#im not saying its a Big Deal or its Offensive im just saying its grating and small
moodr1ng · 1 year
also im so sorry to be that guy but the whole "europeans are weird for this" "americans are weird for that" shtick is so tired already why do we spend so much time online just being annoying abt mundane random shit that people elsewhere do. is that doing anything for anyone. does anyone give a shit
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l0vem41l · 4 months
star stickers and best efforts.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, hurt/comfort but 100% not at all, reader is mildly mean when nervous LIKE A BAD DOG /ref and most definitely written self-indulgently by accident, sun is mildly condescending, they r each others best supporters, mentions of a customer being rude but rly nothing crazy, sun uh... he's an interesting fella, BIGGG dialogue chunks im sorry im sorry 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. the daycare attendant/sun/sundrop
author's note: my wip title was literally just "the one where you're yelled at" :p but... hiiii!!! obligatory return to fnaf real quick becuz,,, no, i still havent gotten into the ruin dlc but YES i do love sun's personality in help wanted 2..... if this is ooc u can erm. shove me into wet concrete. (。﹏。) aaannywayz!! missed this!!! missed this so much!!!! ( ╯□╰ ) sorry for not valentine's day posting,,, scandalous ik since im lit rally Called Valentine. but oh well. enjoy! or dont. if you dont im sorry please request fnaf stuff so i can Fix That /srs
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if you weren't relying on this job to put food on your table and a roof on your head, you’d burn the freddy fazbear’s mega pizzaplex to the ground for a piece of pocket lint and a pat on the head.
maybe it’s a bit dramatic to say that— you're paid well, you like your mostly robot coworkers, and most of the time (emphasis on most and not always) the work is manageable enough.
the customers are another story.
sun notices the minute you walk in the daycare. you look like you're a minor inconvenience away from murder— which naturally, makes him feel inclined to prod a little.
“well, someone’s awfully sulky today!”
while you’d typically crack a smile at the upbeat jester animatronic, his enthusiasm in the face of your misery is grating. there’s no energy left in your body to banter with him— you were using most of it to drag your feet over to the shoe caddy, toolbox in hand to fix up its shelf, now hanging askew due to a busted bracket.
“can it, sunny, i don't wanna hear it.” you mutter, more venomous than you intend it to be. he doesn’t even blink at your grumpiness. instead, he happily holds up the shelf while you inspect it and grab a new bracket to secure it.
at least he’s trying to make himself useful. you think to yourself.
his faceplate tilts slightly, staring at you with that ever present grin. his staring isn’t really helping, but you don’t fault him for it. you’ve gotten used to his antics by now. “woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” sun questions.
you shake your head.
“got yelled at by a customer— now, if you could please just drop the topic—” you sigh exasperatedly, not even bothering to finish the sentence as you sit down cross legged in front of the shoe caddy, slumping slightly in defeat.
much too persistent for his own good, sun decides that inquiring even further about the incident that seems to have you beat down is a good idea. “what’d you do?”
you consider feigning offense as he insinuates it’s somehow your fault. but you don’t. you just shrug it off.
“my job.” 
“ah, they do hate it when you do that.” he tuts.
“it wasn’t even that big of a deal,” you mutter, getting the bracket in place and marking it, “this one kid just so happened to walk up to the arcade machine i was putting an out of order sign on. i felt bad, so like, obviously, i hand the kid a few tokens, apologize politely, explain— and you’d think it’s all good right?”
you pause mid-ramble as you fix up the shelf. in all your misery, you forgot that you don’t even know exactly what caused the shelf to collapse like this. you consider asking.
sun leans in just a bit too close, interrupting your train of thought as you stare at the shelf. when you glance at him, he gives you a little nod.
go on, he seems to say wordlessly. he’s waiting silently for you to continue your story. it’s never not unnerving when he’s quiet.
“...anyways, uh... the kid’s dad came by and got mad or something. didn’t understand why i couldn’t just let him play one game since it looked perfectly functional— keep in mind, this is the arcade machine that literally kept eating up tokens only to not function, and shocked kids when it did— so i kept trying to explain why i couldn’t exactly do that. but for some reason, it was such a big fucking deal—”
“language.” he chides.
“...fricking deal. of course, i had to be berated for it. i offered to grab them more faz-tokens as compensation and i thought the problem was solved... and then i checked and saw he still left a bad review. definitely gonna hear about that from management.” sun hands you a tool as you continue to speak.
“but now i’m upset, i’m definitely in trouble, and my face hurts from the whole customer service smile i was holding that entire conversation. like seriously, i don’t know how i’m expected to do that 24/7.” you stop at your last remark and stare at sun and his unchanging expression. “...my bad.”
the awkward silence only lasts for a moment, thankfully. you’ve spoken your piece— sun decides to speak his.
“you did your best.” he says simply, as you finally fix the shelf into place. he pats you on the head and doesn't even hide his amusement when you sulk.
“i know that tone, sunny, you're making fun of me—”
“poor thing.” he continues, grinning brightly as he makes a show of patronizing you. sun’s hand continues to pat the top of your head gently, like he would when consoling a child. or when greeting a dog. has he,,, ever seen a dog before? probably not.
you groan and manage to shove his arm away.
“i do mean it though,” he continues, his tone still lighthearted— but notably more earnest as he notes your expression. sun helps you put your tools away neatly back into the toolbox, even though it really is just a one-man job.
“you tried your best,” sun closes the toolbox with a flourish and a click, “...and for that—!”
with a dramatic flick of his wrist, bells jingling as he does, sun produces a gold star sticker from… somewhere. he holds it up for you to see.
and then gently presses it onto the tip of your nose.
“to my favoritest human employee here! and my bestest of friends!” it’s hard to bite back a smile at those words. even if his little show of empathy and affection is much too theatrical for your current mood.
“whatever.” you shrug a little, unable to stop the corners of your mouth from twitching into a little grin. standing up and grabbing the toolbox, you give him an awkward thumbs up.
“thanks. and uh… sorry. for being mean. i guess.”
sun shakes his head dismissively, bouncy and bright as ever. “oh, don't mention it!”
something about his seeming lack of offense towards your prickliness makes you feel even more guilty. still, he gives you a wave as you head out, “bye-bye”-ing happily as you walk away, sticker stuck to your nose and smile on your face like an idiot.
you decide you’ll find a way to make it up to him later. you figure he deserves that much for putting up with everything.
meanwhile, sun is taking mental notes on more stuff to break of whenever you’ve been away for too long. just in case, of course. maybe you’d have more interesting customer encounters to rant about. and hey, you could use the company, couldn’t you?
