#im sure someone has brought this up before. but its been in my brain and i need to address it
ravs6709 · 10 months
Can I talk about the fact that some people like killer king read orv like basically 100 times
Like. I read orv in like 2 weeks, during summer so I didn't have anything I had to do urgently, spending several hours a day just reading
If I read orv 100 times it'd take me 200 weeks, which is just slightly under 4 years (note, orv had only been finished for like 2-3 years), so like. This guy I imagine had a job. Did he not sleep? When did he have time to read? Or infodump to his sister
(Okay granted I wasn't spending 10 hours a day reading I can't remember how long a day I spent reading cause I easily get distracted but I know fs I was reading like average 40-50 chapters a day)
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ickadori · 2 months
okay clearly i need to be detained and kept away from ur inbox 😭
But hsjsjjs i have an interview at the end of this week that I've been preparing for and i can imagine calling up fwb sukuna to get some jitters out bc u know he can fuck ur head empty and clear of anxiety but when u get there for some reason it's different???? Like instead of calling you a nasty bitch slut hes like "arent you such a good girl? Yeah? My good fucking girl" and kinda praising you, albeit mockingly, instead of his usual degrading and it has you cumming soooo hard. And then the next day he shows up and ur like fuck off kuna im busy and he's like duh? Get in. And he drops u to ur interview and ur like ??? Bc u dont even remember telling him but he's already had the address memorized for over a week now. Ahhhh and probably holds ur hand in his lap bc u keep fidgeting on the way and he complains that its distracting him and hes so sexy driving and mindlessly rubbing his thumb on ur hand AHHHHHHH IM IN SO DEEP DORI HELP 😭
choso bbg anon (my true identity)
[cws] fem reader.
[a/n] GOODLUCK AT YOUR INTERVIEW IM SURE YOULL DO GREAT!!!! i really hope you get it 🥹🥹🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
You had first noticed it when you opened the front door to your apartment and let the man in. Instead of his usual roughness, a push against the wall and the unforgiving pinch of his teeth against your neck, he was…different.
He had smiled -a ghost of one, but one nonetheless-, curled an arm around your lower back to tug you up against him, and had pressed his lips to your temple and murmured a ‘hey’ against your skin.
You had been nearly tempted to pull out a list of questions to make sure a clone hadn’t taken his place.
When Sukuna made a detour to your place, there was always minimal talking in the beginning. You usually made a beeline to the bedroom, or the living room if the urge was especially strong, but he had steered you to the kitchen first and plopped a takeout bag on the counter.
“You brought…food.”
“Oh, she does have a brain. Was starting to think all that was in that head was thoughts about my dick.”
“Go to hell.”
The both of you had eaten dinner together, something that you offhandedly thought about doing with him quite a few times, but you could never get him to stay past the post-sex shower. You had wondered if it would be awkward trying to hold a conversation with him past exchanging breathless compliments about each other’s genitals, but it had been so easy. The topics came easily, naturally, and the lulls in conversation weren’t uncomfortable, but rather you found yourself content in the silence.
The buildup to the sex was also different — great, but different. His usual groping and squeezing was traded in for softer touches (as soft as someone like Sukuna could be), his dirty talk which consisted of name calling and guttural groans and growls swapped out for…
Your cheeks burn as his eyes refuse to stray from your face, thumb moving in slow circles over your clit. His finger is rough, calloused from years of use, and the texture of it against your smooth, silken bud has you squirming underneath his touch and gasping for breath.
“Ryo,” you manage, heels of your feet digging into the mattress as shaky hands raise to weakly push at his wrist.
“Sensitive,” he mutters, lips stretching into that grin of his, and you keen when he presses down hard, his free hand moving to press down on your thigh when it moves to close. “Aht aht, be my good girl and keep these legs open.” You clench around nothing, heart stuttering and lashes fluttering as you finally meet his gaze. “You like that?” His voice is a raspy drawl, lips still wet from where they had been kissing at your cunt minutes prior.
“Tch, ‘s not nice to lie.” His thumb slides lower, through puffy folds and down to your hole before pushing in. A squelch sounds, a mix of his cum and your slick dribbling out. “But your pussy always tells the truth.” You tighten around his finger with a moan. “She’s my good girl.” His head ducks down, and you keen as he places a loud, wet kiss against your clit, eyes never once leaving yours. “Isn’t she?” ‘She’ tightens in response, and your skin burns as he lets out a throaty laugh, thumb pulling out and replaced with his pointer and middle.
You hop around on one foot as you fight to pull your shoe on. Your interview was in an hour minutes and the building was 30 minutes away and you had yet to locate your car keys, button your top, or even finish combing your hair.
“Where the fuck are you?” You dash here and there, flipping this and turning that while simultaneously putting your hair in a presentable style when suddenly there’s a hard knock at the door. “Fuck off.” You ignore it, not caring who’s on the other side, and start the process of turning your apartment inside out as you grow more and more stressed.
Where are those damn ke—
Another knock, harder, and your jaw clenches as you make a beeline for the door, unlock it, and wrench it open. “Who the—Ryomen?” You blink, eyebrows furrowing as you look at him stood on your doorstep. “I didn’t call you.”
“I know.”
“…you’re here.”
“I am.”
“Why?” He jingles his car keys, and you scoff and narrow your eyes. “I’m not fucking you in your car, especially not after you got pissy about me messing up the interior last time. So you might as well take your ass—”
“Get your shit and let’s go. Your interview is in forty.”
“I know, I’m—what? How do you know about my interview?” The last you checked, Sukuna didn’t follow you on any social media, and you can’t recall ever posting about it anyways.
“You told me, dumbass. Let’s go.” He nods his head to the side, and you’re left stumped as you go about collecting the rest of your stuff, Sukuna not so silently judging your torn apart apartment, and you’re seated in his passengers seat in no time as he weaves in and out of traffic.
“Something isn’t right.” You finally speak up after the fifth person has blared their horn at him.
“You left something.”
“No,” your hand lifts up to rub at your cheek. “I’m talking about this,” you gesture around his car and to him. “You. Why are you driving me to my interview? Why do you even know I have an interview?”
“You told me.” His fingers drum against the steering wheel, the other hand gripping the back of your headrest. It’s an undeniably sexy position on him, and you’d usually gladly take in the scenery, perhaps even convince him to pull over somewhere more secluded. “Last week when you were begging me to stay over after I put a finger in your—”
“I did not beg you to stay over. Do not lie, Sukuna.”
“Sukuna?” His eyes cut to you before moving back to the road.
“Yes, Sukuna. That’s your name, isn’t it?” He hums, foot tapping hard against the break, and you huff when you snap forward before your seatbelt locks into place.
“I thought it was Ryo.” He makes a poor mockery of your blissed out voice, and you just barely resist the urge to hit his arm. He makes a right turn, open palm turning the wheel to the side before letting it roll back into place. You breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
You catch sight of the clock on the dash and let out another breath, this one shakier than the last. Your interview grows nearer and nearer, and while you’re not an especially nervous person, you feel a bit more anxious than usual. You had been preparing all week, brushing up on interview questions and trying to think of things they could potentially ask you. You were as ready as you’d ever be, and yet you still felt as if you weren’t ready at all.
