#important for moonvale
hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Important! 💚
Tomorrow the final day arrives. Moonvale episode 1 will be released and we will go back to being an amazing detective.
I beg everyone to use spoiler warnings for your posts. At the beginning a short "Spoiler" is already enough. And you can even use the 'read more' option tumblr has.
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If you click this symbol, the rest of your post will be hidden and people just need to click and can see the rest.
And you can and also should tag (hashtag) your posts with warnings.
Most of us use '#Moonvale spoiler' or 'Moonvale episode 1 spoiler'
Why you should do it? And this is very important. Because tumblr has the amazing function to block different words so you won't be able to read the posts immediately.
Where to find the function in the App and also Web: Go to settings -> account settings -> scroll a bit down until you see 'Content you see'
Here you have two options. 'Filtered tags' to hide posts based on it's tags. And also 'Filtered post content', it will filter every post that includes the word you blocked.
This is especially helpful if you're scared to get spoiled and if you can't play it right away or if you can't finish the episode right away.
And also, and I can't stress this enough, please, if you're going to send asks to blogs about Moonvale, please also include a little spoiler warning at the beginning of your ask. I love every ask I get. I love your thoughts and your theories. Everything. But it's really sad not to have a warning at the beginning. Many times I need to make a screenshot of the asks to post it with proper warning then.
Which will be a bit easier when more people use the block function. But you can never be sure about that. And we all know getting spoiled is a very shitty thing.
Let's make sure everyone's fandom experience is as wonderful as possible. 💚
Thank you for reading. 💚
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incorrectnessduskwood · 4 months
Hey, everyone! I just finished playing Moonvale and I've come to give my first opinion on it, which is a bit long (spoilers under read more!!)
So, first of all, I really enjoyed the story so far. The tense moments kept me on my seat, I enjoyed talking to the characters, especially Eric, and our conversation about the Duskwood events with Ash was absolutely great and heartbreaking (at least for me). I miss Duskwood's visuals, how we could see the characters' profiles, see their pictures and such and I think it was important for the immersion in the game.
I did not like the AI pictures for our profile and I think if we could choose one from our galleries or maybe be able to create an avatar would've been a lot better. Another thing: I miss the premium package. Having to use the diamonds was terrible, especially to be able to see pictures and videos. I mean, it was so much easier paying once and then having it forever. I hope Everbyte brings it back.
About the story itself: I know the beginning is very similar to Duskwood's but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I liked that we had more of the characters actually talking in videos and showing us real people--though I wish the others also had that. I enjoyed talking to Eric, a lot, I thought he was well written and fleshed out.
The unknown person who talked to us: I don't think it's the culprit or whoever Adam is after. I think it's someone who knows about us and Duskwood events, and probably has a close or at least familiar relation to Adam. Not sure if they said it was us in the forest just to scare or because they truly thought it was us and not Eric. I guess we'll see.
I also liked that Duskwood wasn't the first thing the characters thought because it actually made me happy to see how Ash and Charlie reacted to it, though I am super curious about the rumors and help Charlie mentioned. Also, I wonder how we're able to see the private chats again. Maybe something we learned from Jake? Or our phone still has something from Nymos that allows that? Not sure.
Lastly: the bodycam video from Alan? Oh my gods, I was on the edge of my seat and I swear I stopped breathing for a few seconds. I'm glad we had a glimpse into Duskwood but I wished we had had more. There are still so many questions left unanswered and I truly hope Everbyte will answer them at some point. I'm just glad enough that Jakes truly alive, though I have no idea why he left his things and why Alan was looking for him alone.
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reds-ramblings · 4 months
Because nobody asked for my opinion... I'm going to give it anyway.
Thought, pros and cons of the new game. It's not super spoilery but I'm going to hide it just in case.
First, I would like to say I was NOT at all expecting the new story to be a continuation of Duskwood or to even be a similar story to Duskwood. Everbyte made it very clear this is not what Moonvale was meant to be. I went into this with a completely open mind and tried my best not to compare Moonvale to Duskwood. I was still disappointed. There were several changes Everbyte made that were great but they were overshadowed by the negative changes.
1. There is now an LGBTQ option when you enter your name and Duskwood code. This doesn't apply to me so I'm not sure what it changes in the game but this option was needed.
2. You can use diamonds to skip mini-games. I would have spent money just to do this if everything else didn't cost so much.
3. This is just my opinion but the mini-games seemed to be a bit easier.
4. The Duskwood side story. It's not much now but I would play the game just for that. Was it worth spending money to finish sooner? No.
1. Money money money. There's no premium package that unlocks everything. I get that Everbyte has to make money off of the game but the content wasn't worth what they were charging!
2. I found the characters really unlikable. Eric was alright, but the rest I couldn't care less for. I started out liking charlie but he quickly became annoying. I really wanted to like Ash but something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. Where was the character development here?!
3. The story line! The Billy Blake story was long and pointless. Maybe it will be important later on but it definitely could have been shorter. It took like 3 mini-game sessions just to get through it! When he said "should I continue" I literally yelled no!
4. The story line! It was unoriginal. Some parts felt very copy, paste, change a few lines and here's a new story.
5. The mini-games. I didn't like how it forced you to play them at set times. One of the things I liked about Duskwood is that you could play all the mini-games in each set and then not have to stop the story so much.
6. AI! I get that they don't have actors for all of the characters but why not use stock images like before? Why do they have to use AI?!?!
7. You can't rewatch ANY of the videos or phone calls. They literally disappear. Yet somehow they are "saved" so you can send them to other characters.
