#imma rest finally
ink--theory · 7 months
worst freelancer alive still manages to meet quota
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floofyeldog · 11 months
Less tobi cheated on Rudy, and more NO ONE can cheat on Rudy—he’s a force to reckoned with when it comes to threats to his partner’s loyalty
Exactly, you don't test Rudy. There'll be consequences
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dkettchen · 6 months
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who is he 👀
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
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toestalucia · 3 months
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vanyafresita · 6 months
update: i finished tma
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waloeders · 6 months
almost done jupe reference (wip) but i am. getting sleepy.
you too can get a funky cloak from the certified Not A Cult of Susurrus' worshippers!
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield  Chapter 46: Paradise (Epilogue)
**To read previous chapters, hit this link
Tagging: @seradyn​
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The land outside of Gralea within the Uletham region was bustling with new life. Standing beside the Scepter, and looking outward to the plains, Caelan made note of the animals that were beginning to return to their native grounds. Ever since the magitek stronghold of this region had been disbanded, the number of critters doubled overnight. She was excited to report these findings to the nation's biologists. The clean-up initiative that Ardyn proposed months back was showing its efforts.
Caelan turned her head as she heard Ardyn approach. She smiled at him while her eyes carded over his body.
“Aren’t you a little too old to be playing in the mud?” Caelan playfully jabbed, laughing while Ardyn shot her a glare as he chuckled.
“Our child had other plans.” Ardyn sighed. He welcomed Caelan’s embrace, giving her a kiss. He loved that she could care less about his messy state if it meant displaying affection.
“So, how many animals have returned do you hypothesize?” Ardyn pulled away from Caelan, looking down at the notes she had jotted on her phone.
“I estimate around two hundred. That’s Dualhorns alone. I’d recommend we send a team over here to comb through. I’m curious if any waste from the stronghold seeped into the soil. There are patches where nothing grows. With the ice and snow being gone, plants should be thriving here.” Caelan explained. She raised a brow, hearing Ardyn laugh quietly to himself.
“What’s so humorous?”
“Oh nothing,” Ardyn teased. “I find it adorable how you take your studies seriously. I do rather miss when you were only my shield. I hate having to share you with the Conservation Committee.”
Caelan rolled her eyes, giving Ardyn a playful jab to his shoulder. He grabbed Caelan from behind, pulling her back to his chest, then peppered her neck with an onslaught of rapid kisses. He loved the way Caelan's laughter reverberated through her throat. Ardyn rest his nose against her skin, inhaling her scent.
“If you keep making fun of me about my educational pursuits, I’ll kick you to the couch.”
“We both know that never lasts for long,” Ardyn mused against her flesh. “You crave my presence as I do yours, empress.”
“Can you ever let me have a win?” Caelan sighed in defeat.
“Never.” Ardyn pressed a long kiss right below Caelan’s jawline. The soft moan that parted her lips sent a shiver down his legs. He backed off, knowing if he were to remain there was no chance of them making it back to the capital in time.
“Did you text Prompto and Cindy we will be joining them Saturday night?” Ardyn asked, venturing over to the driver's side of the Scepter. He looked forward to the drive back home, having not been behind the wheel in a long time.
“Yep! They’re still game for the concert. They warned me it might be packed. We should leave early that night to make it.” Caelan felt her excitement somewhat drain as she approached the passenger side of her car. Ardyn held a look of concern compared to a dog being kicked and still loving its owner. She tilted her head curiously at him.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Are you sure you want to go?” Ardyn asked. “You haven’t been feeling well. We can always postpone our date nights with them. I’m sure they’d be understanding.”
Caelan smiled, feeling herself lighten up. “There’s no way I’m missing Vote Abandon and The Phoenix Downs playing together! We only get to see Prompto and Cindy twice a month. The rest of the gang too if we’re lucky to catch a break.”
Ardyn sighed, shaking his head. He decided not to argue with Caelan regarding the matter. “I suppose your points are valid. Well, in that case, we should be heading back home to get ready. It’s a two-day flight to Cape Caem from Gralea. Will you do the honors and call our child back to the car?”
Caelan giggled, watching Ardyn smirk briefly. She nodded and went to the backseat door, opening it up. Putting her hands around her mouth to amplify her voice, Caelan took in a deep breath and then shouted.
A few moments later, the trotting sound of a chocobo could be heard. Several happy chirps and kwees left the obsidian-colored bird while she made her way to her owners from afar. Caelan crouched down, baby-talking the adolescent chick before coaxing her into the backseat. Once Susannah quieted her purrs and clicks, Ardyn started the Scepter up and Caelan joined the passenger side. They spent a good portion of the trip debating about a present to get for Noctis on his birthday.
A soft breeze touched the landscape of the coast. The air was warm, the cold season of Lucis had finally passed the baton to Spring. The honey smell of freshly bloomed sylleblossoms traveled up Caelan’s nose. She closed her eyes, soaking up the warmth. Peace didn’t remain for long. Bouts of laughter and chattering pulled Calean from her quiet sanctuary. She grinned wide, watching the most wholesome of scenes unfold.
Gladio was trying to wrangle Umbra and Pryna II. The two canines, one of shadow and light bounced with great jolly as they made circles around the crownsguard commander.  Pryna II, whose fine hairs shined like starlight, eventually gave up the chase with her older companion. She settled for trying to steal Gladio’s plate of food, eventually bringing him onto his knees. Caelan couldn’t stop herself from laughing, seeing the younger dog steal a morsel followed by Gladio’s chagrin.
