#imagine me but with like HELLA eyebags
tangledinink · 1 year
i would really just like to go home and go back to bed actually
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vhs-ghost · 3 years
My third (and final) fanfic for the Headless fanfic contest! What were the Sleepy Hollow residents like in high school? Well, Matilda will tell you! I really hope to write more about them in high school! I wrote SO many notes on it lol and i have a LOT more ideas!
The Washington Irving High School Yearbook
Ichabod knocked on the old door briefly before letting himself in. “Hello?” he said to the dimly lit witch’s shop. Katrina Van Tassel had insisted that Ichabod see Matilda, the town witch, for a tarot reading. Ichabod was a very skeptical man, but he was also a very smitten man, and he couldn’t say no to Katrina. He didn’t believe in magic, or the supernatural, or anything like that. He was a man of science. He was very smart when it came his studies, but he was a bit clueless otherwise. For example, he set himself on fire while cooking. Multiple times.
“I’ll be out there in a minute!” Matilda’s annoyed voice called from farther back in the store.
Okay!” Ichabod called back. He decided to poke around the shop while he waited. There were many odds and ends lying about. He wondered how much of it was for aesthetic and ambiance, and how much she actually used. There was a large horoscope tapestry on the wall, and tables and shelves were covered with crystals, tarot card boxes, books, candles, incense, and other witchy stuff like that. It also smelled quite good, like lavender and woodsmoke. He started to walk around, and his bodyweight made the floorboards squeak. He picked up a crystal point, that was much heavier than it looked, and promptly put it back down. He picked up an astrology book and began to thumb through it, not really taking note of it’s contents. As he glanced over the pages, another book poking out of the pile caught his eye; the Washington Irving High School Yearbook, year 2008. He tried to carefully pull it out from the stack, but the pile of books fell to the floor anyway. Matilda hurried in.
“Ugh, what are you doing??” she whined, looking at the pile of books now on the floor.
“I- I’m sorry. I, um-“ he stammered, and then looked at the yearbook in his hand. “I was trying to grab this,” he said, lifting the book sheepishly.
“What did you wanna look at that for?” she asked him, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Well I just happened to see it in this pile, and now I’m curious about how you all were in high school,” he said, hoping to not make her any more angry. “Was this your senior year?”
Matilda softened, but only a bit. “Yep. Here, I’ll show all the people you’ve met. It’s always fun to see what someone looked and acted like in high school. More to make fun of them for.” She opened the yearbook. The spine cracked after not being opened for many years.  
She first pointed to a picture of a pretty girl with red hair. “Let’s start at the beginning. Here’s Ramona when she was Ramona Birch. So before she was Mrs. Eugene Trousers and before she was running definitely not a cult with him. The two of them were the pride and joy of the drama club, imagine that,” she said sarcastically. “They were talented, though,” she added.
She moved on. “Now here’s the most important one.” She pointed to a younger picture of herself, looking even more goth and spooky than she did now. She had mall goth vibes. “Look, it’s ME! Wasn’t I adorable?” She did not wait for Ichabod to answer, and pointed to another picture.
“Oh look, it’s Brom,” she said with a roll of her eyes. He basically looked the same. “His first name is Abraham, but he’s gone by Brom even since he was a kid. It definitely sounds cooler, and Brom always wants to be the coolest guy in the room.” She paused. “He used to be a real jerk back in the day, until Kat flipped her lid on him, yelling at him in the hallway, asking him what his problem was. It was SUPER funny, watching him go all pale and stammer, but it worked, and he’s been less of a jerk, but kind of still a jerk, ever since. But hey, character development; we love to see.” Ichabod nodded, taking this information into consideration.
She flipped ahead a bit. “Hm, Diedrich. He’s been making annoying songs about our personalities since he could talk. In high school, he was the kind of dude who’d bring his guitar to class, to every party, everywhere. I mean, he still does that now, but in high school, it was even more douchey.”
She pointed to another picture, of a girl with bold style and pink streaks in her hair. “Lucretia moved here a couple of months in to senior year to live with her aunt, who owned Storms Inn. She was kind of mysterious in school. Still is, in my opinion, like she has something to hide. Anyway, she got most of the WI High senior experience, but she missed the Battle of the Bands auditions when we did that, so she had to be a judge.”
“You had a Battle of the Bands??” Ichabod asked with surprise.