8. We waited 2 years for that?! It had the potential to be amazing and even better than Duskwood. We know Everbyte can make an amazing game Duskwood is proof of that. This did not live up to those standards
I'm sure there's more but this is all I can think of at the moment.
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julesthoughts · 4 months
Burning Love
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A/N: Out of frustration, I decided to write a tiny one-shot about the ending of the side story in Moonvale. I consider it more of a Duskwood one-shot. I hope you enjoy it. My writing sucks since I didn't write for over half a year. <3
Spoiler warning for the end of the side story!
TW: Injuries
Words: 1,080
Do you like Chinese food?
His anonymous mask in the bag of his hoodie and the collar of it drawn over his face, he ran through the smoke. Eyes tearing and blurring his vision, he doubted he would make it out in time, and in between thoughts popped up in his head about giving up and just sitting on the ground and letting the fire do its job. But there was one thing that kept him going. Someone very important. Someone who grew close to him over the past few weeks. Someone who worked with him on the case regardless of what the others thought about him. She trusted him without batting an eyelid. All their chats flew through his mind while his legs carried him to safety. 
Yes I love it
He smiled at the thought of sitting across from MC while they shared some sushi. She would grab a piece of her sushi and he one of his and feed each other, looking each other in the eyes. Full of love. He didn't admit it but he couldn't eat with chopsticks but she seemed to be a master in it. So, he was willing to learn from her. Another reason to get out of this hell hole. He wanted to make his promise true.
You kiss me
And the world around us disappears
This is a very nice thought. 
I want to make it a reality.
He loved how boldly she told him that she wanted to kiss him. In no universe would he deny her. He wants to be with her so badly. She was the loveliest woman he ever met. Caring, affectionate, and sympathetic. She was a true gem and he needed to protect her at all costs. As long as he is still missing and the government still seeking revenge on him, she'll be in danger. They will threaten her. 
A muffled scream escaped his mouth as he ran into a wall of fire. He cursed as the memories of his only love shattered as he knew this was the only escape he knew by heart. There was another one but he couldn't remember the exact way. But there was no other choice, and especially no time, so he turned left and ran towards the other exit.
He tried to concentrate on MC. At the moment, she was the only reason for him to get out of this mine. She gave him a spark of hope. He just wished he'd know what happened that the whole mine was on fire.
I made that decision.
I became someone who preferred loneliness.
And then you came into my life and everything changed.
There more I try fighting against it.
The more I am attracted to you.
I feel the same way
I am at your mercy, MC.
I cannot simply evade you.
And I do not want to.
“Not anymore,” he mumbled to himself out of breath.
He came to a stop again as another fire blocked his way. At this point, he just wanted to cry and scream. That was his last option to get out of here. He turned in a circle, his eyes jumping from left to right, seeking a solution to get out of the mine. Looking up, down, right, and left he only saw walls that trapped him in that burning hell. Just as he was about to give up….
I love you
I love you too, Jake
Closing his eyes and turning in the direction of the exit, he let out a battle cry as he ran straight through the flames. He was crazy for sure. Crazy for her. He felt his clothes becoming too hot, his skin burning and him slowly catching fire. His screams would break her heart and he promised himself to never tell her what he did to be with her. He knew she would only blame herself. Like a beast, he ran through the fire, fighting the flames like invisible ghosts. 
It felt like the devil himself would skin him alive.
After endless pain, the fire ended, but it was getting closer to him, still spreading through the mine. He stood in front of an old metal door which was more than rusty. With his clothes on fire and his skin peeling, he threw his whole weight against the door.
One time. 
Two times. 
Three times. 
Four times. 
Five times.
Groaning in pain, he fell on the wet floor after the door finally flung open. Like a worm, he rolled himself in the wet meadow to stop the fire on him. As the sound of his blood rushing through his veins silenced, he heard the sound of water flowing next to him.
Like a river…
His tired eyes sparkled with joy as he found the river. He crawled towards it and didn't hesitate and just jumped into the ice cold water. A relieved sigh left his lips as the fire died but soon the next shock came. The sudden cold on his burns. Oh, he wanted to scream so badly but he heard footsteps. Radios and a very familiar voice.
Inhaling deeply, he disappeared under the water. Luckily for him, it was night. A shadow hovered over the river as he looked up through the clear water. It was Bloomgate who investigated the other side of the shoreline. 
“No one is here! I'm coming back,” Bloomgate growled into the walkie-talkie.
As the shadow disappeared, he slowly arose from the water and hissed as the cold wind hit his wet, burned wounds. He sighed a breath of relief after he saw that he was close to Duskwood. He knew where to go but first, he had to lay a wrong trace. 
He took a look into his backpack and laughed that his laptop survived everything. That thing was just unbreakable. For a moment, he kneeled on the wet floor, threw his head back, smiled, and closed his eyes.
He made it.
He survived.
He was out of the mine.
Hannah was safe.
And now he could protect MC at all costs.
And maybe be with her soon.
He took his burned hoodie off and laid it somewhere in the forest, underneath his anonymous mask. He decided to throw his backpack a little further away in the dirt and stuffed his laptop under his arm before running in the opposite direction. 
Towards Duskwood.
To MC.
“I'll find you, MC,” he whispered into the night.
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jakesduskwood · 4 months
Okay, so I’m almost done with Episode 1 of Moonvale and here are my thoughts…
Spoilers if you haven’t started playing the game yet!!!
Duskwood is probably my favorite game that I’ve ever come across. But one of the reasons why it’s my favorite is because it always felt realistic. The work that was put into it paid off, between the phone calls and the profiles and the messaging, it felt like you were a part of something and I loved that.
