#imagine tom kaulitz
bossyjuicyy · 5 months
▬▬▬ ★ Tom Kaulitz 2008 × Fem!Reader
▬▬▬ ★ 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝘀 :: nada demais, apenas dedos machucados e fofura.
▬▬▬ ★ 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘀 :: fiquei sabendo que o mecanismo de mensagens do wattpad vai acabar a partir do dia 30 desse mês, agora estou considerando a ideia de me mudar pra cá definitivamente 😭 perdão qualquer erro ortográfico, boa leitura <33
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𝐀𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐋𝐀 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐄𝐑𝐀 uma das noites mais esperadas por você; a noite qual seu namorado se senta em algum canto do quarto e decide praticar alguns riffs que você, particularmente os acha satisfatórios e harmoniosos. Sua cabeça repousou sobre o travesseiro macio, seu corpo sendo abraçado pelo cobertor grosso e aquecido enquanto você fechava lentamente seus olhos, ouvindo a melodia um tanto nostálgica atingir seus tímpanos carinhosamente.
E, em menos de alguns segundos, sua mente havia sido evacuada de qualquer pensamento tenebroso que pudesse lhe assustar, lhe preocupar. Seu peito, se esvaziando de sentimentos ruins e assustadores capazes de maltratar emocionalmente qualquer um. Tudo estava em perfeita sincronia, tudo estava em plenitude quando seu namorado, Tom, começava a praticar aleatoriamente por aquele quarto.
Logo, sons de passos calmos foram ouvidos, o que significava que ele estava começando a ficar animado com o riff que era tocado - caminhando de um lado para o outro, alguns tropeços aqui e ali quando seus dedos atingiam as cordas de uma forma um pouco mais bruta. A voz um pouco rouca começando a soar, fez você sorrir de olhos fechados ao notar que ele estava um tanto agitado, a letra da música que se era tocada saindo por entre os lábios dele.
Lentamente aqueles benditos dedos começaram a se moverem com mais rapidez, mãos ágeis sendo movimentadas contra aquelas cordas cumpridas. O riff estava começando a tomar um rumo conturbado, rápido e bruto demais para o que ele estava acostumado.
Um som agudo ecoou, um estalo. Resmungos desgostosos soando logo após o barulho, o que fez você rapidamente se sentar sobre a cama, olhos assustados e surpresos sendo direcionados para o garoto alto que andava de um lado para o outro. Xingamentos baixos sendo desferidos, mãos juntas e seu semblante dolorido e angustiante.
── Porra. - Ele soltou baixo, diversos palavrões sendo soltos quando ele pôs a guitarra de forma atrapalhada em qualquer lugar.
Os olhos dele estavam fechados, seu rosto levemente vermelho pela dor que começava a formigar em seus dedos.
── Ei, ei Tom! - Você o chamou, atraindo a atenção do garoto atordoado. - Anda, vem aqui.
Ele caminhou até você, rosto emburrado como o de uma criança mimada enquanto andava rapidamente. Sentou-se na beirada da cama, impaciente.
── Mostra. - Você pediu, seriamente.
── Ah, não! Você vai querer passar aquele remédio horrível, não, não! - Negava, amedrontado.
── Me mostra logo, anda! - Você ordenou.
Mesmo contra sua vontade, ele esticou sua mão para você, resmungando e resmungando sobre como não queria ter aquele remédio ardido em seu machucado. Seus olhos caíram sobre o machucado, o sangue escorrendo levemente por entre os dedos esguios; eram apenas alguns leves cortes, mas que haviam causado forte impacto ao ponto de sangrar.
Um suspiro escorreu por entre seus lábios, suas sobrancelhas franzidas em tristeza pelo machucado feito.
Umedecendo seus lábios, você ergueu-se da cama macia deixando o garoto confuso para trás, que logo começou a reclamar desesperadamente quando a viu retirando de dentro de sua mochila uma bolsa, armazenando todos os pertences medicinais para tratar do hematoma. Um sorriso passou por seus lábios, risonha ao ver o medo do garoto.
── Ah, vamos lá, não é nada extremamente horrível assim. - Tentando convencê-lo, você se sentou ao lado dele novamente.
Tom escondeu a mão dos dedos machucados, negando com a cabeça que iria querer limpar os ferimentos. Mas mais uma vez, você venceu a batalha pegando a mão dele contra sua vontade e começou a analisar cada detalhe ensanguentado.
── Hm.. não foi tão feio assim. - Comentou, vasculhando dentro de sua bolsa o que precisava.
Um sorriso cresceu em seus lábios ao encontrar o procurado frasco de remédio, o sacudindo para cima e para baixo para misturar as substâncias existentes no líquido transparente. Tom bufou irritado, se dando finalmente por vencido.
O garoto virou o rosto e você tinha certeza de que ele estava fazendo um pequeno beicinho, apenas para aguentar a fraca ardência que lhe atingiria nos dedos. Umedecendo um pedaço do algodão, você começou a dar pinceladas leves e breves sobre o local afetado, limpando todos os resquícios de sangue da região.
E uma risada sua escapou quando o sentiu estremecer sobre os toques úmidos do algodão, xingando e murmurando ofensas horríveis não à você, e sim à aquele maldito remédio ardido.
── Acabou? - Ele perguntou um pouco irritado, voltando a lhe encarar.
── Espera. - Pediu enquanto enrolava os dedos em um curativo, sorrindo com seu trabalho bem feito. Um beijinho foi deixado sobre os dedos agora livres de qualquer sangue. - Agora sim, prontinho.
Ele sorriu, olhando para seus dedos agora limpos e cuidados. Uma risada fraca escapou, antes de ele direcionar os olhos até você.
── Obrigado. - Agradeceu, gentil. - Agora eu quero um aqui.
Ele ergueu o dedo indicador, apontando para os lábios em forma de um beicinho. Um brilho malicioso iluminou os olhos do garoto atrevido.
── Tudo bem, tudo bem. - Você riu.
E um breve selar foi deixado sobre os lábios rosados.
── Eu te amo. - Um sorriso cresceu em seus lábios ao ouvir isso. - Mas nunca mais usa esse maldito remédio em mim.
Concordando com sua cabeça, você gargalhou achando graça de que um garoto de grande ego como ele pudesse ser tão medroso com um remédio para uso infantil.
No fim das contas, você sempre usará esse remédio.
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c1nnam00n · 6 months
how it feels trying to find a fanfic/imagine about a fandom that’s dead and dry
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estxkios · 4 months
2008!billkaulitz x gn!reader
summary : things subby bill would totally do >-<
warning : smut obv :3
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imagine subby bill who wont touch himself when you arent home.
poor boy will just find something to rub his hips into wether that be the side of his bed, a pillow, or one of his stuffies :<
because why would he cum if your hands arent wrapped around his cock?
imagine finding sub bill whining in his sleep because hes dreaming about you riding him
"mmhhg.. bitte.." you would hear him moan, his eyebrows pierced as he nibbled on his bottom lip to subconsciously suppress anything else from coming out.
he especially does this when you arent home, so there is no telling how many times the sheets have been changed out because bill was just so desperate for u :<<
imagine sub bill that listens to your every command.
wether its telling him to hold his cum for just a little longer while you hold your finger over his sensitive tip or if you are telling him to let those pretty noises out, he will listen !!
no matter how hard it is for him, even if it brings him to tears, he will hold his cum a little longer just for u !! :3
ughh imagine sub bill who just whimpers at your touch :< even when you havent been denying his orgasms his just soo sensitive !!
and imagine sub bill who thinks its a reward whenever you let him fuck you even though its just you guiding his hips into your pussy while you praise him
poor thing is so pussy whipped he doesnt know any better :\
and on too of that, imagine sub bill who always begs for your approval for everything.
he always needs to know if hes being a good boy for you !!
"am i being a good boy?" he would whine out as he thrusted into you, his fingers shakily scrambling to yours, which were on his hips. he was nearing his third orgasm of the night. his body hurt so good. "please tell me im being a good boy..!! mmmhpp please !!"
okay enjoy horny fuckers :p
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jun3ee · 14 days
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Smile for the camera
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A/N: If you see the watermark and say smt- I’m hiding under your bed..ANYWAYS this was very rushed and last second, this request was from like a month ago so I’m so damn sorry, I’ll try to make a better vers but this is all I got, it’s just a short lil drabble 💕😪
18+ ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚ੈ✩‧₊˚ੈ✩‧₊˚
I stare at the request in disbelief, everyone knew who Tom was at this point, he was such a major part in the industry.. Obviously not only known for his looks, but the serious length he had that got everyone infatuated. The way he fucked on camera was enough to get any living and breathing woman wet.. Maybe it was just dramaticized? He couldn't really be that good, right?  Oh god was I wrong…
“Say it again”
“I-I can’t!” 
I choke out, not even able to think from the way he’s ramming every single inch of his thick, veiny cock into my sopping cunt, his large hands dug deeply into my waist in a firm, bruising hold, not letting go for the life of himself as the rhythm of his thrusts only get faster and faster, fucking me so well as whiny moans leave my parted lips, I was never this sloppy and pathetic, shying away from the camera as he pulls my hair back,
“Tell them how good I’m fucking this little pussy, hm?”
