#im so scared of getting older / im only good at being young
compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: some dense icemav paragraphs free of charge idc idc
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el-pada · 11 months
Hi, I would like to know what is the "gift from the gods"? where did he get it from and how does it affect him?
oo i was waiting for someone to ask about this now i can info dump
the gift from the gods in this case is grasscutter, originating from the usagi yojimbo comics. the story itself is super good i recommend reading it first as i took a couple creative liberties with it for my rise iteration
basically im taking the "sword from the gods thats been lost for 500 years" and making it so that its so powerful most mortals die from just wielding it, some are able to use it but it turns them into something unrecognizable
so part of the story goes the same, except the timeline is earlier. the plot to recover the lost sword using dark magic still happens and unfortunately a young usagi was wandering nearby when it emerged
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being a kid and not fully believing the stories he tries grabbing it to show to katsuichi without thinking and the effects start to take place (its not a good time)
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luckily katsuichi was near enough to hear his screams and manages to rip it out of his hand, leaving them both frazzled and scared
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katsuichi is now faced with multiple facts that are putting them both in inmense danger
grasscutter is not only real but in their possesion, anyone looking to gain power either by force or politically is now going to be after them
usagi was able to wield it and not die, hes now a target as a potential user that others could manipulate
deciding hes no longer safe in their world (gonna take the 2003 approach and say he has some access to interdimensional travel) he sends usagi away to the turtles universe in the care of big mama, promising to come back once the rumors of the sword die out and he finds a way to fully get rid of it
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innitially the deal is for usagi to stay protected in the nexus hotel guarding the sword, but eventually big mama baits him into participating in the battles to keep up his training.
he accepts and starts playing up the dramatics since he views the nexus as more of a show as he gets older and stronger, but still holds onto katsuichi's promise of coming back, if there are any signs of him being alive and returning he is willing to throw away the entire deal
big mama might have been restricting communication between them, she wants to see grasscutter in action without fully realizing its destructive power
the sword essentially takes over the wielder if theyre strong enough to use it, reducing them to rage and violence without any reason, fuels their body with energy to keep going until it falls apart
so basically
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o ye my usagi is trans as well lol
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
sea view
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varietymagazine “fame just got to my head,” styles starts. “it was all my fault. im the reason my family was almost broken.” click the link in our bio to learn more about harry styles life, music, and more!
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Harry Styles: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! 
When we hear the name Harry Styles, most of us scream our lungs out. The ex One Direction member holds our hearts in his hands without batting an eyelash.
Harry Styles was born in Worcestershire, England February First to Anne Twist and Des Styles making Gemma Styles an older sister. Harry would describe his childhood like any other.
“I was just a normal kid, playing football in my backyard,” he states. “I’d make fun of my sister while she called me a butthead before we’d go and watch something on the telly.”
Styles opens up about being a child from divorce. “My mom and dad had problems. They’d fight here and there and Gem and I would just hold each other in one of our rooms. My parents finally decided enough was enough and separated. I was ten years old, somewhat heartbroken but ultimately relieved.”
When Harry was eleven he met the most loveliest woman he’d ever seen. She’d just moved from America with her dad and five older brothers. The moment Harry saw her, he just knew!
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off of yn. She was breathtaking. I had to get to know her!”
Harry and Yn relationship begins when they were only twelve years old. From that moment they were each others first love. Harry states he’s never felt love like the one he’s had with YN.
Harry opens up about his personal life with his wife and his kids. Including the moment they became teen parents.
“We were young and dumb. The only thing we were thinking about was each other. When she called me crying, telling me she’s pregnant, we were just about to hit fourteen. We’d just started high school and we were scared shitless. I ended up getting a job at the local bakery and our parents helped us as much as they could. When our son was born we never felt so much pride and joy. We created this tiny little human out of love. Nothing has ever made either of us feel more proud.” Styles goes on to say.
Harry then talks about his dream of being a singer. He opens up about how silly he thought it was, but how his mom, sister, and wife talked him into auditioning for the X-factor.
“If it weren’t for my family, I would have never went to that audition! My mom and sister always encouraged me to live my dream. In my head it was a given. ‘Of course they’ll say this, im their son and brother.’ I thought to myself. But YN wasn’t either, I guess it was different when I heard it from her.”
Styles smiles as he discussed how he use to sing their son [Corbin Styles] to sleep. “He’d have this huge smile on his face. Every single time he’d close his eyes, he’d fight his sleep just so he could hear me sing. That’s really when I knew, I gotta audition!”
In that moment, Harry’s life changed forever! He was apart of the biggest boyband in the world, One Direction. Being put into a group with four other boys [Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik] Harry talks about his relationship with each band member.
“Being put into a group with four different boys was difficult, sure! Of course it was exciting and love there in the beginning. We’re just five boys who had the same dream. But we’re also five boys with five different personalities, five different voices, five different views of the world, five different love stories. We bumped heads a lot, especially towards the end,” Styles states. “I think after four years of constant tour, no breaks, arguments, screaming, and barely seeing our families, we were all kinda done. At this moment I was married to YN, she was pregnant with payton, so I wanted to be there for her and both of our kids more. Louis was about to have his own baby, Liam was dealing with his own battles, Niall had family troubles, and Zayn had left the band. We were all kinda worn out. It was time we ventured out on our own and see where life would take us. In a way, it made our relationship better. Niall, Louis, and Liam are all uncles to my children. Zayn was my best friend in the band, he was named god-dad.”
We asked Harry about his first album, how it came about. “It was simple really! I’ve been writing my own music for a long time. I went to Jamaica with my wife and kids and it was lovely. I put together my own band, figured out which songs I wanted out there, and once it was ready, we set a date and even prepared for tour.” Harry smiles at the memory. Though it never reached his face.
This is when we asked him about his second album. Fine Line had been release two years after his self titled album, Harry Styles. Hearing it makes your heart break.
Harry talks about his relationship with wife. He opens up about his arrogance, ignorance, and his affair[s].
“I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I was a shit husband for a long time,” Harry tells us. “The moment we made it big, I’d get this big head and think, ‘fuck im the shit!’ so many women wanted me and would do anything to have me. I was weak and stupid. They all knew I was married with kids, I never hid that from my fans or obviously the women id sleep with.” Harry takes a deep breath. “YN and I would constantly argue. She’d cry herself to sleep at night when I didn’t come home or back to our hotel room when the boys and I were on tour. I remember when she packed her bag and left me.”
Harry wipes his tears before he continues. “It was around the last few legs of tour. I’d been sorta seeing at least two women regularly. [for privacy reasons harry didn’t mention names] She wrote me a note, stating she couldn’t do this anymore. She told me I either needed to get my shit together or she’d divorce me and get full custody. In this moment I knew, I needed to find myself again. Once tour was over, I flew to Japan, took a few friends, began the process of writing fine line, and went to therapy. I was gonna do everything in my power to get my family back together. from there, YN, me, and the kids would work on our new dynamic. I was slowly getting my family back.” Harry states.
Harry opens up about how a lot of the fans blamed YN during the time they’d been split up.
“I wanna clear this up, YN had nothing to do with our split. A lot of people assumed she’d been the one cheating or using me. She was always faithful and couldn’t care less if I had millions or pennies. She loved me for me. Fame just got to my head,” Styles starts. “It was my fault. I’m the reason my family was almost broken.”
YN has been known to be vocal to people who constantly hate on her. Harry opens up about the relationship she has with his fanbase.
“I think if you can’t respect your favorite artist relationship, you’re not a real fan. Truth is, YN is my wife. I almost lost her years ago, I’m not gonna lose her over something so petty. She’s the mother of my children and my wife. People should respect that!” Styles states. He continues to talk about her social media comments and post.
“She can do whatever she wants! I don’t control her, nor does my team! YN has always been very open when it comes to our marriage. She’s not gonna sensor herself simply because others can’t get the hint. That’s one of the many things I love about her!” Styles finished.
During our interview, Harry opens up about his next album before he leaves.