Moonvale, to me, does not feel like that at all. I’m not sure what’s happening with the AI photos, but it makes me feel very disconnected from the game. I loved in Duskwood how you could explore each characters profile and their status updates and see them outside of the story, and Moonvale does not give that same vibe.
And probably the most important note to me…Duskwood NEVER felt like a money maker to me. You paid a single price for the premium package, and you got to say what you wanted and click on any photos and experience the real joy of the game, which was what I was expecting going into Moonvale. Paying 19-20 diamonds for a single photo or video seems crazy because that’s not what Duskwood was about and it seems like we lost what everyone really loved about Duskwood.
I don’t know, it just almost feels like it was made by a completely different company.
With that being said, there are things I do enjoy about the game. I like the story so far, and I like that we can utilize our gameplay in Duskwood through conversations with the characters in this game. Talking to Ash about Duskwood really brought back playing it and I liked that.
I just think I was expecting so much more from the company who created Duskwood.
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alys0r · 2 months
A small analysis of the Moonvale characters.
I must say right away that the characters from Moonvale seem to me more realistic and lively, even despite the disgusting avatars with artificial intelligence. These are clearly more or less the same types of characters from Duskwood, but somewhat modified. Initially, I thought that I would be extremely disappointed if everything in Moonvale was exactly the same as in the previous Everbyte game, but no. It seems that everything repeats itself, but it repeats extremely well. This is not a copy, but a parallel. Moreover, there are still differences. But about everything in order.
Our missing waif. And yet we interact with him directly. We're connected somehow, and it's not just about the envelope with our name on it. Was Adam on his way to give us the envelope? I doubt it very much, considering that the main character is obviously not privy to this. Is it all related to Duskwood? I'm pretty sure I'm not, and if I am, it's obviously not with Hannah. To be honest, I haven't looked at the theory of this game yet, and I don't know if anyone has voiced such a thought, but the cave is clearly similar to the mine where Jake and Richie were. Especially considering that, as Jake said, if I'm not mistaken, the mine stretches for many kilometers, and the actions of the current game take place not so far from Duskwood. Soooooo, returning to Adam, this whole situation with him is clearly very different from the situation with Hannah, which is good news. I can't get a good look at Adam himself, given that there is no clear information about him
Eric is probably one of my favorites (apart from Jake, of course, heh) among all those created by Everbyte. He is a lively and interesting character. Of all the people I'm dealing with today, it's the hardest for me to compare Eric to anyone in particular. Maybe with Thomas, because it's the first time we've talked to him, but that's all. Eric clearly has some kind of sin in the past, as can be understood from his correspondence with Ash, and it seems to me that this will play an important role in the plot (it is not surprising that such attention is paid to this). He is completely calm even in a tense situation and knows how to think clearly enough. The fact that he went into the forest alone, strangely, is still explained by the fact that he is well-versed in the wild. Eric is proactive, but he still thinks first and then acts, thanks to him for that (although this may change in the next chapters). And, apart from Adam, this is the only character whose face we've seen. Separately, I want to note that the idea that Eric could have done something bad on the night of the Festival (given that people from nearby cities come to Duskwood during the festival) is quite interesting.
Lily, with her combative nature, is clearly visible here. But Ash is clearly more sarcastic. And she doesn't throw accusations right and left, preferring to find out at least something first (but not personal data (I still love Lily)). Unfortunately, it is difficult to say anything else about this, given that this is only the first chapter. But Ash is already making a positive impression.
Richie is No. 2, but not the kidnapper. Charlie seems to be much more free and open than Richie, but we all know why Richie himself couldn't be like that. Charlie is clearly more active and impressionable. One of those people who can't sit still and like to get involved in something. And unlike Eric, he acts first. It still seems to me that something unpleasant will be revealed about Charlie (although perhaps this applies to everyone in general). But he is a very nice person.
It reminds me of Jesse, but it's hard to say for sure yet. I think, like Jesse, he will play a big role specifically for the main character.
I think, like me, you also thought at first that it was Jake. I'm not going to build theories about personality yet, but chel clearly knows us as well as Adam. Whether he will play the same role as Jake is difficult to say. (It will certainly be very funny if they also make him a romantic interest, deciding to stupidly copy Jake….)
That's all for now. I'm wondering which of the Duskwood characters will still make themselves felt (except Jake, I think he will obviously still show up). Maybe it will be Allan. Although it seems to me that in any case it will be someone little expected by us. And maybe I will have correspondence with the main guys of Duskwood, but literally something one-time.
I'm sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English very well and I use a translator
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witchwitha-b · 4 months
I have to talk about some things about moonvale here
So be warned there will be Spoilers!
I just reached the ending of episode 1 and I have to admit, this is one of the few things that got me absolutely excited.
I continued to play even with all of the bad things and I am truly hyped
Seeing not only the BodyCam of Alan but him also finding Jake's belongings? I love it.
And the "MC I will find you" I just melted! Truth ne told I got butterflies.
But it also made me really sad and I'll tell you why:
First of all the non existing premium option killed it for me.
I'd like to choose if I the content is worth my money and I hate it to leave these options and videos/photos up to luck.
If you're unlucky you won't see an important picture, that's not cool. I (like probably many of you) would've bought premium without hesitation.
Right before the end I couldn't see the picture that was important and couldn't choose the path I wanted to go. It ruins the fun for me.
The AI thing is not cool. What I really enjoyed, like many of you, were the actors.
Their pics and stories. Seeing humans. Of course , Lilly didn't have herself as a profile picture at the beginning, but she didn't have some AI photo either.
