#im really out of shape because i literally hate all exercise LMAO
apricote · 11 months
went swimming today!!! swam like 500m and my body hurts
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skinnyghosttears · 3 years
May 10, 2021
8:16 am
I have the shape of a whale rn. I dont want to weight myself for a while.
Im gonna exercise a lot today, no matter what. The plan is 504kcal, maybe I can do something less.
Im gonna eat some avocado with a tortilla and some protein cheese for lunch and some rice for dinner. I want a snack? White monster.
And water, and tea.
I'll be 59kg for saturday or sunday. I will.
9:35 am
Managed to lower the calories to 369 for the whole day. Im at the window waiting to see mom leaving so I can go and exercise until 12 pm.
I already had some water so I will not weight myself today lmao.
10:03 am
While Im on the cyclette I rememebered that my grandma will come soon here. Didnt saw her since october, so she will clearly notice thay I lost a lot of weight.
I jave to plan high volume meals for restrict without her noticing or she will bring it up like 3 times for each meal. Also, I think my parents will go away this or the next weekend, so I have time to do at least a longer fast! My brother doesnt care and I can straight up lie to him without risk him checking on me. I think that I can skip friday dinner faking eating pop corns, skip saturday lunch too faking some nausea (I can fake eatig a couple of biscuits woth some tea, then eat a piece of pizza for saturday dinner like nothing happened. So I should be able to do a 30hours fast. I want to plan a certain amount of water to drink, If I crave food I have to drink an entire liter before, so I'll be too full of water. I have to find a way to dont binge. Im thinking about trying to not weight myself until saturday morning, but imagine my sadness finding out I will not reach 59 for that day :')
Im thinking about eating already the other piece of pizza during this week so I will not risk to eat the whole half pizza on saturday.
Wednesday I'll go to the city for see the therapist, and Im really thinking about buy another skirt like the one I had or try a pair os jeans and buy them as a goal to reach since I saw them the other day but I had no time.
Sorry this post is getting long as usual, Im just trying to figure out what to do for live this week in a good way mentally.
Oh, I decided to overexercise only today and probably tomorrow, but just walk for the next days because of the really low calorie intake. I dont want to faint at all. Friday and saturday I will not walk exept for bring out the dogs since I'll have less than 200kcal both days.
3:00 pm
Changed plan to 375/392kcal (it depends on how I feel at dinner time) because my mother didnt finish the avocado at lunch and we hate to throw away food. Its not a big deal since I had to carry my big dog for a lot this morning while I was bringing her to the grooming. She weight almost 30kg so aim pretty sure I burned a lot. I had a breakdown because of her because she refused to follow me and she's old and sometimes her legs cant carry her for too long, so I had to break my back for carry her, just for find out in the last meters she was just refusing to follow me and the legs were fine. Mom went back home from work just for lunch so now I have more time for exercise in secret, plus I can exercise too when she'll be back since I said I need to rest after this morning (which is true but ai prefer to go to sleep early that risk to fall asleep now)
7:55 pm
Burned 2200kcal!(cyclette as always).
Im gonna eat some blueberries after dinner, idk about how many calories they have (I cant weight them because I froze them) but I cant calculate how much I burned because of my dog this morning so its fair.
8:57 pm
Succesful dinner even if there was a lot of yummy food on the table! Gonna make a coffee now and a tea later plus another half liter of water before bed.
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bisexualhobi · 4 years
another thing that was funny to me during the live is how jin and yoongi sort of clowned on the re-release, like asking what's different about this version and joking that there'd be a third Ultra Deluxe release... and on one hand im glad that they also seem to think it's kind of shitty marketing but in the other hand im like... if you feel this way, then why did this rerelease happen? why does the label have more power than the band? anywayz i just hate the industry lmao
I think I dozed off during that part but I did saw a clip later on my tl abt jin going "ok but what else besides these two grammy hot100 stickers is special abt the album" and no one knew what to say 😭😭😭 had namjoon and jk literally saying shit like "uhh well it's lighter!! the packaging!! yeh 👍🏻😃" bflsjfkfkdjjg WE BOTH KNOW IT'S NOT DIFFERENT OR SET APART IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM IT'S ONLY CHEAPER......
