#im probably forgetting important details about Why it had to be this way but
wen-ning · 5 months
jin ling becoming like. basically president. at 14/15 makes me CRY he already hardly had a chance to be a kid and now he has to run a small nation?? and getting help from jiang cheng makes it even SADDER because if u thought jc was stressed before, now he’s running TWO sects and you know jin ling is gonna try so fucking hard to not make him worry and i just. i need a nap.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Anonymous asked:
I’m sorry you went through all that crap. I hope things are better for you. ):
Oh, if you’re talking about the situation from my past, then yeah, it’s much better now! Thank you so much for your concern <3 It is very sweet of you.
However, we do have a more serious situation on our hands right now, but I won’t go into details. This blog is for discussing the colour of Idia’s nipples, not this.
Speaking of which…
Anonymous asked:
I want to lick Idia’s chest. Apologies.
Quickly, Anon, Ortho is holding him just for you to lick! Ahh shoot he ran way…
Anonymous asked:
a lot of people tend to forget we’re asking you about /your/ hcs. and it’s perfectly ok if we disagree! what fun would the internet be without different opinions (the only valid hc is rook’s love language is stalking lol).
anyways who out of the cast do you think would own yaoi manga/doujins? personally i think idia would. maybe. if it’s physical/paper he can hide his naughty stuff from ortho and his mom…
Exactly! A lot of things influence the way people come up with ideas, this is such a complex thing, of course not everything is going to cater to everyone – this is simply impossible. Picking and choosing and reading stuff that interests you while avoiding things that annoy or hurt you is always the way to go.
(Rook’s love language is stalking, fuck yeah lol)
Oh, that’s a fun question. I feel like Idia would be the only one, and he would also probably have this excuse/explanation, like he really isn’t into BL, but this particular work is just very good, it has great art style, good writing + Idia’s favourite artist was influenced by this manga/series of doujins, so of course he had to get it, this is an important otaku artifact! And OF COURSE it’s paper, that’s the whole point! Even if it’s smutty, it’s art!
Ortho could start getting into BL himself; he would start by reading this one manga that Idia owns lol Idia was sure he’d hidden it well.
The rest of the cast strike me as normies… but hey, Lilia could have some! If he has any manga at all, I can imagine him owning a BL book just ‘cause. But since he probably bought it years ago when he was traveling around the TWST equivalent of Japan, it might be a bit outdated lol And probably a little cursed, which is why Lilia got so into this book back then.
Anonymous asked:
I just think it’s cool how you’re so detailed with the characters and their personality/psychology etc. You could even explain how each of them would go skydiving and I’d think, “yeah, they would do that.” Toodles.
Thank you so much, Anon! It truly means a lot. This is one of the most fun parts of writing replies and drawings stuff, to be honest: the cast is so good that the jokes write themselves sometimes lol
If only I knew enough about skydiving to write or draw something about it…but thankfully, we have a lot of other things to do. 💪
Thank you for enjoying our stuff, I am very happy to hear that.
Anonymous asked:
That's just fucking wrong. Jade is EXTREMELY well behaved for a Leech. "ill behaved" my ASS!!!
+Anonymous asked:
LOL YOU’RE GOOD ANON, no worries! <3
“For a Leech”!!! Exactly! Which means he isn’t well-behaved at all!
Anonymous asked:
my guy, my friend,, my buddy,,,,
a hetalia mention? in 2024? why would you do this to us? 😭
Anon dear… Hetalia is a party that is never over 🥳🥳🥳 It forced itself into our lives in 2009 and has been there ever since.
In all seriousness, we do come back to it from time to time; some of the drawings that we have for it are pretty recent!
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myuiis · 5 months
(same anon who asked for sinu analysis) well first off let me ask your thoughts on YeonhuixSinu
Despite my undying love for this man- I'll admit they're cute n all BUT I always felt it was undeveloped.
I don't know if it's just me but when Jason (I think) said he'd snitch about him being with neko to her I was confused back when he was still under the influence of those pills at workers. Like, Did I miss something? Did I forget something from the gaps between the arcs? Idk. But even if she was shown to be worried over Sinu, it didn't seem romantic at all especially that all the big deal girls cared too. PTJ also made it seem like an already established relationship and I'm still questioning when?? She seemed to know him well and all but no hinting of any romantic attraction was there, just your average big deal romanticism and admiration lol.
I understand that PTJ has to leave some details away for the sake of the pacing but I think he could've at least thrown some hints here and there.
ok yeah. so this won't be a super long post because i am tired but good lord i am very... lukewarm about sinu and yeonhui. im with you on the "who?" when yeonhui was mentioned again in 2a. now im glad that sinu is with someone he's happy with but man... sinu and yeonhui is just such a mid ship compared to literally anyone else he could've been shipped with. let me explain.
yeonhui's lack of presence in the story. now this is probably the main reason i find this ship so lackluster. how am i supposed to root for a ship when the female love interest is literally like npc #125? while she did have more presence than the other girls on the street, this isn't really a high bar considering ptj's track record writing female characters. and this isn't to say she was boring or had a bland personality either (even though she KINDA did...). she was strong and independent, stood up to samuel when he tried to extort them for money (iirc), bore the burden of sinu's sacrifice and stayed strong for big deal, and was there to comfort jake when he learned of the news. she could've been a REALLY interesting character because she was so strong and also stuck to her ideals in the same way sinu did, so they could've been such a power couple, had yeonhui been developed more. it would've been nice to see yeonhui and sinu strategize about how to protect big deal together, or see more of yeonhui bandaging and caring for sinu after he gets hurt, or seeing sinu bring yeonhui gifts and money... or anything, really. the two have barely have any substantial interactions over the entire arc besides the last part where sinu's about to sacrifice himself, so much so that it makes me wonder... who is this yeonhui person? why are they important again.
chemistry. this mainly comes up to personal preference but yeonhui and sinu feel more like an older sister-younger brother dynamic to me. yeonhui took sinu in as a child, fed, clothed, and cared for him, and then continues to take care of him as an adult, which comes off as big sis behavior. again, some people may like this dynamic romantically, but i personally find it super platonic and sibling-leaning.
other sinu ships. idk. just find it a LITTLE heteronormative that any man and woman who share a little bit of screentime together are instantly a couple while sinu and jake can be out here pulling "you are my everything" and "i came back to big deal for you and you alone, jake" moments, and they'll still be just "good bros". again, kind of up to personal preference, but if you compare yeonhui x sinu to jake x sinu or even samuel x sinu, there's a clear lack of interactions and chemistry for yeonhui x sinu
so yeah. thats kinda it. this ended up being way longer than i expected so im not gonna write a conclusion paragraph but those are my thoughts around yeonhui and sinu together romantically.
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20 Questions for Fic Writers ‼️
HI @callipraxia the bond continues to endure. i love questions!!!! let us go...
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 29, though i've orphaned a few in my day.
2. What's your total word count? ao3 claims 268,182, but oh boy do i have wips waiting in the tank. probably something like 300k adding all those up
3. What fandoms do you write for? i used to write exclusively gravity falls (20 including orphaned works) but now i've started doing good omens (11) as well. i try to balance them ☝️also one fic from nimona that is surprisingly my most popular fic?? mannn
4. Top 5 fics by kudos: Pyrite and Sunrise (230), Midnight's Call (126), Twin (s Up In) Flames (109), Loose Ties & Ends (107), and The Wonders of the Twin Paradox Theory (106).
5. Do you respond to comments? i always try to respond as quickly as i can and to everyone because i must let them know i appreciate them. they give me so much life
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? HMMMM there's many choices... not for good omens considering i physically can't give them an unhappy ending at the moment (final fifteen) but gravity falls is ALWAYS game. its between Unfortunate Ends and Burn Fast, Burn Bright, which both have ford ending up truly dead in a gruesome way. i love it sm
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? fics where crowley and aziraphale end up at the south downs are SUCH strong contenders. so its between (again) would you lie with me and just forget the world and to hold you like a bouquet. those are fr bangers
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of!! (knock on wood)
9. Do you write smut? i've never been for that life, nor do i think i have the talent lmao
10. Craziest crossover? i don't write much crossover so there's not much to say, but my god that one gravity falls x miracukous ladybug fic had so much potential. might go back to it one day to give it the skill, lesbians, and coheisive narrative it rightfully deserved ☝️‼️
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? also not that i know of!! KNOCK ON WOOD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? ALSO also not that i know of!!! i would deff like to see some of my fics translated in spanish (my first language but you'd have never known that) however, because that would kill my ass. i'd love to see how my metaphors and prose would translate into that language bc i already have some ideas but i'd never be able to sit my ass down and actually do it 💀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? too scared to do that bc how would that even work?? but i'd love to give it a try!!
14. All-time favorite ship? BROOO its between fiddauthor and the ineffable husbands im sorry. they may not be equal narratively but they'll always have my hearts
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? godddddd i wish i could pick but all of my truly abandoned babies i WISH i could finish so BADLY. so i wont name them, just know anything i condeded defeat on im SO SORRY. i plan to never do it again NO MATTER WHAT!!! ☝️
16. What are your writing strengths? writing humorously. i think i've nailed the focusing on not necessarily important details and describing things in an aloof and humorous manner that fits just right in both the gravity falls and good omens worlds. if that makes sense. also drama!! i love drama
17. What are your writing weaknesses? dialogue and action scenes, ironically enough. i never know how those fuckers would say that
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? ONE THOUSAND PERCENT (if it makes sense naratively). if one of the characters is a bilingual, i would love to see their 2nd language in action. i live for that shit in fiction and real life too
19. First fandom you ever wrote in? gravity falls baybeeee!!! i wrote about it long before i came on ao3, and the first work i ever wrote has been orphaned (but i HAVE rewrote it in the form of dimension 18'\ lmao) but it is my BABY!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you ever wrote? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE. weeeeell....either do you remember hanging up the stars or midnight's call. longest fics i've ever written (or plan to write ig) and they have PLOT and DEVELOPMENT and LIFE and SO MANY COOL MOMENTS i need them injected in my brain. oifjfh. forever proud 🗣🗣
OKAY im gon a tag the writer mutuals because i need to tag SOMEONE in these posts... @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @unearthlyfromage @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @fellshish @zephrunsimperium @oriocookie @jacky-rubou alright i need sleep now. thanks for playing i had alot of fun :)
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kurenwe · 1 month
I’d love to hear more about him actually
sorry for replying like 3? days later i have no excuse i just literally forgot 😭
also im sorry for yapping so much
Anyways yeah so his name is Ilya Morozov — previously Matthias Lyon (a whole lotta running away from your old life and creating a new identity going on with him), when he was younger his mother died from illness so he grew up with his father for his teen years. If we’re continuing with the basic information and stuff then he’s 27, believe it or not, he works as an attorney despite literally just being bad at his job he’s somehow not fired (money) (wow… such a cruel society we live in am i right), he is a bisexual man with no preference, and he likes the scent of apples! How fun! That’s not really related to anything nor basic information because i doubt people add their favourite scent in profiles but we ball 😼
When he was younger he was super into rock bands and loved the whole style and music in general, thus, his first ever crush was someone who fit into that style specifically, anyways that not really anything important. All of this just inspired him and eventually, he had this huge dream to be in a band and become some big musician! Which seems nice! If only he was actually good at music. Which he was not. Cleary. But that didn’t stop him from joining some whole ass band with his friends, which they didn’t exactly mind as long as he was just standing there. Doing nothing. Which really defeats the whole purpose of being in a band!
