#im the father now. jesus christ king lets get you to bed so you can get a decent sleep
neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
youre telling me I'm OLDER than vector?? he has two kids and a full time job/career and a mortage probably and I'm OLDER than him??
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alicenthiightower · 4 years
a reunion fic, set immediately after shelby gives leah The Note, tw for a lot of christianity...this was less angst but angst with a happy ending, hope that’s okay <3 thank you for asking me!!
i love you (ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?)
Shelby keeps her word.
She talks.
She reminisces on some of the worst days of her life for six hours; the men did not give her a window but they allow her to look at a clock with no numbers, and she does not lie. She tells the men some things, things about the island that they must already know, and plays the ditsy deluded teenage girl act for as much as its worth. She runs a hand over her bristles of hair a lot; she never realised quite how freeing it would be to cut her hair so impulsively, the weight off of her back like Christ finally dropping the cross.
Her nails are too long now; they gave her razors to shave her head but not nail clippers. She knows that she could claw their eyes out easily if she wanted. And she does want, in a greedy, all consuming way, to hurt them. Hurt them the way they hurt her, the way they will continue to hurt her. Jesus spent fourty days in the desert, but Shelby doesn’t know how long she’s been here. How long she’ll be trapped. She thinks of all the sermons her father used to give, about the Lord testing us, about original sin. Thou shalt not kill and all that. Shelby touches the space on her neck where her cross used to be — she does not know where they took it. Maybe they think she’ll strangle herself with it. Maybe they think she’ll strangle them with it. Maybe they just threw it away when they burnt the clothes she wore on the island in case of infection.
She tries to keep Toni out of the narrative as often as she can. Not that she’s ashamed; shame seems as fanciful a thing to her as safety. There are some things about the island that no one has to know, that no one deserves to know, that no one should know. The feel of Toni’s hand, the warmth of her mouth, the sounds she made beneath her. The sunlight reflecting in her eyes when Shelby kissed her; an angel in a sports jersey. The feel of the sand on her back.
Agent Young will not tell Shelby where he’s taking her to. She assumes, eyes fixed on the walls of dark wood, that it might be to another holding cell. Maybe they found out what she wrote to Leah and have decided she isn’t worth the hassle of keeping alive. Agent Young doesn’t grab her wrist roughly as the other guards do; she gently puts a hand on her back. She cannot remember her own father ever being so gentle. She almost finds herself relaxing before reminding herself that she is a prisoner here, and must always be on her guard. Her crutches squeak beneath her. If she ever gets out of here, she knows there probably won’t be anymore walking across stages in high heels at pageant shows.
“You can’t tell anyone I took you here, okay?” Agent Young mutters as he presses a series of numbers into a keypad. Shelby hears the all too familiar sound of a metal lock opening. “It was meant to be a surprise.”
“What the hell are you talking about—“
There’s no time for questions as the florescent bulbs above them flash. Let there be light.
“You cut your hair.”
Shelby would recognise Toni’s voice anywhere. She didn’t think she was capable of crying anymore. She moves closer to Toni, still unsteady on her crutches. “Yeah—I—long story, okay? Are they—what happened to you?”
“I could ask you the same question,” Toni counters. “Can I...can I hug you? I don’t want to hurt you more than they have.”
Shelby wipes her tired eyes with her shirt sleeve. She can practically feel her mother shiver somewhere. “C’mere, please.”
Toni wraps her arms around Shelby and Shelby has no note to give her, no secret to reveal, no paranoia to justify with Toni. All Shelby has is herself and her words.
“I missed you,” Toni whispers. “I didn’t...they wouldn’t say where you were. No matter how much I begged, and trust me, I don’t fucking beg. I wanted to find you, but they lock the doors when we aren’t in interview and I—”
“You don’t need to justify it. The Lord works in mysterious ways,” Shelby recites, glancing over at Agent Young as he nods coyly. “I missed you too. More than I’ve ever missed anyone.”
“Well then,” Agent Young speaks up. “You’ll both be happy to know that the higher ups have seen fit to let you room together. They think it might make you more cooperative or something. And I may or may not have put a good word in about how much you care for each other.”
Shelby looks over to the king sized bed in the middle of the room. “They won’t record us...doing stuff, will they?”
Agent Young shakes his head. “I’ve seen to that. I’m gonna be working a lot of nights at the security cameras to look after you girls.”
Toni smiles at her; she thousand whatt smile that she seems to reserve solely for the few people blessed enough to have her love. Shelby finds it impossible not to smile back.
“I’ll give you some alone time,” Agent Young says as he steps toward the door. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, okay kids?”
“Sure thing dad,” Toni replies but not with nearly as much sarcasm as the words imply. Shelby sees Agent Young grin in the reflection of the large mirror.
Toni kisses her first, this time, runs her hands over Shelby’s new hair, bites Shelby’s lip. Shelby matches her enthusiasm, runs her hands through Toni’s hair, puts her lying tongue in Toni’s mouth.
The worst has already happened, and worse may happen still, so for now Shelby allows herself to bask in the heaven that the world becomes when Toni is with her.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Homecoming (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: Homecoming Rating: Explicit  Length: 3200 Warnings: Smut (not everyone gets a ‘happy ending’ but everyone is still happy) Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set Summerish 1995. ‘95 is a weird year without dates yet. Perhaps that’s a tomorrow task Thanks to everyone who asked for “imperfect sex”.  Summary: Reader gets home after a business trip.
@grapemama​​ @seawhisperer​​ @huliabitch​​ @pedropascalito​​ @rogrsnbarnes​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​​ @gooddaykate​​ @livasaurasrex​​ @ham4arrow​​ @plexflexico​​​ @readsalot73​​ @hdlynn​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​  @roxypeanut​​​ @snivellusim​​​ @lukesrighthand​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @awesomefandomsunited​​​ @ah-callie​​​ @swhiskeys​​​ @lady-tano​​​ @beskar-droids​​​ @space-floozy​​​ @cable-kenobi​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​​​ @findhimfives​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​ @frietiemeloen​​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​ @random066​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​ @heather-lynn​​​ @domino-oh-damn​​​ @cyarikaaa​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​  @yabby-girl​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​​ @punkass-potato​​ @coredrive​​ @pascalesque​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​ @queenquazar​​ @sabinemorans​​ @buckstaposition​​ @holkaskrosnou​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​ 
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You drummed your fingers against the steering wheel as you watched another minute tick by on the digital clock on your dashboard. You were supposed to be home almost an hour ago, but an accident on I-95 had brought traffic to a standstill before you had a chance to get onto Route 1. 
Thank God for car phones. 
You opened the center console, keying in the home phone before tucking it between your shoulder and your ear as you focused on inching forward another two feet. 
“Hey,” You smiled as Javier picked up the phone. “Still stuck on the road.”
“Jesus Christ,” Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth. “You got enough gas?”
“I filled up on the turnpike,” You assured him, glancing at the fuel gauge, “I’m good. Promise.” 
“Any movement?”
You glanced at a road sign as you inched past it. “I’m almost to 112. I’m gonna try to un-ass myself of this mess there.”
“Maybe another thirty?” He questioned hopefully. 
“That’s optimistic,” You chuckled, pushing your fingers through your hair as you grumbled at the car in front of you. “Yeah, sure. Just come on over jackass. Not like the rest of us are trying to get out of this shit too.”
“Ah, I see the road rage has settled in.” Javier teased. 
“I just wanna be home.” You admitted. “I thought I could do this whole work-trip thing, but… I’m not a fan.”
“I know, baby. Four days is a long time.”
“I don’t know how you did it,” You remarked. How many times had he had to go away in Colombia? You hadn’t even considered the agony of being away from Javi and Josie until you had settled into your first night alone in a hotel room in St. Pete.
“Did you have fun at least?”
“You know me, I just love public speaking to a bunch of men who think they know better than me.” You laughed bitterly, “It was fine. I actually did really well.”
“Of course you did, baby.” You could practically feel the adoration in his voice. “If it’s any consolation — we missed you. A lot.”
“I missed you too,” You chewed on your bottom lip. “I cannot wait to be home.”
“Yeah?” Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth. “I made dinner. Well, I ordered dinner.”
“It’s going to be cold by the time I get home,” You sighed, rubbing at your forehead as traffic came to a complete halt again. “What’d you get?”
“Chinese. General Tso’s, fried rice, your favorite egg rolls.”
“You know how to spoil me.”
“I have a few plans to spoil you.”
“Momma!” Josie squealed from somewhere on the other side of the call and your heart clenched. 