“M-Mgh..” I choke out, gripping onto anything I can as his heavy balls slam against my sensitive clit with every thrust as I let out a yelp. Tom glances at the camera and looks at my fucked-out face, makeup smudged, beads of sweat as he smirks, watching my tight pussy stretch out on his thick cock, leaving a rough slap on my ass causing me to let out a whimper, slaps of skin and unholy moans filling the room as his pace mercilessly increases,
“Look at yourself”
He murmurs, his hand gripping my waist tightly as his other hand reaches out, pulling my head back and grasping my chin with his calloused hand, forcing me to look up and into his darkened eyes as he keeps thrusting harshly, watching my face hopelessly contort with pleasure as he smirks, his thick cock re-arranging my insides with a slight sting as my sopping-wet core adjusts. Every inch of his cock stuffed into my little cunt followed by him tracing hickeys on the crook of my neck and down my back.
“Fortfahren” (“Go ahead”)
He purrs out, abruptly stopping and sitting back… I should’ve remembered that damn script.. It was too late now.. How could I even remember when he was fucking me this good?
“H-Huh?” I choke out, glancing back at him as I whine from the sudden stop
“Fuck yourself with my cock, doll”
With no hesitation he pulls me on him, his length deeply buried in my core as I weakly bounce up and down, my legs already giving up as his girthy tip hits my cervix, his hand finding itself to my waist and guiding me, meanwhile his other hand snakes down my body, rubbing my neglected clit slowly and roughly as I let out a soft whimper. Looking directly into my eyes with his intimidating, darkened brown orbs, making me even more weaker than I already was.
“Atta’ girl” He says with a mouthy smirk, flicking his lip piercing, watching me as I whine pathetically moan on his cock.. At this point, neither of us cared about the script.. “Keep going slow f’me darling.. Don’t want you breaking down on me, do I?” 
“M-Mhmm..” I drag out… How pathetic I was to think he would take it slow? He abruptly starts thrusting up, holding my hips in place as he lets out a chuckle, his v-line flexing, the veins in his forearms popping, his cock coated with my slick as he keeps thrusting up into my tight little pussy, lewd sloshing sounds coming from the both of us as he holds me still,
“Mm- Tell them who’s fucking ya’ doll” Tom grunts out, his thrusting only getting rougher and rougher as he feels my walls tighten around his thick cock,
“I-I can’t” I choke out “P-Please”
“Such a fucking slut f’my cock this whole time and you cant even say my name? Yes you can” 
He groans out, still thrusting mercilessly as he looks directly into my eyes, his cock glistening with my slick..
“T-Tom K-Kaulitz..” I cry out, throwing my arms over his shoulder for stability, helplessly..
“C-Couldn’t hear ya’” He murmurs with a smirk, his thrusting getting more erratic as he reaches his climax, his face scrunching up slightly as he rides out his waves of pleasure, his cock throbbing inside of me as he shoots his thick white ropes of cum deep into my tight pussy with a groan, watching it drip down the sides of his shaft as it overfills me, fucking his seed into my cunt as his hips roll up slowly…
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tvmkavlitzbby · 4 months
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"Birthday party"
TW: age gap, reader is 20, Tom is 30, nsfw, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus, rough sex, breeding kink, degradation, dirty talk, hickeys, alcohol, aftercare
synopsis: You recently became Bill's friend despite your age difference and he invited you to his birthday, introducing you to his twin brother Tom, who you instantly felt attracted to.
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You had recently meet Bill Kaulitz at a party and soon became really good friend with him, so much that he decided to invite you at his and his brother 30th birthday party.
You obviously knew is brother, Tom, but you had never met him in person, so when you finally arrived at the party, in your black dress and heels, he introduced him to you.
"Tom, this is y/n, y/n this is Tom!" Bill shouted over the loud music, smiling at you two.
As soon as you lifted your eyes up to him you felt a jolt of electricity run through your body feeling his firm gaze on you, you instantly felt attacted to him, even though you knew he was 10 years older that you, he was handsome and you couldn't deny it.
"Nice to meet you, y/n" he said, leaning closer to hug you and waking you up from your state of trance as you felt his arm tugging on your waist.
"Nice to meet you too!" you quickly said, returning the hug.
You tried to ignore Bill's look, a mischievous one, of someone who new something was up.
Some hours and drinks later you were dancing to the music that blasted in your ears, eyes glancing to Tom from time to time, but you had lost him in the crowd a while ago.
You kept dancing until someone placed his hands on your waist, confused you turned your head to see who it was and you couldn't help but blush as you recognized Tom, who was now dacing with you, chest pressed to your back and grip firm on your waist.
Initially none of you two said anything, just dancing together while your hands found place in his hair, behind you.
Some minutes later you felt faint kisses on your neck and shoulders that made you moan slightly, intoxicated by the feeling of his lips and the alcohol as the movement between you two became more and more sensual.
"Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?" Tom asked you, lips brushing your ear.
You nodded, unable to let words out of your mouth, as you felt him take your hand and lead you somewhere else, an empty bedroom in their luxurious villa.
As soon as you two entered the room his lips were on your neck again, more passionate now, leaving bites and little marks all over.
You let your hand travel through his hair, grabbing a handful of them and squeezing them slightly.
"you're so beautiful... I know I shouldn’t be doing this but... fuck, when i saw you... i couldn't stay away" he whispered, placing his hands on your waist.
Suddenly he lifted his head, looking right in your eyes.
"If you don't want this stop me now"
You knew he was older that you, you knew that you didn’t knew him that well and you knew about his past reputation but the excitement that your body felt everytime he looked at you was enough to let all your worries wash away, pressing your lips to his, connecting them in a passionate kiss.
Tom immediately returned the kiss, picking you up from the ground as he walked to the bed, placing you on it.
His mouth traveled to your neck again, then down to your clavicles and then your boobs as he started to unzip your dress.
Once it was completely gone you were left in your black lace panties and bra, that left Tom staring at you for more than he wanted to.
So you placed your hands on his shirt, tugging it a bit to signal him to remove it, which he did a second later.
He then kissed you again, hand on your right boob as he massaged it slightly.
"Get this thing off" he mumbled in the kiss, as the bra got in the way of his hand and your boob and you did exactly as he said, exposing your breasts to his sight.
He immediately placed his lips on your nipple, sucking it slightly while you whined, starting to get desperate to feel his touch in your core.
"I know baby, I know..." he whispered, sliding his right hand under your panties, middle finger caressing your core as he spread your wetness.
"So wet for me, aren't you?" he asked but you couldn't respond, the feeling of his fingers finally on your sex clouding your mind.
"I asked you something, pretty girl" He said firmly, pressing slightly on your clit.
"Yes, s-so wet for you" you said in between moans. He then stripped you of your panties and made you open your legs a bit, placing his finger to your core again, inserting one and then starting to pound in you slowly.
"f-fuck.. Tom.." you moaned his name, needing more from him.
Almost as if he read your mind he inserted another finger and started to move his finger faster, enjoying the sight of you moaning in pleasure beneath him.
"You're so pretty, so needy..." he continued for finger you, getting closer to your heat as he placed his tongue on your clit and started massaging it.
The sudden contact made you throw your head behind, as indescribable pleasure filled you, grabbing Tom's hair while unholy sounds left your lips.
"Please, Tom.." you whispered, you needed more.
"Please what? babygirl.. you need to use your words" he teased, fingers pumping into you.
"Please, fuck me... please..." As you said this Tom nodded and retracted his fingers, leaving an aching emptiness in you.
He then stripped completely, leaving you to witness all his beautiful features, he was really fucking handsome.
He was about to take a condom when you stopped him, the thought of his cum in you overcoming your common sense.
"Don't... I'm on the pill, please..." you sounded almost desperate.
"Such a naughty girl, want my cum that much?" he asked, to which you couldn't help but nod.
He then climbed on the bed again and aligned himself with your entrance, pushing it in you just a second later, your moans filling the room.
"fuck, you're so tight" he immediately started to push into you, seeing how you were moaning in pleasure.
"fuck, fuck!" you moaned loudly, the sound of the music muffling every sound you emitted.
"look at you, so young and fucking guys like me who are older that you, uh? you should just call me "sir" at this point" his words were sharp and mean but it only contributed to your excitement.
"sir... please, please harder!" you immediately obliged to the new name, nothing at his words and grabbing Tom shoulders for support while he continued to pound into you, hitting your sweet spot continuously.
He then placed a hand on your clit, massaging it slightly, making you clench around him, grunts and moans leaving his lips.
You felt your climax close, moaning with your mouth agape.
"I'm.. I'm close!" you informed Tom.
"yeah? then cum for me princess. cum on my cock." he then connected your lips in a sloppy kiss, hitting your g-spot ripetely.
After some second you felt your orgasm hit you, your legs trembling while you moaned "sir!" on Tom's lips, immense pleasure washing over you.
You didn't even register Tom's words until you felt his cum fill you up more that you already were, making you moan.
The unholy scene was contrasted by Tom sweet kisses on your face, trying to make you come back from your high.
"Are you with me, baby?" he whispered sweetly to which you nodded.
He then got out of you, the sight of his cum slipping out of you almost making him hard again.
"You are so beautiful, fuck..." he whispered, making you giggle.
You suddenly felt the urge to hug him, to have him close to you, so you dared to reach out your hands to him and to your surprise he pulled you up and placed you on his lap, holding you gently to him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, sweet voice filling your ears.
