#im not one of those people anymore but im reblogging this for you anyway op
visenyaism · 4 months
jaehaerys administration dashboard simulator
🫧maidenpooled Follow
listen i know all kingsguard are bastards but jonquil darke put a cigarette out on me. i think i huave shivers
ok bootlicker. you know what she did
🫧maidenpooled Follow
boots not the only thing id lick
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🌸queencrowned Follow
this could literally be me and my brother if it weren't for my bitch mom trying to send me to the other side of the fucking continent
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doctrine of exceptionalism meatriders when someone asks them why 75% of dragonstone is blonde and me and half of flea bottom have gleaming amethyst eyes and/or beautiful delicate cheekbones
🥀maegorwife Follow
that's different...targaryens are literally divinely ordained by the seven to rule because they're stronger and better than us...that's why they have the dragons it is in their sanctified valyrian blood
cannot stand this fucking website. spending my last silver stag on tyroshi blue hair dye im not going to be associated with you people.
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oh so when maegor has seven wives he’s “aegon’s true son” and “cool” but when i have three boyfriends suddenly im a “whore”
🫀lustywench Follow
op i support you but they did call him “the cruel” for that it was a very important part of the story that he was in fact maegor “the cruel”
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doing all of this with a FAITH OF THE SEVEN URL...girl you better pick a hell and start hoping
#bring back the faith militant
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hey isn’t it weird that so many of the king’s children have suddenly and mysteriously died lately. under the care of the maesters. what if they’re planning something…,
ugh i wish🙄 speed that shit up fr
likes charge reblog cast
me when im in a being dead combination and my opponents are jaehaerys' whole army of childraeyn of the corn
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yoooooooo theyre quarrelling again.
alysanne targaryen if you're reading this i could change your life just give me one chance let me hit
there are gold cloaks outside of my house
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⚔️errantmaid Follow
kingsguard dick is good as fuck when you don't have a motherfucker in your ear saying it violates a sacred vow made in the eyes of the king and the seven😜
⚔️errantmaid Follow
the king chopped it off and sent him to the wall i fucking hate this place can't have SHIT in king's landing
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hey has anyone seen princess gael. it's been literal months and she seems to have up and disappeared with no official announcement from the palace? would be the third female relative to go missing in the king's custody after aerea and saera....
🐝beeeeeeeeeeeeesbury Follow
damn that's crazy. im sure shes fine though anyways i'm a big fan of this new road the king built theres a lot of nice new roads does anyone else like the roads
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🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow
day 18262 of not fighting the brackens. this is boring as fuckkkkk what am i supposed to do. pretend to care about the triarchy?
kill yourself
🐦‍⬛cloakedinfeathers Follow doxxed. get your dumbfuck horse breeder knights ready because our strongest and noblest raven warriors are on the way to your nasty ass keep right now bitch
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asyipyip · 3 years
there was a post that popped up on my dash not too long ago that said something along the lines of "if you're only reading YA and fanfiction, you're not reading, you're consuming tropes" and i wanted to comment on it but i didnt want to reblog it because 1.) i didnt want to clog ops activity any more than it already was 2.) i dont....fully disagree, and 3.) if this point im making does end up being totally inane and the majority of ppl disagree i dont want to become the victim of a snarky comment from op that leads to me being dunked on for several reblogs
Like i said, I don't fully disagree with that point, not at all. theres a reason why filters and tags exist on fanfiction sites, and its so ppl can literally look for specific tropes. There are the occasions where you find a fic thats such a unique and well written concept you forget its not an original novel- but that's rare.
my only hold up is....thats okay? not everyone likes/enjoys reading, and fic is a good way to mentally engage in it without committing to a book.
The reason why i got hung up on this is because of a specific story from my aunt, who has been an middle-high school english teacher for over 20 years now, and from what i can tell, is a damn good one
My aunt works in a low-income area with lots of farming town kids, so its pretty conservative and VERY underfunded
and she has a rule for her classroom: you MUST bring something to read for silent reading (i think once a week but im not sure)
And she tells her students "i dont care what you bring, just bring something"
A lot of students bring whatever books, magazines, anything. She has had snarky kids bring in books obviously meant for little kids; and she doesn't say a word.