“Yep. Winner even got a record deal, too. But that’s a story for another day. Anyway, Lucretia fit in well with Sleepy Hollow, and has immersed herself in the town ever since. Moving on to-” Matilda turned the page and pointed at a picture of a girl with bags under her eyes, forcing a smile, “your uptight boss!”
Ichabod looked uneasy. He didn’t want to gossip about his boss.
“Eh, she was uptight then, and shes uptight now,” Matilda said. “Douffe was also hella burnt out back then. See those eyebags?” Ichabod nodded. “She also used to drink coffee like water. She always stretched herself too thin. I guess she learned though?”
She continued to scan the page. “There’s Brad, or as you might know him, Officer Meinhof.” She rolled her eyes. “He was super gossipy, and always getting us outcast kids in trouble. Kinda nice, kinda not.”
She turned the page. “Ah, the package deal!” she said, pointing at three pictures in a row; Tripp Stevens, Calvin Stone, and Blair Sullivan. “The Babes have always been inseparable. They even tried to all be in the same photo, but no one was having that. They’ve always been fun. Having class with them was always an experience,” she said with a bit of a laugh.
She ran her finger across the page, pointing at Eugene Trousers. “Look, it’s Mr. Not a Cult Leader! He was annoying, and his mom was the drama teacher. Despite his obnoxious theater kid attitude, drama club was actually pretty fun.”
“You were in drama club?” he asked.
“Yeah, it was that or suspension. We did Beauty and the Beast. It was pretty cool. I’ll dig out the poster to show you next time.” Ichabod nodded, actually very invested. 
She turned the page, and her eyes lit up. “Ooooo look, Ichabod! It’s Kat Van Tassel!”
Ichabod blushed at her name. Matilda proudly laughed at his nervousness. She continued, “She was super popular, but also very rebellious and opinionated too. I think that’s why everyone likes her; she hella down to earth.” She paused, “Also I’m not being sarcastic. She’s just a really cool person. We’re still friends kind of, but she and I used to be a lot closer,” she said, sighing wistfully. Ichabod looked at her pensively. She snapped back from her nostalgia, looking back at the book. “Anyway..”
She pointed to two pictures. “Here’s the Van Winkles, Rip and Judy. They could not have been more different from each other,” she said with a laugh. “Rip was super smart without trying, but also a super slacker. He was always falling asleep in class and coming in late. Amazing choreographer though. And Judy was super studious and ambitious. She also changed her last name to Gardenier a couple years back. I don’t blame her. Van Winkle is uh, quite the last name. Anyway, they were cool. Rip and I were always good friends, and Judy was nice enough.”
She scanned the page. Her eyes landed on a picture, and her cheeks turned the slightest tinge of pink. She talked fast, “And here’s Tom. He was an outcast like me. He liked to set stuff on fire. Some things never change. He was cool. He is cool. Um-” Ichabod noticed her change in demeanor, but didn’t say anything. She’d just get mad at him if tried to bring attention to it. She pointed to one more picture, not lingering on Tom much longer, even though she wanted to.
“Aaaaand, here’s Verla.” She looked exactly the same as she did now. “I don’t know what her deal is, and it bothers me. I think she’s a haunted doll. Or 500 years old. Either way, she’s weird.” She paused. “Here, I’ll show you some more pictures from stuff.”
Matilda flipped to later in the book, pointing at candids and group shots. “Here’s some pics of drama club.” Ichabod was enthralled. “And here’s a pic from Battle of The Bands-“
RING. An alarm on Matilda’s phone rang as she pointed to the page. She looked down at the phone. “I’ll have to continue with the history lesson later, my dude. I’ve got a tarot card reading appointment to do now,” Matilda said, standing up. Ichabod tried to protest, but she stopped him, “Sorry, I can’t cancel… again. I need the money. But look,” she pointed out the shop window across the street. “Looks like Kat just left the post office. If you go now, I’m sure you can catch up with her.”
Ichabod turned, and did in fact see her. “Well, thank you for all of that,” he said. “I definitely want to hear more about your high school days later.”
“You will,” she told him.
“Bye Matilda,” he said, reaching for the door. He paused. “That was actually pretty fun, hearing about your high school days. Again, thanks.” She nodded back to him, and he rushed from the store, catching up with Katrina. Matilda continued to straighten up the shop, waiting for her next customer, and wondering what kind of high school stories she’d tell Ichabod in the future.
