#im the stealer ↬ ask games
seojunboyz · 29 days
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + SANGYEON . . . 92%
"hyung how does it feel like to be old?" "one day seojun-ah, you'll be the same age"
like the other maknaes, seojun loves to tease sangyeon. nevertheless, seojun also holds respect for him, especially for his leader skills. he knows that if he's struggling with something, sangyeon will always be happy to listen and help him. they're not entirely close, but seojun knows he can count on sangyeon when he needs it.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + JACOB . . . 95%
"hyung, can you help me with this?" "of course, seojunnie"
another hyung that he knows he could go to for help. jacob would literally drop anything he was doing for seojun, it's one of the reasons why seojun considers jacob his closest hyung. not only that, but their personalities are similar to each other, which made it easy for them to click really quickly. they're always laughing with each other when they're together. deobis love to see their interactions.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + YOUNGHOON . . . 97%
"hyung, i think this is enough-?" "we're not done until i think we are"
younghoon loves to dote on seojun a lot, mostly because younghoon can't stand his cuteness (yes, younghoon admitted this on one of his lives). seojun is more than willing to let him, as seojun finds comfort in him. he even says younghoon's hugs were the best cure for a bad day. younghoon is often seen hugging him and giving seojun the most adoring eyes.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + HYUNJAE . . . 94%
"mwohaseyo!?" "...me and sunwoo are studying hyung"
hyunjae loves to tease seojun, and while seojun looks like hes annoyed on camera, he's always happy when hyunjae gives him attention and annoys him. he's mostly the number one target for hyunjae's antics and seojun is more than welcome to let himself be the target. in return, seojun loves affectionately teasing him too, which ends up with them both bickering with each other until sangyeon asks if they're going to kiss to make up with each other.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + JUYEON . . . 99%
"i'm supposed to be the reaper, why are you clinging to me" "cuz you're not scary"
seojun used to be so awkward around juyeon, and the reason to that was because juyeon was just too handsome to seojun. obviously, he's gotten over his tiny-bit of a crush on juyeon now that they're in the same group together, but seojun still always finds juyeon to be swoon worthy. he's always seen clinging to juyeon anytime he gets, but juyeon never seems to complain. he likes that seojun isn't as awkward with him as he used to be now and finds him endearing sometimes.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + THOMAS . . . 91%
"we had fun, didn't we hyung?" "i've never been more stressed out in my entire life"
although seojun didn't grow up in the same situation as thomas, they're both considered to be the richest members of the group. because of this, they feel like they could often relate to each other in a way, despite them saying that they're not too close with each other. but that doesn't stop seojun from teasing the living shit out of thomas whenever he gets the chance. at the same time though, seojun also respects thomas for his skills and admires him for his proficiency in multiple languages, often asking him to teach him.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + KEVIN . . . 87%
"...seojun, do you need help?" "no, i'm fine here on the floor"
seojun is the least closest with kevin, despite their funny personality being almost the same as each other. seojun has said that they're getting much more closer now, especially since they're both now realizing how much they have in common with each other. nowadays, deobis can hear them laughing with each other in their videos and vlogs, and sometimes they can hear them being loud in other members' lives.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + NEW . . . 98%
"chanhee hyung is the most prettiest" "i think we're both the same, seojun-ah"
chanhee and seojun are similar in personality and style, making it easy for seojun to relate with him. often times, deobi sees the both of them going out together and shopping, and they often talk about their outings together on lives. seojun admires chanhee, both his skills and his style, and he asks him for advice most of the time. he considers chanhee as the older brother he's never had.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + Q . . . 91%
"look seojun, he's not scary!" "changmin hyung, get that thing away from me!"
