#im so talkative rn omg sorry all my friends r Asleep
lqfiles · 4 months
hiii thank u for your kind words :( yesterday i fell asleep hoping u would answer cause i really like reading ur responses so i fell asleep at like 2am and i have volleyball practice at 9AM on saturdays, so i was SO sleepy i put my alarm in the calculator 😐😐😐😐 not funny did not laugh, anyways R didn’t go to volleyball practice and hasn’t talked to J yet, she does speak to me so i guess me yelling at her didnf psis her off as much as i thought it would, M never texts in our gc 😒😒 but its okay we love her, A talks to me too, its just between J and R that things are kinda… tense.
aw thank u so much :( im sorry if i don’t know how to take compliments bc i dont personally think im cute, but hearing u say it so many times makes it easier for me to be confident about it 🫶🏻🫶🏻 so thanks! i do find you to be really cute (and VERY funny) too !!!
also 2 week long holiday??? THATS GREAT im really happy for you!! how are you doing w school? any test or projects you’re working on? i still don’t understand this whole college thing… is it something u do during junior and senior year? or after you graduate?
also jisung is my bf and all but chenji overrated asf imo… people will focus on popular ships and turn their head away from a duo like markmin… i personally really like jaemin and hyuck’s dynamic too but anyways o did vote for markmin !! at least lqfiles appreciates them 🙏🏻
ps why does everyone think yn and mark are having sex??? 🤔
- 🐣 anon again…
HELLOOO i’m so happy to see you’re active here omg i hope you’re studying tho, DONT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME ON HERE
i’m sorry if my response was late i normally only reply when it’s 11 pm here because i post at 12 😣 i also never knew you did volleyball WTFFF that’s so cool, i wish i was talented in a sport.. i mean i can skate well but that isn’t rlly a sport. IM HAPPY THAT IT DOESNT SEEM TO BE TOO BAD WITH YOUR FRUENDS tho i hope those other two will come around and stop making things so awkward 😭
LOLLL i’m sorry if me calling you cute bothers you btw it’s just that i always awe at your messages so i instinctively call you cute </3 i’m so you tho because i truly don’t know how to take compliments either, i always get shy, especially when it’s irl lmao but thabk you for thinking i’m cute and funny IM VERY HAPPY RN!!!!:D
school is almost finishing and i just submitted my last coursework for the school year so rn my class is just kinda doing anything! idk about other colleges but since i go to college in the UK we don’t do junior stuff and all, instead we have levels and (level 1,2,3) and here you can apply based on how good your grades are (if they were really good you can immediately start in level 3, if not you start lower) i’m currently doing level 3 year 1 (level 3 has two years over here) but i’m still figuring out if i wanna do this next year or just apply for an apprenticeship (basically getting education while also getting work experience)
CHENJI ARE CUTE BUT SO OVERRATED LIKE they barely interact and if they do it’s so little (imo) i’m more of a markmin girl because of the way mark treats jaemin, like jaemin is the same age as 00 so he treats them like friends but with mark he literally becomes a baby and it’s so cute i fucking love it IM SUCH A HUGE MARKMINIST YOU DONT GET IT, ITS MY BRAND, i should do a dream pair ranking tbh. THANO YOU FOR VOTING MARKMIN i think they lost regardless because they went against chenji (WHICH ISNT FAIR….) i love a bit of nahyuck too, not my fave pair but they’re funny tgt!!
I WISH I LJEW WHY EVERYONE THINKS SO guys pls if they were i would insinuate it more but laughing around and her asking to hang and her directly saying they only kiss.. COME ON…
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ufogirl · 6 years
i cant believe i completed a 90 day online chem class in 3 days bro god IS a woman and she is me :)
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starlocked01 · 4 years
These Words are Knives
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Summary: Virgil doesn't like being a secret boyfriend. He honestly just wants his soulmate to be able to be himself at home and at work. But has Janus ever been himself with anyone? Remus probably. But Virgil and Remus don't know about each other and that's about to become everyone's problem 
Content Warning: Unsympathetic Janus, Swearing, Fighting, Capslock, Emotional Abuse and Manipulation
Day 28 Anxceitmus- A sentence appears on your arm each night recapping something your soulmate said that day. Modified so that it only shows up after you've met them in person.
"If you love me, let me go If you love me, let me go These words are knives that often leave scars The fear, the fear of falling apart Truth be told I never was yours The fear, the fear of falling apart" -This is Gospel Panic! at the Disco
"Oh yes, my girlfriend and I enjoy true crime shows pretty often."
Virgil sighed, staring at the golden letters glowing on his skin. It stung a lot to see his soulmate lie like this every night.
He turned over in bed to face Janus, "I hate your boss."
"Mmhmm, me too," Janus replied flatly, not taking his eyes off the newspaper.
"I shouldn't have to see this. You shouldn't have to keep me hidden from your coworkers," Virgil felt anger knotting at the bottom of his stomach. It truly wasn't fair.
"If he finds out I'm gay, he will fire me. I'm not having this discussion right now," Janus declared with a tone of finality.
