#im older and a little better at art so i can do the things i couldn't now
starlitdumbass · 1 year
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I've been getting into dragon ball again which is probably not gonna be good if it continues
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catmask · 1 month
before i go to bed - can i confess something?
learning how to do art skills as an adult i didnt have the space for as a kid is terrifying. im not of the mindset that, when i see artists more talented than me who are much younger than me that i get upset. its the opposite really - i feel breathtaken watching everyone whos already got a foot in the race i feel like i was just able to tie my shoes for and start running. im happy for them, and im happy for me too - i WANT to do this, but i feel so embaressed for wanting it at the same time.
i dont think my art is even bad. i dont really think 'bad' art exists to begin with; objectively i can measure my skill and see improvement from where i began. i guess its more like i feel that my art should be more impressive for my age... or that i should have more to show for it. but if i say that, then what if someone older than me, or someone who feels behind me, hears me say that? i dont feel this way about anyone else but myself, but negative self talk can still seep out and effect others around you.
i think im coming to accept that being scared is a state i need to get used to and accept as a sign im moving forward. never trying anything hard IS 'safe', but 'safe' and happy arent always the same thing. some times you need to not be 'safe' to move towards being happy. sometimes you wont be either, just on the road between the two.
i am really proud of myself, and i think im moving forward to thinking a little better of myself too. and the truth is i am happy, because as long as i can keep drawing and sharing that with everyone thats all i really want. maybe i dont need to be impressive as long as im always getting better, maybe i dont need to be super talented as long as im always doing my best and remembering to smile.... i dont think thats a life to be ashamed of at all
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zweiginator · 2 months
So you start being more cold towards Patrick and you decide you’re not letting him in anymore. You want to focus on yourself, this movie, and your career. You’re spending more time away from the set as possible and not many people notice except one person in particular. Nobody notices who down your energy has been besides this person. He’s a nobody really🤷‍♀️ no one on set really knows much about him. They think he’s good for one thing - coffee running. Art Donaldson, the boy who asks you what you want in the morning or late night. Letting the extras and side actors know it’s lunch time when they’re in their trailers which he’s never had a problem with before… until he has to start getting you out of your trailer. He’s nothing like Patrick at all in fact he’s more of a lover boy… maybe that’s someone you need….
(Patrick confuses himself when he sees you giggling with the nobody coffee runner before a scene take and starts to feel a certain way..)
yes and im imagining you and art are around the same age, but patrick is about 10 years older.
you've become a lot colder towards patrick. he asks you to dinner to talk about the movie, the script, life--but you see right through it. you know he craves more since the incident, as you dramatically call it in your mind. but you just can't give him the satisfaction of knowing he'll always hear yes, no matter what. has a woman ever told patrick zweig no? it seems unlikely, with how he's acting towards you. he's not being rude or entitled per se, he's just frustrated. it's clear he really thought he had you wrapped around his finger, that you had fallen for his siren song. and you had, originally. but you have been working avidly to reverse the effects he has on you.
instead of pulling your hair down and blotting berry lipstick on your lips during set breaks, you read in the sun. you don't frequent patrick's trailer anymore, and you distract yourself with new friends and new hobbies and it's healthier for you. you feel better.
and of course, you still feel those pangs of yearning when he's nearby and you can smell the musk of tobacco and his thousand dollar cologne, but you bite the inside of your cheek and allow it to pass. as much as it can, at least.
you've been striking up conversations with the director's personal assistant. he mostly gets lunch catered and takes coffee orders. does little tasks around set that nobody else wants to be bothered to do. but art is always happy to do them. he knows how you prefer your cold brew, now that it's hotter outside. and, seeing how down you seem today, art hands you a pastry. it's filled with raspberry and cream cheese and you wonder how he knows you've been eyeing it at the cafe down the street for weeks.
you split it with him. and you talk for hours and hours while the director and producers perfect the set and wait for the wind to stop howling from the brewing storm.
and maybe, stuck in your lust for patrick zweig, you didn't realize how many handsome, doting men are right in front of you.
art is your age, and the blond curls that frame his face are golden with roots of a deeper brown. his eyes are two different colors, and the skin around them crinkles when he smiles at you, when he makes you laugh. you look at his lips; they are plump and smoother than patrick's.
you like how art is more anxious around you. it reveals to you that he's a normal boy. one who has faced rejection, who trembles at the thought of a first kiss. you like that about him.
patrick watches you and art share the pastry, taking turns sipping from the same coffee cup. he watches how art looks down at his shoes when you thank him for making you feel better. and patrick feels a strange jealousy when you slip a post it note in his hand, your phone number scrawled in blue ink.
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saprozoicworm · 8 days
Hey!!!! I just wanted to ask if u could share ur process when drawing full bodies,,, like the sketch or something. I really love your style o think my problem is I make poses too detailed and technical and I don’t just let them flow, so seeing how u structure things could really help me
I love ur art sosososo much!! I hope u have a wonderful day
i, too, struggle with making poses too stiff,, but i shall share my process and what i try to do to mitigate that
(uh long post ahead so im gonna put a break)
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so here are two poses from my most recent post (i wanted to include the one on the right bc i like the sketch)
a huge thing i try to do and practice is just getting down the shapes especially with this one. i tried to be very loose with it uhm i have a hard time describing my process but getting the general shape and feel of a pose is what you wanna go for
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a little older of a drawing but it shows my usual process
uh again i focus a lot on the general shape and feel, trying not to make my lines too stiff, and then the 2nd sketch and then the line work (which i make angular bc it feels more decisive)
what i practice to help with this sort of thing are poses (ofc) and line confidence,, i find that having more intent behind my lines makes them flow a little better idk
a great resource for practicing poses is line-of-action.com ,, i usually give myself 60 seconds to try and get the pose down before moving on and i do that for maybe 10 minutes,, its a good warm up and can help with getting more used to full body drawings (you can use other reference images as well, they don't need to be from that site)
i also look at artists/art i like and the shapes used in their art which helps me to breakdown my own stuff
for line confidence i know that drawing traditionally with a pen helps,, i also just tried to use more of my arm when drawing and think a little more about my lines,, ive read that making your lines faster helps too
i hope that was informative idk what im doing really but i hope this is helpful in some way
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little-skunk · 17 days
Your art and headcannons are so silly and cool, if I was an out little id so follow and like the heck out of you but im too shy... I visit ur profile a lot and your dandys world little headcannons are so silly and real <3 you don't have too but it would be really interesting to see ur take on who shrimpos cg would be and how their dynamic would work like!! Personally I think Goob would be a sweet one but thats a little biased... anyways im rambling ur awesome and keep being awesome!1! ⭐
Thank you so much! I'm always glad to hear others get comfort out of the stuff I make, it means a lot!
Before Glisten was officially in the game, he was the ONE toon I thought Shrimpo would genuinely like as a caregiver. Considering Glisten looked like he could be fairly rude and sassy when he wanted to be, I imagined them as a pair of mean girls.
It ended up really long so the headcanons (and a little doodle page) are below the cut!
Glisten ⊙°
More than any other toon, Shrimpo actually looks up to Glisten quite a bit. Shrimpo really likes him as a caregiver too, but sometimes he can't help but think he's wasting Glisten's time.
