#but also not sorry this is gameplay blog
hiddenspriings · 9 months
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engaged 💍
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nudibutch · 8 months
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anyway thank you baldurs gate 3 for supporting homosexuals everywhere
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theamazingannie · 5 months
Choosing not to reveal who was blocked by the end of the episode would’ve been a less cruel cliff hanger than this🫥
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buglaur · 2 years
Um hi! I’m confused? I just read through all the McMahon legacy which I loved! (Theo and Clair are 🥰)
But who are the Calloways? Do they have a legacy? They are good looking pixel people.
hi there! i'm so glad you enjoyed reading the legacy!!
the calloways were twins, cillian and cathal, i did a bachelors challenge with, and i'm only realizing now that there's no link to it on my blog 😅 i hyped it up for like 3 months to only post about it for a week and a half ☠️☠️
you can read it from the start here: https://buglaur.tumblr.com/tagged/bc:calloways/chrono
from there i created the whole family and now they just live in my head and appear in random cas posts from time to time. i would love to do gameplay with them sometime but i just don't have the time sadly!
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theglizzardwizard · 5 months
Ode to the toontown yandere blogger
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Hi! I'm an anonymous asker who sometimes sends fellow simmers questions. "Simblr Question of the Day" is something I saw going on around September '23 and I wanted to revive this "trend"!
I'm going to continue preserving my anonymity, but I'd like to share some basics about me ! ~
You can call me squat or squatty! A name I chose based on the way I pronounce "SQOTD," You can also call me SQOTD Anon! My timezone is ( PST ) - I like the colors yellow and pink/red, I've been playing the sims since I was 5 and I like to read and write :)
And below the cut will include a little rundown of how I will run this blog and navigation hashtags ~
- Questions will probably be very Sims 4 Oriented, but questions can be stretched or translated for older Sims games! - There are going to be repeat questions, I cannot moderate this since it would make question queueing a lot longer and tedious for me :( Sorry!! - Also! You can absolutely answer: 1. older SQOTDs 2. a SQOTD multiple times or 3. a SQOTD that isn't prompted by an ask - This is a "daily" questions blog and a questions archive -I will queue a question once a day around 4am PST -Interact with these posts in anyway you prefer: reblog, reply or a separate post! (make sure to tag me ^^) -I FULLY encourage YOU to continue sending asks with SQOTDs (crediting/tagging me is optional). -If you have your own question for SQOTD, you can send me an ask with your question and I will post it prompting anyone of Simblr to answer it! -Since this isn't my main blog, I won't be following anyone back and due to inactivity, I won't be able to check this blog very often.
〘 Main Tags -
| - SQOTD, Simblr question of the day, Squat's TXT.Files, Squat's reblogs, Community-contributed questions
〘 Question Tags -
| - Sim/OC Questions, Build Questions, Gameplay Questions, Story Questions, Render Questions, CAS Questions, Post/Simmer/Simblr Questions
↳ I am very open to critique, suggestions and feedback, feel free to send me these messages via ask or DMs :)
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lxvvie · 9 months
Hi there!
Can I just say that I love your blog so much!! I literally had no idea who any of the MWII guys were when your posts popped up on my feed and now, I've spent the last week of my life watching gameplay videos of the new games and the OG trilogy. Like, I love Simon so much and everything you write for him makes me love him more, especially when you talk about his eye contact. I'm a fiend for that stuff!!
Like imagine Simon with a s/o that also makes a lot of eye contact, and he just knows what she's thinking because her eyes are so expressive. They're just having whole conversations with their eyes only and when she's had a bad day, she just hits him with the sad eye/eyebrow scrunch combo like Kate from Bridgerton.
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(Also, I imagine with all that eye contact the sex is bound to be hella intense and intimate. Like, stare into my soul while you cum, Simon...)
I'm so sorry for this, lol
Please don't be because this is so damn beautiful.
Just... the way that Simon stares at you, the way he uses his gaze to convey everything and then some.
The way he knows you feel the same when you look at him, too.
The way his stare is so intense sometimes that it causes you to avert your eyes bashfully but before you know it, he's got a hand under your chin and he's lifting your face to his.
"Look at me, sweetheart..."
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whispering-clan · 10 months
About Whisperingclan!
"the cave... it calls to us, we hear it's whispers on the wind. The voices they haunt us, they drive us insane..."
Hello all! I am Cryptid/Sam, I use they/he/she pronouns (pretty much any pronouns)!
