#im not saying toph & zuko friendship is BAD
graphx · 7 months
so…that avatar show, huh?
me no likely:
they made aang leaving an accident. like he didn't deliberately try to run away from his problems, it was just coincidence on a midnight fly and he even says he will go back when he clears his head (then everyone else frames it as intentional??? Even himself???)
Kataras character literally feels like her ember island counterpart and made her perfect and I hate that she doesn't get mad at aang talent at all because she can't be TOO MEAN NOOO WHATEVER WILL WE DO IF SHE HAS FLAWS??? OR A REALISTIC REACTION TO FRUSTRATION OF NOT BEING ABLE TO DO SOMETHING SHE VALUES A LOT CUZ ITS HARD??? (took away all of her development about having to be the bigger person and gave it to sokka??? Fun loving joking sokka??? Even tho it ties in with her toph conflict later?)
jet blows up things with jelly and hurt civilians but…the entire point of jet was that he hurt people who did nothing wrong and there was definitely fire benders doing something wrong so he can justify his actions?? And the entire point was that he needed to REALIZE his actions were unforgivable before moving on from his vengeance to ba sing se?But now he does nothing wrong because we can't have the pretty boy terrorist be TO00000 BAD
i get that we are supposed to emphasize the power of friendship thing in the bumi episode but it just seems like instead of aang realizing he is going to make hard choices with no right answer his friends take that decision/responsibility AWAY from him? And the point in the show is that while he cant rely on others and has to do it alone???
azula sounds like she's complaining about zuko like a normal teenager gossiping to her friends even tho her entire beach episode was emphasizing how she is NOT A REGULAR KID AND DOESNT ACT LIKE IT. Or being mad zuko got banished and got himself an opportunity? No azula only cares about her dads orders/approval at this point she doesn't take zuko seriously as a threat? She was glad he was gone and tried to take him prisoner? Complaining that she is "risking her life undercover?" Did we watch??? The same source material???
would have been so easy to show badger moles and benders but noooo lets just make them savage animals that don't react to VIBRATIONS AT ALL ya know THE EARTHBENDING TECHNIQUE
why the hell is kyoshi getting mad at aang for not fighting WHEN SHE IS TRAPPING HIM IN A DREAM TO LECTURE HIM INSTEAD OF LETTING HIM FIGHT??
Never recovering from zuko and leaves on the vine playing at the same time
at least sokka got some development?? It could have been worse tbh
I like that they explained the avatar possession stuff can only happen in certain places
my cabbages made everything worth it
giving iroh and lu ten a bit more depth! I like that everyone subtly framed it in a good way but zuko was more empathetic
im a mixed bag on how they handled suki (great to show that she is unsociable from being an isolated warrior all her life but I hated that they just…beat up sokka for no reason by taking out his misogyny arc…. And didn’t frame it as a bad enough thing?? And then they just… got over it? With no real apology? Cuz it’s fine now that they think the other one is hot!! Problems solved!!!)
i like that they made jet and kataras relationship less “ooooo hot bad boy!!!” And more a mutual relationship (then they threw it out the window for no reason cuz JET IS BAD BUT NOT TOO BAD! KATARA NEEDS TO GIRLBOSS!!!! U guys can make empathic characters while still making them bad not giving him misogyny problems he never had???)
sokka and katara sibling moments? They were okay
(I’ll update when I watch more)
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kataraslove · 1 year
not the same anon but i am a zutara fan who is also a kataang fan. imo, i found it much easier to navigate kataang spaces as a zuko fan. yes there is some bitterness and bad takes (as is all fans) but the kataang fandom from what ive experienced majority doesn't seem to have a problem with zutara as an actual ship, its the shippers. so when i interact most people are fine with me enjoying zutara because im not being nasty about it. however the zutara fandom is very much a.. hive mind, to put it one way. a lot of fans can't bare the fact that the ship is fanon, and as most of us know kataang and aang especially is n1. enemy. I've been kicked out of discords for saying i don't think aang is an incel, and a lot of people have the belief that aang deserves better than kataang too whilst simultaneously arguing that he was extremely toxic and self centered. the fandom is very toxicly centred on katara and zuko, although have a very narrow view of katara that only exists within shipping lenses but if you point it out they call you sexist. to put it nicely: being a kataang and aang fan in the zutara fandom is hellish, because someone will always come at you. the amount of people who say im not even a zutara fan, or am probably a zukka fan trying to stir trouble. most people who are multishippers (ship katara & zuko with other characters that aren't zutara approved) tend to stick to their own little circles to avoid harassment
i just want to state that while i do think the kataang fandom has a problem with zuko and katara romantically, we’ve never really had a problem with their friendship. we just don’t think it’s one of the defining relationships of the show that a lot of people make it out to be. if you had to ask me, the most prominent relationships in atla are katara and aang, zuko and aang, zuko and iroh, zuko and azula, & katara and sokka.
it’s ridiculous that you were kicked out of a whole discord simply for stating that aang isn’t an incel. when a shipping fandom continues to sprout this type of nonsense towards the main character, a character that is beloved to many people, of course people are going to take issue on it and turn against the fandom.
the hate towards aang (disguised in the form of “critique” often) is quite disengenuine many times because i doubt that they would despise him as much if he had ended up with someone else. if aang is this horrible, awful predator that they make him out to be - why ship him with toph, a blind girl? manipulative and abusive men (things that I’ve seen aang called) do not change their behaviours and attitudes towards women based on whom they date. toph or anyone else won’t be able to “fix” aang. if you genuinely believe aang to be a predator and ship him with someone else, you are stating that you are completely fine if this other character is subjected to the horrible things that you believe he is capable of doing. so, either you don’t genuinely believe that aang is a predator, or you have to admit that your willing to put aside your fandom feminism so long as he doesn’t end up with the person that you think zuko deserves.
“very narrow view of katara that exists through shipping lens” is the best way to describe it. the view that katara was a victim by aang and the gaang - that she had no agency, or free thought, and had to be rescued by zuko - is not understanding katara! i’ve never seen a fandom so insistent on viewing katara as a helpless victim at the hands of the gaang, someone who performs all the emotional labour (fandom buzzword), and proclaiming that the writers/creators did her a huge disservice… whilst replicating that dynamic in their fics. except this time, zuko - excuse me, dadko - helps her out with the chores, defends her, protects her, until she ultimately can get her agency back from the gaang and start standing up for herself after realizing her worth.
sorry, but how am i supposed to believe that this is the fandom that understands and cares for katara the best? this isn’t canon katara - this is a version of katara that you have projected your own interests and desires and issues onto. canon katara has no problem telling people where to shove it if you stand in her way. and the gaang agrees with her, has done so in many of her episodes. the southern raiders is a special case, but even then, neither aang nor sokka actively try to stop her from confronting her mother’s killer. they advise that revenge isn’t the best option — and for the love of god, that opinion does not mean that they are demonizing her. the southern raiders is a tale about katara confronting her mother’s killer, of seeking justice, of seeking retribution - but it’s also a journey of forgiveness; katara learns not just how to forgive zuko for his betrayal, but also learns to forgive herself for the survivor’s guilt that she experiences from her mother’s death.
the criticism towards post-canon is that katara’s entire character revolves around aang. and i agree to an extent - especially in those awful gene luen yang comics barring north and south. but why is the solution in fanon then to attribute everything about katara towards zuko and the fire nation? katara is the southern water tribe ambassador to the fire nation, katara experiences liberation from her friends and family because of zuko, firelady katara, etc, are all popular tropes or perspectives emphasizing katara’s role and connection towards zuko and to the fire nation. you can’t tell me that katara was done so horribly in post-canon, then insist that firelady (a connection defined by her worth to her husband and his nation) is the best possible outcome for her and the feminist ending that she deserved. oh, and that everyone (no matter if they ship kataang or zutara) who doesn’t see it this way are all sexist.
“shipping katara and zuko with characters that are zutara approved” i wonder what characters those are. for katara, is it yue? suki? jiang? for zuko, is it jet? a lot of people in the kataang fandom also ship katara with other women (myself included). the kataang to sapphic katara pipeline exists for a reason.
I’m sorry about your experiences in the zutara fandom, anon. but i’m glad you’ve had more positive experiences in the kataang fandom to make up for all the awful shit you’ve had to deal with! hoping you know that there’s always a safe space here ❤️
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
Katara x Aang :3c
are you trying to get me in trouble
no but in all honesty, my genuine feelings about kataang boil down to three major points: 1. it's boring, and does not jive thematically with either of their character arcs, to the point of, 2. actively hampering character development on both sides, and 3. katara deserved better.
points expanded under the cut. (please, if you're a kataang shipper and you see this, just keep scrolling. i've tagged it appropriately and put the bulk under a cut and at this point that's literally all i can do lmfao.)
send me a ship and get my (brutally) honest opinion!
