#im so tired after this lmao
cozylittleartblog · 5 months
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i can finally say real and sincere words i dedicate my song to you
print on my etsy
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poundstonaira · 2 months
Mascara - Albert Wesker x F!Reader
A/N - There is one scene thats a bit ... uncomfortable (?) but for the sake of my trauma and others, I was NOT going to write a non-con scene. Absolutely not. There's is barely any smut in this because I believe storytelling can be good without smut. It's not everyday sex ngl.
CW: Obsessed Wesker, Stalking, minor dubcon intercourse scene, Cat and Mouse vibes, Dry Humping, Gun Violence, Age Gap, Kidnapping, Wesker being an Asshole, Captain and Lieutenant, Wesker is bad at feelings, bad story with HEA.
Song Inspiration: Mascara - Deftones
Word Count: 10,639
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Summary: Captain Albert Wesker of STARS is obsessed with his Lieutenant. He feels as if soon, he'll sink into her. What does she think of that?
“Lieutenant, have you seen how weird the Captain has been acting?” Your fellow teammate, Jill told you while you guys were hanging out at the front office of the police station, drinking your hot chocolate after a quick mission. It was early December, which means it was snowing heavily, and everyone needed a quick hot refreshment after saving the citizens of Racoon City.
“What do you mean?” You raised an eyebrow, not knowing what Jill meant as you stared into her light blue eyes in confusion. 
“I don’t know… but something is off about him…” She said, twirling her cup of hot chocolate in her hand, her look stern.
Recently, Captain Albert Wesker has been more tired-looking than usual. It must’ve been either the endless hours of paperwork, the amount of calls to the police department for them to summon the members of STARS to handle some of the toughest crimes in the city, or the reports of countless women going missing after leaving a club late at night. Or, could it have been something else? 
It was dark outside, and the snow from the sky was falling down relentlessly. It was brutal out there, which is why barely anyone came in to work today. From STARS, it was only Captain Wesker, Jill, Chris, Rebecca, and you.
“Like what?” You asked the short-haired brunette, taking a sip of your sweet hot chocolate, savoring the delightful taste. 
“I think…” Jill paused, appearing that she was thinking hard about her answer into the realms of daze before she spoke again. “It has something to do with you. ” 
Your heart moved down a bit, but it didn’t drop to your stomach… yet. You were good at your job, you were flexible when it came to hand-to-hand combat, intelligent when it came to planning solutions in tight situations, strong when it came to holding your own, wise when it came to everything else, and overall so stunning. 
“ Me ?” You pointed at yourself, looking around to see if JIll got you confused with anybody else, ignoring the distant footsteps coming closer from the stairs. “I literally have been doing all of his commands without question and I’ve been doing them flawlessly. Why the hell would he have a problem with me?” You scoffed, a little scared but irritated. 
“Lieutenant, the Captain wants to see you in his office.” Chris spoke in a worried tone, coming down from the stairs. 
Now your heart really dropped to your stomach. That’s not good. 
“Did he state why?” You questioned Chris, taking another sip of your drink.
Captain Wesker is not the one to call people to his office for anything, really; only if they have been slacking on the job or actual imperative reasons. This must be serious. 
You might just be in for one hell a night. 
“No… He just said that you should come and that it’s urgent. ” 
In unison, you and Jill both flashed each other a look that included wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Urgent? 
“Oh…” You muttered, your heart dropping once more. 
“Should we wait for you?” Chris asked, standing next to Jill. You nervously sipped down the rest of your hot chocolate before you shook your head and threw the cup at the nearby bin, already walking up the stairs towards what could be your doom. 
“No… you guys should get going before the blizzard gets worse.” You implied, waving at them while still walking up the stairs. 
“Are you sure?”  Chris insisted. 
“Yes. Don’t worry. I doubt it's anything serious. The Captain is probably just in one of his moods. I’ll be fine.” You let out a heavy sigh, hoping this little meeting with the Captain isn’t anything too serious. 
“Come in.” You didn’t even have to knock before you heard Wesker’s voice from the other side of the door. You opened the door to see your Captain automatically staring at you. In the dimly lit room, you feel his presence before you see him. As you enter, he occupies the chair with a predatory ease, his frame sprawling, arms confidently resting on each side. The lamplight casts shadows on his angular features, accentuating the intensity in his cold-blue eyes fixed on you.
“Hello, Captain.” You greeted him quietly, your usual, calm persona already leaving you as soon as you felt his aura. It was chilling for some reason. Very strange. 
You closed the door behind you for more privacy as you stood by it, not wanting to move away from said door because of how nervous you were at this moment. 
That was your first mistake: closing the door. 
“Hello there, Lieutenant.” He greeted you back. “Why don’t you take a seat?” Wesker asked you with a grin, eyeing the chair opposite his desk. 
He seems so eager to talk to me, this is a little strange. You thought, needing some space from Wesker. 
“I don’t want to-” You attempted to protest, waving your hand but his voice caught you off-guard.
“It was a command, Lieutenant.” Wesker’s grunt voice and his intense, chilling blue-eye stare filled your body with chills and the small hairs on your arms and the back of your neck rose. Did you really do something wrong?
Your gentle persistence faltered as you slowly took the seat in front of your Captain, both pairs of eyes still focused on one another as his pair of cool blue eyes made you a little queasy. You had to look away or else you would’ve started to physically shake. Your gentle, feminine eyes started to wander around his office. It was quite dim– very dim, actually. The only things that were giving it light were the two lamps by either side of his desk. There was the S.T.A.R.S insignia embedded into the wall behind him, and the walls painted, stained with an ugly shade of blue, to you.
You started to speak up after the moment of silence. “Chris told me that it was urgent for me to talk to you…” You spoke, fingers from your left hand playing with the chrysanthemum tattoo on your right hand.  “Is there something wrong?” You asked, still not giving your captain eye contact, instead, giving your visual attention to the tattoo of your favorite flower on your hand.
“You’re really good at your job, Lieutenant.”  You look up at him, raising an eyebrow at his statement. It wasn’t that you were insecure or anything, matter of fact, you knew you were good at your job. You were the Lieutenant of S.T.A.R.S Alpha team for crying out loud. Why is he telling you such an obvious fact? 
“I know I am. Thank you.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. 
“No need to get cocky, dearheart .” Wesker smirked, his voice low and grunt. 
Oh. That’s different. Dearheart? You wanted to mentally ignore that last word, but it stuck with you.
“Is that why you called me here today? To compliment me?” You ask him, tilting your head to the side, giving Wesker a tired look. If he really wanted to praise you for your work, Albert Wesker should be on his hands and knees before your feet, thanking you for your existence, cherishing you with a raise and all the gifts you’ve wanted in life. Instead, he’s just front sitting you, staring at you in the most creepy, gnarly, and uncomfortable way ever. 
“You're a very useful asset to the team. I was looking through your data and reports and I couldn’t help but be impressed by you.” He praised you. 
“So… what else? That’s it?” You ask him, rolling your eyes at his words. 
“What’s the rush, my dear ?” He questioned you, pale, wintry cold, blue eyes boring into your siren ones which were laced with mascara on the eyelashes. He leaned in over the desk, making you slowly move back.
“You’re doing nothing but complimenting me, I thought you called me to your office for something actually important-” You tried to get a point but he cut you off. 
“ You are important, Lieutenant. Which is why I wanted to see you, and only you .” 
At this point, you’re convinced this is an imposter, not your Captain. Your brain cannot wrap around this new behavior at all. All you know is that your guard needs to be up.
“Where are you going with this, Captain? Are you drunk?” You ask him, annoyance and small fear tinted across your voice. 
That was your second mistake; asking that question.  
“Tch. How bold of you to ask me that blunt question.” He scoffed, shaking his head. 
“Well excuse me for my rudeness but I am very tired and I want to go home, and you’re wasting my time.” You stood up from the seat, walking towards the door, you heard Wesker sigh but thought nothing much of it. You were irritated because you actually thought you did something wrong, but no, your Captain is in a peculiar mood today and that’s pretty much it. (It seems like.)
