#im not gonna tag the tacos specifically
akilliosacheron · 1 year
well jenkins won my poll from a while ago so i guess its my time to talk about jenkins. lemme kinda go back to the beginning about it.
So, Season 12 is when i started being a blaseball fan. I officially on the site roll up to the canada moist talkers on the election sunday that the big siesta starts so im out here like what the fuck is going on while my pal corvoda is a decent bit more interested than i am at that point but i digress.
I miss the coffee cup and related events and i finally start showing my face in the discord, i think i got started on jenkins because i had stumbled across some of the blaseball rp twitters and wanted to join in, so i picked a blaseball player who didn't have a twitter at the time which was jesús and jenkins and i picked jenkins.
there is a message specifically telling me that jenkins doesnt get much love compared to other players on the team and lemme tell you, i took that PERSONALLY.
the first couple things i learned about jenkins was assorted stuff from their wiki. Flaming eye, gamer, and from greer's wiki i think i learned that jenkins and greer were.... something. relationship something.
after a while, i took a crack at making a jenkins interp that combined two other interps i had seen, big lizardy jenkins and mostly humanoid jenkins and ended up with salamander jenkins, eventually switching over to leopard gecko jenkins.
the thing that both entertained me and made me sad is that nothing ever really happened to jenkins. this player who i loved so much didnt recieve a stat buff till late expansion, despite being active with the same stat total since s4 election. sure they got crows mod but rarely did they play in bird weather just cuz of how weather works.
if i can be salty a little bit, i've always had a weird relationship with greer because of how much we focus on her. i know buff greer was funny and it definitely is super funny dont get me wrong but jenkins was a great pitcher until the stat creep hit. we still has to spend several elections on greer because she was a fan favourite. i feel in my heart that if it had been jenkins in that feedback there probably wouldnt have been as much of a push to get them back and idk that always scared me.
its not that jenkins was truly irredeemably bad at the time but compared to a player like greer? if we had to choose between greer or jenkins in something i know greer is winning and that does weird things to my brain sometimes idk i will digress again
jenkins being an active player vs kennedy trevino tyvi who are (were, in tyvi's case) fuckin dead is a wierd space to be in too. especially now that jenkins is on the tacos in new era i rotate between happiness that the tacos like them and deathly fear that theyre going to misconstrue something about them because jenkins is just so specifically Talkers-fied that you really had to be there for the jenkins conversations to understand jenkins' vibes. Its one of those things that like, jenkins was an s1 talker, they had all this time on the team so you just Got the vibes.
my sad thing about jenkins on the tacos? i feel like i cant talk about them anymore. my jenkins is talkers jenkins and i dont know the tacos and i am afraid. this is not my jenkins good anymore this is a whole other jenkins now and i think.... thats really the thing thats fucking me up about this new era. but at least jenkins is doing okay last i checked.
uhhhh lemme actually say some fun headcanons here... Jenkins has a math related degree in Orb Studies and can determine the exact salt content in food just by licking it. they eventually get a pet gecko named Adkins.
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
im gonna start tagging this as the taco truck au
(mostly from conversation with Feef)
Tektite is a retired (volunteer) firefighter, and an active park ranger. The reason they’re still active is Marl, local Issue who has Issues with One Specific Tree. Tektite is the only person capable of talking them out.
Gneiss is a retired doctor. The two are on again/off again, and live in Gabbro’s apartment/condo complex (Granite is Gabbro’s new roommate so that area gets more attention)(they needed a place and Gabbro’s other other other hobby is taking in strays)
(Don’t remember if I said it already)(this is from Hollows on discord and you have a tumblr and for the life of me i dont remember what it is) Rutile runs the parks and rec in the area- they’ll put on festivals and events that the taco truck goes to.
There’s, three trucks, now? The first one is the smallest, no one really loves working in it except Feldspar, no one is comfortable working in it except Feldspar, Gossan and Chert. The other two are larger- Chert and Riebeck work together (Chert is in charge, is the chef, is the driver, Riebeck has the neatest hand to write things down and is good once they get into the flow of it) and Gabbro and Granite work together (newbie with the most experienced person who isn’t Feldspar Gossan or Esker) Gabbro and Chert can work together (Gabbro takes cooking and Chert has to deal with people) but Chert and Granite or Gabbro and Riebeck all work fine. Riebeck and Granite barely manage to keep their heads above water but since Chert and Gabbro are both part time sometimes that’s just how it goes (Granite cooks, Riebeck takes orders, because Riebeck burns things when they’re nervous)
Gossan is still down an eye, here. There was a manufacturer’s defect with the truck (brake line wasn’t attached correctly) and it failed while Feldspar was driving them. Truck hit a tree, Gossan lost an eye and broke an arm and several ribs, Feldspar got ejected from  the truck entirely. Gossan was awake after a couple days, and no one knew where Feldspar was for three weeks (assumed they were dead)(was going to be brought to the morgue soon to maybe id a body?) until Gossan recognized a scar on a Mx Doe in the coma ward (medically induced coma). Feldspar was woken up a week after, and still isn’t medically cleared to drive
Buddy Feef’s hatchling Graphite is an aquarium employee with an unhealthy fixation on Feldspar and Slate, who they see as Immortal and a Mechanical God (Feldspar used to do (illegal) drag racing and they did crash but never badly enough to take them off the track more than a month, they won money but they would have done it for free)(Slate hot rodded their cars). Feldspar is fond of them, in a ‘hey so if you go totally limp right before you hit you won’t break every bone in your body’ ‘I know i was just doing that but don’t you dare’ kinda way.
Graphite and Granite both are learning parkour because Feldspar is still doing it (more carefully)
I do have. Rough permanent menu figured out. And Feef wants to draw one of the trucks and this has taken over my brain
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nerdstify · 9 months
thanks @wisdomshoes for the tag on the get to know me thingy
it was too long though so I'm just gonna post instead of reblog
(i also cant copy and paste cus im on mobile rn so I'm just gonna make stuff up)
favourite colour- red
height- 5'8
sign- scorpio
relationship- single
nationality- welsh
favourite food- i have too many to choose. mango, tacos, sushi, hot dogs, snow, peaches
shoe size- 9 (uk)
favourite song- couldn't possibly choose but it's probably by ninja sex party.
let's go with Don't Lose My Number, but specifically the NSP cover
song stuck in head- pour some sugar on me
last listened song- it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, the Michael Bublé version
people i'd like to know better: @kris-pyy
@flammablegraphite @codakrisdeltarune
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25 for nosy anons :D
oh brother, you struck the 'long post' gold
i have several ideas
-we dont go out at all. i cook some dinner, we watch a movie (most likely a sci-fi/ a narnia/bridge to teribithia/ any cool movie i dunno) and cuddle.
-outside concert, but a small one, in a feild where we can be alone in the back and still hear the music
-a taco stand. call me mexican (im not) but i love me a nice taco stand. the date isnt AT the taco stand, we get food and then walk around window shops and stuff
-i dont liek the beach so id bring them to the peir to dip our legs in the water under a sky full of stars
and everytime im bringing flowers, specifically yellow carnations. i know yellow is a symbol of friendship but carnations are a symbol of love therefor yellow carnations are a symbol of our love and friendship in our relaationship
jus gonna caaaaasually tag @21-cats-in-a-trenchcoat
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thebridgetonarnia · 2 years
rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better (or more if you want. i’m not the boss of you)
tagged by @scoupsahoy
relationship status: horrifically single and bitter about it but refuse to do anything about it, lmao
favorite colors: greeeeeen, a deep dark forest green
song stuck in my head: nothing right now actually? but any given time i feel like ive got hozier stuck in my head
last song i listened to:
3 favorite foods:
this one is actually very hard for me
i fucking love a bagel actually, a plain bagel with jalapeno cheddar cream cheese
tacos - specifically al pastor tacos, but i am not picky
bbq pork buns from a very specific dim sum spot in boston - best ones ive ever had and i am constantly looking for comparable ones.
last thing i googled: i was making sure erogenous meant what i thought it meant
dream trip: i have been able to go to go to lots of different countries but would love to go to greece, or china, or like south africa. or like the american south, bc ive never been as a Northerner
anything i want right now: i really fucking want to quit my job and move out of my parents house everything is secondary to that tbh.
tagging: @blvckwidow @chiip-skylark @greenlikethesea @appledaggerst @sayesayes @mirandaranda @keeperofthetongatooth @grizzlybearofficial honestly thats about as many as im gonna tag, no pressure to participate tho!!! but if any of my followers wanna do it and tag me that would be awesome!!
