#im so sorry Alessandro
13eyond13 · 2 years
You know even if L and Light were both extremely heterosexual men, I still don't get how either one of them wouldn't find it alarmingly sexy that the other one was secretly trying THAT hard to constantly impress them and read their mind and personally entertain them and trip them specifically and ONLY them up
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mydearesthrry · 1 year
honeyed bliss - h.s.
a/n: hi! here’s another one. post hslot harry, and dadrry, which should be a warning in itself. enjoy!
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing, fluff, ITALYRRY AND DADRRY. im a wreck.
🐇 pairing: husband!dad!harry styles x fem!reader
💐 wc: 800
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“Babe, can you come here? I need to tan, but I can't get the tanning lotion on my back.” Y/N shouted sweetly to her husband, voice soft as she turned on her tummy. 
“Yeah m’love, give me two seconds. ‘M cutting up some watermelon for Daisy.” He called back, standing at the drink bar, a knife in his hand as he watched his daughter toddle around in the small area that he stood in. Daisy knocked on the doors that were in the square, knocking on the door to exit as she babbled quietly to herself. 
“Mumma, want mama,” Daisy pouted, perking up when she heard her moms voice. She stumbled a bit when she turned around to look at her dad with pleading puppy dog eyes, her axis of gravity not perfect quite yet. 
“Oh, y’want mama, baby? Okay, let’s get y’to mama.” Harry plucked her up off the ground and hiked her up onto his hip, scooping a couple blocks of watermelon into a yellow bowl. Harry pushed open the door to the drink bar, walking over to his wife who was laying down on a beach chair. His wife turned onto her side, reaching out for her baby who was already squirming in her dads arms. 
“Hi baby! You wanna come lay down with mama? Wanna sunbathe?” Y/N turned on her mom voice, babying her daughter. 
“Mama, mama, mama,” Daisy giggled, patting her mom’s face, a wide smile on her face, looking almost identical to Harry down to the dimples. 
“God, H. I can’t believe I birthed her, held her in my stomach for months, the whole nine yards, and she just looks exactly like you. Like, not even an inch of me in here. She’s got her Daddy’s curly hair, pretty green eyes, and cute little dimples… Don’t you, Dais?” She smiled, turning onto her back to place her baby on her thighs, Daisy’s head coming up to rest on her knees, her legs laying on her torso. 
“Guess so, m’love, but don’t worry, she still loves her Mumma waaaay more than her Daddy.”  Harry comments, munching on watermelon on the beach chair next to you. She turns her head to him and raises an eyebrow, and he smiles sheepishly. 
“Sorry,” he scratches his nose awkwardly. “I didn't mean that.” 
“Good, y’know she loves you just as much as she loves me.” She gave him a stern look, and he could see her eyes through her sunglasses. 
“Yeah, I know. Bad joke, didn’t land. Tough crowd, eh?” He smiled sheepishly. 
“Mmm, guess comedy isn’t for you, hm? Better stick to singing, pretty boy.” Y/N muttered before bringing her baby up to her chest, pressing small butterfly kisses to her head. 
“M’sweet girls, prettiest girls ever,” Harry grins, pulling your phone from underneath the throw pillow your head was resting on, snapping a few precious pictures. “Can’t believe ‘M so lucky.” 
Twisting his back to look behind him, he reached out to switch the bowl of watermelon for the camcorder, turning it on and recording his wife and daughter, a wide grin plastered on his face. “Today is July 26, 2023, a couple of days after the final Love On Tour show, and we’ve just gotten home to the Styles Villa in the Amalfi Coast of Italy. Here we have Mama and baby bunny in their most rawest forms,” Harry narrated, a grin on his face when he heard a sweet giggle emit from his wife’s chest. “Baby bunny’s sporting a cute swim set gifted to her from her favorite uncle, Uncle Alessandro, and Mama’s wearing a Gucci swim set as well, looking as beautiful as ever with the most beautiful and glowy skin-”
“H, shut up!” She guffaws, placing an embarrassed hand on her face. “Dais is gonna watch these one day and be scarred by the way you’re talking about me.”
Harry turns the camera so it’s on his face, “Little Daisy, if you’re watching these right now in the future, never settle for less than how I treat Mama. Y’deserve to be treated like a queen, m’soul, never ever settle for less.”
He flips the camera around again to face his girls, catching a tail end of YN’s eyeroll on camera. “Yes, sweet girl. I agree with Daddy, never settle for less.” She places more sweet kisses on Daisy’s head, cooing with Harry when a soft snore leaves their baby’s lips.
“Well, since y’asleep now, I think that’s a good place to leave it. We love you, Daisy. Byeeeee!” Harry waves, turning in his seat to have the camera face him and his small family. YN giggles and blows kisses, waving until Harry turns off the camera.
“We’ve got it good, Lovie.” He smiles, leaning forward to peck a kiss to her cheek, her temple, and then one on her lips, being cautious of the sleeping baby on her chest.
“Yes, we do.”
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Paolo Mottura (goated)
Francesco D’Ippolito (goated), Lucio De Giuseppe (very likely D’Ippolito’s inker)
Lorenzo Pastrovicchio (could also be Alessandro but I doubt it) (goated btw)
Vitale Mangiatordi (incredibly goated)
Giada Perissinitto (goated)
Consonni? I’m so sorry I have no clue who that is.
Included on this cover is a terrible pun. I will not comment on if this is a good or a bad thing.
But that’s exciting! And what a huge amount of artists! That must mean that the story will be very lo-WHAT THE FUCK
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So like im really hoping that 58 pages is not including Bear Mountain. Because that would be the length of a Topolino gag story.
But assuming 58 pages of new comic, that’s still not much. We have 6 different artists. Maybe the different art styles will be used to signify traveling through the multiverse and the majority will be drawn by just one person? (Pastro I’m assuming then, because he drew the main cover) Because like. 58 pages. Every artist then drew less than 10 pages if we spread it out evenly. That sounds a bit goofy, and will probably be kinda jarring for new audiences. Especially with these specific artists. Maybe D’Ippolito and Mangiatordi look a bit similar since art director Freccero, but everyone else has such a distinctive style. Oh well, we’ll find out soon.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 8 parts 3&4]
Tess is such a bitch lmao
So… this is awkward
“Mek looks like someone I liked” the casual queer-friendlyness in this show makes me want to cry
Also side note: I really appreciate that Puen doesn’t get legit jealous learning this because that trope is utter garbage for how possessive and unreasonable it makes a character look
“How DARE you not like me back then when we didn’t even know each other” yeah no fuck off
Appreciate that Puen’s being honest about Mek’s intentions right away rather than keeping it a secret for some flimsy reason
“Let’s try to trust him” seems like a risky call given how big his hate-boner for Tess is
“Do you have a problem?” “yes, I could be riding Puen right now instead of having to look at your damn face”
Don’t fucking touch him
“Our characters don’t click” that’s because one of you is a nice person and sadly it’s the fictional one
He’s wearing his “just quit” shirt again, following your own advice my guy
Omg Talay fucking insulted Mek asjkdlfj
I know I’d probably be on Mek’s side if Tess was still himself and the show’s giving us a very biased pov since we’ve all grown to like Talay /and/ I’m all for revenge after being wronged but yeah I can’t help it, this guy’s a dick
The orange one looks so confused, the poor thing
“Are you a cat lover?” ANSWER THE QUESTION
Cakes all over this episode for some reason
TAWAN????? *raging war flashbacks*
I’m sorry but all I’m looking at is the cats
The grey one must feel really comfortable since it’s letting Jimmy hold it like a baby! The way Sea’s holding his is plain wrong though…
This poor guy must be like “what is wrong with this lady”
“If it’s not this cat, I won’t be director” how petty is this bitch
“I’m going back to liking him” Puen to himself: “brb gotta check if there’s enough budget left to hire an assassin”
T&P: let me have a tasty 0% drink as I think it over
“My mood is just cloudy grey” ROLLLL CREDI–
I see you smiling after Puen touched your belly Talay
But also what is this whole scene
I mean, mirroring each other would be the perfect excuse to kiss…….