Anyways im kinda yapping a bit so yada yada or whatever stuff progresses he falls in and out of love, like a lot, he had a really rocky love life like falling in love with a buncha people so he could probably make a whole page of a list of his exes which is super fun amiright yeah. wow. Also besides the point, actually one of the, was actually one of the band members — Katheryn Byers, which isn’t really important right now but I’ll come back to her later.
Since I’m sort of speaking wayyyyy too mcuh ill skip to about like after he (barely) graduated, despite everything he showed no signs of backing down from his (unlikely) dreams as a musician all of this and other factors, not gonna go into too much detail about how it all happened but he got into a huge fight with his father, and reallllyy injured him in the process, (kudos to the glass bottle), long story short the father developed memory loss, he used this to basically disown himself by just making his father completely forget him which i dont know how to explain but he did it…
Long long long story short again, he got bailed out for attempted murder, with the help of this guy which i am not going to go into detail about because ive spoken enough, helped him literally move away, proclaim his old identity as dead and create a new one!! Also thanks to him he got a job!! how kind!! (which explains why hes so bad at it)
When he was younger he used to be this kind of pushy, determined but also kind of meek in a way, as time went on, based on the people around him (since he felt he had to change his entire persona to be liked) he became a whole lot more like some typical angsty teen like he grew to be a lot more aggressive and had a lot of bad influences, did bad things, all that stuff. This attitude pretty much remained until he had pretty much gotten a whole new identity, new year new me, you know :3 Now he’s sort of some loser man who really wants to give back for all of the things he’s done, like he just feels super guilty. My man even turned to god, all he wants to do is be forgiven. And tell people corny jokes. Fun!
Actually something pretty ironic is that he ended up really wanting to raise a child for his own, like as some sort of way to give back or something, kinda just funny cuz he literally has a child he doesn’t know about (throwback to Katheryn Byers) (Who is currently a single mother, resents Matthias/‘Ilya’ and the only thing she knows about him is that hes proclaimed dead. Which he clearly isnt.)
jesus christ ive actually written si much im sorry 😭
he was inspired by a lot of people to be honest, design wise and personality wise, not really backstory wise i kinda just made wthat one w him if its not obvious enough. But yeah grew up in france, currently residing in russia, works as an attorney and would have been fired already if it werent for certain sources, failed musician, stupi didiot, makes stupid jokes
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the fur parts he wears on his wrists arent actually even apart of his coat they’re just bracelets, he really likes fur. Wearing it. I guess i could say he does like it too but yeah. On his fingers he wears a buncha rings, one having initials of both Katheryn and him, mattias era, because that was pretty much his onky serious relationship (literally all of them broke up with him since he was too clingy or just annoying), he also has this stupid gold head band thing on his head 👍👍 i dont really have any inspiration for that i just thought his head was too plain and didnt want to add a hat
Anyways yeah I’m not sure what else to say about him I’ve said enough… hopefully… hes also a proud husband of my friend @/avendingmachine (/j) But yeah hes just a loser who regrets everything hes done and wants to forget his past life!! silly
goodbye freak nation im sorry for writing so much
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Duncan’s over-hated
I’m gonna go ahead and elaborate on this, but beware: English isn’t my first language and im sorry if I’m not getting my point across in a way it’s easy to understand-
Firstly, he’s someone who’s obviously had a hard upbringing. It’s stated several times that he’s gone to juvie, he puts on a ‘tough bad boy’ act in front of everyone he meets, verbally and psychically. I’m no psychologist but people don’t do this for no reason. He’s been shown to hide his emotions easily, and fake them too (Him crying in world tour was faked) meaning it’s probably something he had to do growing up a lot, for reasons that aren’t so good.
Now, onto things that he gets lots of hate for, starting off with the worst; Cheating on Courtney. (I do not condone cheating or defend that in itself) in Duncan’s case, things are a little more different.
In island, him and Courtney were a healthy relationship. He was loyal to her and genuinely loved her, growing an attachment to her (he kept a picture of her under his pillow, obviously missed her) until action. She wrote an entire document detailing everything that was ‘wrong’ with him, and that needed to change. Of course, he did seem unbothered as he usually does, but he tried his best for her because he loved her.
Even after losing a full nights worth of sleep over her? it wasn’t enough. When he tried complimenting her like she wanted? still not enough. Let’s not forget the amount of times Courtney psychically hurt him.
Here’s the important part: When he met Gwen, he found her to be someone he related to. Both of them have similar styles, love horror movies, and have been showed to bond in island (which at that point, was only a friendship and nothing more) he grew attached to her because she was kind to him, didn’t yell at or hit him. When he realized how toxic Courtney was, yes, part of him still adored her, but part of him wanted out of it (as any one would) when he and Courtney weren’t ‘technically dating’, and Gwen was single, he saw it as a sign to make a move on her because he knew he would be treated with respect, and would feel safer. Was this wrong? Yeah, cheating isn’t okay. Did Duncan has his reasons behind it? Yeah.
No one would want to be in a relationship where if you do anything that upsets the other person, you get psychically beat as punishment. That’s literal abuse, and it’s understandable why Duncan would want to get out of that toxicity. He kept going back and forth between Gwen and Courtney because of his attachment issues, he knew it was wrong but he felt like he had to keep coming back to her because he does genuinely care about people. (He considered ending his rivalry with Harold after talking with him once, gave DJ a new rabbit so he doesn’t get upset, stood up for other contestants etc etc) so it’s shown time and time again he feels remorse for people and doesn’t always want to hurt them, yet he tends to hide his emotions a lot. This is what he felt with Courtney especially.
This isn’t to defend the wrong things he’s done, for example bullying Harold and messing with Courtney and Gwen’s friendship, probably more. This is just me going over why I think he gets a little too much slander. He’s not my favorite character, but I don’t hate him. He’s had his moments, great and terrible ones. I think this is what makes him more realistic. Duncan is a complex character, not saying he didn’t hurt other people or that he’s innocent, just stating this.
Thank you for reading (if you did read all of it) another apology if this was hard to understand
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kiefbowl · 1 year
kief i think im a loser no one ever wants to be my friend and it makes me cry once a year at least. I cant remember the last time i had a friend. All my phone log history is just calls or texts from my mom every couple weeks. Its just hard for me to make friends.
It can be hard making friends, you have to put yourself out there in a scary way and sometimes you don't get returns on it, which is never fun.
I don't think having no friends makes you a loser. I think it shows great resilience to keep on trucking when you're missing this vital part of your life.
I can't magic friends for you, though I wish I could, but I could offer some advice making adult friends that hopefully might help you feel better:
Put yourself in places and situations where you have to meet people. Yes, you could go to a bar or coffee shop and hope to strike up a conversation, but don't forget to look outside the box. An art class, a volunteer opportunity, a local debate - who knows. The important thing is that people will never materialize inside your house, so you have to go where the people are.
Don't forget to be interesting :) That's to say, you're definitely already interesting, you have thoughts, opinions, personal history that makes you interesting...but sometimes getting to that level of intimacy takes some time. So be open about your hobbies and weird niche knowledge! Maybe you think no one wants to hear your obsession with whatever thing, but it's not true. The more you talk about it with people you know and strangers, the more practice you get at talking about it in a way that is casual conversation friendly. And sometimes it'll always be a miss with some people, oh well you'd probably never click with them anyway. The second side of this is to keep pursuing things you like and make you happy, the more skills, hobbies, and knowledge you're pursuing (just pursuing, you don't have to be an expert to be interesting!), the more you have to talk about. The fall back of course if you're thinking "but I'm a big loser who doesn't do or know anything" (you're not) is that watching a tv show, a movie, or reading a book is something every one "gets", so make sure you're prioritizing time to do these fun activities a couple times a week because the more you see and read, the more chance you have to meet someone who's also seen it or read it.
When you meet someone you like, don't be coy. If you're worried about coming on too strong, a good exercise is to think about someone you don't know well telling you they really like you and want to get to you know. How would you want to be told? What would actually come off too strong? What might be odd but forgivable, especially if they seemed nervous? What would actually have to be said that would be an absolute no-starter? You probably have a lot more patience for fictional strangers, so it's worthwhile to assume lots of real life strangers will be patient with you. Plus, everyone likes having friends! People are more often than not very flattered to hear a nice person likes them. I think a good opener is something that's direct, like this: "I've enjoyed meeting you. I'd like to get to know you better, I think we could be really good friends."
When asking people to be friends, invite them to do something and don't be vague or put off details. Don't say: "Let's get coffee sometimes." Do say: "Do you want to get coffee with me tomorrow?" Don't say: "We should go see a movie next week!" Do say: "I want to go see X movie, are you available Saturday to come with me?" If the first response is a "Oh that doesn't work for me," then suggest an alternative plan. If they can't commit to an activity or time, just drop it, they're probably just trying to be nice or something else is going on. But the truth is the reason why when you say "we should hang out sometime!" and they say "yeah!" and then nothing ever happens is not because no one wants to be friends with you, but because everyone is bad at this. Vague plans are easy to agree to without lying, and everyone wants to protect themselves. But there's relief when someone takes the burden of planning off their shoulders.
If you're seeking long term, deep friendships, just know it takes time and it takes vulnerability. It's okay to have only a handful of fairweather friends to start. They're not false, per se, they just serve a different need. They're fun friends. But fun friends can become deep friends with effort and time. If you meet someone you only sorta connect with on some things, you don't have to write them off. Maybe you'll never be deeply entwined in each other lives, but having someone to get lunch with a few times a year can be a nice touchstone in your life. Let the friendship unfold, and that can be enjoyable in itself.