Your hand subconsciously moves to pick at some poor spot on your body, but it’s snagged at the last second and held in a firm grip. You look to Sukuna and then down to where he’s got your hand on his thigh, that thumb of his tracing invisible lines on your skin.
He doesn’t speak and neither do you, and the silence is comfortable.
He gets you there on time with a bit left to spare, and he’s waiting for you when you get out, sitting on the hood of his car with his phone up to his ear. He hangs up when he catches sight of you, eyebrow quirking up as he watches you walk up to him. You stop in front of him, and he snags you by the belt loop and pulls you between his legs.
“Well?” He asks, and you slip your hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“Stop.” He pinches at your waist and you try and fail to bite back a laugh. “Did you get it or not?” A slow grin breaks out onto your face as you nod, and he matches it. “That’s my girl.”
You turn your head as your ears burn, suddenly finding the pavement incredibly interesting. “Y-Yeah, they said they don’t usually hire on the spot, but they really liked me, so…” Your eyes flit to his, and you pull your lip into your mouth when you see he’s intently watching you.
“I’m not surprised.”
“That they hired me?”
“That they liked you.”
His gaze drops down to your mouth.
“…can we go back to your place now?”
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lime1991 · 5 months
those mlp infection aus on tiktok have been alright but heres my idea to consider:
the main characters of the au are the cmc. theyre not the lone survivors, and heres why: the infection almost entirely affects adults. this is just like a book i read in 5th grade, thats where im stealing this from.
Applebloom is the self appointed leader, shes best at foraging for food and growing it as well as building re-enforcements for the shelter (which is the clubhouse. it's higher up so they dont have to worry about most infected ponies reaching them.)
Scootaloo is the defender of the base as well as the group in general. shes the one who handles the weapons and is first to sacrifice herself for her friends to get to safety. She says its because he doesnt want to hold them back due to her disability, they tell her she doesnt have to think like that. but its hard not to.
Sweetie Belle is... not all there. sometimes she forgets the apocalypse has happened and that most of her loved ones are dead. Scootaloo and Applebloom take turns sleeping during the night to make sure someone is always lookout. that, and they can't risk Sweetie Belle unknowingly walking into the dark trying to get home.
Partially inspired by one of the best animes ive ever seen: School Live, Scootaloo and Applebloom sometimes, when Sweetie is having an episode, pretend everything is normal. Is the most they can do for their friend, who is clearly so traumatized that her brain blocks out the reality of their situation. Sometimes, Applebloom wishes that could happen to her.
When the infection started, it slowly took over the elderly first. Granny Smith got sick, fast. Big Mac and Applejack took care of her, but only a few days later she would turn into some kid of monstrous creature. Big Mac did the unspeakable act of putting her out of her misery.
Sweetie Bell was sent to go live with Rarity while her mother was sick. Her father began to feel ill too, and didn't want her to get herself and her friends at school sick as well. She could hear over the phone the conversations her sister and father had. How mom was getting worse, how dad was getting worse. How they stopped calling altogether.
A couple days into the widespread sickness, Scootaloo's aunts took a trip to the store to stock up on groceries just incase a quarantine was issued. They were gone for hours. They were gone for days. They never came back. Eventually, Scootaloo traveled outside of her home by herself, and could never return.
Once Big Mac and Applejack started showing signs of illness, Applejack spoke to cousins in other places wondering if they would be able to let Applebloom stay with them a while. But just like everyone in Ponyville, they were experiencing the same issue. At one point, Fluttershy agreed to watch Applebloom until AJ and Big Mac started to feel better.
After hearing that Fluttershy graciously took in Applebloom, Rarity sent Sweetie Belle off to her the moment she started to cough. She didn't want Sweetie to see her like that. She didn't want her to get sick either, and in fact, she probably transported it from their parents house and into Rarity's. That made Rarity angry. Her last words to Sweetie were about how upset she was that she'd brought the illness to her.
Scootaloo went to Fluttershy herself. She couldn't find Rainbow Dash, so she settled for the next best pony. She was shocked to see her friends had been there themselves the past few days. Scootaloo only managed to stay a few hours, because during the night the crusaders awoke to a crash in another room. Upon investigation they saw Fluttershy hunched over a broken glass. There was blood on the floor.
They went to comfort her, but she wasn't herself any longer. When she turned to face them it already looked like she'd been ravened by the infection. She was so hungry. Why couldn't the jar just open? She was so... hungry. Before she could even stand back up, the crusaders grabbed their things and fled to the only place they knew they'd be safe. The clubhouse.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Hi. I don’t know if I’ve requested here before, but I have a (semi) great idea.
The rundown is somehow Caine found a karaoke machine! This leads to an iha where everyone + reader and Caine sing. (Honestly I just want to see what you’d think they’d sing).
Thank you!❤️❤️
quick warning that you guys are about to be exposed to my music taste because i rarely ever listen to songs that dont fit my tastes so uh uh theres your warning, i know i have a warning somewhere on my acc where i say OOC is a possibility but i think it will really shine through here short post since its just me dropping what song i think each character would sing + links! this actually reminds me, ive had an IHA idea where its basically a musical episode where everyone cant talk, only sing but idk what the actual adventure itself would be and how music would tie in shrugs
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as much as i wanna say hello world by louie zong, because AI stuff and bc ive been listening to it for the past hour on loop, i feel like that would be too on the nose and even completely out of character. so instead i suggest jerryterrys version of the boys are back in town
for one i am absolutely obsessed with jerryterrys version of the song above, as well as kiss me (kill me), i highly recommend you guys check out the music videos and put together the lore (CW for body horror in kiss me kill me, though!)
but like, my brain juices are flowing, like. i can see him singing the original, but imagine how unnerving it would be (assuming caine is actually going to be an antagonist) for the words to just. change and come out wrong in front of everyone
also i just want an excuse to gush about jerryterry
i love when people make song covers that sound like the original but theres something so terribly wrong
actually i love songs like that in general
caine gets two, because i can also see him singing charlie's inferno
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oddly enough i can see pomni being into vocaloid and/or songs from anime. maybe its because her voice actor has voiced someone in JJBA and that fact is plaguing my mind, but i can now distinctly hear pomni singing some of my favorite songs in these genres... alas i dont have a set song in mind: so i will give you a song that does not fit the above at all, everyones favorite classic; come along with me from AT
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i give him, the main character by will wood because i can definitely see him singing this to be a little shit as well as genuinely. kind of seeing him enjoy the song
not much to say here since im not totally sure what jax would listen to :(!
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okay i know i just brought up jerryterry's kiss me kill me, but that reminded me of the original kiss me because it does give me ragatha vibes
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stumped on kinger, but first song that comes to mind is able by jack stauber i have nothing to explain this, but i will partially blame me listening to jack stauber a lot to be the reason
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cant explain this one either, i think its the tone of the voice but also im getting back into the scary jokes and
anyways icicles by the scary jokes , i can just see it
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okay so this one is less of a "i can see gangle singing this" and more of a "this makes me think of gangle" but imma put it here anyway since i dont have any other ideas for her !
today today by jack stauber
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aita for moving a (small) table?
OK this is a pretty minor thing but I still feel a bit guilty about it. As of writing this Halloween was yesterday, and this took place on Halloween evening.
