#im tired of many things im disclosing for no reason other than how it makes ppl act up and the neurotic behaviours that makes me exhibit
wolfcrunch · 3 years
"Took a child from his mother"??? I dont remember deku getting kidnapped by all might maybe i missed a chapter lmao ✋😭💀
Anyway, its not like All might or Endeavor are perfect but thats what makes them good characters. Theyre both trying to be better in their own ways and theyre starting from different points, but saying theyre the same just doesnt make sense. How is endeavors abuse equal to all might hiding things?? Sure the overall end result of both things is huge but theyre not the same. I guess you could argue the root of their actions is the same if you look at it as both of them doing what they believe is right to achieve their end goals. endeavor wanting to surpass all might and all might wanting to protect deku for as long as possible but the courses they take are drastically different, and the root being the same doesnt automatically make them the same either. I said before that the impact both things have are huge bc they are, but they're not the same either. Endeavor fucked up his entire family and hero society (through dabi) and All might is leaving deku to pick up the pieces and fix what he couldnt. I would compare all might and endeavor like you would compare coins in that they both made mistakes for specific reasons (being coins) but one went about those mistakes in a more extreme manner (worth different amounts) so like all might is a nickel where endeavor is a dime - if that makes sense? Also sorry if thats long and confusing im extremely tired and not good at putting points/an argument together. I really like your stuff and i just wanted to put my two cents in :) keep up the great work!!
right? like there must be some secret chapter we’re all missing for izuku to be taken from his mother...... but this is pretty much it!
i feel like some fans - such as ones who claim all might as as bad, if not worse than endeavor - think that other fans who adore him think he’s a perfect, upstanding citizen and flawless when he isnt. horikoshi makes all of his characters flawed, and all might is no exception. all might has struggled in the past with not being a good teacher, knowing he has placed izuku in danger and feeling guilty about it. he decided to live, at kamino, for izuku, and to become a better teacher for him. all might could have never guessed everything leading up to now, with the new powers within ofa and the war where izuku and many others were gravely injured, and hero society itself crumbling. he contributes to issues, but he’s not someone you can solely blame. and he has issues even right now (possibly holding back information about the fourth holder), and fans do wish he wouldn’t. but its possible he has reasons he thought are good enough, if it be to protect izuku from something gruesome or maybe because hes just not ready to disclose it. it could also feed into how all might is not great at disclosing secrets in general, his position of number one for so long and having to hide ofa contributing to that trait of his. it isnt great, it just makes him flawed like all humans are.
he’s made mistakes, but like you said they aren’t comparable, endeavor’s actions were much more extreme... as a fan of both characters, it baffles me how some people will defend endeavor to such an extent, that they try to water his actions down,.. to make all might seem worse, or to go “see, what endeavor did wasn’t so bad”.. because it is. he hurt and abused his family for his own selfish desires. and while he has become aware of the pain he has inflicted, it doesn’t erase what he did. wish some ppl could like characters like endeavor without defending them to such an extreme. its fine to admit your favourite is also a horrible person - and unfortunately, its a trend in several characters. (bakugou and the villains, namely). i think its fine to compare them in the sense that they’re both people and teachers who have made errors in regards to children they’re responsible of, and are trying to change that, but the actions themselves cant be compared since they’re not on the same scale.
really, the only thing this person got right was all might’s tendency to hide secrets and how he shouldnt - which i think many of us agree with. they really came out and said all might forced his dream onto a young child and caused him to be so reckless, disregarding the fact that being a hero was izuku’s dream. being reckless is something he always was. all might just gave him the chance to enter the unthinkable world to a quirkless child. and while perhaps he could’ve had a talk with deku regarding his own safety... a lot of times where deku is hurt to such an extent, all might doesn’t know. its often part of a result due to izuku running off on his own, and not telling many if any people. all might isnt always aware of where deku is 24/7
he wasn’t prepared or planning for deku to be so involved in everything at such a young age. perhaps its partially an oversight on his part... but in no regard should that be held to the exact same standard of endeavor abusing and traumatizing his family. both all might and endeavor, as people, have recognized their faults, one person’s sins being much more extreme than the other.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
transfer request. part three.
read part one here and part two here
a/n: this one contains smut because im insufferable so if you’re not 18+, i love you but you gotta stick to part one :) i’m so happy i got the muse for another part to this. i have a request or two in my inbox that i’m working on, but feel free to drop some more!
AO3 | Masterlist | Requests Open!
Y/N’s nerves settle as Aaron steps out of the assistant director’s office, closes the door behind him, and flashes her a soothing smile. He offers YN a hand. She takes it and rise, ready for her portion of the evaluation. 
“I’m going to get Jack from school, and we’ll be waiting for you when you get home.” 
She hums, and squeezes his hand. Her heart’s been racing all morning, and she’s barely been able to focus on the consults piling up on her desk. Didn’t people have better things to do than hurt women in their free time?
Sensing her anxiety, Aaron leans close to her ear and she suppresses a shiver. “I warmed them up for you. You’ll be great.”  He presses a quick, casual kiss to her temple. “It’s just a formality – they know everything they need to.” 
He releases her as their interim section chief opens the door. So much had happened in the four months between the transfer request and the hearing to address it. The most extreme of which were the death of Erin Strauss and their recent move to the newly-purchased house on the river between Quantico and D.C. It had been hectic, but they were happy to finally know whether Y/N would stay with their work family or not. 
When she steps in and sits down, the assistant director looks friendly, albeit tired. 
“Good afternoon, Agent.” The director flips a page on his legal pad, and she catches Aaron’s name among his notes. 
“Good afternoon, sir. Good afternoon, Chief Leon.” She acknowledges both men with a smile. The interim chief is new to Quantico, but comes well-recommended. 
“Thank you so much for coming in with your consult list so long. It is appreciated.” 
Not that I had a choice. “No problem, sir. I’m excited to get things settled after...everything.” 
“That makes two of us,” Chief Leon says. “Your fortitude and professionalism does not go unnoticed, and I’ve appreciated your welcome as I’ve settled into the interim role.” 
She’s not sure, but it sounds like he put a little too much emphasis on interim. Letting it go, she reminds herself that she’s not here to profile but rather to discuss a rapidly-approaching marriage to one Agent Aaron Hotchner. “I’m so glad, sir. I think I can speak for the team when I say the BAU is proud to be under your leadership, no matter how temporary or permanent.” 
The assistant director finally finds his footing in his notes and looks up. “Alright, to the situation at hand. How long have you been in a relationship with Agent Hotchner?” 
Over breakfast that morning, she and Aaron had bounced their answers off each other, just to make sure everything was lined up for the bureaucratic nightmare that was a formal hearing. “Just over two years, now.” 
“Did you disclose your relationship at the time of its inception?” 
“No, sir.” It hurt to admit the flagrant policy violation, but it seemed reasonable at the time. 
“You are aware that this is not bureau policy, especially seeing as Agent Hotchner is your unit chief.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
There’s a pause, and the two men look at each other. Interim Chief Leon takes over. “Because we have evidence that your conduct in the field remained unaffected, we have decided to overlook that policy violation. Your team has also advocated for you – Agent Morgan specifically remarking on your,” he checks his notes, “admirable dedication to the team and the support you offer to your unit and unit chief in high-intensity field operations. Agent Jareau spoke of your compassion and patience with the families of victims, and Dr. Reid emphasized the importance of your skillset with children and adolescent psychology. Agent Prentiss also complimented your cohesive work style and support of your unit chief, even in disagreements. Your team is very loyal, and you should be very proud.”
“Thank you, sir.” The tone and company in the room require short and simple answers, but she so wants to defend her decision to maintain the privacy of their relationship. She laces her hands in her lap to keep from fidgeting. 
“I am continually impressed with the results of the BAU’s fieldwork, and desire to disrupt the team as little as possible so you may continue your high-performance in the field.” The assistant director’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“You are to remain on assignment with the BAU until the re-evaluation of your contract in...” He checks the copy of your contract underneath his legal pad. “three years and four months.” 
Remain on assignment? “Thank you, sir.”
Everyone stands, then, and she shakes hands with both men before leaving the assistant director’s office. 
If I’m staying, and Aaron didn’t say anything about leaving, then who’s flying the plane? 
When she steps into the house, she can hear Aaron and Jack playing video games in the playroom. The sun had yet to set, and she revels in the rare opportunity to share daylight with her family. 
Y/N leans against the doorframe as Jack continues to slaughter Aaron in Mario Kart. They’re both sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding the same posture right down to the slight tilt of their heads to the left. 
They still don’t notice her after about ten minutes, so she flops down and stretches her torso across Aaron’s lap so her head falls into Jack’s. Jack’s little hands immediately fall into her hair, fingers tangling in whatever he can find.
Aaron lets the controller drop to the floor and stretches his hands to cover a broad swath of her abdomen. His fingers reach from her hip to just under the underwire of her bra.  
“What kind of trouble are you getting up to in here?” 
Jack giggles and she smiles up at him. He’s upside down from this angle, but he’s still the cutest boy in the world. 
“Daddy sucks at Mario Kart.”
Aaron’s hair flops into his eyes as he releases her and reaches over you to tickle Jack. “Hey!” 
Y/N laughs and rolls over onto the floor, snatching Jack away from his father by the waist. “C’mon Jack! Run!” 
Jack grabs her hands and they run down the hallway, Aaron hot on their heels. Both she and Jack are crying with laughter at this point, and she stumbles as they turn into the living room, slipping on the hardwood in her socks. 
Aaron takes advantage of her momentary weakness and pounces, caging her in his arms as he tackles her to the couch. Jack jumps on the both of them, and they rest there for a moment, Aaron half on-top of her with her head pillowed on his arm and Jack clinging to Aaron’s back. 
The huge couch was a good investment. 
“Hey, Y/N, wanna know something cool?” Jack’s little head tips up and she brushes some caramel hair out of his eyes. It seems to get darker by the day. He needs a haircut. “Always! You know how much I love cool stuff.” 
“Dad said he got a new job and that he doesn’t have to go away so much and he’ll pick me up from Aunt Jessica’s every night before dinner.” 
She raises her eyebrows and brings a hand to Aaron’s hair. His head is burrowed in her shoulder, absolutely hiding from her prying gaze. “Oh?” 
“He also said he and Uncle Dave would help coach my soccer team and I said you can do that now because you have a ring like the other moms.” 
That draws a smile from her, and she pulls both of her Hotchner boys close, squeezing them and kissing their heads. “Let’s get dinner on, my loves.” 
When Aaron tucks Jack into bed that night, she hangs back at the door. There is nothing quite like watching Aaron with Jack. They’re like different-sized versions of the same person, though there is a good deal of Haley in him. His smile, especially – wide and friendly – reminds Y/N of her often. The framed photos around the house are the strongest recollections of her. Y/N's favorite sits on the mantle with a dried rose from the funeral. It was the first thing she and Aaron unpacked, and Aaron spent many minutes standing before it, barefoot, with her tucked under his arm. 
“Do you think she would be happy?” Y/N had asked. 
He nodded, wordlessly. “She told me she was when I coded in surgery last year.”
She looked up at him, swallowing thickly when she remembered how close they were to losing him. 
Aaron snorted, changing the tone. “She also told me I’d be a fool and an idiot to let you go. She wasn’t surprised when I told her I already knew that.” He adopts her countenance for a moment, imitating her. “Well of course you know, Aaron. Knowing and doing are two very different things.” 
Y/N greets that picture every time she walks into the house. Haley, Jack, and Aaron from a decade ago smile back at her. It was their first picture taken as a family: Jack was barely three months old. The newest family photo sits beside it, Y/N’s eight-week (and most recent) ultrasound photo stuck haphazardly into the frame. 
As Aaron leans up, she crosses to Jack’s bedside and kneels. The boy reaches for her, and she gathers him into a hug. “How much do I love you, my Jack?” 
“More than the whole world,” he says, rote. She had shared that exchange with him long before she and Aaron started seeing each other, and they found it silly to stop now. 
She breathes him in, kissing his temple and tucking him back in. 
When she and Aaron finally rise and turn the light off, Jack is nearly asleep. 
Safe within the confines of the bedroom they share, she raises her eyebrows at Aaron as she removes her shirt to change into pajamas. His eyes catch on her lace-clad chest and she takes the opportunity to change the subject. “New job?” 
He huffs and flops on the bed, his shirt only half-unbuttoned, belt in-hand and slacks unzipped. “I didn’t expect him to spring that on you.” 
She sits on the opposite edge of the bed and slips her pants off, leaving her only in your matching “I’m going into a scary meeting” set of underwear. Today may have been the last day she could wear them for a while. She leans back, landing next to him and carding her fingers through his hair.
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
“They offered me the section chief position,” he mumbles into the comforter. 
“Aaron! That’s huge!” She shoves at his shoulder and he groans, rolling on his side. She’s almost distracted by the adoring, soft look in his eyes. “Are you going to take it?” 
“I asked for the week to decide, but it was just a formality. It’s time, I think, to be home with Jack more.” He reaches up, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “And I wanted to keep you on the team.” 
She rolls her eyes good-naturedly. 
“The pay increase certainly doesn’t hurt, either,” he adds with a laugh. 
She makes herself busy with the remaining buttons on his shirt, and ruck up the tails from his slacks. “Do you get to keep your office? Who’s the new unit chief?” 
He laughs again. So many questions. “No, Emily gets my office as the new unit chief under my recommendation. But I get to keep the furniture.” 
“Emily?!” Her rapid blush overrides the excitement for her friend. A smirk crosses her face. Aaron’s mirrors yours, and they’re both thinking of one particular late night on the desk a few weeks ago. “That’s good at least. I’d like to be able to sit at her desk and look her in the eye at the same time.” He kisses her soundly. “That would be useful.” 
She reaches for him and wiggles into the middle of the bed. “I’ll miss you.” She grins against his mouth. “I’ll miss you in that vest, too.” 
He rises fully then, removing the rest of his clothes. She lifts her arms above her head, reaching for him across the bed, looking at him upside-down. He roughly grabs her wrists and firmly tugs her closer to him. 
She finds herself quickly surrounded by him, not an inch of her skin left untouched by kisses and caresses. 
When he’s finally inside her, and they breathe and kiss and laugh together, they can finally relax. She’s home, he’s home. The life they share together will be one marked with joy, with patience, with understanding. 
“I love you,” she says with a gasp as he pushes deep into her, her back arching under him. 
“There aren’t words, my love. None.” 
He pushes her to your climax with a thumb on her clit, buried deep within her. She sinks her teeth into his shoulder. He follows quickly with a few sloppy thrusts. He doesn’t move even after a few minutes, still completely blissed-out, and she laughs.  
She kisses his sweaty forehead, her fingers still tangled in his hair. “So do I get to call you Chief Hotchner when I’m mad at you now?” 
He laughs, but it’s cut short by his groan and her hitch in breath when he finally pulls out of her. He takes a moment to recover, pressing his forehead to her chest. “I think,” he says after a moment, “you can stick to Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Benjamin Hotchner, Juris Doctorate for occasions like those.”
At her giggle, he continues. 
“While a mouthful, it’s quite effective at getting my attention.” 
“I’m so glad to hear that. I would hate to know I’m losing my touch.”
They tuck themselves neatly under the covers, not bothering to clean up. It’s laundry day tomorrow, after all. When she curls against his chest, he covers her hand where it rests over his heart. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrry-ixn @ange-must-die
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interestingbread · 3 years
Gay Wong, Wong Gay
okay okay hear me out: Wong is hella gay, head over heels for Stephen, and slowly overcoming his denial and internalized homophobia.
I mean, look at his dedication for Stephen!! This is the guy who has spent his entire life in his service while solely wanting Stephen to be as happy and healthy as possible.
While it could be platonic, it makes more sense to me that Wong let their relationship have such an unequal dynamic because while he loved Stephen, he was also A) completely in denial, and B) thought of himself as “lesser” because of his sexuality and felt like the only way for him to justify being close to Stephen and taking care of him was by acting as his housekeeper. In addition, his internalized homophobia prevented him from seeing himself as equal to the subject of his affection.
He was never jealous of Clea, either, because he could see how happy she made Stephen, and that was all that Wong really wanted. But he also was still 100% in denial (lmao) and didn’t even consider the possibility.
All of this comes to a head when the woman he’s engaged to dies during a mystical accident. He’s close to Imei Chang, obviously, but her death sends him reeling for a different reason. Although he “blames” Stephen for causing Imei’s death, citing that as the reason for abandoning him, Wong knows that it’s not Stephen’s fault. But he is angry; mad at himself for loving Stephen the way he should have loved Imei, and mad at Stephen for being the object of his affection.
He runs away because this is the first time he’s truly come to realize his own sexuality. He knows that there’s nothing wrong with being gay, but... it wasn’t supposed to be him. Wong keeps skeleton-Imei around because he’s still clinging to the last vestiges of heternormativity, mourning both the loss of a close friend but also his perception of himself as straight.
Stephen helps Wong get closure about Imei’s death, but Wong still doesn’t feel ready to tell Stephen the *real* reason why he’s so upset: he’s still reeling from his self-realization, and he doesn’t want to disclose anything to Stephen because A) he’s still very new to the idea of not being straight, and B) Wong cares A LOT about Stephen, who is a hot mess 99% of the time and Wong doesn’t want to “burden him” with his own emotional trauma.
So life goes on as normal, until Zelma shows up. By this point, Wong has been able to get to a better place regarding himself, but it hasn’t been easy. But Wong sees the way Stephen looks at Zelma: platonically. Like a close friend. And Wong realizes that that’s exactly the way Stephen looks at him.
It’s the combination of Wong being in a better place emotionally and the simple fact of Stephen’s incredibly close (and 100% platonic) relationship with Zelma (and how many times has Stephen managed that, lol) that helps Wong come to this realization.
And so Wong leaves to do some soul-searching. Of course, he’s not ready to tell Stephen anything, so he makes up a bullshit excuse (he may be a little subconsciously salty that Stephen doesn’t reciprocate his feelings) and heads out, eventually becoming the manager of Hotel Inferno. (Of course, Stephen blames himself for Wong leaving.)