it was SO transparent how bighit dropped a 50 dollar album right before christmas season, didn't say SHIT abt another edition even tho it was clearly marketed as the "deluxe" version and sat on the cheaper edition for MONTHS so they could squeeze every single last dollar from this fandom 💀
as to your question "why does the label have more power than the band?" well dear anon, that's because that's literally how labels work. no matter how much soft power bh wants to exercise over the gp perception of bts, they are still a product that bh manages as they see fit - case in point, hobi expressing desire to go on a reality show and then backtracking cause bh would never let him appear on a show that focuses on individuality
it really baffles me how the essential rollout came to be, because we literally got NOTHING out of it. there was no marketing outside of weverse, not even their official acct tweeted about the release. on Instagram and tiktok, their two biggest platforms outside of twt it was CRICKETS. people had NO idea be was being re released this week. and that's bc bighit's marketing team has been increasingly relying on army to do THEIR job. the fandom literally does marketing for free 💀 with all their "cb goals!!" and spamming fancams under viral tweets. they saw that happening and said "well guess I can go take a nap now"
I still refuse to accept that we are only getting a single MV out of this era. it can't be. they are probably gonna drop a second MV (either for fly to my room/telepathy..... atp I won't even pretend I still have hopes for dis-ease being the second single rip) now that yoongi is better and has had time to recover. but if there was any moment for them to drop a second single it was two weeks ago, to promote the be re release properly. every day that passes now without promo is sunken cost.
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thinking about my physical health and my failure to care for myself properly.. tw exercise.
I have a history of using the gym for evil and really overdoing it. How I am right now after avoiding the gym for so long, is very out of shape and weak and pathetic. Muscles? Who’s she. Stamina? Don’t know her. Physical health?? make it make sense.
cont. under read more:
Anyways with this self isolation thing going on part of me wants to help myself get in better shape, I mean my 12lb dog makes my arms give out. when I say im out of shape, i mean my muscles are threads and going up 4 steps leaves me winded. Im not talking about “summer body toned” i mean literally i have like no strength at all my muscles are just paper. I cant even stand in the kitchen to cook without needing to sit down before I pass out. But how do I get healthy when I cant even control myself in exercise mode? Theres such a thin line between “im doing the correct amount and thats perfectly fine” and “work out until all i see is white and I wake up on the floor” I just want to be normal. I want to have normal strength. Normal stamina. I want my body to be human. Instead Im a soggy tissue and trying to better myself only ends in the eating disorder taking over. I feel that way about ever attempt to better myself.. work out? Ed ruins it. Eat healthy? Ed ruins it. Eat more? Ed ruins it. Eat less? Ed ruins it. Drink more water? Ed ruins it. Every time I try to just be normal, Ed pushes it to the extreme in any direction and ruins it.
I look normal. talking about it with people isnt really helpful. No one believes me and they always try to convince me that im lying. They overestimate my abilities just because of how i look. bro theres no muscle under my skin its just fat. take a squeeze lmao not even lying.... I wish I could change it. I used to play sports wtf..
Ive been trying to do At Home work outs... I hate it. Ive always hated exercising. I only did it for hours to punish myself. It has never been enjoyable. And at home Im struggling to get anything going, because i hate it so much but i also am afraid if I give effort im going to overdo it like always. There’s no balance. Its shitty no matter what I do so I tend to get ultra depressed and avoid it.
bringing me back here, complaining I cant do anything right and help myself. I feel like I wont live that long unless I get my act together and get healthier. but hOooOwwWW.......
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liquidstar · 5 years
can we see the swaps :o
i actually got a few asks about this :D im gonna post pics of them (in the same tiny style i used for their normal refs) and go into detail about how the characters change under the cut! 
before i do, for anyone that doesnt know, this is something i did both for fun and as character development exercise where i took pairs of ocs and swapped their situations and magic and all that stuff with each other. anyway here goes!
