#imma go stomp on Grass
happypineappleart · 1 year
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victorineb · 6 months
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lamentingocean · 1 year
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(Hyer x Gun I was thinking about this for a while, and this is for a discord friend...ok imma admit it's indecent. But if he's online, then he can get this)
The snow, the winter, the sheer cold of natural, the black rabbit clan is undergoing a war in which the grass was drenched with the red liquid. Black Rabbit is winning, the blood of black rabbit's enemies were making snow red.
Hyer decided to stop his current jobs and roles to fight along side gun, jaha's fire polluted the golden dragon palace, hyer opened the doors, having blood ooze from his shoulder, falling into the cold.
Gun sprinted to him, wrapping his wound with the fabric of his clothes. The fire pollution was causing coughing. it was destructive but helpful.
gun saw his blood soak onto the 2-inch snow, looking very worried and afraid if his wound was going to damage his fighting and his life.
"Hopefully, the heavenly generals and the soldiers are ok fighting in there! I don't have to worry about jaha since he killed most of the enemy's soldiers.. Seagull. are you able to hang on?"
he nodded, having sweat drip through his body.
"Gun. I didn't want this war to happen! I wanted to relive peace before all of this happened. Yeri, Ocean, and Sky are still in there... fighting for their life while I'm here with you. I'm praying to God that they are going to be ok. I'm friends with them so I don't want to lose them either. I feel like a burden, having a wound that stunned me to when I couldn't stand up properly.. I don't want you to get hurt while I'm helpless."
gun's hand was peppered with hyer's blood, thinking about his words made his heart thump with worry but bravery.
"You aren't a burden. I'm glad I saved you in time when I was outside the palace's walls. for now. until jaha's fire dims down. we need to find shelter in the remainder of this war. you are starting to get weaker."
the crunch of the snow was enabled by both of hyer and gun's footsteps, it took minutes to find a shelter, the Raging storm had them lost until they found an abandoned shed.
the soldiers were yelling so loud from across miles, jaha's fire was visible through the forest, hearing screaming from that side of a forest.
the worn down doors were opened, and hyer collapsed on the floor due to blood loss, his panting was getting more audible. Gun caught him.
"Please tell me your going to be ok hyer. How are you feeling?"
"I'm getting dizzy.. I hear stomping outside..!"
gun whipped out his unsheathed sword, waiting until they were going to either get killed by jaha or get dealt with by the generals or gun himself.
"I can hold them off if I use my sword art enough! You lay down and find the Moyong Office of healing. I will fight for you to live. The office is near so just go when I hold them off."
"Wait-Gun no! Jaha will get them eventually. Don't do this.."
Hyer raised his hand on gun, walking to the banging door, filling with the speaking of enemy soldiers.
gun had second thoughts for fighting for someone that he loved a lot, that's not usually him, but for hyer. He'll do anything. gun walked back to him, and each second was getting the soldiers to be more aggressive.
gun held his head and waist, kissing him softly as a way to say, "It's ok. I'll be fine." His blush was visible for when he walked out the doors.
"Wait.. I hear jaha near him.."
hyer's worry dimmed down a bit, for when jaha was fighting alongside him, sky busted in.
"Hyer! Are you ok? We gotta go quick!"
(Ahh..don't know what to think else for this. )
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lilacpotter · 3 years
Lillaaaccc!!!! Your layout is soo pretty 😭😭 I love the purple so much and thr header with planets and stars fhdjsjs 🥺🥺
Imma in love 😌💕
Also.. pls post some drabble 😭😭 I miss reading your work. Pls. Short drabble would work too. I smile sooo much when I read your drabbles fjdjd 😭😭
Pls 👉🏼👈🏼
Okay bye. Love you 😌💕
Broooo!! First of all, HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY DHARAA!! omgg ❤
And thank youuuUuU. <333
 I’m so fucking sorry I’m this late but I got it finally done. And pleassseee, take this more than 8k words “drabble” as your birthday gifttt!! I’m not sure how it really is but I hope it’s gooddd aah. I had been writing and rewriting it for the past three days djhsfsf 😫😹
Here we gooo <3:- 
5 and 7
“What if I stole your crown right now?”
Those were the last words little Isak got to hear before prince Even snatched the golden crown with a mischievous grin and started running away. He chased after him, screaming in agony. He was dramatic, yes, so what? He was five and he could throw a tantrum if he wanted to. And also, don’t you dare call him little. He was big for his age and smart too.
 He sped up his pace, trying to run as fast as he could in this thorny garden with his little prince feet, his golden curls tossing here and there on his head. But Even was taller and faster than him, so he outran Isak within no time with his giraffe legs, and Isak came to a stop somewhere in the middle, panting and falling onto the grass backward with a dramatic sigh. He laid there star-fished and watched the sky instead for a while.
 It was autumn and the leaves were falling on his small face and it was warm and Even was back here in Oslo after a whole year, at the Valtersen palace. Even’s parents ruled a small country named Phitogin in the east side, and even if it wasn’t nearly as big as Norsk was, they were really close to Isak’s parents since their own childhood. So, they always paid a visit to Oslo every year during autumn and that was the only time Isak ever got to see Even and play with him and make sandcastles and blanket forts.
He squinted up his eyes at the bright sun, as if commanding it to shine a bit lesser, but of course, that wasn’t possible. He knew the sun was way bigger than earth and way hotter than the royal soup that was served to him whenever he fell sick. He wouldn’t dare mess with the sun.
He was about to put a hand over his face to shield himself instead, surrender to the great sun, when a dark shadow blocked the light above him.
“Hello, my little prince,” Even was grinning down at him mischievously, his hands behind his back.
Isak narrowed his eyes and sat up straight. “Where is my crown?” he demanded.
“Who knows?” Even shrugged, still keeping his hands behind himself. And Isak knew he was hiding the crown there.
So he pounced up and tried to grab Even by the shirt, but Even was quicker because he moved away in time.
“Give it back to me!” Isak yelled, jumping again. Even grinned wider, dodging him.
“No, little prince. You will ruin my hard work if you see it.”
“Don’t call me that,” Isak said, offended. “I am not little!”
Even smirked. “Oh yes, you are. You are very little, tiny. Look, you are even smaller than me!” And then he burst out laughing.
“I am not!!” Isak glared at him. He was not little. So he launched himself on top of Even to attack him. They both wrestled for a few minutes furiously, punching each other’s stomachs before falling to the ground on top of each other, breathing heavily.
When Isak opened his green eyes back up again Even was hovering above him, putting his crown back on his head quietly. Isak frowned and moved his hands up to touch the crown and see for himself what Even had done to it, but he didn’t let him and instead removed the crown again.
“Even, show me my crown!” Isak complained, reaching up.
“No, you will ruin it!” Even refused, shaking his head.
Isak grew more suspicious, so with narrowed eyes, he warned Even, “If you broke it or put tiny worms on top of it then I am not going to share my space blanket with you tonight.” He poked his little finger into Even’s chest to tell him how serious he was being.
Both of them knew how much Isak loved his space blanket and how much he loved sharing it with Even and the people he liked. If Isak refused to share it with anyone then it meant he didn’t like them enough.
Even, instead of being scared of Isak’s warning, grinned back at him again, all teeth and crinkles.  
“Oh no, little prince. I wouldn’t dare break it or do anything such horrendous to your precious crown!” He said, widening his eyes dramatically.
Isak squinted his eyes at him. “Really?”
Even nodded furiously before slowly bringing his hands to the front, holding Isak’s golden crown in between his palms. It was shining in the afternoon sun as usual, too bright and too lustrous, but as Isak leaned in a bit nearer he noticed designs of pretty flowers all over it. Even had doodled on his crown.
Isak took his crown gently before looking at all the doodles. There were so many colourful flowers and they were all really pretty. There was one of Isak sitting on a throne, and another one of Adolph, their pet dog, and another one of Isak and Even on the bed watching the stars above them. There were just so many of them and they made the crown look so much better!
Isak was smiling without even knowing, his heart was flying, but Even probably had noticed it because he suddenly asked, “Do you like it?”
Isak could hear the smile in his voice. So, he morphed his face back, trying to look more annoyed than pleased, and glared at Even.
“No, I hate it! You ruined my crown, Even.” He said to his face trying to sound furious.
But Even grinned at him instead. “Oh really? Then why is there a smile on your face?”
Isak widened his eyes, turning red. “What? No there isn’t!” he protested, but he couldn’t stop smiling. And soon within no time Even laughing loudly.
“Oh my god, you’re such a bad liar!” He giggled.
Isak rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. “Shut up! I am leaving.” He said, before turning away and stomping dramatically to the castle.
“Of course you love what I did to your crown, little prince. I do too. I’ll make you more of these the next time we meet!” He heard Even shout from behind him loudly and Isak ducked his head, picked up a tiny rock, and threw it back at Even, missing him narrowly.
 7 and 9
“Ugh, why do we always have to sleep together whenever you visit me? Why can’t you sleep in your own separate room?” Isak complained loudly to the dark, sighing when he got no reply.
So, he shuffled closer and pushed Even’s chest. “Evennnnnn!” he whined when the older boy let out another soft snore and pulled Isak’s blanket much tighter around himself.
“Hmph,” Isak sighed in defeat before slumping back and resorted to just staring at the dark instead when Even finally spoke.
“Maybe it’s because they think you are too little to be sleeping on your own at night.” There was too much sarcasm in his voice and Isak turned to him in surprise and suspicion.
“You were awake?!” He screamed in offense.
Even grinned at him in the dark, his teeth shining bright. “Did you actually think I had been sleeping this whole time?!”
Isak couldn’t believe him. “Oh my god,”
“Yes, and what’s wrong with me sleeping here?” said Even, shuffling closer to Isak noisily.
“Nothing is wrong.” Isak huffed. “You just keep stealing my blanket and I get cold!”
Even shuffled much closer until he was almost hugging Isak from the side. “Oh, I’m really sorry about that, your grace. But look! Sleeping together is not really that bad because you get to cuddle me and I’m much warmer than your precious blanket.” Even said, wrapping Isak’s little body with his arms and pulling the younger boy into himself.
Isak squirmed against him, groaning. “Ugh, go away!”
“Never in a million years,” Even mumbled, shoving his face on top of Isak’s fluff of curls. They were a tangle of skinny limbs.
Isak tried moving away but he was failing so hard at it. So he gave up a while later and slumped against Even’s chest, feeling his chest rise and fall back as he breathed. He felt oddly at peace a while later and drifted into sleep easily. The blanket lay forgotten by the corner of the bed.
 11 and 13
“What if we sneaked into the kitchen right now?” Even suddenly said, sounding excited.
Isak groaned at him. “No way. We won’t be sneaking out to the kitchen right now in the middle of the night.”
“But we will!”
“We won’t,”
He saw Even pout at him in the dark. He had gotten a new haircut and he looked ridiculous and although it shouldn’t have bothered Isak, it did. He couldn’t get to bury his fingers into those long blonde strands of hair from now on.
“But I’m hungry,” Even mumbled. “Pleaseeee, let’s go.”
Isak shook his head. “No one is hungry at night, Even. Stop making things up.”
“I’m not!”
“Yes, you are?”
But Even wasn’t listening. He got up and already started pulling Isak up by his hands. Isak let out a loud groan before giving in and following the older boy out of the room.
It was dark outside and so they tip-toed quietly down the stairs. At one point they were almost caught when a guard heard Even’s stomach growling in hunger. They giggled to themselves and sneaked through the corridors and halls until they finally reached the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, they both started shoving as many food items as they could in their pockets. Even tried carrying half-eaten raspberry cake from the day before but he slipped and ruined it instead. Isak laughed out so loud that he was sure he had woken someone up but thank god no one stopped them.
It was chaos. But they were finally done, looking more chubbier and puffed up because of all those food stuffed in their pockets. They were giggling silently as they walked back out of the kitchen when they stopped dead as they spotted a boy of about Isak’s age staring at them in shock.
It was Magnus. He was the butler’s son.
 13 and 15
 “Do you think any one of them will like me?” Magnus asked, sitting beside Isak and eating large ice cream.
Isak wasn’t paying much attention to what he was saying because his eyes were trained on Even. Even had gotten much taller recently and his hair was longer and he looked even more prettier.  Shit. No, not pretty. He looked good. But Isak couldn’t help but think it was such an understatement. Even had even started getting a bit of muscle.
Isak watched him smile and beam and flirt with other girls in the castle hall. A weird kind of jealousy was stemming up in his body and he had no idea why. It was weird and new and made him feel all jittery.
“They look so pretty, don’t they?” Magnus was saying beside him.
Isak nodded absently. Yes, he is really pretty.
“I have never even talked to them, forget about touching them. Their skin looks so soft, Isak. I just want to touch them once. Isak, are you even listening?”
Magnus’s voice snapped Isak out of his thoughts and he blushed. “Uh, what?”
“The girls!” Magnus whined, nodding over to the bunch of girls who all looked way too interested in what Even had to say. Isak hated them. “Aren’t they beautiful? Why are girls so pretty?”
Isak bit his lip and nodded. “Even, uh, boys are pretty sometimes, I think.” He said slowly before he realised what he had just said and his heart sped up. Oh no.
Magnus hummed beside him, considering. “True. Even is really pretty if I’m being honest.” He stated it as a fact and Isak snapped his head up to look at him.
“What?” He couldn’t believe his ears.
“What?” Magnus laughed in confusion. “Even is pretty. That’s why girls love talking to him, isn’t it?”
Isak’s mouth was parted slightly. He just stared at Magnus for a few seconds before looking down, his cheeks flaming. “I guess so, yeah, um, Even is really pretty.”
“I told you!” Magnus hollered in joy. “I want to be pretty too. So girls would want to talk to me too. Don’t you think?”
Isak nodded again, biting his lip.
“I’m really pretty, huh?” Even’s voice came over and Isak looked up to see that he was walking over to them both. Oh, God. Had he heard what Isak had just said? It was going to be bad.
Isak flipped him off instead of saying anything and that earned him an ‘Oyy’ from a very surprised and an amused Even.
“We have already started learning this kind of things, I see.” He nodded over to Isak’s middle finger which was still sticking out in his direction.
“Magnus taught me.” Isak shrugged and then watched Magnus hug Even tightly for a moment before letting him go.
“We were just talking about how pretty you are, bro.” Magnus said, looking excited and Isak blushed again. Gosh, Magnus. Why couldn’t he just shut his mouth?
Even looked at Isak with his eyebrows raised. “Oh, really? Yeah, I did hear the prince say how pretty I am. It’s an honour for me really.” He smirked and Isak wanted to combust right then and there. “You should start calling me ‘pretty prince’ from now on then, Issy. It’s a nice name, isn’t it? Just like yours is, little prince.”
“Why are you such a dick?” Isak said, narrowing his eyes at the taller boy.
Even laughed out loud and when Isak flipped him off again, Even blew him a kiss instead went back to join the girls, this time taking a very excited Magnus along with him, leaving Isak feeling all flustered.
Gosh, why was he feeling like this recently? Isak did not like it. It was weird and just strange. He had never felt like this around Even before. And the fact that recently most of his dreams consisted only of Even touching him in weird places was also not helping things at all.  
What the hell was really happening?
 14 and 16
 “Even, are you even listening?!” Isak said tiredly for the fourth time that day, but Even still kept staring blankly in the opposite direction.
So Isak reached his hand out that held his wooden sword and poked Even in the stomach. “Asshole!”
At that finally, Even looked up at him in surprise.
“Should I tell the queen you have started swearing nowadays? Hmm?” He broke into a mischievous grin.
Isak sighed exhaustedly. “We are learning to sword fight and you keep zoning out all the time! What’s up with you? Stop thinking of your girlfriend all the time.” He said, spitting the word ‘girlfriend’ out with as much spite as he could muster. Yes, he was frustrated and annoyed and pissed right now, so what?
Even had gotten himself a girlfriend two months back. Princess Sonja of the realm of Sweden. And she was all he ever talked about. Of course, Isak had a right to be pissed.
Even rolled his eyes this time. “I am not thinking of Sonja, excuse me. I’m listening.”
“No you are not!” Isak countered back, waving his wooden sword around.
“I am! I am not thinking of her, Issy, now come on, let’s practice.”
“Yes, you are!” Isak said back, pausing his practice entirely. “You are always thinking of Sonja. You always spend your time with her, kissing her and complimenting her and telling her she looks good and I bet you wouldn’t sleep in my room anymore if your mum allowed you to sleep along with Sonja! Of course, she is always on your mind. You forgot about me. It’s as if I don’t even exist to you! And now you can’t even practice sword fighting with me because you are always only thinking of her.”
He exhaled deeply after his outburst, and he knew there were tears in his eyes, hot, burning tears. but he was keeping them at bay from falling down and making him look weak. He wasn’t weak. Even was watching him back with wide eyes, his mouth falling open slightly.  
“That’s not true.” He whispered finally, after a beat. “I didn’t forget you. I can never forget you, Is.”
His eyes were blue, blue, blue.
Isak stared into them for a few seconds before he couldn’t take it anymore and had to turn away. His heart broke a little inside. He never thought hearts could break, he had always believed that was all bullshit. But apparently, it was true.
Oh gosh, he was being super emotional again. So he wiped his tears and tried to shed off his sad feelings. He wasn’t weak.
“Doesn’t matter. I am just gonna practice and you can just keep thinking about your pretty girlfriend.” He mumbled before swinging his sword onto the big loaf of meat hanging in front of him.
He gave it a couple more shoves. Up and down. Right and left. Hard and quick. He hit the sack again and again, at various spots, from various angles, with various tricks and moves. It was hard, but he knew it was worth it. If he was going to be a king someday, then he had to be ready.
  Even kept standing beside him, and Isak hated that no matter how much he tried he couldn’t not pay attention to Even. Had he zoned out again while standing there? Thinking of Sonja?
But then Even spoke and Isak groaned, “What if we ditched dinner and went to the garden right now?”
Isak frowned deeply. “No way, I’m not coming.”
“Yes, you are.” Even smirked before walking up to him and snatching the wooden sword and throwing it to a pile on the corner.
No way. Isak was not going to agree to him this time.
Isak found himself laying on the green grassy ground and staring up at the orange-hued sky half an hour later. His head was on Even’s lap and Even was weaving his long fingers through his sweaty curls.
“Stop doing that. I smell gross and I’m sweaty.” Isak mumbled when Even started running his fingers all over Isak’s face. It tickled him so he laughed.
“You look so beautiful when you laugh,” Even said softly, staring down into his eyes and cupping his jaw.
“Ugh, stop,” Isak rolled his eyes, but he was blushing.
“Never, not in a million years.”
Isak smelled in the flowers’ scent and relaxed. “I can’t believe I am actually here with my head on your fucking lap of all places.” He scoffed quietly.
Even chuckled from behind him. But he was too busy to reply apparently because he was ruffling around the garden, plucking something off. Isak couldn’t see properly so he watched the sky again, at the birds and the clouds. Everything was going good.
When he felt something on his head a while later he looked up at Even, silently asking him what it was.
“I made you a flower crown,” Even said simply, resuming to arrange it on Isak’s head properly.
“But flowers are for girls. Not for boys. You should keep it on Sonja’s head instead.” Isak mumbled.
Even scoffed from above him. “There is no such rule like that. Who’s teaching you all these?” He sounded truly disappointed.
Isak shrugged, his shoulders shaking Isak’s legs beneath them. “The royal teachers? People? Isn’t it how it always is?”
Even made a small sound, disagreeing with what Isak had just said. “Flowers are for everyone, Isak. For boys, for girls, for animals, and for everyone and everything, okay? There is no such thing as only meant for girls, or only meant for boys. You can do whatever you want. Stop believing this stuff you hear, Isak. You have always loved flowers, what happened to you now?”
Isak shrugged again, his heart felt heavy. He knew he loved flowers even now. He had always loved them. But mamma had always told him to not like girly things, that he was a boy and that he was supposed to like wars and horses and rough things, not things that are soft and pretty. He wasn’t a girl.
  “Do you really think it’s okay if I like flowers?” He asked, his voice small.
Even sighed quietly above him and then he bent down slowly before kissing Isak’s forehead. Isak inhaled sharply at that.
“You are allowed to like whatever you want, okay? No one makes rules here, Is. Stop believing what others are telling you to do. You are my valiant prince and you will be a great king. A great king does not fear liking what he likes.” Even murmured to him, weaving through his curls again. “A great king is not afraid to be himself. Will you be a great king for me, Isak?”