My main Warriors blog is @cryptidclaw which is also where Whisperingclan started!
Whisperingclan started out with me posting a line up of designs for the whole clan at the end of year 1 + descriptions for the clan and the cat's backstories! This was inspired by the youtube trend of doing something similar but in video format.
After this however I fell in love with the clan and wanted to join in with everyone else doing moon-ly updates for their clans! originally I was just posting the updates on my main wc blog @cryptidclaw but I have decided to move Whisperingclan over to their own blog!
I will be rebloging all of the previous updates from my wc main over to here and will post all new updates here!
Master Post of all main updates!
Family Tree!
Character Asks are OPEN! However I will only choose a few to answer sorry!
#whisperingclan updates [any update posts (after moon 26)]
#whisperingclan [any posts about Whisperingclan]
#cryptid plays clangen [any posts about me-playing clangen]
#whisperasks [asks abt Whisperingclan]
#cryptid answers [all ask posts]
Clan Origins + Gameplay Summaries below!
Most of Whisperingclan's founders were a part of a coup in their origin clan, Roaringclan, to make Tempeststar, at the time Tempestwhorl, deputy or leader... they were instead defeated and banished.
The founders had wandered together through the territories outside of the clans picking up a few members along the way... as they drew nearer to the mountains they began to hear strange whispers on the wind. feeling compelled to follow these whispers they found themselves in a cave deep in the mountains filled with crystals that seemed to whisper with a chorus of their Starclan ancestors.
That night they slept in the cave, and in her dreams Tempeststar was named a leader of a new clan, Whisperingclan, by Starclan themselves. The new clan now calls themself the clan closest to Starclan, and they have made their camp within the Whispering Cave claiming that they are its protectors and the only cats who can be trusted with it's power.
However... Is the Whispering Cave truly safe? can Starclan and their guide be trusted? Is the clan truly so holy? or are they simply greedy for power.
The Territories + all Clans intro!
Playing on: Expanded Mode
Unmated cats can have kits
Same-sex breeding is on!
Leaders do not automatically chose their deputies
Experience-based graduation allowed
Cats can retire due to permanent condition (for now)
Warriors and elders can choose to become mediators
Occasionally I will do death rolls! (i do this whenever I feel like it- mostly for the plot)
How death rolls work:
Kits, Elders and the sick are close to the death and the Stars as they are weak. Due to this their spirits have the chance to accidentally travel to Starclan too early due to the thin veil between the living and the dead in the Whispering cave.
If i decide that the clan is getting too big I may roll for a chosen selection of cats, to see which of whom will die.
I will mostly use it to weed out some kits if there are too many babies.
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yamino · 2 months
Do you guys have any idea of when Act 2 may come out? I’m curious how much this will resemble/diverge from the original Phantom’s plot, plus I LOVE HOT WOMEN!! Sorry if you’re already frequently asked this
I'm sure this is a huge surprise to anyone on my blog but I AM ALSO A LOVER OF HOT WOMEN.... 😤❣
Our plot is going to diverge pretty drastically from the inspiring source material, it is more of an homage than a direct retelling!
As far as our current estimated progress, we are currently looking at a 2026 release date. This will include not only the full game, but a lot more than a simple visual novel gameplay- we're working on rhythm game minigames, exploring the revue itself, and several branching story endings! 🖤
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dreamyyesenia · 7 days
Always Keep Simming Save - My Personal Legacy (Currently Gen 4)
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Meet my Gen 4 family of my personal legacy save, the Blackburns! I call my save file “Always Keep Simming”, because I want this legacy to go on and on for years and never stop playing with them 🥹
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Aileen Blackburn, Generation 4 heir
Traits: Geek, Party animal, Perfectionist, Adventurous, Genius, Healthnut
Aspiration: Collector (completed)
Career: Scientist (level 8)
Skills mastered: Gaming, Gemmology, Rocket Science, Logic, Dancing
Goals of this generation: Complete the elements collection (completed), complete the gem collection, complete the metal collection, learn how to revive a sim.
I will post Aileen’s Backstory separately, that way I can include some older pictures!
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Colin Blackburn, husband of Aileen
Traits: Bookworm, Loyal, Outgoing, Romantic, Adventurous, Worldly
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Career: Education (currently level 6)
Skills he has to master: Archeology, Selvadoradion culture, parenting
Backstory: Colin Blackburn grew up in foster care and never got to meet his biological parents. He developed a special interest around everything occult and the past and started studying history. After finishing his degree, he came to Willow Creek to research a known haunted house. He started working as a history teacher and wanted to become a professor. Similarly to Aileen, he was an adventurous sim, especially the mysteries in the temples of Selvadorada intrigued him.