1. It's Boring: This is the most subjective point on the list (I mean, in fairness, it's all subjective, but I have evidence from the show and post-canonical materials to support my other points; this one is just preference), but there's just... nothing to kataang. It's cute (when it's not actively aggravating), and... that's about it. It's not even that I dislike friends-to-lovers as a shipping trope (though it's not my overall preference), because there are a lot of friends-to-lovers couples that I do ship (kanej comes to mind, also will/elizabeth from potc, karolsen from supergirl, romione and hinny from hp, among others), but one thing that I think all of those couples have that kataang doesn't is that both sides of the pairing are teens or adults when they get together, with teen/adult dynamics and issues and stories to deal with, rather than one half being a teenager and the other being literally prepubescent.
And don't get me wrong, I have no problem with age gap ships in general. And as far as atla goes, Katara, at 14, has the same age difference from Zuko (16) as Aang has from her, and it's never stopped me--because both Katara and Zuko are well into puberty when they meet and I have no problem picturing them being into one another and growing together as they enter adulthood. Aang, on the other hand, is a child. And he acts like it. Which wouldn't be a problem, if the show weren't expecting me to believe he is a) ready for a romantic relationship, and b) ready for one specifically with Katara, who is not only older and far more mature but is specifically cast as his caretaker in a very maternal role for the entire show's run.
This show asks me to believe that a teenage girl well into adolescence is going to be attracted to and develop romantic feelings for a pre-adolescent child--and it asks me to believe this while showing us otherwise that Katara's type is actually older boys with fabulous hair and angsty pasts in all of her other potential romantic dalliances--and then enter into a relationship with him, all while ignoring the elephant in the room that is the fact that she was basically acting like his mother for the entire series to that point. (Something that is heavily lampshaded earlier in the very same season.) That just stretches the bounds of credulity way too far for me, especially when there's no evidence that Katara herself would get anything out of their romantic relationship.
There's nothing there for me to sink my teeth into. No delicious development, no parallels where they help each other grow, no internal conflicts that they have to work through together, nothing. Certainly no reason for me to actually believe Katara feels (or would grow to feel) anything for him other than the platonic affection of a caretaker. I can easily believe she loves him dearly, as a friend and quasi-little-brother, but I just can't see that developing naturally into romantic love--not the way it's presented in the show.
And even if they did manage to at least make the development of Katara's feelings believable, unless they changed something fundamental about the nature of their relationship, it'd still be boring, so.
2. It Actively Hampers Their Character Development--On Both Sides: I've written before (extensively lol im so sorry) about how kataang is actively detrimental to Katara and to Aang. In short (because ye gods this post is already getting long enough), Katara is narratively harmed by being shoved into a relationship that completely ignores her stated feelings--a relationship that had been presented as a one-sided puppylove crush for the vast majority of the series--and it inhibits her growth as a character in ways that become far more obvious in the comics and lok, where the very same creative forces that lead to her beginning a relationship with Aang in the first place reduce her to 'the Avatar's girl' and very little else, all the way through to the end of LoK (where she is a Healer and the Avatar's wife and, again, very little else).
As for Aang:
As to how this relationship is detrimental to Aang (other than the comics and LoK nonsense)? Just take a look at book 2, when he’s trying to learn Earthbending from Toph. Katara constantly coddles him. Much of the time, she’s afraid to be anything other than gentle and understanding with Aang--partly because of her fear that if she pushes him too far, he’ll run away. (Which he does, several times.) But sometimes, what Aang needs to grow is a sharp kick in the slats, which Toph was more than willing to provide--and which worked. Katara was great for teaching Aang to waterbend, but he needed more than that to grow as a person. And he can’t get that while he’s in a relationship with someone who will apologize for getting upset when he was very explicitly neglecting her.
In addition, it is pointed out by Guru Pathik at the end of Book 2 that one of Aang's chakras is blocked by his attachment to Katara. Aang takes this to mean (incorrectly) that he has to stop loving her in order to become fully realized as an Avatar, but this is actually part of the problem--because the issue isn't that he is in love with Katara, it's that he's possessively attached to her. He believes himself entitled to her love in return, rather than selflessly loving someone regardless of whether or not they return that affection. (This is obvious come the EIP episode, where Aang demands to know why he and Katara aren't in a relationship already--because he kissed her without asking [or even checking to see if she'd be ok with kissing him], which he phrases as mutual even though it very much was not, and he gets angry and violates her boundaries when she says that she is confused and doesn't want to think about it right then.)
It is his attachment to Katara--the need for her to return his love, the belief that she will and it is only a matter of time before he gets what he wants--that he was supposed to let go of, not his feelings for her in general. Unfortunately, while he pays lipservice to doing this (far too late for it to be useful--if he'd stayed with the Guru for five more minutes and unlocked his chakra there, that battle would've gone very differently), he almost immediately backtracks on that development come book 3, and there isn't another single whisper of Aang maybe growing up and moving past his one-sided and possessive crush and realizing that even if Katara doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't mean she loves him less or that their friendship is less important.
What really needed to happen, for Aang to grow as a person and become fully realized as an Avatar, was for him to grow up. To realize that his feelings were not of paramount importance, and that even if he was in love with Katara, he was not entitled to her love in return. He should have been able to move past his need for her to love him back, in order to get past that stumbling block, unlock his chakras, and regain the Avatar State in time to face the Firelord. But he didn't. As a result, they had to find some other way to just give him the Avatar State (a well-placed rock) and the means to defeat Ozai without killing him (the deus ex lionturtle) and his entire character arc just fell apart in the third act rather than reaching a satisfying conclusion.
3. Katara Deserved Better: This really ties into how her romantic relationship with Aang hampered her own development, but I'm still bitter enough about it that it gets its own bullet-point. And the biggest single reason I could never ship kataang--the thing that would've turned me off even if there were substance and a halfway decent storyline for them--is the fact that Aang kisses her without her consent (for the second time) in Ember Island Players, Katara gets angry at him and storms off, and then..... she walks out onto the balcony to make out with him.
With nothing to bridge that gap.
It's bad enough that a show aimed at children had a scene where the child protagonist kissed the object of his affections without her consent when she didn't want him to (made explicit by her angry reaction)--and this is absolutely an issue when the show is aimed at children and it may well be the first experience they've had with consent issues portrayed in media--but this moment is never addressed again. Katara just decides--completely off-screen--that she does love him Really and walks out to make out with him in the epilogue. There's no conversation, no apology for violating her boundaries, no discussion of why that was wrong or any indication that Aang understands what he did and why it upset her. They don't have a single one-on-one interaction between that kiss and the epilogue, and the only other time they are on screen together, Aang yells at her and storms off.
So, even leaving the comics and lok aside, Katara deserved much better from her own romantic plotline. In fact, she deserved to have one, rather than simply being the oblivious object of Aang's affections, given a couple moments where she blushes but otherwise remains completely ignorant of his feelings (she looks shocked and upset when he kisses her prior to the invasion, and then she completely forgets that even happened because she's confused as to what Aang is even talking about during EIP until he brings it up; that's not the behavior of a fourteen-year-old girl who was kissed by someone she was developing romantic feelings for), before the epilogue where it becomes clear that she figured all of that out off-screen and had feelings for him after all.
She's a main character, not a side-character written in solely to give one of the mains a love interest. She deserved a romantic plotline of her own. (She could have had one with someone else, with very few changes made to what was actually on-screen prior to the epilogue, but that's another conversation entirely.) She deserved to have her feelings considered at all important by the person she was going to be paired with in the end, rather than having him just assume she felt the same way and then get mad at her for never giving any indication of it when he'd never asked about her feelings to begin with. She deseserved agency in her own romantic narrative, and she just didn't get that with Aang.
So yeah, at the end of the day, my biggest issue with kataang is that it involved doing Katara dirty, and she's my favorite character and she deserved so much better damnit.