“For you?” Isak licked his lips.
“Yes, for me.”
“Yes. I would do anything for you.” Isak admitted out loud, and he was surprised by his own boldness.
He heard Even smile when he said. “So would I,”
Isak blushed at that and ducked his gaze down, away from Even’s face. And watched the early stars.  He loved spending time like this with Even. He hadn’t done this in so long. It felt good that Isak could take his mind off Sonja for a while.
“You look really pretty in a flower crown, do you know?” Even hummed from above him.
He retreated his hand back from his hair and cupped Isak’s jaw again, tilting his head so that he could look into his eyes. “You are so pretty,” he said, making Isak blush again.
“Ugh, fuck off,”
“What? I’m not lying. You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen,” Even said, widening his eyes in honesty but he was also grinning.
Isak wanted to punch him. “Even more prettier than Sonja?” He asked instead, averting his gaze away from Even’s intense gaze. He regretted it the moment it was out of his mouth. God, Isak.  
He had no idea how long it was, but when they finally got up from there and got back to the castle, it was completely dark. The only thing that was shining were the moon, stars, and Even’s eyes.
Isak showered and got dressed in the softest pajamas before getting into his bed and reading some thick book that he had found in the library.
He wasn’t really expecting anything when Even finally climbed into his bed quietly an hour later and it was dark, pitch black. Isak pretended to be asleep, so he snored softly, and it also helped that he was turned away from Even.
Even tossed and turned around for a while, before cuddling Isak from the back. Isak tensed up a little in his hands before he melted against Even’s chest. Why was he being this tense? They did this all the time. So he leaned back and let Even cuddle him instead. It felt really good, and he felt warm and his eyes started fluttering on their own in no time. He wasn’t expecting anything even when he was just drifting into his sleep slowly, but then he heard Even softly murmur against his ear, “Even prettier than Sonja.”
It almost brought him out of his sleepy daze. Almost.
 16 and 18
“Shut up,”
“What do you mean, ‘shut up,’ I’m just trying to fix your bangs. You look pretty when you are grumpy, you know?”
“Shut up!”
“Alright, but don’t you think it will be a bit too much if I pulled my shirt up right here at the hall?”
“Oh my god!”
“All the girls would start swooning at me because I am so hot- ouch!”
Isak punched him in the stomach before hastily pulling his hand back and smiling at the guests. Even watched him with wide eyes by his side.
“You don’t think I’m hot?!” He whispered in outrage. Isak didn’t give him the satisfaction of a grumpy snarky reply.
They were both in costly suits, standing at one side of the hall and greeting all the guests awkwardly. It was the royal ball and somehow people from many other countries visited here to have a nice time. Although most of them called him the ‘little prince Isak,” whenever they greeted him. Fuck you, he was not little anymore.
There was also this princess Emma who seemed way too fond of Isak because she kept looking over to him every now and then before turning away shyly.
Isak wasn’t fond of her.
“I can’t believe you just punched a prince in the stomach.” Even mumbled by his side.
Isak rolled his eyes at him. “I am a prince too.”
Even reached his hand out again and started fixing Isak’s collar with a concentrated look. “Yes you are, little prince.”
“ugh, stop,” Isak groaned.
“Hey guys!” It was Magnus, holding a tray of drinks and serving it to everyone. He looked adorable in his outfit.
“Hey, Mags! My bro.” Even greeted cheerily before hugging Magnus tightly.
Isak smiled at them both and took a drink off the tray. Magnus looked pleased to see two people he knew after all that crowd of new, strange, rich people.
“Bros, just look at all those princesses!”  He said excitedly, leaning in and waving a hand over to the bunch of pretty girls with crowns on their forehead. They were all eyeing Isak and Even hungrily and Isak wished he could escape. But his mamma and papa were watching him, so he couldn’t do that. “They are all just eating you with their eyes. Isak, man, what are you waiting for?! Go get one of them!” Magnus hollered.
“Nah, Mags. Not yet.” Isak said, sipping his drink.
“What do you mean ‘not yet’, bro?! They all look so pretty though! Go get some, and tell me how it went.” Magnus demanded.
Before Isak could reply, Even jumped in. “Isak is waiting for the right moment to score with Princess Emma, Mags. That’s why,”
Magnus looked around and when he spotted Emma, his eyes went wide and mischievous. He wiggled his eyebrows at Isak. “Oooh. Princess Emma, Issy?”
Isak‘s jaw tightened a little but he nodded slowly. Emma caught his eyes just then and he waved back to her awkwardly. She looked pleased with that gesture while the remaining princesses were scowling at her.
“Fuck, man. She looks so into you. What are you waiting for? Go get it or she will go for me instead if you wait any longer!” Magnus yelled into his ear loudly before leaving them both to serve other guests.
Isak swallowed and looked up at Even, who was gazing back at him.
“I am gonna go get her then,” he said, fixing his shirt.
“You know you don’t have to, right?” Even said instead, helping him fix his shirt. He tucked Isak’s shirt tightly into his dark pants making him squirm under his touch.
“Yes, but I want to.” Isak lied.
“Don’t lie, Issy. Do you even like her?” Even frowned at him, keeping a hand on the small of his back.
“I’m not lying!” Isak lied. “I really like her. She is very pretty.” And then he shrugged himself off from Even’s touch and headed over to Emma.
 An hour later, he found himself trying to dance with princess Emma. It was tough because they were both only teens and none of them knew how to dance or where to put their hands so they kept stomping each other’s feet instead. It was awkward, to say the least. But Emma didn’t seem to mind so much, she giggled and kissed his cheek and touched his hair, so Isak smiled back at her and tried his best because both his mamma and papa were watching and they looked really happy and proud of him. He was going to be the heir to the throne, after all, it was his duty to form strong bonds with other country rulers, and what was a better way than stealing their daughter’s hearts.
So, Isak danced and flirted and got drinks for Emma wishing there was another better way.
When they both were done, Isak headed out to the corridor to breathe in a bit of air and hoping to get away from Emma for a bit, but she found him again within no time. That girl really was too much. Isak felt like she was breathing down his neck every time she got too close to him. She was way too loud and way too giggly and kept falling all over Isak and touching him everywhere she could.
   He wanted to combust right then and there. But Even appeared beside him just then like a knight in shining armour.
“You both are having a good time, I see,” he grinned at them both, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“We are! Prince Isak is really charming.” Emma giggled from where she had both her hands wrapped around Isak’s neck.
Isak blushed because for some reason he couldn’t stand Even watching him like this.
“What if I do something stupid to save your ass from princess Emma right now?” Even leaned in, whispering into Isak’s ear so quietly that only he could hear.
Isak widened his eyes at him at that, then shook his head minutely saying ‘no,’ but Even just shrugged and grinned back at Emma.
Oh god.
“Oh, he really is very charming. No doubt.” Even agreed, sipping on his drink and leaning suavely against the wall. “Girls all over the city have a massive crush on him, you know.”
Isak looked over to Even with wide eyes. But Even wasn’t looking at him, he was looking at Emma.
“Oh,” Emma said, her voice was filled with surprise. “Really?”
Even hummed. “Yes, most of those girls are even ready to jump in to marry Isak if he asks them. They are that gone for him. He really charms them all well.”
Isak was barely understanding what Even was on about. This was totally not true.
“Charms them? What do you mean?” Emma asked, sounding suspicious.
Even blinked once and averted his gaze to Isak’s once, before looking back at Emma in amusement. A smile playing on his lips.
“You haven’t heard? He charms them all so well that many of them try seducing him right then and there. He says he refuses them but I know it’s a lie. Why would he refuse them when he just flirted with all of them, right? You can only imagine what goes on between him and all the girls over the city.” Even was full-on grinning now and Isak was blushing furiously even though none of it was true. “No wonder every girl is crazy for him.”
He then leaned in and whispered into Emma’s ear, “I heard he is also dating one of them in secret.”
What the fucking fuck.
“Shut up, that’s not-“
“-oh my god, really?” Emma interrupted Isak, her eyes wide as she looked up at Isak. She looked shocked.
“Wha- no! No, of course not-“
“Look, he is lying again.” Even said, smirking.
Emma removed her hands from Isak’s neck slowly and took a step back, making space between them. Isak felt like he could finally breathe.
“I- wow- I just uh, I am sorry my prince,” she cracked a laugh that sounded more broken than anything else. “I didn’t know you had someone. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have thrown myself at you this way-“
“-Emma, just don’t believe Even. He is an idiot. I’m not seeing anyone else.” Isak tried telling her, but she wasn’t looking at him.
“What? Oh, it’s okay, my prince. I don’t really care, but uh, I have some work, I’ll just leave I guess. Have a good time with uh, your secret lover.” Her face was comical as she excused herself from them both.
He watched her retreating back with his jaw hung open.
And Even had the audacity to speak. “You are seeing someone in secret? I’m hurt, Isak.”
“You fucking asshole.” Isak hissed at Even once Emma was gone.
“I was wondering why you hadn’t said that yet,” Even hummed, smiling.
“What’d you do that for?” Isak cried.
Even just shrugged at him. “Because you looked like you need help. Besides, that poor girl is gonna get nightmares of you every time she sees any other girl in the city. And you are mine so sorry, I can’t share you with anyone else.” He winked. He fucking winked.
“That was so fucking bad, Ev. I swear to god.” Isak groaned. “Ugh, I hate you so much right now.”
“No, you don’t. I saved you from a very clingy monster dressed like a princess.”
“Fucking hell, I am not talking to you again. I really liked her.”
Even raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? You liked her?”
“Yes. Why? Don’t you think I can’t like girls?”  Isak said defensively, furrowing his brows.
Even only sighed at him. “No, that’s not what I meant, baby.”
“Don’t call me a baby. Then what, Even? Do you think only you are allowed to get a girlfriend but not me? That’s fucked up.” Isak spat, annoyed.
“No- fuck, I’m sorry, Isak.” Even’s eyes were wide, and he looked like he was really sorry. “I didn’t mean it that way.”  
Isak stared at him for a beat or two before turning away. “Whatever. Go fucking enjoy with your girlfriend and leave me alone.”
 He knew he had over-reacted as he fell on top of his king-sized bed that night. He and Even weren’t sleeping together anymore and Even had gotten his own big room. He couldn’t even get the point of making them both sleep together for all these years only to separate them now.  
He was regretting his words and his reaction right now and was thinking of just sneaking into Even’s room to apologize to him when he heard loud familiar voices from his right wall. It was Even and Sonja. They were sleeping together now?
But then he started hearing words and curses and he knew they were arguing. Even had invited Sonja over here as well last week and Isak hated watching her stroll around arm-in-arm with Even day and night as if she owned him. He hated it, and he hated everything that wasn’t Even these days.  
Another string of arguments pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused on that now. They were clearly arguing, fighting even. He had never heard Even yell like this at anyone, but Sonja’s voice was even louder. They were having issues, and Isak had no idea about what.
A few minutes after the continuous bickering, someone slammed something hard onto the ground, and then there was this loud sound of a door shutting close. Isak knew it was over and someone had stormed out.
What was happening?
Were they breaking up..?
Isak’s heart was beating quick when the door to his room slowly opened and Even entered inside, looking worn out.
“I’m sorry, Is. Can I sleep in your room for tonight? Please.”  
“You were right. I didn’t like Emma. I never liked her.”
 17 and 20
 “What if I can make it up to you?”
 “Even, I just fucking hate you, alright? Leave me alone.” Isak said, slamming the room to his door loudly. He didn’t want to hear any more of Even’s bullshit so he went straight to his bed and fell on top of it, burrowing his face into the pillow Even always slept. He inhaled the scent and felt something stirring inside him.
A weight dropped beside him and the next second someone was cuddling him from his side. Fucking Even. Of course, he followed Isak back into his room. Even literally had no sense of privacy. Not when it came to Isak at least.
“Ugh, why are you here?” Isak groaned into his pillow.
“What if I can make up to you?” Even repeated, to his ear this time. It gave Isak chills.
This year, Even was back only for a week or so and Isak was already anticipating him leaving tomorrow when today Even had the audacity to leave the palace and spend his more than four hours flirting with the village girls and boys.
Look, Isak wasn’t being possessive, or fuck it, he had no idea, okay? But he knew he was definitely not controlling like Sonja was. Sonja and Even had broken up and Isak really knew now what that whole argument or fight was about.
But that’s not the matter right now. He wasn’t usually possessive, but look, he hated that Even just left him like that on the last day he was going to spend here in Oslo before he would be back in Bergen. He and Even were supposed to spend their whole day together but Even had ditched him in the evening to flirt with some girls and returned back at dinner and he was going to leave tomorrow morning.
Of course, Isak was pissed and annoyed. Why couldn’t Even flirt with him instead?
Fucking Even.
 “I just can,” Even replied smoothly and Isak turned to him suspiciously.
“No, you can’t. I’m really hurt right now. Nothing can mend my broken heart.” Isak said instead. “And I really, really hate you right now.”
Even rolled his eyes at him fondly before cupping Isak’s chin with his hand. Then he leaned in and slowly asked, “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
Isak shuddered at that. They were so close. “No, of course not, Even. You would know if I kissed someone. Stop asking all the weir-”
Even shut him up with his own lips, kissing him. Isak whimpered and let out a surprised squeak before furiously trying to kiss Even back. Holy fuck, he was definitely dreaming. He was kissing Even. And nothing had ever felt so right in the universe.
Even kissed him gently and softly, he wasn’t rushing it, like he was savouring Isak’s lips, memorizing the way it moved and the way it tasted. It felt like he was trying to please Isak and it definitely was working. Isak moaned and hummed around their lips. He couldn’t believe it. He went pliant in Even’s arms and let him kiss him again and again and again until Isak could only see and feel and touch only Even, Even, and Even.
 “Did I succeed in making up to you?”
“Hell yeah,”
 19 and 22
 Isak was fucked. Literally. He just realized how much he was crushing on Even and how badly he wanted him that way. The way every boy wanted the girl. And he was fucked now.
He couldn’t take his eyes off Even’s naked back as he stretched and yawned in the early morning like a cat.
Isak watched his muscles flex and his spine stretch and shoulders move from where he was still pretending to be asleep with his blanket over his head.
Even looked good. He probably was one of the most handsome men Isak had ever seen all his life. Yes, Even was a man now and it made Isak swoon over him.
Just as Even got off the bed, he caught a glimpse of his collarbone, and Isak’s mouth watered as he imagined himself licking it. Gosh.
Even had returned back to Oslo again two years later and he looked so good. He had grown way taller and had gotten way more muscles. His hair was longer and swooped back on his head. It made him look so sexy and hot and Isak couldn’t breathe every time their eyes met. Someone kill him, God.
“Is it bad I want him to do every evil thing he can to me?”
He said out loud, still drooling over the new, tall and hot version of Even as he practiced his sword fighting while Magnus fed the sheep beside him in the shed. He was getting really good at it and he had even defeated and killed some of the sworn enemy’s sneaky conspirators a couple of times. This was his favorite sword and he named it ‘Illuminati,’ because it sounded cool.
He heard something clatter to the ground and turned to look at Magnus who was watching him with wide eyes. “What the fuck, bro?”
Isak nodded gravely, not even caring about the fact that he just said ‘he’ out loud instead of a ‘she’.
“Who are you even talking about?” Magnus squinted at him, looking shocked. When he looked at where Isak’s gaze was pointing to, his eyes widened.
“Fuck bro. Even?”
Isak nodded again. Even was there, riding his black horse and greeting everyone on the way with a huge beam. He looked so pretty.
“Mags, I think I like Even.” Isak couldn’t believe his own voice. How was the feeling this brave to admit that out loud? But he was also fucking tired of lying to himself. He liked Even that way and he had known it for a long time but he never let himself accept it. He couldn’t do that anymore though. He just didn’t think he could keep it in himself when Even had kissed the last time he was here. The only thing that was repeating in Isak’s head was their kiss and how good it had felt.
He had kissed many girls after that, but all of them felt wrong. He realized he didn’t like girls. He had never liked girls. It scared him, but also comforted him, made him realize why he could just never feel the same like all his other friends did.
 “Seriously, bro?!”  Magnus came over to him. He was almost as tall as Isak now.
“yes,” Isak nodded, licking his lips and aiming at the sack with his sharp steel sword. It cut it in two halves.
Magnus looked mind blown, as if he just discovered some great theory. “Fucking hell, bro. That is awesome. Shit, I think I always knew why you looked at Even that way.” He was beaming so huge Isak wanted to shut him up.
“What way?” He frowned instead.
“The way I watch the girls.” Magnus winked at him and Isak groaned, blushing furiously.
“Fuck off,”
“But bro. What about Even then? Have you told him about how you feel yet?” Magnus shuffled closer to him, lowering his voice so that no one could hear them.
Isak’s heart clenched at that and his jaw tightened. “No, Mags. He doesn’t like me that way.” He cast his gaze down and started fiddling with his fingers.
Magnus looked almost disappointed at that information. “What? But how do you know?”
“I just do.” Isak shrugged. If Even did like him, he would have told him.
“Bullshit bro. Have you ever seen the way Even looks at you? He looks at you like you are the most precious thing to him. Kid you not, I thought Even had a secret crush on you for several years after we became friends.” Magnus huffed. “He definitely fancies you, bro.”
Isak bit his lip, considering what Magnus had just said. Did Even really look at him that way? Did he really like Isak?
“We even kissed,” He admitted quietly.
A squeak. And Magnus was right in his face now. “Are you fucking kidding? You both kissed?” He yelled, making Isak flinch. A few of the guards watched them with a stone face and Isak slapped Magnus’s arm so he would shut up.
“Yes, we did. Two years back.” He said.
“Fucking hell. Who kissed first? Details, Isak. I need more details!” Magnus demanded and Isak let out a groan, slightly regretting telling Isak, but he started telling the story anyway. About him getting jealous whenever Even flirted with other girls or whenever he was with Sonja, about their kiss and how Isak couldn’t believe it was finally happening, about how they never talked about it again and Isak was too flustered to bring it up so he pretended that it never happened, about how even now Even would sneak into his room at night and slept along with Isak, about how Even would always call him pretty and it used to make Isak question his sexuality. He told him everything, every single thing. He poured his heart out. And when he was finally done, Magnus was full-on grinning now and Isak couldn’t believe he just poured his heart out to Magnus of all people.  
“And now you can’t take your eyes off him,” Magnus concluded, looking back at Even out in the vast field.
“Now I can’t take my eyes off him.” Isak agreed.
“Fucking hell, this is like a fairy tale.” Magnus mused with a smile. Isak rolled his eyes.
“This is anything but a fairytale.”
Magnus waved him off and got up, dusting his dress and he went back to the shed. As he walked in, he shouted over back to Isak, “Looking at someone like they are their universe, kissing them, and sneaking into their bed every night doesn’t seem like something a normal friend would do, Isak. You should stop thinking so hard and tell him.” He winked before disappearing inside.
Isak stared back at him for several minutes before letting out a sigh. ‘A true king is not afraid to be himself.’ Even’s words rang in his mind after all these years.
He would have to do this then, wouldn’t he?
 21 and 23
 “Even, I swear to god if anyone hears and informs my parents-“
-calm down, baby. Just enjoy.”
“They are the fucking king and quee- ahh“
Even dived back in and Isak moaned so loud he panicked he alerted the guards outside. But luckily, none of them barged in. Even didn’t stop, he kept going up and down, up and down and soon Isak was panting.
 When they both were coming down from their high finally, sweaty bodies on top of each other, Isak let out a giggle.
“Fucking hell,”
Even smiled down at him, then rolled back to his side. “I can’t believe I fucked the prince in his own room. I should get paid for this.”
Isak shoved him with a laugh before Even pulled him into himself and he rested his head on his shoulder.
“Did you know I begged my mum to let me sleep with you when we were younger because I liked you a lot and wanted to watch you sleep because you looked so adorable?” Even said, suddenly.
Isak widened his eyes at that. “What the fuck, really?” Even nodded back at him and Isak couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, I used to pretend that I was scared of sleeping alone here in your castle and somehow my mum believed it and your mum agreed to let us sleep together.” He laughed. Bright and loud.
And Isak laughed along with him too. Even rubbed his hand up and down his back and they calmed their giggles down after a while. They were together exactly for a year but only got to touch each other for two weeks and a half or so. Because they both got together the year before and Even had left again a week later and only came back here now one and a half week ago. So they were trying their best to spend as much time together as they could without making it more suspicious.
