#im posting it and running away to play video games bc i have been looking at it so long i kind of hate it
zannolin · 5 months
Fic Summary: It's been nearly ten years since they saw each other. Ten years since they lived in the same state, much less occupied the same room. Ten years since they were friends; eight and a half since Will stopped referring to Mike as such, much less his best one.
Ten years, and here Mike is, and here Will is, and here’s the guy in the chinos who just bought Will’s first friend, first love, first heartbreak a drink. Here is what the poets call cosmic fucking irony, Will thinks: the setup for the world’s unfunniest a guy walks into a bar joke, and Will’s the punchline. Will’s been punched in the gut.
(or, after ten years of no contact, will encounters mike wheeler in a new york city bar, and he doesn't know what to do about it.)
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles
this is very random and just a lil somethin’, bc i secretly dream about being on one of these shows and meeting one of my crushes lmao, not me pretending to be at an interview in my own kitchen, hah, not at all!
hi hello so im adding this after this was posted. i randomly turned this into a series so you can find further parts for this in the series masterpost!
word count: 1.8k
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
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“It’s so good to have you here, it’s been quite some time since the last time you sat in this chair, am I right?” Ellen asked with a warm smile as you nodded.
“Yeah, I’ve been busy, I guess,” you chuckle tugging your hair behind your ear.
“I mean, of course. You starred in two movies since then and even got nominated for an Emmy as well for your role in The Umbrella Academy!” she lists and the audience starts cheering on your successes. “Of course you’ve been busy, but I’m glad you had time to drop by for a talk. So, let’s talk about your upcoming movie. You’ll be co-stars with Zendaya and Finn Wolfhard, it’s a quite interesting cast.”
“Yes! I’m very excited to work with them, I just met Zendaya the other day and though I’M yet to meet Finn I’m sure we will get along well.”
“What was your first impression about Zendaya?”
“Oh, she is very sweet and funny, I think working with her will be more like just a fun activity,” you admit chuckling and Ellen nods in agreement.
“I bet. Alright. So let’s talk about quarantine, it was a rather huge part of the year, where did you spend it?”
“I went home to my family, so I quarantined with them in my hometown.”
“And what did you do mostly?”
“We played a lot of board games and my mom taught me to cook,” you admit with a shy chuckle.
“Yeah, we had the luck to see parts of that,” Ellen chuckles as a video of you and your mom in the kitchen appears on the big screen behind you. It was posted to your Instagram when she attempted to teach you how to make her famous meatloaf. “It seems like you are a natural talent in the kitchen.”
“Well, I haven’t burned it down, so it’s going fine,” you chuckle.
“Alright, and what else did you do? Seen any good movies or discovered some new artists in the world of music?”
“Oh, absolutely. I definitely watched everything I’ve been postponing and I got to listen to new music, so now I have a few new favorites,” you admit smiling.
“Have you been listening to Harry Styles lately?” she asks and you find the question a little odd and very… specific.
“I mean, yes, but it wasn’t anything new, I really like his music,” you admit truthfully. “He is a great artist for sure.”
“Have you been at any of his concerts by any chance?” she asks and you notice that the audience is getting a little excited over something, but you don’t pay too much attention to it.
“Not yet, but I hope it’s gonna happen one day.”
“Well, I think I can get you tickets to see him,” a voice speaks up from behind you and immediately, the audience starts cheering as your head snaps around and you see none other than Harry Styles standing behind you. Your mouth hangs open as you feel yourself blushing, he is so tall and handsome, dressed in a bright blue suit with a silver shirt underneath, smiling down at you widely as he walks around the armchairs to greet you.
“Oh shit, I was not expecting this,” you breathe out as you stand up and hug him shortly before he moves over to greet Ellen as well.
“’M glad you like my music, Love,” he smiles as he sits in the armchair next to you and you swear you see him wink at you.
“We thought you wouldn’t mind our other guest joining in,” Ellen explains Harry’s appearance.
“Not at all,” you smile shaking your head. Harry has been your celebrity crush for quite a while, but the two of you just never crossed paths, until now.
“’S very nice to meet yeh,” he nods in your way.
“Same goes for you.”
“Okay, so now that Harry is here, I thought that we could play a little game,” Ellen announces reaching for something next to her armchair.
“Oh man,” you breathe out earning a round of laughter from the audience. “Last time we played something you asked me the most embarrassing burning questions!” you whine thinking back how you had to admit that you sleep with your lights on when it’s raining outside.
“We’ll do something similar this time too,” she chuckles before handing out two round boards to you and Harry as well.
“Oh fo’ fuck’s sake!” Harry groans making the audience laugh again. “Not this!”
“I know you loved it when we played it the last time,” Ellen grins as Harry hides his face behind the board that’s now showing his I HAVE sign towards the cameras. “We’re gonna play Never Have I Ever, I think you both know the rules.”
“Yes, this is why I want to run away now,” you mumble under your breath.
“I’m going with yeh,” Harry smirks at you finally letting his board drop to his knees. Seemingly, the audience is enjoying your misery.
“Don’t be babies, it’s gonna be fun!” “For who? Not me!” Harry exclaims making everyone in the studio laugh. “Should’ve asked what we’re gonna do before I said yes.”
“Too late, Harry. Alright, let’s start,” Ellen announces as she takes her card in her hands, picking the first one and she reads the lines on it. “Never have I ever had a crush on someone I worked with.”
You huff as you turn your board so the I HAVE side is facing the camera, while Ellen has the same side showing, but Harry shows the I HAVE NEVER.
“Never?” you ask Harry.
“Well, what do yeh mean by working with?” he asks with narrow eyes as he taps on his chin.
“Anyone you had any relations with through a job.”
“Well then…” he sighs turning the board, earning some cheering.
“Okay. Never have I ever drunk texted someone and regretted it in the morning,” Ellen continues with the next question.
“Oh, too often,” you blurt out holding up the I HAVE side.
“What did yeh write?” Harry asks with a cheeky smile while he holds up the same side.
“Well, there are just too many, I can’t choose,” you admit laughing. “I often tend to write down my feelings when I had a little too much to drink and then send it without a second thought.”
“Then I better get yeh drunk to find out what yeh think about me,” Harry teases and you hear a loud “ooh” coming from the audience while you can only hope your make up covers the blush on your cheeks.
“I’d need your number for that to happen,” you say arching an eyebrow at him.
“That’s something we can easily fix,” he smirks.
“Okay, before the two of you go on your first date right away, let’s finish the game,” Ellen jokes and you both turn to her. “Never have I ever kissed someone I didn’t know.”
“What do you mean by knowing someone?” you ask to clarify.
“Let’s say you didn’t even know their name,” she adds and as you think about it, you hold up the I HAVE NEVER side first, but then flip it over.
“Oh, something popped into yeh mind?” Harry teases while he holds up the I HAVE side as well.
“I guess I just want to forget about it, but I can’t,” you admit chuckling awkwardly.
“Were you drunk or you just didn’t care to ask for their name?” Ellen questions.
“I’ve had quite a few drinks if I’m being honest. But I think he told me his name, I just didn’t catch it,” you admit.
“Poor guy, he is completely forgotten,” Harry chimes in shaking his head in a dramatic way.
“Alright, we have two more questions. Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.”
“This game sucks!” you snap as you hold up the I HAVE side, making the audience laugh. “You’re making me look like such a bad person!” you whine to Ellen.
“Don’t feel so bad, Harry is in the same shoe!” she chuckles and turning to the man on your right you see that Harry has the same side showing and a very cheeky smirk on his lips.
“How did it end?” you ask out of curiosity. You know how yours ended, in a horrible fight, because he wanted more, but you were in it just for the fun.
“Not in the best way, if I’m bein’ honest,” he clears his throat leaning back in his seat. “How about yours?”
“Same,” you nod chuckling.
“I guess it was a learning lesson for the both of you,” Ellen smirks before reading the last question. “Never have I ever ghosted somebody.”
“Shit,” you mumble, trying to hide your smirk as you hold up the I HAVE side. Harry thinks to himself before doing the same. Leaning forward he checks yours and your eyes meet for a moment.
“I think it would be an honor to anyone to be ghosted by yeh,” he teases you making you roll your eyes. “Wha’? ‘M telling the truth!” he chuckles.
“Wanna get on the list of my ghosted people?” you joke raising your eyebrows at him and he immediately holds his hands up.
“Would rather not.” He places a hand over his heart before smiling in your way sweetly. “Tha’ would break m’ heart.”
“Oh come on!” you chuckle feeling the heat crawling up your neck and cheeks as the audience lets out a soft “aww” at his words.
“Alright, thank you for playing, I think we found out some interesting things about the both of you.”
“Thanks for embarrassing us,” you add mumbling as you hand her back the board.
“It was a pleasure,” she chuckles. “We’ll be right back after a short break, please stay with us, we have more from Y/N and Harry coming right in your way, so stay tuned!” she announces as the crowd cheers.
“Friends with benefits, huh?” Harry asks smirking in your way as you fix your dress. You just shrug your shoulder trying to look casual when you feel so intimidated sitting next to him.
“Had to try it, I guess,” you admit.
“I get it,” he chuckles. “So, if I were to ask for yeh number, would I eventually be ghosted as well?”
You have to bite into your bottom lip to hide your growing smile at his attempt to flirt with you.
“We’ll see. You gotta ask for it first,” you tell him with a knowing smile, hoping to look flirty and light, not the nervous wreck that you truly feel like talking to him.
“I think my dressing room is two doors down yours, so expect me to drop by after this,” he smirks, making your heart skip a beat before Ellen starts speaking and the taping continues.
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krappykawa · 4 years
Hi !!! can I request oikawa, osamu, hinata (+ whoever you feel like adding) reacting to their female s/o calling them "hubby" (they have never used that nickname before since it's supposed to refer to a husband) to see their reaction??? i just saw this as a tiktok prank and they were like "omg you wanna marry me??? im definitely gonna marry you" and now im sobbing so precious 🥺🥺🥺
reacting to s/o calling them hubby
characters. oikawa x f!reader, osamu x f!reader, hinata x f!reader
note. in every scenario, reader is internet famous & posts little previews of their life on tik tok!
note 2. sorry for not posting in a while,, school started again and i’ve been mentally drained but i will try and finish other requests soon!
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- you guys are filming a snack review video because oikawa lost all self control while grocery shopping and literally was picking things off the shelf left and right
- he insists that he’ll finish them this time but you know that’s a lie
- but you also decide that it’s also the perfect time to try out this tik tok prank on him so he won’t be suspicious of the camera
- the camera is set up and everything so now all you have to do is say it
- “hey guys today we’re going to do a snack review because my husband bought wayyy too many snacks” cute rolling eyes and cute little smile directed at oikawa that makes your watchers go 🥺🥺
- like you’re literally staring at him waiting for him to realize but he doesn’t
- you’re halfway through opening your first bag when he finally realizes
- “WAIT”
- you look to the camera to make sure you’re filming this whole thing
- “you said husband.”
- “i did?”
- “YEAH! you did. i heard you say it.”
- “no i didn’t!”
- “check the video y/n-chan. i heard you say it.”
- he makes you replay the video because he will whine and pout until he makes sure that you hear it
- practically lights up when he hears it again
- “hmm does that mean you wanna marry me yn-chan?”
- “no it doesn’t”
- he notices the small blush on your cheeks points all over your face. “ooo you wanna marry me so bad huh?”
- the living incarnation of the 😏 emoji
- big cocky smile on his face bc he takes it as an accomplishment that you called him your husband on accident
- his eyes are secretly all teary-eyed though because HUSBAND?,$3;!9 💓💓💓💓💖💞💘💞💘
- he decides right there and then that he’s gonna propose soon because he thinks his heart physically bursts at the idea of you calling him husband for real
- the only reason he doesn’t propose right there is because 1. he doesn’t have a ring and 2. his an extra little bitch that wants to keep you on your toes while also making sure that his proposal is so good that you’ll end up crying happy tears
- when you post the video on tik tok oikawa makes sure to like every single comment that says “THEY’RE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE UGH WHY DONT THEY JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY”
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- his ass loves food so he literally lights up at the idea of doing a mukbang
- at first he insists that you don’t film it because he’s lowkey creeped out about the idea of eating in front of a camera just for people to listen to him eat
- he finally agrees to filming it when you promise to make the mukbang have all his favorite foods
- what he doesn’t know is that you’re simultaneously trying a tik tok prank on him
- “hey guys! welcome back to my channel! today we have a special guest, my husband, osamu because we’re doing a mukbang and you will always find this guy with food in his mouth, no joke.”
- he catches your little slip-up right away
- “husand huh? ya got something ya wanna say?”
- doesn’t even care that there’s a camera in front of you (he thinks you’ll just edit it out anyway)
- you play innocent because where’s the fun in telling him it’s for a tik tok right away?? “hmm what are you on about miya?”
- “what i’m on about is that yer telling me that you want to be a miya.”
- “i guess i do like the ring on miya y/n”
- “is this a proposal then?”
- cue shit-eating grin from you. “nah, the man in question isn’t here. you don’t happen to know atsumu’s ring size do you?”
- osamu’s little impish grin drops so quick and now he’s playfully glaring at you
- “ya say shit like that again and i’ll make ‘sumu switch places with me on the altar when we get married.”
- you're laughing into your knee at that point until you make a realization
- “wait. you said when we get married. not if.”
- “i didn’t stutter did i miya?”
- tik tok comments blow up with squealing fans bc OHMYGSOJD
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- you’re a proud gf so you’re more than happy when someone asks you to live stream with your volleyball famous bf
- you also thought it might be a good time to pull this prank on him that you saw on tik tok and get his reaction on live camera because it’s bound to be funny since he’s hinata
- after one of his games you run up to him and hug him before telling him that your followers wanted to live stream with him
- “oh ive seen those!! i’d love to say hi to your fans!! do they know i play volleyball??”
- “yes, babe that’s the whole reason they wanted to meet you.”
- “REALLY???”
- you laugh at how cute he is and then turn on the live
- “hey guys, the long wait is over! here i am with my husband, world famous hinata shoyo! he just finished a game and-”
- “HUSBAND?” he interrupts you and he looks kind of giddy at the prospect. “does this mean you want to marry me y/n??” blushy happy hinata because you bet your ass he’s thought about it before but just didn’t know how to go about talking to you about the idea of marriage
- “what happens if i say yes?” you’ve thought about it too, so you playfully entertain his excitement.
- “then let’s get married!”
- you have to do a double take because you didn’t think he was actually serious. “wait really?”
- “you want to right? that’s what you said!”
- “of course i do! i just didn’t think you would propose right here right now.”
- “why not? i love you, you love me. you want to get married, i want to get married. so let’s get married!”
- the comments are blowing up because oh my god you just managed to accidentally capture your future husband’s proposal on an instagram live
- bokuto and atsumu overheard the whole thing and tackled the two of you into a group hug
- let’s just say your live ended on a frame of bokuto’s face close up because he’s so happy that “the student is getting married!!!”
- atsumu pulls out of the hug for a second and being the little shit he is, runs to the locker room and comes back with a ring pop
- “can’t propose without a ring shoyo! where are yer manners??”
- hinata actually gets down on one knee and proposes with the ring pop and you’re so red because at this point the entire stadium is watching
- you say yes anyway
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KH 2 playthrough post so far so I don’t actually have to spam my blog and you all:
OOOH!! I just beat Aladdin’s world for the second time and now the organizations place is showing up!! It’s beginning to appear which isn’t too good-
But it’s also perfect bc I am craving to see Riku pleaseeeee.
I have to go back to Twilight Town for the second time and I didn’t see that the path wasn’t opened up yet (like I can see the world but I can’t land there yet), so I went up to it and it did that barrier thing and it scared the crap out of me. Idk why it did, but it did-
HE DIESSS NOOOO. I mean Ik he doesn’t die but STILL ITS SO SAD😭. He just wanted to see Roxas….
I’m looking at the shadow profile in the journal and gosh the way it just twitches…it makes it so hard to believe that Sora was one of these at some point-
Went back to Pride Rock to lvl up bc I remember that spawning those flying creatures thing on top of pride rock and it’s worked pretty well. Got Sora leveled up at least once since the first time so :).
But also why am I only now learning that Sora can actually run in Lion King’s world?? He doesn’t do a short dash…if you hold down square he actually runs…why am I only now realizing this after years-
Yesss!!! The heartless wasn’t that hard. I just didn’t go up to the actual heartless at all and just attacked the big dinosaur thing bc it was safer and that thing was dead within 5 minutes?? Maybe?? Idk but anyways. I really wish we could do drive form in pride lands bc that fight would’ve been really good for leveling up my Valor form and others. I think I need to lvl each form up to beat Roxas so I need to get to working-
Tron: Hugs the crew
Donald and Goofy: Happily accept the hug
Sora: Acts like he’s never been hugged in his life and is so uncomfortable
I still find this moment so funny-
Leveled up my Drive Forms (even tho I could only use limit :’)) and I beat Roxas on the first try! I’m so happy!! And while reading through comments of a video about how to beat him since I haven’t played him in awhile and needed a refresher of what he does, I saw people saying they quit. They literally got to this fight and quiet and it made me a little sad. One comment said they got to lvl 40 and couldn’t beat him and I was like, “Did you…not read the lvl recommendation? It says 50 for me, plus leveling up the drive form needed wasn’t too difficult.” I literally took a TON of damage and could barely block any of his attacks, but if you have Curaga and Hi-Potions, then you can beat him. Literally my first time posting on normal mode and I managed to do it!!
Some even said that it took them two hours to beat Roxas and I was like dang. It took me awhile to level up my drive forms sure, but not two hours. I guess they didn’t go to the right areas :/. I just want to tell people that if you gave up bc of him, to back to this game! It’s so amazing to beat him yourself and feel that satisfaction! It really is! Plus, as long as you’re at the recommendation lvl then you can do it! I’m literally barely dodged his attacks and almost died once, but I managed and it’s very satisfying to beat him!! And very emotional if you look up why you fight him :’’’(.
But yeah there’s my small rant about my fight with Roxas. I really can’t believe I beat him on my first try. Last playthrough (which was the first time I beat the game ever) I sucked so bad.
BRO IM LITERALLY IN TEARS. My head hurts😭. I love that KH seems like a Disney game because of the worlds, but it’s story and lore is real deep and punches you in the heart while simultaneously making you laugh. I love it here even as I cry :).
This is so terrible out of context, but Namine and Kairi running away while holding hands is kinda funny. Just the way they run is a little bit funny. Situation is terrible but I just had a small chuckle at their run-
Okay that’s all for tonight :). It’s almost midnight and I’m just now quitting KH, so yeah. Goodnight yall or good morning :).
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baroquebucky · 4 years
Italian days
request: could you write something about going to Italy with timothee? Im just imagining how cute and romantic it would be 🥺
a/n: this is so cute !!! prepare for typical tourist attractions also i have no idea where any of these things are in relation to each other so :-) i literally googled what to do in these places bc I’ve never been sorry guys:-( this ones long so strap in and get ready !!! let me know what y’all think abt it ! i kinda wanna make headcanons about this too hehe >:) I hope you all enjoy it and send me some requests 🥰
You quickly finished packing your last t shirt in the already full suitcase, putting your weight onto it so that you could zip it up fully. You were excited for the trip that timothee had planned for the two of you, giddy to finally spend some alone time with you favorite boy. “ma cherie are you almost done?” you heard timmy call out from the living room. Quickly you grabbed the final bag off the bed and scanned the room, going over a mental checklist to ensure you didn't forget anything. 
“okay i have everything, did you get everything? Do you have all the things you need? What time is it? Are we gonna be late? Oh god what if the plane leaves without us” you began to ramble, going through every worst case scenario possible. Timothee looked at you in awe, he had never seen you this nervous about anything before, he least expected it to come out right before a romantic getaway.
“angel, calm down, it’s fine let’s go to the airport we’re right on time” he smiled at you, giving you a quick kiss before he helped you with your bags and you two headed to the Uber waiting outside your shared apartment. As you helped him squeeze the luggage in you both sat in the backseat, you were so excited for the trip.
“You know we should go to Paris for our next anniversary” timmy spoke offhandedly, mindlessly playing with your hair as the movie you had chose played on the tv. “That would be fun, I’ve never been there” you smiled, looking at him briefly before your eyes settled on the screen again.
“where have you traveled to?” He questioned, curious as to all the places you’ve visited. “mmm i mean I’ve never been to Europe, i left the state a couple times for road trips but that’s about it” you replied, not thinking anything of the question. “You mean to tell me that you’ve never been to Italy?” He gasped and you laughed at his shock.
“We aren’t all stars or rich Chalamet” you suppressed laughter but one look at his facial expression caused you to burst into a fit of laughter. “That’s it im booking a flight to Italy, we can go to venice and oh we could even travel to where we filmed call me by your name! And then we could go to Rome!” He gushed, moving quickly to get his laptop.
You were excited, until you realized you had $20 in your wallet and maybe $67 in you bank account. “Timothée wait no” you spoke, rushing behind him to stop him. He turned around confused as to why you didn’t want to go.
“do you not wanna go? I thought you liked Italy? You show me videos about people going there all the time” he asked, searching your face for an answer. “I do! I’ve always wanted to go there” you stated, sighing as your gazes met. “it’s just- how am i gonna pay for my ticket? I don’t have enough money and-” before you could finish timothée cut you off.
“what makes you think you’re paying?” He grinned, running to the room to get the laptop once again. You messed with your fingers for a second, you didn’t want him to spend money on you, you’ve always felt bad about it.
“timmy no you can’t just buy me a ticket there” you spoke, walking into the room, seeing the boy sitting on the bed, legs crossed with the laptop in his lap. He furrowed his brows and replied without looking up from his screen. “Why not? You’re my girl, think of it as a present” he smiled, you opened your mouth to protest but he quickly stopped you.
“i just bought them so you can’t take it back” he beamed, you frowned for a second before he gave you the puppy eyes. Of course you couldn’t resist, you tackled him with a hug and kissed him, thanking him a million times.
And so here the two of you were, sitting in the backseat on your way to the airport, going over the loose itinerary timothée had made for the two of you once you landedin Venice. He had gone beyond what you expected to make this trip memorable despite telling him to not worry.
When you got to the airport everything went surprisingly smooth despite you being nervous the whole time. The two of you bought breakfast and ate it in the little food court, then headed to the gate which your plane would be in and played games while waiting to board.
Once the plane arrived the two of you got on, of course he had bought first class, you wanted to scold him for spending so much but as soon as you saw how excited he was you couldn’t be mad at him. “look! we get pillows and everything” he giggled, you smiled at him and nodded, equally as excited as him. The two of you ended up watching two movies, falling asleep during the second one.
