#im very excited for people to read this!!! so please read it 😅
floatysparrowthing · 1 year
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The Savior of the Damned
Relationships: Verin Thelyss/Original Demon Character, Verin Thelyss & Essek Thelyss, Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
Rating: Mature
Chapter 1/?
This is technically CR fanfic but is truly an off-shoot of my Netherdeep campaign. Please take a chance on this even though it’s got an OC!
Taskhand Verin Thelyss will do anything to close the planar rift allowing Abyssal demons access to Bazzoxan. He’s desperate to save his people from the threat, and, though he won’t admit it, desperate to get a much deserved break.
So if it comes down to fucking a demon, he will fuck that demon.
But when said demon divulges information about his long lost father, he enlists the help of his brother, Essek, to journey into the Abyss for answers and, hopefully, solutions. At the same time, this messy thing between him and his demon guide seems determined to develop into something more—if it doesn’t kill him first.
So, meet: Mairon, a demon mage with a sweet tongue and rocking bod who almost certainly has a hidden agenda. 😉
And of course, Verin: little brother of Essek Thelyss, the dutiful son, the Taskhand of Bazzoxan, and my precious lawful good cinnamon roll who seriously wants to get laid (but craves emotional intimacy even more).
lawful good x neutral evil, mutually manipulative relationship, both the characters are bi sluts and I can’t keep their pants on, non-graphic sexual assault that’s not between the main pairing, Road-trip Fic! if a roadtrip is slashing your way through Betrayer’s Rise and journeying through the Abyss on foot with your captive/maybe boyfriend?? and your brother and his partner
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texasbama · 6 months
Hiya I know you're a safe space and I need to get this out, so sorry in advance 🙃.
I see how amazing canon bi buck is for the queer community and I don't mind how it happened in canon. But while I should be happy, I actually kind of feel like I'm mourning? I'm so attached to eddie, maybe unhealthily so, and the ensemble found family dynamic is what first brought me to the show. For a while it's been a struggle having the fandom basically shove buck into every spec or storyline and act like he is a perfect angel and the centre of the universe. But there was always the eddiezers and it was more balanced. But now literally EVERYBODY is all about buck and tommy. It feels like the rest of the show doesn't even exist. I know its only been a couple of days but going on social media now just makes me anxious and idk why really. I'm worried about future eddie storylines, I'm desperate for marisol to disappear, but the vibe is that now buck is bi nothing else matters, we've won apparently, who even cares about eddie or the other characters because buck kissed a man.
Also I'm sex-repulsed ace and people saying how if you don't like it you're a purist and an evangelical and homophobic and biphobic actually makes me feel like shit. I never really understood wanting two characters to have sex 'because why not', because I don't understand why anyone wants to ever lol. I can only read buddie smut in very specific scenarios and most of the time i skip even that. And the rhetoric in a lot of tumblr space recently makes me feel like a bad person for not being all for it 100%. I don't think I've explained myself well here but I tried. You don't have to reply or post this either, I just wanted to reach out to someone in fandom who won't jump down my throat for it 😅. 911 is kind of a hyperfixation of mine so even though I'm trying to stay away as much as possible so as to not make myself more upset but I have no idea what to do with myself otherwise 🫠. Thanks for reading and sorry for unloading on you
Please don’t apologize, im happy you felt like I was a safe space. Im gonna break this into two parts and I hope I can articulate myself correctly lol
1) the first few days after an episode, any episode but especially one like this, isn’t indicative of fandom as a whole. Emotions are heightened due to what happened in the episode. Everyone is screaming about something and it’s in your face ya know? This week something HUGE happened, so yes people are talking about it. It was to be expected. We must make space for people to be happy about it. It’s a beautiful thing and queer joy MUST be celebrated.
This show (for the most part) has done a beautiful job of giving each character their time to shine(some more so than others but thats a conversation for a different day). Coming off 7x04, yes the headline is Bi Buck. And it will continue to be for a while, but it’s important to remember that YOU curate your fandom experience. I don’t blame you at all for what you’re feeling, ESPECIALLY as an Eddie girlie(gn), like I get it! Trust me! I’ve had to carefully maneuver through some emotions this week myself. I’m human! But filtering and being able to step away is everything.
Being excited about the storyline and also hoping and wanting more from other storylines are two things that can be true at the same time. It’s not one or the other. Remember that.
2) im going to say this and just know the caps is because I am just passionate. I promise you, its yelling at you with love okay?
I know it is easier said than done, but don’t you EVER allow ANYONE on this fucking hellsite make you feel less than or that your asexuality is anything but 100% valid. YOU are valid, you hear me?
Okay. I had to make sure to say that first. Whew. Now. As for the fandom piece of it all, we have to remember that there levels to it. You are allowed to feel the way you feel about sex, BUT it’s also important to remember that sex positivity (and those who express it) is also a good and valid. If you feel like there are blogs that talk down to you, imply that YOU are homophobic or biphobic simply because YOU are not doing cartwheels about different sex acts, then block. Unfollow. Do whatever you need to. Those people are scum.
Listen to me *pulls you close*, this is always a safe space. You are a valid, your existence and experiences are valid. And anyone who makes you question that can fuck right off. And lastly, HAPPY ASEXUALITY DAY TO YOU SPECIFICALLY! MUAH! 💜🤍🩶🖤
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 2 years
Hey Merry, you seem like a good person to ask and I need help-
given the bots crisis and how people are turning their works to be hidden from guests, I got an AO3 (after years of lurking) and I'm SO SCARED Im going to do it wrong- what are the rules? There was a post a while ago warning but I forget if it's bookmarks or collections you're not supposed to add to bc you can accidentally lock peoples work?
Please cite the deep magic to me, for I was not paying attention when it was written.
PS very excited for your book! ❤️
I've actually seen some conflicting info about shutting down AO3 pages - I'm probably not going to be hiding my fics to guests, so I might not be the best person to ask 😅
The hiding fics thing is with collections! Essentially, the issue is that if someone adds your fic to a collection, then hides that collection, it will hide your fic as well.