“The next albums gonna be filled with more love than anything. I think this one will be filled with dancing, smiles, and laughter. I’m really excited to share it with the world.” Harry states before he politely shakes our hands and walks over to his family.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 5 months
Hii!! Can you do Johnny x fem reader fic whos a soc but really nice to him and doesn’t rlly care abt to whole soc vs greasers thing and hangs around with him while with her friends, not caring if they thought of her differently or not. but johnny, he thinks his friends will think something else when they find out hes with a soc so he tries avoiding her whenever his friends are around and reader gets upset and asks him why he explains and says he would introduce her despite still being scared and when he does and he thought it went well since tjey were so nice to her but after she left they all told him that shes not good for him blah blah and like she forgets something so she ends up going back and she hears everything and gets really sad? im sorry if this is too specific and long 😭
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Summary: In which you are friends with Johnny but the gang thinks it's a bad idea Warnings: angst?? Author's Note: writers block hitting harder than my burnt blinkers atp You and Johnny had been good friends for a while now. Well, maybe it was more of a one-sided friendship. He almost always avoided you when you were with your friends or when he was with his. You could understand why he’d avoid you when you were around your friends, they were rowdy and dangerous sometimes, but you just couldn’t understand why he’d keep you from his friends. Deep down, you knew that it was because of the soc versus greaser thing, but as much as you tried to reassure him that you genuinely wanted to be his friend, your friendship stopped pretty much as soon as the school bell rang. 
One day, you stopped him at his locker. “Johnny, I’d really like to meet your friends.” You said, asserting a level of seriousness into your normally lighthearted conversations. “Not a good idea, Y/n” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, please! I promise, I won’t do anything to piss them off!” And with some convincing, you two decided on Sunday to go and meet them. You walked quickly, with a briskness that only came with a happy mood. It was Sunday and you were walking to the ‘Curtis brother’s’ house. You’ve heard of them before but not much could be said about them. You rounded the corner and stepped up the porch, gently knocking. You listened as the chatter ceased and footsteps approached the door. Johnny opened it, a weary smile on his face, he stepped to the side to let you in. “Hello!” You said as you entered and everyone inside got up to greet you. 
There was 1 young boy, 3 guys who sat close together and whispered to each other and 2 older guys. They each introduced themselves, one with less grace than the others. His gruff demeanor threw you off but you tried to be as cheerful as possible throughout the whole conversation.
In your opinion, it went pretty well, and as you bid them goodnight you thought that they thought the same. But as it turns out, you remembered you forgot your purse there and hurried back only to catch a glimpse of their conversation.
“I don't know man, you know about them socs..” the boy known as Sodapop said.
“Swear, she's really nice. And she says she doesn't care about us being greasers.” Johnny tried,
“Yeah? And since when do you trust socs?” Dallas countered and there was a murmur of agreement.
“Best not to associate with them” Darry muttered, and you gasped, Darryl was the nicest out of them all. You damn near broke into tears, a quiet sob escaping your lips. Your purse would have to wait because all you wanted to do was to run home and cry.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
SWEETPEA (Joel Miller x reader)
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summary : when failing to live it in new york  sweet pea goes home only to meet two new faces at her families barbeque that leads to new job and new friends and maybe more 
warnings: no outbreak au  , mechanic au , cheating , goofy i guess , softjoel!
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This was that same old tale , young girl leaves home to make it in the big bad world alone , except this time the big bad world chew her up and spit her back out in ten folds. first it was the stress of trying to make it in a big city  before the  limitations of the workspace meant she was on the chopping block to come home and find her boyfriend in throws of heated passion with someone she thought was her best friend. she didn't think twice kicking his ass out  the while he told she was nothing to him , she ended up packing up her apartment and heading home tail between her legs .  so here she stood outside her house , she could hear the chatter of the crowd making her realise the date  and wanted the ground to swallow her whole . she had showed up on the day her parents host their annual backyard barbeque , meaning a backyard  filled with loved one , friends and god knows who were there . 
" well hello there " a voice drawl making her jump .  turning she could two men standing the younger one giving her a flirty grin  but for the life of her she couldn't help just start crying .
" oh shit  sorry " his wide eyes and scared face .
" idiot you scared here , hey miss you lost , need help " he asked coming closer to her .
" sweet pea darling what you doing here ... crying " her brothers head popping up behind the men .
" all i did was say hello jake swear  " the younger of the two moved to side.
" sounds like reason to cry to me " the older one snickered .
" hey tommy , joel could you get my parents " her brother smiled weakly wondering what the hell was going on .
" im home for good because i'm a failure and my boyfriend cheated on me and new york was a bad idea " she began ramble as the two men walked quickly into the house.
" ok ok calm down there , cheated on you sure cause matt isn't.. "  .
" his dick was literally in her when i caught them " she sniffled . 
" ok well if he shows his face around  i'm sure me and jessica can kick his ass right" he hugged .
  that's were his dick was " she looked down to ground .
" shit sorry sweetpea " he hugged her looking up to see his parent stand sad looks on there face.  " hey honey come on " her mom smiled holding her arms out making her rush to the two . now  sitting with them explaining everything before heading to her room needing to shower after her long flight . 
after a shower and good cry she decided to join the festivities hoping the good mood wasn't ruined by the sudden turn up and her emotional outburst  .  she walked around as everyone smiled brightly welcoming her home and awkward nod from her former best friends parents .  she walked over to the cooler pulling out a beer before heading to the grill where he dad and brother stood along with the two men from earlier.
" hey sweet pea , you feeling better " her father gave her quick side hug before turning his attention back to the grill .
" yeah , i'm feeling better , sorry about earlier " she rubbed the back of her neck barely looking at the two  now noticeably attractive men which giving the recent luck in the last three weeks of being in new york and the one day home seemed to be on par .
" nah your all good,  i'm tommy and this is my brother joel  , so your the famous sweetpea we have heard all about " the younger brother smirked .
" i mean it's what they call me i don't know why  , also it nice to meet you both and again i swear i don't make it habit to just burst out crying at strangers  , you just  caught me in a shit storm " she smiled weakly taking a big gulp of the beer in her hand .  " anyway enough about me , how do you know my family " she  turned to the men eye lingering a little longer on  the older one .
"  we work with jake and well for your old man " joel spoke up  suddenly she wasn't so concerned on her break up after hearing the gruff yet some how smooth voice .
" well my sympathies  having to listen to jakes shit all time " she giggled . 
" he's well matched with tommy so i'm used to it " joel chuckled.
"  i ain't two of them " her dad shook his head.
"  so how long you sticking around for ?"  jake asked ignoring the insult.
" erm for good  , i need to find a job " she winced .
" i could use your help down the shop "  her dad turned handing her a plate . " like in the shop shop ? " tommy asked confused.
" sweetpea here is dab hand around an engine " jake boasted .
"  i mean once i'm not in the way " she asked. 
" nah nicky left last week , joined the army and we've been over run so really you'd be helping us out" her dad spoke up as she ignored the now curious gaze on her .   
" ok well then  i'm happy to help " she beamed.
" well morale in the shop just went up that's for sure " tommy winked  while both joel and jake punched each arm. 
" hey shit sweet pea good to see you darling " mark called coming over .
"  hey boomer " she smiled hugging the man.
" hey boomer sweetpea is coming work with us " tommy wiggled his brows only to dodge the incoming punches.
" thank god  she can fix your fuck ups " his laugh boomed  which is how he earn the particular nickname . 
 " so more mature even if she's the youngest of the team now " her dad chuckled at the good nature banter.
" well i look forward to see your skills little lady " joel winked  making her think matt who ? . 
" she was the one who actually loved being in the shop, we all thought she would start her own in new york to our surprise when she said she was a waitress in some restaurant" jake shook his head.
" that's cause they didn't take me serious out there  plus it was a diner and lets not talk about new york please it's awkward enough their parents are here" she rolled her eyes.
" well i didn't know their kids done mine dirty " her dad defended.
" what did i miss " boomer looked around the group.
" well matt and jessica decided to fuck and i didn't want to be a  third wheel and i got fired so i came home " she said bluntly.
" sweetpea language" her dad warned.
" ellie would love you " tommy chuckled . " ellie ? " she asked confused.