Lunafreya was finishing the last of Seraphii’s braids. The queen beckoned Gladio to be more reasonable with Pryna II and her antics. The quick banter ceased upon Umbra randomly jumping at Prompto while he readied his camera. Lunafreya quickly called Pryna away while Prompto laughed it off, going back to cleaning off the lenses.
Seraphii glanced at Caelan, making an exaggerated grin, and waved rapidly. Caelan returned the gesture, sticking her tongue out. The action had Seraphii giggle until she was distracted by Ignis bringing over more food. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on her favorite seafood dish. Lunafreya made a remark about her being just like her father, to which Seraphii shyly rubbed the back of her neck while Noctis looked upon his daughter with admiration.
Ignis passed a plate to Noctis, grabbing his attention away from the queen and his kid. Caelan could overhear both the men arguing playfully over the king wanting to take a fishing trip soon and have Ignis cook everything. There were many witty lines and sarcastic jabs that played out between the two. Ignis won in the end, much to Noctis’s disappointment. It didn’t seem to bother him in the end while Noctis settled more into his chair underneath the tree. He made it a point to look at everyone and everything around him. Never one to break a kingly habit of ensuring the people who surrounded himself were seen.
Noctis raised a glass of wine to Caelan, giving a nod and a grin. She raised hers back and smiled at him. While the king sipped away at his beverage, Caelan put hers down upon the picnic blanket Ardyn and she brought over to celebrate the king's birthday.
Caelan’s heart soared with the purest of admiration while watching Ardyn from afar playfully chasing Noctis’s son, Cordis. The boy was a spitting image of his father, and had the longest name ever. Cordis Octavian Lucis Caelum. To Ardyn and Caelan, he was their little “Otto”. Ever since Caelan and Ardyn had arrived from Nifheim to celebrate the king's day, the four-year-old was joined at the hip to his respective “Entee Cahl” and “Ardy”.
Caelan lost count of how long Cordis and Ardyn had been playing together at the beach. The two had a strong bond. One that made Caelan elated. She knew how much Ardyn adored kids despite his not-so-savory comments at times towards them back home.
The four-year-old screamed with joy as Ardyn grabbed him from behind and hoisted him up into the air. Ardyn spun the boy around, laughter and high-pitched giggles intertwined. Ardyn brought Cordis into a warm embrace and put him back down. Lunafreya soon called for them to return from their play as lunch was ready. Ardyn extended his hand down to Cordis; little fingers that could barely fit in his palm grasped his calloused hand while Ardyn guided them both back to their families.
As soon as Umbra locked his gaze on Cordis, the dog barked and playfully wagged his tail. The older canine jumped at Cordis and tackled him. The child found purchase grasping onto Ardyn’s left leg for dear life. Keeping him from falling over and onto his face. Ardyn steadied himself from the sudden change in posture, laughing while Cordis playfully commanded: “Ardy” to stop the “fuzzy munsta” from getting him.
Prompto began taking photos of the little bout of controlled chaos that was going on, and Caelan decided she too would snap a pic with her phone. It wasn’t the greatest of pictures, yet it captured the essence of these people she had grown to love.
“Entee! Entee!”
Caelan looked up from her phone, setting it aside while Cordis rushed over to her and wrapped his small arms around her for a hug. Caelan chuckled, peppering the four-year-olds cheeks with kisses. Cordis let out a string of exaggerated pleas to stop. She did as the child commanded. The palms of his little hands rested on her cheeks.
“Man dance core-ay gee, entee!” He exclaimed.
“Mdents koreyy ji, Otto.” Caelan replied. “You’re getting better at God Speak!”
The cast of Ardyn’s shadow, while he approached the two, had Caelan and Cordis look up. Both of them were happy to see Ardyn. He had two plates of food in hand, one for himself and Caelan. He chuckled, gesturing with his head at Cordis.
“Scram, child. I demand my wife be given back to me.” Ardyn jokingly threatened. A mischievous laugh left Cordis.
“Make me, Ardy!”
“Oh! Aren’t we feeling bold this visit?” Ardyn mused. He sat both the plates down, scooting Caelan’s close to her then crouched to get on eye level with Cordis. He pressed the palm of his hand to Cordis’s small skull and messed with his dark locks. Cordis giggled at the contact.
“Do you want to know a secret?” Ardyn whispered.
“Tell me!” Cordis whispered back, his eyes grew brighter at the second while Ardyn gestured to Ignis’s stash of personal picnic baskets he brought with him.
“I heard whisperings that your uncle Iggy is keeping those vanilla cakes you so dearly love in one of those. Now would be the perfect chance to snag a few. I won’t tell a soul! ”
“Do I have to give you a finders fee?” Cordis made a face to which Ardyn laughed. He pressed his forehead to Cordis to nuzzle him, and pulled away.
“Not this time. It’s all yours.”
“Off you go then!”
Caelan had never seen a kid run so fast in his life. She laughed while Ardyn joined in her bouts, sitting on top of the blanket and scooting to her side. He wrapped his right arm around her, allowing Caelan to rest her head in the crook of his neck. His natural scent mixed well with the sandalwood cologne he was wearing. She couldn’t help but press a few chaste kisses to his throat, working her way up to his facial hair until Ardyn turned his head and met her in the middle. They slowly kissed several times before hearing someone shout their way.
