#imagine i gave him this URL
sir44lh · 7 months
nothing has scarred me more than learning that one of my GRAPHIC DESIGN TEACHERS is on tumblr
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wetpapert0wel · 3 months
@ my ex ay yo get ur shit off my calendar lmao
#/j lol#idek if he knows my current url. but if he does: boy shoo. scram. skedaddle. i'm done w/ u. i been done w/ u.#last i checked his friends were dinks who said they wouldnt care if i died. 🥴 (that was 3 yrs ago or smth @ this point but still.)#like ik i was shitty as fuck. but like. i was 18-20 & freshly out of a shitty situation. idk if 3 yrs is gonna fix my bullshit.#yeah i can only imagine how horrifically exhausting i was to be around. but like. lbr. what did u expect.#did u honestly expect me to be perfect & normal as soon as we moved out#ur trauma might have made u soft (which is fine). but mine made me callous and mean. that's just a fact.#i'm not shit talkin his decisions; he had to do what was best for him. and i respect that.#i'm mostly miffed @ his friends LOL#his friends wre basically like: ''once an abuser always an abuser. no exceptions. only fictional abusers are ok.'' like. hello. what.#idgaf if im misinterpreting what they said lmao. they still said. verbatim. ''i wouldn't care if you lived or died.''#the Eldest of his friends said that as well. (i think they were 25 or 27??)#is a scared and injured dog not worthy of life? hello? and what is the difference between a man and a dog?#i've said it before & i'll say it again: i just needed more time to get better. but he didn't have to give me that time. and that's fine.#i didn't have enough time to grow out of my shit. nor did i have the best resources. it took my mom like 5-6 yrs to get better.#but she still fucks up sometimes. and she's still unintentionally mean. and she's in her 50s#gave me a wake-up call like no other tho i'll tell u what lmao#orignaletti
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brain-amoeba · 11 months
i was sent this ask:
"Hello, you! can there be a headcannon where, (Scout, Sniper, demo, and my favorite Texan, engi) hugging S/o and the merc is like: “Oh no I’m in love with them” as their face is all red? And, S/o is sorta worried about them and asking “you good?” this scenario has been itching my brain for a few days lol
Anon jilly🦭🌺"
and i believe you may have forgotten to turn anon on when submitting the ask, so i still saw your url. out of respect for your anonymity, i will answer here instead of from the inbox, so hopefully it still finds you well! also i hope you don't mind i do a mini scenario for these as opposed to HCs, just to give yall a little more content :3
Mercs Getting a Big Ole Hug
-You two always had a strong bond, and a dynamic like childhood friends. It was always fun and games with Scout, and when the time came, he knew how to comfort you and be there for you albeit in his own clumsy and Scout-y way.
-It wasn't until he noticed the way the other Mercs looked at you did he start to see you as more than just a friend--he now became acutely aware of how soft your skin felt when it brushed up against his, the way your hair perfectly framed your face, every small detail about you, and he couldn't believe he never noticed any of this before.
-It was your day off, and as usual, you spent it with Scout. The two of you tired yourselves out playing catch outside, as well as other fun roughhousing typical of your other pastimes. While running for the ball, you tripped and fell forward, but Scout was quick enough to catch you, and held you in a tight embrace. You instinctively wrap your arms around his torso and bury your head in his chest. He maintains his grip on you, but his face is as red as his uniform--all of a sudden the outside air feels cramped and he's getting clammy. It was like getting hit with his own Atomizer: all the times he's admired every little thing about you coming together all at once to beat him over the head with the realization that he was in love with you.
-You finally let him go, looking up at him and yelping a bit in surprise. "Scout?! What happened to you? Should we go see Medic?!" You ask frantically, concern showing on your scrunched features as you took in Scout's seemingly-ill state. "N-Nah, I'm okay, really! More than that, actually...I feel amazin'." He gazed at you with a softness you hadn't yet seen before, but it sparked a warmth in your heart and your tummy that you didn't oppose.
-Sniper wasn't exactly one for PDA, let alone physical touch. Just didn't tickle his fancy. But you, something about you gave Sniper the desire, for the first time in ages, to hold, touch, and generally be around someone of his own volition. But for some reason, he just couldn't find it in himself to act on those desires. Whether it be his own deeply-instilled professionalism or cowardice, he couldn't tell. Whatever it was, all he knew was him being afraid of scaring you off. So he did nothing. The minimal interactions with you now would suffice, and his imagination could do the rest.
-You weren't exactly having the best day. Just yesterday, you scuffed a one-on-one encounter with an enemy merc that cost your team the mission, and today's target practice was not kind to you either. You found yourself alone on the range, tears of frustration pooling in your [color] eyes as you trudged along to set up the target dummy Sniper once again. Overwhelmed by frustration, you found yourself hugging the Sniper dummy for even the slightest sense of comfort, dropping your rifle to the dust below with a thud. The real Sniper, who had volunteered to check on you, heard the sound of your rifle hitting the ground as he left the base. The impact immediately spiked his adrenaline and caused the worst thoughts to run through his mind. He quickened his pace, almost falling over in place once he beheld the scene. Sniper couldn't help but feel a tug on his heartstrings watching you embrace the dummy of him. A warm flush crept its way to his rugged features as he realized the depth of his feelings for you way-exceeded his expectations.
-It's now or never, he thought to himself, finally finding the courage to approach you. He put a large gloved hand on your shoulder, eliciting a fearful shriek from you. Your face reddened with embarrassment, stammering as you tried to come up with a good excuse for your behavior. Wordlessly, Sniper wrapped you up in a tight embrace which immediately soothed your worries. "Shhh. It's alright, roo. Don't cry, now." He spoke just above a whisper, and despite being there to comfort you, he himself was trembling with anxiety at what he's just done. When you finally gathered yourself and parted from the Aussie's embrace, your eyes widened. "Sniper! What's gotten into you?!" He looked down at you with a slight smile, as if it would conceal the way his heart pounded in his chest.
"You have, sheila."
-He wasn't always drunk! Okay, maybe he was, but that didn't mean he was always unaware. He was especially aware of a certain little merc who always took him to bed, always got him water, and always made sure to wish him a goodnight, even when the rest left him to drink himself to oblivion. He thought of you very fondly, like a close friend more than just a colleague. You were the first of the bunch to ever show a genuine compassion for him and actually attempt to care for him even in his drunken state (and he knew that was no easy feat).
-It was another night like always, the rest of the team off taking care of their own business while Demo had some precious one-on-one time with his scrumpy, this time accompanied by you! And you were actually drinking with him! It was the weekend, after all, and you decided what the hell, why not, and let your hair down a little. While not nearly as intoxicated as your Scottish companion, you definitely felt the buzzy warmth of drunkenness sneaking up on you. You felt more bubbly, confident, and silly. You gazed upon Demo fondly as he slurred through stories of missions, both failures and successes.
-Right as he was getting to the story's climax, he raised his arms above his head for dramatic affect, and you impulsively leapt into them. "Awwe Tavichhh, I wuv when you tell stowiesss" you mumbled into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as if he'd leave you any second. The sudden show of affection almost sobered Demo up a bit, but he quickly dropped his arms and returned your embrace. In his drunken state, the warmth of your body against his felt like fire, and he couldn't help but notice the way you fit perfectly into him. Demo soon grabbed your shoulders, moving you back to meet his gaze. The sudden serious look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. "D-demo! What's the matter?!" He took in your flushed face as if he were looking upon the Mona Lisa herself before finally speaking, "Oh it's nothin, lass. I just enjoy lookin' at ye."
-You were lucky enough to get some time off when you were informed this go-round of contracts did not include you. To your surprise, they didn't include Engie, either. You discovered this when you bolted for the workshop in a panic as you realized your prized headphones were destroyed! You were about to go on a walk before fishing them from your backpack and soon met with the disappointment of your prized possession in tatters--wires frayed, and hanging down almost mockingly.
-As you busted through the double doors of Engineer's workshop, he jumped in surprise, nearly dropping his wrench. "Well howdy to yourself too, darlin'!" He regained his bearings and approached you with a chuckle. "What's got you in such a tizzy, hm?" You simply raised the broken pair of headphones up*, looking at him like a lost puppy. "M-my headphones are destroyeeeddd!" You whined. Engie, behind his goggles, looked at you with a twinge of pain in his eyes just from hearing how distraught you were. Though he was empathetic to your "loss", he couldn't help but admire how adorable you sounded when you whimpered, and got a bit of an ego-boost from how you immediately came to him for aid. Engie took the headphones from you, inspecting them closely as he set them down on a nearby workbench. "Y'know, dear, these might not be a lost cause...let's see what some good ole fashioned Texan ingenuity can do!" He assured you with a sly smile.
-You fidgeted nervously as you watched over his shoulder while he tinkered away on your poor headphones. "Can I get you somethin' to drink darlin'? Maybe some water?" Engineer didn't take his eyes off the headphones as he spoke, currently re-twisting and wrapping wires before getting to work on the broken frame of the device. "I'm okay, thank you, Engie..." Truthfully, you were just too nervous to take your eyes off of the headphones while Engineer repaired them. Of course, you trusted his skillful hand, but with them being such a meaningful item to you, you couldn't help but hover over his shoulder and watch. Suddenly, Engie spoke up again, this time with a command-- "Close your eyes, dear." Nervously, you did as you were told. Engineer turned to face you, gently placing the repaired headphones on your head. Your eyes shot open and hands immediately went up to feel the newly repaired device now muffling your hearing.
-Without a second thought, you pulled Engie into a tight embrace. "Engie, you're the best!! Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, nuzzling his chest a bit as the two of you embraced. His large gloved hand gently caressed your back, giving it a slight pat in response to your praise. While Engineer typically maintained a relaxed exterior, internally, he was practically melting. A proper southern gentleman such as himself couldn't be indecent in the presence of a lady, but the fog on his goggles and pink in his cheeks said otherwise. You pulled away, removing the headphones. You went to inspect them further, but the sight before you stopped you dead in your tracks. "Engie?! You feeling alright??" He looked like he was about to pass out--and he felt like it, too.
-Engineer simply nodded, placing his ivory-colored cowboy hat on your head in response.
*this is exactly what i envisioned for this scene btw
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adriftmoonchild · 2 years
symmetry; jjk (m)
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pairing: gryffindor!jungkook x slytherin!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, hogwarts au, smut
summary: with both of you being from rival houses, the smirk that jungkook seemed to throw in your direction every shared class did nothing for your disdain towards him. as far as you were concerned he was arrogant and childish; you just wished he wasn’t so damn good in bed.
word count: 10k.
a/n: i used to write on here a while ago but deleted my blog. since deciding i wanted to come back i figured i would start with what was my most loved fic. i tried to get my old url back, but alas, she was gone. enjoy.
One thing you had been certain of the past seven years of your education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was that the divide between Slytherin and Gryffindor was a big one.
Due to that fact, your feelings towards the students in said Gryffindor house were negative to say the least. You disliked many of them.
Most notably; Jeon Jungkook.
The cocky Gryffindor Seeker, who walked with a strut in his step and a smirk on his face as he boasted about yet another victory for his Quidditch team thanks to his ‘magical skills’.
Not a day went by that you didn’t imagine wiping that bunny grin off his face with a hex or two, his need for attention and praise the most frustrating thing of your day to day life; next to the fact that almost everyone in the castle seemed to fall for his childish demeaner and shower him with compliments and love.
It was about four weeks ago that you finally snapped and devised a way to mess with him; to take him down a peg and have people snicker in his direction instead of sending flirtatious winks or loud cheers accompanied with high fives.
What you didn’t expect, was that the magenta hair you’d managed to give him would somehow work for him. Unbelievably, it made him that more attractive to the female population of the school and gave him more opportunities to have a good night at the end of any party.
What you expected even less was to see that magenta hair between your thighs as the pair of you hid in a broom closet in a more secluded part of the castle.
“Jeon-” you sighed, hand twisting in his dark pink locks as his tongue worked in figure eights against your aching clit.
Responding with a lustful moan that vibrated through your body in the most pleasurable way, he quickened his movements, his fingers digging deeper into the exposed skin of your thighs.
About three days after his hair had been altered, he had come to the realisation that there was no changing it back any time soon; something you had made sure of. He was going to be stuck with that colour until the end of the school year at the earliest.
Three days after that, Jungkook had finally found the culprit, cornering you in an empty classroom to demand an apology or a way for you to make it up to him. Cue a long heated argument that somehow ended with his teeth at your throat as he lifted you up onto a desk and tore your underwear clean off.
After he gave you the best orgasm of your life, you had scolded yourself and sworn that you would never set foot near the boy again; until the next day when he somehow managed to seduce you into a quick romp in a secret passageway he’d found a year prior.
Lewd wet noises broke you from your thoughts as the all familiar tingle started coursing through your body; back arching away from the rough stone wall at your back, teeth clamping down on your lower lip to keep yourself from being caught in the act.
Legs twitching, your breathing came out in short pants as Jungkook rose to his feet; using the back of his hand to wipe away any leftover moisture.
“One of these days you’re going to have to give in and scream for me.” He mumbled, teeth scraping against the mark he’d left on your neck the night before. “You’re the only one who actually gives a fuck about what we’re doing.”
You couldn’t contain the need to roll your eyes as his lips twisted up into yet another smirk.
“Will you just hurry up?” Tugging him towards you and swiftly unbuttoning his trousers, you relished in the hiss that he produced as you grasped his newly freed erection in your hand. “Some of us actually have places to be.”
He quickly lifted you up, moving your legs to wrap around his waist as your back hit the stone wall again, aligning his straining cock with your entrance. “Is today finally going to be the day you agree to taste yourself?”
