#im vv sorry about the lack of art
jessaerys · 1 year
It’s so great to find people who think the same things about mello and near, I watched dn like last year and was so sad that there was a lack of fics exploring their REAL dynamic and just reducing them to “they hate each other forever!!!!” like cmon guys😪 I beg of u to write something for them and give us the brothers-enemies-soulmates energy that they really have!! Also your art is bomb and ur vv big brained and talented but im too shy to say this off anon hah😁😁
i'm too shy to reply to messages like these when they are off-anon so i think this works for the both of us as an intricate ritual.... (what are we)
once again, no promises, but i do hope i can overcome my fanfiction-posting fear and eventually get buff enough to adapt to longfic format taka's and i's insanely rambly RP threads where near and mello get stuck in a rural greek island with no contact to the outside world except for a village of elderly people for two weeks post-near traveling to the underworld orpheus and eurydice style to bring mello back from the dead so all they can do is sit around trying very hard to avoid having a good time or process any feelings whatsoever. and also bond and experience community and rest or whatever. but mostly come up with increasingly implausible lies to themselves as to why they want to make out. which they don’t. oh and also there’s only one bed. and the clock is ticking till they have to return to the real world and face the music or whatever. it's like blue lagoon by way of silent hill style therapy and it's like 70k words at this point but only like 6 days have happened in-universe time hence the need for a film (fic) abridged version. in the meantime you can peruse my #august underground tag for only the vaguest of context clues
anyway nothing fuels me more than rooting for an underdog ship knowing with my entire being that i am objectively so correct and everyone who disagrees is wrong so i need to produce quality fanworks to Win at Shipping. something that is normal to want and possible to achieve. i think it's because i was raised to proselytize so now i need to chanel that instinct like a dog without a job. sorry where was i going with this
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Merry Crisis and Happy Holidays have the only canon cats I've drawn since june!
New Dovewing design wdyt?? I like making Hollyleaf and Dovewing have visible parallels since, you know, they are parallels in the story (or at least they have opposing feelings when it comes to the prophecy, Holly desperately wanting to be apart of it to the point it ruins her life vs Dove desperately wanting nothing to do with it because it is running her life/relationships) anyways, I kind of wanted to draw an almost fully white Dovewing after seeing a 'Persephone ' MAP call for her and was inspired.
Stand alone design under the cut, see you guys next year!
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myakavi · 4 years
Theodorus Fluff Alphabet (D, H, I, J, K)
To celebrate his route release!!!!
now to get back on topic, here are a few fluff headcanons I did a good while ago for someone on Amino but I'm only getting around to posting now. I'll post my rules soon and then you all can request any fluff headcanons you like!! :)
And disclaimer, I haven't played his route before until like right now so I apologize for any inconsistencies!!!
✨Without further ado, here we go✨:
D = Dream (what do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Theo probably dreams of taking you out with him to see art of all kinds. He's an art dealer and art is his passion in spite of the risks of his trade, and dreams of being able to take you with him all the time. His main apprehension is getting you 1) roped into trouble and 2) dragging you out to the point of exhaustion. It can be an exhausting job, leaving early in the morning and not returning until rather late, but if you show enthusiasm to accompany him and passion in what he treasures so dear, he'll fall in love with you 10× harder and that dream will come true.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Theo is a puppy at heart, so he adores hugs. Never in public, though. Whether it be the residents of the mansion or strangers while the two if you are out and about, Theo does not have the spine to receive PDA, and the most he will give is probably pulling you through a crowd by the wrist. Whenever you're alone he flips like a switch, though, and loves nothing more than to melt in your arms, leaning against you and resting his head on your shoulder. He has to remember that he's actually quite heavy and needs to support his own weight, or he might crush you. He prefers it when you initiate (taking a little bit of the embarrassment away from this tsundere prick c; ), and favors hugs where he can snuggle his face into your hair or neck. Even after you've hugged for the thousandth time, he's still somewhat embarrassed to make eye contact, and nuzzling where he can take in your scent is a good replacement.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Theo can be a romantic when he wishes to be, and the main thing that pushes him to it is seeing the way it flusters you. He used to consider many romantic gestures as incredibly (and unbearably) cheesy, but if it turns your face beet red then he's sold on it. Given that nobody else is there to see, Theo's favorite forms of intimacy and romance are primarily physical. He's not very good with words and not very gracious at giving gifts, but be it a ruffle of your hair as he passes you by or a kiss to your neck behind closed doors, he treasures that. He likes those mellow moments under the moonlight, lying together in either silence or filling it with idle conversation whispered by gentle voices.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Whoever made Theo jealous better run
If you want an idea of how Theo is when he's jealous, just think of how protective he is of Vincent.
He's probably an easily jealous person, but not so much that it's toxic or manipulative. It's triggered by little things (you smiling too warmly at one of the mansion residents, or accidentally brushing up against one if them, or Arthur getting too close when he flirts with you), and it's usually very visible on his scowling face. He tries his best to trust you and keep his feelings a secret, because these things are bound to happen in a mansion full of men. And telling you... oh dear... telling you he got jealous would be more embarrassing than he can handle. So instead, if he feels that you aren't giving him enough attention, he will just pull you away by the wrist and come up with some excuse to take you with him to town
His way of taking you out on a spontaneous date, but he'll never admit that's what it is. Instead he'll come up with a stupid excuse
"No, stop looking at me like that, hondje. You're just working so damn hard all the time, I don't want to deal with you fainting or anything... that would be such a bother."