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Gemma and Gavin Blackburn.
They are unidential twins (I might do a dual legacy with them, I will make up goals as I play and get to know their personality).
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Amber and Onyx 😻
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Goals for this Generation: I think I will not tell you what I have in mind, it will be more of a surprise. The general vibes of this generation is exploration of the world, uncovering mysteries, dealing with grief and finding answers to unspoken questions. 
Save file I’m playing in: @ratboysims (my alltime favorite), builds are either included in the save or downloaded from the gallery. 
Aileen’s house: Made by @pugownedplaysthesims-blog , I changed the interior a lot, exterior minimal adjustments to fit my sims needs.
Note: I’ve been playing with this family for 2 years and it’s the first legacy I have actually been able to get to > gen 2. As always, there’s been a LOT of drama, personal struggles but also immense growth and, of course, a happily ever after in each generation. I have approx. 1000 screenshots but unfortunately not from everything and not from the start. I’ll hop right into gameplay of this current generation but, when it’s needed and fits, I will post some flashbacks to the past, to give more context and the backstory (the tea lol). This legacy is very special to me, I have explored ts4 in all of its aspects with the past generations. I adjusted my lifespan settings (again lol), I will play on custom long lifespan with this save file and custom normal life span with the other legacies. Simply because I am too attached to this save and can only let the heir die if I feel like I have spent enough time with them. I am attached to TJOL and the Postcard Legacy too! But there, I have a storyline already set up, so I can progress faster (and I want to!). Enough rambling, hope you will love these sims like I do! 🩷
Sorry this is so long!! You get a hug if you made it this far 🤗
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guiltygearconfessions · 4 months
In honor of this blog, here are a few confessions of mine (never submitted before so I have a few)
First I did get into Guilty gear cause I saw a Strive character once and had to know more. Sorry guys. Surprisingly it wasn't Bridget (although I am trans). It was Faust
Secondly I'm hitting Ky with the transgenderification beam. It would not fix her but it would help in the long run (transgenderification does not carry over to Robo-ky imo)
Third I need to know whatever Raven, I-no, and Jack-o were doing in their free time. Asuka's shit squad of fuck. What kind of terrible was the vibe. Would this be the worst blunt rotation?
Fourth I am in love with Baiken and I am tired of having to specify that it's not just because of her tits. Her voice is what does a LOT for me, but it's really annoying to have to specify every time
Lastly I don't have many predictions for the next dlc besides obvious ones, but there are characters that I would literally die to have in a game again (Zappa, Answer, Zappa again, Jam, Kum. I need Zappa). However I do think the best option is Robo-ky. Why I hear the despairing crowds ask. Because he suck so terribly I need to see more of him. Idgaf if his gameplay is bad and janky. That actually is better imo
(also I did not know that you're broken-clover! I love your fics so much!!)
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moyokeansimblr · 8 months
Not feeling so hot and I'm not going to do anything impulsive at 8PM on a Friday evening but
here is a link to a sfs folder with ALL of my content that's currently only hosted on patreon.
I want to add individual sfs links to the tumblr posts but that's a lot and I'm now regretting never adding alt dl links this whole time... and sorry I don't think the downloads in the sfs folder are in order... it also might be some other things, like fixed meshes or stuff. tbh I just added everything I've made after April 3rd 2023 since that was the last time I uploaded anything to sfs.
I guess while I'm here... I was going to wait until after I finish up the last of my active requests (probably by Monday, I'm almost done) but I desperately need a break from CC. I sent a group message on the 17th to my $4 and $6 patrons encouraging them to cancel, but I know not everybody knows patreon even has dms so maybe you'll see this post and I'll reach out again in the coming days so nobody is wasting their money. I am so immensely burnt out and I need to not create for a while. This is completely my own fault, nobody made me work on CC for 8-10 hours 5 days a week for the last several months and I fully knew it wasn't sustainable ages ago but I kept doing it because it made me feel good, until it didn't. Quite honestly, even before I sent the group message the instant wave of relief I felt just having made the decision to take a break... that caught me off guard but just confirmed I need this. I do feel really awful about it because I feel like I'm letting people down but at the same time I don't want to hate creating which was already happening. That being said, I don't know how long the lull in CC is going to be, and if you're only following me strictly for CC I apologize. As said I am still finishing up one request I still had, I'm about 75% done with that as of this post. But that's gonna be it for a while.