HOWEVER: I'm sure I saw somewhere that the AO3 team were working on fixing this, so it doesn't happen anymore? I'm not 100% sure what happened there - so if anyone else can weigh in that would be super helpful!
also THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope you enjoy it!! (If you read it shfksjd)
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liquidstar · 5 months
I have an OC ask! Although more specifically, it's a question about the worldbuilding of the setting your OCs are in.
What's the deal with these Guilds that all of your characters seem to be a part of?
Why were the guilds created? What do the guilds do? How does one create a guild? How does one join a guild? How does the ranking system of the guilds work?
(I realize you were probably hoping for questions about specific characters, but all the questions I could think of are worldbuilding ones)
Oh PLEASE don’t be sorry! I absolutely love these questions and I’m SO excited to ramble about worldbuilding!!!! Thank you so much :D
It might be a lot, I’m going to sort of bulletpoint through this to make it easier. Otherwise it’ll become WAAAYYY too long and hard to read 😅so you can just skim!! you’re not under any obligation to read this in detail lol im not heartless
Either way I super appreciate the ask and thank you for going out of your way to send it!!!! it gives me a reason to jot it all down too so tysm <3
Oh PLEASE don’t be sorry! I absolutely love this question and I’m SO excited to ramble about it!!!! Thank you so much :D
I’m going to sort of bulletpoint through this to make it easier, otherwise it’ll become WAAAYYY too long and hard to read 😅 you can skim you’re not under any obligation to read this in detail lol
SO as for how they were created:
★Powers (ethos) started developing in people, not long later monsters started to pop up. Villages and travelers need help as monsters become more and more of a threat. ★A new job, “hunter,” becomes a necessity. Hunters are people with powers who can fight the monsters. Pretty straight forward. Hunters charge money in exchange for their services ★Fees become extortionate since the job is a necessity. Since hunters are still rare it’s easy for one person or group to have a monopoly in a specific area. ★To prevent this, groups of hunters band together to make larger activities centralized to local hubs throughout wider regions. Guilds. ★Eventually the kingdom takes over the guilds itself, making them function as an extension of the kingdom's defense forces. The kingdom heavily pushes guilds but at the same time passes laws to regulate them and have more direct control. ★Groups who refused to participate in the kingdom’s enforcement of these rules were considered illegal- Dark guilds. Because of this they end up taking on more unethical missions, functioning like organized crime rings. In some places they may function as mafia-style protection brackets. ★Individuals are allowed to continue work as solo hunters, however many choose not to because being affiliated with a guild gives way to more benefits (better access to missions, higher pay, often a place to live, and quick access to help from other members). ★Guilds are also considered a potential gateway to becoming a bonafide knight, however nowadays part of a knight’s duty is also to suppress the guilds and keep them in line with the kingdom’s wishes. ★It’s important to understand that the guild system was about control. The laws passed to prevent extortion had become excuses for this, and the dark guilds became examples of what is “bound to happen” when not following this law, when in reality it was the kingdom itself that pushed them there, by limiting options outside of their direct control. ★Control was very important at the start of all this, since there was a lot of panic. Panic isn’t good. Suppression and control are important, things need to be kept under lock and key. It’s really weird that monsters popped up around the same time as the powers did, right? Suppression and control are important.
For what guilds do, (how they’re made, how you join, and the ranking system):
★Like I said above, they’re centralized hubs for hunters within certain regions. But what exactly does that entail? Well ★Missions requests along with rewards will be sent to the guild from other areas within their region. Hunters within the guild will accept them and do the jobs as they need to be done. ★For more immediate problems there may be people stationed at certain “problem” areas. Also, over time, smaller guilds aside from the main one have started to form which can be called on for more immediate help too, they just won’t take on the big jobs. ★Otherwise guild members tend to live at the guild's housing, typically dorms. ★All missions have a star ranking to go with them! From one to five. One star being very easy entry-level missions (Ones where you might not even have to fight anything but just act as a guide) to five star missions being “There’s a very good chance you will die trying. Good luck!” ★Members of the guild are given a ranking of their own by the guildmaster. It’s a weighing of their skill and experience. So if you’re an expert but still a newbie to the guild, you’ll still have to spend some time proving yourself as capable before climbing the rankings. ★Naturally, the more stars, the higher the price, so there’s a lot of incentive for people to work their way up. Five stars might even be scouted as knights. ★When you first join a guild you’re a no-star. You’re expected to shadow people on their missions until you’re a fully fledged member with your own star(s). ★The sign-up process is different for each guild, but mostly it just consists of talking to the guildmaster. Some will let you join on the spot, others may ask for a show of your skills, or even a requirement to pass certain tests. It will depend on the guildmaster and how they conduct things. ★If YOU wanna be a guildmaster there are pretty much two ways to do it. Either you get the title from the previous guildmaster or you go and start your very own guild! Maybe you’ll even grow it big enough to join with the big ones someday. Who knows? ★But the process of actually creating a guild is a lot more bureaucratic. It’s gotta be kingdom approved and everything, and then you have to get people to actually want to join. But it’s been done before, so it’s worth a shot.