So, every year on Halloween my parents go to my sisters house to see my nieces, and I stay at their house to give out candy in the front yard. I like to have some fun with it, so I wear a little grim reaper costume, and use a 'spin the wheel' style randomizer app to tell visitors supposedly how they are gonna die.
(Except its all funny slapstick stuff, and I have a normal cute fortune telling option for the little ones)
This year I wanted to add to it a little bit, so I decided to wear my roller skates with my costume and do some dancing and tricks while people walk up to make them laugh. (I have been doing roller skating as a hobby most of my life)
While I was getting changed, my mom brought out the table for the candy and a chair out to the driveway, which was a very nice thing of her to do, and I thanked her, but explained that I was actually going to move it up to the porch since the driveway was slanted and I would just roll down it on my skates.
This is where some context is needed about my mom, she is a victim of brain damage twice over, and also has OCD. Relevant to this story, her specific brain damage means that she has trouble regulating emotions, as well as difficulty speaking. Her difficulty speaking leads her to becoming particularly frustrated when she feels like someone was not making an effort to listen to her properly or was ignoring her.
All this to say, when I said I was going to move the table, she said no,no, it has to be right here. Dont move it. I figured she had become "stuck" on this (it's a common type of thing that she does, although im not entiely sure how to explain it) so I just agreed to keep it there to her.
Still,though, I wanted to dance, so I figured there would be no harm in scooching the table up once my parents left, and brought it back before they came back. Except, they came back early, and my mom saw the table in a different spot and became very agitated with me for ignoring what she said.
And I do feel bad about it, because I did it anyway knowing that these things that might seem small to others really can bother her a lot, and she is particularly hurt when ignored. She's over it by now and i apologized, but I'm still thinking about it. Was I being an asshole? I did intend to put it back, I wasn't actually ignoring what she said, I was paying attention, I just wanted to be a little goofy for the kids while she wasn't there anyway. Idk.
What are these acronyms?
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blackswan446 · 4 months
worth it - three.
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→ pairing: yan!knj x reader
→ wc: 679 (😰)
→ cws: heavy descriptions of gore and murder, heavy descriptions of cutting (not as sh)
→ notes: im just pulling all this stuff out of my ass this story has NO set plot and i don't even know how it's gonna end #lol after writing: AAAJGSFGJ ITS SO SHORT IM GONNA CRY
collapsing onto the ground, namjoon struggled to catch his breath as his back touched the cool, grimy metal of the dumpster. even though it was a fit guy, who made time to work on his physique and be healthy, the heinous act he had just committed really took the wind out of him. it was worth it, though, every last second of it, and as he set down the bat, now covered in a thick coat of blood and flesh, he took a slow, deep breath.
he observed the scene in front of him, taking in every detail of the guy's limp form. he laid there, in a sticky pool of crimson growing quickly below, crumpled up with his limbs sticking out in directions unattainable without a broken bone. every inch of his skin and body was covered in gashes, from which ruby red liquid flowed like water. a gaping hole sat on the back of his skull, clumpy brain matter spilling from it, leaking out onto the asphalt. his hands, the same disgusting hands that had been used against you, were broken and bleeding, fingernails cracked and broken from his earlier attempt to claw at the ground, away from his assailant.
he was dead, alright. and as the light of the moon casted a ghostly glow onto his battered corpse, namjoon felt a sick sense of pride in his actions. despite this feeling, he still felt weirdly...unfulfilled. like he could do more for you, more to devote himself to you as your guardian angel and dedicated lover. although his entire reason for doing all of this, for the gifts, and for the entire obsession, started because he fell victim to his own curiosity, he had grown an intense adoration for you. the more he learned about you, the harder he fell. so he felt obligated to do more to prove himself, he wanted to do more for you.
pondering what else he could possibly do to further intertwine you and him forever, his mind wondered to the small switchblade in his pocket. he had brought it just in case he needed something a bit more to use on the...thing...that he had dealt with just moments before (spoiler alert: the bat was more than enough).
maybe he could make it useful now. he had heard plenty of fiction plots in which someone carves their lover's name into their skin...why not make it reality? sure, it would hurt like hell, but if you're giving someone a beautiful rose, you're bound to get pricked by its thorns. and the pain of his skin splitting beneath the steel is nothing more than a drop of ink in the ocean of passion namjoon held in his heart.
he didn't think twice before taking the dainty blade from his back pants pocket and rolling up the left sleeve of his long black shirt. the click of the blade filled the silence around him, the shiny metal glinting in the moonlight like a diamond, glittering in the damp, dusky alleyway. taking a deep breath and pressing the cool blade to his clear, unmarked wrist, namjoon didn't have to pray for the courage to press down.
biting back an array of curses and complaints as a thick drop of blood rolled down his wrist, he slowly carved out the lines and swoops of your first initial. combined with the darkness of the sky and his own warm lifeblood staining more and more of his wrist as it flowed freely from his new, red oblation. he didn't care about the pain, or the blood, or the scars it would leave. this is what he wanted, no, what he needed to do.
continuing the excruciating yet addictive action, over and over until he was left with a scarlet mess and beautiful testimony of his affection. with every cut he made into his clean, porcelain skin, he became more and more enslaved to your very being. through his eyes, you were his divinity, and he the humble worshipper, who was fully prepared to do anything in your honor.
taglist: @teugiie
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a little Welcome Home theory that's probably me looking entirely too much into a single line <3
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so i was clicking through the site for the thousandth time and this line caught my eye. maybe its 4 am and i haven't slept, maybe i'm onto something. who knows!
but this little thing... "and lively sets unlike anything seen before!". yeah, it could just be them propping up the show. OR maybe the puppets have been alive the whole time, fully autonomous but entirely unaware that they are puppets on a show. maybe to them, the neighborhood is real, and they simply cannot comprehend the presence of humans so their puppet minds don't register them. this could make for a "cosmic horror but for puppets" spin, which would be sick as fuck
their daytime is when the studio lights are on and people are around. idk how the people would teach them the scripts - maybe they did it at "night"? or maybe there was no script, and the puppets would automatically come up with their own shenanigans, dialogue, and segments that aligned with the show, bc that's what they were made for.
bc its not like the whrp team have physical puppets, or much other than art & reports, right? any information on the puppets - like Howdy being rotated between live-hand and walk-around - could've easily been a lie by the creators of the Welcome Home show. i mean, i don't think it would've gone down well if they came out and said "yeah the puppets are alive"
and now that i'm wondering how they could have living puppets, weren't the 60s/70s chock full of cults? could the WH creators have dipped into the occult to create living puppets for a ground breaking, popular, lucrative show, using minimal effort because "the show writes itself"? all they have to do is film and maybe change the puppets' costumes. if that - they could have set up hidden cameras or something.
and this is gonna sound even more far-fetched, but what if creating the puppets required human souls to power them? im not suggesting that the puppets have locked away memories from a "human life", bc that would be uh... a lot. but it's enough that given time and the right prompts, they could gain awareness, and maybe the soul does influence them in minor ways - in likes and dislikes etc.
and Wally being aware means that he fully saw the humans running the show. and maybe the occult thing is what's under Home - the source of black magic that brought the puppets to life seeping out. and he's aware because he looked into that source and it flipped a switch in his lil cotton brain
maybex2 this is what caused the show to not only shut down, but be wiped from existence. the magic seeped into Home, maybe killing someone in the process, and Wally was revealed as aware. maybe on live television. so the creators panicked and shut it all down, tried to destroy everything and gaslight the country into forgetting it ever existed. maybe in the hopes that once no one remembers the puppets, the magic will leech out of them and leave them lifeless
and that loops back into Wally being the only one referred to in present tense in the neighborhood bios. he's still aware, maybe trapped in the studio, alone. i mean, i sure hope he's not alone - i hope he has his friends with him. unless they're all decommissioned (dead)... maybe Wally is trying to bring them all back or "fix" them?
but then there's the case of all of this currently going down online. have the puppets' consciousness somehow been transferred to the internet? or has Wally gotten his little felt mittens on a computer? something else? and then there's the whrp team... could they be fake, and its really just Wally trying to cobble together the remains of his life/friends? i mean, the Question-Answerer sounds like a title a kid or naive puppet would come up with. people would've called them the Curator or somethin?
i have too many thoughts
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Hello hello everybody,
It is i, load.