There is a part of me that wants to stop using patreon completely and unpublish my creator page (which is what I'm not going to impulsively do tonight without properly thinking it through...since there are positives like how easy it is to download files and whatnot) but I'd again encourage not only those who joined the $4 and $6 tiers but also the $2 tier to cancel so that you aren't wasting your money. If I did do this I would definitely do the individual sfs links on everything first. I'd not just leave you guys unable to download my stuff.
So, what does that mean for this blog? I'll spare ye, impatient readers, who have already read a lot because I ramble⬇️
Well, as of posting this I still have THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR Strangetown posts in my queue. And I'm not tired of playing that.
I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to do all of the things I've been neglecting. I'm finally going to go through the subfolder within my downloads of everything I'm downloaded the last few months and decide if I wanna keep it in my game or not. And finish default replacing everything. And all my other various little projects I haven't been doing.
Also, I want to start playing Veronaville 😮I've already started downloading lots from kattaty to replace the in-game ones, and I found a cool replacement for the neighborhood map. I am leaning towards making a new sub-blog for this so that you don't have to try and follow Strangetown/LFT posts and Veronaville/ALT posts at the same time. I've only ever played the Veronaville sims for like one day as part of a super failed megahood years ago so I'd like to get to know them.
So basically, I guess I'm a gameplay blog for now? Until I want to create anything again anyways, but I don't know when that will be.
I don't know how to end this post... I'm sorry for the disappointment, but thank you so much for enjoying my stuff 💛💛
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kissalopa · 6 months
Dropping this in multiple aks boxes. Who have been inspirational to you lately? #spreadsimblrlove 🫶
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Hi! 👋
Sorry it took me forever to answer this ask, but I am just very slow 😅
All of these simblrs inspire me (and a lot of others, but I got overwhelmed compiling this list)
@akitasimblr I love how many different gameplays Ana has, and she's dedicated to all of them! I am also a big fan of Le Chat!
@aleksa-sims tells her real life story, it's so brave! And her screenshots are amazing! She is also a very nice person.
@cinamun is an amazing storyteller! I am so invested in her Things Fall Apart, it makes me laugh, cry and think.
@cyazurai has many different gameplays and also posts other games too. It reminds me that I love all kind of games and should play them too, not only sims 😅
@daisydezem is not very active lately, but I love her RainbowSin challenge. Her BACC, Supersim and own playthrough of RainbowSin are so interesting!
@dustbon plays mostly on short lifespan and quickly progresses through legacies. I love it! I'd love to play a legacy on a short lifespan one day too.
@faeriefrolic plays Sims 3. Her sims are cute and wholesome.
@introvertedfox plays vanilla. It inspired me to play vanilla myself, but I always end up with defaults first, them some mods, then some blushes and then it's not vanilla anymore 😅
@llamabees her sims and posts are so colourful! I also love her reshade preset and templates!
@loveryss her sims are cute and her posts are cozy! She also makes great cc!
@oswanily has completed the 100 baby challenge! And Seven Wonders challenge which she created and inspired me to play it too. It's one of the few challenges that I actually completed!
@shmoodlet are an amazing person! They are very supportive and friendly. And their gameplays are always with a bit of a story, which my gameplays are always lack of.
@silwermoon-sims has the cutest sims ever! Her lookbooks and gameplay inspire me to be more creative with my sims!
@simspaghetti plays Sims 3. Her editing inspired me to try out different editing style myself. Her gameplay rules and Sims 3 guides really helped me get into the game. I plan on using some of her Sims 3 gameplay rules for my Sims 4 gameplays too.
@tipsy-clouds inspired me to play one of the Sims 4 scenarios! I haven't posted it yet, though. Her lookbooks and resources are very helpful!
@waaneco post the most cutest Sims 3 and Sims 4 posts! And their Stardew Valley pics and gifs inspire me to play that game!
I'm so sorry I didn't mention more people! There are a lot more simblrs who inspire me, but it wasn't easy coming up with this list. I know I missed some blogs that I wanted to add, but as I said I got overwhelmed. If I didn't mention you it doesn't mean you don't inspire me! If I follow your blog you can almost 100% be sure that you inspire me 💜 🥰
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sharona-sims · 2 months
Sorry for the lack of posts this past week!
