#im the only one who ever uses that tag anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
teslathelame · 1 year
if shu itsuki wore a 2005 victorian maiden velveteen jacket + skirt set, would he wear it like this? or like this?🤔
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riceccakes · 3 years
Earth, Wind, and Coffee: Chapter Four Analysis
and now the last chapter of the fic! i really had so much fun writing these analyses so i hope you’ve enjoyed too :))
i’ve got a lot to say about this last chapter too so be prepared for a long one. lets get to it, shall we?
some fun stuff before we start!
before changing the direction of the story, the last chapter of the fic was going to be Chapter 3: The Meeting, A Well Deserved Jab, and a Good Night’s Rest
so, The Meeting was going to happen, korrasami was gonna come back together and instead of the krew outing during this chapter’s A Well Deserved Jab, korrasami was gonna go out on a date. korra still would punch iroh, korra never ‘moved in’ with asami, it was just gonna be a fluffy section. A Good Night’s Rest was actually going to feature hiroshi going to asami’s apartment while korra was over and being like “who the fuck is this” and korra was gonna be upset asami didn’t tell her dad about them (as, in the og timeline, they would be dating at this point) they’d have a convo working this out, a little like how korra said she’d never understand how asami and hiroshi don’t have a great relationship in A Much Needed Conversation. korra would then go to hiroshi’s office and make that whole speech and still ask asami to go the south. this is a v summed up version, one that when i made it, i was happy with. having published what i did, i much enjoy that ending more than this one :)
i wanted a way to show that korra likes asami (obviously, this is a korrasami fic) but of course, asami spent most of this only wishing korra liked her
mako asking out korra was a late edition, one i actually really like. mako’s role in the fic is pretty minor, sorry to those of you who really love him and maybe wanted more from him. however, i am a really big fan of the fact that in lok, even after all the stupid love triangle shit, mako was able to be good friends with korrasami, so i still wanted to capture that. he’s not at all upset when korra turns him down, but rather super happy for the fact that korrasami feel the same way about each other. an even later edition to this point is the bedroom scene when korra asks asami to wait for her, i’ll mention more about this scene later cause i really love it.
and we in gooooo: (i usually try to write these following the sections of the chapter but for this analysis, im gonna go topic by topic within each section)
literary devices (diction, figurative language, etc.):
There have been better days than this one. Days where Korra blows up Asami’s phone with funny Instagram posts she finds while Asami’s at school, days where she invites Mako and Bolin over and the four of them play board games, days where Korra asks if they can go out for a walk and she excitedly explores the area around Asami’s apartment. There have been worse days than this one. Days where Korra won’t get out of bed, days where Korra won’t speak, days where Korra won’t even look at Asami and she has to see that glossed over gaze gawk out the glass window.
back again, just quoting my favorite sections. and this one, yall, this one. the mirrored writing style, the ending with alliteration, how easily it describes a passage of time i mean come on. when i wrote this i was like “yyyyaaaasssss” and i won’t deny it. the “glossed over gaze gawk out the glass window” is obvious in alliteration, one that just sounds so good, it rolls off the tongue. but, there’s actually also another one, one that’s a bit more hidden “she excitedly explores the area around Asami’s apartment” note how these both end the descriptions of korra’s bad/good days respectively, as a sort of way to frame which parts of the sentence correspond with the good days and bad days. now, going onto korra’s days, three examples of good days, three examples of bad days (that’s technically six different days right there, and it doesn’t even have to be in succession.) what i also love about this info into korra’s days is how it shows a passage of time without having to be like “it’s been a few weeks” or “after some time/a while” it doesn’t stick out, at least not to me, it’s not a jarring way to say, “hey, in the story now, time has passed since last chapter!” idk, i just am really proud of this paragraph and i wanted to point it out in its own section :)
Asami will never, ever say she’s happy that the Red Lotus attack happened, but, it’s what brought Korra to her. It’s what brought more friends to her, it’s what brought her to see her father isn’t as great and almighty as she’d grown up to believe. How could she ever thank something so horrible for bringing about all these life changing things in her life?
this sort of, existential section, was something i came up with on the toilet. (tmi? im not gonna apologize tho, this is a behind the scenes explanation of my writing and some of my best writing happens on the toilet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) any who, i didn’t want to leave any loose ends and, up until this chapter, i don’t really think i showed how asami felt about the attack and the situation and what’s happened after. also, asami being the perfectionist and analyst she is, i know she’d reflect on everything that’s happened to her in the span of about six months (give or take) and even more so, reflect on what’s happened with korra in the time they’ve known each other. it was a bit painful to write this section, it’s that sort of mentality that’s like “some horrible, horrible shit happened, but really, really good things came out of it. so, should i still hate all that horrible stuff or should i just appreciate the good things that came out of it?” (i’ve been debating this for years now with something personal and to this day, i’m not sure. i’m not sure if i’m more thankful for it all happening because of the few good moments it brought or if i wish none of it happened for the chance at some alternate reality of good things happening. anyways, i digress)
Kuvira stays silent for a moment, “When Hiroshi reaches out to you, tell him everything you said to me. Tell him everything you said when we were in your apartment after the presentation. He needs to know how you feel, he needs to know how he’s made you feel for years. Hiroshi can’t change if he doesn’t know what’s wrong and you want him to change, don’t you?”
Asami grips the steering wheel, staring at the red light in front of her. Her foot slowly pulses on and off the break, inching forward, waiting for the signal.
“I do.”
She feels the pit of her stomach churn, wondering if she could ever say all of it to her father. Kuvira isn’t wrong, she wants her father to change, but not in every way. Not in the business sense, not in the ambition sense, but rather, she wants a father, she wants to feel like the man she calls Dad really deserves the title. It pains her to say he hasn’t. The light turns green and Asami’s foot hovers over the gas pedal.
“So then you’ll tell him?”
For just a moment, her Satomobile doesn’t move but with a sharp, deep breath, Asami steps on the pedal. “I will.”
back again with our car metaphor/symbol thing! i really do love this idea of using the Satomobile as a way to show the relationship between hiroshi and asami, and how asami handles that relationship. this is from A Much Needed Conversation, some time after asami’s returned to future industries, calling kuvira in reluctant hope of knowing what her father is doing. they talk about asami telling hiroshi all this important stuff, stuff that asami’s been hesitant to bring up at all. (only after a breaking point did she finally let it out) this section has a mix of it all, diction, metaphor, along with some suspense by using line breaks. 
Her foot slowly pulses on and off the break, inching forward, waiting for the signal. / “I do.” - here’s a good example of suspense. (it continues through the rest of the excerpt) so, here was have asami, absolutely scared shitless, as she always is with her father and this subject of her life in relation to him. except, now with their time apart and what happened with the meeting, asami’s kind of got this “fuck it, whatever” mentality that goes a few different ways. “fuck it, whatever” my dad totally turned on me and was an asshole, i don’t care. “fuck it, whatever” we cut off ties, i can do whatever i want. “fuck it, whatever” i might very well do whatever it takes to get my dad back because i miss him but im also super scared as per usual. “fuck it, whatever” im not the one who needs to do anything to get him back so i won’t even think about it. there’s just a lot for asami to unpack here and in the setting of her father’s legacy, it’s even more for her. 
She feels the pit of her stomach churn...The light turns green and Asami’s foot hovers over the gas pedal. - more suspense. the light is green, green means go, but asami is waiting, thinking, hesitating. this also relates to the line earlier “waiting for the signal” well, this is the signal, the green light means go. but also, kuvira telling asami to tell hiroshi everything is also the signal to go, it’s like the push for asami to do it. she sees the signal, it’s go time, and yet “Asami’s foot hovers over the gas pedal” asami is still nervous, still scared to have this conversation with her father because she just doesn’t know what’s going to happen.
“So then you’ll tell him?” / For just a moment, her Satomobile doesn’t move but with a sharp, deep breath, Asami steps on the pedal. “I will.” - this mirrors just a few lines earlier. when kuvira asks asami to tell hiroshi everything while she’s waiting for the green light, her dialogue has a line break. for dramatic effect purposes, but also to show a sense of firmness. it’s by itself, it doesn’t need to be supported; asami really, truly means this. however here, her dialogue tag is connected to the narration its related to. even while asami confirms she’ll do this, that she’ll talk to her father, it’s hesitant, it takes a moment for her to say yes. 
what i really love is how much can be covered in such few lines. i’m not sure you all saw this when reading, ive always been very into reading/writing analysis, so i’m always looking at everything with a fine tooth comb; in my own writing, it’s no different. if you didn’t see this before, i hope learning it now gives you a different perspective if you ever choose to read my fic again :)
content (typing up loose ends, leaving breadcrumbs, additional info):
lets talk about korra
a lot happens for our girl in this last chapter. i’ll try to be concise, i tend to kind of ramble. i think what’s kind of cool, and i didn’t realize this beforehand, is that theres a speech from korra in each section. in A Well Deserved Jab, we see korra’s first time speaking at the support group meeting and what i really like about this is there’s no real big event that’s happened for her to finally be able to go up there. i feel like there’s always this one, life altering moment in stories when people need to deal with trauma or just work up the courage to do something, but in our case, it’s not like that. it’s the time and the care that’s slowly been working and helping korra for her to feel ready. it’s been a culminating process for her to get to go up there and for whatever reason, korra felt ready. let’s go a little into this speech
we finally learn more about the attack. we learn why korra’s always been picking at her wrists, the memory of the zip ties are still strong and she scratches at hopes of making the feeling go away. we also hear more about korra losing control that night, which in turn made her want to control everything with her life after the event. (lil fun-ish note while we talk about some deep stuff right now, last chapter’s first paragraph, about korra enjoying pour over coffees, was a purposeful choice. when doing pour overs, you have direct and absolute control over the coffee and how you make it, which gives korra a greater sense of comfort, because she knows she’s in charge when doing this.) my favorite part about this whole speech is right before the tail end of it, where korra says “sometimes surprises are better than plans” it was never in her plan to meet someone and find comfort and support and love and grow with it. (my headcanon is that korra just wanted to mull this over alone, sort of like in book four after the canon red lotus attack.) instead, korra met asami and the two clicked and korra could see a light at the end of her tunnel she thought would be pitch black forever. i really enjoyed getting to write this for korra.
korra’s second speech takes place in A Much Needed Conversation. another scene from the fic i wrote beforehand, i think somewhere between finishing chapter two and mulling over the decision to make the fic longer. this was sort of my cathartic, “lets yell at hiroshi for being sucky” moment. a lot of points are brought up here, all of which i believe are valid. it poses the simple, yet ever complicated question of “why?” i’ll get into hiroshi’s response in a later section, but what i’ll highlight about this speech is korra’s statement, “Now, I know that I don’t need to be saying any of this, because Asami can more than hold her own in any conversation, but I am doing this because you are hurting the woman I love, and I will not just let that happen.” its a declaration of love, love that i know is deeper than just romance but also deeper than just friendship. it’s admiration for asami being so strong, admiration for asami being so powerful and smart, korra says more about it in the speech. i tried it make so that korra wasn’t trying to control this situation with asami’s father, but rather, this was korra’s attempt at getting them to try and work something out. korra wants what’s best for asami, she wants her to get everything she wants. korra knows asami wants a better father and the most korra feels she can do is slap hiroshi (with her words) across the face and get him to realize that’s what asami wants.
korra’s third and final speech opens A Good Night’s Rest. we get just a little more about that night, i actually wrote this speech out loud. i just sort of put myself in korra’s place and started talking. my intent with this opening was to give more insight into how korra feels about asami. this is also a call back to the beginning of the chapter, about waking up asami if korra ever needs her. i took this action as a solidifying definition for asami to know “yeah, korra really does love me.” sure, in the last section, korra sort of did say it, but actions still speak louder than words. a lot of this final chapter was just showing how much korra has grown, i think i achieved that.
before we move on, i just wanted to say a lil bit about the bedroom scene where korra asks asami to wait for her. it’s a small confession that i think just says so much. another time here to show that romantic korrasami will happen, but it’s also just insight into korra and her thoughts about romancing asami. she wants it too, so badly that she almost gets into it before she’s ready. did i psych you guys out like asami, who thought she was finally going to kiss korra? it’s all in the lines, “I’m almost there...I know I am, Asami. I’ll be there soon, I need to be better. I need to be better for you.” and now, after thinking about it, i almost wasn’t gonna word it like this. what korra’s saying here is that her progression is only being done so that she can be good for asami, which, i didn’t want to convey. however, sometimes, that’s just how people think; they think, “if i have to do something, i gotta do it for someone else.” and so that’s what i’ve done with korra here, it’s just this mentality that she’s growing out of. it’s okay to have this thought process, good even, but not for every single thing you do. and i wanted korra to know that, which is why i love asami’s response, “I think you’re already great.” it’s just to remind korra, yes you can get better, you will get better. but not for asami, but for yourself, because asami already loves you the way you are.
breadcrumbs; that’s all i’ve really done so far with kuvopal is put lil breadcrumbs everywhere for the people who like the idea of the relationship to grasp at. is that mean of me? maybe, but i really love kuvira and opal as a couple so i wanted to keep hinting and hinting and hopefully getting you readers interested too. kuvopal has been sprinkled in since chapter two and i wanted to leave the readers with just a little ounce of hope
asami’s official introduction with opal heavily involves bolin, enough to the point where the two kiss each other on the cheek. now, of course, after reading the chapter, you know bolin and opal aren’t dating, but i wanted to stress you out a lil bit xD asami is weary of mentioning kuvira, so there’s not much we really get to see about how opal feels. opal may have wanted to talk when asami mentioned kuvira just before korra asked about spring break, but she didn’t. why didn’t she say anything? do you think she’s wanted to talk about kuvira? what about her major, child services and the foster care system, do you think kuvira influenced that, being she essentially was fostered by the beifongs? do you think we’ll ever find answers? *wink*
so obviously, we don’t like iroh. if there’s anyone in this story who doesn’t get a happy ending or a second chance, it’s him because he’s the worst. i realized we hadn’t seen too much of iroh in the previous chapters and this being the last one, i needed to really show just how not cool iroh is. the soccer game is very clearly an indication of just how conceded and rude he is. after the game, his conversation with asami is bad. he’s being invasive and inconsiderate of asami and he doesn’t care. same with at the restaurant. so, of course i wanted iroh to get his comeuppance and we have that by korra punching him.
going off of this, i didn’t want it to feel like iroh got a one and done kind of deal. he was incredibly awful to asami and his “friends” and i didn’t want this behavior to be taken lightly. so, i chose to make iroh just basically lose everything :) he loses his friends, possibly his job, i just KNOW izumi is disappointed as fuck that he’s acted like this and uncle iroh is rolling over in his grave that someone of his own blood would be like this. i wanted to address iroh in his own category because i just wanted you all to know that he is the only character not getting off easy. i really hope that how iroh’s situation turned out is good, as in, he got what he deserves.
