#immigration companies in canada
shreehari22 · 10 months
Best PR Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad | Shreehari Immigration Consultant
Canada PRLooking to best PR Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad & Canada? Shreehari Immigration Consultant is the best PR Visa Agent in Ahmedabad & Canada. Canada is the most preferred country for Indians when it comes to applying for PR Visa. Canada’s flexible immigration policies, cultural diversity, democratic values, career opportunities, and Indian communities, lure thousands of individuals to apply for PR Visa in Canada from Ahmedabad As The Best Canada PR Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad. We will help you make your Canadian dream and secure your PR Visa for Canada in Ontario, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and Guelph.
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What is Canada PR?
Permanent residency is granted to people who are not Canadian citizens, giving them the right to live and work in Canada. There is no time limit on their stay. This is a way for working professionals to move to Canada and eventually settle down in the country. Statistics suggest that top country to apply and gain permanent residency in Canada is India.
By gaining permanent residency, these foreign nationals have most of the rights that Canadian citizens enjoy, unlike with student visa. Besides having the freedom to study, work and live anywhere in the country, unless specified, permanent residents have access to social benefits like free education for their children and state health care facilities. People can also gain permanent residency and move to Canada with the family. Another advantage of permanent residency is that after staying in the country for a specified number of years, one can apply citizenship. As of now, the regulation states that a person who has lived in Canada on permanent residency for three years can apply for citizenship.
Benefits of getting PR Visa in Canada?
Being a Permanent Resident in Canada, you:
Can Live, study or work anywhere in Canada
Can apply for Canadian Citizenship
Can get Health care and most of the other social benefits, which a Canadian Citizen receives.
Are protected under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
As the top Canada PR Consultant in Ahmedabad & Canada, who’re trying to find Canada PR as settlers in Canada can be found restrictive benefits and plans like free care that is medical government-managed retirement, joblessness benefits, and so forth alongside the possibility to guarantee citizenship inside 5 years? Are you searching for Canada PR visa Agent in Ahmedabad & Canada or require admittance to Canada to the office visa or searching for Canada PR consultancy in Ahmedabad & Canada.
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awkward-teabag · 5 months
Can't even mention that a store near me is clearly using abusing the TFW program because they refuse to pay little more than minimum wage in a high cost of living area (also you won't get benefits and you'll only be part-time) because the fascists and right-wingers will jump in to say it's about immigration and white replacement.
No, it's because rich white people want to hoard even more money and found an intentional loophole to both make more money (via paying employees less) and also have more power over employees, employees who may or may not know Canadian employment laws (or safety laws) and even if they do, don't have the ability or support to try to hold the company accountable.
You can absolutely criticize the federal government for keeping the loophole open but it predates Trudeau by decades and it was Harper who both expanded the program and added a way for companies to fast-track TFWs. It was also under Harper that companies started firing Canadians (or not hiring them) and then requesting permission to mass-hire TFWs instead.
But the way the right wing talks, you would think Trudeau started this whole thing and the poor multi-million and multi-billion dollar companies are being taken advantage of. Also that housing prices, lack of new developments, and zoning issues started with Trudeau and are the fault of mass-immigration he has a boner for instead of being an issue for decades and experts warning this would happen if governments didn't act ASAP.
Instead the neolibs and cons kept cutting back and kicking that can down the road, a can that started being kicked by Mulroney and the Conservative Party.
