000-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse insurance?
I am 15 and will be getting a car soon and i was really liking the eclipse, but i have heard that the insurance for it is a lot. Could anyone tell me what a normal car insuance rate would be (say a sedan), compared to the eclipse??""
How to get a cheaper car insurance in new jersey?
i leased a car a year ago and allstate just add 500 dollars on my premium and actually my car insurance is way more expensive than my car note. although i have 2 points on my drivers licence but it has been almost two years now and since i havent had no moving violation. Am planning to take a online defensive driver class to remove them. Please let me know what should i do to lower my premium or where to go cause its killing my finance. i am living in new jersey.
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
How much people can be on someone's auto insurance?
is there a limit to how many people/vehicles can be insured under one person's name? lets say, can a person insure his car and himself, as well as his 2 sons cars and his 2 ...show more""
How much will my Insurance go up?
im 18 years old on my mothers policy been driving 1 year crashed my car into a old Escort which his car was called a Rite Off. His rite of value for his car is 950. my damage i fixed with my old money as my insurance did not cover my cars damage. my Current Insurance price is 1250(pa). How much will my insurance go up by next time round...next year in September?
250CC motorcycle insurance-How much should I expect to pay?
I am looking to buy my first motorcycle. I am looking in the 250CC category. I have narrowed down to 1. Yamaha Virago 2. Honda Shadow I am 29 yrs old male with good driving record for car. Have good credit history. How much should I expect to pay for insurance for the motorcycle if I buy 1. NEW 2. USED (my preference). I would probably look for a MB with 10-15K on it.
house insurance contents quote
house insurance contents quote
How does car insurance work?
I work at *** insurace services and im a secretary. i do nothing but answer calls. i want to know how this place works. i know they insure taxis,. limos, trucks. and personal cars. but how do my managers get paid. HOW DOES THIS PLACE WORK. so i dont have to feel lost all the time at work. i still dont know why they hired me.. weird""
Does anyone know how much car insurance will be on a 2003 ford focus svt 2 door?
im thinking about buying a ford focus svt i just need to no around how much car insurance might be if any one knows
""Online resources, I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
Which Car Insurance Company would be cheaper?
Looks like everything now and days is going up -including car insurance. Does anyone know of any company that has cheap car insurance???? I'm not sure if AAA offers any good deals
Reputable term life insurance?
Is there any term life Companies with decent prices that you don't have to take physicals for?
Motorcycle insurance for 20 yr old mn?
I'm looking at getting a motorcycle and was wondering what it would cost me. I don't have any tickets or anything. My record is clean and I was looking at either a Kawasaki ninja 250 or 500r that would be like a 2005. Maybe a 750ccc cruiser. What difference would there be between the two types of bikes and about what would I be looking to pay?
Do I need Car Insurance to get a Georgia Drivers License?
I'm 19 years old and Ive been ready for my driving test for a while now. I just need to know if I can take the driving test in Georgia with my mom's car. WITHOUT being on her insurance. And YES her car is insured. I just want to take my test, get my license, and worry about insurance and a car later.""
Can I get free health insurance?
I just paroled out of prison. I don't have a job yet. Is there any free health insurance available to me? I moved in with my brother, who has a good job and his own insurance. will his household income affect my options of getting low income insurance? Thanks""
Best insurance for a teen boy whos 18?
i need to know whats the best insurance company for a guy whos 18 and doesnt have alot of money to go blow on a big place i have a 96 jeep cherekee sport anybody got any ideas thanks
I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?
I know it sounds crazy and I need insurance but is there anyway to avoid paying it... at least for just a month? I have the cheapest plan possible but its still killing me financially every month! Do you think allstate has a low income program? Do ANY of the insurance companies....?
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Good Insurance company?
What's a good insurance company the not expensive? I live in florida and tired of the big name companies. Good driving record too
Do all pharmacys run your insurance?
Do they have to run your insurance whether you tell them you don't have it or not?
Where can i find some good health insurance?
i live in california bay area i'm just wondering if theres any good insurance out there i'm 19 and i just don't feel safe without health insurance and how do i know if it's a good or crappy one please explain in details
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
When taking out car insurance. Is it really worth protecting no claims bonus or not?
I have heard that if your no claims is protected and you have an accident (which is not your fault) your insurance still goes up. Is this true?
How do I get added to my parent's car insurance?
I am going to have to use one of my parent's cars to get around soon. I have never had my own car, but have had a license for a few years, I just always used public transportation...so I am wondering how would I go about getting added to my parent's car insurance policy. Note: I would only be driving their car occasionally, not regularly. I'm 21 btw. Details and possible costs would be appreciated.""
Should I call my auto insurance?