Scoffing at his vulgar words, you moved your face away from his when he brushed his nose against yours; lips hovering far too close for your liking.
“You know the rules. No kissing, that's not what this is.” You reminded him. “Besides, you’re disgusting.”
Raising his eyebrow in a sneer, he grunted “And yet here you are.” as he sharply thrust up into you; a quiet groan vibrating in your throat at the full feeling of him deeply situated inside of you.
“The ends justify the means, Jeon.”
His eyes scrunched shut, your walls tightening around his length causing him to falter in his movements. “Whatever you say, y/l/n.”
Potions class had always undoubtedly been your favourite; if for no other reason than your head of house was the teacher and it was the subject both of your parents had excelled at whilst they had been attending Hogwarts.
The potential to be an incredible potions master was all but running through your very veins.
Until the headmaster decided that a method had to be created to better the relationship between houses. Apparently there were too many rumours at this point that the Slytherin and Gryffindor houses were becoming more and more hostile towards one another as the years went by.
That's how you ended up here, no longer paired with your intelligent housemate, but instead with the well known slacker that irritated you beyond belief; Jeon Jungkook.
Your breath came out in a huff for the third time in the past twenty minutes, the ruby red umbrella that he'd brought in with him poking you in the leg for what seemed like the twentieth time since class had started. “If you still insist on using muggle objects instead of magic against something as simple as the rain, at least learn how to store it properly under the desk.”
His attention having solely been on enchanting a piece of paper to fly over to his best friend in the shape of a small dragon, his eyes widened as he realised you had spoken to him; turning to you with a look that highly resembled a deer caught in headlights.
“Have you even paid attention to what we have to do for the next hour and a half?” You scoffed, arms crossing in annoyance.
“Of course.” He replied, flicking his head to the side to move the hair of his fringe from his eyes. “We have to make some kind of potion before the end of class.”
It took everything in you not to swear at him for his idiocy. “Well observed that we'd have to make a potion in potions class, Jeon.” You sneered, moving your book to the middle of the desk so that he could see what you'd noted down.
“Amortentia?” His face scrunched in disgust at the name. “Should we really be learning how to make this? Surely this is just a lesson for crazy ex girlfriend's who won't give up? No one in their right mind should be making a love potion.”
“We don't really get to decide that.” You couldn't fault his logic, also unable to see any benefits from a potion like this, having researched and found that several children had been born whilst one of the parents was under the influence of amortentia; the children were then incapable of love themselves. “But we need to brew this stupid love potion if we want to pass the class, so focus and hopefully this will be over soon.”
Pushing his hair back, Jungkook reluctantly started to help you look for the ingredients around the room. With his cooperation, the pair of you managed to finish the potion within the hour; the pearly sheen giving you hope that you'd actually done well together and completely the task without fault.
However, as the steam spiralled up from the cauldron and wafted under your nose, you suddenly questioned if you'd messed up.
Sure, the scent of lemon cupcakes made sense, as did the salty smell of the ocean that you always loved to visit as a child; but the last thing to register gave you pause.
You knew what the scent was, it was something you'd come across quite often over the past few weeks whenever your head had been nuzzled into Jungkook's neck to suppress the moans that threatened to escape from your throat.
The musky smell of his cologne was obvious to you now, which meant that there had to be something wrong with potion sitting in front of you.
And by the horrified expression on Jungkook's face, it was pretty obvious that he was having a similar experience.
“You must have done something wrong.” You snapped. There was no way that it had been you to make a mistake in potions class, you'd gotten top marks your entire education.
“I did everything you told me to do, if something went wrong then it's on you.”
The two of you stood in stunned silence as the professor glided over and proceeded to praise your work and explain how perfectly you'd created the liquid that continued to taunt you from it's place on the desk. “10 points to both of your houses.”
As he walked away mumbling about how the headmaster may have been right to merge the student houses in classes, Jungkook and yourself refused to meet each other's gaze as you pondered the new information.
The silence was deafening until your professor announced that class was over, both of you rushing to leave the room; which resulted in his umbrella prodding you in the ribs when he lost his grip in his haste.
“Ow. If that useless piece of plastic and metal hits me one more time I'm going to shove it up your ass, Jeon.” You growled, a fierce glare sent his way.
“Before you do that, you might want to consider removing the one up yours.” He snarled before quickly turning and walking out the classroom.
As you silently seethed, the scent of his skin lingering from the cauldron only worsening your mood, you stormed out of the room to find something to de-stress with; and it wasn't going to be Jeon Jungkook.
When students were asked what their favourite part of Hogwarts was, most would often answer with an anecdote of how much food they’d managed to stuff in their mouths on a night.
You were no different.
The feast set out before you was great; every single thing you could possibly imagine laid before you just waiting to be devoured. It was nights like these that you knew there would be a huge announcement, one that would lead to about 90% of the student body cheering for their headmaster; whilst the other 10% who hated being social would grumble to themselves about how they weren’t taking part in whatever event was away to be thrown.
“I wonder what it’s going to be.” Your friend, Reagan, pondered out loud. “I hope it’s not another contest, Gryffindor just get extra points thrown at them, everybody knows it by now.”
Wiping a stray crumb off a pumpkin pasty from the corner of your mouth, you dismissed her thoughts “It’s too late in the year for it to be a contest, it’ll be some sort of celebration to let the current students have some fun and leave an ever lasting impact on those that are leaving.”
“Whatever it is, the headmaster better announce it quickly.” She replied, daintily taking a bite of her food. “If I need to find an appropriate outfit, he needs to give me as much time as possible to prepare.”
“Oh I'm sure you'll do just fine.” Your eyes focused on the headmaster as he made his way to the owl shaped podium at the front of the hall. “Looks like you're going to get your wish anyway.”
With a raise of his hands, the great hall fell into silence. You had to admire the simple sign of respect, something that one could argue was much more powerful than all magic.
“You all must be wondering what is in store for you tonight, what grand announcement is coming that you were granted with such a bountiful feast.” He started, eyes sparkling over his half moon spectacles. “Well, it is with great delight, that I can tell you we will be hosting a ball. A dance to say farewell for the summer and good luck to those who will be leaving us this year.”
The different houses immediately erupted into ramblings of who they were going with, what they would wear, what music they were hoping for and everything else you'd expect with a ball on the horizon.
“I knew I'd need to think of a new outfit.” Reagan piped up from your side, turning to your housemate who wanted to talk colour coordination for the event.
You yourself, found your gaze drawn to the pink haired boy who was staring over in your direction. It didn't surprise you per say, the pair of you often finding a way to communicate with each other when the rest of the students around you were preoccupied; the excitement for the ball was as good a distraction as any.
The look in his eyes was clear and you knew exactly what it meant, that he wanted you and if you were smart you'd meet him in the secret place he'd shown you unless you wanted to risk him searching for you later.
When he'd first pulled you into the hidden passageway, you'd asked how he'd even found it himself; just to get a vague response about needing the 'right map'.
Regardless, the heat that instantly pooled between your thighs made it obvious that you were going to accept his offer without any hesitancy.
The air was thick with the smell of dusty books that hadn't been opened in decades, the library silent with the very few students who chose to study on a Friday night.
You often used it as a kind of sanctuary; hidden in the far back corner behind a row of tall bookcases that kept you out of sight of any others in the room. Thoughts were easier to process when you didn't have anybody around to distract you.
So there you were, reading a letter from your father that had arrived that afternoon. He was informing you of a potential match for your future husband, something that your parents were both adamant that you would agree to once your school life was over in a few months.
The sinking feeling in your stomach was new to you. An arranged marriage was a fact of your life that you'd been spoken to about for many years now and you'd always been okay with it. Your ancestors were all matched up by their families, so it wasn't outrageous to you that the same fate would befall your future.
But something had changed, though you didn't know what, and the idea of spending the rest of your life in what would probably be a loveless marriage no longer appealed to you. In fact, it made you feel slightly sick.
Footsteps running in your direction caught your attention, brief irritation washing over you as a mop of magenta hair appeared from around the corner of the bookcase to your left.
Of course he would interrupt your thoughts at a time like this; how unbelievably inconsiderate.
He hadn't seemed to notice your presence, having twirled around to pear back to where he had appeared. His muscular shoulders were rising and falling swiftly while he panted, his breathing laboured from his brisk sprint.
“Please don't say you use this place for hookups.” You drawled, hiding the letter amongst your books as you spoke.
Jungkook twirled round, eyes wide with surprise as he acknowledged your existence. “Y/l/n. What are you doing here on a Friday night?”
“There's this insane concept, where you come to libraries to study.” Glancing down at your books with a look of condescension, you could almost feel him roll his eyes at you. “The only thing out of the ordinary here is you, Jeon.”
“I'm hiding, obviously.” He scoffed, giving a quick glance around the bookcase before sauntering over to take a seat next to you. “A Ravenclaw I spent the night with a few months ago finally caught up to me and doesn't seem willing to let it slide that I didn't fall madly in love with her afterwards.”
Squinting your eyes in disbelief, you asked. “And you thought the library was a good place to hide from a Ravenclaw?”
You knew that Jungkook wasn't the brightest student at Hogwarts, but you had figured he would be smart enough to understand that the library all but belonged to the brainy house of blue.
“Well, why on Earth would anyone think that I would enter the library?” he smirked in return. “As you just said, I'm the only thing out of the ordinary here, she'd never expect me to run to a place of wisdom for solace.”
“The end of that sentence almost made you sound intelligent, congratulations.”
His focus darted to the table where your notes were scattered, returning his gaze to you with suspicion clear in his deep brown eyes. “Intelligent enough to know you're hiding something. I have a feeling it's got something to do with the letter sticking out of that book.” Pointing towards the letter you'd haphazardly shoved into hiding, he leaned back in his chair with a look of triumph at your surprised expression.
“Okay,” you sighed. “You caught me. I come to library sometimes when I have to think and it might not always be education related.”
His features softened in concern. “Everything alright?”
“It's not something you have to worry about.”
The two of you sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments, uncertain of what to say to each other. In all of your secret meetings, you'd never once had a real and honest conversation; that wasn't what either of you had signed up for and you weren't about to change that because of a letter you had been expecting your whole life.
“Careful, y/l/n.” he warned, mischief dancing in his eyes. “The look on your face is going to out you for having real emotions.”
As much as you tried to resist, your closed off expression dissolved into a soft laughter when Jungkook nudged into your side with a gentle smile. It looked like he may possibly be useful for more than one thing like you'd originally believed.
“You know, if you wanted a distraction.” His hand smoothed up the skin of your thigh to play with the ends of your skirt; shivers running throughout your body at the contact. “With an area this secluded, we could do something a lot more fun than study.” He whispered in your ear, teeth scraping along the skin of your earlobe at the end of his sentence.
Rubbing your thighs together, the sudden urge to have him inside you was immense, but you'd found yourself running to him too often now and this was a place for clearing your mind from all distractions; not falling into the arms of your most common one. Especially when you'd come so close to opening up about your problems to him.
“No, no, no.” You firmly said, pulling your books together and standing from your seat. “This is my happy place, you're not ruining it.”
“We could always make it our happy place.” He retorted, eyes widening with the realisation that his words sounded far more romantic and dating like than the sexual innuendo he'd been aiming for.
Your hand flew to your chest in mock flattery with a gasp. “Aww, are we going to start holding hands now? Are we going to pluck wild flowers for each other and make googly eyes across the great hall?”
“Okay.” He scoffed, rising to his feet beside you.
“Are you going to start writing poetry for me?” You asked, face contorted as you pretended you were going to cry with happiness as you turned to leave. “Is this when we announce our undying love for one another?”
Shoving your shoulder with a chuckle, he made to follow you out of the hidden spot. “Shut up, you know what I meant, asshole.”
Your teeth sunk into your lower lip to try and contain the moans that were fighting to leave your mouth, two of Jungkook's fingers curling inside you as he moved them to find the exact spot that would have you crumbling in no time.
“God you're always so fucking tight.”
Mind delirious with satisfaction, you hardly registered his words that were muffled against the skin of your neck as he sucked a new purple bruise into the crook. Dirty talk wasn't something you particularly sought after, but the gruff tone that came with the lewd words always peaked your pleasure.
“Fuck-” the word escaped you without your permission, ecstasy rolling over your body in waves as you reached your high; Jungkook grinding his clothed erection against your thigh when you bit into his shoulder to halt the sounds tumbling out of you.
“On your knees.”
Dropping to the floor, you helped him undo his belt and unzip his jeans, mentally noting that you would have to wear tights for the next few days as your knees scraped against the stone floor.
Hogsmead trips had always been pointless in your opinion, but more recently you'd come to be thankful of them. Most of the students would be out of the castle, at least the ones who would notice your absence. Which meant that you and Jungkook had a good few hours to meet up without raising suspicion.
Unfortunately, as exams grew closer, you had to keep it quick so you could return to studying.
His cock was firm in your grasp as you slowly swirled your tongue around the tip, Jungkook sighing with relief at the contact.
It was always the same, you would tease him to the point he would lose patience and throat fuck you till tears were running down your cheeks.
This time was no different.
Working your tongue along the side of his shaft, you heard him growl as a hand tightly wound it's way into your hair and brought you back to the tip.
“You know I hate it when you do that.” He rubbed the head across the parting of your lips a few times. “But we both know it's only cause you like my cock shoved so deep down your throat that you struggle to speak afterwards.”
The moisture that was already gathered at your entrance after your orgasm only seemed to worsen with his words, the feeling of it smearing across your thighs as you rubbed them together leaving you yearning for him to be inside you again when your walls clenched around nothing.
But you were unable to form a response to his words when he opened your mouth and shoved his cock so far that the head hit the back of your throat.