"Yes, so much..." you whispered, you felt safe in his arms, in the arms of someone who was like a stranger to you, but you didn't care, you wished the time could stop right there.
"We have to clean up, let's go to the bathroom" he picked you up and, after making sure no one could see you, walked to the bathroom, where he filled the bathtub with warm water.
Too tired to move you let Tom place you gently in the water with him, the party long forgotten as he slowly cleaned your body.
You don't remember much after that, you probably fell asleep, but you didn't care because now it was morning and you were in Tom's arms, hugged close to his body.
You know you will have to talk about this with him and you know that Bill will probably fill you up with thousands of questions, but you didn't let it worry you now, placing your head on Tom's chest, drifting off to sleep once again.
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braxlrose · 1 year
i read your tom kaulitz weird and silly headcanons and i can't stop laughing 😭 wtf it's 4 am.. anyway will you do the same headcanons only with bill, pretty please?🤭 i know one hundred percent that this little bastard isn't so innocent what he looks like.. i'm sure he's as dirty as Tom 😭 btw sorry engilsh is not my first language ☠️ Greetings from Poland!!:)
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(his skirt is so cute?!?)
Cześć jeszcze raz! Rzadko spotykam Polaków, więc cieszy mnie możliwość ćwiczenia języka polskiego!
also his skirt is super cute omg
silly and weird bill headcanons
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cw: mentioned oral(f and m!recieving), making out, nipple play?, etc
-you are completely right, this mf is far from innocent 💀 tom is seen as the dirty minded one but this little shit would make the most dirty fucking jokes every and then act all innocent LIKE BITCH
-he's also passive aggressive. like very passive aggressive. pookie can't help it 😪
-the first time you, him and tom all got high together he got super paranoid and thought that you guys were all just figments of a dog's imagination
-when you guys are spooning, he reaches underneath your shirt and cups your boobs. it helps him fall asleep quicker apparently
-but sometimes when he's feeling like a little shit, he'll tweak and pull at your nipples and you have to slap him away. so then you make him promise not to do it again. spoiler alert. he does it again 😐
-hes an impatient mf so the amount he's burned his tongue after heating up a pop tart 😒 like bitch..just wait the two fucking minutes
-he loves kissing your temple and your forehead
-during the winter, if his hands are cold he asks if he can put his hand in your pants. 💀 like that's his exact words. "Can I put my hand down your pants?" he says it's because you're warmer down there than he is, but I think it's just cuz he's a dirty minded little fuck
-when cooking marshmallows over the fire, it's a 50/50 thing. Sometimes he's super patient and will wait and make his marshmallows a crispy, perfect golden brown color and other times he gets to lazy and will just shove it in the fire.
-he also thinks it's like the coolest thing in the entire world when his whole marshmallow is on fire
-he didn't know how to snap until he was like 16 and always got mad whenever tom could do it 😭
-he was super happy when he realized that he was the taller twin bc tom was allllwayyss talking about how he was 10 minutes older.
-he literally loves getting matching tattoos with you, he thinks it's so cute and fucking loves it. somehow he convinced the both of you to get some dumb ones 💀
-when you two were little kids he used to beg the teacher to make you, him and tom partners. lil bro would get down on his knees
-speaking of getting down on his knees, the first time he went down on you he "accidentally" 🤨 bit your clit. I still say he did it on purpose though
-you guys know that thing that Gomez does with Morticia when she reaches her arms to the side and he kisses from her finger tips to the other finger tips? yall know what I'm talking about? WELL BILL DOES THAT
-he likes to sleep naked sometimes. because it's "better for sleeping" but I think it's just because he wants to sleep next to naked you.
-almost drowned tom at the pool 💀...multiple times
-him and tom make you sit by the pool and then make you tell them who's cannon ball was better. and this isn't just a like 16 yr old boy thing. they do this at 33 too.
-bill once stood up upside-down on a keg and drank it 😧. not the whole thing but it was super crazy. you later found out it was because tom didn't think he would do it
-he once jerked off in class and found a way so nobody would notice him EXCEPT YOU 😨 MF YOU WERE TRAUMATIZED
-he also doesn't know how to lock a door. so you'll just walk in and he'll be jerking off, or you'll turn a corner in his house and he'll be jerking off, you go to use the bathroom and he'll be jerking off. "I'm a teenage boy it's what we do!" BRUH GET A HOBBY
-if you don't know german, he'll randomly say dirty stuff to you in german. BUT THEN PROCEED TO GET MAD AT TOM IF HE TEACHES YOU BAD WORDS IN GERMAN 🙄
-he loves sitting in your lap when making out. like obviously he loves it when you sit in his lap, but he LOVES when he gets to sit on top of you and kiss you
-the first time he tried to give you hickies, he wasn't completely sure how to and ended up biting you 💀
-he's not a morning person, we all know this. so if you want to get him out of bed, you will have to drag him out by his feet.
-his dick is big. we all know this, but the first time you tried to give him oral, he accidentally slapped your face w/ his dick 😭
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @dead-tapes @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 year
In which you dedicate your performance to your celebrity crush, but he doesn’t know until the press gets ahold of it.
Bill Kaulitz x fem!reader
AUTHORS NOTE: this idea may be floating somewhere on somebody else’s blog but this I just came up myself so I’m not trying to copy nobody! I also had to change some of the lyrics for the sake of the story! Thx bbyg’s <33
Pt 2!
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YOU LET OUT A HEAVY BREATH, finishing up the song, you reached down for the bottle of water by your feet, chugging the last of it. The concert has reached it’s final song, and you’ve got an idea that you’ve been planning for weeks. The crowd is still booming with shrieks, practically making the whole place rumbled. A grin appeared on your lips as you walked over to the microphone.
“Can you guys keep a secret?” You questioned as the crowd yelled in return, you giggled and a felt an overwhelming feeling of joy fill your body. “Well, I have a huge crush on this guy who totally doesn’t know I exist.” A string of boos followed after. “You guys may know him, he’s German, he’s the lead singer of a band, I believe he has a twin brother.” Within moments the crowd began to screamed, realizing who it was, there weren’t many German lead singers who have a twin brother, well..not that you knew of. You had a proud smirk on you face, bitting your lip to contain more nervous giggles from slipping out. “I think he suuper hot, so I decided to make a song about him, you guys ready?”
“Yeah!” At the sound of their approval the song immediately began to sound through the massive speakers scattered through the stage. You gripped the bedazzled microphone in your neatly manicured hands, the lights flickered with pretty pink colors, radiating your signature color as it reflected off your diamond studded belt. You couldn’t contain the large smile as you lifted the mic to your mouth.
“Saw this boy at the mall last week, got the kinda look to me me freak!” You skipped around the stage, your denim mini shorts riding farther up your thighs then it already was. “That long ass hair with the tightest jeans, my chemical romance on his tee.” You ran a smooth hand down your body, exaggerating your attraction towards him. “He looked so sick like he was dying, if I said he wasn’t hot then I’d be lying. Please, handsome, don’t be coy. Come on fuck me emo boy!”
The repetition of the lyrics echoed throughout the large stadium, it was actually hilarious how such a large crowd of people jumped and shouted come on fuck me emo boy, over and over again. You giggled, raising the microphone back to your lips, “This boy just unlike the rest, one look and I bitch I loose my breath. Wanna fuck in the back of the hot topic? Lift me up and then I drop it. He’s with his band, goin on tour. Should I go? Well, bitch, for sure!” Your favorite was coming up, it was a little explicit but what would be the fun if it wasn’t? “He might not look he gets bitches but honey that dick is eleven inches.”
With your pearly teeth out, your lips stretched into large smile you bounced around the stage, hearing the the beat blast into your ear drum. A collection of things were thrown onto the stage, it was a common reoccurrence during all your concerts. People would launched flowers, letters, bras, sunglasses, and far to many things that just piled up on the floor until you finished your set list and had all the gifts delivered to your dressing room. You admired your fans, the way their wristbands glowed in the dark night, the creative posters that were raised above their heads, it was hard to grasp onto it sometimes but the feeling never failed to make you proud.
“Hey, hey, hey emo boy!” The song had concluded, though the fans were far from quiet, you gave them a polite bow as the crew behind you began to pack up all the instruments. You were stuck in your spot, waving to all the giddy people who nearly broke down the barricade in excitement. “Thank you! Hugs and kisses to all of you who made it here tonight, I love you guys!” Your feet began to move towards the backstage, a part of you absolutely devastated that the show ended, but also relieved to get some rest. Although, before you could fully leave you jogged back over to the microphone. “And make sure to keep the song a secret from the emo hottie.” With that, you walked towards your assistant, Teresa, who held a bottle of water ready for you.
“You looked amazing, baby!” The dark haired girl giggled as you took the cool liquid and let it run down your sore throat.
“Thank you, I felt amazing!” You smiled, “Was the song good? It wasn’t too much, was it?”
“Absolutely not, the song was great, and I’m proud that you finally got around to preforming it.” Your assistant grinned, “It’ll definitely get his attention.”
“Yeah, well, that’s the goal.” You mumbled, looking over at your dressing room, ready to go in and remove all the makeup and heavy accessories you had on till you noticed that your name tag was gone from the front door. “Hey, what happened to my name tag?”