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {7/?}
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait I’ve been ridiculously busy the past few weeks 😓BUT!!! As compensation I made this part super long and fluffy with sooooooo much Isaac/reader content (enjoy it while you can because shits gonna be messy from here on out 🤭🙈)
Having said that, I don’t have my laptop right now as I moved houses and my stuff got put into storage so I’m working with the mobile version 😓 sorry in advance if formatting is weird I tried to make it better 😓 also there’s no continue reading button so sorry if this comes up on your dash 😭
Let me know what you think tho I’d really appreciate it 💕
Word count: 5.5k 🙈
Warnings: Fluff 😳, mentions of blood, Derek being a PAIN IN THE ASS, Isaac being the cutest 😌✨, ✨kissing✨, swearing
Tag list (open as always): @makeusfreefromthisfandom om, @cece-lives-here here, @chocolate-raspberries , @belsandthings , @dancing-tacos-23 , @truly-dionysus , @britty443 , @tanyaherondale , @furiouspockettoad , @yunsh-17 17, @random-thoughts-003 , @gloomybrieyxb , @futuristicslimemongerbanana , @linkpk88 , @big-galaxy-chaos , @im-a-stranger-thing , @riaisnotcool (I think u had a username change but idk let me know and I can fix it), @its-evita-here , @pad-foots , @sweetpeabellamyblakedracomalfoy , @bookswillfindyouaway , @what-the-hap-is-fuckening , @awkwardnesshabitat , @pieces-by-me me, @wreny24 , @kerosene-angel (if this is the wrong username I’m sorry it wasn’t working the way I had written it down so I’m assuming I just took it down wrong 😳 it it’s not you let me know and I’ll remove you), @marveloucnco o, @babypink224221 let me know if you’d like to be added <3 (strike through means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you)
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The days you’d spent in Mystic Falls bled into weeks and soon enough you were being beckoned back to Beacon Hills with a head full of things you hadn’t had a clue about two weeks prior.
There, of course, was the matter of Peter- who was now dead, well technically, he was murdered.
Derek’s first course of action as Beacon Hills’ new alpha was to break the news to you. He’d killed him but due to Scott and Stiles’ constant text updates, you knew it would’ve had to be done sooner or later. But still, you had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last of him. That small intuitive feeling in the back of your mind told you that you’d see him again soon. You just hoped your next meeting wouldn’t be happening because you ended up buried next to him.
Over the course of your stay with Alaric, who had left you in the care of the Salvatore brothers- Stefan and Damon, you’d honed several new vampiric powers. As it turned out, some of the powers you possessed were completely unfamiliar to the vampires of over a hundred years.
You had super speed, it wasn’t just enhanced as you’d previously thought. As well as that, you’d discovered that you could run circles around both Stefan and Damon Salvatore, who were obviously a lot older and therefore should’ve been a lot faster.
And for that matter, they should’ve been stronger than you, they should’ve been able to snap you like a twig. They should’ve been able to. But they weren’t. Because not only were you faster, you were stronger too.
While having super speed and super strength was nice, mind compulsion, your most recent discovery, now that was incredible. All you had to do was look into someone’s eyes and they would become completely entranced to do whatever you told them.
Despite being over a hundred years old, neither Stefan nor Damon had ever seen a vampire quite like you.
They’d never seen a vampire who was also an empath, that, apparently, was usually more of a witch thing. Neither of them had ever come across a vampire bite which had a euphoric effect either. But having said all of that… they’d never heard of someone being turned from a wolf bite. Or a vampire who still had a beating heart, for that matter.
Your only real downfalls were that, for one, your blood’s healing capacity didn’t operate at the same speed for you as it did when being used to heal others. You’d put this down to the possibility that maybe your system had just grown too used to it. To be perfectly honest, though, you had no idea.
Secondly, your empathic tendencies were beginning to bring you down, but it wasn’t just that… it was the way in which you’d been instructed, by Damon Salvatore himself, on how to make them stop.
The plane ride home to California dragged on longer than you would’ve liked, the flight was delayed and you were absolutely starving by the time Derek picked you up from the airport. Your parents were still away, they’d travelled to Romania in search of answers to your predicament and they wouldn’t be home until at least next week, so that left Derek on chauffeur and babysitting duty.
“How are you?” He’d only spoken up thirty minutes into the car ride, you let out a sigh from the passenger seat and gave him a tired smile, you could feel the nerves radiating from him. He was afraid you’d be mad at him for killing Peter, and maybe you should’ve been, but again, you had a feeling he’d be back, and besides, spending time with Damon had helped you realise that everything wasn’t so black and white. It finally registered with you that people like Derek and Damon, the dark mysterious bad boys with secret hearts of gold- they sometimes did bad things but with good intentions.
Once you discovered this, you decided amongst yourself that you’d ease up on your not-really-big-brother in the future. Even if it meant you got hurt a little in the process. If hurting you was what he needed to do to learn his lesson then you’d be willing to make that sacrifice.
So you gave him a soft smile and answered, “Hungry.”
Derek let out a chuckle at that, nodding his head towards the backseat, drawing your attention to the three full blood bags laying on the leather seats.
A delighted gasp left your mouth as you snatched the plastic bags into your hands, wasting no time you stuck the attached tube into your mouth and began gulping the first bag down- it was definitely Stiles’ blood you were drinking, you’d gotten so used to the taste of it you were sure you could recognise it anywhere.
Letting out a happy groan you threw your head back against the headrest, “Stiles Stilinski you are a doll.”
Derek chuckled again, glancing at you fondly before his steely eyes returned to the road ahead.
It was only another 30 minutes before you were back in your driveway. “So are you staying here until my parents get back?” You questioned from the porch as Derek got your bags from the trunk of his car, the wolf shook his head with a smile, “Nah, I’ve got some stuff to do at home.”
“Derek, that home isn’t even structurally sound.” You chastised softly. Surely he’d be happier spending time with the family he still had breathing rather than living in the remnants of what used to be his.
Walking up to the porch, Derek placed your case down gently by your feet and moved himself to stand in front of you. A genuine smile painted his lips as he gazed at you, “New rule.” He stated, placing both of his hands on either of your forearms before going on, eyes staring affectionately into your own, “From now on, I will be doing all the worrying about you, alright? Not the other way around.”
With a defeated sigh, you nodded your head. “I’ll try my best.” That had been a lie. Unable to blind you with his unusually sweet sentiment, through the physical contact you could tell he was scheming.
“Good. Now, go get some rest I’ll come check up on you in the morning.” He kissed your forehead and then made his way back to his car, speeding out of your driveway and out of sight before you’d even unlocked the door.
The house was cold and empty when you’d re-entered. A shiver ran up your spine the second your feet stepped past the threshold. Something was very wrong, and unfortunately, you couldn’t tell what exactly it was that was so wrong. The feeling was unnerving, it was dark and it was agonisingly heavy. Like anxiety on steroids, lots of steroids.
Swallowing thickly, you gripped -more like clawed- at your chest. Nails scraping your skin as you attempted to catch a single breath, though it seemed that oxygen was determined to outrun you as you glanced around helplessly.
Almost twenty minutes has passed as you heaved and gasped frantically, overwhelming dread flooded your chest while simultaneously tears flooded your eyes, and still you didn’t have even the slightest idea of what it all meant.
And then it hit you. That panic- it didn’t belong to you.
Within a second you’d risen to your feet, breathing still staggered while you rushed out the front door, your vampire speed being put to good use as within seconds you were where your panic had led you. Night had fallen by now and it was completely dark, not to mention absolutely freezing, the hoodie you had on doing nothing to protect you from the biting cold in the air. The trail of feelings you’d been chasing had led you to Beacon Hills cemetery and before your eyes, there it was, the something that was very wrong.
Derek and Isaac. More specifically, Derek’s teeth buried in Isaac’s arm. You hadn’t even registered what you were doing when you ripped Derek from Isaac and violently threw him across the cemetery, the impact in which the Hale hit the tree all the way at the edge of the graveyard was a testimony to your strength. You hadn’t even used half it.
Without hesitation, you inspected Isaac’s body frantically, eyes lingering on the bloody bite across his right arm. Slowly and mournfully, your eyes met his, which were wide with shock. His heart was beating out of his chest to the point where you couldn’t ignore it.
“What did he do to you?” The question slipped out as a whisper, your anger melted away only to be replaced by dread as Isaac began to speak, “He offered me the bite and I- I said yes.”
“Isaac…” Your gaze drifted to the bite and you weren’t surprised to see it already healed. “I’m sorry.” You heard him mutter from above you, his anxiety pooling in your chest and mixing with his guilt.