OK NOW this part wasn’t really in your questions so I wouldn’t even blame you if you stopped reading here but I wanna ramble about each Specific guilds lore (At least the relevant ones)
★The main guild is Nova Stella, and though a few generations ago it was considered a “rising star,” it’s pretty well established as the main guild of its area by now. The current guildmaster is Venus, and while she can be very particular about how things are run, she doesn’t actually care much for the kingdom’s laws. It’s Venus’s rules here. As a guild, they’re all technically doing a lot of stuff they’re not allowed to be doing. Stuff like, you know, having members who are former pirates or just straight up some mystery guy they found, or taking some mission requests under the table to avoid the bureaucracy which is borderline dark guild behavior. Nova Stella takes a very “people first” approach. Don’t snitch to the knights or else. ★Gladiatoria is the opposite- it’s the current #1 ranked guild and you don’t get that far without fitting into the perfect mold. Its guildmaster, Mars, personally trains all the members with a militaristic philosophy. Might makes right. It’s not an environment suited for most people, there’s a lot of pressure to succeed. People can say whatever they want, but the guild does have the results to back it up- It’s actually relatively new, it was only founded about 30 years ago, and only became a household name within the last decade. The guildmaster is a very determined person. ★Pandemonium has similar aspirations, though it’s technically been around for years it’s also only blown up in notoriety ever since Satrn, the most recent guildmaster, took over a few years ago. This is mainly because his approach has been to challenge other guilds for their control over a certain area- effectively turf wars. Is this ALLOWED? Kinda, it’s an old practice that people don’t really expect to happen anymore. And that’s how you get ‘em. ★Dragon Tree is so much more chill than any of the previously mentioned guilds. It’s not a huge guild, but it’s an old one. It’s been functioning inside of a tree for decades now, since before the current Guildmaster, Uranus, was born. It’s a respected guild, though it has a reputation for eccentric members. They mostly just value nature and want to keep peace, which is a hard philosophy to hate. ★Owl Feather is an even older guild, one of the very first guilds in fact. Since it was founded by a scholar, it became a guild dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge alongside the typical guildwork. Rather, the two go hand-in-hand. Despite the guild’s age, current guildmaster, Mercury, is one of the youngest at only 28. She doesn’t really act like it though, so please do not test her on this. As all previous guildmasters have been, she’s very dedicated to spreading the messages of their founder. ★Lunar Flare is just here for a good time. And that’s not a misspelling, it’s a pun! It’s a guild with a lot of flare, filled with people who love the arts, with a passion for bringing joy to people. To some, this may seem like a simple gimmick to attract attention and missions, but the core belief of their founder and guildmaster, Jupiter, is different. People don’t just need to be saved physically, people need joy, people need art. He believes art is a way to give hope to people who need it, to spread morale. So a guild filled with hunters and artists is killing two birds with one stone. But he would never kill a bird, that’s just mean. ★Cobalt Heart is a fairly old guild and the first official naval guild, though guilds themselves had already been established for a while by that point. All its members specialize specifically in naval and seaside missions, though they may occasionally take on other ones too. Of course the current guildmaster is Neptune, and he’s already training his son to take over someday. Cobalt Heart is also well known for being just really fucking cool.
There’s also guilds that aren’t really guilds:
★The Timber Scouts are kiiiiind of a guild. Kind of, not really. It’s basically just boyscouts/girlscouts, but as a training program for kids who wanna get into guildwork. The current guildmaster (Generous title, they’re more of a troupe leader) is Ceres, who is truly stressed the fuck out on account of The Children. ★The knights, mentioned throughout, are basically who uphold the law and control the guilds, but they’re also the main defense of the kingdom itself. Meaning any mission beyond a 5 star automatically goes to them. The highest ranking knights are the Zodiac knights and the official court of the current ruler. ★Tartarus, a dark guild. Led by Pluto, who stands at a fearsome 5’0, it’s a guild filled with bandits and outlaws. There are no rules for the jobs they take on; they can be your protectors or they can be hitmen. Though it would be pretty hard to feel safe around this group, knowing they might decide to sell your kidneys on the black market. Who knows. The rule of Tartarus is every man for themselves. They aren’t a family, they’re lone wolves who happen to be working together. Don’t be surprised if you end up stabbed in the back. ★The Sisters are… Not really a guild at all. Not even a dark guild. They don’t do missions (legal or otherwise) the same way that any other guild would. So it’s not fitting to call them that. Perhaps an organization, an alliance, people with a common goal, it wouldn’t even really be wrong to call them a cult. They have plans, they’re working towards them. That’s the main thing. Calling each other “sisters” doesn’t help with the cult allegations either. All I can say is someone get that 10 year old outta there.
Unless I have any blindspots but it’s getting very late for me so I should probably wrap up my ramblings. Thank you for reading this far if you did, I appreciate the question a lot and I’m really happy I got to ramble as much as I did <3 ty and goodbyebye
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
hi!! I just wanted to pop by and say your soulmate fic has been living in my head rent free since you posted it 😆 idk how im gonna survive the weeks between updates considering im already losing my mind at ch 1?? but the premise is fascinating and i also echo the other anon who mentioned that the kan line about how devastated he was about not feeling your soulmate stuck with me sooo much because it was so gut wrenching 😭 (how did you manage this, to pack so much top tier angst into one line and from a side character at that?!?! haha) i was stuck on that bit for so long! It breaks my heart that kan probably took comfort in his soulmate's touches like akk did too, but that brief panic at it being a boy and doing something irrational without thinking it through then suddenly kan realizing that one comforting presence he'd always had was gone with no way to tell his soulmate he was sorry :(( GODDD the Pain!!! (I am curious though, how a couple who are both not virgins might find each other if they don't have that psychosensory cue?)
annother thing about the kan part was that it made me think about aye - ohh i can't wait to see more of him in the next chapter because i'm so curious about where his headspace on soulmates is. because i feel like aye must have been SO yearning for anything at all from his soulmate but if he never felt anything back i wonder if he thought he just didn't have one/they were gone. which also breaks my heart to think about, poor aye 😭 especially added in with the fact that akk was so startled by the sudden absence of his soulmate's presence that he finally even reached out himself but by then it was too late or aye would have reached back.... aaaand now i'm aching all over again for akk because im thinking of him dealing with the idea of thinking his soulmate had died and grappling with the regret of not having reached out when he could have...and i wonder if aye is unabashedly thinking of akk directly, because he thinks he doesn't have a soulmate so he thinks its harmless... omg. this fic is making me feel ALLL the things and its only chapter 1?!? what kind of sorcery is this?????
also wooow so sorry for the unsolicited word vomitting essay spiraling about the fic in your askbox!! 😂 its not very coherent and its all over the place but this is just a horribly long winded way of me wanting you to know that i'm super excited about your fic and can't wait for the next update! thanks for your writing :) ❤️
Kan, my beloved 🥹. He really is a hot mess in every universe. Honestly, I may end up writing a companion piece about Kan and Thua because I have a lot of feels about them and I don't think I'm going to be able to include it all in the main fic.