This afternoon, I was at a gas station and I backed my 2003 Pontiac mini van into a concrete barrier very hard. The left rear bumper is falling off, the hatch is dented fairly bad in the corner so it is difficult to open (that dent is about 4 inches in diameter but very deep) and the side with an automatic door has two shallow dents about a foot across. One of my taillights chipped on the side but didn't crack or shatter. No broken glass or anything. The plastic bumper is cracked in a few places, and has red paint all over over it from the barrier. the doors still work (excepting that the hatch catches on the taillight area), no electronic or mechanical issues, just body damage. The question is, should I call insurance? I am almost 17 and I've had my license for about 6 months. Roughly how much would the body work cost, since my insurance with AARP is sure to go up dramatically? Or would I want to play it safe and place a claim? My parents know all about it, and it was a total accident (I missed the brake pedal and hit the accelerator). Just looking for the way that will cost me less in the long run. Thank you for your help.""
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
A few questions about SR-22 Insurance?
Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question.""
What are some Big name Insurance companies?
Admitted Carriers I believe is the Term for Big name/Most Legitimate. I am in California. Please give me a list, of all the ones u can think of, all the commercials u can remember, what ever. I need to contact every single big name company, I am shopping for Commercial Insurance, & Need to find The Best price & Best policy thank you very much! & May god bless you!""
Car insurance?
why doesnt some insurance company give 17 year old drivers a chance, my son was quoted 4000.750 he works on a farm and works bloody hard,but the pays not great, i can understand these young drivers without any insurance, they make it impossible for them to get it, we know its wrong , and iam not condoning it ,just give them a chance it doesaint mean there all mad drivers .""
How do insurance company's value cars?
i had a 07 impala and just got a new 2010 impala and my insurance is cheaper on the new car than the old car why is that?? is the older the car the more it is?? or what really takes place on the prices??
Can i get a motorcycle insurance without having a license?
Or how else am i going to take the bike for the skills test
Can i put my car under my dad's insurance even thou its registered to me?
My car is financed but the insurance rates are thou the roof! im paying over 475 a month for full coverage, can i have my dad add it to his policy as a second car and still have it registered under my name? Will the finance company find out? will this be possible?""
house insurance contents quote
house insurance contents quote
Speeding ticket in california with no inssurance?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
About how much do you think insurance would be for a teen for state farm?
the car would be anywhere between from 1997 and 2002. I'm 16, a girl, had drivers ed, and have grades that qualify for the good grade discount, and am going to get my license soon. im looking at cars and want to know how much it would cost for insurance...do you have any idea how much it would cost?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance price in Michigan?
What is the cheapest auto insurance price in Michigan?
Car released to my insurance company?
my car has been released to my insurance company, for them to ascertain whether my car is repairable or is a write off, the car an MGTF Convertible was burnt to dust at the week-end and no courtesy car has been provided, making my journey to Edinburgh from Glasgow and back again every workday a bit of a nightmare, has anyone any idea how long this process of making me an offer will take, as it is costing me a fortune in rail fares""
How can I get cheap insurance?
I am 19,and I am thinking about doing my theory test for my full licence,but insurance are so expensive,especially for my age. Do any of you guys know how can I get cheap insurance? Do any of you guys know of any cheap insurance companies? Thank You all""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
Why is a car insurance trying to settle a car accident claim fast?
I was in a car accident. The other driver did a squat and stop scam. (the driver speeds out quickly in front of another driver so he/she wont have enough time to stop and then sit there so the other driver can hit him/her) However, the other driver's car insurance trying to settle quick. The driver's car insurance company did their investigation and came to an conclusion that I was at fault.. (yeah right) The accident happen on 4/20/11 and they trying to settle on 4/28/11. (eight days later) When I mentioned that my attorney was handling the case. All of a sudden the company sending me letters claiming it my fault and I have to pay for my own damages. And, that I have so many years to take the claim to court. (hoping that I want) I just fax everything over to my attorney. I am still going through therapy. I do have car insurance. So, why is the driver's car insurance company trying to settle the claim quick when they was actually at fault? Please, only knowledgeable people reply. Thank you so much Note: The driver's girlfriend was told to fake she was injury because she is pregnant. Also, the driver came out the wrong exit of the driveway speeding..""
What is the average insurance on a motorbike?
Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx""
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
How can we get our own health insurance?
What do we need to do to get our own health insurance and how much is insurance usually?
Insurance ........................?
i m working for a insurance company and doing 100000 rs business(premium collected in regular plans what should be myjustified salary
I need health insurance. I am 60 years old and live in Pa.?
There is no state program I qualify for, because I am on Social Security retirement. I need an affordable health plan which includes screening tests (MRI's, colonoscopies, blood ...show more""
What are the minimum state requirements for car insurance in california?
What are the minimum state requirements for car insurance in california?
Car insurance question! help?
