#im starting it like they dont know each other yet btw since that's what I'm doing with most muses
Hellooo Natalia
love your post btw
I Adore Soukoku so much and i wan’t Them to see that they are litteraly inlove
but i am worried it would be disrespectfull to the authors the characters are based on if they become a thing yk so i Think that holds asagiri back quite a bit which is why i dont think they Will ever openly become a thing
what do you think?
Omg this question is actually a very old one in my inbox, but now that im finally back. I am absolutely happy to answer<3
Alright so, I remember seeing people say that Asagirgi made a comment about not wanting to make any couple canon bc it would be disrespectful but I highly doubt this is a real claim.
Let's start with the fact that if that was the case, then this series wouldn't be made to begin with.
Dazai's introduction is actually distasteful considering the real Dazai Osamu's death.
The real Dazai Osamu died by double suicide with his wife, by drowning himself.
And in the bsd story,the authors counterparts first apperance is...by drowning.
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2. Mori as a character, is literally a port mafia leader, a mass murderer AND a pedophile. When this has 0 connotations to the real Mori's life.
I don't even have to explain how this is defiently disrespectful for the real authors memory, now that his name is constantly butchered and dragged as a pedophile in the manga, right?
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3. Dazai in real life absolutely loved and respected Akutagawa's works, but his bsd counterpart literally lacks to acknoweldge and abuses Akutagawa.
The real Akutagawa's death actually depressed Dazai in real life, but in bsd, he is portrayed as someone who absolutely disregards half of the things Aku represents.
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4. Half of the bsd cast is portrayed as murders, abusers, war criminals or counter opposites to the authors they are based of.
So with all that being said and done, he basically turned many renowned and respected authors to mafia members, killers, or even whole ass war criminals.
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5. Rimbaud and Veraline actually had a love affair going on, yet they only kept them as companions in the manga.
Rimbaund and Veraline had a very known love affair, but Asagiri chose to wrote them the same way historians would call lgbtq+ couples as "veryyyyy close besties:D"
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6. There's been canonical couples or canonical crushes implied in the manga, but in real life, the authors probably didn't feel the same so it's quite insane for Asagiri to not want to make Soukoku or any other bsd dynamic canon out of fear of disrespect. Unless, he doesn't want to do to the narrative or for homophobic reasons.
Look, I'm not gonna claim that Asagiri is homophobic, I don't know the guy in real life to even come to that conclusion!!!
But, it's quite intresting to realize how Higuchi, Lucy, Katai, Tanizaki and many other characters have canonical crushes on opposite sex counter parts but then, it's suddendly disrespectful for two characters the same sex liking each other/being together?
More than anything the whole discourse of Asagiri claiming that is probably false since I don't see any real document of him saying it, so it's likely this whole thing was started by someone who couldn't stand the idea of shipping mlm or wlw relationships lol.
Hope this sorta answers your question, sorry for the delay<3
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micamone · 4 months
the thing about liking an almost 30 year old show is I'm not sure as much about what went on behind the scenes. and a significant part of that is how awesome it was that the fans were just more separate from creators then, like there was no social media and junk for us to to badger them on about things. but the from their side there wasnt a place they could just dump shit on us for fun. things were told through dvd commentaries and magazines published back then or panels and stuff at conventions or even TV specials and those are all very... ephemeral. like I'm sure its all recorded somewhere but it takes a little more digging and hoping fan websites have the info. and thats doable I'm not asking anyone to help me with that btw i just havent done it yet cause i wanna get thru the show first or I'll have one billion spoilers from not being able to stop reading.
but i think the biggest thing for me rn on stargate is, again i watched atlantis first. and that started in and branched off of like season 8 of sg1. so i know a lot about The Ancients, since they were a big player in SGA, and every time something tangenally related to them comes up in SG1 i get super excited and wave my arms and jump up and down for Daniels attention cause i want him to discover Atlantis so bad. im so excited for him and oh god he has his earpods in he cant hear me-
anyways. connecting these two points..... i have to wonder watching things progress how much they planned ahead. how much did they set up like "... yeah we'll decide to make something of that later" and how much of it was "oh dude the fans are gonna FLIP when we make this reveal in two seasons" you know????? i can listen to stuff about gravity falls when hirch and co talk about how they had no idea where they were going. they were like "well he has a twin somewhere. for some reason. and hes..... well hes there." and they literally came up with the everything on the fly. and then even in Gargoyles, which is old like stargate too, i read apparently the writers called each other once like "WAIT HEY THIS CHARACTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING FIRST EPISODE? HOLY SHIT WHAT IF HE WAS THIS GUY-" sort of twist like.... way into the show lol
was that what was going on with The Ancients? and their whole..... ascended business? Orlin in this episode was very interesting cause i definitely recognized Oma D from a while back as an ancient, so i was glad Sam compared Orlin to her, but this was the first time theyre REALLY like "yup, that monk and myths of the jaffa werent just talk. this ascension biz is for real and a bigger deal than you thought" BUT! they still havent really connected it to the ancients. at all. i dont think daniel even said the writing on the machine Orlin helped build was ancient, and it didn't look like it, but then like.... Orlin also just said he was Human.
and was that true? WAS he human? humans can ascended, sure. but he also made a freakin stargate. in sam's basement. (Obadiah Stane voice) WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAPS!
... he already was the cause of death for people he cared about once for giving away too much information, i wouldnt be surprised if he lied about being human. but also wouldnt be surprised if the writers were like..... unsure and didnt care cause it doesnt matter lmao they were just vibing. you know. idk im sure Orlin and even Oma will get brought up AGAIN later, im only in the beginnings of season 5 after all and know some spoilers that the ascension thing ans ancients become a big deal later but. yeah its just interesting. i like picking apart creators minds for their stories and its just not possible in the same way on such an old show. even if i could ask them, they'd be having to recall through decades of memories that change as they have over the years. and that provides an interesting color on things as well but... its not the same as knowing what they were thinking back then.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
NGL kind of curious to know what you meant with regard to Smile being a sad kind of funny but that may be an excuse to experience the show secondhand while getting out of actually watching it...
NEVERTHELESS Garden already seemed super promising like 6 minutes in and I'm sooooo glad to hear it follows through... his character reminded me a lot of Shizuka in The Travel Nurse right off the bat (highly positive sign, that's my wife) but also Whore With A Terminal Illness is one of my favorite tropes... AND I get to see boobs... waow...
Don't Cry Mr. Ogre is def cute <3 Due to an atrocious viewing experience (as usual I guess) I do not remember much of Wish except that Tsutsumi read through some of the cookbooks they used to decorate the home set to pass the time LMAO but I hope you enjoy the rest of the movie :) See you at stream later!