" she's one of joel's daughters  and sarah " tommy smiled.
" their with their mom and her new husband in austin  " joel suddenly felt his own cheeks heat .
" 50 /50  custody " tommy droned on .
" oh like jake and lydia with luka " she nodded in understanding . " yeah actually exactly like that " jake patted her back .
" oh shit mom's looking pissed and walking towards  jessica's parent , i'll see y'all later  " she rushed off shoving the plate and beer into her brothers hands . 
joel watched her guiding her mother away and to a different part of the yard and thought her eyes still reddish from her earlier burst of emotions she still was the prettiest little thing around . he felt like a pervert as the others talked to her while he smiled and unable to speak and now she was going to be working in the shop .  everything about her was calling to him like siren  and yet he barely only met her putting it down to being single for too long and little bit of the heat . even though he hit his brother for his remark , he couldn't help agree having her in the shop was definitely going boost the mood .  he watched as she talked to the women like she wasn't just crying her eyes out hours before , keeping her mother from  causing a scene .  he barely even listened to the couples that came up apologising and leaving .   he pretended to listen to the men around him though his attention kept steering towards sweet pea .  even thought he was definitely too old for her and knowing she probably didn't want a single dad   , it didn't hurt to look right? .
" so  she gonna need help around the shop " tommy asked .
" no seriously we weren't kidding , she spent her child and teen years either helping my old man and his own old man fixing cars , girl knows her way around an engine better then town " jake chuckled.
" she worked in shop for   years before she and dick for brains went to new york too " boomer agreed. 
" funny you two showed up in town the week she left " her dad tim  mused. 
" we would of been here the week before but tommy got food poisoning " he could help mentally curse his brother. 
" that your kids gave me " tommy shot back . " i warned you " joel laughed .
" they still coming next week " jake asked.
" yeah  i can't wait , apparently ellie going through a swearing like sailor phase though " he winced.
" don't have her around sweet pea then or it will get worse" . 
" bring them down shop be good to see them again " .
" will do tim " he nodded his eye once again looking toward the woman. " it definitely didn't hurt to watch " he thought as she threw her head back laughing.
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youre-a-total--poser · 8 months
Can i request something where young or teen wandanat daughter loves using her powers around home but wanda doesn’t want her too and r tries to get nat to back her up all the time and nay is just like im not apart of this
Don't Use Your Powers (Request)
Warnings: I don't think that there is any but if there is just let me know.
Age: 7
Word Count: 1,248
Requests: Closed
Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything
Requested by: Anonymous on Tumblr
Date: 15/01/2024
paring: Natasha and Wanda
A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it. Wrote this instead of writing an essay for college. Yes, the ending is terrible but we just don't talk about that.
For as long as they could remember since they have been together Natasha and Wanda talked about expanding their family and having a child together
They thought about adoption but what they wanted was to have the whole baby experience including getting pregnant, carrying the baby, giving birth then dealing with it for its whole life until it decides that it wants to move out and look after itself
Since Natasha was unable to have a child they agreed that Wanda would be the one who would carry the baby and after months and months of IVF, she finally became pregnant.
During Wanda's pregnancy, everything went smoothly, and they did many tests to ensure the baby's health. Time went by quickly and before they knew it their little baby was here in the world.
Wanda gave birth to a healthy baby girl and they named her Y/N.
As you grew up there were some concerns about whether you inherited powers from Wanda but the older you got there were no signs of you having any powers that was until you reached the age of 7 when you discovered that you had these new abilities.
Wanda and Natasha were scared that you wouldn't be able to control your powers and it would only get worse but with lots of training from your mom, you picked it up very quickly and learned how to control your abilities.
Your moms didn't like you using your magic at home or in public but that didn't stop you from doing it especially when your parents weren't around to tell you off.
You used your magic to lift two teddy bears in the air and make them dance. You were giggling so loud that Wanda heard you from the kitchen and knew that you were up to something no good.
She walked into the living room and when you saw her you instantly froze. You could tell that she wasn't happy when she had her hands on her hips.
"Hi Mommy," You said not sounding guilty in the slightest.
"What are you doing Y/N you know that you're not allowed to use magic."
"They're just dancing Mommy," You said moving your fingers to make the bears dance again.
"That's not the point Y/N what if someone saw?" she asked grabbing the teddies and dropping them on the floor beside you.
You stood up and waved your hands in front of the curtains and closed them. "There now no one will see." Then you sat back on the floor and picked up on the teddies.
Wanda walked over to the curtains and opened them again and before she could say anything the front door opened.
"I'm home," Natasha shouted.
She walked into the living room and over to Wanda. "Hi babe," she said then kissed Wanda.
"Hi," Wanda replied softly.
Natasha kneeled beside you and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
"Mommy's being mean." You huffed crossing your arms.
"Why is mommy being mean?" Natasha asked kneeling beside you and gently stroking your hair.
"She's not letting me play."
"I never said that Y/N I said that you're not allowed to use your magic" Wanda said
"Same thing" you mumbled.
"You know the rules sweetheart and the rules are to keep you safe," Natasha told you then she stood up and walked into the kitchen and Wanda followed her.
"We need to do something about Y/N," Wanda said watching Natasha walk around the kitchen.
"Why me?" Natasha asked getting out two cups from the cabinet and pouring coffee into both cups "She's your daughter after all"
"I like how she's my daughter when it comes to discipline."
"Well I can't discipline her she knows that I cave in when she does that sad little pout," Natasha said handing Wanda the cup of coffee.
Wanda shook her head and took a sip.
Before Natasha could say anything there was a loud giggle coming from the living room.
"If she's using her magic you're dealing with it. " Wanda said putting down her coffee cup, grabbing ahold of Natasha's hand and dragging her back into the living room.
They found you sitting on the floor with the curtains closed and using your magic to make your toys walk about the room.
"Y/N!" Wanda said quite loudly causing you to jump. "Honestly when will you learn?" She sighed.
"But the curtains are closed," You said pointing at the curtains.
"That's not the point Y/N. When we tell you not to do something you listen and don't do it."
"Can't I just keep playing for a little bit longer then I'll stop?"
"No, you can't." Wanda
You stood up and walked over to Natasha you knew exactly what you needed to do to get her to let you
"Please, mama." You said looking up at her with your big eyes and sad pout.
"No, don't use your please face," Natasha said trying not to look at you.
You got even closer to her, clasped your hands together and brought them up to your cheek. "Just this one time."
"Don't give in to her Nat," Wanda whispered.
"I can't do it." Natasha said then started walking away "I am not a part of this." She called out.
"Every time," Wanda mumbled.
Wanda got down to your level and put her hands on your shoulders. "Y/N I need you to listen to me are you listening?"
You nodded your head" I'm listening."
"Good, now you have to start listening to me and Mama when we tell you that we don't want you using your powers."
"Why?" You asked.
"Because we want to protect you."
"Why?" You asked again.
Wanda let out a frustrated sigh. She knew this asking why game would go on for hours if she let it. "Just say yes Mom."
"Yes, mom." You repeated.
"Good girl now go play with your toys and no using magic," Wanda said ruffling your hair and walking out of the room.
You waited a few seconds before your mom couldn't see you anymore then you used your magic once more to get some more toys out of your toy box and made them walk around but you had no idea that your mom was standing behind you this whole time.
"Y/N!" Wanda shouted.
You let out a loud squeal, jumped up and started running.
"Get back here young lady," Wanda shouted as she started chasing you.
Natasha saw you then Wanda ran past her office. "Run Y/N." She called out.
You ran into your parent's bedroom but you were too slow at closing the door Wanda grabbed you and then started tickling you.
"What did I say about using your magic young lady?" Wanda asked while continuing to tickle you.
You didn't respond because of how much you were giggling.
Wanda walked over to her bed dropped you on it then sat down beside you. "No more using your magic without permission little miss or you will be going to live with Tony."
"No not Tony he's boring." You shouted.
"Right, so are you going to use your magic?" Wanda asked.
"No, Mom, I promise no more magic."
"Good girl." She said then started kissing you all over your face.
After that day you never used magic without permission from your parents but it was a completely different story when they weren't around but let's not tell them that. What they don't know can't hurt them.