Ok so I'm 17 years old. I have had my license for 5 months. I have never gotten a ticket, been in an accident or pulled over. My parents are buying me a car.. and well I'm a teenage guy so I want a sports car. My parents said I can't have a car with a v8 engine or any kind of GT because it will raise the insurance cost. I found a nissan 300zx online for around 4,500. It isn't a gt, its automatic and its a v6. I told my dad about it and he said no. When I asked why he said because nissans are different and the insurance will be high if I buy that car, but he says its fine if I get a different car make that has a v6. Is what he said true? Will the insurance go higher because its a nissan sports car? (We have gieco)""
Car insurance?
1st off i live in new jersey i accidently hit a car but didnt know i did it till later when the dude whose car i hit came up and confronted me.it wasnt my car but my roommates and i dont have insurance.ive offered to pay about 75% of the damage but i dont know if dude still wants to make a claim.i talked 2 the police and he said i could lose my damn lisence for bout 2 yrs.can any1 add a bit of clarity to this for me?
Why is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
I have heard rumors that it is illegal to drive without car insurance; first of all, is this true? Secondly, if this is so, why? Many individual American motorists experience between 0-2 minor accidents in their lifetime, some of which are very minor (where both cars still run fine and there's just a bump or so). Any information would be useful.""
How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage?
does anyone know how much the rates will go up? I didn't have my license when i received the underage and i still don't. I've never drove a vehicle. i don't have my license yet and im most likely not going to because my parents have told me the car insurance goes up now. I've looked online and it says that rates can double or triple. thank you for your answers.
New health insurance question?
How long after health insurance policy starts can you go to the doctor? My insurance starts on 11/01/08 just wondering how long should I wait to go to the doctor for my yearly checkup?
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking at buying a road bike to save money on gas. i am 21 years old and have a good driving history. how much do you pay for insurance? I live in Michigan? do i need insurance? does it matter the size engine for different price insurance?
Can you have more than two car insurance policies in New Jersey?
I am under my dad insurance and so is one of my cars. Is it possible for me to be under another insurance with my other car or thats not possible.
""Looking for auto insurance, do I need to report an accident?
I was driving a friend's car and was involved in an accident. I was not at fault and no ticket was issued. My friend's insurance paid for the damage on the other car. Do I need to report this accident while shopping for car insurance or can I leave it out? I live in California and was required to report the accident to the DMV even though I was not at fault.
Why life insurance is so cheap ?
are they really going to pay after death ???
What is the best insurance company?
I am looking around for health insurance, but I don't which one is affordable. So, can anyone tell me which ones are the best ones? My employer does not provide health insurance.""
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
house insurance contents quote
house insurance contents quote
0 notes
Insurance cost for an 02 bmw sedan/coupe?
"Insurance cost for an 02 bmw sedan/coupe?
how much would insurance cost for an 02 bmw 330CI (coupe)   and how much would it b for an 02 bmw 325i (sedan) ?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Please tell me your monthly payment, the company name, your deductible, whether it's an individual or family policy, and if a family policy, how many family members in the plan. This info will help me decide who has the most affordable insurance for my budget. I just got layed off and my $60/mo medical insurance will cost $900/mo to keep it going. Like how the helll am I supposed to pay $900/mo; that's $225/wk! They must be dammm crazy!""
Just a minor speed ticket affect my insurance?
In Ontario, Canada: I got a speeding ticket for going 10 over the limit (60km/h in 50 zone), is it considered as a minor traffic violation according to insurance?""
Please help answer a health insurance question: group vs. individual?
I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!""
What company provide cheap life insurance?
What company provide cheap life insurance?
How much life insurance is sufficient?
my husband just got a raise and we are thinking about raising our life insurance. I have 6 children. what is the best way to estimate how much is enough.
What is the best source to compare the insurance costs for all model of cars and trucks?
I am looking for a list that has the average insurance rates for different model of cars. I need makes and models listed all together in a single source, and don't have the time to compare just 3 or four models at a time, nor go on line and check out one at a time. I need something in a spreadhsheet, or that I can cut and paste into a spreadsheet.""
Renault Clio insurance 17 year old male?
I am 17 Years old and wanting to insure a renault clio expression (2001) have you got one? where can i find the cheapest quote? which companies?
Change something in my Progressive insurance?
so when i got my insurance with Progressive, i was keeping my motorcycle outside, but now i keep it in a garage. Is there any way i can change the part of my policy where it asks where i keep my motorcycle? I was hoping me keeping it inside would get me a lower rate. Thanks!""
Is having health insurance and Homeowner's insurance a sin in Islam?
In the US, Obama just passed his new healthcare bill that requires all Americans to get health insurance, and fines them a penalty if they refuse - but Muslims are exempt from this because they said that having health insurance is not allowed in Islam. Is that true? If so, what do you do when you get sick....how do you pay for the medical treatment? Also, the news mentioned that having homeowner's insurance isn't allowed either...but here in the US, you can't get a mortgage unless you get homeowner's insurance. I mean, if you didn't have it, and say, your house burned down, you would loose everything. Do most Muslims who live in the US have insurance anyway, even if it isn't allowed?""