LMAO if yaint plannin on watchin it then ill drop the FATTEST spoiler bombs ever. i suppose. i mean the spoilers arent anything Epic i guess but anyways. gonna put this ask under a cut since it's just turning into a review at this point LMAO
it's 'sad funny' to me because throughout the show, Our Japanese-Filipino Bestie vito constantly tells his love interest that he'll become a stronger person and he'll become better to protect her- yk that whole spiel. the problem with this is that Even Literally Hours Before He's Due To Be Executed For Murder, he's still telling her this when it's like... throughout the series Literally Every Episode or every other episode he's crying and having to rely on other people. there's nothing wrong with crying or needing help but he never sticks up for himself or does thing on his own, he ALWAYS ends up getting help or needing help.
the one time he DOES stand up for himself and protect her he's being punished for it Aka Being Put On Trial For Murder and it just leaves a really weird taste in my mouth. usually when you watch a show or movie you're waiting for some kind of character development but for our guy, it's not really there and it's just kind of sad to watch. but funny because he keeps saying he'll get better. but mostly sad.
i think i understand the angle of 'being a foreigner/perceived as a foreigner in japan is so arduous it can make someone not want to put in the effort, or theyre too scared to'- a type of Learned Helplessness right. but he's our protagonist: we're meant to see him stand up to these prejudices and want to advocate for himself, and tell us 'hey, just because things ARE this way doesn't mean they should be and it's right'. it's only because of kazuma (our Spoilers Korean-Japanese friend) that he's able to be acquitted for the death penalty- a penalty he wanted to accept because of the murder he committed (btw the guy he killed was the biggest jackass ever. like irredeemable. like he got vito in jail years ago and kidnapped him prior to his murder and wanted to put ANOTHER assault charge on him)
i get really itchy thinking about it.... korea and the philippines were both persecuted by japanese imperialism Thats A Fact, yet SEAsians are treated MUCH more differently compared to east asians. it's kind of funny (sad) how asians dont like each other and that there's almost a list of ethnicities more likely to get harsher treatment right- but i guess im getting off topic. it is something that was itching the back of my mind the entire time watching though
i'll pivot away from that Real Talk depressing-ass topic tho LMAOOOO im not the kind of guy for those discussions. 'whore with a terminal illness' is the funniest description HELP BUT IT'S TRUE THAT'S LITERALLY HIS CHARACTER i couldn't help but think of The Travel Nurse when i started watching too funnily enough... BUT YEAH I DO REC IT it's SOOOOOO good..... love it when nakai gets a terminal illness and now he has to be a family man..... it's a really specific set of circumstances but they deliver every time lol..... the show's p (✿U‿◕✿) bout the boobage i guess is a way to put it LMAO LIKE THEY NEVER LINGER AND IT'S P CASUAL but it is there and it did make me go Eyo like three times. since this ask is under a cut im at liberty to say im only asking for ONE (1) squeeze JUST ONE <- i am forcibly removed from the studio
MR OGRE WAS DEF CUTE i kept getting reminded of my old track coach lol..... im also just a baseball enjoyer so Unfortunately I Too was just sitting in my chair biting my knuckles during shit like saito bunting the ball instead of following obuchi's directions... lmao... anyways... i'm sorry to hear your Wish viewing experience wasn't good- it's cute that ttm was reading cookbooks on set tho LMAO
this ask is already nine hours long so i'll say i REALLy enjoyed wish. i already said so in my past post LOL but ill say it again in that i love crime stories, yet an aspect of crime stories that always get excluded or aren't as looked at in-depth is the family of those involved, whether they're the criminals or victims' parents. wish does a wonderful job at showing that off, and it was just a grand experience watching this family have to cope with all the bullshit goin on around them while simultaneously trying to figure out what happened to their son AND what's the right thing to believe.... was very epic to me....
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@truthuncovered ll  Tenko SC ( Hope’s Peak AU )
🌸 It’s only been a day or two since she had moved into her dorm at Hope’s Peak - and there was no end to the amount of things the Aikido master had never before within this building alone. Growing up in the mountains, far away from civilization or electricity...it was proving to make this whole experience pretty overwhelming to her. She’d never really had trouble sleeping before, and even if she knew it was due entirely to her nerves, it didn’t stop the fact that it was making things far worse for her.
She’d already forgotten what these electric lamps were this morning ( being more used to candlelight or ones that ran on oil ), and the flicker of a dying light-bulb in the library  had startled her into knocking it over in her paranoid, sleep deprived state. She’d just started thinking about the best way of going about it when...
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“Hey, degenerate! Watch where you’re stepping!” She takes the other student by the arm, pushing him back gently enough that he wouldn’t fall over with how she almost sees him step on the shards of broken glass. The consequences of what she’d just done didn’t hit her until moments later, to which she let out a growl of frustration.
“Ah- g-geez! What did I do that for? Touching a degenerate male like you...t-this is exactly the type of thing my master warned me about! Now whatever energy I had this morning is bound to be sapped away because I tried helping you...” 
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reds-burrow · 2 years
Good evening! I was hoping to hear your thoughts on something, if thats alright? I am working on figuring out my secondary at the moment and need a person to bounce off of. So... here goes. I invest in the people around me. But i am very aware that i am doing so. It is very consciously done. I understand the benefits that come with being a good, nice person and so i do it. I'll bring you food i make from scratch. I'll help you when you're in a tight spot. I'll be the shoulder you can cry on. I really do enjoy helping others but there is usually an underlying reason why i invest in those around me besides me simply being a nice person. Now, most all people like me. But the couple that don't, really REALLY don't. I always ask them why they don't out of sheer curiosity. I wonder what i did wrong. What could i possibly have done to make you disdain me? Each of them said to me basically, "I can see through you. I know who you really are." That scared the shit out of me. Instantly, my defenses went up. It was like i barricaded myself from them, even though i had no real reason to do so. I cut contact with them. Then, later on i start questioning myself and my actions. I get filled with self doubt. Am i the good person i thought i was? I brought my neighbors homemade cookies, but did i REALLY care about them at the time? I lend a helping hand whenever i can, but do these people actually mean anything to me? Or did i just do it because i am some sort of narcissistic psychopath? Am i only nice as a means to an end? I freak right out. I suddenly dont know who i am. I dont understand myself. It really screws with my brain because, you know, being a really nice psychopath seems a bit oxymoronic. Is this indicative of any specific secondary? Or am i just crazy? I dont know my primary either, btw. I think ive narrowed it down to bird or badger but im not sure yet. Thank you for your time!
Okay, first and foremost: you were doing good. And in my book, in this random stranger on the internet's book, consistently doing good is all that matters. I'm not as interested in what you think in your head as I am in your actions. If you bring me a cookie because you think it makes you look kind, I will happily take the cookie and think you're kind because that was a kind action. And maybe this is an overly simplistic, overly pragmatic point of view, but this world is way too complicated to judge people on anything but their consistent actions. Many people have "bad" thoughts; it's what we do and the words we choose to share that shape who we are out here in reality. In your personal, internal reality? Whether or not that internal you is good is up to you and you alone. But I believe that simply recognizing that doing good things affords you benefits (people may reciprocate, people give you positive attention, you feel the ease of a clear conscious, etc.) doesn't automatically invalidate your efforts or disqualify you as a good person. None of what you wrote sounds crazy. In fact, it sounds incredibly human. Evolution has wired us to be community-minded creatures, meaning we feel good when we help others. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it. And seeing you worry about being a good person tells me that you most likely are.