“You wanna say hello, JoJo?” Javier questioned, “Hang on.” There was a rustle of noise as he sat the phone down, before returning a beat later. “I’ve got you on speaker phone.”
“Hey, baby doll!” You said enthusiastically, wishing you could see her on the other side of the call. “Did you miss mommy?”
“Mommy!” Josie clapped her hands. “Da-da! Mommy!” 
“She looks thrilled,” Javier told you. “She’s looked for you every day.”
“I’m sure she has.” You tried to ignore the ache in your chest. “I’ll be home soon, baby doll. And I’m going to read you a story and tuck you in. Everything I missed this week.” You shook your head slowly, “I don’t know how you did this, Javi.”
“It killed me.” Javier admitted quietly, before the phone rustled again as he let Josie go off to play once more, switching off the speaker. “Why do you think I’d come over in the middle of the night, even if it meant an hour or two of actual sleep?”
“I get it now. You were willing to do what you had to, to make up for what you missed out on.” The traffic let up a little, allowing you to drive further down the road without stopping. “I’m about five minutes from the exit, I think. I should be home before seven.”
“I’ll keep JoJo up so you can tuck her in.”
“Let her sleep if she’s tired, babe.”
“Baby, I know how important it is.”
“Yeah, I guess you do. Thank you.” You smiled to yourself. “I can’t wait to kiss you.”
Javier chuckled, “Me neither. Four days is a long time, isn’t it?”
“And lonely. I hated sleeping in a giant king hotel bed alone.” You made a face. “You two are coming with me next time.”
“I know I slept for shit without you next to me,” Javier told you. “Who knew that after three years with someone you could get real fucking used to not sleeping alone.” 
“I know!” You laughed, “Okay, I’ve reached the exit. I should be home in twenty.” You told him as you veered off 95, taking the exit that would get you home sometime this century. 
“See you in a few.” Javier murmured, “I love you.”
“Love you too. I’ll be home soon.”
Somehow you managed to hit every fucking light on the way home, but at least you made it home before seven. 
“Next time I have a conference in St. Pete — I’m flying. It was an easy six hour drive up, but Jesus Christ…” You complained as you threw your purse down on the sofa, abandoning your suitcase by the door. “Nine hours today.”
“But you’re home now,” Javier pointed out as he greeted you with a kiss, passing a very sleepy Josie to you. 
“Hello, baby girl.” You whispered as you cradled her against you, running your hand over her back as she clung to you. “I swear you’ve gotten bigger in just four days.”
“Missed you.” Josie told you, her eyes heavy as she rested her cheek against your shoulder. “No go bye-bye mommy.”
“I’m not going bye-bye anytime soon.” You promised her, kissing her forehead. You reached out with your free hand to urge Javier closer. He wrapped an arm around both of you as he hugged you. “Did daddy take good care of you?”
She nodded excitedly and Javier chuckled. “He braided-ed my hair!”
“Did he?” You grinned at Javier. “And how did he learn to do that?”
“Steve.” Javier gave your hip a squeeze. “Surprisingly good at braiding.”
“Impressive.” You laughed, giving Josie’s head another kiss. “I’m going to go put her down, do you mind heating up dinner for me?”
“Do I mind?” Javier scoffed and stole a kiss. “Of course I don’t mind, baby.”
“Thank you,” You played your fingers through his hair, before you headed down the hall to Josie’s room. 
You barely made it through the first few pages of The Swan Princess before she was out like a light beside you. You stayed there, watching her sleep for as long as your stomach would allow you.
The smell of the reheated Chinese food wafting down the hallway had your stomach in knots with hunger. If you had known how long the drive was going to be — you would’ve gotten something to eat on the turnpike. 
As much as you wanted to get back in the field, go on assignment, and travel again — you really did want to be home with Javier and Josie. You were only a little jealous that Javier had adapted to stay-at-home life so easily. He was so at ease, constantly. 
You wanted Josie to have that bond with her father — the same one you’d always craved as a little girl. But you also wanted to be there for dinnertime, bathtime, storytime, and bedtime. You didn’t want to miss a week of her life. 
“I am starving.” You told Javier as you collapsed onto the sofa beside him. You dragged your hands over your face, sighing heavily before you leaned forward and grabbed the plate he’d prepared for you. “Thank you.”
“Whatever you need, baby.” Javier angled himself towards you, watching you with rapt attention. “I missed you.”
You felt your cheeks warm under his gaze, “I missed you too.” You dipped your egg roll into the sauce, before you took a bite. You shifted towards him, leaning against his arm. “It was so weird.”
Javier curled his arm around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Aside from missing us, did you have a good time?”
“The conference went really well. I think the force up there is going to follow the model I’ve been implementing here. They don’t understand the importance of informants—“
“No one ever does.”
“Right?” You laughed, taking another bite of your egg roll. “There was a lot of evening socializing that I wasn’t really interested in.” You raised a brow as you tilted your head to look at him. 
Javier pressed a kiss to your cheek, “What? Afraid you’d have a repeat of the first night?” 
You snorted, “Yeah. I mean, I’m all for getting bought drinks, but don’t try to slip me your room key.” You made a face as you scooped up a fork full of fried rice. You chewed it down a little too fast and ended up burping and hiccuping at the same time. 
“I mean, what a catch.” Javier teased, keeping his arm curled around you. 
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Not bad manners, just good food.” You leaned forward to grab the beer off the coffee table, washing down the fried rice before taking a bite of the chicken. “As I was saying—“ You gave him a look. “I wasn’t looking to get hit on at the hotel bar.” 
Javier rubbed at the back of his neck, “They’d probably wonder how you ended up with me.”
“Javier,” You rolled your eyes, slapping his leg playfully. 
“Baby, you’re gorgeous.”
“You just want to get laid tonight.” You retorted hotly, running your tongue over your bottom lip as you met his gaze. 
“Four days is a long time.” Javier pointed out as he traced his fingers over your arm, his gaze flickering to your lips. 
“Were your hands not enough, Javi?” You questioned, leaning in to press your lips to his. 
“I didn’t.”
Your brows rose upwards, “Really?”
“Figured I could wait until you got home,” He drawled out, leaning in to steal another kiss, his tongue playing over your lips. 
“I guess I should eat faster then,” You laughed, winding your fingers through his hair as you brushed your nose against his. “So you can eat.”
Javier snorted.
“Though, we could always go to the main course.” You suggested, taking another bite of chicken. “My vibrator was a poor imitation of the real deal.”
“You used it?” He shook his head. 
You shrugged, “What else was I going to do at the hotel at six in the evening? Don’t be too jealous.” 
Javier ran his hand over your thigh, his fingers sliding inwards over the inner fabric of your pants. “You should’ve called.”
“I know, but I knew you’d be getting Josie ready for bed.” You sighed and pressed your tongue to the inside of your cheek. “Not to mention, I was pretty stressed and it was not as alleviating as I hoped.”
He pressed a kiss to the curve of your jaw, “Still stressed?”
“Two more bites of dinner and I’m yours.” You promised him, shoving half the egg roll into your mouth as you hastily chewed it down. “They’re not terrible nuked.”
“They were good when they were fresh.”
You nudged him in the ribs, “I’m sorry, take that up with the traffic gods. I would’ve loved to be home hours ago.” You licked the sauce off your thumb, before leaning forward to put your plate back on the coffee table. 
“I’ll light a candle,” He taunted, his eyes raking over your face before he hesitated, “You should finish eating.”
“Are you sure?” You frowned, “I ate half a bag of pretzel sticks on the drive.” You took a swig of beer, before sitting it next to your plate. “You know I’m not against midnight breakfast.”
Javier shook his head, his lips drawing up at the corner a warm smile. “Take your time, enjoy your dinner.”
He arched a brow, “Hmm?”
“I’ve been in a car for nine hours.” You said slowly as you moved to straddle his lap, resting your hands on his shoulders. “And thinking about coming home to you was the one thing that kept me from partaking in road rage.”
He ran his hands over your hips, one hand sliding around to grab your ass as he looked up at you. “Who knew I had so much power.” Javier smirked, leaning up to kiss you.
You dragged your fingers through his hair as you sank into the kiss, your tongue playing over his bottom lip with a soft groan. You pulled back with a grin, “You have a lot of power.” 
“Couch or bed?”
“Bed.” You whispered as you brushed your nose against his, “I want out of these pants.” You rolled your hips downwards slowly, before you climbed off of his lap. 
“I love the way you think.” Javier chuckled as he followed you down the hallway. 
