#imagine georg listing
bossyjuicyy · 2 months
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✭      ʾʿ      🌺  𝐁𝐄𝐌-𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐃♡𝐒          ࣪       ﹖﹗
➤ esse é um espaço dedicado a postar imagines e preferences da banda Tokio Hotel.
➤ atualmente postando apenas imagines e preferences já publicados nos meus perfis do wattpad e spirit, porém os pedidos permanecem abertos.
➤ 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘶𝘮 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘰 :)
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៹ ─` 𝗠𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐢𝐬 .
☆ 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 ::
☆ 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘢𝘥 :: @Attrayez
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mallowsweetmiri · 5 months
• One of the Boys •
Reader x Fred Weasley
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Based off of Katy Perry’s song “One of the Boys”
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: You’ve always been one of the boys. That was until you came back from summer break looking a bit, different, as Fred puts it.
Warnings: cursing, mildly steamy scenario
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One of the boys
“Today was bloody brilliant!” Fred cheered and clapped you on the back as he raised his cup to Gryffindor. Practically the whole school was shoved in your common room to celebrate the quidditch cup.
“To Gryffindor!” Oliver bellowed drunkly as everyone drank and cheered.
“Seriously, Y/N, you played fucking amazing today,” Angelina bellowed, downing the rest of her drink.
“I can second that. Since when did you get so bloody good, little one?” George smiled as he put his arm around you. The twins had always been your good friends, the three of you joining the Gryffindor quidditch team in your third years. They’d often referred to you as little one, due to the fact that they towered over you. They constantly teased and pranked you, but you would also join in on their antics. More often than not, you guys were playing quidditch during the warm seasons and pranking Filch in the winter. You were really just one of the boys and you couldn’t be more happy to be a part of their mischief.
“I’ve always been good, Georgie. But I will admit, this was probably my best game yet,” you beamed as you joined the rest in downing your drink.
“You’re only that good thanks to our rigorous coaching throughout the years,” Fred smiled wryly, filling his own cup up again. You rolled your eyes.
“Yea right, Weasley. The two of you combined still wouldn’t be as good as me,” you challenged. The three of you went back and forth all night, drinking and laughing and celebrating Gryffindors victory. The high spirits continued throughout the week and before you knew it you were saying goodbye to all your friends at platform 9 and 3/4.
“Oh! So good to see you sweetie,” Molly smiled warmly as she dragged you into a tight hug, “Have a good summer, we’ll see you in the fall! Say goodbye boys.” Fred and George both approached you and each gave you a quick hug before heading out with the Weasley family.
“See you next year little one!” George called out.
“Don’t skimp out on the quidditch practice, Y/N! You could use it,” Fred shouted, giving you a cheeky smile and a wave. You rolled your eyes and sent a smile back before meeting with your own family and heading home for the summer.
3 months later
You checked yourself out in the mirror one last time and smoothed the top of your hair flat.
“Come on, Y/N! You’re going to miss the train,” your dad called from downstairs.
Over the summer you had grown a considerable amount. Your dad had been teasing you about how much time you spent in the bathroom getting ready, but you didn’t care. For once in your life you actually felt pretty. Your body had begun to fill out in all the right places and your hair had grown out well past your shoulders now. You had started to shave your legs and wear perfume. You had even bought new clothes as you had outgrown your old wardrobe. All of this had instilled you with a newfound confidence that had you beaming. As you walked onto platform 9 and 3/4, you wore a fitted long sleeve shirt and some new low waisted jeans. You had blown out your hair into soft falling curls and you had even applied some lip gloss. You were excited to start your sixth year with all your friends and your new look.
“Bye guys! I’ll see you for Christmas,” you hugged your family before loading your trunks on the train. As you put your final trunk into the train, someone called your name from behind.
You turned around to see Fred and George standing behind you, still towering over your frame.
“Fred! George! How was your summer?” You bounded towards them and hugged George. When you pulled back to hug Fred he just stood there with his mouth slightly agape. George nudged him and he seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and leaned in to hug you.
“You look… different,” was all he could manage to say. You chuckled and put your hands on your hips.
“Yes, I’m not so little anymore. You guys can stop calling me little one now,” you teased.
“Nah, you’re still tiny,” George brushed you off as you all started to head onto the train to find a compartment. After walking down the length of the train, you had finally found the compartment where Lee and Angelina were.
“Y/N! How was your summer! Oh my gosh, you look absolutely stunning,” Angelina beamed as she hugged you and pulled you down to sit next to her.
“Thanks Angie, I can say the same about you! And my summer was amazing,” you guys chatted back and forth, catching up on all the latest gossip and all the fun things you did over the summer. Fred and George beamed about the Quidditch World Cup and soon the five of you were full of sweets and ready to take a quick nap before you had to change into your school robes.
“Every year I tell myself not to eat so many chocolate frogs, and every year I eat more than I did the year before,” Lee groaned, leaning back and rubbing his stomach. You laughed and slid down in your own seat, leaning your head against the window and looking out across the green landscape. You were so happy to be back with your friends. The summertime was amazing, but there was nothing like Hogwarts. As you smiled to yourself, you looked up from the window to see Fred staring at you with a serious expression. You raised an eyebrow at him but he just shook his head and looked out the window. That was weird. You shook it off and leaned your head against the window again and nodded off.
Before long, the train had pulled into the station and crowds of students were piling out into to the night to go to welcoming feast. As you filed out of the train and towards the carriages, Fred and George lagged behind a bit and whispered to each other.
“Do you think they’re acting a bit strange?” You leaned in towards Angelina, sending another glance back towards the twins.
“Aren’t they always?” Angelina shrugged as she stepped into the carriage. She had a point.
After a few minutes, you found yourself at the Gryffindor table listening to Dumbledore announce the Tri-Wizard Tournament, everybody increasingly getting excited as his speech went on. The excitement reached its peak as piles of fresh food appeared in front of you and everybody dug into the feast.
“Oh how I missed this food,” you groaned, piling food into your mouth. George hummed in agreement as he piled more potatoes into his mouth. You could feel Fred staring at you again but you decided against meeting his gaze this time. Were they going to prank you or something? He was acting so weird.
Shortly after dinner, everybody headed up to their dorms. Despite wanting to hang out together in the common room, the long day of travel and the large feast caught up with the Gryffindors as the students filed up the winding stairs to their rooms. You had just gotten to your room when you realized you left your book in the common room. You turned around and quietly padded down the stairs to retrieve it. You slowed your steps as you saw the twins huddled together on a couch with their backs turned from you.
“Well yes, I’m not disagreeing. Any bloke can see she looks good, so what? I mean, what are you trying to say?” You managed to hear George say as you approached the coffee table.
“Ooh, who looks good? Does someone have a crush?”
The twins jumped as you grabbed your book next to them.