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munson-mayhem · 2 years
If you read the little prologue to this story this is part 1 like I said over there I do not write but I’m trying it out I don’t know how to link the other one to this so idk man but here it is lmk if y’all are liking it if ya want more stuff like that 🤷🏼‍♀️
Part 1 the true beginning
Day after day, task after task, raid after raid every day is the same and yet everything has changed since the day we lost Neteyam. I wake every morning greet the sully family, my family we talk eat our first meal of the day together and then we all split and complete our tasks for the day . Jake runs missions and training with the other warriors some days I go on missions with them when they need eyes in the sky and an Ikran is the best choice, Lo’ak is a warrior in training so he’s there some days too but others he’s spending his day with his spirit brother Payakan the talkun or even spending his days with Tsireya. When we’re not doing those things the older kids fish to provide food to the tribe. Tuk has lessons with the other metkayina children. But the one thing that is special is our Iknmaya training for our coming of age it’s also the only thing that brings all of us older kids together into one place and is for the most part peaceful. Iknmaya for the metkayina includes bonding with a tsurak their version of a warrior mount much how the Omatikaya have the Ikran. As well as other various tests with their Talkun brother or sister and so far Kiri and I are the ones being left behind , but even she is getting Tsahik training alongside Tsireya by personal invetation from the current Tsahik Ronal she says Kiri has a special gift a connection with Eywa which is true. So really it’s just me getting left behind. Lo’ak has excelled he’s done all the tests and rights with the Talkun all he has left is to bond with a Tsurak and he’s getting closer every day. Lo’ak, Tsireya, Aonung, Rotxo , Kiri and I make up one group of young adults training with the Ilu there are other groups with more young adults practicing. Jake and Tonowari decided this group would do us all good for bonding purposes considering it seems like Lo’ak and Tsireya will likely choose each other as mates as soon as they complete their Iknmaya. Most days when I’ve completed all my assigned tasks for the day I find myself on the far side of the island where it’s almost deserted sitting on the rocks with my feet in the water thinking about all sorts of things my Family the sullys my new clan, my old clan, my parents, the sky people , the life I could have had with Neteyam of only we had stayed in the forest and there was peace he would take over as Olo’eyktan I became the Tsahik and we had the guidance of our family to help us be good leaders. Some days I dream of little children running around with his smile and laugh my eyes or his nose in these dreams our kids always favor him and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but that’s all it is a dream of something that will never pass. Im not sure I’ve smiled since the day we lost neteyam I don’t have any reason to.
- [ ] I’m sitting on the rocks hiding from the whole village and so lost in thought that I don’t notice the shadow of something moving in the water near my feet until something touches my ankle. I scream and kick out my heel connects with something hard and I focus as it makes a disgruntled sound “ what the hell Y/N ?!” Aonung yells jumping up from his hiding spot in the water Rotxo pops up slightly farther away laughing a full belly laugh like me kicking Aonung in the face is the funniest thing ever which it might be. “ I’m sorry you scared me I didn’t mean to” I yelped as I jumped into the shallow water rushing to Aonung, he had his hand pressed agains his nose as he was standing there in mild shock. “Let me see Aonung” I demanded once I got closer he took a step back and hissed at me, I pause and raise my hands “ please let me look I promise I didn’t mean to and I can help” reluctantly he lowers his hand and I see some blood running from his left nostril. I grabbed his arm and start waking towards the rocks dragging him as I go “ I’m sorry Aonung sit here and I’ll go get something to stop the bleeding or something to plug your nose with, maybe a poultice would help”. “y/n“. “I should never have gotten so distracted” “ y/n”. “Maybe I can …” “ Y/N!” Aonung yelled I look at him slightly shocked “what?” “It’s stopped on its own I’m fine” he mutters “oh” is all I can say as I realize I’m standing between his knees pushing him by his shoulder onto the rocks him slightly shorter than me while he’s sitting down. I take a step back and look down and watch the water flow over my feet like it’s the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen. I somehow seem to have forgotten Aonung’s best friend Rotxo was there until he walks up next to us “ bro she got you good” he exclaims still laughing at the other boy, “ bro ? you two have been spending to much time with Lo’ak” I giggle as I look between the two they look at me like they have never seen me before or like I have another head “ what ?” I ask rolling my eyes “ have I grown another head ?” “no” both boys answer but it’s Aonung that actually gives me an answer “you haven’t smiled or laughed in a long time it’s good to see again”. I look at him strangely for only a moment more “ you right. I haven’t had much to smile about but I think I should start finding some reasons to or I’ll lose myself to my own mind “ I say to them while looking to the stars “ “even if it is to laugh at one of my friends being an absolute skxawgn” sneaking a glance at aonung as I say that last part.
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bestieriker · 8 months
i have thoughts about the pjo tv show but they might not be beloved... (long post, mostly just for myself but feel free to read my thoughts) (also lmk your thoughts! im curious if my experiences are universal) (also obv spoilers for ep8)
now i recognize i am watching this show through the lens of a much older person than i was when i read the books. percy is no longer older than me - he is now just a baby to me. and the actors are so young. so that might be the cause of some of my feelings. also i realize that a tv adaption is not going to be identical to the book. but what is tumblr if not a place to vent my frustrations, despite how irrational they may be?
i'll start with the good because there were some things i liked. i thought the actors mostly did a good job. the effects and sets and lighting and design was all very good, visually i think it was great. i like the gods i think theyre mostly well cast. I don't really have many problems with grover.
ok now lets talk about my frustrations. this isn't going to be super organized or logical. first of all, i had a problem with the characterization. most characters were actually not bad, but percy didn't really feel like percy to me. he seemed kinda darker? (whats he gonna be like when its dark!percy time??). like book percy obviously was not happy all the time, but he seemed light and he made jokes and he was a little goofier and i feel like in my mind he smiled more. tv percy kinda just seems sad all the time. and this might be a controversial take, but i feel like they gave some of percy's best traits to annabeth?? like annabeth was the one beefing with ares the most when he showed up. and a lot of the time she'd have a line that seemed so percy like!!! don't get me wrong - i love annabeth and the actress did a really great job! but i feel like she was kinda percy and annabeth at the same time in a way. i missed percy. also hades was different. they made hades fun which is cute but in the first book at least hes supposed to be kinda scary!!! i wasn't scared of hades at all. hades seems like he'd be a fun drinking buddy in this. those aren't the vibes hades should have, at least not at the first meeting.
ok next!!! where is the fun. pjo was such a fun series and i feel like the show has taken on more of a darker outlook! again i realize its a tv show and it was only an 8 ep run so they probably had time constraints, but i miss the fun little scenes that make the books such a fun read! like the "say hello to the poodle" scene ? or the scene where they're telling charon they died in a bathtub? and don't even get me started on the Crusty's bed scene. they just breezed right through that!!!
and thats another thing!!!! in the book they kept figuring things out while they were in the thick of it. which was fine!!! especially for percy - hes brand new to all of this, he has some knowledge but he makes mistakes because he's a kid and he is in a brand new world! and we get to see him and annabeth and grover get out of these tricky situations and figure things out!!! but in the show they know everything basically instantly. like the lotus casino or crustys scheme. i like seeing them make mistakes and fix it!! i don't think i was ever stressed watching this show (good stressed, like suspense stress) which i guess is in part because ive read the books but also because they were never in too terrible a position. and the kronos thing!!! percy knew right away. he was like oh word big pit? must be kronos. he did everything. like that is way too quick for early percy.
and then this is just me being nitpicky but i don't like how they changed things. like the luke betrayal reveal? where was the scorpion. that was so iconic and they just completely scrapped it! i thought it made luke's character kinda scary! like this guy fully just summoned a scorpion to kill percy. instead in the show hes like swinging at percy and percy manages to hurt him. i'm not scared of this luke. young percy, away from the sea, manages to hurt him? little annabeth scares him off? he runs away? ok big man try showing up again we won't be scared. idk it frustrates me.
