#im tired and achy i hope i sleep tonight...
loversclwb · 4 years
request: Okay okay so what about Jacob Barber having the worst day ( maybe because Ben and Derek were jerks to him ) so he calls his gf when he gets home and asks her to come over and cuddle. When she hears his sad tone, she rushes over there and he’s like “ can you hold me for a while “ and how can she say no to that? So she lets him rest on her and plays with his hair until they both fall asleep ( bonus if Andy finds them like that ) thank youuu 💘
warnings: homophobic slurs, physical violence
authors note: i love this so much 🥺 i love writing cuddle fics you have no idea! im sorry this took so long to deliver :( also, i’m apart of the lgbtq+ community :) i would never use any slur that didn’t belong to me.
jacob dropped his bag onto the floor of his room. he ran his hand over his face, sighing heavily as he rubbed his tired eyes.
today wasn’t very good. in fact, it wad the opposite of good. and it was all bens fault, like usual.
“sup, faggot” ben sneered. he laughed cruelly as he slapped jacob up the back of the head, jacob dropping his books to cradle it.
“hows your girlfriend going?” the rifkin boy asked. jacob hesitated, why the hell was he asking about you? “she’s been good, i guess” jacob mumbled lowly, “why do you care?”
ben smirked, ignoring the end of jacobs sentence “oh really? thats great. i was actually hoping i could talk to you about her. yeah, was hoping you’d let me tap that tonight. been wanting to for awhile, but i thought i’d be polite and ask first.”
jacob clenched his eyes shut. he was trying to get the memory out of his head, bens a fucking bitch, no doubt, and he was nothing more than that. jacob wouldn’t let someone so pathetic bother him.
“e-excuse me?” jacob turned to face ben. originally, he had his back turned to ben so he couldn’t see his discomfort, but he didn’t care right now.
“you heard me” ben laughed, “so can i? she’d definitely say yes, i’ve seen her all around school with you. hanging off of you like some dumb slut, but thats what she is right?”
jacob’s face screwed up, “fuck off, dickhead!” he yelled.
bens face fell to a more serious expression. “what did you say to me?”
“i said, fuck o-!” jacob was stopped mid sentence from ben’s fist colliding with his face. he stumbled back, tripping over his feet and falling to the ground.
“who fucking said you could speak to me that way?” ben shouted before he kicked jacob in the stomach.
when he didn’t get an answer, he crouched down to jacobs level “learn some fucking respect” he spat at him.
jacob frowned. he rubbed his stomach, there was a purple bruise in the middle where ben had hit him. it wasn’t really sore, more an achy type of pain.
luckily for him, bens punch didn’t leave a mark, so he didn’t have anything to hide.
he bent down and grabbed his bag. he winced, the pain of his sore torso being crumpled kicking it.
jacob pulled out his phone. if anyone could make him feel better, it’d be you.
he went into his contacts, pressed ‘y/n 💘’ and waited for you to pick up.
ring, ring, ri-
“heyy” he could practically hear your smile through the phone. “hey baby” he tiredly smiled.
“how are you? do you need something?” you questioned him. “can you come over please?” he asked, “i need you.”
butterflies filled in your stomach and a blush covered your cheeks. “of course i can, how could i say no to you?”
jacob chuckled from the other end of the line “get here soon please, i need cuddles.”
“okay, i’m leaving now. i’ll see you in ten minutes!” you grabbed your house key from your desk. it had your house keys, a charm or two and a key to jacob’s house. andy had given it to you a few months ago incase of emergencies.
“i love you” jacob hummed. “i love you too” you whispered back, “i’ll see you soon.”
its a ten minute walk from your house to jacobs, so you got there the usual time later. you pushed the front door open and walked up the staircase to jacobs room.
when you opened the door, jacob was laying on his bed in comfy clothes. t-shirt and sweats.
when jacob heard the door opening, he shot up off of the bed to hug you. his arms wrapped around your middle, nuzzling his face into your neck. you immediately hugged him back, your arms slung around his neck.
you pulled away and cupped his cheeks in your hands. “hey, are you okay?” you pressed a quick kiss to his lips before he could answer.
jacob gave you a tired smile “just ben being a dick, but i’m better now that you’re here.” “you’re so cheesy, shut up” you laughed.