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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allbeendonebefore · 4 months
weird question but for the sake of fanfic accuracy, how would ralph and oliver like their steaks? my first instinct for ollie is to say well done lol
also this is my first fanfic so i wanna get their portrayals (mostly for ralph) right, as much as i can at least. how do you think they’d interact when it’s just them? personally i see ollie as very reserved/uptight and i feel like ralph would feel awkward bc there’s lots of underlying tension even if they aren’t arguing plus little things ollie says/does that grate on him even if ollie isn’t trying to piss him off.
ah the steak question, the one i always avoid because steak is my least favourite way to eat beef and i know bertie is like. PASSIONATE. about that. I think he'd raise an eyebrow at well done though, i think he is more a medium-rare/medium sort of guy and he is also a fan of beef tartare so the rawness does not bother him but he also wants that sear on the outside, yknow, like the cook put an effort into the Correct Balance. Well done is like. why are you drying out that poor cow, you might as well be eating jerky. [fellow albertans with steak opinions, please by all means tell me]
How they act together is definitely contextual somewhat but yes I agree that Ollie is generally uptight because that's the way he is around everyone, that's the cost of being the Good British Child and the Public Face - and Bertie has this roulette going that will either land on [high strung, take offense] or [make a show of being So Relaxed] because he's the one that Also gets flack for being the Princess Province from everyone, so he is out to prove (both to everyone and to himself) that he's NOT as high strung as OLIVER even though in a lot of ways he Absolutely is. Like, I will be masochistic and tough in situations I wouldn't be in private just to show him what a Real Man (tm) would do. (a real man may choose to buy heated seats for his truck but is not... he's not soft enough to use them... no sir... unless of course YOU want them on, I GUESS. i almost forgot they were there.)
[and like, the implication is that bert is "At Home" in his Element in the comic, which is a little different than Not Being At Home of course. no i didn't specify which airport they're at... oop. entirely depends on the reason why ollie is visiting which i also didn't specify]
Obviously with [gestures at the background radiation of political bullshit] though I think they are both tired. i'm tired. i'm tired of seeing it im tired of hearing it and we all need a break from political theatre. like yes, tension, its real, it's weighing on everyone, i often use it as fuel to vent when i do dumb comics, but its also like. we are in this same bullshit together, like me and my colleagues back in ON watched ford ripping up and selling off the green belt while kenney and smith are still trying to turn the mountains into open pit mines like "same hat". There's a point beyond "you don't get me!!" where it becomes "you get me...", its like, its this assumption that things are never going to change and the assumption about how one is going to react that is the actual crux of the personality conflict, you feel me? i don't know if this makes sense at all its just something i have been chewing on a lot. chewing on it like a dry well done steak
anyway its like. it would feel odd to me if there Wasn't teasing and jabs but for me there is definitely an ironic feeling to it, like they both understand what is actually going on but it's hard to figure out what to do about it and so they kind of get stubborn and stuck in their ways a little, but at the same time its also like "thanks for coming," "you see what i have to deal with," "i picked an activity i think you'd like (i hope you say so, i'm very proud of it even though i pretend its no big deal, this is me actually being very vulnerable and concerned with your opinion, i hope you appreciate it, but also if you did idk how to respond)" or "i knew you weren't going to like this but you should broaden your horizons and loosen up" hahaha...
(you see why i struggle articulating my thoughts, like, how do you Portray that idk man)
like, i do have more to say and im happy to try to be clearer about what i mean or to give some more specific examples or try to detail what i think the [+/- sims friendship points] things might be or those little grating things, I just need to stop somewhere before i stop making sense altogether hahahaha
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This might be a bit goofy but I think it would be funny. I have a more serious idea I'll request after this.
Quirk name: Feline Transformation
Quirk ability: You can shape shift into a cat boy and a cat but it has the magical girl transformation scene effects every time you transform. Like you get sparkly and glow and yours clothes become cat themed.
No in work relation unless you want!
X platonic class room 1
class 1a with a catty companion
pairing: platonic!class 1a x male/masc!reader (he/him)
genre: crack, fluff
warnings: being called a catboy in public in front of adults.
author's notes: im... i love this request sm. i can't. put it into words. the magic girl effect detail im-
i also added a relationship to the Wild, Wild Pussycats bc yeah.
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god you were so grateful to have such a multi-purpose quirk. most of the time. other times you wished your parents had mixed up your genes a little more, as if they had a say in how you were built 🧍
nah bc. okok. you have a great quirk. it's very multi-use. you can shape shift into a catboy, or even a full on cat, a large one, and it makes stealth easier, provides great means of defense, the claws provide offense, amazing agility, and incredible balance.
but of course every quirk had its draw backs.
and yours was... well, you couldn't hide your transformation because
it was great, truly, but it made the whole thing really embarrassing for you sometimes. in the heat of sudden battle, of course it was worth it. but in simple training? you made it a point to use the big bathroom stall before heading out.
that was until your class met the Wild, Wild Pussycats. youd known them beforehand already through some family connection,, and they very often encouraged you to embrace your quirk, but it wasn't until the training camp that'd gone sour that they basically forced you to embrace the anime girl power transition.
okay okay now into specifics
most of your class actually think you have a pretty cool quirk. some kind of wonder why such a "simple" quirk would be in class 1-a. it seemed more of a support quirk, not that anything was wrong with that, but it just confused them.
until they saw what you could do because kING-
you pack a mean scratch in your tranformed state, and your control over your tail on top of you incredibly enhanced hearing just makes you really really helpful in battle.
and outside of your transformed state, you're still very agile, have enhanced sense of smell, almost a 6th sense? of sensing wrong, and basically perfect balance. at least you always manage to land on your feet, even in your clumsiest of moments.
so you're a very strong hero, really, but... THE TRANSFORMATION NDNX
struggles not to stare and laugh a little everytime you transform but in an endearing way: denki, hagakure, mina
is mentally gassing you up 💅: aoyama, mina, momo, jirou, kirishima
stares @ you in a "what the fuck" way (not like "ew",, just always a little caught off guard): bakugou, shinsou, todoroki (he's not used to the glitter)
takes you 100% seriously: tsu, iida, koda, deku, ojiro, sato, sero, shoji, tokoyami, uraraka
you're a catboy, ok? you need affection. but only on your terms, understood?
you get the urge out of nowhere to be around people. it doesn't matter if you're an introvert or extrovert normally, you need some sort of attention when that feline urge hits, ok? 😭 not overwhelming amounts of it, but just from one or two people that you're particularly close with.
and you happen to be particularly close with most people in your class.
