#imotional video
ladyartforone · 1 year
Alternate Bens headcanons/Things i like to believe are true:
Nega Ben smoked weed lmao
Bad Ben took over the plumbers base and is ruling it with an iron fist.
NW Ben is actually really dangerous in a fight, because when he attacks, he attacks to kill.
Mad Ben is actually a real romantic guy. Not that he lets anyone see that side of himself.
NW Ben is a virgin
Nega Ben hates action related video games, but when he does play them, he's actually really good and always wins.
Mad Ben sucks at video games and always loses lol L git gud
23 is a pussy and can't play horror games
NW Ben is surprisingly good at cooking
Bad Ben has a fear of tight spaces
Nega Ben is really imotional. But he's a master at hiding it so nobody knows
Mad Ben Likes to eat snakes... good for him
NW Ben can speak multiple languages
Bad Ben actually hates his scars and tries to hide them
23 surprisingly liked tea. Specially iced tea
That's is lol (for now)
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adito-lang · 2 years
Norwegian multiethnolect - kebabnorsk
I recently finished the novel Hør Her'a! by Gulraiz Sharif, and one of the most interesting aspects of the book was how the main character, Mahmoud, uses what is commonly referred to as kebabnorsk, a language variant of Norwegian that incorporates words and grammatical structures from languages spoken by immigrants in Norway such as Arabic, Kurdish, Urdu, Pashto, Somali, Berber, Tamil, Turkish, Persian, Balkan languages, and Spanish. It's used widely among young people in multiethnic neighborhoods, especially in eastern parts of Oslo - this is also the setting for Hør Her'a!
Researchers refer to this language variant as a norsk multietnolekt (Norwegian multiethnolect), since it is not spoken by just one particular ethnic group. Others use the term asfaltnorsk, arguing that this language variant is an overwhelmingly urban phenomenon. Norwegian multiethnolect emerged from immigrant youth communities, particularly those in eastern neighborhoods of Oslo, and since the 1990s has spread to broader youth populations. The term kebabnorsk itself was first used in a Master's thesis, titled Kebab-norsk: fremmedspråklig påvirkning på ungdomsspråket i Oslo, by Stine Cecile Aasheim in 1995.
While reading Hør Her'a! I often referred to this site which explains the meanings and origins for some of the most common words. I've included sentences from the book. Sometimes the spelling differs, since there's no standardization.
asjko - å ha sex (from Berber) Alle som har vært på pornhub vet at hvite mennesker elsker å bli piska og slått mens de ashko.
brursanklem – "bro-hug" (brorsan/brursan means "bro" and comes from Swedish slang brorshan) Vi gir hverandre brursanklem.
gåra/gåri - I couldn't find an actual translation but from the context of these two sentences I assume it's a (derogatory) term for ethnic Norwegians, similar to potet. Jeg står der og føler at vi har blitt skikkelig gåra familie. Wannabe gåri!
jette - å dra, å stikke (unknown origin) Han jetter så sjapt, løper av gårde.
kæbe - jente, dame (from Arabic) ”Det går bræhhhhhh, din wannabe kæhhbe, vi har mange flere! Pappa mamma kan lage en sønn til! (This is said in an ironic/teasing way by Mahmoud to his little sister, who is trans)
kæze - å banke opp (unknown origin) Hun dama kan klikke for alt, hvis hun hører dårlige nyheter fra hjemland, hun kæser oss.
lægs - penger, oftest kontanter (from the Somali word “laax” with the same meaning) Men for å erobre hovedstaden man må ha fluser, penger, lægs, kachinglyd i lomma. (flus is another word for money)
loke - å henge rundt uten mål (unknown origin) Jeg viser han somaliere, forteller han at mange av dem loker dagen lang og ikke gjør en dritt. (The novel explores the rivalries/prejudices between different ethnic groups in Mahmoud's neighborhood)
sjofe - å se (from Arabic) Akkurat nå forbildet hans er Elsa og Moana, fordi han sjofer dem hele tida.
schpa - digg, bra (from Berber) Du er brun og bra! Bare oppfør deg i livet, så går alt schpaa!
tisjar - forræder/sviker (origin unknown) Da han plutselig blir fokusert, han tisjaren der! Jeg viser onkel Aker Brygge og festningen, forteller han at tisjarer som gikk imot Norge under andre verdenskrig og ditcha landet sitt ble skutt der.
wallah/wollah – sverge (ved Allah) (from Arabic) Jeg elsker deg, brur, du vet ikke, brur, hvor mye jeg elsker deg, wollah!
zebb - penis (from Arabic) Han ser uomskjærte zebber, blir sjokka igjen.