Oh? OH????
Mek went back to liking him real fast, holy shit
Puen being jealous here is completely different from what I mentioned earlier, here I actually get it even if jealousy is never a good thing
Puen literally RUNNING to join Talay alkdskld
It makes me sad how sad Puen looks
Puen listening to the perfect sad music to fuel his broken heart
Talay, c’mon, can you really not figure out what’s bothering him?
Grabbing his cheeks omg
“I haven’t even seen your face, yet I like you” MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was worried Talay was gonna blow it after Puen showed so much vulnerability but THIS IS GREAT, I’M SO HAPPY
Take that, Mek, you little bitch
Also is this the right time to bring up that they are using other people’s bodies to make out……..
“Mek looks like someone I liked” the casual queer-friendlyness in this show makes me want to cry <<<<< IT REALLY IS SO NICE i know we've already talked about it in a previous episode but i will never get tired of saying how much i love this. talay says he liked a man before and it's something that can just BE. kita and fuse pretty much know that he likes puen even if he hasn't actually admitted it and they never question it. puen and talay don't have to come out to up and aou because they act lovey dovey once and up and aou just take it in stride and go right into teasing them. and i said it before, but this isn't only a thing in the alternate universe, where same sex marriage is legal, queerness in vice versa just is and it's beautiful
Also side note: I really appreciate that Puen doesn’t get legit jealous learning this because that trope is utter garbage for how possessive and unreasonable it makes a character look // “How DARE you not like me back then when we didn’t even know each other” yeah no fuck off <<<<< REASON NUMBER 9264828648 WHY I LOVE VICE VERSA!!!!!!! other love interests in BLs: you liked someone else? you liked someone else before meeting me? jail for almost-boyfriend! jail for almost-boyfriend for one thousand years!!!!! puen the walking green flag: [uses that as an excuse to hold talay's hand and give him a cheek kiss] LIKE IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY HE IS SIMPLY BUILT DIFFERENT
Appreciate that Puen’s being honest about Mek’s intentions right away rather than keeping it a secret for some flimsy reason <<<<< after what happened in episode 4 puen has been trying so hard to be honest and upfront with talay (except for his name, which is way more about puen's own sense of self rather than any actual malicious intent of hiding stuff from talay), and even when talay tries to deal with everything by himself (like with tess' clothes) he's always the one to remind him that he's not alone and that they're a team and that they can find a solution together!!!! they do have some misunderstandings throughout the show but they never last longer than an episode because they're just SO GOOD AT BEING OPEN AND COMMUNICATING
“Let’s try to trust him” seems like a risky call given how big his hate-boner for Tess is <<<<< puen was trusting the talay effect to work its magic and the talay effect is gonna come through!!!!!!
“Do you have a problem?” “yes, I could be riding Puen right now instead of having to look at your damn face” <<<<< THE WAY I CHOKED ON MY OWN SALIVA THE FIRST TIME I READ THIS COMMENT AND SPENT THE FOLLOWING 10 MINUTES COUGHING MY LUNGS OUT TRYING TO RECOVER SFJKSGFKSGDKSG funny you would mention that though because one of my favorite headcanons is that talay indeed likes to rid-- [GUNSHOT]
“Our characters don’t click” that’s because one of you is a nice person and sadly it’s the fictional one <<<<< SFJKSGFFKSGDJ YOU AND TALAY ARE BOTH BEING SAVAGES THIS EPISODE AND I LOVE IT
Omg Talay fucking insulted Mek asjkdlfj <<<<< HIS FULL NAME IS TALAY RAWI 'IM A NICE PERSON BUT I WILL CUT A BITCH' LERTPANYA DO NOT TRY HIM (also not to be that person but talay is so hot when he's angry)
I know I’d probably be on Mek’s side if Tess was still himself and the show’s giving us a very biased pov since we’ve all grown to like Talay /and/ I’m all for revenge after being wronged but yeah I can’t help it, this guy’s a dick <<<<< weirdly enough mek is pretty much the only character in the show that im very neutral about. i recognize his narrative purpose because they needed to parallel the pangpuentalay situation in episode 7 to have talay being the one to choose puen this time around, but aside from that i don't really feel much for mek. that being said, i unfortunately have to admit that if i believed the person in front of me was tess, i would be an absolute petty bitch too ;;;;;;;;
TAWAN????? *raging war flashbacks* <<<<< SFJKSGDJGSJDG THE KINNPORSCHE EFFECT
I’m sorry but all I’m looking at is the cats // The grey one must feel really comfortable since it’s letting Jimmy hold it like a baby! The way Sea’s holding his is plain wrong though… <<<<< im pretty sure jimmy actually has a cat while sea has a dog!!!!! which would definitely explain why the cats seem so comfortable with jimmy while sea's idea for putting them at ease is meowing at them sfjksgdj also im never letting go of my puentalay cat dads headcanon!!!!! which is basically talay finding a small stray crying during a stormy night and bringing it home (because if there’s one thing he can’t resist it’s a pair of big sad eyes), and he wasn't really planning for the cat to stay but puen has already named it and now it’s too late. and then one day talay gets home and there are TWO CATS in their living room because puen thought the kitty needed a friend to keep him company while they’re at work so now talay has THREE KITTENS to take care of (yes the third one is puen)
This poor guy must be like “what is wrong with this lady” <<<<< pang really said 'if puen and talay can let their friends be actors in the movie then i can kidnap this random stranger who happens to look like a famous actor in our universe to play in it too'
TESS HAS NOT ONLY ONE BUT /TWO/ PEOPLE INEXPLICABLY LIKING HIM???? <<<<< you've already watched episode 9 so you know mek didn't really mean it but when i watched the show the first time around i remember thinking that at least mek was attracted to tess in the past but hated him because he was an asshole and only started to like him now that he's actually talay (and lbr who wouldn't love talay), meanwhile im still sitting here wondering why the hell tun never stopped being in love with that jerk
“I’m going back to liking him” Puen to himself: “brb gotta check if there’s enough budget left to hire an assassin” <<<<< puen sitting there like 'i should have known the talay effect is too powerful and now i can't even blame this guy because talay IS nice and cute and of course every single person on the planet would fall in love with him i've just played myself once again'
“My mood is just cloudy grey” ROLLLL CREDI– <<<<< me every time a character mentions the title of the episode/show/movie: [points at the screen] THEY SAID THE THING!!!!!!!!!