Okay, I better quit the philosophy talk while I'm still making a modicum of sense. Onto your sorting.
The entire question of whether you can be a good person because you are consciously choosing to act like one is dancing the line between being a Secondary or a Primary discussion. You said you might be a Bird Primary, and I'd definitely lean that way since you've heavily implied that you consciously choose what is "good" as well. But ultimately that was just the implication. I suggest you examine how you came to the conclusion that investing in people is "good" as a starting place for determining your Primary. If any part of it is a subconscious instinct to help people, I'd say there's a good chance you're a Badger instead.
As far as your Secondary, feeling like you have a part of yourself that you don't usually show others, this second motive idea, all sounds like a Bird or Snake. The way you describe barricading yourself from others when you were scared also sounds like the social armor Circumventing Secondaries use. And then you keep using the word "invest" which is one of those key Built Secondary words. I'm not about to suggest cooking from scratch is a Built Secondary hobby only (anyone can enjoy that), but it does sound like you're using food as one of the tools in your repertoire to put people at ease. So, I suspect you're a Bird Secondary. You don't give any information on how you solve problems with no social element, however, so I suggest also examining how you solve these Single-Player problems to confirm or refute my impression. For instance, you can look at how you cook, especially when tackling a new recipe. Or if you discover you are missing an ingredient while cooking, how do you handle it? Or can you not relate to that at all because you always keep your pantry full and prepared? While all you've given me here reads like a Bird, I still see a possibility of you being a Snake Secondary, so you should try to examine how often, if at all, you find yourself trusting and acting on your gut reaction alone. Snakes will be comfortable with this, but Birds won't be.
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rosachaotic · 3 years
Remember when i said Talbott and Cereza werent over? Yeah.
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I promised yall i would write a continuation of this. For those dont remember that happend, here
Anyways enjoy the fanfic!
Warning: none?? Its more just angst then fluff.(but sorry for my bad english and wording im not very good at writing and I wrote this on mobile)
It's been two months and few days since the big argument Talbott and Cereza had on the hospital wings.
This all happened because Cereza tried to do all the investigation and take down R by herself, but of course that plan failed and it backfired on her very badly. She fought the wizard in white and almost died because of it, losing her consciousness after he ran away, fortunately she was found by Moody who was searching for her after her twin brother said she went missing and was taken to the hospital wings.
She was scolded for it of course, and after that her friends went to visit her. All of her friends were worried for her, especially her twin brother Michael who jumped into her hugging her tight, crying, not realizing her whole body was in pain before he quickly let her go.
After a long chat with her friends and twin brother Talbott got in but he didn't look happy, he asked for everyone to leave him and Cereza alone because he wanted to talk to her, everyone left confused to what was going on.
Outside people could hear both Talbott and Cereza arguing with each other, Talbott was disappointed that Cereza lied to everyone including him about not having any information that could be useful for Circle ot Khanna and that she did is by herself he thought she was dead she could have died because of her reckless decision, Cereza tried to explain herself by saying she thought what she was doing was the right because she wanted to protect everyone which didn't make Talbott feel any less worse but the opposite. Both kept arguing with each other until Talbott storms out of hospital wings not looking at his friend's faces who were waiting outside, Penny tried to stop him but he just ignored her and walked away, once everyone back inside to the hospital they saw Cereza holding back her tears but she did a very job at it once everyone was inside and started crying.
Cereza rarely saw Talbott after what happened, she only saw him on the classes they shared but even then he didn't even talk to her, she decided to let it be not wanting to bother Talbott and she thought that this was the end of their relationship. This broke her alot, the happy girl that was always smiling and giggling all the time wasn't there anymore, not only she felt bad for what she did but she thought she lost one of the people she loved the most.
That was until Cereza got a letter in the morning, Andre gave it to her and said "It's from Talbott." She quickly opened the letter and read the paper that said:
"We need to talk. Meet me after dinner in the courtyard."
She thanked Andre for the letter who nodded and said "I hope everything works out for you guys." And left, Cereza also hoped that things would work out but she couldn't help but feel anxious about it. What did he want to talk about after dinner? Why did it have to wait?
"Does he want to end our relationship once and for all?" Cereza thought all day, Cereza knew how to be patient but this waiting was killing her.
During dinner she barely ate anything, Rowen(M!Rowan) was trying to make her eat something but she couldn't.
"You have to eat something, you can't sleep with an empty stomach." Said Rowen, worried for his best friend trying to make her eat. He knew about the letter, Cereza told him about it and he knew how nervous and anxious she was because of it.
"I can't, this wait is killing me.'' Cereza said anxiously.
She then looked around, noticing that Talbott wasn't at the ravenclaw table or at any table of the other houses.
"Did you see Talbott walk in?" Asked Cereza, still looking around, Rowen shook his head.
"No, I didn't, I don't think he is coming for dinner today." Rowen took a bite of his food as he said that.
"Why? Do you know about something??"
"No, no, but...Penny said she didn't see all day, he didn't go to any of his classes." Cereza felt her heart drop, this wasn't like him, he would NEVER miss any class, if there was something Talbott was proud of himself is that he was an excellent student.
"This isn't like him…" Whispered Cereza."I cant, i have to go."
"Wha- B-But dinner time isn't over yet!"
"I'm sorry Rowen, but I have to go."
"...Okay, good luck Cere!"
Cereza nodded and left the great hall running, she opened the big door to the corridor and rushed past the students to the courtyard.
As she got outside she looked around.
There he was, sitting on the tree trunk looking at the stars just like he would when he waited for her for their dates.. Cereza sighed with relief knowing that Talbott was okay...or was he?
She took a deep breath and walked toward him, stopping right before him.
"Hey…" Talbott jumped at hearing Cereza's voice, he was probably so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear her walk in.
"Oh, Sorry I didn't hear you coming in…" Said Talbott awkwardly.
"Its okay…"
"Penny said she didn't see you all day, you also didn't come for dinner as well."
"I felt sick all day and I wasn't hungry."
"Oh...I'm sorry, I hope you're better now."
Silence took over, the only sound they heard was the cold night wind, making things kinda awkward. Until Talbott coughed and said
"Sit here with me." He tapped right next to him, Cereza then climbed the tree trunk and sat right next to him.
Again, the awkward silence.
Cereza then looked at the sky, it was a pretty starry night, she could see some shooting stars.
" The night is beautiful tonight isn't it?" Asked Talbott, breaking the silence.
"Yeah. It is beautiful."
"It reminds me of when we used to have our dates here, you would make wishes for the shooting stars."
"Stupid wishes, I know." Cereza giggled at her own stupid self.
"I never thought they were stupid." Said Talbott.
"Even the one where I wished for a giant puffskein?"