You walked backwards into the bedroom, meeting his eyes with a smirk of your own, “I’ve been known to have a few good ideas.” 
Javier closed the distance between the two of you, a hand at your hip and the other at your jaw as he descended upon you. It felt like a week’s worth of desire pent up into that one kiss and it lit a flame of need within you.
He guided you back onto the bed and you held him wrestle your pants off your legs, leaning up on your elbows as he tossed them aside. “Still want the main course baby?” 
You nodded your head, hooking your thumbs in the waistband of your underwear and sliding them down your thighs. Javier caught ahold of them and tugged them off. 
Javier bent down and pressed a kiss to your lower belly as his hand ran up along the inside of your thigh. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, baby.”
“Then show me.” You taunted as you tugged at his hair. Javier dragged his hand up higher until his fingers reached your cunt, his fingers dragging over your folds. 
You sank back against the bed, savoring the feel of his fingers as he played over your sensitive flesh, stoking the flames of arousal there. 
Javier pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your lower stomach, before scraping his teeth over your soft skin there. He worked two fingers into you, thrusting them in and out of you twice before he pulled back. 
He leaned over you to catch lips again and you managed to reach downward between the two of you to work his jeans open. Javier groaned against your lips as you worked your hand inside, palming his rigid cock through his boxers. 
“Happy to see me?” You murmured against his lips as he drew back just enough to catch a breath. 
“Very.” Javier bumped his noses against yours, before he kissed you again. 
You tugged his boxers down his hips, getting them down about mid-thigh to where his jeans were before you gave up. You were both half dressed — it didn’t matter. 
Javier’s hand curled around your hip as he dragged you to the edge of the bed. You curled a leg around him, trying to angle yourself towards him. 
“Fuck!” You gasped out as his cock slid into you, filling you so deliciously. “That’s it, Javi.” You urged, curling your fingers around the back of his neck as you met his eyes.
“You feel so fucking good.” Javier drawled out as he leaned back, his hands gripping at your hips tightly as he started thrusting into you in earnest. 
You grabbed curled your hands around his forearms, gripping at them tightly as you rolled your hips to meet his thrusts. Your lips parted as a breathy moan escaped you. “Javier.” 
“Is that what you want, baby?” He questioned, dragging his hand along the length of the leg you had wrapped around his hips. “Shit—“ Javier hissed out, his grip tightening at your hip as his pace faltered. You knew that face. 
“It’s okay.” You promised him, grabbing at his shoulder as you pulled yourself up. You tilted your head, lips brushing against his as you rolled your hips. “Let go.” You whispered against his mouth as you curled your fingers around the back of his neck. 
“Fucking… baby, I’m—“
You cut him off with a searing kiss before he had the chance to finish. He released his hold on your leg, slipping his hand between you where his cock was driving into you, but you intercepted him. You interlaced your fingers with his and that was all it took to send him careening over the edge.
Your own release was just out of reach, but there was something almost equally pleasurable about watching Javier come undone for you. To feel his cock throb as it spilled within you. 
“It’s okay,” You whispered, winding your fingers through his hair as you laid back and took him with you. You were both hanging halfway off the bed, but you really didn’t mind. 
“Is it?” He grumbled, pressing his face into the crook of your neck, his breath hot against your skin. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Don’t be.” You ran your hand down his back. “I still had fun.” You turned your head as much as you could to press a kiss to whatever available bare patch of skin you could find.
Javier groaned quietly as he pushed himself up on his hands, towering over you. “Let me make it up to you.”
You shook your head, tracing a finger over his bottom lip. “You can make it up to me by getting undressed so we can go to sleep. Okay?”
“You sure?” He questioned, lifting a hand to cup your cheek. Javier searched your eyes as you nodded, “I’m gonna grab something to clean up with. Don’t move.”
You drew in a sharp breath as he slipped out of you. The moment had definitely passed, as disappointing as it was. You were stressed and exhausted. 
You sat up and peeled off your shirt, tossing it off the side of the bed as you waited for Javier to return from the bathroom. “I need to brush my teeth too,” You told him as he knelt down at the foot of the bed as he wiped off the mess that had been left behind. 
Javier pressed a kiss to your leg just on the inside of our knee, “Didn't mean you make your homecoming a letdown.”
“Good thing you didn’t let me down then.” You told him with a warm smile as you held him stand back up as you rose. “You’re more than welcome to wake me up however you see fit… but not before seven.”
“I can arrange that,” Javier’s lips cracked into a faint smile. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too.” You brushed your fingers over his cheek. “I missed my bed… and it’s other occupant.”
Javier snorted, “Even if he’s early to the party?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you headed for the bathroom to brush your teeth, “I only care that you were at the party.” You quipped, firing a finger gun at him before you ducked into the bathroom.  
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Cw:violence angst but a nice ending.
Ok to rb
A/n :I let my frustration out on this one, it happends after the first New cómics where fuse is kidnapped And maggie tries to convince him to go back to salvo, he then scapes with lifeline and bloodhound.
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--Do you mind explaining me how this happened?--Jerico said pointing at the now destroyed Kings cannion.
--Well,remember Maggie?-- fuse said putting at arm protectively around jeris neck pulling her closer-- yeah well shes out for vengance
--yikes-- octane says concentrated on his game.
Jer sighed pressing a kiss to fuses temple-- well ive got to go and check it out
--There might still be some balanced rocks 'round It--horizon added, fixing newt-- ye be carefull dearie
Jerico laughs and shakes her head-- y'all are babying me too much, ill be just fine-- she kisses Walter and walks to the dropships platform.
High heeled quick steps are heard as loba walks to jeri-- youre forgetting something
She rolls her eyes looking at loba-- you too?
She nodds, and jer playfully groans kissing her.
--Look at you two! So adorable-- wattson coos as lifeline raises a brow.
-- well it looks like old fuse here doesnt like it-- ajay added with a playfull smirk
Jer shakes her head saying her goodbyes and dropping into the destroyed Kings cannyon.
She wrote soundly on her iPad,looking at the damage done by maggies temper trantrum-- banners mostly destroyed, infrastracture of bunker Severly damaged...--she muttered under her breath.
**theres Someone watching**
A voice whispers to jerico as she turns around, knife to the throat of her assailant.
--Jesus christ hound! You scared me!
Bloodhound puts their hands up-- ah im sorry my dear-- they said-- fuse sent me to watch over you...
Jer sighs putting her dagger back in her pocket-- you need to stop sneaking up on me
Hound shrugs-- the gods Will tell me when its my time to go
--And to valhalla youll go if you Keep scaring me like that
They takes her arm and they walk togheter as she keeps doing her work.
--After what happened with maggie,hows fuse holding up?
The tracker pet their raven looking away-- well he seems to be shook, maggie had a bad Effect on him,even now hes still a bit quieter than usual
Jer nodded putting her iPad on her backpack.
Bloodhound tilts their head-- what is it that youre thinking?-- they asked.
--Maggie wont stop until she gets fuse back to salvo..--she trailed off looking at the Mark in her hand.
--You cannot intervene with fate, you know that fully well-- they said,putting a hand on her shoulder-- it is not our place to make that desicion for him, we'll Keep him safe.. one way or another...
Jer shook her head--hound I have to ask you a favor, hand this to crypto--she said handing them her bag-- he'll know what to do,I myself have a bitch to hunt down...
Before they can say anything jerico sprints, knocking over some rocks so they cant follow.
Hound is left there-- May the all father help us all--they whisper walking back to the dropship.
The transmition tower was still intact somehow, with savage Winds she climbs it, her hand presses against one of the cables.
Even bloodhound can feel the waves coming from it as they sit to Sharpen their Knife.
Its like a constant drumming , a war cry.
--Come on...you bitch show yourself-- she whispers to herself eyes tightly shut.
There, the signal is faint, but strong enough for her to follow.
What Will she do when they meet face to face? Shes not sure yet.
Jerico feels the blowing of air of a snout, she turns around and there she was-- oro, you followed me all the way here?-- the dragon grunts unfolding her wings letting jeri Sit on the mount-- its hunting season oro,lets go
The creature takes flight, following the energy signal.
--And you let her go?!-- fuse asked slamming his hands agains the table.