seojun and q are almost opposites, so it's one of the reasons why seojun isn't too close with q. but that doesn't stop them from going and teasing each other. q finds it funny to see seojun being scared of his fascination with horror things and always teases him for it by showing seojun his scary dolls that he finds 'cute' or forcing him into haunted houses with him. however, he knows when to stop; when he sees seojun panic too much, he'll stop the teasing and make sure he's alright or comforting him. they're not close, but they definitely click together more than they think they do.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + JUHAKNYEON . . . 100%
"did i do good enough hyung?" "you did way more than good, jun"
seojun and haknyeon are always found together. if one is around, the other is bound to be near; there's no way of separating them. the two of them trained together and participated in Produce 101 S.2 together, causing them to be the closest pair in the boyz. haknyeon is the one seojun often cries to when he's frustrated, or when he needs comfort, haknyeon will stop everything to attend to his bestie. lots of deobi love their closeness and their interactions, calling the duo by their ship name 'hakjun'.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + SUNWOO . . . 99%
"q hyung just said im as dumb as you" "i'm not dumb, i'm just always lost"
they call themselves the '00 duo' because they're the only members to be born in that year. because of this, seojun and sunwoo can relate to each other a lot and share a lot of the same thinking. they like to joke that they both share one single braincell. during their beginning years of their career, both sunwoo and seojun went to school together, which helped them to become closer as the years go by. sunwoo even once mentioned that if they never went to the same school, he doubts that he'd be as close to seojun as he is today.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + ERIC . . . 97%
"seojun hyung, come help me prank sangyeon hyung" "sounds dumb, but okay"
despite being a year apart, seojun and eric also seem to share the same braincell. they both love to tease and prank the members, and like any other maknae-hyung relationship, they love to tease each other too. however, even with their teasing nature to each other, eric often times finds comfort in seojun when he needs it, and seojun is always more than happy to help make his friend feel better. seojun considers him as the younger brother he always wanted.
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𓆩𓆪 ׅ 𔐬 SEOJUN + REYES . . . 99%
"how did you unlock my phone" "you literally have your password as the day we met"
seojun and reyes are known to be menaces to the boyz, even though they're a year apart. they love to sass and tease the other members with each other and love hanging out with each other. seojun is the one to make sure reyes can speak his mind, especially during interviews, since he knows how quiet the younger can be. he considers reyes to be his second closest member in the group, despite him admitting that they were originally awkward with each other when they first met. now they're often seen together clinging to each other or holding hands while they're out and about.
find reyes at @rvveal
find thomas at @hwangyozz
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
HAI PIPPA 8, 9, 10 for Pete :3
WAUAUUGHH thank you kody♥️
8. Your f/o is locked in a room with the first fictional crush you can remember. How does it go?
IDK WHO RHE OLDEST IS but the more i think abt it its probably either tigger, rabbit or donald.. hmmmmmmm ill go with tigger i remember being little and going to sleep obsessively thinking about him😭
hmmmmmmmmmm i think tigger would annoy the hell out of him LOLLLL and pete would kind of be like how he is wuth goofy depending on the source like "oh my god i need to kill this guy." LOL hed be clawing at the walls trying to get away with him itd be very funny
9. Do you have any AUs for your selfship? Tell me about them!!
the nature of mickey n friends oc means there are billions of aus for me to sink my teeth into ♥️ the ones i think abt the most are peg/pete/pippa in goof troop...... where we are the most beautiful throuple in spoonerville and its amazing..... and also pirate au...... but ones i dont think abt as much are COWBOYS....... silly royal aus and the three musketeers when he was rhe head of the royal musketeers 👁️
10. What's one thing you like that you think your f/o would also enjoy?
OHHHHHH im not sure... hmmmmmmmmmjmhmhmhmm HE WOULD LOVE CHIP BUTTIES OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD we could go to the chippy together and get chip butties and hed have 5 and id be like PLEASE CAN I HAVE ONE OF YOURS TOO with my own chip butty and a massive jumbo battered sausage on my plate and hed be like NO ITS MINE? paws off. and id cry at him like this
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even though we both know im not even gonna be able to finish the food i have .
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strawbs-screaming · 9 months
☆ how comfy i would be with asking the boxers to hold my drink - ranking ☆
this came to me after i read a "how comfy i would be asking the stardew valley characters for drugs" article and thought "heyy why shouldnt i do this??" anyways i might actually make that list, also dont think of the drink as alcohol neccessarily, you can ask piston hondo to hold your cup of milk or something idc
Starting with bottom of the list..
King Hippo!
He would be at bottom place because he would most likely drink it or just lose it, if he wouldnt have done those things my drink most likely would have been on the floor already, i dont trust this man with my drink, at all
My cup would probably be slippery because im 98% sure he would squeeze the fuck out of my cup to not drop it
next place is...