hiroshi was an interesting character to go about in the final chapter. obviously, throughout the fic so far, hiroshi hasn’t been a standout father or boss. if i haven’t said it before, i’ll say it now: i always wanted hiroshi to have a second chance, ie, i wanted hiroshi to try to be better. for one, asami deserves it. she deserves a good parent who’s there for her and isn’t just obsessed with his job and the glory and empire he’s built up for himself. another reason, i believe everyone (within reason, *cough cough* not iroh *cough*) deserves a second chance. at the very least one more try, to be better, and if they’re actively trying, they’re doing better.
so hiroshi gets a bit of a wake up call from not only korra, after she so passionately scolded him in the name of her love for asami, but hiroshi also got one from asami directly. take your pick as to which conversation sparked hiroshi to call her to say goodnight. it’s an effort, and asami even says it herself, that after a while, the juice of it ran out. but kuvira said it too, it’s a start. what im trying to highlight is that no one is perfect and their ways of trying to change themself isn’t going to be perfect either.
and the kicker is hiroshi going to the south, without any other reason than to see asami. hiroshi only ever travels for future industries related business, but here he goes, without kuvira, to the south to see asami. i want to keep highlighting, asami says this is just the start. she hasn’t yet fully forgiven him, but she’s giving him the chance to be forgiven. that’s what i want to make most apparent on the topic of hiroshi and asami’s relationship: hiroshi is not getting off easy. but he’s trying, and in the words of the good place, that is what matters isn’t if people are good or bad, what matters is if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday. hiroshi, in this action, coming to the south, is trying to be a better father that day than all the days before. offering up the job offer from tonraq is hiroshi trying to be a better boss that day than the day before. staying in the south to spend real, quality time with his daughter is hiroshi trying to be better that day than every day before that.
it’s all in the trying.
honorable mentions:
in the og timeline, back when korrasami was going to be a confirmed couple in the fic, after returning from the south, asami was going to go to the cafe at one in the morning while korra was working and korra was going to make her an avatar. i liked the full circle aspect at the time but really, i much prefer what i’ve posted over that og timeline.
anything i would’ve wanted to change?
i think, overall, i maybe would’ve wanted to divide chapters up differently. as i continued writing, the three sections definitely could’ve supported themselves as singular chapters. especially this final chapter, which was almost 20k words. but, in the end, i am so proud of this fic and of myself for following through and finishing it.
i lost a bit of steam towards the end of this analysis, i’ve actually had this in my drafts for almost two months. but, i think what i wanted to say, i did, and as always, if you have any comments or questions, or just wanna talk to me, do it ! i love any and all commentary on my writing :)) 
thanks for reading the analysis if you did x
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lovingikesen · 5 years
About Me Tag
Thanks to @lovingsiriusoswald and @ellysilver for the tag!
The rules are:
Tag the person who tagged you.
Answer the question.
Tag 10 people.
How tall are you?
155 cm, i think its 5′1
What color and style is your hair?
Light brown with blonde ends, i dont do that much to my hair anymore, i used to dye it a lot but decided to give it a rest and honestly i like it how it is xD but i did everything that i wanted to my poor hair, maybe thats why i dont feel like doing too much with it now.
What color are your eyes?
Do you wear glasses?
Only for read and when using the computer, but i should wear them always xD oops
Do you wear braces?
I should but dental health is expensive in here. Someday, hopefully
What’s your fashion sense?
I have 0 fashion sense, if i like it i wear it xD it depends on the mood and the weather, but you will see on my clothes a lot of neutral colors and sometimes orange/baby pink.
Full name?
Just Kathia (but people always pronnounce it wrong, lol)
When were you born?
December 15
Where are you from and where do you live now?
Chile and Chile xD if you want more emotion, we came from the north of my country and when i was like 3 months we move to Santiago (center), aaah yes, i love those summers that burn you to death in 5 seconds and winters that frooze your teeth
What school do you go to?
I went to a catholic school and went to an university that has only careers related to comunication and art
What kind of student are you?
Im the one that procastinate a lot, always been super quiet and always forget my stuff at home xD like art materials and stuff. In university i was pretty quiet too but i had a lot of problems with some teachers because they were, honestly, terrible.
Do you like school?
Like elementary and high school? nah, i have a really a hard time in that, elementary was ok actually, but high school was hell.
Favorite subject?
On school was biology and history, on university i dont know xD i love the career that i choose is hard to choose just one subject. But as a random fact we had a semester of acting for animation and we had to act, was a lot of fun
Favorite TV show?
On an actual TV i like to see documentals...xD i feel old saying that lol but if we talk about Netflix and things like that i have a lot. I think that How I Met Your Mother hit me hard, especially beacuase i saw it after a long relationship break up.
Favorite movie?
I can name various...xD Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, How to train your dragon, Kubo (has anyone see it? its so fucking good animated), Nightmare before christmas, Coraline, a lot of Tim Burton and classicals from Disney, About Time (its precious), Leon (the professional), Kiki’s delivery Service, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke and, oh, did you say it was just one? im sorry, i couldnt xD
Favorite books?
Besides HP and Lord of the rings xD theres others but have no idea if they are on english too, im sorry, gonna leave them anyways Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseñó a volar - Luis Sepúlveda  El Inquisidor - Patricio Sturlese La casa de los Espíritus - Isabel Allende Donde los árboles cantan - Laura Gallego García Un duende a rayas - María Puncel (a child book but it gives me good memories whsgj) And a lot of other books that i read on elementary school, they gave us a lot of fun books to read.
Favorite pastime?
I dunno, read? 
Do you have any regrets?
Like most of us
Dream job?
Concept artist or something related to that
Would you ever like to be married?
Im conflicted with that, i like the “ceremony”, like the party xD but not really care about the title of husband and wife, actually i find more pretty the term of fiance, like “hey, have u meet my fiance? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” lol
Would you like to have kids?
Im not sure, a part of me yes (but in at leats 10 years more) and other part of me is scared to death of giving birth
How many?
No more than 2, im sure that with just one i will be pretty traumatized xD
Do you like shopping?
Yes and no, i enjoy it from time to time but its really exhausting too, not to mention that im broke af
What countries have you visited?
Just my own country ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scariest nightmare you ever had?
Maybe one when i was like 9, in resume the scary part was when a teacher of my school hold my hand and begin to squeeze it and when i tried to take my hand off, i look at her face and she was becoming like a demon, yes, a demon xD i couldnt look at that teacher for months, poor woman
Any enemies?
Who knows, maybe, at least im not aware of them
Any significant other?
Yes (◡‿◡✿)
Do you believe in miracles?
How are you?
I have a cold, its the weirdest cold i ever had 
Tagging: @your-average-pyro, @elievalentine, @otome-dreams, @wishiwasfictionaltoo, @lovesluka, @kitsuhide, @valfraeyja, @justine-the-guillotine, @nosebleedingfangirl, @blackarmyslave. Im sorry if you have already been tagged!
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💜 Soft Bias Tag 💜
i was tagged by the two lovelys at @bts-soccer-moms​ to do the most adorable tag ever ~ tysm this was so much fun!! 
1. Who is my bias?
my favourite muscle bunny jeon jungkook, kookie, nochu, love of my life
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2. What made you notice them?
“Dope” was my first bts mv and i swear it was legitimately love at first sight (that police uniform got me whipped from the start but shhh) i’ve never chosen a bias that quick in my life tbh i didn’t even know what a bias was back then and i already knew it was going to be him (cheesy i know) also when i started watching more bts content i fell for his honey vocals, his big sparkly eyes, his cute bunny smile, and he’s just my ideal boy you know? he’s beautiful and talented what more can i say?
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3. What’s your favourite thing about them?
i know everyone says this about their bias but honestly can you blame us? of course the answer is everything! i love everything about him, his passion and ambition for music, his big heart and love for his hyungs, his cute mannerisms, his will to strive to become the best at whatever he sets his mind to, he’s not only beautiful on the outside but he’s infinitely beautiful on the inside 
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4. Who would initiate skinship more?
i think at the beginning probably me? mostly because he's such a shy shy boy but also i think once he's more comfortable it will be pretty balanced between us
5. Who would hog the blankets more?
either neither of us or him bc i'm literally a human heater so i don't really need to hog the blankets that much plus if he just cuddles up to me he wouldn't need to hog them anyways  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. Who would be more clingy?
i don't think either of us are that noticeably clingy but if it's just us and not in public then perhaps me? 
7. Who would say “I love you” first?
hmmm is it cheesy if i say we happened to say it at the same moment bc it finally felt right? lolol but idk i think maybe he would to say it first cuz it takes me a while to finally admit things so yeah
8. Who easily be more flustered?
oh man i think we both tie in this one but i’d like to think that i can hide it better than him, i mean have you seen the stuttering mess kookie is when his hyungs catch him off guard poor bun bun
9. What cuddling position would you two have?
please refer to this taekook moment as a point of reference
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10. Which colours remind you of him?
two colours come to mind:
~ golden honey yellow: he's not the golden maknae for nothing, also like i've said before, his honey vocals make me melt every time and he's also the sweetest boy so of course he reminds me of honey plus he looks so precious whenever he wears yellow
~ a deep bold red: it reminds me of the fire and raw passion in his eyes as he performs, the energy he exerts when he dances, and just that alluring presence he holds when he knows he's owning the stage
tldr: kookie is 💛✨🍯 and jungkook is ❤️🔥🎤
11. What season would you like to spend with them?
summer! i want to have all the fun in the world with him without any worries or cares in the back of our minds, i want to have cute amusement park dates, ice cream at the park dates, bowling alley and arcade dates, everything and anything, we could go out to the pier, stargaze, the whole shabang 
12. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
based on the cooking run bts episodes, i think he'd be better in the kitchen than me tbh and i'm not much of a baker but i will help if i see someone else baking but also low key so that i can sneak a bite or two
13. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
i think both of us would crack a pun every now and then and the other person would just sigh and roll their eyes but also quietly chuckle and note to themselves to one up the other person in the future 
14. Who would want to adopt 50 cats and dogs?
i think we would alternate between one of us being like "you know what sounds like a good idea? adopting a dog. right now. let's do it." and the other one being the Reasonable One™ but then eventually one day we both end up being the one wanting the dog and attempting to enable the other and so we end up getting a cute dog child and we live happily ever after the end
15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
well considering kookie had said before that he has One Fear which happens to be microwaves so i'm gonna say it's him. it will be like:
him: "kirstyyyy can you make me a pop tart?"
me: "sorry kookie i'm a bit busy at the moment, can you try making it yourself?"
*smoke detector goes off in the distance* 
me: *cleans up the mess and makes him a new one* 
me: "you're an idiot" 
him: "yeah but i'm your idiot" 😉 
me: “ugh you're lucky i still think you're cute” 🙄 
him: “heheh sorry ily” 😙
16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?
i think we'd both have our moments for this because we both have no fear of heights and have moments where #dangerismymiddlename but then again we are also promoters of safety so yeah 
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17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
it would consist of a lot of fun banter and teasing towards whoever jumps or get scared :P i really enjoy watching horror films with company because i love commentating (especially for dumb horror films where i get to yell at the characters for making dumbass decisions) but i also get a laugh whenever someone (including myself) gets a big scare so yeah, i think it would be fun to have a horror movie marathon with kookie during spooky season or something
18. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
i think kookie can be 50/50 i mean have you seen this boy's duality? his dorky offstage personality vs his sensual onstage presence gives me whiplash.. me on the other hand, i think my cheesiness will outweigh my smoothness like 75/25 
19. Who would be more competitive?
we will make everything a competition, but like in a fun healthy way like "i bet i can beat you in this track in mario kart" "iS tHaT A cHaLLeNgE??!?" and whoever wins gets like a little prize each time (can be anything from food to a peck on the cheek to getting the better controller next time to picking the next movie etc.) like just simple silly competitions to keep it interesting (no sore losers or egotistic winners in this house, it's all just fun and games) and ooo bonus: we can keep a little chart over like the month or maybe the year like a "jungkook vs kirsty" and the overall winner gets a grand prize of whatever they want 
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, sleep, drink water, etc.)
him. we all know that he works his hardest and tries to push himself past his limits so i think he would need someone to gently remind him to take care of himself from time to time :’( 
21. Who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3 am?
we're talking about your resident meme king and queen here so what do you think? but then again we both have our soft hours so i think it will be a fair mix of both. something like 
"i miss you"
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"you meme a lot to me" 
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and that’s it!! this was honestly so much fun to do and i’m now feeling softer than usual for my bunny rip gonna go watch some cute compilations or something ok byeee
i tag: @wen-jun-bae, @blueberry-child, @taeyongskookie, @cyphersnamjoon, @mysticalj, @jinstaej, @min-baby-boy-yoongi, @majinstic, @madpanda69, @kochiniseokjinnie, @im-captain-of-this-ship,  @kawaii-ing, @chiantae, @dailygifihope, and anyone else who wants to do this :) 
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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vaalinors · 6 years
you’re the anchor (that i tied to my brain)
Edward Elric to the last jedi 9 pm DON’T BE FUCKING LATE IM TALKIN TO U YAO: pray tell where the fuck is my brother
Edward Elric: it is 8 o fucking clock 
Edward Elric: im locked the fuck out of the house 
Paninya: ed take a deep breath n hurl urself into a pond or smth
Paninya: als been freakin out about mei for at least 38478392 years now
Paninya: let him relieve his thirst
Edward Elric: how in The FUCK???? is this MY FAULT??????
Paninya: u couldve had a perfectly gross dorm on campus bUT NO U HAD TO BE BOUJEE N RENT AN APARTMENT WITH UR BROTHER
Ling Yao: w0w thats a lie
Winry Rockbell: u reeaaallly dont gotta
Paninya: have u heard??? of this thing??????
Paninya: called????? pm?????????????
Paninya: bc its a thing u could use to bitch at al without annoyin the entire shit outta the rest of us
Ling Yao: lol lan fans at her grandpas rn and her phone cant be put on silent
Ling Yao: shes going to kick ur ass
Edward Elric: IM gonna kick ALS ass if he doesnt show up in the next half hour I DONT CARE IF HES ON A FUCKIN DATE
Ling Yao: may i remind u my sister is the girl ur brothers currently wooing
Ling Yao: u do that and lan fan wont be the only one kicking ur ass
Edward Elric: what think u can take me weakLing
Ling Yao: uh duh but i was talking about mei
Edward Elric: PLS shes what half a foot tall????? PLSSSSSSS
Lan Fan: so twice as tall as you
Edward Elric: DO,,,,,U WANT,,,,,,.,TO FUCKING DIE,,,,,,,.,.,,,,
Lan Fan: edward
Lan Fan: i am at my grandfathers house
Lan Fan: my phone is ringing so loud my neighbors think their doorbells r broken
Lan Fan: my grandfather is ready to smash it into oblivion
Lan Fan: if he does we WILL be reliving 3/10 and youll be tasting a lot more than just your stomach acid when im done with you
Lan Fan: do not make me sneak out of training to answer you again
Paninya: Rekt™
Ling Yao: mic drop
Edward Elric: psh whatever
Edward Elric: u fuckers think 3/10 scared me
Edward Elric: FUCKING C O M E  A T  M E
Paninya: o look shes typing
Edward Elric: anyway im gonna pm al goodnight and thank u
Winry Rockbell to is it gay to want to literally drink ushers voice: OI AL how was the date
Winry Rockbell: I WANT DETAILS
Edward Elric: if anyone wants to know how to be the Creepiest Fucking Person Ever
Edward Elric: talk to winry
Winry Rockbell: well seeing that i won best ed impression two years in a row now id say i do indeed know
Edward Elric: HAR DE HAR
Edward Elric: u think u fucking know me???