“Bloody hell, Y/N!” Fred exclaimed with wide eyes. George laughed.
“See, you say you’re no longer little, but you’re so tiny your footsteps don’t even make a sound,” George teased, leaning back into the couch and tossing his arm over it. You rolled your eyes.
“You guys just stomp around like ogres, I walk like a normal human. Anyways, I’m heading to bed. Try not to drool over Angelina, Georgie. It’s only the first day back,” you teased as you turned to head up towards the girls dormitory. You heard George let out a loud laugh before hearing a loud slap and more commotion. You just smiled to yourself, oh how you missed those two. You entered your room and placed your book on your bedside table before going to your wardrobe to change.
“I think George likes you,” you nodded to Angelina as she shot up in her bed.
“Really?” She said with a slight smile. You just chuckled. You were so happy to be back.
The weeks flew by and soon the other wizarding schools had arrived. The only thing that sucked about this whole tournament was that there was no quidditch. It was a surprisingly warm November day when you bounded into the common room looking for a certain pair of red heads. You spotted them huddled up in the corner of the room, probably working on one of their pranking products as you had learned of recently.
“You two,” you pointed at the twins as they whipped their heads up, “wanna play quidditch? Two on two, George and Angelina, Me and Fred.” A cheeky grin immediately grew on George’s face as he turned to look at Fred. A more sheepish smile appeared on Fred’s face as he stood up.
“Alright, Y/N, let’s kick some ass.”
The game had turned out to be exactly what the four of you needed in midst of all the school work that was being assigned. You and Fred flew seamlessly together, scoring over and over again on George and Angelina. They were putting up a good front, but your flying skills were outmatched. You had even attracted a small crowd of students by the time the game ended.
“Good game,” you said, landing onto the field and sticking out your hand for Angelina.
“Yes, valiant effort you two,” Fred smirked, shaking Angelina’s hand after you.
“Merlin, Y/N, I forgot how good you are,” Angelina mumbled as she took her defeat in stride.
“Yeah, shes bloody brilliant,” Fred mumbled with a reserved smile. You looked up at him, beaming at the compliment but he quickly looked away and cleared his throat.
“Gotta admit it, little one. You sure can fly,” George clapped you on the back before following Angelina off the field.
“We make a good team, Freddie,” you smiled, patting his arm before beginning to walk off the field as well. You couldn’t help but feel a little sad. Why was Fred acting so weird around you? Did he not like you anymore? He had been so distant this year, choosing to spend his time with George and whenever you came over to join them, he seemed to shut down and become reserved. And Fred had certainly never been reserved before. You shook your head and walked back to your dorm to shower. You decided you’d ask George about it that night.
After dinner, you sat in the common room working on some homework with Angelina. You tried to focus on your assignment, but your eyes kept drifting over to the pair huddled in the corner. How in the world were you going to ask George about Fred when they were always together? As if your prayers had been answered, Fred stood up and walked out of the common room. Your eyes followed him until he disappeared through the portrait hole. You took no time waiting and began to walk over to George.
“Ah, Y/N, what’s up?” George closed whatever he was working on and put his arm over the back of the couch. You took a seat next to him and turned to face him, nervously playing with your sleeves.
“Um, I actually had a question for you,” you stammered, looking up towards the portrait hole to make sure Fred wasn’t coming back.
“Spit it out, Y/N. What’s up? You’re making me worried,” George laughed, scooting closer to you. You cleared your throat.
“Does Fred have a problem with me? I dunno, it just seems like he doesn’t like me around anymore. He’s been acting so weird and I don’t want to bother him if he doesn’t want me hanging out with you guys anymore,” you trailed off, looking down at your legs. George put his arm around your shoulders.
“Y/N, I can promise you that is not the case,” he sighed, “we both love hanging out with you.”
“Really?” You let out a breath and chuckled.
“Yes, really. Merlin, he is such an idiot,” he grumbled to himself, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?” You raised an eyebrow at him when Fred walked back into the common room. You looked up and your eyes met his. As he got closer to you and George, his brows furrowed. George took his arm off your shoulders and you shifted your body away from his.
“What are you guys talking about?” Fred questioned, stopping in his tracks and crossing his arms over his chest, looking mildly annoyed. Why were his forearms so ripped? You shook your head and cleared your throat.
“I was just bugging him about the herbology assignment, which he hasn’t even started,” you glared at George. It was true that he hadn’t even started the lengthy assignment that was due by the end of the week. George chuckled.
“Did you set it up Freddie?” George questioned, probably about a prank, looking up at his twin. Fred still looked visibly annoyed.
“Yes. I did, but I should’ve made you do it.” Fred said dryly, his jaw clenching slightly. George rolled his eyes. You looked between the twins with a confused expression. You rarely saw them annoyed at each other.
“Alright, well I’m headed upstairs. Goodnight you guys,” you ducked out of the awkward atmosphere and towards Angelina to grab your books.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” George said as Fred sat down in your seat and began to whisper something to George. What was that all about?
A few days went by and Fred was still acting distant. You wondered if George had even said anything to Fred about it. If anything, Fred was avoiding you even more. George tried to give you passing smiles and waves, but anytime he passed you in the halls, Fred would completely ignore you. Even at dinner, he would rarely engage in conversation with you and you were starting to feel really hurt. After this particular night where he purposefully avoided your gaze the entire dinner, you were actually angry at him. He’d been acting so weird all year and then as soon as you talked to George about it, he started completely ignoring you. That night, you left your dorm and stomped up to the twins room. You knocked on the door and stood there with your arms crossed waiting until George opened it. He looked taken aback by your angry presence.
“I need to talk to Fred, alone.” You stated. George gulped and turned to Lee.
“Let’s go to the common room,” he grabbed Lee and pushed past you. Fred was now looking at you from his bed. You couldn’t read the expression on his face. It looked half scared and half the nonchalant expression he’d been giving you the past few days.
“What the fuck is your problem with me?” You stomped over the his bed where he sat. He raised an eyebrow at you and crossed his arms.
“I don’t have a problem with you, Y/N. What are you talking about?” He shrugged as he looked up at you nonchalantly, but you could see his jaw tensing.
“Are you serious right now, Fred? You know exactly what I’m been talking about. You’ve been avoiding me all week, ever since I talked to George about you. I don’t know if he even mentioned it to you, but I thought you didn’t like me anymore! He told me that wasn’t true, but now I’m not too sure anymore! You’ve been acting like a prat all week!” You were fuming at this point. You couldn’t believe he had the audacity to pretend like he hadn’t been ignoring you for days.
“That’s not fuckimg true! I told you I don’t have a problem with you, Y/N,” he jumped up off the bed and stalked towards you, “why can’t you just take my word for it?” His height became apparent as he loomed over you. You only stood up straighter and kept your arms crossed.