Cereza shook her head smiling a little bit and she also noticed Talbott was smiling a little as well, she missed seeing him smile, but they weren't there to watch the stars.
"Hey, if that's your wish, who am i to judge?
"Listen, I-I know you said you wanted to talk to me in your letter, but I want to say something first." Said Cereza nervously, while staring at the floor.
"...Go ahead."
She took a deep breath and then looked at his warm striking hazel, who met her golden eyes. Then she finally said:
"...I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry for what I did, Talbott. It was very dumb of me try to all of that on my own and it was and it was insensitive and bad of me not to tell you guys the information I had about R."
"I should have trusted you all to defend yourselves without my help, I shouldn't have lied to you guys about not finding anything."
"Cereza listen-"
"I shouldn't have done that, I could have died and i didn't thought about how you, my family and the rest of our friends would feel about it if I died, you were right when you said things wouldn't get any better if I-"
Cereza jumped at Talbott who raised his voice at her, he gripped her shoulders and made her look at him, his eyes staring at her but he didn't look angry he looked sad.
"Just...listen to me please."
Cereza nodded and whispered "sorry" and let him talk.
"Look...after what happened, i couldn't stop thinking about that night on hospital wings. That night kept playing in my head over and over every time I went to bed...I felt awful"
"I felt awful, Cereza. After I calmed down I realized what I just did and how I shouldn't have talked to you that way, but it was too late, I was already at my dorm and I couldn't bring myself to come back."
"I was ashamed."
"Is that the reason why you were avoiding me?"
Talbott nodded, he took a deep breath as if was holding himself to not cry.
"I thought you hated me."
"So I avoided you and everyone else as well, it was painful."
"Tal I-"
"I should have thought of your feelings, how were you feeling that made you do all of that yourself."
"...You had all the rights to react the way you did, it was a stupid and dangerous decision that I made."
"But I still shouldn't have said those things to you."
"I let my emotions take over me, my heart dropped when I saw Moody carrying you to the hospital wings....blood all over you and you unconscious and i thought i lost you..."
"When i heard you were alive, I was so happy and relieved...but when i heard about why you did that when I heard Michael talking to Moody I...I dont know what came over me, i was angry and disappointed"
"...I know-"
"Not only on you, but mostly on myself"
"..W-why? Why were you angry at yourself??"
"Because I thought I failed you, I couldn't protect you, I couldn't be there for you."
"But it wasn't your fault-"
"Let me finish..."
"But that doesn't excuse what I did, i didnt think about what you were feeling, how you were feeling. Your feelings that made you do this and your feelings after it...I called you selfish but I was even more selfish…"
Cereza's hand went to Talbott's cheek, who jumped at her touch but then rested his face on her hand holding her hand even more close to his face. He closed his eyes while he felt her warmth on his skin again after so long.
"I'm sorry Cereza, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for everything."
"I forgive you."
Talbott's eyes quickly opened as he looked at her, he was surprised but it also looked like a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. She continued:
"But...do you forgive me as well?"
"Of course I do."
Cereza also felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders as well, she smiled as she felt tears run down her face and she had to take off her glasses to clean it.
"I-I thought...I thought you called me to end everything between us." Said Cereza as she cried while she tried to clean her tears off her face. She was shaking a little and her breath was also shaky.
"I would never do that." He whispered. "If anything, I was more afraid of you wanting to break up with me."
Talbott got closer to her and hugged tight on to his body, catching her by surprise.
Cereza returned the tight hug, smiling while tears rolled down her face, Talbott also had tears rolling down his face who tried to hide by hiding his face on her shoulder but his shaky breath and the way he sniffed quietly gave it away he was crying. Cereza's hand went to Talbott's hair and was caressing his hair.
"I thought I was going to lose you." Whispered Talbott, not wanting to let her go.
"I thought the same thing…" Cereza whispered back, kissing his head.
Both of them stopped hugging each other as they cleaned their faces but still kept close, Talbott's hand travelled to Cereza's face and caressed her cheek, his hand was cold as always but Cereza never cared about that, she liked his touch.
They both stared at each other, they both knew it was awkward the way they stared at each other but they did not care, their gazes were filled with intense love.
Talbott kept his hand on Cereza's cheek and kissed her other cheek gently but his face didn't move away, in fact he kept face very close to hers moving only a little to her lips, their noses were touching each other and they could feel their heavy breaths, Cereza closed her eyes as she felt her heartbeat go very fast and her face was red, Talbott heart also felt like it was going to jump from his mouth and even his ears were dark red. He brushed his nose on to hers but then kissed her nose, he caressed her cheek once more smiling, Cereza then opened her eyes and saw his smile and smiled back at him. Both of them giving loving smiles at each other.
"I love you." Said Talbott.
Cereza's hand went to Talbott's face and to his cheek as well, as she sighed and smiled again.
"I love you too, meu amor.'
Talbott's smile grew as he heard again the loving way Cereza called him using her first language, while they didn't have their first kiss yet what matters is that they were both together again.
"Just promise to me that you will be more careful." Said Talbott.
Cereza nodded.
"I will...but, do you promise to never leave my side?" Asked Cereza, Talbott chuckled and said:
"I promise, my sunshine."
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tauremornalome · 4 years
jc/lwj? this had not occurred to me but i'm thinking about it now and i am Intrigued. it seems extremely sad, which i like about it.
disclaimer, i am Really Bad at talking about things i like in fiction because dhdgsjdhdj Words Difficult (and also its almost 2 am rn)
BUT aaaaa yes!! extremely sad and angry, both of them. excellent mixture. let them argue and also kiss about it.
imagine you are jiang cheng and you lost Everything and you have like 3 relatively calm years to get your shit together. your sect, kinda isolated from others by the fact that you are not sworn bros with 3zun. your nephew, who is a baby and then a toddler and whose existence reminds you about everything you've lost. your own emotions - haha, good luck getting that in order lmao. for the expected period of time (or maybe a lil longer) you wear mourning robes, ONLY for your SISTER of-FUCKING-course (and you will whip anyone who suggests that you might be also maybe grieving wei wuxian).
also you saved that spooky flute and you rlly don't know what to do with it so you Repress Emotions Even Harder. and maybe hope someones gonna come and collect it (someone whos NOT jin guangyao, that lil snake. fuck off jin guangyao you are NOT getting yiling patriarch's flute. Stop Breaking Into My Chambers And Trying To Steal It)
and then. and then lan FUCKING wangji leaves his seclusion in Dramatic and also Very Fashionable Mourning Robes and you are like, ohhh master lan did someone die at the cloud recesses?? but wangji shoots you The Glare and of course you know who he is mourning. and you try very hard not to lose ur patience, right, and you wait for him to like maybe Stop and Get Over It, come on. but he doesn't, and also looks at you like you should be ashamed for not doing the same as him.