Glass Joe
He would actually hold my cup like a normal person but he'd still spill it, im 90% sure since hes bottom of the ring
Look at him and tell me he wouldnt fall to the floor & spill my drink the second someone pushes him to the side
So unless i felt like licking the floor i wouldnt give him my drink
next place is...
Super Macho Man
He'd just flat out refuse to hold my drink and i don't blame him tbh
Even if he did hold my drink he's most likely set it down and forget about it, he wouldnt even be sorry for it like the himbo he is
Hes the type of person to switch out your drink because "You have bad taste" (he forgor your drink and didnt feel like ordering the same one)
Next place is..
Bald Bull
Trust me, there are planets between him and macho man on this ranking, but hes still bad at it
He'd most likely get in a argument with someone and end up throwing it onto someone or have said person who argued with him spit or snatch that cup up
Other than that, he would probably guard it an ok amount
He'd ask someone else to hold your drink just in case he gets in a fight and it would turn into a game of "please give me my drink back"
Next place is...
Soda Popinski
He'd just chug it thanks to him mixing it up with his soda thanks to muscle memory 99%
Other than that, he would try to guard it but would end up spilling it probably
Drink stealer at worst, mediocre drink carrier at best
Next place is...
Great Tiger
Slightly above the average at protecting it, but would still forget it or spill it while teleporting for sure
Seems like the type to party too hard and make someone chug your drink because you cant refuse a triple dog dare
Next place is...
Aran Ryan
Believe me, he is in no way sane or normal but damn he can protect a drink
He'd spill it a little but thats way better than drinking it or throwing it onto the floor entirely
He'd probably hold it for a while and not lose it, he would lose you instead so you'd have to search for him and after some he would give up protecting your drink
Next place is...
Don Flamenco
He's the fine line between "i would have been better off shoving this cup up where the sun doesnt shine" to "i trust you with my life let alone this cup"
He seems like a party animal, that probably means he has experience holding cups
He'd protect your drink like his life depends on it
A little bit lower on the list since he also has the disadvantage of partying too hard
Next place is...
Disco Kid
Come on, you expected this, if he can fight while busting it down he can surely hold your drink
Hes probably a huge party animal so he has experience holding things for people
He would def buy a replacement for you if he were to somehow lose it or fuck it up somehow
Next place is...
Von Kaiser
You might be saying "how the fuck would he guard my drink he would get knocked down like Joe, moe you are so wrong and stinkyyy" but i present you this: covering the cup like a maniac and hiding in the corner
He looks like the type to fight anyone willing to come near your drink if you ask him to hold it and i will die on this hill
Next place is...
Piston Hondo
Same thing as kaiser except hes more likely to win the fight so hes higher on this list
Hes also more likely to hide away from the type of people who would snatch up that drink and chug it for a triple dog dare
Next place is...
Bear Hugger
Hes 100% the type to chug a drink for a triple dog dare, Just not yours
Since hes big & tall protecting your drink would be easy for him,if he has to do something he would probably find you and give it to you before he does it, ranked a bit lower because of that but still better than whatever the people below him have going on
And the top of the list is..
Mr Sandman!
Be honest, you expected this
He's less likely to get into a fight with anyone since no one will dare to piss off a visibly buff boxing champion and if you disagree with that i only have one thing to ask you: how does it feel to be wrong
Honorable Mentions...
Ms. Bear - You don't fight bears + people are not very likely to approach a bear on its 2 feet holding a drink and if you are the types to approach a bear on its 2 feet holding a cup im suprised youre still alive
Carmen - she's def the type of friend to hold your stuff as you go into the bathroom at a party, that explains enough about her
Bear Hugger's Squirrel - if he was included in this list, he'd be at the bottom because 1) this little bitch would leave it and 2) its a fucking squirrel and most importantly: this weak ass cannot lift a cup
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denis-local · 4 months
a few asks... again... grahahah
1. can pilby fly
2. on a cat chomnk scale (that one meme) what level is gnarpy
3. what games does kasper play now that he's 💖yassified💖
4. what items DOES enphoso sell for the 💖yassified💖
5. instead of stealing coins, would cashier chuck lipstick at stealers/thieves in the store
6. how devastated was drretro when poob got 💖yassified💖
7. does fleshcousin speak differently now that they're 💖yassified💖
8. how in the lords name did william get 💖yassified💖
9. in this au is poptart alive I NEED TO KNOW (bonus to this question, what happened to them how did they go missing)
10. is fafa 💖yassified💖
11. does (un)pleasant try to interact with kasper or nah
Mmm I love questions so dw haha
(Cut off for people who don't wanna scroll eee)
1. Yes it took them a while before they could learn though haha
2. I'd say after the infection, xe would be a hefty chonk but it'd all mostly be fur haha
3. Same games, but he'd probably revisit GirlGoGames.com (iykyk)
4. A LOT of new stuff, but mostly still trinkets and stuff like small packets of makeup, probably a pink version of that one item that screams and turns you yellow, and a LOT of Fizz Up. For some reason the infected LOVE drinking Fizz Up so he's ready to supply.