“can we cuddle?” jacob pouted.
you nodded, kicking your shoes off and following him back to the bed.
jacob wrapped himself around you, clinging onto you like a child. his head buried back in your neck, arms around your waist again.
your hands combed through his hair and jacob sighed in content. he loved when you played with his hair, it made him feel as peace.
“i’m sorry you had a bad day” you mumbled, pressing kisses onto the crown of his head.
jacob hummed in response. his fingers had pushed your shirt up slightly and were caressing the skin of your hips.
“it’s okay, thank you for coming over” he replied. “i’m tired” jacob yawned after his sentence, proving his point.
“go to sleep, baby. you had a long day” you said.
jacob nodded into your neck, “goodnight, babe.” “goodnight jake” you smiled.
it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep while you ran your fingers through his hair, finger nails scratching lightly at his scalp.
you fell asleep soon after. the two of you were still clinging together, napping at 5:37 when andy came home.
“hey kiddo!” andy greeted, walking into jacobs room. his smile fell when he saw the two of you, but it returned almost immediately after.
“this is too cute” andy mumbled, pulling his phone out to take a photo.
“dad?” jacob groaned. andy yelped in surprise, running out of the room and down the stairs.
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
What never could have been
okay, now im gonna be doing these days as they come, so expect delays? i may write/start writing day 4 tonight, but my schedule’s gonna pick up this weekend :c
What could never have been
Deep down, Akechi had longed for that feeling of unity, when he joined the Phantom Thieves. He’d ached for the support, the praise, the feeling of pride and satisfaction that came at the end of a long day in Mementos. Every move he made in tandem with Joker, he’d clung to like a desperate child.
A part of him had hoped they trusted him. Considered him a friend.
Seeing them all, in the Engine Room, walking together, shoulders brushing against each other, Battleworn and achy, but happily together- he felt the pang of rejection. He knew before he’d even jumped down from those pipes, before he’d revealed himself as the Black mask.
They’d never trusted him.
He would never be one of them.
ShuAke Confidant Week, Day 3- Rejection
Linky to ao3 be here (i’ll add in a sec)
Akechi had been using the Metaverse since he was 15. He was no stranger to shadows, or personas- certainly not cognitions.
But to the roaring laughter in the Monabus, the teasing comments in the midst of battle, the reliable support at every twist and turn of the Palace- Akechi most certainly felt a stranger to.
Blackmailing the Phantom Thieves and infiltrating their little group, that had always been the plan. Wait until the end of Sae Nijima’s palace and kill Kurusu in the Interrogation chambers, he was ready for that. He’d put an end to that annoying attic trash, his sickening kindness and irritating friends.
And then, he joined the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
When Eigaon was heading straight towards him and Robin, suddenly Akira was there, supported by Arsene’s bold wings, taking minor damage from the element the pair were so inclined to.
In the Monabus, Makoto shared her water, claiming he looked tired. The thieves were quick to ask about his health, worry about his sleeping patterns- Akechi couldn’t remember the time someone asked how much sleep he’d been having recently.
At Leblanc, Akira always added extra curry to his and Yusuke’s plates. Going to bed hungry was becoming but a distant memory.
Akechi could remember the gut-aching laughter when Ryuji suddenly decided that he was able to stomach coffee. In particular, Haru’s elephant-dung black coffee. It had been a spit-take that Futaba had immortalised forever on her phone.
That amused yet serene smile on Akira’s face as he set all the thieves lose to gamble their shadow winnings in Sae’s Palace. How it made Akechi's own heart race, especially when Akira transferred that same look directly at his direction.