It doesn't always lead to something, but she's had several students who REALLY struggled with reading grow to love it because....they can read whatever they want and not get shamed by her. She had a high school senior bring in dogman comics and she was like hell yeah! I've heard those rock! She's had students who never read for fun tearing through series because it's easy and they aren't embarrassed to be reading them anymore.
My little sister went to a really snooty, up-its-own-ass charter school for years and its festered a literal hatred of reading in her. She wasnt allowed to bring anything "pop culture", no harry potter or hunger games, DEFINITELY not comics or graphic novels, nothing besides "classics" (my brother can testify, it was the fucking worst)
So yeah, I agree that people only reading trashy-romance ya or fanfic aren't really "reading books". Totally. And I agree that anti-intellectualism (which was forged on this website in response to people shaming anyone they deemed "not smart" which honestly was mostly just internalized misogyny“im not like other girls” behavior) Is an actual real problem, but I don't think people reading mostly fic is this horrible thing that's gonna lead to the end of intelligence online
Anyways, yeah. Read what you want. If you have the motivation, check out a book you've never read. Or read articles when they pop up on your timeline, that's what I like to do.
But don't let anyone shame you for reading, I think. Whatever you've got motivation to do, I'm sure it's still keeping your brain stimulated and helping your vocabulary.
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dorianwolfforest · 3 years
it is easy to see the prev tags though? im not sure how it is elsewhere but both on desktop and ios app if you click on the username in the reblog, you go straight to that post. just wanted to let you know!
tell me you didn't read my post without telling me you didn't read my post.
- Not user friendly. If this was common then you'd have to interrupt your scrolling constantly just to hunt down what stevecado24678 said two years ago to find out why a later reblog is funny. If their blog even exists anymore. - Posts are deleted and URLs change. What if someone said something in the tags and you do your cute little prev tag, and they delete it? what then? What then op? Where is your god then? - Some people have fucking unreadable text on their non-default themes, or their themes don’t let you see tags at all. I have relatively tiny text on my blog, which isn’t the friendliest towards people who might struggle with that kind of thing. On the dash tags will always be readable, but if your hunt leads you to someone’s blog, you might not be able to find those tags at all anyway.  -You'd need to click at least twice in most cases, one to bring you to the "prev tags" post and another time to bring you to the person "prev tags" reblogged from. Imagine essentially opening two new tabs every other post just to get some context that mx. prev tags could have just copied, and sometimes you don't even get it because the tagger deleted.
it's also real easy to highlight text, press ctrl c ctrl v and say something quirky like "how could you leave this in the tags" too???????? And it's what we've done for the nine years I've been on tumblr, definitely longer but I can't attest to it. Again, it's common courtesy that you adapt to the people who were here before you.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 6 years
Some “Swordsmithing For Beginners And Experts” replies!
Tumblr really doesn’t seem to want me to reply to post and reblog comments, but here are some long overdue ones, as best as I could manage. Thank you all so much! As I’ve said before, this fic was kind of a big deal for me personally for a variety of reasons, so engagement with it really makes me happy - especially since, in my experience anyway, Bismuth-centric and Bismuth-heavy content tends to overall get a somewhat lower amount of activity.
tymp3st replied:
Ahhhhhhhh This was great, just Pearl and Bismuth and the huge divide between what was and what can be. That distance between them when Bismuth was brought back again and how quickly they start patching it up again. This is so sweet.
The distance and the patching up was something I really wanted to have work in that last big segment, so I’m really glad to hear this. These two and their relationship steeped in a shared complicated and often burdensome but also valued history is something I really love, and loved exploring here, and I especially loved giving them that promise of a future, they deserve it so much.
dontmindmeoverherejustreblogging replied:
That’s gay!! And incredible
Thank you! I am glad I was able to accomplish both.