Teresa looked over, “Oh, they’re replacing it because Tokio Hotel is preforming here tomorrow.”
“What!” You nearly chocked on your water, eyes practically bulging out of your face as you stared back at your assistant. “Why didn’t you tell me that they were literally preforming here the day after me?”
“To be fair I didn’t know until they started moving stuff around.” Right as the words left her mouth a random man came over and slipped in a paper to the plastic cover on the front door. It wasn’t a mistake, the bold letter stated back at you: TOKIO HOTEL
“Well, I’m most definitely fucked.”
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“BILL!” TOM PRACTICALLY ran across the tour bus, holding his baggy pants up in one hand while the other held a laptop. His twin sat on the couch, munching on a pack of sour candy. “Bill, you have to look at this!”
Bill stared at his brother with furrowed brows, wondering what has gotten him so giddy and grinning like a child. That was until the laptop was shoved in his face, some random article pulled up with some dramatized title that he didn’t even want to read. “What is this?”
“Read it!”
Bill’s fingers slid on the mouse pad, scrolling the through the article as his eyes quickly scanned the words in front of him. “This surely isn’t about me, Tom, it’s just fake news that they’re trying to shove down people’s throats.”
“Don’t be stupid, Bill, the y/n l/n is crushing on you and dropping subtle hints, hence, the song about wanting to fuck you.” Tom shook his brothers shoulders proudly, his grin wide.
A hue of red spread on Bill’s pale skin, clicking on the attached video that gave him the whole performance. Sure enough, there you were, singing a song about wanting to fuck an emo boy. “I don’t know, Tom.”
The oldest twin let out a groan, “Bill, she wants you, think about it. She’s our age and she says that the song is dedicate to a German lead singer who is touring with his band.” He had a good point, and that’s what made Bill smile a bit, it made a puff of pride filled his chest. “That’s what I’m talking about.” Tom laughed, “She wants you, Bill, and I wouldn’t want to pass up on that.”
“Enough.” Bill sheepishly smiled, closing the laptop and shoving into Tom’s chest, curling up on the couch as he felt a wave of heat wash over him. If the song was about him, and you meant what you said, then it really turned him on. He couldn’t help it, his already tight skinny jeans grew tighter.
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“BILL, WHAT ARE YOURE opinions on y/n l/n new song about?”
“Bill is it true that you are y/n’s baby daddy?”
“Bill look over here!”
“Are you and y/n a couple?”
A flood of questions and bright, flashing lights came his way as he made his way towards the doors of the venue. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, attempting to move past the paparazzi and avoid there strange questions. His band mates followed behind him, struggling to keep up with him due to the crowding. He finally let out a breath of relief as he made his way inside. The flashing cameras replaced with colorful lights and the screaming substituted with the shaky bass of the music booming from the dance floor. Tom had already separated himself from the group, going off to the bar to try and find a new girl to bring to his hotel. Georg had dropped out, opting on talking with his girlfriend through phone all night instead. Gustav had also followed Tom to the bar, craving alcohol in his system.
The crowd of people were familiar, he had seen some of them at the event from before, there were many famous faces. Yet he stood by a wall, eyes looking around awkwardly, despite the many times he’d been to these events he always had to ease his way in throughout the night. After a few drinks he’d start getting loose, but for the moment he’d just scan the dance floor till he caught someone he knew.
That’s when he gaze was in trapped by a spark, a beautiful glow that confidently bounced on the dance floor, happily dancing. It was you, you were dancing with your friend, a half drunken drink in your hand while your swing your hips and shimmy you chest with a surge of confidence. The short dress having to constantly be tugged down your plush thighs, as you giggled, you felt something. A sense of being watched, but there was hundreds of people around, and a lot of them liked to stare.
You leaned into your friends ear, excusing yourself to the bathroom, you heels carried you to through the crowds of drunk people and to a small opening where you could go to the bathroom. Bill’s eyes watched your every move, were you coming towards him or was he fucking crazy? He nervously stared at you, your features became more clear, it was you. Y/n l/n. You were getting closer, he felt his breath hitch, what was he going to say? Well, he didn’t have to worry since you walked right past him, eyes not sparing him a glance as you rushed into a hallway. He furrowed his brows, staring as your figure disappeared, it was then that he noticed many people exiting and passing to enter the same hallway you just entered. He glanced up and saw the clear sight that read. RESTROOM.
He huffed, crossing his arms with a frown, maybe it was a sigh that he should talk to her but now it he had to wait till you walked back out. Finally, you left the restroom, shoving the lipgloss back into your bra and strutting out. You were excited to go back to dancing, a big smile on you lip, that was until a large hand wrapped itself around your wrist, tugging you back before you could go any farther. You looked back with furrowed brows, you had to crane you eyes up to look at who was the man behind the touch. You mouth went dry, eyes widening, your knees nearly giving out and dropping you on the dirty floor of the venue.
It was Bill fucking Kaulitz, the emo boy you made a whole song about. The song in which was leaked and slapped on every article with your name in the title. You were so happy that the lighting covered the blush that warmed your face. He leaned down, lips brushing you ear, hand still wrapped on on your wrist.
“Hey, I’m Bill.” His hot breath fanned against the shell of your ear, he could smell the faint scent of your perfume, it was intoxicating. “I like your music.” He pulled away, a smug smirk on his face as you swallowed the lump in your throat. His accent was much more hotter in person then it was in the interviews you watched on TV.
“T-Thank you.” You replied, but he simply gave you a confused look. You sighed, attempting to reach his ear, “I said thank you, I like your music as well.”
He nodded, “Thank you, it seems as though one of your songs has gotten quite popular, people have told me all about it.”
You needed to pull yourself together, this was a moment you’ve been waiting for and you couldn’t back down. So you rubbed your lips together, spreading the shiny, sticky gloss. You gazed up at him through your lashes, a flirty smile on your face. “Yeah, I was hoping you’d say.”
“Yeah?” He raised a pierced brow, “Why’s that?”
“You’re the only one I wrote the song for, of course.” You giggled, watching his expression change, he was surprised on how upfront you were about it. You were proud, cocky almost, it turned him on. “So, did you like it?” He nodded in response. “You wouldn’t mind doing what the lyrics say, do you?”
“No.” He replied, watching your smile widen. “I can take you back to my hotel and do exactly what you want me to do, schatz.”
You were getting giddy, you running a hand up his arms, staring up at his smoky eyes with lust. You bit your bottom lip, “Can you kiss me?” A small smirk played on his lips as he leaned down, leaving a slow kiss on your lips. Your hands were on his cheek, leaning up and desperately kissing his lips. His hands wandered, feeling you up in the tight pink dress you were in. Though his same hands seemed to favor a spot in particular, you ass, they ran up and down your sides before they eventually planted themselves there. His head was titled to the side, neck curved down to reach your height and to continue kissing your additive lips. He pulled away, lips sticky with you gloss before he trailed it down to your jaw and neck, his cheeky hands squeezed the flesh. You gasp, allowing him to suck lightly while the music blasted in your ears but it was all tuned out as you focused on the sensation of his tacky lips kissing your skin.
You were most definitely gonna fuck this emo boy tonight.
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Y’ALL WANT A PART TWO W SMUT? Either way I’ll probably write one bc this game out better then I expected🤭🤭🤭
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thema-nr-2 · 2 months
im so sorry if i start spamming you with requests 💔💔 anywaays dom 2010 bill maybe?? with like an f reader you can ddcide like the plot n shit i dont wanna control you 🙏🙏
just you wait til i get you home - b.k
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✮ synopsis - you and bill are at dinner with your friends and you take the time to tease him under the table. Pissed off, bill makes you suck him off in the bathroom.
✮ genre - smut
✮ word count - 2.2k
✮ content warning - nsfw, fem!sub!reader, dom!2010!bill, semi public freakiness 👅, slight choking if you squint, praise, oral (m!receiving) cum swallowing idfk, gagging, teasing, bills mad pissed at y/n 😞, use of pet names, let me know if i missed anything
✮ 1 request out of 3 done, thank fuck… 2 more fics coming soon guys trust 😭 (ive already started the 2nd one) bonus points if anyone can recognise the lyrics in the tittle
“Why can’t we just stay inside tonight, Bill? I don’t wanna go out!” You whined as you held up your dress in front of the mirror, debating whether or not to put it on.
“As much as I’d love to, schatz, we were invited to this dinner.” Bill started. “We can’t say no just because we don’t feel like it. That’s not fair on our friends.” Blah blah blah..
“No buts, Y/N!”
You slumped down on the edge of the bed and watched as your boyfriend buttoned his shirt up. He didn’t look too keen on going out to dinner either. Reluctantly, you slid out of your comfy pyjamas and put on the dress that you had been so eager to wear. Just not tonight. You admired yourself in the mirror for a minute, checking yourself out. It really was a beautiful dress. And Bill had picked it out just for you. Sleek, black, silk hugged your figure perfectly. It was practically tailored for you. You were under the idea that you could easily distract Bill with just a few touches. And when you looked like that? Surely…
“Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we just… called in sick?“ You began, speaking in a slow tone. You walk up behind Bill, wrapping your arms around his waist and fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt. You started to unbutton them one by one, but unfortunately, Bill wasn’t in the mood to put up with your antics as he pushed your hands right off him.