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dameferre · 3 years
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happy prince phillip is dead day to my mom, who when i showed her a page of ‘prince phillip is a walking corpse’ memes said (after she’d finished laughing) ‘all of those people are going to feel so bad when he actually dies’
290 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 12:41:09 GMT
i know no one asked and im never gonna write it but my comfort fic this week has been one that only exists in my mind, which is... just a collection of zuko and katara moments
zuko coming out to katara, bc she’s got accepting mom vibes, and katara gets to experience the sweet euphoria of hanging out with a dude, who is not related to her, without worrying about him being attracted to her in the slightest
sokka proposes to suki, suki accepts, zuko cannot understand why it feels like his entire world is crumbling around him but katara can, and she and toph distract him for a bit
zuko and katara comforting sokka together after suki breaks off the engagement
zuko giving a speech at katara and aang’s wedding
the slow progression of zuko and sokka best friends to lovers as seen by katara, who at one point sits sokka down and says ‘you’re my brother and i’ll stand by you no matter what, but please for the love of fuck be sure about this before you get zuko involved. dont risk your friendship if you aren’t 100% sure’
zuko telling katara he plans to propose (katara cries)
katara giving a speech at sokka and zuko’s wedding (zuko cries)
just a thousand little moments of the two of them bonding over how ridiculous and wonderful the loves of their lives are
most crucially, katara and zuko doing some diplomatic thing together or whatever and accidentally getting stranded together. and then katara goes into labour. i cannot express how much serotonin i get from the idea of zuko. zuko. helping katara through labour. and by helping i mean letting her squeeze his hand until she breaks a finger (she’ll heal it later) and talking him through delivering the baby. he cries more than she does, and probably passes out. i think i personally deserve this scene
it probably ends with zuko and katara, helping each other through grief after both sokka and aang pass, but im not trying to make myself sad here this is a happy imaginary fic about best friends okay
378 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 22:34:06 GMT
ok this is nonsense so don’t take it too seriously but my friend just reminded me that before the panaderia hit her 2020 mission was to sleep her way through the alphabet (she got to h)
so now i can’t stop thinking about sokka who makes the same resolution one year and asks zuko ahead of time to fill the ‘z’ slot because “who else am i gonna hook up with? some asshole named zach?” and zuko laughs it off at the time but then slowly realises he. might not be entirely opposed to that.
and then hijinks ensue as zuko tries to rush sokka through the rest of the alphabet by way of overly enthusiastic matchmaking and simultaneous aggression towards anyone on earth with a name that starts with ‘z’
385 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 21:21:31 GMT
people of colour, for fucking lifetimes: white supremacists in america are dangerous terrorists and if they go unchecked they will try to bring about the downfall of our democracy
white people, today: wow?? white supremacists?? in america?? are DaNGerOus??? terrorISts??? and they’re trying to bring about the downfall of our democracy???????/????????/??/?//?
592 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 20:37:28 GMT
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What You See You Might Not Get (art by the incomparable @sebsketchs)
Five things Zuko learned about Sokka, and one thing Sokka already knew about Zuko.
a zukka star trek au for three days of zukka week 2021 prompts! 5+1, hurt/comfort, and free space day bc it’s about as au as it gets
1267 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 02:49:16 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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captainkirkk · 4 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
Fire Lily Oil by mindbending                
There’s an assassin in Sparky’s bedroom. It’s the only explanation for the extra heartbeat. The sounds of exertion. The ominous thumping of furniture. Fueled by both duty and friendship, Toph crashes in, ready for battle-
Only to get smacked by a faceful of Sokka’s new perfume.
Ambassador Sokka and His Very Bad (Turned Very Good) Idea by gaydaractivate04
Part 1 of The Adventures of Ambassador Sokka    
The war is officially over. With Fire Lord Ozai and his daughter dead, Fire Lord Zuko now takes the throne.
He takes the throne, and sets to fixing the destruction left over from the war, starting with his own people and ending with everyone else's.
That was how Sokka found himself, the next chief of the Southern Water Tribe, negotiating new treaties in the heart of the Fire Nation with the new Fire Lord.
Who, if he must say, is really good looking for a guy who spent the last few years in the cells beneath the palace.
For The Greater Good by Cornflower_Blue       
Of course, from the moment he knew One For All was passable, Izuku had carried a quiet hope that All Might would pick him. But until that moment in the sunset, it had always been more like a far off fantasy, a bedtime story he would tell himself at night. How could he hold a candle to someone like Kacchan, who had the perfect heroic quirk that would only add to One For All.
But All Might had seen something in him, and Izuku had promised himself he would never let his hero regret giving him that chance at his dream.
He did kinda wish he had agreed to let All Might’s team install the panic button in his phone back when his name had been leaked though.
Harry Potter
the end of being alone by rexcorvidae                
When Harriet Potter asks Hagrid questions about her parents that he doesn't know the answers to, he directs her to one of their old friends, and in doing so changes the course of history.
The Happy Smiles Recipe by MayMarlow                
After Sirius's death Dumbledore is ready to send Harry once again back to the Dursleys. Molly Weasley is not about to let that happen.
Five Dogs, One Cat by ryfkah (+ podfic)     
If you’ve ever believed me in anything, believe I want what’s best for Jin Ling, the first line of the letter reads.
Jiang Cheng has to stop and take a moment before he continues on to the next line:
 You must come to Carp Tower as soon as you can and lavish praise on the ugliest dog I’ve ever seen.
  scatter and sunder by silversshadow               
When Wei Wuxian dies at the Burial Mounds the backlash tears his soul apart.
The cultivation world is left to watch the pieces.
nor any more youth or age than there is now by Ravenesta    
The local Primary school has a new teacher. He is, to say the very least, odd.
A series of statements regarding the interactions of the townsfolk with one Jonathan Sims, never formally given.
"Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again?" - How the Magnus Institute learned to embrace the IT ticketing system, upgraded their antivirus, and still found the time to teach one old man how to copy and paste by shinyopals
Part 2 of The Magnus Institute vs the 21st Century: a series of emails and IMs
I hope you find your new role as Head of the Institute as rewarding as captaining the Tundra, wrote Elias Bouchard, to Peter Lukas. There are so many people working there: all with their own interesting lives, and all desiring your attention and support. I'm sure you will relish the challenge it will bring and enjoy every moment spent with the fine men and women of the Institute. In time I'm confident they'll become like a family to you.
The Magnus Institute has a new boss. The Magnus Institute also has a new tech support technician. These two facts are unrelated, except they both happen at the same time.
Meanwhile Jon's woken up from being dead for six months and for once he's trying his best. He just wishes Martin would stop avoiding him and answer his messages...
just stopped believing in happy endings by  chahakyn              
“I know that. I’m just…” Sissy frowns, biting her lower lip. “I just wonder whether staying here would hurt less than going out there.”
Vanya covers Sissy’s hand with her own, turning to kiss the inside of her palm.
“It’ll hurt equally either way. Does it matter to you, as long as we’re together?”
The Archivist Vanya Hargreeves goes on a journey to hunt down her Avatar siblings in their respective Fear Domains post-Watcher's Crown.
(A Magnus Archives AU)
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eulaties · 4 years
how i view each a:tla character
hoo boy this is a long one
- highkey smartest guy on team avatar
- but with aang they're like the equivalent of the my two braincells meme
- boomerang, ponytail, and space sword guy
- comes up with the best nicknames and jokes
- best friends with aang
- his sexism literally saved the world
- but dw he drinks gallons of respect women juice a day now
- has the baddest gf suki who could kick his ass at any given moment
- wanted momo for a week (why??)
- sokka walked so eboys could run
- roasts zuko constantly
- officially known as mr wang fire
- baddest bitch don't mess with her
- small but will not hesitate to kill you
- I emit a super sonic wave from my mouth in order to see
- let toph say fuck
- secretly misses her parents
- her way of showing affection is beating you up
- "do you think friendships can transcend lifetimes?"
- literally so badass she invented a new form of bending
- the greatest earthbender alive
- zuko, you're gonna get a kick out of this... YOUR HONOR WAS IN MY SLEEVE THIS WHOLE TIME
- undergoes the best character redemption arc of all time change my mind
- his scar is on the wrong side
- lowkey emo
- "im never happy"
- hes always happy around his goth gf mai tho
- got his life ruined by ozai, fuck him
- uncle iroh is now his dad, ozai who?