"I'm not asking you to out yourself, I'm just upset about the situation," Virgil twisted onto his back and stared at the ceiling, "what does yours say?"
Janus gave an exasperated sigh and made a show of rolling up his sleeve before reading the shiny purple text, "'Oh my god, that would definitely have killed me!' Honestly, Virgil, it was a mouse. Bit of an overreaction."
"Whatever, good night."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
Well, it wasn't a lie, Virgil is far too trusting of him for him to not mean it when he says he loves him.
Janus could remember back when they'd first met, Virgil wouldn't even give him his phone number. It had been a tedious process getting the anxious man to open up, and it was more than worth it to Janus. The problems only started when he'd met her.
Remus had been completely unexpected; Janus had literally run into her on his way to work. He panicked that first night the neon green script appeared on his arm opposite the purple text. Remus was also his soulmate and unlike Virgil, she was eager to know Janus.
Janus had made his decision to keep his second soulmate a secret the moment he saw the text, and now he sat like a spider atop his web of lies.
Janus glanced over at Virgil as he lay there, clearly not asleep yet, and started humming a lullaby that usually helped Virgil relax. The tension in his shoulders started to ease and soon he was snoring. Janus folded up the newspaper and took the disposable phone out of his nightstand.
R<3: heyyyy sexy i wanna c u tomrw ;]
He smiled and responded, keeping an eye on Virgil to make sure he was still asleep.
J: I agree, at our usual place?
R<3: !!!!!!
He quickly shut off the phone and hid it again before turning off the bedside lamp and rolling over to fall asleep. ---- Truth be told, it was simply easier to talk about Remus at work because they went by multiple pronouns. It also helped that they didn't immediately get suspicious anytime Janus brought them up. Virgil’s concern could be overbearing and it was just easier to stay under the radar of homophobic coworkers who would no longer respect him if they found out.
He didn't feel good about lying; it was survival. But he was good at it.
"Jan!" Remus waved him over as soon as he arrived at the restaurant. He smiled and joined them at their table, "it's been too long, why are you avoiding me?" Remus asked with a grin.
"I'm not, I just don't want to interrupt your work," Janus smirked, taking a sip of his water.
"What? You don't think I could handle you trying to distract me?" Remus laughed happily, leaning over to kiss their soulmate’s cheek.
They laughed and joked all through dinner, gossiping about coworkers, generally having a good time. The time got away from Janus and it was midnight before he realized how late it had gotten.
"Oh! I want to see what your soul mark says today!" Remus beamed, excitedly rolling up their own sleeve.
"You do tend to have quite… entertaining quotes," Janus' smile hid his irritation but he obliged, rolling up his sleeve as well, "'Why don't we eat the babies and call it Swifting?' Really, Remus? Do I want context?"
"You remember 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift, right?" he giggled, reading his own quote of the day, "'Honestly, Virgil, it was a mouse.' Huh…" Remus looked confused, "who's Virgil? You don't talk about him but I see his name come up pretty often."
"A coworker. He's not very pleasant to talk with but we often have projects together," the lie was smooth as silk. He knew this one would happen someday and had prepared.
Remus glanced over and saw a streak of purple along Janus’ wrist of his other arm, "what's that?" they grabbed Janus' wrist and pushed the sleeve up before he could protest. They read the words out loud, "'sup, fellow cryptids? I'm your host, Virgil Keir and it's time to talk about why you absolutely should run to the woods to date the Fae.' Wait…" Remus looked up knowingly, "Virgil is your soulmate, not your coworker."
"He can be both. Like I said, he's not easy to get along with-" Janus was sweating under his collar.
"I want to meet him!" Remus exclaimed.
"Why?' Janus was genuinely puzzled by their reaction.
"Hello! I love his youtube channel and you're my easy in! Plus he's your soulmate so he's gotta be important to you, which makes him all the more important to me," Remus grinned happily, "I swear I'm not jealous that you have two soulmates."
Janus let the comment slide past him, "I'll talk with him, but he's rather private. He may not want to meet you. I mean, he hasn't asked about you at all."
"Alright alright. Thanks, Jan!" Remus kissed him again, "wanna stay the night?" they asked with a wink.
"Not tonight, we both have work tomorrow and it's late enough already," Janus gave them a silvery smile while standing to pay the bill.
"Aw man, I can't wait to tell Stormy about this!" Remus pulled out their phone and was already texting with fire in their eyes.
"Who’s Stormy?" Janus asked hesitantly.
"Tumblr mutual. He's like the biggest fan of 'Mothman Mondays'. He'll be so stoked!"
"Ah- well have fun with that. Goodnight, darling," Janus left quickly. This needed to be contained. ---- Virgil stared at his phone in disbelief.
thotiestthoughts: stormy ull nvr guess!!
thotiestthoughts: my soulmate knows Virgil K!!!
Thoti was probably Virgil’s favorite fan, they messaged on tumblr all the time and had become quite good friends, but it was through his anonymous account not the official blog for his show. He debated how he would respond before typing back.
stormcloud07734: wow what a coincidence. r u secretly him? ;)
The best defense is a strong offense, right?
thotiestthoughts: !!!! im so excite!!!!!!
stormcloud07734: that means u must live pretty close to him
thotiestthoughts: u think hes in Orlando???