Bloodhound shrugged-- I know better than to get in her way, fitzroy, besides theres nothing I,or any of Us could have said to stop her
Wraith perked up-- I can try and find her, if you want to go after her, the voices should help
Crypto shrugged-- or I could just check her phone tracker
The woman scowls--yeah that can help too
Loba puts a hand on fuses shoulder-- im equally concerned with jerico, but even then, shes a forced to be reckoned with, what Will you say to her when you see her
Fuse just sighed uncrossing his arms-- whatever it takes to Keep her out of this Mess, maggie is vicious and im afraid that jerico May not stand a chance
Meanwhile, jerico grew closer and closer to maggies hideout.
--Okay oro-- she said-- its time for a dive
The dragon nodded flying high up to the clouds,falling rapidly into the water.
With a splash they dive in, swiming under the hideout into a underwater cave.
Jeris adrenaline levels rise, with a firm grip in the reigns she signals oro to come up to the surface.
Oro peeks her head out breathing the humid air.
--there we go girl,stay here--jer climbs up the walls to the underground entrance.
The Doors Open infront of her, somehow they knew she was here.
Walking aimlessly she gets to where maggie was, the energy feels tingly in her fingertips.
The door opens up.
--wally?!--jer exclained-- the fuck youre doing here?
Maggie interrupts him-- well ya little loverboy here came to hand himself in,as long as you Keep breathin'
--babe...let me explain-- fuse said walking towards her holding her hands-- shes vicious..you Wont stand a chance and I dont want anything happenin to ya
--But the answer isnt handing yourself in!--jeri added grabbing him by the collar.
Hes about to answer when maggie breaks both up-- say your goodbyes, hes coming with me
Jers body heats up, fists clenched.
Fuse tries to stop her but to no avail -- you think you can just come in here, blow up this place and take my love away?! Youre severly mistaken !
--nice catch wally-- maggie said slightly amused-- kitties got claws, now lissen here--
--No!--Jerico said -- you listen here you bitch, youre not taking him because of your petty revenge!, youre staying here with the rest of your crew, and ill crush you with my own bare hands!, you dont get to walk here like you own the place, like you own me or him!
The walls of the cave start to crack, dust starts to fall--this mountain bends to my will! Youll learn how it feels to be squashed under someones command...
A rock falls onto maggie and her lackeys, jeri walks towards her lifting her face up by the chin,violently-- see how it is down there?, right below us theres some gigantic eels hungry for food, I can feel their energy and they are starving...maybe youll do a nice dinner...or maybe youll give them a bad tummy ache,you rotten sack of shit
--Jerico enough!-- fuse pushes her away with an angry expression.
She huffs looking away.
He turns to maggie, and sighs-- it doesnt have to come to this...drop this and make peace, I cant Keep her down for much longer
The woman scowls and spits at his feet-- ya bloody traitor! Ill have your other arm!, you shouldnt have left salvó! Ill have your and your girlfriends head on a pyke!
Jeri growls making a bigger rock fall ontop of the one maggies under-- you shut up!
Walter sighs looking away-- then this is it...jerico we are leaving...
--what?!-- she says following fuse-- and let her live?!
He looks at her sternly, and as they exit the cave the door to it collapsed.
Back at the dropship fuse entered leaving jerico to cool off on the shore.
--And whats up with those two?--octane asked wraith, fuse and jerico havent talked to eachother in days.
--hes still mad at her, and jerico is too pridefull-- wraith answered in a hushed whisper.
Its midnight now, jerico tosses around her bed,unable to fall asleep.
She then feels a pair of strong arms around her pulling her closer to someones chest.
--Cant sleep babe?--fuse whispered against her ear.
Jeri turns around and hugs him tightly, he strokes her hair and she nodds.
Fuse sighs-- look babe what happened with maggie...I understand...youre mad,and I am tired of her shit...but going lonewolf was dangerous, I... just dont want to loose you--his voice breaks.
Jer sniffes hugging him tightly-- I dont want her to take you away from me wally!--She breaks down crying-- I cant loose you
He hugs her tightly crying with her--you wont,I promise you wont.
Their broken sobs are barely audible, he puts his head on the crook of her neck, sniffing trying to recompose himself--but...I think that ass kicking of yours May help her re-think things.. May I add..ya looked bloody hot while doing it,maybe I need to get ya mad more often
Jeri laughs kissing him-- oh shut up!
He kisses her again, both playfully fighting and wrestling around the bed, finally tiring themselves out falling to the bed.
-- im never leaving ya-- he whispered kissing her.
She nodds kissing back-- yout better Keep that promise up
Both chuckle.
--Night sweetheart
--night wally
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Chips the Cat
2 fics in 2 days?? whoa
warnings: cursing, hairballs, al panics a bit at the end but its not too bad
ship: ralbert
word count: 1378
“You’re not allergic to cats, right?”
Albert allows his head to drop, absentmindedly fumbling for the remote and muting the TV as Queso perks his head up from his lap.
“Race, did you get a fucking cat?”
There was a pause and Albert groaned, shifting Queso off his thighs and pushing himself up from the couch.  Race was standing in the doorway, a sheepish look on his face and arms held protectively around a blue and grey pet carrier.  Behind him, several bags of cat food, a litter box, and a small cat bed were lined up unceremoniously on the ground.
Albert doesn’t hold back the exasperated groan that’s been on standby since Race opened the door.
“You got a fucking cat,” he concludes, wincing as Queso bounds over from the couch and begins barking loudly at the carrier, “Race, what were you thinking!? Do we even make enough money to care for another living creature?”
Race shrugs, setting down the carrier and unlatching the cage door, “I’m getting a raise this weekend,” he says, sounding a bit like he’s trying to diffuse a bomb, “plus, I couldn’t just let this little guy go.”
Albert watches as he pulls a young orange tabby from the cage, “Meet Chips!” Race exclaims brightly, “I named him on the way home.”
Albert raises an eyebrow, “Chips?” he asks slowly, “As in Chips...and Queso.”
Race beams stroking a hand down Chips’ head, “That’s the idea!”
“Unbelievable,” Albert mumbles, “you know, you could have called me to discuss before you adopted him, like- I don’t know- adults.”
The smile seeps off Race’s face and his shoulders sag a little, “Are you seriously mad?”
“A little,” Albert admits, “You can’t just go making big decisions like this without talking to me first.”
Race pouts a little, stroking a hand down Chips’ head and scratching his back a little, “I’m sorry,” he says, “So, we can’t keep him?”
Albert sighs as Chips begins to purr, cuddling closer to Race’s chest, “Does he make you happy?”
Race nods, a little hesitant and very hopeful, and suddenly, all the fight drains out of Albert.
“Well, I’ll look like a fucking monster if I say no,” He mumbles, more to himself than anything else, “yes, we can keep him.”
The smile replaces itself on Race’s face, lighting up his blue eyes behind his glasses.
“Fuck yeah!” He pumps his fist, crossing further into the room and narrowly dodging Queso as he tries to jump for the cat in his arms.
“But you have to be the one to make sure that Queso doesn’t murder him,” Albert demands, pointing a finger in Race’s direction, “and don’t expect me to clean his litter box.”
Race nods, wide eyed, “No, yeah, of course.  I’ll take care of him 100 percent.”
“Race, get your fuckin’ cat, Jesus Christ!”
Albert resists the urge to throw the goddamn thing as Chips bats his head with his paw for the millionth time since the movie started.  Queso was growling up at him, drowning out the sounds of Indiana Jones in the background.  
“If you wanna murder him already, I’m not gonna stop you,” Albert grumbles to Queso, ducking his head as Chips takes another swing at his ear.
“No, no one is murdering anyone,” Race snaps, padding into the room and plucking Chips up from his purchase on the back of the couch, “you coulda just moved him if he was bothering you so much.”
“I tried!” Albert cries, sitting up indignantly, “He just hissed at me and started doing it again!”
Queso was whining now, turning in circles by Albert’s feet and casting furtive glances towards where Chips was grooming himself on Race’s lap.
“That fucking gremlin seems to only like you,” Albert says, not bothering to keep the distaste from his tone.
“He can sense that you’re bothered with him,” Race says, staring lovingly down at Chips, who now lay asleep against his stomach.
“I don’t think cats work like that,” Albert scrunches his nose, “I just think he hates me.”
Race shrugs, “He’ll warm up to ya.”
“Hip hip fucking hooray.”
“Queso, no! No, Queso, leave him- no- fuck, RAAACE!”
Race barrels into the room freezing momentarily to take in the scene of Albert holding Queso back while Chips shoves soil at them from his perch on one of the windowsills.  
He stifles a laugh and Albert shoots him a glare, “Shut the hell up and get your fucking demon out of the succulents.”