“Well then what’s your problem? Why don’t you like hanging out with me anymore? Why are you avoiding me?” You questioned, your anger slowly seeping away and being replaced with the hurt you’d been feeling. Fred sighed, his posture relaxing as he saw your eyes fill with sadness. He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I do like hanging out with you, Y/N. Merlin, I’ve been missing spending time with you, I just…” he trailed off, his eyes falling to the floor.
“You just what, Fred? Since when are you so shy?” You asked genuinely. That only made Fred groan and run his hands roughly through his hair again.
“Since I started liking you! Since you showed up on the platform looking like that and now I can’t even look at you without thinking you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” the words tumbled out of his mouth and left you standing there with your mouth open. Did he just say he likes you? Did he just call you beautiful? “I miss playing quidditch with you and coming up with pranks together but fuck, Y/N. I don’t want to be your friend anymore. I want to be with you.” You stood still for what felt like a long time. Were you dreaming right now? Your brain scrambled to make sense of what was happening. I mean, Fred was standing in front of you, confessing his feelings to you in a very real way. But you’d been friends for so long. What if this ruined everything? But he was standing right in front of you with his messy hair and his freckled face and his furrowed brows and he just looked so good and he was finally talking to you again and
“Oh, fuck it,” you breathed out, closing the space between the two of you. You were kissing him. And it felt so good. He groaned into your lips as his hands found their way to the small of your back, pulling you flush against his body as his lips worked against your own. Your hands tangled in his red locks as you pulled at his neck to deepen the kiss. His hands slid up your body until he held your cheeks. He kissed you softly one more time before pulling back. You face was blushed red as you stared up at him with wide eyes. He finally let out a breathy laugh and his lips curved up into a crooked smile.
“You’re so cute, fuck,” he laughed, still holding your face in his large hands, “I’m sorry I’ve been acting like a prat. I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship. But after kissing you, fuck, I should’ve ruined it a long time ago.”
“I just wish you would’ve told me earlier. Had I known you liked me, I could’ve had you kissing me all year,” you smirked as you walked him to the edge of his bed. He sat on the edge and pulled you down with him.
“Let’s make up for lost time then,” Fred whispered as he pulled you to his lips. You groaned as you straddled his lap and deepened the kiss. This man knew how to use his tongue.
“Fuck, Freddie,” you moaned into his mouth as his hands found their way to your ass. He chuckled as his grabbed your hips.
“I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw you bent over your luggage on the platform,” he breathed out with a smirk as he slapped your ass. You gasped and hit his chest.
“Freddie!” You scolded, but it didn’t last long as he pulled you back to his mouth, making you moan as his thumbs rubbed over your hip bones.
“Bloody hell,” you heard someone say from the door. You gasped and pulled away from Fred only to see George standing in the doorway with his jaw wide open. Fred’s smirked stayed plastered on his face and his grip held you tight on his lap.
“Sorry Georgie, think you can give us a few more minutes? We’re still talking.”
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estxkios · 1 month
2008!billkaulitz x gn!reader
summary : things subby bill would totally do >-<
warning : smut obv :3
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imagine subby bill who wont touch himself when you arent home.
poor boy will just find something to rub his hips into wether that be the side of his bed, a pillow, or one of his stuffies :<
because why would he cum if your hands arent wrapped around his cock?
imagine finding sub bill whining in his sleep because hes dreaming about you riding him
"mmhhg.. bitte.." you would hear him moan, his eyebrows pierced as he nibbled on his bottom lip to subconsciously suppress anything else from coming out.
he especially does this when you arent home, so there is no telling how many times the sheets have been changed out because bill was just so desperate for u :<<
imagine sub bill that listens to your every command.
wether its telling him to hold his cum for just a little longer while you hold your finger over his sensitive tip or if you are telling him to let those pretty noises out, he will listen !!
no matter how hard it is for him, even if it brings him to tears, he will hold his cum a little longer just for u !! :3
ughh imagine sub bill who just whimpers at your touch :< even when you havent been denying his orgasms his just soo sensitive !!
and imagine sub bill who thinks its a reward whenever you let him fuck you even though its just you guiding his hips into your pussy while you praise him
poor thing is so pussy whipped he doesnt know any better :\
and on too of that, imagine sub bill who always begs for your approval for everything.
he always needs to know if hes being a good boy for you !!
"am i being a good boy?" he would whine out as he thrusted into you, his fingers shakily scrambling to yours, which were on his hips. he was nearing his third orgasm of the night. his body hurt so good. "please tell me im being a good boy..!! mmmhpp please !!"
okay enjoy horny fuckers :p
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pa1n-0f-l0ve · 15 days
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୨ৎ: 2024!Tom, corruption kink, fem first person POV, guided masturbating, daddy kink, innocent!fem (pls do not take this the wrong way it is NOT age play.) don’t like = don’t read
୨ৎ: Request by anon: Daddy!Tom teaches fem how to get off
(This isn’t my best work… so I apologize)
I sat in Tom’s lap, holding my bunny toy as I watched the screen ahead of me. His warm hands rubbed and soothed my thighs gently, every now and then he would gently rub my waist. His touch was so gentle and caring as if i would break if he got ever so aggressive.
His caress made me feel… something. I felt so different than I ever had before. I felt this odd yearn for more and more. I felt so tingly and hot. I clenched my thighs together hoping Tom wouldn’t notice what I was doing and how I felt.
“Princess is something wrong..?” Tom asked, concern could be heard in his voice yet it seemed false. Was he trying to get it out of me?
“Daddy… something feels weird. My private area is all tingly!” I grimace, feeling dirty. My tummy doing flips, I tried focusing on my toy. Her fuzzy fur under my hands.. her sweet face. I adverted my gaze to the TV, the bright lights flashing on my face casting a soft glow upon me.
Tom’s hand slid towards the inside of my thigh, gentle rubs, his fingers brush over my panties. A certain spot I could feel the most, the weird feeling of his finger did something to me…Tom chuckled to himself when he noticed my shock.
He looked at me, teasing my legs and playing with my panties, “there’s something you can do when you feel this way... I can teach you.”
I looked at him in confusion as he slid my panties over, his fingers spreading my folds apart, this made me yelp in surprise.
“Daddy! Wh- what are you doing!?” I exclaim in surprise.
Tom chuckled to himself, a small smirk on his face and his fingers continued to spread them apart. “I’m teaching you what you can do.. when I’m gone or when you’re needy..” he says, his attention still on me.
I nod my head, eyes wide in innocence. Tom was my first boyfriend, he was older and experienced and teaching me every perfect thing I could need and know.
Tom gave me a cautious voice, “Alright Dolly first things first, tease yourself. You’re going to take your fingers and gently rub this bud here. Understand?”
I nod my head and try to mimic him, pushing my pointer and middle finger up against the sensitivity. “What now daddy?” I ask, looking behind me at his face with my big doe eyes.
