#im probably going to make one of these for Edgeworth and Phoenix too
samioli · 1 year
Gosh the more I hear about DD the more I’m like I’m so glad I’m still playing Apollo Justice. Uhhhhh oh! Top five or three if your personal NRMT Headcanons and maybe one or two of your HCs for Phoenix and Miles by themselves? I saw a post earlier about like hard and soft HCs, hard being stuff you just need to have about the character for them to make sense to you and soft is less rude or die but something you still enjoy.
I guess one for me is the Bi Phoenix / realizing he’s also attracted to men. It’s not a deal breaker really but if a fic went out of its way to say he was only gay I might squint a little like mmmmm not a fan but you do you
And then a soft one is him having heterochromia. I can flow with his big brown puppy dog eyes but despite recent set him having two blue eyes isn’t Bad. But it’s one of those things I never noticed until someone said it and I saw they changed Maya to have blue eyes too and THAT feels wrong haha (no hate to blue eyed Maya-truthers)
yeah, dont get me wrong, theres still some REALLY GOOD NRMT moments in DD (like if u present phoenix's badge to miles, for instance) but that combined with that one quote i mentioned earlier just. does not make sense to me.
anyways! hmmmm interesting. i guess for NRMT, one HC is like, i dont like when miles is REALLY mean, esp during sex???? thats probably just a me preference but idk, like. a lil degradation is fine but they both should be having fun, yknow?? and sometimes i see miles depicted like he doesnt really care or that phoenix has to fight for his attention during sex, and while kink stuff like that is totally fine, i just don't personally see it for them in particular. these two are so obsessed with each other that it makes other people sick. one hard HC would be that Miles is super supportive of phoenix during the 7yg. they def had some ups and downs during that time, but miles was always there for him. ALSO a side hc, i HATE when people think miles would be disgusted by how phoenix looks?????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you kidding?? miles wants to touch his stubble SO BADLY and he thinks phoenix looks hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end ted talk last hc would be that, even if he says otherwise, miles loooooooooooooooooooooooooooves phoenix's voice and how much he talks. loves it. cannot get enough of it. one time they get into a fight and phoenix doesnt talk to him for like. idk, an hour or two tops and hes just like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺internally. and god dont get me started about sex!!!!! he esp loves phoenix's voice and talkativeness during sex two headcanons for Miles Edgeworth: that he's nuerodivergent in some way, i guess. im partial to him being autistic, but its all great tbh. and another headcanon for him would be that he actually has the biggest sweet tooth and won't admit it Two headcanons for phoenix: He has BPD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and desperately needs to go to therapy for his issues my god. (i have BPD, been in therapy for a long time, im a whole lot better than what i used to be jsdnsjkd) OH and he also has adhd. hes just like me fr thank you so much for the ask!!! im sorry that i rambled jsaknsdk
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yellowistheraddest · 1 year
sending you my hcs that are varying degrees of quality but. eh. it's my media perception so i have no shame in them
1. obviously asd/autistic miles because that is the truest thing ever? i don't think it's something he discovers as an adult, more like he got diagnosed before dl-6
2. maya to me is a girl that wears leg hair with pride. i'm sorry i can't imagine her in any other way and i picture her chubbier than capcom made her just bc she deserves that powerful look
3. miles edgeworth is a quiet rebel to me. this hc started when i saw a post about how putting your hands in trousers pockets isn't proper etiquette and miles does it anyway so... i just think he does these small things to feel mischievous and like his own person, maybe he did them more in his youth. and i also think the steel samurai and watching it also feels like rebellion to him and gives him a certain thrill? idk if this makes sense honestly
4. i think i made fanart of this one before but i basically hc that the short animations we see before a case (esp the ones in aa1 revealing the culprit) are phoenix's dreams that he barely remembers but they guide him like an intuitive sense. because yk how in aa2 the animation we see is an actual nightmare of his... and he definitely has some spiritual ties there somewhere.. and in aa4 he deadass predicts the future ominously to apollo sometimes... and he goes through spirit medium training with maya bc she makes him.....it makes sense
5. pearly's aged-up design is way different in my eyes. like i'm sorry but she should rebel so much after the ways she was raised, let her have the most unfortunate haircut in the world and funky makeup and cool clothes
6. yeah that's it im not going to embarrass myself further 👍
damn, let me get my reading glasses (i don't have reading glasses)
1. miles is the final form in the evolution line of the autism creature, so agreed. although i think gregory is not around enough/too old fashion to notice it, and von karma is a dick and would purposefully avoid getting him diagnosed; i think he got diagnosed after moving out. overall a strong 9.5 out of 10
2. i can definitely see her with body hair, but idk about the body fat because she has to stand under waterfalls for days so the training probably requires a restrain from food (kinda how monks fast) but im not in opposition of her being chubbier. 7 out of 10, capcom give us more details about the training plsss
3. lets just say ive been planning to draw something related to this idea... so 10 out of 10, hes shy and unsure about it but hes still a rebel at heart.
4. i think he just smokes weed when he reads case files and we just get to trip with him (yes this chronologically doesn't make sense but idc). Brother is the plainest cringefail guy - hes the last person anyone should give magic powers to, theres like 7 billion people who'd be better off with them. this one is a 6 put of 10, im not big into magical powers.
5. i hate pearl. well more like i hate children and pearl is a child, but they failed with her so bad the design... 9 out of 10.
pearl, send me a dm and well go clothes shopping and get you a haircut so it actually looks like youve actually been affected by 7 years of no longer dealing with your bitch of a mom
6. 0 out of 10, be shameless its the internet noone knows who you are. just don't be a weirdo!
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mekatrio · 6 months
my enthusiasm has gradually petered out over the past few days bc i had been so busy + havent been getting enough sleep, but aa2 was a truly amazing experience for me ESPECIALLY the last case, so i still want to dissect my thoughts on it although im not as hyped up as i was right after i finished playing it (i was jumping around and grinning and pacing around my room for hours and shit 😁) i have so many thoughts so im gonna split my review rambling whatever this is into different parts, this one is my thoughts on the first three cases :D
1st case was nothing spectacular.. pretty long for a tutorial level but i guess it was acting as padding for the more dramatic 2nd case.. i guessss. at least it was very funny and not too hard to solve. and it was also trying to be more thorough in teaching the gameplay mechanics during court sessions and making sure players have an idea of what to expect in later cases.. probably... its whatever whatever. at least an amnesic concussion is still the funniest way to reteach a tutorial so im so happy they went with that.
i liked the second case!! i wasnt able to figure out how the clothing box fit into everything until the very end, so i could rly understand wright's panic, bc for a good chunk of the case it really did seem like maya had killed someone. i think this case felt the most 'turnabout' of them all, bc in other cases there were other plausibilities and culprits right from the get-go, but w the way this murder happened in a locked room with (seemingly) only 2 individuals inside, it actually did feel impossible to save maya at first. so it was very satisfying to pick apart the lies and inconsistencies and be able to arrive to the truth. and it was nice to see kurain village, and learn more about the feys in general. and it was nice to see mia again!!! i wasnt sure if she would be coming back or not. mia and maya's reunion at the end of the case was super touching, bc one of the saddest moments in aa1 to me was during the 4th case when maya couldnt channel mia, and was wondering if she would ever be able to see her again.. so it was nice that she was really able to see her again :')
speaking of mia, i dont know if this series will explore this further, but just thinking abt her state of existence is lowkey kinda scary.. like, whats it like being dead? whats the difference between being alive and dead, considering mia is still somewhat mentoring and advising us despite being dead? could a fey, who can just possess another fey like that, be able to steal the body of another fey if they were killed? (this sounds like a possible case in the future, i wonder if this will happen..) will mia be like that forever? will future generations be able to speak to this mia, can she like.... rest? disappear? does she want to? can she? and its also pretty sad too, with how in aa1 when maya wondered if she could see her again; i feel like its less sad to have someone you love die and have that be that, than it is for them to die and you can maybe or maybe not see them again.. like i dunno. i hope this gets explored more, im curious abt it!!
