#imagine if you went to this high school
gertritude-art · 2 years
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it probably helps that i am only 23 and look back upon my teen years with agony!
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stinkrascal · 11 months
im sorry but ppl who say shit like “i just dont remember faces/dates/names/etc” and use that as an excuse to literally just ignore every detail about their peers are FREAKS. i was talking to this guy who said this shit to me and then he boldly brags about how he couldnt even remember his own girlfriend’s birthday or NAME until three years of dating her like sir this isn’t a funny relatable quirky moment, you sound dismissive, uncaring, self absorbed, and like you don’t view others as human 😁🫵🏻
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floral-hex · 1 year
So this chick has been on-and-off again stalking me since high school. I could go into paragraphs of detail (I was about to), but no one wants to read all of that. Suffice to say, I guess she’s had some kind of crush on me for about 15-20 years or so (why??), and every few years it seems she pops up somewhere contacting me to try to persuade me to give her a chance. I should mention we never talked in high school, I actively avoided her, told her I didn’t like her, etc. nothing doing.
Anyway, somehow she’s been on one of my social media pages and saw I was having a hard time lately, so she found my phone number (what?? I hate that you can just find that online) and texted me out of the blue yesterday. Usual protocol is ignore and block so I don’t piss off an unstable person, but they decided to be gross, so
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I wasn’t planning on posting anything about this before. If they were creeping around on my pages, mentioning it would only feed into them. Maybe. I don’t know. But this just kind of made me really uncomfortable and their response was shitty. I could have been a lot meaner. I wanted to be. But whatever, that wouldn’t have helped. So I just blocked them and hope that this time it sticks. If they see this, then hey… not cool.
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sometimes it's so fun to casually mention your age and see the eyes of the guys who have flirted with/hooked up widen, as they realize they accidentally chose the youngest person at the table
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shuriflurry · 10 months
Hey, welcome to the world of toh criticism! Glad to have you here. I second all of your thoughts on toh's worldbuilding, there was absolutely no effort put in there other than 'what if human world but ugly'. And you are so right about the school's placement system. Why they thought it made sense for the only courses they offer to be a kindergarten level class and an advanced class for high schoolers, with the only thing separating them being knowledge of two spells, is beyond me. I'm excited for you to get to Belos though, he does give the series that much-needed plot structure and while they do drop the ball on his story it's really only towards the end and he's easily the series' strongest (or only strong) point up until then.
Thank you! Happy to be here 😁 and yessss I am so looking forward to plot. The episodic nature of the show is driving me mad. Especially when they are blatently copying story beats from other media (I'm looking directly at the episode where Luz goes to school for the first time and most of the jokes/events are obviously taken from HP)
The school's advanced placement system is so fun to make jokes about. @monkeymindscream and I got much enjoyment out of that.
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viktortittiforov · 3 months
the 2010s sure were a time in my life
#there's just....... there's just something about that time#it might have something to do with 2011 being the year i started high school and 2019 being the year i finished my BA#and also the last year before the pandemic#I DON'T KNOW I JUST. THINKING BACK ON IT THERE IS THIS MYSTIQUE TO THAT TIME. THIS STRANGE EXCITEMENT#which is most likely a result of me finally beginning to feel like i can shape my own life and who i am and daydreaming abt a better future#and like exploring myself. in 2010 i turned 14 and fully realised i'm bi and throughout the decade#i experimented with a variety of different like...... identifications and imaginations of who i am#some of those were quite consumer identities (e.g. i strove to be and was a very hipster teen) but nevertheless#i don't know dudes like. the pandemic took a lot from me in terms of ability to be excited about what's to come i think#even though my life is pretty good i'd say#but also maybe that's just what it's like to grow into adulthood and get a job etc. SIGH why am i writing an entire fucking essay#abt my 2010s teenagehood nostalgia#like majority of those years also SUCKED because i had zero real irl friends and was really lonely lmfao#it felt like life didn't really start for me yet#and i was constantly waiting to burst into it. maybe that's the mystique. constantly hoping i am on the precipice of smth extraordinary#is nostalgia for one's teenage yrs inevitable? even if you feel like you missed out on most experiences considered quintessentially teenage?#i only started having Teenage Experiences™ when i went to uni lmfao (i.e. early 20s)#but idk it's such a loaded period psychologically and it's horrible and frustrating when you're living it but then you think back on it#and you're like man..... sure was a time huh. wow#but idk my experience could also be influenced by so many other variables#e.g. smartphones and social networks becoming widespread and common#that was also a pretty significant thing that happened#anyway i think i'm abt to run out of tags so. that's it#sry this shoulda gone into my diary probably but i inflicted it on you instead#neptalks
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erthhy · 11 months
So you are telling Ren’s parents send this whole ass middle school kid alone to a design school in france? Like sir he is fourteen and it’s an higher education school
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jojosbizzarewife · 4 months
HEAR. ME. OUT. What if Yasuho had a similar family to the Higashikatas (in family size) and they moved away with her father when her parents divorced and the only reason she’s ever told Gappy is because they’re in town “Hey wanna meet my siblings? They’re in town!” “… YOU HAVE SIBLINGS?????” I know it’s kind of a wacky ask but what iffffff
Okay, YEA, so - I picture Yasuho as the second youngest (of 4 + dog) - they aren't particularly close, but they are family
Older sister (15 years older - married with 2 kids) Older brother (11 years older) A dog named Josuke (1 year older) Yasuho (the only one with pink hair - a save the marriage baby, also why she stays with her mom after the divorce) Younger half-sister (13 years younger) (also why I think she's so great with Tsurugi)
Imagine - Beach Day
They decide to get together and spend the day at the beach
have a little picnic
with food Gappy brings from Higashikata Fruit Parlor Cafe (you know he asks Norisuke for help packing a lunch because he's so nervous and wants to make a good impression)
build sandcastles
Gappy lets Yasuho's little sister, niece, and nephew bury him in the sand He then tells Yasuho its just like when they met 🥺😭
Beach volleyball
Losing team has to set up the picnic
Joshu invites himself along - gets along with Yasuho's older brother, who is bitter/a little bitchy about Yasuho not going with their dad ("she doesn't know what's good for her" gang) Yasuho's dad always brings her a big bag of candy, whenever he visits (he's not sure what else to get her)
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vrsmth · 9 months
being the only autistic kid in a small town school was probably the worst experience a person can ever have
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romance-incubomp3 · 7 months
I thought I had gotten over my deep self loathing over having almost zero sexual experience but it’s back I guess!!
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fer3112 · 7 months
3 years since I had a meltdown on twitter and quote tweeted misha's tweet celebrating cas being gay with an angry thread teaching him what queerbating and bury your gays was as if he was ever going to read it... what was wrong with me
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doobea · 11 months
I’m watching s2 of the summer I turned pretty and I was wondering if it would be crazy to try and write something w rin / reader / sae or would that be too dramatic …
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anticosmicist · 1 year
has anyone else had the most dogshit fucking teenage experience and feels like they're socially stunted and will suffer in their 20s because of it
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biolums · 1 year
Uhm… not to sound stupid but how is stray kids edm because my sister is showing us her edm music and i want to Throw Up……….
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harrytheehottie · 2 years
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this girl has never had a good idea like what are you even saying ?
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