“Easier, maybe. But that doesn’t mean it’s right. Now hurry up and finish getting ready. We need to be there by 6.”
You knew it was risky. A dangerous game to be playing, yet you were willing to risk it all just for the result. But you knew it was over for you once you met Bill's gaze and saw that look his eyes. A look that either said “I’m gonna kill you when we get home” or “I’m gonna ruin you when we get home”. Nonetheless, the thrill had you soaked already.
Bill’s breath hitched in his throat as he felt your hand caress his thigh underneath the table, getting recklessly close to his crotch. He shot you a subtle glare, which only landed him a proud smile from you. Fortunately for him, nobody noticed. Yet. It was your mission to get him as worked up as possible, to the point where he couldn’t contain it and had to get up and leave. (And obviously take you with him)
You spent the evening making pointless conversation with your work friends, small talk about work and how life was going. Really nothing interesting, and the lack of stimuli was driving you insane. You had let Bill eat and talk in peace for about an hour and a half before you began to feel bored again. Both of you had finished your meals so it’s not like you had anything else to do besides tease him again. As you two let out forced laughs at your friend’s unfunny jokes, you subtly placed your hand on his thigh again, rubbing it gently. Bill didn’t seem to take too much notice of it, which was good. It meant you could get away with more, easier. You smirked to yourself as your hand started to palm him through his tight jeans, this was where Bill finally started to notice what you were up to. He turned to you, not with an angry expression but with a confused one. You felt as he started to get hard in your hands, and you continued to palm him, ever so subtly slipping your hand underneath his jeans and rubbing his now slightly clothed dick. Bill let out a cough to cover up the moan he almost let slip, a bit of an unrealistic one unfortunately.
“Fuck’s wrong with you?” A friend asked.
“Nothing. I’m fine.” He said bluntly, never once taking his eyes off you. You simply giggled and continued to rub him over his boxers under the table. Beads of sweat started to form on his brow as it began harder and harder to hide what was going on. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably and covered his mouth, removing himself from the conversation as best he could. Before long, it was too difficult to stay quiet, he had let you get away with too much. Out of nowhere, Bill pulled your hand out of his pants, and stood up.
“I’m not feeling too well, I’m gonna head to the bathroom…” He said, somewhat nonchalantly. Your friends gave him a weird look of disbelief, then they turned to you with the same expression. You watched as Bill walked away. He looked behind him and made direct eye contact with you. Though he didn’t say anything, you could tell he wanted to follow him. And that there’d be bigger problems if you didn’t.
“Uh, I’m gonna go check on him..” You said nervously as you excused yourself from your seat. Your heart was racing as you caught up to Bill, who hadn’t yet entered the bathroom. As soon as you got close enough to him, he seized your wrist tightly and dragged you into a stall, locking the door behind him. Thankfully nobody was in the bathroom at the same time as you guys. Once the door was locked, Bill slammed you up against the bathroom stall door, pinning your hands to each side of your head as his lips attached themselves to your neck. You let out a gasp of pleasure as he began to suck harshly on the sensitive part of your neck. After a minute, he pulled away, admiring the hickies he had left.
“What’s got you so worked up, huh?” You asked sarcastically.
“You think you’re fuckin funny? So fuckin clever?” Bill said, his pent up anger clear in his tone
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You batted your eyelashes innocently at him, hoping to gain some sort of ease.
Bill’s eyes narrowed at you as his hand moved up to wrap gently around your throat. “Don’t play dumb with me, Y/N.” He whispered, his fingers tightening around your throat the more he talked. “You think teasing me back there in front of our friends, and total strangers was funny? Is this all because I wouldn’t let us stay home tonight? I nearly fucking blew it thanks to you.”
Bill pressed his body against you as you tried to squirm free of his grasp. “Stop struggling, slut. You wanted this.” He growled under his breath as he held you firmly in place. Once you had stopped moving, you looked at the floor anxiously, the regret from teasing him already setting in. Bill grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at him. “On your knees. Now.” He ordered. You immediately complied, not wanting to piss him off any more. Bill smirked proudly as he watched you sink to your knees in front of him. You wasted no time to undo his belt and pull his jeans down along with his boxers, where you could see stains of precum. Part of you was rather pleased with how your teasing really did a number on him. Even though you hadn’t done much. You took his cock in your hands, gently kissing the tip while pumping him ever so slightly.
“Think about teasing me for another minute and I swear you’ll regret it.” His words sent shivers down your spine. You trembled beneath him as you finally took him into your mouth, gaining a guttural moan from Bill. He leaned against the stall door, tilting his head back. “Mmm, that’s it, baby. Good girl..” He groaned.
You bobbed your head up and down his dick, slowly building a steady pace. But it seemed like Bill wasn’t having it. He grabbed a fistfull of your hair, turning it into a makeshift ponytail for him to pull your head down. You gagged as you felt his tip reach the back of your throat, and his balls hit your chin slightly. You rested your hands on Bill’s thighs for support, dragging your nails down his pale skin. Even after deepthroating him, Bill didn’t let you go. He kept your hair gripped firmly in his fist, controlling your rhythm completely. You let out a muffled whine as you tried to come up for air, which only gained you a scowl from the man looking down at you.
“Who said you could stop, huh?” He snapped. He raised his eyebrow, waiting for your pathetic response.
“I just-” You stuttered as you began to speak, however you were swiftly cut off by Bill forcing your head back down onto his throbbing dick. It caught you by such surprise, you felt tears piercing the corners of your eyes.
“You’re crying now? I thought you could take it. Aren’t you my good girl?” He queried, raising his eyebrow. You nodded rapidly as you moved your head along with the rhythm Bill had forced upon you. He moaned out soft praises as he felt you swirl your tongue around him, every now and then grazing it over his slit. You felt him twitch in your mouth, his orgasm catching up to him. “Scheiße, liebe..” Bill felt his knees begin to weaken as he got closer. He savoured every second of your warm mouth around his cock, savoured every muffled sob from you, every choked moan.
Tears fell down your cheeks, not only from how much you were trying not to gag, (and failing) but from now hard Bill was pulling on your hair. Your knees began to ache from the cold, hard, bathroom floor. They’d surely be bruised the next morning. And you were sure the floor had torn a small hole in one of your knee high socks. Which was a shame, they were quite pretty.
“Fuck, gonna cum, baby…” Bill moaned, barely getting his words out. “And you better fucking swallow…” You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand at his demand. He was so hot when he was like this. Dominant and commanding. You wished he would be like this more often, even if it meant week long aches in your throat, legs, or back. Bill threw his head back with one final, loud moan as he released his hot cum down your throat. You whined, doing your best not to let a single drop waste. You adored his taste. You swallowed as much of him as you could. After you pulled off his dick, you continued to lick his slit, gathering the rest of his cum. Once you were done you looked up to see your boyfriend's expression of approval.
Bill smiled warmly as he gave you a light pat on the head. “Atta girl.” He praised. “You did so well for me, took my dick so fuckin good.”
You panted heavily, taking in as much air as you could. Bill’s taste lingered in the back of your throat and on your tongue, the last thing you were about to do was complain about that.
Bill reached out a hand to help pull you up. He looked down at your knees and frowned. You were confused about what he seemed so sad about, until you looked down yourself to see the very prominent tear in your right sock. Guess you were right.
“And they were the ones you bought me, too…” You grimaced.
“It’s okay, schatzi, I’ll buy you a new pair. Or you can keep wearing them to remind yourself of what a slut you were for me tonight.” He smirked.
You blushed profusely at his comment, somewhat enjoying that idea.
“Do you think our friends are gonna be suspicious when we go back out…” You reluctantly asked.
Bill sighed, remembering what they were doing in a public bathroom in the first place. He scratched the back of his neck in disappointment. “Yeah, most likely. You got an excuse?”
“To make up for your flushed face and my bruised knees? Not a clue.”
He giggled. Bill led you out of the stall, making sure nobody was lurking. You had a glance at yourself in the mirror, and after seeing the state of disarray your hair was in and about $60 worth of makeup smudged across your face from where you had cried, you realised you two were both definitely fucked.
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AHHH i’m sorry this was so ass i’m not used to writing for sub reader 🤧 hopefully it wasn’t gut wrenchingly bad though!! i’m so sorry to keep people who have requested waiting but i’m juggling a lot right now so i haven’t had the time or motivation to do anything productive in the last month 😝😝
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itsmealaiahh · 27 days
"Much Needed Release"
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TW: tom being pussymuncher69, pussy eating, clit stimulation, minor profanity, some angst in the beginning, head (fem rec obviously), praise, some overstimulation, somnophilia
Request: older Tom X younger petite reader. reader had a bad day and Tom was tired of hearing abt how bad she was being treated. when r (reader) went upstairs for a nap, Tom woke her up with his face in between her thighs. He makes r cum A TON! Yea. Thx baeee!
IM ACK 😚😚`😚😚😦😦😦 NON T DEAD
Rating: under 15 dni!! explicit situations lie ahead!!
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"I hate weekdays"
You complained to tom the minute you walked through the door, tired and spent from the hellish day you had just went through. It just wouldn't stop! The terrible treatment from certain co-workers, and even your boss was unbearable, to say the least.