- bad at making jokes but he tries his best
- once his anger got stripped away he just became a socially awkward person
- awkward legend
- hello, z u k o here
- gets accepted into the gaang™ and gets a new family :)
- his friendship with aang is everything
- pretends to be annoyed by aang but secretly treasures their friendship
- powerful af and can literally take your bending away
- but honestly hed rather everyone be happy
- epitome of a cinnamon roll
- he deserves the world
- mentally strong af as well, i mean he had to cope with a GENOCIDE in the third episode
- "some friendships are so strong they can transcend lifetimes"
- unashamedly so in LOVE with katara
- gushes about her all the time
- peppy
- in touch with his ~feminine~ side
- his smiles and laughs are contagious
- so freaking friendly its impossible to hate him, i mean how could you
- hes so friendly he seems like hes flirting but hes not, thats just how he is
- has the best eyebrows
- friends with everyone
- showers appa and momo with the affection they deserve
- best friends with sokka
- the mom friend™
- absolutely WHIPPED for aang god she loves him so much
- everyone looks up to her. literally was the only thing keeping the group together at some points
- has a big af temper tho
- will cut a bitch
- when shes pissed off shes pissed OFF
- dont fucking hurt the people she loves or she will COME for you
- her power crawl is everything
- can literally bloodbend or heal you, your choice
- denies any relation to sokka whenever hes being stupid
- her outfit in the fire nation SLAPPED
- regularly schedules sleepovers with suki and toph (although she has to drag toph to the sleepover)
- what if we kissed? 😳 in the cave of oma and shu 👉👈 haha jk jk... unless
- sexism is no more
- takes down sokka's sexist ass easily
- strong af dont underestimate her
- sweetest gf tho
- loved the atrocious sand sculpture sokka made of her
- kidnapped a prison warden all by herself
- honestly underrated
- appa likes her
- singlehandedly saved sokkas and tophs lives
- in kyoshi we stan
- the wisest character ever
- guides zuko into the right direction
- "i was just worried that you lost your way"
- zuko and irohs reunion made me SOB
- makes the best tea and owns a successful business, the jasmine dragon
- r.i.p mako 💔
- went to get some milk 9 years ago and never came back
- the prodigy kid that all parents compare you to
- got groomed by ozai from an early age
- favorite child
- loves power and intimidating others
- top of the food chain
- can absolutely BREAK you with a snap of her fingers
- badass but not in a good way
- dont play beach volleyball with her she'll absolutely destroy your career
- wow, your outfit is so... sharp. careful, it could puncture the hull of an empire ship and leave hundreds of soldiers to drown at sea! because... its so sharp.
- mental health slipping after she gets betrayed by her two best friends
- got that quarantine bangs haircut
- honestly the last agni kai was really sad
- just wanted to be loved by ursa
- certified insane
- ruined zuko's and azula's life
- career literally got ended by aang
- nothing else to say fuck this guy
ty lee:
- an absolute ray of sunshine
- her aura has never been pinker
- got the happy ending she deserved with the kyoshi warriors
- deadpan snark
- goth
- will cut a bitch from afar with her throwing knives
- you miscalculated
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salemfel · 3 years
No one asked but I'm doing Zuko.
1: sexuality headcanon: Bi. No preference(?). but men. maybe polyamorous??
Edit: i've changed my mind he is gay. It just feels like he only dated Mai because she liked him and he felt obligated to date her becsuse of that.
2: otp: i uh. i kind of made an oc to ship with him. and then sokka?? Edit: it is not a question anymore. Zukka. Zukki but I feel like Zuko and Suki would have more of a platonic relationship than Sokka and Suki(because Zuko is gay as hell). Also my OC Zunzhong whom I only have a bad doodle of. Zunzhong would mainly be with Zuko and possibly Sokka? Although Zunzhong and Sokka would probably fight a lot especially over Zuko and playing with his hair. Zunzhong is also gay so he wouldn't want anything romantic with Suki and probably wouldn't anyways if she were a man because he's monoamorous (please tell me i used this term right)
3: brotp: sokka here, too. Aang definitely. Toph. im also gonna slip mai in here because i feel like mai would be a lesbian and uh realised that she only had platonic feelings for zuko. Also Suki. They build a pretty good friendship in The Promise and Suki's just a really good her and Mai just want Zuko to be able to sleep-
4: notp: again, anything incestual. Toph again because. i just feel like they would only be good friends. Katara.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: enjoys good cuddles.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: oh boy there is so much so im just gonna say that i kin him. and also the scene at ember island where they were sitting around the fire hit a little too hard home.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the fact that he just walked right up to people who considered him an enemy and was just like "hey. zuko here. 🙃". ALSO THE FRICKING. the shit he says to mai like "you're so beautiful when you hate the world" LIKE THEY'RE A FRICKING EMO DISCORD COUPLE. god that's embarrassing. he should've been embarrassed. he should've been ashamed of himself for saying that. i hope he cringes whenever he thinks about when he said that. he obviously never socialised much.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? he can be quite problematic especially in the beginning of atla but i believe he is more cinnamon roll.
I just remembered how to hyperlink and learned how to link to my ask
Character headcanon game
Send me a character to do next please
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um no nuance november: atla edition?
this was all over tiktok and ive seen some people do it here so...here we go...some of these are probably hot takes, you have been warned.
most of the fandom seems to forget that katara is a young girl with deep-seated trauma that she never truly dealt with. cut the racism and misogyny. shes not the “token straight,” shes not annoying, shes not technically the “mom friend,” she deserves a better life (and life partner) than she was given in canon.
katara’s comment to sokka during the southern raiders was harsh don’t get me wrong, but it was justified 
most of my issues with characters fall on their writing...not the characters themselves if that makes any sense
bakoda should have been canon
why didn’t katara, toph and zuko reunite in korra (they’re literally my three faves i was robbed, plus they all just seem sad...)
mako is hot
if we are talking combat, earth is the strongest element...toph can genuinely just drop a rock on someone and its over
republic city is absolutely unnecessary and frankly, stupid. capitalist propaganda :) why would you american-ize this series? im baffled
i just hope that azula got therapy and some love...her actions were outrageous but as far as we know she was conditioned by ozai to just be a pawn
katoph = best duo (friendship and fighting) in the whole show
katara is not a sister to zuko...that role is for toph
(as much as i love firelord zuko) zuko should have waited at least a few years to actually assume the position but even then i truly think he would hate it and institute a democracy
the humor did not land in for me in lok (list of tried and failed for me is meelo, bumi, bolin, varrick, eska...)
i truly did not feel any strong emotional attachment to any lok character (causing me to be pretty indifferent to most of the entirely new editions to the show)
(i think the large cast did not allow for much development for really anyone, save for korra tenzin and maybe lin?, leaving them all to be pretty two dimensional.)
more rambling under the cut (its more shippy you have been warned...)
the fanon portrayal of aang is a glorified version of the canon (you can criticize your faves!)
aang being a “bad” father in canon fits his (poorly written) character 
TAANG IS GENIUS (it makes me like aang more :)
i dont think maiko is healthy...at all (same for bolin and eska and zhu li and varrick) - bottom line: bryke cant write relationships
building on that it felt weird for zuko to change throughout book 3 for him only to revert back to his old life in the finale by staying with mai
sokka and suki are the only valid canon couple
also why is everyone so quick to be “oh suki is bi!!” but so much of this fandom feels the need to say “no, katara is the token straight she can’t be bi...” it seems so silly to say but katara hatred is so normalized in this fandom and it makes me so upset. literally everyone would be fucking dead if it werent for her i love my queen fuck y’all
kanna would not have gone back to pakku
why are most zukka shippers women...food for thought
peace by taylor swift is a zutara song...zukkas dont even try to claim that
zutara works...it just seems like antis forget that these two characters (even if it is not explicitly romantic in atla) have such a strong bond. they listen, care, and look out for one another...and bottom line they see each other as equals. (also watch the second half of tsr again...they play off each other and work so well together)
this fandom demonizes zutara shippers for absolutely no reason while completely disregarding actual problematic issues that occur throughout the rest of the fandom
suki in the comics is practically a katara stand in
makorra felt like an attempt to appease the zutara shippers (it failed immensely)
should we love kuvira as much as we do? should we be shipping her with korra...?
in canon it does make sense that sokka could have been suyin’s father, but where did suki go? were they hinting that zuko and suki had izumi, meaning that sokka and suki broke up? but WHY? they were literally perfect with absolutely no complication in canon...tldr: post-atla is so ridiculous
i think this feels salty...and i went on for too long...i needed to get that out...um...
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colors (sokka x reader)
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You were walking down the streets in Ba Sing Se in your casual Fire Nation attire, when you suddenly spotted four people who looked horrifically out of place. Two of the four were wearing blue uniforms, a girl and a boy. Water Tribe. One of them wore an Earth Kingdom outfit with messy hair and the other possessed a yellow and orange tunic, accessorized with a blue arrow pointing to his nose. An airbender? Gasping to yourself, you realized that the young boy must be the avatar. You walked over to them, in hope to spark some sort of a friendship.
“Hi! I just saw you and I was hoping if I could ask you a question?”
“Sorry,” The taller, older boy said. He was quite attractive. His skin was dark, and his hair had been pulled back into a ponytail. He was well built and tall, carrying what looked like a boomerang on his back. “But we really have to get going.”
“Sokka, I’m sure it’s fine. She seems nice.” The girl in blue uttered, attempting to be quiet.
“Shhh! Don’t say my name! Trust no one. Plus, she’s wearing Fire Nation clothes. She’s probably with Zuko.”