5. No that'd be a waste of merchandise! But he is always tempted to do so.
6. I'm guessing you're referring to the hc that DrRETRO is Poob's mom ans I'm not sure if I wanna add it to the AU, but if I were to she'd be extremely devastated let's just say that.
7. It probably speaks the same, but since it mimics things they hear from other people it does say a lot of new words haha
8. Nobody knows, but he seems to really be enjoying himself!
9. Got eaten by Unpleasant, but since I love cats too much I think it probably spit Poptart back up and they just ran away. Probably on a different floor, they didn't mean to actually go that far they just somehow ended up in the elevator.
10. Yes. A different version at least which Enphoso sells in the fruit section. If you bite it, you immediately get yassified.
11. I like to imagine they did before the infection and now it does try to interact a lot more (much to Kasper's dismay)
Mmm yummy questions hehe
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 6 months
Day 21, the Icing stealer.
Summary: Leo takes some of the gingermans icing so Mikey decides to get the icing back.
A/n: Guess who's boat got canceled? Yh were going tomorow to Poland so yh. RUSHED AND I AM SO SORRY BOUT THAT. T-CESTERS AND PRO SHIPPERS DNI. ENJOY.
Lee: Leo.
Ler: Mikey.
Extra: Raph and Donnie.
Warrning: Just some tickle Fluff. Enjoy!
Squealed the boxer chasing the red eared slider down the halls of their home as Leo squealed back.
The 2 were chasing each other around the lair as the snapping turtle and the soft shell sat on the couch playing a video game as Donnie asked.
💜:Should we think of a way and stop them?
❤️:*Snicker* and ruin the fun? No way! Anyways IM BEATING YA BUTT!!
The red slider ranned around a table doing the table trick meanwhile Mikey followed and struggled a bit to get him til he had enough and jumped onto the table making Leo shocked but quickly running away as Mikey ranned after him.
Leo instead took his ōdachi and made a portal jumping into it while yelling.
💙:¡¡HASTA DESPUÉS HERMANO!! (A.k.a See you later brother.)
Mikey growled before getting and idea and giggling a bit.
Later. When Leo was walking by the kitchen he saw A BUNCH of icing and sprinkles to decorate the gingerbread. His eyes sparkled in joy as he slowley sneaked to the table only to meet with a determined box turtle pouncing on him and starting to tickle him. As the Red slider begged for mercy.
🧡:Nope! Unless you give the icing back I'm not giving up!
Leo eventually gave up and gave him what he whanted after like 5 minutes of the torture, for Mikey it was icing on top of the sweet cold revange.
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kaoharu · 5 months
ask game !!
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
im known as elie the toe stealer . bc in the 7th grade i wore converse everyday and one of my friends for some reason was trying to guess where my toes were in the shoe. but like bc of the rubber toe he cldnt feel my toes and he concluded that i had no toes and it eventually grew to this elaborate story in our friendgroup that i had no toes so in order to make up for it i wld be nice and befriend people in order to steal their toes and yeag . so they called me a toe stealer 👊💥💥
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margumis · 6 months
astrology asks: jupiter, pluto, libra (in general but also does this answer change if you consider me?)
jupiter ⇢ do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person?
this might so insanely pessimistic but i consider myself neutral OR a luck stealer because it seems that unluckiness falls upon everyone in my life not being self depricrating at all but somehow and someway something bad happens to someone in my family every year on my birthday??? do with that what you will
pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you
i have a better story i literally cant remember for the life of me but! i inherited my grandmas china cabinet and it has those touch bars on the side that turn on the lights. anways i was sitting in the dining room just sorta talking aloud to myself and the light comes on and it always does that sometimes and i tell myself its my grandma. so i kept talking but specifically like i was talking to my grandma and it responded intelligently by turning the lights on and off.
libra ⇢ would you like to get married in the future?
is this you proposing to me? if it is the answer is yes. but i would like to get married one day in THEORY in practice im not sure because people are scary and divorce is expensive
astrology ask game!