Alphonse Elric: Is it hard?
Paninya: yea all u rlly gotta do is yell fuck a lot
Alphonse Elric: Put ur hair in a braid with one obnoxious ass strand sticking right up
Winry Rockbell: dont forget u have to crouch down
Winry Rockbell: i recommend kneeling
Edward Elric: dont think i cant deck all u shitdicks
Ling Yao: ive just annoyed the info out of my sister
Ling Yao: it seems al is quite the casanova
Ling Yao: clearly not a family trait BUT
Edward Elric: i will piss in ur backpack
Ling Yao: case in point
Ling Yao: as im sure u all know ned, roy mustang and i have had an ongoing wager AKA who can wrangle the most freshies into joining his club
Ling Yao: well as of today the martial arts/dance troupe has 20 more members
Edward Elric: BULLSHIT
Ling Yao: and i believe that pulls me ahead of ned to tie evenly with mustang
Ling Yao: and really would any of u choose archery over martial arts??
Paninya: tbh i choose social life over any clubs but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edward Elric: basic bitch
Paninya: u kno it
Paninya: but srsly wtf shifty how did u get 20 new members so fast
Lan Fan: he showed off and gave his number out to like half of them
Ling Yao: :O how could u EXPOSE ME LIKE THIS
Ling Yao: I tRuSTeD YOu
Lan Fan: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edward Elric: just u fuckin wait ling
Edward Elric: ill leave both u asshats in the GROUND
Alphonse Elric: I mean first u have to
Alphonse Elric: Yknow
Alphonse Elric: Be taller than the ground
Winry Rockbell to kyle ron WHOMST???: so about laser tag this weekend
Winry Rockbell: invite lings sister yay or nay
Lan Fan: why not
Rosé Thomas: It’d even us out
Rebecca Catalina: does it even matter tbh we all kno whichever team rizas on is gonna win
Riza Hawkeye: Catalina i resent that statement
Rebecca Catalina: pls point to me where thE LIE IS HAWKEYE
Winry Rockbell: ok then
Winry Rockbell added Mei Chang to the chat
Maria Ross: and a few seniors
Lan Fan: ok we’re going laser tagging this weekend you in
Mei Chang: i feel like i may die if i say no so as long as my idiot brother isn’t going i’m in
Paninya to could u actually perhaps makin bacon pancakes: [DELETED MESSAGE]
Ling Yao: wot
Alphonse Elric: Whos going laser tagging
Winry Rockbell: pan ffs
Paninya: (◔◡◔✿)
Edward Elric: fuckin RUDE
Lan Fan to Panko: what is it
Panko: i have no idea what u mean my dear
Lan Fan: uve been typing for an hour now AND i can hear your teeth grinding from my room
Panko: i have no idea what u could be referring to my sweet
Panko: i just wanna kno how ur days been
Lan Fan: this is about ling isnt it
Panko: dear
Panko: u used an emoji
Panko: u never use emojis
Lan Fan: look i get that youre just looking out for me
Lan Fan: but its fine and so am i
Lan Fan: i really dont need a pity heart to heart
Lan Fan: besides hed give out his number to everyone in the world if he could thats just who he is
Panko: well ur not wrong
Panko: is it bad to say im so glad i rarely have to deal with bois
Lan Fan: girls can be idiots too
Panko: ppl in general usually r
Alphonse Elric: That and the rest of my body
Alphonse Elric: How is one person so funny and sweet and amazing
Paninya: CONDOMS
Winry Rockbell: oh god
Mei Chang: uh
Paninya: oh fuck
Ling Yao: mei so it was U that made that balloon fart noise just now
Lan Fan: ling kindly shut up
Paninya: CALL 911 U MORON
Lan Fan: where do you live i know CPR
Ling Yao: thats hot
Mei Chang: er i can’t read suddenly i don’t know
Ling Yao: (╯°□°)╯now she gives in to the memes
Edward Elric: ok nvm hes alive
Paninya: rip in peace
Alphonse Elric to how Extra™ do u gotta be to come up with fuccboi: So we’re still down for gta tomorrow right
Alphonse Elric: Ed cant make it because i killed him
Ling Yao: the old ed cant come to the phone right now
Ling Yao: why
Edward Elric: because hes going to cut off lings fucking elbows
Roy Mustang: can you even reach his fingers
Edward Elric: listeN HERE U liL SHIT
Alphonse Elric kicked Edward Elric from the chat
Ling Yao: thats cold
Ling Yao added Edward Elric to the chat
Roy Mustang: i knew it couldnt last
Edward Elric: if any of u polefucks ever want to know how to get ling to do something bother lan fan
Ling Yao: try it again and i will Key Your Face
Ling Yao: she has a physics test tomorrow
Alphonse Elric: Wow
Roy Mustang: :O
Jean Havoc: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edward Elric: i got the beer for tmr night
Alphonse Elric: Damn right u do im not letting u in otherwise
Edward Elric: ignore asshurt over here hes pissed i embarrassed him in front of his date
Roy Mustang: at least he has one
Jean Havoc: yeah have u ever had a girlfriend edward??
Denny Brosh: Do you know what a woman is ned????
Edward Elric has left the chat
Ling Yao to Good Shit ✔💯: hey lan fan
Good Shit ✔💯: what
Ling Yao: guess who i just saw in chem doodling one miss rockbells name on his hw
Good Shit ✔💯: no
Ling Yao: oh yes
Ling Yao: i wanted to take a pic but ed decided to be a good student and tore it off before handing it in
Good Shit ✔💯: does he even try in chem
Ling Yao: no but at least he doesnt fall asleep like he does in lit
Good Shit ✔💯: hemingway puts everyone to sleep
Good Shit ✔💯: read some brontë or steinbeck
Good Shit ✔💯: id say dickens too but anti Semitism and all
Ling Yao: i love it when u talk lit to me
Ling Yao: reminds me of when u used to sneak into our library and read the biggest books u could find
Good Shit ✔💯: better than you climbing up the side of my house to sneak into my room
Ling Yao: pls u loved it
Good Shit ✔💯: debatable
Good Shit ✔💯: club meetings today dont forget
Ling Yao: how can i ur always here to remind me ;)
Winry Rockbell added Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Maria Ross, and Rebecca Catalina to ROSE TYLER DEFENSE SQUAD WHERE YALL AT
Winry Rockbell: just so we’re clear friday nights a byob sitch
Lan Fan: well wade was totally off
Ling Yao: atta girl
Paninya: wow and here i was thinkin byob meant bug ur own business
Edward Elric: what the utter fuck
Alphonse Elric: Dont act coy u LIVED a bugs life ed
Winry Rockbell: jesus now ive got the kim possible theme song stuck in my head
Edward Elric: if one of u picks yoshi i will e n d  u
Paninya: no promises n its not our fault yoshi pushed ur fool ass off mushroom gorge that one time
Rebecca Catalina: LMAOOO
Edward Elric: that demonic fucking dinosaur needs to go extinct
Roy Mustang: since brosh doesnt give a shit do we want to make this a floor thing
Ling Yao: i see what ur doing mercedes benz u sneak ass
Roy Mustang: you caught up yao i can finally start trying
Edward Elric: news flash fuckers i got 5 more ppl today u can both suck my ASS
Winry Rockbell: ok but keep it small
Lan Fan: ,,,,,,,
Maria Ross: this is why timing’s important kids
Ling Yao: how much smaller could his butt get
Roy Mustang: are we even be able to locate it
Rebecca Catalina: does ned even have a torso????
Paninya changed the chat name to eds ass is bigfoot pass it on
Winry Rockbell to Mulan but Better: is it weird that i cant stop smiling at ed
Winry Rockbell: hes sleeping in the chair across from me
Mulan but Better: a bit
Winry Rockbell: yeah
Winry Rockbell: hes such a nerd
Mulan but Better: but hes your nerd
Roy Mustang changed the chat name to WHO TE HFUCKS IDEA WAS IT O MAKE THIS AFLOOR THING
Edward Elric changed the chat name to URS U FUCKING CURLY STRAW
Paninya to wubba lubba dub dub: all of u need to see this Spicy™ video of ed from last night
Winry Rockbell: pan its 9 fucking am
Winry Rockbell: who tf is up that cares
Paninya: o dont u worry winnie the pooh
Lan Fan: yep shes still drunk
Paninya: i think ed will when he stops groaning in the bathroom there
Paninya sent a video in the chat
Paninya: srsly im postin this on ig later
Winry Rockbell: SHIT thats loud
Alphonse Elric: What the fuck is that
Riza Hawkeye: Is
Riza Hawkeye: Is he singing mad world
Paninya: u bet ur blonde ass he is
Lan Fan: was this after we took turns playing yoshi and demolishing him in mario kart
Paninya: u bet ur toned ass it was
Winry Rockbell: paninya i can barely hear anything over u shouting STRIP STRIP STRIP in the bg
Ling Yao: edward really is tone deaf isnt he
Ling Yao: oh hes stopped puking
Ling Yao: hes looking at his phone
Alphonse Elric: Rip in peace our bloodshot eyes
Roy Mustang: dear jesus what is happening
Paninya: I WILL K I S S U
Mei Chang: there is way too much shouting this goddamn early in the morning
Ling Yao: while u were busy cackling over that video i may or may not have convinced lan fan to steal eds phone
Jean Havoc: hes like an infuriated duck with a lisp
Roy Mustang: siri what is the tiniest species of duck
Paninya: pls tell me one of u hungover fucks is gettin this on video
Mei Chang: lan fan u okay?
Lan Fan: yeah too much shouting i have a headache
Lan Fan: add me back when ed calms down (◕ ‿ ◕✿)
Lan Fan has left the chat
Paninya: hey ed ill bet even yoshi can say fuck
Lan Fan to Guns n Roses: hey
Lan Fan: i dont know where you are rn
Lan Fan: im still sort of hungover and i kind of need someone to talk to who isnt going to get angry or
Lan Fan: try and rationalize everything and well
Lan Fan: do you ever just wish that things could change
Lan Fan: that you could be someone entirely different or that you could get out and leave and not give a damn about anything or anyone or
Lan Fan: because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Guns n Roses: Okay i was at work but i’m coming back right now
Guns n Roses: And i’m going to get you tea and you’re going to tell me whatever you want to tell me okay??
Lan Fan: thanks
Paninya: dicks r like mushrooms
Paninya: little funny gross mushrooms
Rosé Thomas: Paninya you’re high go home
Paninya: oh sweet flower i wish i was
Winry Rockbell: its 4 fucking am GO TO SLEEP
Paninya: time is an illusion
Paninya to TRICKY tricky TRICKY tricky: i crave the sweet release of death
Winry Rockbell: i could hear u playing music at 5 am again today why tf have u been up so late
Paninya: my roommate was screaming french at me
Paninya: she has a test today
Paninya: also
Paninya added Lan Fan to the chat
Lan Fan: i didnt do the psych hw paninya
Lan Fan: and run-dmc doesnt deserve this subpar treatment
Alphonse Elric: Lan fan
Alphonse Elric: Lings been looking for u
Lan Fan: i know its ok dont worry about it
Paninya: what was that????? u said???????
Paninya: about karma?????????
Lan Fan: is that not everyday
Lan Fan: 3/10 edward
Edward Elric: i will fight me for only i myself am the one assdick here thank u amen and goodbye
Lan Fan to Literal Monkey™: so i hear you were looking for me
Literal Monkey™: that depends
Literal Monkey™: what did i do lan fan
Literal Monkey™: did i say something
Literal Monkey™: tell me what i did that made you so upset at me
Literal Monkey™: if i did something im sorry i really am but you cant just disappear and not even tell me whats wrong
Lan Fan: i know
Lan Fan: it wasnt you i just
Lan Fan: my grandfathers relapse and its been rough with classes lately
Lan Fan: it kind of hit me that i cant always afford to be chill all the time
Lan Fan: sorry ive been mia
Literal Monkey™: well now i feel like a dick
Literal Monkey™: ur my best friend lan fan and i think ive gotten so used to u being near i freak out when ur not
Literal Monkey™: i guess it kind of says something about me that might not be a good thing
Literal Monkey™: especially since i climbed the side of ur house to see if u went back home and u werent there
Lan Fan: you w h a t
Ling Yao to Frying Pan: in hindsight
Ling Yao: i prob shouldnt have told her about the climbing
Ling Yao: shes not talking to me again
Frying Pan: u done fucked up boiii
Ling Yao: so will u tell me whats really wrong with her now
Frying Pan: not a chance boiii
Winry Rockbell to Wannabe Alchemist: hey i know its kind of sudden
Winry Rockbell: and u prob have other things to do
Wannabe Alchemist: nah im free shoot
Winry Rockbell: could u maybe come with me this weekend
Wannabe Alchemist: …are u sure
Wannabe Alchemist: i mean of course ill go hell even if i had a meeting with the goddamn president id skip it to go anywhere with u
Wannabe Alchemist: but i dont want to overstep my right or anything
Winry Rockbell: no ed u could never impose
Winry Rockbell: its just been kind of a shit year
Winry Rockbell: i dont know if i can handle going to visit them alone this time
Wannabe Alchemist: dont worry im there for u
Wannabe Alchemist: whatever u need
Winry Rockbell: i
Winry Rockbell: thanks ed
Wannabe Alchemist: theyd be proud of u win
Winry Rockbell: :)
Winry Rockbell: not to degrade ur sentiment or anything because damn ed u can be sweet
Winry Rockbell: but id do buttfuck anything besides meet with our president
Wannabe Alchemist: i read that as u would butt fuck anything but shit u right
Mei Chang to “3/10 WASNT EVEN THAT BAD” famous last words: paninya was that you outside my school trying to sell taylor swift tshirts
Lan Fan: paninya what the hell
Mei Chang: you looked stalkerish as hell my principal was going to call the police
Winry Rockbell: just burn them in a rusty can like the ratchet ho u are
Paninya: what is This Disrespect™ n pls im not gonna burn them that merch cost me lk 984759 bucks
Lan Fan: sounds fake but ok
Ling Yao: and why tf would u sell them taylor swift is finally getting interesting
Winry Rockbell: yeah shes finally being savage af isnt this what u signed up for
Paninya: hey i signed up for Drama Taylor
Paninya: this is just plain whoring for attention
Alphonse Elric: Not sure those terms are mutually exclusive
Edward Elric: HOLY FUCK
Lan Fan: speaking of whoring for attention
Edward Elric: went straight for brand the dumb fucking pyromaniac
Alphonse Elric: Can i just remind u that ur first time ur jerk ass went right for garen
Alphonse Elric: Sounds fake but ok
Ling Yao: and a bit like neds trying to compensate for something
Edward Elric: U ALL AINT SHIT
Lan Fan: its yaint
Ling Yao: u uncultured fuck
Paninya: k first of all lol is a game for 13 year old prepubescent boys
Lan Fan: so perfect for edward
Edward Elric: ,,,,,,,,dont say 3/10 u know i would rather fucking die
Lan Fan: then perish
Alphonse Elric: Ed did U make that whale noise
Winry Rockbell: the real question here is paninya???? can actually spell???????? words???????? whAT??????