- Glisten is rather firm with rules when Shrimpo is little because he knows the consistency and expectations of them keep Shrimpo calm and in-check. Shrimpo respects Glisten and knows better than to try and pull anything with him. He also really likes how theatrical Glisten can get when they play pretend together, it makes things a lot more fun. Overall, Glisten is surprisingly good with kids, even with ones that have a temperament like Shrimpo.
- Shrimpo has a really difficult time reaching out, even when he knows he needs help. He almost see Glisten as 'above him' so he feels like he's wasting the other toon's time when he wants or needs to be babysat. Glisten also isn't the best at helping when Shrimpo is crying or sad, which doesn't help either.
- Glisten is best at taking care of him while he's around toddler headspace, but Shrimpo is comfortable enough to stick around when he's regressed to early teen years as well (usually when he's older he prefers to be alone, Glisten is the biggest exception to this).
- Around toddler age, Glisten like to play with Shrimpo by doing things like read alouds, coloring activities, finger paint (with heavy supervision), and playing pretend with action figures and toys. When Shrimpo's older, they play video games but Glisten always lets Shrimpo win if he can. And also when he's older Glisten tends to not hover as often because he knows Shrimpo would want more space and less doting. He generally trusts Shrimpo to not do something stupid when he's around 13+
- Glisten has the hardest time getting a toddler Shrimpo to bed, he is a very firm fighter when it comes to sleep. The one thing that gets him out like a light is hot chocolate, Glisten discovered. But of course, Glisten doesn't want to give in and let him have all that sugar every night, so instead he lays with Shrimpo and quietly reads (even if he reads through the whole book, he'll just start over) until he is sure Shrimpo is asleep.
- If Shrimpo is feeling fussy and says something mean to Glisten, without fail, Glisten will feign feeling offended/hurt and a majority of the time Shrimpo will end up scrambling to apologize and make him feel better moments after because he didn't mean it.
Goob ☆°
I do get the appeal of Goob and Shrimpo being a pair because Shrimpo could have a soft spot just for Goob, however I don't really think Goob is someone Shrimpo prefers as a caregiver unless he is in babyspace.
- In his normal toddler headspace Shrimpo absolutely loathes being coddled and babied, but Goob's love language is cuddles and doting on little ones. This leads to Shrimpo being very combative while Goob tends to be more sensitive for lack of a better word, and doesn't really know how to handle an angry little. Another problem is, Shrimpo knows Goob is too kind to properly enforce punishment, so he will often act out and do things against the rules on purpose with him, because he knows Goob won't make him face any consequences that matter to him.
- When in babyspace, Shrimpo tends to be more quiet and calm and is much more receptive to Goob's cuddles and caring style. He's probably too ashamed to admit it, but Goob is always his favorite when he's feeling particularly small. Goob just knows how to make him feel better after a meltdown.
- Both Shrimpo and Goob prefer to be little playmates rather than little/cg. This is pretty much the best middle ground for both of them. Shrimpo doesn't feel like he's being babied and feels less need to act out and rebel, and Goob doesn't have to feel as responsible or stressed out.
- Shrimpo doesn't like keeping many toys of his own, so Goob often brings some of his own toys along to play with in Shrimpo's room, like a dollhouse with a bunch of different toys, or fidget toys, or puzzles when he's an older toddler age. Goob likes playing with Shrimpo a lot, but he also usually gets too into it and regresses by accident.
- Goob actually prefers to be a big brother to Shrimpo since usually Goob is the little sibling. When Shrimpo's in babyspace he treasures the moments he gets with the bubbly little shrimp cradled in his arms. Goob gets why Scraps is so protective over him when he sees Shrimpo so small and vulnerable like that.
Teagan ♤°
A somewhat unexpected but very comforting caregiver to Shrimpo. She is a naturally motherly toon, but she also is particularly good with Shrimpo because she knows how to work with him through tough emotions or tantrums. She is very calm and patient despite how combative Shrimpo can be sometimes.
- Sometimes just the tone in Teagan's voice gets Shrimpo feeling small. She'll gently scold him for doing something he knows he shouldn't be doing, and he just melts.
- Shrimpo really appreciates how patient Teagan can be, even when he's being difficult on purpose. With her, he almost feels bad for misbehaving because of how she motivates him with praises (that he absolutely isn't used to hearing).
- Teagan really does care about Shrimpo and hates to see him beat himself up or try to deal with his issues alone. Her favorite moments with him are when he's small and sleepy, which makes him very cuddly and affectionate.
- Teagan found out that tea helps Shrimpo fall asleep without a fight (given to him in a sippy cup of course, wouldn't want any spills).
- Teagan takes care of a few other littles, so unfortunately she's not available as often as Shrimpo's other caregivers. Shrimpo isn't really comfortable with being taken care of with other littles around either (except Goob).
- Similarly to Goob, Teagan is very good at helping Shrimpo calm down during a tantrum/meltdown. She never raises her voice even when she's frustrated, and she tries to get Shrimpo to talk about his issues with an indoor voice. She always tries to give him options to try and help him with whatever's bothering him.
- Shrimpo really likes to hear Teagan sing for bedtime. Teagan doesn't really think she's that good at it, but she knows Shrimpo loves it so she does it for him.
- Teagan is the only caregiver that Shrimpo uses a parental nickname with, he likes to call her mama when he's small enough. Teagan thinks it's really sweet but doesn't comment on it to save him the embarrassment.
Originally there was a section with Dandy instead of Teagan, but most of the headcanons were rather negative so I scrapped it. Instead, here are some little blurbs left over.
- Dandy is better at being a babysitter than anything else (to Shrimpo at least).
- Shrimpo likes to hang out with Dandy when he's in a teen headspace because he likes to rant and Dandy is good at listening without adding any unsolicited advice.
- Dandy has noticed subtle tells Shrimpo has when he is feeling small but not quite regressed, and he often teases Shrimpo when he notices him doing them to get him regressed.
Also. Here's the reason why the request took so long (procrastination)
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Honestly very much agree to your points about the abuse things with Alex and Ford. It just feels off that he doesn’t recognize that Ford was abused, then having Bills background story feels like it could lead to more sympathy for Bill if not done properly imo. Then all the takes afterwards, they’d be so bad.
Then there’s the whole thing that I think going too much into Bills character would kinda ruin his character. As in he’s a fucked up triangle who veiws other beings as toys to manipulate. He’s chaotic, unpredictable, and manipulative so I feel like going into his full background just kinda ruins that. He needs mystery and no explanation to his actions to stay interesting to me.