It also has to be said that prejudice exists towards this language variant - unfortunately no surprise, considering it's mainly used by young people with an immigration background - with people labelling its grammar as "wrong" Norwegian, since it for example doesn't adhere to the V2 (verb in second position) rule, or separate subject and object forms of pronouns. For more examples, check out this fun video:
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superrenell · 4 months
Preschool Toddler Learning Video | Learn Imotions | CoCo Songs for Baby ...
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bahainorge · 10 months
Video og bilder fra sommerskolen
Bahá’í-sommerskolen 2023 i juli på Fjell i Drammen var den første sommerskolen i et nabolag og den første uten én spesiell hovedforedragsholder. Det ga mersmak. Sommerskolen 2024 vil arrangeres på samme sted. Bare å glede seg! Her er en video og noen bilder som gir glimt fra årets sommerskole.  
187 barn, ungdom og voksne var med på sommerskolen 2023.  «Religion og vitenskap» var det sentrale temaet. På sommerskolen til sommeren blir «familieliv» hovedtemaet.
Religion og vitenskap som vinger på én fugl
- Når jeg tenker på forholdet mellom religion og vitenskap så tenker jeg på en fugl, sier Kiana i videoen. - Uten balansen mellom de to vingene kan den ikke fly. Religion og vitenskap er som to vinger. De hører sammen.
Kiana og de mange ungdommene satte et stort, positivt preg på sommerskolen, også som barneklasselærere og i plenumsamlinger med musikk, dans og som veiledere i samtalegrupper om aktuelle temaer som sosiale medier og psykisk helse.
Det intellektuelle livet i bahá’í-samfunnet
“Vår historie er én, vår virkelighet er én” var overskriften for sommerskolen. Det var også tittelen på et hefte som deltagerne studerte og rådslo om i grupper. Første del var utdrag fra et foredrag av Farzam Arbab: «Det intellektuelle livet i bahá’í-samfunnet». Her uttrykker Arbab at «Jeg har lange håpet på fremveksten av en særegen intellektualitet som integrerer det åndelige og det materielle, det praktiske og det teoretiske – en intellektualitet som har røtter i bahá’í-samfunnets sivilisasjonsbyggende arbeid».
For å møte denne utfordringen fremhever Arbab tre forutsetninger: 1) Mot, 2) At bahá’í-samfunnet «ikke har råd til å være elitisisk» og 3) Å fremme harmoni mellom religion og vitenskap.
Nettopp vitenskap og religion var altså nøkkelord for studiene i de fleste sesjonene på sommerskolen. Som hjelp til dette benyttet deltagerne «Observasjon og innsikt», et hefte i juniorungdomsserien som tar for seg matematiske og vitenskapelige tema.
Noen meninger om sommerskolen 2023:
 Charlotte: - Jeg synes denne sommerskolen har vært helt fantastisk. Den var veldig annerledes enn den har vært før, annerledes på en veldig bra måte. Vi har jobbet sammen med et materiale i grupper, hatt mange gode samtaler, jeg er blitt kjent med mange på en nær og fin måte.  
Hans-Olav: - Det er den aller beste sommerskolen jeg har vært på i mitt 28 år som bahá’í. Det er ikke sammenligning på det. Måten vi ble tatt imot her, med den kjærlige varmen hvor barna er i sentrum, ungdommene sitter rundt, det er smil, den atmosfæren, det «feltet». Og der skjedde det noe med dette fantastisk utarbeida materialet hvor forskeren i meg ble tent. Jeg følte vi alle var likeverdige og jeg har aldri lært så mye noen gang. Når jeg lærer noe nytt så blir jeg så utrolig glad. 
Andreas: - Sommerskolen har vært fantastisk. Det har vært utrolig inspirerende med folk i alle aldre, fra alle samfunnslag, flere nasjonaliteter. Det har vært en innsprøyting for meg og min familie og det virker som om folk har storkost seg.