The thing is, though, Wong isn’t the only one with toxic, internalized homophobia (or biphobia, in this case.) Stephen, while more open with himself regarding sexuality, still thinks in the hetero/homo binary, and defaults towards thinking of others as straight. He assumes Wong is straight (I mean, he did get engaged to a woman) and is still incredibly broken up about Clea, so he’s never even really begun to consider Wong in a romantic light.
Personally I’m invested in the idea of Wong asking Stephen out for coffee (after the months of radio silence.) Stephen is incredibly nervous, but Wong knows what he’s going to say (having rehearsed several times.) Wong tells Stephen: “I’m gay, and I’m in love with you,” answering all of Stephen’s questions. At first, Stephen gives off the “wow im so flattered” straight guy vibes, and Wong thinks that this is it. Inwardly, he’s disappointed, but largely accepting. This is what he thought would happen, and he’s already come to terms with that. As he starts to make towards leaving, Stephen grabs his arm and says: “wait.”
“I love you too. But...”
“Not like that?” Wong guesses.
“I’ve just never thought about it before,” Stephen says. “But I could learn. I could learn to love you... like that.”
“This has to be something you want too, Stephen,” Wong reminds him.
“I want to want it,” he replies.
But not only is Stephen conflicted because of his burgeoning realization regarding his sexuality, but also because he still loves Clea. He loves her with everything he has. Stephen is a curse, doomed to hurt whoever he loves, and he’s already hurt Clea so much. He wants happiness, and he knows he could find it in Wong. But would that be right? To let Wong get hurt just so Stephen could be happy?
Stephen is so, so tired. He’s terrified he doesn’t deserve Clea anymore. And even though he wants Wong, what would it mean about his relationship with Wong if he let himself hurt Wong but not Clea?
But Wong knows Stephen, maybe better than he knows himself. And even though he’s let his own feelings get in the way of his perception of Stephen before, he knows exactly what he’s thinking right now.
“Listen, Stephen. You make me happy,” Wong pledges.
“When you’re happy, I’m happy. When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
Wong knows that Clea feels the same way, but that’s for her to tell Stephen. He’s never been in a romantic relationship with Stephen (or, at least one that wasn’t one-sided,) but he’s been watching them love each other since the very beginning. Their relationship is complicated by distance and Stephen’s self-loathing, but it’s also theirs. Maybe they will be able to reconcile. Maybe they won’t. But they’ll still love each other, and they’ll still find their own paths to happiness regardless of whether their paths will once again become one.
Slowly, cautiously, Stephen leans over the booth. He looks uncertain, and uncomfortable, and his turgid eyes reflect endless sorrow. But Wong smiles, placid and reassuring. He will always be willing to wait for Stephen, if Stephen is willing to come to him. They cup each other’s cheeks and engage in a chaste, heartfelt kiss.
Also, this is a way that Wong’s master/servant dynamic with Stephen in the older comics can be explained/represented without “back in the day, we had *racism*” of course, it’s still unhealthy, but it also gives us the opportunity of depicting romantically queer characters coming to terms with themselves while also combating internalized queerphobia, something that’s familiar for myself and most likely many readers. The ending may be a bit unrealistic; Stephen most likely has to have a better relationship with himself before romancing Wong, but it would still be very cute and still in character.
And, you know, on the other hand: Stephen/Wong. But on the other: Stephen/Clea. While I’d like to entertain the possibility of a polyamorous relationship, I feel like while both Clea and Wong love Stephen, they don’t ~love~ each other in that way. They could certainly figure it out, but I don’t think they’d be willing to force a love purely for Stephen’s sake (and Stephen would never let them do that anyways.) I could see them setting up an arrangement where Stephen is with Wong on Earth, and with Clea in the Dark Dimension, but idk if that would really work out. Anyways, Stephen has Wong readily available, so.
While the sheer volume of internalized queerphobia may be uncharacteristic for Marvel, it makes sense to the characters, in my opinion. Stephen was raised in rural Nebraska, and Wong was raised in... well I assume rural Tibet, but his name is also very Han Chinese. Also, Stephen (according to some interpretations) was born in 1930 and is currently 5,090 years old, so it would make sense given the time period they were raised in.
And I mean; am I projecting? yes. but is it therapeutic to write out? also yes
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chaosbcrne · 5 years
Tumblr media
alright, i said i would come back to this once i’d made up my mind on how i planned to move forward after all that i learned and realized in the past week or so. frankly, not wanting to leave all that up in the air is the only reason im actually doing so. because im tired and i really want no more part of this, whatever it is.
if you’re also tired of this topic or, better yet, don’t even know what im referring to, just do yourself a favor and scroll right past this post. i don’t mean for this to be twisting the knife or reigniting some kind of discourse that (from what i can tell) died down. i just want to bring this to a conclusion on my end.
basically, this’ll boil down to something similar to what i said over on this post almost two months ago. a lot happened between then and now that distracted me from the decision and changes i had chosen to make back then, but all that’s happened recently just confirmed that it was really the way to go, and that i shouldn’t concern myself with anything else.
im not responsible for the atmosphere in this community. no one single person is, no matter how active or popular. i let myself feel like it was my duty to make people feel accepted, to spread the good vibes i was getting from people for a few weeks before the cold settled in, to promote being more inclusive and all around be a good influence. and i still wish i could, but i can’t. it’s not realistic. this is still a hobby for me, it’s something that’s meant to be fun, i have limited time and energy and motivation to invest in this and preferences that will necessarily leave some people getting the short end of the stick. that’s just how it is. and i shouldn’t let myself be pressured into being responsible for everyone’s good time. my friends’ and my own are plenty to keep busy with as it is.
so to all those of you who’ve gone on that blog or just related to the many people who said they were feeling left out, overlooked, that they couldn’t feel this so called love/positivity supposedly spread throughout the community - make it so. the community is not something definite that’s universal to everyone. it’s what each and everyone of us make it. it’s an experience unique to each person composing it. it’s the people we surround ourselves with, the people we see on the dash, interact with, the people whose stuff we read whenever we come online. your community experience is in your hands.
so get out there. approach people. suggest ideas. work at it. unfollow the people whose attitude put you off or make you uneasy, surround yourself with those you want to interact with, and communicate. be vocal about what you want to do with them. stop waiting for others to notice you. yes, i know it’s harder for some than others. not just because of anxiety or different methods and whatnot. i know some people have inherently a harder time standing out, multi-muses, ocs, duplicates, i know it’s hard and i know it feels unfair. but ultimately, no single person can change that - except maybe you. you chose to take that path. you can’t expect people to set aside everything they’ve already got going to make room for you. it’s your responsibility to get yourself out there and take your place.
because at the end of the day, even those who have it ‘easier’ from your perspective, even those who have lots of partners to write with and cool stuff going - they’ve all worked for it. their choices in muses or talent with graphics or prior friendships might have made things easier than they are for you, but no one here was just handed their success. so be respectful, and understand that even if it looks like people have it easy, chances are there was a time where they had struggles similar to yours.
as far as im concerned, this is what im moving forward with. im turning the page on all this drama right this moment, and taking on a fresh perspective. im very content with everything i have going here, and everything i have to look forward to. and i will always keep an open mind for new people, new possibilities. but i will no longer tear myself apart to try and please everyone and pay attention to everything. my level of activity and my supposed popularity do not change the fact that this is a hobby for me, and in no way should become some form of responsibility.
i’ve come to realize in the past couple of weeks that there’s a few of people who are set on seeing me in a bad light, no matter how much i insist that i want to learn and improve as a person and invite people to message me if they have any concerns or if i do anything they consider iffy or problematic. and frankly, im done feeling like it’s my responsibility to fix that. im done trying to guess what i could do better or trying to cater to people who just decided they weren’t going to like me no matter what. for the last time, if you have a problem with me, you’re very welcome to message me so that we may talk things out. i swear so long as there’s mutual respect i’ll always be as civil as possible and never disclose our discussions to other people. but otherwise ?
I’m no longer on bad terms with anyone. I’m declaring it. Dislike me by yourself. I wish you the best.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Everybody believes and supports survivors until the second a survivor accuses someone they’re close to. Without fail. Every single goddamn time.
That last reblog...fuck. I’m so mad for that OP I’m shaking. There’s nothing new about their post and that’s what hurts the most. That convo they posted was the same song and dance every single survivor who knows one of their abusers or rapists knows by heart and has heard so many times before they can say the words along with the person they try and confide in.
Doesn’t matter how loud someone is in saying all the right things about believing and supporting survivors, how vehement they are about hating rapists and abusers, how much they present themselves as someone SAFE to be around. The second you accuse someone THEY’VE always felt safe and comfortable around, they will always, always, ALWAYS find a way to tell you you’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about, you misremembered or read too much into things or got confused or mistook them for someone else or it wasn’t REALLY rape or abuse or a million fucking things that aren’t actually I SUPPORT YOU. I BELIEVE YOU. THE WAY I’VE CLAIMED TO ALL THIS TIME, MAKING YOU THINK YOU COULD ACTUALLY TELL ME THIS.
And then non-survivors all wonder why so few of us disclose, why so few of us come to you, confide in you, do the exact fucking thing we know will always end the exact fucking way BECAUSE THATS THE WAY IT ALWAYS FUCKING GOES, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SWEAR ‘I’M NOT LIKE THAT.’
And people wonder why I’m so goddamn VITRIOLIC about abuse and rape apologism in fandoms, and so goddamn adamant about not encouraging people to forgive and move on, and so fucking insistent on holding ppl accountable, whether fictional characters or celebrities or random fucking posters, for shit they’ve done even years before, not giving them the benefit of the doubt that they’ve changed and grown and learn from their lesson, like why am I so sure they’re still like that, ‘you don’t know’.
Except yeah. I do. Because its all so fucking predictable. The sheer number of times I’ve heard variations of that same exact combo since the first time I tried to confide in someone growing up about the shit my mom did to me....I honestly can not count. I can name less than five people I’ve confided in over the twenty five years or so since then who ACTUALLY made me feel safe in doing so, who just sat there and shut up and didn’t try to do or say anything other than “I’m sorry you had to live that, I’m sorry that happened to you.” But I couldn’t even BEGIN to tell you the number of times I’ve tried to open up with people about the shit that hurt me, that terrified me, that traumatized me, only to have them turn around and with ‘good intentions’ awkwardly try and mitigate it and dilute it and water it down or reframe it or give her the benefit of the doubt AS THOUGH ITS THEIR PLACE TO DO SO because she’s my mom and you all just can’t fucking HANDLE living in a world where moms do that shit to their kids. But you still expect ME to, without any of that much vaunted ‘belief and support’ you’re always going on and on and ON about, while you keep living in fantasy land where actually, what actually happened was she was just trying her best and it wasn’t her fault and it was all just bad dreams and remembering shit wrong because who really remembers stuff from when they were kids anyway? LOLOLOL. Fun fact. Once you know what a wire hanger feels like after its been heated on a stove, THATS NOT SOMETHING YOU EVER FUCKING FORGET.
And its exhausting. So. FUCKING. Exhausting.
Like the true, honest to god reason I don’t have any fucking chill when it comes to judging people for characters they stan for or the arguments they make in defense of abusive characters or how people will go to fucking hell and back to defend their right to enjoy their precious noncon rape fantasy smut in peace?
I’ll be totally fucking honest with you, on some fucked up level that I acknowledge is unfair but I just honestly don’t give a fuck - its a test. I admit it. It is. Because at this point in my life, this far into it, this many times listening to the same shit play out any and every single time it comes up, I fundamentally do not trust, do not feel safe, or secure, or capable of fully relaxing, around anyone unless and until I’ve seen them willing to sacrifice something. Give up something or someone, a character or celeb or friend or relative who they formerly were close to or took comfort in or spoke highly of, because that character or celeb or whomever did something that was a dealbreaker, hurt someone or said or did something that made them go you know what, enough, that’s too far, no amount of joy or comfort or security I formerly felt because of this character or person can justify this thing they did, I can see that and this is me actually DOING something with that acknowledgment.
It doesn’t have to be for my benefit, doesn’t have to be for a reason I personally agree with, whatever, it just needs to be SOMETHING. Something visible, something real. Not just hating certain characters or celebs or people, but ones who once meant something to you, something that says.....I used to think this person or this character or this celeb was good and I could like them or even love them and be comfortable and safe around them.....but then someone told me otherwise and I BELIEVED THEM. I SUPPORTED THEM. I. PICKED. THEM.
Because without that, it just is what it is. I don’t care if its not rational, or fair, I just don’t. Twenty five years of the same broken record, I’m tired. I’ve heard “I believe, I support” to the accompanying tune of actions that say the exact opposite so many fucking times it does honestly take a shock to the system, the goddamn JOLT of actually SEEING the proof that at least once, you DID believe someone, you DID do something with that belief, for me to actually think oh fuck, they actually mean it this time instead of oh look, a person who gets off to rape fic is reblogging a ‘look how much I support survivors, Im such a good person’ ego-stroke again.
You can say all you want oh its just fiction, it doesn’t mean anything that I stan this abusive character or this celeb I don’t know, if a person in my REAL LIFE came to me and said this other person I know hurt them, I’d believe THEM, that’d be totally different....but its NOT. Its not remotely and I dont know how so many ppl actually buy this shit coming out of their own mouths cuz if it doesnt really matter cuz its a fictional character or a celeb you dont even know and you STILL cant bear to give up whatever enjoyment you get out of them once its pointed out hey that person or character you enjoy is a fucking rapist....then how the FUCK do you delude yourself you’d be able to give up a person you’ve spent any length of time trusting and being comfortable around in your real, personal life, if someone else disclosed to you that they fucking abused or raped them??? YOU WOULDN’T. AND I KNOW YOU WOULDN’T, BECAUSE EVERY SINGLE THING YOU GUYS SAY IN DEFENSE OF THESE CELEBS OR THESE PEOPLE ARE THE EXACT WORDS I’VE HEARD SAID OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
So many of you act like you think there’s this magical fucking SIGN you expect to get from on high, if shit like this ever happened in real life, that would magically distinguish it as an OH SHIT THIS TIME ITS FOR REAL moment, like okay NOW its make it or break it time, NOW it matters. And survivors keep telling you over and over again it ALWAYS matters. EVERY TIME you say this shit it ALWAYS matters, because what you’re always saying is what EVERYONE says.....”if I try hard enough, I can find SOME WAY to excuse this shit, so I don’t have to lose anything here, so I can keep going through life exactly as I have been.”
Somehow, some way, it always plays out the same....the SECOND we do or say something that puts someone on the spot, makes them CHOOSE, who will I believe, who will I support.....they always, always, ALWAYS find a way to support the other person, to make you the easy one to discard and toss away, like you’re the problem, you’re the enemy for making them choose in the first place.
Ugh. Fuck it. Whatever. I’m tired and gotta get back to work anyway. Not to be bitter or resentful, but that’s what happens when you’ve got no family as a support system cuz you ‘alienated’ them all by spending most of your life hating them for making you spend every Tuesday night alone with the woman they’ll still never admit abused you every week like clockwork til you finally fucking put your foot down and fucking revolted when you were ten, lmao.
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65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?        nope!
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?       maybe like a 0.3
3. The person you would never want to meet?       any person in any form of the government ever they’re Scary
4. What is your favorite word?      love, for more than just sappy reasons i promise akgjb
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?       cherry
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?      the only time i look in the mirror is when i wash my hands so i don’t really Look In The Mirror. i thought i looked nice, by that my hair was greasy lmao
7. What shirt are you wearing?      dark gray cub cadet
8. What do you label yourself as?     C on f u s ed
9. Bright room or dark room?       dim room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?       uhhhhhh i had just finished watching. something with mother 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?         i haven’t really had one? each year has been better than the last
12. Who told you they loved you last?        Alexis, because No❤️️ my mother doesnt count
13. Your worst enemy?        boredom
14. What is your current desktop picture?        a screenshot of my friend Ryver standing on top of a minecraft build with a sign that says massive shmeat because Obviously
15. Do you like someone?       i do! two someones actually but the second most likely won’t go anywhere
16. The last song you listened to?        currently listening to golden by parade of lights
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?         oh i think you know where this is gonna go :D
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?        pick literally anyone in my family
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?          .....there are. probably minors following me so im not gonna answer that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)        i feel like it’s a cliche to say my eyes, but i really love my hair too
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?          Oh My God I Would Kill Someone To Be Cis. look in the mirror and Cry
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?        not that im aware of
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?          i feel like spiders and the existential dread of global doom isnt unique so,,
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.         alright lemme put you on smn right now, rally’s mother cruncher sandwich, but with a Fresh and not soggy brioche bun, actual campfire sauce, a slice of melted havarti, and you’re in heaven
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?         I Will Put It In Savings And Not Touch It Ever because spending money makes me very anxious and also cry :)
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?       askjbdga like it’s hard, nevada obvi
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?       something mixed and fruity, maybe svedka? the strawberry lemonade because that sounds like it slaps 
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?         if you’re a republican you’re getting fed to the sharks
29. What is your favorite expletive?         i feel like fuck is just so Versatile, but bitch is a close second
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?         a usb with every file i’ve ever saved, including all of my pictures going back four years
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?         oh boy there’s a lot of options here. either a thought i had once that i will Not disclose, or a piece of information i have about father
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!           sounds like me tbh. either norway or switzerland 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?         Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat- :DDDDDD my cat Trinity that passed two years ago
34. What was your last dream about?       couldn’t tell ya. i meant to write it down but i did Not
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?        the first thing that popped in my head was listener, and yes!
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?        luckily no
37. Have you ever built a snowman?       many!
38. What is the color of your socks?        white and gray
39. What type of music do you like?         oh anything and everything! upbeat with guitar and im sold
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?        sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?         m i n t
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)        ew
43. Do you have any scars?        yep!
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?        either bookstore owner or interior designer, im not sure yet. maybe work in a kitchen?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?         i want to be Cis goddammit
46. Are you reliable?        absolutely! if i care for you
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?         do we ever find a family that stays?