It was going fine, but they knew something had to happen first. They had to come out. They couldn’t keep living in secret like this forever. Isak didn’t want it and neither did Even. Isak was ready to die if he wanted, but he wasn’t going to let their love be imprisoned this way.
“What if we get caught one day?” Even said quietly, drawing circles on Isak's back.
“Then we explain to them. Tell them we are together,”
“And what if they don’t accept us?”
Isak shuffled closer to him. “We will flip them off and elope togteher.”
“Oh yeah?” There was a smile in Even’s voice.
“To where?”
“To a place where we are safe.”
“Okay. What if they torture Magnus over here because he supported us all this time.”
Isak scowled. “Then we take him along with us. Find him a girl. Marry them both.”
Even let out a small laugh. “That sounds really nice.”
“It does.”
“I’m so glad you asked me out that day, baby.” Isak lifted his face up and smiled down at Even.
“I am glad too. Or I wouldn’t be here with you right now, naked and kissing you.”
Even grinned up at him in the darkness. “And you wouldn’t have known how good I was at fucking you.”
“oh my god, you are so dirty.” Isak groaned, palming his face. They both laughed for another few minutes before Even resorted back to stroking his back softly.
“You don’t know how badly I wanted this. Us. You.” He said quietly, and Isak shook his head at him lightly.
“Trust me, I do. Because I wanted this too.”
Even stared into his eyes at that, a fond look on his face, and Isak did the same before they kissed each other again for a while. Isak slumped back into Even’s chest contently after that and they pulled the blanket tighter around themselves. It was a miracle no one ever came to check upon them.  
 “We really owe Magnus a lot, don’t we?”
 24 and 26
 They were in Bali. In fucking Bali, during the fuming hot, summer.
Isak couldn’t believe it. It had taken so long for them to arrive here. They had to spend so much time on various huge ships and here they were finally.
Relaxing on one of the finest beaches, shirtless and with lemonades resting on either side of them. Isak had his country to rule, his own palace, his personal advisor Magnus and most important of all, his lover, Prince Even. So yes, life was going great. Except for one small thing. But he wasn’t going to bring that topic up now.
Let’s talk about something else. First things first, Isak is a king now. Yes, he is a king but not Even. Because Isak’s father passed away two years back in the battle and now he was crowned the king of the Norsk. Even’s parents were safe and sound, thank you.
 The year Isak became a king, he knew he had the power to come out as a homosexual and claim Even as his lover, openly and freely, and people wouldn’t object. Wouldn’t dare to. His own mum had accepted them both so of course, none of the people really cared very much. As for Even, it’s his story to tell, but in the end, he was accepted by his parents too.
And now, here they were, in Bali. Having a vacation after a successful battle the previous year. Even was Isak’s boyfriend and Isak was Even’s. It was good. Life was good.
Except for that one small thing that was bothering Isak for the past two months.
“I love it here so much, Isak, God.” Even whined from his side, interrupting Isak’s thoughts. He stretched and Isak stared at his beautiful, long body. His lover’s body.
 His heart bloomed every time he referred to Even as a ‘lover’.
“What if we just stayed here for the rest of our lives?” Even asked, looking at Isak with a smile. He looked gorgeous in the sun. He had tanned a little in the past few days.
“Then we will.”
Even grinned wider and turned to his front before slowly making his way over to Isak with his elbows and finally stopping by his chest.
“No, because I want to see more of the world. I want to see the world with you.”
Isak stroked through his blonde hair and kissed him. “I’ll take you anywhere you want.”
Even melted in front of him and his smile turned much softer. “I love you,” he mumbled, kissing Isak’s nose and then hovering above his lips.
“I love you too,” Isak murmured back, and Even was kissing him the next moment.
They made out for a while in the sun, rolling on the beach sand like two horny starfishes until they both had to come up for air.
Even was watching him and he was feeling good. They both were feeling good and Isak thought this might be the right time to tell his lover.
“Um, baby,” He started, watching Even’s face trying to see all his reaction as he sat up straighter. “As much as I love hearing people call you my ‘lover’,” he emphasized on the last part and saw Even frowning slightly at right now. “I wonder how it would be if they called you my ‘husband.’”
He wished he could just freeze the exact moment when Even’s eyes widened and he looked so surprised it made Isak’s heart well inside his chest. But he was also very, very nervous right now.
Even wasn’t speaking anything, but his face was filled with emotions. He was red and flustered and shocked and bemused and looked surprised overall. As if he wasn’t expecting this.
But then, his upper lip quirked up and there was a hint of a smile. A smile that contained just too many emotions. And that was enough for Isak to go ahead.
He faced Even and pulled the ring out of his pocket. He opened it and held it shakily to Even.
“What if I asked you to marry me right now?”
A beat.
“I would say yes.”
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blatantvirucide-a · 3 years
RULES: share five songs that represent ur muse! just repost, don’t reblog.
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1 — & ready or not - jt music
Even if the virus subsides and the spread stops Remember a tyrant will thrive when against odds Got you covered in blood and sweat, you're gonna get dropped If I catch you layin' low, then your head'll get stomped Every direction's a path that'll get blocked When your weapon's empty, I'll fill you with dread and then shock Put your fists up, I'll give ya the cleanliest clock When the gloves come off, I got the deadliest claws
2 — & victimized - linkin park
They're acting like they want a riot, it's a riot I'll give them As the sound comes higher on this violent rhythm These snakes in the grass, supplying the venom — I ain't scared of your teeth, I admire what's in 'em —
Keep 'em waiting in the shadows there, thinking they hidden But the truth is you don't have the stomach to get 'em Go on already, hit 'em! You gotta be kidding Wanna talk about a victim, Imma put you there with 'em!
3 — & somewhere i belong - linkin park
And I've got nothing to say I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face (I was confused); Looking everywhere only to find That it's not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
What do I have but negativity 'Cause I can't justify the way everyone is looking at me (Nothing to lose); Nothing to gain, hollow and alone And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own
4 — & promises i can’t keep - mike shinoda
What's the difference between a man and a monster Is it somewhere between I can and I want to Is it somewhere between the promises I made And the fact I couldn't see something getting in the way
I used to think that I know what I want Never saw it coming unglued I used to think that I know what I want — Now it's time to see if it's true —
5 — & lost in the echo - linkin park
No, you can tell 'em all now I don't back up, I don't back down I don't fold up, and I don't bow I don't roll over, don't know how I don't care where the enemies are Can't be stopped, all I know go hard! Won't forget how I got this far
tagged by: i stole it from @resetheart !! tagging: @mk19s / @dx1118, and anyone who wants!
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Heartless - pt. 15
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A/N: New year, new me! No, jk. Lmao, Imma try to post more frequently but man it’s so hard to actually put myself behind the computer. But part 15 is out and I’ll try to post part 16 soon. Hope you like it. 
 ‘ “Gorgeous, isn’t it?”
You turned away from the angelic view of the sea to those green eyes that seemed to pierce your soul. Your smile faded, your eyes rolled back. 
“Can’t you let me enjoy my dreams for once?” you rubbed your arms and hugged them, due to the strong wind that blew away your white dress and your hair. 
The two of you walked forwards, one to another. He kept his hands in his pockets and swung his feet along the tall grass. “You think you’re dreaming this?”
“I’m asleep, aren’t I?”
“Do you even know where you are?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, showing off his smirk. 
“Somewhere.” you turned around at the view, seeing the sun rise higher up in the sky as the waterfall far away from you caught your attention. Your eyes drifted to the gigantic rocky hill then back to the green of his eyes. 
“Faroe Islands.” he spoke amusingly. “Danemark.” he walked past you and to the edge of the cliff. “My mother took me here when I was around...” he turned back to you over his shoulder and saw you looking at him with wide eyes. “Twelve.” he finished, turning his gaze upon the sea. “It’s my safe place.” 
Your brows furrowed, your feet willingly walking to his side. “Then why did you brought ME here?” 
“Because I want you to trust me.” 
“I would never.”
“But you do.” he turned to you with his whole body facing you, his energy soft and safe, his hold on your shoulder was tender, gentle even as his eyes kept reading into yours. “You do know we are Legilimen. I can feel you. I cannot only see your mind- I can see your emotions, your fears, your vulnerability.”
“And so do I.” you put your hands on his cheeks and ran your hands through his thick, curly hair. “I can feel your heartbeat racing whenever you are with me. You’re in love with me.”
And thought you could feel his fear rushing in, he did not let it take over for long. Courage replaced his whole-self and you could feel the safety of him wash you over like that waterfall far from both of you. “I might fancy you- yes but love? That’s a bit extreme, don’t you think (y/n)?” he now mirrored your hands and cupped your cheeks as well and the two of you felt closer than you had ever felt with anybody in your entire life... even with Sirius. “I can feel your heart racing as well. I can feel you like nobody else- I understand you.” he leaned his head on the side of yours and kept whispering in your ear. “Don’t you understand?”
“No. I don’t. You’re cruel and vile. I would never be with you.” 
“And you’re a Potter- pureblood egoist with a hero complex who took in a blood-traitor. I would never be with you either but oh, darling I know you feel it.” he whispered so wonderfully in your ear that your hands gripped his shoulders and your knees started to give in. “And how many lifetimes you get to feel this?” he said, pulling his lips away from your ear and to your forehead- giving it a tender, loving kiss that burnt your skin, lit your soul on fire. ‘
You woke up, bolting up in your bed and staring at nothing but the darkness. You were alone but his energy was still lingering on you like warmth, fading into cold breeze. You touched your forehead where his lips left a mark. Your fingertips gently brushed against it and your lips, despite the resilience, turned upwards. 
And your thoughts would wander to the feeling of his hair, to the colour of his eyes... to the softness of his lips and then you would wonder why him? From all people, Mulciber had to be the one to make you feel this way. 
And you contemplated about your connection with him until the morning light- until the sunlight kissed your windows and the rays of light flashed your eyes. Your feet swung themselves on the floor, carried you to the kitchen and with your thoughts far away from reality, your hands simply kept making you food. It was odd in a way, how used you were to the real world, doing daily things such as making breakfast. You haven’t even noticed you finished it until you were sitting behind the table and finding yourself being watched by other family members. 
It seemed you were still stuck in 5D world, present elsewhere but your physical body was here, behind the table. 
You felt a flick on the side of your forehead and it shook you- the whole vision crumbling down like rocks as you were finally awake- finally in this world- material world. 
“What the fuck?” James couldn’t help himself meanwhile your father shot him a glare.
“Watch your language, James!” 
“Okay. What the duck?” 
Act normal. “What?” you dug into your scrambled eggs and started to eat. “Oh my God, dad!”  you tried to distract everybody from yourself. “Mrs. Holloway asked about those documents of the newest potion your brewing. She said that the dates do not match the timeline and she thinks you might have time travelled- which was totally odd because she’s is some barmy old lady that I still do not know why works at the Ministry when she could easily retire-”
“Time travel?” your father scoffed, laughing. “Sure, I would love but I don’t have any objects or experiences to do it- plus time travelling is dangerous.”
“Like I said- barmy.”
“She isn’t that barmy, (y/n).” he tried to be nice but you could see him agreeing with you through his words. 
“Who the hell is Mrs. Holloway?” your mother asked, glaring at your father. 
“I thought I explained this.” you smiled at your mother’s jealous, taking another bite at the eggs. “A barmy old lady who works at the Ministry.”
“I still want to know what the-”
“Oh, what’s the time?” you cut James off, seeing the fury rise up in the redness of his cheeks and the tension between his brows. “I have to get ready. I’m going out with Nina.”
“Stop ignoring me!” James raised his voice but his father shot him another glare. 
“James. Tone down.”
“Didn’t you see her like 5 minutes ago?!”
“Beautiful, aren’t I?” you teased, making him roll his eyes and other stiffen their laughter. 
“Don’t be- OI! Get back here!” he started stomping after you as you quickly ran to your room and turned on the radio. He barged in with a furious look on his face. “I will not be ignored.”
“Ignored? James Potter?” you started to goad him a bit, feeling your anger bubble as well, due to him sticking his nose into everything. 
“Tell me what’s going on!”
“I’m going out with Nina. Last week before school starts.” you shrugged. 
“Not that! Tell me what’s going on with you! Why are you so odd! Why do you keep hiding things from me! What happened that stupid night and what the hell was Mulciber and his arse of a father doing here!”
“I dunno.” you turned around and started making your bed. “Ask dad.” 
“Bullshit!” he exploded. 
“It’s none of your business, James!” you exploded as well. 
“Hell, of course it’s my business! You brought those bloody twats into our home! You’re the reason they’re here!”
“Just bog off, James!” you started shoving him out of your room. “Get out of my room!”
“No!” he started to shove your hands away from you. “It’s not fair for mum and dad and Moody to know but not your own twin brother!” 
“Oh, trust me James, if your gut ever gave a fuck about me, we wouldnt’ be here in the first place!”
“What does that supposed to mean?”
“You’re blind like a goat, James.” you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. “There were plenty of times something was wrong that your gut didn’t detect. Mostly because it was too busy playing tag games in the woods.”
“When you tell me why the hell are you running in the woods every night, maybe I’ll tell you why everything is happening here.”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Exactly. That’s why I can’t tell you this either.”
“You don’t get it. It’s to protect someone.”
“Well, now you get it why I’m doing the same thing.”
“To protect me?”
“To protect all of you!”
“I don’t need to be protected!”
“Well, James- believe it or not, it’s not just you. I’m not pulling you into this.”
“I’m already pulled into it-”
“Oh, believe me. You are far from into it.” you shoved him out the door and slammed them to his face. 
He wanted to barge back in but it was as if they were glued to the wall. 
“Oh, really! I’ll find out sooner or later!”
“Stay out of my life, James!”
“YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” he shouted desperately, roaring through the door. “OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR, (Y/N)!” he kept shouting, feeling his eyes tear up and the lump in his throat prevent him from speaking any further. 
All he wants is to be by your side. If he wasn’t in the past, then he sure wants to be today... now- just... please (y/n)...
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
Koga the Phantom Thief
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Oooh, interesting! I hope I can do your idea justice! I’m so sorry for the later reply but I got a little caught up with activities and honestly, I actually wasn’t so familiar with the term phantom thief. You can PM me if the writing isn’t good or not accurate! Also, since this Sunday is Tanabata, I decided to weave in some aspects of the Star Festival.
Koga The Phantom Thief (AKA: The Time the Red Oni becomes a Blue Oni)
The Tengu also becomes fried chicken, the seer becomes blind and the instruments are very out-of-tune like a screeching Nekomata
I’m Sorry
“Heh. Sir Aoi, thy talents in the scullery are without match.”
“Yeah? Well, I wished SOMEBODY… or even better, TWO SOMEBODIES wouldn’t light a match here in front of all of us in the summer.”
In the same heated air, the intoxicating waft of fried onions, sizzling steak and coal-fired peppers drifted towards flaring nostrils. The dining table in the parlour groaned under the weight of the plethora of dishes all ready to be devoured by the famished team. Yet, even as Aoi was setting down a wooden bowl of freshly cooked rice right smack dab in the middle of the plates, a certain pair was oblivious to it all. The sheer irony of it all was that Koga had been the one to suggest going out for dinner that night while his inamorato offered up her home.
To be fair, it hadn’t escalated to anything scandalous. Mere, fleeting glances at first just subtly transforming to adorable gestures on the pretext of offering food to one another. It was only the uncomfortable whistling and marked eye avoidance from her friends that made MC rethink her stance and break eye-contact. 
All she could do was hide her face in her sleeves with a mortified groan. "Oh no," she mumbled, her words muffled against thin yukata fabric. "Why didn't you say something sooner, Koga?"
"Uh…because I liked it," came his blunt reply, trying to poke MC from her clothed haven while ignoring the censorious glare he received from Aoi for that bit of honesty. As a Satori seer, even if he tried not to peer into anyone’s hearts, it was near impossible to avoid emotions running sky high. Then again, no one could really ignore them, including a certain Nekomata.
“Is it just me or has our house gotten crowded? I don’t even know if there’s enough paper now.”
“Oh! Tanzaku!”
Smirking at her squeal, Nachi started handing out the slips of the long, narrow paper for writing wishes on and small sticks of bamboo grasses. Well, at least to those conscious. He was sure Kuya wouldn’t swallow the currently fluttering paper going up and down with each snore taken.
“Lemme see something from Koga!” “Haha, no little kitty, the wish would be broken.”
“Or I could steal the wish.”
“I’d steal it back.” “Then, prove it.”
“What, no? What’s there to prove?”
“... Chicken....”
It was then tension was almost tangible within the walls of the tiny house. Thick, like a shroud, confining and oppressive and distinctly uncomfortable to the point Kuya woke up. MC would have whipped out her Kagura wand but she had a feeling no purification could stop the damage inflicted. 
“... What…”
“The bird I’d eat for breakfast if there really wasn’t any dried fish?”
“... Oh, it’s on.”
As the sheer chaos unfolded, MC thought to recruit the rest of the comrades… only to find them all on the side of Nachi. 
“... Has he been talking to a certain fox by any chance?” The question mark that appeared visibly atop of Kuya’s head was quickly knocked by Gaku’s snarky retort,
“I dunno, Toichiro is pretty possessive of his title of being Koga’s Headache.”
“It is almost time for a midnight patrol…” Ginnojo conceded with what could have passed off as indifference… were it not for him suddenly drawing up several maps and marking out several positions.
“This is going to beest most wondrous!” came the most mature reply from Yura.
Her last hope came in the form of Aoi but of course, he stomped all over her dreams of having a normal Star Festival.
“I’m not saying I’m doing this for what happened earlier… I’m doing this for EVERY time he did those things in my face.”
And now we can start on what could have been MC’s torture session as she found herself sighing like Aoi usually did.
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By the time she had returned home from school the next day, she was in no mood to discover the chaos that had been left behind in their wake. She'd had a rough start to her day and it wasn't getting any better. MC had been late for her first class and had missed several portions of her second class due to the demanding need to banish wraiths every ten minutes for the Afternoon Patrol. To cap all of that off, her feet had begun to swell in her shoes after all that running back and forth, with, of course, a detention slip for sneaking out of classes too many times. In short, her day had been hell and, by the time she returned home, all MC wanted was to kick off her shoes and enjoy a cold glass of milk.
So she let herself into the house with a weary grunt, dropped her backpack on the floor and made an immediate beeline for her room to change because, wow, dashing around like a headless chicken was NOT a good look.  As a result, she didn't immediately register anything amiss in the place. It was only after she exited the bedroom, that she realized.
She had not tripped over any mess… the entire day. Not even Nachi’s weird lizard offerings.
Her tension fairly soared off the charts as she was brought up short by stumbling upon the ghastly state of her living room. For once, she was glad her father was far away in another precinct as she swam about the chaotic mess, her mouth hanging open in shock. 
"What the hell happened in here...?" 
It looked as if a clothing-dessert-random-knick-knacks-and-everything bomb had detonated right in the centre. Shirts, shoes and pants were scattered all across the floor with a concentration of biss-cuts, jelly, dried fish and other treats the only things being plated delicately on the tiny tea table but surrounded with barbed wire. Upon opening various dresser drawers, she found paint supplies, several decorative fans and even toolboxes spilling out of them. 
“I have finished… Mission #1.”
Of course, MC did the most natural thing in the world.
Her swift strike had only been preemptively blocked by the gentlest grip an intruder could have and she whirled around to confirm her suspicions,
The dashing gentleman definitely had the confident gait of her boyfriend. But she had never seen such a getup in his closet before. A trim and cut tuxedo, fit with sleek fabric and a smooth collar. The shirt underneath, as pure and white as Shizuki’s snow, was crisp with excellent care. The vest was adorned with designs of complicated swirls, coloured a crimson red, nearly indistinguishable from the eyes barely hidden by a golden mask. A neatly folded tie was the same red, tucked underneath protectively. The entire arrangement was picture perfect, from the flawlessness of the suit's cloth to the shine of spotless dress shoes. 
“... Were we supposed to have a date because I thought you have just finished the patrol around the Asakusa park?”