I am hyped but I don't know how long that hype will last if I, like again many others, can't get to see videos or clues or pictures; can't use the dialog option they wanna choose.
I am really torn right now and that makes me really sad. Because we waited so long and now I am not sure what to think.
I still hope that the Fandom can turn this into something good; I've seen the memes and they are great.
Let's beat this and have fun even with the disappointment we're facing <3
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lyon-amore · 4 months
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I swear this conversation made me want to cry, he's very important to me, as if he were real...
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justserahtonin · 4 months
Let's talk about Moonvale.
Ok, phew, it's been a while since I used tumblr and needed a new one.
I've been in the Duskwood fandom since pretty early on the game, so I wanted to jump on the thousands of opinions on Moonvale. Now, I'll state first the negative facts but also the good ones. I've seen tons of nasty opportunists trying to throw hate, including other devs.
Also, IMPORTANT, Moonvale is NOT Duskwood, we know. But I'll be referring to Duskwood to point out exactly why the fandom or at least I feel negative about.
First of all, let's go with the bad stuff. I'm not even going to say anything about the diamonds and their price, I just refuse. But what I want to talk is about the minigames and the AI art. AI art is just... oof. I know some people don't mind, but as an illustrator, let me tell you how much it hurt me. This community has always valued artists, I remember I had a blog where I drew other people's MCs and that made me make some cute and valuable friends, I remember how much the fandom loved artists, so seeing this... just hurts. I get the "we want to give your new friends their own spotlight" but Everbyte did that in Duskwood beautifully with stock images, with the gang trying to add us in more activities or chatting with us. You don't need stolen art to give someone a spotlight. Those new to Duskwood may not remember it, but Richy was faceless for a big part of the game until they got an actor for him and no one was mad about it. In fact it gave Richy some kind of shy guy charm.
About the minigames... Look, last time I played Duskwood, I did without any extra moves and those were hard, more or less like Moonvale's. But you know where the real problem is? In how the interrupt the story. And how little immersive they look and feel like when playing them. Let's look back to Duskwood. The minigames had a goal: hack Hannah's phone. Whether it gave us a clue or not, it felt real and, in words on MC in Moonvale "not every lead will take you to a clue". But you put work in there and when something unlocked, it felt good. And if you didn't, you had at least one or two credits and a character praising you for the good work (thanks, Jake). In Moonvale, it feels like "oh, nobody's here, let me play some candy crush". Also, the vibe does not match the tone. In Duskwood, the minigame design felt like you were hacking, you were decoding something. But here it really feels like some Project Makeover game.
NOW, let's get to the good parts. I feel the story might be interesting. Who's Unknown?, how can Charlie help us?, what happened to us and that fame we got in Duskwood? I find Eric quite lovable and Charlie kinda like a big mouthed friend with good heart. Ash is like the mom friend or lil sis friend, worrying but being kinda childish and Violet being the shy one. There's something with the mysterious figure in Eric's call that looks familiar. Was the figure wearing a cap? Am I imagining stuff?? And the last call??? Let's be real, Duskwood had real plot holes and was a bit bland the first episodes but we grew to like it as the story kept going. I see real potential in there and some theories I'd love to share once sometime has passed, but not now.
Why am I saying all this without mentionion UI design, lack of premium choices, message history and so on? Because those are easy fixable things. Those are little changes that can happen over the time, like Richy's gallery in Duskwood or little sponsorships, packs and so on. I think I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind paying up to 10€ for a premium pass, I can save the money. Everbyte heard their fandom before and I really hope they do now. Let's be honest, we are to blame too. Half of us went looking for a "Duskwood 2", but Moonvale is not that. Expectatives can often be harmful to both sides. I really think Everbyte didn't wait for such backlash, so I want to have faith, I want to believe they will read these reviews and stop to think "why was Duskwood so beloved? Let's go to the core".
Have faith in Everbyte and in Moonvale, we still don't know who Adam really is, what people know about us and how is it that two people in danger had our contact. Maybe this story can give us some clues to MC's past. Maybe Adam turn out to be Jake. Who knows, there's a lot of space for plot twists and I'm here for it.
Let's keep the Duskwood community as peaceful and chill as it has always been. Let's leave no room for free hate and put logic and reasons to our opinions so everyone can learn and so Everbyte can know exactly why are we angry or disapointed.
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itti-the-mouse · 10 months
With some help from a friend, I now have a working title for my monsterfucker game ^w^
Current title is The Caverns Under Moonvale (Because I had been trying for weeks to get a title that spelt CUM)
The only problem I have with this title is that because it uses the name of a town, I feel like the town should be important, when the original intent was to spend the entire game in the dungeon.
But this will at least do for now ^w^
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
So, another huge thing I want to make clear here.
It includes Spoilers but I fear it's not possible to explain it without it. So be aware.
You see me answering asks. You see me talking about Moonvale and the side story normally. Even happily. Or jokingly, like the incorrect quote I made yesterday.
And I don't forget about everything that is going on.
Nothing that happens in Moonvale will make me forget what went wrong.
Jake's indirect appearance won’t make me just accept what happened.
But I don't want to be sad and nothing but sad. I'm so insanely sad about it. But I believe, we player still deserves to enjoy the little things we liked.
Because, in my eyes, Moonvale has some cool and positive things. And I think we deserve to be happy about it.
As long as we don't see another episode, and as long as we don't know if Everbyte will make their promises come true, I believe we still deserves to be happy about some things.
That doesn't mean I won't criticise them anymore. It doesn't mean I agree with them or anything.
But we all waited so long for this game, we were filled with excitement and curiosity. And we got disappointed. Heavily.