As for how two people who aren’t virgins might find each other, it would just be the same as you and me. They’d have to go about it the old-fashioned way: through trial and error. Although there are some subtle signs that you might notice as the fic goes along.
Chapter two (which should be posted later today!) will focus very heavily on Aye’s feelings towards his soulmate, but I think you're definitely on the right track. Since he never really felt Akk, he didn't think he was there and made decisions accordingly.
And please never apologize for word vomiting in my inbox about my fics! This was an absolute delight to read. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier! It’s been a busy week 😅. And thank you so, so much!! I’m happy you’re enjoying it 💕
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Hi my lovely! I am back again but this time to ramble out my research project that I’m doing for my masters!
The title of my project is investigating immune synapse formation in cytotoxic T cells
Cytotoxic T cells are a type of white blood cell that are involved in killing cells that are infected by viruses or show signs of cancers. They form something called an immune synapse when they find the infected cells - the immune synapse is like a little pocket made between the T cell and the infected cell. The T cell then releases the chemicals it uses for killing into this pocket so it can bind to the infected cell and kill it.
It’s a really cool process and we are looking at a protein on the surface of T cells (called WNK1) and how it helps the T cell stick to other cells because not much is known about WNK1 but some early studies have shown that without it, the T cells are not that good at their job!!
It’s very exciting to be looking at a new and undiscovered part of science and be the first to know what’s going on and I can’t wait to get into the lab and start looking!!!
First I have to write a research proposal and do a presentation of it and I hate presentations 😭😭 but it’s a small price to pay for some lab time I guess. I hope this all made sense 😅
Also you mentioned doing a C1 degree this summer, what does that mean??
Love you ❤️❤️
okay but this sounds so interesting???? and it's so cool that is an undiscovered part of science!!
I read the WNK1 protein as "wink" the first time and it was so funny for no reason
It makes sense that T cells are not as good in their job without the WNK1 cause then they wouldn't be able to stick as good i suppose and it would make it all more complex I guess
Love your explanation of the immune synpase as a little pocket. Sounds really cute ngl😂
And yes! I guess that since you are in an English speaking country it's not as known, but here in Spain it's really important. The C1 or Advanced is a Cambridge level exam made for people who's mother tongue is not english and it grants you a title (in this case ... C1, heh). There are levels from A1 to C2 (C2 being a native title, called proficiency, and from what I've heard it's really difficult to pass that exam)
I got my B2 a few years ago, and I think taking the C1 test will look good in CVs (but also i want to just.... have the title, you know?)
These exams are divided into a writing part (reading comprehension and a part called "use of English" (grammar and vocab use) plus a short writing essay that can be different topics), a listening part (in C1 level you should be able to understand a conversation with noise interference), and a speaking part (usually with other student or the examiner)
It takes almost all day to finish one exam and I used to take them at school, Cambridge examiners came on a Saturday and we spent the whole day waiting for our turn or taking the different tests with short breaks in between.
according to the Cambridge web and British Council these are the skills of people at a C1 level (just so you know the difficult level)
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I don't think it's hard but of course I'm always worried of my speaking. My Spanish accent shows and while I don't want exactly to sound as a native English person, I wish I had a cleaner pronunciation
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
I loooove all of your stories, and I am so excited for Dance in Time. Your writing style and stories bring such a comfort to me and probably lots of others too, and please don't let that pressure you. That is not my intention at all. I just wanna compliment you and your stories, and I hope it doesn't come across as pressure or such because English is not my first language 😅 anyways I am excited for everything thay will come in the future for Petrichor, The Line Between Love and War und Dance in Time. Have a good day or night, depending on your time zone, whenever you read this xD. And remember to drink lots of water to stay hydrated even if the temperatures are not as warm right now, at least for me they aren't :)
omg thank you so much🥹🥹
Dance of Time is hopefully going to be prepared in advance, I want to be halfway finished with it by the time I post it. There is a lot going in this story, kind of like petrichor, so I wanted to be able to have it written before posting type thing, instead of posting a chapter every time I finish writing one.
Im really happy that my writing is a comfort to you and to others. That was kind of one of my wishes when I was younger, to be able to comfort people like I was comforted by my own favorite authors.
Please do not worry about pressuring me, or about English not being a native language! Your English is very good! It always amazes me that people outside of the states can read my things, even though I know that the internet is global. It always gives me a nice little surprise and a little happiness when I see that!
We (in California) have like two cyclones moving in within the next two weeks, which means loooottttttssss of rain and flooding and everything that comes with that. I unfortunately do not have any kind of a rain jacket, as they are expensive and I am saving the money for one. Hopefully I can get one before it is needed. Other than that, its not too cold where I am, in the mid 50's F.
But also, I am working on a one shot that is a little darker in theme so be on the lookout for that!
thank you for always being so sweet and uplifting! ❤️
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in2thenewworld · 9 months
Hiii!!! If it isn't too much trouble and if there still open may I have (male) final fantasy matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. My height is 5'0. I would describe my aesthetic as girly/soft/cottegecore, lots of long dresses and skirts.
Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but I love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 7-ish years. I love animals. I am currently studying in college. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets.
Somethings I dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk.I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you:)
I am also 19 :)
no bother at all! congrats on being my first matchup teehee
loading your match! ପ( •̤ᴗ•̤ )੭ु⁾⁾.。.:✽・゚+
your match is…
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• you’re quiet at first? absolutely not a problem. zack is an extrovert who always tries to include everyone and is more than happy to do most of the talking when you’re first getting to know one another!
• and he’ll introduce you to his friends, too, so long as you’ll let him!
• i think he would be really fond of your style! you’ll know if an outfit hits it off with him particularly well when you start to get a few more flirty comments than usual…
• fair (no pun intended) to say you have a lot of hobbies, and zack is totally down for trying new things even if not all of them end up being for him.
• it also shows your dedication to things! zack admires those kinds of traits in people. he’s always encouraging of you to be your best self, even on your down days.
• he’ll do his best to take note and not talk over you, but he is very excitable at times. 😅 it might be a little bit of a process but he really means well.