You woke up first, smiling at the sight of timmy with messy hair, mouth slightly parted and cheeks lightly flushed as he slept. You decided to wait on waking him up, instead you occupied yourself by looking out the window and listening to your music.
The landing woke timothée up and he smiled at you brightly, it took him a couple minutes to really wake up, mumbling incoherently before he came fully to his senses.
As soon as you got off the plane you were excited, pulling timothée along to get out of the airport as soon as possible. When you finally got everything and exited you got into the car timothée had ordered for the two of you and headed to the hotel to unpack.
Timothée posted a picture of you staring out the window in awe onto his Instagram story, “she’s excited right now, just wait until she sees the canals” he wrote, smiling as he thought of all the pictures the two of you would take.
You expected an average hotel room, if timothée really splurged then maybe above average, you did not expect to get the presidential suite at a five star hotel. The smile on your face made everything worth it to timothée, he made sure this trip would be memorable. “Timothée Hal Chalamet! How much did you fucking spend!” You squeaked, rushing around the room to check everything on.
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is that you get changed and get ready, we’re in Venice for two days before our next stop and I have so much for us to do” he smiled, pulling you in for a kiss which you quickly returned. Resting your head on his chest you sighed, taking a Monet to let everything sink in. You’re in Italy with the love of your life. Holy shit.
Timothée had bought multiple disposable cameras for the two of you to use, wanting to develop all of them by the time you guys got back home.
Before you knew it you were wandering the streets of Venice, a permanent smile on your face as you took so many photos of the scenery and of timothée and of course together. The two of you visited the top tourist spots like Saint Marks Basilica, the both of you in awe of its beauty and laughing until your stomach hurt feeding the pidgeons.
Timothée was scared for his life when a pidgeon landed on his shoulder, immediately going stiff and begging for you to help him. You quickly pulled out your phone, recording him and zooming into his face, a face of pure fear. After you posted it you quickly shooed the pidgeon away, holding his hand and a small pidgeon landed on your shoulder and you fed it out of your free hand.
You smiled brightly at timothée who had moved away from you slightly causing you to giggle. “You laugh now but I’m gonna be the one poop free, those things are ruthless” he stated, a serious look on his face which quickly turned soft as you attempted to pet the bird on you. “Look at him he’s so cute!” You gushed, drowning as it flew away.
“Cmon sweet girl, we have a ride to catch, in the canal” he winked and you gasped, pulling him before you stopped, realizing you didn’t know where you were even going.
When the two of you arrived he helped you into the boat, it was only the two of you and the one driving the small boat, you were sitting next to each other, pointing at everything, a constant smile on both of your faces. He held your hand the whole time, most of the time looking at you rather than the sights you were in such awe of. A small smile on his face as he admired how beautiful you looked, you looked so stress free and happy and he knew everything else he had planned was so worth it if he got to see you like this.
After the ride on the canals the two of you ate at a small little restaurant, drinking some wine and talking about the days events.
“I just think it’s funny that you were that scared of the pidgeons” you giggled, and he frowned at you, “i wasn’t scared, i was just- cautious” he smirked, watching you roll your eyes at his remark.
The two of you finished dinner, walking around the now calmer streets, admiring everything at night for about an hour, kissing under streetlights and chasing one another through the streets, laughter bouncing off the buildings.
The two of you showered once you got back to the hotel and absolutely crashed after you had snuggled under the sheets. The two of you exhausted from the plane ride and walking everywhere all day.
You both woke up late in the morning to the sound of timothées alarm, you yawned, burying yourself more into timothées side, wanting ten more minutes. “Wake up mon amour i still have some stuff planned for today before we leave for Florence” he spoke softly into your hair, kissing the top of your head. He had decided to skip on taking you to Crema, deciding it would make for a good excuse to come back.
You woke up slowly, getting ready and waiting for timothée on the bed once you had finished. You were starving but you didn’t want to eat without him. You laid on your stomach and dozed off only to wake up to a now fully dressed timothée, smiling at you and kissing your nose. “let’s go eat and then we can head out” he whispered and you nodded, getting up from the bed and following him out the door.
The two of you spent the day walking around and seeing anything else you wanted, eating much too much food and buying way too many souvenirs. The day seemed to fly by and before you knew it you were headed to Florence, of course shoving all your luggage into the bus that the two of you were taking to the wonderful city. You slept most of the way while timothée read through a script for a new movie. He woke you up gently when you guys arrived, piling out along with everyone else as the two of you found the car timothée had ordered for this city, heading to yet another 5 star hotel with an amazing room.
It was late at night so the two of you only slipped into bed and set an alarm for later tomorrow morning, cuddling through the whole night, waking up once to eat some of the fruit that the hotel had given to the two of you as a gift.
The next morning the alarm went off and you quickly turned it off, placing your head on timothées chest, a smile on your face while he played with your hair.
“let’s get ready, i have something special planned, wear that one outfit you brought, you know the one that you said you’ve always wanted to wear?” He smiled, a mischievous glint in your eye. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and nodded, going to get ready.
After you finished you scrolled through your phone, replying to people and sifting through the pictures from Venice, deleting the ones which turned out bad or way too blurry. You decided to lay on your side, thinking you wouldn’t fall back asleep but you were wrong. Before you knew it you felt a gentle nudge.
“Cmon sleeping beauty i have a picnic for us” he beamed, a twinkle in his eye. You woke up quickly, a giant grin on your face as your mouth fell open. “A picnic? Oh my god this is a dream, angel you’re so amazing oh my god! I love you so much” You gushed, tackling timothée once you got off the bed and hugging him tightly, kissing him all over his face.
“i love you more ma cherie, now lets go” he smiled, opening the door for you and quickly taking your hand while walking down the halls.
You had ended up accidentally falling asleep in the car, head on timothées shoulder, he recorded you, saving it but not posting it, knowing if he did you would get him back and start a full fledged war.
As the car approached the Piazzle Michaelangelo he shook you softly, your eyes fluttered open and a small smile overtook your features. “Oh my god it’s so pretty” you gasped as the two of you stepped out of the car and onto the concrete floor, he got the picnic basket from the car as you went to save a spot on the steps. He quickly found you and opened the basket between the two of you, eating the food and making conversation, laughing and enjoying the fact that both of you were in Italy, overlooking Florence.
After sitting there for a while, cuddling and pointing things out the two of you drove into the city, excited to see everything the city had to offer. The two of you walked down the streets hand in hand, taking pictures once more and in awe of the beauty the city offered.
Of course the two of you drove all over the city visiting museums, seeing all the statues and artworks you had always admired through your phone screen. You almost wanted to cry of happiness seeing everything in person, you walked quickly in the museums, timothée barely keeping up with you as you rushed everywhere, making sure you absorbed every last detail.
Of course timothée took the typical you looking at art picture, and of course he posted it and captioned it “art looking at art” causing his fans to go feral, everyone tweeting and posting about how cute the two of you were. You held timmys hand when you realized he was dragging behind, pulling him along and forcing him to move at your speed.
“oh my god I love this painting, look at the brushstrokes! I read once that when he was painting this-” you began, going into detail about said artists life. Timothée stared at you, his chest swelling with love, a smile on his face as you went on and on about the paintings, he hung onto every word you said, loving the way your eyes lit up and the amount of emotion in your voice as you spoke of what you loved.
After you had visited the museums l, the two of you walked all over the city, taking in the culture and also taking many breaks and calling a cab to go to places he had planned to take you. Of course he set up a reservation at a fancy restaurant, eating to your hearts delight and drinking amazing wine, overseeing the bustling city as the sun set.
“i cannot believe we’re in Florence Italy” you sighed happily, looking out at the city while you sipped on your wine, timothée smiled at you. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to thank you enough angel, you really made my dreams come true” you spoke, turning towards your curly headed boyfriend and he shook his head.
“you don’t have to thank me ma cherie. I love seeing you happy, you deserve the world and I’m going to give everything i can to you, you’ve always supported me through anything and everything, you know me so well, i just love you so much” he answered. “but- you can thank me by letting me post a bunch of pictures of you everywhere” he smiled shyly, blushing slightly. You smiled brightly at him, your love for him growing. “oh baby of course” you giggled.
The next day was just as action packed, going to multiple cathedrals and basilicas which you hadn’t gotten to the day before, and then spending time in the gardens, taking so many pictures of each other, half of them turning out blurry because the two of you couldn’t stop laughing.
He held you hand the whole time, keeping you close to him the whole time, kissing you at times and always looking at you with so much love. All over Twitter and Instagram were pictures of the two of you holding hands and laughing, many of them with one of the two of you pointing at something, many of the ones with you pointing had timothée looking at you with a smile rather than what you were showing him, it gave you butterflies.
That night you headed to the hotel early, packing everything to catch the late night flight to Rome, the last destination on the trip. The two of you packed quickly, racing to see who would finish first. This made timothée sneak up behind you and unfold your tshirts, run back to his area and rush to finish, an attempt to beat you. You were one step ahead, you had hidden his shampoo so you had no problem re folding while he ran around everywhere.
“I’m done!” You announced proudly, smiling at your boyfriend and he rolled his eyes, a pout on his face. “That’s not fair! I finished before you i just lost my shampoo” he responded, you smirked at him. “Check under your pillow” his eyes went wide and raced to get it, jaw dropping when he found it. “y/n i swear one day im gonna beat you at these competitions” he huffed, pushing you playfully and you shoved him back laughing.
The two of you cuddled the whole time in the airport, attached to the hip, and napping until your flight boarded, where the two of you also slept the whole time. When you finally arrived in Rome, you both headed to the hotel, knocking out there too, excited for the next two days in Rome before returning home. The two of you only had two cameras left, it filled you with excitement to get the photos developed, knowing you would have so many pictures of him to post and an endless amount of wallapapers.
When the two of you awoke the next morning you headed out quickly, excited to spend yet another day together.
“timothée oh my god look at that dog! Do you think he speaks Italian?” You questioned, smiling at the small dog that walked past the two of you. “I’m sure he does my angel” he replied, laughing. Pulling you along the busy street, putting his arm around your waist.
The two of you marveled at the colosseum, mind running wild at the thought of people using it. “You think they ever had a concert in there?” You asked your boyfriend who giggled, “im not so sure they did my angel” you thought about someone using it today. “What if someone tried to have on in there today” you smiled and timothée quickly replied, “as soon as the speakers start blasting everything would just crumble” you laughed at the thought of someone wanting to have fun only to ruin one of the most iconic pieces of history.
The two of you walked along the streets, holding hands and swinging them back and forth, debating where to go next. “How about the pantheon?” You suggested and he nodded with a smile, “you read my mind darling.”
The two of you got there surprisingly quickly and sat down for a second, both of your guys’ feet hurting. You put your head on timmys shoulder, closing your eyes for a second, you could hear everyone talking, the sound of cars and the wind. “Are you tired mon amour?” Timothée asked, not wanting to tire you out so much, he wanted you excited and happy not tired.
“just a bit, but I’m sure it’ll leave as soon as we see the Vatican” you spoke, a smile forming on your face as you opened your eyes and looked at the brunette next to you. He kissed your cheek, getting up and extending a hand to help you up. “Let’s go see what all those shops we passed have had to offer later yeah?” He grinned and you nodded, stretching a little before falling into step with him.
The two of you arrived at the Vatican and you swear you had never felt more in awe than staring at everything inside, everything was so adorned and beautiful, even the pillars on the outside when the two of you were waiting (only for like 5 minutes) made you smile in amazement. Timothée and you kept pointing out everything, a smile on both of your faces. Both of your cheeks hurt from smiling so much but neither of you complained, too happy to care.
After the two of you walked around for a bit more you left and entered the busy streets of Rome once again, taking pictures of each other all the time and stopping to look at anything and everything. “Let’s go get something to eat” you suggested. “Oh yeah I’m starving after all that walking” he replied, pulling out his phone to find a nice place to get food.
Soon enough he found a nice spot and the two of you arrived there quickly, excited to eat. After ordering and eating the two of you sat in comfortable silence, taking the time to wind down before going back out. “can we go to the Trevi Fountain? I brought coins for us to throw in” you asked and timothée wanted to kiss you all over and hug you and never let you go because god you were so fucking cute.
“of course we can go mon amour, are you ready to go right now?” He asked and you nodded, he paid quickly before taking his hand in yours, the two of you walking slower than before, you were leaning on him slightly, he was talking about some story that had happened to him in high school. You don’t remember exactly how the story had come up but you were grateful that it had.
As the two of you continued walking hand in hand and smiling at the sights you realized that no one had disturbed the two of you this whole trip which was very surprising, but you were grateful that his fans were respectful of the two of you. “okay i told you am embarrassing story of me in high school you tell me one” he pushed and you groaned, stealing the water bottle from his hands and gulping down the drink.
“i wasn’t really embarrassing in high school, i had like five friends and we always looked out for one another, middle school i was the biggest emo alive” you shuddered thinking back to all the diary entries you had made. “I remember i wrote this one poem that was so cringe and i thought it was the best thing ever written” you cringed at the memory and he bursted our laughing, leaning into you as he did so.
“Do you still have said diary?” He questioned, a mischievous smile forming on his face, “back at my parents house yeah” you replied, narrowing your eyes at him, “but you will never lay your eyes on a single one of those pages Hal” you sternly replied, smiling as he rolled his eyes and pulled you closer to him, putting his arm around you. “We’ll see about that one” he smiled.
“oh my god! Timmy there it is!” You shrieked, energy suddenly overflowing as you ran, pulling timothee with you causing him to almost trip over his feet. You pushed through the crowd, saying excuse me and sorrys until you got the the front of the fountain. Timothée arrived a couple seconds after you, out of breath and amazed at how fast you had ran.
“ma cherie you need to slow down” he spoke, leaning over to catch him breath. You stared at the fountain in awe, a smile sprawled across you face, taking in the beauty of it all. “I can’t believe I’m really here” you whispered, timothée got up, wrapping both his arms around your waist. “Believe in my love” he smiled, kissing you on the cheek.
Suddenly you heard a crack of thunder and soon enough rain started pouring, the once crowded area was now close to empty as everyone ran for shelter, you and timothée didn’t budge, mainly because you didn’t even flinch and refused to move.
you turned to timothée, hair sticking to both of your foreheads a wild smile on your face as you dig into your pocket, looking for the coins you had brought. Quickly you handed one to timothée. “Ready?” You smiled and he nodded. “Okay, 1, 2, 3!” You shouted, the coins flipping into the water at the same time. Turning to timothée you found him smiling at you and you laughed.
“When in Rome” you said before bunching his shirt into your fist and pulling him into a kiss, you eyes shutting as rain fell around the two of you. The kiss was what you imagined the movie ones were like, passionate and loving. You smiled into the kiss before you opened your eyes and pulled away.
“you drive me crazy y/n” he whispered, a giant smile on his face as you wiped away the water from your eyes and pushed the hair out of your face. “Should we get out of the rain?” You giggled and he nodded, “probably, we don’t wanna get sick” he joked and you punched him. “Don’t fucking jinx it!” You yelled, running to the nearest shelter you could find, which so happened to be a tourist shop.
Shopping with timothée was always fun, shopping with timothée in another country was another level. He wanted to buy you everything you looked at, he would buy you at $50 shirt if you really wanted it. The two of you were dripping wet and needed to buy new clothes or else you would definitely get sick. You ended up wearing tacky tourist shirts, getting matching ones of course and buying souvenirs for everyone back home as well as a few things to decorate and to keep for yourselves.
Considering how hard it was pouring and the fact that the two of you now had wet socks you decide to call it a day and go back to the hotel room, not wanting to get sick considering tomorrow was the last day. You were glad that it was already 5 pm, you wouldn’t have missed that much that you had planned and you could easilh get to them tomorrow.
You guys quickly got into a car and made your way back to the hotel, opting on showering together. As the two of you stepped in you let out a sigh at the feeling of the warm water. You let the water rinse the two of you off before shutting it off and getting timothées shampoo, telling him to turn around so you could wash his hair.
“thank you for this whole trip baby, it’s really been a dream come true” you spoke, massaging the shampoo into his hair. “Im sorry that it rained sweetheart, i really wanted us to be able to do everything because this was supposed to be perfect and-” you frowned at him despite his back being to you. “Timothée you can’t control the weather! And even then this trip is already perfect because I’m here with you. I’m in Italy with the love of my life dammit, ive drank so much good wine and eaten even more good food! We haven’t gotten this much time alone in god knows how long, you’ve literally had a chauffeur in every city so that we didn’t have to worry about parking and you made us an itinerary! Everything about this trip has been perfect, even the hiccups in the road.” You stated, smiling at the memories the two of you had already made.
You turned the water back on to rinse the shampoo out of his hair and he smiled at you, kissing you on the forehead. “And plus, i finally got my kiss in the rain AND it was infront of the trevi fountain, how am i supposed to complain again ever?” You smiled up at him, he laughed and quickly closed his eyes as shampoo rinsed from his hair. He grabbed your shampoo and began to wash your hair, you relaxed at his touch and closed your eyes.
“I love you so much angel, you don’t even understand” he whispered, you hummed in response. He gave you a soft kiss to your neck, giving you goosebumps.
Soon enough you guys hopped out of the shower, warm and clean and changed into some pijamas, snuggling into bed and looking out of the giant window next to you. Between the sound of the rain hitting the window and timothées soft breathing, you quickly dozed off, not caring that it was only 6:30 pm and you’d probably wake up at 2 am with an insane amount of energy. Timothée asked you something,confused as to why you weren’t replying until he looked at you, a bashful smile on his face when he saw you sleeping.
“you know i love you so much, you mean the world to me mon amour, there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for you” he whispered, brushing your hair lightly to get it out of your face. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, turning the lights off in the room before closing his eyes and drifting off the sleep alongside you.
You ended up not even waking up throughout the night, instead sleeping until early the next morning. You hadn’t realized how tired you had been until now since you were more energetic than ever, excited to get as much in on the last day.
Timothée was the one dragging you around everywhere today, determined to get through the list had made, you smiled at him as he explained everything to you, surprised at how much he knew. “When did you make this list anyway?” You asked over lunch, looking up at him after you chewed your food. “I woke up at 2am and i couldn’t sleep but i didn’t wanna wake you up so i made this list and researched everything so i can give you the full tour guide experience” he replied, a giant smile on his face as you gawked at him.
“yeah that’s it, I’m gonna marry you” you shrugged, continuing to eat as timothée blushed and kept eating. The conversation flowing easily between the two of you and a comfortable silence falling into place at times.
The day continued quickly, visiting many more sites and before you knew it your disposable camera came to an end, and 30 minutes later so did timothées as the sunset. The two of you sat down on a bench, waiting on your guys’ driver to arrive so the two of you could pack up and head home.
“i can’t believe it’s over” you smiled softly, sad that it was over but happy that it happened. “Don’t worry mon amour im sure we’ll be back soon enough” he smiled and you put your head on his shoulder. “I love you with everything I have timothée” you spoke, looking up at him from your position. He kissed your forehead gently, “i love you so much more y/n” he smiled.
The two of you once again raced to pack up, you purposefully ‘lost’ your favorite shirt and let him win, although he would always hold it against you, it didn’t matter because you would lose over and over and over again if it meant seeing the amount of joy on his face when he shouted “IM DONE” and looked over at you with an unzipped suitcase.
As the two of you were waiting at the airport gate you had to make the obligatory Instagram post, gathering pictures of the two of you together and of yourself to post, you smiled as you picked out the photos. Searching the internet to see if anyone had caught the two of you kissing in the rain in front of the fountain, which of course they had. You looked over at a napping timothée, smiling as you set the photo as your lockscreen and added it to your post, quickly you typed out your caption.