How do I get rid of my car insurance?
I've got insurance on my car, but I am looking to cancel it. And I would like to cancel it without really having to explain myself to the company, seeing as they will want some sort of proof that I've for instance changed to a different company. I will be moving out the country come autumn, and I can't bring the bills with me for when I move away. It will cost too much, and no one will be driving the car anyway. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can cancel it?""
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
Car insurance and crash?
ok well last night it was rainy and i was going down a street i tryed to stop and take a turn but i lost control and went over the curb scraped the left front of my car pretty bad. the damage was my front bumper is pretty much destroyed, the mirror broke off, wrecked the front left tire, and a huge long dent on the front left top of the car just before reaching the front hood and also a hole near the door and now i cant open the front door all the way. after i had to change the tire and i drove home. this was my first crash involving car insurance and im 17. will i still be able to drive if the car insurance covers it? i really dont know whats about to happen.""
Auto insurance question???!! HELP!!!!!!?
Hello, i have a question on teen auto insurance. Now i know how bad insurance is for teens and I know sports cars are a horrible choice for a first fully insured car, but my father surprised me with a 2005 V6 Ford Mustang and I would like to know if anyone out there can help me with just telling me how much I am going to be looking in to pay. I live in Orange and I am going to be under my parents, just an estimate on how much it would be each month or 6 months will be fine and please, no rude comments. I understand how foolish it is of me to have a sports car at my age, but I already had an Altima 3.5 se-R with an air intake and drive it perfectly, always obeying speed limits, though this probably isn't going to help with the insurance cost. If you know from experience even better! thanks for ur time.""
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
Why does insurance go up ?
I understand if I have been in an accident that my I may pay more insurance because its in my record. My question is .. if I buy a car that has record of having an accident does that make the insurance higher?
What happen if I don't pay my car insurance?
I woul like to switch to another company that's going be cheaper, but I was wondering can I just not pay my old car insurance and start laying my new car insurance company, or do I need to finish with all the months that they gave me the insurance card for (it was for 6 months, 3 months left).""
Hi im 17 and just passed my driving test but i can't find any where to get cheap car insurance. Please tell me if there is anywhere you know to get cheap car insurance, i have been to websites like go compare, and compare the market.com but they are to expensive insurance deals and i have been told the cheapest places are not on those website.Please help me as i want to drive :)""
Why do people expect medical insurance to pay for everything?
Auto insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Homeowners insurance doesn't pay for remodeling.
Best Insurance Price I Could Get?
I'm looking at buying my first own car in the next few months/year. I'm currently 17 but will be 18 soon, straight-A student, looking at a 1999 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4WD. Progressive quoted me $147, which seems ludicrous to me (they'll have the value of my car in less than four years!), but I know I'm young - and young drivers get in a lot of wrecks. I'd just like to know what you all think is the best affordable insurance company that still offers pretty good coverage, and if there's anything I can do to further lower my price besides good student and safe driver discounts.""
""I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I'm driving my mom's car?""
I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I'm driving my mom's car? She has allstate insurance. I won't be driving often. in California btw""
Is this fronting or just cheaper insurance?
Now I know the idea of car insurance fronting is putting myself as a named driver on my parents insurance when infact I am the main driver... but hear me out on this: I'm a 22 year old guy and I've almost finished my lessons now. And getting my own insurance plan has been quoted to me at anywhere between 3000-5000 on a 1.0l Corsa/Micra with third party cover (which apparently have THE lowest insurance currently in 2011 for young drivers) But Compare The Markets quote site has this one option; If I make my dad the insurance policy holder, and I get added as a Named Driver... it gives the option Main Driver and I can be selected, and low & behold the insurance quote drops to 1800 Is this still fronting? and therefore illegal? I mean, I AM listed as the main driver... its just my dad will be the policy holder. Many thanks in advance from a (maybe) new driver! :)""
Is there a point in learner driver insurance?
It costs circa 100 a month, but Go Compare and such are saying I could get fully insured on my girlfriend's car (which I want to learn in) for around 700 a year. Shouldn't I just go for that?""
Does a parking ticket effect my insurance?
I received a ticket today for not cramping my wheels to the curb while parking uphill. Will that effect my insurance? And will my parking violation appear anywhere on my insurance statement or any car paperwork? Thank you :)
Will the car insurance company pay for the damage or fix my car?