Each day, you always came home, your mood miserable, and tom wanted to fix it. He was honestly getting a little bit annoyed at how every day at your officeplace was going. Why were your co-workers so rude towards you? Hell, why was even your boss so rude? He was sure you hadn't done anything to warrant the treatment. You were sweeter than anyone he had ever met, and it took a lot to get you angry or upset.
He wanted to help you out and give you a break from the tough week, but how so? You would surely fall asleep during a movie or an activity where you both just sat on the couch together, so how could he possibly help? He didn't notice you were no longer in the living room until he snapped out of his thoughts, and he knew you were taking a nap. He could try to..no.
That would be wrong, and quite frankly, disgusting, unless...
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Tom made his way to the bedroom, seeing you napping on his pillow, your body covered by the duvet. Quietly closing the door behind him, he padded over to the mattress where you slept, picking the covers off. His eyes widened just a bit at seeing your underwear the only thing that you were wearing, and his cock twitched in his pants, slowing coming to life. His lips parted a bit, his tongue swiping over his bottom one as he gazed over your sleeping frame, drinking you in fully.
The more he looked, the more turned on he became, his member now straining almost painfully against the restraint of his pants. He pulled the covers over himself, stripping you of your remaining clothes, throwing them to the side; your precious cunt now exposed.
He groaned a little at the sight, placing a gentle lick on your clit before delving into your pussy. His hands held your hips down as you squirmed every now and then in your sleep, letting out little whines as well. He closed his eyes, lapping up and down your core, ravishing your taste on his tongue.
"so fucking sweet" he murmured, his tongue flicking up and down your little bud occasionally, working wonders on you. More moans and other small noises escaped you, slowly coming to from your sleep. Tom didn't see your eyes opening up as he continued to bury his face into your pussy, now sucking tastefully on your clit. You let out a loud moan, your vision no longer blurry. Your legs wrapped around tom's head, squeezing just a bit. You didn't have any time to adjust, your body overcome with pleasure.
Breathing in slowly, you met eyes with tom, who looked up at you with a grin, his beard glistening with your juices. "w-what are you doing?" You questioned, pulling yourself upright with your elbows. "Well" he started, giving another small lick to your core, before going back to speaking. "You had a rough day, so I wanted to make it better. Just sit and relax and let me please you, okay baby? I'll make it worth your while"
You laid back down with a sigh, enjoying the feeling of tom's tongue lapping insistently at your pussy. The tongue was a very wet and strong organ, and having tom's on your core? Fucking heaven. Your legs squeezed his head again, not too rough to cut off air supply, just enough to let him know how good you were feeling. "You like that baby? My tongue on this pretty little pussy?" He smirked. You nodded, giving another small whimper. Your hips bucked up against his mouth, already giving way to your orgasm. "To-tom"
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Many, many, many, delicious orgasms later, and now you and tom were snuggled up together in bed, his hand stroking your hair softly. After being so spent from simply his tongue, he was calming you down and letting you go back to sleep, no more tricks up his sleeve for the rest of the night. He was going to let you get some much needed rest, and he'd try to convince you to stay home tomorrow so you could regroup and hopefully ease up from all of the tension your work was putting on you. But that was for tomorrow, right now, it was just about you and him, snuggled up together, happy and content.
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also sorry jordan if this isn't what you wanted pookie lmk if you want some diff and i'll try to fix it 😋😋😋
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lexilovestom · 16 days
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
— in which: Tom and Y/n go shopping at the mall and he keeps annoying her as a joke, only to make it up to her when they get home ;)
⌞ contains: smut, some angst, fluff, kitchen sex, annoying ass y/n 🤪 (like fr i wanna smack her in the face at times- ANYWAYS) ⌝
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
— Y/n's pov
Tom and I are at a huge home furnishings store that recently opened in our town, and we're looking for some new cookware. I pretty much had to beg him to take me here since he doesn't really like shopping, especially for pots and pans. But I told him that, since it's a new store, we could look around and find some cool gadgets and stuff we both might like. And that pretty much convinced him.
The only thing is, he's been annoying and embarrassing me in front of everyone the whole time. I don't know what got to him, but I'm definitely not liking it.
It started with an innocent joke by "accidentally" banging a pot on my head with a little 'whoops! sorry Y/n, didn't see you there', but it quickly turned into different jokes about our private life that made people turn their heads in our direction. No matter how many times I told him to stop and laughed it off, he just kept going and going to the point the jokes became a little too intrusive and repetitive for my likings.
I know it's something he does when he's bored, and it's just his humor, but enough is enough at some point.
"Y/n are you done?" Tom whines on a patio chair in the middle of the store while I look at some outdoor decor.
I turn to his direction and find him pretty much laying on it with his legs spread. I tilt my head and drop my arms in disappointment, "are you really this exhausted?"
"Hell yeah, Y/n! it's almost 8:00pm and I'm starving! even the store is closing down!" he exclaims. I look at him frustrated, "k, let's check out and go." I start walking away as I hear Tom following behind me. I've been pretty quiet and cold towards him, and i think he finally got the message.
We're now in line and I can feel him looking down at me with a small smirk on his lips. I turn to him "what", "why are you maddd!! I was just joking!" he chuckles to lighten up the tension, but I don't give in.
"You're embarrassing me! it's not funny" I say whisper yelling as he bites his lip and smacks my ass multiple times lightly. I gasp and smack his hand away, "Tom stop! there's people behind!" he laughs. "Asshole."
He then leans closer to my ear, "these white jeans are driving me crazy you know?" he smirks as it's now our turn to check out, "oh my god please shut up and walk ahead." I roll my eyes as he chuckles once again.
Said that we pay for everything, walk out the store as Tom puts his right arm around my shoulders and head home. The car ride was pretty much silent, even if Tom was singing along to Dr Dre's debut album on the radio. He even offered to open the car door for me like a gentleman.
— time skip
Tom is sitting at the dinner table as I place down the ceramic plate containing some vegetables and a schnitzel. Halfway through our meal he suddenly speaks up, "so...will you talk to me again now?" I look at him, "i haven't decided yet."
"You just did!" he chuckles as I give him a death stare for about 2 seconds.
"Y/n come on! i was just joking! why do you have to take it so seriously!? plus, people around us could care less about what we do. They weren't even looking!"
"Yes they were, Tom! they were giving very weird looks and you know how much i feel judged in public already!!" he leans his back on his chair. "I appreciate when you mess with me, but today you took it a little too far in my opinion" I break. Tom's expression becomes so unreadable to the point I can't figure out whether he's confused or sorry. But I hear him exhale through his nose in defeat. He's in no mood to discuss and i understand.
After a while we finish our meals and, as Tom leaves to our bedroom, i stay in the kitchen to wash the dishes.
The house is dark, and the only light on is from the under cabinets of the kitchen. Everything's quiet and the only form of noise is the running water from the sink and the clinking dishes.
I'm thinking about how i might have overreacted over Tom messing with me at the store this evening. Even if he made me genuinely mad, he was just doing it for fun and i took it very personally, in the end...
All of a sudden, as my thoughts come to me in a rush, I hear footsteps coming down the staircase. I stiffen as I obviously know who it is.
Tom sneaks quietly near the kitchen island, I can feel his eyes burning at the back of my figure as I continue to wash the dishes. He's just standing there, looking at me. What's he doing?
He lets out a sigh and gets behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head in the crook of my neck. "Will you talk to me now?" he repeatedly presses small pecks on my bare cheek.
As much as I want to, I stand my ground and completely ignore him. He murmurs a small 'hm?' before he shakes me side to side as he tickles me, "are you gonna give in?"
I then let out a giggle as he knows I can't stay mad at him for too long. Tom lifts his head up and smiles, "ohh! is that a chuckle I heard?!" he shakes me again before I let out another laugh at the movement.
"Look look look! that's my girl!" he laughs. "Come on baby, you know I don't like seeing you like this." I place the last plate I was washing down and feel Tom spinning me to face him by my hips.
"I'm sorry i made you uncomfortable, you know that's the last thing I wanna do to you." He looks me in the eyes and I can see nothing but sincerity and sorrow in them. I take a deep breath, break eye contact and then look back at him, "apology accepted," I smile faintly as Tom returns the favor. "I'm sorry I reacted that way."
"You have nothing to be sorry about, liebe. Don't even think about it." He whispers as I nod slowly, getting lost in his iris.
Our faces are now inches apart and we both slowly lean in to fill the gap between us. The kiss is soft and comforting, but it escalates quickly after I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen it.
Tom holds me tight to him, and as we passionately make out, I feel a sudden burning sensation in between my legs. He then goes down to my neck, softly kissing and sucking on my g spot, making me whimper lightly, before coming back up to my lips.
He begins to take my pyjamas shirt off, tossing it somewhere on the kitchen floor, and stares at my cleavage for a few seconds before taking one of my breasts in his hand and start playing with it. Lowering his other hand down my back and onto my ass, giving it a good typical squeeze.
I sneak my hand near his already hardened crotch, making him whimper with my slow movements. "Hold on, schatzi. I wanna make it up to you" he whispers on my lips before pressing his back on mine.
Tom then takes his shirt off and picks me up, placing me on the counter. As he's standing in between my legs I touch his defined torso before getting interrupted by him pulling my shorts and panties off at the same time.
He immediately slides his hand down my heat, "so wet for me already? wow, schatzi, you really can't resist me, can you?"