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hichi842 · 4 years
Heya! Please could I request a female BNHA match? (villains or students is fine!) I'm a 5"2 Bisexual female with short black hair and grey eyes. I have very sharp teeth and Hella eyebags. I'm also very slim yet muscular at the same time. I'm a very goofy and loud person, but I'm serious when I need to be. I'm very introverted and I only have a few friends I'm comfortable talking to. I love sweet foods too! I'm very affectionate to those I'm close to as well. in a relationship, I'm very (pt1/2)🌸
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I match you with...
Toga Himiko!
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You both have sharp teeth which is just way too cute!
You can’t tell me that she wouldn’t absolutely love your build and muscles.
You guys can always have a good laugh together and honestly are so chatty. You’ll have the longest conversations.
She noticed how you were more on the reserved side and kinda shoved herself into your life until she got you to trust her a bit more.
You both eat quite a few sweets together throughout your everyday life since you both love them so much.
You guys are a very affectionate couple and have no problem showing your love through physical touch.
And don’t worry, you guys can cuddle all day if you want, she absolutely loves to cuddle with you.
Toga is absolutely in love with any drawings that you do and will motivate you when your having those types of struggles.
You two will watch anime and horror together a lot during sleepovers and the like. I could imagine toga being a fan of those things as well.
You guys are honestly such a nice and bubbly duo!!!
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 171
Honorable mentions:
Blyke smiling at the beginning was so endearing I love him
I have to admit to you guys, I did read this episode when it came out and at the time I still had yet to write the episode 170 thing. Didn't affect me though so it doesn’t really matter lol
I want Darren to bring up Blyke’s injuries to Isen because he obviously thinks that Blyke got his injuries while fighting Isen, but whenever I want things like this to happen, they never do :(
Isen’s reaction to confrontation is always to hide
I can’t see Sera’s eyebags in this one that's a good sign
Not a lot of actual things to say about Sera learning about John’s past because we already know it and she’s just repeating things that other people have said
Evie getting attacked by Joker? I’m torn between thinking this is some prank and thinking that we’re getting the Sera/John confrontation right now. The whole call was just presented in such a strange way, I have no clue what that’s about?
finally getting on track with updates, hopefully they won’t always be a week late now r.i.p.
is it analyse or analyze because google docs says 1, but tumblr says 2
Have low expectations for this one, friends. But there is 0.1% substance in this post, so still worth it ;)
Somehow this got kind of long? This isn’t read through or edited, I just typed and posted
The fucking bruise:
    I hope you don’t mind the obvious contrast in professionalism between this episode analysis and the one for 170, but the fuckkksufkhsk? Starting this off with Blyke’s confusion when he is significantly more healed than he was last night that it wouldn’t be possible for him to be so okay? You really gotta do me like that huh? Dropping a bomb like that so early on? But the thing about this is that I cannot think of a logical answer for this? I even considered that what he said just meant that doc got hella good at healing, especially because John has complimented doc on that a couple of times, but it was clear that that was not possible and not what was meant to be understood. 
    I’ve already apologized for lack of professionalism, so to hell with introductions and transitions: this implies one of two things:
Blyke has regenerative powers that are emerging from him now that he’s leveling up
Someone healed Blyke without him knowing
    Starting with #1, the possibility of Blyke having healing powers of some kind at first looks like the more likely answer until you realize that Blyke’s ability is deadass “energy beam” and that makes no contextual sense. But this is the first thing that I, and I’m positive most of you, thought. It’s the most logical reason as to why Blyke went to sleep with noticeably worse injuries than when he woke up. I’m kind of stupid regarding abilities in UnOrdinary, so I’m not sure if this blend of two totally different powers is something special or different, but could you imagine how overpowered Blyke would be? That would be insane. And would give him a total edge over John, or anyone for that matter, because he has both an offense and a defense. The thing about this though is that I’m almost positive that this is wrong purely because I do not think Blyke would have healing powers along with his laser powers. Like I cannot see that happening and that fact makes me sad. But there’s just no way. Right? ???