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Theo is probably a bit of a tease when it comes to kissing, liking to leave a kiss on the cheek or corner of the mouth and then leaning away. He likes to see you pout or stand on your toes to reach him, so that makes it all worth it. Like with hugs, he loves it when you initiate, but if you're not alone he can and WILL turn beet red and look away. He's a softie deep inside and would love to leave longer, more loving kisses, just... not when anyone's looking...
Even in private it probably takes him awhile to get used to kissing with more intimate and romantic meaning (he copes with embarrassment by teasing so if you take that away he'll be jello inside), but once he gets a bit more used to it he really enjoys it for what it is.
Thanks so much guys 😫😫😫 sorry if my formatting is a mess I am VERY NEW TO THIS but I hope that I can make lots of friends here and you'll at least enjoy a bit of what I write ;____;;;; ILL POST MORE IN THE FUTURE TOO OK MWAAAAAH ❤❤❤❤❤
If you wanna see some ikevamp art I have some on my art page @magnumm-opus 👉👈 the algorithm really IGNORES ME so who knows maybe you'd like to check it out, only if u want to ofc 😭😭😭❤❤❤❤😫😫😫 ILL BE POSTING THEO CONTENT VV SOON TOO SO DON'T WORRY
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sugawaras · 7 years
alright so can you tell me what this all means. I'm a Slytherin, Thunderbird, INTJ, Sagittarius with a Thestral patronus and my friends is a Ravenclaw, Horned Serpent, INTP, Gemini with a Beagle patronus. Could you tell us what it means individually and maybe even compatibly/friendship? You don't have to use all of the information given. Thanks!
Heyo im definitely not an expert when it comes to these characteristics but ill give it a shot!! I’m vv sorry if this turns out to be horribly inaccurate hahaBeing a slytherin, sagittarius, and thunderbird, you’re ambitious and you’re not afraid of following your dreams, wherever they might be. Your intelligence + drive make a great combination and you do what it takes to get where you want to be. You’re adventurous, but not necessarily in a social landscape. However, if someone insults something you believe strongly in, you have no problem with coming up with a snarky/sarcastic remark (ROASTED), but sometimes you just say it in your head hahaBeing an intj may mean that you have a little more difficulty making friendships. It might not come easy to you, but the friends you do make are ones you love with all your heart. I think you’d be the type of person who has a few really close friends, rather than someone who has a wide circle of friends that aren’t as close. You pick your friends carefully, and your group of friends probably has one thing in common: they’re all intelligent, and i dont mean that they all get good grades. They’re generally aware of social issues, and probably have common interests - such as art and other intellectual interests - with you. Even your friends who may appear a little more easy-going/laidback value things that are more ambiguous (books, movies, video games, etc.)Here’s what I think about your friend, coming from someone who’s also a gemini and beagle patronus (though i’ve gotten about 10 different patronus results tbh)!!You value intelligence, wisdom, and logic. This is kinda obvious, considering you’re a ravenclaw, but you’re truly someone who believes that “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure!” You strive to do well in your academics, and like your friend, you’re very ambitious when you set your mind on something. You’re a very logical person, but I don’t necessarily think you’re lacking at all when it comes to creativity. You might have a deep appreciation for creative things, such as art, poetry, musicals, etc. I think you care more about your grades than your friend, mainly because what you pursue in life relies on having a good GPA and getting a good education. You’re a very bright person, and these qualities are all things your friends admire about you, especially when you get passionate about your ideas.. Here’s what I think about your friendship! This is based a lil bit on my friendship with one of my friends, who’s also a sagittarius slytherpuff. You both have very common interests and traits, but I’m willing to bet that one of you is normally calmer than the other (or one of you is better at faking it haha)! You enjoy intellectual things and the philosophical aspect of life. If either of you ever makes their own art/original work, you support and encourage each other endlessly. You can go from having a deep discussion about life to laughing about memes in half a second, but you’re both smart and quick-witted when it comes to humor. Maybe you both enjoy listening to musicals and busting out the lyrics together, and sometimes you’re more into just walking around a museum together and admiring the architecture and exhibits. You guys might also make the occasional sarcastic, snarky remark from time to time about people who are more simple-minded, whilst marveling at their stupidity - just a theory tho!! Overall, your friendship is strong because you have so many similar - yet different - characteristics. You’re both smart, ambitious, and thoughtful. However, you don’t always agree on social interactions, how to talk to other people, and how much is too much. Nonetheless, you balance each other out. Hope your friendship stays strong!! xx (sorry this is so long yikes)Also - my friend @siriusnox is wayy better when it comes to astrology, so feel free to talk to them about this too!! They’re also the sagittarius friend i mentioned, so they’re vv experienced when it comes to this sort of thing.
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