one more thing before i wrap up the longest (and only) post i've made in ages. Sally Jackson using Medusa's head to turn gabe to stone was SO iconic. and what a great way for her to show us and the world and the gods how powerful she is. like she went from being sally jackson, mother and protector of percy (who was already pretty sick) to Sally Jackson, Capable of Basically Murder in a Super Cool Way!!!!!! i loved that. but in the show they just have gabe snooping and accidentally getting turned to stone? if i had never read the books and was watching this show with no knowledge of the books, i'd think it was just kinda a lazy way to wrap up a loose end. kinda felt like they took sally's power away (i know she divorced him but it doesn't really have the same gravitas).
ok i do have other thoughts but this is so long already and its bedtime. is it weird that i'm worried the younger cast might come across this? they probably won't care what i have to say but incase they do come across my super long post and read it (i would if i was 15 and starred in a show with a built in fanbase), i hope they take it with the biggest grain of salt. bc at the end of the day people like the show, its profitable (i assume), and i'm just a cranky old lady who doesn't like change. most of the changes i understand why they did it and i respect it. i'm just venting here. and you know what? if they release a second season (and third and fourth and fifth) i will be watching.
i guess i just wish they maybe had more episodes, or longer episodes, so they didn't have to rush it as much as (i felt) they did. overall it made people happy so who cares. have a good night tumblr.
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vryivs · 2 months
time for the hsr update liveblog
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im gonna sob. jing yuan is such a Dad. yanqing is such a Son
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thinking so much about yanqing being forced to act older than his age but getting to let loose and actually be a kid when it comes to the things hes interested in
i love him
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"miss march" LOOK AT MY POLITE SON!!! LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!
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save my son from bureaucracy. and also from my daughter
ok why does huaiyan have and old man model when its canon that xianzhou natives dont physically age
hes old enough to be blades master so hes not an outworlder. what gives
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he talks like a man who's had to spend extended time listening to the ramblings of a toddler and now is fazed by nothing
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fu hua please give these old men a break
the fact yanqing looks to jing yuan to answer questions... oh baby
also jing yuan is so proud of him its so cute
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hes so polite. even though she stole yanzhuo
oh yunli is an ASSHOLE
'you lost your sword because you were unfocused and now you have to fight me to get it back instead of expecting me to hand it over'
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lmao the dad voice came out
i really like how its clear that yanqing is a lot more even tempered now. he only even entertains the idea of fighting yunli when she directly challenges him (after insulting him too!)
and when jing yuan warns him he immediately steps back
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baby's first diplomatic mission
yunli darling i think yanzhuo is scared because it was possessed by a demon, not because yanqing is mean
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this is so sweet. he really is jing yuans son
and remembering blades comment that jing yuan was a hothead as a kid. oh man. the parallels. oh boy
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ok im not crazy. thank god
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man it must be crazy for huaiyan to see this rebellious kid who became a knight against his parents wishes eventually succeed teng xiao and grow into one of the best generals the xianzhou has seen
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i am ignoring the death flags yet again
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hes so sincere its adorable
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ok bestie cool it down. you have bigger fish to fry
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jing yuan you cant die. he will be orphaned AGAIN
i dont know if he can take that
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the parallel of jing yuan being told hes overthinking things by huaiyan and yanqing overthinking jing yuan
he is literally jing yuans mini me its so cute
yanqing, dan heng and jing yuan all sharing the same thoughts. i love their dynamic. they are the understanderrrrrs
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man yanqing is too young to be implicated in political intri-
hang on. if the abundance yanqing theory is true its gonna look real bad on jing yuan for looking after him. and like. that would be the ideal twist for this
but its only a continuance its fine nothing too important will happen
i hope
hes good boy. jing yuan raised him well
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this is maybe the first praise he's had to his face like. ever
at least in the entire game
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well now we know why jing yuan was so uneasy
huaiyan's remark was so pointed jesus.
im curious to see where they'll go with this because i bet jy feels guilty as all hell
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yes yunli thats what trauma does. and adding to it by insulting him and confiscating his property will totally help
she is so. 13. this is a 13yo
its striking me that yunli is everything yanqing haters claim that he is
i really hope yunli gets some character development. i can see all the yanqing stans realising this ^ and talking smack about her.
btw. dont do that. thats my 13yo edgy emo daughter
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well. i guess i do need a wind dps
oh my god shes so hot. oh my god
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hes so excited to see her this is so cute
hey. she. she kinda looks like kiana. now that i think about it. with her hair like that and the blue eyes
ok its fine they dont share a va. false alarm. no kiana yet
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bur GOD does she make me nostalgic for the og
kiana would absolutely say this
acheron come get your girl
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fearing how westerners will react to him being ticked off by yunli because they dont understance face
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every girlboss must have her malewife
this warms my heart
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she really is kaslana coded
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oars · 9 months
hiii I want to know more about appindex 👉👈
what is his relationship like with the other party members?
How easily does she trust other people?
If they are stressed or upset is there a thing/place/action that is comforting to him?
also anything else you want to share?
(I LOVE her design by the way, their appearance immediately caught my attention. Love your use of color too)
sorry this took me so long i swear when i saw this ask i started squealinf abd looking like this
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gonna put it under a read more since um im gonna assume this will get really long lol
disclaimer im gonna straight spill my thoughts sorry if things stop making sense
i made a small comic just for the first question but tumblr doesnt like it for some reason and it prevents it from showing up unless you go directly to my blog :<
anyways i think overall appindex is like a mother of at least 6. companions come to them in the middle of the night like "i frew up :(" that typa thing
since family/clan n loyalty is very important to dragonborn and appindex just lost theirs before being abducted they are very quick to attach to these losers
i think while appin is not under the control of any god, lord, devil, etc they've created a personal hell of his own bc he tries to bear all responsibilities and burdens of those around him bc he's scared of failing and losing too much again. or all he has left really. that can make them kind of overbearing and it would be annoying if like the main companions didn't have issues and lowkey liked the attention.
what does get annoying is that it comes off as appindex not trusting their companions to do any heavy lifting but that improves in like act 2-3 especially since that's around the part the tav is expected to save baldurs gate. and the world like that's way too much weight for appin to carry on their own without breaking so atp they don't really have a choice but to let their companions share some of that albeit verrrry reluctantly
slightly more specific relations ---
shadowheart: shart is the first appin gets close to even if shes older i like to think she's like a little sister to appindex anyways <3 i should just show screenshots of the epilogue conversation bc it feels so fitting. probably one of the only companions to recognize appin's exhaustion and nag her
karlach: close in a years long tumblr mutual type intimacy way. "i'd let my mutuals come inside idc" type relationship. they occasionally sleep and cuddle naked. as good friends do. it's nice having someone they could rely on for literal heavy lifting and hitting bc in appin's eyes the rest of his companions are made of sticks and paper, save for lae'zel. girls who rip off heads with their bare hands and paint their nails in the blood :3
astarion: i do not know how to explain their relationship early on bc it fluctuates in my head. obviously irritated by how appin stops to help anyone and everyone especially since most of those people in act 1 are parents and children. appindex definitely laughs at his lame ass "seduction" bc it's pretty see through; it becomes less about seducing and just aiming making them laugh. appin probably said "im proud of you" at some point and it got to his head now he's vying for their attention and validation (get in line). my white hollow boned elf i'd probably give my organs to if he asked - appin
i think appindex is the more mature one, mentally and emotionally, especially since dragonborn develop and mature much earlier than elves do and i feel like dying young and being under cazador's control stunted astarions own maturity a bit. the result is appindex treating him like a child sometimes; not trusting him to do a number of things, scolding him,"dont treating me like a child" "dont act like one" etc etc. i think at some point he just does it and wears on appindex's extensive patience on purpose because he's a little freak like that :/. appin does not think its cute
ok no more of them next question
i think appindex is pretty trusting in a way. if they feel like they have no reason to feel threatened by someone they'll have their trust but that doesn't mean it can't be lost ofc. which is why they trust laezel and astarion so easily. why would they be scared of a tiny white elf who can't even get them to knife point (he failed that).
he does struggle to trust others to do things for them though, if he were ever to be out of commission or on the verge of it it would be like pulling teeth to try and get him to let someone else lead temporarily.
appin holds onto a piece of kednyr's old blanket bc it still smells like her :thumbs_up: karlach gives her a teddy bear with that piece attached to it as a gift. astarion may have helped but he will not confirm
extra notes ermm appin lived in the upper city, not a patriar or a servant, they just co-run an expensive smithy there.
as a passionate blacksmith (and someone who wants to become an artificer) appin is really intrigued by karlach's engine and wishes they could collaborate with dammon on how to fix it or make her a new one entirely
to add onto that he's extremely fascinated by the grymforge in the underdark its like a theme park to him. it is their nerdiest point in the storyline
they can stay underwater for a good period of time; an hour is their highest time
andd she has a prosthetic leg around age 40-45 sorry this got so long . this things in my head 24/7 rn i tried to omit some things to make it shorter but oh well
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itshelfiredean · 4 months
I’m Not Your Little Girl Anymore
DeanxDaughter!Reader, SamxNiece!Reader
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Y/N Winchester is a brilliant huntress.