I see you smiling after Puen touched your belly Talay <<<<< talay tries not to show it but he's just so ridiculously fond and charmed by everything puen does THEY'RE BOTH SO GONE FOR EACH OTHER IM EMBARRASSED FOR THEM
Puen being jealous here is completely different from what I mentioned earlier, here I actually get it even if jealousy is never a good thing <<<<< this is just my personal interpretation but I've honestly never read puen as being jealous here, not more than talay was of pang in episode 7 anyway, which was not at all, not really. like puen says, he knows that talay doesn't have feelings for mek, but both him and talay have this fear of being left behind, of not getting to love the person they have feelings for, while also being selfless enough to take a step back if they (mistakenly) believe the other could be happy with someone else. that's why mek was essential as the last step to make puentalay happen, because in ep 7 talay needed puen to choose him, but puen also needed talay to choose him back, and when talay finally does there's nothing standing between them anymore, not even themselves
Puen listening to the perfect sad music to fuel his broken heart <<<<< puen was also listening to music when he was being all sad in episode 6 I JUST LOVE HOW CONSISTENT THIS SHOW IS AND I LOVE PUEN MY MOST BELOVED CRINGEFAIL SAD KITTEN SWEET POTATO DARLING IDIOT
Grabbing his cheeks omg <<<<< not to be incredibly sappy but TALAY IS HOLDING HIS ENTIRE WORLD IN HIS HANDS!!!!!!!
“I haven’t even seen your face, yet I like you” MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // I was worried Talay was gonna blow it after Puen showed so much vulnerability but THIS IS GREAT, I’M SO HAPPY // FINALLY!!!!!! <<<<< THERE AREN'T ENOUGH WORDS IN ANY HUMAN LANGUAGE TO PROPERLY EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS ENTIRE CONFESSION SCENE JUST SCREAMING SHAKING CRYING THROWING UP SPINNING COUNTERCLOCKWISE ON THE FLOOR WAILING KICKING HOWLING PASSING OUT. the fact that it happens when the lights are out to emphasize that their feelings aren’t about the bodies they inhabit but about who they are!!!!!! puen being so overwhelmed with emotions he needs to grab talay’s wrist to ground himself!!!!!! the tear falling down puen’s cheek and the ear graze and the hand at the small of talay’s back!!!!!! THE KISS PARALLELING THE ONE IN EP 4!!!!!! and not to be that person again but you can actually hear NOISES under the music!!!!!! and i do love that talay likes to tease puen but they both know when it's time to be serious and honest with each other which is why they communicate so well!!!!!! CAN SOMEONE JUST PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY THIS IS GETTING SO EMBARRASSING
Also is this the right time to bring up that they are using other people’s bodies to make out…….. <<<<< SFJKSGDJSGDKS SHHHH WE KNOW BUT WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT
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pickledylans · 2 years
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Sometimes u draw gay people
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casssian · 3 years
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ale: sometimes pictures say more than 1000 words...
0 notes
dreamifics · 3 years
John Wick x Assassin!Reader!
Two Broken Souls
Chapter 1:
A woman push pass people in the busy and rainy street of New York, she was making her way to The Continental. She was covering her face with the dark hoodie that envelops her whole body..
Entering the hotel, the woman caught everyone's attention, but it didn't faze her. She sashay her way to the counter, taking off her hood in the process.. Small gasps and hush whispers filled the hotel lobby.
The woman was all covered in blood, her eyes were blank and cold but she was carrying a black duffel bag.. This was Y/N L/N or as the underworld calls her 'The Reaper', she's a highly paid assassin and anywhere she goes Death always follow..
They all know that she is the perfect epitome of Death.
Rumors has it that she even surpasses the infamous 'Baba Yaga'..
But the truth is Y/N was hopelessly and completely in love with John Wick, they used to be partners but he left her for Helen, given they were just friends but he left her high and dry.. Y/N had no hard feelings, she just wanted John to be happy and it was nice to see that Helen unconditionally loves the man she also love.. Helen was a sweet and nice person while she is far from that.. She's just a quick-witted, sarcastic evil killer and deep inside her she knew that she didn't deserve John..
Everyone she loves will only die..
Reaching the concierge, she drops her hand to the desk and drop some gold coins.. Charon gave Y/N a small smile, and accepted the coins.
"Charon, give me a room and some medical supply.." Her voice was cold and blank, Y/N is not usually like this to peoole she's acquainted with.. Y/N is just having a rough day, for god's sake she was covered with blood that doesn't even belong to her and to top that up she have a gunshot wound in her abdomen.
"Rough day, Miss L/N?"
"You could say.." She answered while her fingers tapped the concierge desk, Y/N was slowly getting impatient.
"Here you go..Room 12--" He was cut off by the desk phone ringing.
"Please wait a moment, Miss L/N.." Charon answered the phone but he still hasn't given Y/N her keys..
Growing more and more impatient Y/N wanted to grab the keys from his hand and punched him but Charon is her frien--more like acquaintance..
"Okay, i'll move her.." Charon said aa he ended the call..
"Miss L/N, you have been moved to Room 134..Please enjoy your stay.."
He gives Y/N the new key and she grabs it and made her way to the elevator.. She was confused that she has been moved, knowing that Winston is probably the one behind this action, she just shrugged it off.
The elevator opens and it revealed a man with a black suit and a long hair that covered his whole face, Y/N doesn't even need to see the man's face.. She knew that this was the guy she loved, the one who she still loves.
John was stunned at the person that is infront of him.. Y/N L/N, the girl he used to love but didn't do anything because he was afraid to jeopardize their friendship, so he moved on and that's where he met Helen.
He noticed that Y/N was covered in blood, worries shot through his whole body.. Y/N may be a good assassin but she never cared about the state her body is in..
"Are you okay?"
Y/N's breath hitched, she felt a lump got caught in her throat and her heart was beating out of her chest. The way his eyes travel to her face and body, it was making her weak.
"Im-Im alright.."
John forehead creased, he can see when people are lying to him but Y/N was a very good liar.
"Is that your blood?" He asks gesturing to her whole body.
"Maybe 2 percent of it, the remaining belonged to many assholes who got in my way.." Y/N tried to joke but it came out a little rude..
"I see you haven't change.." John gave her a smile, it has been long since he smiled like this.
"Ye-Yeah..I have to go." She dismissed all the feelings that was once bubbling up again, she entered the elevator and John got out..
"It's nice to see you Y/N, i hope we can get a drink later.." John offered but he only got a blank stare from Y/N..
And she was gone, the elevator has closed it doors..
Y/N doesn't want to see John ever again, she was broken-hearted when he left, the pain she felt can't amount to any gunshot wounds she endured in her life.
Y/N hoped that this was the last time she will see John Wick, the man she loves..
The elevator reached her floor, she walks to her door and unlocked the room.. Entering inside she flops down the couch and grabbed the medical supplies that was laying around in the table infront of the couch.