@earthsgayestdefender replied:
You left me a whole entire novel and hit the AO3 comment character limit twice, I love you, bless. I still need to go through the whole thing and reply properly, bit by bit, because it’s an absolute GIFT and a fic writer’s dream, but I have to highlight:
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Agreed. Co-signed. Valid.
@ohtakudesu replied:
#Bispearl   #HI I LOVE THIS AND AM DECEASED   #spent the last few hours on the bispearl discord reeling over this fic   #I don't even read fics that often but op this is fucking great   #thank you for my life and my soul   #added ten years to my life just now op
Speaking of other platforms... you bet I saved those discord comments into a doc for easier access for cheer-up reading during crappy days. THANK.
@jeejyboard replied:
#bispearl #it's good fic brent #this shit kills me like how much yearning can you fit into one tiny little wispy lesbian #bismuth is a little more explicable but still it's a stretch
Jeej my pal my bro your comments never fail to kill me.
@alliealliealcomfree replied:
# this is amazing! # i love how these two interact #and the mixed feelings about Rose #and the history between them #Bismuth and Pearl are so cute together
I will have you know that “mixed feelings about Rose” is the title of my hot new mix(hahah)tape, check it out.
(There is no mixtape, I’m sorry, only the sound of my tears.)
When that Dove short came out with the “I value our history” bit I just about ascended.
@nacrepearl replied:
#wow i LOVE BISMUTH AND PEARL #thanks oath for this life giving word meal
Bispearl content isn’t super abundant and I’m a great proponent of MAKE IT YOURSELF so I had to. I just had to. It took me a while but I did it, and I am glad I did. And I’m really glad you liked it.
@ajora replied:
#this is absolutely lovely to read all-together #and you know me I'm always down for examining Rose's effects on everyone around her #otp otp otp #ALSO: I was hardly suffering jsyk #ALSO: I do like the section naming scheme
I’m glad to hear it holds up as a whole even after me sending it to you rather piecemeal over the past few... who even knows how long. The section naming is legit one of my favourite things about the fic personally, hah, I am proud of it to a rather silly extent.
@starsailorstories replied:
Not only is this that sweet, sweet Bispearl/Bismuth being loved and appreciated content, I'd like to present you with your lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of gem hurt-comfort
Not done gushing, I love the way you write Bismuth dialogue, it's so like...brisk and jaunty with just the right edge to it but always coming from that gooey center of the team place. I love it I love her
I am extremely honoured by that award, especially coming from you!
And yes! It’s a BISMUTH fic we need to have that proper wordplay as well as horribly cheesy puns in there! And as a BISPEARL fic it is absolutely necessary to include communicating concepts via relating them to swords and the making thereof. It’s the rules.
Bismuth, I feel, has a very distinct voice AND attitude AND way of expressing herself in general, even as we haven’t yet had the chance to spend as much time with her as some other characters, and getting it down right was very important to me. And there’s stuff like her being noticeably less literal than other Gems, and more prone to using both Gem and human idioms (and as evidenced by her pep talk to Steven in Legs, savvy enough to be able to switch between them at will). Speaking of pep talks, she’s an absolute master there and I love her. I believe Ian JQ said that “gooey center of the team” line on the Bismuth podcast ep and I am forever grateful to him.
Also just. Here, a random moment I just thought of that got me all feelsy. Look at her lovingly and longingly looking out at her friends and waiting to be reunited with them. That really tiny smile. I love her.
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And this moment that breaks my heart into tiny pieces, when she was convinced she’d blown her second chance and that the people she so loves and who she was prepared to go to such great lengths for don’t want her around anymore:
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Nng. Just. So much about her is related to loyalty and community and mutual support and she is so full of love and goopy feelings, while at the same time absolutely being loud and brash and a damn legit fighter and passionate revolutionary, with a definite edge and a large well of (absolutely righteous imo) anger, and she will destroy you if you endanger what she stands for and who she stands with. And the damn “she chooses to build up people instead of building palaces” metaphor that I shall continue to put into everything Bismuth-related I produce as long as I live. I love that. I love her so much.