Paninya: SECOND OF ALL any of u want tswift shirts hmu (◡‿◡✿)
Edward Elric: taylor swift is fucking great why the fuck would u sell them
Winry Rockbell: ………..
Alphonse Elric: ……………………
Paninya: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Lan Fan changed the chat name to ill take edward elric is fake Punk Rock™ for 800 alex
Winry Rockbell: SOUNDS FAKE BUT OK
Rosé Thomas added Mei Chang, Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Roy Mustang, and Riza Hawkeye to Unnamed
Paninya changed the chat name to PROJECT LINGFAN
Alphonse Elric: What the hell is lingfan
Winry Rockbell: she continues??? to spell????? correctly???????? what i am amazed?????????????
Winry Rockbell: rude
Mei Chang: if i say no can i leave
Edward Elric: she is not my worst fucking nightmare
Mei Chang: so you don’t turn into a stuttering baby every time she brings up 3/10
Winry Rockbell: i feel like there was a better way of putting that
Edward Elric: wait hold THE FUCK UP ur fucking with me right
Roy Mustang: yes edward
Roy Mustang: she made an entire separate chat and invited all these people just so she could fuck with you
Alphonse Elric: Thats literally what the normal group chat is for wtf ned
Edward Elric: what the UTTER FUCK???? LING AND LAN FAN????????
Rosé Thomas: You were right winry he’s blind
Alphonse Elric: Dude how the hell are u so ignorant
Riza Hawkeye: Edward are you really unaware of this
Roy Mustang: id ask if you saw them at the floor party but i remembered you were too busy practicing for your x factor audition
Winry Rockbell: obliviousest
Winry Rockbell: i knew it wouldnt last
Roy Mustang: he threatened to and i quote ‘key your face’ if you bothered her again
Winry Rockbell: lan fan only shattered her arm that time because some dumbass thugs tried to jump ling in order to threaten his dad
Mei Chang: whenever lan fan doesnt answer him right away he gets all huffy and paces for hours and checks his phone like 500 times until she replies LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES
Riza Hawkeye: That is indeed what happened
Rosé Thomas: And that’s why we made this chat
Rosé Thomas: So all of you can experience our pain
Edward Elric: ,,,,,,
Alphonse Elric: Seriously wtf is a lingfan
Mei Chang to pacific rim uprising is the sequel we didnt know we wanted and always needed no one fight me on this: you all know my name is mei right
Paninya: first time im hearin it
Mei Chang: because my calc teacher doesnt
Winry Rockbell: oh god what does he call u
Mei Chang: literally ‘mee’
Paninya: wot in tarnation
Ling Yao: u mean wot in pronunciation
Mei Chang: mee-eye is okay and mYE sure but MEE
Paninya: dw a teacher called me panYEA once lk??? bless u????
Lan Fan: panno
Winry Rockbell: a teacher called me wine-ry in fifth grade like how in the actual fuck could u mess win-ree up
Edward Elric: maybe bc u were indeed hella whiny
Winry Rockbell: at least she knew i was there u were too smol to see over the table
Alphonse Elric: Better loud than nonexistent
Paninya: “was”
Mei Chang: in any case i’m done trying to correct him hello yes my name is mee
Ling Yao: and wen it nite
Paninya: wtf r u on ling yao n where can i get some
Winry Rockbell: its another fucking meme i stg lan fan pls control this boy
Lan Fan: the kalc teachre cannt saye it rhite
Ling Yao: vINdICatION
Edward Elric to PROJECT LINGFAN: fuck this they gotta be in love
Winry Rockbell to Mulan but Better: hey theyre selling stroop waffles outside the bio building
Winry Rockbell: i can grab some for u if ur in class
Winry Rockbell: wait is that u in line
Winry Rockbell: are u wearing a lab coat
Winry Rockbell: u ran out of class didnt u
Winry Rockbell: did u not even bother to take off ur goggles u look like a nerdy terminator
Winry Rockbell: how many are u buying holy shit ARE U STUFFING THEM IN UR LABORATORY COAT POCKETS
Mulan but Better: why are you still asking me you know the answers yes
Roy Mustang to My Queen™: theyre selling stroop waffles right now
My Queen™: Has ling gotten there yet
Roy Mustang: theyre no longer selling stroop waffles right now
Rosé Thomas to 7 excellents and LAN FAN THE WAFFLE TRAITOR: It’s official
Rosé Thomas: Mustang won the bet
Winry Rockbell: wow i forgot that was still going on
Maria Ross: how’s ed taking it
Rosé Thomas: Oh how you would think he’d take it
Roy Mustang to PROJECT LINGFAN (WHAT IS A LINGFAN SOMEONE TELL ME ALREADY): if ling lost the bet he had to choose
Roy Mustang: either actually outright confess to lan fan or end whatever it is they have
Alphonse Elric: Paninya its more complicated than that
Mei Chang: long story short
Mei Chang: our familys shit deep in politics
Mei Chang: either ling gets in there shit deep too or hes married off
Edward Elric: well fuck
Rosé Thomas: Lan fan knows
Rosé Thomas: When she messaged me after the party i found out that this is why she was so upset
Rosé Thomas: Apparently a drunk ling told her that she should leave him because ‘he’s scared about what would happen if he stopped caring and she deserves better than a coward’
Paninya: well now i feel like shit
Mei Chang: welcome to my world
Mei Chang to Secret Swiftie: remember how you came to my school and almost got arrested
Mei Chang: a couple of girls are asking about your tshirts
Secret Swiftie: call it what u want is a fuckin eargasm I TAKE IT ALL BACK ALL OF IT
Mei Chang: great i’ll tell them you died
Paninya: what book is it
Lan Fan: howard’s end
Alphonse Elric: Forsters great
Winry Rockbell: sorry i havent
Lan Fan: its fine i probably left it in the studio
Ling Yao: oi i was just kicked out of the dining hall what kind of DISRESPECT
Paninya: k but u were eatin all the soup
Ling Yao: is that a crime now
Winry Rockbell: u took the entire pot ling
Lan Fan: you didnt even try to be stealthy about it you just ran back to your seat giggling
Mei Chang: how are they just kicking you out now
Lan Fan: oh they have he climbs back in through the window
Edward Elric: last week u complained the rice wasnt cooked
Ling Yao: have u????? had the rice here??????? itS C R U N C H Y
Edward Elric: jfc lower ur standards ur highness this is college
Lan Fan: you dont pay 70K a year to eat
Paninya: just suck it up lk the rest of us
Winry Rockbell: its either this or starve yao
Ling Yao: :O
Ling Yao changed the chat name to fake friends™
Alphonse Elric to cAn yOU FEeL iT Now mR KRAbs: What the everloving fuck do i have to murder to find out what the shit lingfan is?????¿¿¿¿¿
Lan Fan: …..
Alphonse Elric: Ah
Alphonse Elric: Wrong chat
Paninya: (✿◉‿◉)
Winry Rockbell: AL FOR THE LOV EOF
Winry Rockbell kicked Lan Fan from the chat
Winry Rockbell kicked Ling Yao from the chat
Mei Chang: you know they can still see previous messages
Edward Elric: fuckkkkkk
Paninya: well first time not directin this at edward
Paninya: duuuuuude u fucked up
Panko to Lan Fan: hey i saved u a seat in psych but u didnt look over
Panko: is this about kickin u out of the squad chat
Lan Fan: do they all know
Panko: uh kno what
Lan Fan: does everyone know paninya
Panko: if i answer will u promise not to disappear again
Panko: no one told anyone else about it if thats what ur angry about we all figured it out by ourselves
Panko: well except for ed but that boi is dumb af
Panko: n im not sayin u guys were obvious or anything it took a while until we saw it
Lan Fan: i think im going to go back to my grandfathers for the weekend
Panko: pls dont drop off the face of the earth again
Lan Fan: i wont i was going to go back anyway and space is good
Panko: ur not the only one in this lan fan
Panko: no matter how much u wont see it
Lan Fan: (◠‿◠✿)
Winry Rockbell: when did u say ling had to make a choice mustang
Roy Mustang: i didnt??
Edward Elric: u said he had to make a decision and DIDNT GIVE HIM A SHITDAMN DEADLINE
Paninya: well thats just great chevrolet
Riza Hawkeye: You really didnt think this through bmw
Roy Mustang: wow at least i didnt blow our cover
Alphonse Elric: Dont throw me under the bus with u toyota at least im repentant
Paninya: alright well now that lamborgini royally fucked up
Winry Rockbell: “lamborgini”
Winry Rockbell: so close
Edward Elric: so what the fuck is gonna happen now
Winry Rockbell: ok mei can talk to ling bc she lives with him
Mei Chang: unfortunately
Rosé Thomas: I don’t know if lan fan will be willing to talk
Rosé Thomas: She used an emoji again
Mei Chang: actually i’ll talk to her someone else tackle my brother
Paninya: idk how to speak fuccboi language one of the guys gotta do it
Winry Rockbell: after roy and als fuckups who else can we choose
Edward Elric: RUDE
Roy Mustang: sit down you didnt even know they were a thing
Alphonse Elric: Well ofc u physically cant ned
Winry Rockbell: can u even see other ppl without platform shoes
Mei Chang: or a ladder
Paninya to milk: hate it, shouting: always, music taste: shite = I AM FORCIBLY SHUT INTO THE BODY OF A SIX YEAR OLD: RIZA TOLD ME THERE IS A PETTING ZOO 3 MILES AWAY YALL MEET AT MY CAR IN 5
Edward Elric: we’re already fucking here
Ling Yao: lol weve been here for an hour
Alphonse Elric: Mustangs been holding a komodo dragon for approx half that time
Mei Chang: winry drove us and there are llamas
Winry Rockbell: i am surrounded by puppies rn am i dead
Paninya: bitch u r to me im writin u all out of my will CLEARLY ALL MY M8S ARE SHIT
Ling Yao to Sister Mine: mei
Ling Yao: meiiiiiii
Sister Mine: i’m literally right next to you what
Ling Yao: have u ever seen lan fan with her hair down
Sister Mine: once during the floor party you all snuck me into
Sister Mine: why do you ask
Ling Yao: her hair tie broke a few days ago and she was fussing with it and i couldnt breathe
Sister Mine: when her hair is down??
Ling Yao: up, down, soaking, gone
Ling Yao: she takes my breath away, mei
Ling Yao: she takes my breath away no matter what she does, or say, or looks like and i am a coward
Sister Mine: you may be right
Ling Yao: are you ashamed of me?
Sister Mine: that depends
Sister Mine: what do you plan to do about it
Lan Fan to Literal Monkey™: hey i know its 5 am and youre probably not even awake and this is probably useless anyway considering ive been transparent as all hell
Lan Fan: but i dont think sleep is an option until i tell you
Lan Fan: youre ridiculous
Lan Fan: youre ridiculous and full of it and infuriating and reckless and beautiful and just so so idiotic
Lan Fan: id have to be too i guess
Lan Fan: to be in love with you even after all of it
Lan Fan: and i really am just that
Lan Fan: idiotic and in love with you
Literal Monkey™: thanks
Lan Fan: did you just breakfast at tiffanys me
Literal Monkey™: yes because you would understand it
Literal Monkey™: you understand lan fan
Literal Monkey™: every shitty meme or reference or word i say you’ll always always understand
Literal Monkey™: just like how you understand that im all those things you said i was
Literal Monkey™: im reckless and infuriating and indecisive and greedy and far too ridiculous to deserve you and you understand that
Literal Monkey™: and if youre idiotic for being in love with me then im a hundred times more and you understand why too
Lan Fan: i think you have too much faith in me
Literal Monkey™: i think you have too little
Literal Monkey™: come to your window
Lan Fan: what why
Literal Monkey™: because its hard to type when im barely holding onto your window frame and looking like a hero straight out of an austen novel and honestly id rather told you how much im in love with you in person
Literal Monkey™: convention and all that
Lan Fan: well alright then
Alphonse Elric: Great so can someone pls explain wtf a lingfan is now
Edward Elric: Read at 8:09 AM
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galaxy-of-hair · 7 years
tagged by my buddy @batjokesfuckina approximately ONE MILLION YEARS AGO
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. 
a - age: 28 going on 252 (im tired)
b - birthplace: augsburg, germany (military family)
c - current time: 9:35am
d - drink you last had: monster absolute zero
e - easiest person to talk to: my partner kevin 
f - favorite song: this is rough, i literally cant answer that, i can only answer what my favorite song is today, in this moment, right now, and i guess im rly feelin bodak yellow by cardi b 
g - grossest memory: once i visited a crack house in redmond, wa (which was a trip cause thats the rich neighborhood, so it was like a rly nice house on the outside and clearly used to be on the inside) that was literally just called The Crackhouse™ and listen im not a clean or snobby person by any stretch of the imagination im a disgusting gremlin (i have some horror stories abt my own apartments over the years) but this house was unprecedented levels of fucked up. i was instructed upon entering to keep my shoes on and watch where i step bc there were needles and dog shit and various other filth covering the floor. like idk im no stranger to fucked up living spaces, but that was the worst ive ever seen, im not even explaining it well.
h - horror yes or horror no: HORROR YES
i - in love? yeah
j - jealous of people?: sometimes, but i try to keep a leash on it cause i know its ugly and unproductive
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: i can ‘fixate at first sight’ like if i see a person that flips that switch in my brain that goes, “WHO IS THAAAT?” like based on looks or the way they move or talk, but if im catching feelings its gotta be someone i know 
m - middle name: the only middle name i have is the one from my deadname, my chosen name is Galaxy O’Hare, and i dont have a middle name for that. honestly, im more like cher in that i just go by Galaxy, the O’Hare part is a play on ‘galaxy of hair’ bc im a stylist (or, was anyway) and i thought O’Hare sounded like a cute drag name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   
n - number of siblings: two half siblings that i know of, probably more tbh, but the only one i have a relationship w is my brother whom i love w all my heart id die for him
o - one wish: altered said, “lifetime supply of marijuana” and tbh that’s probs mine too, cause if i get into anything serious it gets depressing
p - person you called last: my grammie
q - question you are always asked: i dont get asked stuff rly
r - reason to smile: fanfic is a thing that exists
s - song you sang last: drunk in love by Beyoncé  
t - time you woke up: 6:00am
u - underwear colour: blaaaaaack
v - vacation destination: either a super laid back trip to kauai, hawaii or drop me off in the pnw woods w a pack of bushcraft stuff for a week 
w - worst habit: i guess smoking, in fact, im fixin to go smoke rn
x - x-rays: i had one for my wrist in elementary school, several on my teeth at the dentist, and one like, torso? x-ray? at the chiropractor 
y - your favourite food: broccoli
Z - zodiac sign: leo
tagging: @thtvrywitch, @oliphant-the-elephant, @lexis-the-stick-figure, @softest-star, @koshercannibal, @hannibalssweaters, @captaincuppy, @ohyayaseance, @jacksisko, @outerspacecake, @flawlessglamazon, @hardykat, @rhymes-with-hell  
and literally anyone who wants to do it 🖤🖤🖤      
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trisabelle · 7 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 an arbitrary number of people to be tagged. I was tagged by the amazing @canitellusmthin !! I love ya, you diamond in the rough (tumblr. tumblr is the rough)
Last Drink: Water!
