#im too lazy to fix the clipping sorry :x
hiddenspriings · 9 months
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engaged 💍
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kmelanin · 6 years
wolf/ceo au|| monsta x
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A/n: Im not sure how I like this, and Im toooooo lazy to restart. Soooo here it is, if you like it then good hahahaha.
“Multi-Billionaire weapon maker YN/YL has just announced her collaboration with Madam Annie the luxury designer that has made the famous Meta Cars. Together they are in the process of making personal luxury weapon, so that you can protect yourself at all times. Right now, they are not for sale, and only available for the people can afford them and have third level training. The basic model will be priced at around five hundred thousand dollars-” You turned off the tv that hung on the left wall of your office. You walked around the glass coffee table and set the remote down and taking a seat on the black couch. You smiled to yourself, reciting some of the words you just heard on tv.
When Madam Annie called you one day asking to collab on some guns, you were excited. She paid you 2.4 million to collab under her name. You agreed as long as you had some of your own blueprints and her designs for your own release. What the world didn't know, was that Madam Annie was actually Madam Annafelle, a witch. At the speed and precision her Meta Car has, there is no way in hell it would even be possible to do without magick.
Together you both came up with the Sun Weaponry. It helps the wolves fight against Vampires. You had a full agreement with the witches and wolves. Well obviously if you were creating weapons with a witch for wolves. You also grew up with werewolves for twelve years.
You stood up and smoothed out your skirt and looked at yourself in the mirror that was on the wall. You saw that you had a appointment with four wolves. They supposably begged for it, so you accepted, wondering why they needed this appointment so badly.
You walked out of your office, passing the empty secretary desk in front of your office. You walk pass all of your employees eyes that were staring you down. Your eyes stayed forward, and you walk strong. You couldn't help it, you were raised to be strong.
You enter the meeting room, and you eyes see four men sitting side by side on one side of the long table. When they see you come in, they quickly stand up and bow.
“Hello, I am Yn. But I guess you know, since you've asked to talk to me personally.” You say walking over to a seat across from them. You all sit down. You could feel how strong their presence was. They all were broad shouldered, and thick, but in muscle.
“Hello, My name is Sohn Hyunwoo.” The first one said, he had short brown hair unlike the other men. His brows were strong, and his skin was golden.
“I'm Lee Hoseok, or Wonho.” The one next to him says. His hair was almost a burnt orange brown. His hair was a lot more paler than Hyunwoo. He also had a lip ring on his bottom lip.
“I'm Chae Hyungwon.” The next one says, his hair was straight, and dark brown. His hair was cut in a like a bowl cut, but a little messy. His lips were delicious looking. You looked to the last expecting him to introduce himself, but he doesn't. Instead he just stares at you. His eyes glow red as his eyes lowers. You couldn't take your eyes away.
“Yah!” Hoseok says clapping his hands making everyone but Hyunwoo jump.
“Mi-an-hae mi-nan-hae” (i'm sorry) He bows his head a little, when he looks back up his eyes were back to normal. “My name is Lee Jooheon.”  His hair was longer than the rest. It was dark and curly. It went over his eyes a little. Which made the whole glowing eyes things even more creepier.
“I am sorry about him. But we are desperate.” Hyunwoo says bringing your eyes to him. “As you know we are wolves. We have no pack. We made peace with the town's Alpha already. We were given a apartment, but we need a job to pay for rent and our other needs.” he finishes with a nod.
“Okay? So go find a job. What makes you think I would just hire you because you asked?” You ask looking at all of them, but avoid Jooheon’s, because you already felt his eyes looking at you.
“When we were apart of our old pack we were the top fighters. We are trained to deal with all types of weapons.” Hyungwon blurts out.
“Yea, we are also pretty built. I seen that you have nobody modeling your weapons. We could use them for advertisement instead of the animations.” Wonho says. You frown at his words. You always had thoughts of using actual people, but you were nervous. You didn't want anyone to get hurt. You couldn't have humans do it, they were only sold the three basic models. But you had larger, bigger weapons made for wolves in all forms.