#as a 90s kid i grew up with warnings about healthcare and housing and how we needed mass immigration or a massive baby boom#because of the utter lack of federal support and an aging workforce#the systems were already being strained to their limits and there literally weren't enough millennials to replace retiring workers#*or* bring in enough taxes to fund said systems when the system needed it the most#not even increase funding just keeping the same funding that was already not enough#also the right conveniently ignores (or doesn't know about) the extremely predatory recruitment industry#that targets people overseas while lying and charging large amounts of money to bring tfws to canada#you could even blame chretien for expanding it to include 'low-skilled' workers which is what companies are abusing it for#hell even trudeau sr for creating it in the first place even though it was originally made for high-skilled or niche jobs#but no the blame is always trudeau jr with a ton of racism and brownnosing capitalists#because all these problems sprang up suddenly under him#and in no way did harper start/expand/not end/be complicit in any of this /s#though i guess for some of the fascists it seems that way 'cause they weren't personally affected by it until now#and companies have stopped trying to pretend they aren't grabbing as much money as possible because fuck anyone else#even though it's been like that for decades and capitalism itself encourages companies to skim money off the top#while not having the checks and balances to limit just how much#for that you need governments to regulate things and that doesn't work when you have leaders who are anti-regulation#and who believe in trickle down economics#just... the whole thing is not happening in a bubble and involves multiple people and both the neolibs and cons#because it's been building for decades#but you can't bloody say that because the moment you mention housing/jobs/healthcare and/or tfws#you get inundated by fascists who think you're one of them and hit you with some of the most unhinged shit#or who don't even care about you and just want someone to rant at about how it's the evil left's fault for everything#hell you can't even say you don't like trudeau because same thing: fascists think you're one of them or someone to bring into the cult
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
"Celebrations of the second anniversary of the Provincial Workmen’s Association [PWA], held on 2 September 1882 and detailed in the Trades Journal, signalled a new public presence for the miners in Cape Breton County. Union loyalties that had been forced underground in earlier decades were now openly and widely vaunted, and they were powerfully shaped by Highland cultural forms and symbols. At Cow Bay, members of Eastern and Banner Lodges assembled and marched in procession to welcome lodges from Little Glace Bay (Keystone) and Big Glace Bay (Wilson). “So enrapturing was Scotland’s favorite melody to whose note they marched, that the countryman is excusable who mistook them for a rising clan who had substituted the uniform blue for the Tartan.” Joining with the Glace Bay lodges about a mile outside the village, the members of the four lodges proceeded together through the Gowrie Mines and the Block House Mines before assembling on the picnic ground
At Caledonia Mines, 100 members of Equity Lodge gathered and “formed into a procession and marched gaily from thence to the invigorating strains of [a] highland pibroch,” through the “manager’s beautiful park, then to Bridgeport.” Here, the procession was joined by members of Island Lodge as well as the Reserve Mines lodge (Unity). The enlarged procession of about 450, clothed in PWA regalia, carried on through the Lorway Mines before arriving at Reserve, where several platforms had been erected in an open field. On these, the men with their “wives, sweethearts, cousins and aunts … danced to the best music the Island of C.B. could furnish.” At 12:30, the group moved to a hall where “the tables groaned under a bountiful supply of the good things of this life”; later, the manager, D. J. Kennelly, paid a visit and was “well pleased with the deportment of ‘his boys.’” Members of Equity Lodge departed afterward in order to attend a “grand ball” at Little Glace Bay that lasted until 9 p.m.
Exactly three weeks later, Drummond Lodge celebrated its first anniversary at Sydney Mines and North Sydney. A procession of 250 members of Drummond Lodge, along with members of some of the other lodges, was gathered. A correspondent reported the scene:
the order of the march was two deep. First came four pioneers followed by the ‘drum and fife’ corps, next our country’s flag, the Union Jack, next officers of lodge, next a body of at least 100 Brothers, next and near to centre, our banner borne by four bros. with the words ‘Drummond Lodge No. 8 of P.W.A.[’] on one side, and Unity, Equity, and Progress, on the other side. Close by marched two of our native pipers, who well performed their part, followed by the remainder of procession in the midst of whom were two more of our native ‘sons of heather’ with their bag pipes.
The procession moved to Albert Corbett’s storefront, where “three deafening cheers” were given to the sympathetic merchant before the group continued on to North Sydney. Here, the streets were crowded with spectators. W. H. Moore & Co., supporters of the miners in the 1876 strike, had set up a line of flags for the occasion, one of which was stamped “success to the P.W.A.” Three cheers were made for this mercantile enterprise. !e group then returned to Sydney Mines to gather at the Temperance Hall, where three platforms were set up for dancers “young and old,” “treading time to the rich violin music of Messrs. T. Ling and J. Nicholson, and to the music of the pipers.”
The place of the fiddle, pipes, and step dancing at these gatherings revealed ways in which Highland cultural traditions became integrated into the common culture of the coal country. Support from local merchants and sympathetic mine managers, as well as associations with British loyalism, confirmed the sense of a stable and powerful PWA presence. And the processions through the coal villages carried considerable symbolic importance as a claim upon public space. !is was the environment that sustained the Lingan strike. The Glace Bay Mining Company had agreed to take on workmen from Lingan as Drummond operated, in effect, as adviser to the company; the Cape Breton PWA lodges contributed to a fund to support the strikers; and William McDonald accommodated the Glace Bay Mining Company and the prevailing feeling on the ground. The miners and the PWA commanded considerable local strength."