    But now #2: someone else did it. And, yes this looks a bit iffy at first, but that’s the second thing I thought of and I literally have nothing else so sit down. Anyway, this is also a very interesting option, so I’m hyped about that. Because if this is the case then that means it’s either Elaine, Tanner, John copying one of their abilities (this entire post is a bit of a stretch why can’t I include this huh), or an unknown character. But the thing is. However unlikely it is, I can’t help but wonder if this is Kuyo’s doing. We don’t actually know his ability yet and he was watching Blyke last night. I think this is probably the most possible thing I’ve said so far, and that’s saying something, but yeah. Otherwise, there’s really nothing I can think of because I can’t even imagine why someone would 1. Be able to find out Blyke was hurt and 2. Sneak into Isen’s room to heal him. Anyway, I’m just confused in general. Excited, but confused.
    Call me stupid in the comments if I missed something else that this could mean because sometimes I just forget things or don’t think of things lol. And right now I especially feel like I’m missing something?
    Okay, it’s been weeks and I still get excited because Sera’s learning everything about John. For multiple reasons: one, because she’s known him since the beginning and everything she learns just hits that much harder and two, because she’s probably the character who is going the most in depth with her discovery. She’s for sure the character that has cared the most about knowing who John really is and I really think because of her investigation into John, we’re going to learn something new about him too, maybe if she goes online or something. Maybe she’ll remember something personal that John said and that Isen didn’t know about and she’s able to look online about it and finds something, wouldn’t that be heartbreaking because not only did John betray her, but he was very genuine about it if that makes sense (it doesn’t)? Ignore me, I like to imagine things though and I can really see just Sera’s whole process as a whole go somewhere emotional for both her and John.
    The thing about this, though, is that I do think she’s going to confront John really soon. Probably like in a few episodes or something based on how she’s talking in this one to Isen, so not really sure if what I just talked about is going to fit, but maybe that stuff can happen in their conversation. I don’t know. I just want a moment where Seraphina and John really realize that they’ve lost their friendship and both get sad about it, is that a bad thing to want? Probably. But who knows, John’s in a weird state right now, I don’t really think he’ll get all sad and stuff, he’ll likely get angry or something. Wait, now I want a build up when Sera confronts John where you think he’s going to blow up on her or something, but suddenly he breaks down, letting us see the person behind all of his decisions and actions because John knows he’s a monster (I’m using the fact that he pretended to be a cripple for literally a long ass time to prove this) and that he can’t hide from that. I want to see John confront himself with that and I want Sera to be there. And I know I sound like satan right now, but screw it, this is already very unprofessional. I'm not even analyzing I’m just typing anything that I think.
    On a genuine note, though, I was very happy with Sera explaining how she didn’t think that cripple John was ‘faking’ it. She said, “All the stuff he used to preach to me about… I don’t think he was faking it. He meant everything he said. He regretted his previous actions… and he tried to change.” This is probably the first time another character has really thought about John’s developing character over these events rather than just what he did. Sera is the only one who truly reflected on John and I’m grateful for that. I have to admit, when I first read this episode, I got excited because I thought it kind of supported the big and dramatic claims I’ve been making recently about John, but it doesn’t really. It, however, does nothing to harm it so that’s a win :).
    Anyway, something very interesting to me was Seraphina’s question regarding John’s decision to become a cripple. I don’t think I’ve considered this in depth before so this question was pretty surprising to me to see from Sera. She doesn’t understand why John enrolled as a cripple in Wellston as opposed to a mid-tier or someone who would have less chance of being singled out in general. And I’m going to answer this based on what fits with what I’ve been saying about John. If you haven’t read it, go to my page and either scroll or search for episode 167 because I really tried to be detailed there. Anyways, I think John decided to be a cripple just because he felt like the farther away from his bad self he was, the better off he’d be because what Sera doesn’t understand yet is that John wasn’t just trying to hide from other people when he transferred to Wellston, he was also trying to hide from himself. He probably felt distance was the best way to do that and I use the fact that he moved from a town relatively far away to Wellston (according to Isen’s early interrogation of John) as evidence. Anyway, Seraphina doesn’t think about this or maybe just doesn’t believe that and says that it was a bad idea for John to pose as a cripple purely because it forced him to place himself in a position similar to his before he gained his powers, and obviously it didn’t lead to the best place last time. 