Shaking your head softly you pulled him into you, your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders while his own arms held you tightly against him as you kissed his temple to release him of the intense anxiety plaguing him. “Don’t be sorry. I understand.”
He relaxed against you upon hearing your words, the two weeks you’d been gone made him realise something, he was utterly useless without you, or so he thought. He felt weak. He felt as though if he didn’t have you as emotional support he was defective. Derek had honed in on that and manipulated it to his advantage, convinced Isaac that the bite was what he needed in order to be strong by himself. To keep you safe instead of you protecting him all of the time.
“Was that really necessary?” Derek’s voice broke the moment and you found anger was surging through you once again. You separated from Isaac to face Derek.
At this point, you didn’t care what his intentions had been, you weren’t going to let him away with this.
“I’m going to give you three seconds to explain why you did this.” As Derek moved to speak you ruthlessly cut him off. “Too slow.” And with that the back of your hand met his cheek, again sending him flying, only not as far this time.
His fangs were barred now, as were yours. Both of your eyes glowing, his red ones threatening as he attempted to demonstrate his power. And yet again, you had a revelation.
You couldn’t stop the laugh that fell from your lips, a synacal and sarcastic lilt to it as you towered over Derek’s form on the floor.
“Oh I get it!” You exclaimed, lip held between your teeth in mock disbelief you pressed your palm to your forehead as you spoke, “You thought you’d go around and stalk some kids so you could add to your big bad pack. Right?” He growled at you and attempted to pick himself up, only for you to give a swift, hard kick to his chest, returning his back to the dirt.
“I guess you told him it’d make him stronger? That it’d make all of his problems go away? And what about the Argent’s, huh? Did you tell him that you were manipulating him?” It was then, again in panic, Isaac spoke up to your surprise, in Derek’s defence.
“(Y/n), I promise it isn’t like that! He told me everything, it was my choice I said yes!” You spared him a glance before crouching down to Derek.
“Well did you tell him how you usually treat your pack?” The words were dripping in venom and the guilt that radiated from the man didn’t deter you from moving forward with you verbal attack, your head turning to Isaac, your eyes sparkling with sadness as you locked eyes with him, speaking hoarsely you wondered out loud, “Did he tell you that he’s a liar? That he doesn’t know how to run a pack? That if he doesn’t understand you he’ll leave you in the dust?”
The look on his face spoke volumes as he recalled the state Derek had put you in the weeks previous.
With a final sneer in Derek’s direction you delivered your parting words, “You better treat him better than you continue to treat me or so help me Derek Hale I will tear you to shreds.”
As you angrily stormed away, Isaac stood in confusion for a second before he began to chase after you, leaving Derek on the dirt floor to help himself.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wait!” He shouted as he was just starting to catch up to you. When you felt that you were at a good enough distance away from Derek you finally slowed your pace.
When Isaac finally made it to your side, he was panting slightly, swallowing the lump in his throat he nervously grabbed your hand.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, his eyes resembling those of a puppy and you could already feel your composure slipping away from you as you looked at him.
It’d been almost three weeks since you’d seen him, three weeks since you’d made out in the school basement and this definitely wasn’t how you were expecting the reunion to go.
“Isaac it isn’t your fault. I’m not mad at you, ok? I get it. I’m just worried, this town isn’t exactly kind on the supernatural.” You reassured him gently, squeezing his hand and giving him a sad smile.
“Don’t worry about me.” Isaac told you and you had to laugh, “Sorry, babe but I will not be taking my eyes off you until this town becomes normal.”
Isaac’s face was then taken over by, what could only be described as, a Cheshire Cat smile, “Did you just call me babe?” His voice was teasing and you felt your face heating up despite your freezing temperature.
Sucking on the inside of your cheek you tried your best to conceal your growing smile, you shrugged innocently, “Yeah. What about it?” The playful lilt in your voice had his smile widening even more as he began to lean down to you, his face getting closer to yours by the second.
His breath fanned across your lips when he spoke next, “I liked it.” With that, his lips pressed to yours cautiously, as if he was still unsure of whether or not it was okay to do so.
His uncertainty melted away when he felt your lips begin to reciprocate his actions and your hands moved to cup his cheeks.
The both of you could agree that this kiss was different than the last one you’d shared a few weeks ago. “Why is it that we only ever kiss when one of us is coming out as a supernatural creature?” Isaac laughed against your lips as you pulled away with a sigh.
“It would be us wouldn’t it.”
After a few minutes of nagging at Isaac you managed to put all the pieces of Derek’s plan together. Isaac himself didn’t actually know all that much, just that he was the first to be turned, but that alone told you everything that you needed to know.
Derek was now an alpha with no pack, so logically, a pack was what he was building and that would have been perfectly understandable- if he hadn’t started with your best friend.
“There’s a full moon coming up, did he tell you what would happen?” You questioned gently, ready to throttle Derek when the boy in front of you shook his head.
Heaving a deep breath you squeezed his hand reassuringly, the initial excitement of being turned had worn off and Isaac was beginning to radiate anxiety once again.
“Don’t worry okay? I’m gonna call Scott, he’ll be able to help you.” Isaac’s eyebrows came together in confusion, “Scott McCall?”
You nodded your head, “He’ll know how to help.” You tried to convince Isaac without spilling Scott’s secret. Not that it was going to stay a secret for too long, but it wasn’t your secret to tell.
Isaac shook his head rapidly, his hands moving to hold your forearms, his panic at your suggestion hitting you like a freight train as he stared into your eyes, a wild look in his own.
“No no no no. You can’t tell anyone. (Y/n) promise me you won’t tell anyone okay? If my dad finds out I’m a werewolf he’ll-“ The words came out almost as fast as you could run and his panic only intensified when his father entered his mind.
Quickly catching on to his looming panic attack as his eyes began to glow yellow you cut him off, “Isaac.”
He didn’t hear you as he kept rambling, claws growing past his nails and digging into your arm, “No he’ll kill me. Oh my god he’s gonna kill me. (Y/n) he’s go-“
Yes, it would’ve been easy to rip your arms from his grasp that was causing you quite a lot of pain as his nails sunk into your skin as his hands held onto you desperately. However, you had a feeling that his hold on your now bloody forearms was the only thing keeping him from spiralling completely out of control.
“Isaac! Look at me!” Your voice was strict but served to make his amber eyes finally settle on yours.
Gently, you finally slipped your arms out of Isaac’s clawed grip, although you were sure it would’ve been less painful to just leave them, his claws dragged down your arms while you lifted them slowly and cautiously until you replaced them with your hands, using your new grasp of the boy to provide him with some peace of mind.
You focused your energy on shifting a sense of relaxation from your own palms to Isaac’s sweaty ones as you spoke, voice soft again, “I’m not going to tell anyone. It’s just you and me, alright? Focus on me, yeah?” Isaac nodded his head, still slightly frantic but calmer than before as he did as you told and simply focused on you, “Take a deep breath.” You instructed, breathing steadily along with him until his eyes returned to their natural blue colour and his claws retracted.
A moment of silence passed with Isaac slumped against you, hands held tightly in his while he steadied his breathing. You placed your lips to his cheek and then again to the bruise forming beneath his right eye, you hadn’t noticed it earlier. You’d almost forgotten it’d been nearly three weeks since you’d been together, he’d probably been though it with his demon of a sperm doner over the time you were away.
“I’ve missed you.” It was Isaac that broke the silence when your lips disconnected from his injured face.
“I missed you too.” You replied simply, there was so much you’d planned on saying to him while you were in Mystic Falls but at the moment, you felt there were more pressing matters to discuss and again, it was Isaac who spoke.
He pulled away slightly to look at you properly, hands still clasping yours, he gave them a squeeze before he started speaking, “This pack that Derek’s building… I’m guessing you’re not in it?”
“I was never asked. But I’ve kind of already got a pack, which you are more than welcome to join.” You responded hopefully, wishing he’d agree but you knew he wouldn’t. As such a fresh beta he’d stay loyal to his alpha, but, you had to ask.
Isaac nodded his head sadly, “Scott McCall?” You let out a small laugh, at how quickly he’d caught on, “Yeah. He’s not exactly an alpha but he’s helped me out a lot, more than Derek has.”
“Derek told me that wolves are stronger as a pack, he didn’t say anything about vampires though.” Isaac went on, a confused lilt in his voice.
“I found out in Mystic Falls that vampires rarely belong to packs and by vampire nature I don’t need one, but Ric figures that it’s in my nature to want one since it’s all I’ve ever known.” You relayed the information to Isaac.