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First up is Amary, I think In Rue’s place she’d have more of a pastel punk vibe, but still wear a lot of black to sort of compliment the shadow magic. That’s the real downside to this swap, a lot of the colors don’t match up with the persons magic lol.
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As for Rue she doesn’t lose her gothic edge but it’s more lolita fashion based, with a lot of gold to compliment the light magic. Unlike how she normally is she wouldn’t be very confrontational at all, but she wouldn’t be as obsequious to rules as Amary normally is. 
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Aloe in Sorrel’s place would probably have 10x the social anxiety he already has, but other than that he wouldn’t be TOO different. He’s just Aloe with all the optimism gone, which is… Sad. But his determination is still 100% there, it’s just that now he’s moreso driven by a desire to prove himself out of spite rather than admiration. 
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Sorrel on the other hand kind of loses his angst, replacing his skateboard for roller skates and using mobility to make up for the fact that he’s a passive wizard. He’s a lot more… Preppy, taking after a different sibling’s haircut.
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Normally Carnation is a smart and classy scholarly type, but when swapped with Pine I think her intense curiosity to learn would be what drives her to be a tech wizard, unlike Pine who wants to create. I think she’d be very into reverse engineering things and she’d probably be kind of like Entrapta from She-Ra 2018.
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Pine was always pretty prideful of his creations, but when he becomes the “perfect smart kid” like Carnation normally is, that aspect of himself would take center stage. He would be really arrogant and cocky, rather than grumpy.
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Fennel is usually a really happy-go-lucky type of idiot, but if he’s forced into a position where he has to behave proper and dignified on count of being an heir he’d probably just… Lose his goofy side. That being said though, he’s still an idiot, it just takes people more by surprise when he opens his mouth. His arc would just be about accepting silliness if anything.
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On the flip side though, Geran wouldn’t have to act regal anymore, so he’s free to be as goofy as he wants. He takes up a much more “class clown” type of personality, but the part of himself that hides away his emotions isn’t gone, it’s just that now he only does it to negative ones.
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Unlike his sister, Musk was NOT built for empathy magic, he’s not emotionally intelligent at all. And he’s also got far less control of his powers, meaning he has to feel everyone’s emotions all day whether he wants to or not. Crybaby would be an understatement, but can you blame him?
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And in contrast, Gallica wasn’t built for logic and reasoning, she’s normally creative and empathetic. She doesn’t lose those aspects of herself when swapped with her brother, but because of her mismatched magic she ends up with a serious case of impostor syndrome, but she hides it. 
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Protea becomes a lot less shy in Daisy’s place, and I was going for a bit of a gardener look with her overall dress because I think she’d still hang on to her desire to make things (Even if not potions). She’s still use sign language when she can’t talk but on top of that I think she’d use rocks to signal things to people by making them into shapes. 
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Daisy is still a furry lmao. But seriously, in Protea’s place daisy would probably adapt a more… Scene look. And she’d probably act a lot more saccharine, but unlike Protea she’d be a lot less meticulous when it comes to potion making. There’s nothing wrong with just eyeballing it.
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Maggie when swapped with Tam would be… Sort of a cheerleader? I mean, what else do you get when you combine a jock and a ballerina? Normally Tam is overconfident, but Maggie in her place would sort of use that overconfidence to hide any insecurities she may have.
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Tam in Maggie’s place would be a lot more mellow, they’d be a sort of a hippy type, but they’d still retain that aforementioned overconfident personality. The only character I can think of that would work as a comparison is Phoebe from Friends. Not that I’m a fan of the show but… That’s what they’d be like.
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Holly has always been hung up on how people perceive her, normally it’s because she wants to be in the limelight, but when swapped with Hyacinth I think she’d just be… Super hung up on embarrassment, she’d be afraid to put herself out there because she doesn’t want to be embarrassed. 