    I do think Seraphina is wrong in one thing, however. She thinks that John doesn’t want to be put in the same situation as he was before New Bostin, she labels that as his downfall, but I personally believe that John might have done this on purpose to feel as least powerful as he could. But I don’t really have any reasoning behind that though so, dead end. But something else that I disagree with Seraphina on was how she said, “And just like before… He couldn’t handle the pain of being a cripple.” I read that for the first time and just thought damn. That was such a cold statement. And in response all I have to say is that John was handling the pain of being a cripple just fine, it was only when he was forced to shed that that he lost grip of his facade. Seraphina is completely wrong on this point, and I hope she learns that in the future. Like, I’m sorry, but that statement could literally not be more incorrect. I’m stunned at how much that contradicts reality.
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lunartrashbin · 5 years
Sabo X Female Reader (Admiration)
"Seriously, if you like the guy, just tell him already! It's already just annoying by the way you look at him all lovey-dovey!" (Bf/n) exclaimed, clearly being fed up with my bullshit.
"Oh shut up. It's fine as is just admiring him being happy. Besides, why would he even like this dumb potato? If he's happy, I'm happy. Also, doesn't the saying go like happy guifu, happy lifu?" I retorted with a slight nonchalant tone.
"....................... NO YOU IDIOT, IT'S HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE. YOU WEREN'T EVEN CORRECT!!!" (Bf/n) shouted, just barely enough to draw attention while I just rolled my eyes. "Also," he continued, shoving food in his mouth. "You may be a dumb potato, but you are also the nicest and prettiest potato out there. Besides, do you even realize that Sabo actually looks at you sometimes?" (Bf/n) might be an idiot a majority of the time, but at least it's in that nice type of way.
I sighed. "Look, just because I "stare" at Sabo, doesn't mean that I like him. Besides, I stare at Kid sometimes, and that's cause I think about how much I hate him and how stupid he is."
"Oh is that so?"
I turned around at the sudden voice to see a certain tulip haired man, who just happens to be on a period 24/7.
"Oh hello, EustASS Fucking Kid." I greeted as I heard a few snickers from those who were brave enough. The really sad thing was however, no one realized that we were somehow siblings, even thOUGH WE HAD THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING LAST NAME. LIKE SERIOUSLY, HOW STUPID CAN THE HUMAN POPULATION GET!?!??
With that in mind little(?) readers, this meant that (Bf/n) was unaware of my relation with the edgy tulip. Therefore, he nearly shit his pants. It was sorta a funny sight though.
But oh no, it didn't just end there. Everyone within a hearing distance literally stopped what they were doing to look at the unknown sibling drama. Which also included Sabo, so fuck my life now. Since I was classified as a "shy" kid- even though the only kid here is a tulip- it looked like quite a shock for me to stand up the the idio- sorry, I meant bully. I could even hear (Bf/n) mutter "Don't do it you idiot. Don't provoke him."
But did I listen? I mean, why the fuck would I? So I continued as he did.
"Hello (dumb insulting name). I see you're being shitty as usual." CUE THE CONFUSED PEOPLE. Why? Because no one knows why he called me that. Though there is a story behind it... Which is embarrassing...
"I see you're being an ass like usual. Say, how is your arm? I do wonder what happened to it..." I talked back with a hint of sarcasm. Truth is, in one of our daily fights at home, I ended up breaking his arm, so now it was in a cast. Not my fault he insulted Sabo and was an asshole like usual though.
"Oh piss off." He spoke, before flipping me off and walking away. While he did that, I stuck my tongue at him. ;P
And my god, every one looked so confused, it was beautiful. And then there's Law, looking proud of me for slightly crushing Kid's pride. He didn't show it, but it was there.
I finally turned myself back to (Bf/n), only to be bombarded with questions.
After the event at lunch, apparently my reputation increased a bit for standing up to the idiot jerk. Why is this important? I'm actually, not sure.
Anyways, a few days have passed since then, and today on Friday, I, Eustass (Y/n), had received a note, letter, love letter? Whichever it is.
When school ended, I went home while Kid (a/n I wanted to write aniki for some reason XD) went out with his friends, leaving me alone with the note while not worrying about getting teased. It was a simple light blue paper folded into thirds, with a piece of tape holding it together. That's literally, just it. I peeled off the tape, and read.
Dear E. (Y/n),
I have already fallen for you for a while now, and the event on (insert date) a while back may have made me fall deeper than I thought I could have already.
Anyways, I'd like it if you could go out and join me at the Baratie for lunch at 11:30 am. Lunch will be on me, and I can't wait to see whether or not you come, but I hope you do.