He chuckles slightly, rubbing his tattooed hand up and down my frail arm gently. “Alright now rub… it’ll feel really good but don’t go too far or you’ll get off too easy.”
I yet again obey his orders, rubbing the tingly part. Small whimpers fall out of my pretty little mouth. “O- oh It feels r- really nice…!” I exclaim, shocked.
Tom’s taunting voice is heard in my ear, “such an inexperienced little princess hm… I’m corrupting you” He lets out a gentle laugh before adding on, “now slip those fingers of yours into that tight hole yeah? It’ll be really warm and weird but I’ll guide you, I promise.”
“O- okay… I’m really nervous. I’ve never… um.. came before?” I blush embarrassed.
“That’s okay! Ive got you. Now, move your fingers f’me… in a “come here” motion.” He instructs, god he could teach me everyday with his soft voice and hot accent.
I did it, I moved my fingers and I felt like I entered a whole new place. The feeling was indescribable. Tom’s praising comments against my neck made me feel so naughty.
“Daddy d- do the rest! Pl- please oh!-“ I exclaimed in ecstasy. As Toms warm hand slid down my pants I gripped his wrist. His fingers slid into my vagina as my thighs were shaking violently.
I was reaching my peak very quickly, Tom’s expert movements sent me over the edge. Before I knew it my load had coated my thighs, my erratic breaths were all I could hear.
Tom gently scooped my seed onto his pointer finger, sliding it into my warm mouth. I turned and looked into his eyes innocently.
“Thank you for teaching me daddy.” I blush, trying to hide my embarrassment.
He chuckles at my embarrassment before saying, “You’re very welcome little princess.”
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behidethetrees · 9 months
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Beautiful boys ⋆˙⟡♡
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adissonsss · 9 months
PT1: Headcanons(SFW) How dating Tokio Hotel would be like
Notes; I started crying while listening to Mockingbird by Emniem, so I decided to finish this
•Since I already did a seperate Bill post, his section is shorter(😢😢)
•This is bordering NSFW, some mentions of sex
•Sorry I was gone for a while, I was busy w/ helping around the house+some other personal things
•Enjoy, much love!💜💜
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Tom Kaulitz
•With Tom, he thinks you're a godsend. He won't even breathe near another woman again if it means you smile at him.
•He just loves you so much. You've totally stopped his playful, flirty personality towards other women.(not towards you)
•Y'alls relationship is spontaneous, fun, laughter-filled, and light-hearted.
•^And I quote, he "doesn't like girls who overthink."
•No doubt he jump-scares you everytime you come out of the bathroom, crossing a wall corner, or tired and dazed and having Tom breathe on the back of your neck while falling asleep.
•Flirty & inside-joke pet names!!!
•^I can imagine Tom staring at you whilst you sleep👁👁. You wake up and turn your head, and see Tom wide-eye staring at you not expecting to be caught.
•^ I wouldn't blame you if you got scared or shy. Or both!
•Tom loves food. Cooking, ehh, not so much.. You, cooking? YES! You, cooking for him? HE WANTS TO MARRY YOU AND BE BURIED TOGETHER💗💗.
•^ If you can cook, or bake, or both, he has heart eyes rn😻. He will devour anything(including you😘), but your food he actually cherishes and enjoys, feeling grateful and blessed you and your skills.
•He will make a song about and/or w/ you. Singing into the mic while he plays guitar on stage, standing close to him, making eye contact.
•Y'all know that thing he does w/ his guitar? Yeah, he does it with intentions of doing that to you tonight. If you're in the crowd, he makes eye contact and licks his lips, letting his mind run wild.
•He kisses you any chance he gets, any body part.
•^On your neck while your head is turned? No problem!
•^On your hand while stretching it behind your head? Yeah, he loves it.
•^On your lips while your venting to him if your stressed? Sure!
•He will never not do it.
Sitting on his lap while he softly plays guitar, dozing you to sleep.
He hums along with the beat, and notices the extra weight on his chest. He sees you sleeping, and a smile erupts onto his face. He doesn't move a muscle, enjoying this special moment with you.
After a couple of moments, he does slowly grab his phone from his pants pocket and snapping a(or about 20) picture of you.
Bill Kaulitz
•He loves physical affection, and will hug and touch you at every moment.
•He loves you, and your attention!!!!!
•He loves praise, but praise from you?? His clothes are off.
•Honestly anything from and about you is just so... He just loves you and your being and everything.
•If you have color-treated hair or a texture which you have to take special care of it, Bill is learning how to help you ASAP.
•If you read or write, Bill loves reading w/ you, and honestly just endorsing your hobbies+skills.
•(I saw a similar idea to this on Tiktok) If you both have stuffies, he makes them be both of y'alls kids to take care of, feed, and bathe. Turns them away from the bed whenever when it's the adults alone time🙈.
•Romantic pet names.
Laying next to Bill in bed, both of you just staring up at the ceiling, extremely tired after today's events of being on stage.
You feel Bill's hands creep around your waist, you now becoming the little spoon. Bill places his mouth close to your ear, and whispers softly, knowing your close to a nice night of sleep,
"Goodnight, schatz."
Gustav Schäfer
•This wonderful man is loving, romantic, and soo sweet😻.
•He loves holding your hand, and just feeling your body on him(take it any way you want to)
•He loves dancing w/ you, holding your body close and spinning you around, feeling the rhythm of the song.
•I'm tryna keep it clean in this post, but DAMN. This man's muscles, he can and will use it for helping you w/ heavy lifting, grabbing you, picking you up on his shoulder, advantages in bed, stamina, anything to be honest.
•He is a bit submissive, wanting to keep you close to him so doing anything and everything for you is a daily part of this man's life.
•Y'all saw that clip where he took his shirt off on stage? Yeah, you tried to do that once(if you wanna be apart of the band, idk), lil bro gave you the death stare and a little more in the bedroom later that night❗
•Look, he may be nice, but if someone deserves to be judged, Gustav is gonna judge.
•You and Gustav shit talk and give certain people the stank face if they deserve it, laughing about it later on🤝🏻.
•If you have a large family, siblings, or relatives in general, he will want to put on his best impression for them! Shaking hands, bringing a side, dressing up nice, being the most polite he's ever been, all or you🤗.
Gustav is in the gym working out, without a shirt, and he catches your eye. You admire him flexing and working his muscles. He decides to act like you aren't staring and does extra reps, pushups, and lifts more than what he usually does.
He spills some water on his face on purpose, and uses the bottom of his shirt to wipe it off his chin🥰.
Georg Listing
•The first thing this guy notices about you is your body. A literal quote.🙈
"The first thing I notice about a girl is her butt!"
•He loves your shape and size, curves and crevices, marks, scars, pimples, scabs, whatever makes you, you.