“Not again! Ardyn, was this your doing?!” Ignis hollered, gesturing down to Cordis. His small cheeks were puffed up like a squirrel who had shoved one too many acorns in his mouth.
Ardyn shook his head and shrugged, feigning innocence. “You dare accuse me of such childish play? That could be grounds for treason! Noctis, vouch for me!”
“I want no part of it! Even if my son lays the groundwork for war!” Noctis said with a playful firmness, he shot his son a quick glare to which Cordis bowed his head in defeat.  
“You Caelum's are impossible!” Ignis rolled his eyes, trying to suppress a smile while he scolded Cordis for his trespassing. The four-year-old innocently enough made his apologies known. He turned and gave Ardyn a thumbs up before continuing to fake remorse to appease his elders.
Caelan laughed hard as did Ardyn. They settled while Ardyn nestled his face into Caelan’s hair. His free arm snaked around her body, clasping with the hand that was behind her back, and pulled her close.
“They’re going to kill you one day for corrupting an heir.” Caelan teased, feeling Ardyn snort against her scalp.
“Better I make a beast of my kin than to slay one due to a dated prophecy.”
“Touché.” Caelan turned in his grasp. She kissed Ardyn's lips, to which he deepened it. Before they could get too carried away in front of their friends and loved ones, Ardyn pulled back. He sighed contently, his nose caressed against Caelan’s. The arm around her back gently lowered. His hand rubbed small circles into her side while his other hand cupped her face, fingers tenderly grazing against her skin.
“I love you,” Ardyn murmured. His gaze then lowered to Caelan’s abdomen. His hand that had been holding her face moved down to the spot. He couldn’t stop his fingers from stroking the area.
“I can’t wait to play alongside our little one.”
“Makes two of us,” Caelan smiled down at his hand, then looked back into Ardyn’s eyes. “Think you can deal with Cordis and Seraphii until then?”
Ardyn let out an exaggerated sigh, then grinned. “If you absolutely must insist. You sure there isn’t any way to speed things up?”
Caelan glared at him to which he shirked back and made a face.
“That was rather misguided on my part.”
“It’s only been a week. Have some patience!”
“I’ll give you more than that.” Ardyn teased. His tone however held a sincere promise while he embraced Caelan. They both squeezed each other until it hurt, neither of them letting up when Ardyn felt the compulsion to look upon his beloved.
Ardyn could care less about the festivities, let alone their food which was growing cold. There was much to be happy about in this life they had been building for years. He felt another round of tears wishing to be shed but did his darndest to hold back. Ardyn had spilled plenty back at Niflheim the day Caelan told him they would be parents. It wasn’t planned since Ardyn assumed he remained infertile even after losing the scourge. After much deliberation, they decided to take the leap at parenting. Both agreed to endure together. Ardyn would be lying to himself though if he wasn't scared on Caelan's behalf. He had been nothing but encouraging to her if she wanted to proceed or not.
“We’ll get through this together,” Caelan promised. Grasping one of his hands with hers. “Like everything else we’ve been through.”
Ardyn’s smile couldn’t get any bigger.
“You have no idea how thankful I am that you’re my family. I’d be lost without you, Cahl.”
“I love you.”
Gentle pecks began to make way for deeper motions. Ardyn’s hands entangled in Caelan’s hair while her arms went around his shoulders, and their kiss grew more passionate. It was only when a series of whistles and calls were heard did they freeze and slowly turn their heads toward their large group. Shy embarrassment hit both Caelan and Ardyn while they tried to wave off the hijinks of the gang.
“Your food will become dog chow at this rate!” Ignis forewarned.
“I think they’re hungry for another thing Iggy!”
“Damn it, Prompto!” Noctis sighed.
“What? We’re adults aren’t we, Noct?!”
“What are you two love birds whispering about? Better not be invasion plans!” Gladio smirked.
“Prompto, you are going to be the death of everyone here!” Lunafreya laughed.
"Gladio, don't give them ideas!" Noctis teased.
While the antics of the group died down, Caelan smiled and murmured to Ardyn.
“When should we tell them the news?”
“I had an idea I wanted to run by you regarding that,” Ardyn began. He chuckled observing Seraphii and Cordis look over at the adults in disgust, shaking their heads in disappointment at their caregivers. They ventured to the beach, wanting to dip their toes in the water. The laughter of the kids was soon accompanied by a barrage of cheeps coming from a black chocobo chick. Susannah stumbled, still getting used to her long legs after a growth spurt and sprinted at the kids. She squawked at them playfully while flapping her little wings.
“ShuShu!” Cordis and Seraphii exclaimed. They both took turns patting and playing with Ardyn and Caelan’s chocobo, then coaxed the avian to follow them to the sands.
There was a moment, for the briefest of seconds that Ardyn didn’t see either Cordis or Seraphii. Instead, he saw himself as a teen along with Somnus. Both of them played together in the low tides while their parents from afar meddled with the lords and ladies of Lucis. They took turns splashing each other in the surf, all the while Ardyn’s black chocobo Absolom chased the brothers around. Seraphii and Cordis were near the exact spot where such a memory took place over 2,000 years ago. There were no words that could express how Ardyn felt, seeing something so innocent repeat in history.
“You were saying?” Caelan mused. She took a photo with her phone when Ardyn wasn’t looking. He snapped out of his trance.