But then, he’d stared into Akira’s glazed eyes, his beaten face. The blood congealing on his wrists, the pricks of needles peeking out from the Shujin turtleneck, the way each breath was much shorter, as if to breathe longer pushed the very limits of his ribcage, long lashes stuck together from some sort of liquid, perhaps tears. He’d looked at it all, then he shot Akira in the face.
Leblanc was no longer a source of homely comfort. No longer would he be welcomed with Akira’s warm smile and Sojiro’s old-man grumblings.
His forgotten meals went back to being forgotten, nobody caring if he’d eaten or not. If he felt well at all.
But it was all his fault, and he knew it.
The Phantom Thieves had offered their hands to him, and he threw it aside. Killed their beloved leader, their guiding light. Betrayed their trust in the worst way possible.
He still caught himself lingering in the train station, hoping to bump into Akira. Those days were always the worst. The days where the shadow of a ghost would flash around every corner, linger at their favourite spots, watch over Akechi’s shoulder as he did paperwork. The briefcase was always heaviest on those days, the nightmares most vivid.
He hated himself for clinging to that ghost. For creating that ghost in the first place.
He could have had friends, companions. On most days, he’d hiss to himself that he didn’t need friends, that they were pathetic- a crutch for the weak. He was stronger than such reliance, such neediness. He’d made it this far by himself- he didn’t need anyone else.
On other days, he taunted himself with images of what could have been. Perhaps he would have told the others about his relation with Shido, and Akira’s eyes would light with determination- they’d storm into his Palace, tear it down in a matter of days, Akechi could destroy that man, surrounded by honest and genuine support from the Phantom Thieves. Perhaps they would celebrate after, full of warmth and excitement. Akira could lean into him, giddy and tired from the past days events, and Akechi would carefully place his arm around that slim frame- maybe that night, running on sheer adrenaline, Akechi would finally work up the courage to act on the feelings he’d buried for so long.
But instead he threw it all away.
With a single bullet, he destroyed all hope he could have ever had at that happiness.
How easy it could have been, to escape that interrogation room with Akira in his arms- battered and broken, but he’d be safe, protected.
Instead, he was dead.
Dead, at Akechi’s hands. Shido gave the order, but it was Akechi that followed them, like some pathetic dog following the orders of its master with no mind of it’s own.
The thieves had offered him a way out, and he turned away.
The hope he never thought he’d be offered, that he never deserved, offered to him in perfect scenario after perfect scenario- he could have had that. Their care, their friendship.
And he hated himself for rejecting that.
They’d never cared.
He was a fool to think they were ever genuine about their friendship, that they would ever truly welcome him among their precious ranks, their sickeningly-close bond. He was a tool, yet again, just something other people used for their own advantages.
They pretended. Faked kindness and honestly- those innocent offerings, rambunctious rounds of laughter, all of it a mask for their true loathing, their distrust.
For how long had they been hiding so much from him? Had it been their plan the entire time, to weaken him with their friendship and bonding, only to betray him, to whisper secrets behind his back and plot their way around his path, like undetected phantoms.
He watched them, exhausted but still smiling, linked arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand, the final letter of admission to Shido’s Representative Chamber secured in their grasp.
And right in the middle, surrounded by love and support, wearing that irritatingly-soft smile and perfectly breathing, was Akira Kurusu.
No bullet wound through his skull, all physical wounds from his interrogation mostly healed- it was as if nothing had ever happened.
As if Akechi had never even existed.
He knew in that moment, the second he lay eyes on Kurusu, that he’d been manipulated. They tugged at strings of his heart that he once thought were long-since withered, played him into believing their offer was real- all to get rid of him.
They always knew he didn’t belong with them.
As he jumped down from the upper pipes, landing perfectly before a minorly-startled Joker, he told himself that deep down, he'd always known he didn’t belong with them either.