“Once again, you think i'm going to hire you, just because you tell me you are trained for this. Then you think i'm going to ever let you touch the weapons?” You were entertained to say the least.
“We just need this job Miss. I know you don't believe us, but anything will do. We can start small and work our way up, we can prove it to you.” Hyunwoo says leaning forward. It was then you noticed how put together they were. They all had all black on. Their hair looked nice and clean, their faces were so clear.
But then a little thought came to your head. You knew you wanted to hire them. You just had your doubts. You were taught to always help ones in need and you knew they needed help.
You sighed.
“Fine.” You say. It was almost like a chain reaction. One at a time you watched as they realized that you said yes.
“Really?” Hyungwon asks starting to smile. You nod again. You stand up.
“Follow me.” You say and walk out of the room. You walk into the cubicles and go to the center. You see some workers standing at the vending machine and one sitting down.
You look back and see the four followed right behind. All of their hands were behind their backs.
“Names?” You ask the two workers. They looked really nervous.
“Um, I'm Kia.” The lady says. She was a redhead with lots of freckles.
“I'm Dennis” The man says. He was black and bald.
“I need you to quickly go over what this business is, and tell them what you do.”  They both nod at your words and you turn back to the four.
“Be nice, they’re human.” You say softly. You look at all of them, then your eyes connect with Jooheon.
“Jooheon, come with me.” You say and you both walk back to your office.
Once you get into the your office, you walk back to your desk and take a seat. You watch as Jooheon shuts the door and sits down in the chair in front of your desk.
“You Jooheon will be my PA.” You smile and get out a couple of your hard copy job application. You take one and a clipboard and hand it to him. “ Take these to your friends, then come back and sit on the couch, fill that out, so I can get your general information.”
“Your PA?” He asks surprised. “I think maybe you should get one of the other guys. I do-”
“First you look at me like i'm crazy, your wolf fighting to come out. Then you reject the job position I offer?” You question him. You didn't understand him at all. “It seems like your wolf is a little out of control, and it's okay. I know around strangers it can get a little frisky, but that's why I thought this position would be good.
“My wolf is in perfect control.” he mutters frowning a little.
“Then what? You don't like me? You don't know me.” You were gaining frustrated with this man. He doesn't answer. Instead he looks down closing his eyes, but not before you caught a glimpse of his eyes glowing again.
“Look, either take this position, or all four of you don't have a job. I don't have time to play around.” You say standing up. He quickly nods taking the clip board with his application.
“You go sit on the couch, I'll take these to the others.” You say, and leave out of the door. You walk back to where you left the others, in the middle of all the cubicles. You found them all sitting in chairs in a row, as Kia and Dennis talk and explain different things to them. The three men just nod keeping eye contact with them both.
You cleared your throat causing all of them to freeze and look over.
“Hello, how much have you told them?” You ask looking over to Kia and Dennis.
“We were just finishing up ma’am.” Dennis says.
“What? Really?? That fast.” You were surprised that they actually went over everything that quickly.
“Yes, all they asked was for us to talk clearly, and they picked it up pretty fast.” Kia says smiling towards you.
“Well perfect. I need you all to fill this job applications out, so Dennis here can put in your basic information.” You handed them out, and Kia handed clipboards out. “After that, Hyungwon and Hoseok, you are going to start working with Dennis, and help him to whatever he needs you to do. He is a Data Filer. He files paperwork, hence the name. Hyunwoo, are you good with numbers?” You ask. He nods quickly and you smile. “Good, you are going with Kia to deal with the numbers. If you all do good, you will slowly rise and make more money. Good luck.” You smile and walk back to your office.
When you walk in, you found Jooheon sitting back in the chair he was in before. You sit back in your chair and look up at him. He looks at you too, but he quickly looks down. He grabs the clipboard and hands it to you. You put it in the pile of folders you had to give to Dennis. Or well, now Jooheon will give it to him.