•He loves your laugh! He's always cracking jokes and laughing w/ you.
•He will admire your body in bed, seeing it covered in a sheen of sweat, in all of it's beauty and kisses all over your skin, feeling blessed and grateful that you chose him to be your boyfriend!
•He loves taking care of you, and you love taking care of him(you better), so making eachother breakfast, giving eachother daily vitamins or medicine, all of that.
•MOVIE. DATE. NIGHTS. Cuddling up on the couch w/ popcorn and candy, sharing a warm blanket and falling asleep not in 1 hour in. He ignores the movie and probably falls asleep admiring your peaceful face.
Georg usually wakes up earlier than you, being a early-bird. So, with that, he either makes or buys you breakfast, ordering your favorite drink and items, ordering stuff for him and the others too.
When he gets back and your still asleep(damn), he softly wakes you up, holding back a "awe" at your sleepy face, setting down the drink and food on the nightstand, getting into bed w/you, and talking about anything and everything.
•I love these sm!!!
•Much love!💜💜
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
Tokio Hotel Masterlist
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Includes: Tom Kaulitz, Bill Kaulitz, Georg Listing, and Gustav Schafer
Tom Kaulitz:
I can help
why me?
take it love, all of it
I need you
be quiet for me, okay?
wake up darling
You ok?
These ties that bind
crash into me (1)
Our night (minors can interact)
You're not leaving me
You're really pretty
crash into me (2)
Need help?
Quit being such a brat
really? are you that needy?
what did you say?
in the back of hot topic
Bet I can make you feel better baby
you could never hurt me
Can't get enough
See how good I make her feel?
You're still beautiful my dear
My gift to you and you only
I won't do it
Slight problem
xoxo (minors can interact here)
You're quite intriguing
Rough day?
why does it matter?
Less talk, more kisses
Sneaking away
Pack my bags and run away
Missing some action
Take a trip inside
Bill Kaulitz:
Our Little Family
I don't like this
You like these?
C'mon, it'll be fun
From a whisper to a scream
Torn into pieces
Faking it
I'm nervous
You're mine pretty girl
Sleepover confessions
Cold shoulder
Please give in
Pinch the nips I'm a tease
I'm never letting you go, my dear
You drive me absolutely mad
God you look hot
Romancing the star
I still love you
Sucker for pain
Such a bad girl
You're still my favorite
Can you take care of me, love?
You'll do for now
Never been kissed
Come with me boy
Show me how
A little congratulations
Baby said
Convince me
Come and play with me
Fucking apologize
Are you awake?
A lil' extra credit
Little hickey
I care what you think
Not to be
Don't have to tell me twice
You just love this, don't you?
I've gone mad
Blah Blah Blah
Suck me dry
Promiscuous boy
Georg Listing:
Pain and pleasure mixed together
You're not useless
I'm not taking drugs
In the club with the lights off
Gustav Schafer:
Tom with a soccer gf
Tokio Hotel x reader with pheromone perfume
Tokio Hotel x reader who gets into a fight
Tom and georg x reader with sensory issues
Tom and Bill x reader with echolalia
Tokio Hotel x reader who gets passed around
Tokio Hotel x reader with big tits
Tokio Hotel x m! sleepy reader
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tomssexdoll · 23 days
Can you make headcannons for bill and tom (separate) with a girl that's like really freaky
Like she has a really high sex drive n stuff
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hes super whiny
he's a soft dom
you love having quickies at events, any opportunity you get you take it
he is mostly submissive
favourite positions are riding and missionary
you LOVE teasing him and see him literally melt into your touch
if he's angry he'll fuck the SHIT out of you bro
you guys fuck every night and every morning
sloppiest blowjobs ever
you love teasing his tip when you give him handjobs
he lets you suck his cock when you've had a bad day
or sometimes if you can't sleep he'll finger you LOL
sex is very gentle
he loves appreciating your body by kissing up and down every space before he fucks you, letting you know how much he loves you
you love giving him hickeys everywhere
you guys do have rough sex sometimes and when you do it's literally earth shattering
he hates hurting you during sex and will always prevent it
you love kissing his neck while he's working on the computer for the band
he's as freaky as you
will try anything you want to
experiments with different sex toys on you
you guys fuck like rabbits, all day and all night if you could
ur longest sex session was like 10 hours, no breaks, nothing
he loves eating you out and seeing you squirm
loves pleasuring you and will always make sure you're satisfied
rubs your clit when you're close to cumming from him fucking you
fav positions are missionary and doggy
does not hesitate to spank, choke or pull your hair, very into kinky sex
sometimes ties you up
loves when you pull him away for a quickie
you always make sure to wear short, easily accesible clothing when you're out just for the quickies
he lets you dom only sometimes
you always give the best blowjobs, basically deepthroating him every time
random handjobs
public sex (not too public)
once you nearly got caught giving him sloppy at a cinema LOLL
you guys are very affectionate
you're very whiny and whimper so loudly when he fingers you
you love teasing him to get him riled up and angry
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @cosmicck @estxkios @20doozers @ge-billsgf @bkaulitzlover @miyukafujii @ella1289 @tomsonlyslut
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tvmkavlitzbby · 14 days
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"Birthday party"
TW: age gap, reader is 20, Tom is 30, nsfw, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus, rough sex, breeding kink, degradation, dirty talk, hickeys, alcohol, aftercare
synopsis: You recently became Bill's friend despite your age difference and he invited you to his birthday, introducing you to his twin brother Tom, who you instantly felt attracted to.
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You had recently meet Bill Kaulitz at a party and soon became really good friend with him, so much that he decided to invite you at his and his brother 30th birthday party.
You obviously knew is brother, Tom, but you had never met him in person, so when you finally arrived at the party, in your black dress and heels, he introduced him to you.
"Tom, this is y/n, y/n this is Tom!" Bill shouted over the loud music, smiling at you two.
As soon as you lifted your eyes up to him you felt a jolt of electricity run through your body feeling his firm gaze on you, you instantly felt attacted to him, even though you knew he was 10 years older that you, he was handsome and you couldn't deny it.
"Nice to meet you, y/n" he said, leaning closer to hug you and waking you up from your state of trance as you felt his arm tugging on your waist.
"Nice to meet you too!" you quickly said, returning the hug.
You tried to ignore Bill's look, a mischievous one, of someone who new something was up.
Some hours and drinks later you were dancing to the music that blasted in your ears, eyes glancing to Tom from time to time, but you had lost him in the crowd a while ago.
You kept dancing until someone placed his hands on your waist, confused you turned your head to see who it was and you couldn't help but blush as you recognized Tom, who was now dacing with you, chest pressed to your back and grip firm on your waist.
Initially none of you two said anything, just dancing together while your hands found place in his hair, behind you.