also, mia being in this state of 'is but isnt here' really makes phoenix's character more enriching to me, bc in the first game he lost someone very dear and important to him... except not really. and we never really see him properly grieve mia in any extent if my memory is correct. like he didnt really dwell on it, he had to push thru it in order to defend maya. but then now in the second game, when we compare wright's almost... flippancy towards mia's death to his refusal to even acknowledge edgeworth's 'death'.... its a super interesting difference. this isnt to say that phoenix necessarily values one character over the other, but bc mia isnt necessarily 'gone'... there technically isnt much to mourn? kinda?? so the way we see phoenix behave in this game irt edgeworth, we get to properly see how phoenix behaves in the face of actual loss.. and his answer to loss is to completely reject it. and it works amazingly with gameplay too, bc he's really just compartmentalizing tf out of his issues and being like Nope. Let's Examine This Room Instead :) while maya or pearl just stares at him like 😐 it adds an extremely compelling layer of depth to wright's character!! and these moments of wright's rejection of his loss are done just the perfect amount of times, very seldomly and very restrainfully, that it creates this perfect air of tension throughout the entire game before it finally blows over in the last case. I LOVE IT RRARRGHHHH
pearl's and franziska's introduction to the story were amazing as well! i had no idea what pearl's character would be like... definitely was not expecting her to be mia's vessel #2 😭 but no yes pearl was an infinitely adorable and entertaining character, it is just so so so so awesome to have a tiny child who speaks so elegantly and have such mature tastes, but still be a cute tiny child. i love you pearl. if shes not in the next game im going to be REALLY REALLY SAD....... and franziska came in with just a massive dominating personality like Yes!!! she livened up so much of the game with her presence. im going to give franziska her own post bc she deserves it so ill talk abt her more in depth later.
and of course the ini miney twist... i already said this but the reasoning for the reveal (you cant drive without a license) is fucking IJBOL but ignoring the absurdity of that, it was a really good twist that i didnt see coming but could still be satisfied with. it was also really sad that morgan had to be convicted too, for pearl's sake i had really hoped that tht wouldnt be the case :( all in all the second case was very suspenseful, emotional, and very very good. i really liked it!
and the third case............................................................................
i wanted to put a reaction image here. but i could not find anything that could express the magnitude of my immense disgust. disappointment. resentment. and unhappiness................
i already posted a lot of my main grievances with it in my lb tag, and thinking abt this case again is just self-inflicting psychic damage so ill keep it short. but man did it suck. cuz currently in life i can only play aa like 2/3 days a week and then its back to 4/5 days of work. i did the first two cases in 3 days, worked for the rest of the week, and came back in anticipation bc the second case left off on such a good note. and then to use my 2 free days on a case this shitty... BROOOOOO FUCK THIS SHIT MAN!!! i spent the following days of work just being PISSED AS HELLLL cuz like i wanted to play a better case but now i could seeth as i worked bc of this SHITTY CASE like not only did it suck but it had to be LONG too. not like final case long but normal case long but ugh it sucked sucked sucked. ive said this before but i get they were trying to make the murder seem like a magic trick that we had to figure out the inner workings of, but like.... it just fucking sucked and wasnt well-executed at all. it didnt help that nearly every character in this case was incredibly grating and annoying and the one bearable character, acro, had to be the killer.. also that fucking ventriloquist like why was he standing around in the second day when there was literally nothing to talk to him about? also why did the ringmaster wear max's fucking clothes like wha..... i dont even care anymoreeeee 😭 ok bye bye im gonna gush about the 4th case in a seperate post now cuz that was the best fucking thing ever!!!!!!
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ot3 · 2 years
Hello! I was watching the PLvsAA stream yesterday, and you said to ask after the stream to elaborate on your thoughts on Phoenix having, I think it was attachment issues vs abandonment issues? Would you be able to explain your thoughts on that? I'm very curious, and I figured Tumblr was a decent place to ask. Only if you want to, of course!
ok i just Scoured shu takumi's interviews on gyakuten saiban library to try and find the quote i was looking for and could not find it. which is disappointing to me personally because now i feel insane because i know it exists somewhere, i don't believe I imagined this one because it stuck with me very immediately and very specifically. but at the end of the day the specific quote doesn't really provide any too necessary context.
at the end of the day 'attachment issues' vs 'abandonment issues' is probably really granular and nitpicky, but i mean. well. i love being granular and nitpicky about characterization. i definitely thought of phoenix as having abandonment issues for a long time but flipping the script to 'attachment issues' cleared up a lot about my interpretation of his character for me, so im going to type some paragraphs at you now
like to me the critical differences between the two are that 1. when you think of someone who has 'abandonment issues' you probably assume a certain amount of baggage regarding past experiences contributing to those feelings. or at least, i do. but as i've said plenty in the past i really don't think phoenix has any significant shit going on in his backstory. i don't think he has ever Been abandoned by anyone, really. and 2. you can be attached to things that aren't people, but abandonment is a purely interpersonal phenomenon.
here's this other takumi quote about phoenix that everyone is probably familiar with by this point:
Interviewer: It’s surprising to learn he wanted to become an actor. Perhaps he’s actually really susceptible to fads and things like that?
Takumi: I think he’s just the type who’ll go straight for something and stick to it once he’s convinced of something. Like the type of person he falls for (laugh).
obviously everyone focuses on this for being pretty gay. and like it is. lets make no mistakes about that but it's also just a generally really interesting little tidbit. when phoenix stumbles upon something or someone he likes or wants he will pretty much pursue it unquestioningly and then maintain that emotional attachment to it. and that's really the only place any of his drive comes from. when phoenix doesn't have, like someone or something to be providing this external motivation he just sort of stops doing things. not because he doesn't feel capable of doing anything, or feels unsafe or scared, like how you might feel if you were abandoned, but because he just doesnt Want to do anything
like. with abandonment issues theres a sort of reciprocal nature to that kind of interpersonal dynamic. the other party's behavior has a lot of influence over the feelings of the character in question, for better or worse. but phoenix's attachment issues are at the end of the day kind of an inherently one-sided thing. phoenix is the one bringing any and all emotional baggage into these situations. it's on him. he's obsessive about stuff, and he doesn't really need to be getting anything back from the other side to maintain that. probably indicated most clearly with just everything about his relationship to edgeworth in aa1. dude was truly insane for that shit. i love it for him specifically because it was such a wild and bizarre thing to do.
so like as much as phoenix was obsessed with/attached to edgeworth he was also super attached to doing it in one very specific way. he HAD to become a lawyer. and his attachment to that idea of being a lawyer and what specifically that means for him is a pretty significant throughline for the rest of the series. i think it would also be reasonable to extrapolate that indulging in these obsessive tendencies is how phoenix was able to work on the jurist system. doing that kind of slow, tedious, academic work is pretty atypical of phoenix who by his own admission wont even read any law books. but we know with the right motivation and investment phoenix was able to go from ditzy law student to practicing attorney in just a few years.
imo something else thats super interesting with this lens on his behavior is his relationship with kristoph. theres a lot of different takes on this character dynamic but i think we can all agree that theyre obsessed with each other. whereas you Could read the way phoenix interacts with edgeworth or maya or trucy or even iris as relating to a desire for companionship and a fear of losing that, resulting in a willingness to go out on a limb for people and believe in people, that all falls apart with kristoph. it doesnt make sense to view phoenix's attachment to kristoph as being rooted in a fear of abandonment in a way you could argue for the other characters. it kind of only makes sense if you view phoenix's attachment to kristoph as sort of arbitrarily intense and existing for its own sake, rather than related to any specific desires or outcomes.
a scene i constantly find myself rereading because i'm so obsessed with it is the bit in turnabout succession where phoenix visits kristoph in solitary. kristoph has already admitted to and been convicted of zak's murder, after trying to frame phoenix to it and ruining his reputation. their business is pretty much concluded. everything is already in place for phoenix to get his name cleared. but phoenix still isn't willing to let it go. he is desperate to understand kristoph's motivations on a personal level just because of the investment he has in this relationship regardless of the fact that its a fucked up and bad relationship. he's decided this is something important to him and there's not much of a way for any outside factors to change that.
so. yeah. thats it. kind of. i genuinely dont know if anyone else is going to vibe with this particular interpretation but this is how i see phoenix at the very least.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Not 🐸anon but i love self aware aus and the possibilites that come to mind...