Finally I feel like there’s so many other better things for a book imo. Like give us Ford and Fidds in college, give us Stan O War content, give us older or younger Mabel and Dipper, Stan and Soos, Ford during the portal, Stan fixing the portal, ect ect.
i think ive made another post about this before which i dont feel like looking for right now but yeah i agree completely. despite the means bill uses to achieve his goals being convoluted hes a relatively straightforward villain with pretty simple motivations so i dont really think a more detailed backstory/inner monologue is really going to do anything for him as a character. and yeah definitely dreading any potential woobification ive already been thru 2014 once lol.
its like, making journal 3 made a lot of sense yk? despite ford being this huge central figure in the plot we ultimately dont spend much time with him and dont get much runtime to hear his own thoughts about his past, despite it being the catalyst for everything in the show. so for better or worse (i know not everyone likes the journal, and its approach to show timelines can be a little. vibe-based.) the journal has a place in the overarching narrative of the show that i can understand, there was a lot to be gained from fleshing ford out more as a character and allowing us a glimpse into his perspective on everything. i dont feel this way at all when thinking about the book of bill? just as a concept? we already know why bill did the things he did. hes a being of chaos and abject cruelty whos powerful enough to feel more like a force of nature than a person at times, and i dont see how giving him more time to speak his piece will do anything other than undercut that. the book just very much feels like a strange, one off addon to me that feels years late
potential scrapped stan o war content is always on my mind... personally i still wish we got an art book 😔 im holding out hope
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
Hi Lock~ I wanted to ask you abt how you got into literature, and how you’d maybe recommend someone else to start? I want to expand on my reading (and also you’ve hyped up Dostoevsky sooo much I’m hooked but I KNOW I’m not at that lvl yet haha) but there’s so many different sources and stuff idrk where to start. I have seen your list of recommendations and other people’s lists as well but Im never sure if they’re a good place if someone is just starting into literature; I’ve been really interested in Picture of Dorian Gray, Jane Eyre and Frankenstein right now, do you think they’d be okay? Did you look at books you knew you’d be into? Or did you try out smth new entirely? Also did you look at any sources online that you could recommend? I know I’ve asked a lot so you of course don’t have to answer them, but please let me know what you think!!
I also wanted to ask, as someone who’s read many classics in literature, in your opinion, how would you define literature? And what do you think makes a book a classic?
From a very clueless anon, hope you and bun bun have a great day and stay hydrated!!!!
hello anon!!! there are so many interesting questions here, i'll try answering them to the best of my abilities!!!!
(how i got into literature)
i'd been neglecting published works for most of my life because i just preferred fanfic way more. it wasn't until a bit into 2021 that i saw this Discourse Causing Post that 'you can't grow as an author if you don't read published works,' or something among those lines. i thought this was really interesting because i'd never given it much thought. around that point, even though writing was a hobby, i felt really motivated to improve. i normally spent no more than a day or two on a story before moving onto the next. which is fine, because fanfic writing is a hobby, but i felt i'd be capable of more if i put in the extra time and effort.
so basically i got into it because i wanted to write my silly little yandere fics better jdfklgjsdg
(recommendations for getting into literature)
i focused on the genre i thought i'd be the most interested in: horror. then i branched out from there. i looked up what people considered must-reads for the genre because i figured that'd be a good place to start. if you know what sort of genres you like, doing some research into its most prevalent/foundational works isn't a bad idea. that's the approach i took. authors throughout the centuries influence and inspire one another, i wanted to be able to map those connections out. this also helps give some context to older books with references that'd be loss on a modern audience.
(how i went about looking into books to see if i wanted to read them)
i research everything like my life's on the line, so i do look into books before i read them. i go for a synopsis that doesn't include spoilers and consider if that's a story i'd get invested in. if not, i'll read some reviews for fresh perspectives. if i'm still kinda meh by then, the book gets passed on.
(defining literature/classics)
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH literary theory is not my field of expertise ... i'd personally define literature as any written work such as fiction and nonfiction. it can encompass so many things that defining it feels tricky. as for how i'd define a classic, all art is subjective or whatever, but there are stories that just have the It factor. whether that is their cultural impact, or works that are pillars to the genre(s) they were written in. you can see the ripples that it made after its publication.
finally, as for the books you listed (jane eyre, the picture of dorian gray, and frankenstein), i'd highly recommend them!!! all of them are apart of the gothic genre, which is one of my favorites. they've all stood the test of time for good reason.
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wasyago · 1 year
some rambles about gillion trans headcanons and other stuff
im realizing that i write these posts because i have no one to talk about riptide with, so this is like a monolog that is meant to be a dialog? sort of? the point is, the thought process is unpredictable and this is just everything that goes through my head and not like a structural point or anything and some things are random and not uhhh pretty(?). i dont even know why im writing these disclaimers, no one cares probably?
anyway. so, if gillion was a trans man, how would that work?
did he know from the young age, before the elders even, that he was a boy? was it just an obvious thing for him and his family? was he loved and accepted? and when the elders took him away, did they accept him as well? did they even see him for a kid/a person he was, or did they only think about the prophecy and didn't care what gender The One was? when gillion got older, did he get his top surgery inside the walls of the palace without anyone questioning him or looking down upon? or did he have to sneak out? probably definitely not sneak out, im not sure gillion ever left the palace or seen the world outside much. did he even get top surgery?
that's an interesting question to me actually, because if tritons (in this campaign at least) hatch from eggs, do females even have bigger boobs? technically no, right? do they even have boobs? i mean, they do have chest muscles and stuff, but do they have nipples? the one time i drew gill without a shirt i didn't draw him any, so im gonna say "no" for now. sorry im huge bore when it comes to these types of questions, i don't even know why actually... is it weird?
uhh what was i talking about... so i guess yeah, if female and male tritons don't have that different of a body structure, gillion probably didn't even need a top surgery to begin with. and maybe he didn't experience much in terms of dysphoria, which honestly? good for him, he had enough going on already...
but if gillion wasn't trans before the elders? if he was fine with his gender, he was only five after all, he had better fiveyearold things to worry about. what happened after he was taken away? was it his own realization, just at an older age?
or was it forced on him by the elders? (its definitely a darker concept and would be out of character for the elders, but as an alternative universe I think its interesting as well). because "the chosen one", the hero of the prophecy, the one who will decide the fate of the world and who will protect the undersea, in the eyes of the elders could've only be a man (if they were misogynistic). and when they come to this family and they see a 5 y.o. girl, what can they feel except disappointment? they will try anyway though, because what are they supposed to do? and if they need a man for a prophecy they will get him one way or another...
again, a darker concept, and i think i like it like an au better than a headcanon for the main campaign. because it's ooc and brings up slightly different topics from the original.
at the end i think i wont headcanon gill as trans? (although who knows, maybe I'll come around eventually, we'll see) maybe as nonbinary or a secret third thing though. gillion to me doesn't feel like a "man" man, his gender is "a guy" i don't know how to explain it hdgsbbs (maybe im just projecting idk o_o)
I love it when people hc him as trans tho, its very sweet!!!!!!! and i believe he does have the top surgery scars in the official art? so like, pop off king lets go???? (actually i just checked and no he doesn't, but im gonna think he does anyway)
im a little scared to re read this post and i think i'll delete it later probably, but uhhh yeah... again, just rambling and thinking out loud (not out loud but you get what i mean. writing all this down or drawing something really helps me to think and figure things out, so that's why)
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codecicle · 18 days
hi ash, could i utilise your mega autism for a moment? would it be possible for you to provide me with some good reference images for drawing Charlie's face ie front and side profiles ect? plus any tips on details you think are important? No pressure ofc! Just thought this might be something you had a lot of thoughts about anyway, if not then please don't go out of your way I am indeed capable of using google, it just takes longer and is less fun than talking to a cool guy XD
YES. YES ALWAYS AND FOREVER. GLADLY. ABSOLUTELY. Here's references + notes under the cut!
First of all, go -> here <- for a guide by razberypuck, which is perfect and explains everything better than I ever could.