Before your hand could even touch the doorknob, you felt a strong arm wrapped around your waist. Your heart wasted no time dropping to the pits of your stomach. Slowly, you slightly turn your head around to see Wesker’s eyes staring right into your soul, again. This time, you feel a sense of fear arising on your body as he looks a little tense. 
“Where do you think you’re going, Lieutenant ?” His voice this time low, laced with dangerous venom from the bottom of his throat. This time, your body felt on edge, feeling weak everywhere and even light-headed.
“H-Home...” You stuttered, this time looking down at where his hand held you on your waist, where your other chrysanthemum tattoo was. You lay your right hand on his to see how hard he was gripping you and oh , his grip was secure and tight. 
“I don’t remember saying that I dismissed you. Why are you so eager to leave?” He whispered into your ear, that transatlantic accent sending shivers down your spine and his cold breath blew onto your neck.
You bit your lip, trying to hold your breath because of how scared you were. There is nothing worse than feeling the looming doom of something bad happening to you, and you don’t have much control over it. “...” You need to talk, you need to speak up. “Because… I want to go home.” You blurted out. It wasn’t a lie. 
A chuckle with malicious intent just left Wesker’s mouth as his grip on you tightened, even from behind, you flinched as he rubbed himself against your behind, letting out a deep groan. 
“You can’t go just yet, my dear. I haven't finished enjoying my time with you.” He then said, his other hand slithering under your long-sleeve uniform shirt and onto one of your breasts. 
“Let me go, Captain...” Your voice cracked and tears were on the verge of spilling onto your eyes, you were shaking, terrified with no one to help you but yourself. It was only Chris, Jill, Wesker and you in the office when you were downstairs but because you told your two colleagues to leave, you only have yourself to use to defend yourself.
“No…” Wesker whispered again, letting out a little laugh as he could hear the fear in your voice. He squeezed your breast, making you gasp. “I don’t think I will.” The blond male responded slyly, pushing himself roughly against your backside again. He was hard. 
“H-Huh?” You muttered. You were sweating, shaking, crying, trying to wiggle out of this tightly, evil grasp but it didn’t work. Wesker was too strong, too evil, too good.  
“Kiss me, Lieutenant.” He spoke, leaning into the side of your neck and giving it one long lick. You visibly gagged as you felt the cold saliva on your neck. It wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command. 
“Fuck no!” You screamed, finally growing the courage to turn around, elbow him and slap him in the face. He let out an angry groan as he held his face with his hand, he wasn’t bleeding, but he was bruised. 
That was your third mistake; slapping him.
“I don’t think you have a choice in the matter, Lieutenant .” He laughed at you from where he was standing, looking at you again. This time he stared at you, licking his lips as he eyed that voluptuous body of yours. You cursed to yourself, looking back at the door, and then back to Wesker.
This was your chance. You had to run out of here. And so you did, not turning back once as you ran full throttle to your office, grabbing your stuff and out of the station. 
Damn, it was cold outside. 
Luckily, you parked right at the parking lot since there weren’t many people in today due to the heavy snow. Panting with fear, you turned on your car, got inside, turned on the engine and quickly moved out of the station.
It was the next day and you were not sure what was real and what was false. All you know is that you did not want to go into work today. That was for sure. 
But, you can’t have it your way. Missing work without a prior notice is very dangerous at the Racoon City Police office. 
You were currently sitting in front of your vanity. Your hair was a mess, lips bruised from you biting them, your eyes were tinted with red , and you had dark circles under your eyes from staying up all night, trying to listen for signs of intruders… or your captain waiting to kidnap you. You did not like this, at all, whatsoever. 
Your tired eyes move toward the handgun that lays in front of you. It was a Colt 1851 Navy Revolver that was given to you from your father as a gift for making into S.T.A.R.S . From all your years of working at the station, you never would have thought that you might have to use it on your colleagues, let alone Captain Wesker for crying out loud. Who knew he was such a scum of a man?
Yesterday night was something you still couldn’t wrap your head around; Captain Albert Wesker assaulted you. 
Those words don’t even make any sense. Your captain, who is always wearing those dark sunglasses even when the scene is more dark than midnight with no lights in the street, who is always serious and time for absolutely nobody’s bullshit, who is always picking on Chris for even the slightest of mistakes, who is always serious about his job and the safety of the citizens… sexually assaulted you. It doesn’t matter how many times you rapidly blink, or how much water you drink, or how many hours you stay up, because that is exactly what happened. 
And there is no way to justify that. Your superior took advantage of you.
At the same time you could try telling Jill and Chris what happened but, what can they even do? That’ll just cause more chaos and you’ll still have to face Wesker in the end. 
Do you even have a way to confront the son of a bitch? Probably not. But, you’ll never let him get away with this scott-free, that’s for sure. 
“I need to do something about this…” a mutter came out of your mouth as you eye the wooden handled six shooter on your vanity.  “ before I don’t even belong to myself anymore. ” 
Or, do you just ignore him like he doesn’t exist? That can probably work but it is still you too who close the station down when the day ends… and the stow refuses to stop falling.
“No…” You look at the revolver again. I won’t do anything just yet, not until he strikes first. I’ll just ignore him for now. 
You slowly make your way to the STARS Station once again, the snow still falling down.
Can I really do this? Can I ignore him?
You find the snow is starting to fall harder, and the wind begins to pick up.
It seems like the weather does not want to help me either.
You see yourself approaching the doors of the STARS station, and then walking inside.
I have to do this.
You see Wesker standing just at the top of the staircase, even with his stupid shades on, you can still feel his predatory gaze targeting you. Your heart automatically drops to your stomach without failure. 
"Hey, Lieutenant." He waves with a smile on his face. 
You feel like a million thoughts are going through your mind, your mind racing.
I have to ignore him. Be normal. Don't show him anything is wrong.
You take off your Ushanka and shake your head so your hair isn’t flat, so your hair can look free and full of life. Luckily, Chris blocks Wesker out of your vision by standing right in front of you. "Snowy day, isn't it, Lieutenant?" Chris says to you.
You shake your head as you see Chris greet you, and say the same thing to him.
Be normal.
You try to just do your work, as if nothing ever happened.
As the morning progresses, you see Wesker a few times, but you ignore him. You're glad to see that he hasn't approached you or said a word to you yet.
Is he going to let it all slide? Forget about it?
Seeing him has made my heart drop to my stomach multiple times... and it looks like I'm gonna have to stay here overtime again. You think to yourself, and you look at your surroundings carefully, biting your lip. 
You see Wesker a few more times throughout the day, and you feel your heart sink a little with each and every time you see him.
That bastard. Is he going to do anything to me today? Am I just going to have to try to avoid him today as well?
As afternoon sets in, you see Wesker a few more times. Yet, he has yet to approach you or say anything.
Am I safe…? Did he just let this whole thing slide already? Why? Was he just having fun with me?
I don't think I'm safe but I just need to keep ignoring him... I'm only gonna be here until 8:30PM today.
You continue to see Wesker throughout your shift. He's clearly aware that you're also there and seeing him. Yet for some reason, he does not approach you. Nor does he say anything.
Why? Is he just playing with me? Is he just planning something more sinister and twisted when I leave?
You keep doing your work, trying to ignore his very visible presence in the same room as you.
Don't look at him, don't say anything to him, don't even smell him.
As the work day continues, you continue to ignore Wesker. You do all of this, thinking the whole time that...
Maybe he just plans to try and force himself onto me again sometime later after work?
That's it. That's what he's doing. He'll just try it again, only this time he will be better prepared to hide it from the other members of the STARS Alpha team.
Tssk... Shit. What should I do?
That's when you finally see Wesker approaching you now, his eyes still on you.
This is it...
He's going to do something right now.
You feel a rush of anxiety now rush through you, and your heart begins to pound in your chest. He's going to do it again.