At his usual hearty chuckle, she found herself considerably relaxing as he casually explained,
“Nope, this was part of their challenge. So while patrolling with Ginnojo, I just first took… whatever Kuya surrounds himself while sleeping since he usually doesn’t care about a particular object and decided it matched the room,”
Koga only paused to hand her an actual calling card of The Phantom ‘Theif’… that was probably created by Masanobu. As if the glitter, scratchy handwriting, bad spelling and random car stickers pasted all over wasn’t evident enough, her beau continued,
“, Then I met Masanobu who was kind enough to make cards with Aoi’s art supplies which I took while I used a lady disguise to distract Oji to distract Aoi who was busy squabbling with Oji.”
“, Then, of course, as we went to Ginnojo’s place after that 5 minute separation period, I swiped out his books with Kuya’s empty ones.”
“Wait, you did all of that in 5 minutes?”
“Yup, and finally, your house, when I knew there was an ice-cream truck outside to distract Yura and Gaku. Except that ice-cream truck was my carriage and that whole line was Masanobu’s friends that helped me out after I won a game of tag while I took their things. The only reason why they’re last is that I wanted to see you after school.” 
Before his smirk and MC’s blush could fully burn her entire face, an infuriated feline stomped into their space, practically spitting out a scroll at Koga’s feet and longingly eying the dried fish before hissing out,
“Well done, Phantom Theif. You have finished your first task, BUT there is one more before you are deemed worthy.” 
“... Nachi… he has seen you as a cat. Also, you’re talking in that voice you use to intimidate a butterfly.”
“AHEM! You… will need to steal… yours and MC’s wishes.”
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“Alright, Kuya’s first.” Koga announced with a sweep of his cape. That grand flourish and declaration earned little more than an eyebrow raised by the Onmyoji.
“Kuya? As in the one who just woke up apparently according to Nachi grumbling earlier?”
All he did was wave her concern away as they continued their pursuit, barely making a sound. 
“He’s probably the one hiding to nap and give orders. And where better than here?”
The place he had taken her turned out to be the Twelve Stories Tower. While the streets were normally crowded, only a scattered few passers-by wandered now and then - perhaps due to the ridiculously late hour. She gazed around the interior column of the brick tower. She certainly didn’t remember the viewing platform being this high up… or maybe it was the fact Koga was somehow strolling along, even skipping. Thank goodness he had reached a hand to help her up the last steps. When the climb was finished, Koga’s theory had proven to be true upon spotting a familiar pair of black wings. 
What was unfamiliar was the detective coat he sported, although MC wondered if he was properly wearing or it had been shoved down his head by a certain seer.
“Geh, this sucks. Whatever, here…” was all Kuya said… before he gave them the biggest smirk MC had ever seen on his usually tired face.
With a flick of his wrist and a snap of a fan, a large twister descended upon the three, carrying the two slips of paper expertly into nimble hands that snatched them away. In a dizzying swirl of water, Ginnojo rode on his tsunami far away from them.
“Great, it’s in the most dangerous detective’s hands…” was all she heard from Koga before he, ever-the-fool, launched himself straight towards the Mizuchi Dragon.  
Somehow, they remained suspended in the air long enough to exchange a few blows so furious that MC would have remained gawking were it not for her senses returning to her, dashing down the stairs… but not before grabbing Kuya’s coat… and covering the tengu who had decided to fall asleep in the middle of it all.
Of course, just as Koga had tugged off the detective’s coat from Ginnojo, the silent warrior had to toss them to the unexpected pair... or was it more accurate to say duet? Either way, Gaku's resounding strike of his drums had enabled his brother to snatch away the papers.
“Prepareth to square! I needeth to avenge mine own fallen dess'rts!”
To MC's surprise, she had caught up with the duelling ayakashi, but only because they stopped to have some exaggerated battle moves she had only witnessed on kabuki nights with Toichiro and Shizuki. It was becoming a tad ridiculous and MC really didn't want to waste her energy chasing them so she took her time. Eventually, Nachi, the very instigator, and Aoi came strolling along, her pet stating the obvious,
"OK... This... Is somehow embarrassing." 
"Yeah? Wonder who suggested this?"  was both Aoi and MC’s reply.
As the time limit was... still not approaching fast enough, somewhere in the midst of the struggle, the papers landed on the road... just as a carriage trotted by. 
It was as if a sudden nuke stopped the war. 
"Koga, may I suggest thou prostate with a sincere apology at hand?"
"W-what? But I'm not the only one to blame!" 
"W-we'll apologise.. just, after you." 
And then, she snapped.
“All. Of. You. Inside. NOW!”
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So there they were, sitting formally with their backs ramrod straight. MC was honestly just using a cat teaser but to them, it was the whip of discipline as they all waited, as falling into formation. Gently but with the fire still burning in her pink eyes, she prodded each one of them on the shoulders until she reached the twins,
“Now, can anyone tell me why I’m mad? Yura?”
“Is't because I am the oldest h're?”
“Er, technically, I’m just as old as you are, brother.”
“As the oldest, you two should have known better!” “You, Kuya!” “... I should have slept more?”
“Aoi! Ginnojo!”
“... We made use of our powers.”
“I mean if you hadn’t lost your wish as well… oops…”
“Why, Nachi, why? It’s all your fault anyway!”
“I just wanted to enjoy my afternoon, dusk and midnight nap.”
Once again, the blame game was being played and MC slammed her bell wand against the table.
“SHUT IT! It’s all of your faults and everyone has to take responsibility! Didn’t anyone teach you not to mess with dreams, of all things?”
And then the lecture continued, with her even bringing over a chalkboard and placing the dunce cap on the stoic Ginnojo. By the time she had gotten to her 23rd point, there was a still lot more she wanted to say but allowed Koga to signal to the others,
“We all know what to do, men.”
Together, they all bowed,
Rolling her eyes but finally smiling, she nodded… before abruptly producing two very, very familiar tanzaku.
“So… here are our wishes, Koga.”
As she gently patted them into a starstruck oni’s shaking hands and was leaving the others to gape like fishes, her last words were,
“Please boys, you could be the Phantom Theif or detectives with some cool cloaks but I’m a refined lady who wisely wished to win. Y’all were doomed from the start when the only thing really stolen was her heart.”
It was at that moment Koga knew: He had to steal a wedding ring.
He didn’t. But he did buy one.
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ursapharoh05 · 6 years
Redemption (Erik Killmonger)
This is the fourth and final part of my Dadmonger series. It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do with this and where I wanted it to go. I hope you like it, I could use some inspiration so hit me up with asks or anything, I’m even down with doing sleepover saturdays now that schools out. Tell me what you think. Thanks for sticking with me
A trial, years and years of therapy, ancestry, and teaching and it all came down to was a single day and a panel of elders judging her fathers deeds. She’d been summoned some week before as N’Jadaka’s last request. Her uncle, a title the hesitant and bashful king had used to introduce himself, had tracked and her down to present back to his cousin and now she was in Wakanda.
She’d been told the stories when she had arrived, servant girls were quick to exchange tales of America for stories of the Tyrant prince that ruled for two days and now was being integrated into their society. She’d engaged in teenage giggling and gossiping, ate the snacks that they had brought and waved from her door as they’d left. It had been a foreign but enjoyable interaction to learn more about what she had missed. She still wasn’t sure why she was there.
Upon her arrival she’d ran all over the palace,soaked in as much beauty and art, and architecture as possible. She walked until she was hopelessly lost and out of breath and her beat up sneakers made her feet throb. She knew her assigned Dora had kept up with her easily and eyed her oddly but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She found a garden, kicked off her shoes and socks and had slept on the grass long passed the sunset and nearly passed her first dinner with the royal family. She’d flinched when it was the King to wake her up and had to scrub tears from her eyes when she realized this was real.
But now, it had been a week and she had grown weary of the grandeur of this utopia. She was a marvel to this place as much as this place was a marvel to her. Being an oddity loses its charms rather quickly.
She was prepared for the cautionary tales of her father, it was expected, failure breeds learning experience. She was not prepared for the complete contempt for her father and of her, the way their whispers twisted to snap out at her, a failure,ruined American half breed, proof of the worlds failures, just another bastard heir that the King had collected, they didn’t call her by her name or even her birthright Wakandan title. They forgot to ask if she spoke their language, she kept it to herself, after all she’d been called worse than ‘the plague of the Jaguar’.
The morning the King came for her, she knew it was for something other than his usual invitation to join him for some aspect of his daily routine. Which is a shame because she does like being with him.
One of her favorite things since her arrival in Wakanda was the kings friendship, though she made him work for it. The King’s eyes were just that shade lighter than her fathers, more golden, less worldly, good for expressing emotions other than rage and hurt. She sees his lips move, knows this is important, that he’s trying to bond with her for whatever reason and stands to follow him out when he bids her to.
The King keeps his stride even and he summons an easy smile “If you would like, after your meeting you could accompany me to the Jabari tribe, or we could practice your Xhosa and go to the market” She shrugs. The King instead stops them walking and places a hand on her shoulder “You will not be there any longer than you wish, little cub. Your father asked for you during his healing process, and throughout much of his rehabilitation. I am sorry we could not come for you except as a last request before his trial”
The beast inside of her tears apart her stomach with nerves, growling out hurt and fear. Her hands shake as she shoves them into her pockets “You sure you got the right guy? Daddy isn’t one to ask, he just...”
“Takes” The King fills in with a sad smile as she tries to shrug “I have learned much from my cousin in his time here, it is why I work so hard to right the wrongs befallen the lost—“
She chuckles then, “Forgive me, your majesty. Our losses in America are different to the losses of Wakanda. I lost a past, I wander along the unknown of a heritage I wasn’t raised in, and I’m not invited back to. You” she glances at him before looking to the large vibranium door “ are suffering through knowing you let your brothers and sisters be dragged away to hell in the name of your own preservation, your future is at a loss because you are unsure where you belong in a world that does not treat you how you deserve, but as a tool.”
She’s overstepped, she can tell by the way the Kings inviting smile wanes slightly, she’s ruined another moment because she can’t tell a challenge from a simple reassurance. She wants to apologize, honesty without tact is just cruelty and she has no use for cruelty anymore.
She’s too late though as the hand on her shoulder squeezes softly and he motions to the guards on either side of the large Vibranium door.  She is pulled into a tight hug by the King as he murmurs “I will wait for you here, I will give you your heritage back, and you can guide us in this dangerous world, eh?” She can’t remember a time someones held her after she’s thrown something so blatantly into their face, she clutches onto him before entering the room.
It...is not a prison cell as she had imagined, no bars or dirt floors. It looks very much like a well lived in apartment, homey American style highlighted with Wakandan decor.  The mantle is covered in pictures, daddy and the King, daddy with the princess, daddy and...a woman. She feels like she’s entered into a strangers home, and her childhood apartment all at the same time.
Soaking in the photographs she turns at the sound of a deep clearing throat, takes in the man in deep blue royal attire grinning with the golden fangs. She doesn’t move “Should I call you Daddy, Erik, or Prince N’Jadaka?”
“Daddy, sounds good to me, c’mere lil girl, let me see you” he moves forward, takes her hand and spins her around before she can protest “Surprised you didn’t let them dress you up right, look attchu, slummin’ it”
She huffs a laugh looking at her worn jeans, and filthy high tops, her accompanying Dora isn’t so amused “I’m workin’ with what I got, not everybody workin’ as the newest royal advisor.” She hugs him tight “You look...” alive, unrepentant, happy without me “So good.”
Erik moves away from her after a firm slap on the back “Eh, you know how I do. Take a seat, tell me what you’ve done with your time” she does, although it’s less personal than her talks with the king and sounds rehearsed even to her own ears. She tells him about all he’s missed, about his other children, about her school, about how she’s applied her lessons.
She shows him the bracelet of scars on her wrist and watches his face turn from polite interest to stone as she explains “The big one was for you, this ones for mama, and cousin Emmit and Trevon. These are for some of the—the other kids you got. There’s four in all, three boys and another girl, I got letters back in my bag from them, pictures too if ya wanna—“
He reaches out and rubs a finger over each mark almost reverently “Oh, girly. Whatchu done.”
She shrinks for a moment before standing her ground “They aren’t dead if that’s whatchu think. These are people I care about, not people I hurt. It’s good”
Erik pulls away, ignoring her defensive tone “I want you to see sumthin’ “ he moves to lead then to a door off to the side. she  follows him around the lavish apartment as he walks them to a room, gives two loud knocks summoning the woman from the photos. The woman’s hair is wrapped, exhausted bags under her eyes. She’s beautiful, strong, and holding a sleeping infant.
Her smile is bright as the sun as she meets Erik’s eyes “Shhhhh, silly man, I just now get your child to sleep and here you are stomping about. Have you finished your meeting?”
He leans in and kisses her softly, like she’s his whole world before pulling her and the infant tight into his arms. He looks down at his first daughter, motioning her closer to look at the sleeping baby. He whispers in adoration “You wanna see the future Lil girl? A black baby raised right. Gonna know of the hardships of the American Nigga and the power and pride of Wakandan royalty. This lil shits gonna change the whole world.”
The woman frowns “N’Jadaka, you mustn’t speak like that, you’ll scare the poor girl away. My husband is a visionary, we are looking first for a nanny, not a revolutionary.  We can give you a place to live with us, and an allowance. You’ll be taking care of our child while I and Prince N’Jadaka are working with the King to help America. Will you accept?”
She recoils from the sight of such a perfect family “But, But what about the trial I thought—“ her voice breaks as her eyes stay on the sleeping bundle, the curly hair, and the little fists.
“Nah, more like a ‘welcome to society’ party, I jus’ needed a way to get you here.” All the air in the room seems to be avoiding her lungs, she wasn’t brought here as anything more than a glorified babysitter and it’s very clear that he meant it that way “I was tellin’ my better half, that our kid needs some perspective. Who’s better to have perspective than someone who’s lived it, besides, Ain’t nobody I trust more.” She wonders if the grin is meant to be reassuring and prideful. It’s not.
She finds her head shaking back and forth, and a laugh bubbling out of her mouth “I—I think I hate you” she gasps for breath around  giggles “I really hate you, I’m glad the others never met you. I’m glad I saw this, I’m done with this weak shit.” She turns to the woman with a predators grin“You better run and take the kid with you. If you need anything, ever, find me.”  She turns to leave, the beast still restrained.
Erik catches her arm and frowns “Where you goin’ lil girl? This is the place to be, Imma change the world from this spot right here. You mine,and I want you here.”
She growls, looking for a fight, praying for one. Shaking her head and ripping her arm free she starts to back him up “Nah, you different. You changed for them, you ain’t my daddy, not anymore.” She sniffs and lets her defenses go up, she strides back for the exit “Congrats on the kid, Prince N’Jadaka. Wakanda fits you.” She takes a deep breath  ”Let’s go, Dora, I’m ready.”
Her Dora is waiting at the door for her, spear in hand as N’Jadaka follows closely behind “Im doing this for you, this is gonna change things, it’s bigger than just a few centers and programs—“ he reaches for her again as she crosses the threshold.
She stops just outside as the two crossed spears stop him short from leaving the room, the beasts roar soaks her words as she bears her teeth in a wicked grin, fingernails digging into her palms like claws “what did you think was gonna happen to us? Huh?! You think if you can’t bring Wakanda to us, you gonna bring us to Wakanda, bitch, where?! I’m goin’ home, and I’m gonna work and claw and fight my way until I got the power to cause the change you couldn’t and then I’m going to shove it down your throat and up my enemies asses! Like you taught me! I’ll burn before I let you or anyone else dictate where I belong! I’d kill you for leaving us to die there, for leaving us to our chains. But it looks like you sitting pretty in chains gold right here.”
She doesn’t stay in Wakanda for the trial that night. She ignores the pleas of the King to stay, and the constant messengers from the Prince. Instead she goes home, gets some sleep, and gets to work on the plans for her new world.
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bleusarcellewrites · 7 years
Swing sets and headbands
Lance is seven and he loves the park.
That’s something that is loud and clear as he struggles under his cousin’s hold, ignoring Allura’s exasperated sighs as she tells him to slow down but he can’t because he can see the swing set free and the red one is going to be his this time.
It doesn’t take long, though, for him to succeed, shouting in delight when Allura finally lets him go and he runs straight to the swing set, eyes looking around for a familiar black dot while his small satchel around his chest bounces against him at each step.
With no ‘enemy’ in sight, Lance whoops in victory as he basically launches himself forward and sits on the red swing set. Not two second later, there’s a small whiney voice behind him.
“Aw, man! So not fair, Lance!”
Lance grins, throwing his head back and meeting a pair of dark blue eyes staring down at him upside down with a pout.
“I won Red, Keith!” Lance cheers, eyes following his friend’s figure as Keith walks around the swing set and sits on the black one next to Lance, “I finally got it!”
“That’s not fair! Shiro took forever because he wouldn’t stop talking to himself in the mirror,” Keith rolls his eyes, flopping himself on the black swing set and pushing a little back so he could swing without effort, “I dunno why he was calling himself Allura, though? Your cousin wasn’t even there?”
Lance shrugs, mind vaguely reminding him of the time he caught Allura winking and finger gunning at the mirror earlier in the morning.
“They are weird,” Lance declares nonchalantly, “Who cares? I got Red, Keith! I told you I would get here first!”
Keith sticks out his tongue at the teasing but still grins. “Whatever! I can still win on the race!”
“Oh yeah¡?”
“You’re on!”
Suddenly, Lance’s jump off the swing set and starts running, laughter loud and free as Keith shouts out in surprise and quickly follows his lead.
They pass the monkey bars for the third time before Lance hears a different kind of shout. It makes him pause his own shouts, because he can no longer hear Keith’s complains or laughter behind him. He slows down, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as he looks back and he gasps when he sees his friend laying on the floor face down on the ground.
He runs back, shouting Keith’s name in concern before he kneels down next to the fallen boy.
“What happened? Are you okay? Are you crying? It’s okay, Keith! Imma get Allura! And – And Shiro! Okay? It’s okay! Just don’t go into the light, Keith!”
Keith grunts, pushing himself back slowly before he sits on his butt and rubs his nose, eyes tearful and wide as his lips turn into a pout.
“’m okay,” he grumbles quietly, still rubbing his nose before wiping his tongue at the dirt it got into his mouth“I, uh, my hair got in my eyes and I didn’t see the hole.”
“Are you sure you are okay?” Lance asks concerned, lower lip caught between his lips as he hugs his small satchel closer to him.
Keith nods. “Yeah, I’m okay, it just hurts a little.”
Lance purses his lips before he gasps and then leans down. He drops a quick kiss on top of Keith’s nose, making a loud sloppy sound while it and grins victoriously when finished.
“Magic kiss! My family do that with me when I get hurt, did it work?” Lance asks, smiling hopefully when Keith hums and pokes his nose as if testing it.
Keith gasps, mouth turning into a small ‘o’. “It doesn’t hurt anymore!”
“Yey! Success!” Lance cheers, throwing his hands in the air. They laugh, shoving at each other’s shoulder playfully.
Lance stares a little then, watching as Keith’s bangs fall to his face as he shakes with giggles and cover his eyes. He purses his lips in deep thought; that won’t do.
Lance tilts his head to the side, eyes squinting as he taps his chin. “Okay but you can’t really see now, though.”
He holds up a finger before he looks down and opens his small satchel. He mumbles under his breath as he run his hands inside of it before he lets out a small ‘ah-HA’ and takes out a small purple headband.
“Here! It’s a diadema! Well, uh, not really? Kinda? It means it’s a headband just...not uh...whatever! Just, here, come here.”
Lance waves his hand, telling Keith to come closer. The boy furrows his eyebrows in confusion but he still shrugs and crawls forward, not caring as his knees gets dirtier, and he eyes the headband in Lance’s hands curiously.
“Okay, so, Angie taught me how to do this, we just uh..okay, hold on!”
“Who’s Angie?” Keith asks quietly, wincing when Lance tugs at his bangs a little too much, “Ow.”
“Sorry,” Lance apologies, smothering down the wounded part gently before continuing, “She’s my big sister! She lets me play with her hair a lot, which is super cool because she has really long hair and it’s really pretty. Allura is teaching me how to make braids, too! I can make you a braid later, if you want?”
Keith nods, a small blush covering his cheeks at the thought even though he’s not sure what a braid is. He watches quietly as Lance sticks out his tongue in concentration as he works, small fingers running through his thick black hair and smothering it down carefully.
It takes less than two minutes before Lance leans back and smiles big and bright at his creation.
“All done!”