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ihearthemcallingxx · 7 years
what about 76
Okay, so I hope you didn’t request this hoping for Daddy Harry as in he’s not your actual father because if so, drop by @anyotherblogbesidesthisone instead. Okay but seriously sorry if this was not what you wanted but I still hope you enjoy :)
76. “Daddy!” *unrevised*
Y/N sat on the sofa of her living room, sipping a mug of hot tea, and basking in the well-deserved silence of her house. Her back was a bit achy, and her head was pounding, but she allowed her eyes to drift close and relax into the comfy cushions. It had been a long day without Harry here to help her manage their ever-hyper four-year-old. And from the moment Harry had thrown their daughter onto their bed, earlier that morning before he left for work, Y/N had been ripping and running to keep with her.
And Y/D/N was only one person technically, but her energy could fuel and entire class of Kindergarteners and Y/N felt this break was well deserved.
It was pretty late in the evening, nearing eight o’clock, and Y/N had just put down their daughter for bed, sitting with her to ensure that she stayed in bed, before slipping quietly downstairs to decompress from her hectic day. She missed Harry a lot, a lot more than shed expected and all she wanted now was a nice cuddle and good nights rest.
So, when she heard the front door open, a relieved smile spread across her face.
His feet carried him through the foyer and into the living room, where he was met with the back of her head peeping from the top of the sofa, “’Ello, darling.” He greets, sighing as he takes a seat beside her, resting his arm on the back of the cushion, “You alright?”
“I’m good,” she says, rubbing her eyes, “Just a bit tired.”
“M’sorry to hear that,” he coos, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She inhales deeply, “She already asleep?”
“I put her to bed about ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago, so,” she shrugs, “She might be. I’m not entirely sure.”
He nods, groaning exaggeratedly as he stands back to his feet, “Well, m’gonna go see. Be back in a second, yeah?” She manages a yes through her yawn, “And, don’ fall asleep just yet, please.”
“I can try.”
“Try hard,” he taps her leg as he walks out the living room, “For me?”
“Yeah yeah.”
He slowly ascends the stairs, yawning himself, “Damn contagious,” he mumbles.
“Watch your mouth!” Y/N scolds from downstairs and he shakes his head as he chuckles, continuing to trudge on his tired limbs up the steps.
When he reaches Y/D/N’s door, twists the knob before pushing it open, being sure to stay quiet in case she is in fact asleep. He steps inside her pink room, that was beautifully illuminated by a night-light, that projects stars on her ceiling, walking over to the side of her bed before squatting beside it.
Her head is faced away from him, but her chest is rising and falling at a slow pace so he assumes she’s asleep. A pang of disappoint shoots through his chest, but he fights back the urge to wake her and instead stands back to his feet so he can place a kiss on the top of her head. “Goodnight, sweetheart-“ Y/D/N jolts suddenly, and Harry pulls back surprised. She rolls over to him, eyes not quite filled with sleep, before jumping up out of her covers to stand on her mattress.
“Daddy!” she exclaims, wrapping her little arms as close to his neck as their length would allow. She squeals loud in his ear when she lifts her up with both his arms wrapped tight around her middle, peppering kisses all over her face. “Too many kisses!”
“Too many?! I don’t think there’s enough!”
She puts her hands over his lip, pushing away from his face, “No more Daddy.” She giggles.
“Alright, s’time for bed, innit?” he questions, leaning down to tuck her back in, before squatting back in his spot, “S’late.”
Much to Harry’s surprise, she goes down easy, not resisting when he tucks her floral duvet up around her covers. Typically, especially with Harry, she’s quite fussy when it’s time for bed, but she can see in the way she was tubbing her eyes that she was sleepy and very ready to get some rest, “Have a good day with Mumma, yes?”
She hums, “She let me cook with her.”
“Did she? Mumma doesn’t even let me do tha’”
She giggles, “Mumma told me it was because I’m a better cooker.”