My final advice is: when you're feeling down, remember I'm rooting for you :) one stranger to another, I understand the struggle. You're lonely, but you're not alone, I promise. <3
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kald-dal-write · 1 month
that's a good point actually with katniss not knowing Victor's names.
tho i do need to reread that part. i felt it more like katniss doesn't care about them much. she know their names, at least now i scroll through pages and every time some victor show up she names them. when its someone important like wiress and beetee she names them and sometimes tell how they won, but with d6 she just call them morphling guys. in the movies she makes a note that she doesn't know female morphling name, but I can't find that in the book (it isn't in death or anthem scenes). maybe it somewhere later? anyway katniss and peeta rewatched the games of every potential tribute who was alive at the moment, so katniss probably knew them by the time of second book? i will wait for you reread or find it later by myself (i reread tbosas now actually) (well, relisten, thanks yt for free audiobooks)
tho its actually not really affect my point as you dont really need to remember victors name to notice how mentorship works in general. like we don't always remember every Eurovision winner but we still know the process if we watch it every year.
Katniss is also have a weight of responsibilities and in second book she more concerned about saving her family's life... So i can see how she can miss some details. And also from writers point i think Susan Collins doesn't want to infodump on us so that's why katniss just forget shit or sometimes just doesn't know... and in second book there is already enough repeating of the first with game process so some things and described very briefly. again in the first book she think about viewers and gamemakers everytime, and in second she more like SAVE PEETA SAVE PEETA.
i starting to losing the core of our discussion /not negative im just lost in thoughts like.. where are we going.... who are we....
anyway thanks for this conversation!! It gave me a lot of brain worms /pos
as an apology i try to send you soon another anonymous ask where i try to analyse who would win the 1qq in your fic. i kinda struggle with keeping my thoughts straight so it takes a lot of time.
sincerely, your crazy little brainrotting anon
What I meant that she doesn’t seem to know their names before the Third Quell, not that she doesn’t know anyone’s names at all (which tbf she doesn’t know the names for the D5, D6, D9 or D10 Victors), she only bother to learn the names of the Victors she directly interact with. Which is mostly because she has different prioritisies that mostly includes keeping Peeta safe.
Also with rewatching the games I think Peeta paid more attention to them than she did, she does aknowledge that she recognised Lyme from the tapes when she meets her in MJ though.
It’s only a movie line that Peeta aknowledges that he doesn’t know the morphling’s name “She [F.Morphling] sacrificied her life for me and I don’t even know her name”
Fair with the Eurovision comparison though, you do get a sense of how things work after watching it for years, but still you wouldn’t know everything that goes on behind the scenes of the competition if you are just a casual watcher (especially with this year’s ESC 😭)
but as mentioned the OG post was just that I think people thinking it’s a set in stone rule every male Victor have to mentor a male tribute and every Female Victor have to mentor a female tribute doesn’t seem to be fully a thing with Mags being Finnick’s mentor with her being both a Woman and D4 have had way more Victors after her as they are a Career District known for being good.
As mentioned maybe I get more insight when I finally get to Catching Fire lol
Fun to discuss stuff like this haha
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
I feel like there was another scene -- I think it was in one of the movies? Where Hitsugaya and Mayuri seemed to have a weird rivalry thing going on, which cracked me up then, and your post about the bount arc cracks me up now; im gonna have to go and rewatch that episode at least 😂 it's like the anime staff decided these two NEED to beef and I support them for it
Oh gosh, I am RACKING my brain to remember this movie scene. Normally my brain is a steel trap for inconsequential blorbo scenes and I simply forget everything else, but I got nothin'--clearly once we're done with our anime rewatch we'll have to do yet another movie rewatch!
In the meantime, I'm taking this ask as an opportunity to GUSH AT LENGTH about one of my favorite scenes in the entire anime, my second-favorite captain's meeting, a scene that involves stellar moments for Mayuri, Hitsugaya, Kyouraku, AND includes bonus Byakuya????? Made for me.
Top Scenes: That One Meeting Where Mayuri Hates Hitsugaya Specifically For Some and/or No Reason
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Okay, to set the stage a little: At some earlier point, Hitsugaya gets put in charge of some kind of Bount operation. This is separate from Renji already having been sent to Karakura, and Rukia also having been sent to Karakura on yet another separate detail.
By "in charge" I mean he delegates this to a slate of officers, which he carefully chose according to the parameters "Matsumoto and whoever was around, I guess": So it's Matsumoto, Yumichika, Hisagi, and Kira. Of these, Yumichika dis-invites himself, and Hisagi and Kira definitely should not have been deployed to the Living World, because they have no captains and definitely have shambles they probably should be unshambling, but whatever.
Through no real fault of the VC’s own and all the fault of "this is not at all the level of response this mission required," the Bounts find their way to Soul Society. The Bounts, who are very efficient, go CLEAR TO KUSAJISHI to foment an uprising.
Matsumoto reports back to Hitsugaya, and Hitsugaya, in the absolute weirdest possible way, recruits Renji to this Bount-finding agenda. (Hisagi and Kira go back home to do some unshambling, I assume.) Lots of very entertaining bullshit happens, Byakuya out-weirds Hitsugaya because heaven forbid he ever be upstaged in that regard, there's a lot of running and very little accomplishing, and the Bounts literally just walk into the Seireitei.
So, in perfect fairness, if Hitsugaya's charge was to keep that from happening, he legitimately did a horrible job and Mayuri's speaking truths here:
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It's a true critique, but is it a fair critique? Probably not, because this never should have been just Hitsugaya's job in the first place. That's absurd! But that's also how the Gotei works, so sure, I'll throw my vote in with Mayuri.
Buy why does he bring it up at all?
Not that he's alone in this sentiment, but I feel like Mayuri is the pinnacle of "let's keep this meeting moving so we can all get out of here." He hates all of these people and spending time with them is unstimulating and pointless. From that maybe you'd think he'd constantly be calling out his colleagues' failings, but what does that really do but extend the meeting? So I think it's fascinating (read: hilarious) that he goes out of his way to criticize Hitsugaya here, especially since he does so by comparing Hitsugaya's failure to Soi Fon's success.
Criticizing Hitsugaya is important enough to him that he's willing to implicitly praise Soi Fon in the process!! And even though they're poisonbuds, Mayuri's gotta hate Soi Fon, too. She's too straightforward and down-to-business, and has no curiosity for the sake of curiosity. So his hatred of Hitsugaya here is on some entirely different level here. And for what? The crime of being square?? (Yes.)
I don't think it actually has anything to do with Hitsugaya having failed this Bount task. These guys barely cared the Seireitei got invaded last week; they don't seem to care all that much more now. Plus, Mayuri's already had his fill of Bount shenanigans and is one of the reasons the Bount made it to Soul Society in the first place. He knows this. He knows that this accusation could easily be turned back on him (and it is). BUT IT'S STILL WORTH IT, JUST FOR A SHOT AT PUBLICLY HATING HITSUGAYA.
It's so worth it that the meeting legitimately moves on and Byakuya offers a slate of extremely useful feedback with regard to Kariya's abilities, blah blah.
But Mayuri don't care:
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Maybe Mayuri dislikes Hitsugaya because Hitsugaya is the designated "tensai" of the Gotei and Mayuri feels threatened by that, but I don't personally buy that. I've seen people discuss Hitsugaya being a "genius" as a translation for "tensai," and associating the genius with like, MENSA shit or whatever. But "tensai" is more about talent for/potential in some specific thing, not just IQ or book-smarts. I don't think Hitsugaya would particularly excel at labwork in the 12th. I mean, he'd probably be very hirable. But Hitsugaya's actual talent happens to be strong interpersonal skills when it comes to one (1) ice dragon and, concomitantly, being a quick study of developing and controlling large quantities of reiatsu. Which are very impressive but not impressive (or threatening) to Mayuri, because why would he care about any of that? He would not. (I personally think Hitsugaya gets more interesting to Mayuri post-TYBW, because wtf is up with that bankai, but this is the Bount Arc, baybeeeee!)
Idk, I guess I have difficulty believing that Mayuri gives enough of a shit about Hitsugaya to hate him specifically, which is why I find this scene so entertaining. Because he clearly does hate him specifically. It's just that there's no reason here, no set of proofs and measures. HE JUST HATES HIM. XDD And I am very satisfied by this.
Like, I'm 100% on board with the idea that Mayuri hates Hitsugaya specifically because they have to stand next to each other in these meetings, and repeated proximity in the context of meetings Mayuri detests just rubbed off on whatever object happened to be closest, and that object was Hitsugaya. Love it, no notes.
Hitsugaya, for his part, doesn't actually disagree with Mayuri's critique:
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This is one of the things I really enjoy about Hitsugaya: He tends to be straightforward about his failings, but in a very self-possessed way. He doesn't try to defend himself here, but also isn't self-flagellating about it. He's just like, this is an objective assessment and I'll own that. He's not going to wallow--just take the L and move forward. (Whether this holds for Hinamori/Aizen-related things, ymmv, but that's inescapably personal.)
He's consistent about this through the arc, too--Matsumoto apologies to him for the way the Advance-Advance Team mission went, and he tells her that since he's the one who deployed them, any blame is his, not hers.
But back to this scene: His affect is in diametric opposition to Mayuri's here--Mayuri hyperpersonalizes the critique, but while Hitsugaya might respect Mayuri's talents and intel, but it's not like Mayuri's personal opinions are worth anything to him. Because Mayuri's opinion of him doesn't matter, Hitsugaya doesn't take this personally. He doesn't respond to Mayuri--just to Yamamoto.
I mean, he definitely looks annoyed by Mayuri:
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But tbh I think that's more because he finds Mayuri generally irritating, and he--like everyone else at this meeting, EVEN KOMAMURA, YAMAMOTO'S #1 FAN, LOOK AT HIS FACE--doesn't want to be at this meeting any longer than he has to be, not because Mayuri has personally insulted him in any way that matters.
On the other hand, the second bonkers thing about this meeting is that Yamamoto either 1) agrees that Hitsugaya fucked this shit up, and needs to be fired from this project, or 2) has decided that it should not have been relegated to the docket of one single Gotei captain to begin with--but admitting this shows weakness so he cannot.
Whatever the reason, Hitsugaya is relieved of his duties, and this part does perhaps upset him in ways that Mayuri didn't. He's definitely surprised by it.