One of the best out there…
But that’s always what has been expected of her.
A Winchester always follows through with a hunt.
A Winchester is always the hero.
A Winchester is always a leader.
But that’s not what Y/N only wanted anymore.
“She doesn’t listen to me anymore, Sam! No matter how hard I try to get her to listen.” The famous hunter, Dean Winchester sits at the Bunker’s map table, his face in his hands.
“Y/N’s 16, Dean. She wants to be a teenager. You’re too stubborn to realize it because Dad never let you.” The younger Winchester, Sam, pointed out as he leaned back into his own chair with a beer in hand.
Suddenly, the Bunker’s main door creaks open, and Y/N Winchester, a teenager with flowing golden hair and a freckled face came tip toeing down the steps.
Carefully focusing on her feet in hopes of hot making her presence known.
Unbeknownst to her, she just walked unknowingly into a good old Winchester intervention.
“Where the hell were you?” Dean scowled at his daughter, who stood in front of the brothers.
”None of your business, Dad. I have my license. I carry my angel blade everywhere I go. I’m fine.” She shrugged and began to walk past her father, before she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and turn her around.
“The hell it’s not my business. You’re my responsibility. You’re my kid. You don’t even think of who or what is out there that would do anything to use you as leverage against me and Sam. You’ve been gone for 3 hours, Y/N. It’s been 3 hours of Sam and I trying to find out where you were, and you try to sneak back into your room and pretend that you never left? So I’m going to ask again, and so help me, Sweetheart, if you lie to be again…You are going to be pretty miserable for the next three months in here.” Dean towered over the girl, looking at her with his intimidating gaze.
“You’re going to ground me for three months. Have you lost your goddamn mind!” She yelled in return, trying to pry her wrist out of his grasp.
“Honey, we just want to know where you have been. You’re not a prisoner, Y/N. Right, Dean?” Sam nudged his older brother, giving him a look as if silently saying ‘stop being so hard on her’.
“If you want to know so badly. I just went into town for a meetup with some of my friends.” The girl shrugged her fathers gaze off.
“Don’t bullshit me!” Dean immediately yelled in response, causing the teen to jump slightly at the sudden reaction.
“I’m not lying, Da..”
“I was a teenager once, Y/N. I know what they do. So help me Chuck, I better not ever find you in a sleazy motel with a boy ever. Do you hear me, young lady! I know what you’re sneaking out for, so don’t give me some bullshit reason!”
“I’m not lying! God, Dad! You always want me to be your little girl again. Never leaving your side and listening to everything you say. IM NOT YOUR LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE! I’m 16 years old, and you don’t even trust me!” The youngest Winchester escaped the grasp of her father and hauled herself back into the safety of her room.
“Dean, What did you do?” Sam shakes his head as his brother, who is staring at the direction of where his once sweet little girl just ran.
“I-I just want to keep her safe, Sam.” His eyes glazed over as he began to ponder
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“Let me talk to her.” Sam assured as he made his way through the labyrinth like hallways of the bunker until he found himself standing in front of Y/N’s door. Hearing her soft sobs reach him from under her door.
“Y/N, honey. I need to talk to you. Please let me in.” He gently knocked.
After a few moments, the door cracked open, and the teen faced her Uncle. With her tear stained cheeks seeming to glow in the hallways light.
“If you’re gonna yell at me, Sammy, then I don’t want to hear it…”
“I promise that I’m not going to yell at you. I would never do that you you, honey.” Sam spoke in a hushed voice, scared that he might push her away.
“I-I don’t understand, Sammy.” She began to cry, immediately pulling her hands over her face in hopes of hiding herself away from her uncle.
Sam quickly stepped into the room, and once he shut her door, pulled the girl into a tight and comforting embrace.
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“It’s not your fault, Y/N.”
“I didn’t lie, Sam! I never lied!” Y/N began to yell but found herself attacked with a new wrack of sobs, and she buried her face into her uncles flannel, hoping to disappear into his embrace.
“I know, honey. I know.” He caressed her head, and pulled her closer.
~Until then… bye bitches~
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crescentblossom66 · 9 days
First Train on the Moon Part 1
I know it's late and only half finished so far, but I'll write part 2 as soon as I'm able. Enjoy this late birthday present, @nasubeenwithcat I hope you like more conductor brother content. Conductor (Connor) is back to being the nice version of him from the beta of Train Rush, by the way. Just wanted to point that out so that him being OOC is explained. I guess he's closer to Japanese Conductor that way :)
The sun was up high already causing the sand that it shone on to sparkle and glitter, sometimes he wondered if it would turn to glass if the desert he and his brothers called their home would get any hotter. Unlike him, the passengers on the train likely were more than glad about the AC on that was keeping the compartments from turning into blazing ovens with stagnant air. Connor was snapped out of his thoughts by the crying of a young boy that caught his attention immediately. Not wasting a single moment, he went over to the boy that the boy's mother was trying to comfort to the best of her ability. “Everythin' alright here, lil' guy?” He bent down to boy's level, giving him a soft smile which caused the cries to die down and be replaced by quiet sobs instead. That easy smile and his good nature was exactly why Connor of all four of them was the one taking care of the needs of the passengers. People liked how approachable and kindhearted he was.
“I-I lost my toy...I can't find him. Now Tricie's all alone. This placed is scary.” The young boy lamented, wiping away tears with his sleeve.
The black-suited conductor looked at the boy with sympathy. “Oh dear, ye're best friend got lost on the train, eh? I know this here train better than anyone else, I'm sure that I can find yer wee buddy. What does Tricie look like?”
“He's a green triceratops with a cool yellow hat and a cape. He's a superhero.” Through his tears, the young child gave a proud smile.
“Then I'm sure ye needn't worry about 'im till I find 'im. He's strong and not afraid.” A small nod came from the boy, and he realized that he was feeling scared without his toy. The yellow owl checked his pockets for something that could cheer the boy up, but found nothing. “You know who else isnae scared of anyhing'? A train conductor like me. We get protected by our hats. They may look silly, but they ward off scary things like bad guys and protect from scary placed.-” The boy glanced at the black cap that the owl held in his wings. “-It will be hard fer me ta not be scared with it gone, buy it will protect ye until I find yer superhero friend.” He gently placed the cap on the head of the boy for whom the accessory was way too big, so it almost obscured his eyes. For a moment, the older bird cringed internally, thinking that his little temporary gift hadn't done the trick, he was more than happy when the boy smiled.
“Mom, do I look cool?” With a new gleam in his eyes, the young bird turned to his mother who chuckled and gave a silent thanks to Connor by looking at him with a small smile. Having done his job, the yellow bird walked through the compartment, keeping an eye open for the toy of the boy.
He stepped out of the passenger cart and out to the caboose where he found his rust-red-feathered younger brother Redd who sitting on the ground, leaning against the railing with his hat dipped low and his hands behind his head. Connor shook his head at his slacker of a brother and gave the offending bird's foot a light kick which startled the red bird. Redd awkwardly flailed around briefly, being startled awake and torn out of his brief slumber. “What the peck, Con! I was having such a nice dream!” He crossed his wings as if his older sibling was the one who did something wrong. “I was winning big time in the casino on the other side of town, got a couple of pretty girls next ta me and...” He trailed off once he realized that the other was having none of it.