“Tha’s probably true, m’love,” he smiles, “Gonna have to show me what you can do, tomorrow.”
She sits up and looks at him with wide eyes, “Can we do it now?”
“Not tonight, baby, gotta go to bed now, yeah?” he kisses her cheek, coaxing her back down, “But we’ve all day tomorrow, don’t we? You can cook for me all day long.”
She smiles and nods her head eagerly, “Okay.”
“Good. Now gimme a kiss,” he taps his cheek, scrunching his nose when she places a big wet kiss to it, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He once again kisses her forehead and raises to her feet, “Sweet dreams, baby.”
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julesthxmas · 7 years
how about beronica + saying their i love yous for the first time?
this has been sitting in my box forever and im sooory for that that :( but i do hope this makes up for it! this is overly cheesy because im in that mood. i hope you like it and thank you sm for sending this in!
Betty has knownthat she is in love with Veronica Lodge for a while now.
She doesn’t think about it too hard, doesn’thave a panic attack about it, doesn’t spend hours upon hours trying to dissectit, she just feels something one day, a feeling that’s been growing and warmingher chest for months and she just–knows.She knows that her heart will always beat a little faster every time Veronicasmiles at her, she knows that she’ll never tire of the way Veronica’s thumbstrokes her jaw every time they kiss, she knows that she could go her wholelife sleeping with Veronica who always has to have a majority of the blanketsand practically sleeps on top of Betty because she loves listening to theblonde’s heartbeat and never tire of it.
She knows this isit for her.
But actually voicing those three little words to hergirlfriend of nearly eight months is a whole other ball game.
“I don’t know howto like–” Betty shrugs, a frown in place “bring it up”
Kevin sighs andshifts around on Betty’s bed, one of her pillows tucked under his chin “Youjust tell her, B. You just say ‘I love you’, kiss her and listen to her say itback. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy”
“But what if shedoesn’t say it back?” she turns away from her mirror to face Kevin “What ifshe’s not ready? Or just–” a sighs “Just doesn’t feel the same way, yet”
Her best friend(a title Veronica doesn’t fight for anymore claiming ‘girlfriend is a muchbetter than best friend’ and a title that Kevin has begrudgingly accepted thathe’s just going to have to share with Achie for all of his life) looks at herlike she just asked him the stupidest question the the face of the Earth“Betty, are you serious?”
“Yes, Kevin, it’sa serious concern–what if she doesn’t say it back and I have to stand thereand just act like that didn’t break my heart?”
“Oh my god” Kevinsits up on the bed, pushes the pillow that he had been hugging aside and patsthe space in front of him “c’mere, Elizabeth”
Betty eyes himfor a second before sighing and doing as told and plopping down in front of him“what?”
He grabs herhands and gives them a gentle squeeze“I say this with every ounce of love Ihave for you, okay? Remember that?” Betty nods and Kevin sighs “Okay–Betty youare a complete idiot”
“Have you everjust seen the way Veronica looks at you?” he grabs her hands “Betty, that girlhas been head over heels since the moment she met you–she’s so love and it’sgross to even look at”
Betty chucklesand looks down at her hands “I–” she licks her lips “do you really think so?”
“I know”
The blonde smilesbefore launching herself into Kevin’s arms and hugging him tightly “love you,Kev”
“Love you too,Betty Boop” he pulls back and cocks his head “Now see? Was that so hard?”
The blonde grabsthe pillow sitting beside her and smacks him with it “oh shut it”
“Ronnie!” Bettyruns down the hall to catch up to her girlfriend, an arm wrapping around herwaist as soon as she gets within arms reach “tell me you’re not busy tonight”
“Hm” Veronicahums, a soft smile on her face “well, I had plans with Kevin but I’m sure hewould understand if I rescheduled for my beautiful girl”
Usually Bettywould change her mind and tell her to do whatever she was going to do but,instead, she just smiles and nods “please do because I have something plannedfor you”
“Ooh, a surprise.Color me intrigued” they stop in front of Veronica’s class door “can I have ahint?”