Virgil smiled. He knew he was in Orlando. But he had a better idea.
stormcloud07734: don't know about Virgil but im in Orlando. wanna meet up?
His heart was pounding. If this were anyone else but thoti he'd never consider it.
thotiestthoughts: OMG WHEN? RN?
stormcloud07734: how about tomorrow?
Virgil smiled at thoti's enthusiasm. They both picked a local cafe to meet in the afternoon and signed off for the night. Virgil didn’t even wait for Janus to get home before falling asleep. ---- Virgil got to the cafe an hour early. He could barely feel his own breathing as his heart felt like it filled his whole chest and stomach. What if he was wrong and thoti turned out to be a creep or stalker? What if he was never heard from again? He hadn't even said goodbye to Janus that morning. He tried to scroll tumblr to calm down, tried to research for his next episode, anything to distract himself from the anticipation and anxiety.
Remus couldn't wait to meet stormy and was practically bouncing around the back seat of xyr Uber. He'd given xem his phone number since they'd never shared photos and xe was trying desperately to not call before xe got to the cafe.
About a block away xyr phone started ringing. It was stormy.
"Hello?" Xe answered breathlessly.
An all too familiar voice answered xem, "hey, thoti, I know you're not here just yet but I have a bit of a confession to make."
"Virgil…" Remus was practically shoved out of the car by the driver as xe was paralyzed in shock. Xe looked up and saw the familiar pale face, purple hair with swooping bangs and dark eyeshadow smiling at him from a table in the corner, phone held to his face.
"Yup, sorry," Virgil hung up as Remus walked over, mouth agape.
"All this time?" xe asked, not ready to sit at the table with one of xyr favorite minor celebrities.
"Yeah, I kinda like participating in cryptid culture without being hounded about my videos," Virgil shrugged with a grin, "come on, sit down. I'm a lot more like stormcloud than I am like my videos."
"I'm Remus," xe stuck out xyr hand.
"Virgil," he snickered and pinched Remus' fingers with three of his own and gave a curt little shake. Xe laughed and sat down across the table, fidgeting with xyr hoodie strings. Virgil gave xem a long look over, "so your soulmate knows me?"
"Oh yeah, I kinda found out last night and asked him to ask you to meet me so if he brings that up, sorry. I just got really excited about it," Remus blushed in embarrassment, "hopefully Janus will be cool about it."
Virgil stopped mid-sip of a mocha latte, "Janus?"
"Yeah, our soulmate."
"You're his soulmate too? I don't believe you," Virgil shook his head.
"I saw both lines of writing on his arms last night, I'm sure of it!" Remus' grin began to falter, "but whatever, right? We're not here to talk about soulmates. I've been so excited to meet you."
"Hang on, how long?" Virgil demanded.
"How long what? My d-"
"How long have you been soulmates?" Virgil smacked the table.
"About 5 months," Remus looked down at the table. This was going terribly.
"Janus has been my soulmate for 2 years and he never brought up a second soulmate. I can't-" Virgil looked like something inside him was dying, "why wouldn't he mention you?"
"He- oh my god he doesn't want me around… and you probably hate me just for existing…" Remus looked up as Virgil laid a hand gently on xyrs.
"No. I don't hate you. We're going to get to the bottom of this." ---- Virgil sat in bed next to Janus who was preoccupied with a book. He didn't know how to bring up Remus and every moment he felt sicker and sicker in his stomach. The frequent fights, the talk at work about a girlfriend, the distance between them, when he thought about it he realized it had only really started 5 months ago.
Janus reached out to take his hand and Virgil instinctively pulled away.
"What's wrong, Virgil?" Janus asked sweetly.
"Don't touch me," he muttered just as the clock struck midnight. He glanced at the yellow text without bothering to read it, "I bet this one is a lie too."
"Virgil, what do you mean? You're acting suspicious," Janus’ mind was reeling. He'd forgotten what Virgil had said he was going to do that day and didn't expect him to be so hostile. He glanced down at the purple text on his arm and asked, "who's 'thoti', Virgil?"
Virgil started to reply when he saw a flash of green on his own arm. He looked and was surprised to find a second soul mark in a dark green scrawl. His phone was ringing and he didn't even need caller ID to know who it was, "are you seeing this too, Rem?" Virgil's eyes flicked over to Janus and narrowed, "a second soulmate, who could have guessed?" Janus kept his face impressively passive at the news and subtle accusation, "okay, see you soon."
Virgil hung up and glared at Janus who simply repeated, "who's 'thoti', Virgil?"
"You insufferable bastard! You know exactly who xe is, your 'girlfriend' our soulmate," Virgil scowled, ready to tear out a throat and leave the body for the wolves. He saw that Remus had texted him that xe was 10 minutes away. Janus had nowhere to run now.
"Her name is Remus. Why would I assume she was your soulmate or that you would give her such a disrespectful nickname?" Janus tried to steer the conversation in his favor.