Some minutes later you felt faint kisses on your neck and shoulders that made you moan slightly, intoxicated by the feeling of his lips and the alcohol as the movement between you two became more and more sensual.
"Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?" Tom asked you, lips brushing your ear.
You nodded, unable to let words out of your mouth, as you felt him take your hand and lead you somewhere else, an empty bedroom in their luxurious villa.
As soon as you two entered the room his lips were on your neck again, more passionate now, leaving bites and little marks all over.
You let your hand travel through his hair, grabbing a handful of them and squeezing them slightly.
"you're so beautiful... I know I shouldn’t be doing this but... fuck, when i saw you... i couldn't stay away" he whispered, placing his hands on your waist.
Suddenly he lifted his head, looking right in your eyes.
"If you don't want this stop me now"
You knew he was older that you, you knew that you didn’t knew him that well and you knew about his past reputation but the excitement that your body felt everytime he looked at you was enough to let all your worries wash away, pressing your lips to his, connecting them in a passionate kiss.
Tom immediately returned the kiss, picking you up from the ground as he walked to the bed, placing you on it.
His mouth traveled to your neck again, then down to your clavicles and then your boobs as he started to unzip your dress.
Once it was completely gone you were left in your black lace panties and bra, that left Tom staring at you for more than he wanted to.
So you placed your hands on his shirt, tugging it a bit to signal him to remove it, which he did a second later.
He then kissed you again, hand on your right boob as he massaged it slightly.
"Get this thing off" he mumbled in the kiss, as the bra got in the way of his hand and your boob and you did exactly as he said, exposing your breasts to his sight.
He immediately placed his lips on your nipple, sucking it slightly while you whined, starting to get desperate to feel his touch in your core.
"I know baby, I know..." he whispered, sliding his right hand under your panties, middle finger caressing your core as he spread your wetness.
"So wet for me, aren't you?" he asked but you couldn't respond, the feeling of his fingers finally on your sex clouding your mind.
"I asked you something, pretty girl" He said firmly, pressing slightly on your clit.
"Yes, s-so wet for you" you said in between moans. He then stripped you of your panties and made you open your legs a bit, placing his finger to your core again, inserting one and then starting to pound in you slowly.
"f-fuck.. Tom.." you moaned his name, needing more from him.
Almost as if he read your mind he inserted another finger and started to move his finger faster, enjoying the sight of you moaning in pleasure beneath him.
"You're so pretty, so needy..." he continued for finger you, getting closer to your heat as he placed his tongue on your clit and started massaging it.
The sudden contact made you throw your head behind, as indescribable pleasure filled you, grabbing Tom's hair while unholy sounds left your lips.
"Please, Tom.." you whispered, you needed more.
"Please what? babygirl.. you need to use your words" he teased, fingers pumping into you.
"Please, fuck me... please..." As you said this Tom nodded and retracted his fingers, leaving an aching emptiness in you.
He then stripped completely, leaving you to witness all his beautiful features, he was really fucking handsome.
He was about to take a condom when you stopped him, the thought of his cum in you overcoming your common sense.
"Don't... I'm on the pill, please..." you sounded almost desperate.
"Such a naughty girl, want my cum that much?" he asked, to which you couldn't help but nod.
He then climbed on the bed again and aligned himself with your entrance, pushing it in you just a second later, your moans filling the room.
"fuck, you're so tight" he immediately started to push into you, seeing how you were moaning in pleasure.
"fuck, fuck!" you moaned loudly, the sound of the music muffling every sound you emitted.
"look at you, so young and fucking guys like me who are older that you, uh? you should just call me "sir" at this point" his words were sharp and mean but it only contributed to your excitement.
"sir... please, please harder!" you immediately obliged to the new name, nothing at his words and grabbing Tom shoulders for support while he continued to pound into you, hitting your sweet spot continuously.
He then placed a hand on your clit, massaging it slightly, making you clench around him, grunts and moans leaving his lips.
You felt your climax close, moaning with your mouth agape.
"I'm.. I'm close!" you informed Tom.
"yeah? then cum for me princess. cum on my cock." he then connected your lips in a sloppy kiss, hitting your g-spot ripetely.
After some second you felt your orgasm hit you, your legs trembling while you moaned "sir!" on Tom's lips, immense pleasure washing over you.
You didn't even register Tom's words until you felt his cum fill you up more that you already were, making you moan.
The unholy scene was contrasted by Tom sweet kisses on your face, trying to make you come back from your high.
"Are you with me, baby?" he whispered sweetly to which you nodded.
He then got out of you, the sight of his cum slipping out of you almost making him hard again.
"You are so beautiful, fuck..." he whispered, making you giggle.
You suddenly felt the urge to hug him, to have him close to you, so you dared to reach out your hands to him and to your surprise he pulled you up and placed you on his lap, holding you gently to him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, sweet voice filling your ears.
"Yes, so much..." you whispered, you felt safe in his arms, in the arms of someone who was like a stranger to you, but you didn't care, you wished the time could stop right there.
"We have to clean up, let's go to the bathroom" he picked you up and, after making sure no one could see you, walked to the bathroom, where he filled the bathtub with warm water.
Too tired to move you let Tom place you gently in the water with him, the party long forgotten as he slowly cleaned your body.
You don't remember much after that, you probably fell asleep, but you didn't care because now it was morning and you were in Tom's arms, hugged close to his body.
You know you will have to talk about this with him and you know that Bill will probably fill you up with thousands of questions, but you didn't let it worry you now, placing your head on Tom's chest, drifting off to sleep once again.
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starrykirsche · 11 months
Tokio Hotel Cuddling Headcanons!!
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Bill Kaulitz
Big spoon or Little spoon depending upon his mood
Has super cold hands and warms them under your shirt the whole time
Smells you (Not in a weird way, he just thinks you smell really good)
Mumbles things while running his fingernails gently over your skin
Wraps his legs around you so that you don’t leave him
Plays with your hair
Wraps the two of you in so many blankets
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Tom Kaulitz
Big spoon, not up for debate
Kisses the back of your neck, or nibbles on your ear playfully
Would rather hold you with your face against his chest, but he’ll take what he can get
Gets turned on by cuddling with you, but lowkey blue balls himself so that he doesn’t disturb you
Once he gets comfortable, he’s basically just a big teddy bear
Whispers dirty things into your ear and then giggles like a girl
Gets really fidgety and starts just touching you (i.e. squishing your cheeks, rubbing your arms, squeezing your shoulders)
If you fall asleep in his arms, he’ll give you a hickie on the back of your neck
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Georg Listing
Big spoon, but will be Little spoon as a little treat to you
Though, if he’s Little spoon, he’ll laugh for a bit too long
Gives you little loving squeezes with his arms every once in a while
Loves laying down to watch TV and have you lay your head on his chest and lay by his side
Forehead kisses
Is sure to brush your hair out of your face at any chance he gets
Is fairly quiet, but will occasionally strike up small conversations, compliment you, etc.