“Then why not, you know, join mine?” His lip was pulled between his teeth and he was looking at you with a hopeful expression.
“Isaac I just told you…” You said pleadingly, you didn’t want to upset him any further but you also couldn’t throw away the pack bond you’d built with Scott and Stiles when you’d first turned. If it was a matter of Isaac’s pack being made up of just Isaac there would’ve been no problems, it was the fact that it wasn’t Isaac’s pack but Derek’s.
Scratching what you’d decided about Derek earlier, you came to a new agreement with yourself: all of hell would freeze over before you even thought of easing up on Derek Hale.
Isaac threw his head back with a groan, “Come on, (N/n)! We are not going to let our love play out like Romeo and Juliet!” The way he spoke was humorous but it was obvious that he wasn’t really joking.
With a sigh you moved your shaking hands, that were now covered in scabbed over cuts as opposed to their previous status of raw and bleeding, to Isaac’s face. Your thumbs moved gently along his cheek bones as you took him in with an encouraging smile on your face as you told him confidently, “I refuse to let us become a modern day Romeo and Juliet, that’s not happening.”
You pulled him closer to you, slipping your arms around his shoulders and doing your best to ignore the butterflies rioting in your stomach when his arms wrapped tentatively around your waist.
You brought your lips to meet his briefly before fixing him with another determined look, “But listen to me, we might be loyal to different packs but I’m on your side, no matter what.”
Isaac nodded his head in understanding, “If it comes down to it, I’m always gonna choose you.” He responded honestly, arms tightening around you to hold you against his chest, his height causing his chin to be tilted downwards so that he could meet your eyes.
“I meant what I said to Derek, by the way.” You informed, Isaac’s eyebrows rose in confusion again, “If he mistreats you I’ll tear him apart.”
“Should I give Scott the same warning?” Isaac asked humorously and you had to shake your head in order to hold back a laugh.
It wasn’t until you’d separated from your embrace with Isaac that you took into account the fact that your body was now shaking with the cold.
“Come on, I’ve gotta call my dad and probably the sheriff and you’re freezing.” Isaac stated, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading you back to the cemetery where you noticed his overturned excavator and the dug up grave plot.
You listened with curiosity while Isaac spoke to his father on the phone, trying to explain exactly what had transpired in the last couple of hours since his shift started.
“How the hell does an excavator just flip over, Isaac?” You could hear his fathers anger through the line and Isaac fumbled for a response, “Someone, or something- I don’t know it could’ve been an animal, but it got pushed from the side and tipped over. I fell into the plot I was digging and that was it, I didn’t see the rest.” He explained weakly.
“You still stuck in hole, you idiot?” You watched as Isaac clenched his jaw and motioned to yourself when he was finally looking at you, “No. No, um, (Y/n) just got back from Virgina, she came looking for me and helped me out.”
“She still there?” His father questioned, seemingly cooling off at the mention of your name. You hated how much that man seemed to like you when he should’ve held that affection for his actual son.
“Yeah, she’s with me now.” Isaac confirmed and you offered up a fake cheerful, “Hi, Mr Lahey!”
“Invite her over while I call the sheriff and see about getting this mess cleaned up.” With that, he hung up the phone and Isaac sighed, “You’re starting to look like Mr. Freeze, let’s get you warmed up.” His arm stayed comfortably wrapped around your shoulder and as you reached up to hold his hand that was hanging over your shoulder you stopped dead in your tracks, “Isaac, I can’t go and greet your father looking like this.”
You motioned to your torn and bloodstained hoodie, immediately regretting it when his eyes widened in shock, “Did I… oh god (Y/n) did I do that?”
Not missing a beat you grabbed his hands and made sure you soothed his panic before you got a rerun of earlier.
“It’s not your fault. You’re new to this, okay? Mistakes happen and that’s fine it’s all part of the process. And look!-” You pulled off the hoodie to reveal your now completely healed arms and hands, nothing but dried blood to show that the claw marks were even there in the first place. “‘M all healed up! No harm done.” You reassured him, bringing his lips to yours to further convince him that you were okay and distract him from the guilt you could feel building within him.
Your arms, although no longer cut, were covered in goosebumps as Isaac ran his hands affectionately down the length of them. “It won’t happen again.” He promised and you gave him a shaky smile, teeth beginning to chatter, “Let’s go home?” Isaac nodded his head, nothing short of ripping his own hoodie off before pulling your arms through the sleeves and moving himself in front of you to zip it up.
You watched completely content as he fumbled with the zipper. His curls were falling in front of his eyes and his eyes were squinted in concentration. The quiet, but triumphant, “got it” he let out when he finally finessed the zipper had you grinning like a fool.
When he moved his focus from the zip and back to your face, he smiled bashfully, “What’re you looking at me like that for?”
The sleeves of his hoodie, that was miles too big for you, hung far past your wrists and brushed against the nape of his neck, your fingers finding a place tangled in his hair while you stared at him, grin ever present.
Your other hand was otherwise occupied being placed firmly against Isaac’s chest, enjoying the feeling of his rapidly beating heart, and you didn’t know it entirely. But in that moment it was beating for you and you alone.
Isaac’s hand made itself comfortable holding your waist, the other holding your own against his chest, keeping it in place.
Neither of you needed to say it. You could both feel it. But still, you found yourself uttering the words, “I love you.”
Not half a second had passed before Isaac echoed your declaration, “I love you.”
“I feel like if I kiss you right now I won’t be able to stop but I’m still freezing my ass off so… your place?”
Isaac nodded his head in agreement, “My place.”
Upon arrival at the Lahey residence, Mr. Lahey had greeted you with a wide smile and ushered you into the kitchen where he instructed Isaac to make you some tea, to which Isaac had to restrain a grumble as he’d been planning on doing it anyway.
Mr. Lahey was happily chatting away to you when Isaac set down two cups of tea, one in front of his father and one in front of you, his eyes lingering on you with a certain kind of glint before he turned back to the counter to grab his own cup and returning to sit beside you at the table.
Isaac was, in all honesty, losing it. He didn’t even know why. You were just sitting there, wrapped up in his hoodie, nose ever so slightly pink from the cold, talking politely to his father. It was nothing out of the ordinary but he was finding it hard to think about anything other than how his hoodie would look splayed on the floor of his bedroom.
He wasn’t very good at hiding it either, you could feel it as clear as day. Teenage boy hormones mixing with teenage werewolf hormones were causing havoc and it’d be a lie to say it wasn’t having an affect on you.
Trying to return your attention to whatever Mr.Lahey was babbling about you clearing your throat and took a sip of your tea, keeping your expression neutral as Isaac’s hand slipped to your knee under the table. His attempt to pull you into his mess of hormones was obviously successful as you found yourself ready to yell out in frustration when his hand stayed put on your knee for a solid twenty minutes before his father finally rose from the table.
“I’m going to check out the situation at the cemetery, you’re welcome to stay tonight, it’s pretty dangerous out there these days.” Mr. Lahey offered and you smiled innocently at him as he stood in the doorway, “I think I’ll take you up on that. Thank you.” The older man gave you a nod but said no more before walking out the front door.
“What the hell are you doing?” You finally burst when the front door clicked shut, whipping around to face Isaac.
“What?” He asked as if his hand didn’t start sliding further up your leg the second his father left the room.
You groaned, “Don’t ‘what?’ me when you’re about four centimetres from having your hand between my thighs!”
“Sorry.” He immediately retracted his hand, eyes wide as he realised how close his hand was to reaching the top of your thigh, “I, um, I didn’t mean to- I mean, I did mean to but i won’t do it again if you don’t want me to-“
“Isaac.” You cut him off, lip pulled between your teeth, “I want you to.” You declared and he let out a heavy sigh full of relief, “Thank God.” He muttered before he was pulling you up off the chair and right against his chest.
His lips immediately found yours and his hands were gripping your waist like there was no tomorrow.
At this point, the butterflies in your stomach were going absolutely bat shit feral when his lips began to trail past your lips, to your chin, then to the curve of your jaw. It was when his hand slipped deftly up your side to settle against your jaw that you realised just how much you’d been wanting this.
Isaac’s lips fell further to your neck and you couldn’t stop the hum of approval that escaped your mouth at the sensation of his soft lips sucking and licking at your pulse. “It this okay?” He asked in a mutter, the dainty and nervous nature of his voice contrasting greatly with the confidence and ferocity of his actions.