“Nope!” Bettygrins at her “then it’ll ruin the surprise”
“Oh fine, partypooper” Veronica gives Betty a quick peck “and if Kevin gets mad at me, I’msending him your way”
“I’ll handle him”
Kevin: is there areason u stole your girlfriend from me????
Betty: she’s mygirlfriend?
Kevin: i swear togod cooper,,,
Betty: I haveplans that involve me finally saying those three little words to her.
Betty: Whateveryou and ronnie had planned can wait can’t it?
Kevin: OMG!!!!
Betty: ill besure to pass on your approval.
Betty: thanks,kev.
Kevin: BESAAAAAFE ;))))
Betty wipes hersweaty palms on her dress as she paces around her living room–she managed touse some guilt her mother still harbors about being, for the lack of a betterword, a shitty parent and got her to leave the house for a few hours, Pollybeing the best sister ever agreed to stay the night with Cheryl while herfather now lives across town in a little rundown apartment.
Her house iscompletely empty.
“Snap out of itCooper–you got this” she sucks in a deep breath “You just gotta–just gottasay it” she pauses her pacing and shakes her head “Okay, okay” she licks herlips and lets out a long breath “I love you, Veronica Lodge” the words feel alittle awkward in her mouth “I love you, Ronnie” she nods–a little better.
The doorbellgrabs her attention as it breaks the silence that had settled over the mostlyempty house. She wipes her palms on her dress one more time before going overto the door and yanking it open to reveal her grinning girlfriend “Hi” shemanages to whisper out, her nerves still on edge.
“Hello to youtoo, beautiful” Veronica drops a kiss on Betty’s lips as she steps inside. Shelooks around at the unusually empty house “Where’s Mama Coop and Polly?”
Betty huffs out alaugh–her mom is doing so much better now she it’s just her and Polly in thehouse and she knows all about her youngest daughter and Veronica but Veronicaand Alice’s  relationship is–strained. On even the best days. ‘Mama Coop’ is a nickname Veronica throwsaround as a tactic to both amuse and annoy Alice.
“She’s gonna begone for a few hours–went to go see a movie or two” she really doesn’t knowwhat her mother is going to do, is she’s being honest. All she knows is Alicesaid she’d be back at eleven sharp “And Pol is staying with Cheryl tonight”
Veronica’s mouthquirks into a smile “Oh” she spins around to face her girlfriend “So we’re alone?”
The blonde laughs“Yes but we are not going to be doing any of that–” Veronica pouts “At leastnot now. We’ll see how much time we have left to kill after dinner”
“I suppose I cantake that”
Betty just shakesher head and leads her girlfriend to the dining room where Veronica lets out alight gasp as soon as she enters–Betty 100% went all out to make the nightspecial, even if it’s on the verge of cheesey.
Which itdefinitely is with the dinner table covered in both purple and yellow rosepetals with a fairly large meal on top of flower petals, candles are placed allaround giving the room a soft glow while a song plays softly in the background.
“Oh–” she grips Betty’swrist “I–you did all of this?”
Betty nods, asoft smile tugging at the corner of her mouth “my mom may have helped with thefood, meaning I only helped with the cake but I decorated after she left” shebites down on her bottom lip “do you like it?”
Veronica blinksand smiles so brightly that Betty has to swallow back her ‘i love you’–“I loveit, baby. It’s amazing”
“Good” Bettymummers, she squeezes Veronica’s hand before letting go “Now let’s get toeating. I didn’t have my mom make most of this while I was at school just so wecould stare at it”
Veronica snortsas she sits down in her chair.
(a chair, Bettyso lovingly pulls out for her)
Dinner goes offwithout a hitch–their conversation flows easy like it always does, they bothmanage to take down most of the dinner and by the time they get to thechocolate cake, most of the candles have gone out save for the few on the tableleaving an even more intimate feeling to the room.