Imagine phoenix always having to keep his thoughts in check because the player does have direct access to them
Ot maybe perhaps payne simply doesnt exist because edgeworth/whatevee other prksecutor there is depending on the game wants more time to be around them.
In the 3d games perhaps theres a lot more sprites per se since a rig is much easier to manipulate a bunch of pixels and conveys a lot more
Handholding. A lot of handholding.
Phoenix cant be left alone akdhaks curses of being the player POV
A lot more court cases. The games not over yet :)
One of my favourite things about slef aware aus is the yandere lads pulling a giffany and taking the player into their world, or perhaps pulling the opposite and entering their reality. Tbh im not quite sure what'd be next after that but it would be certainly quite the event to go to bed and then see characters in person
I really enjoy reading your stuff! I dont tend to go on anon and ask much but just in case may I be 🌌anon? Cheers ^^
Of course 🌌anon!! (I am typing this so while I see the starry night emoji on my phone, its just a milky way on my laptop and I'm forever terrified that the emojis won't translate haha)
Miles/Klavier/Simon/Nayhuta really just up and delete Payne from the game, none of them even get a look in
good, I hate those guys they are all so annoying
Something else I think might happen is you know at the start of cases they have the cinematic bits to show the crime and sometimes reveal who the killer is, I think that someone would censor those bits, who would is up to anyone's interpretation but whoever it is would do it to try and spare S/O's feelings.
And I completely agree that in the 3D games, characters are just going to up and deviate from their set sprites, it must be quite hard to have to move every single pixel when with 3D rigs, as you say its a lot easier because fluid movements are already made for the sprites.
I think that in the 2D games, each character would be able to force themselves into one deviated sprite, so they'd really have to make those sprites count.
Phoenix would be LIVING the life though, but in the rare occasions where we get perspectives from other characters (for example, Maya in Justice For All or even Mia's case or Edgeworth's perspective in Trials and Tribulations) Phoenix would definitely still interfere where he can, just so S/O doesn't forget that he's there (much to everybody else's disgust of course)
AND AGJGHGHGH MORE CASES YES PLEASE, honestly if the cost of a crap ton more cases to play is being obsessed over by pretty much everybody in the game series I really wouldn't complain too much.
No but the idea of half of the characters showing up one day after climbing out of the console is uh 😳👉👈 yes please
Especially if we are dragging literally every character out, I'm talking faces like younger Mia, Feenie and Bratworth. The interaction with their "older" counterparts would also be absolutely brilliant to be honest.
I have no idea what sort of harem I'm building here oh god 😂😂😂😂
I think characters from later games would heavily protest against S/O being pulled into an earlier game, there'd probably be a situation like in that AA6 DLC Court skit special where characters from earlier games would show up in the 3D games.
I mean if Oldbag can do it to try and get to Edgeworth, half of the Ace Attorney harem can do it to get to S/O. For that reason I think that everybody would have to settle with living in S/O's world, otherwise SOJ Edgeworth is just going to end up banishing any old sprites that come through straight to the shadow realm.
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write-like-wright · 3 years
u asked for requests so im here to comply😳could you maybe do a ”should you date them” with the defense attorneys in the series?? or just generally some other characters?? bc the prosecutor one added like 20 years to my lifespan lmao. hope u have a great day!!
I'm so glad you liked it!!! Here's the sequel, just for you <33
Original post here
Should you date them: Ace Attorney defense lawyers edition
Phoenix Wright
yes, you really should
probably one of the best, if not the best, boyfriends in the series
wanna get married? husband material
wanna have kids? father material
has a tendency to casually adopt children actually, could be an issue at some point
worships you
you know how some guys brag about how they'd die for you?
Nick would unironically die for you
may even come close a few times but I'm pretty sure he's canonically invincible (eating poisoned glass and falling off a burning bridge, who?? tis' but a scratch!)
massive gossip
gets home after an investigation and immediately starts like "you won't believe what I found out about Gumshoe today"
somehow surprisingly mature and good at keeping secrets in spite of everything
has a lot of really cool friends!!! and larry
have you seen those shoulders tho?? mans built like a dorito, smashing through massive wooden doors n stuff
biggest monthly expense is hair gel
claims his hair is natural but you know better
don't be the big spoon, he will poke your eyes out
can somewhat read your mind tho? a bit off-putting but ok
marry him before Edgeworth someone else does
Mia Fey
hell yeah, dude
cool, calm, collected
has literal superpowers
successful business owner at 27!!! unironical #girlboss
went from being a lame rookie to a literal legend with her own practice and an apprentice in, like, three years
she's so smart, I fear her
has the fashion sense of a female character drawn by a cis man... oh, wait
god help whoever tries to hurt you
will literally kick their ass to hell
believes in second chances
took phoenix under her wing after everything, mia has the patience of a saint honestly
drops cool oneliners in everyday speech like a marvel character
curve lovers rejoice
doesn't mind being called dorky nicknames
major wife material
Diego Armando/Godot
I already covered him in my prosecutors list,, literally did not occur to me to split Diego and Godot into two lists
but to sum up, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go for Diego
i like my men like i like my coffee - tall, dark and bitter
^^ eats up pickup lines like those
Apollo Justice
Polly is such a sweet babey boy, please be nice to him
short king
low on confidence, makes up for it by being loud
*voice cracking* HE'S FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
your neighbours will hate him
such a pushover, will do anything you ask of him
sensitive boy, not afraid to cry
pretends not to be dorky - is very dorky
consumes nerdy media almost exclusively (canonically a Whovian! but Capcom can't say that)
bikes everywhere and is apparently good with a hula hoop
Polly got cake is what I'm saying
have you seen his cool street style clothes?? sk8er boi
very grounded, literally
might play around and hold your hand for comfort
won't come to visit you if you live on a high floor, sorry
cat dad!!! cat pics!!! yes!!!
about 7 different tragic backstories
new secret family member drops every week
stares at you when you speak sometimes
is he jealous of Klavier?? does he have a crush on him??? who knows but it's funny watching them interact
spends way too much time on his hair
someone please date him, he deserves some love
Athena Cykes
holy childhood trauma batman
been through a lot
total empath
if you're sad, she's sad
can kinda read your mind... why is this such a common thing in AA games?? I like my privacy
super energetic
will drag you to the gym, take you on hikes, practice wrestling moves on you...
you will always be sore but also in the best shape of your life
has minus 25 chill
incapable of keeping secrets from you
her weird goth convict uncle threatens you every once in a while
she promises he means it in a friendly way
loves europop
way too accomplished for her age, everyone in this game is so smart, help
i feel like she'd enjoy theme parks idk
date her, she's baby and she needs some TLC
Kristoph Gavin
he's scary
thinks he's better than you
thinks he's better than everyone
has the audacity to wear white shoes with a blue suit??? are you going to prom????? sir????
obsessed with phoenix wright to an alarming degree
perfectly manicured nails!
the kind of guy who warns you never to go into his basement
nice on the outside but it's all fake
deeply rooted issues even he's unaware of
if you like drillbit hair consider Klavier instead
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
world's biggest baby
secretly a bitch
loves to clown on people
fake it till you make it
has no clue what he's doing most of the time
very determined in spite of that
everyone loves him
so many cool friends
cries at the thought of your bare ankles
physically incapable of walking by a shop and not buying something he doesn't need
"look, i got you a gift!!" "awh, how sweet! ...what is it?" "i don't know, i'll ask Mr Sholmes when he gets home!"
good with his tongue
may be somewhat trapped in the closet
has literally zero chill
remember when he just casually chased armed robbers??
must be a family trait
Iris interrogates you about your intentions with her brother
she has a gun
you have no privacy at his place
Sholmes crashes your dates
his bromance with Kazuma sometimes drops the "b"
becomes ultra cool eventually
hop into that time machine and date Ryu's ass, but be prepared to deal with period-appropriate homoeroticism and misogyny lol
Extra little shout out to Kazuma Asogi for that one time where he was a defense lawyer for, like, an hour and a half and somehow managed to cram 50 of the horniest one-liners in the game in that very limited time. Date him.