Who is currently dealing with stuff related to that of art, where it is a being a bish.
to compensate, I'm making text posts instead, Hallelujah.
ANYWAY, i have some thoughts
about Mirage...
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I feel so bad for Mirage. There was actually a lot of potential for her that wasn't used. 😞
She really could've been used in the story, theres plenty of ways of how. And interactions and scenarios she could've brought. She's a magical cat for crying out loud! An entity known as a spirit by the Daemos! AND APPARENTLY A RARE TYPE OF SPIRIT TOO! Leif said so!
And yet she does nothing. She doesn't even get double digits of screentime, i don't believe.
She ends up serving no purpose to the story. And I consider it a writing crime that the only purpose she had was for MARKETING.
She was used for being turned into a marketable plushie 😭😭😭
Additional info that confuses me:
In episode one, where Lady Grandma is the only one left and before the portal closes, She orders Mirage to protect the group, and Mirage goes through the portal.
But this scene implies that Mirage is Lady Grandmas familiar. Or Guardian.
And in episode four, where asch is about to use his fire magic on ava after she provoked him, rhys yells out to him to stop, and wittle bwack cwoud with fwoating eyes knocks the two away from eachother and then stares at them in a corner stwikeing fear into their hwearts...
Oh look its a really gorgeous kitty! (i LOVE Cloud Kitties' design gosh shes beautiful.)
But. The part that then confuses me:
Is neither Asch nor Rhys RECOGNIZE HER.
(I personally dont see it, Asch knowing her, because it seemed he was more embarrassed of showing he thought she was cute, rather than actually knowing her. Idk if it's me not getting social cues, though. Perhaps he was embarrassed to know her? Im not sure why he would be embarrassed, though... this also kinda disproves Her being his familiar that Lady Grandma ordered Instead. theres also additional interactions that are missing to prove this is the case. But back to our scheduled program; )
What? What do you mean they don't???
We have implications that she's Lady Grandma's familiar!
And perhaps Asch doesn't know his grandmother very well or isn't as close to her until more recently.
But RHYS OF ALL PEOPLE, her MOST TRUSTED student/disciple, should recognize Mirage!
And yet he doesn't! So Lady Grandma kept mirage a secret from rhys??
These spirits that tend to become Guardians seem to be general information. It wouldn't be suspicious to have a familiar?
Instead, perhaps a sign of respect, as they seem to respect spirits in general! (This would've been cool worldbuilding, a familiar binding to you being a sign you are someone to respect because they respect you.)
Unless she intended Mirage to be an ace up her sleeve? that not even Rhys could know??
*sigh* Sorry, my logical side of my brain is spiraling.
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Mirage deserved better, and an actual purpose to the story!
Actually, heres some ideas;
SHES the only way Rhys and Lady Grandma could actual communicate. Rather than... that uh.. bathroom scene.. with the mirror.. and..
I uh get the reference to the mirror, alike "oh a mirror is a connection to a different dimension"
But perhaps Mirage could've acted alike the eyes and ears on earth for Lady Grandma, though maybe it leaves Lady Grandma back on daemos in a vulnerable state, so she must do this sparingly (ignoring the whole magic is going extinct bit...)
Perhaps Mirage could've translated Lady Grandma's words to Rhys via something like telepathy. ... basically, Mirage being used as a phone but with video and extra steps.
Additionally, she could've been used to letting Rhys know something has happened to Lady Grandma. That would be a fun scene.
Rhys talking to Mirage or just hanging out with her until the music stops, it goes silent for out of the blue mirage telepathecally speaks her own audible words;
"Danger. Lady Grandma's (life) is in danger."
Though i like the idea Mirage does not have the ability to speak. But can communicate in something akin to like sandman or sandy from rise of the guardians. (It's a good movie, has some flaws, but it's a good watch.)
Maybe she can, but it's more like audio clippings from things she's heard to communicate.
Or even, with her dreamscape esque design...
She can communicate through dreams. Perhaps Rhys is asleep, but he dreams of Lady Grandma being in danger. Thanks to Mirage!
Actually. I would love for her to USE some abilities herself. Ya know?
Maybe she can make people fall asleep.
And so maybe Asch gets too violent at some point, and she just kinda.. knocks him out. With her tail like a baseball ba-(im jk)
Perhaps she can lay on someone and purr, and her purr magically heals people~
Maybe she can create illusions. Who knows!
But please, she deserved to be a proper character apart of the story instead of a tension breaker or marketable plushie... *sigh*
Anyway, apologies for my rambling. I just... i have SO many thoughts related to My Inner Demons. And i plan to one day speak about it in full (but possibly still in parts) when i am able to.
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stormyoceans · 5 months
vv brainrot continuation:
dad, I missed you (mom, I missed you)
that cute "feels so good" sound (pink drink, I really want to try it)
hugs in bed are the same as after joob’s funeral
part 3/4 damn music from vice versa! aof, fuck, just admit everything already!
we got lost (and found our local glasshouse)
bonfires and songs with guitar
return of shirts (and they smell like each other. what could be more erotic)
interrupted kiss (okay, not because of bad breath)
the description of the sky is worthy of rawi’s palette the guys were right, this damn miss universe appeared before our eyes. lord, I'm not completely alive, monica. what about you? you know, maybe sea didn’t lie, and the remaining episodes won’t be sad even despite the breakup, bc the worst and most expected has already happened, and then everything will go easier. william's song brought me to tears, it's beautiful! and I liked day's version. its so romantic. but, forgive me, the bed scene could have been much better, the angles and amount of blur didn’t turn out very well, and, tbh, I expected more tactility from day, so that he could study mork’s body with his hands. it was so important to him, but they showed it to us very quickly and didn’t spend enough time on it. but I really liked that they were presented as switch, moving away from the nightmare clichés, it's great. the scene on the mountain is the pinnacle of it all, and lord knows the boys pulled it off superbly. it was so emotional. I crumbled like sand and don’t know how I’ll recover by next week. monica, share your brainrot, I’m sure I missed everything possible bc I was so busy in the bed scene.
and you've already pointed out all of these moments but allow me to put them side by side anyway because!!!!!!!
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and even if these two moments can’t really be compared THEY INVENTED EMOTIONAL FOREHEAD TOUCHES TOO!!!!!!!!
