#im sorry i get mad about this stuff
warmthintouches · 2 years
Me: is there anything that you are absolutely against
Him: idk? I think I'd know of something came up in a convo, but otherwise probably not.
Me: okay
Him: yeah never really had any boundaries up until this point. Its all been pretty basic.
Me: thats not a bad thing really
Him: not really
Me: you didn't ask me the same question
Him: I figured we already went over your, but what are you're absolute no nos?
Me: what did I say they were before
Him: I don't remember but its probably saved in the chat somewhere...
Me: nbd
Him: my memory is shit im sorry
Me: whats my fav color
Him: Is it worse to not answer or to answer completely wrong lol
Me: I guess just be and honest and say you don't remember
Him: Red was the first thing that came to mind, but then i thought yellow and now i confused myself on if either of them are correct
Me: red is my least fav color
Him: well where did I pull that from then?
Me: no idea.
Him: im guessing yellow isn't up there either then
Me: nope
Him: and its not a typical "girly" color like purple or pink right?
Me: nope
Him: I feel really bad that I can't remember something this basic
Me: I remember yours...
Him: I feel like mine changes depending on my mood, but what did I tell you
Me: Blue, but specifically that one football teams color blue...like a carolina blue? Sorta. And you have a shirt you wear thats got a similar color on it. Bc I told you it looked hot on you one day.
Him: Now i feel really bad, cuz you even got the shade right too
Me: My memory is really good when it comes to things like someone's fav things...colors, animals, all of it. I think its important if you like someone even as a friend.
Him: Idk why its just not coming to me tonighy
Me: its fine
Him: im really sorry
Me: its fine lolol
Him: We had to go over that during one of our rapid fire question periods.. and im getting jumbled
Me: yeah we probably did
Him: Im just running through so many colors and i cant find one that jogs my memory
Me: you're going to feel really dumb when I finally tell you what it is
Him: like I dont already feel dumb...
Me: its fine, like I said....
Him: 😑😑
Me: Do you remember my fav season? Or if I have siblings? Or what state I would i would chose to live in?
Him: Holy shit, my memory is absolute ass
Me: I figured lol
Him: is your favorite state Washington?
Me: good guess but no. Its like my second choice tho.
Him: dont tell me its colorado
Me: nope I don't understand the hype of colorado...
Him: I feel like Winter is your favorite season (i hope)
Me: I am feeling like you don't remember any of my fav things bc you don't care...ill be honest. But! You got one right. Winter is my fav.
Him: My memory is honestly shit, im shocked i dont remember most of these
Me: 😕
Him: I feel absolutely terrible
Me: its okay
Him: its really not
Me: Idk why it bothers me so bad...it started when you didn't remember what I disliked sexually...if we're gonna bang you should probably lock that one in...
Him: choking you don't like?
Me: not the main thing I said I dislike. I want to try more choking but not too tight.
Him: I dont remember if it was the main thing, but wasnt there something you didnt like with spanking too hard
Me: Yeah there was that...im more of a squeeze person rather than spanking. But....the main thing I dislike is 1) don't fucking do anything weird with my feet. Thats gross. 2) don't fucking spit on me. I fucking hate it.
Him: I dont actually remember bringing either of those up.. but i hate feet myself and the spitting thing is also weird anyway
Me: We talked about both of those things once....it was part of the same convo where you told me you once had a girl who was into the whole like sexual preditor thing.... God, why can I remember every thing someone says but I can't remember my debit card number.
Him: Oh shit your right.. think i moved more passed those because im not even into them
Me: 👍👍
Him: 👍
Me: Do you want to know my fav color or shoukd I even bother? 😅
Him: I do wanna know, cuz if its something i thought of imma be pissed
Me: Too bad 😈
Him: you know what....I deserve that...
Me: You do...I remember all your stuff. Cant even remember my fav color....sheesh 😅 I'm just teasing btw
Him: Im seriously gonna be so pissed at myself
Me: You really are...I personally feel like if you paid any attention at all its going to seem very obvious once I tell you.
Him: Like i said imma feel awful
Me: ....just let's me know how important i am to you so 👍 good to know for future reference 😅😂 im sorry that was...a low blow
Him: Keep piling on the guilt why dont you
Me: I'm sorry. I just...feel very forgettable or unnoticeable 90% of the time. Especially at work when half the time no one even knows im there until like midway through the day. So when you want to bone me so bad but you don't even remember my fav color it stings a little
Him: I get it, and i dont help matters most of the time
Me: its okay
Him: You keep saying that and i know its complete bullshit because it hurts you and i know it does
Me: But I like to pretend to be chill about it.
Him: You need to pretend with me, come out and tell me im a piece of shit or whatever.. i understand that ive fucked up in this scenario....You dont need to pretend* (jesus my fingers cant follow my brain)
Me: But if I don't pretend to be chill about it then I might like..scare you off or something. And I dont think you're a piece of shit, just wish I mattered enough for you to remember those things about me...