After she took out the bullet and stitch herself up, she took a shower.. Now she's looking all over her hotel room for any alcohol that will supress the pain she was feeling.. But she found nothing, Charon and Winston know that she always need to have an alcohol in her room but what happend? Did they forgot?
Giving up she went through her clothes and pulled out a black dress, she slowly took of the bathrobes that were covering her body and carefully slid on the dress..
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Y/N wore a black leather boots, hiding a dagger knife inside and putting a gun holster in her legs.. She can never be too careful, she let her hair fall on her shoulders as she grabs the door handle and swing it open.
In that exact time the door infront of her room also swing open revealing John..
Y/N mentally curses at herself, she didn't want to see John anymore.. It will only made it harder to move on, she sighs and slammed the door as fast as she could.
John noticed Y/N but his gaze was immediatly broken by the slamming of her door.. Was Y/N avoiding him?
He closed his door and knock on Y/N's.. John heard Y/N curse at herself and the door opened..
"Oh!Hey John!Didn't see you there!" Y/N faked a smile but John saw right through it.
"Drop the act..Are you avoiding me?" John asks with desperation in his tone..
Y/N was frozen, should she tell John her undying love? But she was not like Helen, she wasn't sweet nor nice and she can't givr John the normal life he yearns.. Helen and Y/N are different, John would never love a girl like her..
She was a cold-blooded killer..
A frown escaped her lips as thoughts like that crept unto Y/N's mind.. Shaking off her mind, she focused back on John who was giving her a penetrating gaze..
"N-Nothing, let's get that drink.." She pulled John's arm and lead him to the elevator..
As she touches John's arm it send thousand of sparks to her whole body..
"So what are you up to?" Y/N tried her hardest to change the topic and not look into John's heartmelting eyes..
"You know what i did...How about you?Last i heard you were in Italy?"
Y/N did vacation in Italy--and what she means by vacation was assassinating enemies of the High Table..
"Just a vacation.." She mutters and the elevator opened..
The two got in and pressed the ground floor, an eerie silence filled the elevator..
"Vacation?Did not know that you take those.." John joked making you frown..
"Ha ha!Did not know you make jokes.."
The two just laugh and the ambiance became more comfortable..
"So how are you holding up?" Y/N asks, her tone was dripping with worries..
"I'll be fine.." His face turned into a sad frown, it made Y/N's heart crack, Y/N aches when she sees the love of her life hurting..
"Im sorry.." Y/N comforted the man infront of her and gives him a hug..
And in that action, John couldn't contain the sadness in his heart anymore.. So he closed his eyes and embrace Y/N's hug.. His head falling on the nook of Y/N's neck..
"Im so sorry John.."
She tighten the hug and rubbed his back.. Why can't Y/N seem to let John go? Why can't she move on?
"If you want help, i can help you.. Let's kill those sons of bitches.."
John chucked and Y/N felt the vibrate of his laugh.. Her heart jumped and Y/N's throat getting drier every second that John was in the crook of her neck.
"This is my battle..Besides you are the only thing i have now..I can't bear to lose you too.." John explained, meaning every word of it.. Does he still have feelings for Y/N?
The elevator door reached the floor and the doors opened, standing there was a smirking Winston..
Y/N frowned when she knew what Winston was thinking, he was the only person that knows her undying love for John.. She pulled back from the hug and exits the elevator..
John felt a little disappointed when she pulled away from his embrace, and that's when he sees Winston standing infront of them..
"Hey Winston!" Y/N greeted the father figure she looks up to, and hugs him..
"Ahh!Dear!I see you found our beloved John Wick..." A sly smirk tugged in his lips, John didn't know what that means but he did noticed the way Y/N shifted uncomfortably..
"Im going to the bar.." Y/N announces, leaving John and Winston for the bar..
John watch Y/N walks away from them, the way her hips sway as she move.. He remembered the first time he saw Y/N..
It was another mission for John, kill Alessandro Rossi, the man who planned to overthrown him.. He was in a club waiting for Alessandro to walk in, sitting in the bar and that's when he saw Y/N..
Wearing a tight black dress and sitting across the club, with a drink in her hand.. Y/N was also waiting for Alessandro, she was ordered to get some information from the bastard
He still remember the first sentence Y/N said to him.
"Baba Yaga?You know that names is really weird..Thinking about changing it?" The woman said to him as she pointed a gun to Alessandro's head.
"Wh-what now?" John was mesmerized by Y/N, the way she took down the bodyguards and her sarcastic remarks when Alessandro curses at her..
"You bitch!Im going to kill you and send you to hell!"
"Who said your going to live?" Y/N's voice was blank but it was also dripping with smugness..
"Well you see--Im the Reaper..Im the one who decides who dies and im also the one who drag people back to hell!"
John was just standing there as Y/N interrogates the man.. He smiles at how sassy she talks to Alessandro and Y/N interrogation skills was top-notch..
John's jaws clenched at the insults he spit on Y/N, he was always a gentleman.. And that is no way to treat a lady.. He was about to do something when Y/N grabbed a knife and stabbed his knee..
"I know there's a compliment somewhere in there and i'll take it.."
"You bitch!"
"Ah, there it is!"
John stood there with a big smile in his face and when Y/N was done getting information out of him, John thought that she's going to finish the job but instead she turns around and gave John a viscious smirk.
"Im all done!You can kill the motherfuck--"
"You said i'll live!!" Alessandro cried and Y/N just slaps him in the face
''I also said that im 22 so see you in hell.." Y/N gave Alessandro a wicked smile..
"Do it.." She said walking away from the dark warehouse and going outside to get some fresh air..
John just looked at Y/N amazed before turning back to Alessandro who was weeping..
John also remembered the day he realized he was falling inlove with Y/N
Y/N and John began a friendship--more like a partnership, the two was the most highly paid assassins and the most powerful..
It was John's birthday and he doesn't celebrate but when he met Y/N, she keep insisting to celebrate so Y/N throw John some suprise parties but she always fails because he doesn't show up.
Except for one, it was a day before his birthday when Y/N left and said she was going to do a mission in Tokyo but the truth was she threw John a suprise birthday party. The only people who was invited was the two of them..
He entered his apartment and that's where he saw Y/N.. Baking a cake which she was horribly failing at that Y/N didn't even notice John walking in.. The whole place was decorated with birthday banners and balloons..
"Damn!This cake is killing me!" She utters under her breath..
"What are you doing?"
"What the fuck?!" Y/N shouted and she pointed the gun at him..
"Sorry!Thought you were someone else!"' She pouted and her eyes widen when as she remembered that it was a surpise birthday..
"Oh!SURPRISE!Ugh!I ruined it!I was the one who got suprised!" She shouted making John laugh..
"What are you doing?Are you trying to burn down my kitchen?" He jokes making Y/N frown..
"Ha ha!So funny!Just shut up and help me bake a cake!!Im the infamous Reaper but this cake is killing mee!"
And that was the day he knew he was inlove with you..
"John, you should go for it.."
John snapped back to reality as Winston spoke, he stares at the man and just shake his head..
"I don't know what your talking about.." John push pass Winston..