“Yes,” Ardyn sighed, letting his feelings settle. “Sorry, I was feeling rather sentimental.”
“Don’t ever apologize for that,” Caelan leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
Ardyn turned to smirk at her. “Or whatever will I do if I face your wrath?”
“Guess you’ll have to find out later tonight.” Caelan snickered.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Ardyn sighed contently then let out a huff. “If Noctis doesn’t murder me.”
“Why would he murder you?”
“Well, as I was saying, I had an idea.” Ardyn’s eyes grew with a trickery Caelan was all too familiar with. She knew she was probably going to go along with it. Whatever his crazy plan was.
“I could make our announcement right before Noctis blows out the candles on his cake. I can see the gasps and exclamations already. I must have my way, but I dare not overstep regarding you.”
“Damn. You really want to steal the king's thunder on his birthday?”
“I can’t think of anything better!” Ardyn laughed.
“You’re such a jerk,” Caelan sighed, shaking her head while she laughed. “You owe me for this.”
“Gladly, darling!” Ardyn pressed a kiss to Caelan’s cheek then excused himself upon seeing Susannah attempting to eat Seraphii’s braids. Caelan giggled and watched the scene unfold until her attention was guided elsewhere.
“Cae! Come join us for a round of Kings Knight! They updated the boss levels!” Prompto hollered. He had his arm around Cindy who had just arrived, she gave a wave to everyone.
“Yeah, we got a spot open! Gladio tapped out!” Noctis chimed in.
“Did not!”
“Did too!” Ignis countered.
“Be right over!” There was something she needed to do first.
Caelan opened up her Kwee! account and started creating a post with several pictures she had taken with everyone. She smiled at many, dedicating the memories to her mind and heart. The group photo she took earlier, Caelan edited with a filter. The image of Ardyn and the rest of the gang looked like a painting from Ardyn’s time. It seemed fitting for one reason or another to her.
Caelan separated this picture and the secret one she took of Ardyn into their own post. Her eyes carded over the side profile she had of Ardyn. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, how peaceful he looked. Her free hand went to her abdomen, gently rubbing at the spot where their kid was growing.
“The Glacian and I made a pact,” Ardyn explained to Caelan during the first night of her stay at Niflheim. He held her hands in his, never once taking his eyes off her. The warm light of their bedroom contrasted with the night sky through the windows. “My fate is tied to yours. Neither of us will depart this world without the other. When you leave, I shall follow.”
“Why would you do that?” Caelan murmured.
“Dying can be scary. I want to be there for you, wherever we go after. Just as my mother did for my father years ago.” Ardyn said softly. He recalled Shiva’s remark about that, smiling to himself. It felt good, finally knowing why both his and Somnus’s parents perished together. They had their fates bound by the Glacian herself at the behest of Adrian, their mother.
“I can’t believe you guilt-tripped the Glacian into giving you more than your life.” Caelan mused, trying to alleviate the seriousness of the conversation. The smirk Ardyn wore made Caelan grin.
“There might be a bit more.”
“Such as?”
“We will age gracefully. I can imagine we will still look our fifties by the time we reach one hundred.”
“One hundred?!” Caelan exclaimed.
“Why not? It seems a reasonable goal!” Ardyn nodded. He tilted his head playfully, smiling at her. “Do you think you’ll check out sooner than that?”
“No,” Caelan shook her head. “Not as long as I have you.”
As the memory came to its conclusion, Caelan thought of her mom and dad--Julian, Aila, and her little brother August. If fate hadn’t been cruel in more ways than one to her kin, Caelan wondered if they would’ve appreciated the family Ardyn and her created. Alas, it didn’t matter. The past was the past. Not just for Caelan, but for Ardyn too. They had one life to live, and they would make the present count.
Caelan created the post.
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Paradise <3
Thank you for letting me be a part of your life.
From afar Ardyn was returning with ShuShu and the kids in tow. He waved at her, and Caelan smiled watching Cordis mess around with Ardyn’s small braids while he rode on his back. Seraphii held Ardyn’s left hand while in his right Susannah pecked at his clothes. As Caelan got up to venture over to Ardyn and the gang, there was a single thought she had regarding the life she was now living: it was a damned good one.
Thank you for making it to the end of this story! I'm still in disbelief I managed to crank out over 540+ pages in 2 months. I've never written anything this long before, and I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I have. This was my first fanfic for anything Final Fantasy related, and I think I did okay!
I'd like to give a shoutout to a few individuals that kept me going:
@nemodoren via tumblr: This person knew about the story before I even started writing. I bounced off so many ideas with him and he beta read every single chapter before I put it on AO3. He let me know what worked and what didn't. His honesty was invaluable as was his encouragement.
@seradyn via tumblr: This lovely gal was always present whenever I updated chapters on tumblr. Her comments made me excited to keep going, and I had a blast getting feedback from her. The reactions she had to chapters was priceless!
@ticklemycucumber: I shared a few chapters with her before releasing them. Her feedback greatly helped me shape some of the more serious chunks of the story. I don't think they would've come out as good had she not given her two cents.
@HeartofFyrwinde: Thank you for commenting consecutively on the chapters! I loved your theories and thoughts, and your compliment about hearing Darin throughout Ardyn’s dialogue still goes through my head.