“Italian days <3”
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dropoutparty · 3 years
ngc ramblings part 3- chapter 5
here we are at part 3!!! sorry this one took so long, i originally was gonna make this post include entropy and extus (along with finally talking about face in depth) but it was so fuckin long that im splitting it into 2 different posts! the next part isnt done yet but im like almost halfway done so it shouldnt be too much longer until its out! also before we get into this one:
tw for: death, animal death, and suicide. pls take care of urself and don't read this if those things are triggering for u <3
ok lets get on with the post
at the start of entropy zach doesnt waste any time getting right to the point. this place is bigger than the other planets so far, and zach says the music this time around is a melody that “started out normal but then got distorted” played by a violin sounding instrument. even tho i do sometimes forget that this is supposed to be a creepypasta im not surprised that he said it made him feel depressed and unnerved lmao. anyways, this planet has all new level types in it!! no reused ones!! ok now this is epic. the bosses this time around are megalon, battra, and mechagodzilla, but itll be a good while before we get to those guys because this chapter is long as hell holy shit?? buckle up babez <33 now, before i get into the meat of things as usual im gonna talk abt the planet name! entropy basically means “a lack of order/predictability or a gradual decline into disorder” and that's very accurate to this part of the story. at this point, red is pissed off and is getting desperate, which means from here on out things are going to be getting more intense and more unstable. this world is the turning point in the overall story, basically.
now with that out of the way, zach first goes to the worlds quiz level as usual! this time something was different. usually, in the quiz levels there would be goofy ass music playin in the bg (specifically the GH1D0RA cheat music, if you wanna like listen to it ig?) but from here on out its been replaced by the music from the games password screen, which zach called creepy earlier on in the pasta. im gonna glaze over the quiz again this time, but when we get to the next planet ill talk about all of the quizzes in depth all at once. basically all you need to know for now abt what happens here is face asks “do you like mothra?” and when zach picks no (after going on a tangent abt how mothra sucks lmao,, bro i swear im good at the game my controllers just messed up /s), face enters bastard mode and goes “TOO BAD!” and boom now zach cant play as anyone but mothra. zach is pissed for now but little does he know this is just going to become an even more epic gamer bc of this,, youll never get better at something if you never try and all that.
after that, zach moves on to the first level type- the forest. immediately zach gets an eerie feeling from this level bc he has some kinda fear involving forests at night (i can think of a reason why but ill have to talk abt that later just to be sure). hes also not feelin great about being forced to play as mothra, so the pressure of it all is def starting to get to him by now. the music in the forest is woodwinds followed by slow, rhythmic drums and chiming bells. must have been some ominous woodwinds and bells bc it made him feel like he was intruding somewhere he shouldnt be (oh rlly?? u dont say,, everything up until now has been fine /s). getting into the level itself, eventually zach comes across some weird deer-like monsters just vibing and scares them away when he gets close. later in the level he finds more of these weird deer along with a sloth-like creature on some of the trees and some raptor dudes killing some of the deer. zach shoots one of the raptors but thats about it. nothing really happened in this level but zach noted that he didnt feel like he was playing a video game, but instead it felt more like he was exploring a forest in another dimension. thats interesting for reasons ill ~get to later~ (yall must be so tired of hearing that by now omg,, i know im tired of saying it at least. i was gonna wait until after replay to talk about things but i severely underestimated how long this whole project would be, so i might make a post for the “more on that later” stuff before i get into replay. let me know what u think i should do).
anyways, the next thing zach checks out is the first tv screen level so far. these levels just play an animation with some music in the background, and theres a different animation per level. this time around the animation is of a kid with a beaver(?) head licking a lollipop and the music is the GH1D0RA music that the quiz levels used to use. the only thing of note here is that zach says he had a shirt that looked just like that when he was a kid. after that, were off to some of the weirdest fuckin levels in this whole thing imo- the hourglass levels. these levels have an entirely brown color palette, with grandfather clocks standing in the background (the level appears to be in like a hallway or something) and various time measuring things floating in the air. the music is the same as the board (ig cosby just didnt feel like thinking of what theme this place would have lol). after a little bit zach was rlly happy to see actual enemies from the normal game show up! these are basically like aircraft, tanks, etc. thats not the main attraction here tho, bc this level has its own unique mechanic! this mechanic is the colored hourglass items you can pick up. there are three of them, a blue one that slows time down and makes enemies from the past appear, a red one that speeds up time and makes enemies from the future appear, and a green one that made the time flow normally and spawned enemies from the normal game. zach found the blue one first, which caused a bunch of prehistoric enemies based on real animals to show up. after that he found a green one and fought normal enemies again, and then he found a red hourglass. the future enemies here look like aliens to me, and zach says that one enemy reminds him of something he saw in a book once. eventually, a special future creature showed up and zach was suddenly in a boss battle! or a mini boss battle? that description is probably more accurate. this guy doesnt have a face, and he can only attack by shooting a beam from his face, it sure does look cool! after zach beat it tho, he was off to the next level type, which is basically a toxic waste dump.
zach called it grungy and inhospitable, with the music being a synth ambient loop that made him feel dizzy while he listened to it. this is important because this is the first instance of the game making zach feel something *physically*, not just psychologically. all of the enemies here are mutated to some degree, with him first seeing green mummies with bird skulls coming out from vats of toxic slutch and a brownish cow skeleton monster with spider legs. later zach comes across a deer from the woods, drinking some toxic slutch (delinchous). zach got close to it to try making it stopped but suddenly some enemies came out of nowhere and scared it into running right off a ledge and into the slutch. rip :pensive:. after that zach found more mutated enemies (i.e some things with tentacles and some other deformed thing with human teeth) before he finally gets to the end of the level, where theres another miniboss waiting for him!! this ones a toxic sludge monster with a whale skull who attacks with a mouth projectile and by charging into you. the monster sank into the slutch and thats all for this level babeyy!
the next level is another forest, but this time its winter! its still at night, but this time zach doesnt feel off put, which he mostly attributes to the music. he describes it as a gentle, calm song that almost sounded romantic. the entire first segment of this level had no enemies in it, but dw this level is interesting i swear. the next segment starts out just as empty as the last one, but this time its silent. that is, until the music from “unforgiving cold” starts playing. yaa you remember that place!! i think i said it was less interesting than i remembered but its interesting again now bc it was foreshadowing these levels!! anyways soon after the music started up, zach started to come across tons of frozen bodies of the deer from earlier. some were mutilated, some werent, but they were all frozen and covered in snow. eventually zach does come across something living though, a sloth creature from earlier! its just vibing when suddenly the winter versions of the raptors from earlier rush in and fuckin obliterate the sloth thing. those things just blindly try killing everything in sight, and even start fighting themselves before zach finally gets to the last part of the level.
now this is where shit starts to get crayzay. this part opens up to a big empty field with a full moon and the nice music from earlier back. despite the nice music tho, zach immediately starts feeling dread and eventually he finds a lake. the lake comes down from the sky and starts to crack like an egg, a humanoid figure curled up in the fetus position dropping into the lake below and the moon halves disintegrated. this spawned the moon beast, the hardest challenge zachs had to deal with so far. after he finally defeats it, the screen goes to black and the name “melissa” is on screen, written in red. after that, the screen then says kys. the word kill then fills up the screen, layering over itself until it forms a picture of reds face. its now that we finally get to hear abt the whole melissa thing (which makes it sound like shes been mentioned in the pasta before this but thats not what i mean lmao). to summarize, zach had a middle school gf named melissa (also bro middle school?? wadda hell) who often went into “episodes” where she would stare off, expressionless, before trembling and putting her face in her hands. she and zach hung out in a field at night a lot but one night she just stared at the moon the whole time before running into traffic and dying.
NOW its finally later!!! were not done with entropy yet, but this is the end of part one of entropy so i wanna just take a little break to talk about things so far. this planet is FULL of symbolism and foreshadowing. to start off, i think a lot of the questions face asks at the beginning foreshadow things that happen. some examples are “is time slipping though your fingers?” which could allude to the time levels, “do you have any regrets?” which i think obviously foreshadows the whole melissa thing, “is it safe to go out at night?” and “do you find it hard to sleep at night?” both follow the same kinda theme, which i think relates to how the melissa incident happened at night, specifically out at night. i dont think the forest levels have anything too important in them, other than to introduce the presence of an innocent, harmless creature that doesnt deserve what happens to it later (aka the deer things) which might symbolize melissa. more evidence for this symbolizing melissa comes from the encounter with the deer in the toxic dump and the winter forest, where in the former zach tries to stop it from hurting itself but is too late, being forced to watch it die, and in the latter the same innocent thing from earlier is found dead close to where the real incident took place. the two big themes to keep in mind here are death and time, more specifically the past. most of the enemies here are either made from bones or kill other enemies, there's a dedicated time level referencing things that zach remembers seeing at one point (aka that one alien zach recognized), the beaver head had the same shirt as child zach did, it all connects to zachs past and the death of melissa. as for the moon beast, its the most obvious reference for reasons ive already explained. i dont really know what the moon cracking open and dropping a curled up human into the lake could mean other than some other thing melissa related, but i *do* think that the fact that the moon beast is the most difficult thing zach has faced so far is symbolic of the fact that the trauma from this event has followed him throughout his entire life, and its something he struggles with daily. it could even be the reason why he said no when face asked if he could sleep easily at night. the moon beast also has some black fur around its neck, which i think is meant to represent a tire track, referencing and/or mocking the way melissa died.
its so cool how this entire part of the story builds up to and foreshadows the bomb it drops at the end of the part, giving people something to look back on. a lot of ppl say that as soon as the melissa stuff gets introduced the story goes down in quality, and i do somewhat agree with that sentiment, especially if they want the story to actually be scary, but i think the direction the story goes from this point on is so unique and cool. it does follow the whole “theres a ghost in the game” troupe (even tho it was probably seen as a spin on that originally) but it doesnt do the same cliches as so many other gaming creepypastas do and it really takes the concept and makes it its own. i just think its neat,,,
anyways im done gushing abt this story, lets get on with part 2 of extus!! basically zach has a fuckin panic attack and, after taking a few minutes to calm himself down when its over, he decides that he has to finish the game now because if he doesnt its just going to haunt him for the rest of his life. zach has now realized that the game is “alive” and can somehow see his thoughts and memories, so understandably hes pretty freaked out by it at this point. when he keeps playing, the first thing he does is check out another tv screen level. this time, the animation is of a fish dude just kinda standing there with his mouth flapping open and closed and the music is the neptune board music from the original game. the only reason i can think of for why this is here is maybe the game is mocking zach for the panic attack he just had (bc when u have a panic attack you feel like you can barely breathe, if ur lucky enough to have never had one before and u dont know) but thats abt it. its probably just a random goofy thing cosby threw in there.
anyways, the next actual level is the first labyrinth level. this time around, its a gold labyrinth specifically. the music in these levels is a slow, ominous drum beat with female vocals occasionally coming in and (basically from here on out) the monster zach plays as is now half the size it used to be. i think this shows how zachs feeling at this point, like this whole thing isnt just being a big strong monster and beating up enemies any more, he feels small and scared and helpless in the face of something potentially dangerous that he doesnt understand maybe his confusion about the game is the reason *why* theres so many labyrinth levels here in the first place. anyways im getting ahead of myself. personally, i think the aesthetic of the gold labyrinth is very similar to the green temples back on trance. while trance had a more circular and soft theme to it's architecture and sculpture, entropys is much more square or rectangle oriented. despite this, i think that the golden mazes at least are another religious kind of building, and the architecture is just different because theyre two different cultures who just happen to worship the same spiritual figure (aka melissa. did i say that earlier? i think i did,, if i didnt well the religions worship melissa, not knowing she's a dead human or anything. probably).
moving on, zach notes how the gold labyrinth would probably have been impossible to navigate as any of the other monsters, so turns out face being an asshole was a blessing in disguise after all huh? anyways this place is full of weird gold monsters, lava/fire traps, and stone faces (both in more of an easter island head style and in the regular feminine headshot weve seen so far). zach comes across two feminine heads, one that is more adult looking and pure gold, and another one that looks much younger and whos eyes have red irises and blue scleras. this statue apparently looks a lot like melissa did on the night she died, so zach leaves it pretty quickly. i *think* this is the first time we see the color blue associated with melissa? if it isnt sorry abt that, its been a couple days since i worked on ngcr so ive forgotten some of the smaller or more subtle things by now. GOD i keep getting side tracked ANYWAYS eventually zach finds a non-gold enemy and sees it get picked up by like an arcade crane claw. hes curious so he follows the claw, only to see the monster be put in a big gold cauldron and walk out the side of it as a gold monster.
gonna be honest, no idea what the hell this could mean. like? theres been no themes of corruption or good things becoming evil so far so this just kinda. exists,, yea idk lol. im not part of like any discord servers or anything so all this theorizing and analysis has just been me, maybe getting some small ideas from like random youtube comments or something, so if something ive said so far has been unanimously disagreed with somewhere i dont know about it. thats also why this isnt really a definitive or comprehensive analysis (even tho im trying to be as comprehensive as i can).
anyways zach finds the exit soon after and hes on to the next level type (there's so fucking many of them ik dont worry weve almost gotten to all of them now), the indigo cliffs. the background of these levels is similar to the blue mountains from trance, but now the moon and clouds from the toxic dump background is also here (and colored indigo to match). the music here is just a deep rumbling noise. the first “enemies” he sees here are just a bunch of multicolored little guys coming out of a hole in the ground and jumping off a cliff. were continuing the death theme yall!! anyways zach continues, flying over some more weird creatures (tho some of them just look like dinosaurs lol) before he sees a bunch more of the multicolored guys out and about but this time theyre getting grabbed by birds!! wadda heel!!! zach comments on how the multicolored dudes seem eager to die and thinks maybe the moon has something to do with it (like melissa dude wat!!!! that's crazy /s). at the end of the level there were some more multicolored dudes just walking into a creatures mouth so zach attacked the thing and killed it and the levels over yay!
now its time for the bosses babeyy!!! first zach fights battra (basically an evil moth kaiju), the music is varans theme. battra starts off in his larvae form, where he basically just fought by running into you and shooting stuff at you. while fighting this form, zach noticed that the game buffed mothra because his gamer skillz were too cringe lmaoo. he beats the larvae form and battra goes into his second form, where hes basically a stronger clone of mothra (misogyny). zach fights battra and has fun doing it (for once,, good for him) and he wins yay! next hes fighting megalon (a big beetle/bug kaiju), whos music was gigans theme. im tired when im writing this so ill just give you zachs description of how he fought: “strong, persistent, but dumb”. after this, zach checks out the last tv screen of entropy. this time, it shows a big buff guy with a sack over his head hit a womans head with a sledgehammer while shes tied to a table or something. the music for it was the password theme. i think this is probably here because red is getting angrier? like this guy is still here after i triggered his ptsd?? what the hell!!!
anyways before we get to the last boss we have one last level type to get through- the shadow labyrinth. at this point, zach starts to feel drained because no shit sherlock you just had a panic attack and youve been playing this game for fuckin several hours at this point of course youre fuckin drained. anyways zach enters the shadow labyrinth, which is a black recolor of the gold labyrinth. the music is “evil ambience” similar to unforgiving colds music but distinctly different apparently. there werent any enemies so zach just kinda wandered for a while until the lights turned off, darkening the whole screen and (secretly) spawning tons of spooky enemies thatll chase and hit mothra in the dark. eventually the lights came back on and zach started scrambling to the exit. when the lights turned back off, zach was able to find one of the melissa looking statues and stood next to it. it warded off the monsters while the lights were off, so zach was safe. i think this shows 2 things: 1) its a little more validation for my “religion in this world worships melissa” theory and 2) it foreshadows the way melissa wants to protect zach at the end of the game. zach beat the shadow labyrinth a lot faster than the gold one so were done with all the stages now!! now theres only the last boss and red and were done with entropy!
the last boss is mechagodzilla, but when zach starts the level, normal godzilla is there instead!! its whatever tho bc soon the disguise is gone and its just pretty much the normal mechagodzilla fight (but now hes got a gay beam). at about half health tho, mechagodzillas sprite breaks into pieces like gezoras did way back on earth and reforms into not-mechagodzilla. even tho it looks uncanny (and the usage of the face statue on the front is probably there to further mock zach bc melissa) zach beats it p easily and now its time for the chase. ba dum ba dum thats the sound of a chase.
as usual tho, before i get to the red chase its time to talk about entropy as a planet!! i think the best way to describe the layout is “a big forest with a toxic waste dump in it takes up half the planet while the other half is a large religious temple/labyrinth with a dangerous underbelly”. there doesnt seem to be any intelligent life there now (its all dead by now probably) but there was at some point at least because imean the huge labyrinth is there dude!!! i dont have much to say for this section tbh bc i feel like i've already said everything i wanted to, so its time for the chase ig!!
basically the chase with red here takes place in a labyrinth level bc of course it does. this labyrinth, however, seems to be made of some kind of organic matter. is it flesh? organs? nondescript viscera? idk but it's pulsating and bloody. also this time red has wings too!! anyways, basically zach avoids red throughout the maze, red breaks through one of the walls with his big alien tongue, and zach gets to the end of the maze. nothing crazy happens at the end of this chapter (i think it was crazy enough as is) so thats the end of that and now its time for the penultimate planet- extus.
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beifongsss · 4 years
birthday [sero]
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Pairing: Sero x reader
Requested?: Yes! a lovely anon said: “Ahh im so happy to hear you're taking bnha requests!!! So recently it was resident tape boys birthday,,, i was wondering if you could do something where it leads into the two slow dancing in his room?? Thank you so much, i really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to crank out amazing works 🥺🥺”
Summary: (late birthday post for this boy) You try to get the Bakusquad to help you set up a small birthday celebration for Sero. It seems to be going as planned but little do you know, Mina’s main goal is to get the two of you to confess your feelings.
w.c.~ 1.7k
.masterlist. taglist form.
my first time writing for bnha so i’m sorry if it’s not that good! also idk if i’d write for sero again bc it was low key hard 
It had been an exhausting day, with you running around trying to keep the Bakusquad under control.
You had been planning Sero’s surprise birthday party and the hardest part about it was making sure that everyone acted as though you had forgotten that there was something to celebrate. There had been many close calls, with Kaminari almost asking him what flavor cake he wanted and Kirishima almost shouting a loud ‘happy birthday!’ when Sero first walked into class.
You had been quick to jump over his desk, slapping your hand across his mouth and earning yourself multiple confused looks as you tried to explain that it was a new game you and Kirishima were playing. It was the dumbest excuse ever and you could hear Bakugou cackling in the background but Sero hadn’t commented, instead choosing to give you a worried nod before slipping into his chair. 
As soon as the bell had rung, you had sprinted out of the classroom, pulling Bakugou along behind you as you motioned for Kirishima and Kaminari to distract Sero. Even though Bakugou muttered multiple profanities under his breath as he followed you, he dutifully helped you pick out the materials you needed, claiming that if he was being forced to attend some shitty party he was going to make sure that it wouldn’t be a bad one. 
Sneaking back into the dorms was the hardest part and you could faintly hear Sero in the common room as he asked Mina where you were. Truth be told, he was pretty upset. He had been waiting for this day for months, ever since you promised him that you would spend his birthday with him doing whatever he wanted. Now that the day had arrived, you were nowhere to be found and he was wondering why you had told him that and then gone back on your word. 
You rushed into the kitchen to check on Sato, who had happily agreed to bake a cake for Sero, before sneaking into the elevator. Once you had reached Sero’s floor, you managed to sneak into his room, knowing that he always left it unlocked because he hated carrying his key around. Even with Bakugou’s condescending comments, the two of you managed to set up pretty quickly. Balloons were floating around the room, some covering the ground along with some confetti. There were streamers hung up all around the room, a sparkly banner positioned right above his bed displaying the two words you were yet to tell your crush friend. 
Once you were done with the set up, you stepped back, brushing your hands off as you looked around in wonder. 
“Thanks, Bakugou,” you said, smiling at the grumpy boy. “This is gonna be great, I can already tell.”
Bakugou simply scoffed before throwing himself onto Sero’s bed. Shaking your head, you went back down to the kitchen, grabbing Mina’s attention beforehand. She joined you in the kitchen, the two of you praising Sato for his amazing work on Sero’s birthday cake. After handing the cake over to Mina, she went up to his room and you went into the common room. Kaminari and Kirishima exchanged a subtle glance as you nodded at them and they quickly said their goodbyes to Sero before heading up to his room as well. You sighed softly as you plopped down onto the couch, leaning your head on Sero’s shoulder. He glanced down at you, smiling softly when you reached up to scratch the tip of your nose.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten,” you said, breaking the silence first. Sero’s heart swelled at your words before shrinking back down again when you continued speaking. “We have that quiz tomorrow and you haven’t studied.”
Sero’s smile dropped in annoyance and you had to stop yourself before you could apologize and tell him that you did indeed remember his birthday. You shuffled off the couch, heading to the elevator before turning around. “You coming? We can study in your room. I’ll even let you pick the music!”
He trailed after you quietly, trying to hide his disappointment as the elevator ascended. When you reached his room, you stood behind him, earning you a confused glance because he knew that you knew that his room was unlocked. So why weren’t you opening it?
Sero stumbled back slightly as he looked around his room. Bakugou was still on his bed, a scowl on his face as he scrolled through his phone. Kaminari and Kirishima were wearing party hats, party horns being held between their lips as they made a racket. Mina was standing in the middle of the room, a large smile on her face as she held a delicious-looking cake. The rest of your classmates were also there, each of them holding a gift and chanting ‘happy birthday!’. 
“Happy birthday, tape boy,” you said softly, wrapping your arms around him from behind. You were smiling widely, happy that things had gone according to plan no matter how many times your friends had almost ruined the surprise. Sero turned around and hugged you tightly, his heart leaping into his throat as he realized you had done this all for him. 
“Thank you,” he whispered, grinning widely before turning to face his friends. 
The party went well, both you and Sero flitting from group to group but never quite spending any time together. Everyone was aware of the lingering glances you would send to each other and as day turned into evening, everyone began to make excuses and leave, making sure to wish Sero a final ‘happy birthday’ before they left. Eventually, it was only the Bakusquad left and you had fun filming a silly unwrapping video of each of Sero’s gifts. After that was done, Bakugou was the first to leave, stating that it was way too late and that he needed to sleep. Kaminari was the next to go, saying that Yaoyorozu had agreed to give him a late night review session for the upcoming test. 
After a few more minutes, Mina let out a fake yawn and tugged Kirishima off of the ground. She sent you a sly smile, pausing at the door and turning to face Sero. 
“Well it’s getting late, we should go,” she said, smiling sweetly before turning back to you. “See you tomorrow (Y/N/N) don’t forget to tell Sero that thing you mentioned. Bye!”
The door shut before either of you could react and you laughed nervously before turning to face Sero. He was looking at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you drifted back into his room. 
“What was she talking about?”
“N-Nothing!” you squeaked, turning away from him and flopping onto his bed. “We really should do some studying though.”
Sero hummed, not replying to you before he turned and opened up his laptop. He connected to his speakers before turning his chair to face you. “So what do you wanna listen to?”
“Whatever you want,” you replied, glad that he was choosing to ignore Mina’s words. “I told you I’d let you pick the music!”
You pulled out your notebook, smiling as you heard Sero mutter to himself. After a few seconds of silence, he let out a sound of approval and you perked up as you heard soft music fill the room.
“Well that’s a bit different from your usual music choices,” you teased, frowning slightly when Sero didn’t reply. You turned around, seeing him standing a few inches away from you and causing you to jump. “Geez, Sero. Give me a little warning next time!”
Wordlessly, Sero held his hand out and you took it, giving him a questioning gaze. He pulled you forward and you stumbled slightly, falling into his chest as he led you to the center of the room. He chuckled at you before placing your hands around his neck and putting his own around your waist. You hesitantly laid your head on his shoulder, your heart pounding as the two of you started swaying softly to the music. 
“Thank you,” Sero said softly, his voice barely louder than the music.
“What for?” you replied. 
“It’s your birthday, silly,” you said. “I wouldn’t have forgotten it. You deserve to be celebrated.”
Sero was glad that you couldn’t see his face as he broke into a bright blush. Still holdin you close, he cleared his throat before speaking again. “Not just for that. I mean for everything, (Y/N). You do so much for me. But yes, thank you for today as well.”
You pulled back slightly, smiling up at Sero. “You do so much for me too, Sero. I love you.”
The music faded for a few seconds as the previous song ended and the new one began. The silence was overwhelming and you felt yourself flush under Sero’s gaze as you realized what you had just said. Before you could fully pull away and run to your room to hide, Sero carefully cupped your cheek and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before nudging your head back to its spot on his shoulder. 
“Is that what Mina wanted you to tell me?” he asked, laughing softly when you nodded. “I love you too.”
“Happy birthday, Sero,” you said, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the moment. 
“Happy birthday to me indeed.”
A few hours later, Mina Ashido was rushing through the dorms when she realized that she didn’t have her phone. She didn’t bother to knock as she burst into Sero’s room, immediately locating the device and placing it in her pocket. 
“Sorry for just bursting..” Mina began, turning to face Sero but trailing off when she saw the two of you curled up in his bed sound asleep. “In.”