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Super sexy aa7 ideas that will never happen
*puts on my clown shoes
Themes: “the worst times are when lawyers have to smile their brightest, but you can’t be a lawyer 24/7” “sometimes (esp now) the system is WRONG”
Klavier Gavin prosecutes, because society has progressed beyond needing Paynes
And if the widespread complaint is that he’s too nice, this position is perfect
Make a witty remark abt feeling demoted >:(
Athena and Trucy dream team girls
Murder took place at a theater/has something to do with acoustics, to ~fit the characters~
Maybe Lamiroir was there 👀
Phoenix is once again a witness, but hes less infuriating. But still fucking funny infuriating
He mentions his college degree, vaguely. Pressing him reveals nothing.
Defend a rando
The twist: the murder only could’ve been committed by someone with superhuman hearing, so Athena’s senses are vital here!!
End: the culprit tries to psychologically fuck with everyone, but Athena stays strong, maybe uses some noise cancelling headphones, and corners the SHIT out of them
Also, there’s a new judge. A higher judge than your normal judge, who is a boomer. BOOMER JUDGE
Post-trial: a comment about all them missing Apollo…
Athena vs Franziska von Karma
Athena calls her out on the whipping if that’s still a thing
[Maybe Trucy is there again for extra spice,,,] but Solo Thena would be EPIC
Maybe we can bring Maya back here, but NOT ACCUSE HER FOR MURDER
Or accuse her at the scene but quickly disprove it
Idk also address her trauma
Wow this is turning into ATHENA CYKES- ACE THERAPIST
Put Simon there too because he’s hilarious
Maybe him and Maya are casually attending Comic-Con for the Steel Samurai panel
Defendant: some toxic celebrity with DRAMA
the twist: the murderer was targeting several high-profile ppl, but only killed like. A janitor instead. They aren’t found OR arrested, but you get a not guilty by… indicting their accomplice. And it HURTS but you have to or its your not-guilty kinda-a-dick client that gets guilty
New judge plays by the written rules, so u can’t ague ur case
Franziska is skeptical of the Accomplice’s guilt, but she lets the verdict go because your client is innocent.
Athena cries to Phoenix about how she feels like she fricked up b/c she empathizes with the accomplice but also everyone, Phoenix does his best dad comfort—this is the truth that’s allowed in the confines of their court system.
Open with a call from Maya. She loudly thanks the god/the holy mother for this
Kay and Sebastian are there
GUMSHOEEEEE (OLDER SPRITE??? Higher salary?? Maggey too?)
Classic Wright vs Edgeworth
All the options are flirty
Everything is an innuendo
Trucy co-council is embarrassed by ur Old Man Flirting (NEW SPRITES)
Lampshade conflict of interest what with dating opposing council. Gloss over it completely
Phoenix’s college degree is vaguely mentioned to be helping him. This is Not elaborated on
The murder is some crazy shit that basically parodies the whole series
3 cross poisonings and with INTERESTING results of chemicals mixing (Ema: 👀)
All the dying messages were faked
Handedness contradiction.
Some gross old guy appears, but you can punch him
The murder weapon goes from bloody knife with defendants fingerprints on it to glass shards of a broken bottle to an icicle to an overly spikey piece of hair
For extra funnies: BOOMER JUDGE IS NOT USED TO THIS. They are the straight person of this comedy clown case.
For extra feels (the twist): Phoenix actually has an emotional breakdown on one of the investigation days. Maybe Trucy gets put at risk again, or something with poisoning, or even something with Kay or Seb (to show how much Phoenix cares, in general) and we address all the shit that he’s gone thru
Awkward comforting by miles
(shoves Klavier into Khura’in) GO FAKEGERMANBOY GO
Play as Apollo (khura’inese clothes sprites)
KLAVIER CO-COUNCIL (CASUAL SPRITES?? Put his hair up in a bun capcom im begging)
Maybe at the end of one investigation, theres just. A heartfelt talk.
Ok ill make it heavy (b/c if its lighthearted these fuckos will never talk about their feelings)
TRUCY ALSO- im sorry truce im shoving you everywhere because I want you to develop
maybe she and Klavier are like, performer bros
Apollo is happy that Trucy is but also feels alienated, like AA6 totally pulled him from his AA4 roots [COUGH]
CASUAL TRUCY SPRITE??? I would cry capcom
Nahyuta, Rayfa, and Apollo being awkward but trying (and mostly succeeding) siblings, Amara being a scary but p good queen momther
She roasts Klavier so bad
Though he is very smart so she just roasts his terrible German
Resolve the Gramarye siblings here?
Include something with gender dysphoria to contrast how they butchered Robin Newman???
This is huge headcanon territory here tho
The Twist: realizing that this case cannot POSSIBLY be resolved in 3 fucking days. Also that Apollo is so backlogged that hes stressed and he probably needs help
Also someone tries to frame Klavier with his Gavinners-brand shoeprints
End: answer yes/no to Klavier working at Justice Law Offices. The choice affects his dialogue with Apollo in 7-5
Some fuckin. International level scandal
Elaborate on whatever the fuck “the phantom” was spying for? btw is the same that the culprits froms 7-2 and 7-4. maaybe 7-1?
And it involves MORE AUDITORIUMS
Open w/ calling Trucy, whos in the states. She mentions that Klavier casually got a Japanifornian defense attorney badge. Cue exasperation/fondness/incredulity (I promise this is relevant)
In Khura’in
Starts small- like a robbery, which leads to an attempt on Thalassa’s life. Again
Athena gets to therapy her
Then someone high-profile actually fucking dies
Athena (co-council Apollo) vs FINAL BOSS FRANZISKA
Lots of investigating with them
Talk about space center and grief
The twist: a person with low emotional output is framed, but they are innocent because LOWER EMOTIONAL REACTIONS DOESN’T MAKE YOU FUCKING EVIL
The other twist: Bring in 7-2 framed person for a character witness, show that they’re innocent. Athena is panicking because of Fear(?) so Apollo is determined to Do Something, and points out how this only happened because the system is Stupid and calls Klavier and Trucy
At the same time, there’s a stateside investigation. some botched, continued interreference at the Space Station
Klavier can pull an Edgeworth and investigate with Trucy
With parently narumitsu
Klavier talks about Apollo a lot, Trucy calls him out on it
Nahyuta is prosecuting this case
Depending on the relations between Klavier and Nahyuta established in 7-4, this will be hilarious or disastrous
Protective Yuty route: makes scathing comments about petty parts of Klavier- a petty-off
Teasing Yuty route: brings it up whenever Klavier talks about Apollo. Rlly funny banter. Klavier showing more human emotions sprites!!
Revisit the Space Center and get emo. Simon is here, arguing with Nahyuta
Because the cases go to trial simultaneously, the comment about the wrong conviction in 7-2 can be brought to the Japanifornian courts by Klavier and Trucy
They argue that Athena was forced to do that to spare an innocent and press HARD for legal reform
They call in Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth for reforms??
They also start a twitter war (that can be investigation minigame) and get public opinion up abt it
Yuty vouches for change, w/ khura’in as evidence
Phoenix vs Franziska
Larry time
Scruffy time
Idk man. No more international stuff, just good old fashioned cleaning up ur shitty dad’s messes amiright
Resolve things with the Shelly card?
oldbag cameo but you file a restraining order
help trucy and pearls with college
TLDR: Athena actually tracks an international conspiracy that has weight, the AJ gang once again changes the system, Phoenix gets emotional resolution, Franziska helps international stuff AND gets emotional resolution, and i finally stop trying to throw hands with capcom. 