Yours Truly,
Hooooooooly cheese and macaroni, Did I just get asked out on a date???? The handwriting was nice though. But ohhhh lordie, my face is probably as red as big bro's hair, I don't know what to do. Look, I ain't good with affection or shit related to that. But do I go? What would I wear? What if it goes south? What if it's a prank? Or worse, it's not a prank? And who the hell is S???
Ohhhh boi, since I was never good with this kind of stuff to begin with, I texted (Bf/n), and you know what he replied with?
"Eh / Just go / U never kno wut might happen"
"Just go" He fricking says. Just. Go.
Like, does the fucker not know how I can't deal with this shit that fucking easily??? 
And just like that I lost all of tonight's sleep, just deciding to screw myself over and go. I may be Kid's sister, but I'm not that mean... I think.
When I woke up, I sneaked into Kid's room, to see the fucker snoring hella loud. I grabbed that thing used to match your skin, think it was called foundation? To cover any eyebags and what not, and sneaked back out. It was tempting to kick him though, but I didn't want him to question me.
I went back to my room and grabbed a black tank top with a plain (f/c) jacket, with white cuffs of the sleeves. I also wore (a) (shade of blue) blue jeans that went a bit below my knees, being slightly ripped. As for shoes, I just wore some black boots with a (f/c) streak somewhere. (Sorry im bad at explaining clothes)
I then left at 11:15 because I wanted to be there 10 minutes early and it took 5 minutes to get there by foot.
I grabbed my earphones and phone from my pocket to play some music on my way there and hummed to the tune while waiting.
About 8 minutes passed when I got there I think, when I finally heard a familiar voice.
"Sorry if I'm late. My brothers wanted food so I had to make them some." I turned around to the source of the voice and my face immediately reddened. Because wHO THE FUCK KNEW THAT IT WAS GONNA BE MY CRUSH THAT I DENIED TOWARDS (BF/N)!?!?!??
Sabo was wearing a simple white button up shirt and some brown jean looking pants, and yet he still, looks great. But I had to speak otherwise, I might just be rude, or weird, or both.
"I-it's fine. You're not late, i-its just that I was here earlier."
"That's good, sorry to keep you waiting then? Anyways, let's go inside. Ladies first." The somehow calm fuck said as he opened the door with a fucking wink that just melted me. But you know what I did? I just chuckled at the silly gesture but really, I have no fucking idea what to do.
Like excepted, we sat at a table, ordered our food, and talked. Surprisingly, it actually wasn't that hard to talk to him. I mean it still sorta is cause I like him and I don't wanna screw up my chances, but, it was nice.
After we finished, we went to the park, and you probably guessed, more talking and idle chat. Mainly Sabo poking fun at his brothers.
"And then there was this one time where went to the beach, a-and we were in a boat and then we heard this noise." Sabo started again with another story in mind, sounding like he was trying so hard not to just fall to the ground and laugh. "At first, Marco looked like he didn't care, and he was chill. When all of a sudden he just screamed like a girl right when a seal came up behind him, and he just clung to Thatch like a scared child!" And he lost it. He just started to break into laughter, and loose his shit. Can't blame him though, as I joined in on his laughter. (Itotallydidn'tputareferencetooneofKiraReno'sstoriesjustnow)(congrats if you could read that)
Because just imagine. Your super calm and serious seeming art teacher, looking like he isn't scared easily, screaming like a small girl AND CLINGING to his brother, just because he's scared! And then I lost it too.
He then shared some more stories as he walked me back home after a while. Though sadly but obviously, he didn't share any funny stories about himself. It was pretty quiet when we got in front of my house, which made me suspicious of what Kid was doing, but I shrugged it off.
"Well, I'll be going now. Here's my number so you can text me!" He spoke with a precious smile. 
And then kissed my fucking forehead.
I turned red, obviously not expecting it, when out of fucking no where-
And who else would it be other than Eustass. Fucking. Kid.
"S-sister?!" Sabo was surprised, but who came blame him? Would you really expect one of the top bullies of the school to just come out of fucking no where and just defend somehow his little sister? Because people would usually say I'm an angel, which, clearly they haven't met me.
Sick and tired of Kid's usual and daily bullshit, i took off my boot, and threw it at Kid's face. Thankfully, the window was open.