Your hands tugged gently at his hair to get him to meet you clouded eyes, when he looked at you you were sure that his eyes had flashed yellow, his breathing was getting heavy and you had an inkling that his lips on your neck was the most exciting thing that was going to happen between you tonight.
“It’s more than okay.” You told him with a dopey smile, letting out a laugh when he dived back into the crook of your neck, kissing your skin through a smile.
Despite your words your hands moved to his chest to push him away slightly, “But…” you started as Isaac threw his head back with a groan, “I think we should stop, and maybe revisit this after the full moon passes.”
After taking in a steadying breath Isaac nodded in agreement, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” His hand slipped into yours and he intertwined his fingers with yours, he spent a moment just looking at your linked hands with a fond smile and the look of achievement on his face. It was easy to tell, with the help of your empathic powers, that Isaac was proud of himself.
You yourself couldn’t quite pinpoint why he was feeling so prideful in the moment, but he knew. To be truthful he wasn’t just proud of himself, he was downright ecstatic. He’d been nothing more than your best friend since you were both eleven, and now, six years later he finally crossed the threshold from being your best friend to being your- well actually now that he thought about it, he wasn’t sure what he is to you now.
A few hours passed before Isaac worked up the courage to ask the question that had formed in his mind after his make out session with you earlier.
The pair of you had since gotten comfortable in his bed, which was nothing particularly new. You laid on your side with your back to the bedroom door, Isaac was behind you, his chin tucked in between your shoulder and your neck with his arms around your torso holding you close to him.
“Can I ask you something?” His voice broke through the silence and you responded with a tired hum, adjusting his arm so you could snuggle closer and tried your best to stop yourself from falling asleep while he murmured softly in your ear.
“What are we?” He kept his eyes trained on the dark room ahead of him, his hand grabbing yours as you readjusted his arm and he absentmindedly began playing with your fingers, the action being successful in calming his nerves.
“What do you want us to be?” You asked sleepily in response, a small smile forming on your face as you heard his heartbeat speeding up.
Isaac let out a nervous breath against your neck and you held back a shudder at the feeling, “I was kind of thinking that all the kissing would make us a couple.” Letting out another sleepy hum, if it was even physically possible, you snuggled deeper into his hold. You sluggishly turned your head to place a light kiss against his cheek, “Then we’re a couple.”
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The handsome and funny @campcrow tagged me in this tag ten people you want to know better game. Thanks dude! I love doing these!! Haha
Favourite colour: Probably Blue and all its shades. And maybe yellow?!?! 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I really like color theory and i think ever since reading about how Blue is non-threatening and calm and serene, its been stuck with me and i think thats why its my favorite.
Three favourite foods: Im gonna go very specific on this one haha, currently its Marie Calendars Dutch Apple Pie, Portos Bakery's Medianoche sandwich, Taco Bells Quesalupa especially (but not exclusively) the black bean one.
Song stuck in my head: Cry For You - September. Btw, if anyone knows the name of the Queen in the video where she performs to this song and walks away to this song and comes back and walks away again, please let me know.
Last song I listened to: Cornerstone - Arctic Monkeys. I picked up my guitar yesterday and relearned a bunch of songs I had forgotten because it had been (what felt like) years since i practiced.
Last thing I googled: Romanesco. Well. To be fair. I googled Broccoli types because i couldnt remember the name for it. But you know what i mean haha
Dream Trip: like DREAM dream trip? It would be almost like a year long thing. 2 weeks in Japan. 2 weeks in Korea and so on in Thailand, India, South Africa, North Africa, Ireland, Brazil, New Zealand, Mexico, and a week or so in Canada. To really take in the culture of the places. A regular weekend never feels like enough and this way i could find the small places that dont get much attention by weekend visitors and show them some love.
Anything I really want: Currently, just more time. It neever feels like theres enough of it.
Time: It is 9:55 A.M. and 68° here is Los Angeles and im hoping to that it doesnt make it past 80 but its spring ssooooo, fuck the heat.
Last Movie: First Wives Club haha cus they're sisters and theyre doing it for themselves.
Tea or Coffee: every time i see this one, my first thought is always......
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But coffee in the morning, tea any other time.
Last Show: Community. I need something to giggle at but could also tune in and out of. The last Show i finished, though, was Lovecraft County and that show was SSOO good.
Currently reading: Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine. Im only a couple dozen pages in but shes talked a lot about how it was hard to really test or study gender traits because people will act on them unintentionally because they're so ingrained in most of us, but with other tests, people will naturally adapt to things outside of their "gender norm."
Currently watching: Time slip away from my fingers. Haha jk. Nothing specific right now, but i have a list and should probably get back to it.
Sweet, Spicy or Savory:
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Haha probably Sweet. I have a massive sweet tooth, but i also love Savory and spicy is nice in moderation
God thats was long haha. Ill try to keep my answers short next time. Ok. 10 ppl is gonna be hard since y'all are so amazing. @dangerghost20 @anti-socialhero @zelmoe @chubb-e-cheese @princess420 @jockoppressor @ricky-rawrasaurus-rex @uwucowboi @we-dont-matteratall @neofooturism @grandprise @kitsune-kaos @catgifsinthesenate @onlyyams @flaming-ramen @hermionegrindr @shadupandscroll @midians-world i cant count 🤷‍♂️ haha no pressure though.
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
happy fic writer appreciation day!
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there are so many talented and amazing writers on here! I'm going to try to get as many of favs on this list as possible along w my fav works by them, and I encourage everyone to tag their fav authors under this! love all y'all <3
THESE ARE IN NO SPECIFIC ORDER!!! literally just going down my likes and following list lmao
ALSO! I tag everything I've read with “fics” so feel free to search that on my blog for some recs too!
ANOTHER ALSO! I only read bucky fics! so that's what these are lol w a mix of oc’s and unnamed readers
@moteldwelling​ - ok honestly??? some of the BEST smut I've ever read. I think the first work of theirs I read was “let me show you” and y'all... just do yourself a favor and read thru their master list bc it is SMUT PERFECTION
@ballyhoobarnes​ - LIBRARIAN BUCKY YALL THATS ALL I GOTTA SAY! I'm such a sucker for these pairings that show so many moments between librarian boy Bucky and reader like there's cute stuff and insecure stuff and smut stuff and UGH I love it sm
@trillian-anders​ - ok the ENTIRE master list is PHENOMENAL but my fav has got to be “amor de mi vida”. like being cuban American it was so awesome to read ME not to mention 40s!Bucky ??? say less. 
@all1e23​ - if y'all have not read “astrophile”... u r MISSING OUT! you've got firefighter bucky AND dad bucky? PLUS the cutest daughter and the more heartwarming and slow burn story? amazing I love it
@nacho-bucky​ - NGL IM STILL WORKING THRU THIS MASTERLIST but I recently finished “the cupcake guy” and AH literally the most descriptive writing and I actually FEEL what buckys feeling... plus he bakes and there's cupcakes cmon
@goddamndameron​ - ok miss hannie doesn't write much bucky anymore BUT IF U LIKE STAR WARS STUFF CHECK HER OUT bc she's literally so talented and I love her sm
@wonderlandmind4​ - I think “delicate stages” was one of the first stories I read when I got into bucky like a year and half two years ago whatever and dude. TO THIS DAY I reread it every once in a while bc its SO AMAZING. gonna warn u it will TEAR YOUR HEART APART. ESPECIALLY THE SEQUEL. but still well worth it bc its AMAZING.
@wkemeup​ - ok THE SMUT is *chef’s kiss* and I'm honestly torn between all of their series’ bc they all literally PULL YOUR ASS IN and like YOURE THERE and ugh. def another one I go back and reread often nuff said
@asadmarveltrashbag​ - another one whose smut is UN FUCKING REAL like p much all of the head cannons... fucked me ALL THE WAY up
@heli0s-writes​ - ok I can't NOT talk about the “cdr” series. literally the funniest thing you'll read ever. it got humor, its got personality, its got soft moments, its got smut, its THE BEST THING EVER. I miss them but the puns live in my mind rent free for the rest of time
@ugh-supersoldiers​ - “under oath” has gotta be one of the BEST fics I've read. like it one of those stories where you assume it'll be an interesting and good plot and it literally BLOWS YOU AWAY. like the writing is so good, so descriptive, and makes you feel ALL the things ok
@wiensrsoldier​ - another smut GOD like ALL the kinks and their “tiny and beefy series” THE BEST THING I COULDVE HOPED TO EVER READ ON THIS APP (I'm a slut for size kinks - clearly.)