“So Mr. Jooheon. You will be by my side until either you quit, I fire you, or until I say. You will have your own desk right outside my office. I’ll get you a laptop and everything else you need. But you will keep track of all of my meetings, appointments and events. You will deliver things for me, so you need to learn people's names and where they are located. You will also be on call 24/7, so whenever I need you, you will come. If I call after hours, which is 8am-8pm, you will get a overtime on your check, obviously.-”
“We don't have a car.” He cuts you off.
“Well how did you get here?” You ask confused.
“Well, Hoseok and Hyunwoo knows cars, so they fixed up this car. So we have one, but i'm the youngest, there's no way they will let me take the car, it's so fragile. And your building is in the middle of town, so I can't shift and run.”
“Okay, well i'll send a car to you. Do you have a phone?” You look at him. It seemed the town's Alpha only gave them so much to start with. And just like you expected. He shook his head no.
“We only have a home phone, the one that plugs in the way.” You almost wanted to scream.
“Fine, fine. I’ll get you all as phones as well.” This was going to be a long day.
The next day you call Kia into your office.
“I need you to get them proper clothing for work for the four of them. Take all but Jooheon with you. Also get them phone.” You say pulling out one of your Debit card with money loaded onto it for them.
“Are you sure you want to put in so much. They not even be here long.” Kia says. You frowned at her words. You knew she was a wolf, you knew that she knows that the four are wolves.
“Sure, but last time I checked I was the multi-billionaire, and you were working for me. Not the other way around.” You say emotionless. You look dead into her eyes wanting her to say anything else. But you just watched her cheeks burn red and she nods. She grabs the card and walks out of the door quickly.
You look over at the clock and see that it was almost 8am. Jooheon should be coming in soon. So you sat down in your chair and pull up certain documents that you had to confirm.
When you finished all of them, you looked back at the clock and you gasped at the fact that it was half past eight. A wave of irritation ran through you. Right as you stood up, your office door swung open and slammed against the wall.
“Oh shit.” You heard him mutter and he grabbed the door and shutting it carefully. You both cringed at the huge hole in the wall from the door denting. He in fact pushed the garder into the wall. You rolled your eyes at his strength. Of course he was strong as shit. You walk around your desk and cross your arms. Jooheon looks back at you and walks closer a bit, fixing his clothes. He had on black jeans with a short sleeved shirt instead of long, like yesterday. You noticed his arms were more toned than yesterday. More like you didn't even notice.
“I don't want excuses. Just know that you are late, and that's not how you keep a job.” You try to say as calmly as you could.
“I know, i'm sorry. I like my sleep.” He says softly, of course not even looking at you. You were actually stunned at his words. Did he actually say that to you? You walk closer to him, only a inch away.
“Do you want this job or not?” You ask him looking at him. His quickly nods. “Good, because I can't see you becoming a bagger at the local grocery stores. Don't be late again.”
“Okay.” He says quietly. Before you could walk away you feel a wave of heat surround you. You looked at Jooheon, noticing that he began getting fidgety. He backs up a little. What is wrong with him. He’s been off ever since he’s been here. You needed to force it out of him. It had to do with you somehow. It was throwing you off.
“Outside of my door is a desk, which is yours. There is a list of all my upcoming appointments and meetings. There is also a planner. I need you to enter all of them into there, and keep that with you at all times with a notepad. A laptop should be coming to you soon, when it does I need you to enter all of that into the computer's calendar and share it with me so we both have it.” He nods as you speak, taking in every word you say. Then your nerves snapped.
“Stop with this childish games. Avoiding eye contact isn't helping anything.” You say, not knowing that it was actually helping him control himself. Then a slight thought ran across your mind. Did he think you were ugly?
“If you can't even look at me, then maybe this position isn't for you. I'm going to call the mailroom to send someone to come and get you.” You gave up. You turned around to go to your desk, wondering why you even thought this was a good idea. You were better on your own.
But a hand grabs your wrist pulling you back to the spot before.
“No no. Look, I'm really trying to keep this professional. But you are making it really hard.” He sighs. But it doesn't make any sense.