Swallowing his laughter and putting on a solemn face, Race crosses to Chips and sets him on the ground.
“He’s just restless,” Race insists, “I just need to get him a cat tree or something.”
“Then fucking do it and don’t let him mess with my plants!” Albert just barely stops himself from stomping his foot.
“Okay, okay,” Race raises his hands in mock surrender, “I’ll go do that now.  Go walk Queso or something.”
Albert huffs, grumbling to himself as he grabs Queso’s leash off its hook.  On his way out, he tosses a middle finger in Chips’ direction.
“Albert Dasilva!”
“He deserves it!”
It’s the middle of the goddamn night and Chips is scratching.  Race had kept to his word and gotten Chips a cat tree, but since then, the fucking terror has done nothing but scratch the fucking thing.  Albert wouldn’t mind if Race hadn’t insisted that they keep the tree in their bedroom so, ‘Chips can sleep near us, c’mon, you let Queso sleep in our bed.’
Albert had lost that argument as soon as the Queso card was pulled.  You can’t really argue with hypocritical logic.
“Will you fucking stop already!?” Albert hisses into the dark quiet of the room, careful not to wake Race or Queso up.
He sees Chips’ yellow eyes turn in his direction and they hold eye contact for a tense moment before he hops up onto the bed next to Albert.
“Oh no you don’t,” Albert says through clenched teeth as Chips’ begins to knead his paws into his stomach.
Albert groans, letting his head drop back onto the pillow, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
He’s home alone, fist clenched tightly in his hair as he tried to regain control over his breathing.  Queso’s hovering uncertainly nearby, providing company and comfort, but not coming closer for fear of overwhelming Albert.  
He hadn’t expected the movie he’d been watching to trigger him, but one loud fight and a door slam later, he was 15 years old again, cowering in the kitchen while his father yells at him relentlessly.  
The shaking is getting worse and Albert has half a thought to call Race, but he’s in a meeting right now and that would be unfair to ask of him.  No, he could handle this by himself.  Everything was going to be okay.
Another shout sounds from the TV and Albert gasps, reaching for the remote and forcefully shutting it off.  He braces his forearms on his knees and leans forward, opening his eyes and attempting to tap back into his surroundings.  Queso comes a little closer, nudging his hand with his nose until Albert begins to run a shaking hand down his head.
It does a little to calm his nerves, but his heartbeat is still too erratic and his senses are still foggy and anxious.  Across the room, Chips meows loudly and Albert looks up in time to see him knock his plastic food bowl off the counter.  It’s empty and bounces when it hits the ground and Chips fixes Albert with a look as if to say, ‘feed me’.
Albert huffs out a surprised laugh, panic forgotten as he stands from the couch, crossing to pick up the bowl before filling it with cat food.  He sets it back on the counter and watches in surprise as Chips nestles his head against his arm before digging into the food.
“Ya know, you’re not actually that bad,” Chips purrs in response and Albert smiles, “I think I might not hate you.”
Chips cuts himself off from eating and begins to convulse violently, spitting up a hairball a few moments later.
Albert blinks, “What the fuck.”
Chips just looks at him again, meowing.
angst later
thanks for reading, chiefs
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.09 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Choni ❤️❤️❤️ But “stealing from.the rich to give to, well, us” what? Cheryl… YOU’RE RICH. Give some of the money to the Serpents They need it a bit more than you do baby. BUT BITCH THEIR FIRST I LOVE YOU I’M—
- Five weeks of the quarantine… that would have made an INCREDIBLE story line? Seriously? It would have been amazing to see Sweet Pea being temporary king while Jarghead and FP were gone. But no… let’s just skip the good part? What the fuck kinda writing skips.a great plot?
- “All physical contact must be kept to a minimum?” um… literally WHY? There’s literally NO reason for that to be a rule? Also fuck off Moose no ones likes a tattle tale and we all know that you’re slumming it up with Kevin after school so leave my babies alone. Oh. it’s for the seizures? Really? Dude SEIZURES ARE NOT FUCKING CONTAGIOUS YOU STUPID FUCKERS OH MY GOD. Stop trying to keep then gays from being cute!!!!!!!
- The RROTC made the rules? Dude they don’t run the school lmao that’s NOT HOW THINGS WORK
-  Ew and then my mood is ruined by bughead waking up 😷😷😷
- Betty put all of those girl’s… in HER house? THE COOPERS CAN BARELY TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES LET ALONE THOSE GIRLS. Also don’t they fucking have families? And yes, Betty, that scream definitely would wake up your mom because they have those motherly instincts and they’d think their child was hurt, so ofc she’s going to wake up.
- They want to play… G&G… are you kidding me? I kinda get that it makes them feel better because that’s how they had it in SOQM but still WHY? JUST PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC OR SOMETHING AND TAKE A BATH.
- Of course Jughead goes from his horrible leadership to “I left you too long” stfu right now your priority is the Serpents and who’s dealing the drugs (although I know who and uhhhh leave them alone he has to stay alive somehow)
 - “Maybe that means that Archie could come back home” wE KNOW YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HIM BETTY. Barchie!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Reggie ❤️❤️❤️ WOAH WHAT NO LEAVE HIM ALONE? HE ALREADY GETS ABUSED BY HIS FATHER! But aw Ronnie gets to take care of him I’m—
- Hiram really is trying to hustle his daughter wow so uhhh he does know that his daughter is the incredible Veronica Lodge, right? She’ll find a way lol we all know the queen can do everything
- “Has anyone ever told you you’re a badass?” Wow Reggie is so fucking into her I’m just 😭😭
- If Vegas gets hurt RAS will LITERALLY DIE.  I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AND I’M NOT READY FOR THIS. Also there’s no way Vegas wouldn’t have seen or heard the bear behind him but sure whatever. ARCHIE JUST BC SHE’S ZONING OUT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN’T HEAR HER. JUST DO WHAT SHE SAYS JESUS. Also how convenient that it suddenly doesn’t work.
- “They imprinted on me” Betty NEVER say that again that was gross as fuck. “But as their queen, they are your responsibility, not mine” bitch Betty can’t be a queen no matter how hard she tries, and she (nor Jughead) know how to take care of anyone but themselves so… Alice unless you want Betty to end up killing them, this is where you, as the mom, undermine her and take them to the farm. Of course I don’t trust the farm but it’s much safer than the Cooper house hold because they have the resources to spare, the Cooper’s don’t.
- Hey here’s an idea… since you can’t get to Hiram using the nuns because they took a vow of silence (cowards) then maybe… just maybe… OUT IT AS A CONVERSION THERAPY HELL SITE AND USE THAT INSTEAD? But we know Betty doesn’t want to save the gays so 😷😷
- I love Josie’s singing but why is she singing in an empty lounge? REST HER VOCALS.
- I used to love Hiram’s evil-ness but now he just shows up all the time and it’s getting annoying. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD END THIS FUCKING PLOT SO VERONICA CAN FOR ONCE GET HER OWN STORY THAT BETTY DOESN’T TAKE, THAT DOESN’T REVOLVE AROUND HER FATHER OR A GUY. SERIOUSLY. They have so much potential with literally any other character but still decide to force Bughead and their separate characters down our throats. Like at this point honestly just kill them both off Jesus Christ
- Jughead… this is a gang… they’ve always sold drugs? At least, weed, but still? You have to take into consideration that you were gone, and they were placed under quarantine, and they needed money. You can’t blame any of them for dealing with Hiram you whiny piss baby. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
- God it bothers me that Jarghead is such a lowsy king. When do we get Sweet Pea overthrowing him? pLEASE WE NEED IT SO TONI CAN LEAD BESIDE HIM. Maybe Swangs (even though I know what happens) and Choni can co-lead the Serpents
- Cheryl speaking facts! AND MY BOY FANGS. Jughead had NOTHING to say to Fangs and FP had to step up and cover for Jughead, because he was right. What else are they supposed to do? Gangs are supposed to do bad shit? Jughead has done ultimate horrible shit and suddenly he’s going to act like a gang is supposed to be clean? Jughead do your research that is not what gangs do. Also, if FP is going to be at every fucking Serpent meeting maybe he should, you know, take his spot back. He’s a MUCH better leader than Jughead, even though I’d prefer it be one of the founding members like TONI FUCKING TOPAZ or something.