Second of all, he has some pretty distinct features of both his face and his body that are important to keep in mind, which is mainly what I'll be talking about :-)
Third of all, not all these features need to be kept, especially when you consider styles and the tendency to drop certain parts of the body or face once you've learned the rules enough to break them. Im just listing them all so people know what features work well with their style and what features don't ^_^
His hair is very messy and fluffy, kinda like cowlicks for his entire head. His front hair typically comes down into bangs that curve towards the right, while the rest goes in every direction possible. (This is also true going back years ago. He just combed it a certain way, so you'd only see the fluffy cowlicks in the back of his head)
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Another thing I wanna point out is his Adam's apple, which is very prominent ! I kept ted in the photo to show the difference ^_^
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Also! No matter what era you're drawing from, his eyebrows shape a LOT of his face. They're really thick!
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3/4ths views to show it more clearly, his jawline is relatively soft! And his old frames are clunky. He has a really pretty hooked nose which curves down towards the tip of it. Otherwise, it's pretty much a triangle! If you're drawing him from the side, keeping the little triangle dip on the side of his nose can help you find the general shape easier.
Also! The above images are really good examples of his mouth. I don't have many notes on this, but if you're going for anything 1 to 1 of him, I'd recommend keeping the curve of his cheeks downward when his mouth is closed, and the curve upward when he's smiling. He has visible cheekbones that make the area around his mouth appear very round
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^ this is a great reference that shows everything I've been talking about. 1: triangle on the side of his nose to show the curve from the front 2: thick eyebrows 3: visible cheekbones and small curves around his mouth 4: cowlick hair
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Also, he's very buff! Chulked out 2 the max. Some of these images came from me being a major hater over art of him, before remembering people can do whatever they want forever. But I can use it now! Charlie has wide shoulders, natural tummy, and gigantic tits.
He's visibly wider than Tommy and Ranboo, with a frame closer to Sneeg and James in build. He's strong!! He's really really strong!! I feel like people forget Just How Strong This Guy Is.
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Also heres an image from and older post of mine, which I designed while trying to explain why he doesn't look That Different without the glasses (2 me). It's pretty much everything I said above, but summarized in a photo!
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source: bro trust me and also source: the final 2 images i could fit on mobile which are 2 random face studies I have of him nearby. I have better one's but i can't find them right now so take these okay bye bye
+ I'm so sorry if this made 0 sense I'm very tired ^_^
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fob4ever · 2 years
pete, patrick & andy on elvis duran 3.24.23
one time during a snl performance they were jumping around so much that it shook all the snl sets because they didnt know they were all connected lol
patrick talks about early days fob, how he never expected fob to be anything more than a side project for pete & andy bc they were in bigger bands at the time. he didnt even expect it to last the summer!
andy: “i can see into the future so i knew.”
interview: “[when touring] do you keep away from each other or spend a ton of time together?” andy: “all of that. seriously. we know when to stay away, we still hang out, we go to movies together, we get food together but also have our separate time.”
patrick talks about how it took a while to understand anger/frustration of people in the band “it’s like, ‘is pete mad at me?’ no! he’s frustrated with something.” talks about how theres not a lot of leaving the room and going “what was up with HIM???” anymore. “you know what everybody’s feeling, it’s kind of intuitive now.”
pete likes how genre-less music is nowadays
interviewer asks if pete gets opinions from his kids re: fob music. pete: “they give a lot of feedback, in general. [...] i don't take all of their advice, i don't let them a&r all of the songs, but they're pretty good at it.”
patrick does a johnny carson impression (bc andy quoted a line from a skit.. cute)
patrick talks about feeling like an older brother/”parental” when ppl injure themselves at shows now “i hope they’re okay! don’t break something!”
patrick: “i think i sleep so much less now than i ever used to... with kids, and i'm a little bit of a workaholic so when im not on stage im doing other things. i need to relax a bit i think.”
patrick [on working with neal avron again]: “it's like going back to your childhood home, but now you can drink.”
pete talks about how nihilism can be paralyzing for him, and how he sometimes doesn’t want to do anything because of it, but he feels that “life is short, so you gotta do a lot of stuff, you gotta make friends, do crazy things, make art... you just have to do things, and that’s important.”
patrick: “that was a heavy answer!”
pete: “life lessons are not meant to be [p&p in unison] light...”
interviewer asks how joe is! patrick: “he's good. i talked to him yesterday. i think its tough for him because he knows that he has to do it, but then he also hates not being here. it's difficult for him but he needed it. i think it's great to check in with him because he's just so excited to get back to it.” joe <3
interviewer asks about social media, and how it affects them because their radio station can get a bad tweet/review and it affects them badly, how does fob deal with it?  
patrick: “i left. that's one of the reasons why i left. it just became this wild place for a little while [...] i'm also one of those people [that puts] it all into music, so i can't really communicate through other things."
pete pulls his sleeve down over his hand to sneeze into it. i just thought it was endearing lol
pete is pro-tiktok. he likes that people takes it and makes it their own through remixes/memes 
suddenly! someone’s phone goes off. their ringtone is “fake out”. patrick gets SO excited he cuts the interviewer off mid question- “is that someone’s ringtone?! that makes me so happy! :D” he talks about how he never knows how the new stuff is going to be recieved so hearing it as someone’s ringtone made him super happy :D
AI talk in music (this kills the man --> me)
patrick: "i will say that if a song doesn't go over really well, and it's really hard to sing, i'm like: 'we don't HAAAVE to do that one, right?!'"
patrick: "we made [folie a deux] with neal avron and it was very experimental and we were pushing things and seeing what we could do, but we as a band at that time were very fractured and all over the place... i had this wanderlust to get back in the studio with [neal] now, because we are a such different band of people at this point. we get on so much better, we communicate better- both interpersonally and musically, so i was like, 'i would like to see that again'. [...] andy, you said it was like 'superpowers' we all have superpowers now. so i feel like the sound of this record is really just us actualised as us, at the height of our power.” (they say that last bit together : ) )
pete: “this is a record where we were able to realize that, 'oh! guitars are happening, and there's this fest happening in vegas, mgk, all these things...' and my friend was like, 'you guys should just do swgd part 2!' and i remember thinking, 'we absolutely have to NOT do that.' but we've got to do something that's adjacent, something that reminds everyone of fall out boy and i think with this record we've blended all of the eras of fall out boy together.”
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agere-fandom · 8 months
caregiver!jeff winger!!
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fictional agere challenge
day 7: an “unfitting” character (a villain, someone from horror, etc) that you hc as a caregiver
note; idk if im going in the proper day order but shhhh no one needs to know. Anyway, Jeff the idiot! /hj I never really liked Jeff, but his actor is pretty cool!! But I just think he would be like, a laid back caregiver or whatever but yeah!! also I wanted to add a community character in here somewhere (out thereeee), so here you go!!
Jeff is pretty chill about being a caregiver, it's just when slowly each of the group members came to him and said they were littles, he was like "oh god, another one to look after??" and he just gets annoyed every time someone says their a regressor
He's never found himself wanting children in any way, so regressors can fill in his slot of actually wanting kids. And every time he looks after one or the whole group of them, that he always regrets him decision of ever thinking about kids LAMO
He does know he needs to be responsible for his little ones, but he finds it exhausting. So he's always going to Britta or Shirley for help, since he has no idea how to look after a mentally fuzzy kid.