(also wangjis got a kid now and you perhaps remember a toddler running around the burial mounds, and you listen to the lan clan go "oh yes its hanguang juns illegitimate son, mhm. his name is Lan Imissweiying" and you are like. HOW is anyone buying this dumb story)
Yeah now imagine you are lan zhan and There Is No More Joy In Your Life, Birth Is A Curse And Existence Is A Prison, and you leave your seclusion being still depressed as fuck, and theres that guy who basically kind of killed wei ying. and even if he didnt kill him he still, you know, attempted. so. and that guy is apparently now famous for hunting demonic cultivators for sport??? for who knows what purposes but rlly probably nothing good considering he's whipping them with sexy lightning whip. and you are like, hey, i am ALSO gonna hunt demonic cultivators. No I Dont Know What Imma Do With Them. maybe ill find wei ying, u kno, since i lost my purpose in life anyway.
for the record, jiang cheng is probably also not sure what for hes hunting demonic cultivators. he has NO idea what hes gonna do if he actually finds wei wuxian.
So they probably keep running into each other??? And being VERY pissed off about it. knowing jiang cheng hes gonna yell at lwj for everything Except nightless city, and knowing lan zhan hes gonna reply "mn. btw u killed wei ying" to every single sentence jc says to him.
Yeah look I AM WEAK and also i read way too much foe yay not to want this to turn into Angry Depressed Desperate Making Out, u kno.
so they are both angry, repressed and depressed and well dressed so they have sex about it instead of going to therapy and Somehow it helps. Not because of the Depression-Curing Dick trope which i hate but because they look at each other afterwards and go "uh, fuck, things have gotten REALLY bad if im sleeping with HIM to forget about it"
and then they probably have sex again and again because they are still fucking stupid
other thots i have about jc/lwj include:
- them begrudgingly working together to bring down some wwx impersonator while still hating each others guts
- jc confronting lwj about sizhui and the Dumbest Cover Story Ever
- idk yet im thinking bout this but i Really need a situation where its CRUCIAL that wangji uses musical cultivation but doesnt have his guqin bc some dumb reasons and jc is like, here, catch this and gives him freakin Chenqing and wangji wants to Murder him but plays the damn flute bc otherwise they are gonna die and as jc pointed out sizhui will be left alone in the world
- lwj IS DEFINITELY GONNA FIGURE OUT THE GOLDEN CORE THING come on. wangji is hurt or sth and jc uses spiritual energy to heal him and suddenly wangjiis like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THIS SPIRITUAL PATTERN WHATS GOING ON bonus points if hes like. Delirious and starts calling for wei ying and jiang cheng invents 23 new swearwords to let him know what he thinks about him
- jc at some point awkwardly tries to give chenqing to lan wajgji but lwj gives it back to him
yeah and at some point they Stop having sex about it, and they both kind of.... Calm Down, and wangji is still wearing the mourning robes but hes less obnoxious about it, and jiang cheng still whips ppl but now he has a better idea of what hes gonna do if he finds wei wuxian.
and they are... friends.... now? neither of them will say it out loud but like. They Are Friends Now.
and then when they are basically almost done with Unhealthy Grieving Mechanisms wei wuxian actually comes back to life and ????¿??¿??¿¿¿?? Fuck, thinks lan zhan. Fuck, thinks jiang cheng.
......ahem. SORRY, this has gotten slightly out of hand. Im Emotional about it.
theres one fic on ao3 that i really love and which expresses a lot of the things about this that i couldnt express; i will link it in the replies when i find it
TL;DR they are both too angry and have their brains Fucked Up by wwx's death, they are not willing to go to therapy so they should at least kiss about it; also go read the fic i linked in the replies because its excellent
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so since your the almighty one everyone comes to to theorize things i'm here with somethin of curiosity. i've seen people before mention that if cinnabar went with phos or was least involved in all of this none of this whole disaster would've happen. your thoughts? and how right or wrong do ya think this assumption is? ljksfljksf just curious lol.
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thanks for the trust, im just a nerd with a blog.
Talking if’s and but’s is fun for speculation’s sake but take whatever im about to say with a few grains of salt because these are just farfetched hypothesis. also sorry this came out super long, im very verbose when it comes to shinsha
I’ve touched on the subject of Shinsha going to the moon with Phos a few times (like here), but I think its important to determine when, exactly, Shinsha would come with Phos.
Are we speaking of a completely different timeline, one where Phos asked Shinsha to become their partner since the very beginning? If that’s the case, I cant really see Phos becoming interested in finding the truth about Sensei or the lunarians and the two would keep on being good friends until one of them was abducted or someone else decided to embark on a journey to unveil the truth.
Are we speaking of a timeline where Shinsha accepts to go to the moon in chapter 52? That’s a tricky one because Cinnabar had pretty strong reasons to refuse to go. Maybe im just very paranoid about characterization, even if this is not fanfic, but it would be very out of character of them to come with Phos and put aside their pride for the umpteenth time, after Phos used them and brushed them off over and over during the years.
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I think that the reason why people say that if Cinnabar went with Phos this whole disaster (the rift btw moon and earth gems, the night raid and Phos becoming a war criminal) wouldn’t have happened is because Cinnabar has always been good at channeling Phos’ chaos. 
What Cinnabar brought to Phos’ personality was direction, caution and insight. It is not by chance that, the second Phos could no longer rely on Shinsha for counsel, things rapidly escalated toward madness.
The last of Phos and Cinnabar’s conversations happens in chapter 61, way too late to mend things: Phos should have talked with cinnabar sooner, but under Lapis’ influence and crescent grief they were growing colder and more impatient and they never understood Cinnabar enough to know that Shinsha was truly interested in helping them. Phos hurt Cinnabar for the last time in chapter 52, proving Cinnabar once more that they were not the right person to help Cinnabar and that Shinsha’s trust had been misplaced. Their last conversation, in chapter 61, can be nothing else than a disaster.
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I’ve written a whole meta on how Shinsha was about to shake Phos’ outstretched hand. If Phos didn’t take back their offer, Shinsha would have come with them to the moon. 
To mend things and have Shinsha come with Phos, then, we’d have to change an important line of dialogue like the one where phos takes back their offer (“can we go together?… or so I’d like to say”) and/or when phos pretends not to hear shinsha when cinnabar asks them to please not go. 
we gotta make it so that either shinsha swallows their pride and explains things to phos, or phos doesnt pretend they didnt hear them.
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Now, I’ll give myself and other Shinsha stans out there a moment to contemplate the fact that we were robbed of Shinsha in lunarian clothes, as well as the fact that we were robbed of the amazing and heartfelt dialogue that would have followed phos hearing cinnabar’s plea and listening to them. This manga is so cruel, truly. 