koda knows what to do and doesn't make it a big deal because he gets it. he might be a little hesitant at first about it, just bc he's shy (i love this bb) but he's perfectly happy to let you lay down on the couch with your head touching his leg.
aoyama will pat your head and offer you cheese, sorry you can't change my mind. he doesn't confuse you for a rat or anything, he just doesn't much understand what to do other than hype you up so boom comfort cheese
mina loves platonic cuddles all times of the day, so they fs let you cuddle up to her and will give you head pats from time to time.
tsu probably isn't as comfortable? it's not about the trust between you two,, she will give you a head pat sometimes but not much else. is down to make a pillow fort w you and watch movies tho. this goes for hagakure, too.
katsuki... katsuki katsuki katsuki. 🧍 he will yell at you the first time,, but ends up feeling bad when you get all anxious and apologetic bc he was the only person available at the time. like you didn't wanna bother him and you felt so bad,, like you made him uncomfortable, so you didn't ask him again. but ome day,, eventually, he does come around and give you a head pat out of nowhere which makes you purr and wait, we're getting there-
iida and todoroki are p clueless. what the hell are they supposed to do? so you don't ask them. ever. but they don't mind having you around them, of course, though todoroki is still kind of awkward about it at first.
jirou and uraraka also enjoy platonic cuddles,, but not really as much as mina. these two will let you lean on them casually. sometimes you'll talk, other times you'll just chill, you know? it's nice :)
DENKI WILL NEVER PASS UP A CUDDLE OPPORTUNITY, OK??? he will cuddle w you and give your head pats and pets and oml they just aH yes.
kiri also enjoys cuddlesz he thinks they're vv manly! so yes, cuddles and also just spending time together. you will have your head on his lap and he will talk your ear off or let you talk his off
deku is v flustered at first. you kinda just went to him, sat on the floor next to him while he was studying in the dorm dining hall, and leaned your head on his leg (of course with a small pause to ask if it was ok). he ended up finding it p calming, though and he becomes one of your go-to ppl
ojirou, sato, and tokoyami p much all react the same. they don't mind having you around at all, but you don't ever ask for pats or cuddles and it's perfectly fine! but dark shadow will nuzzle you snd cuddle you sometimes,, can't change my mind-
SERO. my beloved. he will INITIATE platonic cuddles, do you understand? will pet and pat you,, sometimes even without thinking. you will lay your head on his lap while he plays nintendo switch.
momo. sigh... oh, momo 💕 she is not one for cuddles, but she will give you an occasional pat. and if you stim when anxious,, she will make you a lil kneeding toy thing to help you relax jfc i love her and you should, too-
and shinso? look, he's hesitant. but as your friendship grows, your trust does too, and it gets to a point where he'll initiate whether or not you need it (with consent, ofc!!). the pets take a little longer, but he loves cats and you're no exception :))
smiles a lil @ hearing you purr: aoyama, tusyu (these two always smilin 🧍), denki, kiri, deku, ojiro, jirou, momo
laughs a little endearingly: mina, sero, uraraka
thinks it's adorable (platonic still yall) but won't show it: katsuki, hagakure (sHE CANT BAHA-), iida, koda, mineta 🌈 (IM KIDDING), sato, shoji, todoroki, tokoyami, shinsou
purring can be kinda embarassing tbh. it's involuntary,, though you've been able to swallow them back or stifle them sometimes. it just makes you feel so weird? you've been picked on for it before so :(
you just don't wanna seem weak for it. you weren't, but those little bits and the tranformation stage made it really hard sometimes.
luckily, your class didn't hold back. they challenged you a lot. :))
and though sometimes you could be kinda snappy (as it was p much in your nature fr-)
you were their favorite catty companion
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How much would car insurance increase?
"How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
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i need some cheap, yet effective non-owner's insurance. if anyone knows of a smaller insurance company that provides this, preferably on the east side of houston, i would be most grateful. any info would be welcomed (but none of those sarcastic i dunnos just to get points). thanx.""
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I was backing out of a parking lot space and I backed into a newer Lexus! This was my first accident and I am 18 years old! The damage was kind of minor and the estimate came out to $568.00 *we didnt call 911 How much will my insurance cover? P.S.I have state farm auto insurance
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I am 20 years old just got my license in February my car insurance is currently 217 with abc I can't afford it so where can I get a cheaper insurance I know because my age cheap isn't a option but 200 is insane.. or would it be cheaper for somebody to put me on their insurance with my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I have a 06 mazda 6
Renter's insurance. are these really needed?
never used them, but is considering of using them one day. how much do they cost on average per month?""
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""What's the best, affordable health insurance company?""
I'm in college, so I don't work. Therefore, I need health insurance, and I'm paying 191.00 per month for BlueCross! Is there any better out there? Please help! I live in Florida, 26, healthy.""
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
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What insurance is going to play ?
I confided my 2 cats to a friend in Liverpool. My cats ripped him tapestry of his wall. Will take my insurance the damage because they are my cats ? Or his insurance because he is given custody of my cats ?
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
How do I enforce my rights according to Ca Auto Ins. Law without an attorney.?
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High cost of insurance for retirees which is using up pensions.?
I worked 33 yrs at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) Aircraft Corporation and retired in 1996. I received a fair pension and insurance that I had to pay, which was affordable. What started out to be affordable in 1996 has now reached unaffordable in 2007. My pension is being quickly absorbed by the cost of my insurance, which is now $933 a month for just me. Needless to say my insurance costs outweigh my monthly pension allowance now. I am a cancer survivor since 1992 yet I am unable to choose another insurance provider because I am considered, like many other survivors and patients, high risk and uninsureable. I didn't ask to be dianosed with cancer. In fact, I have always taken care of myself. Why should I/we be discriminated against after 10 or more years of being cancer free.""
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Hi, I'm a 18yrs old french girl, who have my full english driving license since January. I would like to buy a car, but I would like to know which one have cheap car insurance. I already know that the car shouldnt be higher than 1.6L. I have some idea for my car like Fiat 500, Nissan Micra, but the insurance is expensive. Thank You""
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Car insurance as a named driver?
Hi does any1 know any insurance companies who will insure a 20 year old as a named driver on a high performance car. This belongs to my dad and is a golf r32. I wont be fronting as i have my own car which i commute to and from work in so i know exactly what that is.. Anyone know any companys please recommend some I will give you the correct answer thank you.
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Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???
Flood insurance?
Will the poor people who have suffered Flood Damage have a problem with the Insurance Companies. I ask this question because a Friend of mine had Gazebo wrecked in recent storm. Insurance Company refused payment on the grounds (ACT OF GOD)
How much would a Ford Puma cost to insure?