@shreddedparchment​ - one of the very first blogs I followed and some of the very first fics I read. the ashes to ashes universe? actually INCREDIBLE like “you're my mission” is yet another fic I reread constantly bc its SO GOOD like the story is AMAZING and so well written w all the feelings and emotions and action and ugh. actual perfection
@sgtjbuccky​ - the most AMAZING SERIES’ like “death do us part” was one of the coolest fics I've ever read the plot is so GOOD and unique and just ugh. the whole master list is fire
@redgillan​ - the ENTIRE masterlist is worth reading but “under pastel skies” owns a part of my heart bc being an artist myself I love the idea of living vicariously thru the reader and living out my dreams of living w Bucky ok I love it
@cametobuyplums​ - makes me wish I was French and also buckys sugar baby bc “artistic license” is the BEST smut story ever like it will make u horn-nee not to mention the actual PLOT lol. also most beautifully organized master list ever ?? ily fizz
@writingcroissant​ - my fav has gotta be “paper walls” bc I am the BIGGEST SUCKER for tropes like these where like he doesn't *know* his neighbor but they're able to bond and form a relationship regardless and UGH I love this story sm they are AMAZING
@tropicalcap​ - ok torn between “midnight hour” and “black lines” (also - forming this list has made me painfully aware how much smut I read LMAO) but actually I LOVE the way they write and, cmon who doesn't love bucky smut especially when it involves tacos or tattoos
@indyluckycharlie​ - still v new but I'm currently reading “tinman” and UGH it so unique I've never read a plot like this and the FEELS are amazing this story is so COOL and I have a feeling it'll be another one of my multiple reread stories lol
@samingtonwilson​ - if you like friends to lovers wait until you read “apartment 8c” bc its literally friends to lovers to exes and back to friends and roommates to possible lovers again LMAO but actually this story is so fun and I LOVE stories like this that play w common tropes and make them cool and super amazing I love
@suz-123​ - “crazy, beautiful” has both smut and veterinary!bucky like what more could someone want. I literally CAN NOT WAIT to see where this story goes its so cool and interesting and I'm OBSESSED with the readers personality and her and Bucky’s lil bonding moments ugh
@justreadingfics​ - “its a deal” has the biggest stamp of chef’s kiss literally ever its got the juiciest smut and super suave bucky and a crazy ex and the just the overall PLOT is fantastic I'm obsessed
@tinyglamdramaqueen (omg idk why I can't tag) - ok so they recently finished “alls fair in love and war” and DUDE. my jaw dropped p much every chapter like I'm begging you this is unlike any sugar baby fic ever its so AMAZING and I'm so excited to see what happens for the future of the reader and just. so so so good
holey moley. I love fics. and bucky. appreciate ur fav writers y'all.
also going to shamelessly include myself on this list bc I'm proud of the works I've written even if I'm not the most into it as some other talented writers on here
@wienerbarnes​ ME ok idk if other writers do this but do y'all ever re read your own works bc they're so good bc that's me w “cheek to cheek” like my ACTUAL favs I've never loved writing for a pair more and they be living in my head rent free ok I always be thinking of those rainbow underwear sets and mis matched socks 
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brownheadedcowbird · 7 years
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leaffgreen · 5 years
ahehehehehe....i KNOW you know nothing abt taz. but. taakitz....haha just kidding 😝....unless?
I MEAN ur right i know nothing abt taz but ik taakitz is canon and thats all im gonna base this off so its gonna be..Something
How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
What non sexual activities do they like to do together?fucking wii sports they play WII SPORTS and taako knows all the fucking cheats like when you play wii bowling with 100 pins and you roll the ball on the barrier and it gives you a perfect 100 strike and kravitz fucking sighs
Who does chores around the house?i feel like kravitz because taako would find some way to like.. Not. idk i get those basard energies from the taco gamer
Who’s the funniest drunk?also taako
Do they have kids?uuhhhh i feel like they have a pet. like a cat. a little bastard cat that pushes things off the shelf and sheds all its fur specifically on kravitz
Do they have any traditions?does taako stealing kravitz’s shirts count as a tradition because absolutely
What do they fight about?Elf Things????????
What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)taako fucking reblogs all of it and kravitz .. adds it to his queue. because he knows how to be subtle 
Who cried at the end of Marley and me?kravitz hands down
One thing I like about this ship?its canon i think??? and its really cute???? I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT BUT I STAN
One thing I don’t like about the ship?basically taako is in love with sans 
The song I would say fits them?i feel like riptide by vance joy fits them..im not sure why. i might be way off
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bxstiae · 5 years
can be used for rp & non-rp blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen !
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1. FIRST NAME  ⇢  khepri. 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF ⇢ i have a small discolouration/birthmark that looks like a continent on my stomach. 3. TOP 3 PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  ⇢  eyes ; smell -- im not picky about smell but they have to smell nice & unique ; i dont have a third physical thing but i do think that personality is what makes somebody look more attractive. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  ⇢  tacos  5. A FOOD YOU HATE ⇢ cant think of something atm. sorry. but i do have some stuff i wont eat. 6. GUILTY PLEASURE ⇢ hearing people dote on their muses && plotting 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN ⇢ pjs or sweats && an XL shirt 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS ⇢ not a fling kind of guy. im very serious. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE ⇢ there are a few things, but if i changed it then i wouldnt be where im at now.  10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON ⇢  in my own way, yes. but i dont like physical contact. 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN ⇢ transformers tbh - for bumblebee. but only the first one. Also HTTYD 1 - 3. all of them. toothless is my baby. 12. FAVORITE BOOK ⇢ the compound. by s.a. bodeen - i have read it so much that the pages are now frail. 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE ⇢ dog. but my schedule makes it hard for a dog. i have 2 cats currently. but i lived with dogs all my life. i would also like to have a cockatoo but theyre a bitch to have. 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] ⇢ i dont have otps really. && my ships change ever so frequently. like i ship based on chemistry. and that depends on the mun as well. otherwise i dont have any specific ships to tell you. 15. PIE OR CAKE ⇢ cake but i am very picky about it. 16. FAVORITE SCENT ⇢ rain mixed with nature -- petrichor is what it’s called. but i also love the fresh wet smell that comes after while im camping in the mountains. 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH ⇢ no. 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO ⇢ japan && canada. 19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT ⇢ introvert. surprisingly. but its true. people exhaust me. 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY ⇢ no. dont go to scary theme parks with me. i will laugh at everything 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID ⇢ i dont support apple products so android. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES ⇢ yes. i have slowed down unfortunately due to my job but i try to play at least a little bit when i have the free time. 23. DREAM JOB ⇢ fbi. probably as an analyst. i work for law enforcement so im well on my way. i know what i want in life. 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS ⇢ pay my loans. keep 1k for me, then give the rest to my parents. 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE ⇢ im gonna leave this blank for now. i a few. 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER ⇢ i will not associate myself with the pokemon fandom on tumblr anymore ( at it stands currently ). i left now for a fourth time and i refuse to go back to it. i follow people from there cause i either know them, or they’ve managed to get past all of my filters. i have a lot of filters too. but the fandom in general? nope. 
Tagged by: Literally nobody, I found it on my own. Tagging: im not gonna tag anybody this time, but if you wanna take it, then go for it. just @ me so i can see it.
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solohqrry · 5 years
get to know me uncomfortably well
@eatmyshiftsticky tagged me, this was a long one mama i ain’t gonna lie but ily
What is your middle name?
selene (pronounced like seh-leh-neh).
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
January 31st
What is your zodiac sign?
aquarius sun :-)
What is your favourite colour?
yellow!!!! and pink
What’s your lucky number?
i don’t think i have one to be honest
Do you have any pets?
i have two cats, sesame and sage, and two dogs, thor and ginger
Where are you from?
texas yeehaw
How tall are you?
5′7″ (i’m the shortest in m family but apparently i’m tall to other people)
What shoe size are you?
US 7 1/2 or 8
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
i wanna say like 20 pairs, but i haven’t worn like half of them in ages
What was your last dream about?
i have wild, inexplicable dreams i couldn’t even begin to explain what i dream about but last night i vaguely remember there was something about the holocaust involved which is pretty dark, who dreams about that
What talents do you have?
absolutely none, i am talentless my only talent is being a whore, and i’m not even good at that sometimes 
Are you psychic in any way?
i definitely feel like i am, it’s a little mexican thing where we think we have this gut feeling that lets us know when something bad is about to happen, 8 times out of 10 the gut feeling is right
Favourite song?
ugh so many some of my all time favorites are robbers by the 1975, yes i’m changing by tame impala, sign of the times by harry styles, don’t cry by guns n roses, and kashmir by led zepplin 
Favourite movie?