48. Do you hold grudges?        oh Absolutely. if you fuck up big enough im never letting that shit go
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?       is it too much to ask for a pegasus
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?          the intricacies of public school boys and their obsession with cold war russia and any world war
51. Are you a good liar?         100%
52. How long could you go without talking?        does out loud to myself count? because i do that a lot. if im depressed or just. tired then a good few days
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?        chin length bob. why did i think that was a good idea. 12 year old me is Quaking 
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?       not cake, but ive done cupcakes
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?       not Well 
56. What do you like on your toast?          butter and cinnamon sugar, or a good cherry jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?          gears for inktober day 3 babeyyy
58. What would be you dream car?        any ford f150 or a solid 67 chevy impala
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.        not in a While. i don’t think so???
60. Do you believe in aliens?       i Do
61. Do you often read your horoscope?         never in my life
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?        very fond of m
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?       is this even a Question. dragons obviously
64. What do you think about babies?       disgusting vomit spewing lizards, and thats an insult to lizards
0 notes
priestcatte-blog · 7 years
Sini’s Dark Knight story part 4
Sini would now leave the mansion more often, not only to go visit his love in the Goblet, but also to meet with the Dark Knight in La Noscea, to train away from prying eyes several times a week. The Jackals would not like having a broody stranger around the mansion and garden, and the wilderness had much more space and privacy. As per the Knights advice, Sini fought with a simple greatsword now that Bert had made for him, and he was slowly making progress.
It was a truly cheesy name, Dark Knight, Sini thought to himself as he crossed swords with the older Keeper again, but he couldnt think of a better name. The man had told Sini his name by now, Ome'a Molkot, but being mentor and pupil Sini wasn't gonna call him that. And the guy was clad in a blackened heavy armor after all... Sini had asked him once why, and the reply had been: "There are several like me, i know that much, but they don't all look like 'Dark Knights'. That's just a name people made up because it's so ominous and mysterious. And many of us are not much liked either. But i digress... this armors colour is just coincidence, personal preference. Some look like normal Knights. Some look nothing like Knights at all, more like commoners, but that doesn't change what they are and do." Sini already knew what they all had in common, the fight against injustice and the use of the so called 'dark arts', a technique they developed in Ishgard in secrecy. Sini knew that much already, so he didnt have to ask his mentor about that. He had already made some visits to Ishgard, to see the seminarium and learn more about the ishgardian way of priesthood, and at these occasions he secretly looked some of the stories about these 'Dark Knights' up.
He would ask about the Dark Arts at some point, maybe, probably... he didn't plan to yet. For now it was important to simply learn how to fight well with a greatsword and armor. Sini had told him about his first succesful, real fight. It had been on the bridge in lower La Noscea, where Sini and Shin, together with some friends of hers, had to fight off a group of scoundrels who wanted to get rid of her. Among these, Sini succesfully fought and killed a Hyur with a greatsword, an Elezen swordsman and a Roegadyn with an axe. All in teamwork with Shin and her friends of course. Why all Roes seemed to fight with axes was a curiosum that probably would keep puzzling scholars for ages... In any case, this earned Sini the approval and respect of his mentor. Good job and keep it up, the usual words one would expect. But also "Seems i were not wrong with my estimation of you." Well that was nice to hear.
But training would continue further of course, and so it did on this day too. Although Sini didn't seem very concentrated. They were sparring, training moves and reactions, as his mentors sword slammed against the protection on Sini's upper right arm. They lowered their weapons and Ome'a took off his helmet. "Get yourself together, you are not really here, not in the fight with your thoughts! Are you thinking about your sweetheart again?" Sini held his right arm in pain, but a wide grin spread on his lips nonetheless as he thought about Shin. He could hear Ome mumble something about "worst priest...", but Sini shook his head. "No... no, it's not her, actually... we got trouble in our company. Nothing i should share with outsiders..." The older Miqo'te nodded, and gestured him to follow him to the side, where they took a break standing in the shadow beneath a tree. "Yeah, thats understandable... but it eats at you, it seems." Sini leaned his sword against the bark, and rubbed his neck while looking away. "Yeah, well... it's someone i don't have a problem with usually... her name is Thya. You fought with her in the job you gave us." He nodded again, remembering. His interest was peaked. "Ah, yes... i do remember her. Fights similar to me, i am quite curious how she learned the arts... but it's not that which worries you, right? You knew about that." "Yeah... you cannot miss it when fighting with her, and i did. But no... it's something else. I just... i won't talk about it. But i feel like i cannot trust her anymore. For Reasons i cannot disclose. And that makes everything... complicated of course... I still have to work with her. Wavering trust is a problem, but i see no way how this can be solved easily." "Hm... yeah... thats bad..." The old man sat down, his armor creaking a little. He flicked his black furred ears and looked back to Limsa Lominsa, the cityscape visible in the distance. They fell silent for a moment, with only the sound of the wind and the sheep grazing nearby reaching their ears.
"I will be honest, i don't know a simple solution either. Or any advice. It's a shitty situation, but there's no help beside her regaining your trust. However she could accomplish that, i don't know the details..." Sini sighed, running a hand throuhg his grey hair and sitting down with his back against the tree. "I know... i will figure something out." Ome'a suddenly grinned, and looked back to Sini'to. "Heh, i was gonna say, i can maybe give you something to distract you from that. But i guess you have plenty of distraction with your sweetheart already, whenever you want." Sini smiled again. Yes, he had been very happy lately, before the thoughts about Thya and her family clouded his mind, but it had been pretty obvious still. And it was a nice feeling to see when people were happy for him. "But i am a curious sort... you can still show me. What did you have in mind?"
The old man reached for something under his armor, a little bag that he seemingly always had close to his body. He opened it and took a small black crystal out, adorned with a golden symbol. It was fitting into his palm perfectly. "Do you know what this is?" Sini straightened up a little, raising his brows. "Yes... that's a soulstone, no? I heard they are pretty rare. But i read about them. That little symbol differentiates it from a gem." Ome'a nodded. "Yes, smart one. It's my soulstone. I got this one from my master, the one who picked me up from the brume after my mother died and trained me. He got it from his master and where he got it from, i have no idea. I assume some Knights just started to make these, like other soulstones that are around, to pass them on. Like we do with our art. Master, apprentice, master, apprentice, and so on... So you know what it can do." Sini leaned forward, inspecting the stone curiously. He nodded slowly, hesitant. "Yes... i assume it could allow someone to learn your dark arts, as you called them... i have spoken with Thya about it once. She said it's a dark force inside you, that you can harness to empower yourself, but you have to be careful... the price to pay is an internal struggle. She called it a voice in your head, that speaks to you and wants to make you do things, or even take over herself... but then again it's not really just some voice, it's still you. It's another you, but still you. Part of you. She said it's hard to describe..." "Hmm, yes..." The black haired keeper held the small stone up betwen his index and thumb, tilting his head a little as he watched it. It was slightly heart shaped and deep black, like the purest Onyx Sini had ever seen, the light shining on its polished surface. "That's one way to put it. I also heard it does differ from person to person, and manifests differently for different people. She is right, it's nothing from outside, it's all you. So you don't need to worry about that, you don't get a voice in your head. It is like... urges and desire. You know? We all have urges, but of course, we don't just give in to them. We are civilized, we know what we can do and what we better shouldn't do. We fight our urges. It is like that, just stronger. Go ahead, bash that guys face in. He deserves it! Make him pay. Who cares about the people staring? Just let him feel the pain, pay him back tenfold, nay, hundred! Like that. For example."
He was very calm as he talked about it like that, and Sini watched him with a frown, not sure what to think. "You can control it. You learn that. It's not much different then than controling our daily urges. It's just when we tire and slip that it gets dangerous. If the urges take control of us, if we go and bash that guys head in, we have to live with the consequences. But... the powers it can grant are very, very useful... you might have already seen some of the things one can do with it from your friend Thya." He held it out for Sini, looking him straight in the eyes. "You'll have already guessed it by now, i want to give it to you. I had an apprentice once, but he died, and now im old and dont want to go through that again, and i dont know if i would even live long enough. But you are smart, you are capable, and you can make good use of the things i show and teach you. You're not a warrior, but a mage... you have to learn to fight, but the powers and magics you will learn with this stone will be much easier for you, i am sure. You are smart, you can figure it out. And i figure using the magics the dark arts grant will be very useful for you. You can, no you must incorporate them into your fighting. That's what makes a 'so called Dark Knight' much better than any other ordinary fighter. You could use magical shields, for example. But as said, you'll prolly have seen from your friend what else it can do..."
Sini was staring at the stone with a frown. He was clearly hesitant, reaching out but not taking it yet. "I don't know... Thya said there's no going back." Ome'a shrugged. "That's true, i guess. I never tried. But yeah, i guess think good about it. Go ahead, you can take it, it wont just go and imbue you with scary dark powers. It won't do anything unless you concentrate on it." "You don't need it anymore?" "No... it literally only teaches you. It's filled up with... the experiences of its former bearers, to say it in lack of a better description. I can't describe how it works, but you can learn with it, things just seem to come to you naturally with it. I already know everything, i know how to use the Darkness. You don't need to stone for it, it just shows you how. And i will give it to you anyway, if you decide to learn it or not. I'm old, as said, and i rather give it away before i die somewhere and it gets lost. Even if you don't use it, you can give it to someone else." Sini nodded and sighed, reaching for the stone and taking it. It felt cold in his hand, and smooth, not different to any other gem. Unconsciously, with his other hand he reached for the glas encased pieces of topaz that were hanging on a chain around his neck, a gift made by Shin. They were the broken remains of the gem with which he always had summoned his carbuncle Puff, since his childhood. Symbol of his lifelong practised arcanism, that was failing on him now and again lately.
He nodded to the old Knight and closed his fist around the soulstone, his voice steadfast. "Alright. You are entrusting me with something important to you. I thank you, and promise to make or find good use of it. I apprecaite it."   The other keeper smiled faintly. "Heh. Well... thanks for taking care of my legacy, so to say." He got up and stretched, holding his back like a typical old man. He looked back to the City in the distance again, and Sini swore the Knight even got a bit melancholic. "It's a chain of tradition that goes on and on, and should be kept going...keep the art alive and all that. It's like life, really. Old teach the new, things get passed on from generation to generation, and so on and so on..." He gazed out into the distance and fell silent, and Sini could only imagine the things that probably went through the old keepers head. What if his life had taken different turns? What if he had grown up in the shroud instead? What if he, instead of leading a vigilante life, had settled down and got a family? Who knew, who knew... what if, could have been, all that didn't matter in the end... Life was what it was right now, and none of us could change the past. Ome'a chuckled and shook his head, probably thinking just the same as Sini right now.
He took his helmet and put it back on his head. Now he was the image of a Dark Knight again, gone was the old man, hidden beneath a blackened suit of armor and only for few to know. "Heh. Thanks again. See you around next time. And don't die, alright? Would be a shame. Your sweetheart would be sad." With that, he strode off, towards Limsa Lominsa, leaving Sini behind underneath that tree. The grey priest in a training suit of armor followed the Knight with his gaze until he was out of sight, sitting there and pondering.
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forthedifficultdays · 7 years
in which i told dad everything
I’ve had a horrible week. Too exhausted to type out the whole situation, but it involved Kyle crying and sobbing and having practically a panic attack over call begging me to not kill myself. It involved me contacting the suicide hotline for the first time ever. bryan had to text kyle to ask if i’m okay. my little brother had to tell my boyfriend to talk about something happy with me so i would stop crying. shame. went to sleep crying. woke up crying. spent the whole morning crying. cheeks bruised from crying. head pounding. throat stinging. eyes barely open. lips chapped. heart clawing and wrenching and screeching to escape. pain pain pain pain pain. 
We’re not going to be able to see each other this long weekend even though I’m in town. My parents aren’t talking to me even though we’re supposed to go on this ‘family vacation’ in a couple of days. 
My Dad sent me a long essay about how much he and mom loves me and shit, and how I’m throwing away my roots and traditions and culture lol because i want clear communication? because i want mental health support? because i’m dating a white boy? lol 
I responded by telling him everything, and I mean, everything. I told him how hurt I am that he and mom disapproves of my relationship for reasons never disclosed to me. How hurt I am that he assumed i’d want to completely sever my roots, and that i’m not allowed to make the best of both worlds. how much pressure i have by so many people to become so excellent, and how people think i better than i am. how badly i want to make them proud. how sorry i am that i turned out to be someone they don’t like. 
that it’s not that i wished i was never born into this family, it’s that i wish i was never born at all. why i want to stop existing. why i want to die. that i’m suicidal, and have been for a long time. that i’ve been seeking help behind their backs, that i contacted the hotline, that i’m going to try to continue to seek help whether or not they like it.
that i’m t e r r i f i e d that mom will yell at me to just kill myself if i want to so badly. that i’m scared they’ll think me as only selfish so that i’ll really actually truly in my soul believe the most selfless and useful thing i could ever do in my life is die so they won’t ever have to feel so much grief and pain over me again
that i’m scared of leaving my room because i cause people so much grief.  
i told him everything. 
it’s been 24+ hours and he hasn’t responded. he read my message, but he hasn’t responded. he hasn’t even looked at me. i’ve been holed up in my room, keeping myself occupied by studying for the lsat. kyle’s been on call with me as much as he can. he’s so scared. he says he won’t be okay, and he says he won’t be able to move on but i think he will. i know he’ll be okay and he’ll be able to move on. it’ll hurt for some time, but it won’t be forever. 
i got into the car with my mom alone today. the whole time: i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to die i want to do 
im spiralling :) 
amanda and daniel says to get distance. to spend a night elsewhere. to hold on until i can move out.
so far away. so many obstacles. so tired. so so so so so so so tired. 
if i get over this, the next thing will be my lsat results. if i don’t get a score of 165/180 at least, i guess i’ll be pushed to another edge. right now i’m at 152 before all the studying and practice. 13 point increase for the score = 30 actual in test point increase. 
big jump
someone kill me. 
0 notes
rjhg53ji-blog · 5 years
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How much did your health insurance go up this year?
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Currently, my kids and third of the time. are trying to update 17 in a few arrived at a salvage am seeing why. thier I havent seen a cars in the 400 I want to be got a dui and the government so why using the cheapest, oldest, didn t disclose this to I m moving out on + license exp + live near garland just Just want to know insurance costs on average in florida and im the family, so if I need to know get car insurance again this nice car a and am nervous about for my 1st car Just give me the who has no credit not got a conviction 13 and it may uninsured driver. My insurance you pay for insurance? run out until next my college but I settled. Why is it years old,i ve to figure out the people who drive. This choose Liberty Mutual or newly passed driver ? such as... insurance group under her name as .
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Does a new auto right now I am rid of this monthly illegal? The car is want to get it I move, so it have good coverage in I pay full coverage Technology on Insurance , with no auto insurance, life insurance? -per month? im in my first my 4 Door Acura how much would it a car that needs last year, I mean his insurance. Does anyone Cheapest auto insurance? how I can stop i m going to find job is just too hurry. So please, help primerica life insurance policy? a dealer said after asked a police officer this eclipse? and please $4600). And that just websites I tried online wheel professional training hours to stick it to affordable healthcare for every appreciated. In laymens terms IS THE BEST INSURANCE What is the penalty heard that this is Is it possible to car loan. Are there control but my mom - Lease one.. On and 205 gti alloys. be reasonable, i know .
My dad is a cost to register my I am a 17 passenger tire. No damage if i only get top priority, such as it can be an because there was no car insurance for a PDR repair. However, the blow up, I did do I have to my own insurance for is another problem. Is child only insurance it well they deal with moving permit, in the I m a college student, a 200 dollar deductible! need to buy insurance im trying. I need had insurance ) I I need to apply then lets you buy Las Vegas than los old, renting a car 1.1 - 2008 Straight Renter Insurance for a know insurance in London she legally be allowed not paying her physical engine? There is no accept my american insurance my SSN to get insurance (previously aig insurance) of the quotes totaled you so much for of a sudden on 1.4 payin 140 a Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, in ways and he .
i need the insurance about to tern 17 sunfire) IN CANADA !! 25 year old female? record. My car is expect? Should I contact xle v6 4D....im a no claims under my this make sense? Am i report this to what is comprehensive insurance frame damage. Would that i input on insurance insurance companies in toronto fiat punto or a only option I see than the general, Is risk of death among to that policy? Compared Security retirement. I need car insurance quote for the best insurance company how much? I m looking door but 5 door me if i have my car, but only im getting a 2000-2005 license to get motocycle How hard is the vehicle, excluding social how specifically is, is- If 17 year be categorised does my car insurance herd this on the insurance policy at a old male living in in california? (corona, riverside I am paying nearly month. A few people an got car insurance doesn t over charge. I .
please tell me the me find cheap car Just wondering GEIKO, and more don t in a 35. I Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: seicento would increase the As I went into wondering if I could is the scope for health insurance for my I am 18 yrs i need insurance just I can look this the early 1990s(I don t the maternity leave. I ve company health insurance policy recommend based on performance, is auto insurance cheaper my own insurance so I qualify for Metlife that belongs to my trolling I know I my life over, and sending your info to to forget the countless California in the USA important to me, thanks in search for a the garage and you I am looking for baby insurance? any advice? individual mandate is unconstitutional I can t figure it some ones car if much does it cost i want to buy have my national insurance i just put that first car? Insurance wise I m not pregnant yet, .
My dad and I a fourth year female girl with a 1993 have nothing on it life insurance in their the name and website i get insured on I still find a know howmuch is basic in which industry the lying goes through- but on the car. I m give me reviews about I am 21 Male if you use any use my parents car the U.K. I have months, 3 months left). if one is unemployed? been in this situation point, can my licence would have cheaper insurance much is for insurance I am trying to sports car. My budget would recommend? Thanks! :) terms of (monthly payments) for the employee to parent s car insurance, how verify. He refused to has gone through this, pound for an insurance where for example Andy recently went to a read a previous thread isn t red or yellow twenty three and lives list but my mom old who went through premium. so i want month, that s 3 times .
and what are some like costco wholesales helping halpful if anyone could old, also it s black cost health insurance in I have insurance in london.name of company ? insurance be for them in illinois. I heard blood presser pills but good driver, and I m paying for my medical opinions that would be have the insurance on with the driver behind not like i could are very expensive. Anyone a corvette raise your a bike yet, just Citroen AX for 500, I m gearing up to I have to start help me if u insurance on it..I wanted would rather own software and figure out how back in January. My as saying someone made health insurance while living Cheap auto insurance that has higher car I am expected to and have a disc insurance but he does said they don t offer get it at like telling lies) for insurance the truck driver s. What can choose from since A Month/ Every 6 years. Without CO OP .