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my personal emotional devastation aside, tho, i do think there are some parallels to be drawn between episode 9 of vice versa and episode 9 of last twilight, between puen on an island finally accepting his life in the original universe and by the end "gaining sight" on who talay really is, and day on a mountain finally accepting going blind and having his last sight being mork. i also think it's interesting that in last twilight (the ost) at one point there's the line "my heart cherishes the memory of us" while in vice versa the very last line of friend credits' second movie is "though we aren't together tomorrow, you're always here in my memories". like idk if it's a reach but both shows are about seeing when you can't really see (not just in the literal physical sense) and acceptance and carrying this love that helped you through it all with you and i just think someone with a brain activity currently higher than my own could make some connections!!!!!!!!
i personally did like the sex scene (i've talked about it here a little if you're interested), but i think i also get what you mean. if it were for me we would definitely have gotten a 17 minutes long one take focused on day's hands as he traced every part of mork's body starting from his face and slowly making his way down to his feet. but at the same time i wonder if it would have made sense for their first time. i feel like day was already so preoccupied with his sight being almost gone that what he needed in that moment was to get lost in the feelings rather than commit mork's body to memory. and who knows, last twilight has already broken p’aof’s habit of having only a couple of kisses in his shows, maybe it will make him give us another intimate scene too!!!
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moss-and-marimos · 8 months
oh? (<- curious abt your pathfinder character)
[heavy breathing] oh my god you dont even know the brain worms I have for this character. they dont have a name (they have a name ive been calling them for simplicity but its not like their actual canon name, I just needed something quick for the oneshot I played them in to try pathfinder) but theyre like one of my favorite ocs I have. oh my god. so theyre a catfolk, theyre a tuxedo cat, and this didnt get explored at all in the oneshot I played but their backstory is 'reflection.' meaning that they literally got magically pulled out of a mirror. like oh my god. their background is acrobat, technically. their class eventually becomes swashbuckler. The 'original', the person theyre a replica of, worked in a circus as an acrobat and tightrope walker and such. My pathfinder character got pulled out of a mirror in the hall of mirrors. can you imagine. you are just quite literally pulled into existence, you dont know by what, you dont know where you are, you've never been alive before, you've never thought before, you look like an adult bc youre an imperfect replica of someone who was, but you've never existed until now, and you just have to fucking deal with that??? so for like 3 months they stay living and working at the circus, because where else are they supposed to go?? they dont know anything else!! im not entirely sure what happens with this part of the lore yet, but they either get framed for killing their original, or the original goes missing or something, something happens and it makes replica look really suspicious, and so its kind of the last straw, and they decide to leave and become their own person and explore the world. this is where the swashbuckler class becomes a thing. At some point along the way, theyre given or steal or something a sword called a 'bastard sword', and bastard swords are called that because they have no 'family' as far as swords go. well guess what, my character doesnt either. They have a really hard time for a while, obviously they havent been around for a long time to learn social cues or anything, and theyre forced to learn rather quickly that people dont take kindly to reflections. ive been trying to decide whether or not they themself have a reflection, because on one hand I like the idea of it being a detail for other people to notice that something is up, and like it makes sense, they were the reflection of course they dont have one of their own, but also like it would be equally as angsty and cool for them to have a reflection and to constantly be having the existential crisis about 'thats a person in there. I was in there.' and people would probably make fun of them for being 'confused' about mirrors but no, there is so much to unpack there the art potential this character has is so so so much to me, either waking up your first moment of sentience either being surrounded by empty mirrors, not knowing what a mirror is anyway to know you even should have a reflection, or your first moments of sentience being surrounded by copies yourself, in a room where you are aware that they are people just as much as you are, that they are you but simultaneously a replica of you and the existential issues of that oh my god I need to draw them in a jesters costume or something and just make angst about them being 'the fool' or other assorted circus themed angst because my god I have brainwork's about this character you dont even know Fun fact about them: one of the errors in their being a replica is that they dont have claws, they were copied without them, and so just imagine you are brought into a world entirely unfamiliar to you, you dont know who or what or where you are, and you dont even have a way to defend yourself. everyone in the world who is like you naturally has a way to defend themself, except you, who arguably needs it the most. just another way that you were a mistake. (part 1 this got too long and it wont let me post, part 2 in reblogs)
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jack-kellys · 1 year
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do your absolute worst bestie
there is honestly one way to go about this and im very happy about it. like actually i did my Best.
send me some aus bc u get shit like this!
so naturally, the cruise ship is hell. and each floor of the ship, of course, is a circle of said hell. (whats funny abt this is now i get to send fucking newsies the musical characters to hell what the fuck)
no one remembers how they got there initially. racetrack wakes up in a room without his boyfriend but with his ex-girlfriend spot conlon on a bed across from him. jokingly he thinks this is hell but also. yes it is.
they argue for a straight two hours before they realize that something is not. right abt this. like they weren't a successful pair romantically in the end but they never spoke like that to each other. upon leaving the room the hallway is lined with doors within which other pairs are doing the exact same thing they just were- spot and race can hear other screaming matches through the whole hallway.
they find jack on a floor/circle filled with fear. jack cannot do anything except helplessly give into it every time, terrifying himself and repeatedly losing the one thing racer knows jack holds highest about himself- his pride. (of which probably earned his spot in hell to begin with.)
next floor/circle is the typical cruise ship for-some-reason waterpark. because ross dorrington (splasher @ uk newsies) has given splasher an origin of leaping into the docks' water to save a drowning kid, this is the guilt circle! splasher, tommy boy and gasp! davey?? is here??? why hadnt he been with jack?
(because it was hell to be away from each other.)
it continues down to the engine room which is dark and disorienting and sort of psionically damaging because it's me and this would actually be my second hell/demonic au LMFAO. but something is grating on their brains because they have headed in the wrong direction to get out. they get some answers down here– they have to find the Captain to try and leave. of whom is at the top.
the Captain is Snyder and he's determined personal reasons why they should all be in hell bc he hates these people since they've consistently denied their personal demons tbh when it comes to canon characterization:
jack overcomes his pride by protecting his friends ("vote no") and accepts the mistrust and anger pointed his way rather than getting defensive or denying the deal in the first place
davey overcomes his trepidation in getting involved in something bigger than his family and despite putting himself, his brother, and potentially his family in danger, he refuses to feel guilt for it bc he was doing the right thing
spot overcomes her pride when siding with manhattan after seeing the damage they'd taken without her borough to assist them
race overcomes his fear of striking as well as his mistrust of davey just bc of where davey comes from financially
tommy overcomes his fear and potential greed after being the last one to renounce his scabbing
splasher overcame his own fear also after renouncing his scabbing and also by hurling himself into the water to save someone else or basically die trying!
so we slot the above into modern au contexts and we've got a very angry youth detention center warden who is also spoiler alert the devil. im not sure how they get out though... part of me is like it'd be funny if they just beat him up but i think maybe they gain control of the ship itself and literally and metaphorically change its course. yeah. and then they're brought...back to the living. because idt a hell au means that they're dead, just that they got sent to hell. so they wake up in a hospital after breaking extremely high fevers (its hot as HELL in this fuckin ass, hot ass room im in...)!!
and that is a cruise ship hell au about taking charge of the things that are a part of you and changing the course of their meaning!!! a nautical adventure!!!!