- Don Nerbas, “‘Lawless Coal Miners’ and the Lingan Strike of 1882–1883: Remaking Political Order on Cape Breton’s Sydney Coalfield,” Labour/Le Travail 92 (Fall 2023), 107-109.
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bloodyarson · 2 years
visit my new tag #ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices for highly entertaining accounts of my experiences dealing with any kind of company's or government's wonderful treatment of their obviously very strongly valued customers and their very astronomically high quality offered services
#psalms#a new tag for any rant posts like the last one i just made or the one from a few weeks ago about the fun of cancelling a subscription#under the influence of current day late capitalism business management practices#truly makes me feel seen and cared for as a client i promise you#10/10 customer service would recommend if you want to have a laff at how hilariously atrocious someone is at doing their job#or at how fucking deluisonal companies and businesses can be when faced with even a little bit of notoriety#and dont even get me started about government offered services and how much i love having to get anything from them#quebec's gubbermint cant even make a website that doesnt look like it's still the year 2005 and whose menus make any kind of sense#like yall trying to find information about anything on a gov site is a lost cause both in the case of qc and canada#both official government sites couldn't be more confusing and disjointed and info couldn't be any harder to access if it was on purpose#their websites are so so so badly made that it's almost fucking hilarious#i have never felt frustration such as when we were working on my wife's immigration papers and had to find answers on the CIA's website#canadian immigration agency you know that cia not... you get it#maybe put some of those tax dollars you love allocating to military budgets à la con into making yourself an usable website you fucks#maybe with some of the money you're not actually fixing roads and schools and hospitals with you could hire a web developer#anyways#im v mad w the state of things tonite :)#ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices
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taazimmigration · 2 days
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Canada Ends Temporary Policy for Visitors Applying for Work Permits
#CanadaImmigration #IRCCUpdate #WorkPermit #ImmigrationPolicy #CanadaVisitors #COVID19Policy #WorkInCanada
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chdimmigration · 3 months
Best Immigration Visa Surrey: Your Gateway to Canada
Looking for the Best Immigration Visa Surrey, Visit CHD Immigration and meet with immigration experts for all type of immigration need. Contact us now
Are you thinking about moving to Surrey, British Columbia? Knowing which immigration visas are the best options for you may make the process much easier. Surrey provides many routes through its various visa categories, according to your needs whether you want to work, study, or establish a permanent residence. Let's examine some of the best choices with which CHD Immigration can help you. Visitor Visa A Visitor Visa allows you to explore Surrey and Canada for leisure, visit family, or attend short-term business meetings. It's suitable if you intend to stay for up to six months and do not plan to work or study during your visit. Study Permit If your goal is to pursue education in Surrey, a Study Permit is essential. This permit allows you to enroll in designated learning institutions across Surrey, providing opportunities for academic advancement and cultural enrichment. Work Permit For those seeking employment opportunities in Surrey, a Work Permit is necessary. Whether you have a specific job offer from a Canadian employer or qualify for an open work permit, CHD Immigration can guide you through the process to legally work in Surrey. Express Entry Express Entry is a streamlined immigration system for skilled workers who wish to obtain permanent residency in Canada. It manages applications for the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and Canadian Experience Class, offering a pathway to settle and work in Surrey permanently. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Each province in Canada, including British Columbia, where Surrey is located, has its own Provincial Nominee Program. This program allows provinces to nominate individuals with the skills, education, and work experience needed to contribute to the local economy and community in Surrey. How CHD Immigration Can Help with the Best Immigration Visa Surrey It can be difficult to navigate the complexity of immigration, but CHD Immigration is here to help you every step of the process. Our knowledgeable staff is aware of the subtleties of Surrey's immigration laws and can offer you individualized advice based on your particular requirements. How we may help you is as follows: Consultation and Assessment: We offer initial consultations to assess your eligibility and recommend the best immigration visa Surrey options for your circumstances. Application Assistance: From filling out forms to gathering required documents, CHD Immigration ensures that your visa application is accurate and complete. Support Throughout the Process: We keep you informed about the status of your application and assist with any additional steps, such as biometrics or interviews. Post-Arrival Support: Once you arrive in Surrey, we continue to provide support and guidance to help you settle into your new life smoothly. Choosing the best immigration visa for Surrey is a pivotal decision towards achieving your goals in Canada. Whether you aspire to study, work, or live permanently in Surrey, CHD Immigration is your trusted partner in navigating the immigration process with confidence and success. Contact CHD Immigration today to begin your journey towards obtaining the best immigration visa Surrey. Let us help you turn your Canadian dream into a reality!