"You're going to accuse me of disrespect? For the last five months, you have done nothing but lie to us and you're saying I'm the disrespectful one? You can't deflect your way out of this one, babe," Virgil felt his eye twitch. Remus better get there fast if he wanted both soulmates intact.
Virgil was screaming and beating Janus with a pillow when the doorbell rang.
"What the fuck? Is this a confrontation or a sleepover?" Remus burst in the door, finding it unlocked. He ran over and pulled Virgil off of Janus, getting a face full of feathers in the process.
"Oh just casual domestic abuse," Janus picked himself off the floor as Virgil struggled to get out of Remus' grasp.
"I'm going to make him pay, one way or another!" Virgil snarled.
"I don't know, Virgil, I think we can work this out," he blurted out.
Virgil stared at Remus dumbfounded, "you think what? Work this out? He's lied to you the whole time you've known him!"
"So did you," Remus looked down as if ashamed to say it out loud, "I thought you were stormcloud. I gushed about Virgil to you for hours and you never thought to tell me who you really were. I bet you even got content ideas from me and never had to credit them. So how is that different, if not worse, than Janus being scared of you doing exactly what you're doing right now?"
"You really think having an anonymous tumblr is worse than being manipulated for years? Is that what I'm hearing, Remus?"
"I think you're overreacting. I want to try and fix this relationship because we're soulmates and we should be able to make it work," Remus sighed, turning away from Virgil, "I'm not cutting anyone off."
"It's alright, Virgil. I forgive you. Let's figure this out together-"
"NO!" something snapped. Virgil squared up, facing the other two, "get out."
"Virgil," Janus took a step towards him.
"I said, Get Out."
"Oh, did you forget? The lease is in my name. I'm not leaving my fucking apartment. If you don't want to work with us then you can work on getting your own place to live," Janus’ look turned smug and cold as ice.
"Janus, don't kick him out," Remus looked as though he were about to spiral into a panic attack. If he'd just kept his mouth shut for once maybe-
"No, he's right. He holds shelter and food over my head to keep me in line so he can keep a secret fuck boy on the side and expects me to 'work it out' like I'm too scared to fend for myself. Fuck you," Virgil started to laugh with tears streaming down his cheeks. He turned and grabbed his backpack, walking to their room to grab as much of his stuff as he could. Remus followed him, holding Janus back from saying anything more.
"Virgil, please. I don't want to lose you," Remus pleaded softly.
"I thought you were pissed at me for being a liar on the internet," Virgil muttered.
"Maybe, but if I'm willing to forgive Janus don't you think I can forgive you too?" Remus held up his arm to block the door.
Virgil stopped with a heavy exhausted sigh, "I don't want your forgiveness. Remus, if you love me, let me go."
Virgil watched as a tear slipped down Remus' face and he lowered his arm. The rage that fueled him broke and he grabbed Remus in a hug. The other stiffened, uncertain, before relaxing and hugging Virgil back.
"I didn't want to leave you; I just can't stay with him," Virgil fought to keep his voice from trembling as much as his shoulders were shaking.
"I'll see if my landlord can add you on my lease… that way you don't have to leave?" Remus offered hopefully.
"That sounds like a thousand more nights spent screaming. Not a good idea," Virgil broke away from the hug, "thank you, Remus."
"You… you know how to find me if you need me," Remus laughed sullenly.
"Thanks. I'm sorry."
Remus only nodded as Virgil made for the front door.
"If you leave right now, you'll never see him again," Janus spoke from his place on the couch, wine glass in hand, and already half-empty in the short time Virgil spent packing.
"I know. Anything to keep me from fighting you, right? Just watch me find a way to be happy, asshole," Virgil spat before walking out without a second glance back. ---- "Virgil?"
"I love you."
"No, you don't!" Virgil hissed, pushing himself away as hard as he could.
"Virgil, I know I'm not your soulmate but I am confident about my feelings for you," Logan looked confused and hurt but all Virgil could see was a cold, sly smile he'd tried so hard to forget. Reality started to blur and Virgil began to hyperventilate while the smirk leered closer, "Virgil, it's me, Logan. In for four."
Virgil focused on the calming voice and followed its instructions. After a few minutes, he could see Logan’s living room, feel the blanket tangled around their feet, the soft touch of his best friend pulling him back from the edge.
"Logan, I- I'm-"
"Don't apologize. There's nothing to apologize for," Logan held him close, resting his chin in Virgil’s hair, "you were clearly triggered. I did not mean to hurt you and your lashing out wasn't directed at me."
"But I know you aren't him, it's not fair for me to treat you that way," Virgil shuddered, pushing in to be as close to Logan as possible.
"Perhaps not, but I'm choosing to forgive it because I know this isn't easy for you," Logan smiled rubbing small circles on his back, "I will learn one thousand different ways to show you my appreciation and care if those three little words are ineffective and harmful to you."
"I don't deserve you," Virgil's voice was muffled as he buried his face in Logan’s chest to hide the tears threatening to spill over.
"No, you deserve so much more than I can give you, and you didn't deserve what happened in the past," Logan kissed the top of his head sweetly.