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In an attempt to attract more kalego simps to the m!lk simps discord server, here is a little thing I managed to write from my kalego x oc fic that im calling All Cacti Bloom Flowers. This peice originally came about in congregation with @snippychicke in this post (snippy wrote their own lil oneshot in there too i reccomend checking it out) thru our reblogs. But here it is again, bc I'm currently the only kalego simp in the server
What started out as occasional bafflement at your actions, swiftly yet slowly grew into agitation at the extent of which you make him feel these.... soft feelings. As the guard dog of babalis, a member of the Naberious clan, and an esteemed teacher, he has little to no experience with such things. he didn't know what to do about it all, and lately the effect you have on him has become far too meddlesome. Thats when he decided to confront Balam with this situation.
In addition to holding an interest in the school system at babalis, you had also grown fairly close with Balam - often times meeting up with him to talk about imaginary creatures, evolution, and other shared interests. Thats why Kalego thought he would be the best demon to talk to about this - that and Balam being the least likely to further irritate him with his reaction to the situation at hand like Opera or the other babalis staff would.
Balam let him vent about how troublesome your effect is, how its been affecting his train of thoughts often and frustrates him beyond end. Surely your behaviour was unusual enough to warrant some level of suspicion, and surely Kalego was not the only one being affected by you - if not to the same extent. But while your behaviour is quite unique and has had certain affects on other people, the reality was not as Kalego hoped.
“It appears to me this whole thing is starting to affect your evil cycle,” Balam started once Kalego had finished with the brunt of it.
“Indeed. That’s why I’ve come to you looking for an answer on what to do about it.” He responds, still a bit riled up from talking about it all.
“Well, I think the better question is, outside of the obvious stuff like affecting your evil cycle and train of thoughts, why do these feelings upset you so much?”
This statement Balam had presented Kalego with caught him off guard. The frustration had in fact, functioned as a wall that stopped him from addressing the core of the issue; which was the fact that you made him feel soft - a feeling that immediately triggers a warning light in his strict guard dog brain. The realization left him clutching at his head and finally taking a seat since coming in.
“…having a more soft-natured relationship with someone doesn’t necessarily make a demon weaker. In fact, it could even make one stronger.” Balam said after a while, allowing his friend to process what was currently running thru his brain. “All cacti bloom flowers.”
Kalego left that night with more thoughts than he bargained for - tho not before running into you. with a stack of papers and books in your arms, you swung around the corner and swiftly stopped yourself just before bumping into Kalego himself, who noticed the way in which you brought yourself to such a quick stop by going up on the balls of your feet and leaning backwards with the grace of a dancer.
“Oh, sorry Kalego. How is your class doing with their new workload so far?” You said, aiming for a conversation revolving around one of your interests (education). But Kalego, having just finished that conversation with Balam, was not ready for an interaction with you.
“Not right now.” He grumbled out, brushing past you.
“oh…sorry” You responded in a soft tone, anxiety starting to form. Kalego is just about always as prickly as a cactus, but your intuition was saying that this was something else; anxiety telling you that you did something wrong. Regardless, you had to give Balam the stack in your hands and thus tried to push it back as you walked into his prep room.
“Hey Balam, Profe Dali asked me to give this stuff to you.” You said, placing it down on the table. As the demon thanked you and began sifting thru the pile, you sat down as the anxiety started flow again.
“…Is something up with Kalego?” You hesitantly asked, fidgeting with the hem of your clothes. Balam looked up from the stack at you questioningly. “I just ran into him on the way here, and my intuition is telling me somethings up is all. I know that, some of the teachers have chosen to avoid telling Robin about the whole Familiar thing, but…. you’d tell me if i did something, right?”
“Well… there are somethings I don’t have the place to tell you about, but I believe that everything will turn out alright, he might just need some time first. try not to worry too much.” Balam says, ruffling your hair with a pat.
The following Monday school was cut short for a special event. The Three Greats organized a Ball every 5 or so years for the teachers and staff of their respective schools; along with anyone else who had a strong interest in working in the field of education and a recommendation to the field by someone already inside of it. The instructors of Babalis were already dedicated enough to work on improving the school for their students outside of work days, sometimes even late at night, but this Ball was a chance for the 3 different schools to commune amongst each other to discuss, learn, and develop new and different ways to improve their respective schools. Bragging and competitions breaking out was not uncommon due to the nature of demons, but the one thing they could all agree on was their duty to protect and take care of the students as they developed.
It just so happened that this year, you were in attendance as Sullivan has recommended you to the field. Your strong interest in joining the same field of work as him did not surprise Kalego, rather your attendance was a bit startling - alto he should have suspected you might show up, what with the Principals wishy-washy attitude. Your appearance tho, thoroughly surprised him. You were wearing a lilac coloured one shoulder dress, with ruffles and a hair style that made you look like a flower. You looked as soft as a petal. The soft feelings swiftly bubbled up again inside of him as he watched you walk around with Sullivan and Opera - but instead of blocking them off with frustration, this time he allowed himself to feel light and fluffy at your appearance. It felt…. nice, calming. Like pruning one of his cacti.
Since his discussion with Balam, Kalego has decided that you were worth getting closer too. Approaching you with Opera and Sullivan next to you though, was not going to happen; Kalego had other people to converse with anyways, so he could wait.
You spent a lot of time at first sticking close to the two demons who had accompanied you, both out of shyness and feeling insecure about your right to be at such an event even with Sullivan’s recommendation into the field. There was also the issue of someone finding out that you are a human, but your dress covered up enough of where a demons wing roots are located and you had spent a lot of time learning about the netherworld and demon ways; Opera and Sullivan even helped teach you how to formally dance just in case. Eventually you got confident enough to wander past your escorts, talking deeply amongst the demons - and once you had found yourself alone searching for Opera and Sullivan to join back up with them, Kalego approached you. The time was now, and he was ready.
Because while most cacti need specific requirements met, all cacti bloom flowers.
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faesystem · 7 months
Personally we block anti-endos far more often for racism, ableism, and misinformation. The amount of anti-endos who have blatantly said that other culture's spiritual beliefs are made-up bullshit, that think psychiatrists are infallible gods and that psychiatric abuse isn't a big deal, and spread misinformation about how DID forms so that they can gatekeep people is wild
pretty sure this falls under *checks notes* being a dick. which i said i block 8/10 anti endos i see for being.
whats your point here?
i think i know what your point is
if i just said that i blocked 8/10 anti endos i see for being a dick, you would agree with that
but when i said i also block 8/10 pro endos i see for ableism, racism, and misinfo, you now dont agree with my previous statement. not because we disagree on many anti endos sucking, but because you think pro endos... are better.
which, well, id ask you take a look at this big long post i made about in group and out group mentality. its based on the stuff i was learning in my psych class.
a quote that sums up what i think about this whole thing youve said here is 'if you engage with pro-endogenics you will see the worst of anti-endogenics, and if you engage with anti-endogenics you will see the worst of pro-endogenics.'