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Meanwhile Hyacinth retains their whole “I wanna be a great amazing hero like the one in my books” shtick, but they lose their social anxiety and become… Sort of cocky, like they gain a huge hero complex and act like a (future) grand adventurer. 
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Aster when swapped with Reed would have become a wizard to pursue a new purpose and want for saving people (especially kids) but she ends up using it as a form of escapism and blatant disregard for her own well-being. She gets better and becomes a teacher, of course, but that doesn’t completely solve the issue.
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On the other hand Reed is a lot more cleaned up, he just looks like a GoodBoy, but this is all totally an illusion, he’s still a mess he just doesn’t let it show. I think he’d still retain his want for time travel, but instead of looking at it through a straight-forward way, since he has space magic, he’d think of it in the terms of “bending space”
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Since this is a swap AU that INCLUDES Iris and Crocus. Making Crocus the new good guy and school principal. Their core personalities stay in tact but the benevolence and malevolence is swapped, Crocus always wanted fun. Instead of fun through chaos it would be more like, fun through freedom. His interest in humanity would be less so about a question of mortality and life (Like Iris’ normally is), but one of independence and spirit that humans have.
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And of course, on the flip side, Iris. Swapped iris would hate humans because they cause disorder, and Crocus would like them because their individuality is fun. So in that sense the monsters that Iris makes would probably be very different from Crocus’, a lot more calculated with the intent being just to harm and set things straight based on how she wants it to be, a complete and literal God complex (Because she is one)
And that’s all the ones I’ve done! If you wanna know about any others feel free to shoot me an ask but I probably won’t draw any more unless you specify that you wanna see them too! That goes for other characters in THIS swap or these characters swapped with different ones, really this is a super fun way to stretch your creativity when it comes to character development. 
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✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
Belle: a messy ponytail 90% of the time, it’s only down when she’s at home after having just showered, or occasionally a few other times. she hates it in her face, so it is always pulled back but a lot of times it is like a second day ponytail cuz she’ll just keep it in when she sleeps so there are always pieces kind of sticking out. belle’s hair is just past shoulder length.
Simba: a lil fro, not super long, maybe just like half an inch/inch off his head. he keeps it well trimmed and shaped tho and keeps a brush in his car that he’ll use before he gets out to go anywhere. keeps a nice clean-cut beard 90% of the time.
Toulouse: always clean shaven (doesn’t have much facial hair anyway lol, imagine...), his hair is perfectly coiffed at all times. that like messy, loose curls look. his hair isn’t long enough to pull back or anything but it’s definitely on the longer side. idk just picture eddie’s fancy hair and it’s like that. takes longer to style it than literally anyone else.
Attina: braids!! tina loves braids. her hair is always styled unless she’s just like running to the grocery store or hanging out at home on a sunday. either wears it in loose curls or up in some sort of fancy up do. usually in different braids: french braids, dutch braids, occasionally braided pigtails. i’d say it’s like a 50/50 on whether it’s down and curled or up and styled. does a LOT of half down/half up looks. i’d say it reaches her bra strap line, so bottom of shoulder blades?
Hercules: he does literally zero things to his hair.
Mei: leaves it down most of the time because she can’t be bothered. it is very Long, almost to her butt long. it’s pretty messy. has a nice natural wave to it, very thick so if she does throw it up, it’s just in a messy bun or pony tail. when she’s dancing or exercising it is back though. sometimes she will put it back in some fancier updos, usually for special occasions. 
Shock: her hair is always kind of ratty and greasy. i have a hc that she actually hasn’t cut it since she went into remission so it’s also very long. however, she can’t be bothered with it most days and just throws it up in a bun, so most people don’t even realize how long it is. probably doesn’t even know how to braid lol. 
Bob: he also does literally zero things to his hair, it’s pretty short, also balding. probably tried to do something about that at one point and it went Very Wrong. 
Thomas: actually does put some product in his hair. mostly because if he didn’t it would be super curly and stick out all over the place and he does care about his appearance somewhat. so he’ll kind of rub product on his hands and then run it through his hair, but that just leaves these like lovely defined curls in the wake.