Virgil choked back a sob, "don't your soulmates hate me?"
Logan sighed, "no. They are happy together and I am happy for them. It has been a while since I've talked to either Patton or Roman, but I think they're okay with me finding you. Not every breakup is toxic, nor are all soulbonds romantic."
They stayed curled together like that on the couch for quite a while, the movie they'd been watching left forgotten on pause.
"Are you happy, Logan?" Virgil whispered, breaking the easy silence.
"With you, yes."
"I promise I won't lie to you. I am happy with you, Stormcloud," Logan squeezed him tighter, trying to impart every ounce of his love with the application of force. He never wanted to be the one hurting Virgil, and if he ever met Janus or Remus, there was a baseball bat with their names on it in the corner.
Tag List: @stoicpanther @ifrickenhatedeverythingaboutthis @idontgiveafuckaboutshit @tsshipmonth2020
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conflictedrabbit · 7 years
2* the AvPD
Conversation w/ my friend I mentioned earlier. With their name / identifying characteristics edited out and some chopping here and there. 
I made a post abt avod once tho and it got like A few rbs and I thought "if this isn't irony idk what is" Trje
66ccff: ekjal;kdjd;
me: why do, so many avoidants want to pay for being alive avpd Tumblr: hm . I relate
66ccff: ekleja;ejdl;k
___: me: I'm glad to know people relate but are we fucking ok
LOL i mean mood tbh
___: HINESTLT like I noticed i do it cuz of you NFBNSBDKSBDKSS
66ccff: though do you mean pay as in like. pay the medical system or pay as in guilt
___: Guilt
kejk;ldj;L yes ok that is definitely me me: i breathed 5 gallons of air within 3 hours i am so sorry world
me: [realizes it's not entirely religious trauma and also probably just Guilt over taking up space and needing to help ppl otherwise Why Live?} 
Oh god me
66ccff: (this is not even ironic i get like this multiple times a week)
hdjhdjsd I've been having a bad ep lately actually and like I think I failed to look 5-6 people in the eyes today CUZ IM JUST [WALKS AROHND] WOW . TERRIBLE
omg it's ok i nearly cried in class today b/c i didn't have a good eng translation for this jp sentence
i was like.... no.... don't....
i stabilized cuz the teacher went on a tangent for a second but like forcing myself to look in his eyes and act normal was so hard i looked away so many times i wa slike. oog my god. end m i love it when walking around where there's other people makes me really nervous and irritable agoraphobia is great!
GOD yea It's so awkward for me I'm fine if I have a safe person or I'm walking to class but like
66ccff: i came back from class today and took a 6 hr nap cuz of my shame and agoraphobia
Rip Wish I could do that...
66ccff: well i haven't done my homework so
I just. Cry a lot NDKSJDJDNSKDNS rip me: I'm strong Me: spent the last 5 days like crying over nothing
dkjle;ajd i mean... i used to cry but then i got mad at myself for crying so now i just Repress (tm) and sleep and then. the joke is that sometimes it doesn't work self harms... oops... that didn't work either better nap again
zz Pillows keep u safe Idk what I've been doing lately but I thought I was getting better til I realized I was like Abstaining from feeding myself BFBJSBFSJJFD
66ccff: o h my god
And I was like "oh fuck I'm a terrible person bc someone told me I should eat and j Didn't Do It I Failed Them"
ahahahahaahahaha i thought i was getting better too but it was actually because i was just forcing myself to study to give myself an illusion of doing my part and then i went to school and my actual performance is like bad b/c i avoid so many activities that would make me better and i just
___: samd
Wow i want to die!
I think I only managed to eat cuz my brother was expecting me to
66ccff: tavpdfw you want to be punished constantly so you don't have to have anxiety about existing
Cuz he bought me dinner like 6 hours ago but I didn't touch it til now BFJDJD MEEEEE
66ccff: dkja;eljd;
GOD me: ah I feel good today Me like 3 hours later: oh my God I shouldn't feel good abt myself that's so Selfish ? I am trash
66ccff: oh Mood
___: Avpd solidarity
honestly i love my environmental soicology class but liek it talks about how we're all consuming and putting things back into the environment
___: Idk how I manage to have avpd and __pd but that's how it is on ths bitch of an earth
66ccff: and i was literally contemplating if death was the only way to take myself out from the cycle
Me Bhhjsfjd
i was like holy shit. it's not just consumption i forgot i also put bad gases into the air with everything i breathe i am Bad
All day today I was hearing abt what happened in Vegas and we were like. Talking in my apologetics class abt the Nature of Evil
66ccff: the true environmentalist take is death
___: And I was just thinking "why must I, exist if all I am is bad"
oh my god same! i looked over my abt page and i was like this looks fake tumblerina
apologetics: so mankind is basically evil Me: great! I'll die so there's less evil in the world
me ME
sometimes i have fantasies of like going backwards and apologizing to everyone i've ever talked to and to everyone who ever had to work to produce what i've consumed
M. E
and then hoping that they forget about me and then like disappearing forever i jsut can't see how some people can be like oh yeah factories in china and mexico earn less than 2 dollars an hour to make our stuff and not jus twant to kill themselves
I'm just pathetic and compulsive if I feel bad about stuff I apologize til like 2 weeks after God. Yea
the joke is that people hate if you overapologize so you jsut damned if you do damned if you dont :upside_down:
me: uh sorry for being sad People: don't apologize for that Me: Avpd:.  They are mad that I am apologizing also that I am sad Hhhfjjejd
ME WKJD;LKD "can you stop saying sorry" "sorry"
me: oh God I'm so miserable Someone: oh im sorry Me: I wish I could accept this but Pity is too much for a lowly worm like me
66ccff: "what did i just say"
:smile: :gun:
___: avpd feel when you don't deserve to be pitied ?
66ccff: pity is too much kindness ___: 
God yea
LIKE probably just a conflicted feel but I prefer ppl being active than pitying me but then I'm like
"that's selfish I don't deserve that ?"
someone tells you to watch where you're going feel like you're unable to go outside for the rest of the day
m. mebdbdhdhdjs
66ccff: oh yeah the joke is that i want people to like. be kind to me but also i don't
___: hell brain
66ccff: so i can't say what i want
be kind to me except don't because i'll feel invalid either way so maybe just don't talk to me >feels worse anyway
Hhhhhhhhhhh me Me: talk to me ? But I don't know what to talk abt ? But I am also not good enough for pity you could just sit there maybe But then the presence of another person will overwhlem me and I'll go cry again/s
66ccff: feel free to entertain yourself, and forget about me, ___: 
Mebdndmdkskdjsja god [looks at all cluster c disorders] you are all bitches and I hate tou
tavpdfw u gotta depersonalize to make it through the day of talking to other people and acting like ur a normal human bean MOOD
___: GOD yea
i have a question though if im depersonalizing why do i still feel terrible even if i feel ilke im fake smh
___: God me
me: i'm not real so heres me acting like i am chill and cool person that is interesting maybe or maybe not me, inside: this sucks and i hate this but im not real so it shouldnt affect me but damn i hate this when u feel separate from your auto-pilot but you still experience all the shame you would without it :thinking: avpd is stupid and contradictory and evolutionarily useless
__pd isnkind of the same but like if you manage it well you can get stuff done but you still breakdown over the TINIEST DETAIL I hate it And I waste more time thinking abt what I'm gonna do and not actully DOING MT SHIT
66ccff: cripes
me in high school UGH i'm ahving that problem right now dude in high school i used to just waste my days reading manga and thnking i should do my homeworka
me: I'll spend this hour scheduling [2hours later] Me: [stressed nbdjdjjsjdjsjdks
66ccff: and then i'd like. start at 10pm and fuck myself over ___: rip 66ccff: have a crying session at 4am every time an essay is due the next day ___: I actually didn't do one of my assignments tonight 66ccff: bad coping habits ___: Rip me I got discouraged over something lame JFJSNFKSNFD 66ccff: oh mood
relationship issues: occur Me: well, I can't, do anything ever again
i shouldn't even be discouraged abt my classes bc i'm here to learn and i'm just like. i know nothing i deserve to die kejd;kakejd friend, disagrees with you on something you feel unsure about: WELL I GUESS I AM BAD AND THEY HATE ME NOW time to ghost them
me: [perceives someone not caring for me] me: and Now...what is Mine Purpose...what do I live for...my Friends....have all abandoned m MEEEEEE avpd sounds super dramatic when you separate it from yourself but like In the moment I'm always just [jdut starts Fucking Crying
i just want to manage to some kind of social work, give my wealth to some impoverished family, and then kms before 30
yeah my therapists in the past are like why... so soon
___: Jfjdjfjdf 66ccff: and i'm just like "why not i need to minimize all my ills on the world and also on the emotions of my family" ___: That reminds me of like. One of my mutuals talking abt how early he sleeps and he was just 66ccff: this is the optimal time look my life plan
"why be awake longer than necessary"
Hdhdhfjsjfdjdjdband. I was just . Me
because you hate yourself too much sleep :^)
God yea That's true. Me rn
I should've been asleep like an hour ago but [plays secret of Mana and then mopes]
dude i used to have bouts of insomnia b4 i got drugs that knock me out (and help me w/ anxiety) like.... i would lay awake and every second of being awake was just making the situation worse
___: I feel like I should get meds to balance out my bipolar eps but
66ccff: but then i couldn't sleep anyway so it was a damned situation ___: my parents r so anti meds 66ccff: rrghbh
also like Internalized ableism That I don't Needthem and So Many people don't need them
66ccff: oh yeah, why do my essay when i can read an hour of garbage romo manga and feel slightly less bad during that time and then hate myself more
So I Can do it cuz I'm like Everyone Else and not like Those "crazy" people Rifp
man i don't wanna encourage meds if your side effects r bad but honestly how did i get the fuck through high school other than triggering intense anxiety about all assignments
like... i was so nonfunctional i shouldn't have even been in school
all accessibility problems are solvable humans are so bad
___: caring ? About others ? What a concept 66ccff: except sometimes they are good but that is definitely not me
Ok I try to overcompensate w good to make up for inherent badness THANKS RELIGION
the US is like: here's a pricetag for your life pay up
___: AAAA
yeah i can see how christainity wouldn't help there w/ the "original sin" and stuff that doesn't quite exist in other abrahamic religions iirc judaism doesn't even have hell