Even though it's just Abed, Troy and Annie, each of them have their own thing and it's sometimes hard to look after each one of them. But all of them together is... better. Troy is mostly an older brother to Abed, so he tries his best to look after him in his own way. Annie is just a little sweetheart who tries to follow along with the older two. But she's just in her own little mind.
⬇️ The one Jeff likes the most, is Annie. Mostly because she's the only peaceful little and doesn't create problems. He's just got to look out for when she runs off to touch something... which is all the time. So she's stuck in his lap, which she doesn't mind
As he slowly did start looking after them more, he realized that being a caregiver wasn't so bad. And he actually started to take his roll more seriously as time went on. He still doesn't like looking after them with how easily tired he gets, but he still manages, somehow
Britta made him a swear jar because he wouldn't stop cussing accidently around the kids when they were regressed. And it's actually made him stop swearing so much, mostly because he doesn't want to pay anything, but if it ends up getting full, he'll take the littles out for a meal or something
He's not the most creative or imaginative caregiver, but he'll act so. Like when Annie wants to do arts and crafts, Jeff would usually hand her over to Britta or Shirley, but where their not there, he just nods because he doesn't want her in tears... again. With Troy and Abed and the dreamatorium and such, he doesn't like to get into their whole smuck, but he'll watch them go on their wacky adventures with Inspector Spacetime or whatever superhero stuff Abed wants to do
He's the WORST at punishments. He's like, if he just left a kid with an ipad all day, or never was responsible enough to actually give into punishments. So he's not the best at controlling littles... so he's basically on his heels all day until naptime or bedtime
⬇️ "Watch your step- hey!" "Don't you throw that." "Stop running, you two!" "Annie, don't eat that-!" "Stop screaming! I'm trying to put Annie down for her nap!" "Stay quiet and sit down." "How are you not happy? I just got your dam- your snacks!" "Don't you say that word! And please don't say it around Britta..."
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
(Along with some other things bouncing around, implications of togachako because of this chapter, maybe even a prediction? This is my FINAL THOUGJTS POST, unless ofc I notice something and I say it BUT HOPEFULLY THIS IS THE LAST AND ITS JUST GONNA BE ME BEING SILLY AND POSTING FANART)
1, i find it funny that Caleb said lickitung than Pikachu since that… totally doesn’t make sense nor was why Twice suggested the name. IDK IM A POKÉMON NERD AND AN MHA FAN SO I JUST FIND IT A LITTLE SILLY.
Like I think Horikoshi chose Pikachu bc it’s the most recognizable Pokémon, along with Himiko’s “chu-chu” noises she makes when she drinks blood ofc, but it was also probably suggested bc… Pikachu has the same blushies that Ochako has…
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Not to mention the fact that Pikachu is also representative of Toga’s colors, those of course being red and yellow.
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Lickitung makes no sense other than the fact that it paralyzes people/Pokémon by licking them and making them uncomfortable. It’s such a… random gen 1 Pokémon idfk. I can see WHY he chose it, because lickitung is supposed to be a friendly Pokémon that accidentally makes people uncomfortable, but I think Pikachu being said instead just makes far more sense; Pikachu is supposed to be a cute Pokémon. It’s origins in gen 1 were, “I want you to make the cutest Pokémon you can” and the artist Atsuko Nisida had to go through 3-5 iterations of pixel art (bc they would make the pixelated version for the game first AND THEN draw the Pokémon from that) before finally settling on what people call “fat Pikachu” which looked like this
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Lickitung works ig by being a Pokémon that ultimately is harmless to people but just accidentally freaks people out and makes them off-put by them, but Pikachu fits much better in a chapter where Ochako calls Himiko’s smile, something we’re supposed to see as creepy, perfect/pretty/beautiful. Comparing her and her cuteness to something like Pikachu just seems like something twice would do anything bc he’s a sweetie like that.
ALSO ANOTHER THING FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT POKÉMON: reguri is I think the most popular ship? That might be beat by Selena/ash and misty/ash, but regardless it’s super popular and also is EXTREMELY SIMILAR to bkdk.
This does depend on which version of them you’re talking about, but personally when I read pokespe (the most popular official Pokémon manga, there’s others but that’s just the most well known one) I always thought bkdk were so similar to red/blue to the point it was uncanny. At the time I thought “eh that’s just gay rival tropes there’s tons of other characters in other anime/manga/tv that are similar to them too” but after the mention OF Pikachu and Toga’s purposeful similarities I do wonder if horikoshi was a Pokémon fan in the 90’s during his childhood. That wouldn’t surprise me seeing as the games were such a booming success in Japan (literally it’s the most sold Pokémon games ever nothing has beat it since), so it would make sense if horikoshi was a secret Pokémon fan.
I mean, blues hair is even similar to bakugous but idk, maybe it’s a stretch.
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They’re not childhood friends in pokespe, but they are childhood friends in the games, blue bullying him as they got older and pushing red away, red goes and has an emo arc on mount silver by himself without telling anyone, eventually comes down from that mountain in black and white 2 where red and blue are starting to be friends again, and I don’t think they’re seen again until sun and moon where they’re on vacation together in alola. There’s other outside game content that has just… progressively gotten more gay.
AGAIN, IM NOT SURE IF HORIKOSHI HAS READ THE POKESPE MANGA OR IF HE PUT THIS MUCH THOUGHT INTO IT! However I WILL say that if you enjoy bkdk you will probably enjoy reguri and the pokespe manga, especially since it has a more interesting plot than the anime or games, along with being less corny. It’s a lot more… I don’t wanna say graphic but honest? It wasn’t really made in mind that it would be targeted overseas like all the other Pokémon stuff, so it’s just more honest about environmental issues and pet abuse and things like that. Red and blues character arcs and friendship, along with Leaf’s character arc is very interesting just by itself, highly recommend.
MOVING ON… my Pokémon nerdiness aside, I love Himiko’s defiance to conform to hero society especially as a villain. Will she go against this vow because she sees herself as a full fledged villain? I wasn’t really sure.
She didn’t, which is great, but I also think those themes of pity and feeling like Ochako is still looking down on her… remind me exactly of Katsuki.
I also find this page and what toga says quite interesting.
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Saying that she KNEW ochako was sad too, that’s a VERY interesting observation to make when thinking of someone you “hate”.
And I like the distinction that Ochako wasn’t afraid of Toga because of her smile being creepy, or that she was trying to harm her or tsu, but because she couldn’t understand why she was smiling during a fight.
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More bakugou vibes/lines
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If/when they ARE canon, explicitly and completely and all that, then that would make mha a, and idk if it’s the first, shonen GL + BL. That would be fucking crazy.
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It’s a couple of things: Ochako is not explicitly saying how she wishes she could talk about her love with Izuku, instead it seems to be more framed as talking ABOUT Izuku.
He’s not even looking at her, and she’s not looking at him; no, instead Ochako and Himiko are looking at each other, and talking about the importance to talk about your feelings openly, how she admires that quality to Himiko.
In a way this is Ochako saying “No, don’t become like him, this is why I admire you. That trait makes you admirable, it’s a trait I love in you.”
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And lastly, that marriage proposal. Is it REALLY a marriage proposal? How romantic or platonic is this this scene?