Smiling, she fished her phone out of her pocket and snapped a few pictures before sprinting out of the room to locate Kirishima and Kaminari, making sure to close the door quietly as she left. She couldn’t help but giggle wildly as she showed everyone the picture, knowing that when you awoke the next morning you would be pissed. But she could deal with that. 
She was just happy that her two friends had finally gotten together. 
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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pandemskinny · 4 years
sorry im posting so much tonight but i wanted to make a list of things that distract me from my ed (or keep me away from munch munch) sorry lmao:
♡ watch BBC dracula. its all on netflix, if you don't have it then if ur from the uk, its on bbc iplayer (its free) my mother thinks hes vv sexy. 3 X 1.5hour episodes :)
♡re watch ur favourite films or anime or tv shows, personally i like Skins, Shameless, This country, The office UK, RPDR, tokyo ghoul, pulp fiction, kill bill, sherlock etc
♡youtube: im gonna post vids when i can so i will have a channel its pandemskinny (tw ed) but i like to watch supersize vs superskinny and ALR and Foodie beauty (idk its addictive man) sometimes my 600lb life but i find it really upsetting to the point where i cant watch anymore. I also watch Korean diet girls living their best life.
♡i read. Here are my must reads. Good Omens. Life Of Pi. The Colour Purple. Pride And Prejudice. Frankenstein. Anne Of Green Gables. Tess Of The d'Urbervilles. If you like erotic books the best ones I've read are by Sarah Waters bc i am GaY. Would 100% recommend tipping the velvet.
♡play animal crossing or a Nintendo game that you have. Ive been playing professor layton speed runs bc im that bitch. I also have pokemon black <3 i do still have to complete tLoZ majora's mask bc im weak and its the only zelda one left to complete.
♡read fanfiction. Doesn't have to be smutty. Its free, can be supportive to authors. I like time travel au's because i often wonder what would happen if i met 21 year old john lennon. Sigh.
♡i don't have it but somehow end up watching the yt video comps of lesbian tiktoks. The cringe tiktoks r what keeps my self esteem in check also. So learn a tiktok dance or stare at pretty lesbians with big glasses and curly hair.
♡you can find free films to watch. If you like Melanie Martinez than watch k-12. me and my mother both love the highschool sweethearts part because WoAh,,
♡if you like music (who doesn't) try dancing to it or even meditating? I like to imagine im in the centre of a mosh pit or performing on stage.
♡talk to me, look at my blog, use this app in general or any app u feel comfortable on.
♡skincare- ive improved my own skin alot of recent. I recommend watching hyram? On yt- definitely helped mine.
♡sign the petitions for the black lives matter movement. My mum told me her biggest achievement recently is distinguishing a lampost from a trafficlight out of a set of squares. She also drags the fuck out of racists on fb. Ah good ol' mum.
♡collegework, homework, housework, schoolwork, your sibling/childs homework. One that I'll have to face sooner or later
♡if you have a younger child in the family, they really occupy ur time (i have a 2 1/2 yo brother) i like to spend time with him, so many stories to tell about pepper pig, helicopters, and our dog. His favourite thing is holding his hand up to his ear and pretending to call grandmother and he'll tell her the most random things.
♡one of my favourites- thrift shopping/shopping in charity shops. I got 10 books for a quid once or $1.25, not only that but as a fan of old music, art etc i pick up antique vinals and things pretty often. I have a friend who buys similar tshirts to me but gets them for less than half the price in charity shops/thrift stores. And i think that homeless person jeans + good accessories + simple crop/tight top = perfection.
Anyway i hope this post distracted you and or helped you in anyway im vv sorry for boring u ahh
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uhhhh pregame headcanon time
mostly himiko time but i got a few others to. also just so yal know, i prefer the pg! au where its a simulation a la sdr2. so. context.
HIMIKO TIME pg!himiko got her talent mostly as like a sick joke bc she’s desperate for meaning, so they give her a meaningless talent ahaha. but also. i think she’d prob practice witchcraft or like, or maybe just like really interested. also her magic talent comes from the fact she’s specialized in the slip of the hand if you know what i mean. the five finger discount. the buy none get all free deal. she’s a klepto, you guys. 
but besides that she like, really dislikes dr and thinks all of these guys are total weirdos but also she’s here so she’s a weirdo too. 
basically the same super apathetic kind of useless everyone’s a comedian personality as in drv3. but this time taking NO ONE’s bullshit super adamant about how she’s against killing and won’t do it. 
i want to see her insult lazily insult everyone else there bc she just cannot give a shit. regular himiko is depressed but in denial. pg himiko is depressed and leans way too far into that apathy. 
would bully the dr kinnies bc htat’s what pg characters are aksdlfjdal
i could see her getting some threats about her going first and how ppl cant wait to kill her and she’s like good! yes! please, thank you so much. 
kaito: cant wait to make you the first victim himiko: yea well cant wait to see you choke on your own blood space cowboy
on a side note, bc she’s surrounded by a bunch of people who literally cannot wait to have the chance to murder, she starts carrying one of those long tasers, covers it with floam and glitter, and carries it in a wand holster. ppl try to threaten her till shes like baap baap you had somethin to say? 
while she has slight of hand and some basic witchcraft down she’d prob really enjoy learning magic. tricks are fun. soemtimes she’ll do some to entertain people, but is really facetious when she says its magic. dr is literally a joke to her she is taking NONE of this seriously
ok but like bc i like to make myself suffer - i think she would’ve been friends with rantaro’s sister in school and like, comforted her during all of 52. himiko auditioned for 53 as like a joke but when she got in their friendship ended bc it felt like a betrayal to amami’s sister. angery.
she also has a weird relationship with amami bc she knew him from before, but pre 52 is not the same as post 52. she’s also like, one of the few people to treat rantaro as a normal person, so he appreciates that. he might ask questions about how his sister was going and himiko would be honest that it really fucked her up, but now, two people she loved are going on the show. so that’ll be worse.
when they’re both out of the game afterwards they spend a lot of time with rantaro’s sister, just making sure she’s ok. they both really goofed it up. but they gotta try to recover.
also bc i like to make myself suffer - p much her only friend in the pg like, photoshoots and prep time (prob a month) was korekiyo bc they were the two seminormal people who didn’t wat to be there. she was there bc she lacked all meaning, and kork was there to run away from home. i could see kork legitimately being interested in what himiko is learning and she could give them like, tarot readings or stuff. they made promises about how they’d stay friends and work together to make it out and teach people that you don’t have to be violent to win. 
when she gets out she remembers all these memories of their time together and the promises they made. maybe evne finds some photos or videos of the two of them together on her phone. she cries a lot for lost friendship/time
i do think their friendship would recover with a lot of therapy and time. but i’m talking a LOT of therapy and time.
related, i don’t think himiko can be friends with angie after the betrayals in dr, she’d stay friends with tenko, but have to set hard boundaries. i honestly realy hate tenko and himiko as a couple for the same reason i hate souda and sonia as a couple. 
uhhhhh she hates kaito’s guts
kaito hates hers
he LITERALLY is so excited to kill her like seeing her makes him see red
OK HARD SHIFT OVER TO RANTARO: rantaro’s whole schtick in 52 was a cowboy adventurer motif complete with the hat and a corduroy jacket. he keeps the jacket but not the hat, at least in training. it takes a while for his voice to adjust back to normal
rantaro was only chosen as a sacrifice for 53 bc he was either the mastermind or one of the final blackened, so his co ppl decided it as a punishment. you thought playing villain would win huh? fuk u. 2nd game amami
his hair was NOT green in 52 i could see him hving another pastel color like purple or silver tho
KORK: kork was running away from home and is super timid/quiet. really keeps to themselves. keeps the facemask ON as a protective measure might get misgendered a few times by kaito bc pg kaito is a dick but himiko would bite his head off for that. 
is super uncomfortable with their whole motif/outfit and is constantly worried its foreshadowing they’re gonna be a villain. himiko tries to console them and be like lol no that’d be way too obvious like evne if you do kinda look like a nazi on the dl they wouldn’t make it THAT obvious would they
they rlly would
everyone gets makeovers during the pg to fit their characters and they watned to cut kork’s hair and its literlaly the first time anyone saw them display any aggression pg. so instead they just let it be.
also pg wears it in a bun at the base of their neck insead of down bc its more convenient
kaito memeota: pg kaito is a piece of shit but we know that. but also i cant decide if he’s like, a piece of shit only in intervies and super full of himself but not as bad as he seems. or if he’s actually the type to kill a bird with his hands for a sick rush. 
the type to beat his wife. 
i love game kaito but the idea of pg kaito being the biggest piece of shit mother fucker is so interesting
doesn’t know jackshit about space and has to work damn HARD for that ultimate
idk would prob say the n word or something when he’s singing along to rap music. or maybe just period i could say pg kaito beig the worst
ryoma im telling u i do not think they changed a thing from his backstory and just erased the memories of him auditioning/training. i think that’s literally just him.
this guy has a box mod
kirumi worked in a hot topic/starbucks and that’s why she’s organized
actually really hates spiders and her motif freaks her out
chain smokes
actually really hates politics and is very prolific with her antifascist/activist beliefs and is PISSEd when she’s presented her backstory
would give people stick and pokes in the bathroom
owns a nightmare before christmas hoodie she wears to sleep and is mortified when someone finds it in the wash
ANGIE is a conspiracy theorist and flat earther and like. an amazing athiest type
literally the worst but so charismatic about it
prob runs a successful conspiracy podcast
facts and logic
pissed she didn’t get supreme leader
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ofinkdried · 4 years
hey all!! i’m slowly working on bios and pages and such but I wanted to introduce myself first -- so here’s what’s technically was the first task?? im using it as the template for my intro so HERE WE GO!!
Tumblr media
name  /  alias : victoria / tor gender  /  pronouns : cisfemale / she/her where  ya  from  ? : texas!! the  current  time :  4:29 pm height :  5′4 job  or  major :  unemployed at the moment, but I have a degree in health science/health administration & a national certification in phlebotomy pet  (  s  ) :  one doxie/beagle mix named Roxie favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  my ability to remember song lyrics better than my own name any  special  talents  ? :  uhhhh I can play 4 ( 5? ) instruments why  you  joined  hqclouds :  FUNNY STORY care was talking to me about some Tea ( we’re in another rp together ) and she made a comment about running an rp and im a bit of a sleuth and found hqclouds and decided to join  meaning  behind  url :  it’s ‘ of clementines ’ because one of my favorite halsey songs is clementine and i’ve been on a halsey kick as of late  last  thing  you  googled :  ‘ fools troye sivan ’ because I wanted to send my friend the music video birthday  /  zodiac :  october 29th / scorpio in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : some days myers  -  briggs :  I took it forever ago and don’t remember... ^^’ moral  alignment :  chaotic good hogwarts  house : ravenclaw!! three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  oh gosh.... katherine from newsies ( dedicated, doesn’t take a man’s shit), emma from the prom (nervous gay who plays guitar), and flynn rider from tangled (jokester, very in love with our girlfriends) i  started  roleplaying : 2012 I think? types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  definitely literate ones favorite  fcs  to  use :  I try to not reuse fcs a lot?? like I have some I prefer for certain characters, but I don’t have a strong draw to certain faces... fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : musicals ( namely newsies ), fairy tail, the raven cycle fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  uhhhh I dont really know... share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  oh gosh I dealt with one girl who like... constantly gaslit me as a player and my characters, would make me feel bad for not responding immediately, made everything about her characters, and then got mad when I called her out on it? and now she goes to a christian school and says that rp is ‘ the devil’s work ’ and I just... yeah. fondest  roleplay  memory :  I feel like the moment my now girlfriend and I realized we always do ships bc just had awesome chemistry and then started dating like, 4 months later. favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : connor murphy ( deh ), gansey ( trc ), spot conlon ( newsies ), jimmy ( bandstand ), lucy heartfillia ( fairy tail ) favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : theo massard ( a boxer, jack barakat fc; had an AMAZING ship for him )  canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  CATRADORA. none of my other ships are technically canon : / trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : tragic backstories, tough on the outside soft on the inside i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  I wanna say fluff but I know care and megan will call me out bc I love angst more than anything long  or  short  replies :  mid-length pre  plotting  or  chemistry : chemistry leading to pre plotting! sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : both? I love discussing headcanons single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multi!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : typically gif icons, but lately ive been loving medium gifs grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ok so I have no books atm bc im moving, but the first book on my phone is the dream thieves, and the line I see first is “ The Gray Man considered what it must’ve been like to live like that, always waiting for your door to be kicked in. ” what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : oh gosh, so many... “ I'm a walking travesty/But I'm smiling at everything ” ( therapy, all time low ), “ I imagine the tears in your eyes/The very first night I'll sleep without you ” ( roman holiday, halsey ), “ Am I the product of a problem that I couldn't change?/Got his eyes, got her hair/So do I get their mistakes? ” ( secondhand smoke, kelsea ballerini ) top  current  celebrity  crushes :  halsey, froy guiterrez, harry styles ( always ) last  movie  you  watched :  I think it was uhhhhhh miss americana on netflix? did  you  like  it  ? :  YES I loved it favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : 10 things I hate about you, newsies ( ’92 ) favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : she-ra, queer eye, fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, gossip girl favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : zoey’s extraordinary playlist favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : the raven cycle, all for the game, the last song sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : dallas cowboys, houston astros ( yeah I know about the scandal and I hate it, but they’re my team ), FAU owls ( my alma mater ) favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : breath of the wild, KH series favorite  youtube  channels : unus annus, daniel howell ( rip he hasn’t posted in a year ), the try guys, NPR Music, CrankGameplays ( ethans just a dork I dont even like gamer videos that much ) hobbies :  guitar, singing, being in zoom musicals ( im playing whatsername from american idiot for one in July and auditioned for a few others! ), reading what  are  the  three  non  essential  things  you’d  bring  to  a  deserted  island  ? : my guitar, my laptop, wifi put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : HOLD ME TIGHT OR DONT, fall out boy; I’m Still Here, John Rzeznik; Towers, Little Mix; Way Down Hadestown, hadestown obc; Stitches, state champs (cover); Look Back, betty who personal  aesthetic : nerdy punk?  dream  vacation  ? : disneyland paris or disneyland Singapore with my gf dream  job  ? :  music teacher dream  car  ? :  one that works at this point if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : austin, texas ( im about an hour away rn ) favorite  musical : OH GOSH..... the prom, bandstand, newsies, hadestown favorite  food  (  s  ) :  blueberry pancakes, red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing coffee  order :  at starbucks? venti iced chai tea latte. at dunkin? large iced vanilla coffee. at home? french vanilla coffee and caramel macchiato creamer and 2 scoops of sugar.  unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  netflix: sex education, the umbrella academy, end of the f***ing world, the people vs. oj simpson. hulu: portrait of a lady on fire, my friend dahmer, rocketman what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : I dunno? I have a ton of useless facts on a wide range of subjects. like did you know that in 100 letters, halsey says ‘ You wrote 100 letters just for me/And I find them in my closet in the pockets of my jeans/Now I'm constantly reminded of the time I was 19/Every single one's forgotten in a laundromat machine ’ and that’s actually autobiographical -- her bf at the time wrote a note and put it in a pocket of every pair of pants she owned, and she was still finding them months after the relationship ended, so she took all her pants to a laundromat and washed them so she wouldn’t have to see the letters anymore!!
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lucatorahaven · 4 years
vampire au post
4 skype convos haphazardly mixed in from very different times
[29/11/2014 4:27:51 AM] Probably Not Assorted Cheeses: Vampire au
Lucas the incompetent vampire who eats mostly animals
Duster was the one who bit him, only bc duster was literally starving n lucas came at a bad time
idk if duster should be born a vampire or not but Wes is one too and together they taught lucas how to survive.
however eventually they had to leave, they offered for lucas to join them but lucas can’t leave his family behind, the kid’s too sentimental :’(
so together they staged his death (which im too lazy to try n think of)
claus knew bout the vampire thing tho, lucas couldn’t live alone like that. He also ended up biting Boney in an accident so hey vampire dog.
claus grew up and eventually had his own family. Lucas could only really watch from afar but then the kids got his age and it was hard to see him and keep the gig up. He visited his parents funeral anonymously and afterwards him and claus stood there just
“sup” “how’re the kids” “twice your age and with kids of their own” “heh, i always thought you would be the one with kids yano?” 
it was very bittersweet, it felt like they’ve never been apart 
“it never stops feeling strange without you” "I know” 
lucas thinks of that conversation a lot
he started off the "younger uncle" then the "weird neighbourhood kid that visits grandpa claus" and inevitably the "weird kid from nowhere who goes to the cemetary every other month to put flowers on graves older than appears to be"
SO without attachments lucas traveled with boney, hoping that they find duster along the way.
eventually lucas comes back to tazmilly but it’s been a couple hundred years now and it’s completely different so he doesn’t recognize it
n lucas one day is caught outside with no shelter, it’s almost morning so he runs into osohe (which is way outta town so he assumed it was abandoned)
vampires can’t enter homes without being invited in because apparently homes are holy land but osohe is fuckn haunted so that doesn’t apply (adding on to the abandoned theory)
that’s how kumatora and him meet, she finds him exploring osohe all “wtf the fuck who are YOU...this me house”
So she gets an awkward lie explanation from lucas 
lucas is just UM.;;; IS IT OK IF I STAY
"oh dude it's cool!! but u gotta tell me bout yourself bc i never met a vampire before ok?? i live iN THE PERFECT GOTHIC HOME BUT THERE’S NONE!! but here you are and i’m JACKED i gotta go to work tho so brb but afterwards u gotta tell me about yourself ok CYA"
lucas is still processing everything by the time she leaves, but he’s grateful and figures a conversation is the least he can do to repay her
in this au kumatora’s into cryptology bc her house is FULL of books and it’s a common subject (also the fact her castle is filled with ghosts and there are zombies just across the moat, it’s a p convenient hobby)
when she comes back she’s super excited because he’s still there 
lucas is kinda reserved but he still answers questions bc it’s POLITE
she asks bout p much everything?? “HEY do you need that” “y-yes” “is this true?” “not that i know of” “ok experiment time” “uH;;” “wait am i keeping you up?? it’s still daytime” “no it’s okay” 
after exhausting lucas of all his Vampire Facts kuma invites lucas to live at osohe castle, it’s big enough anyways
lucas is wary af bc he doesn't wanna accidentally get close to someone who 1. has a life span and 2. is technically food
but lucas ends up sticking around anyways, boney really likes it and he lowkey enjoys her company
so they keep chillin n lucas tells her how he hunts animals n how he only takes a bit of blood so they don't die and 
IDK I GO BY THE THEORY THAT VAMPIRES HAVE VENOM bc otherwise their entire food source becomes COMPETITION n they can bite but not?? TURN THEM INTO ANYTHIng so controlled blood flow for feeding purposes
also vampires only need to eat once or twice a month? they die around 6+ months without eating from starvation. It all depends on how quickly the blood cells in their body die basically.
ALSO when they bite you it doesn’t hurt bc their saliva numbs it so (sneaky bites) but it still feels weird as shit
bUT YA SO LUCAS N KUMATORA CHAt a whole bunch...you know that “accidentally get close” thing i mentioned? it happened
(it was kinda hard to avoid when the first companion you have that’s not your dog is informed on vampires and vampire goods, that was convenient)
so they keep hangin out and kumatora unlocks his Tragic Backstory
n sometimes kumatora helps him feed? like they go out together finding animals n storing blood
n lucas is fascinated with how technology has advanced bc he doesn't really?? go into towns anymore but he fuckn LOVES it
n they play video games n general COOL FUNTIMES
kumatora let’s lucas borrow her labtop to occupy himself and he looks for other vampires or hints of them
(this is under the assumption that osohe can get electricity in a modern au while still being ignored / abandoned)
n when kumatora goes to work he cleans up the castle n tries to show how much hE REALLY APPRECIATES HEr
n lIKE i also go by the logic that vampires do not do the stereotypical “turn into ashes at sunlight” it is a slow progression that takes up to 12 hours until absolutely turned to a crisp 
so basically if he covers himself and wears a shit ton of sunscreen he can chill in the middle of the day for like...a hour or two
and bc kumatora's WORTH IT he visits her at work n she's all LucAS WHAT ARe yO U DoING??   
lookin like a modern goth kid......has a huge red burn on his cheek..
he blames it on how pale/blonde he is “my brother is ginger you know”
kuma gets super worried n he's all bruh it cool i have like..2 more hours until i need to go to a hospital   
kumatora invites him to movie nights with her friends n shit
people start calling lucas kumatora's goth boyfriend “never call him that when he's around or i'll murder you”
theyre all rather cool with lucas and find his speech kinda funny?