I whimper as a response as he begins tracing circles on my area. I spread my legs wider at his touch and can't help but bite my lip to avoid any loud noises to escape my mouth.
Tom stops and pulls his pants down, his cock springing up the second he does. He then takes it in his hands, pumps it a couple times and proceeds to look at me. "Can I, liebe?"
I nod as he slowly puts it in my throbbing core, making a moan escape my mouth. He starts moving into me as i grip on the sides of the counter, his hips buckling back and forth at a slow pace for me to get used to his size.
We move in sync while his hands come up to my hips for support. Groans, whimpers and little compliments start filling the room as Tom suddenly quickens his pace, making me audibly moan and push my head back.
"Fuck!" i manage to let out as Tom's eyes burn on mine. His gaze and features so strong while he pounds into me. I grab his face and kiss him as I pull him onto me, my back touching the cold granite counter while he leans on my weak body.
As Tom continues to move into me, I'm starting to feel a familiar knot in my stomach. "T-Tom I'm close" I whine, "hold it a little longer, baby. You're doing so good."
My hands, once again, grip the counter. Sweat glistening from both our foreheads, panting escaping our mouths, the loud sound of our skin clapping. Everything is just sending nothing but ecstasy up my body, and as my mind is foggy I hear Tom's raspy voice "do it, schatz. Come for me."
After a few more thrusts, I moan out Tom's name as I release all over him. Waves of pleasure washing over me as I throw my head back while Tom gently kisses my neck to overstimulate me.
"Look at you, screaming my name when just 10 minutes ago you wouldn't even talk to me." He whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes back at his words, "this is the effect I have on you, hm?"
After some slow movements, Tom picks up his pace again, this time harder and more possessively. Groans escape his mouth as I'm a moaning mess under him. In a matter of seconds he releases into me, panting and falling limb on my trembling body, breathing heavily on my shoulder as he peppers it with kisses.
I lift his head with my index finger under his chin and kiss him softly. He slides out of me, cum dripping from my hole.
"Holy shit" I breathe out, Tom sighs and chuckles at the same time as he passes a hand over his forehead to dry some sweat. Admiring his work coming out of me.
"You don't actually think this is it, right?" he looks me in the eyes. "Go upstairs, I'll meet you there in a second, prinzessin." he smirks as I jump off the counter, smiling, and make my way to our bedroom.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
sorry for disappearing guys 😭 sorry if this is kinda ass ngl, but I still hope you liked it lmaoo 🥹 also, I didn't reread this so excuse any spelling mistakes. Make sure to send image requests! I would love to put my spin on your ideas 💕 byee! ♡
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kisses4tom · 1 month
hey guysss, I have a VERY DESPERATE REQUEST.
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tysm if you do!! 💗 and i promise i will post very very soon! 🫶🏻 love youuu -Abbie
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estxkios · 5 months
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BILL??? HOLY FUCKING SHIT???? I HAD BODILY REACTION TO THIS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. i screamed and came back to my phone 5 minutes later. he was not lying when he said he was filming spicy things for us. because im sure feeling spiced by him!! p.s. hes totally a bottom!!!
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jun3ee · 23 days
F.M.S (T.K)
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“You can mm- take it- can’t you liebe?”
I nod my head frantically as he rams his messy cock deeper and deeper into my snug little core as he slowly pushes his length in. Somewhat teasing as a cocky smirk appears on his face, looking down at my furrowed eyebrows and teary lashes batting as I try moving back. The slight stinging and delicious pain of his cock adjusting into my tight little pussy causes me to whimper and squirm as he pins my wrists above my head with his big, rough, calloused hand. Preventing me from making any sort of movement with my wrists.
“I won't give you shit if you keep moving, understand?”
“Mm.. I-I-"
 I choke out, it was impossible to even form a coherent sentence as he shoved his cock in, impossibly deeper and deeper,
“Y’like my cock, hm? t’s why you keep coming back, right?”
He mumbles into my ear, his hot breath hitting the sensitive skin of my neck as his adams apple bobbing with every word he purrs out. Goosebumps running down my body as he teased me so harshly, watching me plead and beg with my desperate eyes for him to start thrusting as he kept his cock in there. As much as he wanted to start, he wanted to see me break down for him, to fully give in.
“Answer me” He mutters firmly
“T-Tom.. P-Please” 
I choke out, whimpering as I arch my back up to reach his toned chest, he chuckles, I went from being such a smartass to him to being stuck under him with his cock fully rammed into my tight lil’ cunt as it pulsates inside of me, his tip twitching, he wanted this as bad as I did, almost on the verge of letting out a moan as his breath hitched, his ego being too big to do so as he looks directly into my eyes, almost mockingly as he smirks, flicking his lip piercing with his tongue, keeping that stupid little smirk on his face as I look up at him, tears streaming down my face as he slowly pulls out, dragging his red tip against my syrupy, wet folds,
“Tell me what you want darling, and I might just give it to you”
“P-Please don’t be s’mean” I whine out, trembling and too drunk off of lust as I hear him chuckle, letting my wrists go and brushing a strand of hair off my face.
“Mean, huh? Ya’ think that’s mean?” He mumbles into my neck, planting soft marks along with hickeys, my body twitching with anticipation as he slowly slips his hard length back in, my soaking core swallowing up his leaky cock, slobbering down further and further his length, holding my hips still as he lets out a slight grunt, my greedy little tight pussy taking it all in, making little thrusts as he mumbles into the crook of my neck,
“Such a lil’ fucking slut, hm? Taking my cock so well, hm?”
I can’t even bring myself to nod or speak, so pathetic.. Throwing my head back as I let out a loud whimper, he leaves trails of kisses down my neck as his thrusts get faster, and harsher, his leaky, pink tip hitting my g-spot perfectly, devouring my tight cunt as I let out choked out whimpers and moans, his cock practically rearranging my insides as he pushes in deeper, his hips slamming against mine, his pants halfway down his body as his belt clanks, getting pissed at the noises of it, continuing to fuck me rougher and rougher, merciless as he treats me like a fuck doll. Making sure I take all of his solidified, veiny cock..
“Piece of shit..” He mumbles, getting pissed and removing the belt, throwing it across the room as it hits the wall aggressively, flipping me over onto my chest,
“Arch your back for me, schatz..” 
I oblige with no hesitation, arching my back as he continues thrusting feverishly, letting out slight grunts, holding my hips in place and watching my poor little pussy bulge and stretch out on his large cock, each thrust causing his hips to slam against my ass leaving little lewd noises that echo through the room. 
“M-Mm.. T-Tom!” I cry out, my face pressed against the sheets, my muffled whimpers and gasps turning the big bad guitarist on even more, fucking me roughly from behind as his tip kisses my cervix in such a sinful way, watching me bent over for him as he leaves a sharp smack on my ass, watching me gasp and whimper for more..
“You like that, don't you? Fucking slut.. S’fucking needy”
He mutters through gritted teeth, his cock twitching as droplets of sweat form on his head, lowering his hand down to my lower stomach, feeling the bulge from his cock and smirking to himself, he loved seeing me like this, always trying to keeping that devilish smirk on his face even when he came, watching him play with his lip piercing as he coated my insides white with his warm seed, watching me gasp and moan as he continues to roughly pound me.. It was always that little smirk that got me.. He continues fucking his hard cock into me relentlessly and deeply as I started to feel that familiar knot in my stomach, panting and grabbing onto the sheets as he rubbed his fingers on my neglected clit, causing me to gasp as the sudden pleasure intensified,
“T-Tom! I-I”
“I know, liebe... Just be good for me and hold it..” 
He says mockingly with a little grunt, continuing to pound into me with no mercy, thrusting in deeper and deeper watching my little body tremble under his as I try to slightly push myself off wanting to delay my climax desperately.. His teeth gritted as he spoke,
“Don't move away, darling”
He grabs my hips roughly, leaving another sharp slap on my ass as I let out a whimper, my gummy walls clenching around his length as he goes in rougher and more erratically, his heavy balls slapping against my ass with each thrust,
He mutters, letting out strings of frantic German curses along with grunts, his cock twitching and pulsating inside of me, my pussy taking in every vein and inch of him as he finally releases his load, overfilling me as his seed spews into me and dribbles down my thighs, his face scrunching up slightly as he rides out his high, his grip looseninb on my hips. At this point, all I could see was stars as my body went limp, the only words I was able to mutter out being…
“P-Please a-another..”
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20doozers · 2 months
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mikalame · 1 year
Pick- up
going out on a limb here lol havent written smut in god knows but i had this idea like ages ago and just wanted to write it down. please dont judge this kinda made me cringe a couple times lol
warnings: SMUT, phone masterbation, R.I.P Bill
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Toms POV
"Fuck ___ pick up, pick up, pick up" Tom mutters into his phone the high pitched call ringing in his ear. The sound turning off and the beeping of a missed call is now echoing in the quiet room. Tom looks over to check if Bill is still asleep, the only think tom can see is his brothers back facing him on the single bed across the room.
Tom breaths a sigh of relief, if Bill knew what Tom really wanted he would be kicked out and made to sleep in the hallway as ___ wasn't picking up, Gustav and Georg love their privacy way to much to want Tom to sleep in their rooms so that was a no go as well.
"Fuck sakes" Tom groans, he lifts his bed sheets to see if his hard on is getting any softer but to no avail. Another time this would be great, he could go sneak into ___ room fuck her to his hearts content give her a quick little i love you kiss then sneak back before Bill and the others wake up.