With Shinsha on Phos’ side, im gonna explore two possible scenarios among dozens that might have happened:
Canon divergence 1:
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Shinsha and Phos go to the moon alone following that alternative dialogue in chapter 52. This means that the first time phos goes to the moon, cinnabar is with them.
for this plan to work, phos probably doesnt need cairn’s complicity. i imagined cinnabar and phos could be abducted in a scene reminiscing of chapter 2, when they first meet and cinnabar saves phos.  
on the moon, phos is not alone to face the truth of the dusted gems, they’re not alone to listen to aechmea’s explanations and lies and they’re not alone bargaining with aechmea. cinnabar is shrewd and attentive, patient, smart, and they always advised phos well. add to this the fact that, since they agreed on coming to the moon together, these two dumbasses finally made a few steps toward proper communication.
as the power team ive always known they can be, shinsha and phos balance each other pretty well. i can see shinsha convincing phos to stay on the moon longer to learn more about the truth (phos only stayed 2 months the first time). Assuming that Shinsha doesn’t accept (pls don’t accept) to have someone suppress their poison (assuming its something the lunarians can do), their mercury is a pretty strong weapon and it could give them some bargaining power over the moon people. 
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also im not sure how the pearl eye thing would work: to control them effectively, aechmea would need to implant a spy on both shinsha and phos, but would he be afraid of their mercury? after all it’s something even lunarians have “a hard time” healing padpa from after the night raid. so let’s give divergence!Shinsha self-confidence points for finding out their mercury is cool and good.   
now things start to become really different from canon. shinsha is considered reliable by the earth gems, so with two gems rather than only phos to advocate for the moon people’s cause, the earth gems might be more prone to believe them and phos might not need to pull off their rebellion thing.
which means no rift between moon and earth gems, which means no cairnmea arc, no night raid, no nearly-dead padpa and no to at least a dozen new emotional traumas for our phos.
i wish i could be more precise than this, but at this point the story could develop in so many directions that i’d leave it to your own imagination. my biggest point of concern is phos becoming human. if they dont acquire the pearl eye they wont be human enough to activate sensei and that would be a huge problem.
Canon divergence 2:
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Shinsha follows Phos to the moon the second time Phos goes(chapter 62). this makes less sense character-wise, but I’m gonna explore this option anyway because it allows me to include other gems as well.
Cinnabar’s judgment is trusted, they’re smart. If Shinsha decided to come, other gems might follow their example, like Rutile. Rutile wanted to go and they’re friends with Cinnabar. They might gloss over their attempt to ask for Sensei’s permission if Shinsha guarantees for Phos’ plan. However, if Rutile comes, Padparadscha will stay on earth (as Rutile says in chapter 62). Even if Padpa came to the moon, they would be under Rutile’s influence and/or they’d have to take Rutile’s feelings into account. It’s possible that they would have less room to operate freely.
If Padpa and Rutile come, a lot of other gems could follow. To the point it would be hard to keep the escape a secret. The rift between moon and earth gems could run deeper than in Canon: worst case scenario there could be a fight between the two groups, best case scenario the two groups talk it out and some gems decide to trust Phos while others stay on earth. Cairn is a wild card whose behavior im not entirely sure about. Its possible that they would simply not follow Phos if Phos already had a partner with them (Shinsha) and we’d be spared the whole cairnmea arc and if that’s not something worth celebrating I don’t know what is.
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Once again, if Shinsha is with Phos, they’ll push Phos to think before they act. They could help Phos strengthen their position as leader and use their mercury to give the gems some bargaining power over the moon people. I can see Shinsha acting a little like Amethyst 84: interested in the moon, maybe more wary, cold, objective…
The night raid would not necessarily be the failure it was. Shinsha would be on Phos’ side and spare Phos the emotional trauma they woke up to in chapter 72, when they realized that Cinnabar, the one person they thought a friend, attacked them. With Phos and Padpa’s strength, numbers and Shinsha’s mercury on their side, the moon gems would win. Earth and moon gems could finally talk and solve the problem.
The question is whether Phos was human enough during the night raid. If they asked Sensei to pray, would he activate already? Otherwise, everyone’s efforts would be in vain and the earth gems could assume the others lied or maybe aechmea could decide to turn everyone to dust and implement yet another plan.
soooo to sum this up: yeah, i do think that if cinnabar came with phos a lot of drama could have been avoided. maybe not all of it, maybe new drama would have ensued, but that’s life. still, it would have been very out of character both for phos and for cinnabar to go together to the moon. and ichikawa would never give up the cairnmea arc.
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misas-biggest-fan · 6 years
are you reading/have you read any good fics that you'd recommend? I'm always looking for more good DN content!
heck YES anon lets do this!! also turns out i read a lot of B stuff LOL no surprise there NOW in no particular order!!
this isn’t a noir film by side-ho-ryuuzaki. WAY too cute and it takes place in LA!! L and Light are work partners solving a crime together. L has a real hard time trying to figure out how to charm Light and it is SO cute he’s so awkward! it’s all very sweet and charming and i admire side-ho-ryuuzaki’s dedication to posting schedule!!
at the heart of justice by LNaomi, where Naomi comes to work for L and they solve cases together! Very very cute and sweet, I love their relationship, and the climax had me on the edge of my seat!! the sequel has started too and it’s going to feature B and we all know how i feel abt him LOL, so i’m SUPER ready!!
heathens by sociopathicarchangel where B and A live together after LABB while B is in a special confinement. very very cool and fun!! I enjoy the characterization of B and A bc it’s way different from my own, so it’s fun to see something new! it’s also very creative!! :D
who said death was easy by thatonekawaiigirl13 !! super cool fic with an honestly rly interesting and fun oc, keiko! She enters the story from the beginning and her presence changes things in the story for L and Light! It’s a lot of fun, steph writes the canon character’s lines, like, PERFECTLY!!
trembling before the machinery of other skeletons by youremyqueen. it details different relationships B’s had in his life. it is very sad and might make you cry bc i nearly did!! she also has other B fics ik and im working my way through them slowly bc theyre so good! 
good nights by skinandpit. AH ok so found this one recently and nearly keeled over with joy. B and misa get together behind Light’s back in a normal life AU. the characterization of B in this au like literally, i mean, im obsessed, ive read this like 3 times. He’s trans and he’s rly rly sweet w misa, which is like, my jam on multiple different levels. he lives w his brother L, recently got out of jail (what for idk), has trouble keeping jobs, feels like everyone thinks he’s a burden, and he’s Desperate For Attention. He’s a hot mess, it’s like, the ideal B characterization in my mind. this person also has multiple other B fics that i also read and loved but this is my favorite. it says its a first chapter, but it hasn’t been updated in a while. fingers crossed it does, i commented like 3 times, but if not it still makes a sick one shot. this person ALSO has other B fics that I also love love loved, but this was my fav for sure
she lives with little joy or fear by jettiebettie. this was another awesome find! this person also has multiple B fics, but this was my favorite. B sends Naomi puzzles and letters from prison and he’s very very in character and it’s also sweet!! a big favorite bc i love seeing naomi and B interact.
campfire stories by lallorona04. this is a story for their super cool and fun monster AU and i am an absolute sucker for monsters in any capacity. there’s only one chapter rn, which was super cute and fun!! and definitely one to keep your eye on for more :D
silent partner, unfinished business by huitzil. they recently sent this to me and i haven’t had the chance to crack it open yet, but it looks super good and fun and i can’t wait!! it’s got misa and naomi and i LOVE them both!!