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jadedrrose · 10 months
OHH tbh i always thought he was just going for a higher pitch (the dr. heart stealer song) and he's just really getting into it?? i agree though some songs are o o f,, but i never heard the aot ones so idk the comparison how he sings as levi
and oh no its not ur fault i totally forgot about specifying since im so used to the abbreviated version,, sorry about that! but it stands for shin megami tensei, idk if you know persona like persona 5 etc. but yeah persona is smt's spin off!! it's more popular than the original lol. but yeah it's a great game!! if u ever feel like trying it do tell i love that game yayayay talking about them how's it going with age of calamity? did u finish it? i never played that game is it like botw orrr older zelda games? actually is it old. i should search it up but im too lazy 🥰🥰 i 9nly played botw so i know nothing ‐ actually im just gonna search this sooga guy out of curiosity i imagine him with a tribal mask and idk height that rivals corazon so like gigantic (u. described him in a post i think but i forgor)
+ coming back after vacation with 2 of ur fics... m'lady i'm blessed i gotta read em later,, i actually have something for u the timing is impeccable
also i wanted to ask which timezone are u in?? cause like. when u post something its usually like. at 6 am or earlier for me lmao (also do u prefer these like. divided or is the long ask better? or is it the same — lol)
1- I forgot where but I saw somewhere that Law’s VA just doesn’t ever “voice act” when singing so I assumed they were right 😭 so maybe you’re right abt the just getting really into it lol. Either way he’s got a good voice tho!!
2- I do know persona! I’ve just never played it or watched anybody play it. But I’ll look into smt whenever I finish up this Zelda phase (which who knows how long that’s gonna take lol) which brings me to…
Age of Calamity is the “prequel” to breath of the wild kind of ?? If you know the older Hyrule Warriors games from the Wii U it’s that game setting just better imo. I did like the other HW’s when they came out but they never interested me as much as the “real” Zelda games. But AOC is set 100 years before botw when the champions are still alive. It’s got a bunch of cute cut scenes that show the champions/Zelda/Link all interacting together and it makes me so happy lol. Anyway: I still haven’t finished it, I’m putting it off lol. I have 1 main mission left and 1 mission from the DLC left. I’ve been playing a bunch of side missions on apocalyptic mode as Sooga for the past like… 3 weeks now ? And speaking of him… yeah he’s just like a super fancy Yiga blademaster from botw. But he’s got the hottest voice I’ve ever heard (rivals with Law’s voice… I go back and forth between who’s I find more attractive lol). But I just. Am so in love with him 💀 even tho idk what his face looks like, but I don’t even care that much bc he’s so hot as is. (Also the height thing- my stupid theory is that he’s not actually as tall as they show him to be in the game bc of the fact he’s just a random Hylian who was “adopted” by the Yiga as a kid, PLUS there’s that guy in Kakariko Village who used to be a blademaster and he’s not 1000 feet tall lol. I think they just make him look giant to make him scarier lol. Also Link is super short so… using him to compare doesn’t help lmao)
3- I hope you enjoy the fics!!! I have so many more ideas for cute Law stuff but I can never find the time to write anymore lol
4- I’m in the US eastern time zone!! I always end up posting super late into the night/early in the morning bc my brain is just…. More active during those times?? Idk why, I’ve always been that way tho lol. And I don’t really have a preference to how the asks are sent! Whatever you want works :)
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yxurstrulyyy · 12 hours
• she/her • grew up with batim voadam dubs •
–about me ?! . .
⭑ hihi!! im yxurstrulyyy (pronounced as “yours truly” but someone had to be a username stealer and stole it before me (whoever you are, i will violate you /j)) but my online alias is val !! some stuff nobody asked for: im a cisgender fem, a minor (pedos beware,) pansexual, n i write omori aus!! (yes, im the lead writer in griefspace (they’re watching me type this help me))
⭑ im chronically online on roblox n have an alright (bad) spotify addiction, my socials will be on the bottom of this lolz. yeah im open for mutuals soo help urself (ion have discord/im a degenerate who relys on tumblr dms n posts for communication)
🤍 mutual count :: 3 !!