___:  it's really weird
i'm guessing its bc of jesus like.... y'all binches killed him so now this is life - christainity
Like. Christianity makes the most sense to me probably cuz I grew up w it but fuck Man
66ccff:  o yeah i grew up w/ some christianity too ___: It's FUCKED!!!!!! 66ccff:  i actually have agoraphobia issues w/ going inside of churches ___: Oh same 66ccff:  :^) ___: I'm actually fairly anti-church just because the current state of them is very bsd 66ccff:  oh yeah
how can someone like me, who is literally not deserving of life, raise someone else
Me Hdjehdsk
66ccff:  ___ we are so fucked ___: 
It's true Life is fucked We, are fucked
66ccff: existence is violence
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natural--trash · 7 years
Tag thing, wanted to do it for some time but now im at my comp and stuff so uh yeah anyways
Rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people
I was tagged by @fluffyliontae
Name: tsu (just call me that, or susu or smth yknow)
Blood type: A-
Nickname(s): susu, mym
R/s: single
Zodiac Sign: libra
Pronouns: eh whatever, on some days its he > she > they but it can also be a diff order so yeah seriously whatever floats your boat
Favorite TV Shows: W - Two Worlds (same), a Persona 5 anime could be one of them but there’s none
Long or short hair: long
Height: 162cm or so
Do you have a crush on someone: romantic none, aesthetic ones? squishes? hoo boy
What do you like about yourself: my eyes, that cute scar on my hand
Right or left handed: right
List of three favorite colors: too many, i mostly like colour combos, but light blue, black and #540003 i guess
Eating: nothing, i had brownie ritter sport a bit earlier tho
Drinking: water
I’m about to: draw
Listening to: Believer - Imagine Dragons
Kids: 0
Get married: nah
Career: I want money
Drink: water
Phone call: i think my uncle??
Song you listened to: before Believer there’s Bonfire on my spotify playlist but rn its Queen by History
Dated someone twice: nah
Been cheated on: thats a long story
Kissed someone and regretted it: dont think so
Lost someone special: hmm
Been depressed: yeah
Been drunk and thrown up: never drunk alcohol
Kissed a stranger: nope
Had glasses or contacts: yeah
Had sex on the first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: not that im aware of it
Turned someone down: kinda??
Cried when someone died: yeah
Fallen for a friend: im aro, that doesnt work
Made a new friend: yes
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: yes
Met someone who changed you: mhhh dont think so?
Found out who your true friends were: kinda (I’m sorry that I’m always answering like this omg)
Found out someone was talking about you: cant remember
Kissed someone on your fb list: i dont use fb
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller
Romantic or spontaneous: platonic
Sensitive or loud: sensitive
Hookup or relationship: friendship
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Best friend: have conatct with both or them but we’re not as close? although I still don’t mind lying/rolling around on his floor
Surgery: does removing my wisdom teeth count? (does it?)
Sport: swimming (I wish I hadn’t stopped)
Vacation: Turkey
Yourself: depends on the day (same)
Miracles: yeah
Love at first sight: i dont rly believe in romantic love, but other than that yeah has flashbacks to when x impulse bought a ps vita
Heaven: i want to
How many people from your fb list do you know irl: i still dont use fb
Do you have any pets: i used to have a duck
Do you want to change your name: yeah kinda i’d prefer something gender neutral
What did you do for your last birthday: i played video games at home bc i have no friends
What time did you wake up today: idk, fell asleep again
What were you doing last night at midnight: internet
Something you can’t wait for: when i move out
Last time you saw your mom: some minutes ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how my brain is sometimes
Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, had a classmate with that name
What’s getting on your nerves: loud noises in the morning, often ppl i dont consider as friends
instructions: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping.
(should i do the whole thing?? ok lemme get my phone pls note that i havent gotten the p5 ost yet)
Obtained a Berry! - DP OST
actually there comes some more Nintendo OST
Awake -BTS
Young Forever (unplugged ver) - BTS
crow tit (jpn) - bts
Mein Block - Sido
We don’t talk anymore - Jungkook
a song i do not remember what it was
Faint - Linkin Park
La la La - naughty boy
i think its time to make a new playlist bc i dont listen to some pop songs anymore
so uh yeah the whole thing it is
5 things you’d find in my bag:
tissues, a shit ton
probably some paper
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
stuffed animals
my computer
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
Get a job i love
Own a cat
Get a life I like
Have ppl I’m close with that are not far away
5 things i’m currently into:
video games
persona 5, fire emblem heroes (they deserve their own point)
ummm edgesthetic?