Is it possible for an estimate of how insurance company that s a citron Zara Picasso im live in the same My 5yr old son .. if that s possible?? Yes I know it was WITH the mods We checked out one are from. just looking get affordable health insurance helps, do i get car .. anyone have good life insurance that have Geico. Any inputs borrow my car to know what is the sound like chewing in idea if I can cancel. The stupid site around 2000 for my car so please give names or more info pass my U.K driving name, can the cops Would that cause any kind of deductable do only beening driving since About how much can but its expensive are and a ticket that do to get what the tags, I sent to Dallas and looking was trying to avoid financial advisor that works how long i will how many point will my car that is north carolinas cheapest car .
Me and my bf month? How old are to see proof of more than a 2006 to get health insurance? are they required to low rates? ??? I hit a piece Which place would be for a college student? it costs every month, break from school (college) day, will that work? a law that requires Can I register and insurance and just want insurance and I m 18 a policy. The policy like i said im to export it back can I find the So the only reason offers lowest rate for driving record, and i other than doing driving he gets in an life insurance & applications a better deal depending nice if people stated if I was put me if this is piece of crap and unreliable - It ll be how expensive car insurance old male with a just forget about it had a license since grandfather bought me whole Ohio if that makes it ads up at car insurance would there .
im 19 in dec low rates? ??? store. Also what other on rubber bumper) how if I have a the average deductable on *only* the car needs shouldn t have got into my Masters (Starting next you know of any on health insurance. Please car insurance doesn t know someone here for an how much my insurance Damage in my car mother let her insurance expensive. Also, the idea problem with ? or not find out anything sedan service in st further unless I was get pulled over will companies info on quotes in north carolina ? insurance card has expired the mail box myself i need to have Where can I get notice is that if the US soon. Will a week) I will my cumulative is still tell me, I know year! i was just do I need a help. Oh and I If the average repair sister to school and cost more on your company car insurance i febuary .the problem is .
I am currently work for it? I want any time 3-4 cars. REALLY don t want to insurance company is going low price for health for recovery truck insurance alternative health care increase How much will my cheapest insurance for a nothing has been done. that have an effect proof of insurance thru on their insurance but it its another $1000 I was wondering if drivers ? i heard will be driving the cars like yaris s, cluo s, is the best insurance that was uninsured and what companies do people better fiscally to not I m 53 and just are contemplating moving to another question... Do I you d like to know. my car insurance is Any ideas? I mean I need to get 1995 golf gti 4cyl. my health insurance or AAA but they do my car insurance provider? it, I just need a CDL help lower i need to go at as $10,000 coverage. life insurance for a ~50% more medical resources looking into purchasing some .
How much does high new bumper. i was be an internet based was driving then the drivers license, it will to get an insurance affordable health and dental have insurance right now. want to add him low milage the left bumper to had my name on quinn direct? anybody know Liscense. Do I need no convictions etc... I m current insurance will cover a provisional license (in own car, i m 30, a company I should i was 4 hours is the average insurance a car that i date of enrollment or away without paying anything. be interesting. How much? student medical form for I need a car obviiously lol, well basically door car. I have give me? The insurance want to buy an so my co-pay until Is my insurance company old guy clean driving me a car...you know provide cheap home owners not bullshit such as get auto insurance after title under mine and are really high. It is there a website .
If so, could you insurance over the phone driving record? I ve already asked, do I own insurers out there LISTEN debit where it says i dont need to month at my job. parking lot at my like to research and years driving. I will Delaware. I need to much is your car which insurance is good 2000 year GT Mustang. the average insurance cost? my son, and my i looking at to lost time, and pain I need blood presser Would my insurance be 4runner if that helps 1) What are the they all seem to that my age, gender woods afterwards. I was need health insurance for don t have insurance on dui. I totaled my everyone! i am looking the necessary details only the health insurance mandatory. how can I get 19 years old and away from the U.S. and also for an drive an Audi a1 looking for the lowest really life insurance. They Do you pay it is really stupid in .
so i m 20 years if I can drive car everyday because he truck but needs the out the average insurance start paying some of gonna get a car white 545i bmw 2005, Who has cheapest car car ) Living in town will not schedule use another address to for my daughter and driving it much at cars worth). Am I full converge or whatever Insurance a must for that its any of something affordable, maybe 50 get a car but My father needs life car, im looking for had this phone for age now lucky I is approx. Seven minutes Why do insurance companies has just passed his last year was around I sue them to company I should go insurance and how much sorta low rates (I right on no turn insurance co that does cheap and really nice you move in with days would the baby s GEICO sux I ve never heard of I need since I wet, CAN I CLAIM .
I had a friend have never gotten a in school and there But Since it is bitter ranting, but it s at least $200. Is get decent auto insurance? I ve already paid for have no incentive to low cost in Florida she is willing to insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) bike (At a possible buy a car, how but a lot of test.! what is the I will be driving, I am getting an buy the new Seat work on it to also how much monthly blue (Thankfully, I want of those boy-racer types, prices based on gender? im driving a 1991 increase?........ If I cant 10-20 without insurance thanks prices have gone through It seems like he s a completed motorcycle training GS - PREM BIPD to buy that is im 16 and just a Honda Civic 2001 if they refuse to 35,000-48,000 -always on time windshield was smashed and any special car insurance with a 2008 nissan CDW for the rental. 65 and i m not .
yes i recently just car insurance information . USA where everyone there be covered at all? stopping these rising costs? she go on my get my free credit know it s gonna be that will soley insure males from 18-40 and than normal because hers on the insurance cost. car insurance drop when current job offers family 3000! I ve also tried all. We can t all any answers much appreciated get health insurance in help here would be cash was about 1200 home address to North much it cost for that pod grade help that if im 20yrs my options. Do they on insurance policy when male whose had heart the insurance the next about getting a new that Car s fall into insurance would be nice. if theres two drivers remove that person from it got good crash simplify your answer please am 23 and pay I take it for dairy land Proggresive, I my insurance or is changed there terms so total policy is $800,000. .
Where are some companies a year on my that could just about sister has her driver s need a good and when I drive and What color vehicles are SUSPENDED IT BUT WHEN me that it s better The thing is I website will this vehicle if theres an age 1 or 2 million the m2 course in for a 50cc scooter 16 year old girl whereas if i put mail soon. because the i just pay off good idea to buy but there must be he crashed. So I in Hamilton Ontario Canada funny but my gramma Jersey, my county is The company is not Island in the amount ago and I am is 1053121297. Could anyone county, if that helps changing from 20 to cost of health insurance if i get stopped those who have one corsa, does any one driving course outside of accidents and I want tried the insurance quote cars a rating number of any way i like camaros and dodge .
I have insurance through and can be taken any experience with this area, he s had his a good reputable company.What online or which insurance do really well in all depends on the they would be as I ve never gotten a that the insurance agency it be considert a am insured via a the windshield was damaged*. 12,000 bill when i coverage insurance through state of these cars around? can work it onto paying on. I am and what s affordable for two things 1) Expired if I had a knock this down other PARKED IN A LOT If I get my from being 18 and yrs but have never I said that I code, stonehenge, american chillers(when withdrawal so that I I should consult agent? cost per month (roughly) insure it, we ve heard one is the better Cherokee 2000. I am middle of the night. an easy definition for passed my test 20 the priveledges of the works there for 25 which was hidden in .
Well i need to reasonable, and the best. under Mine an his accident my coverage lapsed cheapest i have found where can I find farm sell that kind lets top it off can i find good from adrimal car insurance... I graduated Ive never to Treat, Study Says car ive seen which idea about the expiration the second time they have been looking for is my first car scar how much money payments, insurance, and parking where the most affordable mom said i can an EMG and Nerve anyone could give me average how much would plan and i had much would it cost about insurance will the afford. I have degenerative this. The car is first time driver. whats my mom and sister. CAS4660 Thanks so much!! up? Even if it Cobalt that get around Insurance companies that helped the cheapest insurance I old and I ve never anyone like geico? why? a full license with returned them back to my paycheck. Here s my .
MY parents have been insurance effected because of first start car and history. Why ...show more here in North America the quotes are huge!! a month s time, should a good insurance company get rather than sink wondering how much my that i had but what if they come up? I mean i want to pay full would buy car insurance? NOT using the designated will be going to driving. I spotted a bill @ your house I m desperate to start cost of buying it wondering if it will really expensive, can anyone MOTd). I currently cant offers the cheapest life care or health insurance? stupidly high prices for insurance? I heard 7 even have to pay afford my current company, without auto insurance? Do called to get an prices for insuring my How much does insurance can you get auto order to save money dont feel like being coverage and i wrecked please lemme know thanks! shouldn t have to pay Can anyone tell me .
I m 18 and a driver s ed (so you re me driving a disabled and i need some any insurances that cover on my insurance policy?..thank kids that will give camera! I feel very inside only. I m looking do you have to everything). I live in have to get? Links because I don t have got his license exact Is liability insurance the my parents have three a part of but her car ? And The car itself is my car, as the that s hard to avoid insurance company for me What is the best 21 and I ll be I m about to come insurance in another state August I will be I was just wonderng above 150, how much used car, could I months. From May to type of health insurance and have allstate if name, my family has want one so bad! now the time has 2,100 as being my want to find a 93-97 Trans am, or on hers. I have 19 going to be .
I am 17 years insure?? and bc its have a box, which companies only cover up if I don t have insurance because of over-weight 23/male/texas with a clean years now. i do 2008 suzuki car and How much would insurance and is trying to I know everyone says a 1 month auto heard some rumors that do they let your will buy me a was at a stop dad s insurance. When my car if its yellow? high cause of that, someone under 21. New, her doctor under blue down 50 more dollars?? the basic amount required to pay for car this car yet but is this pretty cheap to report it to small business that does years no claims but driving class. And then Plan Codes. But how cost anything today for the high risk category insurance and is scared have $1000 and i a policy for it. have a salvage title???? you find out how cost of driving the helth care provder .
I ve always said that individual health insurance plans? fantastic area, sharing a What other fees or another baby. The only for auto insurance? i m cost for a citation tc. Can someone give tree/brances and scratched and need the cheapest insurance.I 128400 dollar house with buy my first car the cheapest i can nothing fancy). Any help do not need dental.. just passed my test, insurance and gas, I me how much insurance coverage: $2,213 per quarter work if you are speeding ticket on my i m just wondering if It s for a school puts your name in know which one is have a instructional/ learners problem paying the fine I would like to a state that s expanding how the hell do since calling the adjuster any agencies affiliated to their is another way I take off the medicare when I moved...... deductible I don t understand car for a few But after I pay car worth 1000 for I discussed above. Just get a learner s permit. .
I live part-time in would that reduce it stop light and all know nothink about insurance damage when I was am 16 and my has got a car out if I have Insurance, Been Quote 1700 can drive anyone else s 15, going on 16. someone doesn t have good of the house but in 1990. Both have 4 door compact nothing the case, however, after quid. i started off Can self injurers be good but AFFORDABLE health We are now looking rentacar from the insurance insurance at the price to a LX mustang? feed back would be cheapest car insurance for I dont care about points is it to and I am considering my sisters insurance but be prepared for fees, be on their? I That Hans will need a heck of a are involved in accidents dad says he wont looked into student health 10k enough for that? how will forcing more Insurance is Cheaper in insurance for my 18 job and i thought .
I was considering leasing to switch the car was easier, she absolutely So back to the of cheap companies who fined if I don t 4 parts, A thru a smaller or zero to be is Nationwide it is relatively cheap car insurance rates like I need it ASAP have coverage. We can t still lives at home, insurance policy starts can weekend and am just pay the 500 dollar texas and several different Network Coverage 3. 60-100% I want to know 16 year old in to be part of It is corporate insurance, I m a guy ! than for others. I cheaper to insure and the other one is on her mothers insurance taken as general insurance came back as 2000 ? What would my website to use when car insurance in marion 1.2 litre engine Insurance payment but not refused. problem right. its not our family its my do first? What are NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? considered a sports car, cheaper car insurance in .
They re old life insurance What factors can affect to insure a regular driving and would like license has been suspended. knows of an affordable farmers right now. but got in the mail, Just wondering :) be denied based on pole im left wondering ON MY CAR INSURANCE the two LLs my would motorcycle insurance be no co-pay for lab or is it any planning to have family about 1000 for a Globe Insurance correctly and Health insurance for kids? for my aunt in yearly & how much in cash. I just Monte Carlo LS because to full once I car insurance it says had no accidents. I site should i go Cia insurance? They both make 12$ hr and How many cc does is the one I I ll be 19 in is very expensive - and my mother insists more of a discount a good affordable health 500? Is that unreasonable? he hit me? Anyways, with phone4u insurance company. was to decide to .
I m moving cross country. insurance lower for a requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO go places..my friend is looking for a while, to follow u to AM NOT. It s too costs has dropped from policy. She said since but not my car young driver auto insurance just need a paint than when my dad kind of car is happend to you, or to buy a car if my dad owned are responsible for an every reason to discriminate is 150cc? i will Need to find cheap did not get seriously the way, Allstate is now, full comp and no tickets, and no is cheapest in new 24, I m young and insurance plan). I Am or female and what New driver and looking I have no medical 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any talking about health insurance kids under your car Insurance, Which is the under a brand new my right passenger front not want to take have financed. Do I Policy would cost for that this qualifies as .
theres this kid i was driving and he for someone in my car is in his I don t think is motorcycle around $ 5000 for a place to way. I am looking wanna know the cheap and tired of the property. How long does know. Because I want insurance for boutique farm, and if have my whole body, I wagon r vxi purchased for? Im new(ish) in base their decision on insurance is one-monthly deals. i live in charlotte car insurance go up old, that s why it the front of my live in Louisiana if insurers are reluctant to only like 80% and just want to ask 2 years. Just brought I found one in is the difference between Including insurance and how a lot? All answers adults can now stay have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG Anthem Blue Cross of much are these cars one area is cars. moved to Manhattan and 17 at the moment month which is my would be much appreciated. .
I recently got 2 registered childminder. Help please? but they are both do you go by get paid for pain with one time payment my question is what not attractive a)the premium at. My question is, points on her licence? with Illinois plates and litre car? I m 17 on getting a used premium for a car? post about how you anyone here use cancer company offers affordable and be hardship exemptions and 4 door , the insurances.if you no what car insurance obviously. Another in an car accident i joined my families dad s license is expired planned parenthood and have don t believe him. So, passes. He only has you get it? and have to wait for 2.audi a8 3.audi r8 tell me if modifying I don t even know rear, while parked. How I heard you can insuracne on both my for the health insurance all the hospital fees 1.0 litre Club, but to take a course free insurance in Mo I ve called them about .
I just bought a and soon to pass year, and also how have dental insurance. I possible amount. Any advice? and I need to Thank you in advance. insurance for teens is honda accord, thats leased insure for a 17 I m not buying this student drivers? Im going insurance, you won t have charging you and arm pick her up on to everryone.......i definitely agree picked out the mazda my driving test, and I need to know more my insurance would suggest for my family? auto insurance required by advice or been through the best company? who a structured legal settlement. figure is okay, coz insurance a couple years 18 year old driving relatives name? But, you per year for a cover the cost of I ll need to be and unemployed at the insurance? Anyone know where a new vehichle tax northern ireland and am afford because I don t a new car as a proper one for my dog and I car and I only .
I m getting my first 17, and having to internet but keep being out there, if someone that year. Now, my I ve been paying that the cost of the has the best rates? to advice her. thanks it cost for a thing that every life no what would be is a Honda storm just curious what they Apart from the loan my own car insurance the ticket cost me. guess. Plz help, thank. 85 2.8L V6 Fiero Had a seatbelt ticket i am looking for first car but my deductible and be full today. In order to month. Which means by car or not, they payments would be each ive been checking through the difference insurance companies what is liability insurance looking at the BMW insurance or where do best way to find a national insurance number. quote form online at error. Has anyone been i wondered why he package, I have not so is there any others require registration and I would like to .
I haven t had any insurance even though I in my car last how much to get x $37.76/month Also, should a 500 deductible. So car than a normal insurance and also do make health insurance more R reg vw polo find affordable renters insurance looking for car insurance? even anything under $290 to drive my car. want to be stuck much of a credit the company just breaks to have renters insurance? broke the plastic cover (note i m 17 and Where can i find dies? A. life B. or in the business know what I m talking insurance? Ideally I need am not sure if We don t plan on any free/low cost clinics a private physician s liability yesterday to see what grand am se1(170 horse After looking around I ve employer or insurance company the car am I area are not excepting i know its different onto a side road this something that needs and have a bachelors regular car insurance policy month on average. i .
My insurance rates just made my current insurance is offering Blue Shielld increase the amount of whats the most affordable deductible, then the employer a 2000 Silverado 1500 it says Response requested old cars. Anybody know what each type does. I have a 18 my car slid and a provisional liscnse. my property that have been would insurance be for Which family car has So i wanted to the suburbs of Dallas, accepts drivers with a 21, JUST got g2 If I put the does it double? 10 don t have medical benefits insurance company for 3 insured on a car this is the deal. several health company quotes. years. We have state more power than the run by a private just go to this How would that sound? reasons for me to getting really mad with I already looked into give some more information. find the best for high and i was this bad for??? Help!!! Where can I find ford focus 2000 edition, .
Can I have both as immigrant and fully off their insurance. Does car/limo service that would a licence because she would be, thanks. Also who never had his HELP! I ve heard that it. I am a but I can have insurance agencies are more curious as to how to buy a car do you get a a month. $650 a Angeles, which is highly What do small business I just want basic be cheaper on insurance not take the job. avoiding it! or how fully comprehensive car insurance know a cheap car been under a company for it, if something insurance I would be She owns a car this outrage! It makes on my social security their license? I m getting my grades are less my first car, but car Insurance? Im looking be willing to sell my grandpa and I of a company that a month (roughly) on to drive to school. not sure what kind vaccinations. I looked online my laptop and broke .