- I love how no one really does the “in unity there is strength” thing. Like, they know they’re being lead to slaughter basically and FP is just letting it happen. Also, they’re running the gang into the ground. There is no more unity because JUGHEAD’S STUPID POWER-HUNGRY ASS ISN’T DOING SHIT TO HELP THE GANG. Also also Betty looks so out of place and awkward there. Can’t wait for Archie to come back and for her to realize that he almost died and then realize she can’t live without him and that she loves him and finally bughead can split for good and barchie can rise
- If Veronica paid why the FLYING FUCK did they go after Josie? FucK OFF HIRAM
- Polly you had to say his name. LEAVE MY BOY ALONE.
- “We could’ve helped you” JUGHEAD YOU LITERALLY JUST BANNED CRIME. THE SERPENTS HAVE NO MONEY WHAT ELSE WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO? Also they can’t get mad at him bc this was before Jughead got back and did the stupid crime law like a hypocrite
- Oh Jughead has one brain cell left? I know he ends up being cancelled but he’s not… yet.
- Why is Archie hallucinating playing G&G? Like doesn’t this mean he’s playing by himself? The fuck?
- Dead ass Cassidy telling Archie it sounds like his fault that all that happened, you can tell that this is Archie’s mind because he always blames himself for things that have nothing to do with him. Because we know that it’s definitely NOT his fault. None of it is.
- Cheryl just HAD to kiss the picture
- I’m mad that they didn’t have Joaquin not actually die. Like, Sweet Pea and Fangs were close to him? They could have faked his death like what the fuck
- How did Jughead know that Toni was involved? Cheryl was the only one who left a stupid calling card.
- But he can’t fucking kick her out she’s literally a legacy. This crusty white boy needs to sit the fuck down
- Okay one, Cheryl why would you bring Fangs back into it? THE FUCK. Also, Jughead you can’t be disappointed in Fangs for telling SP even though you said not to tell anyone—best friend’s never count. 
- “And the rest of us don’t get to go back to Thistlehouse” says the disgusting whiny piss baby who gets to sleep in his girlfriend’s house, in her comfortable bed while his gang lays in cots or some shit in tents. Get off your mighty high horse, Jughead. God, now they’re switching roles… Betty is kinda becoming SLIGHTLY tolerable and now Jughead is being so fucking annoying. Go back to how it was please.
- So Archie standing over Hiram and shit was all a fucking dream? Really? COME ON. Lol Hiram has a point though because everyone goes in and tells him their fucking plans. OMG THE CALLBACK TO THE FIRST EPISODE WAS GREAT. CALL BACK TO BARCHIE BEING ENDGAME YESSSS.
- So if Veronica ended up smashing the egg… then fucking give Fangs, Toni, and Cheryl their spots in the Serpents back since it was all for nothing anyways.
- I’m glad Cheryl and Nana Rose are housing some fo the girls but WHAT ABOUT THE SERPENTS YOU GUYS HAVE A BIG FUCKING HOUSE. Why didn’t she house some of them there? I mean it’s ooc for Toni not to be thinking of her fellow Serpents why wouldn’t she be like “hey babe you have a lot of room here what if we help house some of the Serpents” but uhhh apparently not.
- Hey FP shut the fuck up with this “she’s still a Lodge” shit because you all know she doesn’t associate herself with her parents anymore. Remember “you don’t have a daughter” or…?
- Jughead brought up when FP worked for Hiram. Hell yeah! But him saying he wants Jughead to be a better king than him? BITCH YOUR SON DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO RUN A GANG. HE SUCKS. HE’S STUPID AND RUINING THE GANG HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT? God never give your throne to blood family.
- Yeah, FP, you’re not made for the sidelines you’re made to RULE you stupid fuck. Maybe you should get back with Alice she makes you more stable and less stupid
- So… you threaten the gargoyle bitch but you don’t unmask him to see who he is? Are you fucking stupid?
- If they make Archie unlikable the only good core four person will be Veronica.
- VERONICA SINGING ❤️❤️❤️ Oh fuck I know this song but I can’t remember where I’ve heard it!!!
- VEGGIE. SHE’S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO SEE HIM I’M— HE’S SO ENAMORED WITH HER. VEGGIE KISS. Why can they make their chemistry shown on screen but Bughead can’t? Like both couples are even dating irl, too…
- JUGHEAD YOU PIECE OF SHIT. He only uses Sweet Pea or Fangs when he has something he doesn’t want to do usually because it’s too dangerous for him (whiny piss baby). DON’T MAKE MY BABY BOY GO UNDERCOVER HE’LL FUCKING GET HURT.
- I’ve literally never hated Jughead more nothing he can do can make up for what he’s done in this episode bye
- What the actual fuck. This is so fucking stupid.
- Archie isn’t dead. If Archie dies before bitch ass Betty or Jiggaloo Jones I will literally come after RAS. 
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frop · 7 years
do all of them you mother fucker
not Once but Twice u have done this to m 
Star Platinum – Your thoughts on the stars? i always did like then when i was younger but now they just make me think of jojo so now i especially like them 
Magician’s Red – Do you know any magic tricks? no but im gonna say what u said and i can bend my fingers waay way farther than most people
Hermit Purple – Show a photo of yourself! I HAVENT taken a selfie in forever i’ll do one later 
Silver Chariot (Requiem) – How much sleep do you need on average? i would love a good 10+ but i only get that much on saturday now boo but on average its like 6-7 
The Fool – Tell us a joke! Is your refrigerator running? Because i’m gonna suck your dick
The World -  A place you want to visit? canada like you would not believe 
Crazy Diamond – What do you treasure the most? hmmmmmmm my friendships with my friends 
The Hand – Do you like your hands? nnnot particularly bc i spent a good portion of my life and still do sometimes where i bit my nails til they bleed so they dont look as nice as i’d like them to be when they grow out 
Echoes – Your favourite sound? The world’s time stop sound, but not jotaro’s version, dio’s specifically
Heaven’s Door – Share a secret! my parents’ divorce has made me scared for the future of my own relationships to the point where i can see myself not ever wanting to be in a relationship ever again bc it would be easier than my partner getting tired of me or hating me. on top of the fact that i’m almost exactly like my father and my mom’s ex fiance in every single emotional department which is what caused their divorce/breakup respectively in the first place and that leads me to believe that in the long run i am Romantically  Unlovable 
Killer Queen – How would you like to die? preferably quick and painless 
Bad Company – What kind of character trades do you dislike? any character that is like ‘waahh wah no one understands me bc i enjoy [’highly advanced’ niche series/book/etc] and they all read [popular series/book/etc] like whatever the fuck his name was in aku no hana, it got so obnoxious i had to drop it lmao 
Red Hot Chili Pepper – Can you handle spicy food? cat’s out of the bag guys im actually a Fake Mexican bc i only like mild stuff and hot chips 
The Lock – Anything you feel guilty about right now? ya but thats for another day 
Love Deluxe – Are you secretly in love with someone right now? its absolutely no secret that i am in love with jonathan joestar 
Pearl Jam – Your signature dish? i can make some mean ass rice apparently 
Achtung Baby – Do you want kids? nnnope no thanks never ever i have my cat and thats enough for me 
Harvest – Do you pick up coins in from the street? no bc u dont know where thats been and money is super dirty already 
Cinderella – Which part of your body do you like the most? dang, i guess my thighs? but lately i’ve been a lot easier on myself abt my stomach and how soft it is 
Atom Heart Father – How is your relationship with your father? pretty good bc we’re really alike in temperament too but sometimes it gets pretty awkward bc he can never see me as anything but his little baby daughter who Never Grows Up
Enigma – What is puzzling you currently? when is davidpro gonna drop the part 5 teaser 
Earth Wind and Fire – What’s the best classical element? i personally have always liked fire 
Stray Cat – Cats or dogs? i love both but man im more suited for cats 
Gold Experience – A precious experience you have not shared with your followers? oh man over this summer my dad his gf and me and my sis when on a trip to her dad’s place in this really small town that was like 3 hours away from our city and it was so nice and quiet and peaceful and i felt so clean and happy there, we were only there for a couple days but ever since i’ve really been wanting to go back
Sticky Fingers – Zippers or buttons? zippers are so much faster but they get caught sometimes so Really, pros and cons of each 
Moody Blues – A song that makes you sad? OOO man i was gonna say epitaph bc Of Course but as i was writing this down melancholy man by moody blues came up on this playlist and now im thinkin abt abba and crying 
Sex Pistols – Have you ever shot a gun or riffle? no im tiny and a weenie and i would probably die from the recoil
Aerosmith – Are you afraid of flights? ive never been on one but i am scared of heights so i cant imagine thats any better 
Purple Haze – What makes you really angry? it used to be not being listened to but now i just let it happen bc Why bother but now its more whenever my mom makes a big deal out of simple mistakes of waiters/waitresses or when shes being obviously racist 
Spice Girl – Your favourite spice? idk what its called but theres this one i like to put on fruit before i eat it to make it Spicy 
King Crimson – Is it possible to predict the future? man idk my mom says yea but who knows 
Black Sabbath – How easily do you trust people? like stupidly easy 
Man in the Mirror – Do you like looking into the mirror? nope lol im ugl. ALSO bc i have a bigger than average fear of reflective stuff in general bc what if i see somethign behind me u kno,,,, 
Beach Boy – Have you ever been fishing? nope! the one time my dad went that i knew abt i was in mexico 
The Grateful Dead – What do you want to be remembered for? honestly, anything else that being the ‘way too nice one’ or the doormat 
White Album – Your favourite CD? aaaaa i dont have one i dont really listen to albums 
Talking Head – Are you a good liar? i guess ? i can keep a pretty straight face but its harder to lie to someone i actually know really well bc they can probably tell what my tics are 
Baby Face – Your thought on babies? theyre cute but i would greatly prefer to never have any 
Metallica – Do you like listening to metal? yea
Green Day – Ideal way to spend a day off? sleep, Sleep, stream with friends and lay in bed
Oasis – Best place for a holiday? hhhhh anyplace that relaxes u tbh 
Stone Free – Are you a indoor or outdoor person? i n d o o r i dont like bugs 
Kiss – Who would you like to kiss or get a kiss from? jonathan joest
Burning Down the House – Ever destroyed something and then regretted it? nah, once again im a weenie and im too worried abt consequences to ever do smth like that
Foo Fighters – Your favourite drink? god damn i fucking love raspberry iced tea 
Diverdown – Your thoughts on diving? the ocean fills me with the fear of god. no thanks 
C-Moon – What would you do for your friend’s sake? put myself in bodly harm 
MadeinHeaven – What do you believe happens after you died? nothing tbh you just end up in a grave or urn or wherever u wanted to be put 
Weather Report – Your favourite weather? man i looove love stormy weather 
Whitesnake – Your thoughts on snakes/reptiles? i love them theyre all gorgeous and beautiful
Tusk – Tea or coffee? coffee
Ball Breaker – Your favourite ball game? to play? its basket ball but to watch baseball 
Oh! Lonesome Me – Do you feel lonely right now? no not right now but im sure it’ll happen soon 
Scary Monsters – Your favourite dinosaur? i love velociraptors and also triceratops !!