I'm screwed... fuck.
Wesker is now standing in front of you, his eyes still locked onto you.
He's going to force himself onto me again. I just know it.
How the hell do I get out of this?!
You turn your head to look at him in fear. Your body is already shaking. You don’t even have your gun on you. You left it in your office. What should I do? No. What CAN I do?
Wesker sees your reaction, and a small smile begins to creep across his face.
He knew this would work. He's not even trying to hide it.
He reaches his hand out, and before you can even say or do anything. Wesker is holding you in a tight grip.
Oh no... oh no... oh no…
Wesker begins to slowly move you off from the desks you both were working at and away from the team.
No one is seeing what's happening... They just think we're working together.
They think nothing is happening right now...
Wesker begins to slowly move you towards one of the closed meeting rooms. He's going to force himself onto you right now and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Someone… please… help me. 
No one is seeing this happening and Wesker continues to hold your small frame in his tight grip. As he pushes you towards the closed meeting room, he begins to force the door open.
He pushes the door open and forces you inside now, his grip still not loosening.
As you begin to hear the noise of the snow outside again, you see Wesker close the door and lock it.
Oh god... oh god... oh god...
Wesker looks at you now, his face getting closer to you.
Now what...? What's he going to do?
You’re still breathing heavily, shaking, feeling all so uneasy. 
“...” You don’t say anything, but you just stare at him. Wesker leans in now, his lips getting closer to your ear.
"Hello, Lieutenant."
“...” You still can’t talk. 
Wesker's voice now whispers into your ear.
"Did you miss me...Lieutenant?"
He's talking to me as if nothing even happened. He's acting as if what he did was no big deal, as if nothing even happened. My god... is this what it's going to be like?... Just acting like nothing happened?
“W-what?” You manage to stutter in silent anger and confusion. Wesker slowly leans even closer now, his hands now still gripping you.
"Did you miss me..." He whispers into your ear again.
My god... I don't know what to say... I don't know what to do…
"I missed hearing your little voice..." Wesker whispers again, his hand now slowly going up your back.
"Captain... s-stop this..." You attempt to try and speak up again, but of course he isn’t going to listen to you. 
Wesker's grip on you remains firm.
"I’m not going to stop." He taunted you. Wesker's hand now continues to slowly move up your back, his fingers moving to the nape of your neck.
“That’s a good girl…” He chuckled near your ear.
It is then that a loud smack is heard as you slap him across the face with your right hand. Wesker, caught off guard by the hit, lets go of you. Without looking back, you quickly run to the door and unlock it. 
“Agh! You bitch!” He groaned loudly. 
The door opens now, and you rush out. You see Wesker is looking at you with a look of both shock and rage.
I need to run to my office and hide there, locking my office is a must!
You ran, evidently, you sprinted, not caring how loud your footsteps were as you basically flew down the hallway. With your Captain being more fit, more stronger, and faster than you, of course he was right on your tail . You rush into your office, feeling a sense of relief once its door is shut and locked. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest now.
Oh no... oh no... oh no...
You see Wesker try the doorknob, but the door does not open. He pounds on it, and asks you to open it. You didn’t plan this through, so you’re trapped. Wesker continues to bang on the door.
"Open the goddamn door, Lieutenant."
His voice now sounds furious.
He's been caught off guard by a single hit, and so now he's going to be more cruel.
"..." You don't answer him... You’re frantically looking around your office to see if there is anything you can use to further defend yourself.
Wesker's banging on the door is loud and terrifying.
Do not let him in... you must not let him in. Just don't make any noise. You look around your office, not seeing anything you could use to defend yourself. The door to your office can only keep him out so long… He will eventually break this door open.
Wait... My revolver…
You see your revolver, which you normally keep hidden, sitting in your desk. Could that actually help you ? It's the only thing that could possibly help you. If you could surprise attack him with it, maybe that would work. Wesker is still banging on the door now, his voice still furious.
"Lieutenant! Open the goddamn door now!" Wesker bellowed, banging on with what seemed like most of his strength. You can see the door caving in and out with every bang. 
You grab the revolver out of the drawer, and you open the ammo... there is only one bullet that remains but it is not next to be shot. 
Maybe if I can catch him off guard...
Your hand is shaking, your mind racing...
One single bullet. Do I just try shooting him with this?
You keep listening at the door as Wesker continues banging on it.
There's no way he will let this slide.
Wesker then begins to say something to you.
"Lieutenant... I already told you, I’m not going to stop."
My god... he's still acting as if nothing happened. He's not going to let this go.
You slide down on the wall that the door is on. You’re shaking, you’re crying, you’re even sweating while the weather is freezing cold outside. It’s getting too much for you now. Why can’t you have just one single moment of peace? Why is it that you have to be the victim of power abuse and male obsession?
"..." You start sobbing so loud even Wesker can probably hear it. You hear Wesker laughing on the other side of the door. Your tears are flowing down your face now.
Of course he would enjoy this...
You are trapped in this office. You can't get out. The doors remain locked.
Wesker continues to bang on the door, his voice sounding as if it's taunting you now.
"Look at you, Lieutenant. Crying like a little girl." He continues laughing from the bottom of his throat, as if he just won a game or something. It jabs your heart, it makes you feel so restless and your heart just can’t stop dropping to your stomach. It’s so unfair , it’s so asinine , and it is just so fucking jarring . 
What is with him...?!
His words hurt because they just don't make sense. Am I not allowed to cry? I am not allowed to be upset and angry?
 You’re still sobbing loudly, your left hand trying to wipe all of your tears and your right hand is holding the revolver on the ground.
Wesker continues banging on the door, and you hear him say something again.
"You know, you sounded really pretty when I forced myself onto you before. But now that I know how scared you can be..." He sounds sadistic now. He sounds as if he takes pleasure in knowing you're afraid of him.
"You know... I might just try and do that again after I get in here." Wesker says that last part in a dark, malicious tone, then letting out a low chuckle. 
You scream. And you scream loudly, before going silent and taking a moment of silence to look at the revolver that you now held with both hands. 
Wait... what if I shoot...
You feel your mind racing and racing, your heart beating with fear.
What if I shoot... what if I shoot? Will he be gone?
Your hand is shaking badly now, the revolver firmly in both of your hands.
Is this the only way? There has to be another way!
Wesker is still banging and laughing.
"Hey... Lieutenant?"
“...” You’re panting, trying to catch your breath.
Wesker is still banging, trying to get the door open. 
“Lieutenant? Lieutenant!? I know you’re still in there.” 
"So... you know what?... I'll make you a deal, Lieutenant."
His voice sounds both cruel and sadistic.
What kind of a deal... What kind of a deal will he make?
“...” You stay silent. What deal?
"How about..." Wesker's voice now takes on a more casual tone.
"If you open that door for me right now... I'll just pretend like nothing even happened. We'll just pretend like nothing ever happened between us, and forget your little slap."
That's ridiculous. No way. No way is he willing to just forget.
"Open that door, Lieutenant..." He asks with a cruel, yet casual tone.
What should I do? Is this just him lying to me?
"..." You refuse to listen to him, You will not answer him. You will shoot him.
"You know... your silence only makes it worse for you..." Wesker starts laughing again as he hears your silence. He's still banging on the door. "Lieutenant... you're not making this any easier for yourself." Your hand is still shaking, you keep the revolver firmly in your hands.
It's so heavy, your hand is shaking so much.
"I'll give you... let's say... five more seconds before I really do something bad to you ."
Five seconds? What an evil prick he is. Now, you need to hide. Wesker continues to bang on the door and laugh.
"Lieutenant. Four..... three...... and two."
You run over and try to hide as best as you can in your office, keeping the revolver firmly in both of your hands.
He won't be able to find me that easily... I'll still have time to surprise attack him with this revolver when he comes running in. Yeah.. that's it. That's my plan. I don’t want to kill him though. 
Wesker keeps banging on the door. 
"One..." He says, his voice still casual and as if nothing happened.