Ok I got into an accident with this lady today and it was all her fault. so my question is, is her insurance company going to pay me money to get a new car, or will they just fix it. the damage pretty bad, the engine makes some weird noises whenever i turn it on/off. what are some tips for not getting ripped off by the company? btw my car is 02 Honda accord. Thanks in advance""
Where is the best place to get affordable dental care in portland oregon without insurance? Thank-you! ?
Where is the best place to get affordable dental care in portland oregon without insurance? Thank-you! ?
Insurance cost for an 02 bmw sedan/coupe?
how much would insurance cost for an 02 bmw 330CI (coupe)   and how much would it b for an 02 bmw 325i (sedan) ?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?
I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?""
Can my insurance company find out?
I'm currently a student with 1 years no claims discount on my Car Insurance. I've just finished University. I've renewed my quote and it states that I'm a student still, however I plan on working full time for this year. I decided to keep my occupation as a student, as it's significantly cheaper than if i tell them i work full time. Will my insurance company be able to find out if i'm still a student or not?""
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes?
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes? Looking for $400,000 in coverage.""
I'm looking at opening an insurance agency. Wondering whether to go with as an independent co. or brand name
Looking for the highest commissions available
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended licence but you have SR-22 Insurance?
I live in California and these days its getting harder and harder to get away with things with DMV. Does anyone know what happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license? I received a DUI on March 1st 2007 and have been driving with out a license for almost 4 years but Ive always had insurance and registration, and now they have a completely different department for registration which slowed up the delivery of my 2011 tags. Now Im driving around with no tags, suspended registration, and suspended license but carrying SR-22 insurance. Its all in the mail and getting sorted out but with these furlough Fridays its slowed the process of obtaining everything even more. What happens if I get pulled over?""
Differences in car insurance quotes?
Out of curiosity I went on a comparison website for car insurance. I compared the insurance of a: 200 ford fiesta 1998reg 5000 mini cooper S 2005reg 19500 mini cooper S 2012reg The quotes that i received were all around the same price!! about 2200. how does this work out? how can a 200 fiesta come to the same price as a 19500 mini cooper S? not to mention that the cooper S would be 10x more powerful than the little fiesta. im 22 years old and male, with no driving experience at all. im just curious as to how these quotes are calculated.""
What does insurance go by?
someone said insurance is determined by the weight of the vechicle. Can't it be by the age of the vechicle? Or the driver?
Classic Car Insurance?
I am 23 years old and I have a '76 Camaro and Im looking to find classic car insurance. I have applied to various places and they say they can not cover me because I am under 25. I have an '06 mustang I drive for daily use and my current insurance on that does not have special classic car insurance. I do not want to pay over $40 a month for a car I will drive maybe once a week if even that. I am trying to restore it so sometimes I will not be driving it for months at a time. Does anyone know of a good classic/ antique car insurance that will cover someone under 25 years of age? Thank you!
What is the cheapest car insurance for girls ?
I need help with my car insurance it's too much money does anyone know the cheapest car insurance for girls 18yrs old ? I pay 229 a month way too much can someone help me pleasssseeeee ... And my car is a 1.2litre
Will my car insurance go down?
I've wrecked about 2 cars. and my insurance got high I would like to know if I stopped driving would my insurance go down over time?( I am currently driving a motorcycle)
Can i sorn my car and keep paying insurance?
can I sorn my car for a couple of weeks as its run out of mot and tax. I want to sorn it for a couple of weeks while i sort out a couple of problems then put it through its mot and tax it again. In the meantime while its sorn can i continue to pay my insurance as I dont want to lose my no claims for the year or will my insurance company know its been sorned?
What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?
What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?
Is medicaid a very low cost insurance? does medicaid pretty much stink !?
im just wondering becouse a couple of therapist have turned me down becouse of my medicaid insurance.
Obama Compares forced health insurance with car insurance? WTF/ No one is forced to buy a car?
Why does obama compare forcing citizens to buy his corrupt insurance for welfare medicine to buying auto insurance? No one has to own auto insurance...IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR? How did we end up with the stupidest man on the planet as our president when he's just an idiot?who cannot debate the simplest issue--and make wild irrelevant examples. His plan is not like auto insurance--so why can't his fans as dumb as he?
*****Why is its called Life Insurance?*****?
If I can only get if I'm Dead? And then someone else is spending my money!
""I'm not covered by car insurance by my parents insurance, I still live at home,..?
They don't allow me to drive the cars because I'm not covered. Can I drive the car when it's in another house that they own?
""I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?""
I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I drive a 98 Toyota Avalon, I heard ur grades affect the rates but I'm not a straight A student, I don't really do really well in school so you don't wanna know my grades. But how much would my parents have to pay for my insurance? We live in California""
Car insurance question?
Ok, car insurance questions..? we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
Car insurance/non valid?
How can I get cheaper car Insurance?
I need to insure my new car. How do I do that at a cheaper rate?