“Tell me, what is wrong with you? We aren't moving until then, so you might as well hurry up.” You say leaning all of your weight on one foot. To your amusement Jooheon just groans out.
“If I just out and tell you, you’d probably freak out and won't believe me.”
“Try me,” You urge.
“Can I tell you a little story first.” He winces as his eyes look at you for a second and moves his eyes somewhere.
“Well we’ve got all day, the faster you tell me the quicker we can move on from this.”
Right now, you were just standing a couple of feet from Jooheon. You felt warm and safe, but it was confusing by the way he was acting. But from his perspective, he was going crazy.
“In our old pack, Our father ask to join the pack. We were looking for a pack to belong too. Our mother wanted us to have a normal life, but after she died it was my father's rules. But the only pack he wanted to join was a pack full of Moon shifter.” You were shocked at his words. Moon shifter are people who were bitten by pure bloods. “Our father wanted to eventually over turn the Alpha and take over the pack, but after we went through training and got stronger, so we could help. But until then I was considered a Omega with the actual Omega Changkyun. But then years later when it was time to do what my father asked, the Alpha found out too soon and took out my father when he wasn't looking.” His words hit you hard.
“I was the only one of my brothers to see it. It was at night and the Moon chose me. I'm not sure if you know, but the Moon chooses who a Alpha is, it doesn't matter about family, or age or blood. It's all up to the Moon. It was a crazy feelings. With all of the training we got, and since we were purebloods we were ten times stronger than anyone else. But when I was chosen to become a Alpha, it was like I could defeat anyone, and someone killed one of my own. So I killed the Alpha and we left the pack to fend for themselves.”
Your heart was beating so fast in your chest. He just told you so many huge things all at once, and you were still trying to wrap your mind around it. He is a Alpha.
“So I’m sorry that I'm no used to being bossed around like this.” He says quickly. His tone was different from just a second ago and that confused you.
“Um, your wolf was out when I simply asked you to introduce yourself.” You point out. And as if on cue, his head snaps up to you and his eyes started glowing from brown, to orange, to red.
“He’s hiding the fact that you, my dear, are our mate.” You froze right in his spot. His wolf. He must be lying. Your heart, you could hear it in your ears, and your eyes were so wide. “He isn't going to let me out for a long time after this, and I don't regret it. He wasn't going to tell you and I couldn't let that side.” He pauses a little. His blinks and his eyes were brown. But he blinks again and back to red. “I really wish I could kiss you right now. And I definitely would, but I kinda want to come back out.” Then his eyes were brown again.
“I'm..I’ll…” Then he runs out of the door. You let him, he needs to calm down. Maybe run to the woods and shift take a breather. Yell at his wolf.
His wolf.
Everything that just happened keeps replaying in your head. When his wolf is out, you know that it's still him, but a lot more aggressive, and possessive. His wolves form is the wolf Jooheon forms into. He is who makes Jooheon as strong as he say he is. But without Jooheon his wolf would be nothing. Together they are a Alpha, which is why his wolf is probably going crazy.
There is no way in hell that you could be his mate. You are human. And around here, that isn't normal. His wolf should feel shame for even trying it. Especially if he is a Alpha, their mates are someone who makes them stronger then ever, his support system. The Luna, the Alpha mate who makes him emotionally stronger. A simple human could never do that.
Then there was a knock on your door. You looked over to it and watch as it opens and the three other brother come running in.
“What happened?” Hyunwoo says looking around.
“We were pulling in, and we seen Jooheon running down the street, and not at human speed.” Hoseok says catching his breath.
“Why would he lie?” You could help but to ask. “You all know that I'm human. I'm not a wolves mate, let alone a fucking Luna.” You were getting really mad. And it made you even more made when they didn't react like you thought they would. Instead they look away from you.
“You know?” You ask.
“He told us last night. We asked him why he was acting the way he was yesterday, and he told us.” Hyunwoo explains.
“And you believe him?” You didn't know what to do right now. You can't believe this was happening right now. You didn't have time for this.