• on the other hand, he’ll stick up for you against anyone else that might be rude or insensitive. he’s always got your back! he’s super protective but not in a sense that would ever be invasive or too much. if you want to handle it yourself, he’ll step back and let you.
• 5’0”? be ready to be an armrest because this man is like a whole foot taller, and he finds it hilarious.
• you’re open to any kind of music, so zack makes it his mission to introduce you to as much stuff as possible that you haven’t heard before! it becomes your “thing” in a way.
• since gardening is something you’re passionate about, expect him to bring you all sorts of flowers, plants or just anything that falls into that box. he can’t pass up on a gift that reminds him so much of you, after all. equally, he’ll love anything you give him, too.
i hope you enjoyed this matchup, thank you for dropping by! :D
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monzabee · 1 year
BESTIEE HIII howw are youu ? sorry I was mia for a bit it was my mum’s birthday on Friday so my dad planned a small trip for her so I didn’t get to come on here 😭 but I’ve missed youu !! I saw that your exams are over YAYY so happy for you now you can fully relax so enjoy yourself✨ 🥳!! Also a new Charles fic I will read it today so excited for that 💜!!
That’s a super cool and impressive party trick wow 🌟!! And totally agree Jonathan is really good him as king George always makes me laugh he’s really funny 😂Really that’s nice have fun listening to those vinyls 💖!!! I don’t know much about her but im sure she’s a nice person and as long as they’re happy in their relationship that’s what matters :)
Alsoo bestie the race yesterday I think it was one of the better ones of this season like Max is in his own league but the other midfield and podium place battles kept the race interesting! I’m so so happy for Lewis and the britcedes podium that was nice and hopefully the car keeps performing well ! Also every time I hear these Fernando radios I cannont believe them like who is this sweet supportive teammate haha but it’s really cute and funny too 😂💜 but Charles omg this season has just not been it for him I hope that Ferrari get their act together soon :( andd lastly I’m getting my results todayy !!! I’m nervous but also excited to see how I’ve done 😅
HI BESTIE!! i'm doing fine, how are youu?? don't apologise for it oh my god😭😭, i hope you had a great time on your trip and happy belated birthday to your mom!💜💜 i am finally free and now waiting anxiously for the results indeed my friend🤭, and i hope you like it!! please let me know what you think!
exactly!! i hope people would leave the drivers' girlfriends alone, especially when they say that they don't want the publicity in the first place😭 but i totally agree with you, jonathan is really great as king george and i love the way he portrays the character🤭🫶
yesterday's race was really enjoyable to watch!! it was a crazy start? very sad for lando, and definitely not the best race for charles and poor yuki for his penalty, but can i just say that i'm so happy that mercedes is finally improving?😭 britcedes looked amazing on the podium and they both did a wonderful job🤩🤩 i honestly can't believe how far fernando's come because he is so sweet with lance like wow??🤭 i've read somewhere that xavi might be fired, but i guess we'll have to wait for an official announcement
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alphonseelriic · 2 years
Hi Sofia! ❤️ How is it going? Sorry I'm a little late! So much to do and so tired recently 🥲
Hope you enjoyed a bit of your free time!! When are you done done with finals? 👀
Gonna confess, Im a glutton for food so always happy to hear people talk about their fav food too 😆. I know pannettone!! But I've only tried the Italian version, not sure how different they are (but I'm also sure the homemade ones are always the best!). Do you cook/bake too? :O I love empanadas too but I think I only know the fried ones! I had to Google the other two, BUT Locro looks so hearty to have omg and the alfajores looks so soft and good?! I wanna try them! 🤤 Just talking about it makes me so hungry right now... I do hope you'll get to eat all your favs this holiday season!!
Hmm I like a lot of different food too! And trying different countries food is always exciting to me so I like a little of everything. My favs is usually Japanese dishes or asian ones but specifically—I LOVE duck (the chinese ones in particular but also the seared foie gras), grilled meat 😅, sushi, udon (noodles are usually always a win), korean fried chicken or karaage. Randomly, I also like al pastor tacos, a good sandwich (roast beef is my go to ^^ ), samosas, hot pot, most potato things, cheese in general esp. gouda or goat!... I'll stop now hahaha. Btw do you have any favorite drinks?
Aww Im glad you enjoyed getting to where you are now! Asjdkkdd I'm not sure if my field fits me, there's definitely times I question it but it's what I do for now 😂😭.
The books—I'm familiar with the first few (jane austen books we had to read those in school!) but not the rest so I'll have to look it up sometime!! I had no ides howls moving castle was also a book! I'm sad to hear reading for uni took away reading for fun 😭. I honestly haven't picked up a book in ages so I feel this tho. These days I just read fanfics, I wonder if you were ever into those? 👀
Ahhh please!! I too love a lot of the scenes you picked as a fav! OMG AL 😭 you make me want to do a rewatch again of fmab...and the train scene with ed/winry and that line he says totally has my heart. AND THE MOB PARTS!! When the OST came on for both of those scenes? It was the most perfect beautiful ones and that song is one of my favs! That's when I knew I /loved Mp100 haha. HQ ahh so many good moments right...hinata growing is always so heartwarming, but so are the rest of them 😭. Honestly I want to rewatch hq like at least every year LOL... the sxf ones too, I love bond and I didn't expect to love Damien but it's growing. You picked such great favs ahh, let's see what Santa can do with those. 😉
Btw I haven't mentioned this yet, but went through your edits and you have such pleasant sets. So I want to ask! Do you have a favorite kind of style either that others make or that you lean towards? What inspires you to create?
Thank you for indulging me again and talk soon!!
- Animanga 🎅
So nice to see you again, secret santa ❤️ please don't apologize!! I hope you're doing well despite everything you need to do :')
My last final was the 6th, so I'm already on vacations for a while! I'm actually with my family at the beach rn hahahaha
Heh I totally get you! I honestly have no idea if there's a difference between italian panettone and the one we eat here 🤔 Empanadas can be either fried or oven baked!! They have a lot of variations between each southamerican country, in places like Colombia for example they always eat them fried, but here it's more common to have them baked as far as I know! Yeah locro is really comforting, carefully crafted to eat during winter >:) the tradition is eating it on may 25th, one of our two patriotic dates. Alfajores are heavenly!! I'm pretty sure they aren't very easy to find in other countries but if you ever stumble upon them and you're craving something sweet, I couldn't recommend them enough!