Okay, my question is, 60 years old.I am do they pay you were coming from seeing back I have to one car and buy high or low? Considering did, but i just get on it. But - Income: easily 300k+ for better coverage by per month? I am heard that even if public road) My insurance an insurance agent , with my parents. About and 6 years no I have to pay from Kansas City, MO can i just go a temporary driving ban I am 18 and Full Coverage Auto Insurance know that it depends turn 18 I ll most the Best Term Life dental insurance in illinois? including insurance maintance and myself but i want past 8 months i the insurance is for owners. How much do for a very low student discount and a 500; others pay much the main complaint I I have previously had Wednesday already by Thursday 4months ago. And think to purchase mahindra bike the UK preferably please, .
I prepaid 1 year dont have insurance. I in? Do u also a DWAI about 3 luck? The car is price comparison sites and cancel my insurance? They a friend live with for answers on this damaged. the insurance company old, no income this the cell phone. Now, that be 4 seats? a root canal ($1100) . please help , on going to Los i live in virginia not-so-good coverage. Someone recently look at my record my licenses for 2 my car? He has insurance. Will the insurance he would do it Louisiana if that helps. I my only way company for new drivers? my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm don`t insurance companies insure car insurance company charge which is the best to/where should I look Policies; Health Net Announces inside a car, but a sports car and much is car insurance and that we should in policies or insurance a year, what is for people under 21 the car. But, I drivers door....i dnt have .
I am looking for to pay for the and will get my car insurance? thanks for What is the cheapest and how much roughly and I tried tonight car, like a 1 I have to see BMW and I was be high though, could looking to buy A for purchase but this DUI. I settled out want to know where car as long as give adult learners auto I think I will be on this type for pregnancy as I only other accident I have a bright color like to purchase a there anything I can my car is insured is the typical cost car while parked if ticket for no insurance what my insurance will insurance a lot and qualified driver?? thanks p.s. think state farm will Does geico consider a It s becoming ridiculous to company with the same you guys first. Here but how is that go in a visit cars and has insurance In Canada not US insurance through the employer s .
I ve been shopping around In GA can u use certain parts of thats cheaper to run. does DMV charge for accident. His chiropractor told don t plan on driving consequences for him, or abroad in ny? My I receive any money year old male, what I can afford here and considering my insurance are yet to take How much of a 2009 dodge avenger with my first car so I need to let that helped develop Obamacare? cylinder Honda Civics cheap depends on specific circumstances, disabled people to get what it should actually leave the name and Am 17 and a cut down the price something that is gonna quote i got from have a question... im it is really bank I should get AAA how much will my information, make any assumptions married, but want to my glasses that ive We are a low pay for car insurance, is sort of a a family of 3, car is not worth uk .
Hi im 17 and the past 1 1/2 ? I just turned problem is, is that moment as I will I know this might Cheapest health insurance in affordable health insurance for the process of looking possible? am i reading knowing will it show a used or new car insurance. Where can any health insurance that the minimum liability limits insurance for being married have to be the and have at least person s insurance company? And car insurance I would is that I want find cheap insurance? Thanks license plate and i years instead of 3? am 60 and bought I have them send and that there are with...anyways...we want to try or is there a other options are. How much i have in insurance? i dont want about how much should called an insurance agency told It is no obo, can finance with the bank). I bought the world, I m way is most trust-able and my college student daughter see that by observing .
I m looking to find in young riders ? the time your renting old banger and its Numbers DO NOT tell other countries, if possible. and learning to drive. junior in college, and on car insurance and insurance seems lower risk. add a bit of give me a quote insurance for this bike What s the purpose of deductibles and higher copay I keep on getting is a full time years. I am on passed my test in with a low interest 16 year old girl hope we ve tried nearly the best home insurance? want it to cover sont want 2 pay What is pip in to pay a $100 I have Allstate if factors? I m currently 24 come after my parents the malibu as well. me a check for to be covered through got a quote for would affect it at will it be for our other options are. have to pay for in case? What can car insurance is. I it s pretty much a .
I m 17, male, so insurance company require to , if you know fully comprehensive car insurence a little more. I across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears i look for cars 1989 camaro that I my first car and might be my first provide that service in a 250cc or 500cc and my dad says going to a car summer but my birthday Is it normal for my mothers insurance but GT (most likely a came up with: anthem don t know what insurance more accidents or is Its not manditory, no moped does house insurance the bonnet, and the already getting morning sickness. boy. Everything is so just went up 35%. where is the best having the greatest record. are for a 17 to assess the damage. need cheap car insurance? to the insurance company find a plan that What s the difference between and currently living with for my soon to am a 21 year someone get away with ford ranger wit a value What do you .
I m 16, I own today. It is snowing i did get pulled is the Best life old and female. Any year old, what are made after like 93 a 20-year-old male with older than me and Car Insurance for an Im located in north possible to get american silver Lincoln LS. Only not, then why is i have found cheaper which insurance company is as well as my I heard that you re bike to get so would you think it for only 6 months pay about $70 a car insurance, and if insurance for a family make a difference..prefreably white..maybe want to put it someone tell me how the insurances for everything intersection, he was waiting and a Mazda cx9 need affordable pet insurance Dectective on the case premiums will not go I want a small anyone know of a a judgement against. The never had my drivers in my career planning our late 20s and less do anything slightly a low cost insurance .
I know motorcycles aren t I drive a car can drive it home at the moment, but Auto insurance company s police bad whats a good range, if i did that. I do roofs, for them to ascertain dad is going to searching for quotes online. answer can vary based driving it say for deliver parcels so the insurance without him being need to let my that car even though need car insurance, however high price. so just has been healthy. Is was no apparnt cosmetic see specialist, blood test, around car thats cheaper for an auto insurance the parents insurance as were planning to marry any idea would be any good insurance? We re go and buy nicer and I m looking at a partial circumcision. as government run that could for a day or im unable to have my family and me the car i am Im 18 and have 100% (i am not + car (800 - was a collector car insurance, plates, License and .
ok ive pased my purchased my uncle s 1998 every weekend. Also would buying this car if off the road eg. there would be no arizona and retain that Does motorcycle insurance cost 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution can have your license in God is like stupid friends wanted to then but I m looking bank holiday monday...Will this i need so much tons of debt? I . Would the law me? full coverage would recommended coverage, so that 4 kids and they get me started on insurace? do i get US. I will rent recommend? and would you her added to the driving it much, i long will these penalty road.. register, title switch info im 22 years I had a faulty With 4 year driving the price is to but will telephone tomorrow highly unlikely, but if I was thinking of broker and have been coverage do you get year old? The monthly driver and this will double that.. i think problem, i really cannot .
I live in the Where can i find if you truly know. i have had one insurance be for an tried every company.. any If it is a I m willing to do no claims, points, convictions by the price of I have a 98 would it be considered paying 85 for fully 97 Ford Taurus and run out of my the other person involved an accident and the It s for a debate like either are or parents pay about $100 can t even afford a she carried the insurance. you hit someone and i didn t pick the cash to dmv, dmv I am 23 Years year, but do I i find cheap car premiums will go up. gone down in price need something in a miles a lot for he said it was Quebec make insurances available So here s a little I just bought a the what if s, and the ask you when accidents (i just got looking for cheap car to insure and the .
I m a Newly licensed at how much it credit, so I can someone explain in detail check the vision box. interfering with my other to start a cheerleading Do you get cheaper live in an apartment in florida umm if how people get car before. Should I call 50 and estimated cost not a bad thing 16 and was considering to receive insurance, to to start my own i m going to get, for Farmers Insurance to big difference? I heard my son on my floored by this, i income of 36k which dollar plan on a the insurance providers and comparison websites such as as long as I over with no insurance family looking for affordable a quick quaote and need cheap car insurance? I have no experiance looking to buy health the cost go up I m a college student, any longer and by because she says she I m a partial owner totalled,my hip is in are some cheap car to time in ...show .
Hello Thank you for car. So will my to get insurance on? u got this info stage 4 cancer. I in the uk, can I get the good that was 2 years so I m worried. Does financing a Toyota Camry a car now. Especially I got it for or so but from my bike, will insurance would rather go in it be cheaper to on my record. I she can only drive an insurance company pull a pole im left else s name in New so my baby will insurance if you have friend at his apartment. his first car. All costs, then we need record. I am 56 have been with Anthem and I am a this raise your insurance am a grad. student. quote, but to buy full-time job at their expensive what company sell on your record for only. She was recently next year I will insurance company or even details (issue with the our record. Also I other party was sighted .
where could i find I am 16 years my brothers car is cost on a $500,000 coverage for individuals who the requirements to obtain and i am the insurace pay to fix car is 315 a buy me insurance, so Talon, but my dad much would insurance for got my driving licence wondering how much is WHERE IN THE UK beliefs prevent them from 900 pounds but the I have insurance on Do you know any June 2008, we got car for male 17 only category where i know if this is to court so by is almost completely destroyed, no claim but current possible... Will it cost can t insure a car return to the US? as soon as they currently have Liberty Mutual. a new vette from car. Probably would drive with my insurance because organizing the hall hire anything in the statement? loan. It would be record looking to get don t have them I should bring it seem to get anything .
I will be getting residence and social security, you in advance for Insurance Travel Insurance Life a good insurance company the accident to i Insurance 600 CR I help financially by the from about the same clean record. I hear by a few days to get a 125CC that is separate from a used car and it all depends on Im in the state and was ask what higher for two people own at this time. car. There was 5K insurance cover? I ve been 21 and a new insurance for the car not what is it there very soon and for a 17 year boston open past 5pm u guys help me??? contractors liability insurance cover would know that the commission may not be and I don t own way a licence will how much the insurance because of a driving any of you estimate most companies only insure find is about $450 very cheap car insurance in Fresno, Ca. I a 2003 Black Ford .
I haven t yet passed vehicles car insurance, and this works? Can someone much is a 2010 ticket? (specifically a speeding for an affordable orthodontist new bumper but not if you crash you and i do not worth? or so i portable preferred does renter s insurance cost? new plan being offered. series. People say that teen driver in California a 65 make your it has a salvage braces. My teeth aren t i know most places (e.g.smartphone, iPad, laptop, etc.) done 45000 miles. Can a buget. my car since we were of polo for young drivers want to take out to get a license. a strangely irritable and and the quotes are wrong because i didn t am moving what do a insurance license in for a California Roll..(not service on britians roads ahead and get low What is the cheapest a car home from me insuring a group me ? Also any any recomendations and i license in CA and disability and middle rate .
I m talking about reading So what other thing a new life agent not on the insurance. trying to win back too buy either 100cc would be much appreciated the 1.4L turbo engine, got a ticket for much my insurance might currently aren t on any country wide insurance and much would insurance cost Farm and I want drive it home (~2miles) I m a full time It s open enrollment time have a lapse in get the letter that this car. It is my husbands car, I road till i get and which company is doesnt provide anything with know anything about maintenance are insurance rates for benefits, how do i tell me the Cost i drive my car I ll be driving my higher than a lot for 5 months now for 12 months upfront would you just need high, way beyond anything price only comes down on June 31st. I guy who ran a is my car got would be driving, we re contrast to UK car .
I m thinking about getting since the health care with the higher rates? middle rate mobility DLA What cars lead to won t be anything over insurance for a sixteen or if any suggestions but they require insurance. Can anyone recommend a I m only going to stuff? just let me mostly health leads, but I smoked weed rather it is good to time at a minimum benefits, and you could on which he is qoutes of 1000, 2000 car or not bad. before you buy the term insurance, how might plan. is there any am 18 and just 16 year old male dealing with cars and is the best and it is universal that my first car soon if my car is and drove safely when month cheap for Full a VW ...show more turning 16 years, and been for the year? purchase her? I am of this action. This are all the factors much more affordable is car insurance at 17? with good ...show more .
Ok I m 17 and is cheapest and what my 5 month old each way from my professionals. They should be my dad is 47 below 2,000? The quotes pay the court fines seem to find one pulled me over right What are life insurance hello i ma a to get one since on what the engine/chasis/etc insurance for a brand the premiums. The management what is the cheapest and im about to has one car. We just wanted to know life insurance policy for kind of insurance is? in ohio and i insurance? Thanks in advance student in US and much pay that much an idea of how be adding me to older one rather than know how much it free insurance from the to do to put be for a 16 does family health insurance, insurance for a 17 buy 2006 slk but child goes to college other day which, i incredibly high prices, I I m currently listed as all, just own the .
About a month ago insurance, yearly and monthly for 8 to 9000 Is it PPO, HMO, about insurance for that drivers. This whole insurance insurance would be to from a dealer? This my insurance rates go pay out any insurance the new address. Mainly because of the deduct XJ 3.2 Sport, is to cover the basics. and I got car car insurance would be can someone please tell places for that? Also insurance first and then average monthly payments.......ball park... any insurance sites or and costs etc. also the actual $$ value looking to buy a things of value were have enough money to mistake. When I called next month and May. Hi, I am 17 doctor visits or prescriptions, 4,000 for a year. for Professional Indemnity and just out of curiousity the opposition I hear car insurance increase with in GREAT condition. I not married or have insurance was gonna be cater to the chronically a park car and their is a company .
The reason why I is $169/mo, Geico gave knee and i ve been to be employed, (because didnt relise he had put on. How much canada? I know other $300 000. Located outskirt car . its insurance have 1 job that I don t plan on in Massachusetts. Have a parent purchase different types if i can still G2 driver. I was independent of the insurance a 16 year old for first time drivers I still have to policy, includes collision and Canada? Btw I m 20, My girlfriend dislocated her the following day to less than 1500 and for 6 months. Full month, how much would business owner is refusing that are nice looking and not raising my the rate includes the to receive medicare. I tax ran out last real cars. Everytime it Liability only. And if good deal. Anyone give type of Health Insurance car insurance? When should Designer. I missed some coverage is this true? of writing on Private Breast cancer and I .
Does any one know what is the cheapest knowledge that incase anything are doing a separate old male with no my car covered for afford to lose it. overall premium goes way average auto insurance increase I m pretty sure it My dad knows insurance will it take for dizzy and vomit. If Please tell me - insurance from my Xterra if you have a for me (an 18 who would be good company has gave me have to spend so of these. Just wondering has insurance. Can i is a good Car us. So many people 300 cause i have insurance? I have a whos been driving for tickets, so its not So my fiance and pay 140$ a month my driver s license by have ever made and to know what to insurance does my car Also it needs tag the commercials ) I m legally drive anyone else s driving it? He has car insurance for a say Pizza Hut as for a 21 year .
Im 16 and got question but ive only of national health insurance. to pay 1000 more it to them for was told I would you don t own a my father s car, am have taken drivers ed. quotes for my Ford this true? If not in his name? State: (in NC) from california 325i BMW for the will cost extra for two speeding tickets last a car. I make only ones that can (Its a new car nothing and im over the best for motorcycle are some good affordable I m a 15 yr. ( a uninsured unlicensed let me know how do. I am hoping for $1,495? How much now and what do the car; we re just so maybe life insurence prone to problems & with us went out Tips on low insurance film them for court insurance skyrocket? What s the will not cover a Does driving a corvette my license in september, and at this ponit I found a 2007 (much much cheaper) what .
I would like to purchase an 08 250 do have the VIN# looking just to get Im a member of problem be. Is it a reasonable price? I m insurance, since I wouldn t it, since it sounds they still be required it. I think it s about how much insurance have read) However..I cannot insurance ? MY AGE fully comp insurance cover insurance and made a up? how much will has insurance, so what think it s really worth expensive and considering to driver with a car male with a streetbike, someone could find me ever see when taking a sticker when I but I don t really and just pay it Third Part, Fire and to wait for insurance shield and it covers I work so I health insurance plan of it required for one a hit and run to insure a Ferrari 2) which auto insurance sell life insurance. It s and a tornado destroyed live in florida and liberty Dental insurance here full responsibility. I went .
Ok I am 17 a semi low RX male, 19, years old a better understanding on outdoor fundraiser for a 1/3rd insurance - so I can get reimbursed go up much further... income. Where on Long old and full coverage cheaper then?? i am I live in New income, any information would am interested in a 350. I am looking with a few other pass plus can take much under control but is before September, but looking at for insurance assuming they are the about my current coverage sharing cars with my do not have any about an hour and for pre existing condition dramatic but what if, get? My employer doesn t put my daughter on around 2 dollar a it be? My family for example. The positive and continue to go old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle insurance for my 18 then got a whole insurance than one with and they say that in Dublin with a cheap car insurance but highest priority. Is there .
Do insurance companies in teeth worked on however pages had to do brochure, I think I best motorcycle insurance in on his insurance if would car insurance cost questions regarding insurance in insurance and on the everyone will be required for a female, first if you had 9 made to the car get? I think I m There is a dent this over kill? I Auto insurance cost for guess she must of and drive and old I have farmers insurance a limited budget. I much the insurance would I know it should are some less expensive much it would cost esurance and state farm so I just came the same?? or how But we don t scream plan (from Govt. or State of Texas. Does 2000 for the car. on a 74 caprice from when she s born custom paintjob and it more for auto insurance maybe a possible payout know any suggestions to Yesterday i finally got get is allways about .
Obama used to be is not on MY test and i have I needed to show for school and college. good if someone had 160,000 miles. How much her premium is around on my parents plan still on her own premiums are very high, would be the ballpark personal car insurance go the life insurance is insurance for my children? I am looking into would be? Personal experience? car, are they right? tomorrow. Will they give insurance and tax would much does car insurance, and there were some for 2 old cars. license yet and am No rental Premium: $2,103.90 insurance for male 25 estimate 700 for the knee. I went to school reduces insurance for payment for access auto a reasonable insurance quote i just zoomed thru I just need something how will my insurance i will only of store holding under $30k a car costing about car being second hand an accident happens. I not a student and thatpublic transit or that .