Se også flere bilder fra sommerskolen 2023 her:
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robinleeli · 2 years
Year 1
Workshop online-Thinking Through Moving Images
• In this workshop I learned how to use Stop Motion and iMotion to take pictures and make videos, like stop-motion video which I think I can utilize that technique for my works in the future because I’m interested in animation and film too, I wish I can combine new media into my illustration works to make them more interesting. From those artists introduced by David McGovern, I learned that there are three important principles when we need to show our works: perspective, presence, and pace. I made a short GIF and video, it was interesting.
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Emotion Analytics Market Share, Growth Prospects and Key Opportunities by 2024
According to a research report "Emotion Analytics Market Growth by Type (Text, Facial, Speech, and Video Analytics), Application (Customer Experience Management, Competitive Intelligence, Sales and Marketing Management), Organization Size, Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2024", published by MarketsandMarkets,The global emotion analytics market size is expected to grow from USD 2.2 billion in 2019 to USD 4.6 billion by 2024, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.8% during 2019–2024. Need for higher customer satisfaction, rising significance for real-time emotion analytics, adherence to regulatory and compliance standards, and increasing need of emotion analytics software and services to cater to the growing Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector are the major factors driving the emotion analytics market.
Customer experience management to account for the largest emotion analytics market size during the forecast period
Emotion analytics provides enhanced customer experience management to companies, for which it analyzes the target customers, and creates and delivers personalized experiences to them, thereby enticing the customers to remain loyal to them. Emotion analytics extracts insights from all customer touchpoints and channels across the entire organization that includes calls, texts, video, facial, emails, chats, and social media platforms. Emotion analytics solutions use historical data and real-time information to identify the patterns and trends of customers, enabling the agent to tailor their words accordingly over the call. The historical data and real-time information help companies in generating offers for the retention of customers, thereby reducing escalations and the termination of services.
The retail vertical is projected to account for the largest emotion analytics market size during the forecast period
The retail vertical is going through a massive transformation, as mobile eCommerce is gaining popularity and replacing the brick-and-mortar stores. Owing to the emergence of several eCommerce players, the competition in online retail is also on the rise. The industry players need to identify the latest trends by analyzing the voice of the customer and generating insights using their choice preferences. It has become necessary for retailers to integrate ICT to understand customers’ information and analyze it for the optimal management of the workforce with the help of advanced tools and dashboards, so that the management can make better decisions. Emotion analytics can help retailers with applications, such as marketing intelligence, business processes, and risk management, as well as customer intent and experience management.
North America to account for the highest market share during the forecast period
The US accounts for the highest market share in the emotion analytics market. The US and Canada are the leading countries in retail, financial services, banking, and other industries, such as travel and hospitality. The US is expected to have the highest market share among all the countries in the market during the forecast period. It is a technologically advanced country with strong regulations for various verticals.
Major vendors in the global emotion analytics market include Affectiva (US), Beyond Verbal (Israel), iMotions (Denmark), Kairos (US), Noldus Information Technology (Netherlands), Cogito (US), Tobii (Sweden), Sentiance (Belgium), NVISO (Switzerland), Lexalytics (US), Sensum (UK), IBM (US), Microsoft (US), Google (US), Gorilla Technology (Taiwan), Adoreboard (Antrim).
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3idiot very imotional video " special thank to the friend"
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psychicstatus · 3 years
Muzhe 😍 Kaise 😍Pta 😍Na 😍 Chla 😍 Song❤️ _ _ _ #songs #hindisongs #punjabimusic #trending #reels #video #love #imotional #heat #psychicstatus #viral #explore #creator #youtube #popular #whatsappstatusvideo #whatsaap #instagood #instadaily #comment #view #india #anime #animation (at India Gate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4eDcXgDuG/?igshid=we1k8lxg952y
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k00260823 · 3 years
Stop motion animation I made in the animation workshop this week.
I later used the iMotion app to make the video and added the sound in premiere pro
Inspired by the ooglies and other research I created clay eyes and grabbed the first thing that came to mind
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imotionyt-blog · 7 years
We made an 🎬 imotional video for "Kevin George - My Crew" / "party at my house" on YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaJHrjYPLhI 
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superrenell · 4 months
Learn Imotions | Educational Toddler Learning Videos | Super Renell Kids...