Hand holding is a must for him when cuddling
Has no problem staying up with you, but when you fall asleep he passes out hard
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Gustav Shäfer
Big spoon or Little spoon! He doesn’t care!
Is constantly wanting to cuddle but is too nervous to ask
Looks forward to any chance the two of you get to cuddle
Bear hugs
Makes happy little noises against your skin
Peppers kisses all over you
Massages your scalp
He just wants to make sure you enjoy the two of you cuddling as much as he does, really
If you get up to do something while the two of you are cuddling, he’ll start profusely apologizing and asking if you’re okay, because he thinks he did something wrong
Passes out and snores the whole rest of the time (but it’s kinda cute)
deine, kirsche. ✮
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Tokio Hotel Masterlist
This is my new masterlist for my new obsession!
Tom Kaulitz
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Dating Tom Kaulitz Headcannons
Number One Girl
Not That Bad
Give Them a Headline
Tom Kaulitz x Thick Reader
Tom Kaulitz x Celeb Crush Reader
Tom Kaulitz Kissing Headcannons
Tom Kaulitz x Blunt Reader
Tom's Pet Rivalry
Reader Who Bites to Show Affection
Lazy Morning With Tom Kaulitz
Tom's Bestfriend
Tom Kaulitz x Sick Reader
Tom Kaulitz Argument Headcannons
Teen Parent Headcannons
Let The Lord Hold Your Tits
Enemies to Lovers HC's with Tom Kaulitz
Caught On The Bus
Tom Kaulitz x Goth!Reader
Tom's Best Friend Having a Crush On Bill
Tom Kaulitz x Insecure Reader
How He Talks About You in Interviews
Love at First Sight
Platonic Affection
Another Kaulitz Kid
Room for Two
Media Sucks
Tour Shenanigans
Co-Parenting with Tom Kaulitz
Pull Up Your Goddamn Pants, You Loser
Reader with a Russian Accent
Big Chested Reader
Ass Cheek Grabber
Reader With A Big Ass
Telling Tom Kaulitz You're Pregnant
Tom Kaulitz Seeing Your New Movie
Chaotic and Shameless Reader
Bill Kaulitz
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Hair Dye Extravaganza
Designer Reader
Dating Bill Kaulitz Headcannons
It's Complicated
Bill Kaulitz x Thick Reader
Bill Kissing Headcannons
A Song For Bill
Bill Kaulitz Comfort Headcannons
Reader Getting Angry At Paparazzi
Bill Kaulitz x Embarrassed Reader
Bill Kaulitz x Motherly Reader
Hey Emo Boy
Bill Kaulitz x Mom Reader
Bill Kaulitz x Fem!Masc!Reader
Bill Kaulitz x Reader Who Is Proud To Date Him
Soon-To-Be Uncle Bill
Reader Who Bites to Show Affection
Snowed In
Approved By Your Sister
Bill Kaulitz Argument Headcannons
Bill Kaulitz as a Girl Dad
Matching With Bill Kaulitz
Bill and Reader as God-Parents
An Apology Wont Cut It
Bill Kaulitz Engagement Headcannons
Four Years Waited For
Sharing With Bill Kaulitz
Bill Kaulitz x Short!Reader
Bill Kaulitz x In-Love Reader
Bill Kaulitz x Reader With a Heart-Conditon
Bill Kaulitz x Celeb-Crush Reader
How He Talks About You in Interviews
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Bill Kaulitz x ADHD!Reader
Platonic Affection
Another Kaulitz Kid
Bill Kaulitz x SuperModel!Reader
Room for Two
Media Sucks
Bill Kaulitz x Exhausted!Reader
Tour Shenanigans
Meeting Your Brother's
Bill Kaulitz x Opposite!Reader
Bill Kaulitz x Jealous!Reader
Reader with Lorelai Gilmore's Personality
Reader with a Russian Accent
Reader With Commitment Issues
Ass Cheek Grabber
What The Fuck Are We?
Bill Kaulitz x BigChested!Reader
Reader With A Big Ass
Kisses In The Makeup Chair
Chaotic and Shameless Reader
Georg Listing
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Platonic Affection
Room for Two
Media Sucks
Tour Shenanigans
Chaotic and Shameless Reader
Gustav Schäfer
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Platonic Affection
Room for two
Media Sucks
Gustav Schäfer Fluff Headcannons
Tour Shenanigans
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jackkilmerlvr · 1 year
little tom drabble to get you through the day 🏋️‍♀️
your body was pressed flush against his on the soft couch, his band members sitting and running around the room. his head laid on top of your chest while he quietly napped as you scrolled on tumblr, occasionally going to your camera to take adorable photos for the lock screen of your small iphone.
after about thirty minutes georg asked you to time him and gustav to see who could run the fastest, you laughed at the idea of them running in their tight jeans and began to unwrap your clingy boyfriends hand from your waist when he stirred awake.
"where are you going..” he slurred, rubbing his sleep hungry eyes but keeping an arm wrapped beneath you.
resisting the urge to snap a photo of your cute boyfriend in that moment, you simply replied “georg and gustav want me to do something for them.”
“georg and gustav can fuck off and get bill to do it.” he groaned, throwing the boys a glare before making his head comfortable on your chest again.
and with that he was down, head stubbornly placed right on-top of your boob as his arms engulfed you. shrugging with a apologetic smile at the boys, you played with your boyfriends hair and resumed your tumblr search for photos the pap took of tom.
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braxlrose · 10 months
tons of hcs about dating/friendship tokio hotel - imagine your dating whoever you want to date :)
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• georg goes to the gym a lot and gets all cocky when he notices you watching him doing push ups on the hotel floor.
• gustav licks your face like a dog when your mad at him to make you laugh.
• bill posts myspace pictures 24/7 and constantly takes pictures of you.
• bill takes you shopping all the time and loves buying you new clothes.
• tom does the same except he also gets you lingerie.
• tom makes you breakfast sandwiches in the morning and brings you breakfast in bed.
• georg loves doing your hair at night and in the morning.
• bill binge watches movie and TVs shows with you whenever he can and will eat all of the pop corn.
• gustav brought georg on your first date when you guys were 12 because he was scared to go alone on a date with a girl.
• tom used to throw mud at you as a kid bc he thought he was funny 😐.
• bill kisses your forehead every single night before you two go to bed even if you two had an argument.
• tom loves taking bathes with you and won't get out until his fingers are all pruney.
• gustav loves eating peanut butter and will sit on a counter just eating it out of the container with a spoon.
• georg kisses your shoulders when you're in a dress that shows them off. he really loves it if you have freckles on your shoulders too.
• tom takes bites out of tomatoes like they're apples and will chew really loudly to annoy you.