Insurance cost for an 02 bmw sedan/coupe?
how much would insurance cost for an 02 bmw 330CI (coupe)   and how much would it b for an 02 bmw 325i (sedan) ?
Cheap cars to insure at 18?
Im looking for some cheap cars to insure for an 18 year old. Stuff like 106 quicky's, gti's, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been wanting a clio williams but there very dear on insurance if u can give me a price for any of these cars from the top of your head it would help thanks.""
""Car insurance,if im fully?""
If im fully comp on my own insurance, could i buy another car and not pay any more premiums.""
Should I open a whole life insurance policy or a 401k first?
I met with a financial consultant who told me that the 401k is the last thing I should start. She says it makes more sense to open the whole life which compounds 8% return on my money yearly and pays a yearly dividend. Which is smarter to do first?
How much will insurance be for a 19yr old with a 93 toyota tercel in NYC?
Im 19yrs old and i have my own job, im very responisble and independent. Im saving up for a 93 toyota tercel or honda civic, which will be in the 2000-3000 dollar range. The only problem is finding insurance that I can pay on my own. Unfortunately my mother will not put me on her insurance,so im looking for inexpensive auto insurers in which I can afford about 200-250 a month. Im not looking for full coverage,just whats whatever's needed in the state of new york. Im a very responsible young man and not at all into being reckless or showing off to people. I just want a chance to have my first safe and reliable car. Thank you""
Car insurance company hasn't taken any money?
As title says- Got my first car insurance on Febuarary this year, they took the deposit, sent out all paperworks, I faxed my photocard license and counterpart license and as far as I'm aware I am fully insured to drive with comprehensive cover. However, its now 2 months and 4 days since my cover started and they are yet to take any monthly installments? I've tried contacting them, but spent 20 minutes on hold on a 0845 number, when they told me to leave a message and they'll call you back, but no, 3 days later and still no call.. so whats going on, am i covered and who's in the wrong? I've given them permission to take a direct debit.""
I have a question about cars and insurance....?
i just bought a car and im going to go register it today and put insurance on it and i was wondering , can my husband drive my car even though the insurance is under my name only and the registration is also under my name? our insurance is basic (not full coverage) like if the police stops us... will we get in trouble? thanks""
Does the smart roadster have cheap insurance for teenagers/young drivers?
Is it under 3000 Because I might get one next year I'm 16
What is the minamum insurance required for a motorcycle in Arizona?
I just bought a bike and am looking at insurance, but don't know what all is required by the state.""
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
Car insurance help needed ASAP thanks.?
Ok. My father has his own jeep insured in his own name.He has owned the jeep since 2005 and he still has it this day.He has a 9 year no claims bonus on it.He is insured with FBD insurance.His insurance is commercial. Now I have my own car which was only bought recently but I put my car in my fathers name.Now the reason been is because im trying to get my insurance cheaper.Now I dont want any comments saying that its insurance fraud because every one is broke now and trying to get things cheaper just like myself here.Now what I was thinking if I were to go with a differant car insurance company than his and if he were to go as main driver and me as named could he say that he uses the jeep for commercial use and the car for private use? If that works can he put his 9 year no claims bonus on my car which is in his name so ill just say he owns it for now one.So can he put his 9 year no claims bonus on my car aswel as his own jeep aswel.Because if that worked I would get mine really cheap?So if that would work,I know that if i were in an accident his no claims bonus would be gone but my father trusts me to be a carefull driver. I only want proper answers to my question and thanks very much for the help and it will be much appreciated for it.I live in Ireland aswel ok....Thanks very much.""
Does anyone know any reason why my employer does not want to set up a cafetiria plan for my health insurance?
payments. There are just 2 employees. Does it cost anything for the employee to set it up? Is there additional filing required with the irs? My employer does his own payroll using ...show more
What's the best auto insurance you can get for a female under 25?
I had Liberty Mutual. I got a low premium because of my parents but when the taxes went up they totally jacked up my premium. Plus their customer service is TERRIBLE and they're grimy. So then I went to Progressive - One lady helped me get my policy, then I called them for another reason and another rep. said I didn't even get the best quote I could've gotten. I'm kind done with these brand name insurance companies. I was looking into one called Elephant insurance but I'm not sure if it's actually any good. Does anyone know anything about them? Is there any other company I can try? I'm 20, I turn 21 next month. I've never had an accident. And I don't know what my credit score is or if I even have one yet (I'm working on it.)""
How much life insurance is enough?