Cream Starter – Do you usually wear make up? nope and if i do its only ever lipstick
Catch the Rainbow – Your favourite colour in the rainbow? blue and green!! 
Ticket to Ride – What was the last ticket you bought for? i didnt buy it but the last one i had was for the rogue one like. 2 weeks ago
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Do you believe in the multiverse? i dont think abt it too often but sure
In a Silent Way – Do you enjoy complete silence? yes!! besides some music, i cant concentrate otherwise 
Soft & Wet – Shower or bath? shower bc its easier but i havent taken a bath in forever 
Paisley Park – How good are you with reading maps/directions? Terrible God Awful
Nut King Call – How good are you at assembling/constructing things like Ikea furniture? hmm it depends if i have the manual for it and if i have time to really think on it and im not in a rush or anything
Paper Moon King – Can you do any origami? nope 
King Nothing – Your favourite smell? i really like the smell of cinnamon 
BornThisWay – A strange habit you have? i crack my fingers all the damn time and i like to take off the little plastic circle off of soda bottles and chew on it 
Les Feulies – Your favourite plant? oh damn hmm i like lavenders 
Fun Fun Fun – Something you really enjoy doing? man. i could watch jojo a million times over and i’d never get bored of it 
California King Bed – What size is your bed? currently i sleep in a queen size bc my mom and sis and i share a bed bc we only had one room in our old apartment but now that we moved im sure i’ll be kicked off into a twin soon enough 
JESUS christ ok its almost midnight i hope ur happy you mother fuckre 
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snsmissionaries · 6 years
7/5/18 -- Sister Katie Buntin, Guatemala, Guatemala City Mission
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Everyday is a good day as a missionary
helloooooooo!!! hows everyone doing_ i hope super duper well! this week was a week of miracles and i mean straight up miracles!!! we met a super awesome man named carlos! he is super pilas! he told us that he prayed for angels to come and help him then he saw a commercial for byu on the TV then he looked into it and found a facebook page that led him to a facebook page for the stake and sent a message asking for more information! the lady on facebook called us then we went to his house and he read the book of Mormon he prayed for the truth he even went to family home evening on  Monday! hes so awesome! its weeks like this that make all the pain and all the rejection that comes from being a missionary worth it! HOW GREAT IS MY CALLING! on Monday night i was on the phone with president shumway and the first few seconds of my call were my favorite... [hello hermanas how are you_[ [president im doing GREAT[ )i heard almost a small gasp of air and then i thought i need to tell him why...= i responded [President EVERYDAY IS A GREAT DAY WHEN YOUR A MISSIONARY[ there is no lace i would rather be than here in the mission! the blessings are endless and the happiness is over abundant! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!! i also wanted to share with everyone a little poem...
elder wittle had been there before the alarm clock rings 6:30 and i stumble to my feet i grabbed my companions bedding and pull off his sheets
a groan fills the room [is it time to arise_[ it seems just a second ago i was able to shut my eyes the morning activities follow..study prayer and such
but when its time to leave the apartment you feel you haven{t accomplished much.
  [we have a super day planned[ 
my comp says with grin
i lowly utter a faithless breath, 
[yeah if anyone lets us in.[
  with the word of God and my faithful shwinn,
we ride off in the street prepared to face another day in humidity and heat.
  its 9Ñ30 in the evening,the day is almost through.
my companion and i are riding home not accomplishing much we{d thought to do.
  we ride up to the mailbox hoping to receive a lot 
only to hear my echo reverberate [airbox[
we go up to the apartment the day is now complete 
the only thing i have to show is a case of blistery feet.
  silence engulfs me all about as i begin to weep
i thought wed teach somebody but everyone was away.
my hands my aching hands worn hurt and beat
[if our area was any smaller i would have knocked every street[
  [why on our missions are the days so much alike_ the only difference between them is the flat tire on my bike.will you send some cooler weather_ the heat is killing me, i sweat so bad it gets in my eyes its very hard to see.[
  [why do i have to wear a helmet isn{t your protection enough_ people always laugh at me and call me stupid stuff. please send us investigators so that i may give them what they lack.
i want to give them books of Mormon the weight of them hurts my back.[ 
  [and what about my family_ they don{t have much to say.
im sick of not hearing what{s REALLY going on day after day
oh father, why am i here_ am i just wasting time_ sometimes i want to go home im sorry but thats on my mind.[
  my companion heavenly father what have you given me_
the way he rides his bicycle i don{t think he can see.
now you have it i cant go on, i don{t know what to do.
that my dear father is the prayer i have for you.
  my prayer now is finished, i jump into bed.
i need my rest for tomorrow weve got a long day planned.
sleep starts to take over me i seem to drift away 
then it seems a vision takes over me another time another day.
  im standing alone on a hill the view is nice
a man walks toward me and says [hello my name is Jesus Christ[
tears of joy well up inside 
i fall down to his feet
[Arise[ he states [you and i need to speak[
  my attentions to my savior total and complete
he says [your mission is similar to what happened to me[
  i understand what you are going through.
in fact its safe to say ive felt the same as you.
  i even know how you felt when nobody listened to you.
at times i felt not quite sure what else that i could do!
i know you don{t like to ride a bike, for you a car would be sweet.
just remember the donkey i rode wasn{t equipped with 21 speeds.
  i understand you don{t like sweating in fact its something you hate.
remember when i sweat blood from every pore oh the agony was great!
i see you don{t like your companion, you{d rather have someone else.
i had a companion named judas who once sold my life for wealth.
  its hard to wear a helmet people make fun of you. 
remember when they put a crown of thorns on my head and called me king of Jews.
so you feel burdened with the weight of your pack_ 
i recall how heavy it was when the cross was slammed on my back.
  your hands hurt from knock doors all day...
i guess when nails pounded in mine ached a similar way. 
its hard not to hear from home and family you can not see
i lost communication on the cross and cried [father why hast  though forsaken me_[
  we have a bit in common but there{s a difference you see.
i endured to the end / finished my mission so follow and do like me.
he embraced me with his light and  love
with tears in my eyes i watched as he went back to the father above.
  i stood in awe and wonder when a beep rang in my head.
i listened and heard my alarm and realized i was in bed.
my comp let out a groan [6:30[ NOWAY
i sat up and said [come on ill even carry your scriptures today[
  no matter what we go through 
when we feel we cant take more
just stop and think of Jesus Christ
hes been there before!
i love that even when life is hard i can always look to my savior and know that im not alone! ive never been alone! he will never leave me behind he will never let me down! he suffered and died for each and every one of us! I LOVE THAT! i love that i can count on him and i love that he loves each o us so much that he gave up his life so that we can live again! so back to my conversation with my mission president, the mission is the best time of my life and as much as i may ache and hurt, no matter if i cry at night, no matter how many doors get slammed in my face no matter how scared i am, no matter if i cant speak the language 100% perfect... im not alone and this is the best time ive ever had its the hardest thing ive ever done but the best thing ive ever done! i love our savior i love his sacrifice and im so grateful that i get to be a representative of him and suffer a little of what he suffered.  
i thank everyone for all the prayers and for all of the support! love you all so much! 