Is he actually going to break that door down now? Why is he making this so difficult for me... why isn't he just going to leave me?
You have the revolver in both of your hands now, feeling it become even heavier somehow than it was before. There's only one bullet... don't miss. You mustn't miss it.
What does he even want from me? 
Wesker laughs again, still banging on the door as a smile takes over his face.
"Oh, Lieutenant... you're making this so tough for yourself. All you had to do was not slap me and everything would have been fine." You feel frozen in place, the door banging and his words getting to you.
My god... I have one chance... and one chance alone. After he breaks that door in, there's nothing more I can do. But I wasn't gonna let him have his way with me... no way in hell.
Wesker's words keep banging against your psyche as his banging on the door continues.
"Fine. I’ll be nice. One minute... one minute is all I'm giving you now, dearhear t."
You can feel your hand sweating now as the revolver feels as though it's a hundred pounds.
I have one minute before he comes in here to force himself onto me again. One minute to get the aim of my revolver perfect… If I don’t aim this right then I’m fucked.
Wesker continues to laugh outside and bang on the door.
"Thirty seconds, Lieutenant."He sounds so smug.
 God... why isn't he just going away? Is he really not going to give up until he gets me again? I have to keep calm.
You listen closely now, hearing that even Wesker's breathing is getting louder now and more rapid.
"Open that door, Lieutenant. Open the goddamn door!" Wesker yells now at the top of his lungs.
He's now waiting for you to comply. He's not going to wait for long.
I’m not opening the door. I refuse.
Wesker stops yelling. You think for a few seconds, he might try and break the door down.
"Fine..." Wesker's voice sounds quiet now, and you feel yourself getting more hopeful.
He's going to give up.
"If you won't open that door for me... then I guess I'll just have to open it myself."
He can't be serious... not the actual door.
Your hope and relief fade within a few seconds.
Oh no... he's going to do it... he's going to break it down.
Wesker's voice gets louder again as you hear him walk right up to the door.
"Three... two... one."
You hear your heart immediately racing at a quick pace.
This is it. Now or never. There's no more time left.
"Fine, I'm coming in." Wesker laughs, and you hear him begin to use his shoulder to bang on the door a couple times. This is it. Your chance.
Wesker starts using his foot now to break the door down. He's putting his body weight into breaking that door down.
I have to do it.
Your hand is shaking uncontrollably now, the gun feeling like it is going to slip out of your hands.
Come on... any second now. You’re still shaking, but you're managing to keep your breath under control. Wesker is still kicking the door... your breath is getting shallow...
I can't miss... I can't miss.
Wesker continues to kick the door.
I have to remember my training... I have to keep my aim steady and fire at him...
Wesker kicks the door one last time, and it sounds like it is about to snap.
This is it.
Your hand is shaking like it's going crazy, your breath almost not coming now. You see the door begin to shake and get close to falling. You point the revolver at the door, trying to steady your hand as best as you can. Wesker's entire focus is on the door, trying to break that door down.
God, I can't miss. Do not miss.
And with one final, ruthless kick to your door, it was down. Wesker was now staring down at you, already moving towards your direction.
Captain Wesker’s body fell backwards and fell to the ground of your office floor with a loud thump. Immediately, you screamed loud enough to the point where the whole city could hear you. That didn’t really make a difference, though. Same as yesterday, there was no one in the office, just Wesker and you. This time, only one of you is standing.
And the other may be dead.
“Oh my God… Oh my God! I shot him…” To say that you were panicking was an understatement. Your gun dropped to the ground, your hands in your head, eyes wide open with tears spilling out, your mouth was dry and your heart felt like it was trying to leave your body again .
Is he dead!? Shit! I can’t just leave him like this… But at the same time… You didn’t really know what to do,  you can call the ER but you would probably get arrested since it’s so obvious that you’re the one that shot him down, just look at the little spots of blood on your face and shirt. Or, you can just run away and go home like this never happened. 
Which one will benefit you the most in this predicament? 
I have to go…  
You didn’t have much time to think before one of your colleagues went to check what scream of yours was all about. The thing is, they already left, and there are no cameras in this area of the hall. How cliche. You decided to put on your coat and your Ushanka and run to your car, deciding to never look back. 
Self-preservation is the most important thing to worry about right now. You did what you had to do to defend yourself. Or else…
You kept looking behind you to see if Albert was already on his way to hunt you down, again. He wasn’t there, so you took the advantage and drove out of the station, again . This time it was life or death. 
You still cannot process what has just happened to you in the last 24 hours. 
It was the next day,  Friday. Exactly 24 hours since you left the station. You were in your bed all day. Not even a shower and consuming a single meal helped the fear that you were feeling. It was creepy like the devil hanging out on your shoulder. You felt so uneasy you wanted to scream, but you were too scared to do so. Too scared that someone might hear your… or know what you did yesterday night. Staying in your bed and under the covers was way better than leaving your apartment complex.  
Although it is your personal sanctuary, there was just something enticing about how comfortable your room was. 
Suddenly, your phone rings on your night stand, you reach out your arm to grab it and see the contact who was calling you. It was Jill. Hesitantly, you answer it and put the phone next to your ear. 
“Hello?”  You mumbled, eyes closed as you held the phone next to your ear. 
“Hey, _/_…”  Jill said, she sounded more quiet than usual, saying your first name with a little more caution.
She called me by actual name this time…
“Is everything okay at the office?” You asked, considering how you were out of the office because of yesterday night's events. At the same time, your stomach felt like it was twisted around your ribcage, you were so scared that she would mention him after yesterday night’s events.
“Yes. Everything is absolutely fine. I was just checking in because you weren’t today.” Jill spoke casually.
Oh thank God. 
“Sorry I wasn’t in today, I got sick from the blizzard last night, and plus, I am just really tired.” You groaned, your stomach untwisting from your ribcage in the process. 
“I see. When do you plan on coming back? I can write down your sick days if it makes it easier for you.” She said,  
“Probably next Wednesday. When the snow is calming down.” You responded.
“Okay. That seems fine…” she responded back. There was then a long pause. It was unsettling, it made your heart drop to your stomach a little bit. What is she thinking about?
“Is there something wrong, Jill?” You asked out of anxiety. 
“There’s nothing wrong. I just wanted to warn you to stay safe.” 
“…” This time, you were the one to give a long silence back. Now you were on edge. You were in your house, your sanctuary. What did she mean by “stay safe”?
“We got a new case today, regarding  a woman getting assaulted and attacked. I know you’re my Lieutenant and you know how to defend yourself, but I still want to make sure you’re okay in your current condition.” Jill then explained, sighing shortly after.
“Thank you, Jill. Make sure you watch your back as well. In case you get in some danger, don’t forget the training we did together and the skills I showed you.” You mumbled, not feeling relaxed at all.
“Pffft. I won’t. Anyways, take care of yourself, Lieutenant _/_.”  
“You too, Jill.” 
You ended the call, then got up to look outside your window. The street and pavement was still blanketed in thick white snow. You loved this weather because for some reason it made you feel so safe today, and relaxed, like there wasn’t danger running rampant in this strange world, as if you didn’t shoot your captain yesterday, as if you don’t know if he is currently lurking in the shadows.
Of course he’s lurking. Why didn’t Jill mention the bloody scene at your office, or the absence of Captain Wesker?  Jill goes into your office usually to collect some snacks and other documents that you keep around and she didn’t mention the blood stained floor.  Not only that, what gives it away was that a new case was given to S.T.A.R.S Alpha team and only the Captain can command the team to investigate the cases, and your team received a new case today regarding people going missing.
Oh, he’s definitely lurking, and after this shift is done? He’s all about your shade tonight.
It makes you laugh. For some odd reason, you weren’t that scared anymore. Sure, your Captain attempted to violate you in his office, which causes you to shoot him the next day is very terrifying, but what is more terrifying (from what you’re gathering)  is that he’s still alive, and he’s walking around as if nothing happened. 