“Listen here, Redd. This lovely train doesnae run itself. All o' us need ta do our parts and ye slackin' off his ain't helpin' any o' us.”
The red bird dusted off his light brown suit and straightened his tie. “Don't be a stick in the mud too, Con. Why can't we ever enjoy life a bit? Ye sound like Walter.”
“Don't ye try and guilt-trip me, Redd. I wouldnae yell at ye if ye did this once or twice, but yer doin this all the time!” The yellow owl sighed. “Look, have ye seen a small toy, looks like a dinosaur, a triceratops ta be more precise.” The other bird shook his head, still looking rather annoyed.
“Nae, I was out here the whole day, saw nothin'” With a nod and slightly disappointed expression, the older brother left the caboose and went the other way instead, walking through the passenger cart. As he walked past the compartment with the science owls that Redd was supposed to tend to, he saw them standing around in a circle in awe of the strange machine that they had presumably just finished. Considering that he couldn't make heads or tails of the strange inventions of the owls, he dismissed it and just kept walking to the machine room. Once he opened the door, he slipped and nearly fell on an oil stain. “Greg, ye here?” He could see light green feathers and a bit of yellow under the engine.
“Please donnae tell me that we just lost oil, Connor, Walter is going to kill me! I heard a splat while I was working on fixin' a pipe down 'ere and, and I'm afraid that somethin' spilled.” His brother's feathers were raised and the green bird was shaking.
Greg had always been a nervous wreck. He was amazing at fixing machines, but he was very prone to being make a big deal out of small issues. Knowing this, Connor found it best to not tell Greg about the oil stain. “Nae, nothing wrong out here.” He instead grabbed a mop to clean the small oil stain that had nearly caused his face to make unwanted contract with the cold, hard iron floor of the machine room. “By the way, ye haven't seen a wee dinosaur toy by chance?” A small yelp of pain that echoed a little came from the green bird as he hit his head trying to reach his wrench.
“Cannae say that I have seen something like that. I was mostly in here, trying to fix one of our engines. I tell ye if I spot something like that.” Connor was about to leave when his brother spoke up again. “Wait, did a wee one lose their toy?! Oh no, they probably are scared that they willnae see that precious toy again! Maybe it's their support toy and they need to help them with anxiety, or, or maybe that toy is their best friend!” Connor sighed, his brother breaking into hysterics over something as trivial as a lost toy. It was kind of nice of Greg to worry about the boy, but having a second-hand panic attack in kid's stead won't help anyone.
“I gave the wee lad me hat, Greg, he's doin' fine. Just worry 'bout the engine, I'll find it.” The black-suited owl pushed the wrench within reach of his brother, who picked it up and visibly relaxed at the reassurance.
“O-Okay, Connor. I'll leave that matter ta ye for now.” With the green-feathered mass of anxiety tamed, the yellow owl entered the control room. Focused and stiff as a statue, he found Walter, who made sure that the train was keeping it's schedule and ran smoothly.
The yellow-feathered bird closed the door behind himself and watched as his brother opened the window, looking down at the item that he was searching for all this time. “Wait, Walter, donnae throw it out!” He sprinted over to his white-feathered brother who jolted and nearly dropped the triceratops toy.
“Goodness gracious, Connor! Ye nearly gave me a heart attack! I was just opening the window ta let some air in.” The yellow feathers on the younger owl flattened down after the initial shock. The white owl in a deep blue suit wondered why exactly all his brothers thought that he was some kind of cruel villain.
“I really thought ye were gonna throw the wee thing out. I've been lookin' fer that toy everywhere, a young lad lost it.” Walter nodded and handed the superhero dinosaur to his younger brother.
“Take it back to that wee child, I'm sure they miss it. Also, inform him that he should take better care of his belongings. Maybe no one can find his toy next time. Leaving an precious item at the train station could result in it bein' lost forever. ” Walter gave his signature strict glare which was aimed at the young owner of the action figure rather than his brother he was actually staring at. If only Walter knew how scary and downright threatening that expression looked, he'd understand just why small children cry every time he's around them. His regular rather stoic and cold appearance and demeanor didn't help that matter either.
“So that's where it was. I'll take the wee thing back to its owner.” His older brother looked him over, his face hardening further.
“Where's your cap, Connor? Ye know that we have a ta look proper at all cost, I thought ye of all people listened ta pa's teachings.”
Connor weakly chuckled. “Sorry, Walter. Me hat's currently on a mission ta protect the wee lad who this dino belongs ta. On that note, I really should return it soon.”As he did so, the boy jumped out of his seat the moment the yellow owl returned with the beloved green triceratops.
“You found him!” Connor got tackled into a hug and felt a sense of accomplishment after returning the lost item. The mother of the young passenger looked relieved as well, probably because her son was so distressed after losing the small object.
Connor was about to retrieve his hat, but stopped midway. He didn't have the heart to take the cap away, especially not now that he could see the joy in the face of the young bird.
As he watched the family sit down again, he got torn out of his thoughts of endearment by a large rumble and a strange feeling that he could only describe as falling, yet somehow not at the same time. His confusion was soon replaced by panic. “What's happenin'!”
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organatwins · 1 year
exploding you with my mind tell me EVERYHGIN about your padawan ocs i need to hold them very gently in my hands like theyre those bagged goldfish you get at the fair. i need them in my hands to hold and sob over because thyere so fcute im gonig to scream.
WAUGHH THANKIES TYSM THIS IS SO KIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay so first before i go into this you haveto know theyre originally from an outline for a dinluke visual novel gamei started coding and never finished. heheh. the story was originally just about din settling into life with luke and the students while training with the darksaber, but the players choices and how they had din interacting with luke andthe children deteremined the ending.
the padawan children in this au were:
Alluria- a young pantoran girl with bright eyes and a brighter smile, shes very happy with her life on yavin IV and loves studying the force with her fellow padawans, though tends to be alittle air headed and unfocused in her excitment. she wants to be everyones friend! has trouble actually,,, making friends,,, comes off kind of too strong and too much and scares away the other students who are much more reserved than she is
Reina - the youngest baby my darling reina...a young rodian girl who was seperated from her family during imperial rule- and has entrusted masterskywalker with the very important mission of helping her find them (her brother has passed without her knowing, they were extremely close- her mother holds vigil for reina every night and prays for her safe return) and believes whole heartedlysomeday they will. she was extremely shy and soft spoken when she first came to lukes academy- but has since warmed up enough that her very caring and empathetic nature is begining to shine through,, luke thinks she will be a healer
Lylah - a sleepy (almost narcoleptic) twilek girl who has visionsof the future when she dreams- when the force decides shes ready fora vision, she is already fast asleep. luke has seemingly endless patience for her, as he cant imagine having the burden of the future onhisshoulders at such a young age. Lylah is very reserved . quiet and to herself, but not in an aloof way. i think she just knows she wont be awake very long and tries to conserve energy.
Ryo - the oldest and most troubled of all my girlies... came from a very rough home life where her use of the force was punished from a very early age, despite her not being able to control it. using the force scares her, soshe rarely joins the other padawans during training. stays back and tries not to make friends really, becus she feels like this only temporary . and hey, maybe shes right, yknow? lylah has been having visions of a dark force watching them... maybe ryo should be tho one to go investigate,, she doesnt think anyone would even notice she was gone..... the bare bones plot to this vn (since i will probably never go back to it): Din is visiting Grogu at the Jedi Praxeum for the first time; he has met up with Luke on outer rim planets quite a few times but he is the first parent to be allowed to know the location of the actual school. He does not take this lightly. He is introduced to a small handful of other students, as well as invited to stay as long as he likes and observe any of Grogus classes. He does not take this lightly either. Din sits in on as many classes as he can, both enthralled by luke and the desperately need to be as close to grogu as possible. Theres DEFINITELY a scene early on where din walks in on luke training by himself in the dagobah tank-esque look like a little sweaty,,, its a dating sim, fucking sue me. Anyways. Din starts noticing more and more about luke, starts falling in love, you KNOW, the usual, but conflict wise he also notices one of lukes older students seems very troubled… Din points this out to Luke, who has very much noticed and is worried about this students pull to the dark side. He asks Din to talk with the student, give them an outside perspective from quote “a good mans point of view.” Din is hesitant, but agrees for both Luke and his students sake. The student is further gone than Luke had thought, and lashes out at Din, then runs away. Luke is very worried, but also wants this student to have the time they need to let out their emotions on their own… he's just scared of crossing the line either way and not giving them enough or too much time… defos DEFOS a scene where luke cries about how practically raising these kids by himself is so scary and he doesnt know if he's cut out for it, while Din assures him that ofc he is and that he isnt alone. He gives Luke a keldabe kiss, assuming he doesnt know what it means (he does) and assures him that he will never be alone if he doesnt want to be… later, Luke asks Din to come with him; as he has sensed the student off planet and where Luke suspects a sith artifact to be. They battle the student turned sith; and their sith inquisitor “master”...  possible endings ensue.