We are looking to get life insurance for my husband and myself. Permanent over term. Im a stay at home mom of 3 kids and we are planning to have another baby. We are currently living in Europe because my husbands job is here. We are renting but want to buy a home. We plan to move back to the US at some point, when my husband can find a secure job there and when we can save the money to be secure in an unstable economy. Basically, if my husband dies (God forbid!!) the children and I would move back to the US and need to buy a house, vehicle and either ship our belongings from Europe or furnish a new house. Plus, I havent worked in about 5 years since I have been raising my babies and I dont have a college education. I do plan to send all the kids to a public university when that day comes. I am capable of working but dont know what kind of paying job I could get with only a hs education. So how much do you think my husbands policy should be? And for myself? Whats the average cost monthly for a married couple having permanent life insurance?""
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
Do I need to pay car insurance with my driver's permit?
Okay, so I'm almost 17, and can't get my driver's permit until I buy my own car. (parents rule's) Will I need to pay insurance with my permit because I'll own a car?""
Looking for health insurance for a parent?
I have a parent that was dropped from her medical insurance in nov. 07. She recently just found out about her coverage. She is disable, and medicare states she do not qualify for medicare. My job do not cover disable dependents. What are some affordable plans she can enroll into or what can she do?""
Insurance on neon srt4?
I know every insurance r difference but im looking for get a srt4 neon and I heard the insurance on one of those r high, I have a 2003 grand prix gtp, would insurance be higher than wha I am paying for my gtp""
How much is insurance on a xr 125?
Hi im 16 with a provisional motorbike license and was wondering how much the insurance would cost me on a honda xr125 worth 2500
How much is Motorcycle insurance for a 16-17 year old?
I talked to geico and they told me that it would cost about $800 a year for insurance for only 1000 miles. Is this the case for most insurances? I have good grades and i am required to take a safety course before i get my motorcycle permit (i dont know if these will give me discounts though). I drive a 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. Thanks
How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?
I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.
Insurance for me on a 1973 Dodge Charger?
i know ill probably never get one but im not too good on guesstimating insurance. im an 18yr old male with no accidents or tickets but i understand insurance on older cars is cheaper? can anyone give a rough estimate of what a monthly cost of insurance will be?
Car insurance per month?
I was just wondering if any one could give me a close estimate on how much car insurance would cost a month if you drove a 2003 Cadillac CTS & were 16 years old. The car is used. Please don't say depends what insurance company you have. Thank you.
Should i sell my car and purchase a bike?
My situation is i currently own a car but as usual it just seems to be sucking up all my income. I'm currently a student but i work part time aswel with quite a good income. I need some sort of transport as 2-3 times a week i finish work really early in the morning when public transport is unavailable, work is about 25km away so its not a huge distance. The market value of my car is $8500AUD at the moment which would be more than enough to get a bike and appropriate gear plus rego but would it be any cheaper? On my car i spend $60 on petrol each week plus maintenance costs for the past year have been around $870 including rego and insurance it costs me around $5500 to maintain it each year, would a bike be any cheaper? and is it wort the trade off im spending around 1/4 of my incoming on this car which could be going to more important things.""
How can I find affordable healthcare coverage for my employees.?
I have a small business, 5 employees and my rates are outragous!!! Please let me know how I can provide this benefit for my employees without spending so much. Thank you for any ...show more""
What's the cheapest and best company for car insurance/home insurance/life?
We are moving out of our current state and need to switch companies. I was just wondering what the cheapest company (also with good service) for all types of insurance would be. Thanks!
Insurance cost for an 02 bmw sedan/coupe?
how much would insurance cost for an 02 bmw 330CI (coupe)   and how much would it b for an 02 bmw 325i (sedan) ?
*****Why is its called Life Insurance?*****?
If I can only get if I'm Dead? And then someone else is spending my money!
Boxer Dogs and homeowner insurance?
in the state on Louisiana in the N.O area does Boxer dog cause ur insurance to rise?.. and what are some links?
Which is the cheapest 50cc moped to insure?
Looking at getting a 50cc moped to get to work and back at the lowest price possible. im 20 and still getting high insurance quotes. i was originally looking at the Honda CBR 125 but the insurance was 2000.
Good Driver Insurance Discount?
Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?""
Where can a single mother with 2 kids (21 18) get low cost health insurance?
My parents have recently divorced. My father is moving back to Ireland and has to quit his job. My mother, brother, and I were covered under his insurance. But once he leaves the country our insurance will cease. My mother works at home and does not make very much money. We are looking for coverage for the three of us that is not expensive and very low cost as we do not have the means to afford much. We only need it for about a year as I will be graduating and teaching full time as a NYC teacher by next September. *My brother is legally blind, but other than that there are no serious health issues and none of us are tobacco users. *We are hoping to get insurance that would cover quality licensed professionals. *We understand in this economy you get what you pay for, But we honestly do not have much. We are hoping for something affordable without being skimmped on coverage. Thanks :-)""
DWI SR-22 and Insurance?
I recently got a dwi in Texas and I have heard about a lot of times that your insurance company won't notice your dwi on your record for a while or that it will never end up on your driving record because of lack of communication between the court and dps. What i am wondering is does Texas make you get a sr-22 form so that your insurance company does find out? if so with state farm and a otherwise clean driving record how much will a dwi effect my insurance cost?