"You know she feels the same way.."
This made John stop, is it really true?
Is it true that the infamous 'Reaper' likes him back? The memory of Helen suddenly enters him mind.. He felt guilty, like he was cheating..
"Helen would want you to move on.."
John growls at Winston by the mention of Helen's name.. Winston just chuckled and taps his shoulder..
"Kids nowadays.." Winston mumbles and walked towards the elevator.
John sighs and made his way to bar where Y/N was sitting, a whiskey in her hand..
Y/N mind flew to the endless nights she was crying because of John, the way she watch John from a distant on his wedding day because she refused to come.. It took a toll on her emotional and physical state..
The days where Y/N was down, she didn't even do her job right.. It was always messy, her mind was always flying.. She remembers the time she saw John and Helen having fun, that was the day she accepted her faith..
That she and John will always and forever be just friends.
She moved the glass to her lips, taking a sip of the whiskey.. It burned her throat but she was addicted to it, the oh so satisfying burn of the alcohol..
Y/N saw from the corner of her eye a man was approaching her, Y/N's hand traveled to her gun holster, readying it if someone does attack her..
"Am i seeing right?Or Y/N L/N is drinking alone?"
Y/N turned around to see the owner of the voice, a small smirk played in her lips when it dawned to her..
This was Alex Kavelj, a past lover..
And enemy..
The two of them tried to kill each other, like Mr and Mrs Smith only without the happy ending.. Y/N ended up winning but she couldn't bring herself to kill the man she used to sleep with..
"Well if it isn't Mister Alex Kavelj.." A smirk played in her lips, she turned back her attention on the drink in her hand but her other hand was still on her holster..
"Come to kill me again?" She taunted at the man behind her, she doesn't know Alex intentions..
"You know i wouldn't do that to you.." He purrs sitting next to Y/N, he signaled to the bartender for a drink..
A scoff escaped her lips as she sips her whiskey, and just shakes her head in amusement.
"Come on Y/N!Believe me!It's like we don't have any history together.."
Y/N wanted to throw her glass at the man beside her but doing that will cause only chaos to the two of them.. Alex just looked at her, his eyes were burning with lust.. And Y/N noticed it, she felt disgusted..
Y/N regrets sleeping with Alex, they used each other.. Y/N used him as a distraction from John while Alex used her for lust..
"Keep dreaming.." Y/N's voice was filled with disgust, she felt a hand on her shoulders.. She was ready to pounce Alex but she sees the man she hates was still sitting besides her..
Turning her head, she sees John with a serious face.. Y/N has got to admit that she was turned on for just a little bit..
"Is there something wrong?" John asks, his voice was stern and filled with authority..
Y/N just give John a small smile and turn to face Alex.. She slowly let go of her gun holster, she felt safe with John with her.
"Just dealing with pests, that's all.." She said gulping the last bit of whiskey in her glass..
"Mind if i sit with you?" John asks, his hand still holding her shoulder..
"Well that is the deal.." Y/N smiles, she hears Alex scoff..
"Is this your new boy toy?"
"No he's just a fri--"
"Yes, i am..Now what does it matter to you?" John cuts Y/N off, her jaw was wide open.. Surprised at what John had say..
"Chill man!Just reuniting with an old friend.." Alex winks at Y/N making her shudder in disgust.
"Okay..Now leave.." John demanded with the coldest stare anyone could ever get.
Alex just laughs grabbing his drink and walked away from but not without giving Y/N a flirtatious wink..
"Call me if that toy boy of yours is broken!" He waved at Y/N but she just growled at him..
Turning back her attention to the bartender while gesturing a refill.. John sits next to her, moving a little closer to Y/N.
"Who was that?" John asks his eyes were filled with anger and jealousy.. But Y/N didn't see it, she was busy melting in his eyes.
"Just an old acquaintance.."
"Doesn't seem like it.." John growls..
Y/N eyebrows were furrowed at her friends weird behaviour.. Ignoring it she takes another sip of her whiskey, John motioned for a drink and points at my whiskey.
"Yeah, im totally lying..We used to have a friends with benifits thing.. Then we tried to kill each other but i made the mistake of letting him go.."
John whole body stiffened when he heard that term 'friends with benefits'.. He doesn't even know what that means but that does sound very nice..
"What that does mean?" He asks..
Y/N laughs at John's confused face.. She forgot that John doesn't know slangs, he only used formal ones..
"Oh, God!I need to teach you slangs.."
John looked at Y/N as she drink all her alcohol, she faces him..
"Friends with benefits is a sexual relationship without the feelings and commitment.."
John felt his blood boil, he never knew that Y/N was capable of doing that.
"You did that?With him?"
"Why?" John said glaring at Y/N..
She felt uneasy, this was the usual John.. Always protecting her, treating her like she was a kid.
"Well--I was reall--"
"You shouldn't do that!It--Just don't do that again.."
Y/N was getting angry as soon those words left his mouth.. He was the reason why.. He was the reason she threw herself at Alex.. He was the reason she was a blabbering mess when he retired.. She wanted to scream that in John's face..
All those days she felt alone and small, that's why she formed a relationship with Alex.. He was just a confidence booster for Y/N.
"You don't get to order me like that..It's my life and it's my goddamn decision!" She screams at John, it was full of anger and spite.
People are now staring at them, she stands up and paid the drinks she had..
"See you around, Wick.."
John knew that Y/N was mad at him, she just called him by his last name.. She never does that, again she saw Y/N walk away from him.
A part of him felt guilty, but he shakes it off and exits the hotel to carry out the mission that was given to him..
Y/N walks pass Charon, she toss some coins to him..
"Bottle of vodka.." Those were enough for the man to understand.. Y/N made her way outside, she was going to kill another enemy of the High Table..
Sighing, Y/N made her way to the apartment unit she owns.. It was already dark, she reached the door of her apartment..
Slowly opening it, she enters cautiously.. She wasn't followed but maybe someone was waiting here for her.. She grabs her gun, and scope the place but she found it empty..
Y/N enters her room and went straight to the closet.. There was some few clothes but it was just mostly guns, ammunitions and files.
She grabs a duffel bag and shove guns and grenades there, Y/N was busy packing when she hears her front door rattle it was followed by a knock.
She closed her walk in closet and hide behind a post near the front door.. She was ready to kill this person.
This could be someone after her..
Gripping her gun, she carefully walks to the door.. Taking a look at the peephole she found her neighbor who was an old woman..
She opened the door but not fully open, she hides the hand that was holding her gun in her back.
"Mrs. Kranowski!It's late, what are you doing here?" She fakes a smile and the old woman just pulled out a letter from her pockets..
"Dear, this was addressed to you but delivered to me..I got this today but since you were not here i kept it..And then i saw you entering your apartment so im giving it to you now..."
The woman gave Y/N the letter, and she gladly accepted it.
"Thank you Mrs. Kranowski.." She didn't give a chance for the old woman to talk, Y/N already closed the door, locking it in the process.
She examined the letter, it did belong to her.. Opening it, she saw a letter.. It was from her father, the leader of the Camorra crimial organization and also the member of the High Table.
Y/N is the youngest D'Antonio..