He groaned at the warm feeling of your mouth around him, freezing in his motions for a second with the fear that he'd cum too quick if he moved immediately.
When he finally started thrusting, your moans overwhelmed you, the sounds vibrating around him; his teeth gritting together with his attempts to stay in control.
“If you keep doing that I'll- hnng- I won't last much- fuck- longer.” His hand tightened to keep you still as his movements became rougher, the familiar sting of him prodding deep into you bringing tears to your eyes.
Your hand slid down to the junction of your thighs, two fingers rubbing harsh circles against your clit. There was something about giving away all control that had you aching for release, your usually independent self being able to let go for a small amount of time.
Jungkook's eyes scrunched together as he realised what you were doing to yourself, feeling you swallow around the end of his length as you inched closer and closer to the edge at your own hand. “Fuck, keep doing that.” He panted, sweat gathering at his brow as he neared his own release.
With his cock shoved deep down your throat, it muffled your noises enough that you allowed yourself to be as loud as you always wanted to be. The cry as you came only audible to yourselves without the risk of anyone overhearing.
As satisfaction coursed through you, the feeling of Jungkook's cum painted the inside of your mouth when he came with a sigh; hands desperately grasping the back of your head as his thighs trembled.
His member left your mouth with a pop, your mouth staying open so he could admire the sight of your tongue covered with his seed like he always craved after such an act.
Swallowing every last drop, you rose to your feet with the help of the boy in front of you; legs shaky as you tried to overcome the lingering aftermath of your second orgasm.
“So I'm guessing you'll be skipping the ball.” He chuckled, tucking himself back into his jeans. “I think I might do the same, I'm sure we'll be able to find something much better to do.”
It was quite a strange topic for him to decide upon, though all you both ever seemed to do now was organise when your next secret rendezvous would be.
Adjusting your skirt so that it was straight again, you sighed, smoothing over the fabric with your hands. “Actually, I'm going with Jameson. My parent's believe he'll be a smart match for me or whatever.”
Focusing on the slight crease that was refusing to cooperate, you failed to notice Jungkook freeze; his mouth slightly agape at your words.
“Oh, so you are going? With a date?”
“That is what I just said.” Eyes shifting to his own with confusion, you wondered what his deal was. “What's wrong with your face?”
He seems to snap out of his daze at your words, hurriedly tugging his tie back over his neck. “Nothing, just amazed someone could have the patience to deal with you for that long.”
Scoffing, you peak out the door to check that the coast was clear. “I get that you're too dim to understand half the things I say, but other intelligent minds can grasp how interesting I actually am.”
“Yes, I'm sure your ass and your money have nothing to do with his interests.” He quips, leaning back on the wall in preparation to wait until you'd been gone for 5 minutes.
“How classy.” You deadpanned, shifting out of the door without so much as another glance back; incapable of seeing the confusion and self doubt the clouded Jungkook's eyes as he considered the new feeling bubbling in his chest at the idea of you with another guy.
The night of the ball came all too quickly.
The dress that your mother had sent you for the occasion left you uncomfortable as you left the Slytherin common room, a deeply low cut back allowing a breeze to sweep across your bare skin; the silver snake that hung down the middle cold as it caressed your spine.
Jameson had agreed to meet you at the great hall, if for no other reason than you wanted as much time to yourself as possible before you were forced to spend an entire evening with him.
“You look lovely this evening.” He greeted you, eyes bored and uninterested as you made your way towards him.
Neither of you had particularly wanted to come to this affair together; but much like other pure blood families, yours decided that a marriage had to be arranged before you left the school for good. Thankfully, they did agree that you should have a few meetings before anything was set in stone.
It unsurprisingly took only a small amount of time until your fellow Slytherin was making an excuse to leave your side, abandoning you by one of the large fireplaces to go and get you both drinks.
“This is interesting.” A confident voice sounds behind you, a finger grazing along the side of the snake at your back; shivers running up your spine at the contact.
Turning your head, you find Jungkook looking down at you with a smirk, his hand lingering on your lower back far too long whilst in public.
“I thought you weren't coming.” You remarked, shifting away from his touch to get some distance between the two of you.
“I thought you had a date.”
Raising an eyebrow in annoyance, you gestured over to where Jameson stood talking with his classmates. “There he is, now I don't believe we ever agreed that we could interact in public unless we were forced to by our professors, Jeon.”
“Nobody is watching us, y/l/n.” He scoffed, resting against the wall at his side. “As I said before, you're the only one who gives a shit.”
Eyes darting around the room, you noticed that he was right for the most part; except your best friend who was watching your exchange with narrowed eyes.
“You're not entirely right about that.” You muttered, lips turning down in a small frown. “If you're that desperate for my attention then you can wait until the evening is over.”
The smirk on his face grew with your words, leaning in closely to whisper in your ear. “Do I really look that handsome that you're not even going to pretend to resist this time?”
“Bold of you to assume I'm agreeing so quickly for any other reason than I want you to leave me alone for the remainder of this event.” You sneered back quietly, briskly walking away to rejoin your date.
Anger was swirling in your stomach, unable to believe the audacity that boy had in interacting with you where everyone else could see. However, a deeper part of you knew that the emotions you were feeling were mostly towards yourself and the fact that what he'd said was actually true.
He was wearing a black tux, his magenta hair styled to perfection that had most of the girls in the room staring at him from afar; hands raising in flirtatious waves when his gaze would linger on them for little over a second.
Jealousy wasn't an emotion you'd ever experienced before; having wealthy parents who purchased anything you ever dreamed of and your grades being high enough that you didn't have to worry about your future.
But watching as he winked at a Hufflepuff that had been pining away for him all year unsettled you in a way that made you want to drag him out of the hall and refuse to let any other woman so much as look at him for the foreseeable future.
“Looks like Jeon didn't manage to find himself a date.” Jameson scoffed, the envy clearly etched on his face as he observed the Gryffindor boy getting so much female attention. “I knew it was only a matter of time before others saw how worthless the half-blood really is.”
The others around you snickered at the boys words, but your mouth formed a pout as disgust settled within you; the topic of blood status never being one that you enjoyed conversing about.
Your eyes locked with Jungkook across the room, his gaze morphing into concern with the sad and guilty look in your eyes.
Standing underneath the arches outside the main entrance, you gazed at the stars as Jameson rambled on about his future prospects and working with his father.
His had had settled on your waist ten minutes ago, the warmth from his hand seeping into your skin through the fabric and making you cringe.
“I agree that we make a smart match, y/n.” He suddenly proclaimed, breaking you from your thoughts as his free hand moved a stray piece of hair from your face. “I think it would benefit both of our families if we could agree to some form of arrangement to spend our lives together.”
He had leaned in closer, his eyes darting towards your lips with every word. He thought that bringing up your family's wishes would somehow convince you into being intimate with him, you assumed.
When his lips were a breath away from your own, you turned your head to the side asking if he would be so kind as to get you a beverage. “My throat is a little dry.”
“Of course.” He replied, the disappointment and frustration clear in his gaze, though he forced a fake smile. “I'll be right back.”
When he was out of sight, you released a harsh breath, bile starting to rise to the surface at the idea of having to kiss the boy you'd been coerced into spending the ball with.
A hand roughly grabbing your arm caused you to flinch, eyes snapping to the body of Jeon Jungkook as he drew you away from the ball; his face set in fury with loud footsteps echoing down the empty hall.
As he all but dragged you down the corridor, you shoved his hand off of you. “You can’t just drag me away from a date, Jeon. That’s not what we do.”
“Will you just shut up for like five minutes?” He fumed, backing you up against the wall at your back. “You and I both know that you found him a stuck up boring piece of shit, so quit acting like you were enjoying yourself.”
If you were to say that the fire in his eyes wasn’t having a heavy affect on you, then you’d be a liar. The way his furious gaze held your own had your breath leaving you in pants as heat pooled between your thighs.
The space between the two of you grew narrower, your mind so delirious with desire that you almost threw all of your rules out of the window; no longer caring if you were to get caught fucking in the middle of the hallway.
But then a door started to appear beside you, Jungkook wasting no time shoving you through it into a room that was slowly taking shape before you.
“What the hell is this?” You asked, eyes squinting as a bed formed in front of a large fireplace. “What have you done?”
“Nothing yet.” He responded, pushing you down onto the newly appeared mattress. “But I’m not about to waste a good opportunity on answerless questions.”
His mouth was on your neck before you could form a response, desperately sucking and biting as he moved to hover over you. “J-Jeon-” You stuttered, trying your hardest to keep your mind clear as your heart thudded in your chest and your thighs squeezed together.
“Please shut up.” He mumbled against your skin, his voice almost desperate.
Your secret meetings had always been quick and filled with an intense need, but you couldn’t recall a time that was this heated and impulsive since that first time in that abandoned classroom.
Jungkook rolled the two of you over, sitting up to have you straddle his lap; hands moving to your shoulders to slide the sleeves of your dress down as his lips moved over every inch of newly exposed skin.
As the dress was carelessly thrown to the side of the room, you pushed a hand through your hair; thankful that you hadn’t tried to do anything extravagant with the style.
Groaning at the sight of your body, Jungkook lurched forward to take a nipple in his mouth, tongue twirling around the hardened bud as you slowly grinded on his growing member.
“He wouldn’t have been able to treat you right.” He sneered, lips parting from your skin with a small popping sound. “You know I’m the only one who can make you feel this good; can have you trembling and eager for my cock to be inside you.”
You wanted to disagree, to curse him out and leave the room without so much as a glance back. But his hands on your ass driving you harder against his clothed erection was enough to keep you quiet; your forehead falling against his muscular shoulder as a lustful moan left your parted mouth.
One of his hands rises up to bring your face up to his again, forcing you to hold his gaze. “Say it.” He demanded. “Say that you need me.”
Eyes closing, you couldn’t bear the intensity of his stare, hoping that you wouldn’t have to answer him; not knowing if you were happy with your own answer. You shouldn’t need this; you shouldn’t need to fall back into the arms of Jeon Jungkook whenever you felt horny. One thing is damned sure, is that he should in no way ever have that strong of an effect on you. He was a meaningless hook-up; someone you should be able to leave behind no problem.
His hand moves around your throat, squeezing lightly to regain your attention, the pressure in your stomach warming to a point that you were sure he could ask anything of you in that moment and you would give it to him. “Say it, y/n.”
Your eyes opened to meet his at the mention of your first name, you never called each other by your given names, you weren’t that familiar. “I need you.” You breathed, head light with anticipation of what was to come.
An almost animalistic growl was all you heard as he rolled the two of you over once more to lay you against the pillows. “Say it again.” He ordered, hastily unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the defined muscles you had come to know by touch alone; hands tugging it over his head recklessly as he tossed it to the side.
“I need you.”
The remainder of your clothes were quickly disposed of, your panties exposing how wet you already were for him just from a few gropes and harsh words. “Something tells me you might be enjoying this.” Jungkook smirked, eyes focused on the damp patch you’d left on your underwear.
“If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m leaving to go find Jameson.” You snarled, more than impatient at this point; a vicious yearning threatening to overwhelm you any moment now.
His eyes hardened, jaw tightening with barely veiled jealousy at the mention of your date to the ball. Within no time at all, his trousers and underwear had joined the rest of the clothing on the floor and his erection was burrowed deep inside you before you could utter another word.
Immediate satisfaction surged through you as he started a ruthless pace, urgent thrusts hitting all the right places; his voice rough and broken when groaning vulgar words into your ear.
This hadn’t been the night you had planned when getting ready earlier in the evening. In fact, Jeon Jungkook had been the furthest thing from your mind until the moment you spotted him glaring at you from across the great hall. The thought of him relentlessly pounding into you wasn’t something you had ever allowed yourself to imagine, unless he was the one purposefully creating that picture for you.
Suddenly, his speed slowed as the familiar feeling of bliss started to collect within you, your eyes widening when he brought his face up to your own.
Thrusting deeper inside you, his nose brushed yours as you felt your bodies press tighter together; his hips rolling against yours in the slowest rhythm you’ve experienced with him yet.
“Jeon.” You warned in a hushed tone, your gut screaming at you to move your face away from his before it was too late; before either of you had the chance to break your number one rule.
One of his hands tangled into your hair, foreheads pushed together, his lips a hair width away from yours; heavy breathing the only thing exchanged between the two of you.
“We can’t-” Your words are cut off as he finally joins your mouths together in a ruthless kiss, a wave of electricity flowing from your chest throughout your body; every inch of you tingling with a new feeling that you couldn’t even begin to explain.
Jungkook groaned as his tongue slipped passed your lips; the fingers in your hair tightening their grip whilst his free hand harshly gripped at the skin of your ass.
“Oh my-” He gasped, incapable of finishing his sentence due to the urgent desire to mark every last bit of exposed skin and make you sigh his name in delight.
The coil in your stomach tightened when you felt his thrusts lose their rhythm, alerting you to the fact he wouldn’t last much longer; your nails digging into the skin of his lower back as he pounded into you harder.
You were almost ready to burst, the pleasure you were feeling too much for you, your mind losing focus at the feeling of him hitting deep within you and brushing against the place that made you want to scream.
Fingers skimming up his back to twist into his hair, you stuttered out “J-Jungkook.” His mouth crashing onto yours once more to swallow your cries as the pair of you came together; ecstasy rushing through your veins in the most intense orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
A few moments passed and his movements slowed to a stop; though his mouth still languidly worked over yours, his thumb delicately soothing over the side of your head from where his hand was still entangled in your hair.
Tonight had been different from your usual rendezvous. You had no idea where it left you; what it meant for tomorrow.