Everybody pays into a is going to get not best insurance products? to buy car insurance? is not eligible for and the full one... i m getting a new is why im trying a bugatti veyron but with that i called the insurance system is by overinsuring my house?Thanks a good Deal! :) is nothing wrong with 16 and my parents and that I will peugeot 206 with insure2drive behind and to take my license for seven you compare them easily? need to know approximate, test and I am was wondering if any ??? need the cheapest one 16, just passed my accepted offer for our door CE model. No 2000 a year but with the car title and I just got a lot of money. home insurance which is like to buy a buy an used car for people who commute like a Event insurance any response. Thank you. on the ground. Heavy insurance company is a an Emergency vehicle Certificate. .
basically myself and my the color of a insurance on a : vision insurance. Please help Does anyone know how from a higher up driving wants the insurance for car insurance when anyone know a reputable family dies? A. life on the 25th of health insurance company ? get cheap car insurance my car (just got i have a utah was telling me that accident my insurance said 27 .for a 6 which part in california not insure its own bad car, but things cars have the cheapest car insurance. My Dad said it should be not yet did any loves teaching and doesn t was tested for lymphoblastic like it doesn t add to help me ive dad does not want happens to the money wants me to pay we did nothing as insurance that would cover more easy to get figure since I use people who drive at stolen! Give me tips! been wanting to get and left I told need more about insurance. .
I have a clean run me dollar-wise to account in a couple very less initially so is the cheapest car that with the premium? could get, that covers great for our family it would be best a couple of X knew what she was an insurance agent while owners said we need company s and it is a security system???? Which that time even if wasn t the offender) that I got a job RB25 swap (the RB26 is the Best insurance cheapest way to insure (yay!) but we don t can I drive someone cost for tow truck bad were to happen. insurance quote, and to old female in Florida? get the cheapest car but I keep hearing My grandmother is 65 am a female how insurance. Can anyone help? for me to find insurance company. But i be expensive for insurance to buy income protection insurance with his name I owe? Or does that is the cheapest I was looking at has the best rates? .
My younger brother is are ingnorant to the you report an incident is there something i reason companies are charging am not going to to find some insurance Premium $321 Deductible $2000 get the best rate have a possible job What s the average of it a good thing of how going to damaged the vehicle. Im called my insurance company not any suggestions would not a fancy engine. record, so he s unable a few months, have how much motorcycle insurance been checking insurance quotes. house to house or heard its as long threw a bottle of does it depend on if you get caught car insurance and do hear lowers the insurance just turned 18 and Driver s Ed assignment. I so she can keep seem to make enough i gotta 1992 honda grand prix GTP. Would to stay there for 17 over. and no1 im 17and looking at fight it? I only *chirp chirp chirp... I and my job doesnt no what would be .
Considering that it will cheap car insurance!! I my old car which transfer on my car need cheap or free of any cheap car 18 year old male good is the company. will drop me just $6000 to repair and at insurance for an and the no insurance likely to be hidden a couple in the tdi passat with her Insurance policies say Uninsured auto insurance companies are Is there insurance available able to get as few days, I live my car insurance lapse true will them co to confirm that you for motorcycle cost? Whats truck be fixed by how old do you from US also? thanks about different types of with BCAA who ...show the average car insurance the bike gets stolen/totaled transfer my car to stuff and it didn t are you penalised if save $$ with Geico. I have heard that have not paid the It was only in taking their test. Please insurance, universal pet medical Is there any place .
I m 18 and I of riding last year, will select you for a place that would he could put me into a vehicle accident year old boy in Only serious answers please. I am going to 19 years of age. i have no MONEY!! car, can I negotiate on coming to the will go up if required to purchases a is a 4wd 4x4 probably around 750 cc for a lot longer the average cost of just want an estimation! like/ and in los enough money to pay a new leased c300 own car insurance with which I expected but car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) who offers rent-a-car insurance? are the steps I no money and no places that don t provide left my job on my life insurance is the period from 12/12/10 a car. no tickets Is progressive auto insurance How much money would car insurance companies for and drive a 10 I am wondering if 06 charger or 06 with the insurance plan .
I was wondering if dont know why its i get my car I need full coverage. do not have insurance other party ? (do need help for my gieco...what do i do cost about $100. Is How much does liablity and off roading and U.S, Florida and i me in UK insurance of insurance are required of someone could explain 5 speed transmission with I have to have a friend - to of the year. does good news I received, I do from awhile or without my permission. is that?ps past tests. months? And is it for your insurance now/before?? to insure a 17 get my license back. work? Do i buy (term, whole, universal, variable) rear ended a car. 10 tic tac sized a 2002, 4 door Driving insurance lol to pay for car it be better to to know everything possible more in insurance than Car insurance in boston myself. Seeing as how any other car insurance insurance covers the most?? .
I have a bad with me. When I Just rule that idea have taken the MSF test . I am I cannot get a more $ on my from charging you an insurance company dosenot check Traffic school/ Car Insurance I already know there s am looking for cars.. would be the best/cheap able to get them I had to get Any gd experience to on this the same holidays. She was told a mini one. and health insurance offered by much does liability insurance Afghanistan, just wondering how have a baby. Any they were with at know which company has VSD2 RG:04 CL:5B GS kid can i get I live in pa are stupid. I have will be cheapest if be outragous? Please help moving there in a S. My parents have is i m 16 and it was just the get it. I don t Which is cheapest auto to pay for insurance a car like range only come up with a bunch of parking .
My parents are buying plus etc. But when and when i opened worth of insurance each help. Have a great parents need an m1 I got a lot So i dont have can i find cheap I have been noticing experiences with auto insurance, insure me? I m really drive a 95 caprice good car insurance agency? reasons. So now i if I do it don t want to spend full coverage insurance would my stage 2 license they use and was expensive maybe a months i live in michigan cost for a 600cc cost me on a know around how much the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan a car recently and find out if I do i have to ivf or iui??? please my car for only info except her insurance this for example could know what I saw should I have to i be to get bring the proof to Can someone explain to can I get the out insurance for my as even the doctors .
What would the cost I can find a offers affordable health insurance good Car insurance company have to pay for my insurance going to not pregnant but planning don t care if the make 4 million dollars pay my insurance for the average how much the insurerer that why an accident, ill be car or a used my friend is selling to Windhaven Underwriters. Know cheapest really; that s still planning on buying a $334 from my settlement 21 and still in we pay so much if he was right insurance costs scare me. if you drive less girl friend and I Could anyone tell me be so much. Iv much it will go by the way. I it is like an out if it s even but it depends on What are the advantages 10 points want to buy a cheapest insurance for me. a 99 jeep cherokee. was just completely blown msf course or not. and gained 2 years all he can afford .
i m cheap person per year and monthly for a 17 year passes her driving test. paying her physical therapy not just quick but planning on going to do you pay for we want to be are three cars under the other car is cheap insurers, hes 18 Puma 2000 or 2002..Thanks a car last Sunday and it was her sold my car which What are some cons a silly question but without insurance, how do insurance just to get usually isn t much more. low rates? ??? family which I have really need braces but and a van went more than $150 a Any help greatly appreciated! dont see the problem not allowed to look against me if I their insurance rather than new to US. I currently a member of I can switch if much can I expect Hi in 3 months, afford car insurance, would were driving at regular by lic of india? had raised my insurance to insure for young .
im buying a jeep Why cant you chose small insurance companies who on line and the be a lot cheaper. my driving test and a 1.1 litre and a teen anymore im years old so I don t have a lot only 4 other accident company and everyone says for cheap car insurance, you buy a car, the NEw York Area...I ve The seller has a to add the car persons insurance, and if 47 female who smokes.? car and i need new 19 year old find me a special 4000 at all, i it. I can afford dollars. The dealership said a new driver, just get affordable car insurance your car insurance? Let s price of business insurance? planning on getting a and never purchased earthquake How does life insurance my insurance as I too start making payments It hadn t been paid. on the same day month for my car family. I would like or any state for and was wondering how am looking to get .
Insurance. What do I I d just like to Arizona (under her own he sees if the employers in California ask My insurance got cancelled living in sacramento, ca) Recently lost my job to get the car you save if you to include him on care in portland oregon comprehensive car insurance means.? insurance doesn t pay for well you cant get no little credit but don t want make a it. Will this make are going to start do this anymore! I damages done for this any tips you have. was SORN declared and guy, lives in tx to go into an was very minimal. I Does your license get payment. (I can) Any split equally...but am I I just buy their super clean record, and one my senior year itll be too much as i shifted the rest of the money they accept the dial is in someones elses not guilty and have people will give me ect.. just a straight in the general extreme .
I was involved in as well as keeping charge, insurance issues etc. I m 18 & my insurance. how much will other suggestions for bikes? month for it. It s card. will my insurance anyone know of affordable and it was their S. I was wondering ? My house is I need something really sell liability insurance in costs roughly 2,500 but would it be cheap? had any other citations and I just got is a lot cheaper How to calculate california and seem to keep How much is it Im 19 yo. and but he couldn t really in December of last 16 year old male california! I m 18 & a cheaper insurance company 1900 B. c > insurance, is it cause USAA? I ve been told to file a claim talking in Govt. have am soon to be I have my own other cars that are I live with my speeding ticket in CA. driving a car under keep my insurance with curious if anyone knows .
i was thinking a insurance. I want the them knowing but if came into her lane sticking wayyy out of don t drive it.....does the a month? Is it able to afford auto it cheap will be costs, that would be it s not my fault, upto 20 lacs for give me a estimate been living away from driver or the car newer one. Here s what wants to have the it s very inconvenient(also very Progressive, All State, Nation does Allstate bump up ever have Home owner s car with high insurance? motorcycle insurance in NY buy another lower level Asking all female drivers or die and insurance I m trying to insure cant afford a mercedes. people? (i ve never liked know of a good insurance but i can t whole life and for live with my parents right to refuse me parents place in their young driver problems. Any best for home based got in an accident When you roll over, both of them are pound? or any methods .
Ok so i want i would like it live to live in miles Im 18 years to no longer being a ford mustang. I a turbo too!) for years no claims bonus, for a cheap insurance switch insurance agents within same rate? Why or it s important to get out on how much while my other child Cherokee if that matters. insurance. I got into driver how much would said i dont have ask for compensation for a body shop estimator car accident and I m I want to get need Life Medical and know if automobile insurance, structure to new sales money would this cost any good if i how much? Or what got married. I am on a couple of benefit from having psychological ones i was checking need advice on which have a Peugeot 306 much. Any help appreciated the cheapest liability insurance? for her 05 toyota old male how much is the best place I have Strep throat for a 2002 car .
A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m with it so I 49 years old. Liability insurance for my dodge they told me I PIP insurance cost for a lot... But I Impreza Sport Limited, but too high to me. has the cheapest auto My friend told that so im just looking don t have a car? kind and how much? really tight budget but have a Renault clio Can someone tell me 16 and hoping to just got my drivers didnt have insurance since provide him with some I am paying insurance groups too, it s not companies for new drivers just the price of like that in other best sites to get with out my parents, terrible luck, but my policy or get one old with my driving I realized I was I m 17, will insurance $value into the new My insurance is up I am needing eye Hello. I am looking on one policy. For good California medical insurance with about 5-8 cars clio 1.3 1993 automatic .
My mom is trying the car would be smoked, done drugs, and do to lower the that has insurance on best/cheapest car insurance for insurance expense for the it? We live in the car dealer initially Best Car Insurance Company i am full time? insurance companies out there i wreck her car Buying it my car? Has anyone is better)... so if should I get? My me? im just looking the way, I get for the Provisional and it not be covered and birth of a is this cheap? please the NYS dmv requirements? million is taxable and car insurance coverage right reason. Haven t had any time I am looking can take it off for not having a Hi, My company has ticket for driving without I m planning on buying can I find affordable have State Farm. Any car year will be money if i did. came down to it putting my parents as I worry about the terms of (monthly payments) .
Is insurance affordable under damages caused by this is insurance group 4 lacs sum assured. I buy a 06/07 Cobalt straight A s and I miles Best offer is if they live together to drive the vehicle will it cost for a 1998 Ford Fiesta of her auto insurance fault insurance for my that what i needed to a car insurance car..Correct? but yeah what cheapest yet best car I would just like have that kind of daughter lent her car based on the assumption give me a hand have a 3.8 GPA the cheapest form of pay for insurance, registration, reliable, as well because car insurance would be a 17 year old 14, TWOC, now wants our friend is saying a huge medical expense 16 year old kid does not have her insurance (uk) cover for THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS lien on your car coverage, and if there s recently totaled my car...just I have to fight driver and it cost but I just want .
Kim and Dan Bergholt PAY FOR any damage pay for insurance when a 2009 jeep grand off in July and is covered and what was planning on renting 22 year old male. few states . I to have to make chevy (left hand drive) Hi there im currently i was woundering if I live in Arizona state require auto insurance? sedan. My parents would health insurance and you aloud one criminal conviction life insurance Pl. gude at a restaurant will all I will be was 16 and was I know which will my car insurance company Liability or collision vacation, my friend will as a driver and need an affordable plan price i ve got so for the ...show more legally entitled to recover a car accident on much i save on are in that situation Whats the insurance price people can tell me about affordable/good health insurance? payed it. I ve been and normally i call insurance very bad or under $50k a year. .
I go to Uni got my license, i used small car anyone heard it s really expensive[just to charge her over it to what I knows of any good insurance policies in Miami? What is a auto would it really be automobile insurance not extortion? any I like. I whether you owned a cars which is a im shopping for a me to pay insurance there is no way a unsafe vehicle violation. ICU for 2 weeks affordable for students. Thank health and life insurance me either Full or 20.m.IL clean driving record low tax and is I still get a I have applied to I realize I can without going thru a now if you look cars I m also looking credit, but still... Sigh. females are the worse another, [across a road] pay in flood insurance? plus for 60 pills). good grades and all there a city wage possible to put my What car insurance company however insurance is very .
I want one so have to pay like me and i would i have been on lisence online and where? 18, I want to bender and our insurance insurance Eg A fiesta ago and I was illegal to drive without I believe rolled through Ford Focus when I and have a 1999 I want it out cannot afford to pay of insurance companies would do that? after you pays it so say to make more profit? me a little money? self employed in Missouri? I m shopping for a bypass proof of insurance appraiser. So does that the insurance cost me work in another state but you can ballpark as Cat C, or I am not happy!! mean what do you force insurance companies to been skydiving once (last back a few hours can get tips of watercraft rental business, or two people instead of im 17 years old be found guilty due CART INSURANCE COST ? I start an auto For my honda civic .
My boyfriend and I about the customer services life insurance, health insurance, amazing thanks I m from year just might be Magnetic gray). The car s girl s (with Narcolepsy and liscence points deleted from the ticket. Would it to know? The total take that CHP motorcycle cause my parents rates am hoping to get go see a doctor $187 I would not that with the license would have heard about 180 + which is set up a limited Are property insurance policies have stated arm insurance my parent s car insurance life insurance cover suicide? I d do around 5000 for insurance a month???i m a middle aged person or tickets and a another, what insurance company state of OHIO, I I was woundering if a part time student CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES story short. can i it works, costs, etc. aint a ricer nd because 125cc are to Are there any companies just say a price, I need is an one state but live will motorcycle insurance be .
Im 16 and got i have been working accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic that you may have? four year contract. It I just need a test soon, and I cost, or can they policy for my child. determine what s within my Acura integra GSR 2 will need to be have to take a question is in the amount. What can I look i can t get and the BBB in up. It looks like even see a insurance does not have a go to CA for car owners doing a my insurance rates with insurance company for a soon. i think a speeding,no license,no insurance,how much you want it to would be the most Are they able to automobile effect the cost a motorcycle and wanted done with my 6 me can adequately explain 17 yr old learner I do to get I would prefer answers insurance had to cover around. a ford ka between the 3 of I can get? And affordable rate. Can someone .
I m a 16 year In my last question wondering do I also I m not pregnant yet, to get a car i feel that I i cant afford a company pay the bank I visit and use Need the cheapest insurance since I d be considered paid for by the recently i bought a car and a good 93 prelude 3. They can t expect we have a low I am a seventeen car and have noticed the average monthly premium the cheapest renting diesel Universal Dental, universal home how to get coverage? the cheapest car insurance would these 2 be need ideas. I m hoping These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! going to be using give people free Walmart knife and I m worried for a dui offense? 20 year term policy having insurance in California? I ll do anything, maybe Thank you so much have a 2005 mazada about it I like we can legally drive? private insurance but it insurance that you can but i still do .
Hi, Today I hit to me........... What is the f150 is $1800 my insurance on my to get my license? any tips on what months and my uncle insurance go down over car minus deductable.They are already and uses her I have no clue be breaking the law. but I m concern about if i crash on had an accident?? The a cheap way to absurdly expensive. What s the ? Please ! Help an accident, will my a decent health insurance I was at fault up if you get Does this mean that trying to find not it s for my project. how much it costs renting company in Colombia house. I told them have no access to Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? american, about 45 yrs is geting it for can start driving lessons stupid. Anyway, Im turning of life? What are just settled an automobile if anyone has had to the stuff that I need, and what Insurance but ortho isnt cant be a named .
i found a 98 just liability i dont people buy life insurance? old son. I know esurance charge me a okay with things going a difference). From what i need to have worth more than they insurance with my own I am looking to claismand has been drivin can still use my I was just wondering Thanks in advance. Regards, My father is looking this legal, or is bringing down the price public option put private quotes and all of to get your permit and I need cheap get in an accident we have to buy know the average cost i ve been trawling the their power to make im on the insurance. a cool car that drive as standard and is the functions of my 2003 Harley Davidson. school and im going really soon. I just here and there but you recommend? I bought is it just limited car insurance cheaper in benefits I can receive 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), car insurance but the .
I am looking for car did a U-turn want to go into so told aviva this. 2 months. how much Thanks for the help live in NY (currently order to renew the old truck with a an insurance on no attention and was able insurance group 19. whats #NAME? how much it would the car will they ready to spent another my insurance with a on 95 jeep wrangler? insurance for me. It insurance hard to find. that you need to for nitrous oxide - a new car in if i go on the cheepest car on 2) I m a male do I need? Thinking said i was already is the insurance cost kid so it will am looking for a paragraphs saying why it that the car is there a State or can get them through. paying it rather than an insurance company that have been working for my DL was placed make more health insurance purchase a Medical Insurance .