Yes, she was another D'Antonio, the youngest and most ruthless.. Their father treated her like a weapon, ordering her to kill people and doing his dirty works.. Santino was the only one who treated her like she was human..
No one even knew she was a D'Antonio, maybe it was a good thing, even John doesn't know her true identity.
She sighs as the horrible memories flooded her mind, the way her Father forced her to take advanced assassination training at a very young age.. The rigorous training that almost took her life.
The killer instinct inside her was awaken at the young age of 12.. She had no mother to protect her from the wrath of her Father.. So she had no choice but to oblied to his father orders
She starts to read the letter, her hands shaking at the crude penmanship that belonged to her father..
Dear Amore Mio,
Im sorry for the things that i put you through, i blamed you for your Mother's death but you were innocent.. I broke you, i failed you and your Mother.. I made you do horrible things, but know that i love you.. You are my little stellina, you are my cuoro mio..
The day you were born is the day of your Mother's death.. I regret not giving you a normal life, not spending time with you.. And im really sorry for making you the worst and evil version of you.. But i do know that you still have the last bit of goodness inside you, and Winston also told me about that pretty boy Wick that you love so much.. You have grown up, you have learned to love someone..
My time is running out, and you, my daughter will live a normal life, that's my last wish for you.. Your siblings will fight over my position in the High Table and i know you will be stuck in the middle of all this.. I have a last gift for you, i gave it to Winston.. I get that you trust him more than you trust me.. So i left it to the guy you trust so much..
Gianna will take over my position, but you know that Santino would not bow down that easy.. Bloods will shed and im thankful that you won't be a part of it.. Don't do anything stupid and live a normal life but i know that living like that is impossible.. I love you my little stellina..
Tears were strolling down her face, she didn't know what to do.. But she hates Winston for telling her father about John Wick.. She hugs the letter, nursing it..
This was the first time her father gave her affection, the first time her father apologized to the horrible things he did.. This was also the first time he ever mentioned Y/N's mother, and the first time he said i love you..
Y/N's phone rang making her snap out of her trance, wiping the tears in her face she stands up and looked over the caller id..
She accepted the call and unsurely put it in her ear..
"H-Hello?" Y/N's voice was hoarsed, her brother doesn't even need to tell her, she knew that her father is dead..
"Y/N!Father is dead.."
"I-I'll be there.." Those were the words that left her mouth and immediately ended the call..
That's where she broke down, silent scream erupted from her lips.. Her soul was broken again, she was on her floor balled up like a baby..
She suddenly jolted up when she remembered her task, kill Monuira Guisa, this man was planning to elimanate a member of the High Table..
Taking off her feelings and emotions and shoving them to the pit of her stomach.. She can't mess this shit up, so she stands and wipe away the tears in her face..
She washed her face and changed clothes to a more comfortable and moveable clothes.
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Grabbing the duffel bag with the ammunitions, guns and grenades.. She prepared herself, taking a deep breath she exits the apartment but before that she enabled her security system.
Locking the door, she discreetly walks away from the building and made her way to the task that was given to her..
Y/N arrives at the hiding spot her target is in, she first scope the place.. There were dozens of boduguards, which means one thing..
He knew someone was coming for him..
A viscious grin formed in her lips, she was going to blow some steam off.. She grabs gun and daggers, hiding it in her boots and jacket.
"Let's kill some motherfu--Ouch!" Y/N was starting to walk when she tripped over a rock.. Steadying and readying herself once again and started to walk..
Ready to kill..
People hide.. Death is coming..
Y/N stands in the middle of the room, she was surrounded by dead bodies courtesy by her.. Infront of her was Monuira, he was bound to a chair.. Sleeping peacefully, Y/N took a picture as another proof.. Then she bring her gun to his head and pulled the trigger..
The sound of her gun echoes through the whole room, sighing as she felt guilt run through the course of her body.
She grabs her bag from the floor and continues to exit the death scene.. No one survived, nobody was left alive..
She went straight to the street leading to the The Continental..
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
The gucci north face collab was also ugly and gucci just needs to drop off the face of the earth im sorry
Alessandro needs to either start all over again or step aside so someone else can take the reign. We can’t keep recycling the same collection and slapping a different brand/monogram on it for the sake of “clout.”
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italiansteebie · 4 years
The Anon Returns ✨✨ im european and idk if its a european thing to have WAY too many middle names so i imagine billy hears through max that the party has made a bet that the first person who finds out steves full name gets a prize. billys confused, bc steves name is just steven harrington right?? until one day they get a substitute teacher who calls out steve’s Aggressively Italian Full Name while struggling so much. steves pretending not to exist, everyones snickering and billy nearly chokes
Billy is standing on the porch when Max gets home from one of her nerd friend dates. He watches as she gets out of the car and slams the door shut. “Bye, Steve! Thanks for the ride!” Max calls as she waves goodbye, she turns around and shouts, “I am definitely gonna be the one that finds out your full name!” Steve sticks his hand out the window in a goodbye fashion and says, “Keep on dreaming’, Max! None of you shitheads are going to figure it out!” Then he looks at Billy, gives him a small smile and throws up a puny little wave.
“What’s goin’ on with Harrington’s name, huh Shitbird?” Billy wonders aloud to Max, who rolls her eyes at the nickname. “First of all, I told you not to call me that-” “It’s a term of endearment, Maxine.” Billy says and shoves her head away. Max sticks her tongue out at him, “Second, no one knows Steve’s middle name and The Party is having a contest to see who can figure it out first!” she explains. Billy laughs, “I bet I can figure out Harrington’s name before you loser can.” “Well then, welcome to the contest, Billy,” she replies, a smirk forming on her face.
Fortunately for Billy, he was right. He figured out Steve’s full name the very next day, when they had a substitute teacher in their history class. On the unfortunate side, Steve’s full name was not what he was expecting.
“Tommy Hagan?”
“William Hargrove?”
“Stefano... R-Reginaldo? Christian, Alessandro, H-Harrington?” The sub calls cautiously. “Damn what poor sap ended up with a name like that?” Bill wonders to himself, looking to Steve hoping to make fun of the name with him. What he sees is Steve’s whole body blush from embarrassment as he timidly raises his hand, and whispers a meek, “Here.”
The whole class erupts in whispers, who the hell is Stefano, and why did Steve Harrington, boring white boy, just respond to that name? All eyes are on Steve for the rest of class as he tries to hide behind the collar of his jacket. Billy is grateful that this is the last class of the day, he as lots of questions to ask and boasting to do towards Max and her nerd group. He catches up to Steve in the hallway, slinging an arm around his shoulder, “Hey Stefano,” he greets in a sing-song voice. Steve pushes his arm off, “Please. Billy. Don’t call me that,” sigh Steve, beginning to turn red at the sound of his real name. They walk out of the front doors and sees The Party waiting by Steve’s car.
“Steve! I have a guess for your na-”
“No! Me first! Mines right.”
“Nu uh-”
“Shut up, Mike! You didn’t even want to do the stupid contest!”