Last Phone Call: My Dad calling to ask if we needed any groceries.
Last Text Message: To my sister asking if she remembered the wifi password. Unless you count IM's in general, in which case, saying goodnight to my bf and gf!!
Last Song You Listened To: Memory by Koethe Koethe, while I was dressing this morning. Well, afternoon..
Last Time I Cried: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am a babby but I rarely cry and tend to try to forget about t if I do.
Dated Someone Twice: Nope
Been Cheated On: No
Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Only ever kissed one person, didn't regret it even if we didn't work out together.
Lost Someone Special: For a while a friend dropped off the internet for about a month after being really suicidal.. thought she died but she came back. That was years ago though
Been Depressed: I'm depress in this binch 25/7 my dudes
Been Drunk and Thrown Up: Never been drunk, never drank alcohol ever and don't want to
Made a New Friend: Ye!
Fallen Out of Love: No
Laughed Until You Cried: YUP. Memes do that to me. Also, that video of two hamsters with a hamster wheel on its side, and they keep spinning it until it whips them around and they just keep going until they're at lightspeed
Met Someone Who Changed You: The people that come to mind; Jay, Liz, and the two who I plan to spend my life with, Matt and Lizzy!!!!! 💖💖💖
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: This.. is very vague.. yes..????
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: A few I've met in real life when I went to visit a girlfriend at the time down in California.
Do you have any pets?: A Doge (Steve), a Doogler (Molly), and a recently adopted fishy!! His name is Gillbert.
Do you want to change your name?: Nop!! I'm super happy with my name. Mostly because Tris isn't really gender specific and I like that
What time did you wake up this morning?: "Morning" hahahhahhahahahahahhahahah
What were you doing last night?: Just reading once I was in bed. Before that I was getting FO4 modded and talking to the bae's
Name something you cannot wait for: LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM - EPISODE 3 HELL IS EMPTY
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My great-granddad. He died a while back but I remember him. He built a bunch of stuff for my Thomas the tank engine sets. Also my middle name was after him
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: i,m tired
Blood type: ye
Nickname: Tris
Relationship status: In a closed triangle!! I know my trigonometry from an intimate perspective c;
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Did I spell it right
Pronouns: He/him, but idfc honestly. I have a feeling they're he/him just because I'm so used to it, even tho I totally identify as a boy
Favorite tv show: Sense8. The beautiful masterpiece collision between scifi, drama, and an expression of just what humanity is
College: Not yet!! Should he doing some college courses starting January
Hair colour: Black!! Or rly rly rly dark brown. Used to be chestnut brown but maybe I'm just crazy
Long or short: Hair? Or height? I have longish hair for a boy, it's not far past my shoulders and hella curly. Once I get the courage it'll be in a lil ponytail. And height, I'm 5"6' or however you write it. Five foot six. I wanna be smol™
Do you have a crush on someone: Ye. On my Big Frog and Giant Frog
What do you like about yourself: (awkward laugh) haha yeah totally
First surgery: Colonoscopy. Sorry if tmi, but it's true. I've had a few
First piercing: NOPE
First best friend: Jonas. We stopped talking soon after starting high school but he was in a car crash recently and almost died, and we've started talking a bit again
First sport you joined: Soccer. Never sported again
First vacation: Not sure.. earliest I remember is a trip not too far away to a vacation house with the extended family.
First pair of sneakers: Idfk.. I never cared about shoes. Just let them be plain and comfy
Eating: Right now? Nothing
Drinking: I was drinking water a minute ago
I’m about to: sleeeeeeeeeeep
Listening to: The menu theme from Before the Storm
Want kids: Ye!!! I've never seen myself doing anything other than adopting tho, even though I'm not dedicated to that idea.
Get married: YE. The idea of being proposed to???????? (Hand slamming button meme)
Career: Um
Lips or eyes: Eyes. I love them lips but EYESSSS
Shorter or taller: I wanna be the short one!!!!!! PLEASEEEEE
Older or younger: I don't care! (Lowkey lying)
Romantic or spontaneous: Why.. why not both.. These don't conflict..
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive I guess?
Hook up or relationship: BINCH I WANT DEM FEELS NOT JUST FUCKS
Troublemaker or hesitant: What.
Kissed a stranger: Nope. Only kissed 1 person ever
Drank hard liquor: Never even drank once
Lost glasses/contacts: don't have either
Sex on first date: Only really had like two dates, and she was no sex before marriage (which I totally respect and honestly I wasn't ready anyways)
Broken someone’s heart: Quite possibly.. I seem to cause a lot of negative emotions for the people around me..
Been arrested: Lol. I'm a goodie two shoes, a law abiding citizen,
Turned someone down: Ye. We're still in contact, I'm hoping they're doing well and I didn't let them down.. they deserve happiness!
Fallen for a friend: Nope
In yourself: No I'm a myth
Love at first sight: While I believe in attraction at first sight, and that may lead to true love, there's no way to instantly know for sure they're your soulmate. But don't ignore that instinct, our hearts are smarter than us in these things.
Heaven: No. I've never believed in anything required blind faith, but honestly, I have so much respect for those that do. That's a lot of strength to believe despite the struggle
Santa Claus: I certainly believe some nut changed their legal name to Santa for shits and giggles.
Yay!!! All done and it only took me ~40 mins when I should be ASLEEP. I'm egg. But it's my birthday, I can do what I want!! Happy 20th to me c:
I tag a reasonable amount of people, not 25: @wastedhearts @raggedymancomegetme @richard-vs-marty @the-pretty-kitten @sheikahstone @dipper-the-destructor @feathersandstripes @gayerthanthefourthofjuly @crabbieapple @brokenheartsbleedtheblues @notyouraveragebl0g @moonlit-battlefield @starrchild @runekitten @mbesham @cocoa-n-donuts
Don't do this if you don't want to!! And if you do but weren't tagged feel free!!! c:
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briteboy · 7 years
Tumblr media
why is my bra size a G? Where is that even on the bra size spectrum?
honestly i’m not sure why i got this question but it made for a good cold open to this post didn’t it
Mother I’m having a really bad migraine please help I’ve been throwing up for hours now 😭
OH NO i’m sorry :[ that sucks so much. i’ve only had a migraine once and i’m pretty sure it was because i went to a palm reader who had some untrustworthy evil vibes going on omfg *googles ‘migraine remedies’* uhh uhuh leafy dark greens! a cold dark room! ice packs! i’m sorry i suck at this i will offer you one (1) hug instead
i dreamed last night that last august u sent me an ask with questions from an ask meme i hadn't reblogged and i responded really rudely and then in the present i got a notif for an ask and i looked it and it was actually the already answered ask u had sent me a year ago and i was like 'wtf when did i get this ask when did i answer it why was i so angry???' and i messaged u and was like 'i have no memory of this but im sorry for being such an ass idk why either man' and u were like :/ ok i guess
OMFG :/ ok i guess i apologize on dream me’s behalf for sending you questions u didn’t even reblog. maybe i was just really interested in ur hypothetical answers. it’s okay i forgive dream u for being rude. we’re best friends now in dream land
a half goat, half human is a satyr but I like goat boy more
yeah i’m dumb and realized this after i said it omg. it’s not my fault i’ve only seen the chronicles of narnia once
Could you release astropussy cc merch? 😂 i need it in my life
YES PROBABLY IN THE FUTURE!! it’s on my to-do list!
Do you have a link to the beginning of ur story? Thx
the amount of times i’ve answered this, i just. asjkdfj lmao. it’s on my faq and also at the top of my blog, if you’re on mobile just look at the tags on my post and the general rule is that you can go to that tag and put in /chrono and it’ll go to the beginning. here
Do you follow any astrology blogs??
hmmmm i used to, but i’ve fallen out of touch with that area of tumblr. i still trust @astrologymarina with my life tho
hit me with that astrology shit ! gimme references, everything!
Yo my main squeeze! I’m doing a PowerPoint bout astrology, could u give me some sweet info?
(two different anons, same answer) AHHH *sweats* tbh i learned everything i know from observing my own chart (find yours here), acknowledging the traits of each sign and applying to people i know, then reading up on the planets and houses, and honestly...just exploring the tumblr astrology tag and following the rabbit hole down a twisted web of different astrology blogs. if you start with marina up there ^^ you can probably find a lot of sweet info and other blogs as well.
Hello mother, could you teach me about all the astrology stuff you’re always talking about? Like the birth charts and the planets etc. I find it v interesting but I can’t understand shit bc English is not even near my native language. Help. I’m so very lost lmao
ah well firstly check out the links above ^^ i would personally explain everything but 1) i’m bad at that and 2) ain’t nobody got time 4 dat honestly cafe astrology is a good starting point for beginners, they have everything on that website! if you need any specific sort of help with understanding it, feel free to message me off anon!
i think i finally figured out the birthchart thing?? really cool and very defining for a lot of elements of character design. i'm a aquarius sun, scorpio moon, and taurus rising -- i'm ready to be judged - sirius anon
right!! it’s like a main priority for me in character building! ohoooo that combo is very interesting, because i feel like aquarius and scorpio are not really compatible, in that aquarius influence can make you very distant and unwilling to address your emotions and their importance, but your moon (which controls your emotions) is SO preoccupied with exactly that, which might exacerbate that scorpio intensity because you feel that constant pull between hiding and revealing your true emotions. but then taurus rising kind of balances it out and makes you at least appear to be level headed? so even if you’re suffering on the inside at least people think u got it all together.
i.... i feel like your inbox is now bombarded w/ zodiac related questions.... so i sorta feel bad for dropping this on u but im doing it anyway hehe ok so: sagittarius sun and rising, cancer moon
it is and my wrist is killing me all of a sudden but i do this for u guys because it makes me so happy that u even care oh wow, that’s an interesting combo!! it’s actually one of those combos that like...it never crosses your mind, but now that you think about it, they actually go really well together. sagittarius is the most calm of the fire signs, so it actually might pair well with emotional and highly intuitive cancer. your inclinations are probably pretty bold and outgoing, but then you might think about them for too long and develop a fear of going through with them. in that way your emotional side kinda holds you back, but you should learn to trust your gut instincts!! 
Uhhh can you also do my birthchart? I know nothing about astrology and you're a godess in this topic! I'm Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising
OMFG A GODDESS well i’m just ok, i try ooh boy you’re watery alright!! wow you’re probably dreamy as f*ck, but also moody as f*ck, highly and acutely aware of everything at once, otherworldly, always living inside your head but wanting to get out and experience things with everyone else, always wondering about the mysteries of life and the weird questions no one ever wants to answer. you understand things more deeply than anyone around you, and you probably don’t even realize how strong and adaptable you are!!
Ahhh are you still doing horoscopes? If so can you do mine? I’m Aries sun, Sagittarius moon and libra rising. I’m overwhelmed with how to read these things! Thank you and hope you’re having a good day 😘
hello finally i am answering your question! sorry i just get overwhelmed when i get a lot of these lmao this is an awesome combo!!! sag + libra is always so good and then aries + libra are opposites/sister signs which makes for an interesting dichotomy. i’m actually an aries sun/sag moon as well, so i know this combo very well lmao. you might come off as very calm and appealing (dat libra charm tho) and then when people get closer to you you reveal your optimistic, perseverant and passionate nature. these signs are very harmonious together, you’re probably like the calmer version of me lmao. you might be pretty rational but then your sun makes you want to be more impulsive. it’s good to listen to it sometimes...but not all the time. aries is a child don’t trust him too much
hey sunny! i know you're probably stressed out by all these so feel free to skip this one, but i'm a virgo sun/capricorn moon/cancer rising! idk if i fit in a lot of the virgo stereotypes though but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
o0o0o0o0o so many sister signs i swear heheh, it’s good though, i like this combo! i feel like you can’t really go wrong with virgo/cap because they’re both earth signs. cap/cancer are opposites so your cancer rising might make you come off as very sweet, soft and emotional, but your moon says otherwise. people probably underestimate you a lot, but underneath your exterior you’ve got a guarded heart and you can’t be pushed around easily. though your virgo and cancer influence might invite people to walk all over you, you are stronger than you know.