"wow look at those teeny boppers" "GET A LOAD OF THIS GUY GOD I LOVE IT" “???????????????" kumas friends ask for lucas more all WHAT SCHOOL DOES HE GO TO WHERE DOES HE LIVE "oh he's......foreign B)"
eventually it comes up how lucas doesn’t really want to be a vampire anymore and kumatoras just “dude i can help you find a cure” bc maybe her hobby is a bit Excessive but live your dreams
but ya lucas is just?? constantly wants to visit kumatora n loves her night shifts!! visits all the time they go on hikes a lot n jusT? GETS SO FUCKIGN ATTACHED IT SCARES HIM CONSTANTLY
they sometimes fall asleep on the couch together n when he's all "wow shes so cute.." he realizes how fucking Deep he’s in this and he’s FUCKED
he tries to distance himself but he Can’t Fucking Do It (just like w/ his fam)
whenever he tries to push her away she looks so upset it kills him 
N LIKE WHEN THEY CUDDLE N STUFF HE'S JUST SO OVERWHELMED BC oh my god heartbeats!! oh my god she's gonna die before me
n lucas really fucking feels the severity of how FUCKED he is when its her birthday n hes just
yes she's gonna age and he's gonna outlive her n they could never realistically be happy even if by some offhand chance she even RETURNS the feelings
so he opens up to her about his feelings and anxiety and she hugs him through it, it’s kind of a shitty way to confess 
“idk if i can forgive you for deciding that i’m gonna die before you” “are you threatening murder” “that and no way death’s gonna get me, i’m pretty stubborn”
a lil while passes
“you know... i’m okay with becoming a vampire” lucas refuses bc dude.. you can’t even comprehend the weight of immortality.. what if she regrets it 
“to hell if i make my closest friend suffer because of a life span” “hah i guess that’s the same for me”
they drop the vampire topic for the time being and move on to other ones such as... mutual feelings :^)
they’re both romantically inclined i mean... lucas spent 300+ years being a hermit and kumatora had other things to do
so they take it slow, it’s p much the same as before except.. hey...now when i think “man i wanna hold their hand” i CAN
it'd also be really sad and/or cute if the ghosts in the castle some of them were lucas's family which might be why boney likes it so much but also imagine them kissin on the couch "kuma ghosts r there" "EH THEYRE JUst ghosts" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) claus looks into the camera "after so long... finally my little brother gets some action :')"
but idk if that’s a thing bc it feels kinda weird i feel like kissin n shit wouldn't b very often bc as much as they both loVE IT 
YANO.... HEARTS R BEATING... NECK IS RIGHT THERE (lucas still adores it tho)
so back to the topic of Mortality
kuma gets attacked in an alley on the way home from work
n lucas finds her bc they were gonna meet up but he smelt the blood and when he does find her he just goes FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK n didn't know how to save her 
also thinking rationally is hard when OH LOOK AT ALL THAT BLOOD AHhaHA
he carries her body home n he spends the whole waiting process between DEAD and VAMPIRE crying just "hoyl shti please work please work" “what did i fucking dooooo” “what if i was earlier” “what if i was too late” so many anxieties
kuma wakes up and lucas transistions from panic to HAPPY PANIC OH THANK GOD
she’s really out of it bc of the process and he’s crying apologies “it’s okay you saved me” but he’s still crying, they cuddle for comfort
"hey atleast we did it NOW when i'm a hot sexy 19 yr old and not a wrinkly old lady” “kuma” “i’m tryna make light of the conversation”
so now that kumatora’s a vampire she only works night shifts until she eventually quits. They moved to a new town / whatever so it was easy to avoid having to meet someone in the daytime. facebook helped keep in touch with her friends while still letting the friendship die out.
it took kumatora a bit to get used to being a vampire. she threw up a lot at first and she didn’t like having to drink blood but she did eventually get used to it
idk if they find a cure bc idk what the cure would BE but they eventually find other vampires :^) they continued lucas’s search for duster and probably found him tbh
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lcofowler · 4 years
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FULL NAME — leopold kristoff fowler
NICKNAME — leo pretty exclusively methinks........ one of his brother’s used to call him krissy to annoy him n stopped after leo finally punched him over it snickers
D.O.B. — november 12th, 1996
STAR SIGN / MOON & RISING — scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, virgo ascending
MBTI — estp - the entrepeneur
MORAL ALIGNMENT — chaotic neutral
MARITAL STATUS & SEXUALITY — single & pansexual
LANGUAGES — english & dutch
TALENTS / HOBBIES — guitar, bass, drumming, partying titters, soccer, wastes way too much time making tiktoks
TOP 5 MUSICIANS — creedence clearwater revival, dababy :/, elvis presley, run the jewels, glass animals
FAVOURITE BOOK — has he ever even read a book................. a genuine good question. definitely liked some comics tho, like the walking dead ones probs
FAVOURITE FILM & TV SHOW — hes tht person whose fav movie is like . step brothers or something. like i unironically think leo loves tht movie n im sry abt it. he jst doesnt rly care wht he watches at all bt stupid humour like tht wld probs entertain him enough if he was watching something on his own / was attached to the walking dead cuz of the comics but otherwise doesn’t watch too many tv, probs watches marj’s Soaps w her whenever he has free time
FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME — i dnt kno much abt video games. he was probs more of an outdoors than video game kid bt feel like he’d like games w a story like life is strange or dumb ones tht rnt taken seriously n u can jst play simply on ur laptop like coming out on top or tht old computer game façade
WHAT DID THEY DO THIS PAST SUMMER? — worked A Lot to make up fr the damage he’d done after his last Episode at a local grocery store, jst hung out n partied w friends mostly otherwise
WHERE HAVE THEY TRAVELLED? — florida n new york mostly in the states before connecticut, amsterdam a lot, greece and italy as well
DO THEY TAKE ANY PRESCRIPTIONS? — has been given a fuck ton of mood stabilizers to try n hes only jst recently started Actually taking carbatrol tht hes been prescribed after basically being begged to by his aunt n uncle
DO THEY HAVE ANY DIAGNOSIS’S? — bipolar i, adhd
FICTIONAL CHARACTER THEY ARE MOST LIKE? — stu from scream (minus the murder lawl), jj maybank from outer banks, valerio from elite, ransom from knives out (minus the murder once more this pattern is getting scary)
ARE THEY EMPLOYED? WHERE DO THEY WORK? — yes they work as a florist at his aunt n uncle’s flower store fowler’s flowers! steve was so proud of all his hard work this summer he promoted leo to supervisor! :D
WERE THEY POPULAR IN HIGH SCHOOL? — he was definitely talked about, but he also went to like 5 diff high schools, people jst basically heard rumours n saw the stupid stuff he did n if they stuck around to see it it was merely bc they wanted to see if he had the balls to go through with his next stupid plan instead of with the intent of friendship or anything like that
DO THEY DO DRUGS? — ya he kinda jst does wtvr
DRINK? — too much yes.
SMOKE CIGARETTES? — not as much as he used to
SMOKE WEED? — a bit mostly if someone else offers it up
WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? — he was born in tallahassee but grew up between there n manhattan a lot depended on wht parent wasnt sick of him yet titters
DO THEY PLAN TO GO TO GRAD SCHOOL? — he doesn’t even kno if he’s gna make it thru his undergrad
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS POST-GRADUATION? — there are none..... he wldnt b surprised if he jst ended up working at fowler’s flowers fr the rest of his life hes jst so comfortable there n has no idea wht hes gna do.
PARENTS NAMES — renata & archibald (mom n dad), marjorie & steven (aunt n uncle, current guardians)
DO THEY HAVE SIBLINGS? NAMES & AGES? — Yeth theres augustus (28), mikhael (26), vaughn (21), n willhelm (18)
DO THEY HAVE PETS? TYPES & NAMES? — mitzie’s a tortoiseshell cat tht lives at marj n steve’s tht he does love quite dearly bt thts it
ARE THEY RELIGIOUS? WHAT IS THEIR RELIGION IF SO? — lawl no, his dad is 7th day adventist tugs my shirt collar but leo hated it growing up, is pretty spiritual tho thanks to marj n steve
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE THEY SLEPT WITH? — god. a Lot. 100+ frankly idek........ he jst doesnt care.
WHAT VEHICLE DO THEY DRIVE? IF THEY DON’T DRIVE, HOW DO THEY TRAVEL AROUND TOWN? — he doesn’t have his own car but he borrows his aunt n uncle’s if they’re not using it, rides his bike around a lot
DESCRIBE THEIR FASHION — so . insanely all over the place. jst doesn’t care. once wore a pair of his aunts leggings to a fkin funeral bc he didnt have anything clean. wore a crop top he made with the words ‘this is what gay looks like’ to a job interview. a sweater that said ‘big dick is back in town’ to a family reunion after he hadnt seen his immediate family in like . a year. jst a lot of absurd thrift store finds n wtvr he wants. patterns tht dont match. very proud of his neon green dr martens w aliens on the side. anything loud rly.......
DO THEY BELIEVE ANY OF THE STORIES ABOUT RADCLIFFE? WHICH ONES? — not really, but he pretends he does and relays them all to his aunt to freak her out bc she RLY believes them
A QUOTE THAT DESCRIBES THEM — “It is an act of rebellion to remain present, to go against society’s desire for you to numb yourself, to look away. But we must not look away.”
A SONG THAT THEY WOULD RELATE TO — morning in america - jon bellion
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precuretwinkle · 5 years
Sarazanmai Theory: Human Sara is not what she seems....
Disclaimer: I wrote this immediately after episode 7 came out but was too lazy to post it. now we're a few hours away from eps 9 and i feel like I might as well put it out there. But I won't be putting in pictures i hoped to add, it would back up the stuff better but i think thats why ive been lazing out on finishing the post. I will be adding stuff from eps 8 too. so without further ado:
So episode 7 came out and Sara and Keppi finally meet each other. But to be honest the whole interaction was strangely perfect. Sara had strangely robotic-like reactions during the convo with Keppi. The stuff she was saying didn't match her facial expression, it looks more like a perfect beautiful doll just saying lines that the beholder wants to hear. And Keppi was eating it up way too easily. And strangely her own kappa wasn't with her during these scenes?? Something is up... Episode 8 didn't convince me about Sarah. That whole scene where she turns on a freezing machine with Keppi only to clumsily knock him into it on accident. Isn't it still strange how quickly the team up between them is happening? And for some reason, correct me if im wrong, but whenever she's hanging with Keppi her kappa seems to disappear? It's.... odd.
I have reason to believe Sara might be working with the otters and has been for some time now. Think about it. The city the story takes place in was conquered by otters some time back and otters run the place now. That's why they set up base there. So in a place completely over taken by otters secretly (afterall the Kappa imagery throughout the town is still explicitly present), why is Sara, a girl with a PRINCESS OF A KAPPA KINGDOM full out on tv, the most well known and only idol there? You'd think they would have taken her out too like they want to take out Keppi yet she's allowed to operate in broad daylight. And the whole town is taken over by the most prominent symbol on her show: ア                       A symbol that when flipped reveals the otter heart symbol on the other side. That's a little too big a coincidence. 
It also can't be a coincidence that every lucky item Sara has featured on her show had to do with the kappa zombie of the day. It's a little too perfect... Sara does her show where she announces the lucky item in the morning right? Remember the first time we experience the Reo/Mabu dance, they were in a cop meeting where they were discussing how there was a person found dead that MORNING and they Reo/Mabu confess it was them and do their dance. My point is the uncovered death of that dude happened in the morning and by that same morning Sara announces the related lucky item to the victim. It's almost as if she's is told about it ahead of time, perhaps even messaged by Reo or Mabu themselves. 
And isn't it strange how the eps after Reo says "I finally found you" toward video footage of Keppi the next episode it's Sara whom finds Keppi not Reo or Mabu like you would expect? Sure she's been looking for her prince on her tv show since episode 1, but taking all of the above into account: what if she was actually the one specifically tasked to find Keppi to begin with? Something that stood out to me in episode 7 was when Reo checks the computer and has the ア icons appear on the map of the city and then he adds the otter heart icons. Again, ア is associated with sara strongly. It's pink and white like her color scheme. I think someone like Sara is the PERFECT bait and insider agent to use against someone like Keppi. This sorta makes me think of Anthy a bit from Utena in how despite her appearance and personality she wasn't what she seemed and was plotting the demise of the protag along with the antagonist but has a change of heart. There was this whole deconstruction of a princess in has past works that makes me wonder about how Sara has been presented in the show.
Now, I don't think human Sara is a malicious character. Certainly in the eps where Tooi and Kazuki kidnap her, there are a lot of scenes that present her as someone.... with a dreamy look in her eyes? playful, calm, and tbh a little out of touch with how a normal human acts. For example the way she was looking at cucumbers on her phone was emphasizing her non-human kappa nature right but just the the way she doesn't take Tooi's attempts at kidnapping her seriously even when he outright tried to murder her. Sure it was for the audience's humor, but she doesn't know that...  and yet she's just strangely enough having a good time throughout all of it? And not in a weird way, more like a girl who's playing a lighthearted silly game with someone. 
IF she is working for the otters I wonder if it's a deal similar to Mabu where something happened to her and she's trying to connect with something she desires in order to complete herself and break free from them? Perhaps this is the reason her kappa form and human form are able to co-exist and her goal is to be not split with her form? Though to be fair, the episode with Sara and Toi has me sorta crazy theory wondering if only we see the sara-kappa. Tooi didn't seem to notice sara-kappa at all and it was really interesting that as long as sara-kappa was free so was human Sara. And as I stated earlier, why does it seem like Sara kappa disappears when human Sara is with Keppi? I get there's merch of her kappa self in that city but what if it's a red herring, like what if someone actually just designed it bc they thought "hey sara our town symbol is a kappa what if we designed you as a cute kappa? " and it coincidently looked like her true form. That could explain why the otters don't see her as a kappa? If her kappa is on TV wouldnt that just give her away? It's also just strange how we don't know what or where Sara was during that otter/kappa flashback war scene. 
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emybain · 6 years
Danna and Celeste fluff, please
these two are literally adorable. I wanted to write more, as usual, but then decided to keep it short and sweet. in all honesty I didn't think people would care much about danna having a wife in that Christmas fic I posted forever ago, but I was wrong lol. I personally love celeste, and I really want marissa to at least hint at Danna getting a girlfriend in the third book bc after everything’s she’s been through, sis deserves one. also, side note, i apologize for my french bc 1) im a little rusty bc i havent taken a class in a while and 2) i tried to give context for when it was being spoken. anyways, hope you enjoy! it’s been fun writing this!
Also, as a note to everyone, if you like this fic PLEASE reblog! likes are nice, but reblogging really helps the work spread! always reblog other people's art/music/writing/etc!!!
summary: Danna is 19 and traveling across the world, learning about different cultures and customs. currently, she is in Lyon, France. her next destination is Paris, where she plans on seeing all the major monuments and artworks. however, a run in (literally) with a stranger may push back her trip to Paris a few days, or maybe even longer...
   It was a rainy day in Lyon. Most days were rainy in Lyon.
    Danna sighed. When she had first come to Lyon a few days ago, she was excited to see that it was raining. Other parts of France that she had visited so far were sunny, which was nice, but she loved rain.
    But it had been raining for three days now, and according to locals, that was normal for October.
    Danna pulled her sweater closer to her body, getting a sudden chill. In front of her sat her keyboard and tablet. On the tablet sat an open document with detailed notes and comments. For over a year now, she had been travelling the world, visiting country after country and learning new cultures. She wanted to write a book about becoming an active member in the community and giving a voice to people who didn’t have one. But Danna had a problem: she had no idea how to write a book, or even where to start. No number of how-to-write-for-beginners books had come in handy.
    She sipped at her black coffee and tapped her stylus against the table she was sitting at. She was at a coffee shop near her hotel, Le Café, if she remembered correctly. She had been holed up in her hotel room all morning and afternoon, having visited most of the city in the first two days, and finally decided to leave in search of inspiration.
    So far she had nothing.
    Danna set down her stylus and rubbed her eyes. A notification showed up on the top of her tablet. She clicked on it, not even checking to see what it was for. Her messenger app opened, revealing her chat with Ruby. Danna tried to keep in touch with her friends in Gatlon, but the time differences made things hard. While it was currently just after five in the afternoon in Lyon, France, it was only eleven in the mid morning in Gatlon. It wasn’t as bad as when Danna was in Beijing, though. When she was eating lunch, it was still the previous day in Gatlon. Just to give an example.
    She looked at the photo Ruby had sent her. It was of a passed out Oscar on the couch of their apartment. Danna snorted. On closer examination, she saw a plate laying in his lap that was scraped clean. Their cat, Craig, was sprawled out across his chest.
        thinking of you! how’s france? also, is it okay if we video chat later? everyone’s coming over for game night and we want you to join in!
    Danna mulled over the question. If she chose to play with them, it would be well after midnight. It wouldn’t be the first time Danna had joined in on their game nights, a tradition she had once been a part of before leaving Gatlon.
            France is great! I miss you guys so much...thinking about a quick trip home. And that depends...what’s the chosen game?
    Ruby responded immediately. 
    ooh yes PLEASE come home!!! craig misses you the most! and the game is your choice!
        Danna chuckled. Craig was a good cat.
        Will your fiancé be okay with me choosing? 
    Oscar was the usual game-chooser for game nights, as he knew some good games. He took it personally when someone else wanted to choose. It had since become a running joke in their friend group.
A large group of girls walked into the shop, chattering and laughing loudly. Danna took one glance at them and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. They were around her age, university students. She was sure they were nice people, but did they have to be so loud? In a coffee shop? Hopefully, they were getting drinks to-go.
        he will be if i say he will be.
    Danna laughed into her coffee cup, snickering silently. Ruby and Oscar had gotten engaged a few months ago. No one was really surprised; they weren’t even twenty yet, but they were the definition of soulmates, perfect for one another. She sent Ruby a laughing image and closed their conversation.
    She sighed again, grateful for the distraction. For a few minutes, she just sat there, staring out the window beside her table. People and cars went by. It would be dark pretty soon. The aroma of pastries surrounded her, and her mouth watered. She checked the time, and decided she deserved a quick snack before heading out for dinner.
    Grabbing her wallet and turning off her tablet, Danna stood from her table. Only to stumble back and clumsily fall onto her seat as she was immediately drenched in something wet. And cold. Very. Cold.
    “Zut alors!” a voice gasped. Danna sat paralyzed, staring down at the iced coffee that was now all over her shirt she had bought in Vienna. “Je suis désolé! Je ne savais pas que vous-”
    “Ne vous inquiétez pas à ce sujet.” Danna winced at her accent. She had learned some French when she was younger, but it wasn’t her strongest language. Thankfully, she could at least understand that the person was apologizing, and she knew enough to be able to tell them it was fine. “J’ai besoin de serv...” Her words died in her mouth as she looked up at the girl who spilled her ice coffee on her. It was one of the girls from the loud group of college students. She looked just as shocked as Danna was.
    They blinked at one another, and the girl offered a shaky smile. “Serviettes?” she said softly, and Danna nodded numbly, unable to tell if it was from the cold or something else. The girl left and returned shortly with a handful of napkins.
    “Merci.” Danna took a few of the napkins and began wiping at her shirt, but to no avail. Hopefully, it would come out in the laundry. The girl busied herself with cleaning up her drink on the floor, blushing furiously. Danna opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by one of the girl’s friends, who hollered at her from across the shop.
    “Celeste! Allons-y!” The other girl waved for her friend, Celeste, to go. She and the rest of their group were at the door, waiting for Celeste to join them.
    The girl grumbled underneath her breath, too soft for Danna to understand it. “Attends, Annette! Une minute!”
    Danna grasped for something to say. After stumbling over a few words, she managed to tell the girl she could go, that Danna could clean the rest. But the girl just smiled and shook her head. Then, she turned her head to the rest of her party of friends and told them to go without her. She would catch up later.
    “Est-ce que vous êtes Français?” she asked after her friends left, dropping wet napkins into her spilled cup. Danna shook her head and told her that no, that she was from Gatlon, headquarters for Renegades, and that she spoke English. The girl gasped and looked up at Danna, eyes wide. Danna’s heart lurched. She asked if Danna was a Renegade, and when Danna didn’t answer, she giggled.
    “I am joking,” she said with a thick accent, smiling. “That’s not my business.”
    “You can speak English?” Danna blinked, surprised. The only English speakers she had come across in France were mainly tourists and shopkeepers who wanted to be able to communicate with their customers.
    “Yes. My maman is from Edinburgh, but my papa is from here.” She stood, finished with cleaning her spill. She grabbed Danna’s used napkins and put them in her cup. “I’ll be right back.” She went to a trash can near the order counter, then returned.
    “Um...thank you.” Danna swallowed. “I’m Danna, by the way. Danna Bell.” She held out an awkward hand, not really sure why she was introducing herself to a stranger who was going to leave soon anyways.
    The girl smiled brightly and accepted her handshake. “Celeste de la Fontaine. It’s a pleasure spilling coffee on you, Danna.”  
    “Iced coffee, too.” Danna managed to smile in return. “It’s October and freezing outside. Why did you order an iced coffee?”
    Celeste giggled, and Danna’s cheeks grew warm. “I don’t like hot coffee. It’s better iced.”
    Danna raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you’re one of those people?” she teased. Immediately, she was surprised how easy it came out. She was usually very stiff around strangers.
    “You could say I’m rare,” Celeste retorted. She gestured to the seat across from Danna. “May I sit?”
    Danna nodded.
    “Your friend sounds like a likeable guy,” Celeste said, unable to contain her laughter as she took a bite of her pastry. “But also very stupid.” Danna had just finished telling Celeste a story about how Oscar had pranked Adrian’s dads and the rest of the Council and gotten away with it. The only people who were truly mad about the main lobby floor being covered from wall to wall in balloons were Thunderbird and Tsunami. Adrian’s dads and Blacklight were highly amused, probably because they knew who was behind the prank, and knew that his accomplice was Adrian, who helped by drawing the balloons. It was a better idea than the one Oscar had originally planned, which involved covering all the walls in papers stating a required inspection of all male Renegades concerning...something Danna would rather not repeat. But then Danna, Nova, and Ruby heard of his plans, and they all took turns in lecturing him on the stupidity of his prank, and how he could potentially offend or scar someone.
    Danna snorted. “Yeah. Oscar’s a special one. He annoys me seventy-five percent of the time, but I tolerate him the rest of the time.”
    They had been sitting in the coffee shop for over an hour, chatting and laughing. Danna had smiled more in an hour than she had in a year. There was something about Celeste that made Danna be so drawn to her. She was intelligent, kind, and was an activist like Danna, although she only had enough time to spread activist information via social media. She was also pretty, with brown eyes and dark hair and olive toned skin. But there was something else that made Danna’s heart flutter.
    One of the workers approached their table and kindly told them that the shop would be closing soon. Danna and Celeste collected their things and threw out their trash. When they stepped outside, now night, they were met with a blast of cold air. Celeste grinned and pulled her jacket tighter around her frame.
    “I love the cold.” She breathed in deeply. “Gives me an excuse to wear big sweaters.”
    They strolled down the sidewalk, neither in a huge hurry. Danna shifted her bag on her back and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I meant to ask you earlier, but what happened to all of your friends?”
    Celeste shook her head, nose scrunched up. “They were going off to some movie that I wasn’t really interested in. Some predictable romantic comedy.”
    “So, you just used me to get out of it?” Danna bit her lip, glancing at Celeste, who shot her a full smile, white teeth showing.
    “Perhaps.” Maybe it was Danna’s imagination, but she thought she saw Celeste drift closer to her. “Or perhaps I just wanted to stay and talk to you.”
    They stopped on a street corner. Danna turned to face Celeste, both of their faces illuminated by the street lamp above them. Celeste’s cheeks were rosy, her eyes bright.
    “How long are you in Lyon?” Celeste asked, voice dropping just slightly. Danna knew for a fact that she shifted closer this time. She took note how much shorter Celeste was than her.
    Danna toed her boot against the pavement. “I was planning on leaving tomorrow, but I told myself I would stay a little longer if I found something really interesting.”
    Celeste nodded slowly. “And?”
    Looking down at the ground, then back up at Celeste, suddenly feeling a wave of embarrassment overtake her, Danna said. “I think I can stay for a few more days.”
    They exchanged numbers and social medias, Danna promising that they could meet up again before she moved on to Paris.
    But something deep inside of Danna told her that she wouldn’t make it to Paris for a while.