What a dedicated stalker. That man is so funny but so persistent. 
“Wesker doesn’t know when to give up, doesn’t he?” You let out a chuckle, smiling to yourself about the realisation of how scary your current predicament really is. You weren’t smiling and laughing to yourself because you were happy, that wasn’t the case at all. It was because you were absolutely petrified. “I’ll let him have his way tonight but, after that, I need to end him quickly. ” You finished talking to yourself, still staring out at the window, awaiting the horrors that will eventually come to life tonight.
And, those horrors wasted no time showing up at your front doorstep. Your blood went cold as you saw your Captain open the front with a makeshift key. You were standing in the middle of the hallway with your gun in your right hand. Wesker was dressed up in his uniform, sans the black vest that he wears while he’s on duty. The blue-eyed monster then bellowed a loud laugh once he laid his cold, unforgiving, crystal blue eyes on your smaller frame, it made you shiver in fear.  
“You’re so cruel, my dear…” He sighed, automatically walked over to you, encasing you in his arms. You couldn’t back away because you were still perplexed as he was still walking around as if you didn’t shoot him right in the stomach. 
“What…” You mumbled quietly, trying to wriggle out of his tight grip. It was uncomfortable, intruding and claustrophobic. It wasn't comforting at all, it felt as if someone was trapping you in a jail cell. 
“How dare you…” Albert started, now slowly snaking  his arms to your backside. Your breath hitched. “How dare you shoot me in your own office and then run away? I had to clean up after your mess.” He questioned you with a pout. Evidently he was mocking you. 
“How are you not dead… I shot you clean in the stomach.” It’s either you said something wrong or it was the look on your face; your pupils were dilated, the colour drained from your face, and your breathing was heavier than before. You were panicking, the reality of the whole situation was dawning on you but you can’t be scared now. You need to face it head strong. 
“You shot me, but you didn’t kill me, my love.” Wesker explained. 
But it doesn’t make any sense… I shot him in the stomach, he should still be in pain, not only that but he shouldn’t even be walking… What the hell? Is he even human? The next time I have the chance, I need this man dead. Expeditiously. 
“With that being said,” You were suddenly lifted off of your feet, and your body was on Wesker’s shoulder, and the both of you were on the way out of the door and to his car. “I’m finally going to have my way with you, dearheart.” Wesker chuckled, using his right hand to slap your ass.
“Let hell you will!” You gasped, trying your best wriggling off of his arm, but to no avail. No matter how much you kicked your legs up and down or tried to use your arms to release yourself off his grip, his strong, muscular arm kept you right in place on his shoulder. You were just wasting your energy at this point. “I won’t let you ruin my life. I’ve worked too hard for you to do this to me!” You screamed.
“So persistent,” Wesker groaned, you heard the sound of a car door opening and in no time you were thrown in the backseat of Wesker’s car, he pulled you closer to the door and pulls out a rope, then he ties the rope around your body, making sure you cannot use any of your limbs. “You need to be patient my dear, the fun hasn’t begun just yet. You’re lucky I’m not taping that sexy mouth of yours, I love hearing how scared you are.” 
“...” You sighed out of exhaustion and you threw yourself down to the seat below you, having no further energy to fight back. 
“Now you’re not talking? Don’t do that, sweetheart. You’ll be screaming my name very soon. I’m afraid I’ll fuck you so hard that your whole entire neighborhood will hear you, which is why were going somewhere private.” The blond older male opened the driver’s door and sat down, turning on the car.
“In your wildest dreams , you sick bastard.” You chided. 
Now, while he drives you to wherever the hell is he taking you, this is the time to figure out how you’re actually going to kill this man. 
And this time, he won’t return. 
After calculating every twist and turn the car has made, and counting the minutes of how far Wesker has taken you away from your home, you finally feel the car stop. You feel the car power off and hear Wesker leave his seat and go to the back to get you out. You yelped, his strong, lean arms wasted no time pulling your smaller body out of the backseat with no trouble through the ropes. 
‘We must be at his house then…’ 
He’s carrying you bridal style, knowing you can’t properly move with the ropes tied around your body. Wesker doesn’t have his signature, dark, goofy sunglasses on, so even in the somber night, those cold, sky blue eyes are still so visible you could’ve sworn that they were glowing. It was terrifying. And what is even more terrifying is that his eyes were focused on you, more specifically your own pair of eyes as if he was trying to read directly into your soul.
Although your stalker– captain was purely a wicked man from what you’ve seen yesterday night and tonight, you couldn’t deny that he wasn’t handsome or fine to say the least. There was just something about how sharp his jaw was, or how nicely straight his nose was, or how the tips of his ivory-colored skin would turn cherry at the slightest of any rough action, or how perfect his teeth were, or how crowning his golden blond his slick back hair was.
Albert Wesker without a doubt was impeccable. How beautifully diabolical.
There was silence between the two of you. The type of silence that would lead to a later suggestive scene that would happen in a dark romance movie. But why would that happen? That wouldn’t even make sense, not after what Wesker did to you yesterday and the day before that. Your own captain assaulted you and now you feel some sort of sexual attraction to him? That doesn’t make sense.
He was still carrying you in his arms as he opened his front door and closed it behind him, locking it. You were tired and all of the lights were off so your vision was blurry. With every step that Wesker took to his bedroom you felt your stomach twist and turn in the most uncomfortable way ever. It was not a fun feeling. At the same time, it was a little exciting. Oh?
Being trapped in ropes while being taken to someone’s bedroom isn’t the best situation to be in.
Wesker gently places you onto his bed and immediately starts gently removing the rope off of your body. It is finally all undone when he starts eyeing with a more hungry look than before. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this…”  Again, his voice was low before he  let out a heavy sigh. Wesker’s eyes are squinted in seriousness and his pale, ivory cheeks are now tinted with a rose flush. Your captain starts to unbutton his shirt slowly while his eyes are still maintained on you. And for some odd reason, butterflies start to grow in your stomach.
“What the hell are you talking about…” You slowed down your words as your eyes wandered down to his crotch. It was obvious he was hard. You could see a huge bulge sticking out from his black pants. It was like it was itching to be released from the cloth it was being restricted by. Damn.
Wesker lets out a chuckle. “Don’t act stupid, my dear. I was planning to go easy on you until you shot me,” There was only the last button of his shirt left. You could see how defined his chest was, even though you could only see the middle of it. You always knew that your captain was lean and he worked out basically everyday but, you didn’t know you could see it even through just a sneak peak. “Which means I have to capture you now before you attempt to try and get rid of me again. I can’t let that happen when I didn’t even get the chance to kiss you…” He finished, the last button finally undone. Through the undone blue shirt, his gunshot wound that was done, courtesy of you, was still there. You didn’t get to see it fully before Wesker leaned into you, straddling your legs wide open, you could feel yourself getting wet just at the sight of him. 
‘Why am I getting so… aroused by this? This doesn’t make any sense. ’ Your inner thoughts are fuzzy and are getting mixed with the feeling of your body shivering from a peculiar cold. It was snowing outside but, you’re inside, so why are you suddenly cold? And shivering? That’s strange.  
You’re then snapped back to reality by your legs being snapped open. You winced at the sudden action and pain. 
“Stay still.” Wesker basically drooled over you, eyeing your erect nipples and innocently confused face by his actions.  His hands held down your plush thighs with such natural strength that you couldn’t even move under his grasp. “You look absolutely idiosyncratic.” He muttered. 
The innocent face that he was eyeing was gone as you sneered at him and his pervertness. “Fucking pervert.” You groaned, still mad that he’s made you horny by his forceful will. 
“Do you finally surrender?” Albert gloated, his blue eyes narrowed at you like a predator finally about to feast on its prey. You weren’t going to that to yourself and say that you were not intimidated. He was stronger than you, faster than you, even smarter than you. The chances of you winning this unfair game was even less than another  planet other than Earth successfully managing to survive the natural causes of the universe throwing everything at it. You weren’t going to win this, at this point you were only hoping that he wasn’t going to kill you. 