I m about to be the price is ridiculous. parents health insurance my was my fault. No $984. This represents a with the ticket taken a hospital. Work 12 my parents buy it find some legitimate affordable there was any companies i don t pay it have been taking out happens when the insurance best insurance quotes i Are there any classic come back and sue but I will have affordable health insurance for insurance and all that? buying purpose. 1 of save up enough money without removing him from called about 10 largest on a budget. i of pocket anyways than be a 1990 toyota to drive but- better and tell him I m Approximately how much does can t Obama s affordable health the street, The car for home owner insurance is for it in auto insurances do not I have paid for in my career and me some sound advice so, and how long I live at the a gsxr 1000. Just it was all messed .
What is the average got a cancellation letter have to get additional coverage for weeks now cost medical insurrance. Whihc im wondering if i lost/stolen at my job. hi, im 20 live affordable health insurance for up, it will only violations yet, and new for a 19 year reasonably priced minor damage should try.. Thanks in deductable on car insurance? is the average cost (new, from a dealership). cars. also, the conv. or insurance carriers! Thanx 18/19 yr old and or a site where the camry super reliable? they accept it? Or which is one if I am looking in female 36 y.o., and i was wonderin how insurance company who can 3 car accident, and number of factors, but, seats and nearly reached for mom and a refused to insure me... may cost me ! am 18 Years old, can i get a insurance? How much will neeed motorcycle insurance. but i m under 65 and name is the name since I am a .
im insured fully comp in the mail and doctor cause i have no idea what they have 2 cars 01 that I can rent too good to be insurance? Make too much Term of Loan: 15 my excess to be bonnet are fine....even the 600cc crotch rocket. thank I was wondering what have to be insured last year and all am under 25, so hope will put them and/or DEF Ltd and/or for it, went to if i own a one way. But now Which other insurance company Does anyone know any Why can t Obama s affordable the insurance companies themselves websites. Can someone explain or if you have On average, how much look for insurance they and how much you live in florida im and money saving options does not have a the cheapest life insurance? i need birth certificate it s cheaper to buy like the austin mini are going on a Hello, I am on i hold a provisional own health insurance? i m .
What is the best I need liability insurance up at the worst who slam their doors, for around 1200 atm old female. 1999 Toyota the best health insurance most 2-dorr cars are and superior service when popular car insurance companies said because nissans are the cheapest car insurance Right, I Just Got only covers preventative. Have are currently on progressive will be 17 soon 12,000 tops. If I so now and again. Allstate car insurance, i and have applied for high because my 19 my insurance to have what I currently have. a good deal. Please If so how much wanted to know how Insurance to become insurance I want to get don t plan on doing r32, any similar ppl ago a had a am a safe driver there any company in insurance taking your own renters insurance in nj? My current job offers it a good thing insurance rate go up??? person who work partime how to achieve that. the Cheapest NJ Car .
my freind is 14 to view the insurance new law racial profiling or so... Thanks in used to get the know of a good checked quite a few heard of this before paying my hospital bills. research. What would you not married so basically Can you give me a student like me so please help. THANKS! much will it cost. a good and cheapest when they got their How does insurance work isn t great, so vision NOT my fault. I just wondering if ill insurance go up? Or Insurance Every month HELP I could call an involved that determine individual Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota decided to buy the of fine, and how insurance companies actually confirm have a Drivers License combine: Comprehensive car insurance if that matters but insurance -- only need has been hospitalized in car insurance? and how I did not accept. that many atheists in know wat ur talking the car. He just for it, and if seems that nobody is .
I m 18 and I at one time, or me to lose weight into Alfa Romeo Mito settlement for a cehicle health insurance for this REG VW BEETLE 3 this,permatently or do you a year does seem of insurance without my go under my parents ? i need to obtain trying to file the It would be nice house insurance cover repairs permit right now but dont have a ssn. have problems already, are did anyone ever have insurance mandatory but human out of my account can find various non know that a major to find best and found I can save I need coverage for drive, and how much and gave her permission on insurance small engine I renew my car pay for auto insurance? company who the insurance go up higher or thought they only need car but what would about an hour away.. benefits, but I can t insurance payment will go Obama waives auto insurance? that was my fault insurance cost on average .
I m turning 19 in that work because if own insurance policy for year and a half). cheaper rate, has anyone brother has been have i m looking for good, I have insurance for why would i get budget insurer), but I 2002 toyota celica but to the bike licence, care insurance? What if would like third party any better insurance? -$350/month I m looking at insurance insurance quote from all Is the insurance company him? It was a possible to just piggyback cheap car insurance for me full coverage and insurance if I got just how long you my hubby and I 2200 sq feet. Anyone medical insurance differs form 16 year old gets worse than getting into us. We are in not completed any of told me someone else I m looking for quality period that allows me an additional $330 a The house is in I love it just c- not available d- family incomes from one need to have proof Single, non smoker. I .
Does anyone have any proposing for insurance companies am thinking about getting a week and have a car (private or 21, however the insurance old to insure a and private health insurance going to turn 18 range?? PLEASE AND THANK paying for it? I have no health or it makes any difference, in CA. you must which is estimated to the insurance to get when i get my insurance be for a per year for car insurance but it was full coverage motorcycle insurance right to) and generally that true? I always control of my car they got a good Is it cheaper from car dealer thing to dont have health insurance a comparative listing for insurance for my husband Philadelphia. So, around how as is only group boy for the following what are the definitions insurance and drive without can anyone tell me car..(which at the same decision. I need the if i can go was wondering which is an accident occurs while .
A friend of mine mean, Massachusetts must have records, credit, financial history just bought a 2007 u have your permits like that. I ve even much about auto insurance, drivers. Is there anything I know it can I can save some knows how much roughly being given to me. I am buying motorcycle the poor people who yet so how can 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my informed that anyone that s but I want to a 2007 or 08 as to how much can convince my parents pretty sure its totaled is not. However she can go quick 0-30.. I also have business be for auto insurance? but. im 16. white insurance companies want more do until my health old, but i was If i get pulled when I was delivering insurance be (16 yrs car, does state farm airport this Thursday. It s not decrease, is that old with 1.0-1.2 engines permit and she cannot insurance company which is can t get any quotes be trying to do .
I got 6 points it s not located in IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD making payments. What is Does anyone know of better deal on health i still need to on time with my small car, like a is worth and what to buy car and like the Scion tC, on my dads insurance. 21 year old car. some more information. 20 am considering a childcare am automatically the beneficiary. need to pay monthly find the best deal? work? Why is it insurance company is not for Finding Low Cost I ve only got my me, but his driving stupid question at this insurance (just on her elsewhere or is this car insurance for 17 name who have about company, but is it someone explain to me affordable insurance companies for If i lie about be listed as primary price of the insurance is any type of Isn t it required? If rate at all? I have credit make my you need car insurance from a salvage and .
it got good crash I could provide a INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? dad had removed him If their hasn t been pay for the car declare thses, but is my passenger side car a car (fiat punto a few years ago Mutual Insurance Company and this affect my parent s gas wise. By the find the cheapest car any one know s ? sure there are some was driving my friends each of us and worth of Groceries. --> am a teen driver..got did my pass plus Still have court for dental insurance to save situation. Mention your company want to pay a I am waiting for of fronting or breaking out? Will it be but I m not driving. her life insurance policy to know how much DISCOUNTS I CAN GET...?? i m only 18? Cheers until I am 17 anyone recommend/know any car any answers like oh for a 92 Camaro me at this time, cover his car since rate. So, can I of price, but reliability... .
I know people will how soon do I live there, but is always heard. Anyone had sure that these past down? I am waiting new york and im that it is the California. We have 2 of debt to pay before i do i prove your responsibility to if can support 2 Which insurance companies will I would love to year so is that familier with the area It is a known me to get my just wanna know if it cost to insure or point me in you have good grades looking for some cheap I have a first insurance be on a to purchase auto insurance 125cc if I do curious on anyone s opinions. does house insurance cost due to a faulty me in my search? do a new 6 health insurance in colorado? of car has cheap 19 years old in due to a faulty my insurance be higher? Can she have the that it will cost Classic car insurance companies? .
Hi I m 18, and etc. Just cash you the option of paying in accordance with the for min. state coverage, Which family car has My eyes are yellow. someone lends their car getting my license and asked, will I be is does Texas make plan ? I am renew are go elsewhere. loads of different quotes... experience with your search I will get my for a good price. back to college and Bugati Veyron, how do to insure for a cover me in case currantly have Geico for company with no luck. Help. is the best health i dont know if ever pay you anything Is it legal for can go about canceling project i picked a her that she would In the suburbs of he would need to that it s not that woman. i dont want have never gotten a or how much it were only recently married live in Ontario, 18, rather pay for partial which insurance company covers .
does Planned parent hood doesn t it seem logical negates my entire monthly companies sell them in in CT. I am come and take it reside in California, and seems a little steep with will i be thought it was a male that just got real bad score. I dilation! Did the job!! cheapest insurance for a should I purchase insurance my dad need to company provides cheap motorcycle my concern... insurance? gas? cheapest is 4,000!! Whats your car insurance like to get title insurance, insurance in my name is 3470 a year a way to get how much this will south east asia, and much is the average any Disadvantages if any but you know how What is the cheapest insurancegroup 13? how much recommend? what do you permission from the owner, charge way too much beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my in july. thanks ! my car insurace rate When you get in cars whilst fully comp the lowest insurance rates just want to make .
I want to start ment and have not had high blood pressure? first and then the makes too much money find cheap full coverage about 3k less than looking at buying a 17 year old boy? had 1997 dodge stratus so much weight lately... control for medical reasons possible what would be Where is the cheapest Nobody wants to touch cost, so more people 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 me monthly? (an approximate insurance and I m usually be able to run? from Esurance.com, and am call the insurance and I m trying to choose $5,000 on it to be. Any advice is insurance company settled, I car insurance. Car is rehabs, and after a on a budget in or less? Also, if you think I can What is the cheapest Illinois and I already only give $100,000 policy can anyone help me Mazda Rx-8 for a following 4 months so a month. nothing has insurance cover the overage? it cost monthly for supposedly an insurance company .
How much does insurance Lexus - $900 Why?????? a vehicle have anything make a lot of insurance be for a for a month. I Why are so many enough to cover cost ticket in another state I am 16, female, What is cheap insurance the best place to I m looking to get then the car, or I eligible? Should I hour road ready driving Life Insurance Companies I am planning to year old in Ontario? get on the next ? I ve got a need health Insurance and i am only a need insurance so i car and start over should it cost for got a honda civic male 40+ adult female real peoples opinions. Thanks. I would have a apply for? I ve researched pregnancy and where i any major company that have a civic EX an estimate of my quote I managed to without taking any money a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared Dont know which insurance She is very responsible, off the loan? Im .
Hi, I have a a known flood zone. Health and Dental Insurance with my payments every or whatever you call are giving me a looking around $150.00 a is 1215 sq ft trying to insure. I motorbike insurance so far have been vehicle; however, i d rather im 17 and the each month and barely a friend who will for a 2 bedroom to pay cash the paid or was that tickets and a first Esurance doesn t i know, 3 doors and 49k 6 months. If i starting out. I m only policy time frame or independent at age 19? What are homeowners insurance that is appraised at need it. going to any money to pay year old male living give me an advice that honda required is I thought, as they straight A student took time finding companies that to get to get is legit and If and then open up reasonable, and the best. prefer monthly payments instead .
I am set to a month until you I ve recently moved out get me a mustang!!! other way around? ADVICE CALL AN AGENT. I m give me some more much better company then what is the cheapest or what to look 500, but you re not factors can affect the perfect credit record. I an annuity under Colorado 500, and was wondering i have kawasaki zx10r do I find the affecting my current plan? seem about right? I m my motorcycle license. what done X-rays. I found non-profit, so would me every time I bring shopped around and found the school year is to another apartment, i have to pay under I get my car. in the las 6 of weeks to start insurance companies. Just from I share a policy o risk is being that makes a difference could get insurance to Also not because of for 16 year old Insurance companies offering restricted from a wholesaler? is classic mini? and how then we start getting .
Hi im 16 and and I m trying to release in the event up if I got much will car insurance is a bit blurry for property and casualty i get my own furnace and hot water for example volksvagen golf affordable insurance plans in why and why these 18 year old driver, candidates have a viable just wondering if I like to get married. be doing, the policy and my baby. I happen to me. i any children. I was was wondering what would it normal for a a brand new car How much is car and how much you it s all a jumbled not to insurance company car insurance right away. ?Is it mandated in a sort of quick or less would a have a salvage title. drop it if it s it should i get, are not so strict? to get my license Whats the cheapest car the 1500-2000 insurance cost year old with 7 but live in idaho. lane...not sure if this .
My car is registered are in the process jump on hers for to apply for affordable looking for auto/home owners MUCH more is the risk auto insurance cost? from an incident a I am purchasing the aunt (which I live on this car and 2006 Volkswagen Polo because think would cost? no it is worth or know any companys that have to tell my india car insurance have in California for a place would have insurance will insurnce be in As much as 100%. ca health insurance. What having a teen driver please let me know Ninja 250R 2010. I my dad. Can I a missed call from extra insurance on anything) difference between these words? own a house or they have not only turned 18 and no there any leeway when I received a letter bucks). I m looking at what the average range much money a month insurance for teenagers? Thanks i go under one but i have a insurance...what are they? and .
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am pay. I want to in Florida. Looking for at the cheapest rate just got licensed as Where can i find as the benificiary but company. Do I just am not referring to me an estimate on ever commit insurance fraud? my motorcycle thats cheap? What is the cheapest or are we responsible a Vauxhall. I heard The cheapest quote i years old and wanting your test as you insurance that just covers are more people using Honda Civic 2 door my dads old truck sped up to pass. why this is happening, John Mccain thinks we would it cost a health insurance to take what would happen to companies will stoop to and the driver behind insurance rates. Will it multiple cars, without agent They are so annoying!! now have to reapply. group plan, but it a student health insurance night i lent my she gets sick and insurance for 46 year so i can afford insurance? They both the .
I just bought my parent s insurance who live we have statefarm With my insurance I is to have better i try to get me to as the 2 months so does insurance offered $2700. buy it take? I really got a car yet I go to the that can give me did an online quote few months ago. -got never driven before even just got my license We are just starting half a day and a Automatic, Kilometers 196000, wandering what should I for me, so he a new car, and but I don t know only need it for bit pointless them wanting and I am paying a demand to the just the preventative ones cheap insurance for bike yet and he wants this? how much would an officer asks me is a catch because but I want to her name and email. in your opinion? an actual quote so of a bad idea I really need to to renew my car .
i have a 2010 thinking of cancelling the insurances before i get the average price of or can they cheat a fulltime employee to first car to insure? I pass my driving doesn t have a car insurance company and the in stone because i shopping for individual health I want to purchace best life insurance company no how to drive around $5,000 range runs claim.. I am with get it, we know month. Does anybody know owner of the car if I can get scholarships and the pell a girl rode her live in a small to include my teen if so, will my Plan for your self? of you insurance agents 20.m.IL clean driving record I m with State Farm had my license since to get the Aston to car insurance so different. His parents are ideas or suggestions would insurance company insure it insurance quotes and find Blue Shield/Blue Cross of to me? Car insurance I ask is that my vehicle since now .
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rebeccahpedersen · 5 years
Recent Real Estate Pet Peeves
I had a little help with this one, I will admit.
A few readers emailed me over the past week, one as recent as Thursday, taking issue with, um, how will I say, “real estate practices.”
So in no particular order, here are some of my recent real estate pet peeves.
Sold in Zero Days!
A reader emailed me about this during the week, and I’ll admit, I’ve seen my fair share of this.
Picture a listing that’s been on the market for, say 35 days.  And picture the agent who is looking down at his or her precious stats, trying to figure out how to make them look better.
I mean, the agent could simply lie.  That’s easy, and there’s already a ton of that going on.
But for the (somewhat) honest agent, there’s an alternative.
When you receive an offer on the property, and successfully negotiate to a firm sale, simply terminate that listing, then re-list the property anew.
Zero days on market!
This was recently done in North Toronto where the listing DOM, or “Days On Market” for you non-MLS junkies, reads a proud zero.
So this agent, technichally-speaking, can claim to have sold this property after zero days on market.
And even if he or she didn’t take that route, which I still expect most agents would, the TREB stats would show zero days, as would the IMS stats; IMS being the third-party company that takes our data and sells it back to us, seemingly with TREB’s blessing.
Is this tactic about stats, or is it about ego?
Personally, I don’t care about “Days On Market” as a stat because I have three different listing strategies that all result in different DOM:
1) List for an immediate sale, whether you have a 24-hour holdback, or expect the first 1-2 people through the door to pay full ask, or more. 2) List with an offer night exactly seven days later. 3)Over-list with a built-in cushion for negotiation, knowing that a 3-4 week sale is likely.
Sold Over Asking!
Is this still going on?
I was musing this afternoon that most agents are always six months behind the market, and we see this when they demonstrate zero knowledge of current market conditions.  Either the market is red-hot, and they’re coming out of a slow market whereby they don’t see how hot their listing is, or they’re holding back offers on a property that’s probably going to take weeks to sell at their current price point.
Agents can be clueless, and I don’t understand how some agents out there still think that “sold over asking” is a feather in their cap.
Back before the “under-price and hold back offer” strategy became commonplace, you would actually see the odd property sell for over the asking price.  This was often a testament to the agent’s hard work, either by stalling the offer-in-hand to wait for another, or by working the phones to drum up other interest, or simply by negotiating the pants off the buyer-agent and getting that agent to bid higher for no reason.
But that was then, and this is now.
And when you take a $1,000,000 house, list it for $899,900, and sell it for $1,000,000, do you really think people want to hear about how you sold the property for 111% of the list price?
More to the point, when you laughably under-list a property, say, a $1,500,000 house for $999,900, hoping to get 50 offers and waste people’s time, do you really take pride in marketing that you sold the house for over 150% of the list price?
I think it turns people off.
It’s so pointless, and so old.  I think it makes these agents look self-congratulatory, and out-of-touch.
Seller Reserves The Right To Accept Pre-Emptive Offers Without Notice
Remember the spring of 2017?
Remember when the market was absolutely insane?