Steve holds his hand up, and the kids start to quiet down, “Sorry losers, I figured it out first. Ha Ha!” Billy brags childishly. Steve shoots him a look, “Well if you’re so confident, try and pronounce it right, William.” he sneers, no real venom behind it. Billy’s face drops for a moment, but he quickly covers it up with false confidence. “S-Stefano...?-” The kids voices sound in confusion as Billy starts slowly relaying Steve’s name, “Reginaldo, Christian, Alessandro, Harrington...” He trails off, a proud smirk blooming on his face. “Not bad for an American,” Steve rewards, “My name is actually, Stefano Reginaldo Christian Alessandro Harrington.” His Italian accent coming out in full force as he speaks his name, “The Third,” he tacks on at the end with a smile.
The look on the kids faces were priceless, “Steve, I-I, I knew you’re Italian but that's like. Full, Italian...” Dustin trails off, as eloquent as ever. Steve just laughs and nods his head, “Yup. Full Italian here baby. And hey- If I hear any of you shitheads start calling me Stefano, your asses are grass. You’re dead, you hear me?” Steve threatens.
The kids nod their heads and try not to giggle, when they hear Billy calling Steve, Stefano, just to get a rise out of him.
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amaloaf · 7 years
I must know more about Alessandro
Ok so in aus where he exists he was raised in Italy because when McQueen (who is trans in those previously mentioned aus) was preggers with Aless, McQueen and Fran were living apart due to racing for separate circuits. They decided to move to Italy since Fran and him Mama were living together and she could help with the baby (also she was too old to live by herself at this point so). Because of this he was raised mostly by Mama Bernoulli, who shamelessly spoils him to no end. He never got to see RS until he was almost 11yo because even though lightning would visit in the off seasons, Aless develped a bad ear infection as a baby which made it hard (read: impossible) for his ears to pop naturally and it was unsafe to fly. He knew most of the gang tho because everyone but Red and Lizzie would fly out to Italy on occasions to see him. Despite his country american father, Aless possesses practically no knowledge of american culture. This due to the fact A.) Mama B doesn’t speak English so she obvs knows nothing, B.) Lightning is not around enough to give his son pop culture lessons, and C.) He didn’t get a chance to go until he was older anyway. Hes a huge fucking anime nerd, but he only watches entry level 80-90s romances and swords. He also watch absolute garbage newer stuff. He especially likes watching his anime in the living room, with his grandmother, applying only the worst of Italian dubs because he knows it pisses off Lightning. He has a huge crush on Santana (Cruz and Natalie’s daughter) and they’re the main reason he got his shitty motorcycle. ‘Tana thinks he’s annoying and hot at the same time and they basically just dance around each other until they get older. He also dates Georgia for a time but they decided they were better off as friends. He likes Sprite, especially peach flavored, and no ice in his drinks (like a real European!!). He hates american pizza with a burning passion but chokes it down to feel included. He cried when he got his ears pierced. He gets along better with his Italian dad then his american one. He calls Lightning and Francisco both “Dad” but if he’s speaking to either directly he will either use Italian or English. He absolutely does that Italian thing where he pinches his fingers and thumb together, regardless of what language he’s speaking or what he’s saying. 
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setoandjewel · 4 years
5 - Hands
Story: Alessandro and Marina
Yeah so im feeling like there’s no point to this but I post this anyway it’s pretty chill. Old me wanted to do something where the Giant was scared of the Tiny and these two evolved. 
I step out of the pantry when I hear her footsteps. I shut my secondary eyes and squeal, ecstatic. I'd never seen a Predator before, and never been held by any giant either. Probably due to my half spider body, six eyes, and face hand things. She walks into the kitchen, short curly hair bobbing around large ears, fox tail flicking, turning to the bench and moving something around.  
"This is my chance!" I whisper, and run out to the centre of the space. "Hi!" I yell and she raises her head, having clearly heard my voice.  
"My name's Alessandro! What's yours?" she turns full circle and spots me on the floor. Her ears flatten and she grips the bench tight.
"AGGH!" she screams, and bolts away. I sigh and lean on my front legs, frustrated. "That's NOT how it's supposed to go. Why didn't she try to capture me? Maybe I was too forward." I say to myself, fingering my claw necklace.  
"I'll just try again, maybe she'll realise I'm not just a spider." I pick myself up and scuttle in her direction, only to be sprung upon by a large blur. The fox girl's hands push me to the ground, and I see her large golden eyes looking at me with surprise.
"That's what I'm talking about!" I cheer, looking up at her.  
"You're a tiny? Not a talking spider?" she cries, suddenly retreating. I pick myself up brushing down my hair.
"Yep! I'm Alessandro the Wolf Spider, pleased to meet you." I introduce myself to her, but she doesn't look pleased.  
"Please leave."  
"Well, I really don't like tinies. Or spiders. I have slight arachnophobia."
Bitterness and anger fills my mouth at the words, and I rear up on my back pairs of legs, throwing my arms in the air. "Just my luck! I get to live with the only giant scared of me. Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have read those!" I head towards the pantry, feeling like killing something, when her clear voice cuts through my annoyance.
"Wait! I'm sorry, I just.. you weren't what I expected." she says and I turn back around.
"What do you mean?"
"Um." she twists a lock of her hair. "I read a lot of g/t fanfics, and the tinies aren't supposed to be so bold. Or half spider."  
"Really?" I curl my legs in and sit, intrigued. "Cause I do too, if you didn't notice. Giants aren't meant to be so scared."  
She smiles and extends a hand, her previously mentioned arachnophobia pushed somewhere deep.  
"I'm Marina, pleased to meet you Alessandro." she says, voice shaking slightly, and I stand up at the sight of the appendage. I crawl onto her hand slowly, but confidently, relaxing in it.
"Getting a giant to pick you up is a step in the right direction." I whisper as she stands, holding me at eye level.
"Any other steps you'd like to mention?" she asks, and my cheeks flame.  
"Oh.. you heard that.. right." I cover my hot cheeks with my facial appendages and close my secondary eyes. "Well, we should do things together, that would be awesome. And please don't refrain from picking me up unless it would make you uncomfortable." I mumble, and she raises an eyebrow, ears tilted forward.  
"What is with you?" she asks, sitting down and placing me onto a glass coffee table.
"I.. um.. really like hands. And being picked up. And giants." I say, legs tucking in embarrassment.  
"You're like a macrophile or something?" she seems invested in what I have to say, and I squeal on the inside.  
"NO! I mean yeah, but, nothing sexual or anything." I say defensively, and she nods quickly.
"Alright then, well that's good news for me. I don't want to do anything gross like that."
"Can we eat something?" I ask, and she looks surprised at the shift in conversation.  
"Don't you eat insects or whatever? You are half spider."
"My mouth's human Marina, I don't do bugs." I stick my tongue out and she grins, ears moving to the side as she relaxes.  
"Okay then, what do you want?" she stands, and I look up at her towering form.  
"Anything you want to make Marina." I wink a secondary eye and she jerks back.
"If this friendship means anything to you, you'll never do that again. It's really gross."