ALSO since we’re talking fics, i have to tell you abt mine!! LOL these two are part of a series. i’m writing them both simultaneously and you can read them that way too, if youd like! my username on AO3 is MisasBiggestFan! also i deal primarily in platonic relationships which like, ik lots of people dont like, but!! if you give it a shot maybe youll think its fun!!
an exercise in minute details. L and Light live next to each other in an apartment complex and torment each other in an effort to connect. Meanwhile, Light’s ordering hitmen on the side and L is trying to bust him and neither of them know that the other knows!! They have a lot of tender moments. (they’re both trans and aroace and i spend a good amount of time talking abt their identities, which like, idk if anyone else digs that, but it’d be super appealing in a fic to me personally.)
a means to an end. B escapes prison almost immediately after LABB and begs Naomi to help him find and save his best friend, A, from killing themself. However, Naomi has a hard time trusting B, despite how much she’s finding that she loves him and enjoys spending time w him. At the same time, in flashbacks, B tells A abt their lifespan and it tears A apart. (A and B are both nonbinary!! B is aroace and Naomi is bi
DISCLAIMER!! i already know im forgetting fics. if you dont see your fic here but you know ive read it, chances are i loved it to death and only forgot to include it now bc im v tired and a little overwhelmed! ALSO !!! if you have a fic youd like to me to read, pls pls send it my way!! i dont do sex-heavy stuff or non-con, but otherwise id love to read everyone’s stuff!
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crue6xx · 5 years
It's cool pt2 [Nikki×Reader]
Warning:smut, mentions of sex and such
Also:some kink? Shit I think i dunno
You and Nikki have been heated since your last vacation, with Nikki on tour you still hang out and have time for some fun but barely.
And all those blonde girls festering over him you dont mind but you could loose the weight of them, but one night on a tour after a super crazy hiped up show Nikki is in his dressing room you walk in and hes all sweaty and out of breathe he ran over to you nd kissed your cheek "hey ima take a shower" he rushed to the restroom in his dressing room.
You sat down and waited for Nikki to finish his shower, you started hearing moaning and groans, you were a mix of anger and confusion you rushed to the restroom and busted the shower curtain to the side and saw Nikki in the corner of the shower with his dick in hand with his head thrown back
"Oh, Nikki I thought...nevermind" you turned around and stood still for some seconds you started hearing Nikki goign at it again, you soon walked out the room.
You had fone home to the apartment with the boys and you had been napping in Nikki's room. "Yeah I was in thw shower jerking off and ahe just came in like a swat team" Nikki tols the guys "hey I thought you were with Stacy- you stumbled into the room with messy hair and one of Nikki's shirts on and some jean booty shorts you plopped on the couch, "what's up guys" you say with your elbow on the edge of the sofa holding your tilted head, "not much" the guys stepped out of the room to go grab some beers you and Nikki stayed inside "hey Nikki who's Stacy I heard the giys talking"
"No one baby" he said softly "are you sure"
"Look baby I cant get into it" he said trying to give you the hint "c'mon Nikki, sometimes I gotta hear it" "you don't trust me" he looked confused at this point you can really understand anything "I do, I just wanna know" you say making him soft "fine, Stacy was a groupie and she used me to make money and basically become rich off me use me for sex and money and lt broke me" you felt bad about it "as Nikki its ok I won't ever do that to you I love you" he smiled.
It was getting hot in the room, Nikki took his shirt off *damn his has abs* you thought starring at him and biting your lip without knowing "hey what was that huh" Nikki asked raising an eyebrow, snapping out of your trance "huh? Oh nothing" you smiled Nikki laughed.
Nikki had been looking hot sitting down already but you almost melted in a puddle to Nikki unzipping and unbuttoning his pants but keeping them on, he wasnt wearing hnderwear so you saw his pubes a little bit just starring at them he looked at and lauhges while kicking the coffe table a bit
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(Btw no ome ia there but you and Nikki so pretend Tommy ain't there)
You notice Nikki grabbing his dick through his pants and intensely rubbing it as kicking the table, "what ya looking at" he barked at you hinting to it "huh nothing" "cmon don't play dumb tell me" you blushed "your giant fucking boner sticking out" Nikki chucked and looked down a bit squeezing the outline of his dick harder in the moment "you want a ride?" Nikki said submissively raising an eyebrow, you got up and sat down beside Nikki on the couch on his side curling into him with his arm aournd your shoulder whilst kissing.
Nikki and you started feeling tgis intence stigma while kissing passionately, Nikki grabbed you and placed you on his lap with your arms around his shoulders and making out, both of your tounges fighting and intwrtwining with each other,after the 20 second make out sesaion on his lap, while bouncing on his lap you kept feeling his rock hard dick rub your clit a little bit, you slightly moan.
Nikki slid his jeans down to his ankles revealing his giant boner you are so horny right now, you take off your bootly shorts ass Nikki slaps your ass and removes your shirt and uncips your bra throwing them to the floor, he toys with your breasts squeezing them and sucking your nipples making you tingle with goosebumps, the hair on tour neck stands out, you feel Nikki's hand run down you legs and reach your inner thigh rubbing your clit until slipping his finger in "your so wet baby" he groaned as your wrapped your hand on his joystick, he teased almost to death "please baby please" you begged Nikki he only smirked and stuck a third finger up you causing you summer "oh Nikki fuck me Nikki I want you to fuck me..please" you begged him mercilessly he had his tip almost in "you want me to what?" "Nikki please..i need you" "tell me what do i do" he smirked "GOD DAMN IT NIKKI FUCK ME I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME" "thats my girl" he stuck it in hard and fast his hips moving up and down as you bounced on his lap, tossing your head back in pleasure, "oh Nikki" you grabbed his locks of black bushy hair "harder....faster" "hmm I can't hear you" "faster" Nikki amped up the speed making you moan loudly and curse words flying out your mouth like all he'll breaking loose.
"Baby I can't......last" Nikki slapped your ass "well im no where near done so hold it in" Nikki going harder and faster deeper and everything with his hands on your hips as he rubbed your clit slowly "Nikki I'm.....oh nikki I'm gonna cum" "no not yet hold it" he moaned and groaned " fuck yeah, god your so fucking wet and warm inside" he went faster and faster and harder and finally you couldn't take it "Nikki please I can't...i can't hold it anymore" "almost there just one more second" Nikki literally rammed you hard "I'm gonna m....cum" he started moaning loudly, "oh fuck babe, cum on my dick, yeah cum all over my hard dick" he said twice you finally came with chills down your back and scrapping his back with your nails tossing your head back "oh Nikki...oh fuck" Nikki pulled out fast and came all over your breasts and clit "oh shit babe" you looked at him in the eyes "god i love you Nikki" he smiled and kissed you looking down noticing he ia still pumping cum out still 6 seconds after you though he was done "omg Nikki how much are you pumping" "I veen savjng up all day since the shower I never got ro finish" you both laughed.