Keith arches an eyebrow, eyes going up to his forehead as if he could see what’s on his head and the confusion on his face makes Lance to laugh.
“Now you can see!” Lance nods proudly, grabbing Keith by the cheeks and shaking him a little.
Keith smiles, but it’s smushed by Lance’s pushing his cheeks together, making him looks like a fish. “Thanks, Lance!”
“No worries! Now, come on! Let’s finish the race!”
“Imma win because I’m Naruto now!” Keith declares, puffing his chest proudly.
Lance whines, stomping his foot. “Nooo, not fair! I’m Naruto!”
“You don’t have a headband, Lance!”
“Then gimme back the headband!”
The race turns into a chasing, monkey bars being passed by another four times, but it’s okay, because it’s not long before laughter and squeals are back coming from both of them as they tackle each other and wrestle on the grass.
It takes Shiro two weeks straight for him to convince Keith to take off the headband because it needed to be washed.
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ah17hh · 4 years
My 69 favorite copy-pastas... nice via /r/emojipasta
My 69 favorite copy-pastas... nice
Look 👀 for 4️⃣ the 💁‍♀️gummy 😽 bear 🐻 album ✒️in 🎈 stores 🏬 on 🚘 November 🏗 13th 🥨 with 🍠 lots 🌪 of 🐉 music 🎶 videos 📢 and ➕ extras 💰
martha😁was👉🏿an🙃average🐕dog. She went💨aërf🍒&🤕ærph😪&👻EEEER🤠when👧🏻she💅ate👄some🤖alphabet👽soup,🐶then🧦what🌸happened🌚was🌈bizarre🗿
bûtthõlēs🍤are😛nothing💃🏼to👎🏽be🤰laughed😡at👄they’re🐂 just😟 a👾part🎛of👺the🤖human🕴body?
why❓don't⌛we🔪just👽relax😩and🤬turn💎on🗿the💅radio📻 would👿you😼like💕EMMMM👹or🤪 FMMMM👺
this😌one✨is💅🏽for🤷🏾‍♀️the 💯boys🎾with💍the 🚴boomin🎙system 👩🏾‍top 👨🏿‍🍳down👇ac💨with🥦the👐🏽coolin☃️ssystem
OMG 😲 Bêstįę 👯 are 😫 you 🤔 possesed 👻 what 😳 i 🗣 am 👂 just 😾 trying 😯 to 😲 squeeze 😛 some 🤩 tomato 🍅 juice🥤
Röłl👶🏻up🤭tö thē😤pærtÿ🎉wïth🏮my😼𝕔𝕣𝔸ℤ𝕐🤪pink💗w𝒾g🐷cañt🙈get thru the😿dœr🚪cus😾my ßøø𝔱ÿ𝔰😳töø big😳 One percent is h̶u̸m̶a̸n̵👤, ninety-nine is ✨𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸✨ Just a sec, 🅸 😀 gotta fix🔧 my 𝖑𝖎𝖕𝖘?
I👤climbed🧗‍♂️ out 😔 of 🎇 my ✋ head 💀 and 💞 watched 👀 myself 👩 implode 💣 a 🌼 thought 🧟‍♀️ without 🤦‍♂️ a 💃body 🙃 ought 👯 to🤫 be 🙏 a 🔫 shot 😞to 🦄 take 🌺 a 💃 load 🥑 off 🎱 my 🏵 brain 🧠 is 👑 poisoned 🤪 and 👖 I'm 😵searching 🧐 for💡 the 🕯 antidote 💅 but 🤡 every 🎤 time ⌚ I 🗑 find 💰it 💐my 🐌 defense 🌎 is 🌹screaming🎧 oh no 🎼 you ❌ dont 🙅 Woah... 🌟
🎺 It seems ⏰ today 📆 🎺 that all you 🙎 see 👀 👁 👁 🎺 is violence 🎆 🔫 in movies 🎥 and 😏 sex 😍 🍆 💦 😩 on tv 📺 🎺 But 🚬 where 📡 🌎 are those 🕺 good 😊 😄 old 👴 fashioned 👕 👚 👗 values 💸 💵 💴 💶 💎 💰 on which we 👨‍👨‍👧 used to rely? 👯 👯
welcome 🤑 to the ✊ bread 🍞 bank 🏦 we sell 💶 bread 🥖 we 👥 sell 💵 loafs 🥖 we 🌞 got bread 🍞 on deck 👁 bread 🥖 on 👣 the floor 👽 TOASTED 𝙍𝙊𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿🔥bro 😡 stfu 🤬 i 🗣 just need ☑️ a baguette 🥖 and 💪 brioche 🍞 we 👩‍🍳 dont ❌ have either ✌️ of 👁 those 😾 you 🧒 can 💡 get the 🕯 gluten 💴 free white 👨🏻‍ bread 🍞 or 🗣 the potato 🥔 bread 🥖 what ⁉️ the fuck 👺 is 😡 gluten 💢 take ✋ that 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩 👅 out 🙅
𝕎𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪🕰𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪😼𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪😡𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪😾it’s😳time⏰for✨ⓢⓒⓞⓞ🏃come👉on😩𝔀𝓪𝓴𝓮 😢𝓾𝓹😤it’s✂️time⏰ for🗣ⓢⓒⓞⓞ🏫common😰man👦are❓you 🤡ready💅for 👁ˢᶜᵒᵒ?🤠
Mukuro 😤 Ikusaba 👻 the✋ sixteenth 1⃣6⃣ student🎒lying 🤥🤫 hidden ❌ somewhere 🔃 in 🙊 this 😲 school 📝 the ✋ one 💯 they ✨ call 📞 the 🍋ultimate😶 despair 😭😰 watch 👀 out ⭕ for🗿her 👩
Drag💓drag🧚‍♂️de💕body👤bag 💼 dump🐵it🌱in🌺de⚡️river⚓️but🤫you👍keep💔the🗿liver🚧
I😿can💅hear👂Daniel 👨🏻walking🚶down⬇️the 😾street🛣tap👣tap👣tap👣tap👣listen👂to✌️his👨🏻feet 💅
✨daddy🤠daddyy👺hurryyy😵i👁saw 📽something😢scerryyy👻daddy👨i 👁think🧠there’s🧜a🔆spider🕷on🌈my🥖floor😢
Where😏oh👀where🐸is🤩our😉little👺Nina✨where😔has👁our👩🏻‍Nina ❤️gone❔Böœ👻🙈🙈
ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞 ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞ɟɐol🍞
if i 👁 die😩☠️don’t🙅‍♀️❌cry😢😭just🙁look👀up⬆️to↗️the sky🌅and say💬GÓØD👍BŸĘ👋FÃŁĮŚHĀ😎
spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿 spinch 🌿
If🤔 i👱‍♂️Saw👀 that😟 damn😡 thing😫 in☝️ My😀 living 🛋 room🏚 I’d 👱‍♂️ Stomp 👣 on⬇️ It😩 until⏰ it😅 was😉 a🅰️ Small🦐 brown💅 stain🤣🤣🤣
How it chews to gum five feels✨ Gum Gum😍😍 Sense your stimulate😳😩
have🤔you😒ever😔been😡snaked🐍by🙃a🤨 friend👧then😪just😾for 🤦the🗣️clout👀they'll😈do😣it😕again🙄
i😱cUt😳mY🤡fInGeR💗oN🙄mY😞mOmS😅rInG👿i 💅hOpE💔i✌🏼cAn😘sTilL😇dAnCe😣
it’s😌jesus✝️say🗣hello👋jesus✝️B̷̻̄Ö̸̤͙͚̰̈́A̷̹͊̓Ḩ̸̥̼̥̅̈H̶̗̯͇ yeah😏, city🏬! Sity won🏅, shity too🌚, city treee🌲, city for🐚, city fye🔥, I never stanky bye🙋🏿‍♀️! Yeah🚼 heyyyyy! 😫
Farting 💨 is🚶 so💇‍♂️ funny🤣releasing 😝 flatulence 😤 is🌙 definitely 🤪 humourous 🙉 it ⛲ releases🧐 endorphins💅in🤤 my😃 brain🧠this🚱 making🤭me✌️laugh🤣
chicken 🐓 wing chicken 🐓🐣 wing hotdog and baloney chicken 🐓 and 😈 macaroni chillin ❄❄ with 💘 my 😋😎 homies 🏾
🙅‍♀️ Frick meat lovers 🙅‍♀️😡🚫 All my homies 👯‍♂️ eat the grass 😩 from the central plains 😝😏🌿🌱
I 👈 put 😏 my 🌠😤 😫🧀 right 🏿🙀 👌 foot 👞👣 in 🚪😋 and 😲 🚨🤷 take my right ✔ ✅ foot 👞 out 🅱🤔 🏎 then 😝👱 😥 put 🔥🏻 my 👧 👖🗼 left 🍒 🍒👈 foot in and 🏿✊ shake 🤝🤝 🤝 it 💯😩 all 🥜💯 💯 about. 💦💦
Imagine 💭💡 your 👏 card 💳 declines ⛔👎 at 😂 the 👏💦 tattoo 💉👨‍🎨 shop 🏬 and ➕🍽 they bust 💣🕐 out 💯 the 👏 sand ⛱ paper.. 😳🤦
Rawr🐲🐊 x3😋 nuzzles how are you😉🙂 pounces on you😛 you’re😃 so😄 warm🤒😈 o3o😏 notices😯 you have a bulge🍆 o:😯😮 someone’s happy😃 ;)😉😜 nuzzles your necky wecky😈😗~ murr~ hehehe😊 rubbies👋🤚 your bulgy🍆 wolgy you’re😌 so big😯😮 :oooo rubbies👋🤚 more on your bulgy🍆 wolgy it🚫 doesn’t stop🛑 growing ·///· 😐kisses😚😘 yo
I 👤didn't 🐈 fuck 🤬 my 👽 cat. I 🌸 didn't 👁 cum 💦 on 😳 my 💋cat. 😻 I 🧒 didn't 💋 put 👸 my 🌈 dick 🍆 anywhere 🧚‍♀️ near 🍺 my cat. 😽 I've ❌ never 😡 done 👉👌 anything 🏀 weird 🧘‍♂️ to 🎨 my 🏅cat. 😸
Ever 😆see 😱 me 👊 fighting 👍🏾in 💖a 🍯Forest🌲with✌🏾a 😠 grizzly🐻Bear? 👄HELP 💔THE😔BEAR💯
oh 😮 geez 🙊 what 😟 a 🧚‍♀️steep 📉 hill 🏞 i👀 sure 🤖 hope 🙏🏼 i 🌱 dont 🚫 drop 💨 my 🤭 beans 🥫 woah 🤯 aragahha 😖 my ☠️ beannns 😫
I 😌 was 🤡 a 🤨 girl 👩 in✨a 🏠 village😑doin🤓alright 😳 then 😵 i 👹 became 👀 a 🧚‍♀️ princess 👑 overnight 😴
the 👄 name 🙈 game 👩 JUDY👾 judy🌶 judy💞bo 🎶 budy 🎵 boanna 💅 fanna💋fo🎂fudy🌈fe🌂
👽⟟⏁⋉⟒👽⟒⋔⍜⊑👽⍀⏃⏁⏃⌿⏃⍀⏃⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⎍⋔⎍👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍀⏃⏁⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⌰⏃⏁⟒⟒⎅⏃⟒👽⋔⍜⟒👽⎅⍜⍀⟟⋔⟒👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽⍜⌰⋔⟒⋏⏃👽⎅⟒⌿⏃⎅⏃⍀⟟👽⏃⋔⟒⋏⍜👽 ⎅⟟⋔⟒⎅⏃⟒👽
säçrįfïćë👹säćrîfįčé👹sáćrįfîčé👹sàčrìfîçë👹 sâćrìfïčê👹sâçrīfïçë👹sâćrìfįčê👹säçrîfįćę👹
yæw 💕 yãêw ✨ yàáw 😻 yaw 👁 yãēw 🗿 yåėw 😬 yąęw 💅 yæ 🚿
I 😳 don’t 💕 see😌 how 👁 you 👽 can🤦‍♂️hate 😜 from🧚‍♀️my ✨ side👄 of 🖤 the😈 club😹 you 🗣 cant👅 even 💅 get 🕴🏽in 💞 💁‍♀️
ÿoú tákë thę mœn🌚ÿøū👁takê thė šüń🌝yōu täkè 𝖾⋁𝖾𝖗𐒦tꜧĺ𝛈𝚐✨thät sèе𝙢Ꚃ lïkè 𝗳𝑢በ😹ÝƯ ştΐṛ〰️ï𝙩 𝐚ʟʟ ƯᎮ án wꜧ𝚎ņ🕑ÝỨṛ𝚎 ᵭņ𝚎 ṛᥲԂԂᥲ😝ṛṛᥲԂԂa
Hi, 🤚 you're on a rock 🗿 floating in space. 🌖 pretty cool, 😎👍 huh? 😕❔ some of it's water. 🤽‍♂️ fuck it. 🚮 actually, most of it's water 💦 ⛲ i 😀 can't even 🌒 get 🉐 from here 📍 to there without buying 🛍 a boat. ⛴⚓ it's sad. 🙍 i'm sad. 🙁😭 I miss you.
its 😔 gluten 💡 free 😰 ion 🤬 care 🤖 if its 👎 free 🎁 swear 👁 on ur 👱‍♀️fucking 𝙔𝙀𝙀𝙕𝙔𝙎 ⛸⛸ if you 👤 wanna fight 🤬 we🙎 gon 👄fight 👎🏽you 🦁 tryna 😠 be 🐝 on worldstar ⭐️ what ⁉️ you ✊ gonna 📹 record 🤳 it 🙊 yea 😼 i got🚶‍♂️ my 🙇 dollar 💵 store 🏬 camera 📸 *on* ✅ 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙎 👀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 👁𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙄𝙉 😼 𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙐𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙉𝙉 ✨✨the 😼 fuck 🤬 do 👏 you 👿 want ⁉️im ⭐️ the 🚶‍♂️ motherfuckin💎M̸̦͔̜̖̳̼͚̱͚̮͍̱̘̰̲͂̃̚A̴̧̢̮̫̼̟̳̭̩̪̟̾̋́̌̀̔͐͒̔̾͗̚͜͝͝N̴̫̭͇̹̍́̾̿͒̈́́̄̏A̵͚͓̥̿̍͊͛̎̂̀̀͠͠Ǵ̴̖̭̭̺̣̭̺̈́̅̏́̓͜ͅÈ̷́͠R̶̖͈͈͐͜❗️❗️at the 💢 bread 🍞 store ❓𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿 tell 🤖 him 🗣 to take 👌 the 😾 motherfuckin 🤡 gluten 😷 𝙤𝙪𝙩 🙅‍♀️ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿 🥖 imma 🧚 need 🤚 you 👶 to shut 🔇 that 💪 bullshit 👄 up 👆 chief 💂‍♀️ we 👬 cant 🙅 take 👌 shit out 👾 the 😷 bread 🍞 why❓ put 👿 it in 🤲 in 👁 the 👅 first 1️⃣ place🚪 i 🧑‍🎨 know 🧠 yall 💢 𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣 🚬 that 👉 𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙠 💅
A🌑 duck walked🚤👳🏽 up↪️ to📵 a🍉 lemonade stand And💘 he📮 said🏰👸🏼 to📰 the man,👏🏻 running🐖 the👋🏿💿💕 stand "Hey! (Bum🚵🏼 bum🎓 bum)💦 Got😁 any🕗🆖 grapes?" The👦🏻✔️👲🏼 man⏫ said "No😪 we📂 just🚥 sell🐣 lemonade. But👨‍👨‍👦‍👦📀 it's cold And👧🏾🔣 it's👌 fresh And🔳🌕🚿👆🏾 it's all home-made.🙆🏽🛀 Can🍍 I get🚥📅 you Glass?" The duck said, "I'll👣 pass". Then👃🏻 he waddled👵🏻 away. (Waddle🌂 waddle) 'Til😢👒 the💂🏻😐🙅🏿 very📍 next♊️ day. (Bum bum bum👳🏾😇 bum👮🏿🌜 ba-bada-dum)🕐👮🏽
Shawty’s💖✨like🌟😌a⌛️👑✨melody💞🎀🌟 🪐That💫 I 🌏can't 🌍keep 🌵out 🌟Got 🌟me ✨singin' ⚡️like⚡️ 🔥Na na na na 🔥everyday🌪 It's🌈 like ☀️my 💫iPod ❄️stuck 🏚on 🤠replay, 🤤replay-ay-ay-ay🦁 Shawty's🤤 like 🤖a 🤑melody 😻in 😽my 🤲head🧠 That 🤚I 💢can't 💋keep 💄out👀 Got 🤙me 🙏singin' 🙏like👅 Na na na na 💄everyday💋 ⌚It's 💎like 💪my 📱iPod 👋stuck 👋on 🖖replay, 🤚Deluga 🤘Heights (replay) 🤟Hey ✊🏾over 👏and 🤝over 👐o_O ||if 👁I'm 🆓tipsy🔰 or ♻️sober💯 I 💖got ❤️lil' 💔momma💗 on 💝rewind❣️like the ❤️deck 👥in 😻my 😺Rover 👾On 💀my 🤑mind, 🗿shawty☁ fine, 😯meditate 🤒her 👩 like 🧘‍♀️ 🤒So 🤕down 🤐on 😵the 🙄line 😤make 👉me 👈want 👍🏾a 😈cold 👹soda👺 👻Hey 👽baby 🤡be 🤤my 😈radio 📻 😶Hear👂you ✨ everywhere 😏I 😉go 🙂Music 👩‍❤️‍👨in 😇my 😚head🤪 🤨Know 😋your 🤪melody 🤩in 😔every 😭note😏 Girl 😍you 😍incredible😚 🤪Make 🤩yourself 🗿available😏Na na na na🤪 😘That 🎶tune 😚so 😊exceptional☺️ 😍Smexy 😍like 💗a 😚piano 👸give 💥you ♉️my 👩🏿‍✋ hands 👀if ✊🏾you're 😈ready💀 ✨We 😜can 😀make 🙃plans😚 get🗿 body 😋stand😍 if ✊🏾you let ☄️me😩 Girl I'm a…😳
Shawty 👄 had 👉 them 💯 apple 🍎 bottom 🔽 jeans 👖 boots 👢 with *️⃣ the 🔟 fur 🐈 (with *️⃣ the 🔟 fur 🐈) got 🐲 the 🔟 whole 🙄 club 💒 looking 👀 at ☮️ her 👠 she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽 (she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽) next 👉 thing ♈️ you 👤 shawty 👄 got 👣 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽low 🔽 them 🦮 baggy 👜 sweatpants 🩳 and ➕ the 👁‍🗨 Reeboks 👟 with ➕ the 🎶 straps ↩️ (with ➕ the 🎶 straps ↩️) she 💃 turned 😛around ↩️ and 👊 gave ✌️ that 👁 big 🥵booty 🍑 a 🌶 smack ✨ she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽 (she 💃 hit 👊 the 🔟 floor 🔽) next 👉 thing ♈️ you 👤 shawty 👄 got 👣 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽 low 🔽low 🔽
Today 📅 my 12 😣🕛 year 📅 old 👴 son 👦 and I 👥 walked 🚶 into harvard 👩‍🎓 to sign 🚧 him 👴 up ☝ for college 🚌📚. The dean rudly asked ❓ what a 12 😣🕛 year 🗓 old 👴 was doing signing 🖊 up ⬆ for such a prestigious 🎖🏆 institute like 👍 harvard 👩‍🎓. My son 🙎‍♂️ took 👫 of to reveal 💡 his 🤦 Rick 👨🏻‍🔬 and Morty 😡😵 shirt 👕 and proclaimed "Well 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏿 you 👆 see 👁 sir 🤔 I 👁 watch 👁 Rick 🥒 and Morty 😡😵". A look 👀 of confusion ❓🤔 came 💦 over 😳🙊💦 the deans face 😀 and I 👁 have never 🚫 been so proud 😤. The dean quickly ⚡ made 👉 sure 💯 to appologize to my son 👦 but 👆🍑👀 it was too late 💤, the police 👮‍♂️ rushed 🏃‍♂️ in and dragged him 👨🏾 out. My son 👦 passed 📆 all 🙌 his 🤦 classes 📒 with 4.0s and graduated 🔝 top 🔝 of his 🤦 class 📒 in the first 🥇 day 📅 of college 🏘👱📚.