One thing you knew for certain, you were in deep shit.
It had been a week since the night that seemed to change everything between the pair of you; neither one having made the move to talk to the other.
The dark circles under your eyes made it quite clear that you'd struggled to sleep; that is on the the nights that you'd managed to fall into a peaceful slumber at all. But even those dreams unsettled you, filled with Jungkook and the warmth of his gaze from the morning you'd woken up after the ball.
He'd been wrapping a strand of your hair loosely around his finger as he'd watched you wake up to find that you'd spent the night in the mystery room that had appeared for the two of you.
That only lasted a few moments though, the anxious feeling that ran through you forcing you out of the bed and towards the door; tugging on your clothes as you made excuses of where you needed to be so early in the day.
And that was how the dreams always ended, with you glancing back to see the disappointment and rejection replace the warm glow in his irises when the door closed behind you.
“He's looking for you.” Reagan reported to you, studying the clouds above you as they darkened to a murky grey.
“What makes you think that?”
She scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head and raising her wand to create an umbrella like shield above her head. “Everyone knows by now, y/n. He keeps trying to act nonchalant but he reeks of desperation.”
After that night, you'd finally caved and admitted to your best friend what you'd been involved in the past couple of months. Much as you'd expected, she'd been disgusted with the whole thing, commenting on what your parents would think and how he wasn't the kind of guy you were meant to go for; something you'd been aware of the entire time.
“Anyway, I just thought you should know.” She sighed. “You've been acting strange recently, I think it would be beneficial for you to figure out what he wanted.”
You didn't have time to respond to her before she gracefully walked off into the rain that had started to fall. She had a knack for making semi-dramatic exits, always needing to have the last word and leave others reeling from the conversation.
Searching through your pockets, you grumbled to yourself as you realised that you'd left your wand in your room; having just had muggle studies where it obviously wasn't needed. You cursed the school for adding it to your timetable.
“Look whose muggle object is suddenly coming in handy.” You heard from beside you, a bright red umbrella hovering over your head in preparation of leading you out from your shelter. “You need some help getting back to the entrance hall?”
Eyes shifting to meet Jungkook's, you faltered for what to say. Usually you would reply with a snarky comment that would have him rolling his eyes and either walking away from you or leading you to a secluded area.
But the look he was giving you was something you weren't used to. His feet shifted, teeth slightly biting into his bottom lip that conveyed he wanted to say something to you but didn't know how to word it.
“You're lucky I'm so hungry for lunch.” You muttered, shifting closer to him in the hope that you could save your shoulder from being soaked as the pair of you started your trek to the main area of the castle.
The silence that accompanied you was uncomfortable to say the least; your fingers fiddling with the strap of your bag to try and help you focus on anything but the close proximity and unsaid words of the boy beside you.
His footsteps halted, not giving you any time to react before he was grasping your arm and turning you to face him. “What would you say if I told you I had feelings for you?”
Your heart pounded in your chest, or maybe it stopped completely, you couldn't tell at that point. The only thing you were sure of was that you felt like time had stopped, his expectant gaze doing nothing for your trembling hands.
“Jungkook,” he corrected. “You used it the other night, you don't get to revert back.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you weren't entirely sure how to answer his question. It went against everything you had agreed all those months ago; then again, there wasn't exactly a rule you hadn't broken at this point.
“Jungkook.” Your voice cracked, incapable of stringing a coherent sentence together.
He rubbed a hand over his face, the bags under his eyes indicating that he'd had just as many restless nights as you. “Listen, I don't know when it happened, I don't know why it happened... But it did.”
Your eyes fell to the floor, his gaze to intense for you to handle.
“I have feelings for you, y/n.” he explained. “Honestly, I was terrified of telling you, but I wouldn't be a Gryffindor if I couldn't face you and I'm sick and tired of losing sleep over this.”
“That's not what this was meant to be.”
As your eyes locked with his at your small words, you registered the disappointment that overcame his features; eyes veiled with what you could only guess was hurt.
“Yeah, I know.” His feet shuffled against the wet floor, the heavy rainfall creating puddles around the pair of you. “I get that, I do. But I think we both know it's not just me that feels something.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
He scoffed, eyes turning almost harsh. “Yes you do. Otherwise you wouldn't have avoided me this whole time, you wouldn't look just as tired as I do and you sure as fuck wouldn't be looking as guilty as you do now when you're attempting to reject me.”
Your arms crossed across your chest, gripping at the fabric of your jumper with the need to hold onto something. “I don't know what you want me to say.”
You hated this, acting so meek and pathetic in front of him; in front of anyone.
“Just tell me the truth.” He softly demanded. “Tell me that you feel the same, tell me that what happened the other night was different for the two of us and that it actually meant something. Tell me that if I tried to kiss you right now that you'd want me to.”
The distance between the pair of you had dwindled with his short speeches, leaving you caught in his gaze as his eyes pleaded with you to give him what he wanted; what you both wanted.
But you couldn't.
Your parents would never allow such a thing, you had a duty to the family name to go through with your soon to be arranged marriage and the life that would come with that. They would never accept any kind of relationship with a Gryffindor half blood that had no desire for a career within the ministry.
“I can't.”
Though your words came out in a whisper, he heard them loud and clear; he knew the reason too. Drawing away from you he shook his head in disappointment, turning to walk away in dejection.
“When you figure out what you really want, come find me.” He grumbled, shifting away from you and towards the castle, the red umbrella sheltering him from the light drizzle the rain had become.
Stood staring after him, you thought back to the day in the library and the light feeling you had when he'd managed to make you smile on an afternoon you'd been lost in doubt and misery; a feeling that had come back tenfold in the past few minutes.
This was for the best, the arrangement between the two of you had to come to an end at some point; this was an easy break.
At least you hoped that it was.
There was only a few more days until the end of the school year.
A few more days before you would return home and never set foot in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ever again.
So you were concerned when a letter arrived from your parents when you were sat eating breakfast. Surely anything they had to say could wait until you were back in their house?
Using a knife to break the family wax seal that held the envelope in place, you opened to see a few words written in your mother's handwriting peaking out from the deep v.
they've agreed to have you betrothed to their son
It was as though someone had punched you in the gut, your breath leaving you in one harsh blow. You almost couldn't bring yourself to read the rest of the letter, but you had to make sure that what you believed was true.
And it was.
The Jameson family had come to an agreement with your own that meant you would be getting married in a little over a month. Thoughts flew around your mind, making you dizzy and light-headed.
It all seemed to be happening all too quickly, you had only spent a few moments with him the other week at the ball; even leaving him behind to spend the night with Jungkook.
The name caused a shooting pain in your chest as your mind drifted back to your conversation a few weeks ago. Somehow, the feeling of regret and disappointment felt stronger when you pictured the bunny smile that he'd let slide onto his face on the rare occasion he let his guard down.
Here you were, reading over the words that sealed your fate as the future Mrs. Jameson and yet the only person you could bring yourself to think about was Jeon Jungkook.
There had been very few times that'd you'd been plagued with thoughts and worries about your impending arranged marriage, but usually Jungkook had ended up being there to break you from your thoughts and even make you laugh.
And yet you'd rejected him.
Glancing over to the entrance of the great hall, you noticed Jameson tormenting first years with a sadistic smirk on his face and your mind suddenly flashed forward to the image of the children that you would be forced to bear; how they would be treated by a man such as him.
Your heart clenched with dread at the realisation that the life you so enjoyed was suddenly being ripped out from under you.
With all my love, mother x
As the words sunk in, you wondered if there was a way for you to get out of this; a world in which your mother would understand and allow you to live the life you wanted. You'd worked hard for your grades and the vision of you becoming a housewife to a man who you knew you would never love made no logical sense to you.
St Mungos Hospital had accepted you in for an apprenticeship within days of you applying. Your skills in potion making had always had you picturing your career in medicine; often spending time in the hospital wing when somebody you knew was injured just so you could watch how they were treated. That was what you wanted for yourself.
But there was somebody who found you interesting enough regardless of your ambitions.
Jungkook had been brave to admit his feelings to you, even when he must have known what your reaction would be.
Crumpling the letter in your hands, you rose to your feet and left the great hall with purpose.
It was time for you to be brave too.
Anxiety coursed throughout your body with every step you took across the castle grounds. A part of you was relieved that you were finally going to get this off your chest, although a much larger part of you was annoyed that you somehow remembered his practice schedule without even trying.
The Quidditch pitch was quite far from the rest of the school, set far away enough that the players could practice without distracting the students who had to study for important exams that were swiftly approaching.
Three or four times on the walk over, you had found yourself considering turning back; the possibility of being humiliated all too plausible. It wouldn't surprise you if Jungkook had been playing you this entire time, just another one of his pranks against a Slytherin student.
His practice should be finishing up around about now, he was probably changing out of the uniform right this second and getting ready to stuff his face at dinner. What if they had finished early? What if you were wrong and they weren't even practising today at all?
Your worries were dismissed quite quickly as a few members of the Gryffindor team sauntered past you with looks of interest; no doubt wanting to stick around and see what would unfold.
The rumours about you and Jungkook had circled the castle in record time after he admitted his feelings towards you, so it was no surprise that his fellow teammates would want to find out first hand what was going to come from his declaration.
“He's in the changing room.” You heard a voice from beside you when you lingered in front of the doors to the entrance. It was a blonde Gryffindor who you'd often seen by Jungkook's side around the school. “Nobody else is in there so you should be good.”
Nodding your acknowledgement, you took a deep breath with the realisation that you had no other reason to put off the conversation you were about to have. But regardless of your nerves, you were determined to have it.
You found him tugging his shirt on over his head, hair still wet from the shower he must have had after a hard practice. It was an image you'd grown used to over the past few months, having been dragged into an alcove more than once so he could release the stress that came with being the Gryffindor Seeker.
Fiddling with your fingers, your deep rooted need for self preservation screaming at you to forget about your feelings and live the life you were born to, it took every ounce of your energy to stay still. “Hey.”
Eyes locking with yours momentarily, you noticed the grimace that appeared on his face.
The silence stretched for a few moments before you sighed and tried again, walking further into the room to approach him. “Your hair looks like it's finally fading.”
“What do you want, y/n?”
His tone was curt, your feet freezing in place as you flinched. You should have known that he wouldn't be interested in talking to you; it had been weeks since his confession and you hadn't so much as smiled in his direction. It was almost as though he hadn't existed to you.
“You told me to come find you when I finally figured that out.”
Stuffing his Quidditch uniform into his bag, he ran a hand through his damp hair when he turned to you. “Everyone already knows about your engagement, y/n. Jameson basically bragged about it all morning.”
He'd known before you did? Then again, it had been up to Jameson's family to decide on the matter, so they probably told their son before they even let your parents know the verdict.
“You didn't have to seek me out to reject me, I got the message loud and clear.”
Having grown accustomed to his cocky light-hearted nature, his defeated tone caught you off guard. Slytherins were always said to be cruel, to bring down those around them. It was something many in your house had tried to dispel over the years, but right now you suddenly agreed with it all.
“Wow. I knew you were dim, but this just exceeds even my opinion of you.” Sitting down on one of the benches, you feel his disbelieving stare on the side of your face. “Here I am, trying to think of a way to explain to my parents that I not only want to call of the engagement that they only just arranged, but that I want to call it off because I have feelings for a dopey Gryffindor and he turns out to be even more of an idiot than I already thought.”
His breath caught in his throat, your lips quirking in the corners at the sound.
“If you were smart enough to at least recognise when a girl has come to admit that you were right, then maybe I'd have been able to bring them around to the idea but now I just don't know.”
It was a very different confession than the one you had rehearsed in your mind the whole way there, but it seemed to fit the general tone of your relationship.
Taking a seat beside you, the warmth radiating off his body was a comfort to you, his light chuckle music to your ears after so many weeks away from him. “I feel sorry for the poor bloke.”
“You should, he really doesn't understand what he's gotten himself into.”
Jungkook tilted his head to the side, eyes dramatically squinting in thoughts. “I mean, she did spell his hair pink. I think that's a pretty strong vision for the future.”
“I think to gain the approval of my parents, it'll be green next time.”
“Don't you dare.”
Laughter came easily after that, his hand gently intertwining your fingers while rubbing soft circles with his thumb.
“So what does this mean?” His eyes stayed firmly on your joined hands to avoid your gaze.
“It means, that I like you and what happened after the ball meant something to me too.” you admitted. “Just don't fuck it up, Jeon.”
As the pair of you walked out, hand in hand, you contemplated the words you were going to write back to your mother before the end of the day.
“It's raining.”
Momentarily glancing up at the sky at his words, you pulled out your wand and pointed it at the broom in his hand, casting a transfiguration spell to mould it into something more useful; the bristled end sewing together to create an arched shelter as the broom handle shortened and curled at the end. The last thing to change as the object took form in front of your eyes, was the colour.
Jungkook smiled with a small shake of his head, mouth quirking up into the little bunny smile you'd come to admire. “A red umbrella?”
“I mean, with the fact it started off as a broom, I think I just managed to make your muggle object magical.” You smirked. “You're welcome.”
He gave out a hearty chuckle, free hand pulling you closer as his arm wrapped around your waist. “That you have.”
Lips meeting in a sweet kiss, your body felt lighter than it had all week; the possibilities for your future leaving you feeling content. Resting his forehead on yours, his magenta hair falling in between the two of you, you could tell by his gaze that he was thinking the exact same thing.
You should have pranked him years ago.
“This was still originally a broom, if it just shoots off randomly into the sky I'm going to charge you.”
Rolling your eyes, you used your wand to cast the spell that produced a shield over your head, moving away from his body and his need to kill a mood.