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digitalworldd · 3 years
  स्वतंत्रता दिवस special | A watan mere abad rhe tu | status
Hello dosto maine apke lie special status video bnaya hai asha karta hu apko pasand ayegi agar ap is song ko download karna chahte hai to niche die link par click krke download kre
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bodoposten · 3 years
VIDEO: Glimt vant borte mot Lillestrøm
VIDEO: Glimt vant borte mot Lillestrøm
Lillestrøm tok imot Glimt til fotballkamp søndag kveld. Det ble seier til Glimt på Åråsen opplyser NRK, Bodø/Glimt vant 1–0 over Lillestrøm. Det var Erik Botheim som satte inn målet for Glimt. Nå rykker Bodø/Glimt fra Lillestrøm og tar over 2.-plassen fra Kristiansund. https://twitter.com/Glimt/status/1426976358752784386
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pappakjemperfordeg · 3 years
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Barnevernet var inne i bildet hos barnemor etter flere bekymringsmeldinger om omsorgssvikt hos mor, bekymringsmeldingene ble sendt av barnehagen. Jeg anmeldte også barnemor til politiet for grove falske anklager og beskyldninger, dette ble henlagt av politiet pga for dårlig kapasitet. Jeg hadde alle bevis, men anmeldelsen ble likevel henlagt.
Jeg advarte barnevernet med at barnemor kom til å flytte/rømme, hvis bekymringsmeldingene ble henlagt. Noe jeg hadde rett i - bekymringsmeldingene fra barnevernet ble henlagt, men hun fikk en advarsel fra BV om at hun skulle lage ett stabilt hjem for barnet og bosette seg i Stavanger, noe barnemor lovet BV og hun sa også at hun hadde fått barnehageplass til barnet i Stavanger - alt var løgn fra hennes (barnemor) side.
Rett etter bekymringsmeldingene ble henlagt, så flyttet barnemor (eksen) med vårt felles barn til USA i strid mot barnevernet og meg som far.
Jeg fikk ikke engang vite at dem hadde bosatt seg i utlandet, det fikk jeg lest via Helsenorge.no.
Barnemor har blokkert og slettet meg og min familie på alle sosiale medier, byttet telefonnummer og fornavn.
Får man virkelig lov og skal det være så lett og leve på flukt uten og bli tatt. Ei lita jente på 4 år, min førstefødte datter bli tatt vekk fra faren sin, sin lillesøster, og resten av familien sin her i Norge.
Moren hennes har flyttet med henne til USA imot min vilje. Hun fikk meg til å skrive under på noe ifjor 2017, og det viser seg at det var en tom flyttemelding. Barnevernet har vært inne i bildet og der lovet hun å bli i Norge. Nå har hun flyttet likevel, og tatt med seg Mathea. Vi har prøvd å kontakte alt som kontaktes kan, men akkurat nå er det sånn at hun har flyttet permanent. Dette er vondt for oss alle, og vi kommer aldri til å godta dette.
Jeg mener at ingenting av dette er lov.. Jeg har vært i kontakt med barnevernet, politi, ambassaden, aviser og diverse. Men ingen vil hjelpe - ingen vil hjelpe en bekymret far som har kjempet hele veien for sin datter på 4 år. Ingen av oss har truffet barnet på 6-7 måneder.
Dette må gjøres noe med!
Skriv under om du er enig i at systemet i Norge har sviktet,  jeg mener det ikke er til barnets beste å bli tatt vekk fra miljø, familie og venner. Vi vet ikke når vi får sett Mathea (barnet) igjen, og det er vondt.
Med vennlig hilsen en bekymret, trist og hjelpeløs pappa!
Samværssabotører må straffes med dagbøter eller fengselstraff!:
Facebookside: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1876412179143836/
Blogg: https://miniblogg.no/leonhardhoffsimonsen/49599/faa-min-datter-mathea-hjem-til-norge.html
SE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/C6G8VtNSDLE
SPLEIS: https://www.spleis.no/project/99557
Facebookinnsamling- https://www.facebook.com/donate/822839971561678/?fundraiser_source=external_url
KONTONUMMER (Sparebanken Sør):
21.11.2019: 1 år og 6 måneder uten kontakt med Mathea!!