But I want to give Everbyte this chance. If they don't change anything of the huge things in episode 2, then we can still see if we keep this going.
But until then, I want to make the best out of it. I want to be happy and not just sad. Because I cannot handle it.
And one last thing... Everbyte made some very bad decisions for the game, and also in their statement. But not all they ever did was bad, on the contrary. And I also believe that despite everything, they still deserve a little positive feedback.
As we say yesterday, many of us still feel bad for them. And I think it's an important thing to do so. Because it shows empathy. We should never just forget the bad things because it. But we're all humans. With mistakes and bad decision. But even then, it doesn't mean the person can't be good once. It doesn't mean a person can't be right once.
So, if you see me posting in a positive manner, don't hate me for it please, I still agree with everything I have criticized before. But if I only focus on it, I know I won’t be able to last long. And it will make me much too sad.
I hope you can understand this. And I hope that also you can still enjoy the small things a little bit.
For the love of duskwood and for the love of our happiness. 💚
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seductive-cheese · 5 years
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I gave the forest my blood and my flesh, and in return it gave me everything that is important and special about me. One day, when my body returns to the earth and the forest feasts upon my bones, only then will my debt be paid.
Cats-Bones Moonvale
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BARON(S): Erik Lehnsherr
CAPITAL: Monarchy of M
In the early days of Battleworld, mutandom was largely contained within the domain of EGYPTIA. Within the domain lived two very good friends, CHARLES XAVIER and ERIK LEHNSHERR. The two had vastly different ideas about how mutants should be freed; while Xavier set up a refugee camp, Lehnsherr dreamt of a mutant utopia. The two had a bitter falling out before Lehnsherr stole away across the Nile to form his own colony. Twenty years later, this colony later became known as GENOSHA, a mutant utopia domain approved by The GOD EMPEROR DOOM himself. The mutants of Genosha are protected by the SENTINELS that guard the Egyptia borders; it is quite often that mutants from Egyptia try to sneak across the border for a better life. Twelve years after the creation of Genosha came the mutant god APOCALYPSE, who made conditions for the homo superior even worse. Bitter still at Xavier even after his death, Lehnsherr, now going by KING MAGNUS, has refused to open his borders in the last eight years. Genosha is prospering and the Royal Family is thriving. From the outside, the domain seems perfect, which is attained by the routine mind sweeps by the telepaths of all residents where information is implanted and memories altered. . Inside, there are rumors of conflict that can’t be proven. Long live King Mangus. Long live Genosha.
The Royal Family is the lifeblood of Genosha. King Magnus has three children: Princess WANDA, her twin brother Prince PIETRO and the youngest, Princess LORNA. Appearances in the family have always been of the utmost importance. If Genosha is to be renowned for its peace and perfection, those in charge have to be nothing less than perfect themselves. It’s forbidden to speak poorly of the Royal Family, and King Magnus’ word is law without anyone to check him. As for the children of the atom, it’s long been known that Princess Wanda – while a loving mother and good wife – is plagued by fits of insanity that the Monarchy works hard to cover up. In order to help ease tensions with MOONVALE, the domain that Genosha has long been at war with, King Magnus proposed a trade with Baron MAXIMUS BOLTAGON that saw their Princess, CRYSTALIA AMAQUELIN, betrothed to Prince Pietro to help foster peace. Some wonder the legitimacy of the bargain, but all whispers occur behind closed doors. Egyptia is also off-limits in conversation; the feud that broke apart Magnus and Xavier still very clearly is a sore subject for the King. He keeps the borders secure with Sentinel Stretch; the Stretch is filled with Sentinels, hence the namesake. They keep out unwanted mutants from Egyptia, but there’s been rumors that a mutant on the inside of Genosha has been helping smuggle foreigners in across the borders and helping get contraband out. As a human free zone, however, mutants are welcome to walk in the Krakoa Gardens or stop by the Heaven Night Club. All who fall out of line are promptly sent to the Pit. Rumor has it that mutants in Genosha just don’t seem to die, and fingers have been pointed at the King’s Guard, the FIVE and the mysterious MESSIAH PROTOCOLS. Should that be true, the game would be changed for mutants everywhere. It’s too bad that the Monarchy of M is infamous for being bad at sharing.
CRYSTALIA AMAQUELIN – a princess by birth, CRYSTALIA AMAQUELIN was the baby sister of the Inhuman royal MEDUSALITH AMAQUELIN. Medusa’s husband BLACKAGAR BOLTAGON was the brother to Baron MAXIMUS BOLTAGON, and it was Baron Maximus who made the decision to trade Amaquelin to KING MAGNUS as a peace treaty. Amaquelin had long been in love with the brother-in-law of the GOD EMPEROR DOOM, JOHNNY STORM. Upon hearing that Storm stood in the way of the union, both Boltagon and Magnus appealed to the God Emperor to remove the obstacle. As a result, Storm was sentenced into becoming the SUN of Battleworld. Devastated at her lost love and sent to live in a foreign domain, Amaquelin became the wife of Prince PIETRO MAGNUS. The two did grow to love one another over time, and it did not take long for them to conceive a daughter, a princess named LUNA MAGNUS. Although she loves both her husband and daughter, there’s always fear in Amaquelin’s mind that she’ll be cast out now that she’s provided a daughter for the Monarchy. Magnus holds little love for his only daughter-in-law, even if they present as a happy family. She saw how quickly they dispatched Storm. The last thing she wants is for her daughter to grow up without a mother. At the very least, she’s able to travel home to Moonvale when she needs a break. It’s just a shame nowhere feels like home anymore.