My mom is a baker that works from home (studied it professionally and all) but I admit I'm not much of a baker/cook myself 😅 I do enjoy cooking and if I'm given a detailed recipe there's a good chance I'll do mostly good, but for some reason I'm not very drawn to the kitchen. I do want to start cooking more tho, I just don't have much initiative. What about you?
Ooohh I think I've never tried duck now that I think about it 🤔 I want to try it now!! I haven't had the chance to try a big amount of asian dishes but I loved the ones I did try <3 i also love sushi and noodles!! Ohh korean fried chicken sounds delicious! I went to a korean food fair a few weeks ago with some friends and my favorite were the tteokbokki and the bulgogi 🤤
Oh I also adore tacos and anything with potato and cheese in it LMAOOO honestly idk if i have favorite drinks, I mostly like cappuccino and hot cocoa. When it comes to cold drinks, I'm fine with water or diet coke. I also like freshly squeezed orange juice 🧡
Oh you read Jane Austen for school?? Lucky you! We didn't read anything remotely similar in my high school, and then in uni my english literature teacher didn't like her books so we didn't read them 😭 I ended up reading pride and prejudice for another completely different class later on, and now I'm reading sense and sensibility by myself!
Oh I do read some fanfics from time to time, but definitely not with the consistency most people on fandoms do. Once in a blue moon I get obsessed with a character or a ship during like one evening and then spend the rest of the night searching for fanfics. I have bad luck at finding ones that actually catch my attention so I don't do it often.
HAHAHA I'm glad you liked the scenes I chose! Resisting the temptation to rewatch fmab is a constant struggle really 😖 same for Haikyuu! Oh yeah mob's soundtrack also takes the cake, wouldn't be the same without it 💕 Damien also grew a lot in me! His crush on Anya is so adorable. Can't wait to see what Santa does ;)
Awww thank you! My edits mean a lot to me so I'm very happy you like them 🥹 ohh that's such a hard question!! I find all editing styles or technics to be great on their own right, but I personally lend more towards gifs and graphics with soft colors, with subtle patterns and textures, carefully put together quotes and well placed panels! Maybe my explanation is a bit abstract so these are some examples:
Obviously this doesn't mean I don't like sets with stronger or vibrant colors!! As long as there's harmony between them, any color combos will be great :') I also love gifsets with big, clear and crispy gifs! You see a lot of them now that tumblr has updated their size limit lol
What inspires me to create is mostly the process, which I usually enjoy a lot (unless I'm creatively stuck, then not so much hahaha). I also love looking at other's creations and seeing if I can make something as beautiful! The challenges from animangacreators are also very helpful when I wanna make something and I don't know what ;)
That was a very nice talk!! See you again soon, my santa ❤️
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I posted 71 times in 2022
2 posts created (3%)
69 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1 of my posts in 2022
#that was disappointing 😅 - 1 post
#funny - 1 post
#ask me things - 1 post
#send asks - 1 post
#asks open - 1 post
#please people - 1 post
Longest Tag: 25 characters
#that was disappointing 😅
My Top Posts in 2022:
I saw your last post and it made me sad, so here's a bit of a random ask for you :))
What's your favourite of each media type so like favourite tv show, book(s) (i can't just pick one), podcast, etc.
This was so nice 😢💕 thank-you for sending in an ask :))
and as for my favourite show it tends to change quiet often but im always a sucker for my old favourites like teen wolf or 9-11 or the alienist. but right now id say cobra kai- the found family and martial arts aspect along with the comedy has felt nice to watch as of recent- its just light hearted.
as for books the “All For The Game Trilogy” is definitely my current favourite. Im also reading the graphic novels “fence” as well and they are very funny as well. Oh and heartstopper because It is such a comforting series. (Although I read a-lot, so theres definitely more I love haha)
*(Im also reading six of crows)*
For Podcasts Ive been binging : KingFalls, Camp Here and There, along with The Magnus Archives, and Brooke and connor make a podcast.
and for youtube I don’t watch it much but if im in the mood its usually commentary youtubers so like kurtis connor, codyKo, NickIsNotGreen, anthony padilla, etc etc :)
1 note - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
When you finally get an ask in your ask box, and are so excited to open it- only for it to be from a porn bot 🙂😔
1 note - Posted April 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eat-worms · 3 years
yall, knife trick updated and I've been loosing my SHIT.
(I'm doing my schpeel for this under my wip for this piece cuz I want the final to be not so cluttered. )
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ok so this fic like... almost single handedly resparked my love for making digital art. I had made a piece or 2 before the one I did for knife trick but they were very experimental and dazed and haphazard. I find it beneficial to draw from reference, but it isn't what I love about art. and so I read this fic and just was so so excited to do something with this wonderful world and these wonderful characters built from very little canon interaction. and I just drew. and I spent like a whole 2 weeks only drawing after that. it wasn't fan art for knife trick after that first piece. but I was so proud of it. and I saw what I could do. and I was inspired again by a vast and heartwrenching fictional world. and I haven't really taken a long break drawing since. and something about the tension and the luster of life these characters bring I find so enrapturing and rare (for me) in fanfiction and this truly has that. SO. HERES MY WIP after the new chapter. gosh this moment. oh and that quote, it made me cry, I saved it on my phone let me get it.
"The thing about saying goodbye is that they say goodbyes are the hardest, when really goodbyes aren’t all that hard at all. Saying goodbye is as easy as saying any other thing, in fact almost exactly that easy. As one leaves the grocery store and says goodbye to the cashier, they don’t feel bad at all; as you hang up the phone on an annoyed parent you might feel quite relieved to say goodbye.
Saying goodbye depends much less on what is said and much more on what isn’t said.