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juliagerolmo · 4 years
Test run: turtle video mentioned in previous post shot on the app iMotion
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janephillipsblog · 4 years
Barbie Doll Art
I have always loved fashion dolls. In the UK we had Sindy and as a child I had two dolls and a collection of clothing and accessories. As I got older, I abandoned Sindy and got into Barbie, also accumulating a collection of dolls, clothing and accessories. Regrettably, I got rid of my childhood Barbie collection and the dolls I now have, I have collected as an adult. They remain in their boxes being collector dolls.
I have for several years toyed with the idea of creating art out of previously loved dolls found at garage sales and thrift stores. I have admired other artists who have created art using Barbie dolls; from the modified gothic Barbies I saw at the Calgary Horror Convention to stop-motion animation featuring Barbie and friends on YouTube and on “Robot Chicken”.
I have also always been a fan of stop-motion animation since childhood when I enjoyed “Morph” by Aardman Animations, on “Take Hart”, a children’s art show, and other children’s shows such as “Bagpuss”.
I believe that Barbie and friends in stop-animation are a great way of telling stories and comment on society and culture, particularly as Barbie can be anything.
Last summer I bought six dolls and Barbie’s pink Corvette from a thrift store, along with some plastic alligators complete with squeakers. I’d recently seen the movie “Crawl” and thought perhaps something similar could be created with in stop-motion. However, these toys gathered dust as I was busy.
With free time due to staying safe at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, I finally started creating some stop-motion animation on a shoe-string budget using iMotion Pro on my phone.
I took my inspiration from the many people who are creating videos or doing some Facebook Lives to reach out to friends at this time. I thought would be cool to have Barbie do a COVID-19 check in. The doll I picked for my first video was, I believe, originally a fashionista Barbie, however I could not find out for sure. Part of the fun is trying to figure out exactly what kind of Barbies these dolls are and whether the clothing they have on now is the original clothing the doll came in! This doll I had picked originally because she has microbraids.
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I made her out to be a gig economy worker – a model and actor who bartends and does brand ambassador work to make ends meet. This Barbie is single, recently ditched by Ken, and lives on her own with a cat. In the video she talks about her thoughts on the current situation. 
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Making new clothes for Barbie was a little fiddly but quite quick.
The first thing I did after writing the script was to create a new outfit for her as the slutty sailor dress the doll had on when I got her was not the look I wanted for “Pandemic Barbie”! I made camo pants, a white tee and polar fleece hoodie. I think she looks a lot happier in her new clothes!
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Then came the animation. Not possessing a tripod for my iPhone, I created a make-shift one out of a toilet roll tube and used books to adjust the height. I was able to download iMotion Remote to my iPad 2 in order to not have to touch the iPhone to take the shots. I kept the set simple, covering a tissue box with some fabric.
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My budget-friendly animation set-up. Not pretty, but it worked!
The animation itself took about 3 – 4 hours to take around 2000 frames which, based on 15 frames per second, would be just over 2 minutes of finished video to fit with the script. Then I recorded the voice-over and uploaded it to YouTube. 
Click Here for the video. 
For the second video, I wanted to create a video of a real estate agent speaking about how she was doing in the pandemic. However, I had some reservations about the initial script because I am also a real estate agent and concerned about how a real estate agent doll would reflect on me professionally. So I sought the assistance of my brokerage, CIR Realty and changed things up. The end result was a real estate agent addressing her clients via video. 
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For this video, I picked a My Scene Chelsea doll for my character. I liked the dress that the doll was wearing. It is very short, but for my purposes, the video would only show the top half of the doll anyways. However, as it is chilly April so far, I made her a blazer which makes her more professional looking. 
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For the set I sat her on an upturned mushroom container which was not visible in the shot and put a cut out photo of my kitten calendar on the wall behind her. The calendar made this video slightly more challenging as, using the onion skin function in iMotion Pro, I had to line up the current frame with previous frames if I moved the camera. Animating this video I was able to expand on skills and learn more about the app. I found out accidentally that it will insert frames mid-video unless you made sure it was at the end of the sequence. Once again the process took 3 – 4 hours. I also added frames of credits to the end of the video for this one. 
Click Here for the video.
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Both videos have been received very well on the internet by friends, colleagues and strangers and I have been very happy with the skills that I have acquired so far as well and am proud of the messages that my dolls are putting out into the world at this time.      
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 A not very helpful “assistant”!
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