“You don't believe him?” Hyungwon asks you frowning a little. He comes forward from behind the others.
“Uh, no.” You say in a duh tone. “I'm human, hello. This wouldn't be possible. And the fact that he is a Alpha, do you really think a human could do all of the things a Alpha Mate is suppose to do?” You were yelling now, and you watch Hoseok shut the door.
“You don't understand. The moon chooses everything. She chooses when the Bitten shifts, she chooses whos a Alpha, she chooses soulmates. She does not judge. If you are his mate you have the every ability  to love and support your mate. Your species only matters to the wolves emotional connection towards you.” Hyungwon looks dead at you, saying everything as clear as day, needing you to understand. You wanted to say something but he says ‘no’ and continues. “You being human makes him want to protect you even more, like if you were harmed, no one could stop him from killing whoever hurt you. If you were a wolf, it wouldn't be so intense. And if you were a vampire, he would do anything so you could both be together. So whatever you think you know about being mates throw it away and wrap your mind around my words.” He then pauses and  turns and walks out. You frown at his rudeness.
Hyungwoo bows his head a little.
“If it's okay with you, we will be back tomorrow morning.” You quickly nod, and he and Hoseok are out following his brother.
“I gave you a choice, either try to get a job at YN company, or find your own job. You chose to come with us. You can't turn back now. Especially now!” Hyunwoo yells at Jooheon. It irks Jooheon, straight to his Alpha bones.
“I'm your Alpha, I should be giving you choices.”
“You might be my Alpha, but i'm still your older brother. Yn is your mate.” He looks are you with the most serious look he can give him. Hyunwoo is Jooheons Beta. The second in command. If something happens to Jooheon, then Hyunwoo has to step up. He helps Jooheon with decisions. Hoseok was third in command. He would be the trainer in a pack. He helps everyone learn how to fight. He controls the fights. He controls the violence. Hyungwon has the nursing role. The moon gave him the knowledge to be able to help whoever is harmed in his pack.
“Yea, But i can tell that she doesn't want to be. I knew before my wolf told her.” Jooheon mumbles. He turns and looks out the window. He really wants to go on a run. And he wolf begs him too, but he’s punishing him, and punishing himself as well.
“The only problem she has, is that she's human. She feels like she can't fulfill the role of the Luna.” Hyunwoo says in a calmer voice.
“That's bullshit.” Jooheon says with a slight growl. His head snaps back to Hyunwoo, seeing him nod in agreement. “We don't even have a pack.” He mumbles.
“You need to work on Yn. And Ill talk to Hoseok about overthrowing the town's Alpha.” Hyunwoo says turning to leave. But Jooheon pops up looking at him crazy.
“Are you serious right now? Without my permission?” Jooheon says getting irritated, not meaning to use a little of his Alpha voice. It makes Hyunwoo freeze and turn back.
“Don't use that voice with me Jooheon. This town is humans and wolves together, the humans don't know that though. This pack is nothing but Bittens. Easy peasy. The Alpha lives in the woods, if we took him on without him knowing, no one would be able to stop us. Having nothing better to do but join.”
“Do you think that it will work?” Jooheon says frowning a little. Hyunwoo was quite surprised to hear him give in so easily.
“Of course. But if some don't want to join, they can either leave or die. You know I have no problem killing.” Hyunwoo says seriously. Jooheon justs nod and turns back to look out the window.
Jooheon waits until Hyunwoo leaves. And he starts to strip from his clothes. Then he starts to shift, what most wolves wish they could do on command. With his training, he had to shift so much. So when his bones break and heal in a different shape, he barely notices any pain.  In the room he was in, there was a main window, that opened like a door. He nudges it open with his nose and jumps out of the window. It was dark out. So his black fur was blending in with the trees. His tail faded out to a bright white at the tip, and so did his ears. He was twice the size of a normal wolf. On the full moon, he stood 7ft on his hind legs.
He sniffs the air a couple times, to smell you out. He could find you anywhere, and when he caught your minty scent, he runs off. He notices that if he follows the tree lines straight, your house would soon come up.
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