Hi! Just felt like letting you know that there's this song called "Red Bottom Sky" by Yung Lean and it always reminds me of Santi every time I hear it.
hello! omg i love these messages, it makes me so giddy when people relate songs to my characters ;-; i’m listening to it right now and this is definitely something he would like lmao. it’s so calming somehow i wanna live in this beat
when i saw the title for lou’s story i immediately thought of the group choker lmao. you should check them out el dorado is my fav song
omg i actually think i’ve heard of this group before!! i’m digging these song suggestions, i like this one a lot! watch me put their songs in this story now lmao
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667-darkavenue · 7 years
my pals on the lancecord asked me for some tips on cuban spanish so i thought i’d share them here too for all you lance writers. i’m a cuban voltron fan who doesnt want to live in fear of bad spanish in nearly every damn fic and im trying to be the change i want to see in the world. so feel free to message me if you have any questions about lance’s culture bc this is nowhere near being comprehensive at all.
lets get into the stuff google translate can’t teach u!
i don’t know anyone under the age of 60 who says “dios mio.” lance definitely would not, unless he is doing an impression of his abuela.
things that sound more natural than dios mio: ave maria, ay dios, por dios, AY POR DIOS
more commonly we exclaim “coño!” for anything. shock/anger/awe/etc. if the reaction is negative, it’s just coño. if the reaction is positive, we drop the first syllable and draw it out like “‘ñoooooo”
we exclaim “pinga!” or “cojone!” or “pinga cojone!” as a negative reaction more commonly than any translations of omg too
“de madre” is something we usually exclaim as a negative reaction. it can be yelled or sighed or grumbled. usually has a frustrated or incredulous connotation
“wepa!” is a sound we make as a positive exclamation.
we say “‘ueno” like the verbal embodiment of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (it’s bueno with the b dropped)
other things that sound really stiff for cubans to say is like, “hola, como estas?” i mean, you say it to people you’re not on a casual level with. to friends/family these sound more natural:
“que bola asere” is how we greet our close friends
“que bola” or “que vuelta” is how we say hey
“oye” is hey! but not as a greeting, as an exclamation. something you would say before a greeting or on its own when surprised/offended/trying to get someone’s attention/etc
common insults: cabron/cabrona, mojon, comepinga, comemierda
common pet names for anyone: flaco, nena, mojon, mi socio, corazon
“asere” is our word for “bro” that no other country uses (1000% what lance calls hunk)
we also have a tendency to call our family members by their relation+their name, such as “my Tio Jimmy called” or “Abuela Carmen is making food.” i think this is when we have big ol families and just saying tio or abuela isnt specific enough
also this isnt spanish but i s2g so many bilingual cubans i know use the word “fire” almost constantly to describe something awesome. so i think thats a small cultural thing that communicates lance is cuban without having him speak spanish. (ex. “omg that’s fire” “hunk makes fire tacos” “pidge is fire at fixing stuff” “can you play that fire song?”)
now here’s a bunch of stuff that’s just my opinion
I think it’s most in character for Lance to drop Spanish words only one or two at a time into English phrases, since that’s how he uses it in canon (“Hasta la later, Keith!”). A couple of quick examples off the top of my head -
tremendo/tremenda - an adjective for huge. “You’re being tremendo sore loser, but okay.”
todito/todo - means everything. you can use them one after the other for extra drama. “I forgot todito, todo, about calculus immediately after passing it.”
These sound like really natural ways to drop Spanish into conversation without being forced if you keep it to a minimum. I aint here to tell u how to write your lance but i beg you - Please show restraint and don’t try to use all of these tips at the same time!!
I recommend following latin internet personalities (like jaxxgarcia or mr. red) to pick up their Spanglish phrasing if you’re really into that. please don’t try to make up your own. it’s never as cute as you thought.
if you’re writing full on spanish for more than a word or two, please do not ever make Lance speak it “accidentally” (or even worse, on purpose) to someone he knows doesn’t understand the language. that’s really rude and alienating and it’s so against lance’s character to isolate himself from others like that when he speaks fluent english. 
other times Lance can toss a spanish word in without sounding forced is if he’s namedropping cuban things! Try looking up some of our 
food (ropa vieja, pan con lechon, arroz con leche)
drinks (materva, iron beer, malta), 
films (juan of the dead, azucar amarga)
or music (celia cruz, marc anthony, juanes*) and have lance mention them by their spanish name if the topic comes up. 
*not all of these musicians are cuban, but they’re some of the most popular amongst us. i’m simply naming artists i think lance is most likely to enjoy considering his age and personality.
speaking of music, we have very specific dance styles that are pretty cool and almost mandatory to learn at a young age. cubans in general love to party, and to host large family gatherings which easily morph into parties, and basically any social event seems awkward if there’s no one dancing at any point. 
what I’m trying to say is Lance definitely knows salsa or merengue moves.
I don’t love to party and I’m not a good dancer and I don’t like dancing, but I know salsa anyway because I had to be in the environment my whole life. always exceptions, but the majority of cubans grow up knowing how to dance and it looks more or less like this:
(no offense, but you’re a fool if u wrote a dance au and didn’t have lance whip this out. i purposely looked for videos that reflect what average people dance like, but professional salsa is insanely cool)
and one last opinion for the road:
Voltron takes place in the future, so I like to dream of Lance being born in a world where Cuba’s free from communism. If you’re doing a Voltron AU that takes place nowadays, please don’t write about Lance’s experience in Cuba if you aren’t familiar with what it’s like to live under a regime like that. It’s very bleak and textbooks don’t cover half of the fucked up things that those who live there actually have to go through.
Lance could have been born in Cuba, but raised somewhere else. Miami would be my recommendation because it’s our second homeland and it means he would have been raised surrounded by Cuban culture without the governmental oppression. But Cubans are absolutely everywhere, so it’s equally believable that Lance’s family could have immigrated to Pawnee, Indiana. Even in Voltron canon, I think it’s likely Lance moved to America at a young age because he clearly has a native fluency in English.
edit: I have a cuban things tag now if you’re interested in finding out more cultural details!
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oakmd · 7 years
professor oak’s rp plotting cheat-sheet!
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mod name: :v OOC Contact: Tumblr IM; but if we’re mutuals I’ll give you my discord! I have Skype too, but I don’t really use it much. 
Tumblr media
 Professor Oak is a renowned Pokémon Professor most notably known for his invention of the Pokédex, his Welcome To The World of Pokémon! lecture / documentary and his extensive research surrounding the relationships between pokémon and people. He’s a very recognizable icon in the pokéworld; it would be impossible not to know who he is. 
Alternatively, while he’s mostly known for being a scientist, he has wide recognition for his Pokémon poetry. He also does regular recordings with DJ Mary at Goldenrod Radio Tower. 
The Professor resides in Pallet Town, Kanto, in one of the world’s most impressive laboratory reserve - stretching across acres upon acres of land, built entirely to replicate all types of pokémon’s natural habitats and terrains. 
As a former pokémon trainer ( as well as Kanto Champion ), he has one grandson, Gary Oak, who is also former pokémon trainer, but is now currently on the path to becoming a Scientist himself, specializing in fossil revival.
Points of interest:
My portrayal of Professor Oak is mostly anime-based. This means I do not consider game function as canon or as character trait (ex. Professor Oak forgetting his grandson’s name. I have heard this joke enough to last me a lifetime, please Don’t™.) However, I include some elements of the manga/game, I guess, but usually only to fill in the many gaps untouched in the anime. With that being said, Green / Blue / Red and even Daisy do not exist. I have exceptions of interactions with some people, but it does not fall under my Main Canon and is more of some weird, blended AU, lol. 
Professor Oak is a 50+ year old man. On top of that, a parent and a grandparent. Because of this, most of the time ( not always ) he will naturally be more intuitive and perceptive to situations than a younger muse might be. He has had many, many life experiences to draw from that he applies to current context; empathizing and offering advice comes easy. With that being said, please communicate with me if I’ve crossed a line with this; I won’t take offense!
Professor Oak has interacted with legendary Pokémon. See: Celebi, ft. Suicune. Professor Oak is not immune to... strange occurrences. He’s interacted with the legendary pokémon Celebi ( and Suicune ) when he was a young boy. However, I portray this muse as someone that has seen much more ( of the unexplainable, not necessarily legendaries ), yet appreciates them within the comfort of his own privacy. 
Professor Oak has very high public status! While the man certainly lives his life as a regular person, his life is anything but. Hailing from Kanto and living peacefully in Pallet Town, Samuel’s demeanor is very humble, but his Net Worth is one of the highest, given his important influence, multi-faceted popularity and on-going relevancy among the citizens of the poké-universe. It goes without saying that he has made some of the most important contributions to the field of science and world of pokémon, but he is also sort of a pop culture “idol”. His name is attached to hundreds of awards, recognitions, lifetime achievements, entertainment achievements. Whatever there is to do, Professor Oak does it all: Scientist, Writer, Artist, Humanitarian, Pokémon Professor, TV Host, Radio Host, University Lecturer, Motivational Speaker, Activist, League Advisor, Parent. There is nothing he won’t dive into if it’s for the greater good.  List of Awards: here. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
*POST-CANON. Same ol’, same ol’. Professor Oak has many years left in him yet! You can still find him on his happy little hill in Pallet Town doing what he does best: giving trainers their starters, and babysitting those same 9482536 kids under his care. Including, but not limited to all the 3948357927682294 pokémon he and - everyone’s favorite personal assistant son - Tracey Sketchit share responsibility for. His life will pretty much be the same, as it has been; the perks of being old and well-adjusted.  *I use ‘post canon’ loosely. My default timeline is ongoing with the show itself, but since time never seems to progress, I’ve taken it upon myself to lazily assume some years have passed since S1E1 ( hence why I say Oak is 50+ rather than actually 50 ). 
MULTI-VERSE. If you are a non-pokémon muse, Professor Oak will happily accept that you’re simply not someone from his universe. As mentioned above, stranger things have happened to him. Because of his own experiences, he’s very open-minded about the possibilities the universe has up it’s sleeve. I like to think of his corral and his lab are portal spots for the unknown to materialize. Maybe a point deep in the mountain and forest terrain. Or perhaps from the forest ( between Kanto and Johto ) where Celebi dwells. This concept isn’t necessary to follow for the multi-verse, just a suggestion! TL;DR Let Professor Oak be your away-from-home grandpa, he has lots of Experience™.
Where to find them:
DEFAULT VERSE. There are a lot of places to find the ever-active Professor Oak. However, the top three most common places are: his research lab ( corral included ) in Pallet Town, Kanto, Goldenrod Radio Tower, and Celadon University. Because he is so famous, he can be anywhere, though. Whether it’s doing charity work, raising awareness, doing lectures, being a guest at internships, working with media across regions, visiting other pokémon professors, being on a much needed vacation, traveling for work. Pretty much, wherever your muse is, I can find a reason for Professor Oak to be there. 
POST-COLLEGE. I don’t actually have a ‘verse’ for this but it takes place shortly after Samuel finishes grad school and takes position as Kanto’s Pokémon Professor. He’s the first one to reside in Pallet Town. The lab itself is still under renovation; he’s moved back home after being away for years at school, and still trying to mourn the loss of his fiancé. He’s a single father, struggling to balance work and parenthood, but he gets by. ( Further down this timeline, about thirteen years later, he suffers the loss of his children, and becomes the guardian of his grandson, Gary Oak. )
To find Professor Oak is the other ‘verses’ from the Offered / Desired sections, just ask. 
Current plans:
Keeping busy. Professor Oak is a very goal-oriented person and although he finds relaxation necessary, he also prefers to be active. His hands are always full running the biggest pokémon lab, but he’s always throwing himself into new projects of all kinds of varieties.
Travel and meet new people. Ever the social butterfly, the Professor is always welcoming new faces to his growing list of companions. Although his reasons for traveling are no longer for becoming a Pokémon Champion, he finds that there are plenty of things he hadn’t quite noticed or appreciated before. It’s interesting to see how some things have changed, and for others, how they’ve stayed the same. It’s all for business purposes of course ( mostly ), but coming full circle provides closure for memories he’d only reminisced about for years after he graduated from college. 
Supporting Gary. As his grandson begins his journey in the field of science, Professor Oak prioritizes helping him adjust and giving him the support he needs.
Otherwise, the plans depend on what your muse brings. :O
Desired interactions:
Retired Oak! Literally everything is the same except he’s wearing tropical shirts and jorts. B^) Alola cruise, anyone?
Alzheimer’s Oak! LISTEN, I KNOW.. ... .. Game-mechanic jokes aside, lmao - I have no real excuse. It just hurts so good. ;^(
Grandpa Oak. I’m sure raising Gary and Ash was nothing but and Experience™.
College. What goes on in college, stays in college. College timeline: here.
Celebi, Again! Starring... Professor Oak! B^) Swapped into the body of his younger self. How does he fix this? Calamity ensues.
Dr. Fuji, Who? No, Professor Oak isn’t part of Team Rocket but he did get roped into helping them create MewTwo with the desperate attempt to also bring his family back to life. Did I rip that from Dr. Fuji? Yes I did, and I don’t care, let me live -
Team Rocket? Or, alternatively, he does work for Team Rocket with this ridiculous concept that he was blackmailed into working for them post-grad because of his unremarkable intelligence and promise. While his public face is the friendly Professor Oak everyone knows and loves, his lab holds darker secrets, the darkest being that he could no loner resist their persistence in making him comply, after they staged his children’s death as an innocent car accident. : ) ... Anyway, 
Persistent Press. Be annoying and invasive. Start scandals. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unrequited. Get rejected by the notorious man himself. He will be gentle.
Agatha. How dare you,
Offered interactions:
Are you a Pokémon Trainer™ or some other kind of pokémon-specializing person ( pokémon watcher, photographer, breeder, ranger, etc. )? Ring up your Professor when Officer Jenny arrests you for something he told you not to do in the first place so he can judge you with a proper scolding. For the others, show him your talents and skills! If you’re not a Kanto Trainer, I’m sure one of the other Professors can send you his way, either to drop something off / pick something up / for general help, etc. and he’s always excited to meet his colleagues’ kiddos. Also excited to see others contribute to the world of pokémon in some way! He loves pokémon and humans interacting! 
Are you a Pokémon Professor? Doctor, Nurse? Let’s gather ‘round and be stressed about Ash our reckless trainers. But also drinking and karaoke! Pokémon Discourse™. Camping retreats. Boring, obligatory conferences. Peer Review. Or maybe you just need a little advice from one of the pokéworlds more experienced Professors! Unless you’re Professor Rowan - in that case you’re BFFs that get into shenanigans nobody would ever believe. 
Are you a Science Major? Limited internships available for college students.
Do you live in Pallet Town? Hi, neighbor! B^) Professor Oak ( and Tracey ) most likely talk to you in passing, should it occur. ( Please message me about pre-established relationships first. ) Common places include, the mart, post office, movie theaters, etc.
Summer Camp? Boom, Professor Oak has summer camp for the kiddos at his corral. 
Are you a big idolizer of Professor Oak? Lucky for you, there’s more than one way to be a fan! You can reach him via fanmail, @’ing him on social media, finding his personal phone number from some sketchy fan forum, hogging up the radio show hotline, stalking his schedule to make each appearance panel, hovering outside around his lab, stealing candid photos, bombarding him in public with intrusive questions, shoving your notepad out for an autograph... You can even be one of those weird people who try to proclaim your love to ‘celebrities’ too old for you that you know little about. Who knows what this poor man will do?
Are you into Traditional Kanto / Johto? You may share the same passions if you’re into calligraphy, ikebana, haiku, tea ceremonies, etc. 
Are you a Celadon University Student? Feel free to talk to your Intro To Pokémon ( or Pokémon Sociology 101, etc. ) Professor about anything unclear about assignments, to offer questions or concerns... or try to make excuses for not turning in homework and being late, you lazy student. :T Doubles as an Unofficial Guidance Counselor to said students even though that’s not his job - but he can’t help it, he’s a parent before he’s a Professor.