I'm taking a small few weeks break from posting in order to do some much needed background work on the blog. Which mostly consists of me hating the screenshot quality, and in some cases dialogues of older posts from last years gameplay... It's basically an issue caused from me copying the images and dialogues over from twitter instead of re-doing them from scratch.
Currently I'm going through replacing screenshots, fixing dialogues and also adding the Gen 1 banner to all posts that were posted before I decided to start using a banner. It's been an on off going process for months now and I only have time to do it when I take breaks from posting new gameplay.
Lily and Michael will be back soon... I still love them! 🥰
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adelarsims · 8 months
Hi, you are more than welcome to ignore especially if you have answered before and I missed it/it's elsewhere on your blog but can I please just ask how you get your CAS photos to look so incredibly clean? Especially around the edges, they're so smooth it's incredible. Thank you in advance, I really appreciate it! You inspire me so much tbh, everything you post is so beautiful. (Also also also the eyebags you released recently are my new gold standard and I use them for everything now tysm for sharing them) 🖤
thank you!
ok so here are a few tips, you don’t need to follow all of them, but if you like exactly my cas style, maybe some of them will help
1. edge smoothing. sorry for being obvious, but use either in-game anti-aliasing, or a smaa shader if you’re a reshade/gshade user, or you’ll get a pixelated staircase for the edges that will be hard to fix. if your PC doesn’t handle high graphics well and you play without edge smoothing, you can toggle it on temporarily just for taking a few good cas pictures and then turn it back off.
2. use MXAO. if you use reshades, use mxao shader for pictures, it's really a life changer. though i don't use it during the regular gameplay and only turn it on when i take pictures, because moving a lot with it slows down your game and is a visual overload for me.
3. but don’t overdo it with MXAO. seriously, don’t go all out with mxao. for a cleaner look shadows need to be delicate, just to overline shapes and give your sim more dimension. every time i tweaked my reshade presets, i made mxao even more thin and gentle and realized that it only got better.
4. background makes a huge difference. solid colors. in my personal opinion, grey gives the "cleanest" look (i said while still using my old dirty yellowish that i'm too lazy to find a replacement for). also, if i want to use black or white background, i make it a little darker than white and a little lighter than black, they look pretty much the same but will attack your eyes less (especially the white one).
5. CAS lighting makes a huge difference. maxis light isn't that bad, but cc lighting definitely give you more clean, crisp image. my personal favorite neutral one that i use by default is v2 by helgatisha. sometimes i use lightings with side highlights for more “rendered” look, but they aren’t always comfortable for everyday use and i only use them for specific pictures and then get back to my default neutral one.
6. shadow overlays. i mean cc that imitates shadows on sim's face, it gives sim's face so much dimension. there are spotlight v1 and v2 by simandy and lighting overlay v1 and v2 by joshseoh. i'd say josh's overlays are for fancy portrait pictures (they imitate a very strong light source from different angles, very cool for sim photographers but not for regular gameplay), and simandy's are more neutral and are very gameplay-friendly on lower opacity. personally, i only use v2 by simandy now, it's my holy grail and i don't take sim's pictures without it.
7. SRWE. it's a program that emulates having a bigger display resolution than your monitor can afford, meaning much better screenshot quality and cleanliness for small details. srwe can be a bit of a hassle to use for a lot of pics and most of the time i’m too lazy to use it and just take my regular small pixelated screenshots, but sometimes i want just one, but extra clean picture.
8. Topaz Clean 3 (photoshop). i don't usually edit my pictures and just drop them like whatever, mostly because i don't know how to do it, but sometimes i make them sharper and cleaner with a gentle touch of topaz on very low strength.
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serenesiims · 3 months
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New Simblr!!
Hii everyone my name is Lies (not pronounced like the word). Im from somewhere in Europe so my first languages isnt English so sorry if i make any mistakes.
I haven't been playing the sims for that long (i would say since 2019?) But i've been obsessed ever since. My favorite part is cas! I've been on tumblr for a while now mostly so i can find cc but after seeing all the blogs i decided to start one myself :)
I play on a mac so i dont have reshade :(( even though i wish i could use it. I honestly have no idea wat my aesthetic is. I will mostly post gameplay pictures i think but i will also try to make lookbooks!
Here are some of the blogs that inspire me:
@pixelglam @farfallasims @aashwarr @myshunohoe @biancml @simmaiia @magnoliadale @largetaytertots
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