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lavenderlattaes · 6 years
pretending. | jeon jeongguk
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⇒ summary: There are five times that Jeon Jeongguk asks something of Y/L/N Y/N. Sure, he asks her plenty of things on other occasions but there are five big ones he asks of her. Two of these are the following: he asks her to be his best friend, and he asks her to fake date him. Surely the second one doesn’t turn out to be a bad idea, right?
⇒ [high school! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: jeon jeongguk x female reader
⇒ word count: 14k words
⇒ genre: fluff, angst
⇒ warnings: swearing
⇒ note: if you think you’ve read this before then you probably have lol. my weird ass self decided to just combine all three parts into one, long ass post bc I’m crazy so there’s that. oh well. anywaaay. fricking golden maknae gave me a lot of ideas for this one jsjsjsjsj. flashbacks are italicized (save for a few sentences that need that emphasis)! ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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The first time Jeon Jeongguk asked something of Y/N Y/L/N was when they were five: he asked her to be his best friend.
It was a sunny morning at the local park in Busan, and although the weather was absolutely perfect for outdoor activities and for having fun, Jeon Jeongguk was not enjoying it at all. His mother had dragged him outside for some supposed fresh air, because he had been cooped up in his room, playing his video games the whole day.
“Eomma! I don’t want this,” the young boy grumbles, folding his arms stubbornly.
His mother sighs, kneeling down in front of him, her hands resting lightly on her son’s shoulders.
“Honey, just try to enjoy the sun for a little bit. We’ll only stay for a few minutes then we can go home. We can stop by the mart for some banana milk,” his mother smiles, and Jungkook’s face lights up at the mention of banana milk. He nods, grinning widely at his mother.
Cupping his face, his mother pulls him in for a forehead kiss just before she stands up. “ Go on, baby. Mommy will wait here,” she tells him as she sits down on the bench in front of the playground.
Little Jungkook nods and dashes straight for the slides. He reaches the sloping structure and heads for the ladder, where a little girl around his age is staring at it with so much intensity, she might as well set it on fire.
“Annyeong, are you going to go up or not?” Jungkook asks her, and she turns to look at him, her pigtails bouncing against her cheeks. She shakes her head and pouts.
“My eomma wanted me to climb up but I don’t want to, I’m scared.” She whispers, turning around to see her mother looking at her from a bench. She turns back to look at Jungkook, gulping.
“I can go first, then I’ll help you climb. It’s not that scary,” Jungkook offers, smiling lightly. She nods, unsure. She steps off to the side and Jungkook climbs up the ladder with ease. Reaching the top, Jungkook turns back around and looks down.
He stretches his hand out for her. “Come on, I’ll pull you up,” he calls from above.
Timidly, the little girl steps towards the ladder, her legs shaking slightly. Her small hands grip the sides and she puts her feet on the first step, her grip tightening around the ladder.
“It’s going to be okay, I’ll catch you. Just look at me, and take it slow.” Jungkook says gently, his hands outstretched in front of her.
She nods and climbs up the next step, her eyes focused on the little boy in front of him, her legs ascending the steps bit by bit. Jungkook smiles and continues to encourage her, giving her words of comfort and motivation. She finally reaches the top, and Jungkook’s hands gently wrap around her wrists, hoisting her up to sit next to him at the top of the slide.
“You were really brave. I’m Jungkook.” The little boy introduces, and the little girl nods.
“Thank you, I’m Y/N.” she replies, flashing him a wide grin.
“Y/N, you’re cool because you climbed the slide even though you were scared. Will you be my best friend?” Jungkook asks Y/N, a hopeful look on his face.
She nods happily, and Jungkook pulls her in for a hug. “Yay! I have a best friend now!” Jungkook cheers, punching his hand in the air.
Giggling, Jungkook and Y/N clasp hands and sit side by side, pushing themselves down the slide.
And on that day, Jeon Jeongguk was glad that his mother brought him to the park. Not only did he get his banana milk, but he also found his best friend, the one person that would stay by his side for the years to come, no matter what.
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The second time Jeon Jeongguk asked something of Y/N Y/L/N was when they were juniors in high school: he needed help with a pretty girl.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N I NEED YOUR HELP,” Jungkook shakes his best friend’s arm violently, earning a slap on his hands from the annoyed girl.
“What is it, Kook?” she sighs, her hands coming to rest on her hips as she faces her overly hyped up best friend.
His face is all smiles, Y/N is resisting the urge to pinch his cheeks.
“So, there’s this girl,” Jungkook begins and Y/N groans. “--she’s really pretty and she sits in front of me in Biology. I really want to ask her out this weekend,” Jungkook tells Y/N.
“Has she spoken to you at all?” Y/N asks as they walk to class together since their classrooms were right next to each other for their next classes. Jungkook falters then shakes his head no. Y/N snorts.
“So you’re going to ask her out but you’ve never spoken to her before, this is interesting,” Y/N teases and Jungkook gasps dramatically, placing a hand on his chest.
“You wound me, Y/N Y/L/N,” he says, earning a laugh from Y/N.
“Oh, come on, Kookie! You can do better than a pretty girl you’ve never spoken to before,” Y/N shrugs and Jungkook places an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in closer to his side. Out of habit, Y/N leans on him as they walk.
“But I think she’s the one, will you just please help me plan this out?” Jungkook pouts, and Y/N sighs, smiling. She reaches up to pinch his cheeks.
“Okay, okay. After sixth, you good with that?” Y/N asks just as they reach the door to her classroom. Jungkook nods and smiles, ruffling her hair. She rolls her eyes and reaches up to fix her hair.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N. Have fun!” Jungkook says and Y/N smiles, nodding.
“You too,” she calls out and turns around, making her way inside the classroom five minutes before the bell rings. Sitting down on her seat in the middle of the room, at least three girls turn in their seats to look at her. Y/N looks at them expectantly, and the one on her left speaks up first.
“Was that your boyfriend?”
Y/N laughs, and shakes her head. “He’s my best friend.” she answers them and they gasp. “Wow, you’re so lucky. He’s even good looking,” the girl in front of her comments.
Leaning back in her seat, she snorts and says, “Trust me, neither of us are lucky. Fate just decided to throw me into his life for no reason.”
How sure is she about that?
The classes fly by pretty quickly, and soon, Y/N finds herself sitting on a bench by the field, Jungkook lying down on beside her, his head on her lap.
“So what do you want to do? How do you plan on asking her?” Y/N asks him, running her hands through his locks, something he’s always liked. It helps him calm down a lot and he hums in response.
“I don’t really know yet, something simple, I guess.” Jungkook replies. Y/N nods in understanding. “Do something cute, like a little note.” Y/N suggests and Jungkook sits up abruptly.
“That’s it! Y/N, you’re a genius!” Jungkook exclaims, clapping his hands together like a little child. He pulls her in for a hug which she returns.
“I’m so glad my best friend is smart at this sort of stuff.” Jungkook smiles as they pull away. He rests on the bench, looking at Y/N, his bunny smile on his face evident as Y/N shakes her head at him.
“It’s just what girls like, Kook.” Y/N shrugs.
“Still, I’m thankful to have you.” Jungkook says sincerely, and Y/N looks at him, smiling. “Me too.”
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“So, how did it go?” Y/N pushes off the wall as she and Jungkook leave the school the following day. Jungkook only clutches the straps of his backpack tighter, looking ahead. Y/N frowns at this and runs ahead of Jungkook, turning around to stand in front of him.
“Hey, what happened?” Y/N asks, placing a hand on his shoulder. Jungkook looks at her hand on his shoulder and sighs.
“She said no.” He replies and looks down.
“Why?” Y/N asks gently. “She thought I was with you, so she said no.” he says sadly. Y/N heart stings a little at his words.
The truth is, Y/N has loved Jungkook for quite sometime now. It was hard not to love him; he was sweet, caring, funny, talented. He was all good things rolled into one. He was patient when he first met Y/N, helping her climb up the ladder of the slide. He made her laugh all the time, especially when she needed someone to cheer her up. He supported her in all the things she liked, even if he found some of it weird or even if he was completely against it, like her love for strawberry milk over banana milk. Jungkook made her happy and he was more than enough for her. But, did Jungkook feel the same way about her? Well, with what he just said, he didn’t.
Y/N swallows the lump in her throat. “I’m sorry. Just, leave it to me, okay? I’ll do something about it, don’t worry.”
Even if it hurt her, it’s okay. If seeing the person she loves happy means not being in the picture, then it’s okay.
The next day, Y/N makes her way over to the girl Jungkook likes, clutching her backpack straps tightly.
“Hey, I’m Y/N,” she begins, extending her hand for her to shake. Mi-Cha looks at her for a bit then slips her hand in Y/N’s.
“Can I help you?” Mi-Cha asks, and Y/N nods.
“Yes, actually. You know Jeon Jeongguk right? The guy that sits behind you in Biology?” Y/N begins and Mi-Cha nods.
“Yes, your boyfriend. He asked me out yesterday but I said no because you were together,” Mi-Cha replies. Y/N laughs lightly and shakes her head. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s just my best friend.”
Mi-Cha raises her eyebrows at that. “Really? Everyone says you’re together,” at that, Y/N’s heart clenches; it’s what she wanted too, after all. “No, we’re just really close, but we don’t like each other like that.”
Mi-Cha just nods and Y/N sighs. “He really likes you, Mi-Cha. He was so upset when you turned him down. I just want to see my best friend happy.”
Mi-Cha looks away momentarily, locking eyes with someone and before Y/N could look over to that person, Mi-Cha locks eyes with her again. “Uh, okay?”
Y/N’s heart stops but she smiles. “Really?” Mi-Cha nods and a wide grin stretches across her face. “Thank you! Wow, I didn’t think my plan would work, thank you.” Y/N says genuinely. As much as she was against it, this girl could actually make Jungkook happy and that’s all Y/N ever wanted. Even if it wasn’t her.
“Meet us at the cafe a few blocks away from school around 2 pm? I might have to drag him there because he might not be in the mood,” Y/N rolls her eyes and Mi-Cha giggles. “Sure.”
Y/N bows deeply, thanking Mi-Cha. They exchange goodbyes, and Y/N walks away, her heart feeling both sad and happy at the same time.
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“Sometimes, you can be so selfish,” Jungkook complains as Y/N continues to drag him by the arm. Y/N sighs, rolling her eyes.
“Sometimes, you have so little faith in the things I do for you,” Y/N shoots back as they near the cafe.
“Why are we even here? You know I have to play my games and you come and ruin my schedule.” He tells Y/N as they stop in front of the cafe. Y/N turns around to look at him, hands on her hips.
“Jeon Jeongguk, do you remember how we met? You didn’t want to leave the house but your mother dragged you outside and you said it ended up being the best day ever. That day is happening again and you better thank me for it.” Y/N tells Jungkook who just sighs, and purses his lips.
“Listen up. We are going inside there, you’re going to stay there and do your magic while I go out shopping. And you’re gonna come home, call me around 9 pm, and call me a blessing from above, do you hear me?” Jungkook rolls his eyes at his best friend but nods nonetheless. Y/N hugs him, her heart aching slightly at what she’ll see, and he returns the hug. Y/N pulls away before it gets worse for her, and pushes the doors open to the cafe.
The little bell above rings, signaling their arrival, and Y/N scans the cafe. Sitting at a little table with her hair covering her face was Mi-Cha. She was on her phone, and Y/N smiles softly. She pulls on Jungkook’s wrist, and they walk over to Mi-Cha.
Behind Y/N, Jungkook’s eyes widen. He quickly fixes his hair and adjusts the glasses he has on. He’s so glad he was already wearing his favorite hoodie on.
“Hey, Mi-Cha!” Y/N greets and Mi-Cha looks up, a smile gracing her features. Y/N feels Jungkook tense up, so she side-steps and lets go of Jungkook.
“Hello, Y/N, Jungkook.” Mi-Cha greets and Jungkook smiles at that. “Hey, Mi-Cha.” he greets smoothly, and Y/N fights the urge to change her plan and drag her best friend out of there. She pulls her phone out to check the time.
“Okay, so I have to do some shopping because I’ve been so stressed. Jungkook you stay here and accompany Mi-Cha.” Y/N says but they’re already talking. Y/N swallows and mutters out a soft ‘bye’ before leaving the cafe.
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A couple weeks pass by, and Y/N and Jungkook have been spending less time together. It’s all Y/N’s doing, anyway. She set Jungkook up with Mi-Cha. That very night, Jungkook did call her, help her make her decision about avoiding him. Y/N can remember everything that happened that night, the scene playing in her head over and over like a broken record.
“I’m calling you, just like you told me to,” Jungkook sing songs on the other line, the moment Y/N picks up. A sad smile makes its way to Y/N’s face and she sits up from her lying down position on her bed. She swings her legs over  the edge of her bed.
“Oh, and what else are you going to say again?” Y/N manages to make her voice sound teasing and not hurt and broken like it truly is.
“Thank you, Y/N. Really. You really are a blessing from above. I never thought I’d actually get to spend a day with her, much less call her mine at the end of the day,” Jungkook says happily and Y/N’s heart stops.
Her grip on her phone loosens and she stares off into the distance.
“Uh, Y/N?” Jungkook calls out after a few seconds, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Oh! Sorry, I was busy staring at a post-it on my mirror,” Y/N lies. “What were you saying, Kook?”
“Mi-Cha is my girlfriend already,” Jungkook chirps and Y/N feels the lump growing in her throat. She pushes it down and coughs softly.
“Really?! I’m so happy for you! Congrats, Kook! I knew you could win her over,” Y/N says honestly, gripping her sheets tightly.
“It was because of you, Y/N. Thank you. I owe it all to you.” Jungkook replies sincerely and Y/N’s heart just breaks even more.
“I just want to see you happy, Jungkook. That’s all.” Y/N whispers. They hang up after that. Getting under the covers and wrapping herself tightly in her sheets, the first set of tears fall from Y/N’s eyes. It hurt, so much, because she could clearly tell that Jungkook was happy. It was so evident in his voice that Mi-Cha made him happy. But what truly hurt was that she was already hurting yet Jungkook couldn’t seem to tell. After being best friends for so long, has he not known Y/N so well yet?
She was hiding what she truly felt, after all.
Leaving the room of her last class for the day, Y/N heads off to her locker, feeling drained. She loved studying, she loved learning new things, but it was always pretty tiring. She never minded the tiredness of it all before, because Jungkook was right beside her, whining about the lessons and she would comfort him and help him out with it. But he wasn’t with her, he hasn’t been with her lately.
“Hey, Y/N!” A deep, masculine voice calls out from behind Y/N and she stops in her tracks and turns around. She’s met with the soft, charming eyes of Kim Taehyung, a sweet, charming boy she shared a few classes with. He’s smiling at her, although Y/N thinks he’s looking a bit nervous and unsure.
“Hey, what’s up Tae?” she asks as Taehyung stops in front of her.
“Are you on your way home already?” Taehyung asks her and she nods, adjusting her grip on her backpack.
“I am. Why?” Taehyung scratches and back of his neck nervously. “Um, you’re friends with Jungkook, right? People say you guys are really close and all so I thought you know maybe you’d know what to do--”
“What happened, Taehyung?” Y/N cuts to the chase. He was rambling, and Y/N had a bad feeling.
Tae sighs. “Jungkook’s in the locker room, and he’s throwing a fit. Nobody’s sure what really happened but I think it has something to do with his girlfriend.”
The moment Taehyung mentions ‘his girlfriend’, Y/N dashes off in the direction of the locker rooms, shouting out a “thanks for the info, Tae!”.
Y/N pushes forward, knowing how bad things can get if Jungkook is angry. She sees the boys’ locker room in sight, and she doesn’t stop running until she reaches the door. She’s about to burst through the door but hesitates. She can hear lockers being punched, and things being thrown around. She also hears the sound of a few boys screaming at her best friend, telling him to stop.
“Leave me the fuck alone!” Y/N hears her best friend and it prompts her to push the doors open. What she sees inside leaves her shocked. The whole room looks like it was suffering from a super typhoon, and her best friend was the eye of the typhoon. Jungkook is standing in the middle of it all, his face full of rage. Y/N probably would’ve run away if she didn’t know him too well.
“Jeon Jeongguk!” Y/N shouts his full name, and the boys that looked so weak and helpless from the sides whip their heads to look at Y/N. It was clearly written on their faces that they were shocked to see a girl in the locker room, much less scream at the angry teenager who looked just about ready to break someone’s neck in half.
Y/N sighs, and runs over to her best friend. He turns around once he hears Y/N and he frowns deeply.
“What, Y/N?!” He shouts and Y/N rolls her eyes, wrapping her hand around Jungkook’s wrist. She tugs on his arm but he refuses to leave.
Y/N groans and looks back around at Jungkook, a stern look plastered on her usually calm features. “I can’t have you being all stubborn right now, Jungkook. So please, let’s just go.” She removes her hand from his wrist and uses both of her hands to pry open his clenched fist. She intertwines their fingers instead because it always calmed Jungkook. She can feel his tense self slowly melt away, and a small smile makes it way onto her face.
Y/N rubs his hand comfortingly with her thumb as she pulls Jungkook with her. He looks at one of the boys in the room who looks at her like she was some superhero. “I’m so sorry. I’d clean this up but I have to take Kookie home,” Y/N apologizes and the boy just shakes his head, bowing at her.
“It’s fine, we’ll take care of this, thank you.” Y/N smiles gratefully at him. She and Jungkook leave the room and Y/N continues to lead the way, not saying anything. There’s a somewhat awkward but comforting blanket of silence in the air and Y/N prays that they get home soon because she could pretty much die on the spot.
They stop by their lockers, getting the things they need before leaving the school. Their hands are still intertwined and despite the current situation, Y/N’s insides begin to melt and the butterflies in her stomach run wild. Although they’ve been best friends for years and she’s supposed to be used to all the hand holding, she’s not. Especially now that she’s fully acknowledged her feelings for the boy beside her.
They reach Jungkook’s house, and they both kick their shoes off and enter the house. Having done this for years already, when they had a serious issue to attend to, they plaster smiles on their faces and greet Jungkook’s parents before they climb up to his room.
Y/N opens the door for Jungkook ad he walks in. Y/N follows suit and locks the door behind her. They break the cheery exterior they pulled in front of Jungkook’s family the moment the door closes. Jungkook sits on the edge of his bed, his head hung low. Y/N sighs.
“Jungkook, explain.” She says firmly. When she doesn’t get a response a few seconds later, she grows impatient. She frowns and just as she’s about to scold Jungkook for not answering, she hears soft sobs leave Jungkook’s lips. His whole body is shaking softly, and Y/N’s heart breaks at the sight. She bites her lip, regretting her initial actions.
Y/N walks over to kneel in front of Jungkook. Y/N wraps her hands around Jungkook’s wrists and pulls his hands away from his face gently. She shushes him softly, reaching up to wipe the tears from his beautiful face.
“Hey, hey. Kookie, what’s wrong? Can you tell me?” Y/N whispers softly, cupping Jungkook’s face in her hands. Tears continue to stream down Jungkook’s cheeks and Y/N stands up to sit beside Jungkook. She pulls him in for a hug and Jungkook rests his head on her chest, burying his face in her neck.
“I’ll be here, okay? Just, let it all out. I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell me.” Y/N whispers, rubbing her hands up and down Jungkook’s back. She kisses the top of his head, and tightens her hold on the crying boy.
“Sh-she, c-cheated o-on me…” Jungkook whispers a few seconds later, his voice cracking. Y/N’s blood runs cold.
“She what?” She says quietly, not wanting to shout. “I caught her kissing someone else behind the bleachers,” Jungkook begins and he looks up at Y/N, his eyes glistening with tears. Y/N’s heart is in a million pieces, but she’s just about ready to kill Mi-Cha with her bare hands. “I confronted her right away about it of course, because earlier in the day she told me to meet her there but that’s the sight I’m greeted with? Turns out it was all part of her plan to break up with me, because she never really liked me. She was using me so she and her boyfriend could get back together and it worked. I feel so stupid,” Jungkook grits his teeth as he continues to cry, burying his face in his hands.
Y/N pulls him back into her arms as she continues to whisper words of comfort in his ears. “It’s okay, Jungkook. I’m sorry I ever set you up with her. I didn’t think it would come to this, I’m so sorry.” Y/N continues to hug her broken best friend, as a million thoughts run through her head. She really should’ve killed Mi-Cha the moment she found out she became Jungkook’s girlfriend. Or at least maybe she should never had set them up in the first place. But she loves Jungkook too much; she didn’t want to see him unhappy at all. Y/N can’t help but blame herself, her best friend instincts weren’t accurate this time. She was always right about everything, this was the first time she failed.
They stayed in that position for a bit longer until they both shift positions. Y/N pulls out her laptop from her backpack and she turns a movie on for them to watch. She walks down to the kitchen to grab some food for them, and she makes small talk with Jungkook’s dad.
“You’re really good for Jungkook, Y/N. I’ve always liked you a lot. I hope you guys end up marrying each other,” Jungkook’s dad says and Y/N blushes. “Oh, um, we aren’t together,” Y/N stutters and his dad laughs.
“Really? Well, I just hope you guys become a thing soon.” he winks at his statement and Y/N laughs awkwardly as she bids him farewell. She ascends up the stairs with a lot of food in her hands. When she walks in, she sees Jungkook engrossed in the film and she smiles. She sits back down beside him and offers him some popcorn. Jungkook pauses the movie after taking some popcorn.
“What’s up?” Y/N asks him and Jungkook looks at her intently.
“I want to get back at Mi-Cha for what she did.” Jungkook says with determination in his voice and Y/N grins.
“Okay, I’m down for that. What’s the plan?”
Jungkook looks unsure for a moment and he bites his lip, closing his eyes. Once he opens them, he’s serious.
The third time Jeon Jeongguk asks something of Y/N Y/L/N:
“Be my girlfriend.”
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Y/N blinks at her best friend, shocked at his words. Her mouth hangs open as Jungkook just stares back at her.
“Y/N?” Jungkook calls out slowly, snapping Y/N out of her reverie. “I’m sorry, what?” Y/N focuses on Jungkook who had an expectant look on his face.
“I said, be my girlfriend.” Jungkook repeats each word slowly, hoping his best friend understood what he meant. Y/N swallows deeply, her heart beating rapidly at an average of 500 beats per minute.
“I heard that, yeah. But, why?” Y/N asks, trying to fight the blush creeping up on her cheeks. Jungkook scratches the back of his head and sighs. “I don’t know, I just, you know. Want to get back at Mi-Cha, I suppose.” Y/N frowns lightly.