You giggled. “Oh, no, don’t worry.  I’m actually a part of Southern Water Tribe. The Fire Nation raided there a while ago. Six years ago, when I was eight. And I was stowaway on their ship. I’ve been travelling around the world ever since. I’ve had to throw away my Water Tribe clothes. Wearing clothes from the Fire Nation basically gives you automatic protection.” The girl who had spoken before smiled at you.
“We’re from the Southern Water Tribe too! Well, me and Sokka, my brother, are. I’m a waterbender, just like you. Oh, and This is Aang, the avatar, and Toph. She’s an earthbender.” They each gave a pleasant ‘Hi’. You were grateful for how friendly she seemed, whilst her brother slapped his forehead in annoyance.
“I’m Y/N. I promise I’m not a part of the Fire Nation. I’m actually a water bender.”
“Prove it.” Sokka spat, sounding a lot meaner than he intended to.
“Well, I-” You sighed. “I’m really not very good.” You took them to a secluded area near a body of water. Taking a deep breath, you drew your arms up from your sides and began twisting your hands. A sphere of water followed your hands, making a little spin, only to drop and land back into the water. You sighed. “I-I told you I wasn’t any good.”
“No, that was good! You just need a little help making the right shapes is all.”
“Actually.. That’s what I wanted to ask. Since you’re a waterbender, would you teach me?”
“Absolutely not. Sorry but we’re actually on a very important mission to help Aang and we just don’t have time.” Your face dropped at Sokka’s words. You couldn’t keep your disappointment from flooding your entire body. Your head bowed low as you barely muttered an ‘Oh’, until you heard the younger boy speak up.
“Come on, Sokka. Katara still has stuff to teach me, why can’t she teach Y/N at the same time?” The older boy groaned at the arrow-headed boy’s request.
“Aang’s right, Sokka. We know she’s not actually a part of the Fire Nation, so what’s the big deal?” You were exceedingly grateful for the two, and the other girl, who agreed without saying much. 
After a few months of training with Katara, you had gotten very good at waterbending. You often participated in sparring matches with all four of the others and were forever thankful that all of them ended up accepting you, especially Sokka. You had both become very close since you had joined Team Avatar, and you had developed strong feelings for him. He was always sweet to you and made sure you were okay. He even made sure you ate before he did, to make sure you had something.
“Y/N!” Katara called out to you as you all had set up a new camp for the day, or at least for a few days. You stopped unpacking for a moment and turned around to see her walking up to you, holding something in her hands. “I found this as I was unpacking. I completely forgot I had it! I brought a few spare outfits and.. Well, I just thought you would like to start wearing Water Tribe colors again.” She held the blue cloth out to you, smiling. You grinned widely.
“Katara, thank you so much!” You hugged her tightly and gently took the clothes from her. “Are you sure this is okay?” To which she nodded and pushed them towards your chest.
“I want you to have them.”
“Thank you, Katara.” You rushed off to find somewhere to change and hurried back. You stood and beamed, finally in your home colors once again. Giggling happily, you twirled in your new outfit.
“Y/N, you look great! I should have given you that a long time ago.” Katara smiled. As you teared up, you thanked her again.
“You have no idea how much this means to me. I appreciate this so, so much.”
“Hey, Katara have you seen- Y/N, wow.” Sokka’s jaw dropped, earning a smile from you.
“Do you think it suits me, Sokka?”
“W-Well, yeah, of course.” He gulped and walked away, you assumed to get some more fire wood. You sighed.
“I don’t know if he likes me in this.” Looking down, you fiddled anxiously with your hands, hoping he would’ve liked it.
“Believe me, Y/N. He does.” Katara giggled, and you were confused, but you decided not to say anything.
As time went on, you all found yourself sat around the fire, like you all did every night. Toph and Katara were already asleep, and Aang was only barely awake, leaving you and Sokka. You hummed softly, gently, as you stroked the fabric of your new clothes. Sokka cleared his throat.
"You know, Y/N... What I meant earlier was that-"
"Sokka, it's okay. I get that it's weird seeing me in blue since you've seen me in red for so long."
"It's not that. It's just.. I guess... W-Well, you just look..." He cleared his throat while you tilted your head, confused. "You look pretty in my colors. Well.. Our colors." A deep blush flushed his cheeks and you couldn't stop from smiling.
"You really think so?" He nodded, earning a blush from you as you hugged him tightly. "Thank you." As you smiled, you felt him intake a deep breath before returning the hug, placing one hand gently on the back of your head and one on your back, around your waist.
"You know, you're not too bad yourself." You rubbed the back of your neck nervously, unaware of how he would react. He smiled; not what you were expecting, and you were happy. "I've always found you attractive." Sokka almost choked.
"What? Are you being serious?"
"W-Well.. Yeah. Even when you broke my heart and told me Katara wouldn't be my teacher. I've always thought you were cute but I just didn't know how to say, or when to say and I don't even know if you like me back but I just wanted you to know anyway because-"
You were interrupted by the feeling of soft lips pressed against yours. You smiled at the feeling and kissed back gently. The feeling was indescribable; hearts racing, fingers intertwined, mouths moving with each other in sync. As you both pulled away, you smiled at each other.
"Sorry if I'm a bad kisser."
"Y/N, stop. It was amazing. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"Believe me, I do." You gulped. "I think I might love you, Sokka." Your face flushed a deeper red than before. The boy moved closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest.
"I think I love you too, Y/N." He sighed contently. As you rested your head on his shoulder and felt his body heat, your eyelids began to feel heavy. He gently played with the ends of your hair, sending you off into a sound sleep.
my masterlist (requests open!)
A/N : had a bit of writers block for a few days lmao sorry loves :( another sokka imagine cus i absolutely adore him with my whole heart but anyway my requests r open and im happy to write anything for anyone i luv u all thank u for reading and i hope u have a fantastic day xo p
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latraviesascott · 4 years
What kind of dreams (or nightmares) do you think the Avatar characters have? Obviously Aang's got some wild ones and Sokka dreams about food eating people xD but what do you think The rest of the gaang and the Fire Nation kids dream about?
Okay so this is just my opinion but, even if Aang's dreams and nightmares in Season 3 were funny, they all came from the fear of failing that Aang had. So if the dreams/nightmares are influenced by the character's feelings/ insecurities then this is what i imagine each of them would dream about:
Katara- even though the fandom jokes about it a lot, she does mention/talk a lot about her mom in the series, and that is completely understandable considering the fact that she's dealing with that trauma since she was a kid. The North and South comics begin with Katara dreaming of her mom back in the SWT, and the dream was both happy and sad for her. She even woke up feeling nostalgic. Therefore i feel like Katara's more significant dreams consist of memories of her mom , and the good times she had in the water tribe before the Fire Nation altered that forever. Her nightmares could be heavily influenced by the amount of stress she has with being the "mom" of the group. She truly does act motherly with her friends, but it's all because she cares and she's has been doing so with Sokka since she was a kid. The idea of not being able to protect them probably haunts her dreams..
Sokka- i sometimes feel so bad for Sokka. Many people often overlook the fact that he was also a child personally affected by the war. In Season 1 we see that he feels this big responsibility to protect his tribe. After all, he is the oldest "man" left. That's a huge responsibility! He also has this need to prove himself as a warrior to Hakoda. Not only that, in the episode "Sokka's Master" we see that he also has this issue with being a non-bender in a group of powerful benders. This doesn't come from him being selfish, but he feels bad when he sees that he can't help people as much as the rest of the gaang does. So if you add that to his usual easy going, fun personality his dreams could honestly range from silly things like him being eaten by food, and him being awesome with Suki, to more serious nightmares that involve him not being/doing enough to protect those that depend on him.
Toph- out of all of the Ember Island players i feel like Toph's representation is most accurate 😭 that kid is tough as nails. The many statues she makes of herself in both Imbalance and later on in Legend of Korra make me think her dreams mostly consist of her being awesome in super badass scenarios! Or her being MELONLORD!!! Her nightmares however are the complete opposite. In "The Blind Bandit" she says she hasn't had a single friend in the 12 years of her life! like omgg bby let me give you a hug!!! And I thought it was super interesting how vulnerable she looks in the episode "The Avatar and the Firelord" when she asks if its truly possible for friendships to last more than one lifetime. She found more than friendships, she found a family with the gaang. In The Rift, her own father denied knowing her, which proves that family is not defined by blood ties. So letting go/ losing those friendships is a concept that seems to scare her. I feel like this is something she might have nightmares about.