Are you a child associated with Make-A-Wish Foundation? Professor Oak offers terminally-ill children the opportunity to choose their starters, and spend time with their favorite idol. : (
Are you affiliated with the media? All press can inquire about guest speakings, giveaways, promotions, advertisement deals, interviews, volunteer work, hosting/co-hosting, etc. and Professor Oak will get back to you at his earliest convenience. This INCLUDES those working at Goldenrod Radio Tower!
Are you a business person? Politician? High-Profile Celebrity / Figure? Meet Professor Oak at a Gala! Or any other formal event. Feel free to offer business negotiations, inquire about his residence, or other sketchy things. :v 
Are you affiliated with Kanto’s Pokémon League? Albeit not as recently involved as per usual, he’s an advisor, so he and your muse are at least associates, if not more.
Are you one of the developers that helped with the Pokédex? Nerds will be nerds.
Do you know Samuel from his days prior to being Professor Oak? Whether it be from childhood, training days, or college, they all matter. ( I’m aware this is highly unlikely because nobody RP’s old pokémon muses, but with that being said, I’m open to interacting with kids / grandkids of the aforementioned. )
Are you Team Rocket a villain? Have you reached your Kidnap-A-Scientist quota today? 
Current open post/s:
I had very few, but I’m too lazy to look for them. Plotting is probably better. /gestures to this post
Anything else?:
Threading is not limited to this list. I’m always open to more ideas!  
I’m not sure what the huge difference is between the Desired / Offered interactions -
You don’t need a pokémon verse to interact with me! 
Your muse does not need to idolize Professor Oak to interact with him.
Tagged by: i stole this from @undinaes
Tagging: Whoever sees this!
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peachyykenn · 7 years
11 questions
the (wo)man, the myth, the legend, @ditchin tagged me to do this shit and im actually gonna do it this time binches sorry it gonna be long 1. Kill your best friend or marry your worst enemy (no divorces)? - marry my worst enemy bc elena is my only best friend and i can't do her dirty like that? + i finally have a best friend i ain't killin her 2. If you had to knife fight either me or hannah montana who’d you knife fight - me n u tag team and fight hannah montana 3. If you could work at any retail store/restaurant/whatever where would you work & why - i hate working and jus want to sleep all the time but if i had to i'd work in some kinda art or book store 4. If you could b any other zodiac sign which would you be & why - libra bc Love™ 5. If you could remove all people of 1 zodiac sign from the planet what would you remove & why - im tempted to say cancer bc i dated one and it went horrible, but my brother is a cancer and i can't do that brother dirty so i'm gonna say pisces bc i've also had rough times with a pisces 6. do you keep a journal? what do you write about?//why not? - okay i try so hard to like write about my day everyday and kinda go over my day to not only help with my Eternal Angst but also my dyslexia but that don't happen sorry m8 7. snart snart snart snart - snart snart snart snart 8. I’m using this to procrastinate practicing (kill me), what’re you procrastinating? (You can’t say practicing I already took that answer fuck you) - learning to drive bc cars make me anxious 9. What were you doing right before you started answering this? - yelling at my mom (not really tho) bc she named me after a character on a soap opera 10. Class you’re looking forward to the most next year & why? - AP studio art bc fuck music theory amirite 11. do you ever get words stuck in your head? I do. Mine rn is snart bc of that one shitpost. Anyways if u do what words/phrases were most recently stuck in your head? If you don’t then what lyrics were most recently stuck in ur head? If u wanna answer both then answer both idc - okay so this isn't a word but i have a short attention span bc of my Learning Disability™ and i made this sound once where i like, stuck my tongue out while my mouth was in an "o" shape and breathed in while i put my tongue back in my mouth and i can't stop doing it,,, it's getting annoying,,, also i keep saying wop (Now I have a bonus question for each person :)) (try to guess who is whom) Bonus question for daddy vader: listen. listen. hsm is better than the lorax - okay listen fukk u elena the lorax is the love of my life,,,,, i will marry the lorax and the onceler and have a happy polygamous marriage im not gonna tag anyone or do my own questions bc i suck at writing and my only friends that are on tumblr have already been tagged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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all of the asks? I'm a dick :3
Omg okie
lol I’m assuming you’re the same anon that asked me for all the questions those other times
Im gonna put it under the cut 
The meaning behind my url: lol idek, one of my old college frens was hobovampire and I wanted to do something along those lines idk
A picture of me: It won’t let me add one but here http://the-emophoenix.tumblr.com/post/161402700146/i-was-tagged-by-spookyowlfren-idek-i-had-to
How many tattoos I have and what they are: I don’t have any yet
Last time I cried and why: Death of my favourite character in Lost
Piercings I have: Technically two ear piercings but they’ve closed up, I’m planning on getting them redone over the next few weeks
Favourite band: TOP, Linkin Park and Fall Out Boy
Biggest turn offs: idrk I’m ace asf but being a dick make me wanna be as far away from someone as possible
Top 5 (insert subject): you gonna need to give me a subject bruh
Tattoos I want:  I want an Undertale heart, the TOP skeleton keys and a watercolour owl
Biggest turn ons: again idrk, but just be nice to everyone and you’ll see people wanna spend more time with you
Age: 19
Ideas of a perfect date: idk bruh
Life goal: Just be happy and safe, and I wanna complete my comic too I need to actually start tho
Piercings I want: I wanna get gauges in both ears and maybe a cartilage piercing too
Relationship status: Single as a pringle my dude
Favourite movie: My inner nerd will always love Transformers and Avatar but Kingsman and p much any Ghibli are my faves
A fact about my life: ummmmm idk lol
Phobia: Falling lol, I’m okie with heights but I panic when I feel like I’m falling, like in planes when they cut the engines for a moment or big rollercoasters, I can’t stand those mental fairground rides
Middle name: Bruh I have 3
Height: around 5′6 I think
Are you a virgin?: Yeeeee boi
What’s your shoe size?: 6 or 7 UK size, depends on the brand
What’s your sexual orientation?: Def asexual but romantically  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?: I drink sometimes with the gang but never enough to be drunk
Someone you miss: my family mostly
What’s one thing you regret?: Leaving home without waking mum up when my stepdad told me to, he isn’t talking to me now because of it
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt?? idk I love the marvel bois
Favourite ice cream?: Vanilla and mint choc chip ^w^
One insecurity: I’m worried I’ll never be able to live up to what others think I’m capable of, I’m worried others are gonna leave me too
What my last text message says: I’m proud of you 
Have you ever taken a picture naked?: Ew nah
Have you ever painted your room?: Yeee of course
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?: Nah
Have you ever slept naked?: bruh if you live in a country that normally wet and windy and normally around 15*C and for one week it shoots up to 36*C and you’re telling me you sleep in jammies for that week I wanna see proof
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?: I don’t think so lol
Have you ever had a crush?: Nah
Have you ever been dumped?: No but I dumped someone else cringe
Have you ever stole money from a friend?: Hell no, why on earth would I steal from my buds?
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?: No stranger danger!!!!! I think I did once tho when my frens were with me and they knew them
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: I think when I was like 7??? I don’t remember but I was v anger child
Have you ever snuck out of your house?: Nah the old man would’ve caught me cos he’s a really light sleeper, I’ve had no reason to either, my parents house is tiny anyway
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?: Nope, I’m starting to see a theme with these, wow my life is boring
Have you ever been arrested?: Nah
Have you ever made out with a stranger?: Ew no
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?: sorta ech cringe
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?: Fuck no! I would’ve been kicked from here to next week
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbour?: Well because all of my neighbours have been creepy weirdos or people I still haven’t met yet since moving into college nahh
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?: Yeeee, We finished all our assignments and we had no reason to go to class anymore so we went to the park for an entire day
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?: Sleepovers with the gang of course but not like slept together 
Have you ever seen someone die?: No and I hope I never have to
Have you ever been on a plane?: yeyeyeye multiple times, mostly to see family in Sicily, but I’ve been to Greece and Pompeii too
Have you ever kissed a picture?: yeyeyeyeyeyey
Have you ever slept in until 3?: bruh p much every day
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?: I love my frens and family equally and I miss the ones I’ve left behind and the ones I can’t be with when we need
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?: yeyeye of course
Have you ever made a snow angel?: Dude snow is my fave
Have you ever played dress up?: Not for a long time lol
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?: Probably???? not for a v long time I think but I can be v competitive 
Have you ever been lonely?: All the time rip
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?: haha yees
Have you ever been to a club?: yeyeyeey it was good fun but its not really my thing
Have you ever felt an earthquake?: Well I slept through the two I was in when I was younger and some of my classmates swear they felt one when we were in Italy
Have you ever touched a snake?: Gimme the snek!!!
Have you ever ran a red light?: Nah I don’t drive yet
Have you ever been suspended from school?: Nope, I’ve never gone that far
Have you ever had detention?: Many times, and always for stupid things cos my school was way too strict, mostly for missing homework tbh
Have you ever been in a car accident?: Yeee, only a small one tho
Have you ever hated the way you look?: Yeeeeee, I feel way more confident in myself with short hair now
Have you ever witnessed a crime?: I don’t think so, If I have I probs didn’t know it was happening
Have you ever pole danced?: Nope
Have you ever been lost?: Mum driving down to London and many times since leaving home
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?: Well I’ve been to Land’s End and Norfolk, but I haven’t been further north than Snowdon, does that count???
Have you ever felt like dying?: Yeep and I came v close to actually doing it during my last month or so at home, my frens were the ones that kept me going, I made a promise
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: yeee, Unfortunately
Have you ever sang karaoke?: yeee when Mamma mia came out and Abba was a thing again
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?: Yeeep
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?: Yep and its cos my lil brother did the exact same thing
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?: Nah 
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: Nope
Have you ever sang in the shower?: All the time yeyeye
Have you ever made out in a park?: No am virgin bruh plus ew cringe
Have you ever dream that you married someone?: I think maybe once after going to my cousins wedding
Have you ever glued your hand to something?: I superglued my hand to my shoe while trying to fix a hole in said shoe
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flagpole?: No but I dared a fren to and laughed
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?: No? are kids in America okie?
Have you ever been a cheerleader?: Nah, none of my schools have had big enough teams for that
Have you ever sat on a roof top?: Nah but it would be nice to watch the stars from the roof
Have you ever brush your teeth?: Well I’ve been on this planet for nearly 20 years, it would be kinda worrying if I hadn’t yet lol
Have you ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?: Alien, I haven’t been able to watch it all the way through, my mum scarred me lol
Have you ever played chicken?: I think for a school trip into Dartmoor to see who would jump off the highest rock into the gorge pools, I failed lol, I didn’t even want to climb up see Q18
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: Yep, my swimming club were arseholes
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?: A few times but its mostly when dickheads say it to make me uncomfortable, yeee those guys
Have you ever broken a bone?: I think I fractured my thumb when I was smol and mum thought I fractured my back when I got knocked out for the first time
Have you ever been easily amused?: yee course, thats just me lol
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: Everytime with @spookyowlfren and too many times with the gang
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?: probs when I was smol
Have you ever cheated on a test?: Nope, if I have it was never one that mattered
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?: fuck yes, thank good for name tags
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?: yeyeeyeye and I love them to bits, its always a weird experience meeting with them IRL cos I’m so used to listening to them, its like meeting an old fren you haven’t seen in years even tho we talk every day
Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows.: Idrk… I’ve always been really honest with you guys
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fair-fae · 7 years
You know, I'm not a drama person, I don't like it, but it came up on my dash so much that I kind of had to read it. All of that nonsense could've been avoided if you didn't even take it to the public. Judging people for THEIR characters that THEY made and can do WHATEVER the hell they want with them? Oh woo ho good job, you're so popular for taking the "barrage" of it. No. all it did was prove that you're a D-bag and I've got a nice, long list of people to block now and avoid contact with.
Okay, anon. I haven’t bothered setting the record straight with most of this shit, because I know folks like you will continue to believe what you want to believe and hear what you want to hear, just like you’re doing now. But I’ll bite. You’d think all of you getting onto your soapbox about how you shouldn’t judge or attack others wouldn’t keep talking shit about a situation you know nothing about and/or are terribly misinformed about. So I’ll enlighten you with what actually happened.