“Well I don’t really have a choice, do I?” You said with pure stoicness in your voice, blinking at him twice. At your words, you’re blue-eyed monster of a Captain chuckled lowly, flashing a blinding white smile at your hint at defeat. 
“You could always fight back. Or, shoot me… again.”
Oh… He is terrible.  He pulls the right side of his shirt to reveal his body. It was like he was a Greek god sculpted by an Italian artist. His abs were a sculpted masterpiece, chiseled and defined beneath the taut surface of his skin. The lines of his abdomen led the eye on a journey of admiration, from the prominent V-shaped cut of his lower abs to the symmetrical rows of his upper abs. Your eyes were gazed on them, stuck to them like a magnet. It was like your pupils were getting bigger just to praise how wonderfully built this man was.  
Not to mention the very noticeable and fresh gunshot wound, courtesy of you, that made it obvious that it existed and that you put that there. It made Albert’s image even worse, even more… hot. 
How were you going to fight back? Did you even want to fight him back at this point? You weren’t going to answer the question yourself, instead, Albert Wesker was going to answer it for you.
You were lost. 
You weren’t sure how long it had been, all you knew was that your Captain was on top of you, inside of you. His hands on your arms, sans of all your clothing. Repeatedly slamming his cock inside of you. 
And you just had your head laid on the plush pillow and took it. You don’t know why, but you just did, It felt… too familiar, too good, too amazing, it's like you had sex with this man before, but you just don’t know where. The way he fucked you had you screaming, moaning, whimpering in so much pleasure that you no longer shame about your current situation no more about fighting him back. It made no sense at all, but you no longer cared since you were under the curse of such ecstasy.  
It was disrespectful the way he used his tongue on you earlier. The way he used his long, wet, tongue to have you try and scream aloud. In the end, you did end up screaming his name. It was so unnatural and unfitting in the moment but then again, you did not care. 
It was strange. You still hadn’t reached your orgasm yet. He hadn’t either.
  It was like an infinite loop. 
You were back to your senses and you realized that you need to get out of here.  Now. 
You were scrambling to find your shorts and long sleeve shirt, to put them back on and to try and find help. The clock was ticking. 
‘Come on come on… where did he throw my clothes?! ’ You were frantically crawling on his bedroom floor absolutely naked as he slept peacefully, you looked crazy but nobody was watching. You were also surprised that he didn’t wake up at the sound of you trying to find the clothes he took so gently off your body. It felt like ten minutes but in ten seconds you felt the familiar clothing you were wearing earlier. ‘Found them!’
Trying to make the least noise possible, you put on the clothes while you were still on the cold, wooden floor. Then, you heard the bed creak. Shit.   
“Now where do you think you’re going?” You heard his voice. Your heart drops. There isn’t enough time to think of an escape plan at this point. Your only hope of getting out of here was to gun him down or break a window. “Did I say you could get away from me?” 
“...” While you were still on the ground, you stayed silent out of fear, your body feeling weak. You were even too scared to move. But you had to get up, or else it would’ve been game over for you.
‘Shit… I can’t walk properly.’ 
‘Where is this fucker’s gun!?’ You thought to yourself as you quickly rose to your feet, eyes scanning the room rapidly as your messy hair was in your face.
“Not saying anything? Don’t tell me you’re still scared…” Wesker sighed, getting up from the bed as he was completely naked. Trying to ignore him from getting up, you look behind you to see his samurai edge on his desk.
‘His gun! It’s on the desk…’ You run to grab it and then turn back around to face him, staring at him dead in the eye, ignoring his sexually distracting body. 
“Stay… away… from me… you have done enough damage.” You panted as your body shook violently, holding the gun up at Wesker. All he did was smirk at you in amusement, you wouldn’t even dare to bat your eyes down to see his appendage rising the sound of your fear. 
Wesker took another step towards you. “I don’t think I’ve done enough damage…” 
As your eyes snapped wide open, your body was automatically in a cold sweat. The bedroom was freezing cold, which made sense because it was still snowing outside. Huh. 
‘What the fuck?’ You mentally thought to yourself, your eyes traveled around the room rapidly, still trying to get a sense of what you just went through. It was dark outside, the only thing that was light was the snow that was falling down violently, with the occasional gusts of wind accompanying it. Your head felt so light, you thought your head was going to fall back on the pillow below you. 
The surroundings are different and nothing about the bedroom is the same, neither from yours nor his. Could this be reality?
You look to your left to see someone sleeping next to you. It was so dark that you couldn’t make out who it was at first, and you weren’t going to turn on the lamp on your nightstand just so you could see who it was. It would be an eyesore for the man next to you.  
The man who was sleeping so peacefully next to you had blond hair, sharp cheekbones, and thin lips that if they were to touch yours, his mouth could drive you crazy with them. 
‘Oh.’ Your heart froze while your stomach twisted with both of your intestines. It then sunk into you on what was actually happening. 
In an instant, you slowly took the covers off of you and quietly but quickly walked to the bathroom that was inside your shared bedroom. You opened the door and closed it behind you, flicking the light on. You then proceed to carefully study yourself, touching each one of your features, ,from your eyes, your eyebrows, your nose, your lips, the shape of your face, to your neck, your chest, your torso– your tattoos– but you couldn’t find any tattoos, not even the one you saw on your hand. You had no tattoos. None, whatsoever.
That caused you to let out a sigh of relief. 
None of that was real. Nothing of all of that at all was real. 
‘So that was all a dream… Albert– my husband trying to sexually assault me and hunting me down was all a dream… All of that was never real… ’
It makes no sense on how realistically weird it was. Yes, you and your husband did work at the S.T.A.R.S in the RPD and he was the Captain while you were the Lieutenant but… that wasn’t even how you two fell in love.
It was instant love for Wesker. He hired you when he saw you practicing some karate moves at your old martial arts school while he was patrolling the streets of Racoon. He was impressed by your skill. And at the age of 24, you were hired to work at STARS in the Alpha team. Albert was 32 at the time. It’s been two years since then, and now, you two are married. Strange how fast time flies. 
But knowing Albert, even though the man is strict and serious ninety-nine percent of the time, he would never chase you down and defile you against your will. That is something inane and asinine. 
This was all making your mouth dry. You stared at yourself for a few more moments before adjusting your dark blue button-up pajama shirt, turning off the bathroom light, and leaving the room all together, still making sure Albert was sleeping. For such a hard working man, he was surprisingly a heavy sleeper, barely waking up to loud-ass thunderstorms. 
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a nice glass of cold water. Gulping down that ice-cold water made you relax more, calming down your brain that was still a little perplexed at the weird-ass dream you just had. You didn’t even dream that often, and when you did, your dreams were never that weird. Could you even call that a dream? Was it scary enough to call it a nightmare? Actually–yes, it was. Having a dream of your husband stalking you down and violating you is terrifying. 
Downright frightening. 
Now it was time to try and sleep again, hoping, praying that you don’t have any weird nightmares like that again. 
You went back to your shared room, closing the door and locking it. You crawled back into bed, put the covers over you, and took a deep breath. Suddenly, you felt a hand wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer. You flinched at the sudden movement. 
“Dearheart?” You heard your husband’s deep, throaty, and tired voice from behind you as you turned around to face him, his eyes were open and you could see the familiar arctic blue eyes that you loved so much.
“My love, you’re awake.” You pointed out and smiled at him. 
“Only because I didn’t feel you by my side.” Albert leaned in to kiss you on your lips, to which you kissed him back. 
‘There he goes again with his words.’
“Come on, I only left for five minutes, it wasn’t like I left the house or anything.” You told him, sighing at his clinginess. 
“You left me all alone while I was sleeping for five minutes, it felt uncomfortable.” 
“Well, I’m here now. Jeez, you’re such a child.” You quietly laughed at him. 