Suki- because Suki is part of the gaang!!! She does have her own group with the Kyoshi warriors, not trying to erase that, but i consider her to be a part of the gaang too! With that being said we really do not know much about this queen, and i am so glad that she's getting her own comic! Hopefully we learn more about her! But from what we know, she began training since she was 8 years old! She is a brave warrior and a great friend. I feel like she takes her job as a Kyoshi warrior super seriously and is honored to be their fearless leader. I imagine that her happy dreams consist of her meeting Kyoshi herself. As for her nightmares, we do not get a lot of her (unfortunately) to really perceive her fears, but if Azula's taunting in "The Day of Black Sun Pt.2" are true, then Suki has been waiting on Sokka to rescue her for some time now. Seeing that time passed must have been hard for her. Her nightmares might have been influenced by her feeling abandoned, or her worry about the other Kyoshi warriors. (Also i love Azula, but Suki probably also dreamed of dragging Azula's big head on the ground.)
Zuko- omggg where do i even begin with this boy?! I feel like the Fire Nation teens are just so angsty! But when one's father burns off half of your face then that's the way it is igs. So I feel like the show was pretty in detail when it came to Zuko's character and his personality. Throughout the show, we see how he sometimes gets this flashbacks whenever he's feeling a specific way or when he's reminded of something. This was seen most in "The Beach". Despite being this angsty, emotional guy he is always remembering his early childhood very fondly despite being part of the most dysfunctional family in the Fire Nation. During his fever, we see his nightmares being this representation of the constant fight between good and evil inside him. Therefore i think this is what Zuko most likely sees when he has nightmares. (It is quite interesting how the "evil" blue dragon in his nightmare seems to represent Azula and the "good" red dragon is Iroh. That kind of made me wonder why Zuko seemed to associate the evil aspect with Azula rather than Ozai🤔). But back to the point. If the flashbacks he has are any indication, then his dreams most likely involve the good times he had with his mother and family during their vacations on ember island. (And because of his trauma, he might also relive the Agni Kai with Ozai in his nightmares.)
Azula- i could write essays on this girl. Her character is just so complex! And literally nothing in this world is gonna convince me that she didn't deserve better. Im gonna try to keep it as short as possible with her because quite honestly i could go on forever. But im having a hard time figuring out what a happy dream might be for Azula. Conquering Ba Sing Se?? Mastering Firebending at a young age?? Oh right she did do that! She wasn't like Zuko, in the way that she could look back on the past and remember it fondly. Quite the opposite actually, she refers to their beach house as "depressing". Then, later on in the bonfire, she treats everyone's emotions and confessions as a "performance". It's quite interesting to think that truly the only one who was trying to perform was her. Everyone else was very honest and open with their insecurities even if they didn't realize it. The fact that she thinks showing emotion is a performance of some sort makes it clear that everything she does is a perfectly put-together performance. Her nightmares could consist that facade falling apart, and her status as the perfect daughter being reduced to nothing along with her many achievements. The difference with Azula is that just as she became everything she dreamed of, she also ended up being everything her nightmares doomed her to be. ( I also have this hc that she dreamt of having a cat with ty lee and just living together at Ember Island after she got help and just lived their happy gay life of wtvvvv)
omggg this post is gonna be super long, but i had so much fun answering this! thank you for that! it was a nice surprise 🥰 i can do ty lee and mai later if you'd like just lmk! im just giving my thumbs a lil rest rn. hope this sorta answered the question😌
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sukis-wife · 4 years
got any suki-interacting-with-the-rest-of-the-gaang-than-just-sokka-and-zuko hcs? tumblr just fixed my asks and im celebrating by sending u one :)
oh awesome yeah i gotta few hope you enjoy! (idk if this is what you were asking for but this is what i came up with lol)
Suki and Aang would meditate and do yoga together
I feel like Suki might be a vegetarian or at least would eat a lot of vegetarian meals and Aang would be super happy about it
They’d share recipes and though neither of them are amazing cooks they’re both pretty good at baking so they’d bake together.
Aang and Suki would have a brother sister sort of friendship where they’d both just goof around and go on adventures together
Suki and Toph would cause chaos together pulling off tons of pranks and schemes
They both have the mindset of ‘you hurt my family your a dead man’ so they go around vaguely threatening people together
They would have very intense spar matches that to outsiders look like they’re gonna murder each other but to them it’s just fun
Toph goes to Suki when she needs advice from an older girl knowing Suki will be laid back and honest with her
Suki and Katara have the two working brain cells of the gaang so they’ll occasionally just sit back together and watch shit go down
They would have a more typical ‘girl’ friendship where they could both gossip and relax around one and other
Katara and Suki both love helping others and together they make a huge difference doing what they can to help people
Suki would basically just play the role of the big sis in the gaang. She’d make bad puns and sarcastic comments and help people get out of trouble when they need it. She would be straightforward, give good advice, and comfort anyone who needs it
Then we got Suki, Zuko, and Sokka who carry the world on there shoulders but around each other they kinda get to be teens
The three of them would definitely refer to the younger three as ‘the kids’ even though they are very much kids themselves
They’ve never really had many friends they’re own age who they haven’t been in charge of keeping alive so none of them really know how friendships supposed to work
lots of sarcastic comments and endlessly roasting one another
All of them have shit sleep schedules so they’d stay up late together talking about things or just joking around
They’re comfortable enough to joke about trauma together cause they all cope with it that way and get that sometimes it’s just easier to joke about it
The three of them have sparring matches but halfway through they’re all cheating and distracting each other in ways that wouldn’t work in a real fighting
Suki would definitely force Sokka and Zuko into having a spa day and doing makeovers with her and even though the two of them say they hate it they actually really enjoy it
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
(ask game) Suki because i feel like we'll get a good response from this
listen,,, if youve paid any attention to this blog you will know that i relate to four characters above all else
in this order:
now. the thing is. my irls who watch atla who know me very well say that i am suki to. a. t. (my best friend who knows me better says im zuko but thats besides the point)
suki is everything i wish to be. i wanna be her so. fucking. bad.
she is the badass leader that i try to emulate in my every day life. she does not take any shit from anybody. when sokka comes onto HER ISLAND and disrespects HER WARRIORS she puts an immediate stop to that. she put that boy in his mf place. as she should. she is strong and understanding and takes no bullshit for sexism or misogyny. but the most amazing thing about her first interactions with sokka is that even tho hes sexist. he apologizes. he asks for her help. and instead of disregarding him she forgives him and helps him learn and grow. so many people dont give people the chance to learn and grow from their mistakes in real life (in all situations not just sexism n shit) and that makes her so much more compelling to me. she is gracious and gives him a chance and becomes his first real friend on his adventures with katara and aang that is his friend first. not kataras friend. not aangs friend. sokkas. she is constantly supporting everyone around her and doing whatever she can to be brave and supportive and helpful to whoever needs it. we all know shes a brave badass. thats been said a billion times. but its important to note that she has so much compassion. we see it in how she treats appa and cares for him during appas lost days. we see it in how she gets inspired by the gaang and leaves kyoshi to do even more than she was already doing to fight the fire nation. she helps refugees make safe passage to ba sing se. she is incredibly tied to her duty and is extremely loyal and i admire that about her.
the line “im a warrior, but im a girl too” is always something that i enjoyed about her character. yes it may come across to some people as that cheesy feminism shtick that a lot of tv shows and movies do to say “yeah girl power!” but the difference between suki and those other “girl power moments” is that atla develops sukis character as a feminine warrior instead of just a pandering attempt to get woke points (im looking at you endgame). we see sukis feminine side AND her badass warrior side. the two sides of her coexist flawlessly and are both developed very well in my opinion.
i also enjoy that she is her own character outside of her relationship with sokka. she has her duties and responsibilities to the kyoshi warriors and her home. she enjoys training and combat and also just being a teenage girl. book three is amazing at showing that she is more than just a badass warrior, but a teenage girl too. she wants to have fun with her friends on the beach. she hangs out with katara and shows concern for aang (who is her friend btw,, if ur a fic writer plz have suki interact with people outside of sokka. her and kataras friendship is so fun and unique. they are gal pals. they are besties. katara and suki is a brotp that i need more of.), she wants attention from her boyfriend and finds it very sweet when he makes an attrocious sculpture of her. she laughs at the ridiculous ember island play. she fucking saves toph and tokkas life. she has done so many incredible things man.
shes still a teenager!! she makes jokes and has a really good and highly underappreciated sense of humor!! “i didnt know you made out with the moon spirit?” “...i think i could get you backstage!” “is he, ya know...” guys suki makes me giggle so much.
the main issue i have w atla fans is kind is that while suki is a badass female warrior and while that is a big part of her character shes more than that too!!! this goes for all female atla characters. can we stop reducing them to one trait? can we stop reducing katara to mom friens? mai to quiet goth girl? ty lee to ditzy pink girl? toph to murder child (dear god thats a whole other convo plz stop w murder child toph thats not even TRUE)? yue to sheltered princess? suki to lady fighter go hit-hit? like cmon they are all multifaceted and unique and they deserve just as much attention and analyzation as zuko and sokka and aang and jet.
i love suki man. i love her so much. whenever someone tells me i remind them if her my heart gows bumbum.
plus shes like super pretty so theres that.
i hope this is all you expected and i hope this is as good as you wanted it to be lol.