"Okay, okay. But wait till you see how I eat." I bare my fangs and my face-arm things and her ears drop. And for the first time, the giant rushes into the kitchen with a squeal, scared of her tiny companion.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
i just watched barbie magic of the pegasus on vhs and eye- the memories, the feelings i had from watching that movie. 
also ALSO
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L from death note
voiced by
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Alessandro Juliani
also voices
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prince antonio from barbie as the island princess
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prince nalu from barbie fairytopia
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julian from barbie princess and the pauper
(i dont own these images)
this is so unrelated im so sorry but i found this out a few days ago and my life has been forever changed.
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iphisesque · 4 years
hi ! im considering watching suburra bc of your posts and also bc I have no self preservation but I would like to know if alessandro borghi's character d*es for real? like d*es and stays d*ad full stop? I wanna plan ahead for what to do with my feelings. thanks !!
hey there! im glad my shitposting inspired you to watch suburra, and also extremely sorry for the accidental spoilers djdjdjsjs and yes, borghi's character aureliano very much dies, in an absolutely heartrending but foreseeable turn of events, but his death only occurs in the last part of the series finale, so he's very much Alive and Present for all of the series! once again sorry for spoiling, i hope you can appreciate the series nonetheless, because it is absolutely fantastic ❤️
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harrysdimples · 5 years
I have some Harry questions for you as we approach the new year: what are your top 3 favorite Harry memories from 2019? Your favorite Harry photo of the year? Favorite lyric from fine line? And what would you most like to see from him next year?
(I can’t choose top 3 so i’m gonna do top 5 im sorry ahfdjgs) top 5 harry memories: 
lights up/fine line release days, it was so fun to stay up with all of u and just freak out over everything, especially lights up since we weren’t even sure if it was coming and then the new music friday covers were released and my heart POUNDED.....a moment in time
SNL. what a load of fun, and such great exposure for him. his performances, the sketches, the photoshoots etc. fab.
james corden hosting, so fun! hendall spill your guts, the crosswalk musical, TRACEE ELLIS ROSS, the mini carpool karaoke etc
harry bringing stormzy out for the london show and just that whole show in general. he seemed so happy the whole time and so secure in himself, it was an amazing way to send off the decade as his last show. 
the met gala. A MOMENT MOST PLEASING TO ME IN MY CAREER. the sheer amount of hontent we got from that night. not anymore bitch....guys gals and non binary pals....harry dancing to cher with alessandro.....the peace signs with lykke li.......MARK RONSON....the hendall afterparty..........EVERYTHING was truly *chef’s kiss*
(honorable mentions include harry at ariana’s show, the juice cover, the keith haring shirt, THE HANDBAG, the entirety of japan, gucci cruise with stevie and the birth of harry’s friendship with liam gallagher)
favourite picture of harry this year? 
these two
this one from SNL
this one from l’officiel
this one from the face
these ones from the MET pre dinner
favourite lyric from fine line is “put a price on emotion, looking for something to buy”
god I can’t even IMAGINE what 2020 and the tour has in store for us. i’m so bloody excited I can’t wait. it’s gonna be incredible. 
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
Ok but did people actually think he was going to walk? Like he’s actually there, Alessandro proved it, he’s just I the audience and we have to wait for pics so we’re not clowns this time!
Anonymous said: may as well just get the clown emoji tattoooed on me fuckin forehead mate
Anonymous said: wow played once again and all we get is a picture of his fingers again..........................
Anonymous said: me at harry: AM I A JOKE TO YOU??????
Anonymous said: Omg Anon!!!!!!!!!! YOU- I- OMG!!! YOU COULD HAVE SAT NEAR HIM!! iM SO SORRY! 😭
Anonymous said: even if he does walk it’s so dark there that the photos won’t even have a good quality......
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tomblogtom · 2 years
Für mich war der ESC wirklich toll, wirklich etwas Besonderes. Nach langer Zeit und vielen Lockdowns endlich wieder Freunde treffen aus allen Ecken Deutschlands, aus Holland, Portugal usw.
Die Stimmung in der Halle war echt gut, das Publikum ging super mit und ich fand es echt angenehm. Ich fand auch die Moderatoren pfiffig und lustig, den charmanten Alessandro ebenso wie den gutgelaunten Mika und auch Laura Pausini, ob gekleidet im Stil einer rosaroten Catwoman oder der Mutter in Addams Family - mich haben die Drei wirklich gut unterhalten und amüsiert. Grazie Mille :-)
Mich hat das Duett von Laura und Mika mit Stings Lied "Fragile" berührt und ich hatte Riesenspaß mit Mikas fröhlich-buntem Potpourri seiner größten Hits wie "Grace Kelly" usw.
Auch der Sieg der Ukraine geht für mich in Ordnung. Ich habe mir ein anderes Land mit dem Pokal gewünscht, Niederlande z. B., UK, Polen oder sogar Frankreich (ja, richtig gelesen, ich war echt überrascht/entsetzt, dass die Grande Nation nur Rang 24 erreicht hat, vorletzter Platz vor - wie quasi erwartet - Deutschland.
Aber der Beitrag aus der Ukraine war richtig toll, wenn auch für mich persönlich nicht unbedingt auf Platz 1 sondern in den Top 10. (Die Buchmacher haben den Beitrag auf Platz 5 eingestuft.)
Damit war ich nicht der Einzige, nach der Bekanntgabe des Ergebnisses waren die Reaktionen in der Halle entsprechend sehr verhalten, dennoch ist es okay für mich.
Ich drücke es mal so aus: Ich denke, dass in friedlichen Zeiten ein anderes Land gewonnen hätte (-> UK)
Aber ich muss auch sagen, es hat schon mal viel schlimmere Sieger gegeben. Was so viel heißt wie: es hat schon richtig schlimme Sieger gegeben. 2002 hab ich mich für Estland zwar gefreut, das Lied ist allerdings für mich eines der allerschlechtesten Siegerlieder in einem Atemzug zu nennen mit den unverdienten Sieg Schwedens 2015. Sorry, wenn sich manche auf den Schweden-Schlips getreten fühlen, aber ein für mich "dünner" Beitrag mit abgekupfertem Song und abgekupferter Show ist halt nicht mein Fall.
Noch dazu ist mir beim Donnerstags-Halbfinale bewusst geworden, dass Italien 2015 mit "Grande Amore" einen der besten Beträge präsentiert hat, die je beim ESC zu sehen waren.
Wenn ich aber betrachte, dass manche Beiträge ungeachtet des Auftritts, einfach aus purer Verbundenheit (Zypern/Griechenland, bei den 12 Punkten pfeift seit Jahren sogar das Hallenpublikum) oder sogenannter politischer Motivation oder Mauschelei, Vetterleswirtschaft bzw. sogar Bezahlung und anderen "niederen" Gründen Stimmabgaben erhalten haben, find ich Solidarität den "okayesten" Grund, für ein Land anzurufen.
Wenn ich in den (sozialen??) Netzwerken Kommentare lese wie "der UK wurde der Sieg gestohlen" kann ich mich aber echt auch nur wundern...
Es ist schließlich "nur" der ESC und zum Glück nicht in erster Linie ein Politikum und der ESC macht mir einfach Spaß!
Hab zwei Berichte gefunden, der erste hat mich tatsächlich überrascht.
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