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m0onbean · 6 years
Can I please get a Wonwoo from Seventeen college AU (maybe he helps you study for exams), fluff please
ok but imagine wonwoo tutoring you.... 
when they say that college students are dead inside, they really are
because here we have you studying on your bed, papers literally everywhere, and some sad music in the background that really fits your mood
and when your roommate barges in your room and is like "(y/n) i can feel ur bad vibes from my room " ur just kinda like "yeah i just pulled two all-nighters and i have an exam tomorrow and i haven't eaten anything except for a gallon of coffee. how are u today, Karen. :)))))"
it's not like you're not smart,,, you're just hella stressed bc your professor doesn't teach that well and the material is rlly hard to understand
and your exam for your biochemistry class is TOMORROW nd no matter how much you try to understand enzymatic reactions u just can't fully comprehend it
the next morning u arrive in class with hella eyebags and u just sit in your seat and lay your head down on the desk
nd ur best friend & annoying seat partner Mingyu is like "wow Mood"
mingyu is not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's only taking the class to "explore his options" so honestly he just stopped trying
nd u just kinda face him and ur like "bro i honestly don't understand these past chapters and if i dont im gonna fail this class and im gonna have to retake it."
so mingyu pulls out his thinking face and he's like "hmmmm i know somebody who can tutor you" and you're like "Mingyu,,,,, i'm not going to let seungkwan tutor me Last time we met at the library and he was wearing a flower costume nd told me that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"
and mingyu just,,,, well damn i can't help u then
so the tests are passed out and as expected, you didn't know a lot of the answers and had to use your common sense
after u turn your test in you leave the classroom with a real heavy heart nd it rlly do feel like you have no more hope
nd when you leave the room mingyu is waiting for you outside while talking to this guy
the guy was about the same height as mingyu but had darker hair and was wearing these round glasses. he was also wearing these dark skinny jeans and leather jacket and ur like Who is This Edgy Dude
when mingyu sees you he's like :D and he's like "shoo" to the Edgy guy and the guy just kinda gives u a blank look and walks away
and you're like who is that guy you were talking to? nd Mingyu immediately "uHHH don't even try (y/n) he is not interested in relationships"
u're just like "OK I WASN'T- nevermind." bc YES he's kinda cute but u need to worry about ur studies too
then suddenly mingyu face lights up like he got an idea and he's like "WAIT. WAIT. OH my god i'm such a genius wow-"
",,so r u going to share ur good idea" and mingyu's like
and you're ?????????????????????????????????who?
without even answering your question mingyu just goes off and is like omg this is perfect oK wonwoo is actually hella smart and already took this class wow oh my god maybe a romance will bud from this-
next thing you know, you're waiting at the library with mingyu and you're just liKE are you Sure he's okay with tutoring me?? and mingyu's just like Okay i know he looks really edgy but he's smart
nd being the little doubtful bean u are u're just What If I'm too Dumb for Him????????? What If he gets frustrated with me????????????????? What if-
"do u want me to call seungkwan instead?"
"no. thisis perfect."
wonwoo arrives after a few minutes and u both introduce yourself and dang he's really good-looking up close
(in the back mingyu is staring at his two best friends proudly)
and mingyu just like... Ok, Gotta blast! and you and wonwoo are like WHAT
so now it's just you and wonwoo at a study table nd he doesn't even hesitate and starts from Lesson 1 (even though you're on Lesson 5)
his voice is really deep and soothing nd he's kinda quiet and doesn't make a lot of jokes
basically he's an alternate version of mingyu
nd as wonwoo goes over the lessons u realize how much stuff you overlooked and how things that used to not make sense suddenly become so clear!!!!!!!
and you're like Oh My God!!!!!!!!! you're so smart wow
and u can see wonwoo's ears turn a lil' red at the compliment
and before you know it??? u're caught up to Lesson 3 already
even tho he's kinda quiet, u can tell that he's hella sophisticated and whenever u have questions he explains the answers in great detail
nd at the end of the tutor session, you both pack your bags and you're shyly like "can we meet tomorrow at the same time?"
wonwoo just gives u a small smile and nods ur head and ur like wow...... he's really cute
and so it just kinda goes like that
you two meet up everyday at the library and he helps you study
nd ur always worried bc like doesn't he need to study.. too??