Him: But pretending just isnt being genuine to either of us, if i fuck up then tell me its not gonna run me off
Me: okay...
Him: Like ive admitted that im an awful person for not remember these things
Me: But you're not really. I'm just a weirdo who remembers that kind of stuff. I shouldn't expect you to remember those things...but then I get mad bc it hurts when you don't.
Him: Then tell me that, dont tell me its okay when its obviously not okay
Me: okay, im sorry ill work on that..
Him: okay good, and ill work on my memory...I promise
Me: 😘☺ so...do you want to know my favorite color?
Him: please? 🥺
Me: forest gree
Him: I Sat here for the last like 15 minutes thinking it was like a dark evergreen type color, but didnt wanna be wrong again and make things worse
Me: 😂😂
Him: Im so fucking mad now.. i had it and wasnt confident enough
Me: 😂 don't be mad at yourself. Like I said, I shouldn't expect you to remember those types of things. You were so close dark evergreen tho!
Him: I shoukd have remembered that.. I really should have...What makes it so obvious tho??
Me: Bc I am constantly outside and always wanting to be in the forest?? I've told you several times that I would just like to be in the forest?? And my fav trees are pine trees. And my fav place to be is in the woods.
Him: Why did I not put that together to remember forest green... your right it was too damn obvious
Me: Idk? Bc you don't care to retain things i talk about? 😅😂Maybe its just me. Im always outside somewhere when the weather allows. I thought it was obvious, it probably wasn't.
Him: its super obvious...im just a piece of shit
Me: well now you know.
Him: yes I do, and I promise I will not forget again. Locking it in my vault in my brain.
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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A very self indulgent drawing of Misty I've been working on for a few weeks... On and off. But now it's here! :]
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krash-and-co · 7 months
friendly reminder this fandom isnt a job and you don't have to actively work to 'save the show' all the time, you can just have fun
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flamboyant-king · 4 months
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I had an intricate dream that played out like a video game where I had to get Harvey away from the authorities, because everywhere he goes everyone thought he was up to no good. But he literally did nothing wrong. So, each "level" we had to keep whoever was trying to catch him from getting their hands on him. But discreetly. We couldn't let anybody know that we were actually associated with him or at least trying to "protect him" or else that would raise suspicion and give them reason to take him in.
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I drew sequences at the mall because I remember that the most. The second sequence was at a state park where park rangers were trying to locate him at a park/nature walk. We meet a little girl scout/wing scout gal who likes Harvey and I tell her what's going on and that the park rangers want to arrest him for no reason. So she does her best away from us to keep the park rangers away from getting near Harvey as he tries to enjoy some nature.
The dream plays out as I keep directing Harvey closer to the other side of the park while this girl scout causes mischief to attract attention. But the police soon get involved and they get drones. So we get an aerial view but we also get radio feedback on where the drone is searching.
I kept waking up in this segment but the resolution involves mind games with a rented vehicle where the bird girl and the drones are focused on one car that is believed to be rented out by Harvey. They stop him at the exit I was trying to get Harvey through and turns out it's not the right car. The level ends with Harvey driving through a different exit where there are enough park rangers or police because they all focused on the wrong car.
The twist is Harvey knows the authorities are after him, he told me at the end of the level "I'm used to being hunted down," and "The trick is to act oblivious and know that you are guilty of nothing. Because if you doubt your innocence then you start acting like you did something wrong. And that's when they get you."
He knew we were helping him all along, he just lets us do our thing because him feigning ignorance is his "innocence." What a guy.
And the name I came up with for the dream game was "He's a Good Man."
Rated T for Teens.
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volfoss · 1 month
Actually sorry I need to bitch and moan about this. I've been reading the san.dman (do not ever do this to yourself it's a hell unimaginable by anyone) and like... I really think it's interesting how much ga/iman is praised as super progressive on Tumblr for THIS specifically when it has so so much bad in it. About 10 issues in I started a game with how many women were in the issue who survived/were raped/nearly raped and it was insane how little women did not fit into these categories. One black woman lived and the rest were all burned alive. And he then later gave an excuse that it was bc of how Dream imprisoned Nada (16 year old African queen who fell in love with him. Its a very big mess and really sucks) in Hell so of course it influenced the entire world and so every black woman but ONE (who was introduced in the second to last issue) died and died violently. Not even to get into how it plays into the really violent misogyny that he had during the short story he wrote around the end of San.dman (when he was in his mid 30s) that was literally just one graphic rape scene to a minor after another (his snow white retelling is pretty infamous bc of how bad it is just by the summary but let me tell you that it is FAR worse to read). Like there's so so much that I think people do not discuss with his writing and it honestly just is very baffling that people hype him up given well. Everything that happens in San.dman. like the endless alone has a lot of... Well let's say interesting issues. Every single woman dream comes across wants to fuck him (to the point that at his funeral, it's 90% the women he was with/wanted to be with him and then a little from his siblings????), despairs entire character is literally just that she's depressed and coincidentally the most prominent fat character (and also naked all the time. Which they did seem to fix in the show but it's baffling how it's like her, one serial killer who nearly raped a woman before dream stops him, a guy that dies and I guess Abel if you squint for the fat rep) and then desire oh my god. I wish desire was written well instead of here's our nonbinary/gender fluid/genderless rep (cool in theory!!!) and then the fact that it (in the original series, she uses he she and it pronouns) raped a woman is dropped on your head and he is not at all regretful about it and ends up like.. taunting the victims granddaughter??? And delirium my god if there was ever a representation for born sexy yesterday and also being weird as fuck about mental illness it would be her. She's barely clothed most of the time, referred to as very very young most of the time and her mental illness (vague) is just kind of used as a joke a lot of the time? Like it's a funny joke that she doesn't remember stuff or that she's overstimulated or that she's using the wrong words or talking like a child. It's really weird because all of these characters have potential but they aren't really ever treated that way. Me when I get him for every single woman treated horribly!!!!!