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Dreaming of Immigrating to Canada?? First know about Canada....
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crestimmigration · 3 months
Navigating Canada Work Visa Consultants: Your Pathway to Employment in Canada
Canada work visa consultants are professionals who specialize in Canadian immigration laws and procedures related to work visas. They provide expert guidance tailored to each client’s specific situation, ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to maximize the chances of obtaining a work visa. For more information please visit : https://medium.com/@crestimmigrationservice/navigating-canada-work-visa-consultants-your-pathway-to-employment-in-canada-c75a8c3dfe3b
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cwimmigration · 6 months
Immigration Office in Chandigarh: A Comprehensive Guide to Spousal Open Work Permit Process for Canada
Welcome to the ultimate guide on navigating the Immigration Office in Chandigarh, specifically focusing on the Spousal Open Work Permit Process for Canada. For individuals embarking on the journey of immigration, particularly to Canada, understanding the intricacies of the immigration process is vital. The Immigration Office in Chandigarh plays a pivotal role in facilitating this process, especially concerning spousal open work permits. In this comprehensive blog, we'll delve into the various aspects of obtaining a spousal open work permit for Canada through the lens of the Chandigarh Immigration Office. From eligibility criteria to the application process and essential documents required, let's embark on this informative journey together.
Understanding the Spousal Open Work Permit:
Before delving into the specifics of the process at the Immigration Office in Chandigarh, it's crucial to grasp the concept of a spousal open work permit. A spousal open work permit is issued to the spouse or common-law partner of a temporary foreign worker or international student in Canada. This permit allows the spouse or partner to work for any employer in Canada without the need for a confirmed job offer.
Eligibility Criteria:
The first step in obtaining a spousal open work permit is to ensure eligibility. The eligibility criteria typically include:
Spousal Relationship: The applicant must be legally married to or in a common-law relationship with a temporary foreign worker or international student in Canada.
Valid Temporary Resident Status: The spouse or partner in Canada must hold a valid temporary resident status, such as a work permit, study permit, or visitor visa.
Admissibility: The applicant must be admissible to Canada, which entails meeting health and security requirements.
Proof of Relationship: Documentation proving the genuine nature of the spousal relationship, such as marriage certificates, photographs, joint bank accounts, etc., may be required.
Application Process at the Immigration Office in Chandigarh:
Once eligibility is established, the next step is to initiate the application process at the Immigration Office in Chandigarh. The process typically involves the following steps:
Gather Required Documents: Compile all necessary documents, including marriage certificates, passports, photographs, proof of relationship, and any other supporting documentation as per the checklist provided by the Immigration Office.
Complete Application Forms: Fill out the relevant application forms accurately. This may include forms specific to spousal open work permits and general immigration forms.
Pay Application Fees: Pay the applicable processing fees for the spousal open work permit application. Fees may vary and are subject to change, so it's essential to verify the current fee structure.
Submit Application: Submit the completed application forms along with the required documents to the Immigration Office in Chandigarh either in person or by mail.
Biometrics and Medical Examination: Depending on the specific requirements, applicants may need to undergo biometric data collection and/or medical examinations.
Wait for Processing: Once the application is submitted, it undergoes processing by the immigration authorities. Processing times may vary, so it's advisable to check the current processing times regularly.
Receive Decision: Upon completion of the processing, the applicant will receive a decision regarding the spousal open work permit application. If approved, the permit will be issued, allowing the spouse or partner to work in Canada.
Important Considerations:
Throughout the application process, several important considerations must be kept in mind:
Timeliness: It's essential to submit the application and required documents accurately and promptly to avoid delays in processing.
Accuracy: Ensure that all information provided in the application forms is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any discrepancies or issues during processing.
Communication: Maintain open communication with the Immigration Office in Chandigarh regarding any updates or additional information required for the application.
Legal Assistance: Consider seeking legal assistance or guidance from immigration consultants or lawyers specializing in Canadian immigration to navigate the process effectively.