Thank you to everyone that comment and took time to say something encouraging! You have no idea how much of an impact that has on writers on this site. Please speak up more often. If not for me, then other authors you like.
Now that the story is over, please feel free to let me know how it holds up now that it's complete.  I love interacting with readers very much. It doesn't matter when you started or when the story ended, you always have a space here!
Thanks again guys! I'll be taking a break, but I'll see ya in the next fic!
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gifti3 · 1 year
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Finally got these pants o(--(
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heleneplays · 1 year
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69 killed 420 injured 100% skill 0% luck local lesbian defests the evil (for now)
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theloyalpin · 9 days
idk why i'm in such a gifmaking mood today lol
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connorsui · 4 months
Yall ur girl consui is reaching Bahamas hour with the way my brain is slowly shitting down and giving itself a mini break ...like two weeks of nothing sounds great 🩷✨️💅🏻
...but oh God..I can feel hells raging fire slowly starting to burn as the hours and minutes count down for next time 😭😭
But imma gonna do sum about it?? ..NAH..ur girl needs sum PEACE with a side of wine and sum cheese crackers that she got from the overpriced store of mediocre food ...light up sum candles and sum lightin and u and I gonna feel the waves from outside in a minute
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sapphirerogers · 7 months
My mom just had the audacity of asking me "do you not like studying or something?"
Students kill themselves every week just because they have been brainwashed into thinking their entire worth depends on a number that they're awarded based on their ability to memorize things they won't ever need in practical life
And i'm supposed to enjoy studying.
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killjoy-prince · 1 year
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Manga haul from yesterday
#prince's talk tag#i promise this wont be an every week thing#i went back to the city yesterday to buy a beloved game from my childhood and decided to hit up the bookstores again#i said i wouldnt go overboard but mission failed lolol#i was happy to find the second volume of t/okyo m/ew m/ew o/mnibus bc i couldnt find it anywhere#and im really enjoying w/itch h/at a/telier in both art and story so i decided to collect it#i wasnt gonna get w/ot/akoi but 1) i found out the english version combines two volumes into one so its only 6 volumes long#and 2) the 6th volume cover was an exclusive at the bookstore i got it from (which was kinokuniya)#and comparing it to the regular cover i thought the exclusive was cuter so i decided why not#i also got more volumes of b/lue f/lag but the thing is i got those volumes from barnes and noble#and the thing about the bnn i went to is to prevent people stealing them they put security stickers in the book#but sometimes they put them over panels or worse a page of black ink#so taking off the sticker is easy but it does take some of the pigment off and it annoys me#like i get it but you're kinda ruining the book#the miku book is an artbook of Kei's art and i had to get it bc i love his miku artwork#seeing them in thr p/roject d/iva makes me happy#its 95% miku and 5% the rest of thr cryptonloids which makes sense bc the book IS called mikulife#but yea imma cool it with purchases now#im getting a book shelf tomorrow so i can finally put them away instead of having them on my dresser
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satoruhour · 1 year
a/n: mb guys, i cant escape the soft dom allegations i just love it too much. but gojo is a little rougher in this. wrote this as a result of the latest jjk ep and uuuhhhhhmmmm imma need him to be angry more CAAUUUUSEEEEE .....
warnings: sorta rough dom!gojo, fem!reader, face-fucking, deep-throating, oral (m receiving), multiple rounds, unprotected sex, spitting on your pussy, praise, degradation, use of ‘slut’ and ‘whore’, creampie / breeding kink, aftercare and cute gojo at the end, n*sfw under the cut
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“s— satoru?” you’re taken aback when he stalks through the door, almost making a dent in the wall from how hard he slams it open and the darkness of the front door light does his eyes justice in showing just how bright they are. albeit a little less blue and swirling with something darker and you’re taken aback when he finally walks up to you and seizes your wrist.
“’toru— you should go see shoko—!” you’re surprised when he whirls you around and nods his head towards the big sofa wordlessly and while you’re not a stranger to gojo’s outbursts when you’re arguing about how he needs to value his life more or when he’s uptight from a stressful meeting with the higher-ups, but never like this. frankly, you’ve never even had to courage to tell him all the times he’s stared at you with hooded eyes and a frown etched onto his face, you had to hold yourself back from jumping him.
but now he’s taking matters into his own hands.
you yelp in shock as he pushes you onto your hands and knees and you look back at how he kneels in front of your slowly soaking underwear. gojo plants his hands on your ass and kneads, bringing his nose right up to your pussy lips and licks a stripe over the fabric.
“so wet jus’ from that? fuckin’ slut,” he whispers just loud enough for you to hear and you’re ashamed to admit that you like it a little too much when you let out a small whine unknowingly. “oh? like it when i call you a little slut?”
he makes sure to spit out the last part and his anger and stress lowers a little just seeing how you wiggle your butt closer to him and a smile spreads on your face. there’s a little twinkle in your eye when you see the way your boyfriend’s hands make their way down to his pants but he stops short, larger hands wrapping around your waist to flip you over. thank god the couch was big, and he inches his way up your body.
“c’mon. take my cock out,” he’s staring at you from above, a sight you weren’t used to, rather more accustomed to having him below you but this new change sends chills right down to your core. you tug at his pants impatiently and satoru watches with a close eye how you scramble to pull down his underwear and the way your lips part slightly. gojo hums softly when you start stroking it to full hardness and the awe on your face is just so adorable.