PFP :: Lee Hooni (Suicide Boy (Webcomic))
✄ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
–fandoms ?! . . (bold=hyperfixation ; italic=fading out of it)
⭑ OMORI, FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN, 8:11, Suicide Boy (Webcomic), Pico’s School, Dead Plate, Cold Front, Eloquent Countenance, Elevator Hitch, Doki Doki Literature Club, Moral Orel, BFB/TPOT, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Murder Drones, Bugbo, Psychonyashki, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, Spooky Month, Lacey’s Flash Games, Panty and Stocking with Gartenbelt, The Amazing Digital Circus, The Darley Boxman Show, Fundamental Paper Education, The Mandela Catalogue, + a lot more !!
–socials ?! . .
— ROBLOX : yxursstrulyyyy (not accepting requests, just message me if you wanna be added)
• masterlists • dni criteria • tags •
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seojunboyz · 6 days
let's start a new thing! what is the moral alignment of your ocs? <3
the way i didn't know what that meant so i had to look it up BUT I LOVE THESEEE
SEOJUN ; chaotic good ⎯ he already has a chaotic nature so he's already within the chaotic category. he's always willing to help his friends and members with anything they need, but doesn’t think too much about consequences before taking action. he's an impulsive person, so the things he does or say can sometimes happen without him thinking twice. overall, he's just a nice kid who kind of has little to no braincells when it comes to thinking about the consequences of his actions or words.
JIWON (@jiwonzone) ; true neutral ⎯ literally doesn't care about anything unless it directly involves him. sure he'd like to help his members sometimes or listen to them vent their feelings, but he won't act upon them too much unless he's included in the problem or it helps him in any way. despite that, he's very trustworthy and would never turn on anyone. everyone's secret is safe with him.
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jackals-ships · 14 days
57 for the f/o number asks?? 👀 - @fates-theysband
[f/o number game]
Ah Yes The White Haired Murder Twink i say like that narrows it down all that much,
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(im like 98% sure these are both official art google may have lied to me tho)
this is! primarch fulgrim from Warhammer 40k, local vain pretty boy (derogatory) who's like entire thing is/was seeking perfection and being the Best At Everything All The Time
now he's a demon prince yaaay (and a snake) (literally and metaphorically) (four arms AND tail for hugging the jackal)
NOW ADMITTEDLY... I know very little about Warhammer lore outside Big Alien And Mechs + Tech Priests and God Emperor with his weird primarch kids. so it's very much fuck it! vibes! energy + i kinda stole him. my boy now
so his ship w jackal happens both pre and post demonification, Warhammer!jackal is a psyker which is their version of Sick Ass Wizards but it usually comes with Issues iirc + possibility of being turned into a demon (that's what happens when you fuck around with the Warp) so jackal is just. dw about it <3 yay <3
SO the two meet bc fulgrim is investigating a possible gene stealer cult, and stumbles upon jackal who a) throws hands on SIGHT his vibes are OFF bc he's a primarch and b) is an unsanctioned psyker
he's immediately taken with them, them less so, it's very "adopting a kitten who's feral and keeps hissing an spitting at you even tho you Are giving them a better quality of life" kinda energy. like it's not a kidnapping only by a technicality HFK
plot stuff happens in-between that and the demonification where jackal warms up but is now A Menace to all the other primarchs. like if a cat was given psychic abilities. asmr you are just trying to discuss shit with your primarch brother and his weird dog won't stop Rick Rolling you from inside your own brain,
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luminoustarlight · 8 months
Hi Im so excited, this is my first ask ever, so for the "Miss America and the HeartBreak prince" I was thinking on how in the song there is a verse saying "It's you and me, that's my whole world They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" (okay) The whole school is rolling fake dice You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes", so I started imagining a scenario where Anakins recent ex (Padme) starts creating fake rumors about readers and Anaking relationship, about how hes already moving to the next girl or how reader is a boyfriend stealer making reader insecure, and this brings problems to the relationship but finally Anakin shows reader how he really is serious with her in front of everyone making Pademe furious her plan didnt work. (sorry for the grammar or spelling errors, english is not my first language)