Napoleon Dynamite or Moana
Who would be your ideal partner?
god, i really wouldn’t tell you without sounding like a shallow bitvh. i just want a guy that looks like he hasn’t slept in 6 years, is tall, skinny, has long hair, makes me laugh and loves to kiss and cuddle, maybe a dreamy boy that will write poems about my loving stare and soft kisses who will take me on roadtrips that go anywhere, or maybe a jerk that’s rude and rides a motorcycle and never smiles unless he’s around me, i don’t know though 
Do you want children?
god no
Do you want a church wedding?
no, i want an outdoor wedding during the fall time, in a nice forest with family and friends
Are you religious?
i was raised catholic and go to church but i don’t know if i believe in everything i have been taught. 
Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes i want to say like twice in the past four years
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
yes :/
Have you ever met any celebrities?
no :(
Baths or showers?
What color socks are you wearing?
Have you ever been famous?
i wish
Would you like to be a big celebrity?
only for the money and to have a bigger platform
What type of music do you like?
indie, rock, punk, rap, spanish music pretty much anything except country, i loathe country music no one can change my mind
Have you ever been skinny dipping?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
four, two under my head, one under my legs, and one to hold onto at night (i’m v lonely)
What position do you usually sleep in?
on my side with one leg hike up and the other stretched out one arm under my pillow under my head the other holding another pillow, or in fetal position
How big is your house?
one story, 3 bedroom 2 bath house, i have a huge front and back yard, i love my house
What do you typically have for breakfast?
a granola bar
Have you ever fired a gun?
Have you ever tried archery?
in middle school, i was pretty shit at it
Favourite clean word?
i say heck a lot
Favorite swear word?
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
2 and a half days
Do you have any scars?
i have a lot i was a clumsy kid that got into places i shouldn’t have. my most gnarly scars are on my elbows, knees, and one on my hip where a shard of glass stabbed me.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i think maybe as a joke 
Are you a good liar?
i am a great liar, i think i could be an actress because i lie so well
Are you a good judge of character?
i am a bit naive if im being honest, it clouds my judgement
Can you do any other accents other than your own?
my british accent is top notch, i can do a super exaggerated cockney accent, and a somewhat good australian accent (don’t quote me on that @eatmyshiftsticky)
Do you have a strong accent?
i don’t think i do, i grew up in a predominantly mexican city so compared to most people here i don’t have an accent but when people from out of town meet me (white people) they say i have an accent, i hear it sometimes in some words but idk 
What is your favourite accent?
i love a french, australian, and spanish accents 
What is your personality type?
neutral chaotic edgy thot, typical aquarius, peace and love, treat people with kindness type bitch
What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
my platform doc martens which cost me a whopping $180, i am very frugal with everything basically so this was a big spend to me
Can you curl your tongue?
if you mean can i make a taco with my tongue, yes!
Are you an innie or an outie?
Left or right-handed?
Are you scared of spiders?
yes i absolutely hate spiders, if i see a spider i am either swatting that thing or running away
Favourite food?
mexican food specifically nachos and enchiladas, and chinese food
Favourite foreign food?
i like italian food 
Are you a clean or messy person?
i’m a tidy person, like i’m messy but not to an extreme my room looks clean at first glance but then you notice little things that make it look messy
Most used phrase?
“on god?” or “no mames” or “mamadas”
Most used word?
i don’t know, i think i say sis and dude a lot.
How long does it take for you to get ready?
ugh makeup and hair and outfit is like a good hour and half, i need time or else i get crabby the rest of the day.
Do you have much of an ego?
not at all
Do you suck or bite lollipops?
suck??? if you bite into your lollipop without sucking it you’re a psychopath
Do you talk to yourself?
all the time, literally i talk more to myself than i do to my family, i’m thinking i should just start a youtube channel so i could talk to myself but with a purpose
Do you sing to yourself?
very badly but yes.
Are you a good singer?
not at all, and i was in choir for two years where did my talent go i wish i knew.
Biggest Fear?
losing my parents 
Are you a gossip?
not really unless it’s like good gossip in spanish it’s called chisme and if someone is a gossip they’re a chismosa, sometimes i’m a chismosa i like drama.
Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Gone Girl
Do you like long or short hair?
on boys long hair is my absolute weakness, on myself i prefer my long hair
Can you name all 50 states of America?
i think i can name a solid 30
Favourite school subject?
english or history
Extrovert or Introvert?
i’m very introverted 
Have you ever been scuba diving?
no way being in the open ocean terrifies me
What makes you nervous?
driving, talking to people, ordering my food at a restaurant, school, big crowds, literally everything because i have a generalized anxiety disorder.
Are you scared of the dark?
mmm when it’s outside yes, but not inside my house or room or whatever
Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
idk if it’s my business or affects me than yes
Are you ticklish?
YES the sides of my tummy are my tickle spot and i HATE when people tickle me there
Have you ever started a rumour?
no i would never
Have you ever been in a position of authority?
no, too much pressure is not good for me
Have you ever drank underage?
i was given tequila as a toddler by my grandpa so yes i have had my fair share  of alcohol in my 18 years
Have you ever done drugs?
i have had edibles, i have smoked weed, and i have taken molly (please don’t do that it’s only fun while you’re on it).
Who was your first real crush?
i was in love with this boy named alejandro from like 7th grade to 10th i kissed him once, he was a complete ass and broke my heart.
How many piercings do you have?
my ears, my septum and two secret ones.
Can you roll your R’s?
of course i can.
How fast can you type?
on my phone i type pretty fast on a computer i am very slow
How fast can you run?
not fast at all, i can’t run for shit i have baby lungs
What colour is your hair?
dark brown
What color is your eyes?
dark drown
What are you allergic to?
cats :( and grass :( and pollen :(
Do you keep a journal?
no, my therapist always says i should start one but i just get bored or forget about it.
What do your parents do?
my mom is an elementary teacher and my dad is disabled.
Do you like your age?
i’d say 18 is a pretty solid age
What makes you angry?
the world, america mostly.
Do you like your own name?
mmm yeah, i forget i have a name because no one really says it, is that weird? 
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
i know i said i didn’t want kids but i know if i do have them i am going to name them after planets.
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
a girl
What are you strengths?
i’m free-spirited and intellectual and loving
What are your weaknesses?
i can be mean, i can take out my anger on people who don’t deserve it, i want comfort but push people away
How did you get your name?
my mom named me after the movie with audrey hepburn
Were your ancestors royalty?
no lol
Do you have any scars?
battle scars dude
Colour of your bedspread?
a nice cream color
Colour of your room?
pastel yellow!
i tag @malibubarbievince @kountessbathory @guns-n-crue and whoever wants to do this, this was fun because y’all get to know more about me so thanks for the tag addy baby!!
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bugborgs · 5 years
quotes are not exact bc unfortunately i have the memory of a 90 year old granpa AND ALSO my reactions/recollection of events are absolutely NOT in order lol BUT
also again anyone who wants to is free to message me if u wanna talk about the movie or if you want spoilers i guess??? lol ALSO im gonna turn anon on like i said after i post this 
Someone in my theater actually brought a bigass infinity guantlet and wore it to the screening lol
I don't really like Tony much but ngl the opening scene with him and Nebula on the Milano was so good omg
i love that nebula and rhodey seem to be friends omg??? like she called him specifically to make fun of scott im djhkdjhsd
“Rhodey, be careful coming in, there’s an idiot on the landing strip”
hulk giving scotty a taco after his got blown away lmaooo
LOTS of cheers and clapping when cap held mjolnir!!! like SO much you guys
HUGE cheers when everyone was un-dusted
when t’challa, okoye, and shuri showed up, i heard several “Wakanda Forever!”’s from my audience
i think the guy sitting next to me even did the Wakanda Forever arm cross
LOTS of cheers from my audience when pepper showed up in an iron suit
lots of cheers when valkyrie showed up on her pegasus too!!