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athemii · 2 years
since you're asking i think u should rate all of the english voices. this is important and will determine our friendship /j
OK OK wait. OK.
Aa1-aa4 phoenix- 8/10 love it so so much but they NEEDED to make him sound older in aa4 waugh
Aa5-aa6 phoenix- 10/10 ERIC VALE VOICE OHH YESS I LOBE IT they made his voice so deep and it suits him so much better but than Eric was his va in the anime so of course it suits him
Winston payne- he gets a 4/10 beacuse it sounds exactly how he looks if u get me.
Aa1-aa3 + aai 1+2 Edgeworth- 9/10 GOD I LOVE HOW POSH HE SOUNDS ITS SO FUJNY AND SUITS HIM SOO WELL HIS LITTLE POSH ACCENT HEHE he gets marked down bc he sounds 2 years old in the eureka one
Aa5-6 Edgeworth- 6/10 ITS SO DEEP ANS I DONT LIKE IT WHERE IS HIS SILLY ACCENT EUGHH but than again he is older and it does suit him and deep voice r hot so.
Manfred von karma- 8/10 god I hate this man so much but his voice just suits him so well I look at him and think yes that is exactly how he sounds its so deep and demonic it reflects him perfectly.
Franziska von karma- 9/10 god her voice is so pretty and nice to listen too I just wish they'd add a small hint of a German accent as she probably would've adopted one from spending most her life there
Mia- 10/10 marks bc shes my girlfriend and I adore her but she just sounds like some normal woman. And I love it. It suits her soo well
Godot- 10/10 hes sexy.
Aa4 apollo- 5/10 love u so much apollo but I hate how deep it is my guy is a rookie he has no confidence make him sound like a high pitched 12 year old going through puberty for the first time he would not have a voice that deep even if he is 22 years old but than again he DOES do voice exercises but I feel like that would just strain it more and make him have 50 different voice breaks
Aa5-aa6 apollo- 6/10 still deep but I like it more I like the gotcha line and the take that one bc his voice isn't as deep and the take that one sounds like he has a voice break half way thru
Kristoph- 10/10 God the accent and voice and everything suits him so well I love it thats all.
Aa4 Klavier- 8/10 could be less deep and also give him the German accent too. U robbed us eugh. Only 8 beacuse hes klavier gavin
Aa5 klavier- 8/10 still. Much better pitch not as deep. Still no accent.
Portsman- 4/10 doesn't suit give him a silly posh accent.
Lang- 7/10 I like it but he should have a deeper more masculine voice or somthing resembling a wolf. WE WERE ROBBED OF A HOWLING VOICELINE
callisto yew- 1/10 sounds like a grown man talking through a voice box why is it so robotic and ugly. Gets a 1 bc I like the accent they gave her.
Alba- 4/10 hate him but the voice suits him. I didn't pay much attention to the end of that case im gonna be honest
OK now its aai2 so these r all fan made but I love them so its ok
Horace- 8/10 such a good voice but should've been used for someone else. Doesn't fit horace (he is such a good antag BTW loved him)
Justine-9/10 God I adore the british accent its so good especially on the over ruled line suits her so well
Gregory- 5/10 i love Gregory but the voice is so deep and ugly and doesn't suit him. He's a kind nice man he needs a more gentle voice it can be deep. Just not that deep and aggressive.
Blaise- 0/10 for being blaise debeste. 3/10 beacuse the voice sounds evil and suits him
Simon Keyes- 4/10 too deep make it sillier hes litteraly a clown (ignore that hes a villain)
OK aai2 over
Athena- 10/10 lovee her voice its deep but in a good way we need more deep female voices and shows off her confidence alot u go queen
Blackquill- 7/10 love the British accent and the deepness and anger on the silence one. Objection could be better.
Nahyuta- 9/10 love his accent and poshness suits him soo well im so glad they didn't try a deep voice or anything.
Rayfa- 3/10 I love her and deep female voice but that is TOO deep for a 13 year old
Dhurke- 8/10 too deep but in an attractive way and by that I mean im in love with dhurke and I miss him
Garan- 2/10 doesn't suit her make it deeper shes evil u need to ACT IT.
OK here u go. No dgs ones bc I haven't heard the English ones yet
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carbootsoul · 4 years
fic recs? ive been combing out my locs for 3 hours and im So Bored,,.,.,
hell YEAH i have so many since i uh have been reading soo much fanfiction over quarantine lol and have also been reading ace attorney fic since like 5th grade or something equally stupid. like i am running out. (also thank u for the excuse to reread my favorite fics sjdklfjs i have to make sure they’re as good as i remember before recommending them to u 🥺). sorry this is a little late i finally convinced my little brother to watch sk8 with me lol
anyway leo’s fanfiction recs!! these aren’t in any particular order (technically they’re in chronological order of when i read them i guess) and most of them r going to be ace attorney but i think i’ve got two or three mp100 fics too!! i just didn’t have as many mob psycho fics bookmarked which is bothering me since i know i’ve read a lot of really good serirei fics i just didn’t save them everywhere.. if i send u an ask later with just links to a few that’s why.
gravity- (ace attorney, klapollo, rated e) if u haven’t read gravity yet.. i mean valid but i reread this one last night and it is just as good as i remember.. this is a weird thing to say about a klapollo fanfiction (and the klapollo is VERY GOOD) but i am obsessed with how miles and phoenix r characterized in this it’s such a fun perspective on their characters oh my god. there are a few points in this fic where i had to like. stop and look away because i was so excited about how it was written lol. there’s a second part to this fic that’s a mini wrightworth scene and it makes me go actually insane
the same thing, self aware- (ace attorney, wrightworth, rated m) cw past alcoholism. one of my top 3 ace attorney fanfics honestly 🥺 the premise is that phoenix and miles broke up when phoenix adopted trucy and they decide to spend a weekend together when miles gets back to san francisco (latter half of the 7 year gap) and GOD. it’s p angsty but has a happy ending and is also like. such an interesting look at their characters. also this:
“Well, fuck, Miles, why did you even ask me here?” Miles says into the kitchen sink, “Because you used to be my best friend.”
forty years in the wilderness- (ace attorney, wrightworth, rated t) classic post aj fic about edgeworth’s return to the states. i think most ppl have read this one but like. for good reason. sometimes i talk to my friend leo while i read fics and send them my favorite parts and i swear i sent them like 3/4ths of this fic. it’s just SO sweet and in character and i love it
to go another day- (ace attorney, wrightworth, rated t) god this fic is STUPID fluffy and rly short but it lives in my head rent free. horrifyingly in character and im obsessed with it
what we make- (mp100, reigen & tome, rated t) it’s been a while since i read this but im weak for any content about tome and reigen since like.. i’m obsessed with how similar they are.. the same kind of obnoxious gay. also the background serirei is rly sweet 🥺🥺
all there is- (ace attorney, wrightworth & past krisnix, rated e) cw for dubcon, dissociation during sex, and alcoholism. this is probably the angstiest fic on this list and deals with a lot of heavy topics but it’s really well written. the summary says ‘phoenix and kristoph during the seven year gap, phoenix and miles after it’ and yeah basically. 
catch me i’m falling- (mob psycho, terumob, rated g) college aus.. pining teru.... other ppl having crushes on mob (as they should).. fluff... shou being mean to teru... thank u
wilst du mich heiraten?- (ace attorney, wrightworth, rated t) HI THIS IS QUITE POSSIBLY MY FAVORITE FANFICTION EVER oh my GOD its so tender and good and the found family of it all. miles calling phoenix darling/sweetheart is my favorite hc. it’s told in two parts- one from phoenix’s pov before his disbarrment and one from apollo’s after everything with kristoph- and i just. seriously read this one it makes me so very happy. everything by the author is also good- my other personal favorites are love most definitely requited (the only hanahaki fic i’ve ever enjoyed) and reading between the lines (the original trilogy from miles’s pov). 
surrender on no sides- (mob psycho, character driven/ritshou, rated m for drug use, violence, and psychological abuse) tw for a lot of things- i’d advise looking at the tags. ok when i said all there is is the angstiest fic i was lying because i forgot about this one. uhh frankly don’t read it if you’re at all worried about any of the tags because this is VERY intense. the premise is that ritsu is the one who goes into mogami’s fucked up head land instead of mob (& mogami’s world is worse than canonically) and things just go downhill from there. i think about this fic on a weekly basis tho
this got LONG i didn’t realize how many favorite fics i had until i was listing them. thank u for asking tho!! i get really excited about things i’m into so it’s fun to get to ramble about them lol. i hope u enjoy these (and that you haven’t read all of them already lol)
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yayneloveart · 3 years
Turnabout Goodbyes part 2...