“Is everything okay, my dear?” Albert asked you. You paused for a split moment, trying to think of an answer. Here’s the thing, you could tell him the truth about the nightmare you had but that would cause chaos, and all you wanted to do was sleep, so you avoided that trouble.
“Yes… I just felt a little thirsty.” You lied, feeling a bit guilty about not telling your husband about that nightmare you had. It’s just that you did not want him to worry about you, and he gets all protective, even at the tiniest things. He raised an eyebrow at your answer and looked at the window behind you. 
“Thirsty? It’s freezing cold outside and you’re thirsty?” He’s skeptical. 
“Albert, you’re shirtless.” You retorted, using your hand to trace his stomach and chest. You felt how nice his body looked, it was exactly the same, but sans the gunshot wounds that you gave to him. He was all lean muscle, no signs of any painful, inflicted injuries on him anywhere. He felt nice and warm against your cold body. Very comforting.  
“And your hands are cold.” Albert shivered, against your touch, learning a small laugh from you. Slowly, you placed yourself on top of him, laying your head against his neck and your legs wrapped around his torso. This felt fine, absolutely fine. He wasn’t chasing you down the hallway, or forcing you to open your office door so he could do terrible things to you. He wrapped his arms around you, and embraced you. This was okay, this was absolutely okay. 
“Well, maybe you can warm me up.” You said against his skin, nuzzling into him.
“Of course I will, my dear wife.” He responded and you felt his smile on your skin. 
You laid on him for a few moments, enjoying your husbands warmth, feeling so safe.
“Hey, Albert?” 
“Yes, dearheart?” 
“Would you ever hurt me?” 
But, Albert Wesker wouldn’t actually do that to you. Would he?
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ywpd-translations · 28 days
Ride 786: Acceleration at full throttle!!
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Pag 1
2: Now
3: Do I go?
4: Soon
How's your condition, Manami?
Mhh, if I had to say
5: I'm in perfect condition
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Pag 2
1: Hakogaku's Manami went ahead for the first day's mountain!!
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Pag 3
1: Seriously!? What's with that speed!?
He took advantage of the right curve where the group was stretched out!!
He accelerated in an instant!!
2: He's really gonna climb!? The Sky Prince!?
Does gravity not work on him only!?
Tumblr media
Pag 4
1: Soo
That guy is so fast!
Waa is he so light!?
2: reeee
3: He suddenly got away!! Dammit!! Chase him!! Go!!
No, there's no one who'll be able to chase after him!!
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Pag 5
3: Except for the Mountain King!!
4: Hakogaku number 13 jumped ahead, teh!!
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Pag 6
1: I'm going to accelerate at full throttle!!
2: Onoda!!
3: Onoda-san!!
4: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 7
1: Onoda-san's cadence is going up!!
5: Onoda-kun!!
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Pag 8
1: Go with all your might!! Will-power injection!!
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Pag 9
1: Okay!! Thank you, Naruko-kun!!
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Pag 10
1: I'm going!!
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Pag 11
1: Aaaaaaagh
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Pag 12
1: Mountain King went ahead!!
He's so fast, what's with that speed!!
With his cadence I can't see his legs!!
2: Everyone, really, thank you so much for sending me out
3: I got this at the supply point earlier, a cold bottle of water!!
4: Leave him gaping this time!!
I'll use the old one
Okay!! Thank you!!
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Pag 13
1: He's so fast!!
2: Run with all your heart
4: Don't worry about what happens behind
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Pag 14
1: Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun, Danchiku-kun, Kaburagi-kun, Rokudai-kun – everyone pushed my back...
3: It's the Mountain King!!
Just now Hakone Academy passed... is he chasing him!?
It's Sohoku's Onoda!!
His legs' rotation is incredible!
They're both so fast!!
4: Mountain King chasing Manami...!?
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Pag 15
1: It's intense!!
2: Oi, those two just now!!
That's right, they're last year's finalists!!
And the finalists of the year before too!!
3: Seriously... they're already... going out now...!?
For the “mountain” of the first day of the Inter High, those two....!!
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Pag 16
1: It's a destined battle!!
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Pag 17
3: I got scared....
4: Suddenly Hakogaku got here... and it's Manami, too!!
I got scared, but then he stopped accelerating...!?
5: Wahahaha Manami Sangaku isn't worth fearing!!
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Pag 18
1: I was on alert because he caught up with me at lightning speed but then he quickly lost pace!!
That means he worked too hard and reached his limit!!
2: Coming here on your own was a mistake, Manami Sangaku!! Wahahaha
I'm IitsukaYorimasa from the prestigious Fukuoka Josei!! Climber!!
3: I thought about it!! And my nickname will be “mountain shogun”!!
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Pag 19
1: And this mountain will be my home, my “castle”
Manami, today I'll get your “neck”!!
2: Sorry but could you please be quiet?
3: I'm listening
To the sound of cheering, and the swaying of trees, and the chirping of the cicadas
5: And mixed with all of this, I'm listening
6: to the sound of wheels
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Pag 20
1: Wahahaha, wheels!? The sound of wheels!?
I don't hear it, I don't hear such a thing!! That would mean that there's someone else who's catching up!? Someone like that...
2: No way, wahahaha
4: I hear it
70 notes · View notes
burgycreeper405-blog · 8 months
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i'm so evil
224 notes · View notes
the--firevenus · 2 months
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i'll be honest, this is my exact reaction upon meeting phraesto.....
like damn, for free???????
65 notes · View notes
coridallasmultipass · 2 months
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I can't believe my son is 18!! I estimated a birth date for him to be about a month before I got him in fall of 2006, since he was such a widdle month-old baby sneky. I always try to get a good birthday pic of him - especially after he eats and gets the good yawns in.
Pretty soon, he'll be off to snake college, for snakes. Dunno how we're gonna afford those ssssnudent loans.
Image description below the cut:
First photo is an albino corn snake (species name: Pantherophis guttatus) peeking out from behind a fake flower on a rocky hide (a house inside the tank where reptiles can feel secure and hidden). The snake is flicking his tongue out. Only his head is visible in the photo. Caption on the photo reads: Demo's 18th birthday. August 9, 2024.
Next photo is the same snake, but in a clear, close-up, detail photo. Each scale is clearly defined. He has red eyes and pink cheeks, and pale white patterns on an off-white body. The scales on his head are shaped to follow the different planes of his face. The scales on his neck (and body, not shown) are uniform and scallop-shaped.
The next three photos are sequential. The same snake appears with his mouth barely open. Then, his mouth is wide open in a yawn. His cheeks look so smooshy. His head is shaped the way a snap hairclip opens, curved upwards, and it's funny and cute. His mouth has ridges inside, but no teeth or fangs are visible (because his teeth are too tiny to be photographed politely, and he does not have any fangs). The last photo in the sequence has the snake with his mouth still open, but the top of his head is a normal shape again as he begins to end the yawn.
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
wweonfox: Solo just called out Roman Reigns! 🤯
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angelpuns · 8 months
Idk when Kid Leo update is coming ;-; I don't have a lot of energy after work since I'm not used to being on my feet all day, but I'm gonna try and get at least one update this week. Also I am writing a supplementary comic that features way more Raph since I feel like the next few parts are a bit rushed and I wanna think about Raph a bit more in detail.
Sorry for the delay <33
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moonverc3x · 9 months
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here was my little part for Stargates Secret Santa arttrade!
this post also serves as a reminder that theres 5 days left to sign up for the @kirbyoc-secretsanta !
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olivewormz · 5 months
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ELLO!!!! GUESS WHO REDID HIS METAL SLUG DESIGNS!!!! i guess you could call it that uuhm
but YEA!! i've been thinking a lot about metal slug lately and i just... couldnt resist redrawing my versions, hopefully i do more in the future for more characters n all, i really want to post more metal slug stuff, i love LOVE these silly guys
im not writing anything at the moment cause i really didnt change my headcanons and im kind of tired to write proper paragraphs (i should stop staying up until 3 am to finish drawings? maybe).