Zira: shaved head. like a boss. occasionally will don a wig for fancy occasions, but her day to day is a shaved head or a very, very close cut fro.
Candace: usually down. sometimes she’ll put it in a ponytail, especially when she’s doing something Science-y (TM) but when she puts it up there are always a few hairs that frame her face. braids it occasionally if she’s feeling fancy. it’s also quite long, i’d say mid-back probably, maybe a little longer.
👓 What kind of mobility or assistive devices (if any) does your character use in daily life? (Glasses, canes, hearing aides, wheelchairs, etc.)
Belle: none! tho im thinking about giving her glasses for reading eventually mostly because i think that’s very ironic and also pregnancy can mess up your eyesight bc pregnancy is WACK y’all -- but just imagine the plot of belle not being able to read !!! 
Simba: none! he does have a knee that acts up on him tho and will probably need a cane in his older age (UGH IM SO OLD - simba) 
Toulouse: also considering giving toulouse glasses bc eddie also has very cute glasses and it’s a Look (TM). maybe i will say he has reading glasses, can i just retcon that lmao
Attina: none! 
Hercules: none!
Mei: none!
Shock: had to use a cane for a few months during her treatment, and has also been wheelchair-bound a few times. had to stop using the cane bc all she did was wack people with it and no one could get close to her. 
Bob: none! 
Thomas: none!
Zira: none, she’s a vampire lol
Candace: has glasses! she wears contacts usually bc glasses are for NERDS, but at night or if she’s been studying/reading/on the comp for a long time, she has to switch to glasses bc her eyes will get really fatigued otherwise. 
♔ How does your character usually dress for a fancy event?
Belle: i actually have a hc that all of belle’s fancier outfits come from her mom, because no way would she ever buy them herself. she also only has like 3 pairs of Fancy Shoes that she just rotates through. her color palette for events is like blue/gold generally. 
Simba: on theme -- unless he doesn’t want to be. but he always dresses...not flashy...but uhhhh eye-catching. loves to be the center of attention so his outfits are just wack-o. loves playing around with different looks. please do not test him he will literally wear anything. 
Toulouse: stuntin’ on all you bitches always. toulouse loves NOTHING more than he loves dressing up for fancy events. it is in his BLOOD. always crushes the theme. designer only. jewelry, make up, AMAZING shoes. honestly i wanna play around with different styles even more with him. i had him wear a skirt to pride and 10/10 will do that again idk he is just very fluid in his fashion choices and i should embrace that more. 
Attina: attina has a very modern-classic style. i always say hers is closest to what my own is in my head. lots of sweetheart necklines, long, flowing princess skirts/silhouettes. the girliest of my girls, she loves to look and feel very feminine. her color palette is generally a gold/red/green palette. LOTS of jewelry. bitch loves the sparkle.
Hercules: a suit.
Mei: i love mei’s event and fancy outfit style. it’s very girlish and flirty. doesn’t wear anything super body-hugging. loves tulle skirts. she loves wearing fun clothes but nothing too flashy. her style is kind of hard to describe, but generally pretty modern and not conservative, but definitely not sexy really. it can also be very witchy: lace, capes, shimmery things, etc.
Shock: can be explained by clicking here but seriously, shock only shops at thrift shops or what she can steal from people. so, her outfits are generally kind of all over the place. but she loves a grungy look, but when she dresses up she does like a Modern Flirty Grunge: sheer tops, lace, ripped up clothes, etc.
Bob: a suit.
Thomas: a suit. (sometimes fun colored pocket squares/tie/bow tie. will wear whatever phil puts him in.)
Zira: loves a pant suit. very modern silhouettes. always looking fly. lots of jewel tones: purples, greens, etc.  
Candace: i’m still getting a feel for her fashion and she hasn’t been to any events yet, so we’ll see! but probably very modern and tighter and kind of slutty, but like tasteful slutty. has nice legs so wants to show those off. 
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