Phoenix and Maya just immediately accept that they need to pretend to be this crazy old man's kids to get info out of him, +10 stars
I always thought that Keith was Meg's boyfriend/husband because of the line 'it's okay Keith, you can call me dad' (like how some child-in-laws will call their spouses parents 'mom' and 'dad' after a while if they become close enough). I guess Yanni thought that if he acted like he thought Phoenix was a long estranged child the old man dearly missed, he might not suspect him of anything.
(While looking up to confirm that Keith is his son, I found out that the 'Yanni' part of his name is supposed to be a pun on 'Yawny' since he pretends to sleep a lot)
Wait, there's no tasing in the anime?????? -1,000 stars for the lack of tasers
Larry running in acting like a super hero... +10 stars for "BUTZ MAN"
He actually admits he was looking for the balloon instead of trying to hide it. AND THEN HE CALLED IT HIS "INFLATABLE EMPLOYEE", 1,000 stars to the show, 1 million to the writer who wrote that line
"But that's like your opinion man!" Either the higher ups had no idea what this referred to and didnt ask, or they did know and let the writer keep it in the script. Either way, 1,000 stars for the reference
'You cant handle the truth, can you?????' Anime Larry is a million times cooler than Game Larry. 1 million stars for a great second reference and comeback to Von Karma despite knowing his was going to knock him back with a snap.
Oh yeah, and no 'Kiyance' this time around. I wonder what made them take her out.
"He probably just sneezed and set off the camera" "I did not! I just yawned and farted", 1 billion stars to the show and writers for this episode
Despite having no idea who he is, the credits decided to use Yogi's real name in the credits with his voice actor instead of just calling him 'old man' or 'caretaker'. Not taking away stars because that's just dumb
Baby Edgey using the term 'kangaroo court' in the series where every court scene is a 'kangaroo court', +100 points
Phoenix saying Edgeworth's first name??? Did he ever do that in the games??? Either way, +1,000 stars for the gey
Welp, at least Anime Von Karma thought ahead and decided to type up the note instead of writing it so no one could recognize his handwriting. No stars because fuck Von Karma
I dunno that came to mind during Grossberg's testimony, which was a great idea Anime Phoenix.
Omg, Maya is still holding the metal detector despite there being no logical reason for it. Did they not think of a reason for her to hang onto it so that they could later find the bullet in Von Karma's shoulder?
Question, how bad does a burn have to be to remove finger prints? I once gave myself a 2nd degree burn on my thumb and my finger print came back after it healed. I've also cut my fingers a lot over the years and the finger print always healed good as new. (Just checked the pictures, it looks like your fingerprints exist through the layers of skin, so you would have to get bad 3rd degree burns to destroy your fingerprints, and by then your fingers would be gone too)
D8 showing how much of a scumbag Hammond was and how he screwed over Yogi makes everything feel EVEN SADDER, I DONT HAVE ANYMORE STARS TO GIVE FOR THIS SADNESS
So this one is pretty long so I'm going to save the rest of it for another post.
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dystopiax · 4 years
 2021 is coming and i just, wanted to sort out my year and be emotional AIGHT
for this year ive gotten and gotten out of a shit ton of fandoms but they all fucking doused all their serotonin right into my heart  im so so so glad that i met so many amazing people on discord and tumblr and i cannot express how much i love you guys as well - Osu! Might be the least significant fandom but i am still such a big fan on it. i love the memes i love the top players and i love the people that do documentaries, a simple rhythm game that made me realized that yeah maybe i am a bit competative, and also one of the reasons why i got the tablet and i cant stop USING IT. i might not be grinding pp as hard as i should but i feel like it still deserves a spot - MCYT it was probably the fandom that me and cryp and thread bonded over on and i cannot thank it enough, i might not be too big on the whole smp nor do i follow most of them (only hermit craft but shh) but i cannot like express how much i love it still, techno inspired me to try and challenge myself in minecraft and dream made me want to start speedrunning (if my crappy ass computer allows it) and grian was the one that made me interested in survival again. and i am still a big ass fan of minecraft and im so glad i got into it again  - Danganronpa OH GOD DANGANRONPA cant believe i actually got into it. it helped me get so many friends and i cannot thank that enough, im really grateful that it introduced me to so many wonderful people and such a colourful cast, even if the themes are dark. and i cant express how much i love fucking egg boi and panta cause they're just such big dumbasses and i love them to bits. other characters as well, they're all so unique and inspired me so much and i am still a fan of it, and i hope it stays that way. ALSO THANKS FOR THE PERMANENT HOPE DESPAIR PTSD  - Henry stickmin  GOd i remember LOVING the series as a kid and growing up watching people play the whole thing and complete the missions is just so AMAZING. thinking about it still makes me tear up a little. I LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERS, theyre so wonderful and amazing and charles has been such a big ass comfort character to me, and probably the one that prompted my artstyle change honestly cause i was just brainrotting and drawing him for ages LMFAO but i am still so so grateful that i got into it and yes valiant hero still makes me cry alright shush
- Ace attorney starting out the year with gay lawyers only to come back with gayer lawyer energies. I CANNOT THANK ACE ATTORNEY ENOUGH HONESTLY, it has such a big ass place in my heart and im so glad i found the series, even if i dont like the direction DD and SoJ took, i am still a big fan of the series. i love phoenix i love edgeworth i love maya i love franziska i love godot i love pearls i love mia and i can go on for HOURS how ace attorney made them such fantastic colourful characters and i wouldnt mind an hour long rant on ALL of them you bet that. it helped me come to terms with that HM, maybe self-insert characters arent that cringey and inspired me for so many times, and they're basically a comfort game SLMDGSLGD
they all mean SO SO SO MUCH to me and im so glad i get to share my brainrot with friends this year instead of closeting it all to my heart, its so nice to talk to people that have the same interest and i met so many friends in the same time
and for the piss household (yes thats what im calling it now) (FUCKIGN JOIN @despairinglyhopeful‘s server RIGHT NOW)(shhhh also this idea was inspired by Koma i adore yoou so much youre such a big inspiration to me hngnshnngh) : I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. i love that we can talk about whatevers on our mind, i love that we can spout out brain rots together, i love that we can experience something new together. and you all inspire me so so much and i appreciate all of you too <3
“centipedes in my vagina? “FREE PC CHECK”“ check your dms :flushed:
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gaysneeg · 3 years
she's defending a 20 year old phoenix wright who's been accused of murdering his girlfriend's ex (also he looks like this and i think you need to know)
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she proves his innocence and his girlfriend's (dahlia hawthorne) guilt. apparently not only did she kill the guy, she ALSO poisoned tit's ex boyfriend, landing him in a coma
so phoenix latches to tit like a lost puppy bc he is just a little man, and she takes him under her wing and teaches him more law stuff (he switches from talking ab hour sad he is about dahlia to why he wants to go to law school SO FAST it's hilarious)
so boom flash back to the present, phoenix and co are facing off against a new prosecutor, godot, who seemingly has some kind of history with phoenix?? he hates the man's guts, but never explains why. he also has an eye mask for some reason and he can't see the color red
so they continue on, solving another couple cases, then BOOM FLASHBACK CASE AGAIN
it's big tiddie's first case !! she and her assistant/boyfriend probably are facing off against 20yo edgeworth (who is like a huge bitch) to prove this one guy's innocence. they interrogate this witness, melissa, and then prove that her true identity is dahlia hawthorne. they almost catch her as the murderer, but before they can their client drinks poison she gave him in order to off himself bc he didn't want to live without her, and the case closes