• tom gets flustered easily even though some people think he's just this cool, tough guy it's all an act.
• gustav does clay face masks with you every single night.
• bill likes to sleep naked next to you and run his fingers through your hair.
• bill paints your nails every day and everybody complains when you guys take out the nail polish remover because its so strong and smells so bad.
• georg loves bon fires so much and brings out marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers and other stuff to roast over the fire.
• gustav washes your entire body for you in the shower so you don't have to because "this is what boyfriends are supposed to do".
• tom proposes to you every time he gets drunk.
• bill comes up behind you and scares you all the time because it'll always shriek because he's so tall and walks so quietly.
• gustav always holds your waist or your hand at parties so he doesn't lose you.
• gustav bakes you a cake on your birthday and decorates it himself.
• tom always takes you out to super fancy restaurants for dates, especially on holidays like Valentine's day.
• you, bill, tom, georg, and gustav have snow ball fights every winter and there's always someone complaining because the teams arent equal
• georg ties your shoe laces for you because it's "gentlemenly".
• georg kisses your "boo boos" whenever you get hurt. even if it's just a teeny tiny little scrape
• gustav learned most of his bad words from binge watching South Park
• bill bakes muffins for you. all different kinds, blueberry, lemon-poppyseed, plain, strawberry, etc.
• tom loves going kayaking with you.
• gustav loves being the big spoon when it comes to cuddling with you because he can hold you super close and tight. he especially loves doing it when it's super rainy out.
• tom loves it whenever you where his clothes to bed because they look so adorable and big on you.
• georg brings you out to arcade dates whenever you two want to do something more low maintenance
• gustav gives you big bear hugs.
• bill wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your shoulder in the morning when you cook him breakfast.
I'll do more + NSFW hcs, I just thought I should post something bc I haven't in a while
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @saumspam @5hyslv7 @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz @victryzvv9 @banshailey @nyxwritesshit
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estxkios · 1 month
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BILL??? HOLY FUCKING SHIT???? I HAD BODILY REACTION TO THIS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. i screamed and came back to my phone 5 minutes later. he was not lying when he said he was filming spicy things for us. because im sure feeling spiced by him!! p.s. hes totally a bottom!!!
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pa1n-0f-l0ve · 1 month
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୨ৎ: needy!fem, dom!Bill, super sub!fem, daddy kink
୨ৎ: princess
“Bill I want you..!” I whine, playing with the end of my pleated skirt with a small blush on my face.
Bill was sipping on his morning coffee as per usual, and looking over some lyrics as he drank. His brown eyes looked at my frowning face as he shrugged the matter off completely. “Sorry doll I can’t, Tom’s coming over soon to work in the studio.” He checked the time on his phone as he said this.
“But- !” I try to reason, but Bill wasn’t having it. He wouldn’t give in and just have a quickie with me before Tom came over. He was being selfish.
“No buts! I don’t want to hear it. Why can’t you just go touch yourself? I’m giving you permission this time.” He grumbles, obviously angry because he’s not a morning person and my annoying begging ringing in his ear.
“Daddy you’re being selfish..” I pout, coaxing him with the name we sworn would only be used in bed and during sex - never outside of it.
As soon as Bill went to open his mouth Tom had entered himself into our home. I stalked my way upstairs to hide from Bill, if he was going to be selfish then I was going to be just as mean back. I cuddled up into the cozy sheets feeling neglected and my desire for him grew as I waited and waited.
I thought about Bill’s words as they swam through my head ‘just touch yourself..’ but it wasn’t the same to get off without him. My orgasms all belong to him and him just telling me that with no “but you can’t cum” or “ask before cumming” to follow up made me feel like he didn’t want me anymore. Maybe I was overthinking it, but I felt unwanted.
Tom and Bill worked in the studio for what felt like hours. The house felt still and silent since I couldn’t hear anything in the basement from neither of the guys, so I waited patiently for Bill to come back up.
Hours later, Bill came back upstairs and Tom had left completely. Bill sat on the couch watching some show silently. I made my way to him and plopped myself in his lap, My face held a slight frown. “Bill.. you’ve been ignoring me.. I dressed up for you and I was a good girl. What did I do wrong?” I frown in worry.
His long veiny hands grasped my waist slightly, he kissed my forehead gently before saying, “I wasn’t trying to ignore you princess, you know I get busy and in my head with my music. I apologize.. let me make it up to you.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, his pierced lips nipped at my neck, soft tattooed hands brushing against my torso. His hands snuck up under my shirt and beneath my bra, gently rubbing my nipples with the pads of his fingers. Soft moans repeatedly leaving my lips as he teased.
Underneath my skirt my clit felt swollen and hot as I began to feel wet, my panties soaking at the immediate minute of our interaction. I wanted more, the attention I strived for and desired.
His veiny hands made their way to my sides, stoking the soft skin as he looked into my eyes. “Princess what do you want me to do to you, to make up for my mistake?” Bill asked, sympathy all over his features as he admired my body.
I thought about his question, yet I didn’t care what how he did it I just wanted him to take me as I was. I wanted his dick in me, pounding me over and over as he makes me feel wanted and tells me how good and slutty I am. I yearned for him to dominate my body he claims as his, dominate the hole he loves and knows every direction of.
“I don’t care how you do it, you know how I want it..” I whimper out in frustration, the neediness was killing me inside.
Bill grabbed a handful of my hair thrusting me forward, my ass in the air with my head buried into the mattress. He ripped my panties down leaving me in the cliche skirt, his hands found their way to my waist as he insert his aching cock into my heat.
“Be a good girl while you take daddy, can you do that?” He teased as he shoved his cock deeper into me, as far as he could.
My words were a slurred and stumbled line of “yes sir” as he moved in a loathing pace. Bill’s lips led strings of groans as he started to move faster and faster in me, the noises of my wet cunt and his satisfaction being the only noises in the room. My whimpers were muffled by the thick mattress under me as it suffocated me, yet in a good masochistic way.
“Doll you look so pretty like this, all open for me..” he groaned, his thighs meeting mine being the only noise feeling the void of the air.
The only small response I could give Bill was a muffled, “mfhm~” words had seemed to be something I forgot, my mind in a pure state of ecstasy as Bill savored every second he could inside of me.
Soon, Bill reached his peak. His cum oozing out of his swollen tip into my hole as a reward. His frantic breathing was soon slowing down as he panted in exhaustion, my skin was so sweaty that my hair stuck to my face and drool seemed to lay under my mouth.
My body felt so empty without Bill’s cock taking up the space, yet I felt so grateful he cured my yearning and desire for him. My body felt spent and tired but Bill immediately took me into his arms making sure I was held tightly and protected through the night.
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slvt4tom · 3 months
Ummm yeah I was actually the one under the table 😬
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