But after this, he also... doesn't seem to meaningfully change the way he's been working the Bount issue? Because even though Yamamoto says every division is going to work solo, from there on out, Hitsugaya is still somehow in charge of dealing with an attack on the 7th (because Komamura is guarding Yamamoto for some reason); is actively getting intel from/collaborating with Renji and Isane; and at some point is like, "shit, I didn't ever give the 11th any orders" because Zaraki's not around. Even though he is not in charge of any of those divisions or any of those people and explicitly got fired from having to be in that role! And, one assumes, is still vaguely in charge of the 5th because he's been doing their paperwork and Hinamori isn't even mentioned in this arc. Because orders or no orders, SOMEONE's gotta do it.
Kyouraku spends this whole arc poking Mayuri with a stick, and I'm here for it. I just think Kyouraku always has such an interesting affect--playful, but in an aloof way, and in this case certainly not a loving way. I feel like he definitely interacts with Mayuri the way a much older entity would see Mayuri's whole yappy dog routine here:
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I like Kyouraku for a lot of reasons that I won't enumerate in detail here, but he's always very generous toward Hitsugaya, and I have fondness for him for that.
Like, Kyouraku is old as dirt and has seen and done some shit, and Hitsugaya is very much not, and has also seen and done comparatively little. But from the vantage point of his thousands of years, Mayuri and Hitsugaya still come across very differently, and this shows in the way he treats them.
Kyouraku still gets bemused and/or a little jaded-aloof by some of Hitsugaya's life choices (I'm thinking about the scene at the beginning of the reigai arc where Hitsugaya is super mad about Matsumoto failing to report in on time, and Kyouraku and Ukitake are just like "lololol"), but he regularly calls Hitsugaya by his title, even though there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why he would need to, and he steps to Mayuri here. I just think he's neat.
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
I know I said it yesterday in my tags too, but I'm eyeing Grian's deal with his wings so much. Also his anxiety when being around other people. And obviously the "For a second all Grian could see were rocks falling in front of him" line. Stitch, what have you done??? I am Concerned.
"Scar’s tone of voice was just so sincere even though the sentence he just said was the equivalent of firing 10 arrows and hopping one landed." There are a lot of delightful sentences in this chapter, out of which this one is my favourite.
Mumbo and Scar continue to be incredibly married (Mumbo keeping a spare saddle at Scar's house. That's such a specific thing, speaking to how often Mumbo visits Scar) but now we can add Scar and Grian having a breakfast ritual together to the domestic fluff pile. It's just. It's so sweet.
"‘ANOTHER BODY FOUND OUTSIDE THE MARKET’" I'm sure this won't come up again in the future :) I'm sure nothing bad is gonna happen to our boys :)
Love the detail of Scar using floral-scented laundry soap. You are so, so right, he absolutely would. I was trying to imagine it and realised it's probably lilac scented, and now I'm having emotions about 3rd life again and I am blaming you.
"the sound of birds chirping caught his interest, too. He had to fight down the instinct to reply." okay 1) adorable but 2) I'm just here like is this just a cute moment or is it a nod towards the whole "Grian doesn't look like other avians" mystery?? I am Suspicious.
I mean, okay, I can think of several very valid reasons, but at the same time I do need to judge a little. Hey, hey Mumbo? Why do you live in such a creepy forest? like some sort of dracula? smh. (Loved the description of the vault btw P: )
I loved this chapter so much! The growing trust between Grian and Scar, and the way you show it through their actions. The banter between the two of them. The balance you've struct talking about world-building and the outside forces at work, casual enough that it doesn't seem forced, but highlighted just enough that you don't miss the importance. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
what is scar's horse's name it is vitally important i know this.
I mean, okay, I can think of several very valid reasons, but at the same time I do need to judge a little. Hey, hey Mumbo? Why do you live in such a creepy forest? like some sort of dracula? smh. (Loved the description of the vault btw P: )
what is scar's horse's name it is vitally important i know this.
Yes good continue to eye it I have. MANY feelings about his wings. I can’t share MOST of them yet because I haven’t even told Atherix wtf is going on with Grian and I don’t plan to so that will just have to wait for the story to get there. BUT I love that Grian sees other avians [who he looks different from. No headwings. No feet talons. Hm hm hm] and thinks “its so rude they’re wings aren’t curled up into their back!’ And that couple with the fact that while hesitant about it, he lets Scar touch his wings to some extent! Shows off a baby feather. Hm hm hm. What HAVE I done Brax, that is the question isn’t it.
They are incredibly married yes yes. God they’re so married. You get to see more of that married vibe in the upcoming two chapters bc Mumbo will be in them and oh my GOD they’re married. Grian is looking between the two of them and wondering why they don’t at LEAST hold hands around him. I don’t totally know if Grian is aware they ARENT together bc I mean. Look at them. AND YES SCAR AND GRIAN BEING DOMESTIC TOO SDLKGAFGDF My heart. Oh my god they were roommates. Scar’s so NICE to him that Grian just casually forgets that he didn’t REALLY have a choice in staying or not.
😊 Im sure NOTHING bad could be happening. I am so sure.
Okay yes I couldn’t decide if Scar is like a floral laundry soap or a like clean detergent smell laundry soap kind of dude but then I thought about the lilacs and poppies so you saw EXACTLY where I was going I will have desertduo brainrot for the REST of my days oh my god. Have those emotions. Let it fuel you. Hehehehe
LOLOLOLOL Okay highkey this one is CC!Grian’s fault. The birch forest he decided to build in creeps me out. IDK what it is about birch forests in Minecraft but they unsettle me. I went with a dark oak forest vibe because I feel like those creep people out more?????????? But. It’s CC!Grian’s fault. And also the fact that Mumbo is a spooky vampire yes – I imagine the forest is dark enough he can go for walks in it during the day. [I can’t remember if I’ve established that Mumbo CAN go outside during the day, he just have to cover his skin/wear sunscreen and often carry a parasol]
DAAAAAAAAAAW THANK YOUUUU. I’m ngl – Atherix got to read this one early because I wasn’t sure about the content but it got her blessing so I went ahead and revised it and I’m really happy I did. Originally, the forest scene was a lot shorter [I actually doubled its length in revisions] and I think that’s what was holding me back. The chapter I’m revising now has a scene at the very end of it that I’m doing a full overhaul on before I post it and I think that too was holding me back so!!! Very glad I went ahead with the story the way it came together, I’m badababapba lovin it again.
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
ive had a repeating dream with ryan in it in which my brain is somehow generating the weirdest ryan backstory details all by itself
it starts by me in 3rd person seeing ryan walking through a city (its evening and very dark) and then knocking on a door and entering without waiting for a reply and then i start seeing things through his POV and its so weirdly detailed and ryans mom has made food
and i woke up from this dream today because ryan got SO distraught/upset. and usually ive woken up or like, the dream has changed before everyones gotten to eat but today i got to see everyone start eating some sort of soup (tomato soup?)
anyway after ryan has entered the house, i get the sense ryan is visiting his parents(?)/family but i KNOW that the woman is ryans sister and i see her clearly and i KNOW she is at least 10 years older than ryan or something like, that shes my so much older than ryan that its hard to call her a sister
and the reason im not sure if theyre ryans parents or grandparents is because i feel like theyre his parents but theyre so old? but actually because its such a specific plot point in the dream that i KNOW thats ryans sister and i KNOW shes a lot older than him so that maybe in the dream it follows perfect dream logic
either way it always goes the same (and my dream ryans genealogy gets even more fucked up because his mom has a decorative pope plate AND the flag of ireland on her wall which ryan looks at a lot) and everyone sits at the same places on the table every time, so i dont get to see a lot of stuff from the other places in the apartment
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and i get the sense its some assistive living situation (this is fueled by my grandma irl for sure lol) and when everyone has sat down (ryan is the last to arrive and his dad ignores him), ryans dad starts showing off what awesome gifts he has gotten for his wife. he has dark hair (but its dyed) and he hangs sunglasses from his shirt and is kinda stylish. hes also really stereotypically italian-american like hes my brains idea of what the sopranos protag is like (???ive never seen the show but if i had to pick)
his moms defining trait in the dream is having long, graying ginger hair? and also oddly parted like, it has a section of ginger hair left instead of normal graying (??). i dont get a good sense of her otherwise because shes mostly standing behind/next to ryan where hes not looking
some of the gifts i can remember are a golden necklace with a big real diamond in it, imported olive oil (it doesnt even have a label in it because its directly from some farm or something), and a champagne(?) bottle opener plated with gold with a pure amethyst handle
and everyones talking a lot EXCEPT ryan. hes mostly just thinking and i thought about it just now and i think it might be some sort of situation where theyre speaking in italian and ryan can understand but not reply which is why hes silent (??)
he thought mainly about how extremely hungry he is, and then he was like ugh i dont understand why the bottle opener has amethyst in it because that doesnt really match the decor at all lol... well whatever. he also thinks about how his mom(?) has gotten worse/more demented but at least shes taken up cooking and can cook still
finally we get to the eating part and her mom is a bit too silly/forgetful to set the table so ryans sister helps her out by setting the table while his dad talks to his wife about how beautiful etc she is (wife guy) and ryans sister doesnt give ryan a plate, so i like feel (?) ryan making a confused face at her
and shes like oh.. and she speaks to ryan in the vocal equivalent of a mean girl tight-lipped smile but nicely enough so nobody will notice and goes smth like, “theres only two clean plates of this set of four, one is probably in the wash and one is on the kitchen top behind you because mom(?) has already eaten”. and idk if she says mom or not because its a dream so its not exactly Real words bc weird logic
and she continues like “but does it matter since you never eat properly anyway, or even want to eat:/”.
so ryans like “oi oi... aheh... you got me...” in a defeated fashion and doesnt even try to argue about it. but hes really upset internally because this entire time hes been like, at least ill get food soon im so hungry...
and ryan awkwardly smooths out the tablecloth with his fingers (really vivid to me for some reason) and his dad goes on about how ryan is so disrespectful for not even wanting to eat such a hard-cooked meal and ryan just weakly smiles back at him and he was SO distraught in his brain where i was observing everything from that i woke up.
this is the first time his sister in the dream has spoken to him and it was basically just “area man gets actually bullied for disordered eating by his sister in 3 sentences or less”. why did she do that. why does she hate ryan so much
anyways heres ryans dream sister my brain made up and the image of her is so vivid about the haircut ESPECIALLY. like in t&b style too for some reason (i cant draw like that though). and she looks a LOT like ryan, vividly. im not sure at all what shes wearing though because my brain never focuses on it ain the dream and im not sure if i imagined a dress shirt after waking up or not
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bye ryan... move aside ryan your sister has got it going on kinda. she might be evil for some reason but maybe pussy from a girl whos evil is a basic need?