Well, I went back and read chapter 348 to find out, and a little detail disregarded, not only by me but everyone else, was the line, “If you ask me, being a couple means being one and the same. Makes sense right? Nothing else… would fulfill my desires.”
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And then ochako in 393, purposely bearing her feelings to Himiko and offering her blood to her? Even with this knowledge? The knowledge that Himiko would see this as a confession? Fucking crazy.
For all her flaws, I can perfectly picture why Ochako would prefer someone who sees romance like she does, openly unapologetic about her feelings like she is, over someone who can’t even see a teenage girls confession as an actual confession of love. Way to be selfish Izuku.
(God he would be SO offended at all the shit talking I’ve been doing to him recently HAHA! BUT HE NEEDS TO HEAR IT BC HES AN IDIOT WHO SHOULD BE TAKING HIS FEELINGS SERIOUSLY. How are you going to let the hot headed blonde kid that bullied you be better at this. HOW.)
So yes, I think this is so explicitly romantic, I literally thought this scene would never fucking happen because I KNEW how gay it was, how gay everyone KNEW it was—but god damn. Horikoshi you mad man.
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mitcheechee · 2 months
Hey, new follower here! (I'm actually in the wrong account so please don't mind me being anonymous!) I really love your art and I mainly wanted to say that your art and style is amazing and beautiful! Secondarily, do you have any tutorials or tips on drawing bodies, hands and I noticed you do blood? I understand if you'd rather not answer that; if so just only the first half! Love your art! Thanks for existing (if that makes sense)❤️
wah... first i just wanna say tysm!!! youre so sweet 😭
i unfortunately dont have any tutorials or anything made already and i dont really want to make any as of right now because i feel like i have a long way to go in terms of learning how to properly draw a lot of things. since i don't know what im doing id feel really lousy putting out a tutorial when i dont even have a lot of the basics down yet...
im gonna blab under the cut about tips (not really tips on drawing bodies themselves as a guideline, but what has helped me practice and thus allowed me to get better at drawing bodies in my own art), so u dont have to read all that if it doesnt interest u! but regardless thank u again for being so sweet!!! sorry i couldnt give u what u wanted.. maybe one day... 😭
again this is just how i practice, but its GENUINELY helped me get so much better.
all i can say as far as tips is to definitely practice with references as much as u can, it really will help u improve. i know people often dont like that advice too much but its really true... every time i use references to practice for a bit i can tell it helps me, and looking back at older art i know its true. i dont often use guidelines (i really need to...), or at least not in the sense that i do in most of the guides i see so i feel like i cant give much else in terms of advice tho, other than that.
anyway, its one thing to just use a reference, but really trying to get it down and learn it (learn the body, anatomy, how to draw it all) so u carry that knowledge on is sorta different, for me
what has helped me to really learn is this method of practice where i
draw a reference photo based off what i see
trace the photo
overlay both my trace and the first drawing i made
go back and choose key points on the photo/trace where i was very off and mark them as a little dot/line and then try to fix the original sketch with those dots/lines to match the photo (look below to understand what i mean LOL sorry)
try and draw it again from scratch based on what i see visually
and for number 4, what i mean is this:
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lets say the 2nd is my visual (rough) drawing based off of the original
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overlaying my original sketch on the reference i can see where a lot of points are off!
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ill make note of a few of the areas that were very off and mark them, then get rid of the reference underneath. ill still look at it as a guide on the side, but overall try to just change the original sketch to match it instead of directly tracing!
i feel like this may not have been exactly what u mean as far as tips for drawing bodies, but ive found that in order to grasp them better in a way that helps u draw them on ur own, doing studies like this really helps! for me, at least, it allows me to better store things in my memory--because looking at the image and practicing doesnt feel like it really CEMENTS any knowledge, but seeing where i went wrong and then working backwards to try and alter it shows me where im lacking in skill, and helps me use that information later!
doing this allows me to understand how bodies take up space. it has helped me to see the body as more of a tangible thing while i draw freehand, and do it more accurately as well, instead of it feeling like its. a limp noodle i cant grasp LOL
i will say, tho, that for hands especially i almost always use my hands as a reference for what i want. like i dont even have a guide for that in terms of what i do to draw them out or guidelines i follow, i just straight up draw them based off what i see or imagine, i dont really do those step by step guidelines...
im sorry again i couldnt rly give u what u wanted, i just dont think im at that level where i can truly give any advice since im not good enough (yet ! we hope) for a genuine tutorial. if u mean something as far as like... body shapes and stuff im still not rly there yet either. i hope this helps even a tiny bit tho, if u read this far!!!
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maria-ruta · 2 months
Veronica 💢 🕷️ 👪 and ❤️ :3
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
usually she takes some extra time in the begining of the night to put a pretty face X'D washing, makeup, outfit, nails etc... thos some of her images take less time of preparation (like punk for example)
I can remember one specific moment in the game when she didnt have time to make herself all pretty and such because had lots of things to do and later on regreted this bc was mocked in elysium by it's keeper toreador and her goons, and im sure it wasn't the only ocasion in her life, so yeah i think as years go she keeps taking her preening routine more seriously and personal, probably OCD in some sense
another trait of her that some vampires might have troubles to getting used to - she has high level of humanity, so she would be against hurting inosent people, or killing anybody etc
if you have troubles or problems, she is willing to help, but it might turn into her giving her advice that you haven't asked for. so for you it might be pretty irritating, sometimes she's crossing the line
🕷 SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
her beast taking over resulting in her hurting others (happened at least several times in our game), her loosing her humanity completely and her turning into inhumane bloodthirsty monster
loosing everyone she loves, being completely lonely
hurting kids - she even has tabu on drinking blood from children and teenagers
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
her biological family: back in 1920s, before she became vampire, she had father and mother, older sister and younger sister. older sister was married and had husband and little son Tommy (around 6-7 years old. the only character i came up with a name hahaa). her family origianally lived in little town near Chicago. Veronica had big dream of becoming singer or actress in Chicago. Her parents were judjemental of her lifestyle there and were telling her to stop this nonsense and marry already, like her big sister. So Veronica didn't have very good relationship with her parents but it wasn't awful either. Her relationship with her sisters were better
But after her embrace her sire arranged it so that Veronica was noted as dead so... Veronica hasn't had a chance to see her family again, because she had to keep the masquarade... Her family were heartbroken and her parents made a conclusion that nothing good comes from girl chasing her stupid dreams in a big city U_U
Even tho it was dangerous and painful Veronica sometimes would sneak to see how is her family doing
her last relatieve who remembered her - her nephew Tommy - died in nursing home around 80s. Veronica visited him there once, the second time she came he was already gone
sad is the story of immortal creatures
but neitherway, during her vampire years of life, she made friends and connections
there are vampires that I think she would call her family
for example her coterie members - Rene (character of my friend Kate), Jaquilene (character of my friend @tench-art), Charlie (character of my friend @osatokun)
her sire Moore, her friend anarch Jack, her friend Johny
fairy Monica also quikly won a place in Veronica's heart, and she thinks of her as her little sister (Monica called her big sis several times anyway haha)
and Veronica's current boyfriend brujah Jake is going to become her long term relationship (for at least several years for sure. its rare for vampires to have relationship forever) so he's also getting a place in her found family haha
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
attention, help, gifts, doing something for you, hugs, kisses, flirting idk
Link to the ask meme post
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vio-starzz · 1 year
Random friend appreciation moment!?