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oiblackestsheep · 25 days
Disclaimer: I am very unhinged because this week has been the absolute worst, but I am always professional and polite to everyone in the lab, I just gotta get this out somehow you know what I mean lmao. please enjoy this meme for me
I threw away my own experiment by accident because I was just so done with its bullshit: INFP, ISFP
The new hire turned off a computer that killed EVERYONE'S EXPERIMENTS AT THE SAME TIME: ESTP, ENTP
Boss tasked me with teaching students a new procedure that I've never even done before myself????: ISFJ, ENFP
The same machine broke down more times than a McDonlad's milkeshake machine and it's making me LOSE MY MIND BECAUSE I HAVE TO KEEP FIXING IT: ESTJ, ISTP
Student researchers only available for 2 hours a day and spend most of it flirting instead of doing actual science: ESFP, INFJ
Boss added a "do this extra thing" to one of my experiments that sounds easy enough but actually adds like 1000 hours onto the whole process and she does not understand how big of a burden that is: INTJ, INTP
Student researcher keeps asking me "what does [boss] mean in this email she sent me" instead of just ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION FROM HER DIRECTLY: ESFJ, ISTJ
New hire admits being very new and has little background in our area of research, but still chooses to fight me on the validity of procedures that I am extremely familiar with and knowledgeable of??: ENTJ, ENFJ
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good-beans · 1 month
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This is your excuse to reblog and tell me about that character you're obsessed with who is so cool and explain them to me because you get them more than anyone else!!!!
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Ogh!! I'm so sorry to hear that your work schedule was such poop regarding the update! If it makes you feel better, I would watch your stream regardless if I looked at the update already or not! Wouldn't say any spoilers, but I love how you perceive things regarding WH and I would no doubt love to see your reaction live regardless!
aw <3 thank you <3 i Deeply appreciate that!!
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rapidhighway · 2 months
also picking raspberries turned out to be.. really fucking hard
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
HI Uncle Nina <3 Can we hear about how your Rm!Style met as kids?
listen, you guys. i am SO excited for this!!! words cannot express how excited it makes me when i get to talk about the prequel, like they are sooo stikin' cute in the prequel!!! ilysm baby raven and jersey. MWAH!
*eldritchhorror!kenny!nina cracks knuckles n opens up a portal* okay girls, gays n gays, we're going on a field trip,
( i’m chaotic bi ms. frizzle in the pink y2k hello kitty bus )
so, i gotta be honest, my friends, i don't know EXACTLY how old the boys are, but i am gonna say they are anywhere between 6-8 y/o. it's summer time and the broflovski's have just moved to southern park, colorado from sheila's hometown in new jersey...and have moved in right next door...to the marsh family, namely:
ravenstanley r.w. marsh.
who i am using as a primary narrator...FOR ONCE!
because to tell you this was the best day of his life was an goddamn understatement...to tell you that this changed his life, even, is a fkn understatement because this moment, this fateful day GAVE HIS ENTIRE LIFE MEANING. meeting kyle broflovski...was Everything.
again, it wasn't just like 'oh, this boy who moved next door to me is kinda cute, i might have a crush on him'
It Was Dead Serious, Guys.
a teeny tiny, itsy bitsy, ickle ravenstanley marsh heard a single loud, angry, brutal note of the kyle broflovski new jersey slaughterhouse and was immediately irreversibly head over heels IN LOVE with him.
fresh from jersey kyle asked stan if he could open his fresca and the man's synesthesia was flashing, spinning, ringing and dinging like he was playing the world's biggest slot machine and just hit JACKPOT.
and that was before he got a good look at him because...
Wooooowza. <3
all the hundreds of little freckles speckled over his skin like sun-stars, his big, beautiful curly red hair, his gorgeous, glowering mean, green eyes ravenstan was legitimately Breathtaken by kyle's beauty, omfg.
however, the funniest part abt all of this to me is that poor sweet pre!rm rae is legitimately having divine visions and hearing angelic choirs, meanwhile pre!rm jers is just staring blankly at this weird, giant-eyed freaky mouth-breathing rural colorado kid ( who ig is his neighbor now, smh ) that's just staring up at him and sweating and shaking and looks like he's having a Stroke.
edit: i forgot to describe what they looked like so know that ravenstan had come out of the house because his mom told him to say hi to the neighbors and help them with boxes and stuff, say hi to their son, etc.
i think his hair is shoulder length, but its in a lil ponytail, he's in randy's gigantic black sabbath t-shirt, probably has a gigantic edgy boy temp tattoo of a skull or a snake on his neck, smh, little like hot wheels, boy section of target-esqe stickers all over his face and arms, little other edgy elementary school boy marker tattoos on his arms because he literally has always been a rockstar.
meanwhile, jersey, in canon ncu baby kyle fashion, is wearing his gigantic kyle signature orange coat and green ushanka IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER because he is self conscious and sheila bought both on sale at the mall during summer when the winter stuff is all half up because she's a thrifty queen and wants him to get wear out of them and break them in...smh.
so he is sweating like hell and just wants to get his fresca open, which is very vintage and still comes in the bottle.
but regarding The Fresca Of Fate,
stan Does eventually ( open / it. )
...in the most chaotic, unhinged way possible, btw.
which is that baby ravenstan bites, rips and twists the cap off with his teeth like a feral fucking animal ( which i think happened because he was legitimately panicking like holy shit, what do i do, what the Fuck do i doooo?!?! i don't know how to get this open but the beautiful spotty boy w/ the perfect voice asked me to do it, so ¡oRALE! )
note: it is this party trick that he'd seen randy do a couple of times and just replicated, but totally ripped his lip open in the process, btw.
anyways, rae hands the fresca back to baby jersey and because he is a fkn idiot but also a superstar ( i love u raven ) shoots kyle the signature stanley marsh wink-peace sign-finger gun combo wombo.
and jersey is just SHOOK because that was, in fact, criminally insane, but also...kinda cool? and an oddly touching gesture because he could have just handed the bottle back or said go fuck yourself, new kid! because he didn't give a shit about this kid from next door and his parents were both busy...but wanted kyle to have his little drinky poo so bad that he literally busted his lip open turning into a can-opener for ky...and did the cutest, weirdest most awkward hand-sign ever.
tldr; it was brave and reckless and boyish and radiant. and kyle, who usually is highly disgusted by the germs of other people...finds that brings the lip of the fresca bottle to his with ease, sips his drink, which tastes like victory and probably a bit like cinnamon red hots, watches his weirdo neighbor give him the wink peace sign finger gun combo and is so weirdly endeared by this that he...
gives stan a rare kyle smile and even rarer kyle laugh. :’)
and this is so glorious and gorgeous to ravenstan that he literally cannot breathe, his heart is pounding in his chest, he is fkn shaking, goes to say something and immediately THROWS UP ALL OVER KYLE AND PASSES OUT. skhdlksahdsh HEEEEELP NO.
but yeah...that's how dad and dad met. please note that in canon ncu fashion ravenstan followed jersey around like a lovesick puppy, ignoring all of the kids trying to get his attention and play with him, desperate for kyle to acknowledge his existence for literally five seconds or accept his offer of being super best friends...
all the while, jerseykyle is trying to get away from him because he doesn't like other people, doesn't want to be friends, just wants to be left alone and be alone skhdld and is like weird kid with the giant eyeballs PLEASE FUCK OFF ( this does make stan fall more in love with him, stan i need you to go to therapy for the type of guys u like ) and this apathy and disinterest continues until...
stan takes the stark's pond hockey puck for him.
and suddenly, kyle's cold dead heart starts beating again, he sees ravenstan in the hospital recovering from slicing his face and mouth open again, who smiles so hard he RIPS his stitches open again, smh and from that moment on, they are Super Best Friends.
but both secretly want something more, legend says.
-uncle nina, obsessed with the prequel <3
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axemetaphor · 11 months
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sometimes dave wonders if john has a deathwish
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