“suck.” you didn’t need to be told twice, bringing his angry weeping tip right to your mouth to suckle the pre-cum out of it and your eyes flick up just as he smirks. your mouth’s so full of him, moaning around his length as you bob your head in the uncomfortable position. “all ya good for, huh? made just f’r suckin’ me off.”
this gojo was miles off from your loving boyfriend but you loved it all the same, nodding and hollowing your cheeks and using your hands for the places you can’t reach. your mouth and hands were no comparison to your tight cunt but they’re second best, so warm and pliant. you stare up at him before coming off and drool drips down the side of your mouth.
“fuck my mouth, satoru,” your pleading eyes are too much for him, both hands still stroking him non-stop as you mix in your saliva with his pre-cum, lewd noises filling the hall. “please?”
gojo simply laughs, a laugh that definitely says i should do this more, “sure, baby.”
and while his stress is immediately gone from seeing you beg, he’s not any more gentle as he lines his cock along your lips and holds onto the arm rests of the couch and fucks your face. the first thrust into your mouth, he moans out loud before his hips move quicker and quicker and you have hardly any time to adjust. your fingers squeeze his thighs with each ram into you, tip kissing the back of your throat you swear you can feel him in your stomach. you’ve learned to hold your breath even when your nose meets with his untrimmed pubes, eyes never breaking contact as he slams into you.
“mouth s’good— s-shit . .” gojo chuckles breathlessly when he hears you gurgle on his fat cock, feeling your tongue massage the base of his dick. the obscene gawking noises only gets louder when he pushes himself right to the limit, obsessed with how your eyes roll to the back of your head and you can make little noises around him. he gives a little quick glance to see your playing with yourself and he swears under his breath, pulling his hips back and letting you breathe. “filthy girl. jus’ need me so bad.”
“y—yeah satoru. wanna take your mind off . . work,” you mumble, eyes focused on how his cock twitches and leaks pre-cum from his tip and you just wanna make him feel so good — you’re not even that big on the whole housewife thing, but the way gojo treats you? you’d be on your knees all day if you could, taking his warm cum down your throat. 
“yeah? cute lil thing you are.” he taunts, bending his body so he could be inches from your face even as you continue pumping him and he’s trying not to lose composure. his eyes bore holes into your face from how hard he stares at you, breath shaky as your hands move under his jujutsu uniform and all over his upper body.
“use me.” it comes so abruptly even you are surprised, knowing how you liked to be more passive in your sex life and still, this is your first step out of your meekness. “take it all out on me, satoru.”
gojo’s chest heaves and he silently pulls away to face your cunt, removing your panties and he really wants to give you everything slowly like he likes it. he wants to see you cry as he rocks into you with gradual grinds but when you tell him something as dirty as that — he’s doing anything but that.
“haah . .” satoru sighs at your clenching pussy, dragging his tip up and down, up and down your folds and just seeing your juices just flow and flow and he’s hypnotised, “careful what you wish for, darling girl.”
you barely have time to register his warning before he slams into you and you’re screaming. it’s easy from how wet you are and it takes a small while as you adjust to his thrusts and gojo uses your body like a ragdoll. he hovers over you as your legs are limp and unsure of where they should go. this little dilemma isn’t lost on satoru, grabbing your ankles and holding them as his hips move relentlessly and this has your hips lifting off the sofa; he easily reaches your g-spot like this.
“satoru— fucking g-god! satoruuu . . !” you moan at the roughness of his ministrations, thinking you were free from the assault when he lets your ankles rest on his shoulders but all he does is spit on your pussy. a perfect shot and he rubs it in with his thumb and it has you whining out loud at the sudden stimulation, “t-too much!”
“you can take it.” gojo simply mumbles, thumb drawing timed circles on your clit as he watches his cock disappear into you. “can do it when you’re clenchin’ around me this hard.”
gojo grins, sickly.
“ah! my pretty little slut did it again.” the names were an exact opposite from the softer praise you were used to, and still they have you biting your lips and giggling in between moans, letting him fuck you like the cocksleeve you are.
“breed me, ’toru. need it—!”
“that right?” gojo slams into you at the speed of an animal, clearly still high-strung from the mission and notices how you still are making sure he cums first. the thought makes his hips stutter paired with seeing your doe eyes as little pants leave your mouth and he needs to pull away from your clit to hold onto your thighs before he cums and cums and cums. your back arches at the feeling and a soft moan is heard from your lips at how it starts to fill you up.
gojo wastes no time to pull out and see his cum spill out of you before he’s doing a circular motion with his finger and you’re lying on your stomach like a good girl. you melt when you feel him scoop it all up, pushing the escaping cum right back into you and your head sinks into the cushions while your ass only pushes more into him.
“hol’ on, baby, got another load for ya,” this thrust is wet. you can basically hear his cum struggle to stay in you to the point where his cock is coated in a thin layer of white and you can only moan out for him from below. he shuts you up but pressing you deeper into the sofa, a harsh hand on your lower back and your ass sticks out more.
“thaaat’s it . .” gojo smirks, licking his lips as he watches your ass ripple from the contact. each drag of his cock into your warm, cute pussy, his eyes are there, and each spurt of your arousal and his cum as his pelvis meets yours, he’s searing it into his brain, “this what you mean by using you?”
you’re murmuring “yeah”’s into the sofa, knees and arms suffering from fabric burn from how much your body was moving, and yet his throbbing cock is just too good. your mouth falls open when satoru reaches around to rub at your clit again and your hands fly to hold onto his wrists, “oh— right there, ’toru . .!”
it’s all too much for you, the previous load of cum spilling onto the couch below you, the filthy sounds of slapping skin and the sloppiness of your pussy that it’s even having gojo moving aimlessly into you, rather just rutting in you messily.