You bent over to grab your clothes only to see 6 pairs of shoes, you look up Mick, Vince, and Tommy all standing there "omg shit" you screech and grab your shirt and cover yourself "how long have you been stand- "2 minutes" Mick says blankly Nikki just sitting back smirking but embarrassed "woah dude nice load"Tommy says looking over vinces shoulder "wow Nikki I disnt expect to walk in and see you fucking your girl in our couch and yelling cum on my dick but I did" Vince says kind of surprised "well I'm nit surprised" Mick says grabbing a bottle of jack Daniel's and plopping on the couch opposite to were you are you put your shirt on and hop off Nikki's lap and sit next to him curling up in his side with his arm wrapped around you "Nikki pulls up his jeans, still unbuttoned and unzipped "I didnt expect to be walked in on while cumming so mt bad" Nikki saying sarcastically "it's cool" Tommy says on rhe couch as Nikki takes his embarrassment.
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franeridart · 7 years
Didn't they all take the practical exam at the same time in the manga?? I'm confused....
Yeah, they changed that part orz I’m really unhappy about that for a number of reasons, but I guess their reasoning was that they wanted the anime to end with the Baku Deku vs All Might fight and in the manga that’s, like, the second fight to be done with? And if they had kept the order the anime would have ended with Mineta and Sero, so… I guess I get why they went for this, but still. I can’t say I like it orz
Anon said:I’m sure you’re expecting this ask but kiribaku study date!! :3 I can’t believer Bakugou ACTUALLY tried to beat the learning into kirishima XD
Well, it’s beginning-of-the-story-Bakugou after all, what else could we even expect from him hahaha Kirishima passed the written part tho, so it must have worked!!
Anon said:Wait hold up you’ve got me interested now. So I’m like a little past halfway through soul eater and I haven’t started the manga YET (I totally will now that you’ve suggested it) but… When did tsubaki turn into a boy??
It doesn’t happen in the anime! It’s ch 72 to… 74? 75? They go somewhere where all the girls get turned into boys and vice versa for a while! (That’d be Soul, Maka, Blair, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kilik, Thunder and Fire) (Liz and Patty look especially amusing lmao)
Anon said:what do u think abt kats*deku???? If u dont ship them - why?
I’m pretty sure I gave an in depth answer to this question a couple of times already, but do you think I’ve been able to find it? (I haven’t) so to make a fast recap, I only like them as friends, nothing sexual and nothing romantic - I really, really, really want to see them become friends, but I can’t see the necessary chemistry for any other kind of relationship between them, right now
And that’s also why I don’t ship it? I just can’t see it working in a way such that both of them are as happy as they can be, and I only ship if I can see both characters being happy in the relationship - foundamentally Bakugou and Izuku are different on all the wrong things, a big part of the reason why they fight so much is that their ways of living are different, to make a space for each other in their lives big enough that they won’t step on each other’s toes every two steps they take they should change their core personalities a lot. 
And I’m not talking about Bakugou, specifically, I’m talking about both of them. I do know that the fandom likes to pick Bakugou and turn his personality inside-out to make him fit with Deku in such a way that Deku will be happy, but realistically that’s only gonna make Bakugou miserable. It’s true that most faults rest on Bakugou’s shoulders as far as their relationship goes, but Deku isn’t the sort of person fit to be with Bakugou either - and I can’t have Bakugou make a 180° on his personality, force himself to be someone he’s not, just to accomodate Deku. I like Bakugou as he is, and I want to see him grow up while growing into himself. And while I do prefer Bakugou as a character, I happen to like Deku as he is very much as well, I don’t want him to turn into another person just to accomodate Bakugou’s personality either
So this turns into “either I change these two characters to make them fit together, or I let them be just friends and actually find characters that do fit with them as they are already”, and personally, I’m always gonna go for the second option. I mean, why would I want to ship them when I can ship bakushima t b h
Of course you’re free to ship it if to you the chemistry is more obvious than it is to me! It’s just not my cup of tea at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anon said:Could I possibly see a comic with Kirishima being tied between Ashido and Bakugo??? I thought it’d be cute since some people *cough cough* me *cough* may or may not be tied between Kirimina and Bakushima. :3
I………….. can’t do that, sorry orz triangles aren’t my thing at all. It’s either the polyship or bakushima, triangles get on my nerves more than any other plot device does to be completely honest with you. Triangles are the bane of my existence
Anon said: Hi there! I just wanted to say I’ve been scrolling through all your Bakushima art for ages and it’s healed me :,) fr tho i lov how you portray them and their dynamic and you have a lovely art style! Thank you for blessing us ahah
Anon said:hey there! just wanted to drop by and let you know that I find your art super inspiring? like i am IN LOVE with your art style, and I absolutely adore it. i love how the characters you draw have perfect expressions, i love how natural their poses look and i love how you portray characters friendships + relationships in comics it feels completely natural. even if im not into the stuff you draw, i love looking at it because its so great?? keep being wonderful because you deserve good things ^u^
Holy shit thank you??? I honest to god don’t know how to answer this??? means a lot??? fuck thank you I might go and cry for a bit ( •̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥ )
Anon said:Hey your art of sero carry bakugou give me life honestly good posts all around
Thank you!!!! :O Sero carrying Bakugou is something I myself need more of in my life tbh hahaha what a good concept I should draw more
Anon said:your latest bakugou I’m crying… he’s gorgeous and Buff and strong and could highkey bench press me I’m swooning
GLAD YOU LIKED HIM!!!!! :O you guys actually liked that one WAY more than I thought anyone would holy smokes!!
Anon said:Umm… I hope you don’t mind, but I showed a friend so e of your work, and I think it got you a new follower lol they really liked what I showed, and when I told them you do Kaminari, too, that was that. Can’t talk fave artists, without you 💜✌
:O !!!!!!!!!!!! why would I mind omfg, thank you so much!!!!!
Anon said:Okay, now I’ve been through your account since 2 hours ago, i can say I’m officially Bakushimanari trash. Omg i had never seen something as good as what you did to these three. (Btw sorry if my english’s not very good, but i had to say this)
!!!! Happy you liked them!!!!! They’re a good group, those three (灬ºωº灬)♡
Anon said: Yesterday was a shitty day, but today I woke up and saw your art, and stalked your blog, so I feel today will be a much better day. Happy boys are good. Never stop making happy boys happy.
I hope your day was actually a great one, anon!! And I hope today was great for you as well!!! And thank you so much for liking my stuff, happy boys are indeed my greatest weakness and favorite subject to draw haha happy boys and girls and nb and anything else too, really, happy people are good for my soul~
Anon said:Someone doesn’t know Soul Eater?! Now I feel old (・・;)
Haha, well it’s not really about being old/young as much as it’s about how long one’s been into anime/how far back they go when they decide to watch something new~ Soul Eater hasn’t had an active fandom for ages now, after all!
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