Was it possible to already change your mind and agree to the arranged marriage?
“Hey wait!” He chuckled, jogging after you with a grin. “I was joking, don't leave me.”
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arkiliastuff · 1 month
In a Concrete Jungle - Chapter 1 "The Meeting"
Noah Sebastian x OFC (Aurey)
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(pictures edited by me. Originals url linked on the pictures.)
A/N : Oh my, I'm back after a long break and work on this fanfic. Took me a while as you can notice, but I'm glad on how the first chapter turned out already. Again this is going to be a long story, so I'm going to take my time by writting it. I hope you'll like this one ! :D Let me know if I've forgot anything and your thoughts about it ! <3
Warnings/Tags : Strangers/Enemies to Lovers trope, violence, blood, post-apocalyptical universe, "no god, no religion" vibe (I don't mean any form of disrespect in any religion), mention of trauma, death, loss, drugs, mental and physical abuse, trust and abandonment issues. (Just in case MDNI please).
Disclaimer : I haven’t read the comic book “Concrete Jungle” written by Noah Sebastian and illustrated by many cover artists such as Nicola Izzo, Jeremy Wilson and many more, so I don’t know much about the lore and the universe. I just got inspired by the song and the few panels of the comic book that I saw about it. The rest is a pure work of my imagination and it’s not related to anything official. Nothing is canonically official. This is totally fanfiction. And so this is how I pictured the world in the song “Concrete Jungle”.
~ The little beans taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @talialovesmiw @lma1986 @cookiesupplier
The four men arrived at a strange building. It was half destroyed but still inhabited. The dark clouds of smoke outside gave a gloomy appearance to it. They saw a lot of old burned cars, with more wires and barbed strings surrounding the whole building, like a barricade or a fortress. Once they parked their car, they got out one by one, slowly, observing their surroundings. Noah and Nicholas were the first ones to cover their nose as they just breathed the heavy air from outside. It smelled like burned gas.
They were carefully being watched by some kind of military guards. Some of them looked like cops, others looked like simple soldiers, with their guns, helmets and respirators. Two other security agents, wearing the same black gear with a bulletproof vest were close to the door of the old building. They were talking to their headset radio, before another man arrived outside. Then, all three walked towards the newcomers, welcoming them.
“Are you the BAD OMENS syndicate ?”
“That’s us.” Jolly spoke.
“I’m Leo. I’ll be your guide here. Follow me, Mister Charles is waiting for you.”
The security guard turned on his heels, heading to the entrance of the building again. Jolly took the lead of the group, followed by Folio and Ruffilo, while Noah closed the queue. His hands in his pockets, he was looking everywhere, paying attention to every detail around him. He looked up and saw a lion symbol in a crescent shape decorating the pediment, proudly. He read “Golden Lion”. Before the short dark brown-haired man could ask anything, the security guard turned around, facing the group.
“Welcome to the Golden Lion’s den.”
The so-called “den” looked bigger from the inside than the outside. The bricks were about to crumble at any second but somehow it managed to stay in place. That didn’t bother at all those who lived here. Once the group entered the building, they couldn’t see a thing. There was a huge darkened hallway barely lightened up, the electricity flickering randomly. The security guard explained to Noah and his friends this floor was hardly occupied by the mafia members and it was only dedicated to training.
“...The first floor is for common places, like the dorms, bathroom and kitchen. The second floor is where the chief’s office is and where the guest rooms are. Plus the rooms of the elite guards. As for the third floor, it’s the boss' personal quarters only with his closest bodyguards” Leo continued to explain before stopping in a caged room. “Let’s take the elevator to go faster.”
There wasn’t any space in the so-called elevator. It was just enough to fit them all five.
“Looks like this place needs some work done” Folio jested, noticing the gravel falling from the ceiling.
But Leo replied calmly, not paying attention to the joke.
“Well, unfortunately we don't always have the time to repair when the Resistance or the other gangs are planning any other attack against us.”
Feeling a bit shameful, Folio didn’t dare to make any other remark and just kept silent.
“The Resistance ?” Nick asked, curious.
“My boss will explain everything to you soon enough.”
The gear sound of the elevator, reaching his destination, brought everyone back to the present. Even though they were all calm, deep down Noah couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious, anticipating the important meeting with one of the richest individuals in the mafia world. They heard few things about the Golden Lion’s achievements, mostly the grand ones. About how they gained so much money after working in different illegal industries, like drugs, weapons auctions and nightclubs. But it didn’t last too long. They had to leave Hell’s Kitchen, their first base, before the police found them. This was the last news they were ever published after that. And somehow they ended up here. In this No Name town. And it seemed like it was a lair for a lot of gangs to continue their business. 
Despite being lost in this flood of thoughts, Noah tried to push his anxiety away, displaying his usual calm and serious expression. He had a lot of questions that were circling in his mind and he hoped he could ask them when the moment came. The security guard guided them to the front door which was lightened inside.
“This is where I must leave. The boss is waiting for you inside. I’ll be going on my daily patrol here, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to look for me and ask. Good luck.”
“Thank you, Leo. Hope to see you soon” Noah spoke, grateful to him.
“See you around, bud’ !” Folio jested to light up the sudden tension and serious mood.
Leo just nodded at them, waving briefly, before walking in the long corridor, checking if everything was normal. Once the sound of his shoes was far enough, the boys entered the room. What they saw next really contrasted with the rest of the building. There were a lot of expensive sofas and leather couches arranged in front of a brown desk. The person who was on the other side of it was a huge sixty-year-old man. On his large fingers, he was wearing golden rings that were decorating his knuckles. Some of them had a lion symbol sculpted on them. Yet, what surprised them the most about this man was his face. A few strands of his grey hair were falling on his forehead, drawing attention to his blue eyes that could see through you, despite being covered by the chubbiness of his cheeks. This man was the perfect mixture of wealth, trickery and disgust. Despite the hideous look of this individual, he had an aura that embodied leadership. You could tell who was in charge here.
“Welcome, gentlemen. Welcome to my den. I’m Big Charles or Big C for my friends. Please, have a seat.” He ordered in a low voice.
The four men did as they were told and took place on the burnt brown couch before Big Charles’ desk.
“I’ve heard a lot of good things about you, BAD OMENS syndicate. I’m glad to see you made it through here. Knowing your presence here fills me with joy.” Big Charles smiled, showing his golden teeth, filling in the void of his dentition.
“We’re honored to hear such great feedback about us, sir. Seems that our reputation precedes us.“ Jolly spoke politely.
“Perhaps you could tell us more about the mission you’ve told us about on the phone, sir? We’re curious to learn more about it.” Noah continued.
“Straight to the point, I see.” Big C chuckled. “Of course. I’m gonna tell you everything you need to know about this mission.” He nodded, intertwining his golden-ringed fingers together, before continuing.
“You see, my gang and I have been facing a difficult situation for a few months. At first, we were handling it thanks to our partners in the city, such as a few minor gangs and some mercenaries. But, we’ve reached a point where even our partnerships have been attacked. And so we don’t have any more resources, like money, weapons and men. I lost so many men during these terrorist attacks. Which is why I called an outside syndicate like you.”
Charles paused, licking his lips to moisten them. He bent over, looking for something in his drawers. He put a whiskey bottle on his desk before turning to his cabinet behind his seat and taking five glasses. Then he poured the liquid into the glasses and handed some of them to the four young men in front of him.
“Have a drink, gentlemen. This one is my favourite ever. You cannot find any better in this dirty town. I have to commission someone from the outside to look for this kind.” Big Charles mumbled. “Anyway, where was I again? Ah yes, the terrorist attacks. They call themselves the "Resistance” or the “Red Sun”. There were a lot of gangs who tried to threaten us, but them...  They are a disease to this town. Although they are less numbered compared to us, they always come back. Like a hungry wolf pack. Or rats. I don’t know how they do that, but one thing I’m sure of is they are desperate and evil souls who only kill and steal people like us. We are among those who are trying to survive. And the worst and annoying thing about them is they always know where to hit to weaken us !” Charles spat, angrily slamming his empty glass against his desk.
“So, in other words, this organization you speak of… The Red Sun or Resistance, are they the ones we have to stop ?” Jolly resumed.
“Precisely, my boy. And the best way to stop them is to find where these rats are hiding, find their leader and bring them to the authorities of The Eye.”
Big C suspended his talking, pouring himself another drink and taking immediately a sip of his whiskey, leaving the four men processing the amount of information they received at once.
“What do you mean by The Eye ?” Nicholas asked quietly, breaking the short silence.
“It’s the ruler of the city. Usually, you can see its tower from the outside but because of the weather and the smoke today, you can barely see its light above. Besides watching over us, the citizens, it protects those who obey them by giving supplies, like food, water, medical kits and recently weapons. A lot of gangs depend on their help and partnership, like mine. And we’re not going to let those resistance steal our resources !” Big C replied.
Noah and his companions just nodded their heads in approval, before he decided to speak.
“So, what are you expecting from us, sir? What do we have to do ?”
Big Charles smiled at the professionalism of those young ones.
“For now, your main mission will be to investigate the Red Sun, finding their base and leader. Once it’s done, their attacks will decrease. In return, your reward will be big, I can promise you that. You’ll receive 3 million dollars and more advantages during our cooperation together. As long as you’re here, my most trustworthy guys will ensure your protection. You’ll also have a place to stay and eat and even have a free pass from the nightclub I own. Depending on how efficient you are, it could be done in a month or two, but it won’t last long either way. Leo will give you every detail you need to know about the rules here and your rooms.” Big C paused once more, drinking his fourth sip of whiskey. 
“Oh and just so you know, if you’re approving these terms you’ll get a contract with me, under The Eye’s orders. Soon they’ll send us someone to supervise you, making you sign the contract and give your new weapons. I’ll tell you when…”
While Big Charles was rambling, the sound of heels clicking on the black-polished tiling resonated in the whole corridor. The woman in black walked so confidently, smoking nonchalantly with her cigarette inside the building. She took one last puff before crushing the stub under her boots and heading to the usual room of the mafia leader. She opened the door and leaned against the doorframe, so casually, as if she owned the place. Then, she gave a smile to the four gentlemen seated on the brown couch and to the sixty-year-old man in front of them.
“Well, Big C, aren’t you going to introduce me to your guests ?” She asked with a raspy voice.
Charles stood up immediately, leaving his beloved and comfortable burgundy armchair to greet the woman dressed in her long black coat respectfully.
“I wasn’t expecting you to come here so early, dear…” He started, then stopped a second when she glared at him through her red sunglasses, before continuing “...dear Supervisor. It’s an honour to see you. Let me introduce you to the four young men here. They just arrived a few hours ago in town. They are called the BAD OMENS.”
The woman in black just nodded at Big C, pretending to be interested in his words. However, the last part caught her attention. She stared even more at the four young men before her.
“Interesting name’s choice.” She noted, “ At least, we can expect some of your victims to tremble in fear.”
“We prefer to not think about it. Ignoring those who are afraid of us, is to avoid having pity in them. But I guess in this kind of job, we can’t help but feel it no matter what.” Jolly spoke calmly.
“Put the feelings aside, darling.” She replied, waving her hand in an irritated manner, “In here, having pity or mercy is useless. It will only make you hesitate. And being hesitant can cost your life. It’s about kill or being killed--”
“And how can we help you, ma’am ?” Noah cut her off, glancing at her with a visible distrust in his dark brown eyes.
With open-wide blue eyes, Charles was about to protest, but the woman in black stopped him with a sign from her gloved hand.
“Fascinating.” She hissed, still with an ominous smile plastered on her face “ I usually encourage any form of audacity, but I must admit this one caught me off guard.”
She went closer to Noah, leaning forward and staring at him with such intensity through her red goggles. The sudden proximity started to make him feel uneasy. The vicious aura of this woman was crushing everyone else in the room. Even Big C felt small compared to her.
“What’s your name, little one ?” She asked.
“Well, Noah, since it’s your first day here, I’ll let your arrogance slide for this time. But know that I never give second chances when it comes to disrespecting me. Understood?” She warned.
The short brown-haired man simply nodded in silence, trying to remain calm.
“You four will only refer to me as Supervisor, Law or Sir. Is that clear ?”
“Yes, Supervisor.” Noah muttered.
“Good. You’re a quick learner. Maybe you could be a good apprentice for me. I’m looking for a new one, anyway.” She straightened herself, proudly.
Big Charles took this opportunity to talk again.
“Well, Supervisor, since you’re here early, I was wondering if you could register them to The Eye for their contract with the Golden Lion. Also, it would be an honour if you could train them.”
 She turned around, facing Charles, her interest and curiosity caught for real this time.
“Oh? That’s a lot of requests, Charles. You’ll owe me for that” She smiled maliciously “In the meantime, I'll take care of the contract at The Eye’s office. This shouldn’t take too long for the equipment either. As for the training, I’ll take only one apprentice. And I think Noah would be a great candidate.”
“Why just him? Can’t you train us as well? We are a team after all.” Folio protested.
“Dear, I only train those who need discipline. If you want to get stronger, just train there. It would be enough. But if you want to be my apprentice so bad, then let’s make a duel. The last one standing will become my trainee. How does that sound? Do you want to kill your friend?” She replied menacingly.
Folio audibly gulped and took a few steps back, like a scared dog in front of a predator. Clearly, her offer didn’t sound that good anymore.
“Good boy. You know your place.” She said, amused.
Then she turned to her left, facing Noah and not paying any more attention to Folio who also felt uneasy
“We’ll talk about your training once you settle here. For now, I’ll be off to the Eye’s tower. You four should come with me to make yourself register. No worries, Big Charles’ guards and mine will accompany us.”