(lots of spelling errors and words ahead)
im bored
First of all, to everyone seeing this…. wether youve been @ or not….
you matter. youre living, youre trying, and you deserve the world. life may be destroying you, you may be at a road where you dont even know what to do! but, you arent alone. i promise you, you’ll never be alone. maybe you wont fond as much comfort or love irl, but, you can get through this. life wont stay terrible forever unless you let it. unless you dont try to be better, and change. we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect, but that does NOT mean you are a failure. Hell, just being here means so fucking much. Life isnt a simple ride forward, it never is a straight, smooth ride, but, you can fight through the storms and bumps along the way. I believe you can do anything. Forget society standards or expectations, be YOU. Get through this on your own terms. Maybe the hate is weighing on you and its got to you strongly, but you leaving wont change or fix anything…Youve got this, keep fighting amd existing as your own unique self. Keep stealing things from fictional characters and living life how you wanna. Im proud of you, even of you think youve done nothing, even if people have said the opposite your whole life, im proud of you, and you fucking got this damnit. Forget what others think, you write your future, you choose what you want. Dont give up, youve got so much ahead of you.
Ghost; You. God. ilysm. You mean a lot to me, and i cant even remember when i met you here for the first time. But god, i dont know where i’d be had you not shown up…. honestly, youve helped me so much. i love our stupid little moments, our random ass platonic marriage, the vc’s, the similarities in our music sometimes…like, i love you for how weird and stupid and silli you are /p /affec /pos, like. you mean so much, and we. should rlly have plans. okay. we like. you gotta introduce me to how the hell monster tastes like, just, like. we gotta hug one day. you mean so much to me, and ive never actually been in the same room as you. youve brightened up my day, youve made me feel better, and i cant imagine what id do without you <3 ( @justalilghosty )
Cal; Cal. One of my many online mothers. I. Ilysm. Okay, youre such a silly little gremlin and i love that. Genuinely. Youre so silly and fun and just overall someone i can feel i trust. You take absolutely stunning photos, and you help people so much. Youve helped me a lot, and you’re honestly just so kind. Kind and caring. Life has been am ass to you, yeah, but, I literally just wanna steal your cat, and hug you, and like. Besties. Youre art is so nomable, and i love how wacky and interesting your ideas get /affec /pos! Youre the momther Cal, and i love that! I love that youre here and i get to scream momther anytime i see you and how you just….make me feel good. You say things a lot that just, warms my heart. Ilysm, and that wont ever change. No matter how much random ass crimes be committed. ( @cal-the-duende )
Sherlock; Youre my bird mother. Like, the birb mother but also… Youre my meme giver. Do i know why you started sendomg me memes? fuck no, but, i love them sm. I AM a garlic breeder, and just, genuinely- youre kind and amazong and helpful. You give tips and are willing to talk about things. You have a cool ass cosplay of tp link, and we, gotta hug. like, you mean so much, and i love just hanging out woth you and screaming and just. being. friends. being able to communicate with one another, and sharing interests and just saying random stupid things. youre amazing. ( @link-or-sherlock )
Silver; Older sister my beloved…. Youre just physically a kind soul. Like, youre ao kind and caring and you really give older sis vibes. You help people ao much, and rb such random things and just. youre always fun to check up on, say hi too, and just, talk. like, its cery nice knowing you. ome of the first people i ever found in tumblr, and someone i truly wanna stay around. you write fun things, you give hugs when asked and just, seem sometimes like a shoulder to cry on. you like random things, have a very pettable doggo…. just, ive enjoyed being able to send asks, and how kind you are to my art and writing makes me so happy sometimes ( @silvercaptain24 )
Shinso; You. I dont send asks often, and i seem to always lose your blog, but youre so…kind. and loving, you send asks to me even if i dont to you as often. You rb my things and things i rb, youre just, overall fun. i love seeing you around, even if its not often youre so sweet and kind to me, and i truly hope the best for you <3 ( @callmeshinso )
Dragon; DRAGON!!!! I. Get so overwhelmed by how many ppl i follow, and seem to commonly lose your blog, but truly, ilysm. I love your silly little dragons you draw, just how stunning your art gets. how you drew me one of the eyeball kitties on a whiteboard as a doodle and i just- kfjahfhsbf. ilysm!!!! youve been so kind and generous and sweet and i just wanna give you a small little kitten plush named pinecone and just, hug you. youre so kind and i love seeing you around, i cant forget how loving and sweet you are, and just, ilysm. truly. ( @here4dragons )
Trippy; Heres the thing trippy. we met on the palls discord server, like, thats such a wild place to meet and at forst i was soooo confused and scared on how to interact with you, and i wanted to eat ur art so bad- but now? of we aint besties, youve wounded me hard /j. its so silly and stupid and silly stupid the random conversations we’ve had. and just, how cool your art is….and you simping. i find that really funny, like, woah gurl. bark quietly- /hj, but, like, yeah. we get so silly and random and i ended up drawing riake for u like. we be friendos. we should hig more often, and i swear, i’ve definitely/j flirted with you on the server ( @trippygalaxy )
Bailey; The one who screams rulie….. you cant take four from me though. anyways, youre very sweet and loving, we definitely should hug one day, but, also…. i admit. we have fun making fun of you. making fin of you and….being able to….mess with your typos. like, ily, but also, i am a bit of an asshole /affec, like. you slay gurly. you and your attacking guliver, the fandom comments on the server, the way i might just be eating ur art….i mean- im innocent. ( @baileyboo2016 )
Shy; beeesstiieeee!!!! i am incapable of forgetting you and yoir amazong skills and how silly atupid we are together sometimes /affec /pos, but, i can forget thaf we’re mutuals. like. you follow me back os so shattering to me sometimes, but ily. ly and the way i keep recognizong fandoms you talk about, and i jusy wanna eat ur art even of it doesnt happen that often like….idk. its just pretty edible to me. o should extra consume it while playin the silly miku game and screaming iver the game breaking on me, like, hwhfjsbf. but. we be hardcore besties and im. nomin on your ask box. i’ve accidentally fully imfested it with moss. so not sorry /j ( @shyrule )
Vio; Youre. Genuinely so sweet and caring amd kind amd helpful an…..- look, i havent known you all that long, true. but, its really nice to see you around. youre so cool and silly and weird /pos, but like. youre weirdness and strangeness is so cool most times. like, i was full on doin flappy hands to the point it kinda hurt, but also, you had made me so happy, and that…one time you called me kiddo like. i was screamin. that made me so unbelievably happy i was bouncing off the walls with excitement. i know ive done a few things that have made you uncomfortable a few times, but! i truly am sorry about them, and are gonna try my best to not make the same mistakes again! i never wish to be rude in any way, and i do sometimes slip up and make people uncomfortable, but i really will try to be better at that. /gen ( @plzleavebeealone )
Shade; Shade!!!!! Youre honestly so amazong and i wanna eat your writing…oh. and! silli friend. we truly can be chaotic spawns of the devil, and we also can be really random at times. go us— but! its so amazing being your friend and literally i LOVE the nickname buzzy sm. like. when i show you that emote of flappy hands, trust me i am DOIN IT. i may be incredibly awkward and random at times, but, i feel like we are awkward and random together /pos. like, i make fun of you for being bitchless. yea, but. hun. its cuz you are— /j i rlly do enjoy being your friend and the whole chaos we become, and the random gay stuff that happens…also you and teippy are the biggest simps ive ever met. like. werent you full on barking at a drawing of time? /lh ( @skyward-shade )