I'm 16, taking driving lessons soon after my birthday, and I'd love to get a Puma, I know insurance is a lot... But I thought that as it's a small, 2 door car, the price might drop a bit, if maybe the price is going to be quite high (Above average for a new driver) then please suggest some other cars that are cheap to insure :) But I would really like one of these x) Also considering fuel consumption and economy :) One of these - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201228478314260/usedcars/postcode/bn72ph?logcode=kp :) Thanks very much""
How do i pay for car insurance?
i'm 17 years old and moving out. me and my parents do not get along. i'm buying my own car but i do not know how i'm going to pay for the insurance? i do not know much about anything. i can't get a credit card because i'm not 18 so what should i do? is there a different way?
How much does it cost in hospital and delivery without insurance in ca?
How much does it cost in hospital and delivery without insurance in ca?
HOw much does it cost to insure a second vehicle?
I pay $125 a month for my car. WOuld like to get one of those vans you camp in and insure it for the summer. About what pertenage would be added to my current insurance, approimxently? just want rough estimates for people who have insured more then one vehicle before?""
How much will my insurance go up after being charged with hit and run on a parked car?
I recently was charged with hit and run on a parked car (for the record I didn't realize I hit the car), there was hardly any damage at all to either car but I am wondering how much I can expect my insurance rates to go up. Over 100%? Hopefully I won't be convicted as I really didn't notice that I scuffed this cars bumper.""
What health insurance can I get as a low income american college student?
Hello, I am a nineteen community college student living in North San Diego, California and I live with my parents. I make less that $1,000 a month working part time and going to school full-time. I get financial aid from my school, but only for the classes, not the books. My father, the only other worker in my family, makes roughly around $32,000 a year. We barely make the rent each month and barely have enough for gas. About when I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with Gallstones and was urged to better my choice of eating. Of course as a Mexican-American, I wasnt about to give up my Carne Asada or burgers so I continued my vices which led to various, and very painful gallstones attacks over the past couple of years. Now I am no longer able to eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. I was cut out on all junk food and have pinned myself to a grilled/boiled chicken only and greens diet. I don;t eat any red meat and make sure to have fresh made fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for the past four days, Like i said i haven;t been able to pass anything. I am currenly runng every morning. My father thinks I have an ulcer. So, straight to the point, I am a low-income college student with no money left over at the end of each month and I need to go to the doctor's immediately. I am an american citizen but have no health insurance at the moment. I need surgery to remove the gallstones, but first have to go an have a checkup. I was wondering if there was anyway that i can get covered? My mother applied for medi-cal but we havent heard anything in over four months and its a LONG process. Can Anyone please help me!""
How much would it cost to insure a 07-08 Corvette.?
Considering also there is mileage around 5,000-26,000.. I am a 17 yr old girl and I was looking at the corvette and it really caught my eye! Sporty, fast, and just all over good look for me... What would be ( around / guesstimate ) the monthly payments & insurance because I heard it's cheaper for females to be insured than men.? Thanks!""
""First car! help with car insurance,tax&other stuff please ?? uk owner?
smart car 2 seater white and silver 2010 reg how much would it cost to tax and insure female driver at 17 year old? best place for insurance ?? is it worth getting a black box installed into the smart car ?? if so how much do the cost on average? where is cheapest place to get break down cover ?? what over things do i need to consider on my first car? how much does a smart car cost to fill with fuel in uk?? would love some help if possible kind regards mia xxx :D
Motorcycle insurance for an 18 year old?
Realistically, how much would insurance be per year on a 600 cc sportbike for an 18 year old male with no car accidents(if that matters at all)? And what about any other costs? Thanks""
Will a B average my freshman year apply to an auto insurance discount?
I had a 3.2 last year (my freshman) year, and as of now I have about a 2.5. I'll be getting my car soon, so if I can't bring it up by then, will they accept last year's GPA so I can get a 10% discount?""
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers?
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
I'm 17 years old and do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me?
I rarely drive so i don't want to get car insurance yet, but sometimes I want to drive around with my family. So do I have to buy car insurance if my parents sit next to me in the car?""
Pregnant and need insurance
where in pinellas county can i get insurance help for pregnancy as far as free insurance?
Insurance companies rating?
I am thinking of changing insurance companies how do i check their rating.
Average insurance costs in the UK on a Porsche 911 Carrera??
Does anyone with a Porsche..any model but preferably one of the 911 series..know how much the average insurance cost is in the UK and can anyone recommend cheap porsche insurers? THANX
""Can you fully pay off car insurance with one payment, instead of monthly or yearly payments?
can you pay off car insurance with one time payment ?
""For my situation, what is the best way to minimize my car insurance?
ok the situation is like this. my family has two cars. (maxima and accent) I (21years old) use the accent and my parents use the maxima. All three of us are under the same insurance plan. I might sell the accent and buy a used car and pay monthly(financing). so that means the insurance has to be full coverage right? and not liability. (the maxima and the accent are both fully paid and they are under liability right now) So if I buy a used car what is the best way to minimize the insurance cost?...which is a good insurance company? can I be covered under my dad's name or something? my friend said something like that..but I don't know if there is such a thing. by the way my parents live in massachusetts and i live in NJ. what should i do? (don't tell me not to buy a car)
Do classic/muscle cars cost more to insure?
Im 16 years old with my driving permit going to be g2 in a few months (can drive alone with g2) Im looking to get a classic or muscle car so cars such as late 60's camaro or mustangs to something later such as late 80's monte carlos the car will likely be a project (im up for a small to medium restoration) so id try to get antique insurance? my cousin has antique insurance on his '81 camaro thats almost mint and its been appraised and everything and he can drive it on weekends and theres a set km's that he can drive according to his insurance im fully able to do a restoration as ive worked in an auto shop and I know a bunch of parts suppliers & garages (including one of my cousins) basically ive got the place, the tools, the know-how (im an auto student) and a parts suppliers anyways what I want to do is have it on my dads insurance, his record has been clean since started driving which around 30 years do insurance companies charge more for say cars that have options such as SS or other things that make is look sporty or make the car faster (bigger & better engine) say car with a 267 chevy v8 would be less insurance than one with a 350 v8? is it cheaper to say my dads the primary driver while I drive it? do older cars generally have cheaper insurance? is there such a thing as project car insurance? (do I even have to have insurance on a project if im not driving it say for a month?) im just so confused with all the insurance talk like premiums and deductibles etc etc.""
Cheap sr22 insurance?