on the scale from one to ten how do you rate my brains ryan lore<3
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Hello! Enneagram 7 here. I find myself trying to like my job that can be very tough and stressful on some days just because it’s very detail oriented and if you do not have all the information that is needed to pay for an invoice then you cannot pay for it or sometimes you can but you would have to look through each invoice to find the correct one and we go as far as even creating admin fees in the system and new tolls that aren’t registered in the system and it could be as much as 50 tolls you have to individually create. I’m in this job mainly because it pays well and I learn new skills that I can get hired for by other companies. It took me atleast 1 week to understand the system SQL and what I had to do working on different lists and websites. I was stuck on ENTP & ENFP for the longest. I thought because I wanted autonomy and freedom I might be an ENFP? I remember my father telling me I couldn’t go to my own graduation because of covid and I use to cry and argue with him telling him “im going and you’re not stopping me because I’ve been waiting the longest for this” the day came and I changed my mind and stayed home. Before my brother moved out, me and him use to watch anime all the time and talk about things and go outside. I was fine when he left, but then all of a sudden I started feeling lonely. I realized I don’t even watch anime anymore ever since he left and I use to always watch it regardless. I was suppose to hang out with my friends and I couldn’t because my father was home and had me doing things. I didn’t even want to answer the phone or wanted to talk to them because of the thought of them being disappointed. Sometimes I’ll even try so hard to learn things quickly or atleast work faster so my manager would be impressed by me. I’m scared of him being disappointed in me and I really crave affirmation. There was this time I got emotional out of no where with my guy best friend because I lied to him and I told him the reason why I did it was because I missed him so much I never get to see him. It’s not hard for me to articulate my emotions it’s just hard to know what exactly am I experiencing because as soon as I feel uncomfortable I find something to distract myself so I don’t feel it anymore. I started excessively thinking about my fwb too much after hanging out because I would get super anxious and think of ways to attract him so he can flatter me. If I don’t get it from him I get upset and try to find it from other people. It was so bad I couldn’t even do my homework or think straight because I was afraid someone else was getting his attention and he was going to get bored of me. I don’t know if I ended up liking him or it was the attention I craved but I feel much better after ghosting him. Another incident happened where my bestfriend has been so busy we haven’t talked in a week and I told my other friend don’t even worry about answering her or speaking to her because she’s probably bored and we need to move on and focus on other things. I started ignoring her and not wanting to pick up the phone and tried to get her to forget about me especially after I thought she called my other friend first, I didn’t think I was important anymore. So my friend thought I was upset or whatever but I didn’t feel anything in the moment. And l was so confused on why he thought I was upset if I felt nothing. What are your thoughts on my type?
MBTI type: purely on writing style and basic content (nearly all interpersonal relationship details), ENFP; since this is one of the the things you were considering already, I think it's likely.
Enneatype: you're not a 7. You're a 2 or a 3. This is all about how others perceive you and how you want to be validated and loved by them. I think the 7 perception probably comes from the Ne, and you could have a 7 fix, but you're a 2 or 3 core.
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hearts401 · 6 months
IM SO HAPPY YOU INCLUDED MY BFF MICHAEL BROOKS IN THE GOLDEN GROUP… everyone lowkey forgets he exists and I can understand why 💀💀 but he’s really important to me I just thinks he’s silly. He’s the one golden freddy kid that isn’t really that vengeful?? Like he didn’t even attack anyone in Silver Eyes lmao. He’s so pookie to me
ok im rambling sorry 💀 BUT just tell me his relationship with. Anyone important to the AU. Like his relationship with the gang and Meghan <- i think that’s the nightguards name. I have a sinking feeling that’s not their name but like. Yeah you get the idea just gimme the details on his relationship with each important charcater (if you already answered this you can ignore this ask btw😭😭)
YIPPEE MICHAEL!!! I love him and his relationship wit Carlton they made me so sad that's his friend he never got to grow up with :( BUT THEY DESERVE THE WORLD!!!!!!
ANYWAYS yeah her name is meghan heheheh
Michael's a pretty friendly guy! He's pretty forgiving as well, but he's also not a huge fan of our vengeful trio (andrew, cassidy, and movie cassidy or cass) he doesnt outwardly fight with them, but he disagrees with them a lot and dislikes them in general (He tolerates Cassidy tho, just bc he reminds her of evan a bit? in the forgiving way yk? so shes not mean to him)
hes the only kid whos neutral on henry other than jake, because he doesnt know henry or charlie very well and therefore doesnt really. know whats going on between them. to him, henrys just meghan and sammys boss.
as for meghan!!! he likes her actually!!! she reminds him of his friends after theygrew up (bc the whole friend group still exists they just. dont have charlie. or maybe they will and charliebot will exist i havent decided. but ill probably just make him have a similar friend to charlie lol) he likes sammy too! just in general hes the nicest to them. sammy has a natural aversion to the animatronics because. well. yk. but michael understands that and hes pretty patient with sammy.
Meghan is just soooo curious about them and whenever she interacts with golden freddy michael tends to be the one to say hi (him or andrew, and we all know how that'll end) simply bc evan is shy and the two cassidys arent out for meg's blood.
Andrew's pretty chill with michael. he's not his biggest fan but michael is just jake in another font to him. without the heroic side. more of a calm chill little man to hang out with yk? he doesnt talk to him ever hes just neutral on him
cassidy and cass both like him at least a little. hes friendly and he agrees that william needs to be stopped and hes. not above killing william. so yk theyre cool with him. and plus hes nice.
evan likes michael quite a bit actually! He loves Cassidy, of course, but when theres three of them? yeah no he needs someone normal to talk to. and michaels pretty normal! Hes very nice to evan even if he doesnt understand his situation very well
also honestly i feel like to include andrew, someone who had very few actual ties to golden freddy, and not include a character who actually DOES possess golden freddy? thatd be evil and a dishonor to michael brooks and tse as a whole
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discet · 2 years
This is mostly for comment responses for AO3 feel free to scroll on
@Violetcore Re: "...i know marcy didn’t take sides so is that why sasha said that marcy didn’t like the handshakes either?" This is a good guess, but no. Sasha just didn't want to do the handshakes anymore(Word of God: Cause of peer pressure). She lied to Anne about how Marcy felt and banked on her not being confident enough to bring it up with Marcy.
@LostCoffee Re: is aWiW going to have sequel fics in the vein of Season 2 & 3 That's the plan! Chapter 21 is now the ‘season finale’ for the fic
@Ku Re: The possibility of Marcy blowing up at Anne. You didn't really ask a question, but I thought this was really interesting and wanted to comment on it. I think your right... if Marcy had avoided her trip to Toad Tower. If this was still just a fantasy adventure to her, I could see Anne getting under her skin a lot more. This Marcy however is a little more traumatized wiser and too aware of her own flaws to really hate Anne for hers. 
@InternetFri3nd left a sprinkling of questions as they caught up on the series
@InternetFri3nd Re: What was Sasha mad about? (Chapter 9 Flashback)
It was mostly an example fight, it wasn't particularly deep. Sasha came up with a game for her and Anne to play, but it wasn't well thought out and Sasha got hurt. She blamed Anne, but Anne wasn't really responsible so when she protested it blew up into a big kid-argument. 
@InternetFri3nd Re: Horse n' Sword
Yeah that was a Mount & Blade reference ^_^
@InternetFri3nd Re: "I thought they were giving up their powers in the temples? Returning them to the box? Hence the color draining from their eyes and Andrias' surprise at Anne still having her's. Am I remembering that wrong?"
So this was left on chapter 12, and I'm not sure what in that chapter provoked this, but yeah, that was what happened in Canon. They only learn about all that in Season 2 though, and Marcy has no idea about the temples in this AU yet
Finally, @Sederap had a lot to say!
So first, I am so glad you’ve been a fan since chapter 1. Thank you for your huge review of the fic up to chapter 16. I really appreciate all the positive things you had to say for the fic, but Im gonna focus on the criticisms here just cause I have more to say about them. 
Also, I know you wrote it all in Spanish originally, unfortunately I had to use google translate to read it, and that’s what's posted below. So if there’s any miscommunication, I apologize.
“But regarding the Toad Tower chapter, although I loved it from start to finish, something that hasn't convinced me so far was the appearance of RAM, I know it's a Fic and you want to make a totally analytical (and dangerous) representation of Marcy but I'm just not convinced by that "character" even though technically they are the same person, I know it's probably some kind of power of the gems like Anne's magic but I think it's more than enough with the Marcy that everyone we want (just an opinion).”
This is fair if you don’t like RAM or Calamity powers on a conceptual level. As for Ram part of his existence was to enhance the prose. Marcy having just an internal struggle in her own mind would have been... kind of boring. Giving her a conversation partner (even one who is a mirror) I think makes the scene a lot more interesting. 
“And another detail is that I don't think all of Marcy's plans or works always turn out the way they want (even in your Fanfic she has stumbles then she continues unstoppable). In the series, wherever Marcy appears, she does wonders almost out of nowhere, but I think you forget the important detail that this is the Marcy of NewTopia.”
I actually have to disagree with this. In chapters 4, 5, 7, and especially in 11; Marcy’s plans backfire or fail in some regard. They end up working out or she fixes them, but (except again 11) cause that's kind of the tone of the show.
As for your next point that Marcy is only as capable and confident in canon cause of Andrias’ support, I think this is an agree to disagree situation. I don’t think Marcy was ever unconfident or insecure about her intelligence or abilities, that was Anne’s bag. In the All In flashback, Marcy is casual about hacking into the schools PA system for their plan and takes the principles praise in stride.  Marcy is insecure in her social skills. 
The training Andrias offered definitely gave her the physical capabilities she needed as an adventurer, but I think she was a capable polymath before coming to Amphibia. I don’t think ranger training covers rebuild an entire town, renovating a sewer system, or building an entire working clock. 
“Marcy is playing the victim a lot simply because she found new friends who like the same things as her and it's painful to see the little put-downs she gives Anne, directly or indirectly and I honestly hope you take this into something big.”
I’m not sure what you mean by put downs. Aside from Marcy’s crack about Anne not being much of a reader before Amphibia, I can’t really find anything else like that in the fic. Obviously they have that confrontation in chapter 16, but that was at Anne’s insistence. Marcy tried to avoid anything that would make Anne blame herself, but couldn’t lie or delay without putting Anne’s life in jeopardy.
Finally there’s Sasha, so you had a lot to say, 
“And finally. Sasha Waybright.