“g’na cum again— f-fuck,” gojo swears as his fingers on your clit are more frantic to try to match his pace while he props a leg up onto the sofa and you thrash against his hold because his tip brushes against your cervix so good that you’re convulsing in the next second, whining and mewling as you cum all over his cock.
he can feel your cum and the sorcerer moans, switching to short, impatient thrusts into your tight cunt and his grunts merges with calls of your name, eyes scrunched up as he shoots his second orgasm into you. you try to grab at something as there’s the familiar feeling of his tip releasing ribbons of cum deep into your womb, but you come up short, settling rather to dig your nails into fabric.
“take my load like the cock drunk whore you are,” gojo grunts out lowly, grinding his hips into you just to get his last drops of cum into you and he has the audacity to massage at your lower back while your body’s still reeling from the intense high and yes, his anger is quelled a little but each time you’re with gojo satoru there’s always surprise ambushing you from every corner.
you gasp when he pulls you up and pulls you against his chest, moving his hips in an experimental thrust right into you and you’re sagging over his strong arms that hold you up, whining incoherently as you struggle to stay awake.
“alright, alright,” satoru laughs softly, pressing a peck to your cheek, “needa thank my baby for letting me use her.”
you barely manage a smile, turning back to him with a raise of your eyebrow, “can still go . . ’toru . .”
he hums, and pulls you off of him slowly, dick jumping just a little when he hears a choked moan leave you at the feeling of his cum dripping from your cunt but he steels himself, “hm, don’t think so, princess.”
you pout, immediately turning around to hug him close to you and gojo’s heart flutters at your cuteness. he sighs at your adamant stance, easily standing up with you wrapped around him and carrying the two of you to the master bathroom.
“let’s clean up and we’ll see if you’re awake enough to go again, alright?” satoru whispers to you before turning on the shower, and later when he’s stuck in the toilet tidying up his pubes (he saw how uncomfortable you were earlier) and he’s letting you take the bed first, there’s a perplexity and small fear that overcomes the male at the lack of answer when he calls out to you.
but gojo comes out to you slipping in and out of consciousness with only his shirt whilst hugging his pillow and he smiles to himself, getting dressed as quickly as possible and slipping in beside you. a soft smile is still plastered on his face when you naturally curl into his warmth and mumble out a soft i still had stamina, satoru.
“shh, go to sleep, baby,” satoru tugs you closer into him and he wonders if there’s any way to love you even more than he already does, “we have all the time in the world, silly girl.”
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shibuya incident? tf is that?? never happened bitch
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messylustt · 1 year
can i plllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase have a bubbly reader offering miguel a hug (as a joke bc hes grumpy) and he says no at first but later on when hes rlly upset abt whatever he puts his pride in his pocket and asks for one??? i know tht man is touchstarved a good hug might fix him
wait shut up. this is adorable :((
݁   𓂃 ៸៸៸ a hug? — miguel o’hara + reader: everyone knows that your bubbly nature offers everyone hugs. but no one expected miguel to accept one.
contents : fluff. that’s literally it. maybe a bit of angst. wc 1.5k.
pt one pt two pt three
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“and why are you so grumpy?” you slid across the bench, as miguel sat, minding his own business and eating. he doesn’t spare you a glance as you just rested your hands on your elbows, tilting your head with a smile.
“what is she doing?” gwen asks, from her farther seat, next to hobie, pavitr, miles, and (occasionally) peter. they are all staring at you and your bubbly nature.
“ah, let her figure out how antisocial he is.” peter shrugs, adjusting mayday’s spider beanie.
“i think she already knows.” miles says.
“that’s probably why she’s over there. to “cheer” him up.” pav adds.
“good luck with tha’” hobie lightly chuckles, resting back against pav as he swings his legs up, watching what he’d call a “show”.
“you look like you could use a friend.” you say, finally making miguel look at you. his expression was the definition of ‘indifferent’. your smile didn’t fall. “or maybe an acquaintance you can talk to?”
miguel’s expression doesn’t shift. you nod. “imma have you figured out soon…i promise.” your eyes slightly narrow in an inspection of him. then he turns back to his food.
“it’s going well.” pav sarcastically comments back at their table, making hobie scoff.
“you know…” you say, fingers lightly tapping the table. “there’s things that can help with being moody.”
“i’m not moody.”
“ah huh!” you softly cheer. “you spoke. progress.”
miguel looks exasperated as he shuts his eyes. He just wanted to enjoy his empanada.
“but you wanna know what will help?”
“i’m not…moody.” he repeats a little slower, to make sure you heard.
“yeah you are. but it’s okay. cause you wanna know what will help?”
“you clearly want to tell me.” miguel breathes out.
“mhm.” you smile. “a hug.”
miguel shifts his gaze to you, blinking a few times.
from the farther table, the spider gang is still thoroughly invested. “oh shit, he looks annoyed.” miles comments.
“what do think she said?” gwen asks, resting against the table.
“tha’ he looks like a wannabe gangster.” hobie says, now rocking his leg slightly back and forth as he watches.