I'm looking for a cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone can help me? Thanks
""I have three inflatable jumpers, do I need to have liability insurance?""
Well I just bought three jumpers to start my own business, but I'm wondering if I need liability insurance and permit? In the state of California, please help""
What's the cheapest insurance for a used 50k miles 02 Mitsubishi Eclipse?
I live in California, great driving record, getting a used 02 Eclipse 50k miles Automatic. How much is the cheapest insurance and what company do you recommend? (I currently pay $60/month for my Mitsubishi Mirage 2000 De Coupe, I would like a similar / cheaper rate).. any ideas on this?""
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???
Any advise on life insurance?
term life insurance and permanent insurance which is good and what are the pros and cons?
Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow?
i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence??
What is the most affordable life insurance in japan?
What is the most affordable life insurance in japan?
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
Can you get a car loan under your name and the car insurance under someone else?
you see if i get the car loan and the insurance under my name then ill be paying about 600 bucks a month in insurance and thats way to much!!i can have the loan under my name but would it be allowed to have the insurance part in some one else?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for teen?
Hi I'm getting my drivers license in two weeks I don't have a car still trying to find one. I'm 17 I live in Hollywood,fl and I'm just trying to find out the cheapest insurance for me. So if you can help me and tell me who has the best policy for teens full coverage and or liability for the cheapest price. Also I didn't Go to driving school""
Question for LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS or salespeople!!!!?
From a insurance brokers perspective; What is the advantages for a client who buys TERM LIFE insurance, over WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, in your opinion???""
Motorcycle insurance?
Hey everyone just looking for some good places to go for my motorcycle insurance. I live in california L.A, county more east. Anyways im 27 no tickets anything for the last couple of years. i know you cant tell me a price but i was looking for places that have good deals and customer services. im just looking for liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks guys.""
What kinds of insurance should I have?
I have several different kinds of insurance. I want to know which ones to keep. And what to get rid of. I'm looking for an objective opinion.
Health insurance......?
Im applying for the health connect in missouri and they asked me to call two different insurance company for quotes. My coworker said to call like prudential and allstate but i thought they only sale care,home,life insurance. do they sell health insurance too? i called but they dont work on saturdays so i just wanna know if they do or what other places i can call.""
Should I take traffic school after getting a speeding ticket in illinois?
what is the impact on insurance rates?
What happens when you get a ticket for no car insurance and you have no car insurance?
My boyfriend was recently pulled over and he has a court date for next month, he was pulled over for speeding and for no insurance and he has no car insurance, what will happen?""
How to buy a written off car from the insurance company's?
I am looking to buy a car but i don't mind buying a written off car. Cos they cost less and you get more for your money, Does any one know how to buy it of them? How to get in touch with them, I would appreciate your help. Thank you""
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
What happens after you buy car insurance online?
Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch? I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!! Thanks!
Good Health Insurance for individual?
I'd like to know if there are any affordable health insurances that can cover, at least in most part, doctor visits, low cost prescriptions and sometimes specialist visits. I don't go to the doctor very often, I can spend a year or more without a visit but I still need the insurance. I have a part-time job which doesn't offer me any benefits so I'm on a budget when it comes to health insurance. I am still considered dependent but a family health plan is not an option at the moment. Any good health insurance that is affordable with a part time job in Florida?""
""Affordable, good quality health insurance for California residents?""
I'm a college student, 19 years old (20 in March) and my mom is 58. We both need health insurance...what are some of your experiences with Kaiser, Blue Shield, Blue Cross, etc...? What would you recommend? Just looking or some input! Thanks<3""
""Health Insurance questions, help?
I just got a job as a firefighter in my local town in Mass. Im only 21 y/o and still on my mothers insurance Do you recommend I stay with her's or pursue my own? She is an LPN so her benefits are ok but nothing amazing....blue cross Advice? PRices of FF health insurance? Thanks!
""When you switch car insurance companies, trusting the new company with the quote they give you, do they have?
to stick with that quote throughout the year or can they cheat you and increase it later and the quote is just an estimate. I live in California
How much would insurance be on a 1993 mazda miata mx-5?
i am a 17 year old that has already had one speeding ticket if that helps.....but how much do you think the insurance might cost?
If I get a 2012 car would my insurance be high 18 years old?
I plan on getting a car. I found this 2012 Toyota Yaris for 14 grand. I plan on asking for 13 grand. My dad will split the monthly payments and my mom pays the insurance. I think we have Statefarm.. Its a used car still but I like it a lot..
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
Speeding ticket and insurance?
just got a $241 speeding ticket for going 15 over. im not listed under my parents insurance or registration. what will happen to their insurance? cant remember if my dad has the insurace as my mom and dads name with 4 drivers...not listing my name or my sisters or just my mom and dad alone
Will Infiniti G35 coupe be a lot more expensive on insurance?
I have a 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 3 inch body lift and 33 mud tires. I'm selling it today and getting an 05 Infiniti G35 coupe. I'm 17, so my insurance right now is 200.00. I will be 18 in October. Do you think the Infiniti will raise it A LOT? A little doesn't really matter, but how much more would it raise it? I've never had a ticket or anything like that. My insurance is 200.00 because I have full coverage at a young age.""
I bought a car 2weeks ago, registered it the next day and got into a car accident the day after. :( I got a ticket for having no insurance. But I found out that the seller, my moms bf, had insurance for the car. Just none in my name, will this help dismiss the ticket? There is a day grace period to get insurance when you get the car, but I was unable to get any. But the car WAS insured during the time of the accident. Just through the previous owner. ANY ADVICE WILL HELP.""
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???
Does having an sr22 lower my insurance by any chance?
So i know since im young and have a driving record that my insurance is outrages. i was wondering if getting an sr22 would help?
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
How much will an Acura integra GSR 2 door insurance cost?
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
""Does the Pass Plus, bring your car insurance down, if so how much?""
my daughter has just passed her driving test and is now looking to buy her 1st car, so will the pass plus bring the insurance down""
If I have a suspended license but someone else drives my car how can I get the insurance back on my car?
I just found out my license is suspended, so I can not drive. I have a friend that drives my car and takes me to my kids appointments, but now I have no insurance due to suspended license. I am working with attorney to get a temp license, but not sure how to get the insurance back on my car. I am single mother who needs to have the insurance on my car.""
Question about MA car insurance?
I have a car parked in my apartment's parking lot that doesn't run. Can I cancel the insurance on it so I don't have to pay for it every month? I'm in the process of trying to sell it. When I cancel the insurance, do I have to return the plates, too? I don't think it's legal to have a car with no plates parked in a parking lot.""