whenever u try to ask him that he just brushes it off and insists he's fine
and after a couple weeks you start to know him better like even tho he seems rly cold and reserved on the inside he's actually just a lame ass beanpole that lpves puns
u'd be like "Ok so nucleic acids convey genetic information....." nd wonwoo would just "... nucleic ASSid"
like e??efaleihfal??? that doesn'T MAKE ANY SENSE WONWOO BUT  GO OFF I GUESS
sometimes u two can go offtrack and start talking about the possibility of dogs conquering the government
nd sometimes u see him on campus and u wave vigorously @ him
and wonwoo's cute lil' nose will scrunch up and ohmygod he's so adorable!!!
so as time passes a rlly huge exam comes up for your biochemistry class and you're AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCREAMING
but!! wonwoo saves ur life bc he helps u with every single thing
nd for once? u feel really confident!
on the night before the exam u're like calling mingyu and ur like "wow... wonwoo is actually really helpful. he's the best thing u've given me honestly"
and mingyu would be all smug nd proud of himself like istg do not feed this boy's ego
then suddenly mingyu would be like "..... do you like wonwoo" and you ????????????????????????????? NO
*insert panic*
but you actually kind of do
nd the morning of ur exam u're all pumped up and in class mingyu is like actually jealous annoyed at how motivated u are
"mayb i should've kept wonwoo to myself.." he'd mutter
and guess what? u're pretty sure you aced your exam!!
so u exit the classroom not feeling dead for once and u see wonwoo waiting outside without mingyu which!! is a first
like u two barely talk outside of tutoring
nd ur like "waiting for mingyu?" and he turns to u with a kinda flustered expression and is like... actually i came to see you
and you're Oh...... but then you get really happy and you're like "WONWOO THANK YOU SO MUCH"
nd without thinking you just hug him rlly tightly and he's OOF but hugs u back
and when you let go he's blushing really hard and he's like "so did you do well on the test?" and ur like "yep i'm pretty sure... thanks to u"
and you two are smiling at eachother until you ask him to have lunch with you so now you're both walking off while holding hands happily
nd maybe... just maybe u had big feelings for his cute ass
and mingyu is watching you guys from a distance while smiling at himself bc WoW he really matched his two best friends together
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wokainight · 7 years
Can u do a reaction/imagine with guanlin, park woojin, Kim yongguk and youngmin reacting to you falling asleep whilst watching a film hehehe
LAI GUANLIN:- would be all like “is she asleep… again?”- might roll his eyes playfully but doesn’t disturb you- he’s a gentleman in his own ways so he’ll try to keep his position the same until you wake up - lowkey stares at you from his peripheral vision- feels a little shy esp since the two of you are alone- would cough/clear his throat when you wake up and be all like, “oh look who decided to show up for the credits”
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PARK WOOJIN: - would make commentaries throughout the movie and would often debate/argue about stuff with you- “ok but he’s the real evil guy i’m telling you” he would say with his busan accent- “woojin we’re 5 minutes into the movie don’t start accusing people!!”- not long after squabbling, you would fall asleep with your head rocking back and forth- woojin would notice this the moment you stop replying and would lowkey move his shoulder towards your head so you can lean on something ‘sturdy’- would do the ‘sniffing’ action on his fingers (i hope y’all know what i’m talking about) and be somewhat happy/shy- continues watching the movie anyways- in one of the climax scenes he would kinda forget about you and moved a bit- and then your head would descend onto his lap and you would wake up like that- cue the staring contest- woojin is hella flustered with you on his lap like??- you would be more confused than anything but decided that it’s comfy and lied down like that while watching the last part of the movie “so what happened?”- is still hella flustered
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the type to glance at you, smile and then resume watching the movie
doesn't really move or disturb you
he's adapted to staying still so no problem in being a .jpg for a while
if he gets tired he'll probs stretch the limbs which are available to stretch e.g. legs/neck
the type to stay still even if he needs to go to the toilet asAP
when you wake up he'll be like "/smiles. /pushes you off and runs to the toilet."
you'd be like???
he'll come back all relieved and refreshed and all like "the things i do for you"
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likes to admire your sleeping complexion
will think that you're a beauty even though you have terrible eyebags, bad skin complexion or pimples
rubs his head against yours
holds your hand while you're asleep
doesn't really focus on the movie anymore
when you wake up he's like "good morning beautiful"
you're like... "youngmin it's two am"
he's like "/wink. exactly"
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