Aaaaanyway, moving on from that little digression, I’m also flattered by the displays of faith in me, like seeing a reblog tagged with (cheers @altostratusplunge, whom tumblr now won’t let me tag, great):
#i havent read it #will read afyer rebloggimg #but i trust you as a writer and i bet this is gonna be so Good
Trust is a rare and precious commodity and I will have you know I am touched.
Once again, a great big thank you to everyone!
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cantrcturn · 6 years
1. Themes will vary with this blog. Chances are, there’ll be dark themes, swearing, and violence. This is Bill Cipher - if you’re unsettled by the sort of content he might dish out, I wouldn’t recommend following.
I will try my best to tag everything. These will be under the format of swearing tw. If you’d like me to tag anything specific, don’t hesitate to ask through anon / inbox / im!
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW (sexual) content.
Mun is of age, and as such I won’t be writing anything of the sexual nature with minors. Not that I would be writing it anyway.
2. I’m private, which means I only write with mutuals (this is for my own sanity / comfort; everyone’s cool!). I’ll write with canon, oc, and crossover characters. I tend to follow most people though.
Although I’m private, when it comes to following people, I’m selective. We don’t have to have known each other prior to write!
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
I follow the tag #cantrcturn. If there’s anything you want me to see, like dash commentary, just tag that and x-kit will alert me of your post! I may respond to ic stuff ic stuff if I’m feeling it.
In that sense, I’m chill with dash shenanigans with most folk, not just mutuals!
Absolutely no godmodding. It ain’t fun, fam. If you’re not sure what this term means, do look it up. This includes powerplaying, metagaming, and other things of that nature. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too). 
Given Bill’s canonical powers and presence in Gravity Falls, I know he’s kind of. OP. I am, however, open to discussing this sort of thing with you and how much he might know about your muse.
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!).
I DON’T CARE ABOUT AESTHETICS. I just think they’re pretty. If you don’t use formatting or anything like that, or heck - even wanna’ just do iconless rp - I have no problem with it whatsoever! It’s you, your writing and your muse I care about!
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
PLEASE understand that I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are!
I have a full-time job (and I’m trying to get into screenwriting in my off-time) so sometimes I’m scrapped for time or exhausted. I’m also an introvert who deals with anxiety and depression, thus that may affect how much / how often I roleplay. If I don’t get chance to respond to anything ic or ooc, it’s nothing personal! Promise!
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
I hoard asks, but sometimes can’t find muse or interest for all of them. If it’s been a month or two, generally assume I’m not interested / can’t find muse for it. You’re free to send another though!
I answer asks from anyone - personals, rp blogs and anons. I’ll answer non-mutual asks occaisonally but I won’t be making threads out of them
4. Shippings? Not really looking for romantic ships, tbh. Anything else is gucci though.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise. If you’re not interested in a ship anymore, just let me know!
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). The occasional joke is fine, but anything beyond that makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my character if you’re interacting with me.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
This goes for my art too unless it has the tag ok to rb, but otherwise only the person I drew it for can reblog it. If you wanna’ reblog something, I DO put it on my art blog eventually!
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster, and length can range from 1 paragraph to 6.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happen to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching him.
8. Threads! You can yeet asks, memes, and even starters at me if I’ve liked a call! I’ll obviously have my own you can like.
You’re free to like starter calls even if we’re not mutuals; I can check out your blog that way. I still only write starters for mutuals though.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
If you want a certain verse, lemme’ know! Otherwise, I’ll probably default to a post-canon verse.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
Please don’t assume things about my muse. If you’re uncertain about things, ASK.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. I also have Discord if that’s more convenient for you!
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main! You can check Bill’s about page for who’s available.
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - so don’t feel scared about asking for them!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs and Discord. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this (and more recently exhaustion from work) - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet! It’s nothing personal; trust me!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
This is a little different with callouts - if I see anything on dash pertaining to any problematic users, I will take it into consideration and rb it if I believe them to be harmful.
11. To retierate, I tend to follow those that:
Write para and whom I feel my muse would click with.
Seem chill? Tone can really intimidate me honestly.