A while back, the person in question got into an argument with some people on the RPC, trying to tell them that their interpretation of the lore was wrong. Rather than leaving it at that, when he effectively got shut down there, he proceeded to take a screenshot of the conversation and post it on his tumblr, complete with a rant about the people who disagreed with him, their opinions are so wrong and awful, how dare they disagree with him, etc. essentially playing the victim when he was the one to try to badger them for their opinions in the first place. He also left their names, icons, signatures, etc. in full view.I responded and told him he probably shouldn’t be trying to harass any other people about the lore considering his own character concept (thus, you would think, making my opinion on his character pretty clear). Why? Because it’s fucking true.I don’t give a shit about the lore or whether anyone follows it. Probably every single one of my own characters at least bends the lore. But at least have the self-awareness and respect for your fellow role-players to say “yeah, my character breaks the lore” or not get your jimmies rustled every time someone says “oh, yeah, his character is lore breaking.” You wanna break the lore? Cool. Own up to it. And if you do break the lore, don’t try to force everyone else into following it–especially when you can’t even admit you break lore and instead stretch the lore to try so hard to justify your entirely lore-breaking character concept. Don’t try to heckle people for presumably doing what you do but won’t admit. Granted, these people weren’t even breaking lore anyway, which makes his insistence that they were even more ridiculous.So after some excuses about how he was trying to start some intellectual discussion or something and not just drag these people despite featuring their identities and primarily just complaining about them throughout the post, he admitted he should have at least edited out their names and apologized. Great! You’d think that should be the end of it. I didn’t have anything against him at that point, but also had no desire/reason to associate with him, so I didn’t. A couple months go by. Some post comes across my dash. A girl in the community is doxxing her online ex-boyfriend in a callout post about him for unexpectedly breaking up with her because she “thinks” he was lying to her about serious issues and “believes” he was cheating on her. Because I’m a loud and opinionated person, and because that’s some heinous thing to do, I spoke out against it (via a post on my own blog without naming names, mind you, because I’m not going to hijack someone else’s post with negativity or call them out by name). The girl found it, assumed it was about herself, flipped out, and then of course I was the bad guy for saying doxxing isn’t okay. And then the person in question joins in. Not even to discuss the topic at hand, but to dredge up the old drama about how I was so mean to him and he did nothing wrong, etc. A pretty crappy 180 turn for a person who apologized and made it seem like there were no hard feelings, but whatever. Someone saw that he obviously didn’t like me, and seized the chance to try to talk shit and spread rumors because they knew he’d give them the platform. They sent him some anon about how I hate women (lmao). And of course, he published it, with no skepticism or disagreement, only more commentary about how I’m mean and awful. I went to respond, only to find myself blocked. So I went on about my life because it’s not that big of a deal, but hey. The moment you talk shit about me, especially in a venue where I can’t respond, especially facilitating some lies and BS rumors, especially after leading me to believe we’d made amends–you aren’t off limits. You don’t get spared niceness and politeness. Is that mean and petty? Probably.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve never claimed to be a nice person.Now, to the horrible, awful thing I did to make this “public.” Fast forward to yesterday. I’d kept my mouth shut and left him alone. In a section of the RPC that doesn’t get a ton of traffic, largely because you have to make an account on the website and then manually opt in to this specific forum, several of us were discussing an absolutely awful person which is an unrelated story I won’t get into. Someone asked something along the lines of, “Are you guys talking about Underaged Looking Allagan Voidsent Chimera Demon Guy?” I responded with basically “No, we’re not talking about Underaged Looking Allagan Voidsent Chimera Demon Guy.” And that was it. We moved on with the conversation because he wasn’t who we’d been talking about. His name, tumblr, server info, in game race, class, etc. was all never given. No identifiable information beyond a very brief and tongue-in-cheek description of his RP character comprised of words taken directly from his own wiki, tumblr info, talk of his own character and RP posts.Someone saw the conversation, and based on our intentionally shitty description, was able to accurately guess who we were talking about and send him an anon to tell him about it. You’d think that would be pretty telling about his own RP, and this anon’s interpretation of it. He answered the anon in a long rant about me that featured both my in game name and my tumblr handle. In case you need me to spell this out for you, he went public with it first. I’ll also remind you that I was blocked, so I wasn’t/couldn’t be following him, and I was not properly @tagged in this rant, so I never would have seen it unless someone told/linked me, or someone I follow eventually reblogged it. And I honestly can’t imagine the level of narcissism it takes to write a long personal post full of wangst and victim-playing every time you hear a person had something negative to say about you or your RP character (not even by name–and by picking words from his own descriptions of his character), especially a person you have had issues with in the past and who you openly shit-talked yourself prior. Who does that? Lord knows my blog would be overflowing. Not everyone will like you, especially not people you jabbed at first. Especially not with an off the wall RP concept. Especially not with you trying to pass that concept is lore abiding and just “unusual.” Especially not with you trying to tell other people they’re “wrong” about the lore. Especially not with your character being a squicky, walking fetish and immortal jailbait. And that’s not even touching other things people have told me about this person that rubbed them the wrong way. Move on with your life.However, I found out about the post thanks to the OP himself when he unblocked me just to send me the link to the post and then before I could even read/respond to the post, sent me a barrage of IM’s still playing the innocent victim which is grating enough on its own but also included him straight up lying about ever posting/saying anything about me, insisting he’d done nothing to me, had nothing against me, this was so out of the blue and uncalled for, etc. When I pointed out this wasn’t the case, that I had seen and read the posts firsthand because blocking me doesn’t prevent me from seeing his posts, he began to lie instead about the contents of said posts and pulled some gaslighting bullshit about how I had just “misread” them, all the while either willfully or coincidentally not seeming to understand anything I said to him (I mentioned him publishing the anon about how I hate women at least twice and the response was always “I never said you hate women!!” Well no shit). He kept insisting that I had “gone behind his back” and that if I had a problem I should “say it to his face” despite the fact he’d had me blocked and that I’m not a douchey enough person to try to contact him despite that, and despite the fact that he had “gone behind my back” and not “said it to my face” twice now prior, and had done just that with his post about the folks from the RPC as well.He also insisted that the tumblr post was meant just to innocently “bring the issue to my attention to clear things up” despite me having no way to see it on my own unless by coincidence, and despite him proving to be willing and able to send me IM’s instead, which you’d think could render the need for a public post moot. When I pointed this out, he promptly deleted the post, lest anyone else see through his bullshit to what he was really trying to do.After my initial response to his wall of IM’s, he sent another wall this time with more insults and accusations, and promptly blocked me so I couldn’t respond. So yes, I made a vaguepost, I know, how awful, how dare I. A vague post vague enough that only someone who had seen his post, or who heard about it from him otherwise, would know who and what it was referencing. Until he responded to it himself, that is and unblocked me again to send me more angry messages to which I responded by permanently blocking him instead because this game of blocking and unblocking sure was getting old.Cue his charming friends sweeping in to tell me to eat a dick, making false accusations against my RP partner and I, sending me threats on Discord, telling people I flashed my breasts for money, etc. And the other person? The one who brought him up in the first place who I had only been responding to? Whose name he was given, was aired in the same public post on his blog as mine? As far as I know, she hasn’t gotten any hate, probably not a single message. And I’m glad, because she shouldn’t get any, she doesn’t deserve it. But at the same time, sure seems sketchy that the person who did the same exact thing as me–and who did it first–has not provoked anyone’s ire, not even been messaged. The public post in reply to the anon who named her, even, was aimed 100% at me. Now isn’t that funny. It’s almost like this was an excuse for people who already had beef with me to try to take shots at me and pretend it was justified. It’s almost like all you anon keyboard warriors don’t even know how this started or what actually happened.And now I’m going to talk about something else. You cannot do “whatever the hell you want” with your character. RP is a two-way (or more) street. There is a real person behind each and every character. These people are looking for fun just like you, and are every bit as deserving, and your fun shouldn’t impede on theirs. We are all allowed equal parts of fun.So when people play their weird ass lolicon/shotacon/pedobait characters, who is having fun? What if the other person in the RP was sexually abused as a child and you’re dredging up terrible old memories for them and making light of their pain? What if they’re a parent worried for their child, or worse, the parent of a child who’s already been abused? What if they’re an actual pedophile and seeing you RP this is tempting them, making them think they’re desires are normal and okay? Hell, what if they’re a goddamn ordinary person who finds it creepy and uncomfortable?What if the fetishized, futa ERP avatar is interacting with someone who is trans or nonbinary or intersex IRL? What if it’s triggering them (in the genuine, real sense of the word)? What if the walking affront against the lore character talking about being an Voidsent Half-Primal Garlean Spy in the middle of the Quicksand is ruining everyone’s immersion–particularly when they refuse to play along as others respond realistically IC and try to kill them or arrest them or kick them out? What if the OP af infinitely-stronger-than-everyone-else-around-him character is making the RP unfun for every other RPer involved because their characters can’t do anything but get beaten up or bow to his whims unless they stoop to godmodding or suddenly beefing up their own character?People can and will judge your character. Those judgments are usually best left kept themselves or quietly shared between trustworthy friends. But when your character trespasses on the OOC fun of the role-players around you? Sorry, my guy, people have every right to speak up. And all this nonsense? All this nonsense was a small handful of people who were already pretty nasty showing their true colors and getting told to pipe the fuck down. A pretty good outcome, if you ask me. So, please, block me, anon. My life will be better without idiots like you in it, and the same probably goes for anyone else you intend to block. Your nameless, ignorant, anonymous presence will not be missed–or noticed, for that matter.
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keunakool · 7 years
Lots o’ Fun tag
I was tagged by @ayo-jin ♥ I hope things are going well! I’m sorry for not having responded in a while ;;
Are you named after someone? - kind of but not rlly?? ehh ya’ll rdy for the most morbid story of ur life. so before i was ashlyn, i was gonna be named jenna beth bc my grandma wanted it that way right. but like,,, some time before i was born my mom was watching the news and saw that a baby got sUper rekt by a babysitter and suffered a horrible death #rip smol bab but anyways that baby was named ashlyn and i am now living the legacy that baby should have
When is the last time you cried? - @plsinx when we started that dumb elf/human angst whenever tf that was
Do you like your handwriting? - I do! But only when I’m taking notes. I tend to write better when I know it’s for something important.
What is your favorite lunch meat? - Deli sliced turkey tbh. I kind of live off on it sometimes.
Do you have kids? - Only the worst best cat in the world  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? - It depends on if I was still the same and not someone with another personality because tbh finding friends like me is a stRUGGLe and I need more. But if I was someone else entirely, prooobably not. I think I’m kind of hard to talk to sometimes and that I come off kind of cold and distant.
Do you use sarcasm? - Not really.
Do you still have your tonsils? - Yee.
Would you bungee jump? - I want to say yes, but that’s probably easier said than done haha. I don’t mind heights, but I mind the whole falling aspect, so yikes.
What is your favorite kind of cereal? - ppl think im wrong for liking plain cornflakes but come on guys it’s so good
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? - Nah. You just pull ‘em off and go.
Do you think you’re a strong person? - this one is actually hard to answer. i’m weird when it comes to handling things.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? - It’s a tie between raspberry and mint chocolate.
What is the first think you notice about people? - Body language and hair tbh. 
Red or pink? - Pink. 
What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? - My skin. I have a lot of acne scars and scars just in general. I also have a lot of freckles and blood spots due to me always scratching at my skin. It’s just not a good look lmfao.
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? - I’m actually barefoot rn, but I have black pajama pants on with a red and white plaid pattern on it.
What was the last thing you ate? - Like two packs of those cheddar crackers with cheese or peanut butter in the middle. I have no self control.
What are listening to right now? - 1.2.3 by B.I.G ;; it’s literally on repeat i love it so much
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? - One of the crayola crayons that has glitter in them
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? - I think it was my pappaw. He asked me what time he needed to get me for school because my mom was away at the time.
Favorite sport to watch? - I’m not big into sports tbh, but I don’t mind soccer.
Hair color? - It’s brown now! Now that I’ve grown it back to it’s natural hair color, I’ll be able to dye it fun colors ;A;
Eye color? - Blue.
Do you wear contacts? - Nope! I think I look best with my glasses.
Favorite food to eat? - hit me up with that subway tho
Scary movies or comedies? - I am much too anxious for horror movies, so I’ll take a comedy. The last time I watched a horror movie, I think I actually ended up crying later that night because I was so afraid to sleep pft.
Last movie you watched? - Free: Starting Days.
What color of shirt are you wearing? - It’s a bright blue. It doesn’t match my pants at all lol.
Summer or winter? - Winter, but I prefer autumn overall.
Hugs or kisses? - //sweats where’s the option for a good fist bump bc i prefer neither
What book are you currently reading? - Invision by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It’s been a while since I read the last book, so I don’t remember like the 2039203 characters, plus the dialogue in this one is a whole lot cringier than I remember the last books being. Disappointing, really, since it’s one of my favorite fantasy series. But it’s ok because Caleb is still best demon boy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Who do you miss right now? - @ithemighty i miss my boys ok do u kno how often im listening to the frame series (honestly take a shot every time i promote them)
What is on your mouse pad? - I don’t have one omfg. I use my books and notebooks since I use my laptop.
What is the last TV program you watched? - Diners, drive-ins, and dives omfg (support my one true love @ guy fieri)
What is the best sound? - @fluffyjihun u ever heard a smol pretty boy whimper
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? - the wiggles
What is the furthest you have ever traveled? - Texas lmfao. I only stayed for two days.
Do you have a special talent? - not really, no. i’m told i do a good magikarp impression tho
Where were you born? - Ohio. Like, a few cities away from my town.
i’ll tag some of my friends and recent followers ♥ || @batl7 @fluffyjihun @756cm @knkruinedmylife @plsinx @akatsukinoito @imleavingonatrain @btshietue @fairyim @vixxeroni
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pinwhale · 7 years
@geeselord tagged me in this so i feel obliged to do it lol
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. 
eek uh centuries - fall out boy, D.A.N.C.E - Justice, Emperors new clothes - p!atd, Patron Saint - Regina Spektor, Animal - Neon Trees, Gasoline - Halsey
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? 
a mcelroy tbh
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. 
“Excellent adhesion and great for renovation work” - some builders guide lol
4) What do you think about most? 
Friends and random story ideas
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
6) Do you have any strange phobias? 
Not really? I mean, heights arent great but thats just rational.
7) What’s your religion? 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I dunno probably none
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking somewhere/lying in the sun with friends
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
ive never had one tbh
10) What was the last lie you told? 
“ im not a actual homestuck anymore “ but hey i can dream 
11) Do you believe in karma? 
I try to
12) What does your URL mean? 
it was.. meant to be a pun. like pinwheel but pinwhale. idek i just want whale in my url
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? 
greatest strength is action under pressure, greatest weakness is like not being able to function when it is slightly loud around me
14) Who is your celebrity crush? 
i dont get crushes that easy so ive never had them on celebrities.
15) How do you vent your anger? 
Crying music/singing exercise ranting. if its at a certain person im likely to let them know why i am angry lol.
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
dirt rocks leaves and cool paper for art stuff
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i mean, there is always room to improve. but compared to who i used to be? hell yeah.
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate so many sounds omg. pencils writing comes to mind tho. sound i love is piano/good violin.
19) What’s your biggest “what if”? 
what if i could undo the stuff i did when i was younger
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? 
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. 
Left: Water bottle, Right: Vapodrops
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? 
Nothing my nose is so blocked rn
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? 
uhh place i hated most was this country house where i was isolated with nothing to do for days. 
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? 
What the hell is an opposite gender
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? 
Just, experience? If that makes sense?
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? 
I have been avoiding it
27) What was the last movie you saw? 
i dunno what the name of it was it was a Tarantino movie my brother was watching
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i like, skinned my face off when i was 11 when i faceplanted off my scooter going full speed down a hill.
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? 
coding is my forever obsession. nerd wise i love taz and su atm.
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
SO many, mostly hilarious tho
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? 
Probably? I dont let it effect my relationships with them tho
32) What is your astrological sign? 
33) What’s the last thing you purchased? 
Icecream for Neil
34) Love or lust? 
35) In a relationship? 
Nothing romantic
36) How many relationships have you had? 
Like, one?
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Kill em with kindness/trying to remember they are 99% likely to be just as awkward as i am
38) Where is your best friend? 
who fucking knows the boy is never where he is meant to be and its great
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? 
dying due to sick
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? 
i hope so
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? 
Save the dog??
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? 
a) maybe? id probably do it but in theory i wouldnt want to. b) spend them with friends having adventures and writing messages c) yeaup. 
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? 
I dont really have a song like that? im on top of the world by imagine dragons can or best day of my life can get me in a happy mood but i kinda have to be in a positive mood before hand anyway.
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? 
Trust, Honesty and communcation
45) How can I win your heart? 
good fucking luck. if its in a friendship way then just talk to me and you probably already have it lol.
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? 
To change who i was and strive to help others.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? 
“ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  welp”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.” 
like, souls and bravery and stuff like that.
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
The orange/pink sunset cloud colour and bluey green.
51) What is your current desktop picture? 
My brother has it set to a car thing
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? 
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? 
hmmmm probably cliche middle schooler garbage like who do you like lmao
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? 
i have this memory of being at the top of the hill with gilda and a few others like, yelling into the wind? Id want to do that again.
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? 
My main bad experiences have shaped who i am. But i guess id want to erase memories of transphobic shit that has happened to me so i dont have to think about it
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
no thanks
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? 
59) Ever been on a plane? 
yep! when i was like 4/5 i got my face painted on one it was the best
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. 
i?? dont understand attraction that much??
there i fucking did it i got there hell yeah
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