For some reason she's my favorite character on the show and I loved the episode you dedicated to her, but I think you're missing out on a lot of positive aspects of her as she's not just a callous, callous manipulator
For me she is and always will be the leader of the group that motivates the girls to enhance all kinds of activities together. I dare say that without her both Anne and Marcy wouldn't have half the skills or confidence that they had before Amphibia.
Simply with the band they created, I dare to say that she encouraged them to try things that neither Anne nor Marcy would dare to do. Yes, you're right that at some point Sasha probably stopped inviting Marcy to some activities, but remember that Marcy was probably just playing her video games while the other two were doing other things, which is why she didn't invite her if she knew Marcy would be there. in your own Zone.”
Agreed. I think that Sasha is a super interesting character, I can’t wait to explore her more in more depth Season 2. I got plans friend, plans on plans. so much depth to explore. She is going to be pretty villainized for this first season, because my read is that a lot of core issues stemmed from Sasha’s controlling nature. And I want to explore Anne piecing that together prior to their reunion in the future.
Cause looking back on the show, with the obvious exception of Marcy kidnapping her, there is no evidence that Anne or Marcy wronged Sasha in their Pre-Amphibia dynamic. Meanwhile looking at S1 Anne and The Beginning of the End scene with Marcy, somehow both Marcy and Anne seemed to view themselves as the odd ones out in the trio. And I don’t think that was an accident. Which is partially my answer for this next thing.
“I also don't think Sasha was that cruel to speak ill of Marcy behind her back, I honestly don't think so and it was the main reason I decided to write this huge Review. I would believe you if Sasha came up with a somewhat dangerous or unethical plan that would surely hurt someone's self-esteem so they don't talk badly about Marcy, involving Anne again in something she didn't want and from which they would both earn some scolding”
This I’m gonna push back on a little bit. Pre Amphibia Sash is fuckin mean. I don’t think she was only mean, there’s a reason why Anne wants to salvage their relationship in Season 2. But she was also really mean. She talks down to Anne constantly in Reunion both in the flashback and in the present. In Beginning of the End she doesn’t even try to hide how little she cares about Marcy’s favorite movie. 
There is a deeper reason for all this that we are going to explore in season 2, but I don’t think talking down about Marcy’s quirk was outside Sasha’s character, especially if it was in an effort to put a wedge between Anne and Marcy so they value Sasha’s opinions more and listen to her implicitly. Her desire for control over her friends is super well documented and toxic. She almost murders Sprig for interfering in her manipulation of Anne. She backs and organizes a revolution so she can bring her friends to heel. 
“And I also have to mention that Sasha has her Geek side, even if it was just a dialogue with mother Olm that can imply more of the character, remember that by then she was more honest with herself, the others and surely she no longer cared share their tastes no matter how much they left that image that was created of the most popular girl in school.”
Agreed. Rest assured this side of Sasha will be showing up in Season 2. 
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Kym thank you for your wonderful answer to anon. I think a part of fadom freaks out easily because the reporter scared everyone for a lifetime. Last year we were all here celebrating how good for buck would have been having a friend outside of the 118, and we got a terrible friend then and an horrible gf now that basically monopolized 2 entire episodes of 5a, probably she'll be gone soon but her presence is still to much compared to others So yeah I don't think lucy will be a LI but who knows
Awww Nonnie 🥺🥺🥺 tysm
Tay Kay is definitely scarring!! I'm gonna be upfront - I have never ever liked Taylor and I never saw her as a friend to Buck (idk how anyone could tbh but maybe thats just me!!), so I never joined in the celebrations of Buck having a friend outside of the 118 - I've only ever viewed her as a narrative device- her character has always been selfish and self serving and if the writers wanted me to feel differently about her they would have invested the time and effort into showing character growth - addressing all the bad choices she made previously. The fact that they didn't, and actually went the other way - showing how much of a hypocrite she is on top of everything else - spoke so loudly to me.
If, like me, you've spent years working in the industry, and studying how film and television is created and developed, I guess you spot things a mile off. I do think they wasted a lot of time and energy on giving her a back story and using it to fill time that could've been better spent elsewhere, but I'm also of the view that theres a very good chance that we'll see what we learnt coming back into play in the first part of 5b.
I think the writers have spent time creating that backstory for a reason - because it's what they've done historically and if it wasn't important they would've used the time elsewhere - showing us more of other characters and doing further world building. The entire season is planned out at the beginning - the arcs will have been decided- even beyond just the season - and they will have spent a lot of time figuring out how to get the characters from a to b - what needs to happen, what road blocks to put in their way etc.
That is why I'm sure that there are plans to make further use of what they have chosen to give us (and why ghost stories got such a drastic rewrite) and I expect it all to come into play in 5x11 and 13 with repercussions further into the season as well. Im actually looking forward to the summer hiatus so I can really look at how it all plays out in more detail - when we know where it all leads to - only then will we truly know if they short changed us and put in a load of unnecessary filler we could've done without!
For the most part the section of fandom that freaks out over this kind of thing tend to be young with little experience of the real world who will (hopefully) learn as they get older - I don't tend to see to much of it in my little corner of the internet as I curate my experience - I'm here for a good time, to have fun and for healthy debate, Im not here to stress myself out or make myself miserable. Its also easy to forget that many of these people freaking out have grown up in a world which has always had internet and so they are not used to being made to wait for things in the same way as those o us who existed before the world was at our fingertips - when binge watching was only possible if you recorded each episode every week or bought the vhs/dvd box sets!
Sorry Nonnie - i've got up on my soap box again 🤣🤣🤣 I've never bee none for brevity!!! As always great to have you appearing in my inbox!
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waatermelon-sugaar · 3 years
Take Care of Me
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Pairing = Santiago x reader
Words = 5.5k
Summary = A discussion about sex toys turns into something more … concrete
Warnings = Swearing, talk/description of mild anxiety. SMUT (18+ only), use of handcuffs in a sexy way, oral, piv sex
A/N = Prompt no.8 requested by @itspdameronthings​ as part of my 300 follower celebration, thanks so much, hope you like it! Prompt was “Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself” w/santi and bolded in text. Also 3 things; 1 = Tom doesn’t exist in this AU, 2 = this is basically pure smut im so sorry, and 3 = I did do head hopping in this, which I know you’re not like supposed to do but also fuck the rules y’know?
Posted to AO3
It’s always easy to be loose after one of Benny’s fights.
It’s a heady mix of adrenaline, beer and testosterone, swirling together into a mix that makes you forget your normal boundaries. You’re normally quite brazen about your sex life anyway, but there is a line. You respect your partners, and there’s no need for your teammates to know too much.  
You’re all packed into a half-moon booth, Benny straddling a chair that he pulled up to the table after he spent too long chatting up the bartender.
It’s a small comment from Benny (because of course it’s Benny), saying that you haven’t got laid in a while, and you’re honestly surprised he noticed. But then, that’s the only predictable thing about Benny, that he is unpredictable.
Your surprise means you take a little too long actually thinking about it, which confirms Benny’s statement. You lean back a little in your seat, desperately ignoring Santi, who’s sat to your left. It also means you bite back a little harder in defence.
“Well maybe if you guys didn’t look like you’re about to murder anyone who even dares ask for my number maybe I’d have better luck.” That’s a lie, but there’s no way you’re going to tell them the truth. No way you’re going to tell Santi-
Your thoughts are interrupted by Will, sat to your right. “So you’re asking for our help?”
You scoff, hitting him up the head. “No, thank you.” Will knows why. Because of course he does. One of your oldest friends, he’d been the one who convinced you to join the team in the first place. “Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.”
You send a wink down to the table to Benny, who’s the first to catch on, hollering, and you try not to react to Santi leaning forward, suddenly interested, as though you’re not already hyper-aware of every body movement of his.
You continue, deciding you’re quite enjoying the effect you’ve had. “What do I need some stranger for when I can give myself a better orgasm than he could ever dream of?” You take a sip of your drink to hide your grin, as both Benny and Will holler, gaining a few glares from the pub’s other patrons.
That sip means you’re unprepared for Santi to lean in closer to you, his lips so close to your ear that you can feel his breath. “Maybe ‘stranger’ is where you’re going wrong.”
You swallow, unprepared for the sudden flare of attraction shooting through you and turning your head, just as he says, “I could take care of you.”
You catch a glimpse of Santi’s fuck me eyes when Benny (the dickhead) interrupts. Crossing his arms on the sticky table in front of him, he asks, “Does that mean you have toys?”
Frankie’s hat somehow tips lower on his head, if that’s possible.
Will twitches towards his brother, like he wants to strangle Benny for being so uncouth, but you put your hand on his upper arm. “Of course.” The best course of action is to just act like this is normal, so add a bit of air to your voice. This was normal. “Who doesn’t?”
There’s a blush rising on Benny’s cheeks and you can’t help but stoke it, grinning at him, and attempting your best bedroom eyes. He’s still not too ashamed to ask though. “What kinds?”
Will decides he’s had enough, glancing at Santi behind you with a frown and hitting Benny over the head in an imitation of the way you’d hit him. You laugh, unexpectedly pleased at the reaction you’ve gotten. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Benny nods, eager, even as Will stands, grabbing a hold of him, and steering him towards the bar. “Yes! Yes I would!” He manages to throw back at you and you laugh again, twisting your body to face Santi and Frankie, bringing your left leg onto the bench.
Meanwhile Santiago is in hell. He’s been in multiple hellish situations before, most similar to this one, in that it was always the 5 of you, bullets flying around your heads, rifles in your arms, weighed down by heat and sweat and tac vests.
And yet somehow, he thinks this might be the worst. Your foot next to his thigh, your knee bent, pulling your jeans up your leg and exposing your ankle to him. Watching you flirt with Benny, talking about sex, and toys, and masturbation. When that's all he wants to do with you. He just has to get the courage to tell you.
With you, there was a before in Santi’s life, and an after.
Before he knew you; and after he knew you.
Before he loved you; and after he loved you.
Except Santi’s not quite sure when he fell in love with you.
It started when Will introduced you as the newest member of the team, one of his childhood friends. He didn’t mean for it to happen, he treated you like he treated anyone else, quickly discovering that you weren’t like anyone else.
He welcomed you into his life with open arms, starting off innocently - he wanted to spend time with you. You were Will’s friend, which meant that there must be something good about you. You made him laugh, made him feel safe (even when he wasn’t). He’d wanted to do the same for you and thought he did a pretty good job.
He became your friend, until one day the two of you were watching a film. He can’t remember what it was, just that you were at his house, drinking and laughing and talking, huddled in one of his blankets, and looking like you belonged there, forever.
Falling in love with you was so easy, Santi didn’t even realise he was doing it.