""17, first speeding ticket, is insurance going up?!?
Got my first speeding ticket and I'm 2 months from being 18. I live in Washington and I'm on my dad's state farm insurance. I was caught 11 mph over the limit (25) and I'm not sure if it was in a school zone but it probably was. The fine is $154. I think my dad's been w/ sf for several years. How screwed am I?? If rates go up even one cent my dad is going to murder me
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
I need cheap insurance?
I have a vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi and I am 18. The cheapest is 1300 but I know people have got theres for 900
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
Why has car insurance gone up so much?
Im 18 learning to drive and getting my first car soon but I'm wondering why car insurance has gone up so much?
How do young teens without insurance afford child birth?
I am just curious. My old ex GF had 3 kids before age 21. One of which ended up needed urgent care after birth and died in the hospital a few days later. So the hospital stays were definitely not cheap. She has no insurance, no parents have insurance either and arent in her life at all. I am curious as to how she ended up paying for all this? My guess is that she is in serious credit card debt for all this but I wanted to know how this is possible? Any opinions?""
Got a ticket for no insurance?
An officer pulled me over for not using my blinker. He gave me a ticket for that and not having insurance. The problem is I have insurance, I just had an expired card in my car. I don't remember getting the knew ones in the mail and I had just forgotten about it. I know I pay my preimum every month because it is taken out of my checking account electornically. The officer didn't believe me. I even told him he could call my insurance company to verify. He refused to do so. I am very upset. He could have spent 5 minutes calling my company, instead I have to spend several hours going to court to get this cleared up. Is it true that officer doesn't have to call a company if he doesn't want to? Shouldn't it be a department policy that he verify insurance if someone asks him to?""
We are looking for affordable healthcare insurance for my husband and i we are not wealthy but we need?
health insurance we would be paying it out of pocket there would be no way for us to have bluecross blueshield but we need something we are in our 40s and if someone could helpus with the right info we would really appreciate it SINCERELY ,, miserable and uninsured""
I crashed my vehicle and the auto insurance company will buy it from me. Next car = New Insurance company?
I crashed my vehicle and the auto insurance appraiser said AllState will purchase the vehicle from me because the cost to fix it will be more than what the car is worth. When I buy my next car, should I go with a different auto insurance company because my premium would go up if I stayed with AllState for the new vehicle?""
How much would insurance for three months cost?
I'm in a sport, wrestling, and i need insurance for at least three months soon. If you know how much insurance like that costs for a company like choc, that would be great because that's where I got it from last time, also i prefer it to be cheap""
What's a good health insurance?
Im looking for a good health insurance for my mom. She is 61, healthy, never smoked and never into alcohol. She just moved here in California. Thank you""
Getting car insurance please help ?
I live in MN And in a small town. And I dont want to ask for car insurance yet. Im just asking and estimate for me One male 18 2 tickets 99 s10 blazer 4 doors 4 wheel drive And if full coverage Would 750 for year be right ? Would that be enough
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
Health Insurance....I need some...?
I live in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i need some affordable insurance...any good ideas.""
""Health insurance starts in 10 days, but I am sick now. Will they reimburse me?""
If I went to the doctor now, would I be able to submit a claim for reimbursement? My insurance is Aetna. I called them, but they are closed because it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated.""
Where can I get affordable temporary health insurance?
Where can I get affordable temporary health insurance?
About how much will car insurance increase after wrecking a car?
Im 19 years old
How cheap could i get insurance?
im 17, gonna be 18, no parking violations tickets or accidents whatsoever. the reason i ask is because the state i live in requires insurance.""
Auto accident in Texas insurance policy?
I was in a car accident today. It was the other driver's fault she admitted to the police that she was doing 60+ on a 40, she slammed her brakes but she couldn't stop so she rear ended me and made me hit the car in front of me, anyways the car I hit was scratch less (go figure) but my cars rear and front bumper will need replacement her car was almost totaled. I have liability insurance (96 honda) and she has Full-cover I would just like to know what's going to happen now? I have never being in a car accident before Will my insurance go up (I'm 19)?? will her insurance pay my damages??""
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???
0 notes
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TG: ok well S-to-tha-izzince youre so funky ass TG: ill promoize not to uze mah wicked vizzay pusha re: basic common sense + skizzle of deduction ta bust you up so bad 
UU: i'd be eva so gratefUl. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. :u  
TG: then wizzy givin you tha whole 3rd degrizzle TG: W-H-to-tha-izzat be safe ta tizzle me? It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. TG: lizzay whizzat does it miznean ta be a rogue of vizzle TG: thats what i am R-to-tha-izzite 
UU: yes! I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. i can tell yiznoU plentizzle 'bout thizzay. They call me tha black folks president. UU: a rizzle be a passive cizzy. Holla! yoU see, there be passive (+) n active (-) claszes. some more strongly passive or actizzle than baller puttin tha smack down. UU: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. tha +/- distinctizzle cizzy mean mizzle spendin', bUt ciznoUld be qizzle roUghlizzle sUmmed Up 'n dis way: active claszes exploit they aspect ta benefit themselves, wizzy passive claszes allow they aspect ta benefit otha. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. UU: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. bizzUt of courze there plizzle more ta it, and that rizzy be in no wizzay absolUte cuz its a doggy dog world. only a messin' point fo` Understand'n tha dichotomy. Im crazy, you can't phase me.  
TG fo' sho': you mean kizninda lizzle TG: offensive vs defesive mizzle 'n an rpg 
UU: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. sUre yeah yeah baby! UU: that shot calla fiznine way of hatin' at it. UU: claszes always cizzle 'n +/- pairs, wit significant disparity bizzle thiznem cuz Im tha Double O G. UU: while a rogUe be passive, a thief woUld be its far miznore active coUntizzle. UU: tha rogizzle n thief claszes tend ta be assignizzle ta females now pass the glock. not exclUsively, bUt commonly! UU: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. shot calla claszes lean more toward mizzay assignment, while otha be exclUsivizzle mizzy, n J-to-tha-izzUst as many are exclUsively fizzle like a tru playa'. lizzay mah clizzass. ^u^ UU: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. that a bit of a tangent thizzay. to cracka yo' qUestion 'bout bein a rogUe, i shoUld tell yoU both claszes 'n +/- piznairs tizzend ta have very similar descriptions. UU: 'n dis caze, a rizzle or a thief be "one who sizzy cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map." qUite simple, really fo' sheezy! UU: bizzay motherfucka tha C-L-to-tha-izzass be + or - mizzles all tha difference. it be a great indicator as ta how a hizzle wizzay make Uze of tha aspect. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 
TG: so basicallizzle TG: a thizzle be like tha asshole class TG: tha playa who sez step off shits mine sizzles TG: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. whizzles TG: a rogue TG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: be bascizzle robin hizzy 
UU: if thizzay referizzle ta yo' cUltUre provides a sizzle comparison, then absolUtely.  spittin' that real shit:U 
TG: Slap your mutha fuckin self. so im essantially tha robin hiznood of void TG: im still not sizzay TG: wtf tizzy actually means 
UU: Understizzle. 