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gcldenchild · 13 days
and a little moment of honesty. i’ve had this on my brain for a while but i think it’s good to just get this out of my head where i can, especially since i’ve been welcomed back so warmly with the antics that can happen on dash now.
personal yapping ahead. ye have been warned.
honestly, a large part of my coming back was not only to try and celebrate my muse returning in the ways i saw most comfortable but. also to re-expose myself to my writing peers that are older than me by a good margin.
the fma rpc has a good chunk of folks who have more life experience than me because they’ve been here in fandom spaces longer than i have. i’m not one to worry about age stuff, usually - hell, back in the undertale and mha rpcs when i was still a fairly young teenager i was writing with people older than me and creating some of the fondest memories i could’ve had from those times - but that … that admittedly changed in 2021. for reasons that have definitely - stuck.
it feels bad to admit, but for a good long while i’ve avoided trying to be friends with anyone at minimum six-seven years older than me, let alone more. logically, i knew that made no real sense - especially as an artist and as a writer, because these communities have everyone. but i’d - well what happened in 2021 significantly damaged me and my perspective of people older than me, entirely because i was given a hard black and white of being either a child or an adult, no inbetween, back when i was still just freshly 19 years old.
i was scared. i didn’t want what happened then to happen again. i left, so that i could avoid hurting anyone else - though nowadays i realize how much of a victim mindset that is, that’s besides the point - by being a source of discomfort. i didn’t want to be uncomfortable or make anyone else feel uncomfortable. i kind of vanished from here in an effort to steer my own recovery towards much stronger treatment methods - like therapy - and while it did work, i still … kind of have that lingering fear.
i didn’t want to be hurt then and don’t want to be hurt again. i might still kind of hide myself or hold myself back from things solely because that’s a really hard habit to break. but being welcomed like this and being able to enjoy writing silly things without that fear - it’s nice. i missed it. a lot.
i was scared of people at or nearing their 30’s just because of all of that, and i only had a handful of people i actually trusted who were that age - but it’s been three years now, so i’ve been able to mellow out. granted, with recent realizations i STILL might have some level of distance just out of trauma, but - im better. i’m doing better. i’m being better.
i’ve struggled to feel like a full fledged adult for a long time, but with those realizations in mind, i can finally accept that i’ll probably still be a young adult at heart for … an even longer one. i’m traumatized, and that’s okay. i’ve just switched the age my brain feels stuck at since then so now i have an easier time of dealing with it all.
i was seeking that kind of validation for a long time and now i just … i’m finally getting it, and i feel happy. i don’t feel like there’s anyone to fear. not anymore.
i might still hold some people at arms length now and again, but i promise i’m coming out of my shell more and more now. i won’t need to hide much longer. i just hope people will stay with me even when im done hiding.
this probably doesn’t make much sense. my yapping usually doesn’t make any sense - but it’s important to me, and if you’re reading, thank you for doing so.
thank you for making me feel welcomed again. i hope you’ll stay with me, even if i have my moments where i start to fear everything again (or worse.)
i have to be happy for at least that much.
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teruthecreator · 1 year
one dumb little thing i wanna touch on that im curious why people do is when they age up the mop kids they always give ritsu like. a serious job. like a lawyer or some shit. and like dont get me wrong i think thats a good job for him, but i just feel like it doesnt embody the kinda revelation he has as a kid and like. the growth he experiences???
like ritsu is one of the smartest kids in the country. he does sports, hes on the student council, hes immensely popular, and girls think hes cute. but he's also miserable. like, objectively unhappy with where he's at because he's constantly reaching for the unattainable goal of having psychic powers (and finally bridging the impossible gap between him and his brother that hes been too scared to touch for all these years). he's seen as the model kid by everyone, but he hates being defined by this. he wants more than this--he wants to rebel.
so he does! he does something he knows is wrong and stupid because, well, he'd like to do something wrong and stupid right now to counteract all the good, normal things he's been doing his whole life. and then, through his compounding guilt at seeing what his rebellion is doing to others, he obtains the unobtainable: he gets psychic powers. his lifes goal is complete! and he's only like...13.
so, the question becomes: what does he want now? or, more accurately, what did he want truly?
he answers that whilst fighting shimazaki. he wanted that devotion to something; he wanted something he could strive for and dedicate himself wholeheartedly to. and now that he's obtained the psychic powers, he's no longer estranged from his brother. they're on equal playing fields (for the most part) and he doesn't have to be afraid anymore. so now? now he just wants to have fun!
so like. as much as i think ritsu continues to maintain his grades, extracurriculars, and whatnot, i doubt that is what he considers to be fun. i think he enjoys partaking in some good-humored mischief with sho and teru, or to just spend a day lounging with his brother. i think he allows himself to be more than just the model kid; he lets himself be himself.
which brings me back to what happens when he gets older.
frankly, i dont think ritsu goes to college.
at least, not right away. i think, for him, the world is still so young and new and bright and he wants to take it for all its worth now. i think he and sho travel the world a bit (sho doesn't go to college for a myriad of reasons, mainly boiling down to "fuck that we ball"), and when they return to japan ritsu just. chills! develops some hobbies. talks to friends. visits mob at his dorm and listens to him talk about his classes (rlly good fic ive read made mob a speech therapist and that works sooooo well so something like that maybe). goes home to see his parents and show them photos of his travels.
i think ritsu, for the first time in his life, lets himself just have fun. and i think he wouldn't be trying to tie himself down to any major work until he's had as much fun just being free.
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
do you think the labels and such are actually pushing awsten to create another set of songs for the new album this fast or do you think hes actually taking his time and has some several ideas already? tbh isnt that what fbr is almost known for (maybe even mddn as management from what i recall?)
do you think if this is moreso forced than not the result will be low effort enough to backfire? mind you even this era cycle before the release he mentioned “yeah tbh im really not like Eager to release something new so fast because of xyz”
i think awsten really just has too many ideas for his own good tbh i really don't think many artists on fbr or mddn (or just. in general) have this sort of obsessive nature with work that there's this many releases in between a relatively short span of time for each album cycle
like airplane convos and black light both have a decent amount of time in between them mostly because of the amount of time it would have to take for them to fund and get everyone together from their normal jobs to record, but once they got signed in general they started releasing things very quickly. i mean cluster and double dare were released in the same goddamn year and they only came up on a year for releasing double dare once they started the cycle for entertainment.
i feel like even though awsten is always working and having ideas for the future, he partially pushes these new releases so soon because he's scared of becoming irrelevant if they're not in your face all the time and has a bad habit of ignoring the past instead of truly evolving and acknowledging it. maybe some part of him being the only one in la while the rest of his band is still back home in houston and not being able to do much with them in general outside of work anyways.
but going back to what you said, i don't think awsten is capable of releasing something that is low effort as stupid as the results may be because he thinks of all the elements and sounds meticulously (he's a perfectionist with varied results tbh). he really just has too many ideas not to get released but i think he's starting to get burnt out by the music industry as a whole, whatever the fuck la has, and the young fanbase he has that he's growing more and more distant from as he gets older - iz
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