EMMA FROST – diamond hard and politically ruthless, EMMA FROST earned the nickname the White Queen early on. The primary advisor to KING MAGNUS, Frost is known for being driven, dedicated and committed to the betterment of all mutants. She was pulled from EGYPTIA by Magnus specifically to be his primary telepath, and very few know that she was not born in Genosha due to the psychic work she did to mentally make everyone forget her origin. Frost, in fact, has a history in Egyptia. Her supposed “daughters”, the STEPFORD CUCKOOS, were actually clones grown in Sinister’s Labs and she had once been a lover of SCOTT SUMMERS, the leader of the Summers resistance camp, after he lost JEAN GREY to the PHOENIX FORCE. Remaking herself in Genosha, Frost is glamorous, cold and arrogant. As head telepath, she’s the one tasked with returning memories to the resurrected in the MESSIAH PROTOCOLS. Few know that she actually meets with the Egyptia Marauder KATE PRYDE to help smuggle mutants into Genosha and provides Pryde with contraband to bring back to the Summers camp. Frost may not be willing to give up her cushy new life, but she does love her people. She wants to see them thrive in all dimensions, not just in a utopia.
ERIK LEHNSHERR – long live the King. ERIK LEHNSHERR, known now as KING MAGNUS, began in the domain of EGYPTIA. It was during this time that he built an intense friendship with a telepath named CHARLES XAVIER. Ultimately, however, the two had different ideas on how to better mutants. Xavier wished to help the mutants of Egyptia while Lehnsherr sought to build a utopia. Bitter was the falling out between the two, and Lehnsherr escaped the domain so that he could begin his plan. Creating GENOSHA was a long and laborious task that took everything he had. Lehnsherr had left behind three young children in Egyptia, WANDA, PIETRO and LORNA MAGNUS. As soon as Genosha was complete he returned to his original domain to collect them and their mother, MAGDA, but they had been set upon by Hounds and Magda had been killed. Saving his children, Lehnsherr brought them with him to his new kingdom and promptly established them as the Royal Family. Taking on the name King Magnus of the Monarchy of M, Magnus ruled Genosha with an iron fist. He’s done what he’s needed to for his people, and that included building Sentinel Stretch between Genosha and Egyptia to stop refugees from coming through. His anger at Xavier never faded, even after hearing about his former friend’s death. He will do whatever it takes to bring glory and honor to the Monarchy of M, no matter how unpopular it makes him. The Monarchy of M will stand the test of time, and Genosha will forever remain a Utopia.
EVA BELL – part of KING MAGNUS’ plan to create a utopia was contingent on the efforts of five mutants he employed as his Royal Guard, one of them being a young mutant known as EVA BELL. Bell, with her ability to control time and travel through it, was recruited onto the FIVE and vowed to serve the Monarchy of M. While all know of the Five, what few know is that King Magnus pushed them to experiment with their powers until they came up with a system that allowed them to successfully resurrect mutants using their combined gifts and the mental scans delivered by the King’s advisor, EMMA FROST. Although most of her work is done in secret, Bell is happy to be doing something so vital for the domain. She has a gift, it feels wrong to not use it.
HOPE SUMMERS – always somewhat of an enigma, HOPE SUMMERS was the first baby to be born in Genosha even though her parents could never be identified. Left alone, the child was brought in by the Monarchy of M due to her unique ability to mimic mutations. Raised to be a soldier in the Guard, she was selected to participate in the FIVE by KING MAGNUS himself. Some wonder if Summers has any connection to the Summers Camp in Egyptia, but no official connection has ever been made. A hardened child soldier, Summers works to resurrect those who have died in the domain that raised her. She knows she’s unique in her abilities and skilled at what she does. One day, she’ll use that as leverage to ask for more. Today, she’s a soldier following instructions.
LAURIE COLLINS – second generation mutants are not uncommon in Genosha, and LAURIE COLLINS is just that. Her father was a criminal who used his pheromone powers to con people, but he ultimately ended up in the Pit for his actions. Determined to be nothing like her father, Collin’s enlisted in the Monarchy’s Mutant Corps and was assigned to interrogation assignments. Using her pheromones to make people talk, Collins is good at what she does and finds that she has a purpose worth living for. At the very least, she’s nothing like her father.
LORNA MAGNUS – the result of an accidental conception, Princess LORNA MAGNUS was the third born child of KING MAGNUS after the twins WANDA and PIETRO MAGNUS. She was left with her siblings and mother, MAGDA, while her father went to build Genosha. Upon its completion, the five year old Magnus was brought to her new home and made a Princess in the Royal Family. As the baby who didn’t have to worry about preparing herself for the throne, Magnus was often left to her own devices over the next twenty years and would often run wild. Between covering up whatever small fire Magnus created and her sister’s mental stability, the palace always had their hands full. Despite her recklessness, King Magnus always had a soft spot for his youngest child who shared the same mutation as him. As a result, she’s known to be coddled and often able to do as she pleases. Still, Magnus finds herself bored of her luxurious life. She knows there’s upset in the world outside of Genosha’s border, but she’s always been sheltered by her privilege. All Magnus needs is the right person to help her open the door to learning more.
RAVEN DARKHOLME – shapeshifters like RAVEN DARKHOLME are dangerous in a place like Genosha unless they’re watched under a careful eye. Knowing what she was capable of, KING MAGNUS asked Darkholme to be his eyes and ears to use her abilities to keep track of the domain. Darkholme agreed as long as there was a safe place guaranteed for her wife, the precog IRENE ADLER; King Magnus then employed Adler as well and used her visions to stay on top of the game. With permission, Darkholme was allowed to leave Genosha and travel the domains as long as she reported back to the King with what she saw. Her overall care for Genosha remained low, but she did like the freedom her position gave her. Darkholme hears of upset in the other domains because she hears all. She’s keeping an ear to the ground so she’ll know when to make her next move. She’s shifty, after all. That’s just her way.