oh my goodness!!! hi lovely !!! i’m honored to be your first ask 🥺🥺
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ambivartence · 2 years
Hehe I am back again with the Boyz!!!!! ♡♡♡♡
omfg this is my bad i did it again and responded to this for someone else already (link) but iM GONNA DO IT AGIAN and elaborate more also so i can re-answer the last question but ONLY about jacob <3 but it's a lot so i'll put it under the cut
> send me a kpop group <
✦ my first bias: haknyeon actually bc of a different ask game on here where someone asked for my first impressions of tbz and i loved haknyeon's smile and that he was friends w seungkwan ✦ my current bias(es): jacob <- idk when that happened but it hit me like lightning (biaswrecked by sunwoo <- ducky's fault (not rly) / new <- i love him so much he is everything / hyunjae <- was never supposed to happen but he has so many mannerisms that remind me of taehyung ugh) ✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): stealer era jacob was so slutty (also that one suncob vlive they did 🥺) > d.d.d era fit jacob sooo well both the concept and i loved his hair > debut era bc i loved their debut songs and flower snack pre-debut show > thrill ride era was just so much fun even as a non-deobi at the time > reveal era > maverick era > bloom bloom era > no air era > giddy up > breaking dawn > everything else idk what's left also idk where i'd put the current whisper era rn im not the biggest fan of the TT so maybe between no air and giddy up ? giddy up was so long ago tho omfg when i watch content from then they look like babies to me now ✦ how i got into them: dreamy n ducky and watching the boyz flower snack debut show they did but ive been listening to their music since stealer era (bloom bloom & no air my beloveds) ✦ which member would be my best friend: kevin is major bestie energy!! also i think jacob and i would get along well ONLY if someone else mutually introduced us bc i am similarly horrible at befriending someone on my own :') ✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): with jacob i associate acoustic guitar songs and he rly gives me early 2010s youtube singer vibes, also melatonin bc of his soundcloud mixtape, no cursing / getting mad / his very good christian values in general haha, but also bad-cob, his habit of sticking his tongue out and biting it when he performs, hips that don't lie, his signature 🤙 pose, his bunny teeth, kevin and moonbae vlives (mr. toronto... mississauga ontario canada, mr. milkbags, etc.), tori kelly bc of that tori kelly pentatonix video they would not stop laughing at, also sangria from the milcob vlive 🤫🤪🍷, the red octopus plushie hat he wore in his tiktok, also insanely good dancing in general even tho he joined the company not knowing how to dance, aaaaand a light purple color bc i think it looks nice on him idk i just associate my biases w different colors
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
uh i mean they're sweet and they can definitely bond over being royalty/nobility and the struggles that can come with that but i don't rlly have strong feelings on them they're rlly just like. another two women who never meet for whom it's like. yeah why not
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soysaurus · 3 years
002. dabi ;]
omg i shouldve known this boi would appear. (got kind of long so below cut now)
ok so just in case anyone sees this and like. wants context:
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
How I feel about this character:
i love him. hes such a stinky nasty gremlin boy and i have thought about him too much tbh. hes my favourite bnha chara, if it aint obvious with the copious amount of dabi shit thats been rbed onto this blog and the fact that dabi appears in almost all my bnha fics. but yes. hes an awesome funky wee devil man. i want him to get away with all his crimes. go kingggg.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
oh my god. so uh wait i need to go check a doc bc like. im very bad at remembering things i like??? so this list is not exhaustive, but also im not the biggest multishipper in the world so like. maybe it is. but off the top of my head: 1. hawks 2. rumi 3. chisaki kai 4. geten 5. my first dabi ship was shiggy tbh, and sometimes i still ship them but most of the time i dont anymore. kinda depends on how im feeling 6. jin is also a very dependant on my mood shipping chara. hes just such a great friend
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
oh fuck. i really love just. dabi and kaminari. like they would have such a chaotic relationship, esp when put in this kind of mentor and mentee context. also, dude i think he would be absolute besties (but like reluctant besties bc he also cant fucking stand her) with moe aka burnin. i love her too. ok this is me rambling and IM SORRY but as you know, i love aus. and i hc that they both just kind of grew up together bc like their families know one another bc yknow rich family connections—and maybe they didnt really talk as kids/teens, but kind of later on when they get in their 20s or something. like, they get closer. maybe bc moe works w dabi/touya's dad and he cant really get away from her.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