Hermana Buntin
October 18 2017-April 16 2019
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polaroidjoseph · 7 years
castle on the hill
third person view
Dan quietly drove down the roads he had become so familiar with these past years. Winnie was sleeping in the passenger seat, Ed Sheeran on the radio. Dan couldn't help the memories that were clouding his mind.
He was thinking about Phil, the memories that they had created together right here, by that hill. When Phil had proposed to him on a pick nick. How they had cuddled afterwards and watched the sunset over the castle on the hill. It was one of Dan's fondest memories, and whenever he was sad, he would think about that moment. He smiled and fondly looked at the thin golden band that graced his left ring finger.
He drove past the bar where he had met Phil. He was out with some friends (after much complaining) They were just sitting by the bar and taking some shots when his eye had caught Phil. He still remembers the way he thought Phil was beautiful, which he still thought. He continued driving and glanced at Winnie, their six year old daughter. When they had decided to adopt a girl, they found one that looked like him and Phil combined. She had ocean blue eyes and Dan's hobbit hair. She had been a result of rape, which is why a lot of people didn't want her. Dan and Phil understood why, but they felt remorse for the girl, it wasn't her fault. They decided to adopt her. Ever since that day, Winnie had started smiling more often and was way happier.
Dan smiled at the memory of him and Phil adopting Winnie. She was growing up now and started looking more and more like Phil. Dan stroked her hair for a second. Winnie woke up and rubbed her eyes. 'Are we nearly there daddy?' she asked. 'Yes dear, but we still have to drive a while, so go back to sleep.' Dan said and Winnie nodded. She closed her eyes again, and in a few seconds she was back in a deep slumber. Dan kept driving by all these place full of memories. The church were he and Phil had gotten married, The diner where they had their first date. This whole town was full of him and Phil, and it was kind of hurting him, but he liked it. Then he came across a small pub that looked very dangerous. He swallowed when he remembered what had happened here.
He and Phil had gotten into a huge fight about something stupid. There was lots of finger pointing and yelling. 'YOU NEVER PAY ANY ATTENTION TO ME!' Dan had screamed. 'I ALSO HAVE A LIFE, I CAN'T LIVE MINE JUST DOING EVERYTHING YOU WANT DAN! SOMETIMES I JUST WISH I HADN'T EVEN MET YOU!' Phil had yelled back and Dan had felt as if his heart had been ripped out of his body. Suddenly all anger had left his body and all he felt was sadness. 'If that's what you want' he had said quietly and walked to the door to grab his coat. 'No, Dan, I didn't mean that, please stay.' Phil had pleaded with him. But Dan didn't listen to him. He knew he needed attention, but he never knew that Phil wished he never met him. 'No, it's okay', Dan had said calmly with tears falling rapidly. 'We can pretend we never even met, like this whole thing never happened. Bye Phil.' he had said as he walked out the door.
He had walked all through town, when he eventually got to that same shady pub. He had drunk way to much and called Phil. 'Dan, please tell me where you are, I'm very scared.' he had pleaded on the phone. 'Philly, y-you don't have to worry, i'm very safe.' Dan mumbled. Phil was getting irritated now, he had just wanted Dan to tell him where he was. 'Dan, goddamnit please just tell me where you are so I can pick you up.' Dan sobered up a bit. 'No, you don't. Why would you say that when you literally just told me that you wish you'd never met me.'
They had argued a bit more over the phone, but luckily there was a girl with red hair and glasses that helped Dan and told Phil where Dan was. Later, they had a long talk about their feelings and they had worked it out. After that they were closer then ever. He misses the feelings he had. The happiness when Phil proposed, when they had gotten married, the sadness when yet another adopting centre had declined their wish to adopt a little one. But all those feelings and memories is what made them, it made Phan.
Dan took a turn into a graveyard. That's why it had hurt so bad when he had gotten a call from the hospital. Phil was in a car accident, they weren't sure if he would make it. Dan had raced to the hospital with Winnie by his side. He had sat by Phil's bed for ages, Winnie long asleep. He had told Phil how sorry he was for all their fights, how he had took him for granted. How much he loved him. He had cried and fell sleep. He was awoken by the sound of a beep getting slower. He panicked and pushed the button next to the bed to call a nurse. While he waited he kept begging Phil to survive, for him and for Winnie. The last words he told Phil before he was rolled out by the nurses had been 'I love you, Phil.' He had waited in the waiting room, hoping Phil would survive. He didn't.
Dan shook Winnie awake. 'Honey, we're here, wake up,' Winnie opened her eyes and looked at Dan. She silently grabbed Dan's hand and followed him out of the car. They walked past all the other grave stones. 'Do you miss papa, daddy?' Winnie asked. Dan looks at her and smiles. 'Of course I do, I loved papa very much.' His heart clenches at the use of the past tense. He knew that Winnie soon would forget the sound of Phil's voice when he read her a book before she went to sleep. She would soon forget what he looked like. (okay im listening to dodie's song when right now and im literally crying why do you do this to me dodie) Even though it hurt him, he would refresh her mind by telling her how much Phil loved her. They finally reached Phil's grave.
Phil Lester-Howell, aged 38
Amazing husband, father and friend
30 January 1987- 3 December 2025
He'll be missed dearly.
'Oh Phil, there was never a greater king of the universe.'
Dan gave Winnie the bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers. 'You can give them to him' He said, voice cracking and tears rolling down his cheek. Winnie walked to the grave stone and put the flowers down. 'Hi papa', she said, 'Daddy and me really miss you. But I always think about what you always said and that makes me happy.' Dan smiled, still crying. 'The first few months without you were really hard. I stayed at aunty Lou's because daddy was too sad.' Dan let out a sob. She was right, the first months she stayed with Louise cause he just couldn't handle it. He would just lay in bed for days, not doing anything. One day Louise came and told him that he would pull it together, for Phil and for Winnie. It really helped and he went to get therapy.
'Daddy is doing better now. He still loves you and so do I.' Winnie said and walked back. Dan walked to the grave and put his hand on the stone. 'Hey Phil', he said. 'Winnie's right. I'm slowly getting better and getting over you.' He looked at Winnie paying in the grass. 'You know, PJ started coming around more. He takes great care of Winnie' Dan looked at the head stone. 'I think I love him Phil. I just wanted to ask your permission. I think I want to be with him, I just want to know if you are okay with it.' Dan said crying. He looked down. 'I know you won't answer me, but anything, please just give me a sign if you're okay with it.' Just as Dan started full-on sobbing, a little blue butterfly appeared. It flew to Dan and sat on his arm. Dan looked at it and smiled. 'Thank you Phil.' People may call him crazy, but he believed that this was a sign from Phil that he was okay with Dan moving on. The butterfly flew to Winnie and flew around her. She smiled and laughed. She tried to catch the butterfly, but it flew away before she could catch it.
'Winnie, come, say goodbye to papa. Daddy is meeting with Uncle Peej in a few hours.' He smiled and Winnie ran to the head stone. 'Bye papa.' she said and ran back to the car in front of Dan. 'Goodbye Phil, I love you.' He kissed his fingers and then touched the stone. 'Winnie, grab daddy's hand, I don't want you to get lost!' He said.
The butterfly circled around Phil's headstone and then also flew away.
okay, i cried twice while writing this jesus christ. anyway, i hope you enjoy! and if you want to, please read my new story "doubt"!
catch y'all later!
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