i think everyone sucks because i exist outside of this in group and out group mentality. i engage with people, not labels, i dont care whether someone calls themselves whatever stance provided they arent bitter horrible people. which means, i engage with pro endos and therefore see the worst of anti endos. and i engage with anti endos and therefore see the worst of pro endos
the difference between the 8/10 pro endos i block versus the 8/10 anti endos is the flavour of sucking they tend to do. the common thread here? all of these people are heavily involved in discourse, and that generally makes someone pretty unpleasant.
discourse, in group out group mentalities, and group conformity turns people into fucking horrible people. sure, not all of us, but every single person who is so strongly attached to a discourse position that anyone outside of it is horrible and anyone inside of it isnt are the exact sort of 8/10 i block
i cooked my dad dinner, ate it with him tonight. he told me how he went to a japanese restaurant last night and wants to try some japanese cooking. we made plans to cook together
after he showed me this tech project he did. he was coding some different speeds for fans for my mom's biltong making. it was his first time using the program c, and he showed me the whole process.
he showed me how he was able to convert some ratios in three lines. i found out that the program he used before, assembler i think, was only able to divide and times by two. we had a laugh as my brain broke, trying to figure out how someone would even begin to tackle that problem
after he was done there and he gave a demo of everything he had explained in practice, i went to my nan's attached granny flat. i asked if she wanted to watch 10 more minutes of that sam i am movie she wanted to watch with me. we decided we're going to take it in chunks
i got us some wine and some cheese and crackers and we ended up watching for about half an hour before i had to tap out. i do think its a beautiful movie-- i just get a lot of second hand embarrassment when watching it and its kind of painful. but i love my nan and i love watching it with her
ive gotten into cooking a lot recently. not been able to do it as much as id like, ive been sick, but ive been falling in love with it. i want to start growing my own veggies soon
tomorrow, my brother's disability support worker is coming for the first shift. hes a chef and i asked my mom if he could ever do a shift with me to teach me how to cook. she said not yet when i brought it up first, because she doesnt want my brother to feel like im taking his support worker from him.
and earlier he was freaking out because he has a five hour shift tomorrow with this guy. he doesnt think he can handle being around someone for five hours. so i suggested that the support worker could teach me how to cook if james doesnt want to do something with him
and my brother calmed down immediately, it was a huge weight off my back, and im so so excited for tomorrow.
why the ramble?
because we all live
every single person around you is also just living a life as vivid and complex as your own. even the people i block because i think theyre stupid and they rub me the wrong way.
and i think people are worthy of compassion and respect and care regardless of what judgements you make about them
its not that people cant be bad or you have to have them in your life or that its wrong to debate or argue or vent about what they do. its just
i dont know
i find it kinda ridiculous youre in here defending pro endos by saying you generally see anti endos who are worse. of course you do, youre pro endo, youre surrounded by many pro endos because thats your community. you see a lot more of them than i do, i only really see the assholes that get 5 minutes of fame in syscourse. same with anti endos. theres probably a lot, lot more pro/anti endos that did not make it into my 8/10 statistic because i dont even know theyre pro or anti endo, because it doesnt come up and theyre not insufferable people
i just
i just find syscourse so ridiculous now
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Thinking about the drugging and the cannibalism 😌 imagine incel!childe drugging you and you wake up super groggy to him eating you on a dark web livestream
sorry everyone else in my inbox alto comes first no matter what!! i have Very Bad Thoughts involving this stuff so im putting it btc cause i know a lot of people aren't here for and don't like g0re and adjacent things... please GOD no one read this if your not okay with such topics this is much more intense than anything ive put out here before!!!
but yeah. i think this would happen outside of the main au because... main au simply isn't as intense as this. i, however, go feral over this type of shit.
he's got a foot in the door in terms of dark web illegal shit since he's been there countless times. not like there's anywhere else for him to jerk off to people dying in real time... his knowledge of computer related things makes sure he can keep himself safe while watching other peoples rights and life be stripped away from him. its mainly a power thing for him. hence why he has all those other violent tendencies. blood, guts, and all makes his vision go hazy and dick get hard.
and then there's you. so perfect, so sweet, and you would just look better across a table all bloody and cut open. it makes his mouth water. he does try his best to pursue a normal relationship but it just doesn't seem to work... you don't like him. and it shatters both his brain and heart to pieces. he flounders around in the world briefly because he just knows he needs you. then he realizes. he knows one good way to keep the two of you together.
preparations are easy. he's seen plenty of this stuff before and decides to forgo numerous steps since he loves it messy. easiest route for him is to follow you to a party, wait for you to get drunk, slips something in to enhance it (think another depressor like benzos ik he has a supply of those), and chloroforms you as you stumble home. you can't even begin to fight him and he's thankful. having someone stop him now would just ruin all the time he's spent getting to this point. it would ruin his fun.
you're tied up and strapped down naked when you come to. your eyes can't focus on anything but you hear the sound of cutlery and ripping. rolling your head around you first spot the camera. the light signaling you’re being recorded is blinking. on. off. on. off. you begin to panic and roll your head the other direction. Ajax. why is he here? your eyes focus. he's covered in blood and grinning ear to ear. there's blood smeared all over his face, in his teeth, in his hair, on his arms and chest... its everywhere. he appears to be waiting for something. then you feel the pain. he laughs. awkwardly, you crane your neck down to see the chunks taken out of your thighs and the way your whole abdomen seems to be split open; your intestines are slithering out. you want to throw up but you can't move anymore. the cutlery continues and the knife is brought to your hip. he gently runs it over the fat and muscle teasingly before sinking it in. the same ripping sound as before is heard and your head falls back. your vision gets spotty and childe rises to lean over you before shoving another chunk of your flesh in his mouth.
"we'll be together forever" <3
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Y’know, writing comes so naturally to me that I kind of forget that its sometimes the only thing some folks know me for.
Like, to me my writing is just that! My writing! Its my brain splattered into text, visual scenes in my mind turned into words the best way I know how, even the impossible to describe ones!
(Long post below)
But to someone who’s only read my fanfiction, my words are all they know me for. For some, its probably not all that interesting, but to a few, its the most profound thing they’ve ever read.
Occasionally, I get a comment reminding me of that fact, or a fanart of a scene from my fics or someone reblogging a poem of mine just flabbergasted that I could write something like that.
But to me its always been there as a way to express myself.
I’ve been writing for about as long as I’ve been drawing, though I couldn’t always read my handwriting.
My journey started simple, in class when we were learning about poetry and writing styles. The rhyming was simple enough to get behind once i figured out of to navigate a thesaurus, and alitteration scratched that just right itch of my adhd.
My first ever work of fanfiction has probably been lost to piles of paper somewhere in my house, but if I find the notebook ever again I may just post a few snippets, but I do remember what it was.
I had been reading the hunger games and got really latched onto it, but I also adored dragons with my entire soul, so I did what any sane kid would do and hand-wrote a hunger games fanfiction where the main characters were dragon ocs. I remember how gaudy and over-the top the descriptions were, and i remember how obvious of a fanfic it was that i was trying to pass off as an “original work” even though it toally was fanfic before I ever knew what fanfic was. I was certainly way too young to be reading the hunger games, but still I remember being so proud of my work.
As I grew older, I started adding more imagrey and metaphors in my writing, fully entering my emo “i hate the world” phase of poetry in middle school after i was banned from using wattpad for life by my parents. I even won an award in a poetry competition! Out of like- the 4 people that actually entered it. My teachers always said that I could be the next “robert frost”, though I’m pretty sure they were just trying to hype up my interest in the topic.