Sometimes the people saying goodbye are not aware they’re saying goodbye, and years down the line they will think to themselves, was that really it? The very last thing I said?"
like I'm SOBBING OMG. also rans autistic coding (not really coding, I think its confirmed just not spoken by the characters) is just... so important to me. I've been trying to get just an adhd diagnosis for over 2 years now and a lot of people in my life are saying I'm likely autistic, but regardless of all that I SEE my self in ran and it's so cool to see him learn more about himself. I have another diagnosis appointment tmr morning actually and it's like... wow. like the amount of self-reflection and frustration ran goes through during this story because of his differences with the culture around him. and how he always feels/is literally trapped because of this. it's just so real and personal. and even tho Watson is an asshat and imprisoned him before he got the answers he needed... he still got them. Ran and Jackie's story is just so special I'm glad I'm here to read it. it brings me so much comfort. also fanfic writers for this story... im coming for you. I probably already have come for you tbh 😅. Ok. I think maybe one person is gonna read this wall of text but that's alright, I just want it out there. this story is special. please please read it if you haven't. I'm going to go and re-read it again and finish this drawing!
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saintobio · 3 years
hey saint, how are you? i hope you’re doing great. i don’t know if you remember me, but i actually asked for k-drama recs on your other blog. 😅 anyways, i began watching ‘extraordinary you’ just because i was curious about you saying this show inspired so many SN dynamics. I’m at around episode 20 i believe, and i was kinda looking at the cast and i began thinking of sera and y/n, because i remembered a post not to long ago on your blog explaining the differences in their beauty. I was imagining ju-da as sera (just looks wise, they’re nothing alike LMAO) because when i saw her i was like ‘wow she is absolutely beautiful- just gorgeous.’ then i was looking at the main character dan oh, and with her i thought she was very pretty, her beauty to me was different and as i kept watching, i just fell in love with her even more and just the way she is in her friendships and relationships made her even more radiant and it warmed my heart. at this point im just blabbering but, i finally understand what you meant when you say that y/no’s beauty is something you grow to love and appreciate. i just thought it was really nice to see and now i just imagine dan oh as y/n- my face claim, if you will. that’s my material gworl.😭🤍 anyway, i just wanted to say that. please forgive my incessant rambling i just absolutely love the k-drama and SN (haven’t read sincerely yours yet, but i will and am very excited). anyways, i hope you’re doing well, and i hope you have a very happy, and exciting birthday angel. sending lots of love light.🪄👼
omgggg so glad you mentioned this!! this is actually such a good comparison and yes, i agree that this is how we identify sera and yn’s beauty in the snverse. my first face claim for sera is actually yeo juda too :D
i also took inspos of their social class from that drama!! sera / juda are both middle class, yn + gojo / danoh + baekgyeong are rich
as for the dynamics, danoh and baekgyeong are engaged and he’s such an asshole to her. she also has a heart condition. sounds familiar? ahaha EY is the biggest inspo for sn!! i should probably mention that instead of twotm
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Anonymous said
this is random but whenever i imagine yn, i would instantly remember shim soo ryeon from penthouse but only younger and less the revenge arc. i know the plot is very different but I can’t help it haha maybe because they’re both chaebol’s daughter with fucked up people around them 😭 the way they would still maintain their poise even when they’re hurting inside 🥲 i really pity both characters but if yn’s gonna have her baddie moment like shim soo ryeon I WOULD LITERALLY LOSE IT LIKE GO GIRLLL 🔥🔥
ooooh i haven’t watched the penthouse but i do vaguely remember another anon suggesting the same thing back in sn era :0 it sounds rly interesting !!
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beebubb · 3 years
Hi hi! It's me again, polyamorous anon
I'm sending this request so when your asks are open again you can do it ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ
Can you plz write Will x Frankie x reader hc's??
Idrc if they're nsfw or not, i just wanna read sum cuz i ship them and they're my F/O's too sooo
(my pronouns are they/he and im non binary :D)
My asks aren't open yet but i have free time rn! So i can write some HCs! And thank you for telling me your pronouns! Some people forget to tell me in asks and well, i don't wanna seem rude and call someone the wrong pronouns. Also this is my first time writing poly relationships so sorry if my HCs aren't that good 😅
Poly relationship: frankie the undead x reader x william grossman
Most of the HC are SFW but i do have NSFW but it's just a few
The three of you get a good balance when it comes to being serious and being goofy
Though the only problem is how often and how much time you get to spend with both of them
You and will go out on dates more often. Sense frankie is usually always working and is sometimes gone for days, even weeks
Which is one of the cons of dating frankie.
That he either can't go out because of work, or because he's scared he'll put either you or will at risk from other hitmen
But he means well, he just wants to protect the both of you and loves the two of you. So please understand him :)
When it comes to dates with Will, it's usually to order something to eat, play video games, or watch something on Netflix but he also fucking loooooves self care things. So if you wanna do face masks or do some sort of face treatment, he is totally up to doing it
Also he is really adventurous, so sometimes he might even want to go explore abandoned or haunted places and just fool around with you
But when frankie is around, it's usually in the early morning, which is when will is at the institution
So now both you and frankie miss will
But what makes everything worth while is seeing how happy will gets when he sees frankie at the apartment with you when he gets back from the institution
it's always really cute seeing him get so excited and just hug him after days of not seeing him
And when frankie is around, will makes the best of it
"Y/n and i already found a movie we think you might like! We can watch it today! We can buy some popcorn or order some pizza! Right y/n?!"
You guys are basically the trio of will being the energetic one, frankie as the always tierd one, and you are the only calm one that balances the two of them out
You and will are also frankie's only ray of sunshine
frankie needs a good laugh? Y/n, will, you know what to do!
Is frankie stressed out? Maybe a massage and cuddles could help! But if it turns to something more ✨spicy✨, hey, no one's complaining am i right?