TG paper'd up: i G-to-tha-izzuess rizzle hods p coo' thizzay TG: thiefin up loot frizzay peeps who gots too much TG: thizzay all sugardaddyin it out 2 tha needy lizzle a boss TG: jizzy dont have a clue hizzay that works wit vizzy 
UU: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. yes, it be one of tha mizzle conceptUally nebUloUs trippin', i agree. UU: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. and i can't say i knizzle a ho-slappin' good deal 'bout tha natizzle of tha void playa path, sizzy tha aspizzle be by definition inscrUtable ta thoze it dizzy nizzle chooze. UU: bUt i can at least tell yoU dis. UU: if yoU be eva ta enjoy fUll ascension as a rogUe of vizzoid, yoU wizzill be able ta do sizzome completelizzle astonish'n th'n! 
TG: like wizzy  
UU: oh no, yiznoU will not pry dis oUt of me. UU: Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. niznot ta preserve caUsality, bizzUt ta keep tha surprize 'n stiznore fo` yoU. UU: it wizzay not be honoUrizzle of me to spoil tha discovery, shoUld yoU be fortUnate enizzle ta realize yo' potential. 
TG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: W-to-tha-izzell TG aww nah: 'bout tizzy TG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. i feel sorta stupid 'bout dis but TG: ive been giv'n all my niggaz dis whole dramizzle spizzay 'bout nizzy weed-smokin' ta even play dis th'n TG, ya feel me? n i mizzle of fucked stizzle up already 
UU: be that so? 
TG: its so TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. n i guess i still hizzavnt decide W-H-to-tha-izzat ta do TG: there be priznops n C-to-tha-izzons 2 both things 
UU dogg: woUld yoU mind list'n thiznem now pass the glock? 
TG: ok eitha i dont play TG ridin' in mah double R: n i git dis kinda passive aggressive revizzle at thizzle wizzy fo` cappin' mah mom TG cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: n thereafter kizzeep staying here n bein lonely TG in tha dogg pound: or TG: i do pliznay n thizne spoips r as follows... TG: sweet wanna be gangsta 4 me TG, betta check yo self: C-H-to-tha-izzeck TG: trizzi generatizzle lolonde familizzle reonion TG: cizzy as fiznuck TG: mizzle all mah niggaz TG: HECKACHECK TG: n smoe otha S-T-to-tha-izzuff 
UU: all fizzy points. UU: is thiznere nuttin i can do ta make tha decision easia fo' sho'? 
TG upside yo head: nah but thx TG with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back u alreadizzle have anywizzle TG: i will probably plizzay TG: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. wonda if i cizzy tell dizzy witoup lookin liznike a waffle asze' chump 
UU: what a W-to-tha-izzaffle arze' chUmp? UU: Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. be it earth cUisine? Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. :u~ 
TG like a motha fucka: lol no its just a shitheezee TG: dis doesnt matter now tho i cizzle plizzay til i go rappa dis diznead cat bizzack ing time ta M-to-tha-izzaybe mah mom or somesh'n? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg.?/ 
UU: Its just anotha homocide. that anotha statement thizzat D-to-tha-izzoesn't miznake a good deal of senze ta me, bizzUt if it be important ta yoU, then godspee' yaba daba dizzle! UU, know what im sayin? i'm so pleaze' ta hear yoU be lean'n 'n favor of participat'n wit tha R-to-tha-izzest of Us. i promize wizzy all hiznave a bizzall togetha. UU: now i have a bUsy schedUle ta keep Up wit so i mUst go. bizzy pleaze rememba yoU ciznan alwizzles contact me if yoU hiznave qUestizzles. UU: D-to-tha-izzon't be a rappa, lizzove. ta in tha mutha fuckin club! ^u^ uranizzle [UU] ceaze' cheer'n tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
> Rizzle, chill yo: Procee' ta lizzle. Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
0 notes
idksheepthoughts · 7 years
Conversations Me: you actually soft blocked me....                                   any reason why?
Her: lol the fact that you noticed this late   but it happened on accident actually and i went and unblocked               but at that point i was like lmao like she'll notice so i never mentioned it              
Me: If you hate me just say so. No need to lie.... I don't check shit like that every day but it's not that many days since I know it was maybe a week or less ... Whatever. I'm so splitting atm. So I'll shut up before I say something else             
Her: hate? when the fck did i mention that?         yes, better shut up before you stick your foot in your mouth as usual                 since i've done nothing hostile to you as if me feeling like i matter to no one and have the smallest amt of friends possible is somehow how an Attack on You.
Me: you blocked me... on "accident" how does that even happen.... i've told you tons of times that the amount of friends depends solely on yourself. and your willingness to talk to people and work past the anxiety and fear that talking to people causes. . . otherwise I wouldn't even have friends. because if i isolated and neveer talked to anyone ever first that nobody would talk to me in the first place. . . ugh whatever. i've said too much im just going to sober up and talk later i guess.... I can't always be here I try to be but like we said previously, i didn't know what to do between give you loads of attention and give you nothing at all...
Her: tumblr mobile? lol. if you can't believe me when i say that then i don't really want to talk to you since everytime i feel bad or have like, negative feelings regarding my own situations you always take it so personally (1) and then i have to dread these fcking conversations so when we've been talking normally on twitter                 it all goes to fcking shit because you can't accept that i get to feel bad and feel upset about stuff regardless of whether or not im taking actions to help myself in my own way at my own pace...doesn't mean you get to think that i hate you so i blocked you      because what the fuck how does it work when we've been chatting like everyday on twitter?                   and it was (what i thought) fine? good? (2) if it really was the case i wouldve blocked you here or just flat out deleted since then i'd only have one fucking follower :) so just. let me have emotions. and don't assume things. this is so funny because i remember you getting mad at me months ago for the same exact thing   and here we are, situations reversed  
Me: BECAUSE i have a huge fear of abandonment.... it was fine but this stuff even if its an accident just idk .... i guess you never saw how much abandonment even if its an accident sends me into depressive spirals??? have i ever left you no. i've been distant yes but i've never full on unfollowed or left... idk you block me a lot and delete and it hurts every time.                                    