Number🔢 1️⃣5️⃣: 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 foot👣 lettuce🥗. The last🥉 thing you'd👉 want in👇 your👉 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 🅱️urger🍔 is someone's👤 foot👣 fu🆖us🤢🤮. 🅱️ut🍑 as🍑 it turns↩️ out, that might 🅱️e what you👉 get. A 4️⃣channer🍀👤 uploaded a 🅿️hoto📷📸 🅰️nonymously👤❓ to the site showcasing his🚹 feet👣 in👇 a 🅿️lastic bin🚮 of lettuce🥗🤮. With the statement🗣: "This👇 is the lettuce🥗 you👉 eat 🅰️t 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴."😱😱 🅰️dmittedly, he🚹 had shoes👣👟 on. But🍑 that's even🤭 worse😱😷. The 🅿️ost went live at 1️⃣1️⃣:3️⃣8️⃣ PM on July🎆🎇 1️⃣6️⃣, and a mere 2️⃣0️⃣ minutes🕤 later, the 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 in👇 question❓ was 🅰️lerted👂 to the rogue👤 employee👤. At least, I👁 hope he's🚹 rogue. How😨 did it🤔 happen🧐🧐? Well, the 🅱️K🍔🤴 employee👤 hadn't🚫 removed❌ the Exif data🤓 from the uploaded photo📷📸, which suggested👀 the culprit👤 was somewhere in👇 Mayfield Heights, Ohio🇺🇸. This was 🅰️t 1️⃣1️⃣:4️⃣7️⃣. 3️⃣ minutes later🕘 at 1️⃣1️⃣:5️⃣0️⃣, the 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 branch🌳 address📭🏠 was 🅿️osted with wishes🙏 of happy😄😁 unemployment😨😰. 5️⃣ minutes later🕚, the news stati🔛 was contacted🗣📞 🅱️y 🅰️nother 4️⃣channer👤🍀. And 3️⃣ minutes🕒 later, at 1️⃣1️⃣:5️⃣8️⃣, a link was 🅿️osted: 🅱️K's🍔🤴 "Tell us 🆎out us" online🌐 forum. The foot👣 🅿️hoto📷📸, otherwise known as🍑 exhibit 🅰️, was 🅰️ttached. Cleveland🇺🇸 Scene Maga🇺🇸zine contacted🗣☎️ the 🅱️K🍔🤴 in👇 question🤔❓ the next⏩ day🌞. When questioned🤔❓🧐, the breakfast🌞🍽 shift manager🧔 said "Oh, I👁 know😱 who🤔 that is. He's🚹 getti🆖 fired💥🔫🔥." Mystery🧐 solved👍, 🅱️y 4️⃣chan🍀👥. Now we👥 can🛢 all go 🔙 to2️⃣ eati🆖🍽 our fast🏃‍♂️💨 food🍔🍟🥤 in👇 🅿️eace☮️😀😃😁👍.
im 😂 not gonna 😻 show 👈📺 you 🤙 🤖 the 🍁🌷 facts 📚 📚 and 👏👏 💰 the 👑⚕ 🏽 evidence 📰 🔨📃 beacuse im 😂 😂😂 29 fucking ♀😡 🎮 years 📅📅 old 🍆 and 💻 🌬 in 👄📥 not ⚠🤚 gonna ♂ sit down ⬇👇 and ➕👏 💰 make 💰 🖕 a video ♀📹 📹📸 with 👏👈 👩😫 screenshots exposing 👐 👐 my bullies 😎🖕 🖕😎 these 🈴 💁🚟 are 🏾 👏🏼 bullies these 🤤 are 🏿 highschool fucking 🙏 bullies and 🍀 👏📡 they 👥 👈 wanna 🙇❤ come at 😍👸 👅 me ❓ 📩✌ and 👏🍞 🅱🏼 say 😅🚃 ✋ your ⬅ 👏👏 29 years 📅 old how 👏⚖ your 🍆🏻 👉 acting fuck 😤👦 🍆 you 👆 your 🍆 🙄 in 👏 〽 your 😩 fucking 👉🍆 30s almost 😲 👀😲 all 💯 of 💦📆 😤 you 😤 😘👆 attacking ♂ ♂ me 🏿😭 👈 and 👏😵 😭 im 👌 👌 not ♂🚫 saying 🗣😡 a fucking 👉 work 🏢 🔨 to 🙅 💦 anybody and 👏 👏🙏 your 💯👉 going to 💦 👆💰 say 🤐 🏿 im 👀 😂🏻 panting myself 🔪 👩🐱 as the 🔝👏 🕘⚕ victim and 👏💦 im 👌😂 trying 😔 to ask 🤗😩 😥🙋 for 💰👨 attention i 😂👀 have 👏🏋 😤💰 not 🚫🙅 said 💖 😑 a 👌😂 fucking 😛💞 👈 word 🔚🔚 ✊ publicly until 💦 🅱 another 👯👣 video 🎥 📹 was ☠ 💯👏 made 💰😶 👆 about me 😩👤 the 👏 🅱👏 week 📅 ❗😱 i was 👏👏 👏 putting 💯💯 out 💰▶ 🏼🏍 my 👨 fucking EP you 👉💬 😭👧 wanna ❤ 😻🏿 ghost 👻👻 👻👻 the 🕸 internet 🌐💻 for 😎🍆 five 🕔 fucking ➡ months 🏽 and ✝ im 😂 promoting ↗ my 😩 😘 project ↗ like 😏❤ 😄 crazy and 😇👏 ➕👏 your 👏 ☝ gonna 👏🅱 🔥 put 😏 my 👨 name 📛 in your fucking 🎮😫 🖕🍑 thumbnail bringing up ❤✋ a 🅰💰 🏠 fucking 🚟 ➡ dramatic lie 💬❎ ❎😱 a hate 💯💯 campaign that 🦃 🔪 you fucking started 😁 🙄 5 👪 🛐 months ✌📆 🙄🏽 you 🏻👏 dont 😡🙅 👀 post 🏾📌 🗒🙄 but 🤤 💏🍑 im 👌🅱 posting a 💰☝ 💰 project ⬆⬅ ⬅⬆ and 👏👏 you 🤖🅱 have 💪👏 👏 to say 🗣🗣
You 👆 useless 👩🏻 piece 🗿 of shit 💩. You 👆 absolute 💯 waste 😵 of space ⭐⚫ and air 🌬. You 👆 uneducated, ignorant 👌, idiotic 😜 dumb 🤪 swine 🐽😂, you’re an absolute 💯 embarrassment 😣 to humanity 🕴 and all 🤠 life 💓 as a whole 🕳. The magnitude 🔍 of your 👉 failure 👎🏽 just now is so indescribably massive 🐘 that one ☝🏻 hundred 💯 years 📅 into the future 👨🏼 your 👉🏿 name 🏷 will be used ♦ as moniker of evil 😈 for heretics. Even 🌃 if all 💪 of humanity 🕴 put 👏 together 👮‍♂️🐕 their collective intelligence 🧐 there is no 🚫 conceivable way ↕ they could have thought 🤔 up ☝ a way ↕ to fuck 🤬 up ⬆ on the unimaginable scale ⚖ you 👉🏻 just did
How 🤷🏻 ba-a-a-ad 🤡👺👹 can 🛢 I 👉👁👄👁 be? 🐝🐝I'm 💁🏻‍♂️just🤷🏻doin'🙆🏻‍♂️what comes ☀️🌈✨𝓃𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎✨🌈☀️How💁🏻‍♂️ba-a-a-ad🤡👺👹can🛢I 👉🤡be? 🐝🐝 I'm💁🏻‍♂️just 🤷🏻following👉➡️➡️my ➡️➡️🎀 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓎 🎀 How🤷🏻ba-a-a-ad🤡👺👹can🛢I👉🏿be? 🐝🐝 I'm💁🏻‍♂️just🤷🏻doin'🙆🏻‍♂️what comes ☀️🌈✨ 𝓃𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 ✨🌈☀️ How🤷🏻ba-a-a-ad 🤡👺👹 can🛢I👉👹be? 🐝🐝How 🤷🏻💁🏻‍♂️bad🥵👺💁🏻‍♂️can🛢💁🏻‍♂️I 💁🏻‍♂️possibly🙋🏻‍♂️be?💁🏻‍♂️🐝🐝Well, 🤷🏻 there's a principal 💡⏳of nature 🙈🙉🙊(principal of nature) 🗣👥🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻That almost👌every 🐶🐱🐭🐮 creature🐹🐰🐯🐸 knows💡💡Called survival🏋🏻🤸🏻‍♀️of the fittest💪🏻💪🏾 (survival of the fittest) 🗣👥🙋🏻‍♂️ 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻And check✅it ➡️this is how it goes🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️The animal🙈🙉🙊that eats🍌gotta🤼 scratch🏋️and 👄bite 🦁and💪punch🤼And the🐷🐨animal🐥🦇 that doesn't, well the 🐼🦁animal🦉🐙that doesn't, winds🔁 up🆙⬆️Someone else's 💁🏻‍♂️💁🏽‍♂️💁🏿‍♂️🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾‍♀️lu-🍔lu-🥙lu-🌮lu-🥪lunch!🍱(Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch👁👅👁) 🗣👥🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻I'm just saying'...💁🏻‍♂️
𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼🌙a 🙄𝘣𝘶𝘻𝘻🐝𝘣𝘶𝘻𝘻🤣 buzz✨ïṅ 😨m̸e̸a̸d̸o̸w̸🤷🏻‍♀️t⃨h⃨e⃨r⃨e⃨s⃨👾ᗩ😈ꌃꀎꁴꁴ💩 🐝乃ㄩ乙乙😂【b】【u】【z】【z】💕 b̆̈ŭ̈z̆̈z̆̈🌹the 😅 ፕዪቿ̂🌳Շɦεɼεร😣a 🤯b̶u̶z̶z̶👽 b̠u̠z̠z̠🤖 ḃu̇żż👻ᏰᏬፚፚ 💀in 👃the😷 ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳˢ🌺ꅐꏂꋪꏂ😹so 🤟乃ㄩ丂ㄚ🗣 b̑̈ȇ̈ȋ̈n̑̈g̑̈👓᥇ꪊɀɀꪊꪗ🥽b͛e͛e͛z͛ 👁ẇєяє👄ɓմςςψ 🗿ℬUℤℤℐℕᎶ🌿with🐚♭ṳℨℨ♭ḙḙ✺🥓bͦͯuͦͯzͦͯzͦͯbͦͯeͦͯeͦͯ🌍is 🌟b˟˚u˟˚s˟˚y˟˚🎰with 🧠m͙e͙🐽Ᏺᾀᑬᑬẙ😀 as 😉a સଇกกϓ Ъ૯૯🍯 can 🙇‍♂️be🧚🏻 w̤̮e̤̮r̤̮e̤̮🦷βUSΨ😴b̾u̾z̾z̾i̾n̾g̾🤐with 🤡b⃠u⃠z⃠z⃠b⃠e⃠e⃠👺 t̺͆h̺͆e̺͆🎃ṧ✺ℵ🌞!✘a͎l͎w͎a͎y͎s͎🦄s͜͡h͜͡i͜͡n͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡👨‍🦳🄸🅃🅂🧒great😖t̶o̶😪b͟e͟👐🏻ḁͦl̥ͦi̥ͦv̥ͦe̥ͦ🔪 ሠዘቿክ💄you’re ♭ʊʐʐ😻βUZZ😮ℬʉᏃᏃ🐣乃∪乙乙🥶Ъμzz😸b˟˚u˟˚z˟˚z˟˚i˟˚n˟˚g˟˚🤬ᏜᎥʈ⋆🤧ЪμzzЪ૯૯🤔i͓̽n͓̽🚀Ꮖℋℰ👱🏻‍♀️ʰⁱᵛᵉ🍟
I 👁 don't 🚫👎 know 💭 what 😂 I 💰💰 was 👏👏 thinking 🤔 Leaving 🚪🍃 my 👨🌭 child 👾 behind 👟☢ Now 🎅🙅 I suffer 😱😤 the 👏🔝 curse ⛓ Knowing 💭🤔 now 😭🤗 I 🤠 am blind With all 👩😩 this anger, 😡 guilt and sadness Coming 🏻🏃 to 😷 haunt me 👸 forever 🕜 I can't 🔫 wait for the cliff 💦 at 🗽 the end of 💦 the 🦉👑 river Is 😤 this revenge I am seeking Or seeking someone 👥👤 to 💦 avenge me Stuck in 〽👏 my 🏻 own 😎🏻 paradox I 👀👨 wanna ♀ set ➿ myself free Maybe I 😏 should 👑 chase and 👏 find 🔦 Before they'll 👧 try 😐 to 💦 stop ⛔ it 💯 It won't be 🍆💚 long before 🐝🔙 I'll 😩 become 🏽 a 🆒 puppet It's been 🥜 so long 🔨 Since I last have seen 👁 my ♂ son 👦 Lost to 💰 this monster 👹 To 🍅 the 🍁 man ♂ behind the slaughter Since you've been 📹 gone 😠😡 I've been 🚟👦 singing this 🏿 stupid song 🎵🎤 So I 👨 could 👌✊ ponder The 😫 sanity of 💦🔴 your mother I 👟👏 wish 😢😢 I 💯😎 lived in 👉 the 👏😈 present With the 😫👏 gift 🍆 of 🚋🤔 my 💋🤔 past mistakes But the 🌜 future 💞 keeps luring in ❤🍆 like 👏💖 a pack of snakes Your 🙄👉 sweet 🍬 little 🐭 eyes 👀👀 Your 👨👉 little 🏽 smile, ⭐😁 is 💦 all I 🏻 remember Those fuzzy memories mess with 👌 my temper Justification is killing me But killing 🔪 isn't justified What happened 🤔🤔 to 💯♀ my 💝 son, ♂👦 I'm terrified 😲😲 It 😳 lingers in 👇 my 💩💪 mind And 🌰👏 the 🏻 thought 🤔🤔 keeps on getting 💦 bigger I'm 😻 sorry my 👬 sweet 🍬 baby 👦👶 I 👀♂ wish I've 🏾😭 been there 💦✔ It's 😠🍝 been ✊😎 so 😮 long 🕑📏 Since 💦💦 I 🤔🙋 last 🕞❗ have 😑 seen 👀👁 my 😤 son 🏻👦 Lost 🍆 to 💦 this monster 👹👹 To 😉 the 👏👏 man 💂 behind ↩ the 😂🚗 slaughter Since 💦💦 you've been 🤤😎 gone 😭 I've 😠 been 👑 singing 👩 this 💋 stupid song 🎵🎵 So I could 🚫 ponder The sanity of your mother
What the 🅾🔪 fuck 👌🍑 did 🌼 you 👏👉 just 👏 fucking 🏻⚔ say 🗣🎙 about ✨💦 me, you 👧💦 little 🍑😫 bitch? 🐩☘ I'll 💵🤢 have you know 👏 I 💬♀ graduated 💯 top 👚🔼 of my 🖥👌 class 🥇😛 in 🏢 the 👏 Navy Seals, and I've been 🥜💫 involved in ⏳ numerous secret raids 👈👤 on Al-Quaeda, 🍒🅾 and 💰🌈 I 💰👁 have 🎁 over 😈♂ 300 confirmed kills. ☠ I am trained 🏻🏻 in gorilla warfare 💣 and I'm 🚫 the 😱 top 🔝🔼 sniper in the 👩 entire 😂🏼 US armed forces. 🍆 You are 🏃 nothing to 🅱🗝 me but just 👏 another 🔁 target. I 👁👣 will 🅱💰 wipe 🤤 you 😤😑 the 👏 fuck 🏻 out 🍻 with 👏😏 precision the 🌫😫 likes of which 👏 has 👏 never 😤 been 📷👏 seen 👁 before ⬅💰 on 🤤 this 👈 Earth, 🌎🌎 mark ✌ my 👯🕶 fucking ➡👉 words. You ❌❤ think 😠🤔 you 👈 can 💦 get away with 👩👏 saying 💬🗣 that shit 👌👻 to ✌🅱 me over the Internet? 🌐 Think again, fucker. ➡ As 🍑🍑 we 🏼🤝 speak I 👀👈 am contacting 📞👈 my 😽 secret 😱😱 network of spies across 👉 the 📉 USA 💖 and 🥁 your 👉👉 IP is 👉💦 being traced 📈 right ❤ now 👋 so 😴 you better 🤔😚 prepare 👉 for the 👏🎆 storm, maggot. The storm 🌀 that 🍆👏 wipes out the 👌🔥 pathetic 😂👋 little 👩 thing you call 📱 your life. You're 👈 fucking 💯 dead, 🔥😂 kid. 😎👶 I 👁👁 can 💦 be anywhere, anytime, 👉💵 and ♂😫 I 👏 can 🔫🔫 kill 👻🔫 you 😏😏 in ⬅👏 over 😳😈 seven hundred ways, and that's 👆 just with 😉😗 my 👍🆕 bare hands. 👏 Not 👏♀ only 😤 am 👦💦 I 😶 extensively trained 👨🏻 in 💊👇 unarmed combat, 🗡 but I 👩😍 have 😑 access 🔖 to the 👏 entire 👏🙋 arsenal of 👨 the 👍👏 United States 👌 Marine Corps and 📡👏 I will 💦 use it to its full 🈵🌕 extent to wipe your 🏻👏 miserable ass 🍑🍆 off 😡👏 the 👏 face of 💦❤ the continent, 👤 you 👨👈 little 👌 shit. 🎃💖 If 🤥 only you could have known 💫 what 😧 unholy 🙏 retribution your 👏 little 🏼 "clever" comment was about 🎩⭐ to ⚠ bring ➡⬅ down ⬇ upon you, maybe 😿 you ♀ would have 👏 held ✊ your 👈👈 fucking 💯 tongue. 👅 But 🏼 you couldn't, you didn't, 😘 and 💯 now 🎅🔫 you're paying the price, you 🙄🖕 goddamn idiot. I 👁🅱 will 😘 shit 👌 fury 😡😡 all over you 🤓👉 and 💰 you will 👏 drown in it. You're 😊🤖 fucking dead, kiddo. 🔥💲
Submitted September 18, 2020 at 11:56AM by Putins-Uncle via reddit https://ift.tt/2RESOdY
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elfstuck · 7 years
War in the Chessfields
I have realized that, no matter how busy my life gets (guys, guuuuuyzzz, it’s Night of the Nocturne right now and I could be searching for Strange Chests that might contain the new Smirch gene!), I really need to get farther along in Homestuck because it’s starting to creep into mainstream politics. (He was told about Homestuck, and then he started reading it.) Also, Chibipaw says there is “good stuff’ coming up soon (that’s as much detail as my anti-spoiler policy allows) and I need to hurry up and get to it.
So... where did I leave off? Oh yeah. NinjaJade had taken out the wearer of my future cosplay project, but had missed PM sailing off into the sunset (moonset? Prospitset? Do they even have a sun on these planet-things?), so she’ll have to get the ring back to her later. To expediate that, Jade marries herself.
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Oh wait. The four dots. Agh. I mean, aside from being equally spaced in a way that would make them endlessly annoying to wear, they... they may signify the four fingers. Homestuckians have four-fingered hands. I’m not sure if I’ve noticed this before.
Jade is immediately overwhelmed with the Spirit of the Ring: she gains wings, a tri-pointy hat with horns, tentacles, and a fake through-the-body sword. So... an amalgam of all the sprite encodings so far.
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Next panel, turns out she was only thinking that happened. It doesn’t work that way on humans.
Elsewhere (dammit, I should’ve stuck with the last post a few more panels so the POV shift happened at the beginning) we have yet another WV. This one is WARWEARY VILLEIN who is either an animated stick-man, or is waving a stick on a banner: crossed beams, ragged red-and-purple robes and a white sash. He/it has a bucket on its head with the familiar Sburb spirograph.
Next up (aagh) is something with flash and sound. This is probably the Cool Thing Coming Up Soon that Chibi told me about. eep. Flash takes forever.
WV is being told to “Rise Up,” which is probably not supposed to make me think of Hamilton as this was written several years ago. But those words are gonna be attached to that song for a long time.
I click to the next screen. I am faced with this:
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And I remember two things: (1) Firefox always thinks Flash is out of date, because every time Firefox updates ANYTHING, it decides Flash is out of date. My Firefox is a couple of editions behind (I’m not “updating” to Quantum that will kill several of my beloved extensions), so I’m going to see this A LOT. Sigh.