then it pans out to phoenix (in a hospital bed??) reading the file on that case, CUE FINAL CASE BABEYYYYY
so maya and pearls are trying to convince phoenix to take them to this spirit channeling mountain where they can train, and he really doesn't want to (mans hates the cold) but he agrees after he sees a familiar face in the paper. ✨✨✨✨dahlia fucking hawthorne somehow ✨✨✨✨
so they go to the mountain, and everything is going great. and then someone fucking dies. maya is on one half of the mountain alone (the only thing connecting the two is a bridge) and after this lady is discovered dead the head nun sends phoenix to the bridge to call the cops (he doesn't have his phone and there's a landline)
so he goes to the bridge, only to find out that it was STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AND IT'S ON FIRE. he tells a guy sleeping nearby to call the cops, AND RUNS ACROSS THE BURYING BRIDGE bc hey man thats his basically little sister over there
and then of course it collapses bc it's a burning bridge nick, you dumbass, and he falls into the freezing river below. the cops arrive, he's taken to the hospital, and the guy nearby (he's nick's childhood friend but like he does not matter so i haven't mentioned him) calls edgey, who is currently in fucking germany, and tells him the situation
of course he calls a goddamn private jet and gets there asap, finds out what's going on with the case from the detective (the dahlia lookalike was accused and detained) and then visits nick in the hospital. he has literally no injuries but a really bad cold bc of course, he's phoenix wright. he tells edgey to take the case in his stead and uncover the truth, and then hands over his badge
so he agrees and goes on, and bc he has magic prosecutor power he arranges a trial with a judge who doesn't know him, and franziska on prosecution because she won't rat him out. so they go though the first day alright, and after that phoenix takes over even though he has a 103° fever💛
they open up the other side of the mountain, but when they're looking for maya they deadass can't find her??? and there's this one room that's completely locked off with these magic spirit locks that they have the not? dahlia work on opening
and im gonna skim a little bc this case makes my brain hurt but they open the door notdahlia flees bc edgey passes out, they find her but she's acting weird, maya is still gone and there are more locks, godot shows back up out of nowhere, pearls goes missing for a bit, they find out the victim is maya's supposedly dead mom, then they go to court again
nick kicks ass and takes names and finds out that the reason notdahlia was acting weird is because when she ran away actual dahlia, channeled by maya, took her place and hid her in the cave. plot twist!!! they're twins!! so pearl channels tiddy and her and phoenix bully dahlia out of maya's body
they think things are over but then godot accuses maya of killing the lady (oh yeah there was a murder everyone forgot) as dahlia, but nick proves her innocent and they find out he killed her, bc SHE was the one channeling dahlia, who tried to kill maya to get revenge on tiddy (yeah this shit is convoluted)
so then he's detained, everyone cries a little, and then they go out to dinner
there's a couple fun spin off games after this, and then you get hit in the gut with pain in game 4💛 (apollo justice my beloved)
how do you remember so much about games story woah. I play a game and forget most of the plot within 30 minutes, I swear. 
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colourful-void · 4 years
For the headcanons prompt thing, Miles Edgeworth? Also sorry if you've already done that Im too tired to go searching lol
I haven’t done him yet!!!!! Sry this took so long to answer i wrote it out and then,,, forgot to hit post and closed the tab.... ahaha... anyway!
Sexuality Headcanon: Edgeworth for me has really solid gay and ace vibes! Gender Headcanon: don’t got anything here in paticlar! Open to anything in the gender headcanon like 90% of the time! A ship I have with said character: Narumitsu narumitsu narumitsu- listen I love narumitsu, and so do a lot of people, it’s a popular ship for a reason.  But dang… dang they are so good… they’re perfect together?? Like I could go on forever about what makes them amazing but I’m sure someone’s already written an essay on it. I’d read that essay… getting side tracked- the childhood friends to rivals to friends to lovers??? Amazing! I love how much they’re willing to do for each other. Phoenix spent all this time become a defence attorney just to see him again... like Edgeworth’s court debut and phoenix meeting dahlia in the basement weren’t that far apart, so you know that phoenix was looking for edgeworth all this time, always keeping an eye out and just ready to go after him and he never gave up!!!!! And edgeworth??? god I still get emotional thinking about what edgeworth must’ve felt getting that call from Larry saying that phoenix had fallen, and him flying all the way across the world just to see him at the drop of a hat. I’ve mentioned it before but edgeworth goes to see phoenix before Larry, so he had to have gone to the effort to figure out where he was and chose to see phoenix first. God jsut… them. I love how when you’re playing investigations, edgeworth thinks about phoenix all the time, crediting so much of his shift in world view to ‘that man’. I love how determined phoenix is to defend edgeworth in 1-4. I love them. A BROTP I have with said character: Kay and Edgeworth’s friendship is probably one of my favourite dynamics between characters in the series, and one of my favourite of ever it’s just,,, so good. They’ve been through so much in such a short time but edgeworth was willing to give up his entire career for Kay and I know theres more to it than that but that was the catalyst and djsljklds!!! Friends forever.
 A NOTP I have with said character: Not a fan of edgeworth and gumshoe A random headcanon(s): Edgeworth really just like chess casually and has played rounds with Kay, Gumshoe, Phoenix, and Franziska! Franziska’s the only one who’s ever beat him, though he insists he let her win. Kay like to say she won, but everyone knows she cheated. General Opinion over said character: I love him so much!!!!!! He has so much presence as a rival, but he’s also just?? A good character??? I love his backstory, I love how what happened to him still affects him through later games. I love how stupid and dramatic he is. I love that he’s a dumb nerd about tea and chess and the steel samurai. I love the fact that he cares a lot about people, but in a different way than Phoenix or Maya do. He’s fantastic.
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blvckblvr · 5 years
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : McKee but if you call me that I’ll kill you. pleeza Xeno unless i know you better
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  :  ummmm oh i own iguanamouth’s first paid commission. my cousin commissioned it because they went to high school together and he gave it to me years later
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  : big muscle women. capable but nonthreatening men. smooth skin...
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  :  fucking nothing. if i eat the same food twice in a single day i get really soured off of it for a little while. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : not big on citrus
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : i have a cortex in my brain that produces endolphins when bad things happen so i like to keep up on monstrous internet happenings and creepy disappearances and args via youtube channels featuring men with low monotone voices
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  depends. tanktop n boxers usually. sometimes a nightgown. sometimes matching set. i own a couple kigurumis too
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : serious relationships
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : man idk. im one of those people that figure i wouldnt the the person i was if not for my past experiences so i appreciate all of it in a way and i don’t really want to change any of it. i guess i might have taught myself how to apply makeup and cared more about accessorizing?
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  fantastic mr. fox baybeee
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  i’ve been on an ito kick recently so i’m inclined to say like. earthbound, or hanging balloons, or layers of fear. i kind of enjoy his shorter works more than his longer ones?
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : grumble grumble. musewise i like grimm/hollow knight, and shadow/silver/sonic. otherwise, i like wx-78/wilson, and uuuhhhh the classic phoenix/edgeworth and snufkin/moomintroll. 