STEPFORD CUCKOOS – although they would lobotomize anyone who found out, the STEPFORD CUCKOOS actually got their start in NATHANIEL ESSEX’S Sinister Labs in EGYPTIA when he cloned EMMA FROST without her consent. Grown at an accelerated rate, the Five sisters – Celeste, Esme, Irma, Phoebe and Sophie – were presented to the Summers Camp before KATHERINE PRYDE smuggled them to Genosha. Although shocked, Frost agreed to take the girls on as her daughters and the telepaths in the domain did a mind sweep to make everyone think they had always lived there. They began to work under Frost as junior advisors to the King, but the Stepford Cuckoos are craftier than others believe. They know that Frost has been helping the Marauders smuggle mutants and contraband, and they’re sitting on that information in case they want to out their mother one day and take her place. Frost may be the White Queen, but heavy is the head that wears the crown. It’s much more suited for five heads than it is for one.
WANDA MAGNUS – reality is fragile, and no one knows that better than WANDA MAGNUS. People know that she is the second child of KING MAGNUS after her twin brother PIETRO MAGNUS and that she was brought to Genosha to be a part of the Monarchy of M at only ten years old. In the next twenty years she went on to marry the synthezoid the VISION after meeting him in DOOMSTADT at a Battleworld Council Meeting, and the two had twin sons named BILLY and TOMMY MAGNUS. Although her life is perfect from the outside, it’s long been suspected that Magnus is prone to fits of insanity and magical outburst. The truth of the matter is that Magnus is far from insane, and her last name isn’t actually Magnus. It’s MAXIMOFF. Wanda Maximoff hailed from Earth-199999 and made a name for herself as an Avenger who went by the moniker the Scarlet Witch. After being corrupted by the Darkhold, Maximoff was believed to be dead. After the Incursion, Maximoff opened her eyes in Battleworld and knew something was wrong. Her mind fractured to a certain degree with conflicting thoughts of reality and Battleworld. In the eight years that’s passed since she woke up in Genosha, Maximoff has done her best to be happy. She finally has her boys, her brother and her husband back. The thrumming of reality being wronged is just impossible to ignore, though. It’s become even harder as others who can see the deceit have come to her seeking answers. Wanda knows her reality based powers could be of use here, but she’s not willing to give up her second chance with her family. She just can’t endure any more loss.
XI’AN COY MANH – raised in the Mutant Liberation Camps, XI’AN COY MANH was recruited to the Monarchy’s Mutant Corps. She worked both as a telepath for interrogation and on the ground, using her powers of possession to keep people in line. For the most part, the work feels empty. Manh doesn’t like possessing people but has no choice. Some don’t get to pick the role they’re cast into. They just have to go along with it and do their best.
Billy Kaplan – a Prince of Genosha.
Fabio Medina – member of the Five.
Irene Adler – wife of Raven Darkholme and seer of the future.
Joshua Foley – member of the Five.
Kevin Mactaggert – member of the Five.
Tommy Shepherd –a  Prince of Genosha.
The Vision – husband to Princess Wanda.
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years
Moonvale's Pokemon Commentary: #115 Kangaskhan
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Congratulations! A Kangaskhan and its child hatched from the egg! ...Wait. What?
Just for Looks:
The only thing that Kangaskhan has that resembles a kangaroo is the fact it has a pouch. Could be named after any other marsupial and have the same traits... Its also supposed to have elements of the armor used by Genghis Khan's soldiers. I mean, I guess you could say that if you starch up helmet flaps so they're stuck pointing out like you got wings on yer helmet. And I guess the shoulders look like the shoulder armor? But they also look like any other epaulette to me. Kangaskhan: Yep, it technically fits the references!
Bulbapedia also mentioned a tree-kangaroo that I just now learned exists... but Kangaskhan doesn't resemble that any more than a normal Kangaroo to me.
I imagine Kangaskhan's supposed to look like the segmented scale-like armor as well but... look at her. Does this woman look like she's got scales? Not to me. She looks like she's got a tough leather hide with thicker pads in random places, and a softer hide on her stomach to comfort her baby. She's a really nice shade of brown and then creamy sandy brown. The colors look nice together. The baby is super cute, smaller, and its hide hasn't hardened yet so its a soft purplish grey instead of brown with a creamy sand colored belly.
Now then, this pokemon also has a mega evolution! Except the one who mega evolves is the baby! Mom stays the same! The baby stays the same shade of purple-ish grey, but grows a few years worth in size, has some extra spikes under its ears that its mother doesn't have, and has developed some of the hardened pads its mother has. Except... those pads are different. They cover the baby's abdomen. The baby/child lacks a pouch of any kind. If you saw the anime, the baby's never been shown with a pouch either as far as I know. I'm pretty sure pouches don't just show up on marsupials. My headcanon is that there are male Kangaskhan, but we have never seen them because they stay deep in the caves around where Kangaskhan call home and keep an eye on the children that have grown old enough to no longer need to stay in the mothers' pouches!
Anyway enough of my lore building (can you tell this was the other pokemon I had started doing in-universe lore on years ago for that project I mentioned in the Larvitar review? That's right. The generator gave me the same two it gave me years ago, just in reverse order). Onto the shinies! Shiny adult Kangaskhan are a more brown grey than brown. Its head plate is a dirty brown green. The baby is a similar shade to its mother, but becomes more pink-purple when it mega evolves. I don't hate these colors. They still look really nice together! Good job, Kangaskhan!