People were actually audibly crying at the end
there were at least a couple distinct criers i could make out
you will Know When if you've seen it
I wasn't one of the those people but no disrespect to those that did i feel u man
I DID however cry like a fucking bitch at Nebula's scenes
So many of them
Y'all I was near sobbing what the fuck
And Gamora???? Wtf TEARS
not. Happy that she's still Dead but ://///
"I have blasters, or you could use knives if you want"
"Ooh yes please use knives!"
mantis what the fuck
Mantis darling.......you've been hanging out with Nebula too much jahsgshsgs
"As far as I'm concerned that is the ass of america"
"That IS America's ass"
I'm still crying about nebula
My endgame wishlist mostly came true lmao
They almost made me feel a Tiny emotion for Clint and nat so like
Good job marvel
I called nat dying but it was iN JOKE FORM LMFAO I joked about it with my friend for last minute predictions last night
And rhen it DID happen and I'm laughing fuck
I almost had like 10 heart attacks over Nebula this movie
Nebula. ........😭😭😭😭😭
"You can change" "he won't let me" fuck u marvel
"I tried to kill you several times. Then we became friends. And then sisters"
What the FUCK yall
Peter dancing and singing along to come and get your love.......classic
"He's an idiot, isn't he?" "Yeah"
I'm not. suuuuuper happy about the Peter-Gamora scene
I know it's pre guardians Gamora so she like. Has no attachment to him or anything but
Idk it seemed callous to turn it into a joke after Peter's reaction + what happened in IW
i kind of laughed tho ngl but i hated myself for it kjsdfkhjfshkjs
I have mixed feelings about the Nebula - Gamora scene at the Avengers compound like I'm not mad? But it left me feeling SO SAD
I don't know how I feel
im just gonna like
cry about nebula all night
y’all im so sad
Thor killed me this entire fycking movie
I wish we'd had more valkyrie but omg I'm so happy to see her
Idrk how I feel about caps end?? like
ok i guess
i SERIOUSLY thought tho like
when they panned over to him on the bench
that they were gonna turn him around and he was gonna be just
a fuckin SKELETON
that would have been hilarious but also terrible and im glad it didnt happen but i also kind of wanted it to lol
Sam receiving caps shield tho...!!!!
Nebula should have killed thanos lol
Sorry you can't change my mind :)
that being said seeing thor fucking decapitate thanos was fucking amazing god bless
sidenote this movie was a lot?? bloodier than i was expecting esp with other marvel movies that avoiding showing blood/death
like the dora milaje killmonger killed in bp comes to mind considering hawkeye. slits a dude’s throat in this movie
and you see blood
im still crying about nebula
im never gonna not cry about nebula
ANYWAYS I HAD A LOT OF FUN i wanna go rewatch it like. immediately. i still stand by my tag statement that i dont think it’s a perfect movie and i have some issues with it but honestly? most of my main wishes came true so i can like
not forgive it but i can overlook it :^)
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eccentriccowboy · 5 years
Tags? Tags.
Answer 21 questions and then tag some people you’d like to get to know better!
I got tagged by the always wonderful @boytoynamedcalum thank you!! so much!! ahh!!
1. Nicknames - Kenna
2. Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
3. Height - 5’6
4. Hogwarts house - Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw(i had like four pottermore accounts ok give me a break)
5. Last thing I googled - how to fade out music in IMovie(because im a dumb fuck and my computers teacher is rude and gave me homework)
6. Favorite Musicians - 5SOS, AJR, The Maine, Halsey, Declan Mckenna, Cavetown, Jon Bellion
7. Song stuck in my head - Head in the Clouds by Bohdi or Bailame por Danny Ocean
8. Following now - around 300?
9. Followers - I just hit my first thousand eeek
11. Amount of sleep - 4 to 5 hours(this is a call for help)
12. Lucky number - 36
13. What I’m wearing - sleep shorts and a flannel because i was too lazy to get out of my day clothes right now but i didn’t wanna be wearing my jeans so
14. Dream job - don’t ask me about my future i w i L l have a mEntal breakdown
15. Dream trip - New Zealand ohmygodplease
16. Favorite food - ah, the Three T’s: tacos, takis, and turkey dinner. I also love mole but that doesn’t fit the saying
17. Instruments - Piano slightly, ukulele im a fucking pro come at me tyler joseph
18. Languages - English and Spanish, gonna try to start learning french to impress my mans dad lmao dedication
19. Favorite songs - Hug All Ur Friends by Cavetown, 
20. Random Fact - Kirkland vanilla ice cream from costco is the best vanilla ice cream (i know this fact was probably supposed to be about me but i think this information is much more important) (also im lactose intolerant)
21. Aesthetic - Im a mess and my room has no like theme or anything and my style clothes wise is wild man like theres no specific look i really like to play with that shit ya feel
Tagging stresses me the fuck out so if you see this i tag you pikachu
also @rosegold-thorns u aint going nowhere huh
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lissadiane · 6 years
21 Questions
Whoo hoo, it’s question time. Tagged by @villainny
Rules: answer these 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
Nickname: Lissa
Height: 5′5
Last movie I saw: The Han Solo one. It was okay. 
Last thing I Googled: "How to get from the Cancun airport to the resort, no, seriously, specifically how do I find an airport transfer, what does that mean, help me”.
Favorite musician: Brendon Urie counts, yes?
Song stuck in my head: My head is an echoing wasteland without any music -- oh damn you, now that you made me think about it, Baby Shark started playing.
Other blogs: Nope. One is enough for me.
Do I get asks: Never. It makes me sad. Ask me things, for the love of god.
Following: 363 apparently. Does that mean the other 300+ followers I got are porn bots?!
Amount of sleep: Too much and yet not enough. Waking up was hard today. I was having a One Direction dream. They were being little shits and one of them stole my phone.
Lucky number: Three.
What I’m wearing: Black pants and a black sweater with a bit unicorn woven into it with sequins on the horn that says “Always Be A Unicorn”.
Dream job: Play therapist who uses creative writing to help children deal with trauma. Also a writer with fans who gets to travel on book tours.
Dream trip: Scotland. Ireland. Wales. Only I don’t ever come home. OH and also, a road trip to Vancouver Island, which I did in June when I got married there but I would do it again. And also not come home. Boo, Alberta. 
Favorite food: Tacos.
Play any instruments: No. Not even one. It’s a tragedy.
Languages: I speak a little French. Like, a very little. If I was in Quebec, I could order a pizza, ask where the bathroom is, ask if you liked grapefruits, comment on the colour of the sky, but I probably couldn’t have much of a conversation. Unless you talked REAL slow. And like I was six years old.
Favorite songs: I’m currently liking “ Die From A Broken Heart” by Maddie and Tae, but in general, my favourite song is probably Hallelujah, the Rufus Wainwright verison.
Random fact: I was once a head cheerleader by accident because in the 5th grade, my best friend wanted to try out but you needed a partner so I went along, learned the routine, and then we had to go back and do it, and she got stage fright and forgot all the moves and I tried to compensate by doing them really well and being really loud. Who knew that’s what they were looking for in a head cheerleader, so next thing I knew, I was top of the pyramid and she was Alternate #3. It was a tragedy but they fed me pizza so I stuck around. And now “Accidental Cheerleaders” feature in like, three, of my fanfictions?
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Unicorns. Blue and green sequins. The beach -- but not a tropical one, more like a wind and rain swept one with rocks where you’ve gotta wear a rain coat and get mud up to your knees but you can bet I’m still going in the water because I’m never gonna be beside the ocean and not go running into it.
Tagging @pantstomatch and @adeepeningdig
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samuraiofice · 6 years
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Anything with the normal exceptions. (Furry, rape, unwholesome shit)
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I’m gonna go with anything under 17 feels sketcy, but obviously 17 is also no nsfw until 18. Other than that, age gaps greater than a decade are a no-no.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Absolutely. If It doesn’t work for Jacob, it doesn’t work for me.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NS/FW?: I’ll tag it if there’s much detail on their bodies, but there’s kind of a grey area in between that and actually putting it under a read more. I’m not very strict on breasts, so as long as no one is being very provocative with it I don’t care. This blog is pro-tiddy, free-the-nipple.
Jacob honestly kinda has a crush on @thecalamitywitchalessandra, but he'll probably never figure it out by himself. @lrper and Jacob have kind of a cute interaction going on right now too.
No, but if you want advice on how to go about it you can drop into my IMs any time. I can give some clarity on the matter.
Whenever it happens right. 
I’m neutral on whether or not it happens, but when the ship floats it sails.
Yeah, it’s all a multiverse. Unless there’s something really fucky and thread specific going on, Jacob isn’t cheating and he’d be really hard pressed to do so. I might make references to other characters that Jacob has been shipped with, but assume that’s been retconned. His actual rp canon is extremely vague, and I make references to characters and threads all the time. 
Jacob is fandomless, so none. I do like basically anything the Dragon Maid author does though, and Ancient Magus Bride is pretty good.
Watch and wait, or just do it. Like I said, if you want it to happen I can tell you how we can plot it, otherwise there might just be a lot of running in circles.
Tagged by: Stolen from @dcsidcrium​ Tagging:  steal it
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