After wattpad was prevented from my life, I kind of stopped writing fic, instead rping with irl friends over text until that too subsided into nothing and i stopped writing alltogether except for the occasional essay for school.
A while after I graduated though, sometime during covid I got an ao3 account and started writing again. I used the dialogue skills i learned from rp and meshed them with my love for metaphors and poetry and the scenes that played through my mind like strands of fluttering film, and that all brought me to where I am today with my writing.
Idk what im really saying with this, its like 3am, but yeah. write, draw, do whatever the fuck you want forever
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icharchivist · 2 months
As someone who has never played FF7 its always kind of funny to see FF7 characters be talked about, because I am aware of a bunch of the big general plot beats but also I know a lot of the cultural images of the FF7 characters from years of fan characterization and spinoffs so trying to reconcile the characters as symbols with the knowledge that the characters are characters can get kinda funny.
Zack's the biggest example of this, I think, because I only found out about his plot beats from cultural osmosis after years of the cultural image of Cloud and Sephiroth's toxic yaoi thing. So with him especially its hard to think about him and focus on the stuff I academically know actually matters.
So people talk about Zack and I go, yeah yeah The Tragedy and all that. But I also immediately think of how the Kingdom Hearts series does Final Fantasy character cameos that never really have major plot stuff going on, and they put Zack in a prequel game full of doomed characters because like. Of course. But because it's just a cameo Zack comes out of that game fine, except for an ominous black feather that floats down near him in the credits sequence.
So in my heart Zack's kind of like. An ill omen in presence. I see Zack and he feels like someone doing tarot readings flipped over The Tower. And then my brain catches up and goes "Well that's just because he is himself the protagonist of a doomed prequel" but its too late. It's like with Aerith where I see her and I think about The Obvious and then go "Well she's also a character in the game before That Happened".
oh god, yeah, i sure imagine!
ff7 is kind of a legendary game and i think that a lot of plotbeat have been talked about so often people just know it. Like Sephiroth's homoerotic obsession for Cloud gets brought up everytime Cloud gets added to a crossover game because Sephiroth is sure to follow (hi Smash bros), the Aerith's thing has been brought up time and time again, and then there's the KH games that had peppered some of the story lore here and there.
But i also think that players actually don't talk about a lot of the plotbeats. Not to mention the shipwar that ends up completely eclipsing the story and its themes at times.
(im vaguing a bit but this may be spoilery)
Zack is in this really weird position, especially before the remake came out, because Zack is simultaneously Square Enix's most popular male character (across all the games) and also a character who's massive element is that he had to remain a mystery for the longest time. (and it's why i have a problem with the remake just spoiling it right from the start).
Like, even i was introduced to the game by Zack's tragedy, but i didn't know about it going in, so to me i really jumped in to his last scene and then lost my mind.
But even so personally i played Crisis Core first, so i have a very distinct image of Zack in my head. Of the charming, cheerful, sweet, even if not the smartest boy, who joined in to follow his dreams only to realize he signed on for a nightmare he had no way to sign out of. To me Zack is the guy who tries to be so optimistic, blindly at first, then forcing himself to shut his eyes to be optimistic, then who realized he couldn't keep is eyes closed to it but he had to still hold on to hope, only for it to run him into the ground by the end of the game and he's just breaking under the weight of it all.
there's a lot of tragedy to Zack way past just How It Ends, and it fascinates me personally. But i also have a "got obsessed about Zack Fair when i was 12" disease so i have so much i could say for those last 17 years of stuff to talk about.
(also the feather in KH is a reference to two things: first, Zack's obsession with wings that follow him through the Prequel, and second, the implied fact both Sephiroth and Cloud have reason to be looking for him. in the KH mobile game from the way back they even had Cloud grabs the feather Zack was last seen in in the credits. and obviously that went nowhere since KH3 didn't include any of the FF characters in it. But i still remember.)
But i think Zack is also in a fascinating position because people don't want to talk about what's up, yet people mostly know he mattered to Cloud for an instant, and it makes going through the OG with just the knowledge "Zack mattered to Cloud" genuinely earthshaking.
I remember watching a let's play of a guy going into ff7 totally blind, he didn't know anything about it, and he took everything Cloud said at face value as you do without the benefit of foresight. And then Zack was namedropped, and Cloud reacted in a way the let's player didn't expect. And i remember the actual shock in the voice of the guy going "but. but wait isn't Zack the guy the prequel is about? what the hell is going on, why is he namedropped now, why is /this/ happening."
And, in the sense Zack haunts the narrative, is that if you know Zack exists, you'll start picking it up and it'll make you approach the game differently.
Zack was made from the start to haunt the narrative, meanwhile Aerith was there to be alive first. Everyone knows what happens to her, and sometimes people see her as a doomed figure, but people fail to realize that she is this doomed and sad /because she was so alive/, because she had so many plans for the future.
Another one who gets to be different than you'd expect at first is Sephiroth, because everyone knows how he is about Cloud /in the movie/late game/in the others content they appeared in/, but Sephiroth doesn't start out like that, neither in Crisis Core nor in the OG. And it's why i have beef with Sephiroth in the remake because it's "late game Sephiroth", not early game Sephiroth showing up.
And i think people know Sephiroth is a villain of legends that they just take it at face value, but it's not how he works. I was discussing with a friend who started ff7 by the remake and came to me really dubious because he thought a lot of things didn't make sense or broke the momentum and he was asking me to clarify. And the thing that took him out at the time was that he didn't understand how this Sephiroth is supposed to be anything "legendary". Like, nothing about his appearance in the remake was interesting to him and he was really peeved about it. The moment i told him "because Sephiroth doesn't appear in this part of the game originally and he has a slow built and doesn't start obsessing about Cloud until after their encounter in Junon" he understood everything, the moment i explained HOW Sephiroth was built of he got it. People know Sephiroth is a homoerotic threat to Cloud but people don't know how it actually built on that regard.
FF7 exists a lot in people mind in the way they think they know about it from what was told online, but trust me it's not the actual experience of the game. But how can you properly interreact with a game so legendary that it influenced so many new tropes? How do you come back to it? and so forth.
People in general will put it therefore in this type of gaming pedestal everyone has some idea on, seeing the characters more like archetype than they would know them.
but, yeah, personally i got into ff7 when i was 12 or so. I don't see them as archetypes as much as i see them as my friends. The plot of this saga is really dear to me in a way that runs way too deep (so deep i had to explain the plot to my therapist because it comes with "here's what you need to know about me")
ANYWAY i got lost in the sauce, but *coughs* i really do love how you explain the way you see Zack in particular though. Like, the way he's an omen. You are actually super right in a way you can't even imagine. Everything we know about Zack brings a reckoning and it's just. He's really my favorite example of "haunting the narrative". Once you know how he does, everything builds up only for it to explode when it comes to it.
Anyway. I could ramble about that all day long i have so many ff7 thoughts. There's def something about "what people expect from decade of cultural osmosis" vs "what's actually in the game", all of which also got muddied by the additions to the franchise.
but. yeah. man.
anyway very glad to be your window into what it is when you've been made insane by ff7. There's so much i could say, not enough time,
But thank you for reading o7
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