ah fuck haha. um, i dont know if this is an unpopular opinion bc frankly i forget whats popular and whats not haha thanks adhd. im blaming this on my adhd and not pure ignorance lollll (let me have this pls omg) but i disagree with a lot of dabi characterisation i see. i think this is because i like aus and more mellow/down-to-earth themes but i see dabi as this a lot quieter chara than i often see in fan media. like, not as attention seeking or, well, as annoying? like i feel like he keeps to himself a lot—not to say he doesnt have outbursts bc like. wow man. his emotions are very much like his quirk use. and it hurts him more than it hurts anyone else. um damn im trying to think what other opinions i have? but yeah im terrible at coming up with things off the top of my head. literally head empty no thots unless ive been reminded of something and then again its like. be there or miss that rant lol. i have terrible memory <3
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
oh backstory. definitely backstory. oK THIS MIGHT BE AN UNPOPULAR OPINION but i kind of didnt really like how his backstory was revealed and things. i think this was also the time i was kind of dropping off from bnha so the added disappointment kind of...just fuelled me to be even less invested.
um, im actually trying to remember what it exactly was but tbh i cant. i remember not liking some of his lines and just...the way he was framed sometimes. i think it might have been this glamorisation of enji at points—but im not too sure now bc i cant remember what i was thinking, only what i felt in those moments. soz </3
oh!! i think—and this was like, purely something unrealistic but just a hope/something i thought would be nice—some hints/a few connections and things with other charas when dabi was younger. this could be my dabihawks heart but like. esp w hawks. even if it was just something in the background but i love it when theres like this tiny thread of omg theyre all interconnected and theyve always been there or something. its one of my favourite things in media to see at the end (esp when i can trace it to the beginning and be like!! omg!! LOOK! THERES ALWAYS BEEN SIGNS!!) but yeah. something like that would have been awesome—whether it be with hawks or anyone else. but i feel like hawks would have been the most likely.
oh wait aaa sorry this is getting so long but i think i wished dabi had a better attitude towards his family and esp siblings. i mean, i get it. i understand that he was just replicating a very bad example of how to be a person, but yeah :( made me very :(((
my OTP:
dabihawks <3 (finally, a short answer. thank fuck)
my cross over ship:
uhHHHHHHH i dont tend to ship crossovers? mainly bc i just dont have the brains and i tend to like. fixate on one fandom at a time. but maybe dabi/nanami <3 i just like them both a lot. i JuSt ThInK tHeYrE nEaT
a headcanon fact:
he grew up as a rich kid so like. he can speak french and english and knows some latin and can understand mandarin and chinese and just. he has more of an education than some people would think.
also, he needs glasses. desperately.
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qah-naarin · 2 years
Tagging: @vilkas, @reachfolk​, @lookathooves​, @dirty-bosmer​, @skymim​, @faolan-red-eagle​, @cwahsont​, @grxngeandrxses​, @friend-of-giants​, & anyone else i’ve forgotten to tag!! pls tag me if u do this <3
Tumblr media
SEASONING: cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and sugar — gingerbread
WEATHER: serein  — rain coming down from a clear sky
COLOR: warm scarlet, sunshine yellow, brilliant sky blue
SKY: the deep dusk sun that looks like it’s setting the sky on fire until it burns out into the night
MAGICAL POWER: shapeshifting, or charmspeak
HOUSE PLANT: tiny cacti  — cute to look at, painful if you get one thrown at you
WEAPON: a bow and arrow !
SUBJECT: physical education
SOCIAL MEDIA: reddit  — r/piracy ; stack exchange  — politics
MAKEUP PRODUCT: dangerously sharp eyeliner and fire-red lips
CANDY: honeycomb candy
FEAR: being inconsequential, being let go, spiders
ICE CUBE SHAPE: some weird polygon with more than four sides
ART STYLE: lineless, vibrant colors and studio ghibli influence
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: kitsune  — nine-tailed fox
PIECE OF STATIONERY: a weird kiddie drawing, lovingly kept in the pages of an old book
CELESTIAL BODY: mars  — the red planet
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