But no, it just had to be on the day where they all had to get up at the ass-crack of dawn. Looking to his bed side table the clock flashing 11: 15 pm, not to late into the night but everyone is probably trying to get some rest of the big day tomorrow including ___.
Deciding to give it one more call he reaches for his phone chucked somewhere in his messed up sheets. Scrolling quickly to try and find her number in his phone catalogue, groaning quietly when his boxers rub against his sensitive cock.
"Please, please,please, pick up ___, god" he groans feeling a tad bit guilty about waking her up but god did he need help right now. As the beeping sound of a missed call sounds again he groans giving up hope that she would pick up.
'Bing' his phone rings. Toms head whips over to his phone, flipping it open and seeing that he had a new message from ___ his heart pumping wondering if he was actually going to do this, but the quickly making up his mind as he had now dragged ___ into his problem.
___ POV
The ringing of my phone wakes me up again. I roll my eyes getting annoyed at who ever keeps ringing me at such a late hour. One more ring goes off and i groan if frustration and snatch my phone from the bedside table.
I shut my eyes tight as the blinding lights flash me, as i get used to the brightness and can actully see whats on the tiny screen i see its from my boyfriend Tom with like a bazillion calls next to his name.
I get the reason Bill spilt us up, not wanting to her the headboard slam against the shared wall or the gasps and moans as we fuck each other to over stimulation but oh well. It does feel weird not having Toms warm body pressed against my back, his wandering hands running up and down my thing or his soft breath on the back of my neck but i digress.
Texting him quickly the letters on my screen pop up slowing, still groggy from just waking up but i manage to get a go enough sentence to send.
Me- Hey babe whats up why you ringing to late at night??? Tom- Please i need you, ive had this boner for like ages and it wont go away please help. Me-Really Tom a boner you woke me up in the middle of the night cause your horny Tom- Yes baby i know it sound stupid but its so sentitive right now and i cant bare it please Me- Why dont you just jerk off then? Tom-yeah but i dont got any sexy pictures of you on my phone to use and i get to distracted to make anything up in my head, can you just call me please
You furrow your eyebrows in amusement before another ding went off, wondering what Tom has to say now you open the chat log and see Toms cock standing tall, tip swollen and red, pre dripping from it already. You wont lie but seeing his dick even with the shitty lighting from the camera flash gives you that warm feeling in the bottom of your stomach.
Tom- please baby, i cant take it no more
He types in the chat. Your a bit confused as to what to do, wondering if he wanted to come into your room as him and bill are sharing a room and that wound be weird or if he wanted to have phone sext which your havent done before.
Me- So do you want to come over to my room or what?? Tom- To risky bills got some sorta fancy security thing set up on the door to make sure i didnt try and come to yours well just call okay Me- Wont Bill hear you on call though? Tom- I'll be quite baby dont worry
is the last text you get before the phone rings again. Not waiting another second you pick up that call, flicking your bedside table lamp on and sitting up against the headboard, your thighs tightening in anticipation.
Hearing a groan from the other side of the call you assume Tom has already started to try and get rid of his problem. You hear shilick noises which you can guess if Tom working his hand up and down before another low groan reaches your ears.
"Hey baby"Tom whispers a slight chuckle at the end, "Hey Tommy, really that bad is it?" you giggle finding this all a bit to amusing."Fuck you have-mmh no idea" he groans half way through talking "say some thing baby- need to hear- ngh- need to hear you noise fuck please, talk about - anything ugh" tom moans in a hushed noise.
You hear the bed creak through the phone wondering if he was thrusting up into he hand, the same way he does when you give him blow-job. Not having a clue what to say you just repeat things you have heard him say when hes close to cumming, words flowing out of his mouth as the high hits him.
"Fuck~ ___, need you so bad" he voice pitched higher then before his hand jerking him off faster." What do you want tom huh? you want my mouth to suck you off or just my hands maybe both though i bet you would like that" hearing a louder groan from the other side signalling to you that he was getting closer you keep going. "Yeah you like that, face fuck me, making me choke on your dick hmm".
Toms POV
Fast gasps come out of my mouth the knot in my stomach getting bigger, i move you phone to rest between my ear and my shoulder and move my other hand to my balls kneading them slowly. The extra movement adding to the stimulation my body starts heating up and i feel myself get closer.
___ spewing words into my ear, the sanarios of want we could be doing if there wasnt a wall between us carring me furter to my climax. I grip my cock harder aswell as my balls going faster letting out a few loudish moans quickly looking over to bill to see if hes woken up but his body still relaxed and not moving.
"Fuck ___-ngh- im gonna-Fuck!" you groan into my phone, my body tensing, my hips rising further to meet my hand, my back arching with my eyes rolling back as the high hits me hard. I bite onto my bottom lip really not wanting Bill to wake up at this point, fisting my dick again riding out my high i let a few moans out just to let ___ know that i was cumming.
As my body slumps back down onto my bed i let go of my now softening cock letting it rest on my lower stomach. Letting my breath get back to normal and cleaning up my cum before talking to ___.
"Thank so much babe, fuck i really needed that" i say with a much clearer tone "No problem babe, i hope you know that your gonna have to fuck me in the morning i don't care when but this phone sex thing god it hot, but id rather have you fuck me then listen over the phone of you get what i mean" she giggles.
We quickly say our good bye as i try and get some sleep, looking back at Bill seeing his back turned i can only pray that he didn't wake up, my eyes drifting to the clock flashing 11:39. I pull my body deeper into the bed my eyes only now feeling heavy as i slowly drift of to sleep.
I wake up the sun barely up but lighting up the room enough without lights looking towards bill bed seeing he not there must mean he up and about probably in a very pissy mood but still. Grabbing my socks and slipping them on i walk around to ___ room, seeing shes not there i raise my brow. I walk to Gustavs next, no one there i huff walking down the corridor all the way to Georg room, knocking a few times before jiggling the door handle to see if it was unlocked it was....
Opening the door i was met with everyone's faces: Bills face scrunched in disgust, Gustav mouth hanging open, Georg looking like he was about to die if he kept his laughter in any longer which seemed to be right as he busted out laughing clutching his stomach. ___ face in her hands i get the gist that ether ___ told them about our call or Bill woke up and told them.
"You couldn't of waited!" Bill shouts, my question getting answered. "Hey my plan was to go to ___ room but you had that fancy lock on so" i say not caring to much i grab a coke from the fridge and sit down next to ___ opening it a placing my arm around her shoulder giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I told you he was gonna wake up" she says leaning her head on my shoulder as we watch Bill rant about last night with Georg dieing from laughter and Gustav in shock. "Oh well, he'll get over it" i chuckle taking a sip from my coke.
YALL i hope you liked please leave requests they are open 😁
Taglist @oppopotamus@adissonsss@violentnewmarley@saumspam
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luvkaulitz · 1 year
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summary : Tom Kaulitz as your lovely boyfriend 🤭
author's note : first post on this account so please give me requests if you have any 🫶
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Tom is HEAVY on calling you petnames, it's so rare for him to actually say your name
He prefers hugging you from behind but he doesn't mind normal hugs.
you were humming a melody while chopping vegetables to put in your pot that was filled with boiling water before you felt strong arms wrap around your waist. Tom rested his head on your shoulder and kissed your neck. You smiled and stopped chopping the vegetables so that you can reach for his head and caress it. “I've missed you so much baby.”
Always asks you to shower with him. You two don't have to end up doing anything sexual he just likes your company especially when you massage his hair with shampoo for him.
He doesn't wanna admit it but he loves to sleep with his head laying on your chest. It's the most comfortable position according to him.
Lil pervert would buy you new bra and panty sets.
“Tom what's this?” You lifted the shopping bag filled with stuff. The bag read ‘Victoria Secret’ on the front which gave you a good idea on what it could be but nonetheless you wanted to ask him. “Open it and try it on, I got some in your favorite color."
Teaches you how to play the guitar if you want to learn how to.
You definitely met his family and they loved you. His mom would ask where you were whenever he'd come to visit.
JEALOUS JEALOUS BOY. You're good looking at he knows that so of course he'll get overprotective whenever he catches a guy flirting or staring at you. He'd wrap his arm around your shoulder and kiss you infront of them.
Loves to tease you, doesn't even matter what way he does it. He thinks it's hilarious
Sometimes he'll ask if he can do your hair for you.
If you're a singer he's 100% ask you to sing for him while he plays his guitar.
You're around Tom so much that the band treats you like their 5th member.
He would definitely wink and point at you in the audience if you came to one of his concerts. That dork doesn't care what other people think, he loves his gf and he's not afraid to show it.
“Tom who are you talking to that's making you blush so hard?”
“Oh you know, my Mrs”
He would definitely talk about you and your guy's relationship during interviews.
Prepare yourself because Tom isn't Tom without making a sex joke.
During modern times (2023) he'd be on tiktok/ig live with bill and Gustav while you're in the background doing whatever. His fans would ask about you and in return he'd answer them by pulling you on his lap so they could see you
Tom scanned the comments before reading one out loud. “Where is y/n?” Tom looked beside him with his signature smug face and pulled you down onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin against your shoulder before looking at the camera and speaking. “Here she is.”
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