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lorillee · 11 months
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honestly. its about time one of the friends of the victims just gets PISSED
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gibbearish · 3 months
i know im preaching to the choir on transgumblr.com but can i just say. cis people who throw big fits about transfems who dont shave have just. black holes for brains. like even putting everything about how it sucks to say shaving=femininity while pretending to be a feminist and whatnot aside, you cannot tell me a beard isnt a dope as fuck accessory on a femme look. it literally fucks and if you think it looks gross you can just say you have bad taste and go. beards look cool as fuck and femmes look cool as fuck, why would combining them cancel out the cool as fuck factor. like are you jealous that they get free jaw contouring without having to put anything on their face or what
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The most aggravating thing about people focusing all their anti AI art arguments on the beautiful soul inherent to every piece of hand crafted art is I think it kind of softens the blow of how disgusting like every art industry is. Like I know its not the intent people have but when you steer the conversation in that direction you are implying that before AI image generation people being ground to dust and exploited were doing it for the love of the game and expressing themselves. I dont think corporate art made by human hands is beautiful. I dont think spot illustrations made by human hands are inherently beautiful. its work. Talk about it like its work. The problem here is the loss of jobs and us living under a system where not having a job = imminent death. Focus on it.
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spatio-rift · 11 months
the gang should have provoked saiko around halloween it would have made kaidou so happy to see someone not only understand it but go all out for it like him.... even if saiko doesnt care
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maisydels · 11 months
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can we kill this guy with hammers
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un-pearable · 1 year
the sheer volume of titans tower aus are the most baffling thing to me because fic fandom treats it like this Core Event that his entire life is oriented around… they always treat tim like he’s a newbie who just picked up a bo staff five minutes ago when that couldn’t be further from the truth. he’s existed for over a decade at that point. he’s had over a hundred issues of a solo, not even touching his appearances anywhere else. in universe, he’s been robin for at least 3-4 years. he had AN ENTIRE OTHER TEAM who’s series ran for three years and had comics wide crossovers twice. he was enlisted in a war. he’s time traveled. he’s been to apocalips. he’s not a little baby who’s in too deep that kid’s been to space.
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8cfc00 · 8 months
im literally going to throw up im sooooo mad i never got to trick or treat OR sleepover OR play dnd in all SIXTEEN YEARS OF MY FUCKING LIFE..... im supposed to be a TEENAGER doing TEENAGE THINGS but for some reason i CANT
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lionblaze03-2 · 3 months
Hate that I can prettymuch never move to any better country than America (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc) because they all hate people with autism and if you even have it they don’t let you in. Because they need all the disabled slots for the people born there, why would they take EXTRA ‘useless’ people, duhhh LIKE IM NOT USELESS I’m really good at organizing I’m not a massive burden to take on just because I cry sometimes my benefits and burdens kind of even out PLEASE guys. I don’t want to be stuck here during project 2025 onward
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this is my sin of an opinion but i like moriarty more when sherlock isnt there. blasphemous i know but sherlock has been around since. literally camelot and slightly before technically? and in all this time they have Not gotten me to gaf. IM TALKING ABOUT FGO IN CASE ITS NOT OBVIOUS THIS ISNT A HOT TAKE ABOUT THE BOOKS
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volatilechemicalz · 10 months
quick little announcement(? I guess? It's not really important but I guess it is one .?) I probably won't be drawing much for a little bit (not sure how long tbh) because I've been out of it lately , I'm just really tired and not that motivated to do anything like that + I'm trying to take better care of myself when I feel like this to avoid artblock/burnout etc and i did try to draw today and it just stressed me out so . yeah . I might write a bit in the meantime though idk
(Also doodle requests are closed for now because of this but asks are very much still open <3)
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Look man I just think if somebody who literally used to be in the CIA is writing a comic with "progressive" or god forbid "leftist" politics then thats kind of proof that nothing means fucking anything and we should really stop acting like people having good idealolgy in the magazines meant to sell movies and toys is gonna do anything for us in the end. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high. Please
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