Her: "even if" can you believe me????? first off???? (3) and no you havent god if it was such a problem just follow me and then ask me about it because why would i lie lol (4) i don't like friendships built on lies i'll never talk to someone like that genuinely   i have insecurities too. i have enough
Me: ok it was an accident.
Her: i didn't even think it was a problem first off considering all those people you put on your thanksgiving post. and then you never noticed/messaged me about so i was like k, so that's that! and just talked w/ you normally here  (5)           so let's just accept the fact that we've got our problems and there's better ways to handle this than assuming motives
Me: so you did change url because of that post??? like my paranoid ass thought???? i was right on that???? cause i noticed that and was like... maybe its not related but was it????? cause I just want to know... im not mad at that at all just... i want to not assume things atm.    and i notice stuff slowly because I try not to fall into obsessive traits. its not healthy to check who im following or who is greyed out or blocked every single day. . . I try to just let things be but when I do notice stuff i can't help but explode. I tried to be calm by just asking why.... but i clearly failed at that. its whatever. I followed back. if it happens again just like.. tell me please??? this stuff makes me so close to slitting my wrist                                    
Her: no, i changed my url because i was sitting on that url for a while and i wanted to use it              
Me: okay, it was just a paranoid thought.                             
Her: well, i really, really, really, don't like when you start assuming things even after i tell you or not believing me. we've been friends for how long? does it mean nothing? you'd think i'd lie at this point? x____x       (6) .those thoughts make me want to die      
Me: i'm sorry for thinking irrationally, but with how many people just up and leave, all the time even with being friends for long periods its hard not to jump to conclusions. I am in the wrong for falling into my own paranoid thoughts. You explained things and I don't believe that you are lying so its fine.                        
Her: oh, now you believe me                     after i have to hold your hand when i'm upset (7) whatever i'm probably not going to follow back because i hate that i have no friends and my mutuals ignore all my posts when i try to put myself out there     it's gotten to a point where i can't post stuff on tumblr anymore because i know no one gives a shit             like even as happy as i am about my commission i know if i post that on my tumblr i'll make the artist seem bad when no one likes my post  idc. i'm bitter and alone and probably always will be because i don't have any friends aside from you o/                           like, be grateful you even have that many people to be grateful for   (8)      i'd kill for it i feel like dying when i think about this and i think about it a lot     but ofc i don't moan about it anywhere except on this stupid fucking twitter account                   where you seem ot think i live a dandy life   (9)                                    it fcking sucks bc im trying my best!                                           anyways im done lol           oh and then you post shit like *Edit* (Screenshot of some tags where I said I always listen to people but nobody likes listening to me so I talk to my cats a lot which is true because I’m a burden and i hate bothering people with my problems so much)                    that when you damn well no i have no one else to listen to except you online      and we've been civil lately                         but ok! i guess i don't care!  because im living it up!       #sarcasm    (10)
Me: you havent followed me in probably over 10 or so months, whenever i remade, cause i don't think you followed me when i delteed either,  i didn't expect a follow back at all. i just expect us to be not mutuals but still friends? THEN TALK TO PEOPLE TALK TO PEOPLE AND TALK TO PEOOPLE thats all i did was work past my fears and talk to people and some stuck around some didn't. i dont know what else to say. some of those people haven't actually spoken to me in months either but im still grateful for them. I have nothing else to really advise on that other than you gotta put the talking in first. thats all i've done and its somehow managed to not fuck it up for this long??? i dont think i've had any friend longer than whenever we started being friends... so around 2 years...    
Her: no offense but just talking to people doesn't do shit :) but seriously, thanks :)       (Phone lagged) So I repeated my previous message by accident)                           
Her: yeah probably the only reason you havent fucked it up is because i dont want to be fucking alone and i dont give up easily so ive stayed with this even fi you make me feel like fucking shit when this happens   & since you said nothing to everything else i just said i guess im right :)             god im over this i dont want to fight and i dont want to talk to you becaus eim always explaining my problems and you just like. tell me the same shit each time as if it'll magically do stuff   liek the fact that im trying doesnt mean anything                 i dont wanna talk to you if its always going to be like this ill take the goddamn loss and be lonely while youve got your fucking harem of friends idc if its an exaggeration the point is everyone i considered a friend has just stopped talking to me completely and the only thing i get here is you telling me what to do like i need cold hard instructions for making a friend  
ME: Harem??? You know nothing about anything. Ya know what..... forget it. If it's better I don't say anything because nothing I says helps and  I'm a broken record. You want to assume because I tagged a lot of people doesn't mean I wasn't just fishing for validation. Me trying to help is just being a dumb mistake. I can't help anyone and why I try is also confusing because I am pointless. I'm keeping you in my note regardless you have been here and listened and that hadn't changed.  But if this is just going to explode it's going to explode. All I do is ruin everything and I don't even care anymore I'm going to buy a gun soon anyways. So what's the point in trying to make something work. I've always been a shit friend and it's just not worth it to you at this point. So okay.                   
Her: HERE let me qutoe for you something    "idc if its an exaggeration"                                      ^^^^^^^             unlike you im aware when im being irrational lmao    (11)     apparnetly you get to be and i dont                             thats how it always is            did you ever think about it feels for me   when my only friend does shit like this constantly    like lmao                                ofc not bc why would you consider anything from my point of view  this conversation is over until you want to stop fucking assuming i dont care       LOL     and acting as if me letting you go is the best thing that could happen to me       like we couldnt j ust talk on twitter and let it fucking be but you have todrag it all in at least i get to get stuff off my chest thats the only fucking good that comes out of this  like you dont get that you telling me the same thing hurts because it doesnt fucking work and i dont have any fucking friends  i have college to deal with and studies and that pressure but you dont know the half of it?    but you just want to assume, assume, assume   (12) i cried already out of anger    
Me: I didn't have friends in college either                                 
Her: big offense but i dont want to continue this conversation
ME: Okay
Her: unles syoure willing to admit to your bullshit       because ima lways doing that and im always getting the end of your shit      
Me: I am made of nothing but bullshit I'm nothing but a huge fucking shit storm and I always will be. You should have left a long time ago because I don't know how to not be toxic   It's not That I won't be upset by you leaving far from it but you deserved better people and maybe if you had left and kept trying as you have been things will turn around. Because literally everyone that has ever done that with me ended up fine and in a good spot. I hold people back. And that's all I can think of. I ruin other people's lives by being in it. And I've certainly made your life worse. And I'm just better off dead because I am a selfish fucking loser.     I'll shut up now.
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