15. PIE OR CAKE  : cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  roses...
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  idris elba. let’s go with him
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : i wanna go back to japan and i wanna go to that fucking vampire cafe
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert i think. 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : i’m gonna go with yes bc i startle easily and horror games make me nervous. that being said i fucking love horror
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : sadly, yes. i have a preference for fast-paced murder games. whatever that means to you i’ve probably tried a game in that genre. i have been known to settle in for like, zeldas or more micromanage-y games too
23. DREAM JOB  : in a perfect world i could be a storyteller in some capacity and that would be a viable and secure job for me financially and emotionally
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  : commission any artist i can find for art of my beloved oc wabbajack
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : i have unresolved anger issues involving dbd’s jake park from back when there were only 3 killers and 4 survivors and everyone played jake because he could just fuck over the killers immensely 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : steven universe just kinda makes me feel bad to look at now but it was fun when i enjoyed it
tagged by  : bullshark attacka me
tagging  :  i dont care
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atatfortatzelwurm · 5 years
Ace Attorney | Narumitsu | Edgeworth :3c
oh goodness here we go, i did no googling for this i am purely going off of what i have seen from you and 1 other blog
001 | Ace Attorney:
Favorite character:
Phoenix Wright, i think. he’s loud and stupid what more could i ask for
Least Favorite character:
i haven’t the slightest idea.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Wrightworth, Wrightworth,Wrightworth,Wrightworth, and Wrightworth. I only know, like, 6 characters.
Character I find most attractive:
that woman with the orange-red hair and the long ponytail is really cute, idk what her name is tho
Character I would marry:
like i said, redhead ponytail woman is cute
Character I would be best friends with:
Phoenix seems to have amassed a following of teenage girls, im close enough to being a girl so i probably fit in
a random thought:
Detective Gumshoe (that is his real name, right?) looks a hell of a lot like Gilbert D. Stern from the Archie Mega Man comics
An unpopular opinion:
idk man
My Canon OTP:
My Non-canon OTP:
Most Badass Character:
Edgeworth. Phoenix would probably be my favorite, but Miles just seems really cool
Most Epic Villain:
i don’t know if there is a villain in the series
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Miles Edgeworth, he should be more obviously gay 
Favourite Friendship:
Apollo and redhead-ponytail woman seem to get along p well 
Character I most identify with:
Phoenix, i too am a confused art gay who gets into strange arguments
Character I wish I could be:
no idea! 
002 | Narumitsu:
When I started shipping them: 
9/16 this year 
My thoughts:
they’re cute!! im betting Phoenix fell first but it took him until Miles stuttered and blushed his proposal for him to figure it out
What makes me happy about them:
it makes shulkie happy and come on 2 gay lawyers thats adorable
What makes me sad about them:
it seems like Miles is sometimes portrayed as too shy/not confident in himself enough to make a move even though he deserves the world
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
i havent read any yet!
Things I look for in fanfic:
like i said, i havent read any. probably oblivious and/or pining phoenix if i were to go searching
My wishlist:
im not even sure what this question means
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
ive seen art of Gumshoe/Edgeworth that looks cute, but idk how old the characters are so im wary of shipping Phoenix with anyone else
My happily ever after for them:
married and adopted all the girls who hung out with Phoenix
003 | Miles Edgeworth:
How I feel about this character:
hes very gay and that neck ruffle thingie would look very silly if anyone but him tried to wear it
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
Phoenix and Gumshoe. (i really hope thats actually his name)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
i suppose Gumshoe? i only know like 6 characters dude
My unpopular opinion about this character:
if he wasnt a lawyer he would NEVER get away with that outfit
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Favorite friendship for this character:
i only know like 6 characters dude
My crossover ship:
Miles Edgeworth/Professor Layton
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blookmallow · 5 years
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this is gonna be kind of. mixed up and out of order bc i actually finished it like weeks ago and never got around to putting together the liveblogs so like. i cant exactly remember which comments i was gonna make with which pictures/what order things happened in/etc, bear with me 
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???? well SHIT
so like.....witchcraft and witches and all that are all stage tricks/illusions/hypnosis, which. ok a lot of “magic” can be done with technology and if this is a town where nobody is aware that kind of technology exists they’ll believe its witchcraft, BUT 
this is still a town wherein a CHILD was ‘born a witch’ (how did she Know she was a witch?? how could she do magic if she was a kid and wasnt in on the whole thing with the shades??), believed she turned her childhood goat friend into gold (meaning the shades did that to her just to fuck her up), was distraught to the point of trying to fucking DROWN HERSELF and living in hiding as a boy and presumably never saw her parents again 
what the fuck was the aim in doing that to a kid and her family
and like, this means the storyteller is directly responsible for Choosing which members of the town are going to be witches. he looks at peoples’ lives and just Decides ‘this person’s gonna get completely fucked over and live life thinking they’re a monster and having to hide from their friends and neighbors truly believing they’re going to be cast into a fire pit if anyone finds out what they are and will probably eventually have to go through a public witch trial in front of the entire town and experience the immense trauma of being sentenced to a horrible gruesome death and falling into the fire, even if they arent really hurt, and now have to live in the woods as an outcast of society carrying out whatever orders they’re given” 
and he had to have been the one who said witches can only be women!! so he decided Only Women would go through this. he decided a child and a young girl would go through this and god knows how many others 
also how the fuck did they do the thing with the witches chasing layton and luke in the beginning then bc they’re not hypnotized to believe whatever they’re told they see, 
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what the FUCK
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and everyone in town has a rare medical condition induced by the water that makes them fall unconscious when they hear a silver bell, bc thats...plausible,
like i guess. everyone was like. people who wanted to start over and forget their old lives for whatever reason (i was gonna call out the fact that theres children in this town but if its been 10 years its possible that young children could have been born and raised in the town since then) (but then, greyerl looks older than 10?) and consented to.... having their memories erased and being completely mind controlled, I Fucking Guess, 
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but like one person in the crowd was going “wait yeah i just realized i cant remember my own mother’s face!!” how....did nobody in town realize that Everyone has no memory of their childhoods or their parents or anything. surely someone somewhere would’ve confided to someone the terrible amnesia they’re suffering from and had a “wait what the fuck me too” moment and it would’ve spread. surely the people with kids would have had to think about the fact that they dont remember being a kid/having parents/etc. surely those kids wouldve asked about their grandparents or ‘what was it like when you were a kid, mommy?’ 
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“now now sweetie remember, dont touch that bell OR A WITCH WILL POSSESS YOU AND MAKE YOU DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU LOVE” yea thats definitely how you talk to a child and will absolutely not backfire in any way
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jfc though ‘i rang a bell that ended up causing everyone in town to fall unconscious at the same time and resulted in a fire that destroyed everything and killed everyone i know including my mom and my best friend’s mom’ is a FUCKING LOT to cope with, especially considering she was like 6,
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so i guess... there is no actual real ‘bezella,’ eve the cat is. just a cat, but the name was subconscious memory of darklaw who is actually named eve and is actually the ‘grand witch’ of the woods and was in on it the whole time but isnt actually bezella or a witch but then theres no actual witches anyway, and technically i guess she is bezella bc ‘bezella’ was the one who destroyed the town and shes actually the one who rang the bell but none of that Really matters bc no matter who did it someone was going to end up ringing it anyway 
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ok EVEN IF you buy ‘everyone’s been hypnotized by weird ink into believing whatever the storyteller says but dont worry about it its totally legal bc they consented to this somehow even though they dont remember, and they were told they cant see pure black so anything pure black is invisible’
A) how does no one ever hear any sound from these machines. and if you argue that the machines are only ever used when people are knocked out,
B) how does NO ONE IN TOWN ever manage to accidentally bump into one and wonder what the fuck they just ran into. how does no one ever see a bird land on it or something. the bell tower was there the whole time covered in an ‘invisible’ black tarp but the wind never blew the cloth around. no one ever walked through that spot in the middle of the town square even though the vigilantes wouldnt have been guarding it yet bc they didnt know anything was there 
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alright is anyone else absolutely shipping espella and eve by the end of this nonsense though. i know shes described as being “like a big sister to her” but they’re not actual sisters, theres only a couple years age difference, and i mean, like, 
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look at this!!!!!!!!! harold they’re lesbians 
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see!!!!! they’re married now!!!!!
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barnham is ROCKING that look 
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also edgeworth definitely shouts OBJECTION as much or possibly even more than phoenix does so who are u calling annoying, 
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god fucking DAMN he cute tho. he has absolutely no business being this cute. look at that lil nose. fuck 
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