Mushroom; Do we talk a lot? Not rlly.. am o eating your art? yea. am i eating your blog….? >:3 that ones not up for debate, i just wanna gently devour it like a crazy being. Youre so silly tho, and i think we should totally like. hug and eat moss together and have moss and. and. we should just sit in a mushroom and moss forest and like. be the best mossy sibling ever. like, we slay that way— ( @mushr0oms-and-m0ss )
Void; ….Youre so silly and wverywhere and kind and i hust. okay, we have such random moments, and im still measing with the lcirews you sent me and just. werw friends like. really friends. im eating your designs, and your thoughts and brain….and hand. i just wanna give ya a lil nom. like. yes hugs you. but also. ilysm and its so fun talking and hugging and random atuff and ocs— just. thank u for exsisting, now, hugsyou, and, let me eat you. /pos ( @technologyvoid )
Levis; Aaaaa… Youre honestly so kind. and carong, amd lonely. like, if i wasnt so awkward i would hig and be your friend sm. but, i cant talk for that long becuase im no communication expert (rlly bad at comverse) but truly, you have been so kind and sweet to me. youve helped me understand things, youve showed up an been kind, youve been someone i can be friends with, youve given me facts about moss, checked up on my when im having a hard time or make a certain post- and honestly…i wish i could do the same to you, because with how kind you are you deserve so much. truly. ily. /p ( @howl-at--the-sun )
Link; friemd <3 anyways, youre amazing. kind. caring. random. ailly. fun. i enjoy being your friend, truly. its been great knowing you, and you are a very kind and wonderful person who i am hugging and we get to hug together. yeah? like, its so nice to enjoy time with you, wether that be sit in a vc and in the chat be talking about eating boulders, wether its you checking up on me during life and doing food/hydration/eep checks like, its nice to get those, because it does remind me. thank you. sm for being here and being a lil silly. ( @linksarehere )
Mewo; Frienmd!!!!! youre just honestly sich a silly artist and i love everything that you come up woth and create. its always fun and cheering to see you around, and honestly, you got me through a hard time. i was gonna quit art, truly. i was gonna throw it all away, delete any apps, get rid of paper and just, drop it all once again….but i didnt. i didnt because your art has been very inspiring. i honestly love your style! its always stunning and silly to see, and i, truly just. i wanna eat your art style. seriously i just. do. you have so many fun things about you amd youre just honestly so silly and i love that about you. /gen /p, i love that you draw weird stuff and that you just exist to share stuff so beautiful. i always love seeing your art, and i really do save it because it makes me happy and fun to see! ( @strawberry-catcake )
The whole entire palls: We’re just in general so fucking chaotic, but such a big fucking family I love it. I’m getting snatched by so many of yall, and just, running off to the actual palls and we r gonna hang out, and die, and cry, and just. make a whole ass snuggle pile because that seems really nice, and we should all just group hug and have a huge ass pillow fight, because we’re so. confusing, i love it. Like, yes, lets commit arson together, lets commit a buncha crimes— lets become the local mafia. just. i love you all. ( @pallweople )
i understand that this is not any and all of my friends, but i swear. truly, i mean this, when i say, i love you. i really do care about you. i truly live having moots and random interactions and sending my silly little asks into peoples inboxes…. like, i truly, love you all. thank you for being here, and somehow loving my creations— and me as a person.
if i ever make someone uncomfortable/annoyed/any thing negative or hard for you; i will. i truly will try to change and not do that again. im trying to be a nice perfect, and i know i fuck up sometimes, and make things uncomfortable other times…but. i do care, and i truly am trying my best.
i cant read your mind, but i best well can try to be a good friend/sibling/stranger— a good person.
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azsazz · 1 year
I wish we knew more about the other Vanserra brothers, SJM didn’t say much besides they are horrible people basically…do you have any HCs for them?
ugh, me too. i refuse to believe the vanserra family is that fucked up to where they never got along and they all dislike each other. i know beron has been pitting them against each other for literally centuries smh.
So, in my fictional universe, the order of the brothers is as follows: Eris, Pyrolas (Pyro), Conleth (aka Connie 🥹), Oakland (Oak), Finch & Foxe (twins, both deceased), and Lucien.
We know Eris. We love Eris.
Pyro, man what a hot head. We've discovered a little bit about him through You Know I Always Liked Playing with Fire. He's messy. Second born, second best. Never enough to live up to his older brother. Beron has pitted them against each other for the longest time. Deep down, Pyro really just wants someone to be proud of him. But he's a little twisted because he's never had love and all he's seen is the piss poor excuse of a father treating his mom like shit. Except for when he found out about Lucien and his partner. There was a flicker of guilt as he watched the twins pin Lu down while his lover perished before them all. He's so incredibly hurt that he takes it out on others, on his brothers, parents, people of the court, his partners. He wants someone to hurt as much as he hurts. He's a master at the art of façade. No one knows that he wants love because he's so good at pretending he doesn't need it and pushing people away.
Connie, my baby. Ngl I had him as deceased for a bit until that anon reminded me that he was alive. so here he is, im introducing him. Conleth is third born, middle of the pack. he's pretty docile compared to pyro, but he really does enjoy the simple of things in life. he's second mommy's boy, coming after the biggest mommy's boy of all, eris. he's lethal with a bow but those skilled hands are good at many things, like in the bedroom or in the kitchen. he can make a mean pie. i'm feeling as i write this that he's just like us and has a MAD crush on cass and az, have you seen those wings? those powerful bodies? cuz connie dreams of it (he's just like me fr). he keeping it much on the down low because of daddy Ber.
Oakland, love him. Oak is the rational one. He appears in The Autumn Chill, and he's the one that none of the brothers can ever stay mad at. He's the mediator, the strategist. He sees everything and anything and is ever-calculating. Everyone adores him, he's so sweet, but can also put on a show when he needs to, just as all of them can. In Creepy Campfire, we see his playful side, joining in on his brothers jokes because he likes it when his brothers are happy. He wants a better world for his court even though he knows that berons power probably won't fall to him after he dies, he'll stick by the brother that does and off him his intelligence.
Then there's Finch and Foxe. I can see them being like night and day or super fucking similar. cliche to say night and day, i know, but what if they were fire and wind? Foxe gives more bad boy than Finch (who will do whatever his twin asks of him) and they're trouble makers through and through. Foxe is fire while Finch is wind (appropriately named). Where Foxe sets a blazing fire Finch is there to add fuel to the flames. They back each other and aren't worried for title of heir to the throne because they know it won't happen for some time, they'll discuss it when the time nears, if it should happen. both playboys, and i bet they've even shared women between the both of them too. they give that vibe, as strange as it sounds. But, they are no longer, killed off by Lucien and Tam in the books and also in Safe Haven. They held down Lu while Beron killed his lover and they found sick delight in watching, in having a hand in it. They're both twisted as hell tbh.
And of course, Lucien. We know him and we love him too.
so yeah, i guess this is how i'd view them in my personal world 🤷🏼‍♀️😅
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