“And why do I need to be your girlfriend for that?” Y/N asks. She wanted to be his girlfriend, of course she did, but she didn’t understand how it had anything to do with Mi-Cha.
“Do you not want to?” Jungkook asks softly. Y/N’s eyes widen at that. “No, no no! I mean, yes! Wait, no, fuck, I mean, yes! I mean, I want to, but I don’t…get it?” Y/N manages to blurt out, blushing bright red. Jungkook’s eyes widen too and he blushes.
“I was kind of hoping you’d pretend to be my fake girlfriend, and we’ll make Mi-Cha jealous and all that,” Jungkook explains. Oh. It’s still about Mi-Cha. Y/N nods in understanding. Biting her lip, Y/N gets lost in her thoughts as Jungkook looks at her, patiently waiting for an answer. Y/N always thought things through, that’s why Jungkook trusts her with everything, especially when it came to decision making.
Did she want to be Jungkook’s girlfriend? Of course. Even if it was all play pretend? Yes. Would she get hurt in the end? She probably would. But will she still go through with it? Yes. Why? She loves Jungkook. It’s always been that simple.
“Okay.” Y/N says after a while, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook sits up straighter. “Wait, really?” he asks, a smile forming on his face. Y/N can hear her brain reprimanding her heart but she brushes it off. A smile makes its way onto her face too, as she nods at him. “Yeah, sure. I’m your right hand man, Kooks. I’m here to support you through everything, remember? As long as it’s legal, I’m perfectly okay with it.”
Jungkook grins widely, pulling Y/N in for a tight hug. “Thank you, Y/N! You’re the best,” he says when they pull away. Y/N’s heart continues to beat rapidly and she just gives him a close-lipped smile.
Well, here it goes.
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A week later, Y/N is at her locker, organizing her things for her first class when Jungkook pops up beside her, an adorable bunny smile on his face. They decided to start their ‘relationship’ a few days after Jungkook broke up with Mi-Cha so things wouldn’t seem so controversial.
Y/N hugs her things to her chest as she closes her locker. A smile makes its way to her face as she turns to her best friend, er, boyfriend. “Annyeong, Jeon Jeongguk.” she greets him, bowing lightly as they laugh. They walk to their first class, since their classrooms were, again, right beside each other.
“So, how do we do this shit?” Y/N leans in closer and Jungkook shrugs. “I didn’t really think things through. Maybe we can only do the couple things when Mi-Cha’s around,” Y/N nods as they near Y/N’s classroom. They had ten minutes to spare, so Y/N leans on the wall beside the door as Jungkook stands in front of her.
“I’m not entirely sure about your plan, but I’ll still go with it, just because.” Y/N shrugs and Jungkook smiles gratefully. Y/N looks down at her phone to see an incoming call from her Mom.
“Hey, wait a bit, Kooks. Mom’s --” Y/N stops when she feels soft lips kiss her forehead gently, her phone long forgotten. She closes her eyes, a bright blush spreading across her cheeks. She then feels Jungkook’s hand take her hand into his own as his lips leave her forehead. His lips on her forehead are replaced soon with his own. Y/N opens her eyes and sees Jungkook looking intently at her. “She’s watching,” Jungkook whispers and Y/N squeezes his hand in response. They stay like that for a little longer before Jungkook kisses Y/N’s nose lightly.
He stands up to his normal height, his hand still holding Y/N’s. “Come on, class is starting soon.” Y/N nods and Jungkook ruffles her hair gently as they stand in front of the door to the classroom. “I’ll see you later, bub. Bye,” Jungkook bids Y/N good bye, squeezing her hand softly before walking away. “Bye,” Y/N manages to say, still in shock after the forehead kiss. She turns around and walks inside the classroom to see her girl classmates looking at her like she just won the lottery.
Y/N makes her way to her seat awkwardly, her classmates eagerly leaning in their seats as they look at her. “I thought you said he wasn’t your boyfriend!” “You guys look so cute together, I’m gushing!” “What’s his name?” They all bombard her with questions and Y/N just sits in her seat, squirming. “Um--” she’s cut off when the door opens and the girls gape, causing her to turn around. It’s Jungkook, walking over to her, smiling. Y/N’s heart beats faster; Jungkook has never smiled at her like that before.
“Hey,” Y/N begins when Jungkook is standing beside her chair. She stands up and she can feel the eyes of her classmates on the back of her head. “Hey, bub. You forgot something,” Jungkook states, and Y/N looks at him confused. “Forgot what?” she asks him. Jungkook tilts his head cheekily, winking at Y/N as she laughs, kind of lost. “You forgot my good bye kiss. I gave you one, so give me mine.” Jungkook smirks and Y/N can hear her classmates giggling and squealing in the background. Y/N rolls her eyes, trying to mask the blush spreading across the apples of her cheeks. She places her hands gently on Jungkook’s shoulder as she leans up to press a kiss to his cheek. Just before her lips could land on his cheek, he turns his head swiftly, and Y/N’s lips land on Jungkook’s soft ones. Her eyes widen as they pull away, Jungkook grinning from ear to ear. “That’s more like it. See you later, princess!” Jungkook makes his way out the door as Y/N stares after him dumbfounded.
That was her first kiss. And it was with the boy she loved, even though he doesn’t know that.
After that encounter, word spread around the school really fast; everyone was talking about Y/N and Jungkook, the best friends that became lovers. Everyone claims that Jungkook broke up with Mi-Cha after he found out about her true intentions and realized he loved Y/N all this time. It was true, except for the part where he loves Y/N.
“So, I’ve got no quizzes and no assignments to turn in for tomorrow. What do you wanna do today?” Y/N asks as Jungkook swings their intertwined hands lightly, making their way outside the school gates. Jungkook purses his lips, deep in thought. Suddenly, his face lights up. “Let’s go get some ice cream!” He tugs on Y/N’s hand as he leads her to their favorite ice cream shop.
Along the way, Y/N can’t help but look down at their hands. Even when they were already outside school, Jungkook was still on boyfriend mode. It was probably because they might see people from school in public so Jungkook was just taking precautionary measures. Y/N dismissed that thought, but then recently, when they had alone time at Y/N’s or Jungkook’s house, he was more affectionate with her than before. Y/N’s brain was saying that Jungkook just got used to how they acted in public that he sometimes forgets to drop the act. But her heart keeps telling her that Jungkook’s starting to develop feelings for her.
They reach the ice cream shop and Jungkook pushes the door open for Y/N. She smiles, rolling her eyes as she walks in. It was still so hard to get used to Jungkook being so sweet to her even though they’ve been pretending for a month already. They make their way to the counter, Jungkook bouncing on the heels of his feet lightly. “Hi, hyung. We’ll have our usual please,” Jungkook tells Hoseok who was managing the counter. The older boy grins as he punches their orders in. “Jungkook-ah, you didn’t tell me you and Y/N were already together,” Hoseok comments as he starts scooping their ice creams.
Jungkook rubs the nape of his neck awkwardly as he chuckles. “Sorry, I guess I just never got around to telling you,” he tells Hoseok who winks at Y/N knowingly when he hands them their ice creams. Y/N groans inwardly. Was it that obvious?
They don’t stay at the shop and instead opt for taking the long way home, something they did when they wanted to spend more time together or if they were avoiding something back at home. Licking her ice cream, Y/N strikes up a conversation. “So, any updates on Mi-Cha?” Jungkook shrugs in response, finishing the rest of his ice cream. He grabs Y/N’s free hand as they walk down the quiet streets. “People are saying that she’s regretting ever playing with me, but I don’t know if it’s true. I want her to tell me personally.” Y/N nods in understanding, all her attention focused on their hands.
Jungkook comes to an abrupt stop, making Y/N look up at him. “What is it?” Jungkook licks his lips, something he did when he was trying to get words out but found it hard to. “Um…” Y/N smiles gently. “Come on, Kook. What’s up?” “Are you okay with this?” Jungkook blurts out, making Y/N look at him confused. “Okay with what?” Jungkook hesitates before replying, “You know, the whole fake dating thing. Is it bothering you?” Y/N shakes her head, making Jungkook visibly relax. “It’s nothing, Kookie. I’m your best friend, and I want to help you whenever I can, however I can.” Y/N replies, her own words piercing through her heart.
Jungkook smiles. He steps closer to Y/N, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. He leans down to Y/N’s height, their noses touching, their eyes not breaking contact. Y/N’s heart picks up its pace and she has to refrain from dying right there and then. Jungkook inches closer, and closer, and just when Y/N thinks he’s going to kiss her, he swoops down lower and licks her ice cream, running away after. Y/N gasps and looks at her ice cream-- the ice cream cone that was left before she screams.
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“Jimin, I swear, I don’t think I can do this anymore. I might combust and die right on the spot,” Y/N sighs, looking at her locker that was buried underneath a colorful layer of bright neon post-it notes from Jungkook. It’s supposedly the “monthsary” of their third month together, and Jungkook was being absolutely extra about this whole fake relationship thing.
“Oh please, you love it.” Jimin grins at Y/N. Jimin was a close friend, and he and Y/N shared a few classes since freshman year. He was the only one Y/N told about the fake relationship, because aside from the fact that he was her only other friend besides Jungkook if you cut Taehyung out of the picture, Y/N trusted Jimin to keep her secret. She kept Jimin’s secret too, so they were equal. Y/N shakes her head, smiling at Jimin who had a knowing look on his face. Her eyes turn back to the post-it and she smiles softly.
“Hi, you’re amazing” “You always brighten my day” “I better call NASA to confirm; they said the sun was 149.6 billion meters away from the earth but you’re right beside me” “Thank you for everything, from the friendship to the love” “Never ever forget how much you mean to me” “You’re my everything, I love you”
It was all so cheesy, Y/N would’ve vomited if it wasn’t Jungkook. Just as Y/N opens her mouth to say something to Jimin, she feels a pair of familiar, strong arms wound around her waist tightly. Jungkook’s scent fills her nose and she bites back a smile. “Hello, Jeon.” She acknowledges him, and Jungkook kisses her temple softly. “Happy third, Y/N.” Jungkook grins at Jimin who was looking at them, a huge smile on his face. “Hey, Jiminie.” “Hey, Jungkook. I see you went all out,” Jimin comments, letting his eyes wander to Y/N’s locker and Jungkook smiles brightly. “Of course, I had to! Anything for my queen,” Jungkook replies as he kisses the crown of Y/N’s head. “Did you like it?” Jungkook whispers in Y/N’s ear and having known him for years, Y/N can sense his…nervousness?
Turning around in his embrace, Y/N cups his cheeks and kisses his nose softly. He scrunches up his face, laughing. “I did. Thank you for this,” Y/N tells him, rubbing her thumbs across his smiling cheeks softly. Jungkook leans down to press a soft, sweet kiss to her lips, and Y/N has to control the butterflies running wild in her stomach as she responds to the kiss. Jungkook pushes her so she’s resting her back on her locker. Y/N’s hands rest on his shoulders. There wasn’t anything explicit about the kiss; it was pure and innocent and Y/N thinks she loves it better than a kiss with tongue. This one held love, not lust.
Pulling away from the kiss, they both had grins on their faces. Jungkook’s face grows serious, and he licks his lips. “Y/N, I--” “Jungkook, can I talk to you?” a feminine voice from behind Jungkook interrupts him and he turns around, coming face to face with the reason this all started, Mi-Cha. “Uh…” Jungkook trails off as he turns back to look at Y/N who had an unreadable expression on her face. “It’s important.” Mi-Cha says, her voice firm and her hands on her hips. Jungkook sighs and removes his hands from Y/N’s waist. Y/N wraps her hand around Jungkook’s wrist. “It’s cool, Kookie. I’ll go look for Jimin. Just meet up with us at our usual spot, okay?” Jungkook nods reluctantly and Y/N stands up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
Turning around, he sees Mi-Cha looking at him impatiently. He groans inwardly, and trudges behind her. Looking back at Y/N, she smiles at him before turning around to look for Jimin, who disappeared sometime during their intimate moment together. Jungkook follows Mi-Cha outside the school buildings and she leads him to the bleachers. Jungkook wants to laugh; the last time Mi-Cha brought him to the bleachers, she broke up with him. What does she want now?
They stop in the very spot where they broke up, and Mi-Cha turns around. She crosses her arms and glares at Jungkook. “You and Y/N can drop the act now, Jungkook. It’s not working.” Jungkook looks at her, confused. “What are you talking about?” “You’re obviously trying to make me jealous, Jungkook. I know how boys play this game.” Mi-Cha say, her statement immediately pissing Jungkook off. “Well, you thought wrong, Mi-Cha. And while you’ve probably done this shit a hundred times and gotten the same result from the previous guys you’ve dated, exclude me. I’m not one of them,” Jungkook shoots back, rolling his eyes.
Mi-Cha stomps her foot, her face growing red by the second. “You don’t even like Y/N! You like girls like me, Y/N is too plain and ordinary, she isn’t even beautiful! She can’t even reach up to be half the person I am!” If her previous statement pissed him off, this one infuriated him. “Why do you care?! Listen here, Mi-Cha and listen well because I’m not going to repeat just because you’re too deaf and too stupid to understand. I didn’t date Y/N because I wanted to make you jealous; I dated her because she’s so much better than you in so many fucking ways. She’s sweet, nice, gentle, smart, selfless and she will never be like you--a self-centered, egotistical bitch who only cares about her looks and how many boys she got to date. And she isn’t beautiful like you because her beauty isn’t earthly like yours, it’s ethereal and maybe your dumb brain doesn’t know what that means but I don’t fucking care. And you’re right, I don’t like her because I love her. And if you don’t have anything better to say about us, you can go get your fucking spoon of shut the fuck up.” Jungkook finishes in a rage, walking away from the bleachers, and an embarrassed Mi-Cha.
Jungkook’s hands clench into fists tightly as he quickly makes his way inside the school. His own words ring in his ears over and over again, making his movements slow down a bit. And you’re right, I don’t like her because I love her.
Jungkook didn’t realize it at first; how his world seemed brighter when Y/N was around, how he always yearned for her company, how he craved her kisses and her hugs, how he simply needed her. Y/N made everything beautiful, she made everything better. And Jungkook thinks that he’s stupid to not have how noticed before how his very own best friend was absolute perfection. It took Mi-Cha’s pathetic insults for Jungkook to realize he actually loves his best friend.
“Jungkook!” Jungkook’s head snaps up when he sees her running up to him. He stops when she reaches him. Y/N immediately cups his cheeks, forcing him to look into her beautiful eyes.
“What happened? What did Mi-Cha say? People were saying that you screamed at each other. Are you okay?” Y/N asks worriedly. Jungkook doesn’t say anything, only grabbing Y/N’s hand as he leads her upstairs to the rooftop.
Jungkook storms to the far end of the rooftop, leading Y/N along. He sighs, closing his eyes as he leans against the wall of the rooftop, letting go of Y/N’s hand weakly.
Y/N’s heart aches for her best friend, watching the way he’s slumped on wall, he looks so sad. “Hey, what happened? You know you can tell me right?” Y/N begins gently, latching her soft hand on Jungkook’s wrist, tugging on it so he would face her. Jungkook obliges weakly, his eyes looking down on the ground. Y/N lets go of his wrist, and steps closer to him. She gently cups Jungkook’s chin in her hands, bringing it up to face him. They’re face to face but Jungkook’s eyes are still trained on his shoes. Y/N rubs her thumbs on his cheekbones gently, hoping it would get his attention like it always has.
And it did. Looking up at Y/N’s eyes, Jungkook bites lower his lip softly. “Hey, Guk. Will you please talk to me?” Jungkook sighs. “Whatever it is, we’ll fix it, okay? Did she want to get back with you? If so, then I guess we’ll have to--” “She said we were fake dating,” Jungkook cuts Y/N off, because he didn’t want to hear her say that she would be okay with ending things and because he couldn’t hold it in anymore. Y/N pauses. “Um, well, I guess we kind of are?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “That’s besides the point. The thing is, she said some things about you, things I couldn’t bear to hear. Mi-Cha said you were too plain and ordinary, she said you weren’t even beautiful, that you can’t even reach up to be half the person she was.” Jungkook repeats what Mi-Cha had said, word for word. Her words had kept repeating in his head over and over again like a broken record. Y/N bit her lip. Removing her hands from Jungkook’s chin, she rubs her arms gently.
“It’s okay, some of what she said was true anyway. I’m too plain, too boring, I’m not even pretty,” Y/N tears her eyes away from Jungkook’s, making Jungkook’s heart ache. The girl he loves thought she wasn’t beautiful, she thought she wasn’t half the person he used to like, but boy was she wrong.
Jungkook immediately cups Y/N’s face in his hands, making her face him. His action catches her off guard as she stumbles lightly and Jungkook’s left hand leaves Y/N’s face to wrap around her waist, steadying her. “Y/L/N Y/N, listen to me. You’re not all those things Mi-Cha said, okay? And she knows that too, I shouted it all at her. You’re sweet, nice, gentle, smart, selfless and everything she’s not. You’re an amazing person, Y/N. You’re perfect and I don’t want you ever thinking that you’re not.” Jungkook says all this, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s, his grip on her waist not loosening.
Y/N’s breath catches in her throat, her heartbeat quickening its pace. Jungkook seems to realize all that he’s said too, and his own heartbeat quickens its pace. When he feels his cheeks start to burn up, he pulls Y/N in closer and presses a sweet kiss to her forehead, closing his eyes. He feels Y/N’s hands wrap around his wrists and he can feel her visibly relax.
“Thank you, Kookie. For everything. I’m so lucky to have you.” Y/N whispers softly. Jungkook smiles. “Of course, Y/N. And thank you, too.” He pulls her in for a hug and Jungkook can feel her smile. He closes his eyes, hugging her tightly.
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Later that night, Jungkook’s phone rings. He tears his eyes away from the framed photo of him and Y/N resting on his desk and grabs his phone from the bedside. He unlocks it to see a text from the girl.
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He smiles then puts his phone back down. Looking up at the ceiling, Jungkook can’t help but let his thoughts drift to Y/N and everything about her; her smile, her giggle, the way her eyes lit up whenever they buy ice cream, literally everything about her makes Jungkook’s heart warm up. Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. His best friend had always been like this, so why hasn’t he fallen for her before? Maybe it was because he refused to see her in another light and possibly risk their friendship. Maybe it was because he was always too blind to see that she was right there beside him, always looking for someone else.
Whatever it was, Jungkook doesn’t care anymore. All her cares right now is that he really, truly, loves Y/N and he’s determined to let her know that. Because she deserves to know that, and he wants her to know that.
Jungkook falls asleep a few hours later, simply because he couldn’t stop thinking about the hundreds of thousands of ways on how he’s going to tell Y/N that he loves her. Yet, even though he falls asleep early into the morning, he falls asleep with a smile on his face.
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“Where is he?” Y/N whispers to herself, clutching her books to her chest, Y/N scans the sea of students in the hallway. It’s almost 8 o’clock, but Y/N can’t see Jungkook anywhere. He was supposed to walk her to class but he was still nowhere to be found. Y/N sighs and adjusts the backpack resting on her shoulders as she makes her way to class alone.
“Hey, Y/N. Where’s Jungkook?” Jimin falls in step with Y/N as she walks the last few steps to her classroom. Y/N looks at Jimin and shrugs. “I don’t actually know, Chim. He’s not answering any of my texts or calls.” Jimin smiles and places a comforting hand on Y/N’s shoulder as they stand outside her room. “I think he’s just running a bit late. Don’t worry too much, okay? You’ll see him at lunch.” Y/N smiles gratefully at Jimin who squeezes her hand in return as they part ways.
Walking outside of her last class for the morning, Y/N sighs, her backpack and stuff weighing down her already drained self. She definitely needs some banana milk and cookies n’ cream ice cream. She looks up to look for Jungkook but doesn’t see him anywhere. Biting her lip, she takes the route going to her locker, deciding to just drop some books off before heading to the cafeteria for lunch. Jungkook wasn’t there to carry her stuff and it was super heavy.
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!” Y/N hears a deep voice and when she turns around, a smile graces her features. “Tae! Hey, what’s up?” She waits for the sweet boy to catch up to her. “Nothing, it’s just been a while,” Taehyung replies as he reaches her. Y/N smiles. “Hey, let me carry those for you, they seem heavy,” Taehyung reaches for the books in Y/N’s arms and although Y/N wants to refuse, she’s too hungry and tired to say otherwise.
“Thanks, I would’ve refused but I’m super hungry and tired,” she laughs and Tae laughs along. “That’s okay. I just wanted to catch up with you, we haven’t really had the time to talk during class,” he replies as they walk to Y/N’s locker. Y/N nods in agreement. “Yeah, and Jungkook’s always sticking to me,” Y/N giggles, blushing. Taehyung gives her his boxy smile, “You guys are absolutely adorable. The whole school loves you. You looked better than when Jungkook was dating Mi-Cha.” Y/N gently pushes Taehyung, flustered by his comment. “Stoooooop, you’re making me all giggly and flustered,” Y/N whines. “Aw, come on, Y/N. You have to admit, you guys are the power couple of the school,” Tae tells her as she laughs, burying her face in her hands. “Oh, speaking of which, I see your man,” Taehyung teases and Y/N looks up to see Jungkook standing a few meters away from them, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Kookie!” Y/N smiles at him, waving. Y/N and Tae walk closer as Jungkook starts walking too. Just as he’s within reach, instead of getting the usual forehead kiss from him, Jungkook brushes past them coldly. Y/N and Taehyung stop walking. “What’s up with him?” Taehyung asks innocently as Y/N feels her heart break. She turns to Taehyung, biting her lip. “Can I leave my books with you for now? I need to go talk to him,” Y/N glances at Jungkook’s figure, watching him make his way up to the rooftop. Taehyung smiles in understanding. “Sure thing, Y/N. I’ll be at the cafeteria,” he replies and Y/N bows lightly, running up to the rooftop.
She pushes the doors to the rooftop open, and looks around the area. Her eyes land on the exact spot where they were yesterday. Jungkook’s back is facing her, and he’s taking deep breaths. Y/N bites her lip as she slowly makes her way to Jungkook. “Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” His answer is cold and short. “Really? Doesn’t sound like it,” Y/N presses gently. Jungkook whips around to face her and she stumbles back lightly. “Who was that guy?” Jungkook interrogates and Y/N frowns.
“What do you mean? Who are you talking about, Jungkook? Is it Taehyung? I thought you knew him, he’s my friend,” Y/N replies, confused. “Well, I don’t. I only know about Jimin,” Jungkook says stubbornly.