What's in the Name:
I mentioned it before, but Kangaskhan's name comes from Kangaroo + Gengis Khan: the notoriously violent leader of the Mongolian empire. I guess this references how violently protective the mom is towards her baby? Personally I'd have called it Kangabearsaur. Because it's basically a kangaroo dinosaur that's as protective as a mother bear is to her cubs.
The Japanese name, Garura, is apparently derived from the Japanese way of saying Kangaroo (the garu part of its name) as well as ruler (rura). Kangaroo Ruler!
The 'Dex Says:
Mother Kangaskhan carry their babies until they're three years of age. (It's at this point where I like to theorize the never seen fathers take their turn to raise the young ones.) One of the Alola dex entries state that at this time the mother will cry wildly because she misses her baby. Aw. Poor Mama doesn't like an empty nest.
When they find a place they feel is safe, they'll let their children out of their pouch to play, but never stray far and always keep an eye on them. That's why, if you see a baby Kangaskhan playing in the wild, you should not approach it and instead turn around and go back the way you came and pray Mama didn't put herself between you and surviving the hike you decided to take in Kangaskhan country. Because no matter how injured a mother Kangaskhan becomes, even if it is dying from those injuries, she will not give up fighting until she knows her baby is safe. But you wouldn't hurt the mother that badly, would you? You're not an awful person, right? You'd never kill a Mama Kangaskhan to capture its now Cubone’d child? That's how you get angry mom ghosts. And I imagine a Kangaskhan ghost is a much bigger nightmare to deal with than a Marowak ghost.
 Now then, onto the entries for Mega Kangaskhan! In Alola the dex seems to have a split personality disorder on discussing the infant's growth. In sun the mother is said to beam with pride at the growth of her child, and that pride in turn strengthens the little one even more. Meanwhile Moon states that the child's growth has led it to only know fighting and it causes its mother to worry about its future. Ultra Sun adds onto the latter, while Ultra Moon just mentions seeing her child grown reminds the mother that the child will have to leave her some day. And then you have the Let's Go games. Mom and Baby fight in harmony. Gosh the Let's Go games look more and more like the Nick Jr. of Pokemon every day to me.
It's Rating Time!
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Both forms get a 4/5 from me. I love Kangaskhan. I love the Mega since it's not actually physically harming the pokemon. It's just basically the kid growing up with a step parent teaching it that YOU ARE A FIGHTER AND THAT IS MOST IMPORTANT like some kind of Sports obsessed Step Father trying to raise the next star player for [INSERT SPORT OF CHOICE HERE]. If anything the bad side of Mega Evolution is because you're a terrible parent! Mama Kangaskhan wants a divorce and full custody of the child. Officer Jenny will be serving you your papers for the divorce proceedings soon.
But Wait, There's More:
Good news, Pokemon conspiracy theorists! Kangaskhan, Cubone, and Marowak WERE MEANT TO BE RELATED! While you'll have to scroll down to find the section about this on that page (use the find feature and type in “146 Marowak Evolution”) to see the sprite, I'll at least share the important text with you.
The Marowak evolution is separate from Kangaskhan, but they share the same theme. In the end, it would have become a loving parent to its baby Cubone, maybe even having adopted it (after all, it still has a skull on its head.) It could be holding the baby, or it may have a pouch like Kangaskhan. We can’t tell for sure what’s going on in those pixels.
I'm so tired of typing the word Kangaskhan. You'd think after this I'd know how to spell it but I still keep screwing it up.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
Especially for my lovely German Followers and fandom Members 🫶🏻
Heute ist der letzte Tag der Europawahl. Wenn ihr über 16 seid könnt ihr Wählen gehen. Jede Stimme zählt und ist unfassbar wichtig. Vor allem heutzutage.
Also wenn ihr könnt, bitte tut es! 💚
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
So after six days of playing Moonvale I finally finished all the achievements of episode 1. Well, nothing happened… not disappointed but I had a sliver of hope that something might happen and not just the satisfaction of achieving all of them but well…
I am on holidays (kind of been forced to take some because I never do!) and I have nothing planned. I stalk tumblr, start writing comments and all but never send them, I play Moonvale then write a bit of my story then I drink a looooot of coffee because I am bored
That’s it, that was my ask (yes I am that bored 😂)
So I wish you a wonderful person a wonderful day!
Hey Hooo!
I'm still working on getting all achievements. I think I only need 4 or so, and I hope I can manage it soon. Because it's bothering me and also, with some I have no idea how and when, I finally need to stop using the same answers every time. But I hate changing things. xD But I won't give up yet. I want all of them. I already know how to get the one but I will have to wait until I can replay. Not going to repeat in the middle of the episode. xD
I also had a little hope that something would happen but actually no surprise. I think it's just for people to replay and have more fun during it.
And well, happy holiday! I hope you can enjoy it a lot. Taking break is important and necessary. And for me, personally, your days sound very good. xD Drinking lots of coffee, tumblr, playing Moonvale, writing. Sounds like a relaxing dream to me. 😂
I don’t know why you're deleting comments but I can tell you, it's not necessary. Send them. Comments are great and even it's there just some funny words, doesn't matter. I like reading them. And I'm sure others do as well.
I thank you very much for your ask. I always enjoy reading about such things. Moonvale but some personal stuff is always amazing as well. It's good hearing from you. And I hope you will have an awesome day/evening/night as well! 😌💚
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