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).""
""Need Jaw Surgery, No insurance. Low Income, [Best] advice please.?""
I need Jaw Surgery, and have no insurance. I'm from low income. From online readings, I heard you can get it done at UCSF for free, but there is a waiting line?? not sure about that. If have to pay, I heard 5k-7k with insurance. I don't have insurance, and if I were to get it, I don't want to pay kaiser $150/month. What is your [best] advice?? Thanks a lot!""
Cheap cars to insure for 17 year old male in the UK?
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old male in the UK. Also if you know any cheap insurance companies that cover Northern Ireland that'd be great. Thanks
Do all auto insurance companies check with your DMV for your driving record?
I got some minor accident on my record, something like bumping into someone and leaving a dent, I don't even really remember it was like 4 years ago. Anyway, this car was a rental that I dented and a very expensive one at that, ended up being 2500 to fix even though I could have popped the dent out for free. But because of this incident, state farm and geico are charging me out the wazo because I'm a 20 year old male with speeding tickets and this accident thing that happened a long *** time ago. The difference without the accident on there is amazing, so I'm trying to find a place that will ignore this thing that happened in SEP of 04. Anyone know of a place? Thank you.""
I can't afford full coverage insurance for my car loan. Are there any consequences?
I can't afford full coverage insurance for my car loan. Are there any consequences?
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD""
I've started a degree course at my local uni. Should I tell my car insurance company?
My policy states that I work part time at a supermarket, which I still do. But I have started a degree course as of yesterday. I'm living at home, so no change of address, and I'm using the car to drive to my lectures. The uni is actually in the same area as where I work. Does my insurance company need to know and am I going to be charged?""
Will it cost a lot to start car insurance coverage again?
My boyfriend let his car insurance policy expire because his inspection ran out. He's working out of town, doesn't drive his car, and didnt have a chance to get it inspected.""
What's the best way to shop for insurance? Through a broker or online?
A broker has many insurance and knows where to shop if I go online am I going to be get the best rate?
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
Car insurance in Trinidad?
What are some car insurance companys in Trinidad, Im moving there in Decemeber, and considering importing a BMW Z4 with me, but need to find out how much its gonna be to insure :o) Thanks guys. Also Im kinda assuming its not really safe enough to drive around with the Roof down?""
What insurance coves surrogacy?
My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.
Car Insurance help for new driver?
I just passed my test yesterday. I have a Vauxhall Corsa active 16V 1.2 2004(3 Door). I asked my friends who have recently passed how much they got on their insurance. One of my friends got 1100 on a 9month deal (Direct Line) on their 2009 VW Golf. And another one of my friends also on direct line got 1300 on their Ford Fiesta (X reg). When I come to get my quote they range from 1900-3000!! I've added near enough the same details. Mother main driver, fully comp all that. So I want to know is what is it that's allows them to get cheaper car insurance? Or is there something I'm doing wrong? Perhaps suggest another insurance company (I've looked at most). But any advice would be most appreciated. Young driver wanting to have his freedom.""
Which is better for insurance?
Allstate the general progressive the reason why i say the general is because i know you can pay low for insurance. An Im 19 going on 20 my dad will put me on his insurance . But i Im just Curious of which is better. Also i got another question. Some @ss scratch the side of my moms car but i don't know who since i was sleeping. The scratch isn't really that deep just kinda like a smug. It was a white car cause i can see the paint on the gold car she has. How much would it cost to get the fix? Its on the left side of the car back door from the driver side. any tips on getting it out? Please leave the best proof that would help get the scratch out the car. Cause my mom said she going to sell it to get a new car but i think its unnecessary if you ask me.
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance for a new young driver?
I'm looking to insure a car most likely small, i've been trawling the web for hours now and just wondering if anyone could recomend a cheap insurer for a young (17) driver. Many thanks.""
""Thanks To Democrats, I Can't Afford Health Insurance?""
I live in New Jersey. But, Democrats refuse to allow me to buy a health insurance plan based in Pennsylvania, where insurance is cheaper. Why do Democrats make life so hard on ...show more""
Cheap auto insurance in maryland ?
i bough a 1993 honda civic and i need insurance before i can go pick it up which is gonna be on sat wats the lowest rate im 19 with a full dl never been stopped or gotten a ticket im looking only for liability not full covered
Would a Peugeot 406 1.9 Diesel 75BHp cost alot on insurance 4 a 17 year old lad? plz?
i want a pug 406, badly!!""
Insurance cost for an 02 bmw sedan/coupe?
how much would insurance cost for an 02 bmw 330CI (coupe)   and how much would it b for an 02 bmw 325i (sedan) ?
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