Have rules and about pages! Knowing the boudaries of my rp partners is super important as well as their lovely muses! Sometimes rules are enough, though, if you’re going to write the about eventually.
Tag their nsfw.
Don’t have massive icons - ie, have rp icons that take up an entire text post like 500x500 or something. I don’t want to clog the dash and it’s tiring to resize them.
…also, if I follow your hub blog (provided it doesn’t double as a personal), it generally means I’m cool with any blogs that are attached to it.
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
11. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my character might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
12. Know that if I follow you, I WANT to interact with you.
I literally couldn’t care less about follower counts. I care about YOU guys and our interactions.
13. These rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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ikeasharksss · 3 years
hi! just thought I'd let you know that the post you reblogged about hp 1) shows a lack of critical thinking (not necessarily on your part, but the op's) & 2) is an aphobic blog. it's also purity culture! anyway, you don't have to force yourself to hate yourself for making hp content because someone on the internet said so.
hey! this post has been sitting in my ask box for a while, sorry for not answering. thanks for letting me know about the op of that post: aphobia sucks! but i also wanted to take a moment to discuss Why I’m Leaving/Left The Harry Potter Fandom.
here’s my Tragic Backstory: my grandmother gifted me all 7 of the hp books for christmas when i was 12. i didnt like them at first (God was trying to warn me), but i gave them another chance at 13. then i fell down the tumblr & instagram rabbit hole of marauders era content and became obsessed w/ that for about a year. i started writing fanfic!
then i fell out of hp for a bit until i was 16, when i decided to reread the books. i fell down the same tumblr rabbit hole. wrote some more fanfic that i’d like to say is a bit better than my 14-year-old-self’s. but here’s the thing: the books weren’t as good as i remember. in fact, they were a bit boring. it took me four (4) whole months to complete those seven (7) books.
now, as im writing this post, i am 17 years old, and i want to put the hp fandom behind me. im sick of feeling shame whenever i see one of jkr’s transphobic tweets. im sick of feeling like i, a trans nonbinary person, don’t belong in the hp universe. im sick of questioning whether i should tell someone i enjoy/enjoyed hp content in fear that they think i align myself w/ jkr.
however, i don’t regret what i’ve contributed to the hp fandom. writing has gotten me through A Lot (you may have guessed that though based on some of my fics). i loved writing remus lupin & sirius black! but now i think it’s time i move on to greater adventures. simply put, i don’t want to have jkr associated with me anymore.
if you’re reading this & you’re in the hp fandom: if you really care about trans liberation, please reassess your commitment to these books & characters. i know it will take a while to lose your attachment to this story, but if i can do it, so can you!
as of now, i don’t think i’ll oprhan any of my hp works on ao3. i put a lot of work into them, & i want to know if people are enjoying them. maybe that will change as i write more. i actually have a multichap solangelo fic in the process that i hope youll stick around to see!
thanks for sending this ask, anon. i needed to get this off my chest.
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stylesbicon · 6 years
I cant reblog the reblogs anymore but im just so fired up I have to respond anyway like call me petty but nothing fires me up more than an ignorant asshole telling ME to educate MYself.
Anyways you’re wrong and those demographics aren’t being targeted anymore. OP has already dispelled that myth in the notes so educate yourself and shut up.
@hundondestiny Okay honey no myth was dispelled in those notes and the only thing I added in my comments was the fact that the poor people we’re talking about don’t have the PRIVILEGE to know better like knowledge is all about where you’re lucky enough to grow up like I had a very privileged upbringing and I still knew very little because the area I was raised in was very restricting in terms of my access to information so when I was lucky enough to go to college because of my privilege was the only point at which I even started knowing things about the world and its political environment.
So you think some kid growing up in some poor rural town is gonna know about all the complexities that make the military an evil evil place? Nope! If it doesn’t have to do with what they’re made to learn in their subpar schools and supporting their family, they’re not gonna know shit about it! Plus all the propaganda coming into their school and the chance to get out in the world and support their family, yeah, odds are they’re not gonna know what’s really up with the military until they’re already in it.