Betty smilesaround the forkful of cake that Veronica feeds to her “Now” Veronica places thefork on the plate and smiles her softest smile “what did I do to deserve such alovely evening, huh? It’s not my birthday and it’s not our anniversary so whatmade you pull all of this together?”
“Can’t I just dosomething nice for my girlfriend?”
Veronica hums “ofcourse but you, mi amor, are easy to read. You’ve been nervous all night” shetaps Betty’s wrist lightly “you keep grabbing your dress and wrinkling the poorthing”
Betty huffs andrelaxes her fist that had been holding onto the light pink fabric “Are you sureyou’re not the detective in the relationship?”
“Just observant”she cocks her to the side “Now–what’s going on in that amazing mind of yours?”
The blonde sucksin a breath “Okay–” she reaches across the table and grabs both of Veronica’shands, she does her best to push the idea of rejection out of her mind–sheloves Veronica and she wants to tell her, what happens after is something shecan’t think of “Ronnie, I–I did do this because I wanted–I want to–” Bettysighs and steels herself–she can do this. No matter what happens after, shejust knows she wants, she needs to tell Veronica she loves her.
Betty locks eyeswith her girlfriend and sucks in a deep breath “Veronica, when I first met you,the moment I looked into your eyes, I knew that you were going to impact me insome way. Maybe good, maybe bad, I didn’t know but I knew my life would foreverbe changed, be shifted and–and I never thought it would be like this. I neverimagined, even in my wildest dreams, that I would fall for you so hard but youmade it so easy” Veronica’s eyes shine with unshed tears as Betty sucks in abreath to keep herself from tearing up.
“With your big heart that accepted me from themoment I showed you around school, with the way you are so kind to people youdon’t even know, with the way you want to protect everyone you love, everythingabout you made it so easy to fall just–just so deeply in love with you” Veronica lets out a wet laugh, twotears rolling down her face “because I do. I love you, I love everything aboutyou and, maybe we’re too young to say forever but I do know that, right here,right now, I love you”  
There’s a beat asBetty sucks in a shaky breath, two tears rolling down her own face and thenVeronica launches herself at the blonde, clumsily pressing her lips againstBetty’s. The kiss is sweet and loving and salty from both their tears but itfeels oh, so right.
Veronica lets outa shaky breath as she disconnects her lips from Betty’s “I love you too” shebreathes out and Betty feels like her face could break with how widely shesmiles at the words “I love you so much, you huge, romantic dork” Veronica cupsBetty’s face and presses a light kiss to the corner of Betty’s mouth “I havebeen dying to tell you for so long now–I was waiting for the right moment butit seems you made the right moment”
Betty laughs“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time too” she brushes her noseagainst Veronica’s “it was kind of killing me and I just didn’t wanna blurt itout so–” she gestures to the room “here it is”
The brunettebeauty laughs “it is” she moves her hand and picks up a purple petal“enchantment” her words are soft “ Love at first sight” Betty blushes lightly,leave it to Veronica to know what every color flower means “and–” Veronicaplucks a yellow petal up “friendship”
Betty snorts“seemed fitting for us. A nice full circle moment”
Veronica smiles “and–”she pauses a moment as the song playing softly in the background finally comesto her “Songbird”
“I listened to itand–it felt right”
“God, I love you”Veronica breathes out “and it feels so good to say that”
Betty smiles “Ilove you too”
“And it feelsreally nice to hear it too” they trade a few more kisses before Betty pullsback, a mischievous glint in her eye.
“you know–” shespares a look at the clock that hangs behind Veronica “We still have an hourand half before my mom gets home”
Veronica’s eyestwinkle “then what are we still doing down here?”
(They manage topull themselves apart from each other and put themselves together just fiveminutes before Alice opens the front door while the mother chooses to ignorethat fact that all of Veronica’s lipstick is gone and seems to have rubbed offall over her daughter’s face)
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