Reluctantly, the four young men followed the woman in black, barely hearing a goodbye from Charles. Once they were all five outside, a long black limousine was waiting for them. Some guards from the Golden Lion were already around it, watching the surrounding area. A man, wearing a black suit and a black ski mask with strange symbols on it, got out of the car saluting the Supervisor. The man barely whispered a few words to her, before she looked up and saw something shiny being dropped above them.
“Get down !!” She screamed, pushing her interlocutor to the ground.
A hand grenade bounced on the limousine’s roof before exploding, two seconds later. The car blew up, the windows burning out and the blast made the nearest people pop out a few meters away. Noah and his companions covered up their faces, protecting themselves from potential projectiles. They got nothing more than scratches. Yet, some security agents weren’t that lucky. Many of them who were around the car got seriously injured, with bleeding faces and fewer limbs. Noah’s ears were still ringing, hardly hearing anything, and his vision was a bit blurry so he was unsure of what he saw from far away. He noticed what looked like a small silhouette, on a building’s balcony, with a weird respirator mask on. It felt like it was staring at them. At least, it is what he thinks he saw, because, in the blink of an eye, the shadow was gone.
His senses were slowly coming back to him when he felt Nick’s hand on his shoulder, checking up on him.
“You’re okay ?” He asked.
“Yeah... I’m fine” The short brown haired replied “But, what was that ?”
“It was a threat.”
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yestrnight · 1 year
i'm so in love with your slime!reader series, (yes, so is everyone else. but. i'm Different, okay? i'm not Like Those Other Girls) it is infecting my brian
anyways, accept my offering of kaveh brain rot juice
cw for: dubcon, i think this is sexual torture, overstim, unrealistic amounts of cum(?), milking, mindbreak, my debatable writing skills, and lowkey sadism on slime's part
arrest me. i just want to see that man cry. listen, he's just a little soggy bread crumb of a man and i think he deserves to be milked into unconsciousness.
so, one day, like any other, you see kaveh scribbling away at his drawing desk. and as usual, he's having some trouble getting the work done. a bright idea pops into your otherwise empty, slimy head- and helpful little you decides to provide your master with some good encouragement! sucking him off under the desk and denying him release until he finishes his work! totally fool proof.
kaveh gets his work done in record time. is it good? doesn't matter, the only thought running around in his silly little fucked out brain is cumming. and you give him just that. except, you don't stop there.
at this point, all the orgasms have just melted together into one, long, torturously good high. kaveh is sure everyone in the neighborhood has heard his screams of pleasure, but it's not like he's in a position to care. the way you squelch and convulse around his poor, overstimmed dick has him scratching grooves into his work desk. his eyes haven't been anything but white for... how long, now? and he's drooling onto his already tear and sweat stained papers, but how can he focus on anything but the way you're draining his balls right now?
eventually, you've had to start holding him up yourself- his legs gave out a long while ago- but that's fine, at least now you can hold his spasming thighs apart while you fuck open both of his holes, and he's no longer trying to stop you! only now able to babble and sob incoherently, too shaky and ruined to do anything but take it. you do miss his desperate begging, sure, but he's pretty cute like this as well~!
you have to commend this man's stamina; even after being milked for hours, he's still providing you with plenty of that delicious cum you so crave- and he hasn't passed out yet! at least, you think- it's hard to tell at this point.
kaveh makes a noise that's between a groan and a scream; hoarse and low and so utterly guttural when you suck around his abused cockhead, and he might be having a seizure with the way his body thrashes from the feeling, the way his mouth opens in a silent scream, and the way that all that comes out is a choking, broken moan. you think he's orgasming again. but at this point, he's just been leaking cum for you like a faucet.
it feels like an eternity later when you release kaveh, letting his shaking body slide to the ground. his cum and your weird slime fluids mixing and dripping down his thighs, into your body, and onto the floor. just closing his legs feels like too much stimulation. as he struggles to recover, his fingers digging into the cum stained wood, and kaveh can't help but whimper and cry so pathetically, only barely comprehensible in his pitching little whines.
but you got him to finish his work, de-stress, and catch up on some much needed sleep! very proud of yourself, you clean your master (and the floor) up as best as you can at the moment, and drag his limp body into bed, where you can lick up his tears as he clings onto you.
hm... you think you'll do this again.
omg!!!!! this was so hot? op drop your url pls do you have some fics i can binge on...
and imagine! no way can whiny kaveh hide those pretty moans of his, and especially not from his roommate! alhaitham just listening into his senior's whines and your noisy slime noises as you slam your length into kaveh's prostate ◑﹏◐ he's palming himself through his leaking underwear, dick all hard and stiff. he doesn't know who he envies more— you or kaveh.
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choberr · 9 months
IHG Release (and an apology)
Alright, the Inablr Hunger Games are here. I'm not that proud with the final product because:
1-) I wasn't able to add photos
2-) The generator only let me use he/him and she/her pronouns
but this was the best I could do with 4-5 hours of work. Maybe more, I didn't count.
I have so many other concerns and stuff to talk about so I'll be just writing it below here
The process started out bad from the start. I didn't do any research before making the announcement - it was just a random idea from a Discord server. The lack of research, knowledge and experience all backfired to me in 24 hours. There were little to no chance for the participant number to grow further as Victory Road news came out and the posts drained under those. I had to think how to cover the issue.
I found a "solution" and thought it would all be fine after I released the poll. It only got worse.
First of all, there was a pronoun issue. This generator only had male and female in the gender section so I had to randomize many of your pronouns. This bothered me a lot.
Second, the pictures. The generator only allowed a photo to be put through and URL. However, when I tried to use the Tumblr profile photos (as any other person would try), it told me to change the URL. I tried many different times using various sites but it just didn't work. After around 2 or 3 hours of work, I gave up and did everything without the pictures.
Third, the empty slots. You can remember me releasing a poll, asking if I should "add ghosts into the empty slots" and me promising to preventing them from killing any of you guys in-game. I had to refresh the pages many times in order to keep my promise, and that exhausted me a lot.
In summary, the final product was not what I imagined at all, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't what you imagined either. The whole blame is on me - these all happened because of my lack of knowledge and experience and I'm ashamed of myself.
I'm sorry.
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streets-in-paradise · 1 month
Hey, did you hear that Orlando Bloom recently talked about how he disliked doing Troy?
Orli has been very open about his dislike for the character of Paris for years. At the time he was used to play epic heroes and, in comparison, Paris is like being downgraded to play Prince Charming from Shrek lol.
He hated Paris a lot, but he still gave a 10/10 performance. I can't imagine anyone else playing him.
Brad Pitt had a similar problem, part of why he played Achilles so well is because he was partially playing himself as a pissed off star with disdain for the creative decisions.
Eric Bana, on the other hand, always speaks fondly of his time doing the film. Same can be said for Brian Cox, who had a lot of fun and always has fun side comments to add everytime they ask him about it.
Last time, he had a " Look, i'm straight. But when I saw Brad Pitt walk in on the set of Troy? " moment lol.
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insanepoll · 1 year
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the narrator propaganda masterpost! i’ll update after each round
askbox: 1x. 2x. 3x. 4x. 5x. 6x. 7x. 8x. 9x. 10x. 11x. 12x. 13x.
reblogs: 1x.
[ID: white slide with a picture of the narrator on the far right side. next to him are 5 text boxes. the first two, on the far left corner, are screenshots of tags that read, “#I’m not saying I’m biased but #narrator literally fell in love with his imaginary friend sooo,” and, “#vote narrator. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🦅 🦅 🦅 🦅 🦅,” with the url cut out.
below that, a submission in a green text box reads, “no one is doing it like this guy. the entire movie/book is about his psychotic break without him realizing it. falls in love with his imaginary friend/hallucination thats the embodiment of toxic masculinity and socio-political anarchy. is in a love triangle with said imaginary friend and a woman he lowkey really doesn't like. the narrator wants/loves tyler - tyler wants marla - marla loves/wants the narrator. (i do think that tyler wants the narrator more but he knows he has him and so doesn't have to worry about him leaving unlike marla) he somehow keeps his psychotic break a secret from everyone and they all think he's knowingly the leader of the cult/fight club but he's in for a rude awakening. tyler breaks the news to him that he's not real and just a figment of the narrators imagination in a hotel room, leaves, and leaves a trail of clues so the narrator can find him like what???? (there's a homoerotic kiss with lye that burns the narrators hand).”
below that, a submission in a white text box reads, “He is literally insane. He has insomnia and then made up a whole guy, that he thought was real. He (essentially) gave himself a chemical burn. He shot himself in the face to get rid of his made up man. He had a fridge full of condiments. He loved Ikea. He pissed in soup. What more do you ask.”
the final one is another screenshot of tags that read, “#also the narrator should win #dude fell in love with his imaginary domestic terrorist bestie.” /End ID.]
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gumpistol · 3 months
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Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog!
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   *clears throat*  WILDER I LOVE YOOOOOU!! 
    wilder is, as they would say, just as "hamster-brained" as me! and if we had giant hamster balls, i imagine we would run into each other and fall over. no real reason, it's just a funny thought in my head! for realsies though, they really do support the chaotic gremlin energy that i want to put out and i appreciate it so so much! they are so incredibly friendly and authentic and fucking hilarious even if they don't think so. it's not uncommon to find myself having long conversations with them about any topic, whether silly muse things, deep character analysis, or just life in general ( we have a few things in common teehee~ ). they are an open and understanding person who has successfully made me cry ( yes wilder, you did it, you achieved that heart event ), and they make it easier and comfortable to want to unmask and be myself. :) 
    that being said, wilder's doflamingo portrayal is *chef's kiss*. i never thought i'd ever really want to write with a doffy, because in all honesty his character scares me, but wilder writes him so well, and they recognize, analyze, and portray all of his mental health issues without trying to redeem him or make excuses for his behaviors as a character. any time they talk about him on the dash or in my DMs, i can't help but nod and say to myself 'yes, yes wilder, you get it!!' i fully trust them to write doflamingo's character in an interesting and appropriate way that gets me excited to write with them! even when their doffy is so incredibly accurate and unsettling and creepy. 
    but i can't not mention that they also write an amazing rosinante?! who makes me feel sunshine and warmth and all smiley when i read wilder's stuff for him — smiley like the smiley potatoes that rosi gave luffy for valentine's day~ i've been giving so much attention to doffy, but i definitely need to write more threads with their rosi as well!
    i know we BOTH get anxious about the fact that we can never shut the fuck up, but i really do appreciate wilder for talking with me a lot and humoring my ideas. they are so willing to listen to me ramble about my OC and to jump into interacting/plotting in some of my verses and ships, and it makes me that much more excited to write as a result! i love them very many and they deserve so much kindness and tenderness and love, as someone who so openly offers it themself.
    anyway, wilder and i are running away together and moving to seattle, and rabbit doesn't know this yet, but he's coming with us. <3
sent by: @enruiinas & @ferromagnetiic for: @mingos
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darsynia · 1 year
Present Imperfect | Ch. 4. Day Three - Morning
Busy holiday morning, titled it 'chapter 3' by accident, can't fix link URL
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Written for @endlesstwanted for @tonysbirthdaygala!
Summary: After losing Pepper to Extremis, Tony decides to get the shrapnel (and thus his arc reactor) removed– but he wakes up as President of the United States.
Tony’s heart surgery is the last thing he remembers, a worst-case amnesia scenario that leaves the country with a leader who doesn’t remember the last year of office, the election, or his marriage to the First Lady, Natasha Romanoff Stark. Length/Warnings: 2,597 words // Sexual Content
Tags: @sobeautifullyobsessed @chickensarentcheap
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While he waits for them to dig Natasha out of whatever multi-headed HYDRA meeting she’s in, Tony makes himself more comfortable. After all, he needs to look like he is seconds away from a meltdown. As he rolls up his sleeves, he wonders whether they’ll try drugging him in the guise of treating the memory loss. Something tells him that Nat won’t want things to get so far as an easily poisoned IV in his arm.
He’s undoing his fourth button when the door opens (again without a knock, something to remember), revealing an irritated-looking Cora and Natasha.
Tony walks right over to the ‘First Lady’ and pulls her close with one possessive hand at her hips and another sunk into those delightful curls at the base of her neck. The surprise on her face isn’t tinged with annoyance, and she doesn’t resist him at all, so he bends his head and kisses her, open-mouthed and greedy. It isn’t a first kiss kind of kiss. Tony knows they're on display, and he intends to show off. 
He’d forgotten who he's dealing with.
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Day Three - Morning
Tony’s halfway through the most dour breakfast imaginable when he realizes he should have asked Nat how patient these fucks are planning to be.
From their performance this morning, he’s concluding not very.
The ‘news’ they’ve brought him is dire: two more coordinated attacks, one at the Library of Congress, another paralyzing the subway system. None of it is convincing-- their lack of news footage, the absence of shock, fear, or urgency in anyone’s demeanor, the fact that no one’s phone is ringing, that he hasn’t even met his Press Secretary, the list goes on. The thing is, if he starts showcasing the flaws in HYDRA’s arguments, they might resort to ‘enhanced interrogation tactics.'
Instead, Tony feigns deep concern and starts laying the groundwork to ask for Natasha. He starts by seeming unable to keep his hands still. Soon, he’s rocking and swaying the chair, which doesn’t squeak, a clear sign they’d bought brand-new shit for this endeavor. Amateurs. Finally, he stands, circling the room as he listens to the way his inept captors wind their prognostications toward their inevitable target, the scepter.
He takes great delight in figuring out exactly when their designated fall guy is about to demand Tony save them from their pretend crisis. Just as that man opens his mouth, Tony holds up both hands, quickening his breaths to make his chest heave.