Navigating the Immigration Office in Chandigarh for the spousal open work permit process for Canada can be a complex yet rewarding endeavor. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and essential considerations outlined in this guide, individuals can embark on this journey with confidence. Remember, thorough preparation, attention to detail, and adherence to guidelines are key to a successful application experience. As you navigate the process, remember to stay informed, seek assistance when needed, and look forward to the opportunities that await in Canada for you and your loved ones.
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In the realm of immigration to Canada, the provision of spousal open work permits offers a significant pathway for families to reunite and build their lives together in the Great White North. For spouses of temporary foreign workers or international students in Canada, the opportunity to obtain an open work permit can be a game-changer, enabling them to pursue employment opportunities and contribute to the Canadian economy. This article delves into the intricacies of spouse open work permits in Canada, focusing particularly on the process, benefits, and resources available for individuals seeking such permits. Additionally, we'll explore the landscape of immigration services in Chandigarh, a bustling city in India, renowned for its role in facilitating migration to Canada.
Understanding Spouse Open Work Permits
A spouse open work permit is a type of work permit issued by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that allows the spouse or common-law partner of a temporary foreign worker or international student in Canada to work for any Canadian employer. Unlike employer-specific work permits, which tie the holder to a particular employer, open work permits provide flexibility and autonomy in the job market. They are typically issued for the same duration as the sponsoring spouse's study or work permit.
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eduland-12 · 7 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
"After work at the [Lingan] mine resumed in February, fifteen men were dismissed “on account of their connection with the [union] lodge.” Members of Coping Stone met with Donald Lynk [mine manager] and requested that they be allowed to share work with their unemployed brothers. Lynk rebuffed them. A document among Henry Mitchell’s papers, addressed to Lynk and dated 1 March, presents the miners’ demands. The first was for work to be shared with unemployed lodge members. The second demand was that those who departed from the lodge “must be put from their work as they have been the Instigators of much trouble.” The document concludes: “Without Complying with the above wishes, there will be a suspension of work on the 8th of March 1882.” The strike would begin then.
The designation “McLynk” for Donald Lynk in a letter from Lingan published in the Trades Journal seemed to hint at a perception of the manager’s network of allies as Highland relations. Michael McIntyre was expelled from Coping Stone Lodge for “misconduct” but, as a correspondent from Lingan reported, “found a refuge in Donald[’]s arms.” Though Lynk had apparently forbidden the raising of pigs in the mining village, McIntyre was allowed to use a company house as a pig pen, while houses were in demand among union miners. Lynk was also regularly called “Donald Pasha” in the pages of the Trades Journal – another ethnic other, decidedly beyond the pale of British civilization. By the end of March, Lynk had reportedly sent letters “into the country offering heavy inducements to come and work.” The Trades Journal continued:
Two men came along, but seeing how matters stood they went over to Little Glace Bay. Thereafter, other three came who had worked in Lingan last summer. On going to see D.L., he told them to go to work and he would protect them. He asked one of them to go back home and endeavor to induce more men to come, and promising to give him $4.00 if he secured a pair of men, or $20.00 if he secured two pairs.
Lynk’s strategy achieved limited success. The previous summer, R. H. Brown spearheaded the formation of the Cape Breton Colliery Association (CBCA) to unify the coal operators against the Provincial Workmen’s Association [PWA]. But Lingan miners nonetheless found employment at Little Glace Bay, in defiance of CBCA efforts. The secretary of the CBCA wrote to the Glace Bay Mining Company to protest its employment of “Lingan men.” James R. Lithgow, a company director, considered the CBCA’s request “a piece of gross impertinence.” Lynk and the General Mining Association (GMA) were also looking elsewhere to recruit labour. At Lingan, Presbyterian service was delivered by the Reverend John Murray, of Sydney’s Falmouth Street Church, in “one end” of a GMA house. At neighbouring Low Point, Lynk provided use of “a whole Company house” to Murray and local Presbyterians. Lynk’s life membership in the British American Book and Tract Society is suggestive of his religiosity and connections to Presbyterianism. He certainly had an ally in Rev. Murray, who would travel to Scotland to accompany miners recruited there by the GMA to work at Lingan. Given the Catholic majority in the Lingan area, Murray’s initiative likely acquired sectarian meaning. But the GMA’s London board were the ones truly initiating these moves. GMA director Richard Brown wrote to his son and mine manager at Sydney Mines, R. H. Brown, in early April. He explained that C. G. Swann, the GMA’s secretary, “is sending out 40 Colliers for you. I hope they will turn out well. You must keep them out of the Union.”