“What’s wrong with Taehyung? We share one class together, am I not allowed to have other friends besides you and Jimin?” Y/N’s starting to get annoyed with the whole thing, it was getting stupid.
“Are you sure he’s really just a friend? It doesn’t look like that at all,” Jungkook shoots back and Y/N runs a hand through her hair, frustrated. “Yes! What’s so bad about Taehyung anyway? Do you have a problem with him?” Y/N asks Jungkook, who already had his arms folded in front of him.
“Everything! It’s clear to see that he likes you! How can you not see that?” Jungkook groans and Y/N is definitely pissed at this point. “That’s because he doesn’t like me! Jungkook, you’re being delusional! Taehyung only sees me as a friend, okay?” Y/N shouts.
Jungkook shakes his head. “I don’t care, I want you to stay away from him,” he orders and Y/N scoffs. “ I’m not going to do that. You can’t tell me who to hang out with and who not to hang out with,” Y/N folds her arms stubbornly, glaring at Jungkook.
“Yes, I can, I’m your boyfriend!” Jungkook shouts pissing Y/N even more. At this point, Y/N doesn’t care about what she’s going to say next. She’s beyond pissed now. “Um, correction, Jeon Jeongguk. You’re my fake boyfriend. We’re only in this shit because you wanted to get back at Mi-Cha, okay? So don’t order me around because you don’t own me and all of this? It’s fake.” Y/N spits angrily.
Jungkook’s mouth forms a small ‘o’, and his heart drops. His glare morphs into a sad expression and it’s then that Y/N realizes she’s made a big, fucking mistake. He looks down, and chuckles sadly.
“Oh, shit, no, Jungkook, I didn’t mean it like that, I’m so sor--” Y/N stutters and Jungkook looks up, cutting her off. His eyes are glistening lightly and a sad smile has made its way onto his face.
“Yeah, you’re right. We’re just fake dating, we’re just a fake couple,” Jungkook begins, looking away momentarily. “but,” he whispers, his eyes drifting back to Y/N’s, “none of what I feel for you is fake. I’ve realized that all this time, I loved you. I realized that I truly love you and all those things I said and did were real. And it fucking sucks that it took fake dating you to realize that you were all that I ever wanted and needed. It’s sad that I realized I only loved you when I fake dated you. Maybe fake dating you wasn’t such a good idea.”
As he said those words, his eyes never left Y/N’s letting her know he meant every word. Y/N’s heart drops and a huge lump forms in her throat. Jungkook looks down and closes his eyes, exhaling deeply. When he looks back up, the look on his face sends shivers running down Y/N’s spine. It was a look that Y/N knew all too well, and it was scaring her.
The fourth time Jeon Jeongguk asks something of Y/L/N Y/N:
“Maybe it’s better if we ended this and never spoke to each other again.”
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“Maybe it’s better if we ended this and never spoke to each other again.”
The scene keeps on repeating itself over and over in her head so much that if Y/N was so good at animation, she would’ve been able to make a short movie out of it.
She remembers everything so perfectly; the way Jungkook said those words-- his tone made it seem so final, the way she bit her lip to prevent the tears from falling as she nods her head weakly, turning around to hide the first batch of tears that fell from her eyes as she walks away. She remembers how she didn’t at least fight for him, she remembers how she didn’t try to work things out, because gosh, he’s her best friend, and the thought of losing him was enough to make her world shatter and fall apart.
But above all, she remembers how she didn’t tell him that she loves him too. That she always has, way before he did.
Y/N can’t help but think how things would have gone if only she’d told him she loved him too. She can’t help but think that maybe she should’ve fought for him. Would things have been different if she didn’t let her anger rule over her love for him? Or would it still have been the same because Jungkook was hurt?
“Hey, how are you?” Y/N is snapped back to reality, and she feels a gentle hand on her elbow. She looks to the side and is met with the concerned eyes of Park Jimin. He’s smiling sympathetically at her and Y/N wants to just cry in Jimin’s arms and binge watch on movies all day with him, eating tubs and tubs of ice cream. But she can’t do that, now can she?
Instead of telling her friend the truth, she smiles softly. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Jimin sighs as he links arms with Y/N, guiding her to their usual spot under the trees by the soccer field. “I’m your friend, Y/N. I want to try to be there for you whenever I can, I want you to share your pains and burdens with me,” Jimin tells her as they sit down. Y/N looks at Jimin who had a sad smile on his face.
Y/N can feel the lump growing in her throat and she swallows deeply to force it back down. “I can’t help but wish for things to have gone differently, Chim. I love him, so why couldn’t I tell him that? Did it even matter that he accused Taehyung of having feelings for me? The bottom line was that he felt the same way and I should’ve just told him the truth. I-I…I miss h-him, so much, and it sucks because it’s only been two days since it happened. I…I c-can’t live…without…him,” Y/N finishes, her voice barely above a whisper as tears stream down her face.
“Oh, Y/N,” Jimin whispers, pulling his friend in for a hug as he rubs her back comfortingly. “It’s okay, just, cry it all out, okay? Everything will work out in the end. You both just need some time, that’s all.” Y/N pulls away weakly to look at Jimin and the boy’s heart breaks at the sight of his friend in her broken state. “I hope so, Chim. I really hope so,” Y/N replies as she wipes her tears away.
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A week after Y/N and Jungkook broke up, word spread fast around the school. It shocked everyone, because Y/N and Jungkook were a power couple. They were everybody’s OTP. They never seemed to have any problems at all, and everyone could see how they were so smitten for each other. It was even more shocking to them considering that only a week ago, Y/N and Jungkook had celebrated their third month together.
Of course, with news, there will always be rumors. Rumors about why they broke up and who broke it off started to make their way to everyone. Some of them said it was Y/N because of the argument that occurred between Mi-Cha and Jungkook. The others claimed they realized they were better off as friends. But the majority wanted to believe that Y/N cheated on Jungkook, just like Mi-Cha. And like always, the majority wins.
Everywhere Y/N went, people were whispering about her. They pitied Jungkook and chose to attack Y/N. In her opinion, they really should attack her because it was her fault, but Jimin kept on insisting that she did nothing wrong. Sweet Jimin, always trying to make me feel better, Y/N thought.
“Look at her, how could she still be here after all that she’s done to him?” “Jungkook was too sweet and nice to her, she doesn’t deserve it” “If I were in her shoes I would never hurt him” “Gosh, she’s just like Mi-Cha” “I feel so bad for Jungkook, he always dates the wrong girls for him” “If I dated him, he wouldn’t go through any of this at all” “She’s not even pretty, who does she think she is, cheating on Jeon Jeongguk, of all people?”
Y/N bites her lip as she grips onto her backpack straps tightly, trying her best not to let her emotions show. She looks up and sees Jungkook and they lock eyes. Y/N soon realizes what she did and tears her eyes away from Jungkook’s, looking down as she continues her walk to her class. Jungkook watches her go, and sighs, looking ahead of him as he continues to walk to the lockers.
On his way, he hears what everyone’s been saying about Y/N and his heart breaks. How could they say all those things about her? She doesn’t deserve any of what they were saying about her. Jungkook almost comes to her defense but then realizes that they’re not together anymore. He opens his locker to get his things for his next class when a bright pink post-it note falls from the top of one of his books and down to the floor. Confused, Jungkook bends down to pick it up. His eyes scan the words over and over and his heart clenches when his brain fully processes the words. It was a note he wrote on the day they broke up, the day he was supposed to tell her he loved her.
“I love you, for real.” It had read. Suddenly, Jungkook doesn’t feel like going to class anymore.
The hallways start to clear up, and Jungkook closes his locker shut, adjusting his backpack on his back. He then makes his way up to the rooftop to clear his mind. Pushing the doors open, Jungkook walks to the spot where he and Y/N last talked, and his feet seem to be slowing down once he hears soft cries. Letting his curiosity get the best of him, he rounds the corner quietly and sees Y/N.
Her hair was blowing in the wind, her arms were resting on the wall, her head down. Soft sniffles were heard from her, and Jungkook wants so badly to run up to her and pull her into his arms. He wants to bury her in his chest, whisper sweet nothings in her ear, kiss her tears away.
He wants to, but he can’t. No, he wants to, but he doesn’t. His pride and stubbornness get the best of him and he stays rooted in his spot. He watches as Y/N wipes her tears away and runs a hand through her hair. She turns around and Jungkook hides himself from her sight. Y/N swallows deeply, and as she makes her way to the doors her phone rings. She pulls it out of her pocket to answer the call.
“Hey, Jimin…yeah, I’m up here…what? No, I didn’t cry…I promise, I just came here to get some air…don’t worry about me, we’re supposed to only worry about what movies we’ll watch later while we do our project, remember?…okay fine, pizza’s on me…I’ll see you in class, I’m going down now, bye.” Y/N hangs up and slides her phone back inside her pocket. Y/N sighs and wipes at her eyes more so it really doesn’t look like she’s been crying.
Y/N breathes shakily and pushes the door leading to the stairs gently, disappearing from Jungkook’s sight just as he leaves his hiding spot. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
How long is he going to let his pride overrule his love for her? How long are they going to keep on hurting?
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It’s a Friday and Jeon Jeongguk is leaving the room of his last class of the day when he hears whispers down the hallway, all of which had one thing in common. Y/L/N Y/N. His ears perk up, sighing internally as he listens to what they have to say this time. He pulls his hoodie over his head in an attempt to avoid getting noticed. He squeezes in the sea of students, and bows down to listen in to everyone’s conversations.
“I saw Y/N with Kim Taehyung earlier today, they were talking about something really serious”
“Really? What do you think it could be about? Could they possibly be a thing now?”
“I suppose so. Y/N thinks she’s so pretty; dating all of the best guys at school then treating them like shit”
“She’s no different from Mi-Cha”
 “I saw her with Park Jimin today, what’s that about?”
“Even Jimin? Gosh, I can’t believe her”
And Jungkook can’t believe them either. How could they make such stupid assumptions? Who were they to judge Y/N? Just as Jungkook is about to cut into the conversation of the girls in front of him, the crowd of students stop as they all stare at the sight in front of them.
Y/N’s standing frozen in front of her locker, her eyes locked onto her locker door. Jungkook’s eyes flit from her form to the locker and he sees the words “You don’t deserve him, you’re such a bitch” painted in huge, red letters. The whispers start up again, and Jungkook makes his way to the front with difficulty. He reaches the front where Y/N absentmindedly leaves some of her things in her locker before closing the locker door gently. Jungkook stands in the front and everyone notices it, of course.
Y/N can feel someone’s, no, everyone’s eyes on her and she looks up. She sees him and the lump in her throat that she had previously pushed down rises up again and her hands start to shake again. She clenches her fist to hide it, but she knows Jungkook saw it. And he knows her. He knows her like the back of his hand.
So, to avoid from showing Jungkook all of her emotions and further hurt herself in the process, she breaks eye contact, turns around and walks to the exit of the building, her head down and her pace fast. Everyone starts to talk over the other and Jungkook watches after Y/N until he can no longer see  her.
“Oh my gosh, what was that?”
“I know, it was so tense”
“I wonder who wrote it, damn, someone finally voiced our thoughts”
“I wonder what’s going to happen”
“What do you think will Jungkook do?”
No longer being able to take it, Jungkook turns around swiftly, effectively catching the attention of almost everybody.
He clenches his fist, breathing heavily. “I’m going to ask of you, nicely, to stop it. None of you know the truth, so stop gossiping around like you know shit because you fucking don’t know anything at all.” Jungkook throws in a sarcastic smirk before he turns back around and walks in the direction Y/N left in, everyone parting like the Red Sea to make way for Jeon Jeongguk.
Jungkook exits the school and he looks around, hoping to see any signs of Y/N. He sees none, and sighs, biting his lip. He takes their normal route home, but he knows for a fact that Y/N isn’t going home just yet. So, he turns around chooses to take their long route, crossing his fingers that she took that same route too.
On the way home, Jungkook can’t help but let his mind wander to Y/N. They first met when they were only five; Y/N was too scared to climb up the slide and Jungkook helped her overcome that fear. He was her superhero and that was when they first became friends.
After that, they met up almost everyday and their moms became good friends as well. So much so that they went to the same school ever since. And ever since their first encounter, Jungkook has always been Y/N’s guardian, her superhero. He was there to hold her hand and hug her when she scraped her knee in first grade; he was there to fight off the mean kids in fifth grade who threatened to steal her homework. And he was there to defend her from the mean girls in middle school.
Thirteen-year old Y/L/N Y/N knew for a fact that she hated middle school the moment she and her best friend, Jeon Jeongguk first stepped inside the building. All of the girls in their grade and in the grade above them had a crush on her best friend, and she immediately knew it was a bad thing.
They always threw daggers her way when Jungkook had an arm around her shoulders, every time they saw Jungkook look at her instead of them. The girls all hated Y/N and they made sure she was well aware of that fact.
It was a normal day at school, or so Y/N thought. She had just gotten out of the cubicle and was greeted by 5 girls from her grade, and 3 from the year above her, looking at her like they wanted the earth to swallow her whole. Y/N didn’t know what to do, so she simply bowed her head and was about to leave the bathroom when the three older girls stepped in front of her, blocking her path. She gulped, and looked up to see them all looking down at her.
They were taller and Y/N immediately knew something was wrong.
“Y/N, why are you always with Jeon Jeongguk?” The girl in the middle asked her. “U-um, he, he’s my best…friend,” Y/N answered and they all raised their eyebrows.
“Why would he want to be friends with you? You’re not even pretty, we’re prettier than you,” The girl replied and Y/N bit on her lip and looked down.
“You don’t deserve him,” the girl behind Y/N had said and Y/N turned around to look at her.
“Um, I don’t really know, but, um, we…uh, we’ve been best friends since we were…five,” Y/N replied weakly and the girls scoffed.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re stupid, and ugly, and Jungkook should stop hanging out with you. Stay away from him.” On of the older girls said and Y/N gulped.
“I don’t think, uh, that I can do that, he’s my only…friend.” Y/N replied, wringing her hands nervously.
“Oh really? Then we’ll just make life hard for you until we get the message across.” Another girl said and with that, she pushed Y/N, who fell to the floor. They all laughed and walked out of the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind them.
Y/N sighed, and pushed herself off the floor. She went to wash her hands at the sink and looked at herself in the mirror.
“You’re stupid, and ugly, and Jungkook should stop hanging out with you. Stay away from him.” their words kept repeating in her head and she forces herself to stop thinking about it. “Oh really? Then we’ll just make life hard for you until we get the message across.” Y/N closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She hoped they were just lying, and they were only doing it to threaten her.
They weren’t lying.
For the next few days, they did make life miserable for Y/N. They bumped into her in the hallways, they whispered and pointed at her every chance they got, and they told the other girls about their plan, who all joined in. They left notes in her locker, all of which contained words she never thought would come from the young girls in her class. They did so many things and her week had never been more miserable.
Of course, Jungkook knew nothing about it. Y/N had kept the whole thing a secret from him, because she didn’t want him getting in trouble. She didn’t want him to feel responsible for her, because it was her fault anyway. She could just stay away from Jungkook and make life easier for everyone but she couldn’t, because she couldn’t bear to lose her best friend.
So she kept quiet. Until she could no longer hide the pain she felt for simply being best friends with Jeon Jeongguk.
The girls had been tormenting Y/N for weeks already and every day it got worse. They’d throw her lunch out in the bathroom, they placed insects in her locker, they sent her more notes, they made life incredibly miserable for her.
Y/N and Jungkook were walking home in complete silence and Jungkook was getting worried. He’d noticed a change in his best friend’s behavior a few days back and he was scared as to what had caused it. Had he done something wrong? Did something bad happen back at home?
“Y/N.” Jungkook stopped Y/N as he latched onto her wrist, stopping them both. Y/N looked up at him expectantly and Jungkook could see pain swimming her eyes. He sighed and a hand came up to tuck a few loose strands behind her ear.
“What’s wrong? Can you please tell me?” With those soothing words, Y/N broke down in tears, shocking Jungkook completely. He was quick to react and he immediately pulled Y/N in for a tight hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders as Y/N buried her face in his chest, crying.
When Y/N had calmed down lightly, Jungkook pulled back to look at his best friend. He wiped her tears away, a frown on his face.
“What happened?”
So Y/N told him. She told him everything, right from the very beginning when they only glared at her, to the bathroom encounter, and the day after, when they started to make life miserable for her.
“I just don’t get it, Kook. Why can’t I be friends with you? Why are girls so mean? What’s wrong? What did I do wrong to deserve all of this?” Jungkook’s heart broke at his best friend’s words and he pulled her in for another hug, rubbing his arms up and down her back.
“Shh, it doesn’t matter what they say, okay? Girls have always been mean, you’re the only one I know that isn’t. And don’t ever think that you deserve all this pain because you don’t. I’m truly sorry that you have to go through all of this alone. I wish you’d told me sooner. I’m sorry you’re going through all of this because of me.” Jungkook whispered and Y/N pulled back shaking her head.
“It’s not your fault, it’s mine.” Y/N insisted but being the stubborn boy that he was, he shook his head.
“If it’s not my fault, then it definitely isn’t yours either. It’s theirs,” Jungkook stated and Y/N laughs. Jungkook smiled when he heard his best friend’s beautiful laugh.
“That doesn’t quite make sense, but okay.” Y/N nodded and Jungkook extended his pinky out for her. Y/N looked at him confused but he just nudges toward his pinky. Y/N followed and locked her pinky with his, looking at him expectantly.
“I, Jeon Jeongguk promise to always be there for Y/L/N Y/N, to protect her from everything that could harm her, to never leave her side no matter what happens, to always be the best best friend she deserves. Even if we fight, I will always be there by her side and I will always do what I can to fix our friendship because it’s the most important thing to me. I promise to always be Y/N’s superhero, her knight in shining armor.” Jungkook stated proudly, making the corner of Y/N’s lips turn up. They twisted their pinkies, making their thumbs meet as they smiled.
“I promise you this, Y/N. Don’t ever forget that.”
And he’s always kept his promise.
Until now.
Realizing that he broke his promise, Jungkook looks up. He hears the sound of kids screaming and giggling in the distance and it clicks. He knows where Y/N is. He breaks off into a run, praying that he isn’t too late.
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Jungkook reaches the park, the very park where he and Y/N first met. He runs to the playground, his eyes frantically searching around for Y/N. No, no, no, she has to be here, Jungkook thinks to himself when he sees no sign of Y/N near the slide or the swings. His eyes land on the bench their mothers used to sit on and his heart leaps out of his chest when he sees her. He runs so fast he might just break his legs.
Y/N’s figure is hunched over and her shoulders are shaking slightly, a sure sign for Jungkook that she’s crying. He almost slides in front of her from how fast he was running. He kneels in front of her and pulls her in for a hug.
Jungkook hears Y/N gasp as he wraps his arms around her crying figure and he relaxes when Y/N’s arms snake around his waist.
“Shh, shh, I’m here Y/N, it’s okay. I’m here now, I’m here, I’m so sorry,” Jungkook whispers, tears silently streaming down his face too.
Y/N chokes on her sobs as she holds onto Jungkook tightly. Jungkook adjusts himself and stands up, pulling Y/N with him. Jungkook pushes Y/N’s head gently onto his chest and he rests his chin on top of her head, the both of them crying.
His left arm wraps around her shoulders as his right hand strokes her hair softly. Y/N’s arms stay on his waist and they’re both shaking. They were both broken, that much was obvious. They both hurt each other, but they will always find their way back to each other.
Once they’ve both calmed down, Jungkook steps back slightly, so he can look at Y/N. His hands come up to cup her cheeks and wipe the tears away. Y/N’s hands wrap around his wrists as she looks up at him, her eyes shining with tears and her bottom lip quivering. She notices Jungkook’s tears too, the boy wiping her tears instead of his own. She bites her lip softly and reaches up to wipe his tears away too. Jungkook’s hands fall at his sides after wiping her tears away while Y/N’s stay on his cheeks, her thumbs rubbing on his cheekbones gently.
They look at each other, not breaking eye contact. Jungkook breaks the silence.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Y/N shakes her head. “No, I’m sorry, Jungkook. I should never have gone with Taehyung when I knew you would be waiting for me.”
Jungkook disagrees. “I’m sorry for being so jealous, I got so insecure because I really wanted to call you mine for real. I hurt you because I was scared. I broke my promise just because I got hurt that you didn’t feel the same. But it’s okay, Y/N. Even if you don’t feel the same way, I’m still staying by your side because I made my promise to you. And I am never breaking my promises ever again.”
Y/N smiles softly but she shakes her head. “It’s okay, Kook. But I’m also sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner that I love you too.”
Jungkook nods. “Thank you, I promise it won’t happen--wait, what did you say?”
Y/N giggles and Jungkook’s eyes only widen. “Y/N, what did you say again?”
Y/N rolls her eyes. She cups his face in her hands, her cheeks burning up at what she’s about to do, but she calms down a bit because she can also feel the warmth of Jungkook’s cheeks under the palms of her hands.
Y/N stands on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his forehead. “I,” a kiss on the left cheek, “love”, a kiss on the right cheek, “you,” a kiss on the nose, “so much”, and finally, on the lips, “Jeon Jeongguk.” Y/N was planning for a peck, but just as she’s about to pull away, Jungkook’s arm wraps around her waist to pull her closer, and his other hand runs through her locks. She smiles into the kiss and Jungkook does too. She places her hands on his shoulder as they continue to kiss.
Kiss. Oh, how long it’s been since Jungkook last kissed Y/N. It’s been so long since he last held her like that, but things are quite different now. Now, they both know what the other truly feels, and it’s such a wonderful feeling.
They both pull away from the kiss, and they’re both grinning.
“I missed you, Kook.” Y/N says, pecking his lips.
Jungkook gives her his bunny smile and she giggles. His arms tighten around her waist and Y/N smiles, resting her head on his chest. She bites her lip when she hears the beat of Jungkook’s heart. It was beating so fast, but it’s not as if hers wasn’t beating so fast either.
A few hours later, they’re both walking home hand in hand, a cone of ice cream in their free hands. Jungkook looks down at their intertwined hands, grinning happily. He swings their hands, catching Y/N’s attention who smiles at him.
“What?” She asks him, and they stop walking. Jungkook turns to face her, a weird smile on his face as he gazes at Y/N lovingly. He lets go of her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Y/N blushes and looks down.
He tucks a finger under her chin and Y/N looks up.
“Guk, what’s up?” Y/N whispers. Jungkook only smiles.
The fifth time Jeon Jeongguk asks something of Y/L/N Y/N:
“Be my girlfriend, for real this time.”
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