“I need a breather. I need-- I need Nat. Yeah. She’ll, she’ll help. Look I know. I get it, leader of the free world and he’s completely pussywhipped, I’ve read the articles, believe me, but you’ve seen her, right? She’s smart as a whip, too. That’s why you all gave her the highest clearances.” Tony even fumbles in the act of loosening his tie. He’s grateful that the real danger he’s in has at least prompted his body to sweat buckets. Brilliant realism, that.
“No, you know this. All of you know this. It’s,” Tony snaps his fingers as though trying to remember something, points at Cora, who is (probably evilly) lurking in the corner. He reminds himself that Natasha had warned him there were still a few goons smart enough to figure them out, and though she hadn’t said who they were, one of them has to be Cora. “Help me out?”
“The PP protocol?” she asks, her expression pristine.
Tony mentally puts her on the list of people he definitely wants to punch in the face, if he gets the chance. “Yes! Panic Protection Protocol, right? We kept fighting over whether it was P Cubed or not.”
The metallic pang of adrenaline reminds him that taunting these people is exactly what Natasha warned against, but the hilarious truth is, Tony would be like this anyway. Whether or not he was certain this was fake. He tells himself that having a realistic Tony Stark Reaction may just keep them alive.
His exchange with Cora has caused some ruckus at the serious guys table, with multiple be-suited men shuffling their fake papers and grumbling.
“Didn’t I ask for a list of contingency plans in time for this meeting?” Tony wondered aloud.
“Not that I recall, sir?” the man he’d asked for a list of contingency plans in time for the meeting says, with a straight face.
Ah, so gaslighting is on the table, is it? Excellent.
“Sounds like you’d better adjourn and whip one up while I’m conferring with the missus,” Tony says sternly. “Meeting adjourned.”
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They put him in the Fauxval Office, rather than the bedroom, which is optimistic for them and problematic for him. Natasha’s EMP balls (which are totally blue, even though that had been a guess on his part) need to be charged after each use, something that would risk exposure to do. He doesn’t want to use up shit like that in the planning stages.
While he waits for them to dig Natasha out of whatever multi-headed HYDRA meeting she’s in, Tony makes himself more comfortable. After all, he needs to look like he is seconds away from a meltdown. As he rolls up his sleeves, he wonders whether they’ll try drugging him in the guise of treating the memory loss. Something tells him that Nat won’t want things to get so far as an easily poisoned IV in his arm.
He’s undoing his fourth button when the door opens (again without a knock, something to remember), revealing an irritated-looking Cora and Natasha.
Tony walks right over to the ‘First Lady’ and pulls her close with one possessive hand at her hips and another sunk into those delightful curls at the base of her neck. The surprise on her face isn’t tinged with annoyance, and she doesn’t resist him at all, so he bends his head and kisses her, open-mouthed and greedy. It isn’t a first kiss kind of kiss. Tony knows they're on display, and he intends to show off. 
He’d forgotten who he's dealing with.
Natasha Romanoff is lightning in his hands. He’d curled his tongue into her mouth in a way that anyone watching could see in detail, but seconds later, Tony is pulling her impossibly closer. The bitter flavor of coffee and the sweetness of Natasha herself sends electricity through him as surely as if she’d struck him with one of her hidden weapons.
He’d foolishly expected her not to kiss back. He’s soon shown how wrong that was, as she grabs his collar and shimmies up against him, meeting his tongue with clever little teasing swipes. No amount of clothing between them can hide his growing appreciation of the moment-- but as always, Natasha Romanoff has tricks up her sleeve. 
She starts moving backwards, dragging her nails along the nape of his neck and down to the open neckline of his shirt. Despite his hand in her hair, she breaks the kiss and presses her lips to his neck with the barest scrape of her teeth. Tony throws his head back and groans, catching Cora’s wide-eyed glimpse as Nat herds her out through the open doorway, using the door itself to do it. It probably looks like the two of them are frantic with each other (and they are), but as soon as her back hits the door, Nat kisses her way up to his ear.
“The door is a blind spot, but only by a foot. We’ll have to keep this up and whisper.” 
He’s still processing her words when Natasha pulls her head back and strikes the door with it in a swift, jerk of a motion; anyone on the other side of the door would definitely interpret it as sexual enthusiasm.
He’s not entirely sure that’s a lie. Tony’s been celibate since Pepper (not without trying, but the one time was a former FWB and had been a mistake. He’d ended up getting upset and leaving without doing anything), but something about this moment, about this woman is… the only term he can think of is healing. If he makes a ‘sexual healing’ joke to Natasha Romanoff, though, she’ll definitely arrange for an assassination. Not the ‘fun’ kind, either.
She’s still stroking the back of his neck, and Tony grabs both of her hands, holding her gaze as he slowly pins them to the door with his palms, beside her head. Predictably, this does nothing to cool his ardor.
“Are you playing along, or do you believe me?” Natasha suddenly asks in a whisper absent of almost all sibilants.
He lets go of her hands, but Natasha leaves them in place, choosing to stop him from backing away by locking a leg around his, digging her heel into the back of one knee. Tony pitches forward, catching himself on the door and making it rattle.
“You’re barely phased by any of this, except maybe worrying about whether anyone wants to kill you!” She’s glaring up at him, and despite the way he’s pressed against her, his arms blocking her in, Tony feels far more pinned than she is, right now.
He has an answer, but it’s not one she’s going to like. He doesn’t like it either.
“Natash-- Look, the past eight years have been punctuated by one betrayal after another. Even the ones that shouldn’t count, like Pepper dying.” The thing he doesn’t want to say, doesn’t want to think, hasn’t let himself think bubbles up, and it’s all he can do to keep his voice down. “Who was the first person you put on the phone with me, hmm? Rhodey. You’re telling me that your precious SHIELD’s been infiltrated for years, well how long for him? He took my suit, gave it to the government, did he give it to them? Was Obie involved?” Tony shoves off from the door, breaking free of her leg with the force of his anger. He strikes at the arc on his chest. “Is that why THIS happened?”
Natasha looks stricken, but she’s shaking her head. Slowly, she straightens, walking the few steps over to him, one hand already reaching for his face before she gets there. Placing it gently on his cheek, she guides him down even as she lifts up to meet his lips. Tony’s emotions are boiling over, but there’s no mistaking that there’s genuine emotion in these actions.
She kisses his lips sweetly and briefly once, twice, before brushing a caress with her thumb over the tear he hadn’t even realized had escaped his eye. “It’s an AI-generated voice, Tony. I can tell you for a fact that Rhodey has barely slept at all, looking for you.”
He’s so relieved, he pulls her into a tight embrace that she freely returns. The moment is so powerful he forgets where they are, almost forgets who they are until she shifts in his embrace to unbutton his dress shirt further. Tony instinctively rests his hands on hers to stop her.
“We can’t let this opportunity pass,” Nat whispers, “--but I promise you, I’ll get you out of here. That’s why I’m here. Why I’m here,” she reiterates, pulling his shirt tails out of his pants before patting him on the chest. “If anyone else hurts you, I’ll kill them.” The fierceness in her voice jolts him back to minutes before, when she’d kissed him back like a joyful lioness.
Somehow he’s gone from betrayed to protected, from hunted to the huntress’s ally, and all of it is thanks to Natasha.
“Back to the door, to be safe,” Nat says, wiggling a little bit beside him before swinging around and heading over. He follows, but stops when he treads on something soft-- it’s her panties.
Tony goes from thoughtful to tempted in three seconds flat.
“You seriously need to stop punctuating arguments with those!” he says loudly, scooping them up (they’re warm. Of course they’re warm! They’re WARM!! his distracted, horny mind screams) and stuffing them into his pocket.
“Put your hand on my hip under my skirt,” she whispers, gesturing at the (thankfully voluminous) garment impatiently.
“I don’t know if I have enough self control for that,” he says, loud enough for surveillance to hear.
“Goddamnit, Tony!” she says, also full voice. With a furious, somewhat wild-eyed glare up at him, Natasha grabs his right hand and crams it under her skirt. He ends up with a handful of soft hip, his thumb close enough to what feels like close-cropped pubic hair to completely sizzle his insides, head to toe.
Frustrated, full of adrenaline, and furious, Tony drags her flush against him, spinning them out from the door just far enough to be fully visible for the camera. Then he kisses her brutally, desperately, both a punishment and a cry for mercy in the best way, perhaps the only way he really knows how. She’s entirely on board, and somehow they end up at the desk, pushing aside everything in reach with reckless enthusiasm.
Tony’s hand inevitably slips further toward the heat of Natasha’s inner thigh in the process, and as his thumb breaches that unspoken boundary and swipes across her folds, both of them groan. They’re on camera, kissing each other like real lovers, both engaged in multiple layers of deception-- but she’s wet.  
“I shouldn’t--” Tony whispers against the shell of her ear, as much a kiss as spoken words. “We should be planning, and I shouldn’t--”
“Fuck you, Tony Stark. Please?” Nat practically growls at him.
That’s all he needs. Tony hikes up her leg and delves his fingers into her. It’s like he’s seeking out the very core of Natasha, the core of him, too, given the way those movements wrack his own body with pleasure.
Her hand worms down between them to press against his erection, offset as they are, with Tony mostly seated on the front edge of the desk.
“What’s that thing about playing with fire?” he teases, for their captive audience as much as for her edification. The words come out on a groan, as the liquid velvet encasing his fingers feels almost as good as if he were tasting her, instead. “Is this,” he whispers, swirling his tongue in her mouth in between every few words, as quiet as he can with orgasms nigh. “--going to damage your, fuck, credibility?” Somehow she’s scraping the outside of his pants with a fingernail right at the tip of his cock. Tony curls his fingers inside her and is rewarded with the sting of her fingernails digging into his bare back, beneath his undershirt.
“I’ve got you wrapped around my finger,” she mutters, clenching around his fingers as though daring him to object to the dichotomy.
“Somehow this got way out of hand,” he vocalizes loudly, using that moment to press his thumb directly on her swollen clit and hold it there, without moving.
“I never voted for you,” Natasha says with sarcastic sweetness, and comes.
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The staff are traumatized enough to allow the two of them to dip into the Presidential bedroom to ‘clean up.’ There’s something humbling about the way she hands him new underwear and a warm washcloth before anything else. He’d thought she had stopped at the dresser to grab things for herself.
Tony tries not to think about JARVIS taunting him for having his ass on camera yet again, as he strips off just at the bathroom doorway. The water’s running, but they need to use this time, since they ‘squandered’ so much planning time already.
“Seriously, though. What will you tell them?” he asks her as he wipes off with the washcloth. He's twisted to the side, and it's uncomfortable, but Tony’s already shoved his metaphorical dick in her face multiple times today. He doesn’t need to show her his real dick, too.
“That my willingness to act like your actual wife has mostly convinced you this is real, but you’re still so shell-shocked by it all that you won’t stop making jokes.”
“Okay, fair,” he allows, tossing his soiled washcloth into the sink with hers. “Next steps?”
“Plan B?” she scrunches her face at him.
Tony stares at her even though there hadn’t even been genital to genital contact, and Natasha laughs.
“Not the contraceptive. B is HYDRA’s strategy to persuade you to give up the scepter’s location, and they’ve already started.” Nat’s lips are tilted into a smug smile, but he’ll give her that one.
“Right, ‘oh no, Mr. President, the world is ending! Won’t you please give us the mind control stick so we can make it end faster?’”
“Pretty much, yeah,” she shrugs, turning the water on to obscure their words just in case. “The thing about that is, I’ve been collecting the audio files from all the rooms and sending them to Fury.”
“Natasha, I could kiss you!” Tony says, grinning. He can see that she’s amused despite herself, but there’s also a little hint of self-consciousness brewing around her eyes, so he adds (in a whisper because if the goons find out, their stupidity won’t stop them from getting violent), “Seriously, that’s genius. I make them detail out why they want it, and you send the file to Fury.”
“I’m not sure it’s enough.” She leans in to look at herself closely in the mirror, face apparently scrubbed clean and he hadn’t even noticed. “What we just did gave me an idea, a better one than what I was going to do.”
“Hit me,” Tony says. Nat shoots him a look that does strike him, but in a completely different way than she probably intended. Luckily, she’s already explaining herself while re-applying her makeup, so he shoulders up against the door frame to listen and watch.
“They put recording devices everywhere--”
“Because I talk to myself.”
“Yeah. All but in this room. I told them I’d disable any audio surveillance they tried to put in here, and then I demonstrated what I’d do to anyone who tried to do it anyway.” Natasha’s hands don’t even pause, and her tone of voice doesn’t change, but there’s an iron promise in her words that he completely believes. “There’s a meeting room they’re saving as a break-out from the Situation Room, but I think I’ve convinced them you’d be much more persuaded by recordings of concerned citizens than one or two prestigious jackasses. It’s off the table for now; I think I can steal that particular bug and infect the main HYDRA planning room with it.”
“Do they have their own Goon Squad, complete with surveillance footage and sensitive conversations going on at all hours?” he asks, incredulous.
“Endless coffee and donuts, too. It’s how Fury’s planning to send in reinforcements, when the time is right. He’s already got the intern that delivers them under 24 hour watch. The kid still sleeps at home, you see. Not important enough for a space in the secret lair.” The scorn in Natasha’s voice is palpable.
“At this rate, I might be worried about the structural integrity of the whole bunker!”
“Don’t be. Your father built it,” Nat says, pursing her lips after a final application of lipstick. She’d been beautiful before, but now she’s stunning. Tony’s starting to worry that the cover on his arc isn’t any good at protecting his heart.