“a hug would help. it helps me.” you are saying, still staring at miguel, smiling.
miguel clicks his jaw, before he’s standing, muttering to himself.
“let me know!” You call to his leaving form with a chuckle.
later that night miguel is pacing his office, just back from a mission that went terribly. The anomaly got away. and miguel is beating himself up inside. how could he let that happen?
you’re walking down HQ’s hallway, looking for something you had dropped. as you scanned the floor, you hear muttering that reminded you of earlier today. miguel.
you stopped by his slightly cracked open office door. you carefully knock. miguel swings it open, sighing upon seeing you. “now’s not a good time.”
you smile. “don’t worry. i just want to ask if you’ve seen a pen.”
“a pen?” miguel’s brows furrow.
“mhm. i lost it.” you reply. “you look stressed.”
“i’m not—“ he takes a deep breath. “i'm fine. and no I haven’t seen your pen.”
“no worries.” you begin to back away. “let me know if you see it though. it’s got a weird blue design on it.”
miguel’s mind is whirring for some reason, as he finds himself calling for you to stop and turn back around. “did you mean it?” he muttered it so quietly that you almost missed it.
you’re now walking back, eyeing him. “mean what?”
miguel’s tongue pokes out against his cheek, feeling his entire body drenched with exhaust and self pity. and putting his pride away he says “a hug.”
“a hug?” your smile has widened. “i thought you weren’t moody?”
“i’m not. i just— you know what forget I asked.” miguel goes to turn away feeling stupid, but then you’re reaching forward, wrapping your arms around his neck, with a smile.
at first miguel doesn’t know where to place his hands, but you stay put, just resting your body against his, as your cheek slightly squishes up against his shoulder. then miguel slowly—very slowly—wraps his arms around your midriff, and hugs you back.
miguel doesn’t what to admit that his body has instantly relaxed upon feeling yours against his. your hand had begun to softly soothe the top of his back. just drawing in slow circles, that makes his muscles stop their tensing.
and that hug wasn’t the last time it happened.
now miguel would secretly search for you. big on the ‘secret’ part though, because he can’t have anyone else knowing he likes to hug you. no that would cause too many implications and destroy his well thought out ‘in control’ demeanour.
so when he’d find you walking alone—something he noticed you did a lot. and after he’d make sure that you were both in a desolate enough place, he’d softly grab your arm, pulling you somewhere even more desolate before he’s wrapping his arms around you in a much needed hug.
you didn’t mind. hugs had always been your love language with family and friends alike. though you were surprised by how often miguel would now seek you out, just so you could rest your head on his shoulder and draw patterns on his back.
he claimed it was just for relaxation and that you shouldn’t have offered him a hug if you would’ve asked so many questions. so you let him, his own hand having gradually drawn its own patterns on your waist.
he liked hearing and feeling your breathing. your breath by his ear sent almost cleansing shivers through him. and the feel of the rise and fall of your chest against his own made his usually racing heartbeat calm down to match with yours.
he liked the calmness your body gave him. and deep down he knew he now craved it.
you were all in a different universe. gwen, miles, pavitr, hobie, peter, mayday, miguel and you. jess had to take care of another mission so miguel very clearly claimed how he’s stuck with you all, his scowl very present.
it was midway through trying to catch this anomaly when miguel’s gaze gets caught up in a man and his child. and as you stopped, noticing his focused gaze first, you identified the man and child as miguel and his daughter.
you didn’t know much about miguel’s daughter. just that in his universe she had died. and now as miguel watches a variant of himself with a variant of his daughter he can feel his body tensing.
he’s never had the misfortune of seeing variants of his family before. and now really wasn’t the time to dwell and sink deeper into his mind but he just can’t help it.
“is he okay?” whispered miles to peter.
peter shakes his head. “but there’s nothing we can do about it. no one can take him out of episodes like this.”
because everyone could see that inside miguel was fuming, so close to exploding that everyone had almost taken a step back.
you stared at miguel, watching as his chest heaved with a racing heart.
you remember one time he had muttered to you, head in your neck. you weren’t sure if you were actually meant to hear it or not. but he had said how your breathing slowed his breathing. or something along those lines. because after he had said that he had drawn you in tighter, keeping his large hands around your body.
so now you edge closer. and this could be a terrible idea, you realise that. your friends seem to as well.
gwen hisses your name quietly, watching as you edged closer to the ‘beast’ or how everyone else was treating him like.
you all needed miguel to focus to capture this especially dangerous anomaly. you couldn’t have him trapped in his mind teetering on the edge.
so you continued to walk forward, and as everyone stared in shock, you carefully wrapped your hands around his neck in a hug. you did so very lightly, to give him any room for rejection. you were actually waiting for the rejection.
but then, to everyone’s shock, miguel wraps his arms around your waist, just like every other time. and he’s found you fit against him so nicely, it felt so comfortable. your heartbeat was against his now, and the slower tempo made miguel sink into your neck, his arms now engulfing you.
shocked now isn’t a big enough word. because you were hugging miguel. and it wasn’t the ‘you’ part everyone was surprised by. it was the ‘miguel’ part. he was clearly eager to hug you back, and they all watched as miguel practically became putty in your hold.
yes. miguel craved your hugs now. and there was nothing you could do to stop him from bringing you in and keeping you close. you were now his comfort and he a wasn’t going to let that go so easily.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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