Santi’s still impressed with himself that he didn’t just blurt out the words then and there. I love you.
How long had he been in love with you for? He couldn’t pinpoint down a specific moment. He remembered the night when you’d become friends - the last two around the bonfire, toasting marshmallows, making that awkward small-talk that occurs between acquaintances.
You’d made him laugh, playing chubby-bunny and teasing him until he’d had a go. You’d talked and talked, and Santi can’t even remember what about. Nothing, probably. The basics. Boring stuff, but filled with details that he’d used to keep the conversation going the next day.
He knows when he became your friend. Recognised when you trusted him more than the others, with the exception of maybe Will.
But he didn’t know when he fell in love with you. Just the day that the love became so overwhelming in his chest that he realised it.
The real nail in his metaphorical coffin was the night afterwards. The 5 of you had gone to a bar, and a girl had started talking to him as he was buying drinks. She was pretty, but she wasn’t you. And like a flashbulb, all of Santi’s previous partners flew through his mind and he realised that nothing had ever come out of them because they weren’t you.
They didn’t know how he liked his coffee, or why he had joined the military. They didn’t know the story behind his callsign, or what his favourite song was.
You did. What you weren’t there for, you asked about. You remembered. You made him feel important, like he mattered. In ways that he didn’t even really know existed.
You were the one that started him on decaf without telling him. That had been a conversation and a half. Before morning briefings, you’d started bringing him coffees. He hadn’t noticed much of a taste difference, and shamefully, had come to expect them.
Until, a month later, you weren’t there. A small trip home to visit your family, everyone knew you’d be back in a couple of days. Regardless, Santi had ordered what he’d thought was his usual coffee.
And found his anxiety rearing up again. It was subtle, making him more jumpy, less able to sleep, but it was there. He wasn’t sure what the cause was, definitely hadn’t linked it to the coffee, instead assuming that maybe he just missed you. Maybe because his anxiety hadn’t disappeared all the way, even with decaf. Maybe it was because it was your presence that helped him too.
He hadn’t even really noticed when the caffeine was gone, hadn’t noticed the absence of something wrong, only seeing the contrast when it returned. Maybe because it was gradual, the weaning off the caffeinated coffee, whereas the return, with his request of additional shot, had been too sharp for him.
You hadn’t noticed at first, assuming that Santi’s bear hug when he’d first seen you had just been because he missed you. But after lunch you pulled him to one side.
“Are you alright?” Your eyes are slightly wider with worry, and you’re chewing slightly on your bottom lip.
He hates that he’s the one to do that to you, and he tries to brush it off. “I’m fine.” That was his first mistake. His second was trying to push past you.
“Santiago!” He’s pulled up short, and there’s that tension, pulling at his shoulders, his eyebrows. “Tell me what’s wrong.” Your tone of voice hasn’t changed, but this time it’s a command.
Exhausted, hating himself, Santi drags his hands across his face. “Nothing. It’s nothing. I don’t...I don’t know.” He takes a breath, and it shudders through him. “I don’t know.” He sounds defeated, and he hopes you can’t hear it. “I just...I feel…” How does he feel? “Jittery.” Is what he finally settles on, but the word still feels wrong somehow.
You frown, looking him up and down like you’ve never seen him before. In fact, you’re silent for so long, Santi starts to be worried that you’re going to tell him to stop being so fucking ridiculous.
You don’t, but you ask questions.
Has he been sleeping? “Not really.”
Does he have something big coming up? “Just the usual.”
Has his daily routine changed at all? “No, I don’t think so. I get myself a coffee in the morning and the-”
You interrupt him with a hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry.” And now it’s wrong, because now you’re looking at him like it’s your fault, when it definitely isn’t. “Santi I’m sorry. It’s your coffee.”
Santi frowns. His coffee? And you sound so apologetic, and he doesn’t understand why. “I switched you to decaf.” You can’t meet his eyes any more, gaze skittering to his shoulder with nerves. And you’re not shutting up. “I’m sorry, I should have told you, or asked if I could, I just... I knew you were getting nightmares, and decaf helped me so I thought it might help y-”
Santi cuts you off with a hug.
And now, the three of you sat in the booth, he hates himself for agreeing with Benny. He would like to know. He has a sneaking suspicion, odd little comments you’ve made throughout the years that when pieced together, paint a picture. A very vivid picture that he sometimes uses to torture himself, late at night in bed, imagining what you’d look like with your hands between your legs and wrapping a hand around his-
Santi shakes his head. Now is not the time. There’s never really a good time to fantasise about one of your best friends, but in public when they’re sitting next to you, is definitely one of the worst.
And why did he have to offer to take care of you? Did he think he was in some kind of cheesy porno? What if you hated him-
In the end, it’s you who breaks him out of his thoughts. “Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed Pope.” You push out with your foot, lightly kicking his thigh, unable to read his stony face.
Throughout all of this, Frankie has kept quiet, and now the conversation seems like it’ll be returning to safer ground, he rubs a hand over his face, lifting his hat slightly. “No.” Santi protests, although he says it too fast for it to be sincere. “I’m not embarrassed.”
“Good,” you reply, and Santi can see the moment a thought pops into your head that you can’t resist, he can see it in the way your eyes light up with mischief. “Out of all the boys, I figured you’d be the most likely to use toys.”
Frankie quickly slides out from his seat, muttering something about going to the toilet, his cheeks aflame, as Santi chokes a little on his beer. “Or maybe Will,” you muse, and Santi coughs again. “Shit, are you alright?” You ask, rocking forward to lean on your knee so you can rub Santi’s back for a second.
He concentrates on getting himself back under control, on not focusing how warm your hand is against his back. He takes deep breaths in an attempt to calm his heart down, praying that the room is dark enough that you won’t see him blush.  
Santi nods, his eyes watering a little, and you laugh, but it’s not unkind, not even when one of your thumbs wipes at his lower lash line, brushing away his tears with the pad. It’s so unexpectedly soft, another sharp contrast to this sticky, seedy bar they’re all in, where the booth seats are cracked and the most complicated drink they make is a rum and coke.
“Good,” you say, voice quiet, scooting back on the bench, your foot closer to his thigh this time, and Santi hates himself for wanting to follow you.
Instead, he pretends everyone else is still here, even as he watches Will whisper something into Benny’s ear as they stand, drinking next to the bar, with no clear intention of returning. Suddenly Benny punches Will’s upper arm, and Santi’s eyebrows twitch slightly in confusion. Benny looks ecstatic, and for what?
“I’ve used handcuffs,” he says casually, half of his mind taken up with Benny and Will acting like lunatics at the bar behind you. He’s wrenched back to you when you raise an eyebrow, and he’s reminded what it feels like to be the centre of your world.
Fuck, you’re sexy though.
Your heart beat speeds up, suddenly sounding loud in your chest. Your mind is screaming Danger! at you - but how can it be? This is Santiago. You would trust him with your life. You have.
I could take care of you, flashes through your mind again. Maybe-
“Yeah?” You ask, trying to act calm when there’s a steady thrumming under your skin. “And are you the tied up person, or do you do the tying?”
Santi scoffs, like he thinks the answer is obvious. Maybe it is.
“I do the tying.”
You smirk, dragging an exaggerated eye up and down his body. “Sure about that?”
He looks relaxed, like he can take up more space now Frankie has gone. One of his hands is on your calf, gently trailing up and down, slowly setting you on fire, and you don’t even think he realises he’s doing it. There’s something in his eyes that you don’t recognise, darker, although it seems familiar. That’s been happening more and more lately, especially when it’s just the two of you. You like it.
“You want to test me babygirl?”
You feel breathless. “Maybe I’d like to try.”
You’ve never spoken with Santi like this before. You flirt with him more than the other boys, but this is new. This feels...real, somehow. More dangerous. And he’s closer now, shifting, so your foot is over his lap, his hand wrapped around your ankle, on your bare skin and you’ve forgotten how to breathe. You watch his hand move on your leg and you feel like you could evaporate.  
“That’s not what good girls do.” Fuck, his voice.
“Good girls don’t do a lot of things I do.”
And you’re not sure what gives you the sudden confidence, but you lean forwards, pressing a soft kiss to his mouth. It’s a horrible angle, your legs in the way, but you don’t care.
And then you’re retreating, opening your eyes again, suddenly unsure of what you’ve just done. Your mouth feels tingly, where you can still feel Santi against you. His grip has tightened on your leg, no longer moving.
And then his hand is tugging at you a little, and there’s a smile threatening to take over his face.
Come here.
You scoot up, so your left leg is fully over him, your right leg tangling with his under the table and you can smell him now, beer and - as weird as it sounds - like a man. It’s familiar. Nice. Breathless, you shoot him a little grin, suddenly unsure.
And then he’s kissing you again and it’s everything you ever dreamed of. His lips are soft, but firm, moving against your mouth, contrasting with the slight stubble growing on his face. His free hand moves to your waist and you let out a small sound.
You break apart after a second, both of you breathless. You’ve slung your arms around his neck, fingers idly playing with his chain, and you’re the first to speak.
“So do you use those handcuffs on anyone?”
Santi kisses you again, short and sweet, before he answers, his lips mumbling against yours. “Hmm, just on girls I really like.”
You kiss again, neither of you really wanting to stop. “Can I use them on you?” Santi asks, moving to kiss along your jaw, nipping at your earlobe. You feel surrounded by him, he’s all you care about, all you can feel.
Your eyes snap open, desire pooling in your belly. Is this really happening? “Yes.”
“Good.” Santi’s voice is still low in your ear, before he moves down your neck, soft lips a stark contrast to his stubble catching on your skin. “How do you feel about a date, too?”
“Yeah?” You lean back slightly so you can see his face. He’s beautiful in this light, face half hidden in the shadows, eyes dark.
His lips are brushing yours again.
“Yeah. I’ll pick you up, take you somewhere nice, do it properly.”
“Good,” you mumble against him, “that sounds really good.” Your fingers are still playing with his chain, lightly brushing against the scar on his neck. “Shall we go?”
Before you know it, the two of you are sitting in a cab, having said a quick goodbye to the others, Will asking if it was safe for them to sit back in the booth. You’d responded with the finger, not bothering with a proper reply.
Santi leans over to you, whispering into your ear. “Can I really tie you up?”
You clench your thighs together, closing your eyes in an effort not to physically respond. The pause is enough for Santi to hesitate, hand shyly holding yours. “It’s ok, if you don’t want to, that’s fine, it was just a-”
You stop him with a kiss, moving your hand so you can squeeze him in reassurance. When you answer, it’s a mumble against his mouth so the driver doesn’t hear. “Break out the handcuffs, and we’ll see if you’re as tough as you act, big boy.”