With a Herculean (but hopefully not Sisyphean) effort, he redirects his thoughts back to saving their lives and ruining HYDRA’s. “Wait, wait, you said you had a plan of how to get the bug out of the side room?”
She pushes past him brusquely. “Tony, you’re not wearing any pants.”
He looks down. She’s right. Before he can look back up, he’s hit in the face with a new pair.
“Don’t change the subject,” Tony shoots back weakly.
“Technically, I’m not. I’m thinking we drive them crazy by being driven crazy. By each other.”
He finishes zipping and looks over at her. She’s got one hip cocked, hot-rod red lips, and a challenging expression. Her plan is already working. “Yeah?”
"Step one, we look for new places to fuck and discover that office. Step two, we leave behind evidence that we 'accidentally' destroyed the bug. Step three, they replace it--"
"Step four, they incriminate themselves. Brilliant." He’s not looking forward to Step One. Not looking forward to that. NOT.
He is.
“Natasha Romanoff, you might just be my favorite First Lady.”
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Next Chapter...
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agentravensong · 2 years
While I'm here, I wanted to say something else:
I'm pretty sure Tenna is going to be the main boss of chapter 3, not Mike - and I don't think Mike is going to be the secret boss either.
Between the damn_you_tenna page (btw, has anyone picked up on the url maybe being a utena reference? just me? cool) and the Twitter Q&A, it seems pretty clear that a) the TV (Tenna) and Mike are separate characters, and b) that Spamton hates the TV/Tenna, but cares about Mike. Perhaps even considers (considered?) him a friend.
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The two things that make me think Tenna will be the main boss of the chapter are:
a) We've gotten multiple direct hints to their existence now, from both all this and in-game, with the smile appearing in the TV static as the last image we get from Chapter 2. An obvious cliffhanger - too obvious for their existence to be a surprise like with the other secret bosses. I mean, they're called "secret bosses" for a reason. Remember, Jevil gave no hints about Spamton, but he *did* give a hint about Queen.
b) The tweet makes a reference to "THAT [Cathode]'s CREW". If we assume this is referring to Tenna, which makes sense based on the use of cathodes in CRT televisions (and recall the line from Spamton's fight about turning "THOSE [Cathode Screens] INTO [Cathode Screams]"), then it makes me think there are multiple other characters working for Tenna. Miniboss-type characters that our crew will have to contend with over the course of Chapter 3. (This is also supported by Spamton saying "EVERYONE WILL PAY" except Mike, implying that there are multiple people at fault in his eyes, even if it all comes back to Tenna.) And, structure-wise, it makes a lot more sense for the main boss of the chapter to have a bunch of encounters with lackeys building up to their battle than the secret boss.
Now, as for Mike... my thinking with him is that, again, he's already been hinted at too much to be a proper secret boss. Though, it could start being a trend now that we're two of seven chapters in that secret bosses start getting hinted at, I suppose.
The other thing is that he seems to have been Spamton's friend, specifically during his Big Shot era, whom he lost contact with (likely, cut Spamton off). And yes, Spamton is a boss (in video game terms), but what elevated him to the level of climatic secret boss was his attempts to transcend his Darkner status by taking the NEO body and then Kris's SOUL... not just being a salesman who appeared on TV sometimes. Maybe Mike has gone off the deep end since then, but at current, for as little as we know about him, he just seems like... some guy.
My prediction for him right now is that he'll be more of a Sweet Cap'n Cakes type, where we fight him - perhaps because he initially thinks we're working with/for Tenna - but then he becomes our ally, whom we may actively try to protect from Tenna's crew.
That all being said, it's worth keeping in mind that Spamton is... an unreliable narrator. It's possible that Tenna and their crew aren't actually that devious; that they aren't the bad guys.
...then again...
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...maybe not.
EDIT - I almost forgot one other thing that makes me think Mike won't be the secret boss:
Tenna as the main boss of Chapter 3 will put the focus on the entertainment side of this Dark World. I'm sure there will some personal ties back to the Dreemurr family with them being the TV that got unplugged by them some time ago and being the centerpiece of the living room (I can only imagine the things they've seen/heard), but, at the end of the day, they're a TV character in a TV world.
So, it would make sense to me if the secret boss is derived from a different element of the Dreemurr household more specifically focused on Dreemurr family backstory. Something like the discarded flowers in the trash can, or the missing green crayon, or any other number of forgotten, non-TV related items. Which, assuming Mike is a microphone or something similarly tied to the TV / its shows, would not include him.
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hoodedchishiya · 7 months
(I’m assuming this was for this meme 😂)
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I love Kuzuryū and wish he had more screen time. I think he’s a really interesting character and I would have loved to see his bond with Chishiya because I’ve always pictured they were quite close with them being two of the most smartest players. I would have also liked to see more of his backstory. All in all, Kuzuryū is a cool guy and I like his character.
How they play them: I adore how @diamond-attorney-keiichi plays Kuzuryū. They deliver the seriousness and wiseness we see in Kuzuryū from the show and I love that we gave him and Chishiya a sort of father-son bond. It’s exactly how I imagined they were together and it makes me so happy that someone else sees it too. All around brilliant portrayal.
The Mun: I haven’t spoken to the Mun much out of character, but I can tell that they’re a genuine and nice person. Definitely one of my fave blogs on here both because of the portrayal and because of the person.
Do I:
RP with them: Not often, but our asks and memes exchange always make me smile.
Want to RP with them: Of course I do. I’d be down for a plot any time.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: My overall opinion is that the blog is a 10/10. The portrayal is a 10/10 and the Mun is a 10/10. Incredible blog, would recommend a follow.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
~Mun ❤️
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goldensunset · 2 years
initial thoughts on volo (seeing as i’ve already been spoiled that he’s a bad guy apparently):
•he doesn’t seem particularly sus or anything but he does seem unusually nosy in my business for someone i don’t work with
•tbh i forgot who he said he was. a merchant or something? i mean he’s got pokémon of his own so he’s not just some guy right. but he also seems interested in our research… sir who are you?? what is your career path?? or i guess the right way to ask this is, what do you want?
•very hyperactive. kind of a prankster. he came up from behind and tried to scare me. you could write that off as either sus behavior or just a funny character quirk but then they gave a legitimate reason for it (a tutorial for sneaking up behind pokémon to make catching/fighting them easier; and he was doing the same to me to demonstrate its effectiveness). so i’d say that seems fine tbh. i thought it was funny. too bad my character didn’t react more lol
•they zoom in on his face a lot. i think his facial structure looks more detailed than a lot of other characters’ models but maybe that’s just me. his facial expression also seems a little,, idk. staring into your soul, but with a grin? nice but really intense
•yeah i think ‘nice but intense’ sums up how i feel about him. he seems like a friendly guy but way too wound up about things in a way that kinda concerns me. he has done nothing but good things for me but he’s standing out from other characters in my mind
•of course that could just be my imagination’s bias since i already know something is up. i can’t help but hyperanalyze everything about him and separate him from the others, even if i’m not trying to
•but also,, unlike the other recurring characters he doesn’t seem to like. have a home base i guess. every time he’s there it’s because he makes himself there. he just shows up and disappears. where is he coming from? where is he going? idk. that objectively makes him stand out more if he’s not just some village person
•someone in the mutuals circle on here has the username volos-wish (if you’re reading this hi). i’m guessing that’s a canon url in some way. what is his wish. how is it significant. does he have it granted. or maybe it’s not a canon url and i’m thinking too hard. but i won’t know until i beat the game so until then i’ll have no choice but to keep that in my mind
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pa1ntsta1n · 2 years
Double date?
Part 1 of the idea i had in my head lol.
Unedited and probably doesnt make sense,
Have fun reading! Ill prob delete it in a few anyways lol,
Ever since last night, Levi’s day has been shit. He’s realised he lost his key’s, he’s out of food so he cant go out and buy some instead of order junk food, he’s even more sleep deprived than usual because he had to pick his lock to get in, AND he stubbed his toe while searching his apartment.
After repeatedly checking his apartment (a total of 10 times in the past 2 hours) he ultimately gave up. instead reaching for his phone to text his mother,
Hey mom, can i borrow your spare keys for my apartment?, i need to get another copy.
Of course! What happened to your original pair?
I dont know, i lost them yesterday
Alright, im still at work right now, ill text you when im home.
Or you do you want kenny to bring the keys to you?,
No thanks, id rather not trust him with a car.
Bye mom, love you.
Love you too! ❤️❤️
Releasing a sigh of relief, he paused before he closed his phone to take a shower. As if on cue he was attacked with a frenzy of texts from no other, than hanji themself.
Are you alright??
You mean them??
The person levi could NOT take his eyes off??
stfu four eyes.
my phone’s about to explode thanks to you
No im not watching a random tiktok u sent me.
Last time i open one i was traumatised after.
Its worth it Levi. They found your keys.
And with that single thought in mind he clicked the link. Ignoring the thundering notifications all stemming from the groupchat, he continued to watch.
A familiar head of hair filled his view, as the text-to-speech voice started, “to the hot guy in all black at Rose Clinical Vet, 1st of march, at 9am, with the adorable calico cat,
I think our cats fell in love<3.
And i found your keys!”.
Indeed it was them(aka you😍😍✋), the same person who was at the vet when levi left, and the one who walked out of the groomer’s across the street.
Eagerly waiting for the vet to call him into the room, his cat anxiously wriggling around in her carrier, in attempts to calm her down, he mutters “shht, ur fine, ur okay. This wont be long, trust me i dont wanna be here either.”
Turning his attention now to his phone, he pulls his keys out to give to Pip, his cat.
(Kuchel thought he was lonely so she got him a kitten 2 years before. Pip was the runt and a stray so according to Kenny, it was the perfect match, so he started calling the kitten Pipsqueak, then it just stuck.)
His reassuring words dont work on poor Pip though, not until the entry bell rang and Pip went silent. The two cats did indeed fall in love, the cream maine coon maintaining eye contact with the younger calico.
Levi completely oblivious and glad his cat stopped complaining just mindlessly went on with his morning.
This was until his name was called to bring Pip into the doctor’s office and he caught the sight of them.
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onewingedsparrow · 9 months
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
Feel free to answer privately instead, if you wish :)
For this ask game
Hi, Nova! 💜 Ooh, these are very fun choices ✨ @novafire-is-thinking This took me a while to answer, but I finally got it done, lol.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does? This is way too broad a question 😂 I get inspired all the time from literally...anything. How do I know what inspires me the "most"? I guess I'll just answer for each? Place: Driving!!! I get truckloads of Transformers ideas as I drive. I spot vehicles and envision whose alt mode that is. I eye road signs and think of metaphors for storyboarding. I listen to the symphony of the road and imagine sound design to fit an action movie. I spy the real actual Bumblebee and shoot him a wink because I know it's him. I get so much inspiration from driving. I chose the alt modes for my Shockwave and Soundwave because of real cars I saw beside me on the road :D Thing: Honestly anything in nature. A leaf. A bug. A crack in the sidewalk where plants grow through. The shape of a cloud. Distant birdsong. Sunlight hitting the ground just right. Raindrops. A bunny. A spiderweb. Etc. Activity: Listening to music or going on a walk! (Those are mutually exclusive btw.) How I express myself when I get inspired: anything from writing to daydreaming to dancing to singing to composing to...well. Anything, really.
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you? It's a long story. <3 Too long to fit into one ask answer 😂 I don't name things lightly. Sometimes, I stumble upon a name very quickly, but more often than not, I will ponder and puzzle and scheme and muse until I find the perfect name...especially when it is meant to be one of my own. That's what happened with my url. To keep it simple though, the short answer is: "One Winged Angel," Robin from Batman, and Owl City. It is so much deeper than what those three ideas convey, but those are the pillars for certain. If you are curious and wish to hear the long story, Nova, I would be happy to DM it. ❤️
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? So many things! What matters the most to me is how well the giftee knows me, because their gift will reflect that. Is it Nerdy and / or relevant to my interests? Do the colors catch my eye with their beauty? Will it be useful to my Nerd work? Is it some reference to an inside joke between us? (Shoutout to my brother for the one time he gave me the Christmas gift of a generic blue wooden cube covered with inspirational sayings...simply because it reminded him of an Energon Cube, which was a tribute to our time watching TFP, RiD and Cyberverse together, beginning to end. That Cube sits near my desk, and I deliberately position my Transformers figures beside the sayings "It's gonna BE okay" and "BElieve in yourself" because, you know, 'Bee! ✨It's a gift that no one else would ever give me, especially for that specific reason, and that's why it's one of my most precious belongings. It's also great because no one would ever make the connection between that Cube and Transformers just by looking at it. A sweet inside joke indeed.) But if I have to pick specific items, I like DVD's and CD's and video games, cookies, fantasy books, good-quality electronics (for music and gaming), fanart prints / merch / etc., posters, keychains, Transformers and horse figures...yeah I'm very easy to shop for, lol. What can I say, I like art that brings me joy every time I look at / listen to it :D I also love Nerdy T-shirts but no one can ever get my size right so that one's hit or miss. (EVERYONE thinks I'm so much smaller than I actually am. Smh. I like giant T-shirts anyway but no one remembers that, haha. Once in a blue moon, when someone gets me a Nerdy T-shirt and the color actually works with my skin tone and the size actually fits or is beautifully oversized, it's amazing.)
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about? Hmm it would really depend on who was calling. I would shift the conversation topic depending on the person. But if it was one of my amica endurae.... If he called me, I would tell him all about where I've gone in life since we last saw each other, and how pumped I am about Transformers (that's a recent development he never knew about, which is a shame because he is literally the 'Bee to my 'Cee), and about the conventions and concerts I got to go to and the writing I got to put out there...and I'd tell him how much I miss him. <3
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