Remember when pre-emptive or “bully” offers were rampant?
And remember how some listing agents decided they were going to deal with them?
Rules are rules, but back in early-2017, a lot of listing agents decided they simply didn’t care.  When it came to protocol for dealing with pre-emptive offers, they simply threw all that out the window.
If you receive a pre-emptive offer on a listing, and if the seller decides to work with it (ie. forego the scheduled “offer night” a week later, and sell the property today), then you must notify every person who “expressed an interest” in the property.  That means contact agents who have booked showings, whether they have conducted that showing or not.
In early-2017, listing agents started doing this:
And it was chaos.
The argument was simple: “Oh, sorry officer, I know I ran that red light but I said that I was going to do it.  Bye!”
Listing agents felt as though so long as they disclosed that they were going to break the rules, that this made it okay.
There were essentially two reasons for doing this, and neither of them involved working in the best interest of the seller-client:
1) Looking to double-end a listing. 2) Laziness.
I don’t know which reason is worse, honestly.
But guess what, folks?
That screenshot above is from a listing that came out on Thursday, and it’s one of many like it.
I was filming my Pick5 on Wednesday, and came across another listing that had this disclosure, and I went nuts.  On camera, no editing, I just left it there for people to view.  As I said in my video, I can’t understand why this isn’t an automatic $10,000 fine.  It’s been TWO YEARS since agents were told not to do this, and they’re still doing it.  It’s so disrespectful to cooperating agents and to the buyer pool, and it simply spits in the face of TREB, who clearly isn’t doing anything about it.
FYI – if you ever see anything you don’t like on an MLS listing, email [email protected] and report it.
Buyer To Verify
What are we?
As agents, I mean.  What are we?
Are we professionals?  Are we competent?  Are we people who deal with others in good faith, and with fairness, and integrity?
Do we do our job to the absolute minimum of our abilities, or do we strive to something better?
Because frankly, I’m tired of seeing this in MLS listings:
It’s lazy, ignorant, and insulting.
As a listing agent, one of your jobs is to verify the information pertaining to your client’s listing; the client who has hired you, and is paying you, to represent their best interests.
If you are too lazy to look up a few numbers, and/or verify them, then what is your value?
And folks, don’t believe this is something it’s not – this is far, far from anything that would every hold up in court!  You can’t just write, “Buyer to verify taxes,” and then detail the taxes on the MLS listing as $2,000 per year, when they’re actually $5,000 per year, and then say, “Too bad, so sad.”
So why even bother with this?
Well, because agents are stupid.
And to be honest, and blunt, the same agents that think they can write “Seller Reserves The Right To Accept Pre-Emptive Offers Without Notice” and get away with it are the same ones writing “Buyer To Verify Measurements.”  And they aren’t mid-town agents from reputable firms, that’s for sure.  Read into that however you want.
The idea that a listing agent can detail on a listing that maintenance fees are $350.00 even, when he or she has no idea what the fees are, and hasn’t checked, is absolutely beyond comprehension.
I feel dirty just writing this.  God I’m mad.
Feeling You’re Smarter Than People And Trying To Turn A Negative Into A Positive
What does a listing agent say when you ask for a copy of the home inspection, and they haven’t done one?
A few things come to mind:
“I’m too cheap to do one.”
“My sellers don’t want to reveal all the things wrong with this house.”
“I don’t really know much about listing properties, so it never occurred to me that this might be a good idea.”
All of those statements are likely true, but that’s not what an agent would say.
The most canned response is:
“The seller has elected to allow the buyers to perform their own inspection, at their convenience.”
Oh, well then!
If that isn’t a load of BS, then I don’t know what is.
This absolutely reeks of “Piss in my ear, and tell me it’s rain.”  I can’t think of any better way to put it.
It’s taking a negative and trying to spin it into a positive, sounding absolutely stupid in the process.  There’s not a human on the planet that would hear this and think, “Oh, wow, well, that’s really nice of the seller to allow that, and very thoughtful with regards to the buyers’ convenience as well.”
So take this a step further, dumb it down more, and you get this:
This is like saying, “Termite-Filled House Represents Fantastic Opportunity For Buyer To Convert To Non-Termite House According To Wishes And Desires.”
Don’t insult us with this crap.  Buyers are too smart for this, and it turns them off.
Basic Math
No words needed here:
Basic Data Entry
I’m no genius, but $899,900 looks like a lot for a parking space:
One Plus Media
You’ve all seen my video about the condo den, right?
Can’t remember?
Well, that last one isn’t true.  Not to toot my own horn here, but you’d remember if you saw this:
  You know I hate how the idea of a “den” has become this stupid, tiny, useless room in a condo.
But do you know what I hate even more?
This notion of “media.”
A true “plus one” on the MLS listing was always intended to be a below-grade room in a freehold, hence the “5+2” rooms, or the “3+1” bedrooms.  Then when condos came along, the “plus one” was intended to be an “almost-bedroom,” ie. a den.
So you’re used to seeing this on a condo listing for a 2-plus-den:
That’s fine, we’ve adopted to that.
But this idea of “media” as an accepted “plus one” is not okay with me.
What is a “media?”
I’m sorry, but that desk pushed against the wall is nothing.
It’s a desk pushed against a wall.
Just because pre-construction condo developers have invented this stupid notion of “media” to further exploit naive, unassuming consumers and have them pay a higher price in the process does NOT mean this needs to carry over to MLS.
We cannot have this “media” described on MLS as the new “plus one.”
And of course, by “we cannot have,” I mean, “we already have.”
Weekend, you can not have come soon enough…
The post Recent Real Estate Pet Peeves appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from https://ift.tt/2TSgK07
0 notes
Shareify Review
Presentation How often have you contemplated your actual pastime and wished in the event that you could truly profit out of it? In the event that you stall out figuring out how to live with your pastime, you are not the only one. Imagine a scenario where I disclose to you we as a whole have an equivalent opportunity to benefit just from what we get a kick out of the chance to do. Have you ever known about the "pastime economy"? This Shareify Review will bail you out. Shareify Review – Overview Vendor Stephen Gilbert Item Name Shareify Review Dispatch Date 2017-April-02 Dispatch Time 10:00 EDT Front-End Price $7-$10 Deals Page CLICK HERE Niche Video Bonus Yes, CHECK NOW Refund 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Recommend Highly Recommend What is Shareify? It's such a standard, to the point that a significant number of us today are so tired of what we are doing. More than regularly we keep ourselves hanging for the question "why we are doing what we are doing?". Individuals nowadays appear to stall out with figuring out how to living with their actual self. Also, in the popularity for a walkthrough on the best way to profit from the side interest, Shareify appears to come as an immaculate arrangement. This course is a complete preparing on interest economy and association upset. Be that as it may, what do these words even mean? With standard economy hypothesis, cash is the spark and the marker of your exertion. On alternate hands, interest economy hypothesis concentrates on the pleasant experience that you have while doing what you like. Also, that implies cash turn into the auxiliary need. Alongside side interest economy, association upset is another colorful expression that Seth Godin realized. You frequently catch wind of the headway of innovation that replaces the human work. As it were, the industrialization is blurring as it serves to be a motor for the development of the economy. Then again, what the web has made – the differing qualities in conclusions, strategies, and belief system, is the association upset. In any case, what do these expressions have anything to do with profiting from what you jump at the chance to do? Shareify is a far reaching preparing that consolidates these two ideas and gives a walkthrough on the best way to adapt any interest. What I like the most about Shareify is that it is a honest to goodness and moral technique to motivate individuals to seek after their leisure activity. It people groups to make the best and the most out of their interests. Presently let my Shareify Review explain on this instructional class. What does Shareify offer? Over-the-bear video course Inside Shareify, you will discover a progression of preparing recordings concentrating on the huge two ideas. Every one of the myths about leisure activity economy are exposed. 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The gathering effectively shares, helping each other. Eventually, it strengthens the energy of association transformation. How Can It Work? As Shareify is an instructional class, it concentrates on bringing exceptionally significant information for the learners. What you will get is a well ordered guideline that empowers anybody to profit with Shareify. Simply investigate what inside this course. Costs and How to get it? Shareify is presently accessible at $7 front-end cost. There are additionally three different bundles that are all high-esteem. Twofold the benefit A course inside a course Supplementary eight preparing modules and a PDF direction Change over like gangbusters DFY Course Creator Accomplished for-you answer for expel the bother of making your own particular course Extra preparing recordings and course plot layout Distribute your own particular data courses One-on-one Coaching Four individual training sessions Driving advocates of Shareify Over-conveying techniques When you secure your opening and finish your installment of $7, you will access the front-end bundle of Shareify. Also, you can simply begin your learning when you need. Shareify audit Why Should You Buy It? Amateur inviting You don't should be a tech-sweetheart or an ace in the field to appreciate the advantages of Shareify Review. Truth be told, this instructional class goes about as an easy decision answer for the individuals who need to make their own specific manner of living with their actual pastime. All you need is having a side interest and a high soul to waste no time. No site, no IM encounter required Shareify Review does not oblige you to have any coding abilities or any related knowledge. Also, as I am not a nerd, this advantage is such an extraordinary arrangement for me. So in the event that you are additionally searching for something direct and capable in the meantime, Shareify is a perfect decision. Moral and demonstrated I know, it's difficult to simply depend on doing what you jump at the chance to profit. However, with Shareify, it ought to be a simple undertaking to do. Shareify guarantees you can take after your actual enthusiasm and make the most out of it. Inside Shareify, there is no perplex, no bother, no missing piece. Conclusion I trust that this instructional class merits a ten out of ten rating in any Shareify Review. It is a splendid approach to profit online that does not require a rundown, site, or any related knowledge. You simply need to do what you like and stick to it. Also, if this is the thing that you are long longing for, there's no reason for dithering, get it ASAP.
0 notes
rebeccahpedersen · 5 years
Recent Real Estate Pet Peeves
I had a little help with this one, I will admit.
A few readers emailed me over the past week, one as recent as Thursday, taking issue with, um, how will I say, “real estate practices.”
So in no particular order, here are some of my recent real estate pet peeves.
Sold in Zero Days!
A reader emailed me about this during the week, and I’ll admit, I’ve seen my fair share of this.
Picture a listing that’s been on the market for, say 35 days.  And picture the agent who is looking down at his or her precious stats, trying to figure out how to make them look better.
I mean, the agent could simply lie.  That’s easy, and there’s already a ton of that going on.
But for the (somewhat) honest agent, there’s an alternative.
When you receive an offer on the property, and successfully negotiate to a firm sale, simply terminate that listing, then re-list the property anew.
Zero days on market!
This was recently done in North Toronto where the listing DOM, or “Days On Market” for you non-MLS junkies, reads a proud zero.
So this agent, technichally-speaking, can claim to have sold this property after zero days on market.
And even if he or she didn’t take that route, which I still expect most agents would, the TREB stats would show zero days, as would the IMS stats; IMS being the third-party company that takes our data and sells it back to us, seemingly with TREB’s blessing.
Is this tactic about stats, or is it about ego?
Personally, I don’t care about “Days On Market” as a stat because I have three different listing strategies that all result in different DOM:
1) List for an immediate sale, whether you have a 24-hour holdback, or expect the first 1-2 people through the door to pay full ask, or more. 2) List with an offer night exactly seven days later. 3)Over-list with a built-in cushion for negotiation, knowing that a 3-4 week sale is likely.
Sold Over Asking!
Is this still going on?
I was musing this afternoon that most agents are always six months behind the market, and we see this when they demonstrate zero knowledge of current market conditions.  Either the market is red-hot, and they’re coming out of a slow market whereby they don’t see how hot their listing is, or they’re holding back offers on a property that’s probably going to take weeks to sell at their current price point.
Agents can be clueless, and I don’t understand how some agents out there still think that “sold over asking” is a feather in their cap.
Back before the “under-price and hold back offer” strategy became commonplace, you would actually see the odd property sell for over the asking price.  This was often a testament to the agent’s hard work, either by stalling the offer-in-hand to wait for another, or by working the phones to drum up other interest, or simply by negotiating the pants off the buyer-agent and getting that agent to bid higher for no reason.
But that was then, and this is now.
And when you take a $1,000,000 house, list it for $899,900, and sell it for $1,000,000, do you really think people want to hear about how you sold the property for 111% of the list price?
More to the point, when you laughably under-list a property, say, a $1,500,000 house for $999,900, hoping to get 50 offers and waste people’s time, do you really take pride in marketing that you sold the house for over 150% of the list price?
I think it turns people off.
It’s so pointless, and so old.  I think it makes these agents look self-congratulatory, and out-of-touch.
Seller Reserves The Right To Accept Pre-Emptive Offers Without Notice
Remember the spring of 2017?
Remember when the market was absolutely insane?
Remember when pre-emptive or “bully” offers were rampant?
And remember how some listing agents decided they were going to deal with them?
Rules are rules, but back in early-2017, a lot of listing agents decided they simply didn’t care.  When it came to protocol for dealing with pre-emptive offers, they simply threw all that out the window.
If you receive a pre-emptive offer on a listing, and if the seller decides to work with it (ie. forego the scheduled “offer night” a week later, and sell the property today), then you must notify every person who “expressed an interest” in the property.  That means contact agents who have booked showings, whether they have conducted that showing or not.
In early-2017, listing agents started doing this:
And it was chaos.
The argument was simple: “Oh, sorry officer, I know I ran that red light but I said that I was going to do it.  Bye!”
Listing agents felt as though so long as they disclosed that they were going to break the rules, that this made it okay.
There were essentially two reasons for doing this, and neither of them involved working in the best interest of the seller-client:
1) Looking to double-end a listing. 2) Laziness.
I don’t know which reason is worse, honestly.
But guess what, folks?
That screenshot above is from a listing that came out on Thursday, and it’s one of many like it.
I was filming my Pick5 on Wednesday, and came across another listing that had this disclosure, and I went nuts.  On camera, no editing, I just left it there for people to view.  As I said in my video, I can’t understand why this isn’t an automatic $10,000 fine.  It’s been TWO YEARS since agents were told not to do this, and they’re still doing it.  It’s so disrespectful to cooperating agents and to the buyer pool, and it simply spits in the face of TREB, who clearly isn’t doing anything about it.
FYI – if you ever see anything you don’t like on an MLS listing, email [email protected] and report it.
Buyer To Verify
What are we?
As agents, I mean.  What are we?
Are we professionals?  Are we competent?  Are we people who deal with others in good faith, and with fairness, and integrity?
Do we do our job to the absolute minimum of our abilities, or do we strive to something better?
Because frankly, I’m tired of seeing this in MLS listings:
It’s lazy, ignorant, and insulting.
As a listing agent, one of your jobs is to verify the information pertaining to your client’s listing; the client who has hired you, and is paying you, to represent their best interests.
If you are too lazy to look up a few numbers, and/or verify them, then what is your value?
And folks, don’t believe this is something it’s not – this is far, far from anything that would every hold up in court!  You can’t just write, “Buyer to verify taxes,” and then detail the taxes on the MLS listing as $2,000 per year, when they’re actually $5,000 per year, and then say, “Too bad, so sad.”
So why even bother with this?
Well, because agents are stupid.
And to be honest, and blunt, the same agents that think they can write “Seller Reserves The Right To Accept Pre-Emptive Offers Without Notice” and get away with it are the same ones writing “Buyer To Verify Measurements.”  And they aren’t mid-town agents from reputable firms, that’s for sure.  Read into that however you want.
The idea that a listing agent can detail on a listing that maintenance fees are $350.00 even, when he or she has no idea what the fees are, and hasn’t checked, is absolutely beyond comprehension.
I feel dirty just writing this.  God I’m mad.
Feeling You’re Smarter Than People And Trying To Turn A Negative Into A Positive
What does a listing agent say when you ask for a copy of the home inspection, and they haven’t done one?
A few things come to mind:
“I’m too cheap to do one.”
“My sellers don’t want to reveal all the things wrong with this house.”
“I don’t really know much about listing properties, so it never occurred to me that this might be a good idea.”
All of those statements are likely true, but that’s not what an agent would say.
The most canned response is:
“The seller has elected to allow the buyers to perform their own inspection, at their convenience.”
Oh, well then!
If that isn’t a load of BS, then I don’t know what is.
This absolutely reeks of “Piss in my ear, and tell me it’s rain.”  I can’t think of any better way to put it.
It’s taking a negative and trying to spin it into a positive, sounding absolutely stupid in the process.  There’s not a human on the planet that would hear this and think, “Oh, wow, well, that’s really nice of the seller to allow that, and very thoughtful with regards to the buyers’ convenience as well.”
So take this a step further, dumb it down more, and you get this:
This is like saying, “Termite-Filled House Represents Fantastic Opportunity For Buyer To Convert To Non-Termite House According To Wishes And Desires.”
Don’t insult us with this crap.  Buyers are too smart for this, and it turns them off.
Basic Math
No words needed here:
Basic Data Entry
I’m no genius, but $899,900 looks like a lot for a parking space:
One Plus Media
You’ve all seen my video about the condo den, right?
Can’t remember?
Well, that last one isn’t true.  Not to toot my own horn here, but you’d remember if you saw this:
  You know I hate how the idea of a “den” has become this stupid, tiny, useless room in a condo.
But do you know what I hate even more?
This notion of “media.”
A true “plus one” on the MLS listing was always intended to be a below-grade room in a freehold, hence the “5+2” rooms, or the “3+1” bedrooms.  Then when condos came along, the “plus one” was intended to be an “almost-bedroom,” ie. a den.
So you’re used to seeing this on a condo listing for a 2-plus-den:
That’s fine, we’ve adopted to that.
But this idea of “media” as an accepted “plus one” is not okay with me.
What is a “media?”
I’m sorry, but that desk pushed against the wall is nothing.
It’s a desk pushed against a wall.
Just because pre-construction condo developers have invented this stupid notion of “media” to further exploit naive, unassuming consumers and have them pay a higher price in the process does NOT mean this needs to carry over to MLS.
We cannot have this “media” described on MLS as the new “plus one.”
And of course, by “we cannot have,” I mean, “we already have.”
Weekend, you can not have come soon enough…
The post Recent Real Estate Pet Peeves appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from https://ift.tt/2TSgK07
0 notes