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earth-architect · 4 years
Senior Year Adventures (Zuko xOC) pt.16
“So much for a drama free New Years”
“Hey Ki?” Zuko knocked on Kianna’s bedroom door “are you almost ready, we gotta leave soon.
“yeah I’m ready” she puts some last-minute touches to her red lipstick, grabbed her purse and opened the door. Zuko was standing there with his arm on the side of the door. He was wearing a black long-sleeved turtleneck and black pants with a red jacket to finish the look. ‘man can this guy dress’
“wow, you look beautiful” Zuko gives her a sly smirk when he sees the blush creep up on her cheeks.
“do you mind taking a picture of me?” Kianna hands Zuko her phone. She turned slightly posing for the picture.
“Ok come on” Zuko looked at her with his phone in her hand.
“what, do I need to change my angle” she turns her body
“no, you look beautiful, I just” Zuko rubs her face “your butt is showing”
“well yeah that’s the whole point” she gets back into the pose she was first “now take the picture”
Zuko took a few pictures, changing his angle a few times before handing the phone to her.
“are you going to post this?” Kianna takes the phone to look at the pictures.
“I mean yeah” she looks at him to see an uncertain look on his face “ok what’s wrong”
“nothing, I just”, he sighs “as much as I want everyone to know your mine, I don’t really want anyone to be able to look at your ass anytime they want”
Her expression shifted, she hoped Zuko wouldn’t notice but of course he did.
“I’m not trying to control you or anything I promise,” he steps closer and puts his hands on her waist “I just can’t help but be a little possessive”
“no, I don’t feel like your controlling me, and I’m sorry I guess I never thought of it like that, I just thought I looked cute”
“you look gorgeous, forget I said anything you can post anything you want” Zuko felt a little sad he didn’t want to push his insecurities on her, he didn’t want to make her feel like he’s trying to change her.
“no Zuko, if you feel a type of way about its i’ll pose differently, here you can keep the ass pics I’ll take one from the side”. She pushes the phone back to Zuko and does a side pose. She can see him smile while he takes the picture. After the mini photoshoot, Kianna forced Zuko to take some picture too, the two quickly hurried to Zuko’s car (he opened the door for her – what a gentlemen). The ride to Toph’s house wants long, but it was enough time for Ki’s nerves to spiral. Somehow Zuko could tell she was silently freaking out and like the good boyfriend he is, he placed his hand on hers to calm her nerves. Even though the two haven’t been dating long it felt like they have known each other for years. Kianna apricates how sweet and understanding Zuko can be and Zuko feels like he’s lucky to find someone as patient and open as Kianna is. Kianna instantly feels better when she holds his hand. She doesn’t let go when the walk from the car, to inside Tophs house. The first people to greet them where some players from the soccer team. Kianna wasn’t listening because she was too busy looking for her friends, but she assumed that they were still trying to get Zuko to try out for the team. Zuko spots their friends before she does, he tells the soccer guys he will see them later and guides Kianna towards the group. Sokka was the first to notice the new couple, he gives both of them a smirk. Sokka draws the attention of the group to look at Zuko and Kianna. The pair finally get to the group and everyone notices them holding hands.
“so, you guys are together now, officially” Katara looks at the two, crossing her arms over her chest.
“yes, its official now” Kianna couldn’t help the bright smile that formed on her face.
“good cause Azula told me you guys almost did each other in my kitchen and I wasn’t keeping that secret long” toph says as she gets up and leaves the group. Everyone’s eyes turn to the two in amusement. The couple blush furiously as their friends stare at them.
“I think we’re going to get a drink” Kianna pulls Zuko away from the group. The two walks to the kitchen weaving through the crowed. Zuko walked over to the drinks to make drinks for them while Kianna stayed towards the entrance of the kitchen. Basically, the whole school was at this party, she saw people she knew, people she’s seen before and some people she had never seen before, ‘people form another school are probably here.’ Zuko walked up to her and handed her a drink as he was talking to Haru. The two were deep in a conversation about some video game so Kianna slipped away to find Katara and suki. Now that her and Zuko were out in the open, she wanted to show them the beautiful ring Zuko gave her. She gave the house a quick walkthrough before she checked her phone. A few messages from Zuko asking where she went was quickly ignored when she noticed the group chat going off.
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She rolled her eyes at her friends’ messages.
‘I can be in the same place as jet’
she thought
‘I’m totally over what happened, I mean I’m not going to be friends with the guy, but I can be civil’
just when she turned around to walk to where Zuko said he was, she saw him. Jet. He didn’t look any different from the last time she saw him. Still had brown untamed hair, a smirk glued to his face, and dark clothes to put together his ‘bad boy’ look. And of course, he sees her too, he makes his way to her, wearing the same smirk that used to make her weak in the knees a year ago.
“Well well,” he says when he finally reaches her.” If it isn’t Kianna, long time no see huh”
“Hey jet” she sighs with slight irritation 
“Well damn I guess your not happy to see me”
“well I’m not really jumping for joy, am I?”
“Look I get it, I treated you like shit and you hate me, but I’m a changed man, Kianna rolls her eyes,” no really I’m different, and I came to this party cause I knew you would be here”
“Oh god not only are you saying you changed but your stalking me? I’m walking away now.” Before she could turn around, he stops her with a hand on her wrist.
“I came to apologize, not to stalk you. I want to move past this, be friends like we used to be.”she looks at him, waiting to he the grand apology.
“I’m sorry I treated you badly, I had no reason to do that when I was supposed to love you and care for you and instead I tore you down, I know an apology will never be enough but I miss my friend. I miss the Kianna I grew up. I know I messed up bad, but I want to fix our friendship.” She found herself speechless. This was old jet talking. Jet before becoming a jerk, jet who she grew up with the jet she shared secrets with and hang out with everyday. Part of her wanted to hug him, welcome back his friendship, but the other part of her thought back to how bad things ended with them, how bad the relationship was. She continuously fought everyone who said he was no good for her, defended him when he did into deserve it.
“I appreciate the apology, but I think it’ll be a while before I could trust you again. He looks down at his shoes for a Brief moment before looking back in her eyes.
“I understand, and I’m sorry again,” He pauses as if he’s debating on saying what he’s going to say “I heard you with that Zuko guy, just be careful.”
“what, why are you of all people warning me about someone”
“I know I know, but seriously, I’ve heard some things from his ex, there not good”
“Look I don’t know what you heard but Zuko is a good guy” she turns preparing to walk away
“don’t defend him like you did to me” she stops dead in her tracks, her mind racing with what he just said, ever inch of her body was fueled with rage as she walked back up to him and slapped him, hard. 
“no one will ever do you me what you did to me, just own up to the fact that I moved on to someone better and stop trying to bring me down like you did when we where together.” She brushed last him, making sure to hit his shoulder with hers, and walked to her old room. ‘So much for a drama free New Years’
A/n: only updating once a week makes me sad but that's all I have time for now. but anyway I hope you guys like this and thank you for the love and the likes, my tumbler has been blowing up with likes and follows these past two weeks and honestly its what been keeping me going, sadly this fit is coming to a end in the near future (within the next 3 weeks) but don't worry, your favorite oc will be back in season 2 of Senior year adventure!!(in December). and of course im rambling.... thanks again everyone, if you want to be added to the taglist let me know!!!! lots of loveeeee P.S the next part is a continuation of this part which will be posted later today.