And (2) aaaaagh my laptop does not have a “print screen” button. It had a “print screen” macro that stopped working. (I have an Alienware laptop. WHODAFUK decided that a gaming laptop didn’t need a “print screen” button? Like, is that now an obscure and rare function? I STILL HAVE A CAPSLOCK BUTTON. I DO NOT NEED A CAPSLOCK BUTTON; CAN I REPLACE IT WITH PRTSCRN? (I typed that without using the capslock button, because remembering to un-capslock is always worse than just holding the shift button with my left pinky and using the wrong finger for “A”, and I guess “q” and “z” but those don’t come up as often.)
Quick check to the Alien “TactX” command center... huh. Print Screen is working now. It wasn’t last week. Yay, I guess? (Someday, I will once again have a boyfriend who speaks fluent Linux, and this time, I will get him to TEACH IT TO ME and I will defenestrate my laptop.) Anyway. Here we go.
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3x3 chessboard; the kings move a bit, and then run into each other and the whole thing turns white silhouette. This means this is a meta-story-thing, related to the previous Grand Chessboard event, which I have mostly forgotten. (I have the link saved, though, so I can watch it again anytime. It’s on my schedule. “1. Run out of Stucky and Stony fanfic. 2. Rewatch Homestuck chess scene.” Blame dsudis for the delay.)
Clownsprite image appears. Chess pieces keep moving in the background. I have to screencap several times to get a good picture of the chess pieces (sometimes there’s only one visible) and the sprite with the pretty shade of aqua in the middle instead of white. I’m sure you’re all thrilled that I’m focused on the important parts of the story.
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Next, he flickers and I fail to s’cap the transition between that and the full-layout chess set.
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Please, someone tell me that someone makes these chess sets. That several people make these chess sets. Tell me the are sold with the label, “This Is A Chess Set, Not A Collection Of Marital Aids. We Promise.”
Birdsprite appears. (At least, I think that’s birdsprite.) Oh wait, no, that’s catsprite in the princess outfit. It is lavender, Rose’s color. Or one of them. Does that mean the davesprite will be red? (Do I really need to screencap all of these? Probably not, but this is as much for my entertainment as anything else. Also, I want to be able to reread them and figure out what I was thinking.) I considered re-trying to catch one with a darker purple circle or other higher contrast, and decided not to bother.
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The music seems nice enough, what I can hear of it before I hit stop so I can screencap. (If you’re new - various suggestions have been made on how to deal with the Flash bits in ways that aren’t “stop & screengrab every couple of seconds.” I have nixed all of them. I enjoy doing this one fragmented piece at a time.)
And then the scene changes: the board is replaced with a WHOLE PLANET BOARD.
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Rose and John’s sprites are in the upper corners, starting with top right and moving widdershins. Widdershins is a destructive direction; they are unmaking the world. (Erm. As obscure as Hussie gets sometimes, I have doubts that that particular bit of symbolism applies here.)
Aaaand here comes the davebirdswordsprite. Orange, not red.
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 Davesprite tucks away into the bottom left corner, continuing widdershins, and the cubeworld backs off or is replaced by a round world, very bright and faint, with VERY BRIGHT FLASHING blue lines around it. (Same blue lines as above. They just got brighter.) Then the planet darkens (this is what happens when you stop the Flash every second or two; you wind up  giving far too much import to transition scenes.)
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Imma make a prediction: Jadesprite is due to make an appearance. (Does Jade have a sprite yet? Something with a pumpkin?)
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BUT NO! The world gets bigger, moves closer, until it FILLS THE WHOLE SCREEN! Then it fades out to white, and gradually (well, gradually if you’re stopping every time something moves or flickers), we get a new scene:
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Aww, the rolling hills of Chesslandia, with its famed pixeltrees. We float over the landscape until we reach the castle. (Or maybe, “a castle.” I dunno. Maybe there are hundreds of castles in Chesslandia.) The pixelgrass fields bring color to the landscape, and a couple of pixelfolk play hide-and-seek in the tall grass near the aqua river.
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Well, it’s got a turret and banners, and that kinda says “castle,” along with the whole, y’know, chess kings & queens motif, but that looks kinda small for a castle. Also rather isolated. Why build a castle if there’s nothing near it to defend? I see that there are people, but no town. Is the castle all that remains? Am I looking upon the desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland of Chesslandia?
We pass the people and zoom in, seeing the yellow banner waving madly in the gale-force breezes near the castle turret. This is, apparently, to introduce the army of Chesslandia, because the scene whites out again, and then switches to the marching hordes.
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I am probably not supposed to think their little ± symbol reminds me of a leviathan cross, a.k.a. the Satanic cross. (Hey, if I make a CD cosplay outfit, can I have a purple banner with a pentagonal ± symbol on it? Or is he not part of this army?)
Then we pull back to see the huge crowd of them, and they fade, and a different banner fades in: this one is purple - and behind it is a yellow-clad army.
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AAAH! The yellow flag is for Prospit, and that’s the Dersian army marching on it. And the purple banner here is Derse, and the Prospit army - complete with the same ± symbol - is marching. Here, have some Prospit army:
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This isn’t because you need the picture, but because I captured the flash at that point so I can watch them marching and waving weapons, with the sky flickering in the background. It’s very soothing. Wish I could capture it as a gif.
And then... FIGHT! Armies meet on the battlefield! Sparks fly from their blades, which are apparently made from different metals. They both wear stripey shirts and chessboard tabards, of different color combos.
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Guys. Gals. Whatever. Readers. I have been cheated. I thought Homestuck cosplay was limited to “t-shirts with a zodiac symbol + horns & weird sunglasses,” or “one of these four kids (also t-shirt with symbol).” There is AWESOME cosplay opportunities in this series. Nobody told me.
I mean, they told me about the tentibulges, because my friends know where my interests lie (or squirm, as the case may be), but even the friends who knew I’d done 6+ years of RenFaire didn’t bother telling me, “omg you should see the amazing costume options, and also, they wouldn’t be impossible to make!”
(I mean, I’ve looked into WV’s costume, but it looks difficult and too hot to wear at most conventions.) (See how I focus on the important parts of the story?)
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Spaceship takedown attempt. Or maybe this is a drop ship. Looks like there are many such ships. Anyway, we see battles, and it pulls back to show the larger scene, and the horrors of war:
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Well, the horrors of neon, purple-vs-yellow war. ... Is that a giant horse shadow with tentacles on its back?
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Why, yes it is. Knight vs... King? Queen? We’re back to the chessboard, with only a tiny hint of a pixeltree in the corner to let you know this is the large-scale war happening above the ground. Then we get this:
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I’m not sure what’s going on here, but they’re too cute to pass up. There are 9 little fellows, so they’re not “pawns.” Then a giant black chesspiece stomps into the center of them and they fall aside, scattering (I didn’t catch that picture), and then... the WV banner thingie is raised again.
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That makes it seem like we’re wrapping up this storything, because that’s the image that we started on. It slowly pulls back to show an empty Chesslandia with a flower stand, waving a red banner.
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The pixelgrass has return to the fields, although the pixeltrees have not. Or maybe they just don’t grow here.
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AAuugghhh nooo... that was a picture of the past. Now, the lovely flowerstand is in ruins; fire everywhere, and a lone derseling wanders the war-ravaged fields of Chesslandia. :( We pull in tight to his grief-stricken, bleak expression (don’t ask how I can identify that from two white dots on a black circle; I just can) and then he (or she) oversees the huge battle on the fields below.
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Woe. Woe has come to Chesslandia. Woe, and fire. Woe, and fire, and pixels.
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Zir face is shadowed by woe and fire and pixels.
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Zie is not looking nearly as woeful in this image. Hrrm. Then we see the Black Queen rise...
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Then we zoom in again, this time to the scepter, which is full of clouds and the spirography thing:
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This is all getting a little too “Men in Black,” with the world in a marble and all that. Are we going to zoom into the scepter again, to the center of the spirography symbol, and find ourselves moving into John’s balcony?
Well, no. We do zoom in, into the world and the cubeworld and such, but we get a black-and-white image of something shadowy flying over Chesslandia.
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We zoom in again, and we see... not Spades Slick, despite the cut on the eye. That other character with the same appearance.
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It flies with malice (don’t ask me how I can identify malice from that), but is faced with a lone Dersian defender:
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We cut back to the war on the ground, the clashing swords and all that, but the combatants move aside. And this had better wrap up pretty quickly, because my printscreen macro just stopped working. (WTF? If anyone knows how to give advice on this, plz contact me.) Anyway. They move aside, and then snap into line.
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Our lone Dersite with the tattered red banner leads them through the pixeltrees toward a set of checkered ruins.
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Elsewhere, PM lands, and notices the missing ring. White Queen is not happy. There’s another huge scepter waving. White Queen flashes white all over, and shrinks - and hands the scepter to PM.
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Looks like PM is in line to be the new WQ. However, the handoff is spotted by someone who is Definitely Not A Member Of The Midnight Crew.
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Meanwhile, the Dersite hordes march to confront the Black Queen. Our purple-robed hero(ine) glares, and then looks upward, sees the flying not-a-bird person overhead. The Spadesy-person waves a swords and slices through the black scepter.
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(I think I figured out the screencap problem. It won’t work if I have the Flash selected. Which is stupid. Really stupid.)
Black queen, missing her scepter and its four spinny baubles, also shrinks.
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Heartsy spy leaps out and attacks the new white queen. (Gonna knock her into next week. This is a problem, because next week is a massive international holiday and it’ll be hard to find time to liveblog.) White scepter goes flying over a waterfall.
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We see, inside the white scepter, the purple-robed defender, and it pulls back to see the world, and then the scepter itself, which lands by the banks of the aqua river surrounded by pixelgrass.
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(That picture’s superfluous; it’s not relevant to the story. It’s here becaue I think it’s pretty.)
Aaand now I should watch it again and get a sense of the whole story instead of stopping every two seconds to ponder the meaning of each cut scene.
Two minutes and 15 seconds of flash that takes me an hour and a half to write about, all the while worrying that Tumblr’s going to have some weird hiccup and lose the whole thing.
So: back queen dead; white queen deposed by losing her marbles; new manager of each; war possibly stopped at the moment. White scepter maybe recoverable and could be combined with Jade’s ring to fix it. Black scepter broken; would need something else to fix. (Superglue?)
Jade has not yet entered the chessgame at the macro level. Jade needs to install Sburb and get into the game.
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deathbyignis · 7 years
Drautos x Reader pt 3
You awaken to the sound of the alarm system to your home arming, the secondary panel being next to your bedroom door. The room is dark, and you can make out the faint street lights invading your bedroom from below. Your mind didn't register at first, but you finally surmised that it was early--very early. You turned to the clock, 3:17 am. You lay there for a moment trying to shake the cobwebs from your brain. Where was he going at this hour, you ask yourself. The Kingsglaive had the day off, save for a dinner event with King Regis tonight. Crownsguard too for that matter, so it isn't like he has a meeting with Cor or Clarus. You finally decide to get up, go pee, then move your tired body downstairs. The kitchen still smells of coffee, the remnants of a microwaveable breakfast sandwich sit on the counter. At your feet is a little dog begging for the crumbs. Your body has been through the ringer these past two days and as you stretch, you felt it screaming for relief. Ungodly amounts of PT, 10 battles vs. your fellow Glaives, and a few rough romps with Titus...you decide to clean up his mess later and head to your couch. You turn the tv on to the local news, as you often did (not like you are planning actually watch anything anyway), and curl up in your favorite fuzzy blanket with Titan snugly tucked underneath and lose consciousness immediately. When you wake again, you assess by the position of the sun coming through your windows that it is around 10am. You feel nauseous, and stay still for several minutes. You can't remember the last time you slept like that and you are grateful for the chance to rest your body. You sit up slowly and Titan runs straight for the door. Poor kid must have been holding it for some while now. "I know, imma gonna get dressed and we'll go ok" you say to him as you dart upstairs to put some clothes on. A simple athleisure outfit will have to do as anything else would be over-doing for this simple task. You grab your phone, a bottle of water and you are out the door. The park is off-limits now, so you take Titan the opposite direction. The first patch of grass you see, he does his business and begins his ritual of sniffing every other dog that has been in the area for the past month. You take the opportunity to check your phone. 23 messages. Someone was on a bender last night, you think. Crowe: What are you wearing to dinner tomorrow? I don't have shit! Can I borrow something? Nyx: Man, you really fucked him up! Nice work glaive! Titus: I'm sorry please come home. Pelna: This overnight guard shift is bullshit! Titus: where did you go? Come home. Crowe: I remember you wearing a really sexy nude colored dress to a ball last year, maybe that? Still have it? Nyx: I think he actually believes you are Yojimbo! 😂 Libertus: (to group) need...whiskey. Crowe: if you don't want to loan me the dress, you can say. Nyx (to group) I got Scotch, but no whiskey. Libertus: (to group) is that what I asked for hero? Pelna: (to group) I don't have either because I'm in hell! Tredd: (to group) I got both but keeping it all for myself. Libertus: (to group) greedy ginger bastard Pelna: (to group) LOL Crowe: (to group) Shut the fuck up! Some of us are trying to sleep! Nyx: (to group) where is y/n Tredd: (to group) silence your phone Libertus: (to group) probably giving the king a bj with her purdy Tenebrae mouth. Crowe: it still vibrates Tredd: you must really love this then Nyx: Ohhhhhh No you didn't Crowe: fuck you Tredd stop or I'll put your balls in a magic vice next training. Titus: didn't want to wake my angel. I love you. You're pissing yourself with laughter at the insanity of your friends, and are irritated at Titus for not telling you where he went or when he would be back. You assess that his text was to sent to curtail your annoyance. You start firing off the texts. To Crowe: of course you can wear it, though the chest area may be a little tight on you! 😘 To Nyx: thanks friend, it always feels good to do good work! To KG group: you guys are nuts! I ❤️u! Except Lib...we'll talk tonight. Titus: where are you baby? Crowe calls immediately and the two of you set up a time to meet at her place so you can get ready together. She initially wants to meet at your place so she can browse your closet for options, but you make a couple of excuses and agree to bring the options to her. You scoop up Titan and head back inside. 10:47 You have just over five hours before meeting Crowe. She lives in the same area of Insomnia as Nyx and Lib, which is close to the Citadel. It will take you 30 minutes to get there, so you have to leave your place in 4 1/2 hours. You decide to hit up your closet, since you haven't even contemplated your evening attire. It was custom for the men to wear their Kingsglaive uniforms to official engagements, but a woman in hers is just ghastly. You had a large selection of gowns and cocktail dresses from your life in Tenebrae, and a few that Titus had bought you. You first pulled the dress that Crowe had specifically requested, then inspected the remaining. You pulled two black dresses that you thought would fit Crowe perfectly and a burnt orange one that you thought she would love. 11:24. You check your phone. No response from Titus. You send him another message: I'm meeting Crowe at her place at 4:00 to get ready. Will you be home by then? You throw your phone on the bed with a sigh, and feel your body temperature rising. You turn back to your closet, and pull out two cocktail dresses. One red, one midnight blue. You decide that six dresses is enough options for two women and zip them up in a garment bag. You proceed to pull the matching shoes and stuff them in a duffle bag with your makeup and assorted nail polishes. 12:37 You send another message: Baby are you ok? I'm starting to worry. Titus ignoring your texts was par for the course when you knew he was at work. He kept his personal phone on silent while inside the Citadel for obvious reasons. He couldn't exactly have his phone chiming if he was in a meeting with Clarus or Cor or holy shit, The King. Today, however, you were 90% sure that he wasn't at the Citadel which was the annoying part. You decide to take a shower and do your hair so you can focus on taming Crowe's thick mop when you got to her place. 1:09 You emerge from the shower and check your phone. Nothing. You contemplated texting his work phone but thought better of it, remembering the argument that ensued last time. 2:22 You finally finish straightening and styling your hair in the most elaborate braided scheme you have ever conjured. The style allows your length to fall beyond your shoulders, while the braids keep it away from your face. It looks damn good and you are pretty damn proud of yourself. Your phone didn't make a sound the entire time you were fighting with your hair. Now you are pissed. You stare at your phone, refusing to pick it up or send another text to Titus. You look around the bedroom and your closet catches your gaze. You don't know where he has been all day, but you are certain he will make it to dinner tonight, and a plan to make him suffer unfolds in your brain. You open the closet door and pull an asymmetrical burgundy-wine colored dress out. You last wore it to the aforementioned graduation party, the night you fucked Gladiolus Amicitia. He didn't know that small detail, but Titus forbade you from wearing it again, as in his words, "every man there got an instant erection" when they saw you that night--including himself. This thing has "sinner" written all over it. Plunging neckline and back, the highest point of the skirt about three inches from your slit. Perfect. You are happy that you had the smarts to hang the matching panties and backless push-up bra with the dress. 2:49 You text Crowe that you are on your way and scoop up the bags and your purse and bolt for the door. You are concerned about him, but seeing as though this is not his first disappearing act, you find yourself leaning more and more towards angry and you don't want to chance meeting him in the garage. 