Robert Drummond [main PWA organizer] was also in Scotland at the time. He happened to be aboard the Canadian with Murray and the recruited miners as it travelled across the Atlantic to Halifax. Drummond engaged in conversations with the miners for several days before Murray realized what was going on. Upon arrival in Halifax on 4 May, Drummond telegraphed news that the Scottish miners had left for Sydney and Lingan on the Alpha.
Numbering more than 30 miners and over 60 people in all, as several miners travelled with families, they were mostly from the mining county of Lanarkshire, plus a few from Fife. When they arrived at Lingan on 6 May, they were met by the members of several PMA lodges as well as by Lynk, R. H. Brown, and fourteen constables called in to protect them. Protection was unnecessary. The imported miners joined the union. Upon hearing the news, Richard Brown lamented the behaviour of “those scoundrels of Colliers from Scotland,” claiming never before to have witnessed “more dishonest or more disgraceful conduct on the part of workmen.” R. H. Brown had sent an urgent telegraph to James A. Moren, president of the Glace Bay Mining Company, in Halifax:
Thirty seven Scotch miners who our company have imported at much expense have joined Union and refuse to work for us. I request that you order your manager Glace Bay refuse employ them.
The company again defied Brown and the GMA. “Mr. Brown will get no comfort from us,” declared Archbold, who offered instruction to Mitchell on 9 May: “If you want men take them.” The Trades Journal reported just over a week later that the miners had left for “Little Glace Bay where they all received employment.” Mitchell complained that the move had made him a “black sheep” among the coal operators. The Glace Bay Mining Company’s defiance of the GMA and CBCA was powerful. In fact, the company had directly aligned itself with the PWA, and its directors had intervened to ensure that the Nova Scotia Legislative Council assented to the PWA’s incorporation. In January, the company had rejected the CBCA’s offer to enter into an arrangement with the CBCA collieries, whereby 50 cents per ton was to be pooled on coal sales and redistributed among the members on the basis of 1881 sales. The arrangement was clearly designed to subsidize the GMA’s fight against the PWA. Lithgow explained to Mitchell in early May, “we have made our choice + have chosen the P.W.A. rather than the C.B.C.A.” Lithgow not only considered the PWA “a first rate institution” that “was necessary to get justice for workingmen”; he also noted that without the PWA’s aid, the company would have been unable to ship tens of thousands of tons of coal to the Montréal market, “for we would have been afraid of not getting men to give steamers dispatch.” When the company hired steamships on time charters to deliver large quantities of coal to Montréal buyers, rigorous and steady operation of the mines was necessary to fulfill contracts and to avoid having a costly chartered steamship lay idle. This was precisely the case in March 1882, as the company contracted to deliver 30,000 tons of coal to Montréal – an aspect of the new economic leverage available to the miners under National Policy industrialism. Mitchell was not pleased about the arrangement the directors had worked out with Drummond and the PWA, and he expressed concern that he was being superseded as manager. But the PWA was better able than the CBCA to secure reliable coal production. Drummond co-operated with the directors and was treated as an adviser to the company. Responding to company concerns about maintaining a steady supply of labour, for instance, the Trades Journal criticized the tendency among the miners to take a day or two off following payday. In 1882, the Glace Bay Mining Company employed twice the number of coal cutters than the previous year and shipped more than 70,000 tons – well over double 1881’s shipments."
- Don Nerbas, “‘Lawless Coal Miners’ and the Lingan Strike of 1882–1883: Remaking Political Order on Cape Breton’s Sydney Coalfield,” Labour/Le Travail 92 (Fall 2023), 103-106.
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choiceimmigration · 2 months
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yallacanada · 7 months
Expert in Business Immigration Services & Move to Canada - Yalla Canada
Yalla Canada specializes in providing expert Business Immigration Services tailored for professionals over 40, ensuring a smooth transition for your entire family. With our guidance, you can begin to experience the richness of Canadian life in under a year. We focus on making the process clear and manageable, so you can look forward to establishing your business and laying down roots in a supportive and vibrant economy.
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taazimmigration · 7 days
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