Tag list: @snickerdoodleeee @fanficflaneuse @welovediaaxx @pyromanicschizophrenic @firedancer016 @bostwickellin
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luobingmeis · 4 years
Pls give us the AtLA rant, I have a mighty need!
askjskjsdkjdskj i copy and pasted my rant from last night bc imo the raw energy of “i am genuinely shocked and angry (in a good way)” is something i cannot recreate right now
so here is the rant i went on in my groupchat + the secret side conversation i had in DMs bc, in my 3 person gc, 2 of us are watching it for the first time and i already knew some stuff going in so i didn’t want to spoil
it’s all under the cut bc it’s long as fuck (like almost 2k words if not more) 
but basically i go into my own type of avatar-state while talking abt zuko!!!!
but i just finished book 2 and it took a completely different turn from what i thought it was going to like i am actually in shock and have officially reached my point of "zuko what the actual fuck" because the choice to do good was right there after everything he and iroh went through and after all that he saw and letting aang go multiple times and he was starting to be happy in this new life and saw that he and iroh could be free and he still went back to azula for his pride and honor, turning against aang and katara after he and katara could have finally reached a moment of understanding
but like what the fuck i am more mad at s2 zuko than i was at s1 zuko bc, in season 1, the avatar and his honor was the only thing he thought about, but in s2, he met people who had their lives ruined by the fire nation!! and he worked with them!!!! iroh was showing him what it was like to live completely free, doing what he wants!!!! and he was starting to understand!!!!! but im so pissed and so fucking shocked bc, this entire fucking time, i was like "oh yeah the end of s2 is going to be when zuko joins, right? bc i mean book 3 is fire, so zuko has to teach him fire bending" but no, he willingly chose to keep pursuing the avatar after fucking everything he has seen, after knowing how people were affected by the fire nation, after everything iroh did for him
and he knows what he did!! he knows!!!!! he told azula that he betrayed iroh!!!!!!! he fucking knows
when iroh showed up to fight both him and azula, i was fucking losing it bc iroh's love has been so unconditional for zuko, he supported zuko through everything and even helped him try to capture the avatar at times, but that was the final straw
zuko willingly walked into world domination. he doesn't even fucking trust azula! he never has! but she brought up his pride and honor, and she's powerful as all hell, and he sided with her! after everything!
i really thought he was learning that his quest for the avatar was fruitless! it's not going to bring him happiness! his life in the fire nation will never return to normal
aang has saved his life so many god damn times, him and katara were reaching a point of understanding! they fucking talked about how the fire nation took both of their mothers
and i'm so floored bc this was all willing
when zuko was exiled, he had no choice! it was either find the avatar or have no home. but he was finding a home! he finally seemed so happy with iroh! it really seemed like iroh's teachings were getting through to him! that he was learning what he really wanted (freedom)! but he still went back to the fire nation except this time he chose to. he looked at the people he was starting to understand, at the man who has been a better father than ozai ever could, and willingly chose to turn away for the sake of pillaging and conquering and "honor" in a family that doesn't care about him
at first, i was like "this has to be a trick, right? he's fighting them now so that he can backstab azula later, right?"
but when katara said to him "i thought you changed!" and he said "i have" i was fucking besides myself
im so angry but im also fucking exhilirated bc this i did not expect
i would've put so much money on there being a meaningful moment of zuko stepping up alongside aang
like, i was so sure this would happen
i was convinced
but holy shit
and fucking!!! zuko knows what iroh went through at ba sing se with the loss of his son (and probably the realization that what the fire nation was doing was fucked up) and zuko still turned against iroh
after everything iroh did for him! iroh was the only person who stood by zuko's side during everything. he pleaded zuko's case over and over, he seeked out the gaang bc he needed their help and he was so sure that zuko would make the right decision!!! he saw zuko let the avatar go before, but when zuko was faced w/ azula's assistance and the avatar right there, he just went back to his old ways except worse bc this is willing
and like
am i discounting the manipulations of azula and ozai? no!!!
that definitely had a hand in it, bc azula has been dangling honor and ozai's love in front of zuko the entire time
but i really thought that the end of s2 would be when zuko sees past all of that
except he turned back to the family that doesn't even love him, betraying the only person who truly cared for him and loved him unconditionally and wanted the best for him, and now he has a direct hand in the collapse of ba sing se and world domination
like okay let it be known that this is some of the best writing ive seen and im fucking obsessed and im living for this and it's so fucking good so my anger is fueled by excitement and shock
and also i fucking love negative character development
like. i love zuko. and literally i think that's part of this too bc i was so sure that he was going to make the right decision
and instead i had to face the dawning realization that he wasn't
and now he and azula are teaming up to end the earth kingdom
like i thought i knew where this was gonna go and now i'm genuinely lost (in a good way)
and like i haven't even touched upon aang's chakra being locked bc he went back to katara
(also don't even get me started on the painful irony of iroh telling aang that sometimes it's better to choose love and friendship over power)
(like really don't get me started because i'm about to combust)
after everything iroh did for zuko!!!
after the gaang has saved his life!!!!!!!
and the best thing is, it was shocking but still not out of character
that's the beautiful thing
this was always an option for zuko
it's the point of the crossroads!!! you can go either way!!!!!!!
i just thought he was gonna go...................... the other way
and like literally the fact that he sided with azula after obviously not liking her basically his entire life (or at least his adolescence) is so fucking telling for how he made this decision bc. unless there's some behind the scenes stuff, he saw the avatar and his pride and his honor so clearly, and he saw how powerful azula was becoming, and decided that he would still take it even in the face of azula's manipulations and violence
if that makes sense
if you can't tell, i'm kinda reeling right now
like, apparently zuko wants his honor/power so badly that he'll side with azula!!!
after they spent an entire season fighting her
but also....... azula finally gave him that option of working together. before, it was always azula vs. zuko
now, though, azula was offering a world dominating olive branch
so now like im thinking....... what if that happened earlier? would zuko always have turned? or is it just because everything he ever wanted was so close to him?
and it's wonderful bc it's still so in-character. like, even siding with azula, it's not bc he suddenly cares for his sister or whatever, but it's because he chose honor/pride/the fire nation over freedom/giving up what he always wanted. i don't think he was choosing azula, he was choosing his pre-written destiny over making his own
god is any of this making sense i am literally so fucking shocked
i literally need like 3 episodes solely on iroh at this point bc you know what probably fucking sucks??? losing his first son to the war in ba sing se, and then losing his nephew (who he saw as another son) to starting war in ba sing se
like? that has to feel like a fucking slap in the face ten times over
especially bc iroh left the fire nation with zuko (and probably for zuko), most likely giving up his full title there
and like? the fighting sequences are so cool but it was so fucking heartbreaking to hear iroh tell aang "you go on ahead! i will hold off both of them!" because like. iroh can't wait any longer! he thinks (and knows) that zuko is making the wrong choice, but he can't wait any longer! he can't stand by while zuko dominates an entire city and say "oh, he's really complicated, he's going through something"! because zuko did go through it and he came out of it and he still made that choice! iroh probably feels like all his patience, all his efforts, all his teachings and love, went to fucking waste! because it didn't get him anywhere!
like, iroh probably still loves zuko but he probably feels so fucking betrayed and hurt and disappointed because, after seeing zuko let the avatar go before and seeming so happy, he probably thought that zuko was changing for the better! and now, he has to fight his niece AND his nephew! this no longer is zuko insulting some other general or his crew that iroh can fix by explaining what happened w/ ozai and how zuko is very conflicted! this is a situation that zuko willingly walked in, even after hearing and knowing all of iroh's teachings!
anyways! poetic cinema
like also pls dont think im ignoring everything else in the episode, like aang's chakra being locked was fucking wild and that entire episode was so good, with the fight sequences and everything abt azula, and toph’s metal bending, just forgive me bc im a little uhhhhh distracted by a twist that i genuinely did not expect
i feel bad for how focused i am right now on zuko but also how can i not be bc that feels so connected to literally everything else
also tho on a brighter note, true serotonin was when appa finally returned :')
it's so wonderful that appa broke out by himself. he did it all on his own! no one else was there. at all :)
(im kidding that was actually a very important moment in zuko's character)
(or at least i thought it was going to be)
(well actually it still is, but it's come to the question of "you can always say what you're going to do in a situation, but what happens when you're actually faced with it?”)
i know that zuko gets redeemed, right? like i know, in the end, they will all team up
but the fact that it didn't happen now
holy shit
like.......... a whiiiiiiile ago on tumblr, i saw a post that was like "zuko has a great redemption but he needed to work for it bc he did awful things" and like? tbh yeah i got that s1 zuko was the antag and he did shitty things but like...................... this feels so much more poignant
like zuko literally has a direct hand now in the collapse of the earth kingdom
literally not to be dramatic but this is like. taz-reveal levels of shocked right now.
i thought i knew the zuko arc
bc i know he gets redeemed!!
so, after watching this season, i was thinking "oh okay it's gonna be this season! makes sense!"
but.... deep down
deep down..............
a part of me was kinda like "so is season 1 zuko....... it? is that the end of his antagonisms? is season 2 meant to be his redemption? i dig it, but i thought it would be more...................... dramatic"
got what i wished for!
and i am in the best kinds of hell
like i almost feel bad bc so much other stuff happened in the finale (like, for example, aang's chakra being locked, which i screamed at, it was so good) but like. i genuinely did not expect this.
like. holy fuck.
like, now i really understand why people say that zuko needed to really work for his redemption bc he and azula are tag teaming the end of the earth kingdom
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