I’m so glad that one person sitting on their computer on a shithole website like this completely dispelled the myth of poverty in one post lol go educate yourself with books or something bye.
Yes the poor disenfranchised soldiers who mostly come from middle class to upper class backgrounds….. those poor, disenfranchised kids looking to escape poverty. Those poor kids who were brainwashed into murdering brown children abroad. Those poor, poor soldiers who’ve only known propaganda their whole life, which is why they go abroad and create sex tourist industries, rape and murder women, and kill children. Those poor, poor soldiers who gleefully torture prisoners, violate human rights standards, and claim that Iraqis aren’t human. I feel so sorry for them :( 
@brownbitchbisexual Haha and I knew someone was gonna try to throw numbers at me like listen. I don’t give a shit about where the majority of soldiers come from we already agreed that all soldiers are shit no matter what. I’m not gonna see a veteran on the street and be like “wow but who knows if they had good intentions” ALL I’M SAYING is you can’t completely discount and ignore that small amount of kids who are tricked into joining the military because they aren’t privileged enough to know better because that’s evil too.
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newl0ndonfire · 7 years
im just popping in real quick to say that i agree w everything u just said regarding the Jet stuff. ive been following some of those blogs defending op, and many (not all ofc) actively participate in exclusion ace discourse. i cant help but see it as an aphobic post masquerading as an anti-racism campaign (bc then anyone who disagrees is racist). even if that isnt the case, op's argument is incredibly fallacy-ridden & u hit all the points i would have had i not been too chicken to come off anon
thank you so much for sending this! you’re so sweet 
i totally feel you with staying on anon lmao. i didn’t reblog, comment, or like anything until i had been on tumblr for two months (even then, my first post was an accident) and exclusionists just...... need to stop. like it doesn’t matter if you previously were in MOGAI and convinced yourself you were ace but actually suppressed who you are. my heart goes out to them because that kind of experience just leads to more suffering. but 1. i personally have never seen or met a MOGAI member(? supporter?), much less one who is ace and 2. we’re still human and deserve basic respect. there is no reason to harass people (much less minors) for their sexuality.
as far as i know, ace and aro jet star HCs aren’t really popular anymore (mostly because of exclusionists :/), not even HCs of him on the spectrum or willing to have sex but not sexually attracted to people (which is the definition of an asexual). like even if people don’t want either spectrum in the LGBT community, we’re still not straight lmao (straight = cisgender, heterosexual, AND heteromantic) and we don’t deserve the shit people say and do to ace/aro spec people.
the post is totally and obviously aphobic (god i hate how that word have become devoid of meaning bc of exlusionists) drivel masquerading as anti-racism. like i showed it to my therapist today and she looked at me and said “these people have serious issues if they think this kind of shit is okay. i’ve had thousands of clients who needed a therapist for their marriage because one person is asexual or aromantic and the other one wasn’t. and why does this read like a cosmo article?”
i’ve found that calling people out for fallacies on this blue webshit tumblr usually gets you harassed or falsely accused of something (usually anti-femisnistic, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, and/or ableist), but i am just so done with people shitting on asexuality and aromanticism and i just couldn’t hold it in
like the second to last line, second post “let him care about himself. let him be selfish sometimes. let him be human.” no. just so much no. you can care about yourself and not have sex. you can not care about yourself and have sex (sex addiction exists). you can be selfish without having sex. you can be selfish and have sex. but most of all, humanity is not based on having sex. sharks, frogs, birds, dogs, and spiders all have sex. that makes them alive, not human. plants are alive but don’t engage in sex (pistils and stamens are the female and male parts of a flower, respectively). fuck you for saying you need to have sex to be human
in case you can’t tell, that second to last line really pissed me off. the modern world is sex and romance based (look at ads. sex sells so it’s used all the fucking time) you’re not broken or fucked up if you don’t want sex and/or romance. telling people they're damaged because they’re on the ace or aro spectrums is fucking harmful. like give yourself a pat on the fucking back for the blood on your hands and deaths caused by your shitty belief.
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