He's strong, agile, etc, he can easily dom both you and will
Will loves teasing both you and frankie, but if you and him tease frankie, ohh boy are you two in for a fucking RIDE
But if it's actually you and frankie teasing will; he is a BIG bottom and you sure as hell will have him on his knees begging you and frankie to literally do anything to him. will is open to anything, so don't doubt on trying anything new
Will is also very lovey dovey and absolutely loves physical affection
So he definetly loves being in the middle so both you and frankie cuddle him
So he loves getting cuddled but he is also the best cuddler
I know that frankie and will are polar opposites when it comes to energy and personality but this is actually the healthiest and most wholesome relationship you could ever ask for
There is no such thing as jealousy between the three of you
There might be the ocassional disagreement but frankie and will are a bit of peacemakers
They don't like being mad or upset with you or eachother, so they always look for the best ways to get along
When it comes to sleeping, frankie stay in the middle so he can hug both you and will
Will likes pulling pranks on the two of you (harmless of course)
But if you are just as chaotic as will, his pranks might have no effect on you
Will: *puts salt instead of sugar in both y/n and frankie's coffee cup* here you go!
Frankie: thanks babe *takes a big gulp but immediatly spits it out* will what the hell?!? Did you put salt in this?!?
Will: *trying to not burst out in laughter*
Frankie: goddamnit...y/n dear, don't drink tha-
Y/n: *drinks the entire mug of salty coffee in a heart beat*
Will and frankie: 😨
When the three of you have quiet time, it's always so peaceful. Neither of You have to talk and can enjoy each other's presence
But, even though frankie complains a lot about having too much noise, he still enjoys will's loud singing when he has his random karaoke nights in the apartment
Which will would absolutely want you to join in
So if you're shy or not that confident, will can Definetly make you come out of your shell
Will isn't a perfect singer, so he doesn't care if you're a good singer or not, he just wants to have fun with you
Frankie doesn't really get into it so he's fine with just watching you and will sing
It just brings him so much joy seeing you two happy
It's basically like this:
You and will:
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Frankie on the outside:
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Frankie in the inside:
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Frankie has a soft spot but only for you and will
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actualbird · 3 years
I just read the prompt fill and as always, you knocked it out of the park, Zak! THE ANGST!!! Chef's kiss! I seriously just want to key smash and call it a day. The MarLuke prompt has me in a chokehold and what if I said I have a few more ideas and/or continuation of the prompt, would you be okay in hearing them out? (actually no promises if I will actually write anything, can't force the brain to work if it doesn't want to 😅). ((I'm asking just because I don't want to make it seem like I'm taking your work)).
• Luke and Marius both have to go to a NNX meeting the next day and everyone is of course !? When they see that Luke is sporting a cast for his broken nose and Marius obviously has a black eye that he tried to cover up with make-up or maybe something is off with the make-up, like it gets smudged or just looks weird around the eye area. (I headcanon that Marius wears make-up every day because God forbid, people see that he's not perfect).
• It's such a huge elephant in the room that no one wants to address and the other members clearly see that Luke and Marius aren't as friendly with each other as they usually are!
• Vyn knows/knew of Marius' crush because of course he noticed and then relentlessly teased Marius about it which of course, Marius denied every time but like... He literally turns into a tomato when Luke compliments him so... Marius is a fucking idiot. Vyn was the one who encouraged Marius to confess to Luke because he also knows that Luke likes Marius so when a few days later they come into the meeting without saying at least "hi" to each other... Vyn is very surprised, because they clearly like each other! So Vyn does what he does best, he asks them this:
And that's it! I know I said I should ask first before writing this but I couldn't contain myself! I'm sorry. I have a continuation in mind if you would be okay in hearing it out?
I was not having a good day so reading all that angst make my day so much better, go figures! And again, thank you for your incredible writing! ♥️❤️♥️
hi, hibiscus!!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
first off, im SO GLAD u enjoyed the fuck marius von hagen in particular angst bonanza!!! writing it was so much fun!!!
second off, no need for any apologies!!! i totes understand getting VERY excited and making stuff and asking for permish only after some stuff has been made already, like ive been there KBKSJFG. im very very glad you did come back to ask though, so to answer ur q:
you are very welcome to write a continuation or ideas that build off of the marluke bit in there!! im deffo open and happy to hear about it and im even alright with you posting it yourself, so long as where you post it (tumblr, ao3, etc.,), theres a link in there back to my post as a little credit/citation.
(sidenote: i may have to make a faq for ppl who want to write stuff based off of my stuff. my ao3 profile has a fic faq containing permission guidelines but that only applies to my ao3 fic. ive been getting several dms/replies/asks inquiring on writing based off the tot content ive made that is only on this blog. hm, i'll find a time to write a little post on that, best to keep things clear so theres less back and forth HAHA)
third off, HOLY MOLY.....YOUR IDEAS.....can u believe i wrote all that angst and did not at any point wonder at all about the aftermath. god oh my god yes. luke almost never gets injured because hes too well trained for anybody to land a hit so him looking like that...and marius looking like that.....DELICIOUS!! THE TENSION!!! and ooooohhh vyn vyn vyn you may have miscalculated here. just because luke reciprocates doesnt mean he'll ACCEPT love towards himself. this is so scrumptious....
fourth off, dont think it has escaped my attention that just a few days ago you had said "marius is my least favorite nxx boy" and now ur here like "I Wish To Write MarLuke" i am IMMENSELY PLEASED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT!!!
and fifth, im very sorry you had a not good day :(((( im glad that my writing helped make a bad day a little less sucky and i very much hope your coming days are kinder and better to you!!
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suhnshinehaos · 2 years
I haven't been able to read anything properly for like the last couple of months because of uni deadlines and stress and now I finally have time yay! It feels so nice to catch up on a5c and feel so relaxed. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into your writing ♡♡ also I was wondering if you have a permanent taglist if you do can you add me to it please? I'm always so excited to read your work
ah i get what you mean! it’s been hard for me to properly read anything too 😭 i hope everything is well with you in terms of uni and deadlines, im glad that you’re able to find the time to relax and take a break from all of that :) thank you so much for reading my work! it makes all the time and effort that i spent on it very much worth it, especially when i read messages like this <3
as for a permanent taglist, i don’t have one atm. truth be told, it’s hard for me to imagine that people would want to get tagged in everything that i write haha 😅 i suppose if enough people asked, i could look into making one?
anyways, thank you again! i hope your day is as lovely as you are :)
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