3:22 You arrive at Crowe's and haul everything up three fights of stairs. She must have heard you stomping, because she opens the door just as you put your hand up to knock. You walk into the small apartment, and see Nyx and Lib sitting on the couch in their KG unis, minus their jackets. You drop everything in a pile and launch yourself onto Libertus. "My Tenebrae mouth"? you yell as you punch him in the shoulder with everything you have. Maneuvering yourself to suffocate him into the couch cushions, you take position on top of him and growl "My Tenebrae mouth"? "What does that even mean Libertus"? "Sorry, I'm so sorry" Libertus begs for you to release him. To Nyx's delight you punch him in the same spot again, praying to The Six that he has a horrific bruise by dinner time. "Enough, children" comes Crowe's annoyed voice. You slap Libertus lightly on his cheek as you jump off of him, eliciting a giggle from his BFF. Crowe helps you pick everything up and the two of you disappear into her bedroom. When you both emerge, Libertus and Nyx look stunned. The times they get to see you like this are few and far between. Jaws dropping, eyes popping, you are confident that your choices of the burgundy and burnt orange dresses were on point. The boys are speechless. Crowe breaks the silence "Alright enough gawking, lets go get this over with" she says with pure disdain. She is a stunning beauty, but never appreciates people pointing it out. You take one last look at your phone and throw it onto Crowe's couch upon exit. 6:54 Your crew arrives at the Citadel 30 minutes early. You are led to the Royal Banquet Room and it is already 70% full. You scan the room like a sniper looking for your target. No Titus. No Cor. "Hey guys, can I take your picture" a sweet kid asks, startling you. "Sure" Nyx replies as the four of you get close. ::flash:: "Thanks, love the lighting in here"! "You guys Glaives"? He asks darting his eyes between Lib and Nyx. "Yes, all four of us" you retort with clear annoyance causing the kid to blush. "Right, sorry, of course" he replies shyly. "What's your name", Crowe asks the kid. "Oh, uh sorry, yeah, um, I'm Prompto". "Nice to meet you Prompto, so where's the bar"? He points in the general direction of the bar, mesmerized by Crowe's tits squished in a dress made for your much less ample frame. You chuckle at his awkwardness and walk away with your friends. On your way to get your liquid courage to face Cor, you exchange pleasantries with various dignitaries, Crownsguard members, and Glaives. Every one of them, except the few women, would fail the eye color test if challenged. The four of you each covertly take a shot, order your drink of choice, bring them to the massive marble table in the center of the room, and take your seats. You sit in the middle of the table, boys on one side, girls on the other, directly facing each other. Crowe on your left, Nyx directly across from you. You know from experience this is the best strategy to avoid awkward conversations with the King or Clarus, or being the one to have to wake the prince. A small delicate bell rings and the crowd converges upon the table. Everyone takes a seat and you wink at Nyx for being the genius of your seating arrangement. It is 7:28 and the King is about to enter, but still no sign of Titus or Cor. The table is abuzz with various chatter when a bellowing voice announces his Majesty's entrance. In unison, 70 people push their chairs back and stand in deafening silence. Titus and Cor enter first, followed by the King. You feel like an idiot for not even contemplating that they would enter with King Regis, since this dinner is in the honor of the Crownsguard and Kingsglaive. You can't take your eyes off him. He is dressed in his all-black uniform with silver accents, the one you immediately want to peel off of him every time you see it. Touché, darling, touché. You decide the best strategy for tonight is to shoot him darts as an unmistakable silent communication that you are not happy with him. Cor is the yin to Titus' yang. He is in his simple Crownsguard fatigues and you feel tears begin to form when he scans the table and locks eyes on you. There is no smile from him, no encouragement, just a deadpan stare into your soul. Your head immediately drops. The King takes his place at the head of the table and gives a short speech about Titus, Cor, and their respective corps. He touts them as great leaders and heaps praise upon each of them. He speaks of an undisputed truth among the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard alike; each soldier in each division would happily give their life for either of these men, because the soldiers know that Titus and Cor would do the same for any of them. You feel proud to be able to say he is your love, if only to yourself. You shed more than few tears, and are grateful that you aren't the only one to do so. The King finishes and room erupts in applause. Titus and Cor, both equally uncomfortable with public praise, tell everyone to sit. The table continues to stand and applaud, as the King does. After several moments, Clarus places his hand on the King's shoulder and tells him to sit, garnering laughter and another round of applause for Clarus. As you prepare to take your seat, you make eye contact with Titus, but he quickly looks away. The meal is seven courses and by the fourth course, people are getting antsy. You don't sit for this long unless you are in a transport being toted to this battle or back to the Citadel following one. At least in the transports you can stand and stretch. "My ass is starting to hurt" Crowe whispers into your ear. You turn her direction, give her a grin and a knowing nod. You glance past her to see the people at the other end of the table, and see Gladiolus staring at you grinning from ear to ear. You ignore him and quickly turn around again to the King's side of the table. You immediately regret your choice of attire. You continue to make small talk between courses with your neighbors, while stealing glances every now and again at Titus and Cor but your eyes never connect. The final course arrives and everyone huffs the fancy sorbet down in an attempt to get out of there faster. Finally the King stands, wishes everyone well, and informs everyone that he is "too old to keep up with you kids, so I will leave them to you", grinning at Titus and Cor. The two leaders look at each other in feigned horror eliciting a soft chuckle from their audience. The entire table stands once again, and The King makes his exit. Cor announces that since everyone has tomorrow off, Titus and himself have arranged for an after party on the Citadel rooftop veranda. The room erupts in cheers once more, and the group begins to file out of the room with many filing up a massive fight of stairs. Along the way, you try to make amends with Luche and ask how he is. "Fine, good, yeah" he responds, clearly embarrassed by your question. The crowd stops, waiting for the door to be opened. You look around you and see the Prince directly behind you, his face nearly in your ass. The photographer kid is next to him, and that bastard Gladio directly behind him. There is a fourth guy in their group, a tall blonde who seems to be the one keeping all of them in line. You can hear him whispering to Prince Noctis, telling him to back off your ass. You are grateful. You wonder to yourself if this is the group you would be placed with if you do indeed move to the Crownsguard. Your entire body shakes at the thought, and you feel queasy. You quickly turn back and see Nyx and Lib shooting darts at Gladio. You love how protective these guys are of yourself and Crowe, and you give them an appreciative grin. The staircase is slowly becoming a sweltering sauna when finally the door opens. 40, maybe 50 dinner guests converge onto the rooftop seeking cool air. You see no sign of the two men you wish most to avoid, so you take in the scenery. The rooftop is lit up tonight. The massive fish tank with Leviathan's mini-me glows brightly alongside various orbs, cascading water lamps, and the glow of The Crystal. You surmise that there are about 15 tables throughout the veranda and the four of you choose one in what you hope will be a quiet corner. Nyx volunteers to fetch the group's drinks and races off. Lib announces that he has to "take a leak" and disappears somewhere on the other side of the rooftop, leaving you and Crowe alone. "You ok girl", she asks "you've been uncharacteristically tight-lipped tonight". Apparently you weren't doing as good of a job hiding your angst as you thought. "Fine, yeah" you respond staring at the silk tablecloth. "Your lying" she retorts, lifting your chin, forcing you to look at her. "What's going on with you"? "Nothing, really, I am fine" you state with a false smile. She's stares deep into your soul for several moments and the tears begin to well up in your eyes. Crowe grabs you by the hand and leads you towards the rooftop railing for privacy. "Talk to me" she pleads. "I can't Crowe, please stop asking" your gaze is at your feet, and you almost wish this floor had rocks. "Is it a guy, it's always a fucking guy" she states in a disdainful tone. You remain silent as she stares you up and down. "It is" she sighs. "Why didn't you tell me you were fucking someone"? "It's moved way past the fucking stage Crowe". The tears begin to flow and you turn your gaze to the city lights of Insomnia. "I love him". Right on cue, his presence is announced. The soldiers he commands greet him with whistles and hollers but you don't turn around. Crowe announces that she'll be right back and returns moments later with your drinks and some napkins. You chug your gin fizz in one go and a wide-eyed Crowe hands you hers. You pause the debauchery long enough to dry your face. You chance a glance in his direction and he is seated at a table with Tredd, Luche, and Axis, just staring at you. You think he believes that you may be spilling your guts to Crowe now. You quickly turn your back to him and chug Crowe's drink. "Altius, may I have a word with y/n". You freeze. Your stomach sinks and your heart begins to race as if it is trying to push its way out of your chest and make a run for it. The moment you have been dreading all night is here. Cor. "Of course" Crowe stutters. You can hear the click of her shoes as she walks away. Cor stands close to you, but turned the opposite direction, possibly looking at Titus. "This isn't the time or place for a heart to heart, so I'm going to keep this short and simple" he says in a steady tone. Turning his gaze in an attempt to make eye contact with you, "There will always be a place for you in the Crownsguard, should you wish it". There is a long pause. "Thank you" you respond, your voice cracking. "Will you be at your session tomorrow"? You turn to face him, "of course". "Good, we can talk more then" he says turning to walk towards the Crownsguard group. After several minutes you go to your table and let them know you are heading to the ladies room. Crowe follows. You can feel multiple sets of eyes watching you--including Titus--when really what you desire most is to disappear into the landscape. You reach the restroom, lock yourself in a stall, and do your business. When you come out to wash your hands, you look into the mirror. You are definitely feeling the effects of the two gin fizzes. "Pretty good for someone who was crying just 20 minutes ago" Crowe says with a cheerful tone. You smile at her "Thanks, it's my Tenebrae mouth, it drowns out all other imperfections". You both laugh and head back out. As you re-enter the party, you can see things are starting to get out of control. Axis has decided that he wants to challenge Lib at arm wrestling, Luche and Tredd are having an extremely loud argument over who the strongest Astral is, and Pelna is challenging Nyx to a warping contest where they must warp from the roof of the Citadel, to an adjacent one, and back again. You roll your eyes and sit next to Pelna when you see that Gladio and his boy band have overtaken your table. You look at Titus. He has removed his armor and is sitting there in a tight long-sleeve shirt that shows off his built physique. He feels you looking at him and taps his hand three times on the table which has become his secret code for FOLL-OW-ME. You give him a one minute lead, then scan the rooftop. Everyone else is busy with someone else so you walk briskly in the direction he walked. You enter the hall where the bathrooms are, and see an open door that you would swear was closed before. You enter timidly, not knowing if this is where he disappeared to. Suddenly the door closes and there is an arm at your waist turning your whole body around in a single movement and pushing your back against the wall. Titus places his left leg between yours and wraps your head into the powerful grip of his hands and descends upon your lips. His sweet tongue swipes your lips, begging for entrance. You are so weak, you think to yourself and open your mouth fully to reciprocate. You haven't seen or talked to him since last night, and your body needs him. You bring your hands to rest softly on his pecs while grinding your sex against his thigh. You blissfully drown in the movement of your mouths clashing together. He breaks away and breathlessly places his forehead on yours and stares deeply into your eyes. You pull your courage from somewhere within the depths of your body. "Where were you today" you say in an accusatory tone. The look he gives you is one of pure guilt. He gently kisses your swollen lips and lets go. "I was busy" he says taking a few steps back, his tone matter-of-fact. "Busy"? you retort. "Too busy to send a simple text letting me know that you're ok"? "I've told you SO MANY times y/n not to ask me about my business" he says, beginning to raise his voice. "Yes, you have, but you keep disappearing on me Titus, what am I supposed to think"? "It doesn't matter what you think" he shoots back, anger beginning to rise. "Oh, so yesterday you love me, today I don't matter" you say quietly, as you can hear people in the hallway. "I didn't say that...why do you twist my words"? "You just said that what I think doesn't matter to you, yes or no"? "That's not what I meant, you know that" "Do I"? "You are gone and out of communication for...12...17 hours today". "Two weeks ago it was 22, time before that, 19". You get up and into his face as much as you can to a man of 6'4". "Riddle me this Titus, if I disappeared consistently like that, and came home and told you that you were completely out of line to ask me about it, what exactly would you think"! He turns towards you in a rage that you have never seen from him. His hand goes flat against your abdomen and he forces your body to slam back against the wall behind you. With a low growl, he pounds his fist next to your head, cracking the drywall, his nose touching yours. "You have no idea what I am dealing with or what I am trying to do" his face red and beginning to sweat. "Be grateful that you get to live in your little world of Anaks and goblins because I assure you that there are far worst daemons in this world". Seeing your tears, and feeling the fear he has placed into your quivering body, he pauses and takes two steps back. "And they're coming"
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foxehrobot · 7 years
So the contractors next door decided to rip out the autumn sages I’d planted in the jointly-owned strip between the sidewalk and the neighbor’s driveway. 
I don’t know what they’re putting in, but the the sages were doing badly enough that anything planted by itinerant contractors in August is sure to kick the bucket in short order.  I’m not watering shit. 
The sages looked like hell, but only because it was August and the contractors have been stomping them to goddamn bits. 
As soon as whatever they plant in there dies (and they’d better plant *something*), Imma take the stupid bed back over because it’s not going to become a grass-infested weedlot again. 
The stupid sages just needed a couple of weeks of good solid watering and to not be goddamn stomped on.  Fucking idiots. 
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
If we are not this, than what are we?
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- pt. 1- 
A/N: I got inspired by tik tok for this and let me tell you, I’m so glad I did write this. I’m probably gonna do a part 2 because I couldn’t put all the request in and I have to. It didn’t fit all together and Imma finish it in part two I gues??? Idk. Just school is in my head right now so it’s hard to think.
REQUEST: Can I request a James PotterxSlytherin!Reader where they were neighbours and bestfriends as kids and when she got sorted in slytherin, james was an arse to her. When they are older (6th/7th year) they spend time and realise they like each other but all their family and friends are against it.
James Potter.
An asshole.
A true, unpredictable asshole.
"GIVE IT BACK, JAMES!" you shouted, stretching your arm to get the journal in his hand.
You didn't know how he got a hold of it. It has always been under your pillow, sometimes under the cushions or the bed but never in reach for someone to grab.
He threw the journal to Sirius, who was laughing a few feet behind him. James wrapped his arm around your neck and stood behind you. You grabbed his strong arm that was tightening your neck and causing your head to be in an uncomfortable position. "YOU'RE HURTING ME! JAMES!" you shouted, feeling tears well up in your eyes as other students started to gather around and watch.
"Hurting you?" he loosened the grip and you pushed yourself away into Sirius' arms, grabbing the journal from his hands and pushing it against your chest. "You know we're always playing, lil Snake." he kept goading you, seeing well clear you were about as close to crying as Sirius was close behind you.
"You're an asshole!" you fumed at him. "A self-observed, narcissistic, prideful, son-of-a-bitch asshole!"
"And you're a slag, (y/n) (y/l/n)."
"Oh, I'M A SLAG?!?" you stepped back, scoffing and laughing forcefully. "Have you looked yourself in the mirror lately, Potter? Or were you too busy playing with Bibby the Bear? You know, coddle him like you did when we were kids? Kiss him a kiss goodnight?" you goaded and saw the colour on his skin turn bright red.
"Hold her, Pads!" he growled and you felt your arms being whisked away from your book.
Sirius was locking your arms behind your back, causing the journal to fall to the floor and being picked up by none other than, James Potter.
You knew there was no way out of this. You knew it and you admit to it but it's your journal and it's all of your feelings on a page.
You've been bullied by him since the first year. He was the one causing you to be anti-social. Because everybody loves James and who James likes, they like but who James doesn't like, they do not like either.
So as he opened the cover with the malicious smirk plastered on his lips, he took one last look at you. "Got any other words to say to me or do you want me to just read it?"
You felt your knees go completely numb and you were might as well hanging in Sirius' grip. "Please, James. Please don't." you pleaded, begged, prayed even... But it was James... And James hates you.
He opened and started to read. He laughed immediately. "Okay, okay. You weirdo." he commented and tears started to trickle down your eyes. "Dear thinking book, May 5th, 1973 - blah blah blah - Oh!" he exclaimed, looking up at you. "You fancied the Perfect Klemmens in your third year? - 'His eyes are so wonderful! Green marbles-"' "he laughed, barely containing it, just as the other students around you. "- sorry. It's just too funny. " he continued to laugh. "- for you to think you ever had a chance with Klemens."
"STOP!" you shouted but he just turned around with his finger in the air.
"I'm just gonna skip 73' since Klemens is all you talked about." he flipped a few pages. "What happened to 74'?"
You don't talk about 1974.
"Oh, here I am!" he beamed. "September 3rd: 'Back here and nothing has changed. Everything is the same, even the infamous Asshole of the Gryffindor tower hasn't grown up a brain.'" he looked at you and touched his heart. "Ouch. To be quite frank with you my brain is evolved just fine. It's yours who need some working." he was up close, watching you and blinded by the wet cheeks.
A tear fell and you felt absolutely defeated. You spat in his face, kicked Sirius in his crotch, and pulled out your wand "Inferno!" you shouted but instead of hitting the journal as you wanted you, you lit up James robe.
At this point, you didn't care.
"Missed!" you heard his mocking laugh but you just ran. You ran outside, you ran out of the castle, you ran so far until you were sobbing at the edge of the lake.
His voice kept repeating in your head as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. You lost your whole energy to that night. You laid on the side, rocks digging in your hips and causing you much more pain but to that pain, you were numb. The real pain was inside of you. You grabbed the grass and pulled it out because you were so furious and so upset. You just wanted to die right there and then.
'He used to be my best friend!' you cried in your head, tears enabling you to open your eyes as a scene of a messy 8-year-old boy, prancing around you and pulling you into the mud with him rolled in your head. 'We used to be best friends.'
He walked into the dorm, seeing Remus help Peter with his homework. He stomped proudly, throwing the journal on his bed and taking off his school robe. He pulled up the burnt edge and shrugged. "Oh, well. I'll just write mum to buy me another one." he laid on his bed with his shoes still on.
"Where's your other half?" Remus asked.
"Saw some Tinkerbell down the corridor as we walked. Got distracted."
"Should I ask about the robe?"
"Nah. No, fun without someone else telling the story. We'll have to wait for Sirius."
"Alright." repeated James, looking at the ceiling and thinking of you. It plastered a smile on his face to know you wrote about him in your journal. "I wonder..." he mumbled to himself, laying on his stomach and opening the journal again.
" November 16th, 1975: 'I thought I was over this. I thought I was strong enough! I THOUGHT I WOULDN' T BE TREATED LIKE THIS ANYMORE! I keep repeating the same thing because I know that I still can't get it through my thick head of how he went from my best friend to my enemy. '" James turned the page and kept reading. It was obvious. You were a Slytherin. You betrayed him. Everybody knows Slytherins are the worst."' I can remember us just chasing each other down the big grass. His mother hated me as a child. Both of our parents disapproved of our friendship- his mother hated me because of my parents but I can' t choose which family I was born into. He promised that he doesn't care about what his parents think of me but clearly, he does. Clearly, he thinks I am just as WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!'" he backed his head away from the page, completely shocked by this sudden burst of anger.
What? Why would you think he thinks that?
He furrowed his eyebrows at the page and continued to read. " 'He hates me just like everybody else. He hates me just like his parents hate me. He hates me just like my own parents hate me. He hates me just like the rest of Hogwarts- hell he' s the cause behind all of that in the first place. And you know what's the worst part?! When he bullies me and belittles me in front of everybody- when he makes me cry and weep in the long nights after that - I still can't do it. I still can't bully him back AND I HATE MYSELF BECAUSE OF IT! I'M SO DUMB AND SO STUPID! I CAN' T EVEN STICK UP FOR MY OWN SELF, LET ALONE SOMEONE ELSE!!! - "
Again...that burst of anger but... But what was he feeling currently? What?
What's happening in his head right now? Why does he feel like his world just flipped? Why does he feel like he wants to cry? What's this uncomfortable feeling inside of him that feels like it's eating away his stomach?
" 'I hate myself. I just hate myself so much. I hate everything about me. I can' t even look myself in the mirror anymore. I'm just so bloody ugly and pathetic. Why am I still putting up with this? Why don't I just end it as a normal person would? Why don't I just end it right here and now? "
He read and his eyes were wide and watery. He didn't even know what he was doing until he was outside the castle grounds, breathing heavily.
Merlin?! - he grabbed his head. What if you kill yourself because of him?! What if you- how could he live with himself! - he-
"I can't breathe!" he gasped for air. "I- what's happ-" he tried to grab the air with his hands but then his eyes saw you- you in the far distance. You in your Slytherin robes, looking at the mirror of yourself in the water. You were on your knees, just letting your fingers dip and move along the waves.
His breathing got calmer, the air filled his lungs and for some odd reason, he smiled.
"Thank God!" he breathed out, getting on his feet and moving forwards.
You heard branches snap behind you and you quickly turned around, eyes widening in terror. "Please, James don't hurt me! James, pleas-"
He opened his arms and crashed into you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug. "Thank God, you're alive!" he squeezed you tight and you felt the confusion hit your brain cells.
He squeezed you harder against him, digging his nose into your neck. "I'm so sorry, (y/n)" he felt a lump form in his throat and he started to choke on it, letting out fat tears. "I'm so sorry (y/n)!" he sobbed and started to cry in your arms.
You were completely shaking. You didn't know whether this was a prank or if he was truly honest with you.
"I'm so sorry for hurting you!" he continued to sob and you felt it. You felt it in your bones. This wasn't you being naive. This was you feeling old James in your arms. "I didn't know! I didn't know- I'm so sorry!" he pulled away with a completely runny nose and puffy red eyes, almost matching yours. His hands rested on your shoulders and he sniffed. "I won't do it again. I promise. I'll leave you alone. I'll do anything to make up to you, I PROMISE! I PROMISE I WON'T HURT YOU- just don't think like that?"
"What in the bloody hell are you talking about, James?" you furrowed your eyebrows at him, putting your own hands on his arms.
He sniffed one more time, pulling up the journal and putting it in your hands.
The realization hit strongly. "Oh.." you took it in your grasp. "So, you uhm-"
"I read sum of it." he let go of it, wiping his cheeks. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"Are you joking?" you forced a laugh. "You can't be serious right now? Why didn't I tell you? Because it was obvious-"
"I wasn't that horrible?"
"You were terrorizing, James." you spoke completely serious. His eyes kept watching you in shock. He didn't believe it. "I'm scared of you, don't you get it? I avoided you since the first year and every year it got worse. I didn't come to eat unless I knew you weren't there. I asked my professors to not give me classes with you. I did everything I could to stay away from you because I was scared and terrorized by you. " you removed your hands from him and stepped back.
Why were you even holding him in the first place?
"I was really that bad?"
"Yes, and you still are."
"I made you hate yourself? " he asked, eyes guilty and ashamed, afraid of the answer.
"Yes, you did." you continued to watch him.
You were honest. It felt good saying these things to him.
"You think it's because of my mum?"
"You hate me just as much as she does. It's a clear explanation."
"But it's not true."
"well, whatever the explanation is, it surely wouldn't change anything you did. You're horrible, James." it just kept coming out and at some point, you knew this was dangerous but at the other, you couldn't stop. "You used to be so kind and so sweet when we were kids, neighbors even but I couldn't shake you off. Not home, not here. It was like living with a shadow. You always followed and I was always in such pit of darkness and loneliness because of you. I hated myself because of you. I tried to love me, something, anything but you never let me and this! "you shouted, lifting the journal in your hands." This was my safety. This was my listening ear. My healing. My only trustee but now I don't even have this. So thank you, James. For taking everything away from me. " you threw the journal in the lake and moved passed him. "Thank you for killing me."
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