Santi groans when you lean away from him.
Getting inside Santi’s flat is a feat in itself, and you’re honestly a little proud of the restraint both of you showed by not fucking in the stairwell, stopping every couple of meters to kiss each other senseless, hips clumsily knocking together as you rile each other up.
You’ve been inside his flat before, so when Santi kicks the door closed, walking you backwards into his bedroom, kissing you all the while, you don’t protest. It’s so nice to finally kiss Santi like you’ve wanted to for a while now, so nice to feel his hands on your waist, pushing you backwards while his hips press into yours, steady now, purposeful.
His fingers are playing with the waist of your trousers, and you help him, shimmying your jeans off, pushing them down your thighs and letting them fall to the floor. Then he surprises you, dropping to his knees in front of you, pulling your knickers down your legs.
Looking down, you feel dizzy from the rush of power this brings you. Santi looks like he’s about to worship you, his face close to your pussy. His hands are on your waist and he pushes at you, encouraging you to step back.
When you don’t he tips his head back, exposing his neck to you. “Step back.” His voice is dangerous and you can feel more wetness gathering between your legs. You grin down at him, still not moving.
In response Santi nips at your thigh, grinning when you gasp, hands flying to his hair. He pushes at you again, and this time you let him, stepping back until you hit his bed, sitting down.
Santi presses his hand against your stomach, and you allow yourself to be pushed back, falling back onto your elbows so you can watch him. He presses his nose to your mound and you squirm, impatient, as Santi spreads your knees so he can fit between your legs.
You watch him press his nose to your pussy, burying his nose in you, feeling yourself grow wetter. “You taste so good,” he groans, “Sweetest pussy I’ve tasted.” As he begins to explore you with his tongue, your hips lift off the bed with a groan and it takes you a second to recognise your own voice, broken with need. Santi’s arm reaches out, pressing you down as he explores your folds. Stubble is scratching your thighs, a pleasantly rough feeling compared to the soft wetness, the pliability of Santi’s tongue. Your clit is the first thing he concentrates on, his tongue practically lapping at you, and it all feels so good.
One hand is desperately fisting the sheets to the side of you as you try to hold on to reality, the other knotted in Santi’s short curls, nails scraping ever so slightly along his scalp even as he lifts you higher and higher. Broken pleas of his name fall from your lips when he inserts two fingers into you, gently pumping in and out, with a strangely satisfying squelch under your cries.
Your orgasm creeps up on you, slow and unsuspecting. One second your chest is heaving, breaths short and shallow, the next you’ve tensed up as you fall apart under Santi.
He keeps kissing you, gently pressing his lips over your thighs, hips, stomach as you stare at his ceiling, willing rational thought to return to you. He’s murmuring praises into your skin, telling you how good you are for him, what a good job you’ve done, how pretty you look when you come, how he wants to make you do it again, and all the while you float somewhere above your body, hardly daring to believe this is real. Santi keeps kissing you, any skin he can get his mouth on, desperate to keep tasting you. Gradually he moves up your body, even as you lie there, panting, letting him push your top up, bunching under your arms and around your neck.
Your hands fly to his hair when he bites the soft skin of your breast peeking out from your bra, and you arch your back towards him slightly, letting out a small whine. You can feel his smirk against you, so you wrap your legs around his waist, canting your hips up, grinding against where you can feel him, hard and aching in his jeans.
Now it’s your turn to smirk, slow and lazy when Santi lets out a low growl in response. He tips his head up so he can look at you, his eyes soft as he smiles at you. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
And then his body weight is gone and he’s standing next to the bed, taking his top off and it’s not the first time you’ve seen him shirtless, of course it isn’t, but it’s the first time you’ve seen him and been allowed to look, and Santi’s all shadows and soft muscle, pale scars highlighted on his skin.
You sit up, and it takes you a second to fight your way out of your top, quickly sliding the straps of your bra off, and dropping your clothes to the side of the bed as you watch Santi cross his room, and fish out a pair of handcuffs from a box with a couple of other objects inside, as well as what you’re pretty sure looks like a strap-on. And maybe it’s because his ass is currently in your eye-line, maybe it’s the surprise, but the image of you wearing it, teasing Santi with your dick while he waits on all fours on his bed, begging for you to touch him, suddenly pops into your head, and you have to work to hold back a moan at the mental image. Oh my god.
When Santi turns back to you, he’s opened the cuffs. “Are you familiar with the traffic light system?”
You suddenly feel nervous, your mouth dry, and you don’t know why, this is Santi. He’s made it clear that you don’t have to do this, and anyway you want to. “Green is good, orange is slow down, red is stop,” you recite easily, and Santi nods in satisfaction.
“Good girl,” he says and his words hit deep in your stomach, unfurling something you hadn’t known existed. “You say something and I’ll untie you.”
You raise an eyebrow, leaning back on your hands, eyeing up the way Santi’s jeans are still on, now hanging low on his hips, exposing a small trail of hair down from his bellybutton. “What if I don’t want you to untie me?” You ask.
You can see how his eyes darken, but he doesn’t move. “Tell me you understand,” he says, voice stern and you shiver.
“I understand,” you parrot. Santi nods, pleased at you doing as he says, and steps out of his jeans, pulling his boxers off at the same time, releasing his cock. He’s hard, curving up towards his stomach and leaking pre-cum.
Almost on instinct, you lean forwards to lick it off, and Santi lets out a groan of satisfaction at the sensation of your mouth just wrapping around his head, your hands on his thighs. Before you can take him any further, he’s stepping back, shaking his head.
“Lie back,” he instructs, and you obey. Santi kneels next to you, tugging your wrists up, above your head, looping the handcuffs through his headboard and clicking them on around you. You give them an experimental tug, biting back a moan when they hold fast. “Colour?” Santi asks, and you grin up at him.
“Green.” Your voice already sounds broken. “Santi, please.”
Santi just kneels back, looking at you with those hungry eyes. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he breathes out, hands running up and down your body, ignoring how you squirm as best you can under him.
“Oh yeah?” You ask. “Why don’t you come down here then, instead of just watching me?” Santi’s hands reach your breasts, squeezing and gently massaging and you arch your back towards him.
“You’re unhappy with my hands?” Santi returns, and stops touching you. You can’t help it, letting out a whine and straining to move your arms towards him, before remembering you can’t, your attempted movement jangling the chain a little.
“No, Santi,” you’re desperate for him to touch you again, especially now you can’t touch him,“Santi please, touch me again, touch me more.” Begging has never come so easily to you. And then Santi’s moving between your legs, gripping your hips and thrusting up, but not into you, just along your folds. You moan, shifting as best as you can while Santi coats himself with your slick, the head of his cock just pushing your clit, teasing you and riling you up further.
You suddenly really want to touch him, to rake your hands through his hair, to scratch your nails down his back, to be able to suck a purple hickey into his skin. You let your head fall back to the bed, pushing your hips towards him, desperate for more, desperate for him.
It’s only when you open your mouth in a desperate plea, a whine of his name, “Santi, Santi please,” that he begins to push into you.
Your mouth falls open in silent pleasure, just as Santi begins to talk. “Fuck, baby.” The stretch of him is delicious. “I wanted this for so long.” Now fully seated in you, he rests on his forearms, kissing you softly, first on the forehead, then on your lips. “Colour?” he asks softly.
You nearly cry from how sweet it is, how sweet he is, before responding, a mumble against his lips. “Green.” You feel full, like this is how you’re supposed to feel all the time, this is your base state, and you’re going to spend the rest of your life trying to achieve this specific feeling.
“Good girl,” Santi murmurs and you keen at the praise, feeling insatiable, wanting more, clenching around him. He grins, registering your response. “You liked that? You like being told what a good job you’re doing, how good you feel around me..” he breaks off with a gasp, and your eyes close as Santi begins to move in time with his words, long, slow thrusts as he begins to put you together again, building you up, further and further, his thrusts speeding up gradually, the sound of his dick sliding into your wetness, and the slap of skin-on-skin loud in his room, mixing with your moans.
You lift your legs up, wrapping them around his waist, hooking one of your feet around Santi’s butt. They don’t stay there for long, one of Santi’s arms pushing one leg up your body, hand under your knee as he splits you open. The new angle hits something deeper in you, and you gasp, unable to move and at the mercy of Santiago.
Your orgasm takes you by surprise, coming out of nowhere, your lower body suddenly clenching around Santi, arms straining against the handcuffs, as you try in vain to touch him. You tumble through it, muscles spasming as you fall under him. He keeps moving into you as you shudder below him, pulling you through with murmured praise and encouragement as another broken cry leaves your throat.
His thrusts start to get sloppier as he goes faster, losing his rhythm slightly and you can tell he’s near his end. As best you can, you start moving your own hips, grinding up to meet him, words of encouragement slipping past your lips. “Santi, you feel so good, are you gonna fill me up?” You coo, pouting a little, tugging your wrists a little for emphasis. “Please Santi, I want to feel you, come in me, please-”
You stop when Santi snaps his hips once more, with a groan of finality and you can feel his cum inside of you as he holds himself there, his cock pulsing within you. He presses a couple more gentle kisses to your neck before sliding out, and you hiss slightly at the pull on your sensitive folds of your pussy.
He leaves for a second, returning with a key and gently releasing your wrists. “Good girl,” he murmurs, massaging your skin. “You did so good for me.”
He helps you sit up, kissing your cheek before leaving again. This time when he returns, he has a wet rag, and a glass of water, which you take a sip from, not having realised how thirsty you were. He gently dabs the rag on the inside of your thighs first, and the two of you watch in slightly morbid fascination as Santi’s cum leaks out of you onto the rag.
“That’s kinda hot,” you comment idly, wondering if Santi fucked all sense of you.
He only laughs, wiping the mess away and cuddling up next to you. “Do you want me to do it again?” he asks as you lean into his arms, his hands wrapping around your wrists to rub circles into your skin.
“Yes,” you answer, probably too quickly but beyond caring.
There’s a pause, and you can tell Santi wants to ask you something, so you twist in his arms, kissing along his shoulder. The act feels small, and innocent somehow, despite your states of undress, as you try to reassure him.
“You were right,” you murmur near his ear, “Stranger was where I was going wrong.”
It takes him a second to piece your reference together, but then he grins, and it’s like he hung the sun in the sky. “Yeah? I took care of you?”
You kiss him again, this time on the lips, biting back your own identical grin. “Yeah.”
Thanks for reading! Reblogs and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
Tags: @fantasticcopeaglepasta​
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