5 things on my to do list:
go to a BTS concert
get a part time job
learn Japanese and perhaps Korean and get better at French
visit all the countries I still want to go to
get better at drawing
5 things people may not know about me:
I would love to study video game development but I’m too scared of what’s after that plus there’s no way I’ll get accepted hahaha
i love min yoongi and his mixtape bc he idk he helped me think that maybe not everything in my life will be shitty later and that maybe I’ll be able to be happy one day
I’m currently in a more down phase
i have problems with my sense of reality
i have a cute scar on my hand
Top 10 BTS Songs Tag:
  House Of Cards (Full Length Edition)
  House Of Cards [OUTRO]
  Good Day
No order from here on
4. I NEED U (Japanese Ver.) 5. FOR YOU 6. 쩔어 (Dope) 7. 등골브레이커 (Spine breaker) 8. 24/7 = Heaven 9. Blood Sweat & Tears 10. Not Today
I have time
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
nqrse ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Fall Out Boy
Panic! at the Disco
DAOKO ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Die Ärzte
I think that’s it
uhh I liked Abingdon Boys School at some point
idk the old Sido songs aint bad?
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
ダイスキ - DAOKO
Das Grizzly Lied - Casper
パラサイト(Parasite) - nqrse feat.まふまふ,luz  
ECHO - まふまふ (mafumafu) feat.nqrse
p much any song sung by nqrse im sorry im trash hmu and ill link you some good stuff
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Bonfire - Felix Jaehn, ALMA
Die Vergessenen 1/2 - Casper
omg i totally forgot about OSTs Toberu Mono from The Last Stiry, too much from Persona 5 liek Beneath the Mask, Last Surprise etc
10 favorite movies:
i don’t watch enough :c
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
W - Two Worlds
Acchi Kocchi
Psycho Pass
I’m giving up
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
video games
esp atlus n nintendo games!!
cute soft stuffed animals
flight rising
collecting cute key charms
collecting cute things in general
ten tag last movie you watched: i dont know
last song you listened to:  that one song mentioned above by Daoko
last show you watched: I Hear Your Voice
last book you read: Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink, don’t read it
last thing you ate: chocolate
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: Tokyo
when would you time travel to: itll be spontaneous
first thing you would do with lottery money: buy a loft
character you would hang out with for a day: P5 Protagonist
time right now: 23:52
the ‘or’ tag
build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR go to london with suga (sorry been to paris already)
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin AND bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and j-hope
rules: answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
What is your name? - Tsu
A four letter word? - text
A boy’s name? - Tom
An occupation? - tailor
Something you wear? - t-shirt
A color? - turquoise
A food? - tomato
Something you find in the bathroom? - toilet
A place? - Tokyo
A reason for being late? - traffic
Something you shout? - yells
A movie title? - something that starts with “the”
Something you drink? - tea
An animal? - turtle
A type of car? - tesla
Title of a song? - Tage wie diese - die toten hosen
I’m,,, maybe later @mama-kisu @metroid-fr (you can do the non kpop stuff) eh whoever wants i guess
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johnnyseod-remade · 7 years
HELLO UM so i hung out w my "crush" today and another guy friend and he was bit quiet bc our friend is loud as f and never shuts up but SUDDENLY THE FRIEND HAD TO LEAVE SO WE WERE ALONE AND WE SAT IN THE CAR AND TALKED AND IT WAS RLLY NICE and also he has a rlly small car and since i was the least tall i had to sit in the back but then he made the friend move to the back and idk if i'm putting too much thought into this??? but it was rlly sweet and asdjhlf -no feelings anon
ALSO he sat next to me at dinner and it was actually kinda awk bc the other friend sat in front of me so i had to look like between them it was awk i’m awk rip~ but ah he was rlly cute and i was rlly smiley all night bc i was HAPPY and he just kept judging me and be like wats up w you and then he would smile too after i say i’m just happy ahhhhh-no feelings anon okay last one sorry but SO HE DROVE ME HOME AND IT WAS JUST US STILL AND I WAS GONNA GET OUT AND I TRIED TO HIGH FIVE HIM BUT MY HAND IS KINDA MESSED UP RN (that’s like another story) BUT HE WAS LOOKING AT MY HAND SO I KINDA HESITATED AND HE TRIED TO HIGH FIVE ME AND WE WENT BACK AND FORTH AND HE WAS LIKE WHAT’S WRONG W YOU AND THEN I WAS LIKE OK BYE BUT HE WAS LIKE WAIT I DONT GET- AND HE STOPPED AND I THINK HE WAS GONNA HUGG ME BUT HE WAS IN THE CAR SO I JUST HIGH FIVED HIM UGHH -no feelingsah i lied this is the last one i am so sorry for talking so much if you want me to stop just like dont answer these i wont be offended or anything i dont want to annoy youuuu esp bc i’m just totally over thinking this whole thing and were just friends ah and it was just nice to vent so thank you
and also sorry i didn’t reply sooner- i’ve kinda been asleep like– all day???? but yes !!! you can always tell me abt this if yoU WANT MY ANGEL !!!
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is it too much to just say do all the emojis bc I'm abt to fall asleep I cannot read but I want ur answers 👀
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